TITE OMAnA DAILY BEE: BUNDAY, JULY 2, 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES Ad vrrtlifmrnti fn tliea rolumn will be mkty sntll 111 m.' for t rvrnlaa- edition and until H p. m. far the morning; and Snada? edition. limes f n nord fril lasertlnni tr m Tord thereafter. oihlns; libfn for less fhaq 20a for the flrst Inner tlon. Thur sdTertl.einet.ts inuil be ran conaerotlvety. Advertisers, by requesting a nnm. Iierrd cheek, ran hare answers ad. dressed to a aamnered Inter In car of The Bee. Amittri ao addressed will he delivered oa presentation ol check. MISCELLANEOUS Cement Block Machinery. DON'T make a mlHtitkr; If fn are going Into the cement block business stirt right; fd the I 'nl rwnod machine; makes the- only ventilating block ever produced nn'l strictly (lamp and frum proof wall. Write fur catalogue. A. D. Foreman, Bales manager, Lincoln. Neb. 11643 2x CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent U-37 TRY KLLLV'8 TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. JS31. R 938 ETB STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to fit; prices right. Bennett's. K 939 ANTI-Mnnopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R-940 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 So. 11th 8U Telephone 254. R-1SI CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Philbin. 160 Farnam. "Phone 784. R 843 STOVES REPAIRED Water backs, gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha 8too Repair Works. Tel. 960. R-M195 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe. clnlty oi fire escapes, shutter, doors and safes. O. Andreen, prop., 102 S. 10th St. tt 944 THEOMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. S02 Jackson. Tel. 24.13. R 84S WISE IS THENViAN that will order his furnace to be looked after and repaired now. You will be a welcome visitor at our up-to-date repair hout-e. New Iocs tlon, 12iH Douglas. Tele phone tot) Omaha Stove Repair Works. R-824 EXrERTflano moving; lowest rates. Tel. 1625. Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. R-M513 Jy9 STEINWAY PIANO, uprisht. slightly used. I22S: bargain. I'crflcld Piano Co., Kill Farnam R 94S EIGN PAINTING. S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. It M 193 nn rART REDUCED prices to re VJ v- rvi 1 J duce. stock; some great bargains this week. Omaha Reed and Rat tan Works. 1512 Howard. R MS23 FINE HARDWOOD FLOORS of every kind. Frank flovick, 1!)14 Oak St. R-768 Jy.'9x JERSEY BULL service, 34th and Mander son. R M810 31x WANTEi1, your marhtnery repairing, nuto . mobile, gasoline engine, model and experi mental work. Buckingham & Peterson, Fremont. Neb. R COLLINS PIANO CO.. wholesale and re tall musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 8. 17th st., Omaha. R A SNAP for a No. 1 meat cutter, with a small capital. In one of the best markets In Council muffs; quick action. AddreKS H, Bee, 10 Pearl St. R 966 STEAM and hot water heating. J. L. Me Inerney, 1203 Chicago. Thone, Black 2949 pr266i. R-DtW Aglx LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right placo to have your eyes tested and fitted right Bennett's. Found 070 LOST On Burlington train between Lin coln and Omaha. June 21. brown leather o-nlise bearing name of P. K. Harmon 927 8. loth St.. Lincoln, Neb. If finder will return valise and contents to above address reward will be paid. No ques tions asked. Lost M800 6 LOST Small gold watch and long chain, monogram N. A. on case, between 1.1th snd Harney and 10th and Pacific. Reward for return to Bee office. Ixist 833 2x 1ST Norwegian flag clasp pin. Return to 2511 Pierce St. Lost-805 lx LOST-Gents' silk watch fob, with agate charm. Kinder please return to Bee office and receive reward. Lost 803 -'x E'.LOWISH mare black mane, small white snot on forehead and on right side, .tseoh H. Armbrust, south Petrof's grove Center street road. Found M809 lx ' I.OST Pointer dog. white liver and tick rvdlnr marked. "Rip Plneo. G. W. Jones' Kearney. Neb." Please report to owner' N. R Updike 548 Bee Bldg., and receive reward. Lost 828 2 IOST. memorandum book. Return to 19 Scott St.. Council Bluffs, for reward. I-e:; M97 4x MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter lerenco with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything lse failed; highly recommended by all that have used them By mail, $2. Dr. G. Q. Raymond Remedy Co., Room s4 Adams St., Chicago, 111 Ul PEN-TAN-GOT - Prompt regulator for ladies; never fails; 13 postpaid. Sherman it McConneil Drug Co.. Omaha- m LA D I E8 Chichester's English Pennvroyal Pills are the beat; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail. Ask our druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadulphla. Pa. DR.. XV. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women snd children; 30 yfara' practice. Office, 23(6 Cuming. Residence telephone. 3066; office, 2667. MEN. if you are small, weak or undevel oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vac uum Developer will restore you without drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc tion and varicocele permanently cured in one to four weeks; 75.000 in use; not one failure; write for free book, sent sealed In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co.. 72$ Barclay Blk., Denver. Colo. PATENTS PATENTS Wa procure the valuable kind. I solicit cases from those who appreciate the best work obtainable. L. C. Sharp Machine Works, m-12 8. 10th St. II. A. bl I RUES, registered attorney; pat nla. trade murks. copyrights; no (ee vat lets successful. 