TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1903. 13 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Etusian Rioti tod Much Rain Bullish Conditions. Art VARIOUS FACTOKS FORCE WHEAT IP Cor Is Unlet mud n Mule Hl'vr Oats Arc txkMgid with,' Firm I'nderlone rrlreay ( ., l at LlttrfmiL northern, $111; No. J northern, ll.fla7; July, $I.11K,; September, new, 9c; Septem ber, olil, VC OATS To arrive and on track, 32V:. OMAHA.june 30, 1906. Numerous facton. ixuu iIm) ,ed to a strong Wueal market, ilu, piin.p,,, onei WPI9 lam in tne noituwest pa soutnweat ana le huaito Lbuoiea. ninmeia were i.uotleu wnu lerls .f ,, ,,UIn Minne sota ana I lie LMibn allu ion,iuerabie un easiness deveiuptu llie A10Uern Miner .ys rains nave OJyeu tnresuing in many l.Uicea. Juiy 'Opened at auiiist yeoirtlay a clone ot 920. September i !.., . a unmanned to . aml . went " lc tu ll" Jilgh point. July roacher Wo about noon, wuiy Uoaid. at iwc, beptemper at MV(i'io .u 1.1, 1 H.K.i ...... u. .ui m ih&ie Vina ilitie interest In the corn mar kU although goon aavances wui niaue. .iuy ciosed at ioVj'UWHc, old July at i6c, le:nDer at oi'vu-HV:. old Scptemuer at !a'U4c, ..December at 49VaO and old De- comber at uisc ' Oats were auout the same aa yesterday, ; with a firm undertone caused by Russian l rlota. July closed at Sc, September at Vi.fac and December at 'tihko. owing to American firmness In wheat Vesterriay. Liverpool opened unchanged to d advance, wltn a quiet trade, later eased !un va on aeptemimr on private ropoi is trom American northwest, but at l. price were up on good buying and fear ot stoppage ot Russian shipments. The close wan Vfd tiigner. Corn opened easy, unc.hftngeu to d lower and later allowed a turther decline ot Wiivd. lnllu encad by heavy Argentina shipments and poor demand. It cloned VSd higher. Ar gentina corn shipments fur the week were J,77B,"00 bushels, against 2,000,000 bushels lust week. Primary receipts of corn today were &y.2.17 biishcls. Purchases of new wheat throughout the teountry yesterday were moderate. Chicago ' traders bought 5,000 to 10.000 bushels at a time. Price paid were anywhere from W'C to over Chicago July for No. 2 red for all July shipment. No. 2 red sold at $1.04 In tore at Chli-ago. New No. 2 red at Kan sas City sold at 83c and No. 2 hard at 99o, There was a good demand at Kansas City Bt. Louis cash, prices were 24i2Vc lower. . Argentina shipments for the week were 1,872.000 busr.els, agulnst 2,760,000 bushels a reek ago and l.iyi.ouo bushels last year. The Sou.th Dakota Weekly crop bulletin, oaverlng all counties, says the crop Is healthy. The president of the Washbu.-r.-.Trosby comixiny says crop conditions are 't'uvTra,h and It Is too early to talk of rust. The Chicago wheat pit Is talking about the contlpued buying of July wheat by Valen tine and his sales of September through broker. It Is figured that he has been cloning a spread between July and Sep tember, put out when the difference was ' to 7 cents. Primary receipts of wheat today were 291, bushels, atrnlnst 232.429 bushels last : week. On the Chicago cash market today 11.01 was bid for No. 2 red. No. 3 red sold at 95c(8$1.00, No. 2 hard at $1.08 and No. 3 spring at $1.06 A Chicago special to the Adams Grain company Bays, quoting an operulor there: "I believe these September oats are a good purchase. The troubles In Russia are likely ta Curtail the shipment of oats from that country, and as Russia Is the principal sourc of supply for Europe, and Great Britain, wo miht strike a sudden demand for our oats any day and bring about a shfti p advnnc In the market. They are , cerAalnly cheap at present prices." . i Omaha Cash Prices. VHRAT N"o. t hnrrf 7n?Mn N- Nn .tiard, W6f!7c; No. t hard, 85uc; No. i NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS (MIUiUO ORAM AMI) rROVISIOSS reptim of the Tradlaaj and dosing Prices on Doard of Trade. CHICAOO, June 30. Wldespreud wet Weather made a strong market here today In wheat Disorders In Hussia emphaslxed the upward trend of prices. At the close the Hcptember delivery was up m)'ijiv1c. Corn, oats and provisions are practically unchanged. Notwithstanding higher prices at Liver pool the whout muiket here opened rather easy, July being off "C to He at 91tC to WVc. September was unchunged to He lower at Mc to 8H4c. tine cause of the easier tone was clear weather In the north west. Temporarily, sentiment was Inclined to iH'arlshness, despite heavy rains In Kan sas, i here was, however, no great sen lug pressure. Toward the end of the tirst hour the market developed a firmer under tone. As trading progressed, sentiment rapidly became decidedly bullish. The ad vance was "tarled by buying brought out by an ofilclal lorecast for rain throughout the greater part of the wheat belt in the L'nlted Htates. Demand was augumented by damage reports from the northwest, one report from Minneapolis stating that In some sections In Minnesota the Melds are brown with ruRt. Another factor that helped to stimulate demand for wheat here was the unsettled condition of affairs In Russia. At B4c July reached the highest iiolnt of the day. September advanced to uc. A slight reaction resulted from profit taking, but tne tone of the market at the close was strong. Final quotations on Sep tember were at S9,iiKic. July was up ISc at 93Sc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to &5,Suu bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Uradstrecls were 756,tiO bushels. Primary receipts were 291,900 bushels compared with 2!,2W bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Dulutu and Chi cago reported receipts of WJ cars, against ltis cars lust week and 2:tll cars a year ago. Influenced by lower prices at Liverpool i the corn market was rather weak early In the session. Conditions In the corn belt in the United States were much more favor- J able for the growing crops, temperatures I being considerably higher. This had a weakening effect at the start. Later ro ports of very light acceptances strength ened values. The bulge In wheat added to the firmness. Shorts and commission houses were active buyers during the last hour. The market closed firm at about the highest point of the day. September opened unchanged to He lower at 64c to hic, sold up to 54Hc and closed at 5IV0 B4Hc July ranged between 647Bc and Wfr'r 6SHc and closed with a gain of He at B6Hc. Local receipts were ti3 cars with 177 of contract grade. Despite the strength of wheat the oats market closed barely steady, liberal profit taking late In the session being the weak ening Influence. September opened un changed to He lower at 3Hc to 31 He. sold up to aie and closed at 31Hc. July ranged between 3-Uo and 34e and closed at i'-Sc a loss or He. Local receipts were lul cars, Trading In provisions was extremely quiet. Sentiment was rather bearish the greater part of the day owing to a 5 cents decline In the price of live hogs. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 4 cars; corn, B77 cars; oats, lu9 cars; hogs, 17, uuO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Call Lou Bate Rises and Speculative Movement Comes to a Halt. LIVELY SELLING MARKS THE OPENING Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y, No. S. 505(H4c; 61'pfilHc; No. 3 oiUul?ac, fo. Isiiiiing. yfic CORN No. 2, 50iH61c; No. 4, 4Bifitt)e: No. i yello yellow, SOH'tiolc; No. 2 white, 3 white. 