617 N. Y. lsf. Omaha. SUES CO., patent attorneys. Washing, ton, D. C, opposite U. S. paient office. Advice and paiaul blanks frt. Suljyl DRESSMAKING liOLDMAN Pleating Co., 2-JO Douglas BJk, IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A276 MRS. R. A. KELLER. Ill N. 20th, 'phone 2532. ill make sptcial reductions for the next 20 dae In the making of new "three piece suits." First-class work guaranteed. -M.95 Jy2 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS svetywhers. The New Snow Church Co., main fl., N. Y. L. 'Phoun 133. M I. M. Macfarland. 304 N. Y. L. Bid. Tel. 1553 OMAHA COLLECTION CO., Tel. 127S. 60s baa 1J. MvOi WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP Something for You to Think Over It will cost you some sacrifice to prepare yourself for business. Rut did you ever stop to tlatnk thct success means sacrifice? It means the sacrifice of money, of time and ol the pleasures and pastimes of life. You cannot play your whole life through. 1 Failure to realize that success mesns sacrifice honest enrie.ivor Is what makes success so elusive. It escapes the grasp of many who would otherwise achieve It If they would only realise the necessity of making some Fncrlfice in order to win success. It will le some sacrifice for you to give up a whole summer of play to prepare yourself tor a successful business life by entering Boyles College Summer Term and it will mean that for five days every week you will have to forego fishing trips, or the pleasure of lolling In a hammock reading the most popular novel nil day long. But, young man, you can't always go fishing. Young lady, you can't spend your whole lite lu that hammock. You've got to prepare yourself to face the stern responsibility of life. There is no better time to obtain a thorough business training than right now, during the summer. This Is so because Immediately after your graduation this fall you will have ten chances to take a position where you would have one chance next spring. Business houses add to their office staff in the fall. Many of them cut It down In the spring. Become a stenographer, bookkeeper or tele grapher this summer at Boyles' college. Send for our big catalogue and read It over carefully. You'll find It full of encouragement and full of mighty good advice to young men and young women. BOYLES COLLEGE II. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. BOYLES COLLEGE BLDG.,' OMAHA. B-939 2 LOO I? AT THIS AND STOP LOOKING FOR POSITIONS. SAVE YOUR TIME AND SO MICH WORRY BY LETTING L'S LOOK FOR YOU. WE KNOW WHERE TO FIND GOOD PLACES BECAUSE THAT IS OUR BUSINESS. The following are n few that must be filled promptly: Stenographer, good beginner. Bookkeeper and stenographer. Salesman and collector. Manager, grocery department, $1,200. Manager, meat department, $l,2ou. Country printer. Stenographer and talcgrapher. Road salesman, general merchandise, $3,000, Stenograpner, JGJ. Crayon artist. Write for particulars. WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASS N. Inc. Dept. B. S40-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-919 2 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMf, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35, citizens ol United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Ruci uitins Olllcer, luih una Douglas bts., Oinaiuw Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, ia, i SJ IF YOU aro in need of a position call and have a "heart-lo-heart" talk with HAKi, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. li 957 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb liia' trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates; 14.60 to 5.0u per day. Eight weeks completes course. Earn winle learning. Address lor catalogue, Coyne Bros. Co., I'luinbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. B 765 DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kmest. &H N. Y. L.. B 958 DETECTIVE WORK-We always want good men in places where we have no rep resentative; references required. Address American Detective Assn., Indianapolis, Ind. B-M8H lx I&5 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid reliable men ouimii ot Hit: c.iy; very pleasant work. Address A. W. South, 316 Aeville BlK., omatj, xseu. i Um WANTED First-class harness makers; steady worn und good pay; also saddle makers for hlgn grade work- Fremont Saddlery Co., h remont, Neb. B MbW 8 WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; steady employment. C. F. Adains Co., liilU Howard St. B M635 WANTED Several young men to travel lor tne summer, or permanent. Work pleasant. Good remuneration. The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. B 4o6 WANTED A man to take charge of gen eral storo in country town of about u.ooO population. Address, Lock Cox 414, Omaha, staling experience had and salary ex pected. B 7j lx YOUNG man to prepare for government position. Inquire 441 Board of Trade. B-784 2x WE FILL positions In and out of city; best wages. City Employment Agency, 301 S. 12. R M797 Jy29 WANTED Men to work in ice house, quarter mile north of East Omaha lead works. Talbot Ice Co. B M790 1 WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., lou Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B M813 ?.x WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man cr woman to work in Nebraska representing large manufacturing company; salary $40 to JW per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address, with stamp. J. 11. Moore, Omaha, Neb. B M8Li lx DETECTIVE WORK Established fifteen years; 8,004 secret service men; more be ing added every day; send us your case; advice by mail free. Address American Detective Assn., Indianapolis, Ind. B-M810 lx WANTED, by 15-year-old boy, place In a bank in order to learn; high school gradu ate; good references. Address, J 61, Beo, ' B-K7 2x WANTED State, district and local man agers; new and uniquo plans; a most suc cessful health and accident company. Give references, previous business, age, etc. Great Western Accident, Des Moines, la. B ARCHITECTURAL, structural or orna mental Iron draftsmen. Good detailers and checkers. Permanent positions; $76 $140. Chief Draftsman, 1743 Oakdale Ave., Chicago. B Sol 2x A NEW YORK cordial and' champagne house wants a local representative well acquainted with the wholesale liquor trade of this section. Address Dupell, 10S Fulton St., New York. B 669 2x WANTED A good shine to run stand; col ored preferred. Write or 'phone Frank Staak, Jr.. Carroll, la. B MS67 4 YOUNG men for firemen and brakemen, Nebraska and other railroads; experience unnecessary; firemen, $75, become engi neers and earn $lSo; brakemen. $"0, lie come conductors and earn $140. Name po sition preferred. Send stamp for particu lars. Railway Association, Department 69, Charles Building. Denver, Colo. B DRAFTSMEN and engineers; good men on general mechanical work near Chicago. State aalarv and experience. Engineer, 518-84 La Salle St.. Chicago. B-45 ix WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We originated this short method of instruc tions in and have graduated hundreds of successful barbers. Little expense, po sitions waiting. Call or write. Moler Bar ber College, lfl6 Farnam St. B-M897 13x WANTED Four men to travel Ineach state distribute samples and advertise our goods. Salary $-1 per week and expenses, guar anteed. Expenses advanced. Experience unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stal ing age and occupation. Reeve Co., 411 Dearborn St.. Chicago. B 901 2x BECOME a traveling salesman: we teach you how, securing a position for you free. Institute of Commercial Travelers, Rochester, N. Y. B 875 .'x DETECT! VE Shrewd, reliable man wanted in every locality for profitable secret ser vice; to act under orders; no experience necessary. Write Webster's Detective Agency. Des Moines, la. B SM 2x PERSON to call on local retail trade and agents; established business; duties pleas ant; $26 paid weekly; expenses advanced; experience not essential. Address Trade Superintendent, S25 Dearborn, Chicago. B-0S8 !x WANTED Traveling man for Nebraska. . advertiKing and collecting; aalary tM) tnonthlv and expenses; steadv position. Mgr. travelers, Ulo Caxtoa Bldg . Chi cago. ii-8S9 2x WANTED Person' to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary $L'o, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Bldg., Chi cago. B 8N6 2x WANTED An experienced clothing salcs mnn for Iowa, northern Nebraska and South Dakota. Only men with trade need apply. Felix Rothschild & Co., makers of the celebrated Diamond Brand clothing, 199 Market St., Chicago, 111. B WANTED A few first-class experienced men to sell counties In Iowa, from $100 to $150; 50 per cent commission; oppor tunity for right men. Lock box 238, Co. Bluffs, la. B EXPERIENCED Implement manager, $1,800. Loan and Investment, $1,500. Manufacturer, salary and Investment. Experienced stenographer. $) und $T5. Experienced bookkeeper, $fiO. HART, 401 N. Y. Life. B-909 2 WANTED FEMALE HELP 60 WORKING girls. Canadian olllce, 13th and Dodge. C 959 GIRLS wanted. Burgess Shirt Co. C-513 WANTED First-class dining room girl. Apply Madison hotel, 21st and Chicago Sts. C M9U WANTED Competent girl for general housework; family of three. 115 S. .Hlh St. C-M628 FIRST-CLASS dining room girl at The Pratt. 210-12 S. 25th St. C M793 WANTED Glrla for dining room work at best of wages. Apply to Chas. H. Hall, Dellor.e hotel. C M822 3 WANTED Girl for general housework, 1329 So. 31st St. C M823 3 GIRL wanted for general housework; no washing or ironing; wages $1. 143 N. 31st Ae. C 829 3 LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co.., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. v C 847 2x LALHES to learn halrdresslng, manicur ing, facial massage, chiropody ' 6r elec trolysis (removing hair by electricity); we originated 'this short method of In structions in 1803 and have hundreds of successful graduates. Little expense, di plomas granted, positions waiting. Call or write. Moler College, 1114 Farnnrh St. C M896 13x NURSES' college, Pueblo, Colo.; special six weeks' course July 10th; diplomas; write. C-SS5 2x COMPETENT lady stenographer; must be good In fire Insurance work, bookkeeping, etc.; give reference, experience and sal ary expected. Address In own hand writing, John Bratt & Co., North Platte, Neb. C SS5 2x GERMAN salesladies, out of town. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $36. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n, (Inc.), Dept. B, 810-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. C 918 2 GIRL wanted for genera! housework: a good home; northeast corner 16th and Blnnev. C 871 2 : FIFTY gills to operate power sewing ma chines. Blanket department, Bemis Omaha Bag Co. C-MH42 6 WANTED A good girl at the Creche, inth and Harney. C M962 4x SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Position as lady's companion or private secretary; salary $30; references. Address J 46, Boe. - A M791 2x SITUATION WANTED College bred young man is desirous of obtaining permanent situation with chance for advancement. J 47. Bee. A-M798 2x YOUNG man wants employment with mer cantile house as collector or solicitor. Address J 52, Bee. A M863 Sx THOROUGHLY competent stenographer, rapid and accurate, desires office position. Best references. J 64, Bee. A M910 Sx AGENTS WANTED BIG money In squabs; cheaply raised In only 4 weeks; sell tor fancy prices, won derful market; write for iree book and learn tins rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose, Mass. J AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells now; write today. Jacksonian Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Michigan. 