50141 61e. OATS No. 2 mixed. 2!Vfr29He: No. 3 mixed, DiSHc; No. 4 mlxd, 27(ff:'8c; No. 2 white. Sue) No. 3 white, 19V4c; No. 4 white, 29c; standard, 29Hc. C'urlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago .. 603 101 Kansas City. 31 44 t Minneapolis .., 161 Omaha . 7 . 39 6 Uuluth 5 .. tbL Louis.... 43 33 27 . . Mlnneapolla rpln Market. The ranua of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, lie V ll board of Trade, was: Article! Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wh?at July Sept. Dec. l... i ii a July b July a Sept. b Sept. b Dec. July Sept. Dec. loi k July Sept. Oct. La id July Sept. Oct. Km. July Sept. Oct. 91V2H 9 IMHfcisI 9iU b7'.Woj69Vuau IB-.U-SHf 59 64V-d' 65HGHI W'i-ti64-)4yHI 64 Wi i4Hi 1 4JH,49',43HI 914 93 tHi8H-l :1 65J 66 f bf 5T.V40HI 64H.5-IVU-1 64 lilkuHi 32V;SHi laiH'u 12 621 13 96 I 13 US I 7 27HI 7 45 I 7 75 7 92VS 7 87H 32HI 8lll I 12 67H1 13 O-.'HI 4S:4 32h( aiv4 81 HI 4H 92H Bin B5H lib 64 sa 64,. 4S Later the Market Develops a D Resisting; Tendency Sastalned by a Few strons; Polats. NEW YORK, June 30. The call lean rate rose to fl per cent tndny and the speculative nunement In the stock market came to a halt. There was a lively spilling out of storks at the opening owing to yesterday s pi monition of the flurry In the call loan market and some wide declines results. I from the outset. These were not exceeded in fact during th rest of the day and the mnrket developed a dull, resisting tendency and was partly sustained by a few points of positive strength, llut the volume of dealings showed a notable shrinkage, and during the latter part of the day trading came almost to a standstill. The refusal of the Stock exchange authorities to comply with a petition of members to close the ex change on Monday did not alter plans on the part of many brokers to leave the city today not to return until after the Fourth of July holiday. There was little disposi tion In view of this prolonged Interval to extend new commitments, the tendency be ing rather to reduce outstanding lines. The actual liquidation Induced was smalt end confidence Is still professed In an early re turn of abundant ease In the money market after the turn of the half year. The rate for call loans touched today, however, Is the highest of the year thus far and ex ceeds that of the closing week of last year In the period of preparation for the annual settlements. Tomorrow's bank statement will reflect the gold exports which are mostly responsible for the absorption from the market on subtreasury operations. The effect on the gold movement seems to be the only point of view from which Wall street regards the Russian Internal situa tion with any apprehension. The semblance of civil war reported from Russian cities therefore was of little direct influence In the market. The return of New York trust companies to the state banking department under the call of June 7 was studied at tentively In banking circles. The Increase In deposits over n year ago of $24fi.315.724 and in loans of 273.9W.749 Is In line with the tendor'"- di hv the comptroller's report on the national banks of the coun try. The o. . .n.f hi ."-serves in the case of the trust companies Is even more striking thnn In tho cuse of the national banks, the ensh on hand being reduced by $4,S37.S70 and the cash on deposit st otner institutions showing a shrinkage of $7fi.!W!,7.3. The failure of the Iuisville Nashville directors late yesterday to advance the dividend rate had some continued effect to day, not only on Louisville & Nashville, but on Haltimnre & Ohio. I'nlon Paclflo and nil other stocks which have been the sub loct of predictions of dividend Increases The report of a contract for the supply of an enormous amount of steel billets of the United States Steel corporation to the Pitts burg Steel comnanv did not save the United States Steel stocks from the prevailing heaviness. With the recession In the call lonn rate substantial recoveries were made and the market closed steady, with small mixed changes. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, ?.375.m. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on thoc Stock exchange today: DttlCB.IXlBll.iJUW.Vi''C. 32H 3li 31 la 12 60 U 96 13 05 13 W 32-HI 31-g &H 1 12 62H 12 67H 12 to 13 U 13 00 1 13 02 H 7 27HI 7 47Viil 7 75 7 97HI 8 00 7 25 7 45 7 67HI 7 2H 7 97H 7 27HI 7 4,V2 7 6H 7 70 7 97V4i oo i 7 30 7 47V 7 62H 7 77H 7 92va 7 9iH Wheat. Julyi.. Supt... Duo.... 1 07, WVI,. 1 0SM 9iHI KlHl 1 0T WHI mHI 1 0S4I 95' 91HI 1 07H 9o' ft1 WEATHER IX TUB GRAIN BELT (Showers in as i Middle West Continue, Well as East. OMAHA, Juno 30. 1906. During the last twenty-four hours there iias been a continuation of the showery und unsettled weuthi-r throughout the cen tral valleyn, southern states and along the vaatsrn slope of the Rocky mountains, and ram Is falling this morning along the Mis souri river irom Kansas City north Into the Dakotas. Conditions continue favorable for showers in the central valleys tonight and Saturday, possibly followed by fair weather Saturduy night and Sunday. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding na -jf tne i.iil three years: 1905. 1904. 1903. 1?. Jllnimum temperature..,. 08 6:) 77 64 precipitation 05 T T .02 Normal temperature tor today, 74 de crees. Dcncluucy in precipitation since March 1, 6.36 Inches. Deliclency corresponding period In IDOt, 1.90 inches. ljticien. corresponding period In 1903, 2.2S inches. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. ' Stations. . Max. Ailn. lucnes. 8kv. Cloudy Cloudy Raining Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Ruining Raining Cloudy Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of -Temp.- Rain. Cer.tr i1. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. shows: Available cash balance, $140,429,241; gold, r,658,3f. Xew York Money Market. NEW YORK, June 30 MONEY On call: Market strong and higher at 3'j per cent; closing bid. 3, offered st SH- Time loans: Market steady and dull; sixty days, 2'u3 per cent; ninety days, 8fr3H per cent; six months. 3H per cent. PKIME3 MERCANTILE rAPER-3Htf H per cent. . . BTKHLINrt EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' hills at 14 RiWa 4.07O5 for demand and at $4.Kilom 4 Sf.16 for slxtv-day bills; posted rates, $!.(; 4.88; com mercial bills. $4-4Vt!4.8S. SILVER Bar, 68Ho; MexlesM dollars, IJONPS Government, steady; rallroaJ, Irregular. Closing quotations on conns were: V i. ref. . rg 1"4 Jfn . rtr ilo ronnun UM1 do . 2d set .li'-it ao V'tH, rim .ii4 t,. A N. unl. 4a.... .1;!2 Manhattan c. s. 4a .l:iit Mrx. Central 4. ... .114 do lal Ine .lot Minn. St. L 4. H-i M. . K. 4 T. 4a U. B. an, IVf do cnupun V. 8. new 4a, res do coupon V. 8. old 4, rI do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a, ctfs do til ctfa. AtihliMia sen. 4a., do ad. 4i Atlantic ('. L 4a Dal. A Ohio 4a .114H do 2a ....HW V. R. R. ol M .... ki s. v. c. a it ....IIKI N. J. C. . ht.. .! No. Tactile 4a do 3i.i 7i do 3a Central of Oa. 6a. ...114 N. A W. c. 4a... do lit Inc O. 8. L. rtdt. 4a. do 2d Inc H41 Penn. eonr. Cha. A Ohio 4i....li7- Reading aen. 4a.. Chicago tt A. '-.... ll St. L. ft 1. M . 