1 AGENTS, canvassers, to sell the wonderful La Basliu uonlircukable glass lamp clilui ney. "Throw them on the floor and thoy won't break;" guaranteed perfect, prac tical; no fake; sells on sight; luu per cent profit4, exclusive territory; sample free to agents. Write today to Economy Lamp Chimney Co., Philadelphia. Pa. 849 2x DON'T accept an agency until you (,et my free samples and big offer. Saymun, 2141 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. J , JAPAN-RUSSIA WAR Complete official history; bonanza fur canvusters; extr-i terms; outfit free. General agents wanted on salary. Zicgler Co., Philadelphia. J 903 2x OUR agents are making from $200 to $500 per month. If you are making less, write us. Address Supt. of Agents, 410 Iankershlm Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. J-857 2x WANTED Agents to sell Japanese Hair Tonic, Salary and commission. Address with stamp, Frank Shane, Eldou, la. J-656 2x AGENTS-Do you want to make $500 per month selling Stransky's Patent for mak ing smokeless gun and blasting powder. Particulars free. J. A. Stranskv. Box 500. Pukwana, S. D. . J 865 2x AGENTS wanted. Capita! necessary for outfit, $150. Weekly earnings will exceed original investment. Address I. D. Stev ens, 601 Fisher Bldg.. Chicago. III. JS54 2x HOME WORK-$5 00 a day guaranteed. Our new oil gas burner beaks cook stoves and furnaces: we do the advertising; pur chasers come to you; , new plan; outfit free; write for circulars. Standard Mfi. Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. J 865 2x WANTED An agent, either aex. In earn town to sell high grade shirt waist ma terials snd ladies' suitings by the yard Our goods are novelties and quick sell er.. Writ, us. Direct Cloth Co. "623 Olive St., Et. Louis, Mo J-834 2x AGENTS WANTED FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS SECOND TERM OF SUMMER SCHOOL AT THE Omaha Commercial College t 1TTH AND DOUGLAS BEGINS MONDAY MORNING, JULY 10. COURSE OK STUDY-Pulilli' School Ginrtos. RoRiilnr Business. Shorthand T.VKwrlilng, Trloprniihy. civil Service. English um! IVninn nshlji. RATES ttV TUITION FOR TERM OU SIX MONTIIS-Piil.lle S.lilml Hiiin. hrR Rnsines ?lo.(M. shorthand fiUK), Typewrit ln Jj.ii.iNi Telesranhv fUUsi, ( ivii Service nud l'oniuanshirt. Splendid Opportunity Even a few weeks spent In school will prently benefit you. Uew of us run nfforrl lonp mentions. If roti have fallen behind a graAc or want to make nn extra prade. we offer you the oppoil unity. If your salary Is uniall do voti know the reason w hy ? Some time spent in school with us will raise It. You' probably pet all your services are worth, but we tan make them worth more. Will you give us a chance to do so? Call or write for full particulars. English Training Deparment Unr the special benefit of those who are backward In any or alt of the com mon English branches, we have arranged the above department nnd have set apart, special quarters In our new building for it. It is specially designed for backward pupils or those who do not longer wish to attend public school. N rite for full particulars. FALL OPENING SEPT. 4 Tromises to be the largest we have ever had. We hope to have it take place in our new bluldlng at li)th nnd Farnam. The work is progressing rapidlv on the building. Our fall term in a new building with new furniture, new depart menis, more teachers, a large auditorium nnd gymnasium thoroughly equipped will give students opjiort unities nnd advantages never before enjoyed by auy school in Nebraska. Send at once for catalogue nud circulars. ROHRBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb. c- QUICKEST seller. ever sold farmers. Brand new proposition. New plan. Something new. Easy Farm Bookkeeping Co., Boone, Ia. J 853 2x ONE large front room, particularly deslra- nie ior one or two young men. mtu Georgia Ave.; tel. 6S0. E MH25 2x AGENTS wnnted. Good pay: steadv em ployment selling our northern gnfvn trees. The Greening Bros. Nursery o., Monroe, Mich. 2x DETECT! VES Shrewd men wanted in every community to net under our in structions: previous experience not neces sary. Send for FREE BOOK of particu lars Grsnnan's Detective Bureau, 320, Cincinnati, O. ' J874 2x AGENTS can CHslly make $10 r dav selling our Gold Window Letters. Novel'tv Signs nnd Changeable Signs; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 4"5 XV. Van Rurcn St.. Chi cago. III. jg7n 2x $38 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to introduce our poultrv goods. Eu reka Chemical Co., Fort Dodge, la. J R7rt 2x AGENTS are making $i", to $15 a dav selling the TRylor portable burglar proof do ir securer; regular price 25c: ngents' sampln nnd full particulars, 15c. Tavlnr Mfe. Co., Hartford. Conn. J 8S1 2x DOME perforated fry nan covers prevent greasy stoves; things frv nice and brown: our boiler protectors are Immense; big elers; new catalogue. Kitchen Mfg. Co Reading, Pa. J 8.'0 2x AiF.,NT.S WANTED-To sell my pocket knife tool kit; the latest and best monev maker. Write to U. J. I'lery, New York. J- 8ALE8MEN covering shoe nnd drug trades ndd two to ten dollars dallv income hand ling Dry-Sole; the big advertising we are doing makes order getting easv; write for Rroposltlon. Dry-Sole Co., 99 Warren St ew York. - . j ' SALESMEN WANTED NICELY furnished room for gentleman; nil modern conveniences; excellent loca tion. 21'1 Farnam St. E M770 lx WE FURNISH 3 ROOMS COMPLETE for $75. on. These goods would cost over $h0 at Installment stores. Terms: $25.00 worth, $1.00 wee!;. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. E-915 2 1707 CALIFORNIA ST , one furnished room for light housekeeping. E 761 lx THE LAKOTA, 1B13 Howard: transient rooms by day or week. E M799 2x EAST front parlor and smaller room; mod ern conveniences. 116 N. 2oth St. E 806 2x ST'ITE of two housekeeping rooms on the ground floor, one large front parlor on the ground floor; other Rleeping rooms. 1704 Davenport St. E-MS21 2 NICELY' furnished room, with or without board. 2418 Cnss St. 'Phono 6309. E-828 3x FURNISHED room, private family, strictly modern, excellent location. 2310 Webster. E-825 2x lKlfi CHICAGO South front parlor; piano; also single room, modern, $1.25 a week. E-MS3S 4x TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms; modern, clean, cool and pleasant. 2214 N. 19th St. B M868 4 2W DAVENPORT, two very desirable rooms: all modern: light, cool and not hampered by other buildings. House keeping allowed. E 841 2x SALESMAN, visiting retailers in small towns, to take with their regular goods a well paying line of specialties. Bryn Mawr Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. -906 2x 1 ONE large front room, particularly de- alrnhla fnt r. n n m. twn oanlUmAi, lit. Park Ave., 'phone Cedar-41842. E-913 2 WANTED Traveling salesman. W'o have a proposition that will adequately meet your wants if you are looking lor -an op portunity .to turn intelligent effort Into cash on a liberal scale. Drawer oil, Rock Island, 111. t04 2x TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly pri vate, family of three: one large south room $, and one small west $5; all mod .ern. Address J 65, Hee. E M941 4x SOUTH front alcove room; nlso single rooms. 2580 Harney. E M958 4x SALESMEN wanted in every city and town; big Uemuiid; big commission. Rodcs Sanitary Co., St. Louis, Mo. TAKE NOTICE We want a plain, every day salesman for Nebraska to sell well advertised line. No hot air or blue sky salesman need apply. State experience fully. Drawer "W," Chicago. 851 2x WANTED First-class salesman. One salesman's commission amounted to over $1,20 in six weeks from February 6 to March 18, 1903. Address The Barton Par ker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Ia. 850 2x WE want an energetic salesman for a gilt edged proposition paying $30 to $100 weekly; no samples; salary or commis sion. R. O. Evans. Dexter Bldg.. Chi cago. 848 2x WANTED Chicago manufacturer wishes to secure the services of a first-class salesman to sell fire hose and tire de partment supplies in the city of Omaha and vicinity; state where last em ployed; liberal inducements will be offered to a party who can secure busi ness in this line. Address G 5, care Tiee. 844 2 CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent posi tion to right man. jess II. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. 900 2x SALESMEN everywhere to sell our Ice crushing machines as a side line; good commission. Davenport Ice Chipping Ma chine Co., Davenport, Ia. 899 2x ( TRAVELING salesmen wanted to sell gro cers. Permanent position. State present occupation and salary expected. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. 898 2x MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive territory upon unequaled commissions for unrivaled books; no better opening is to be found In the book selling business than tile opportunity we now have to offer; get our proposition; send address. M. A. Donohuc & Co., Chicago. 8s3 2x SKILLFUL Scheme Salesman Retailor wins out and Is pleased; office or road position; nothing equal to it; $200 per week can be made; can be used as a very profitable side line; samples light and furnished on references; correspond ence confidential. Address 211 Dickey Bldg., Chicago. 887 2x 2 OR 4 nicely furnished rooms. 2018 Dav enport St. E-M9S3 4x MODERN front room, with alcove: close in: also smaller room: no housekeeping; references. 622 S. 24th Ave. Tel Rlek4490. E-M954 4x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E Haul Trunks F M257 BACHELORS HOTEL 20th and Farnam. F 923 Jylii CAPITOL HOTEL, ISth and Capitol Ave.; broad verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 305 A SMALL family near Hanscom park, having a well appointed home, will rent an alcove room to a refined gentler inn and wife; fine table and every modern convenience; references exchanged. Ad dress J 49. Bee. F 842 2x EXCELLENT furnished cool front rooms, one south front parlor for two; gas. bath and phone; also table board at $3.50 or tickets $4. Call now nt 1714 Douglas, one block west of Boston store. F M937 4x PLEASANT rooms, excellent tahle. Call ii(H Farnam St. 'Phone Black 4810. F-M955 3x FOR RENT Large front room suitable for two, with board. 618 S. 17th St. F P69 3x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FIRST FLOOR, modern; references ex changed. Telephone A-2673. 2408 Cass. G-7C4 a LARGE parlors and kitchen, with tanitor service $20. Tel. 63( 9. G 776 2x BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult U. 6. Sales Bureau; 644 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y 949 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or busiues QUICK see Comp-tou-Watts Co., 635 Pax Ion lilk. Y WANTED By manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles, avoring extracts, two ex perienced salesmen: permanent position with good pay to right man; no scheme. Address J 48, Care Bee. 891 2x SALESMEN Side line for those calling on hardware, implement, dry goods and gen eral store trade. Address Washburn & Wheeler Mfg. Co., Decatur, ll. 892 2x . TRAVELING salesmen for Nebraska and Iowa; staple line; entirely new Induce ments to trade; high commissions; $25 weekly advance; permanent to right man. F. C. Farley Co.. Detroit. Mich. WANTED Salesmen to handle side line of ladles' trimmed hats on commission. These goods are sold on credit w:ith dat ing to responsible merchants and millin ers. Wish to confine to Nebraska, Kan sas. Black Hills. Photographic album (9x12) of entire line furnished free of charge and will be ready for fall goods after July 2Cth. Requires but little space and tan be conveniently carried. The olilest manufacturer of trimmed hats in the northwest. R Painter, 352 E. Water Bt.. Milwaukee, W'ls. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEU European, 16ih & Chicago. E 973 DEWEY, European hotel. 13th & Farnam. E 971 VIENNA Hotel; pnvate dining rooms, cafe. E 175 ROOMH and good board. $5 per week no up. Call 1517 Chicago til E 919 Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks EM4 FRONT room, ensuite or single; single rooms. 311 8. 26th St. E 62 3 NEWLY refitted, large and small east- front parlor and shove, first snd second floors: clos in. 'Phone Red-V6: 22n N. 19th SU i--MT6 2x I HAVE ons blacksmith shop, 60x50, and lot 50x100, with good tools, both iron and wood; only shop in town; good trade, good territory. Come and see or wrlis H. A. Uuhmaii, BuiTalo Gap, S. D. Y 906 SHARES In Omaha Typewriter F.xchangs at $25 each; Incorporation, $10.ia,0. $6,1.4 worth ol shurus sold in three days; zu to loo per cent protil on your investment. We will handle the best new typewriters on the market. Y 669 GOOD paying drug store; will sell at In voice; doing good business. Also a print ing plaiit, complete; good location. For full intoimutiou writ William Madgett Hastings, Neb Y-774 WHOLESALE and retail candv'and les cream business, everything hrst-class; no competition; mint for making money; very ill-health cause for selling; Invoice $5 000; un opportunity of a lifetime. William Mudgett, Hastings. Neb. Y M8J9 BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS CHANCES Nebraska Business College A. C. Ung, A. M., LU B., Pres. A. J. Dowry. Prin. Cor. 17tli and Harney 6ts. COLLEGE NOTES Thn commencement exercises of last month were thoroughly enjojfd by all flev. eral hundred of the college alumni were present to receive the splendid class of sixty-five graduates. The addresses made bv Superintendent W. N. Davidson of ths city schools, Secretary B. c. Wade of the Young .Mens Christian association nnd Secretary Mrs. Knitna S. Hyers of the Young Woman's Christian association woi4 highly appreciated by the large body of students and tlulr m.uiv friend" who wets present. The musical program was rspcel allv tine. The reading bv Prof. Rltchls elicited much applause. After the presentation of diplomas the students, ex-stodrnts nnd their friends passed away the "social hour" In a most pleasant manner. The class was one of tha finest ever graduated by the Institution, a nd their success In the i onimercla'i world Is assured. New students are entering every week for the summer ssMon. and the cool. rleasant rooms oY the college make It n del Ightful place for summer studv. Miss laves of Qnlncy, III., has been added t o the teaching force of the Shorthand Pe. pnrtment and her previous experience re. nders her services vcr valuable to thd students of this department. The mansgeinent was kept bnsv last week In filling tfic manv calls from the husl ness men. But few of the large advanced class are left. It is most gratifying to have graduates who go out nnd be able t o fill positions paving from $.M) to $7.", per month. Mr. White, nfter finishing the cn urse In five months, left .lulv 1 to accept a position In Ottawa. III., at $10 per nnm Hi. It certainly means much to a student to be a member of an Institution in which f he business community lias every confi dence nnd constantly calling upon Its grad nates. Everv student whh tnkes out n full ter ni scholarship Is given s yertr's membership In the Young Men's Christian association or Young Woman's Christian association without extra charge. No such proposltlo n was ever made bv any school. This membership entitles the holder to every privilege granted by the nrnnnlxntlon. To ba a member of either of these Institutions means diameter, culture and refinement. TO PARENTS It Is your right and privilege to know the advantage vour child Is to enlor when you pay your money for his tuition. You should know who the teachers sr to be. how many recitations each day. the hours of studv required dav nnd evening, the personal attention given by the teachers to the correction of typewriting work nnd a hundred other things thnt must be done If vour child Is to become trained In business or skilled In shorthand nnd typewriting. If you wish to take no chances as to his success In life, have him enter a s school of experienced teachers, strict diso Ipline and one that makes a success of every student such Is the Nebraska Business College Apply for catalogue and college literature. WANTED To lease hotel, furnished or unfurnished, or would buy furniture and lease in town of not less than 2.000 Ad dress J 43, Bee. Y M769 5 FOR SALE Wholesale nnd retail bakery, confectionery nnd Ice cream plant, in the heart of the largest coal fields In Colorado, also In the oil belt; Involre ,$2.5eo: will sell for $1.4O0 if taken at once. Box 403, Florence, Colo. Y-Msni 5 "PATENTS" GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. 