1 . .10f.i ,U'4m . 7 . II . til1 .1"! . 7 c 4a. HI .11X114 .l.lt .PKI . 1l .li2'a .10.114 I'MI 11 5 . C, B. A q. n. 4i. ...ins St. U A 8. r. t. 4a. ri C. R. I. A P. 4a.... SIS St. U 8. W. c. 4a.... Mi do col. 6a 94 Hi Bea board A. L. 4a.... Mm CCC. A 8t. L. I. 4a.. lu4 So Pacific 4a Ha Chicago Tcr. 4a 8o. Hallway 6a 120 a Colorado Mid. 4a 74 1'ciaa A 1' la 121Mi Colo. A 80. 4a U T., 8t. L. A W. 4a.. 4Hl Colo. lnd. 6a, act A.. T I'nlon Taclflo 4a.. do set B 704, do conr. 4a D. A H. O. 4a 102 V. 8. 8tel 2d 6a., Dlatlllcra1 See. 6a.... 74 Vt'abaah 1 Eric prior Hen 4a....I0akt do deb. B do gen. 4a 99 Wt-alarn Md. 4a... F. W. A D. C. la. ..110 W. A L. B. 4a... Hocking Val. 4S....Ui iWla. Central 4a... Oflrcd. Ex-Interest. .KW4 .. 4Hi ..in4 .. 71s, .. .. M'4 Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON, June 30. Call luuns, 3(g4 per cent; time loans, 3V4i4V per cent, official quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atrhlann ad, 4a.. do 4a Mi l. Central 4a. Atchlaon do pfd. Boaloa A Albany. Puaton A Malna.. Unainn Elevated . Fltchburg ptd . Mexican Central N. Y., N. H. A Pera Marquette I'nlon facina Amer. Arge. Chem. do pfd Anier. fneu. Tube.. Amer. Bugar do pfd ; Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion 1. A 8... Edlton Klcc. lilu. .. General Electric ... Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Uaa United Fruit L'nlted Bhoe Mach. do pfd r 8. steel do pfd , Weatlng. common . bid. "Asked. OMAHA LIVE STOU MARKET Eest Btef Bteen and Cowi Steady with Yesterdaj'i Fr.cea. HOG TRADE SLOW, WITH PRICES LOWER Receipts ot sheep and Lambs Heavy, with Mnrket Ten to Fifteen Tents Higher Than Yesterday and Trading Active. iteceipts were: Ohniai Mondav. ... Utllolal Tuesday.... Odlclal W ednesday onicial Thursday ,, Oitlcial Friday ..... SOUTH OMAHA. June 30. 1905. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 13,;i3 14.403 l.o.iii 13.o9l 6.:.U t.80 9i M 6.0.8 16,7)0 800 81 31V, 81 hi 34 300 37 3ihi 1,900 474 6,000 2u0 1,W0 100 No. 2. aOld. bNcw. C iin iiui..noii, vci-e as follows: FLOL'R Steady : winter patents, $430 4(4.40; straights, jl.COiM.ai; splint; patents. aa.lAXuD.lO; bitttieUie, 4.io.Ow; ua.vt.'s,- 4.. tfj' bo. heat-no. spring, t.iuiai io; ino. spring, $1.0uijj-1.10; No. 2 red, $1.06. CORN No. 2, &u'u5bttc; No. 2 yellow, 66U(&'jiiC. OATs-No. 2, 32'c; No. 2 white, 33Q34c; No. 3 white, 32V.4N4C. RYE No. 2, 79IUSOC. bAi.i.i. -uou, M-edlng, C41c; fair to Choice malting, 47(&4Sc. SEEDS No. 1 (tax, $1.25; No. 1 northwest ern, 1.43. Prime timothy, $j.2j(&i.4U. Clover, contract grade, $12.2d(cj.l3.0U. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12. BO (0 12.06. Lard, per 1W lbs., $7.2a(o 7.2V'j. Short ribs sides tloose), $7.7037.60. Short clear sides tboed), 7.75'u7.bT',3. Receipts aim siiipmet.is of grain and flour weie as follows: Shipments. 10,000 17,3u0 391.200 112,8'i 3, Si 10 2,lu0 117H 1194 96 1015 103 HUH 97 hi 70 151 my 138 9i4 '82 101m lli2't 112V4 97 hi 68 1504 1,100 527s 52 Receipts. i:r.200 Ashland, Neb.... 83 07 .08 Auburn, Neb 84 87 15 Columbus, Neb.. 81 65 .14 Falrbury, Neb... SH 63 .17 Fairmont. Neb... 80 63 .05 Or. Island, Neb. SO 06 .06 llartlngton, Nob. 79 1 1.80 Oakdale, Neb,,.,. 80 67 .01 Omaha, Neb 83 68 .06 Takainah, Neb... 81 69 .00 Carroll, a 80 64 . Clarlnoa, la 86 67 .10 Sibley, la 80 58 1 so Sioux City, la.... 80 66 T Blorm Lake, la.. 80 63 .10 Chicago. Ill 28 Col-imbus, O li Lea Moine, la... 14 IndlanapoliJ, lnd. 11 Kaunas City, Mo. 16 Louisville, Kjr.... 17 Minneapolis 27 Omaha. Neb.... 14 6L Lxmis, Mo.... 80 S3 80 88 84 80 8J L. A. 68 hi 62 &6 (W 60 56 64 64 WtLBH, Flour, bbls , Wheat, bu 6,000 Corn, bu 571,OiX Oats, bu 195,800 Kye, bu 3.00 Barley, bu 29,7uO lu tne t'l'iiouce excluiuge u.day the but ter market was steady; creameries, lC20c; dairies, lb18c. Ehh, tlrmer; at mark, cases Included, 13c; llrsfft, 14c; prime Jirsts, liVsc; extras, 17ftc. Cheese, llrm, 9!ial04c. Kansus City Grain and Provisions. The rango of prices paid in Kansas City, as lepoited by the lOd wards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Hoard ot Trade, was: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I I Julv... K E3H 82H1 83Mi 82 Scpt...79J( 81 79, hi 19VS Dec... 'i9Wij 81'4 IXh 80 79- Corn July... 49V4 &0V 49& 49 49 Sopt... 47 4SV4 474 48 48 Dec... 44 44 43 1 43 i 44 Oats Sept... 30 30 30 30 30, PJul7... U 87 1 2 57 12 55 12 55 15 70 Sept... 12 87 12 90 U so 12 85 12 90 epT... 7 40 7 42 7 40 7 40 7 42 Ribs Julv... 7 67 7 67 7 65 7 66 7 75 Sept... 7 90 7 90 7 87 7 90 7 92 laical Foraxuister. Weather Bureau. St. Lonls General Market. ST. L.OCI8. Juns 30. WH EAT Higher ; No. 1 red, cash, elevator, 9Uc; track, 93 4c: new, July, 5c; September. 85o; No t hard. $1.04. CORN Higher; No. i cash, 51c; track, 65c; July, 64c; lecembr, 47c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 3!c; track, Kc; July, 31c; September, 30c; No. 1 wlilte, 33c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $495 (66.10; extra fancy and Straight, $4,754)4.90; clear, $3.9n4.0U. 8F.El Timothy, steady: $2.003.40. COHNMEAL Steady ; $2.50. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 73 74o. HAT-Steady; timothy, $8.0013.00; prairie. $6.tMmiV.5u. IKON COTTON TIE8-930. UAOOlNCJ so. HEMP TWIXE-8V.C. PKOVISIONS I'ork. easier; jobbing, $12 50. Lard, easier; prime steam, $6.70. Pry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.62H; clear ribs, $7.76; short clears, $8.00. Tiacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8 37: clear ribs, $v62: short clears, $8.87. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 9Wc; springs. ln 15c; turkeys, lie; ducks, fculoc; geese. 6tje, MUTTER Quieti creamery, 1621c; dai ries. lfi17c. EGUS Steady; 11c, caas count. Receipts. Shlnmenta Flour. bbls. 4.uuu .M Wheat, bu.; 44.0110 4v.uiki Corn, bu 32.0 O ;.(-) Oats, bu $7,000 48.0U, Peoria Market. PEORIA. June 30-CORN-Hlgher; No. I yellow, 6oc; No. J. 55c; No. 4. Uc; no grade, 63c. OATS Firm; No. I white, J3'lc; No. 4 white, no, Dalaft Grain Market. DULUTII. June S".-WHBiT-To arrive No. 1 tMMthern, $LU; on Hack, No, J KANSAS CITY, June 20. WHEAT Lower; July. 83VqS3c; Beptcmber, 80c; Dece-mber. 81c: cash. No. 2 hard. 96cfrl.uu; No. 8, 884198c; No. 4. 76'g94c; No. 2 red, tint 93c; No. 3, 874J90C; No. 4, 7oiu47c. Receipts, 60 cars. CORN Higher; July, 60c; September, 48l48c; December. 43'04;!c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 6353It.c; No. 3, 53; No. 8 white, 53fi64u; No. 3, 53c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 82c; No. 2 mixed, 30c. BUTTER Bteady; creamery, 15'ulSc; packers, 14c. EGGS Steady at 13c. RYE Steady, 60iili8c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.6OS10.00; choice pralrlo. $7.76''h8.00. EOGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whit wood cases Included, 18c; case count, 12c; coses returned, c less. BUTTER Steady l creamery, 15'SlSe; packing,. 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Whea,t bu 48.000 13.6O0 Corn, bu 26 4" S:M) Oats, bu 8.0U0 i.OiiO Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 30. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 21c; extra nearby prints, 22c. EGiS r lrm; nearoy rresn, liVtC, loss on; nearby fresh, 16c, at mark; western fresh, 1i4i 17Hc, at mark. CHEESl--Steady; New York full creams, fancy, new, 10c; New York full creams, fair to good, new, 9'sjl0ci domestic Swiss, 1114414c, 200 4,1m) 3"0 6,000 loo 200 "i&oo 800 "'266 1,100 200 "'366 'looo 79 20 205 176- 19 39 36 192 11 166 19 Mlaneapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June SO WHEAT No. 1 hard, $1.13: No. 1 northern, $1.11; No. 1 northern. $1."7; July. $1.06; September, 9c; Ofcemher, 91c. FLOUR f irst patents, t.iuiiin.iv; seconn patents, $&.9Oi6.00: first clears, $4.0vu4.10; second clears, $2.75iitJ.Na. BRAN In bulk, $12.75. Mllnaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 30. WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern, $1 14; No. 2 northern, $1.071 1.11; September, 89is9o asked. RYE-Firm ; No. 1, 83c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 62c; sample, 40(8 51c. CORN Firm; No. t, 6oajoc; Septem ber, 64c asked. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. June SO WHEAT "pot, nominal; futures, firm; July, ta lld; Sep temlier, ta lud; December, 6s 10vd. COKN St, steady; American mixed. 6s Id, futures, dull; July, 4s 9d; Septem ber. 4s 8d. ' Toledo Bead Market. TOLEDO. June JO. SEEDS Clover, cash. $7.4u; October, ia.80. Auslas, pruiis, ... Timothy, prime, IL6S. Adams Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car Ac Foundry.. do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ex Am. Hide & L. pfd... Am. Ice Am. Linseed OH do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd, ex-dlv Am. Smelt. & Refng.. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng.-. .. Am. Tobacco pfd ctf.. Anaconda M. Co Atchison do pfd, ex-dlv Atlantic Coast Line.. Bait. Ai Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Paclflo Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio... Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi. Gt. West Chi. & N. W C, M. & St. P Chi. Term. & Trans.. do pfd C. C, C. & St. L Colo. Fuel & Iron Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Oas Corn Products do pfd Delaware & Hudson.. D.. L. At W Den. & Rio Q do pfd Distillers' Securities.. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nushvllle... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Minn. & St. Louis.... M.,St. P. ac S. Bte. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific M., K. & T do pfd National Iad N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central, ex-dlv N. Y., O. At W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American .... Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C, C. & St. L Pressed Steel Car.... do tifil Pullman Talace Car.. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock lHland Co do pfd Rubber Goods , do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd Bt. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacific .... do pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron.. Texas & Pacific T., St. L. & W do pfd I'nlon Pacific do pfd U. S. Ex U. 8. l-eatner do pfd V. 8. Realty V. S. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Va.-Carollna Chem.. do pfd Wabash , do Dfd Wells-Fargo Ex.... Westlnghouse Eleo.. Western I'nlon W. A L. E Wis. Central do pfd Northern Pacific .... Total sales for the day, 504,100 shares. Ex-dlvldend. . M AdTenturs 4 Avm Allouei 26 . 76 Amulgamatrd el )a eaa American Zlno a Ml Atlantic 134 iab lilt gham i4a 174 Cal. & Hecla 646 m I Centennial 1H 146 1 Copper Kange 68H .1(4 Daly Weat 13 H...l7ii liomlnlon Coal 79 . US Franklin .1:414 Oranbr : va . ;tVt Isle Hoyale . ansa Maaa Miulng ... . Michigan .15&'4 Mohawk .13oMi Mont. C. & C... .13U Old Dominion ... . it si Oacrnla .111314 1'arrot . J Qulncy .244 Shannon .176 Tamarack . 1SH Trinity . 62 I l'nlted Copper .. . 44 U. 8. Mining. ,1'XiVU. 8. Oil . SS I Utah ,. 91 Victoria . OvalWir.ona 10 ,. OSVai Wolverine 109 . M I Ex-dividend. .. 19 .. VA .. WH .. .. 2i .. 24 Sa .. 1V .. t2 .. h .. VA ..117 .. m .. 234 .. if .. 10lt .. 43 Five days this week. .13.138 63.165 l.$-3 Five days last week....20,lo7 58.8.(2 li.719 Same days week before. .17, b:i 64.2u9 7.H43 Same three weeks ago.. 19,368 67.3U 1 fi.o .9 Some four weeks ago....2:,li8 47.913 17.113 Same days last year.... 9,689 51,b33 17,121 Official for the month of June, 1905 78,476 801,289 65.170 Official for the month of June l!HH 67,218 264,101 44,843 Official for the month of June, 1903 102,064 176,947 41.S7S Official for the month of June, ivoi 47.437 241.437 60,701 Official for the month of June. 19ol 47,312 204,056 43,235 Official for the month of June. 1900 64,236 241,283 46,566 Official for the month of June, 1899 56,486 261.778 37,367 RiiCElPiS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. i'he following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with lust year: 1905. 1904. Ino. Deo. Cattle 43J.640 it.A,M9 &J.i9 Hogs 1,299,705 1,3E6,942 56,23.' Sheep 739,746 694,6i3 46.073 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roud. Cattle. Hogs. She p. H a s. C M. & St. P 8 8 Missouri Pacific 2 3 Union Paclile system. 18 32 21 I C. A N. W 7 F E. & M. V.. 80 72 6 C, St. P., M. & 0 8 11 B. & M 30 39 C, B. At Q 3 2 C R. 1. Ac P., east IS C, R. I. &. P., west 2 Illinois Central 2 Chicago U. W 1 Total receipts 94 192 21 8 The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, euch buyer purcnaslng the nu'ii- ber of head indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. the market broke slightly, yesterday's prices also ruled lower and the trading to day was agulnst selling Interests. Slowness was the principal feature of the trade to day, buyers being bearish and bidding lower. Salesmen were In no mood to take lower prices for their holdings and there was little done till well along In the fore noon. The receipts today show about I8J cars on sale a rather liberal run for a Fri day. After buyers and sellers got together bids and most of the sales were made at a decline of 2i5c lower than yesterday's general market. The bulk of the hogs sold st $.Y17'i5.Ski, as compared to a bulk of $5 2lHiB.22 yesterday, the chief decline be ing on tna heavy hogs. Representative Ing to the holiday In Brsill and the local market showed practically no feature, clo Ing steady, net unchanged to 6 po'nlS higher In response to a late Improvement In the German market. Sales were re ported of about 7,;ii0 bags. Including Sep tember at 6 Fc. 1 ember st Wc. May at 7.1'V. Spot, steady; No. J Rio, Invoice, 7J. sales: No. 79... 14... tt... 74... (i... ... I?... 87... M... 64... 67... tt... 16... f,l. 76. 66. II. ..161 ..187 ..171 ..111 ..!7I .1:1 ..Jnl ..IK ..tne .871 ,..167 ..2 . . .imi ,..s:.ii ,..t77 .. .si a 43 i4 4t. 8k. t0 to 40 London Stock Market. LONDON, June 30. Closing quotations on stocks wcio. Coneola, money do account ... Ai-acenda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore tt Ohio 111,1, N Y. Central. , a Norfolk & W.. do pfd ..... , 85 Ontario & W.. I4 l ennaylvania .. Canadian Farlno Chen. & Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A St. P.... HeUeera Denver & R. O do pfd Erie do let pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central .... Louisville A Naah. M., K. & T SILVER Bar Hand Mlnea .lot' Reading . il l do ll pfd . 3') do 2d pfd . lsus. Southern Hallway . 16 do pfd . el Southern Pacific . , aa Union Pacific .... . 41 H do pld . i U. S. Steel . 71 do pfd .170 Wabaah .16! do pfd . 3l. Spanish 4a steady. 26 13-16d per ounce. jviuin 2.x ZV48 per cent. The rate 01 uiscount 111 the open market for short bills is 2g2 1-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 2$ 2 1-16 per cent. ...149 ... 66 ... 96 ... o4H ... a ... 9 ... 61 ...47 ... 461, ... it-in ... ... 66a ...12J14 ...100 ... 31H ...lon ... 2US4 41 1 V Omahu Packing Co... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour At Co Vansant tc Co Carey Ac Benton Lobinan Ac Co.: Hill Ac Huntzlnger.... Mike Haggcrty J. li. Root Ac Co S. Ac S Fry Packing Co Cudahy Rros Other buyers 406 398 699 319 16 10 40 5 6 16 6 63 2,962 3.1ol 4,031 320 142 716 61 2.2.0 bo 3,782 Totals 2,041 13,654 6,123 The following table shows the averago price ot hogs at Soam Omaha fur tne last several days, wltn comparisons: Date, j 19u5. 19O4.1903.1902. 11901. 1S00.1S99. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day Commodities. on Various 100 100 '"ioo '7,806 1,900 1,200 800 600 2,500 9.100 2,5110 140 k 101' 99 42 139 104 58,500 100 600 "'3ti6 4.5ii0 2O0 100 91 91 98 91 91 100 67 200 3,600 '2.O06 300 700 8l 200 ioO 42,30 100 1,200 700 29 J 22.700 100 Si.) 1,0110 600 61 63 -S2 97 82 83 38 56 NEW YORK. June 30. FLOUR Receipts, 9,610 bbis. ; exports, I2,0ul uui. ; mainei mm, quiet trade; wlnier patents, 44.904(1 o.o; wiuiei suaiaiits, 4i.w&.uv, .uniiivWM patents, 6.50(o.o; winter extras, fci.luu!.bo; ullnuesota baiters, $0. i0(y4.io; winter low grades, ei.Ooii.jo. Rye hour, sieauy; fair to good, l.iml.u0; cuulce to laucy. 84.ouu 4.90. CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, H.2.,jl.M; coarse, $1.14(1.16; kiln dried, i.iiu'U j.uu. WHEAT Receipts, 6,000 bushels; spot market firm; No. 2 red, l.o8 elevator, $l.uj f. o. b. alioat; No. 1 norinern Uuiutn, i.ija f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, jL.n f. o. b. afloat. Except for a brief depres sion early, influenced by poor caoles, wheat acted remaraubly strong all day. The bull 1 motive was bad northwest crop news, at- tended by extensive supporting orders, fur ther disturbing Russian news, heavy cov ering and predictions for rain in tne west. Last prices showed l((flc net advance; July, 96&99c, closed ai 9sc; September, 92V(&94c, closed at 93c; December, 91(8' 93c, closed at 93c. CORN Receipts, 4,300 bushels; exports, 95.940 bushels: spot market firm; No. 2, 62c elevator and 62c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yullow, 62c; No. 2 white, 62c. Option market was without transactions, closing nominally o net higher: July closed at 61c; September closed at 61c. OATS Receipts. 16,ii00 bushels; exports, 12,505 bushels; spot market steady; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 36u36c; natural white, 30 to 34 pounds. 37(i38c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 37(t WV4C. t HAY Dull; spring, 60gkc; good to choice, 75iiT80c. LEATHER Quiet; acid, 24iS2Cc. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 1904 crop, 23'8'27c; 1903 crop. 20'ii2c; olds. In (hl2c; Pacific const, 194 crop, 23'a;26c; 1303 crop. Wi'Jlc; olds, 10&12o. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., JOc; California. 20 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., lSJAc. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, $13.5oW14.Co; mess, $11.0011.60; beef ham., $21 IXKU22.50; packets, $l'2.6i'i(T13.00: city, extra India mess, $22.0n!j22.Fx. Cut meats, firm; Pickled bellies, $S. 25110.00: pickled shoul ders. $5 5WC.O0; pickled hams. $10.2S'no 50. Lard, steady; western steamed, $7.104t7.30; refined. oulet; continent 7.4": bo'Jth America. $8: compound. $5.37fj5.62. Pork, oulet: family, $l.i.nniil5.75; short clear, tit 1VWT15 no- mess. S13 S7M,7Y13.75. . i'i 7 ...... , . .. - .. t: n TAliLUW rirm; cny ie- rns.ii n . cotintrv inkgs. free), iViirC RICE Easv; aomestic, iair to extra, o-s fifiV,c: Jnnan. nominal. BLTTKK fjasy ; receipts. 11.101 iiiii:nni , street prices, extra creamery. 30Wi'c; western factory, common to extra, 14'fl6c. CHEESE Oulet; akims, tun to ngni. ill EGOS Steady ; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 21fi22c; choice, 19Hc: mixed extra, I9W19HC; western firsts, Hfi)17c: s'lutherns, 12it?13c. POULTRY Alive, steady; western spring chickens, 22c; fowls, lzc; 01a turgeys. uc; dressed, firm; western broilers, 22ft26c; fowls, 105jl3c; turkeys, nioiic. June j une June June June June June Juno June June June June June June Juno June June June June Juno June June June Juno June June June June June 2... 3... 4... 6...I ... 7... 8... 9... 10.. li.. 12.. lo.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20. . 21.. 22.. kA.. 25.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 6 13 4 53 5 93 6 70 4 88 S 60 t 10 ,41 4 u, ii i, 7 Uii I 1 ai J oJ 6 19 I 4 49 6 9 7 13 i 70 1 ' S 69 4 54 6 h&i I lui 6 71 4 83 6 2f, 6 22 6 24, 6 0 17 1 20 e 6 6 lb 6 13V 6 lttVn, 5 22 6 20 6 18 5 14 6 10 5 12i 0 19 5 27, 6 31l 0 Z9 5 21 6 76! 7 201 6 701 4 91 6 53 6 77 7 161 6 Til 4 l 4 58 ! 7 1SI 6 75 4 95 4 681 6 801 I 6 781 6 02 4 68 1 6 85 7 21 6 10 4 74 6 00 I 261 S3 4 78 6 03 I 3u 6 91 6 00 & D I 0O O PJI 4 4 81 4 84 4 81 4 87 4 91i 4 92 5 00 6 0 i 0(i 6 12, 6 16 a 5 14 5 10 6 04 5 08 53 3 SI 3 67 3 60 3 1 3 69 3 57 6 07 I 6 98 6 01 6 94 6 97 6 94 6 ho 7 86! 7 81 6 83 4 86 $ 04 6 81 4 8i $ 68 6 83 D 0 6 6; 6 70 5 65, 5 56 6 66 6 861 4 891 3 64 1 24 I 4 tl 8 63 7 23 5 831 I 6J 7 24 6 88 b 031 7 33 6 92 6 061 $ 64 7 4i 8 89 4 94 3 71 I t ai o 1 1 1 a o 6 89 0 00 6 00 7 59 7 hi 7 51 7 62 7 55 a 7 61 6 9o 5 98 5 17 5 93 6 101 5 911 5 03i 5 87 6 Hi 5 90 4 99. 6 01 8 02 a 3 63 3 ti4 3 65 3 68 3 68 49., (3 40 69 124 47 71 40 67 67 76 74 67 74 Id 74 70 67 47 64 69 46 67 69 14 69 61 64 71 , 44 60 46 70 66 67 60 , Hi , 76 , 79 16 , 76 , 60 72 66 71 64 64 62 62 2S 77 75 62 71 68 75 66 72 76 76 63 61 73 60 67 68 10 73 68 60., 68. 66. 276 ..167 ..264 ..270 ..166 .261 ..IM ,.27S ..273 . ,2M ..130 . . 23S ..I?t ,.2 ..lit ..222 ..n ..m ..tit .220 ..1st ..2:9 ,.28 .2.5 ..244 ..261 ..231 ..m ..226 ..277 ..240 ..266 ..233 . . 2T9 ..262 ..241 ..202 .214 ..124 ..216 ..223 ...231 ..233 ..227 ...260 ...215 ...261 ,..24 ...247 ...247 ...220 ...229 ...270 ...230 ...249 ...230 ...240 ...264 ...222 ...2nl ...206 ...244 ...tit ...326 ...236 ...249 ...344 ...244 ...203 ...236 ...250 248 40 40 160 120 1(10 1J0 40 160 120 200 160 40 120 40 160 160 1C0 120 40 80 120 iao 160 loo Tr. 4 w 4 90 1 1214 4 16 I IB I 16 6 II I 11 I It ( 16 t It I It 6 16 i It I It t 16 6 IB I It I IB I It I It t It 6 16 I It 6 15 I 15 I It 6 16 t 17H I 1714 t 171, 1714 t 174, I 1714 6 17 t 17' 6 174 6 174 t 174 I 17H I 174 6 171, B 17H I 1714 I 1714 t 174 I 17-4 t 174 6 174 B 1714 5 17 '4 B 17H 6 17 14 ( 171, 5 174 t 174 8 174 t I7H t 17 ( 1714 6 17'4 t 17'4 . B 1714 B 174 t 17H t 1714 ( 174 i 174 t 174 6 1714 t 174 t 174 i 174 B 1714 5 1714 t 17 5 17 "4 t 1714 t 1714 t 1714 6 1714 t 17 n t 1714 t 1714 6 17 B 17 5 17 "4 6 17 '4 i 174 6 1714 Ko. 3.... 75..., 73.... 77.... 77.... 69.... 142... 75.... 64... 40.... It.... 79.... 62.... 74.... 70.... It.... tl ... 65. ... t.... to..., 146... 66... 77.... 61..., 79..., 68.... 64.... 69.... 17..., 71.... 