8end model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for Illustrated Guide Book. Contains nn mechanical move ments and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANT ED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK LAW, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Patents adver tised free In World's Progress. Sample copy free. EVANS, W ILK ENS CO., Reg. Patent Attorneys, 615 F St., Washing ton, D. C. Y' WE OFFER 10.000 shares of our Treasure stock at seventy cents per share, par value $1, which will soon be par and will pay good dividends; water power; money to buy machinery and other Improve ments. Will be sold in fifty shares and upward. For further Information apply to Eagle Flour Mill Co., Rlnconada, New Mexico. Y BEST meat market in Nebraska town of P.000, also slaughter house and five acres of laud at city limits. Business $60 per day. Must be sold by July 10. Price for quick sale, $3,500 for all, worth $';,000. Now is the time to get a snap In a meat mar ket if you want one. See us for full par ticulars. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, 16th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. Y 943-2 MANAGER Bi anch offl:e, Omaha, aid otner cities; an entet, . ,e we believe will prove greatest money-earning and wealth producing business proposition ever pre sented to American public; company will forever own all powers, advantages and every source of profit In a modern city; under unity of ownership; superior to any co-operative colonization ' plan ever ' formed; representatives should earn $3.i00 to $5,000 first year and continue to In crease; small amount of cash required; our booklet. "The Powers and Advantages of Industrial Concentration" and full in formation mailed free. Inventors' and Finance Company (Rep. Dept.), Hoboken, N. J. --882 2x I HAVE Just traded for 2.000 new gum vending machines, nil perfect, highly fin ished; will sell cheap for cash. Over s.ni In use at present. Address, W. P. Knnpp, 4' Home Ac., Oak Park, III. Y-05 2x FREE Full particulars of winning nvill order scheme averaging $3 to $S daily; In vestlgale tills now. Address The Horns Mall Order Co., Silver Plume. Colo Y4iS 2r BIG MONEY $10 buys puts or calls upon 10.000 bushels of wheat. No further risk. Movement of 5 cents makes you $.VXI. Write for circular. The Standard Grain Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. Y-SJW 2x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE quick, a block of 500 American De Forest Wireless Telegraph stock, Pi"f. & Com. Write for particulars. J. R. Ph'.I lips & Co.. Room 3074, Metropolitan Bldg.. New York. Y-879 2x WANT to buy controlling Interest In good, clean, dividend-paying bank. Want bank, not real estate. Mean business. Refer ences exchanged. P. O. Box 43. Council Bluffs, Ia. Y-87S lx YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglar Sts. Assets over $400,00.00. Y ANNUAL salary $1,800 and expenses for reliable man; three-year contract; per manent if satisfactory; we want bright man desirous of bettering himself; salary secondary consideration. Address: Box 228, New York City. Y- 10-ROOM flat, furnished, for sale at a bargain; good location for roomers. J. Levine, 304 No. 16th. Tel. 771. Y M2S6 FOR SALE Four years' lease and part of equipment of the finest modern country hotel In Northwestern Iowa. For full par ticulars address Box 75, Newell, la. Y M349 6 DRUG STORE for sale. A snap; half in terest in a splendid paying drug store; in a good territory town of 4.0ou. This store was started new 3 years ago; is doing the best business of Hie town und making good money for its owners. I have busi ness Interest in other place that requires my undivided attention and all my capi tal. Am obliged to sell. Address A. J. Kinsley, Box cjj. Wagoner, 1 T. Y M480 Julv Ix FINE restaurant and short order house In one of best towns In Nebraska, with ele gant soda fountain; doing excellent busi ness; good reason for selling. Speak quick If you want it. Address. F 66, Bee. v Y- SECOND HAND MACHINES Never such prices for such goods offered before, pnd If at any time within one year you want to buy a new machine we will take the old one hack at exactly what jt cost you. The following Is a partial list of what we offer for all this week: 1 DOMF.CTH" $ S on I POMKCTIC 10.no 3 SINGERS. HIGH ARM 12.10 I SINGER. NEW IMPROVED.. 15 00 1 HOUSEHOLD 10.00 1 UNION 600 1 WHITE 8.0O 1 WHITE 5.00 1 WILCOX GIBBS 30.00 1 NEW HOME 10 eo Modern drop-head machines, slightly used, at one-half the regular price. We rent machines at 76c. per week, or J2.00 per month. These are modern, up-to-dnte machines, with all attachments. We sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle -Co., Corner 16th and Hnrney Sts. 3L'4 Broadway, Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFFICE-'- N. 24th, So. Omaha, GEO. E. MICKEL. 'Phone 1663. Manager. . Q FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard, nnd pool tables, ba fixtures of all kluds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswick-BaJke-Collender, 407 S. 10th BL, Omaha. Q 101 COMPLETE line new nnd 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 10' ""RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS GAS OR GASOLINE ENGINES. Like O'lr OLDSMOUILE, ulways ready. Few slightly used engines cheap. Send for catalogue and prices. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORKS, 1114 Farnam St., Omaha. Q-l WIRE chicken, hog and lawn fence. Iron fence, hitch posts, (relates. Wire Works. 611 S. 16th St. Q lift START profitable mail order business; sell goods by mall; cash conies with order; conducted by anyone, anywhere; our plan Is very successful; we furnish every thing; complete plan free. Central Sup ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. Y' J. H. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED. GENERAL MDSE. stock, clean and up-to-date, valued at 314, uw to lo,oou, for 420 acres improved farm, MILLS CO., 1A. LUMBER, AND COAL business In good live town and paying business. GOOD Income properly or improved farm for tine HOTEL property, with furniture and everything complete; only house In live Nebraska town; does a monthly net business of $30u to $4uo. Price of entire property, $12,ou0. (Cleur.) LARGE RANCH property for FLOUR MILLING and ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT, live western Iowa town, valued $80,000 (clear). Pays 10 per cent on value. HOTELS FURNISHED. 60-ROOM. modern, northeast Nebraska town, strictly $2 house; none better in slate outside OMAHA. l'ays $5ou net profit monthly. Price of furniture and lease, $5.0u0-$3,500 cash, balance easy. S6-ROOM, modern, brick. $2 house, north western Iowa; good business, but sickness necessitates sale, at half cash to owner a few months ago. Manv other profitable hotels In Iowa and Nebraska at right figures. A Nil DON'T' FORGET hat I have many good propositions in rooming nouses ,n cuy wuicn ui pay to Investigate. REMEMBER to send me full description of any prop erty vou may have fur sale or exrhange ami I will give same prompt attention. J H. JOHNSON Phone 6172 N Y. Life. Y 926 2x ONLY ENTERPRISE of the kind In OMAHA; SUITABLE for LADY or GENTLEMAN; tine location; mugnlflcent trade; large profits; owner's ill health compels leaving city. I1,0 makes vou owner. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life, 'i'hone 6172. V-925 2x li -H AND .Kite cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Far nam. Q tut $350 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed In good running order; original cost 950. Aduress 1213 Farnam SC Q-109 SHEP.'VIN WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman & McConneil Drug Co., Omaha. 4107 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. Q 108 FOR SALE, several scholarships in a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hind and typewriting. Inquire at Be office. Q 852 FOR SALE, about 50 feet ornamental gal vanized Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts suitable ior Dhow window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. Q-M8 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN 20 pulleys, from 6-lnch to 4S-lnch In diam- ter; 3 counter shalls, complete. These are all In first-class condition. W. H. Bridges engineer Bee Building. Q-UJ SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE H you want a bargain lu steam fittings call and look over the following supplies; , 1.8-inch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-inch Austin's vertical sepaiutor. Thebo have been taken out uu account of changes In our sieaiu piaul and are io good condition. Acldica. Bet Duiidinc Co.. or eee W. II. iiililtc. engineer Bua lilug., Omaha. y Uu AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE at a bargain. Winton Touring car, In hrsi-class condi tion, owned by G. W. Wattles. Inquire G. E. bculcs. luUH Ciah St. Tel. 4154. (J-M637 FOR SALE Cheap, 3 H. P. gasoline engine. 15U3 Ohio. Q-M792 2k FURNITURE, CARPETS. RUGS nnd everything for housekeeping on easy pa i lie n ts, 2u per cent below Installment mors prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO lift ween utn and uiu on rarnam m. CJ 91 I FOR SALE Nearly new Russell traction engine. P.-1 1. P. C. D. Wuodworth. -Mi Karbach block. (J-.V1M JSIJ 1 NEW typewriter disk and Smith Premier machine! quurtcr-satcd ouk; cheiip. 24 Brown block. Q--MM5 2 FOR SALE A first class grocery snd meat market; doing a fine business; located on West Hroadwav, Council Blufis. la Ad dress W, Bee. 10 Pearl St., Council BluiTi. Ia. Y-M67I JlX CAPITAL Merllorlous enterprises launched nnd financed: entire bond issues of indus trial, gas. w-tter works and electrical proposii ions financed, corespondence in vited Municipal Bond snd Securities Co., 170 liroadwaj, New York City. X-&C6 2x FOR SALE $5 00 FIR8T MORTGAGE, draws 6 per cent interest per annum, secured by Jio acres of Improved land in eastern Ne braska. If ou want to Invest in a good farm mortgage, here It Is. Payne Investment Company, First floor N. V. Ufe Bldg. Tel. liM. Y-M928 4 $!. to a I WANTED Business man with ti Ai.i . h to take charge of a genei i,'i,.a and distributing wsrerooni lu nutans. Salarv and commit-'ion should net from $3. to $..( yea.iy. First class references required. Address H. I. Ch.rk. Sec. 271-285 East Madison St.. Chicago. Y-9i9 'x PARTNER In n well established business with $5.0" to $8.; active man preferred; good profits, quick returns. Address J 56, THE OMAHA TYPEWRITER EX CHANGE. I'i7 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE a. We have just ImiukIiI a number of new and second-hand macluncs which we will el at unheuid of puces Notice the fol 1 ,lng prices; t Remingtons, brand new $75-JSO Smith Pi' -piiers, Itiand new $H0 I "nderwoiMls, brand new $,') Underwoods, second-hand $HV$'j6 Olivers, bldlld new l55-t''iU Olivers, second-hand $-Kr$."i0 Commercial Visible , $15 Densiiiores $20-$Z Remington, wide eurriage i.lj Smith Premiers, second-hand $25-$M) We repair all makes of typewriters und guarantee -.Mm better work than any coni imiiy in the city can J.. Give us a call. New platens 7Sc and $1. Q 919 2 FOR KALE-One Kualie piano (square). Call 3i,21 Webster St. g-M9H 4x A I 'TOMOHI LEU -While Steamer at a bar. gain; Cameron runabout, $!.'i0. 1 103 Far nam St. . Q 971 t ONE hand-made pony surry, canopv top. $40. 2418 Cass. e-c3 3 wmnmm,..-.... ,,- .. . .r . . L1 J