61..., 70..., 74..,. 43..., 9.... 67..., 61.,., 45..., 71..., 84... 81.... 87.... 14 ... 74... AT. ....191 ,...140 ....lit ....200 ...230 ....Hit ,...114 ...114 ...131 ....149 ....160 ....I'll ....294 ....109 ....tut ....111 ....190 ....140 ...164 ...244 ....241 ....Ibt ...t.U ...174 ...230 ....150 ...,!lt ...lit ....114 ....226 ....lot ....137 ....! ....tilt ....246 ....164 ....117 ....Jit ...131 ...lit ....218 ...t"4 ....Ml 211 17 lit 79... 65... 76... 76... tl... 78... 61... 7J... 87... (0... 82... 66... 86... 7f... 86... 77... 88.... 14.... 84.... 71.... 70.... 74.... 72.... 7t.... 73.... 46.... 84.... 49.... 68.... 81.... 74.... 72.... 81.... 69.... 81.... 70.... St.... 77.... 83... 8.... 1.... 12.... to., 86. .207 .261 ..2i.'H .110 ,..201 . .204 .141 .224 ..209 ..111 ,.." ...247 ..114 ...111 ,..185 ...lit ..lot ...204 ...171 ...04 ...126 ...227 ...834 ...2:18 ...2n0 ...lit ...260 ...200 ...231 ...220 ...200 ...201 ...210 ...210 ...197 ...214 ...JK9 ...Ids ...168 . . . 209 ...227 ...1110 ...160 ...INS .176 St. fr. 80 I 174 .. 117 I 1714 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 t 17 I 17 I 17 t 17 t 17 t 17 I 17 t 17 I 17 I 17 I 11 I 17 8 17 I 17 I 17 6 17 I 17 t 17 t 17 t 17 t 17 8 17 t 17 6 17 I 17 t 17 I 17 6 17 t 17 t 17 I 17 I 17 B t2 B 17 B to 6 10 t to t 10 t to t to 6 10 B 20 B 10 B 20 t 20 t 20 t 20 B 20 t to I 90 I 10 t 10 6 20 B to 6 20 t 20 B 10 t 20 t 20 B 20 6 10 t to t 20 6 20 4 to 6 20 ( 20 B 20 6 20 B 20 t 20 t 80 U 160 240 230 90 40 'to 120 80 40 SO 140 120 OMAHA TVIYOI.KSALK MARKET. Staple and Faney Prootooe. EOGS Receipts, fair; market quiet; candled stock, 12 LIVE Poi'LTIi 1 -Hens. 8HG9c: roosters. 6c; turkeys, lK.il.V; dink, 8c; spring ickens. 1 to 2 lbs.. 1 mi 18c. BUTTER- Market llrm: packing stock. 13c; choice to laucy dairy, 17yKV, creamery. 204,1 21c; prints, 0 ML GAR standard ftranuiatca, n ai per cwt.; cubes, i.to per cut.; cut loaf, i ta pir cwt.; No. evtra C, $.ii per cwt.; No. 10 extra C. $5 95 per owl.; No. 16 yel low, o.Jo pur cwl; XXXX powdered, to.; per cwt.; bar powdereu, $i.4U per cw-i.t ballbiit, llol eagle tablets, $,.96 per 1K1.81I FISH Trout. cwt. 9c; 40 10 80 80 'ti 40 iio 120 M too 160 160 80 'ii 110 4 120 140 120 40 40 40 ZOO 80 80 t 20 10 I 22 6 22 t 22 6 22 8 26 6 U t 25 6 26 10,. 19 39 93 16 24 61 187 New York Mlulntt llorka, NEW YORK, June 30 Closing quotations on mining stocks wete: Aoaraa Cob Alter Ilreaca ui'ui-awlt'k Con .. Coonturk Tuoaal Too. Cat, at Va.. Horn Sllvar iron Sllvar Ladvilla Con .... Offered. . ao . M . iO . 4 .. I .180 .174 .140 . 4 il.ltt:e Chief .. IHrnrlo Opblr Phoenix IPotoal ........ 1 8a vaaa iSieria Nevada Small Hopve . I Standard 400 400 :v 11 aO W w 1U DaaVc (Tearless. June SO Bank clearings for $1,4J6.644.90, and for the corre- OMAHA. today were spending date last year $1,296,434.99. Treaaary lisle mast. WASHINGTON, D. 42.. June SO.-Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund exclusive of the $150,000.0u0 gwld reserve la the aivlsioa ot redemption Indicates 8unday. CATTLE There was about the same number of cattle on sale today as th' n .vre yesterduy, about ninety-three car, x fairly good rurt for a Friday. There was i-ry little change in prices as compared wi 1 yesterday, but there was less life to tiie trading. There was a good demand for beef cattle, buyers picking up the stuff In fair season, although general trading was a little slow and could not be called active. On some of the choicer kinds that just suited the eye of the buyer prices ruled In some cases a little stronger than yesterday, but on the general run of steers the market held steady. Cattle showing weight and quality were picked up first and buyers held back a little on the commoner kinds. The east ern beef situation is a little improved and with moderate receipts at all points this week conditions are better and the market shows some Improvement as compared to last week. There was only n light supply of cows and heifers here today and there was con siderable urgency to the demand. Buyers were out and evidently wanted the stuff, as trading was active and the receipts were cleaned ud early. The market ruled gen erally Bteady, with some of the commoner 1 kinds a little hard to move, but with little 1 change In prices. Good nuns were in iair aemana looay anu prices ruled fairly steady, with yesterday, as was the case with veal calves and stags. There was only one full load of stockers and feeders on sale today, together with the usual odds and ends, and this class of stuff was disposed of In good time at steady prices. Representative sales: lit, 11. r E liita. No. 1 18 62 , It , 25 , 20 , 15 , 67 14 34 , It , 19 36 49 t SHEEP It looked more like a market up In the big sheen barn this morning with twenty ears reported, practically all of them from the Idaho range. The demand. as has been the case all the time of late, was brisk and sellers found no difficulty In unloading at prices that were decidedly higher. How much higher than yesterday it would not he an easy matter tn say, as the receipts both yesterday and the day be fore were not large enough to really estab lish prices. It is easier to figure out the advance for the week, and It Is safe to quote the market today as CiQ40c higher tnan lust week. Good Idaho yearlings brought $6.00ilTfi:26, witn good wethers at 15.15 ana neavy hided wethers at $4.90. The ewes sold at $1.90. It was a arood lot of stuff. Quotations tor cupped stock: Good to choice lambs. S6.00ifTfl.25: fair to good lambs $6. 50(56.00; good to choice yearlings, $6.2o'c? 6.70; fair to good yearlings, $4.76(65.00; good to choice wethers, $4.753o.25; fair to good wethers, 4.2614.76; good to choice ewes. I4.3Oi-ti4.60: fair to good ewes, $4.X34.S0. representative sales: No. Av. 28 Idaho ewes 108 106 Idaho ewes 107 450 Idaho sheep 89 146. Idaho sheep 84 6Iilaho wethers 86 108 Idaho wethers 106 316 Idaho yearling lambs 79 435 Idaho yearling lambs 91 396 Idaho yearling I- nbs 79 671 Idaho yearling .iiibs 80 810 Idaho yearling lambs 87 9 western cull ewes 73 38 western ewes 85 7 western lambs 60 Pr. 4 75 4 90 4 90 4 90 5 00 6 26 6 00 6 00 6 10 8 00 6 25 2 75 4 26 6 75 buffalo (dressed), 8c; pickerel Idretsed), out unite pass luresteri), 12c; sunusn, no; pcrcn (scaled and dressed), 5c; pike, 10c; cattish. loc; red snapper, loo; salmon, Ibc; uiapplea. 12c; eel, loc; bullheads, 11c; black bass, uc. Manitoba whltellsn (dressed), ic; 1-as.e tin jierlor whltetlsh (dressed), 12c; frog legs, per dog., 3fic; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters. Sic; shad roe. 15c; blueflsh, 8c. HAY Prices quoted by umaiia wnoiesais Hay Dealers' association: Choice, ti.oO, N. 1, $6.50; NO. 2, $6.00: coarse, $5.00. Tlieaa prlocs are for hay of good color and qua-Itv. BRAN rer ton. $15.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all Sixes, $4.25. extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, mU sues, $3.ia; seedlings, all sixes, IJ.ou; Valen cia, all sixes, t4.nu. LEMONS I monlera, extra fancy, Z70, 3uo uud ) sixes H,.-.ut,..u. lar.cy, 2iu, vo and SOU sixes, 4.2f; 2;0 eixe, '3.60; 300 and 860 sixes, 4-4.11, 210 ulse, $2.i6; iio sise, $3 iJATES Per box of 30 1-1 0 pKgs., 4.i; lialiuwe en. In 7u-i0. boxes, per lb. SO. FIGS California. Per lu-lu. carton. 7if 85c; imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; flve crowu, 12c . . . . ' BANANAS Per medlum-sised bunch, tl.lt ut 26; Jumbos, $2.5043.UO. riNtiAfi'L.tM r loriua. per crate ot . 30 and 36 sixes, $3.25; 42 size. $3.00. FRUITS Arid MELONS. APRICOTS California, pur 4-basket crate. $1.10. . .... PL.U IMS (jailiornra, per a-oaeiev crato. ftoAl. Ilea i mil, cuiik, per rouBHi crate, sue; iexas freestones, ti.w; lauioi nla, uer 26-ib. box, 90c. CiiLKRiEi. California- wiack, per 8-10. box. $1.60; white, per 8-in. oos, 1.60; Mis souri, box of 24 qts., $2.00i)2.25. S 1 RA W HErtKlr-.fi rlolne grown, per Zf ot. case. l.(6nr2.ll0; Denver, per Case 0 .4-qts., 2.60. f'RABt.KKiiisj oersaya. per cmie. 1194 GOOSEBEKKIES-Box of 24 qts., $2.00. CANTAIAH 'PES Texas, rer crate, fJ.UO d4.00; California, per crate, $5.00130.00. W A 1 l'j it Al Hj laj in a Aiauauia dwvvib, joua 30c each; crated, lc per lb. RABPUERKlhiS uea, dox 01 24 pis, u.ou. black, box of 24 pts., $2.00. ULACK.HEKRIfc.o-case 01 i qis.. tt.wik TURNIPS-New, pel iiC. CARROTS Mew, per 0.0s.. ioo. lauM1PA i ud rter bu. . 40O. WAX BEANS Per -bu. box, Too; string beans, per -bu. box, 75c; bu. box wax or string, $2 00rU2.2o. rUiAiOta liome-gruwn, in pwr bu., 86c; Colorado, per bu.. 4jc; new pots, toes, per bu., 60c. l-.EAISS tsavy, per du. i.w. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per orate of 1 dos., f-Oc. CUCCMMERrJ rer aox., dc. PEAS New, per bu. box, il.ou. TOMAIOES Texas, per -oas crmia. $1.10. SPINACH Per bu.. 600. CABBAGE Home grown. In crates, per UWaUiNS in ew, per aoa. uuiiiuqb, io-,j Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., 11. 2j. RADISHES not nouse or auuiuuru, per do , '.'("?. . .. LETT JCE not nouse. per 00s., njwvt head '.cttuco, per dox., 75o. BEETS New, per aos., sue. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. 15c: Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin limberger, 16c; twins, 13iiil4c; young Americas, 14c. N UT walnuts, iNO. 1 son snens, new crop, per lb., loo; hard sneus, per 10., ua: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. S hard shells, per lb., 12u; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, por lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts. r 10., lZUU'ic; aimonas, soil, sneu, per .. 17c: hard shell, per lb.. 15c: shollbarg hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; I "rge hickory nuts per bu., $1.60. HIDES wo. 1 green, 8c; no. 2 green. 7c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 10c: No. 2 veal calf. 8c 1 dry salted, 7(tV14e; sheep pelts, 26c42$l,00; burs hides, $l.uCi4i3.00. Wool Market. ROSTON. June 30. WOOL The Boston Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of tho wool mar'.'.et: A steady business Is being done ty tne smaller mills, the larger ones having bought sufficient supplies ror some time. Thus the market Is comparatively quiet, but still strong. New territory wools, as well as foreign, have moved, while pulled have been Inactive, owing to lack of stocks. Prices In the fleece states remain on their high basis. The markets abroad ars strong and rising, with everything In favor of higher values at the London sales, which open July 4. English wools are at extreme prices, and growers are determined In their demand. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 29, 19o4. according to the same authority are 124.175.542 pounds against lu2.113.3na undg at the same time last year. Tho receipts are 169,767.134 pounds against 165,103,841 pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS, June 30. WOOL Steady : medium grades, combing and clothing. 28 flt'dlc; light line. 21'(27c; heavy fine, 18a'22c; tub washed, 32i42c. ' Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, June SO COTTON Market firm. Sales. 1,300 bales. Ordinary, 7 l-10c; good ordinary, 8',;c; low middling, 8c: middling. 9c; good middling, 10 I-I60; middling fair. 10 3-loc. Receipts, 3,113 bales; stock, 78.225 bales. LIVERPOOU June 30 COTTON Spot In fair demand, prices i points higher; Amer ican middling fair. 9.84.1; good middling, 6 52d: middling, 5 36d; low middling. 61fl; good ordinary, 6.00d; ordinary. 4.84d. The salt s of the day were lO.uuo bales, of which ino were for speculation and export, and Included 9 4o0 American. Receipts, 4.CO0 bal.-a. Including 3 9u0 American. ST. LOI' 18, June SO COTTON Market firm; middling, o. Sales. 1,593 bales; re ceipts, none; shipments, 230 bales, stock, K,79t Ulet, No. 10..., 11..., 11..., 11... 12.... 1..., 19 18 1 6 18 11 19 1 , 7 16 t MS 22 3 10 41. ...... 14 17 28 86 41 40 60 4 t 27 It 11 1 . 4!'.'.'.'.. t 1 I 1 I 1 1 I t 1 6 4 6 1 17 , 1 1 1 11 6 14 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 4 I A. Pr. 1097 t 90 695 Ill 944 1006 1043 11U 1165 1130 1010 1103 K-'S 100 1O60 1040 , 1188 , 1163 1214 , 935 , 1130 , i:ioj 1200 , 1174 11H6 1201 1290 , 1315 1214 1324 .1031 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 26 4 25 4 85 4 to 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 50 4 55 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 40 4 70 4 70 4 74 4 0 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 85 4 85 4 85 4 85 STEERS 4 10 4 t5 4 ta 4 25 960 6M 10kt 1044 910 964 S0 9l5 910 1025 720 965 890 1090 low) .... .1030 870 1044 tlb 1070 1110 1071 950 1100 , 946 , 943 460 , aol 860 6.1 6C0 , 760 140 1040 1400 1930 1710 1600 1116 tt... 14... 79... 4... 4... 21... 4... 29... 14... 10... 20... 14... 1... St... 18.., AND 11 it 9 22 At. 1260 1292 1234 1151 1164 1138 1124 P !3t 1332 1343 12H9 1419 1411 1426 1414 1460 1368 1361 1000 171 961 1132 1308 1311 , 1301 1171 1110 1302 1111 COWS. 1081 COWS. .. 971 ..1293 ..13u0 1 80 t 10 1 15 2 15 t 25 I 25 t 60 1 60 I 60 t 10 I If 1 90 I 16 t 15 1 16 1 86 t 40 I 60 I 59 t 40 1 75 I 75 HEIFERS. 11. I. ., I.. 1.. 5.. 1.. 1.. I. . II. . 1.. 1.. 1.. I.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 . II. . 6.. If.. 1.. ... ttl 1040 934 1300 864 , 1310 1000 1235 1060 13K0 1370 600 10OO 960 960 730 IOoO 1001 1140 104 1110 Pr. 4 94 4 90 4 90 4 94 4 95 4 95 f 00 I 00 5 00 6 00 6 10 t 10 5 16 4 16 6 16 t 10 6 10 6 25 5 80 3 90 4 40 4 44 4 60 .4 90 4 95 4 95 I 10 t 10 B 10 t 16 4 10 4 14 4 90 i 10 I II I 85 3 85 lit 1 90 I 90 4 00 4 00 4 It 4 16 4 90 t 61 1 65 I 00 I It 1 60 t 26 I ii I 15 t 95 4 24 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hows Weak to Ten Cents Lower Sheep Strong. CHICAGO. June 30. CATTLE Receipts, 6,000 head, Including 600 Texans; market steady; good to prime steers, S6.25((i6.2a; poor to medium. 83.i6xja.oo: stoegers ana teeners, $2.40&4.40; cows, $2.5("54.60; canners, $1.403 2.30: bulls. S2.2o&4.io: heifers. K-bWiH-lb: Texas fed steers, $3.60iij'4.75; calves, $3.50 6.26. HOOS Receipts. 26.000 head: estimated tomorrow. 18,000; market weak to 10c lower; mixed and butchers. $5.25u5.50: good to choice heavy. $5.4i'ij5.52Vi; rough heavy, S4.W 4i5.20; light, iD.2ixuo.4ift; UU'K 01 saies, o.so Cn 4R SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; sheep strong; lambs 10c higher; good to choice wethers, $5.0ix&6.50; fair to choice mlxea, 4..'fi'!j4.io; western sneep, h.iduj.w, native lambs, including springs, $5.bOia8-eo; western lambs, J6.OOin3.85. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 80. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,uu0 head, including 3,000 southerns. AiarKCW lor aouilieuis Birau; lu ,11'JUh, others steady: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.00(u. i5; fair to goou, hzii!j HO: western fed steers. 14.OOdib.2a: stockers and feeders, $2.754.50; southern steers, $2.75 44.75 southern cows. w zwuJ w; native cows. 2.2u0j4&o; native lienors, td.Dwyo.uu; ouns, .2i)4ib.i6: calves. 3.tHu6.zo. HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head. Market 5C lower: too. So.4o: bulk. $5.82Wu5.37ta; heavy. $5.3vi5.35; packers, $6.3Vi06.87ft; pigs and ltiilits. IS.2M16 30. SHEEP AINU L.AIHMS KeceiptS, Z.DUU head. Market 10c higher; native Iambi 6.6mi7.26: western lambs, Jo.iiyu7.CO: fed ewes and yearlings, $4.85(1)5.60; Texas clipped earnngs. x4.ioi6.bu: iexas cupiea sneep. $4.3oiji4.b; stockers ana teeuers, tx.ougj.tio. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 80. CATTLE Receipts, 2,51.0 head, Including 2, loo Texans. Market for natives steady, lexans weak; native shipping and export steers, lllfr'ub.ib: dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.25iUo.30; steers undet 1.0J lbs., $3.2o44.io; stockers .. .4 10 M,ll,l' .......a, an,, l,,.O.r. .IIU ,1. ,1,1 D, .'.MII ' V, IV.nO Bill, 11. lit, a, 2.0O(ii6.O0; canners, $l.aOii2.10; bulls, $2.40djl 3.00; calves, $4.00(06.00; lexas and Indian steers, J2.5u.u4. 75; cows and heifers, llowu-1 8.50. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head. Market was lower: nigs and lights. J4.WKii5.36: nackers. $4.256.40; butchers and bast heavy, Jo.35'01 6.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.600 head. Market steady; native muttons, Jt.iX) ttio.w: lambs, jo.2i4i ' ; culls and bucks. 2.75ft4.50; stockers, $:.5ora3.8o; Texans, $3.76 4i4.io. Metal Market. NEW TORJC. Juno 30. METALS The) London tin market was easy all day and closed at 139 5s for spot and at 138 2a 6d for futures, while locally the market was easy. In sympathy with London, with spot quoted at iw.4iit;o.82V. copper was some what Irregular abroad, being unchanged at 65 17s 6d for spot In the London market. while futures were Higher at ibo iss 9a, Locally copper remained as recently re ported, with lake and electrolytic qtto'ed -ut $15 and casting at $14.75. Lead closed at 13 8s 9d in Ixindon. an advance of about Is 3d for the day, while the local market Is firm but unchanged at $4.5iB4.60. though the Inside price Is perhaps a trill under the goneral market. Spelter was lower In London, closing at 23 Ins for spot, hut the local market, while easy, was unchanged at $5.30. Iron closed at 49s 4d In Glasgow and at 45s 44d in Middlesbnrnugn. icauy Iron was easy, with No, 1 northern foundry quoted at $16.2&7 16.60, No. 2 northern foundry at 16.0tifj 16.00. ST. LiUUis, June no. m r; 1 a 1x5 ijeau. firm, $4.474. Spelter, quiet. $6.074. Bee Want Boosters. Ads Are the Best Buslnses t 5 t 85 I 00 t 70 I 90 4 24 4 35 14. 11.!! 171 130 161 160 STOCKERS 1 730 t 40 1)0 I 00 97... 1 461 I ta) I... 176 t 46 I... 1 tW) I 60 I... 1 171 1 W I... HOOS There was a steady advance noted In hog prices from Wednesday of last week. the 21st, till Wednesday of this week, when BULI.8. Its 1... 1 16 4.... I 59 1.... 160 L... t 50 1... 8TAOS. I It CALVES 4 10 1..., loo 1..., ttl 1... I tt 1... AND 1 , lot , 930 942 . 596 . 669 . 710 ...1460 ...1225 ...1720 ...lllj ...1490 4 40 4 60 4 00 1 60 I ii 4 04 t 50 I 76 I 90 I 90 4 90 I IS I 60 I 00 4 14 ISO 170 160 110 FEEDEKJ. 420 I 41 Ml I 71 at I 74 1(1 1 15 631 I ao 1011 10 Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, June 30. CATTLE Ro- ..n , tK h,.,i , I Marb.l a ..... I . . . . J8.7ud.60; cows and heifers, ti.mu stockers and feeders, $2. i5fg4.50. HOGS Receipts. 8.T.9 head. Market was weak to 5o lower: light. J6.32V4u5.87V: me. diuin and heavy, JoiVu6 35; bulk, $5.30 6 36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.501 head. Market strong; Idaho spring lambs, $;.b0; Ausona yearling weathers, o.2E. Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITIT. Ia.. Juno 30 (Sneclal Tele. frum.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head. Mar et easy; stockers steady; beeves, tt.oig) 5 25; cows and heifers, $2.75fi4.60; stockers ana feeders, 43.oua4.oo; calves and year lings, ajiirniiaso. HUGS Receipts, 8,200 head. Market 6 10c lower, selling at J6.loy5.2o; bulk of sales, (b. 12V REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed fur record June 30, 1906, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee ana Trust company, Donned abstracter, 16x4 Farnam street, for The Bee: Harry Hopkins el ul to J. Pelllcan, part ot sublul 6, in taxiot 7, in sou. 27-16-13 $ S.000 Benson Land company to Mary B. 11 ungate, lots 6 and 19, blocg ia, Benson 80O P. Timm and wife to C. Neve, part of lots 1 and 2, Haskall's subdlv.. 600 E. M. Slater 10 Emily P. Hood, part of lot 87. Burr Oak 8U Hulda E. Thompson and husband to H. Btelner, part of lots ana 4, block 1. Reed s 1st S&O C. A. Trimble, executor, to W. R. Paul, part of lot 36, Redlck's 2d .... 1 W. R. 1'aul et al to W. F. Zabel, same property !, Inei A. Edwards et al to C. M. Har ris, part of lot 8, Clock is, to. v. Smith's X.250 J. M. Hlatt to Dundee Realty com pany, blocks 61 to 84, ana other property in Dundee Place C. C. George to M. H. Haver, lot 26, block 2, Stevens' Place I4WI F. R. Brookwater and wife to Mar tha G. Haver, lot 24, block i, Stevens Place sis P. E. Her to Omaha Electric Light company, suhlot 10, government lot 3, In sec. 23-16-13 12,000 M. A. Hall, trustee, to the 8. D. Mer cer company, lot 3, block z, west Cuming add Mary J. Ryan to M. A. Hall, trustee, same property O. Story et al to M A. Hall, trustee, lot 6, block 12, Walnut Hill ta M. A. Hall, trustee, to S. D. Mercer company, same property o Mary A. Hall, trustee, to B. D. Mer cer company, lots w to , oiota a. Walnut Hill I J. C. Cowln and wife to same, lots 11 and 12. block 2, Walnut Hill I J. A. McHhane, guardian to Mary A. Hall, trustee, lots is to 2.-, uiuck a, Wulnut Hill 10O Pauline Croft and husband to AV. J. Klerstead, part 01 taxiot is, in sec, 3-15-13 J. Newman and wife to Flora prince, part of lots 12 ana id, oiock o, Boggs & Hill's 10 Annie M. Lewis to E. M. Earle. part of lot 1. block 1, Patrick's add 1,000 W. F. Flemmlng and wife to R. H. Flemmlng, undlv. Vt or part 01 suDiot 1. In lot 2, In sec. B-lb-io ftock in tight Receipts of live stock at the six principal western margeia yesterday: cattle, iioks South Omaha Stimx City ... Kansas City St. Joseph .., St. Louis .... Chicago Totals .... 1,954 600 4,0iO 815 2.5O0 6.O0O ' 13,691 8.2O0 S.OiO 8,779 8.a 26.000 Sheen. 6028 3.500 6.&0I .8,000 Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated t Haft! Office: FlOh aad Robert Strit ST. PAUL. filiVN. .15,309 73,570 26,029 toffee Market. NEW YORK. June 30. COFFEE The market for coffee futures openud steady at good prhes following steady European cables. There) was no partioular bows ow- CfALftRSIN Stocks, Grain, provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Urn nek Ofllca, 310-111 ttoartl of Traoty IHdaT, Omaha, Uea. Teleabaaa S3 14. 212-214 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. Btli 'Plions ii. ... lfldsvaudsnt 'tVUuti IV