10 TITE OMATIA' DAILY DEE: TIIURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1005. Fac-Simile Declaration o( Indepen dene Frea mmmms Declaration of Indepen dence With Purchase Brandeis Millinery THE STYLE LEADERS FOR EACH SEASON IN MILLINERY SHOWN FIR.ST AT BRANDEIS All the beautiful, elaborate pattern hata from Mllo. Derin, 20 W. 39th Street, New York, go on sale Thursday at S2.50. These atuoninsr late summer models include dress and evening hats, embroidery hats, polo turbans, etc., etc. now on display in our window, regular 13 and tlU values at White Duck Hats The prettlpst tints of summer, cool white duck, simply but Jauntily trim- mod, dpw sailor uluipes, for Btreot, outing wear, etc., at .. M 49c-98c-1.98 New Lot of Pretty Trimmed and Street Hats at $1.98 GREAT RIBBON SALE Thousands of yards of plain and fancy all silk ribbons up to 9 inches wide many blacks and whites great bar- pain square on main floor, worth up to 75c yard, at, j-ard 19c-25c Wash and Trimming Laces AH widths of laces and Inset-tings in pretty new patterns all kinds new and tresn worm as nign as 20c a yard. at, yard . Wash Summer Suits popular Wash Suits, new dotted lawns and percales, ai colors ana dots, pirated lawns and percales, embroidered fronts, worth up to $2.60 intvim aim 1.25 White Coat Suits New Box Coats, trimmed collars and coffs. belted backs, pleated skirts, also frock ar.d frill suits at ra ana cans, 4.98 Smart Tub Suits Neat linens, linen lawns, new dotted fab rics, made witti fancy skirts ana pieaiea waists worth up to $7 and IS, go at 2.98-3.98 Tailored Skirts Mohairs, Panamas and all the other new wool materials, made In most fashionable man. ner, at 3.50-4.98 Ladies' New Cravenette and Traveling Coats 8.98 The Ideal coat for travel perfect protection against rain belted backs, 1'eggy pockets new shades at 1 Enormous Cut Price Millinery Sale. Pattern Mats elow Cost BEAUTIFUL DRESS HATS worth $10 and $12.50, Thursday at.... iS5n0 Buy Millinery Now. 1508 Douglas Street. A Word to the Women Don't let your feet worry you this warm weather. Nothing is so cool and comfortable on your feet as a pair of our tun oxford ties. Made of Russia calf and dark Col ored kid leathers welt and turn soles. Just what you want for your vacation wear. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. Omaha's lp-to.nu She Hour, ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. Pi P ama Shoes forMen are as dressy looking, comfortable fitting, long wearing as any shoe made, no matter what the price. They have the style, the stock and the workmanship of $5.00 and $4.00 footwear, but are sold "Maker to Wearer" at $3.50 $2.50 Mall orders filled. Send for style book 11. and measurement blank. iRmentShce'i '207d.l5St.i M hit' WEATHER 15) 1C M B r -T . OHMBl It 1 MM i! nBDatr i I i The Fourth of July comes but once a year and every body should celebrate. Send Us Your Order for Wines and Liquors at0nce MILLER LIQUOR CO, 1309 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. "IF IT COMES FROM KILLER'S IT MUST BE GOOD." tfflfardlySsL "-"THE 09 CENT STORE! r 1513DodgeStn HURRAH FOR THE 4TH FIRE WORKS FLAGS LANTERNS The largest stock In the city. The lowest possible prices. Special assortments at $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 and up. T.i M& Mi LEAVE YOUR. WATCH with us whits on your vacation, and let us put uruer lur yuu. u. fu you a iew England or gersoll watch and If anything happens to It while it won i amount to very mucn. Yours wll be al ready lor you when you come back. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 161$ Dougla Street Ttifl OPPORTUNITY Of TODAY The opportunity for the man with little means la probably better today 111 the prairie states of the Southwest thou ever before in the history of the nation To be sure, there la not the vaat open choice of land for the home steads that existed In the '70s The lands then taken up under Govern ment laws are now prosperous farms and ranches There Is need of mora bands to develop the country. In the Southwest, Indian Territory, Okla homa and Texas, are vast areas of un improved land not yet producing the orups of which It Is capable Prao tlcally the same thing Is true of the towns Few lines of business are adequately repreaenled Titer are openings of all sorts for wideawake men Are you oneT If you are Interested, tell us what you want, how much you have to In vest, and we will gladly furnish the information, write tor a copy of our paper. "The Coming Country. Its free. Address George Morton, CP. & T.4. mi 11. St. Lsslt, Ma. Every Woman u inwMwa ana moaia idow About ue wonawTiu MARVEL Whirling Spray ie MV Taajlul Brtaaf. JC turn mud Suction. Uest Bat eit-Noit rorTal0Dt. It In J r in- y N. away 4 1 BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS FORECAST Thursday Fair and Warmer, ll O 1. Hi .11 2.00 49c . Green Trading Stamp Booth Main Floor THE FOURTH! THE FOURTH!! Holding tha Laad, Wa Malta Thla Early Announcement That BENNETT'S GREAT STORE WILL CLOSE ALL DAY ON TUESDAY, THE FOURTH. Store will close down Monday evening at six o'clock, as usual, and will not open 'til 7:45 A. M., Wednesday. Thursday 'mong the Millmery. An Unconscionable Cut ii Prices. A BIO CLOSING OUT SALE OF JUNE HATS. ALL EARLY SUMMER HATS THAT WE PRICED FOR SALE UP TO $10 MUST FIND WEARERS BEFORE LEAFY JUNE GOES OUT TUESDAY WE MAKE A SPECIAL DRIVE AT Several tables of them strictly clean, new, fresh, early summer hats for pick und choice. MIDSUMMEK NOVELTIES. LATEST CREATION'S IX SEASONABLE FABRICS, EMBROIDERED MAD CAI'S. SAl'CY "TOMMY ATKINS," FHEXCII SAILORS IX DUCK AND PIQUE, ALL DAIXT1LY TRIMMED, ALL IN THE HEIGHT OF THE SEASON'S FASHIONS UP FROM Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Weiblc m Charge. Misses and Children's Rain Coats Grev mixtures, velvet collar, double capes, full cuff, ages 8 to Afi 18 years; regular price $2.60, Thursday's sale a.(J LADIES' RAIN COATS Grey mixtures, deep cape, belt, bishop sleeve; we guar antee this cont absolutely rain proof, A Thursday's sale u LADIES' WHITE LINEN BOX COAT Pleated back and front. This linen coat was ordered to sell at $5.00, but as It has come to us late 2 05 we will put In on sale Thursday at " LADIES' DOMESTIC VOILE SKIRT 9 gores and tucks, piped O QK seams, black or navy, MARKED DOWN FROM $4.95 to ..JJ LADIES' WASH DRESSES Fine lawn, In black and blue, with white dots, tucked waist, very full skirt, QE MARKED DOWN FROM 14.96 to CF.cJ LADIES' WHITE AND FANCY WASH SUITS We will make a special display of Wash Suits on our bargain circle Thursday; O QR values will be up to $7.60. ALL AT t.J- Ladies' Vests Fine Richelieu ribbed, low neck, no sleeves, Torchon trimming, ISt? regular 25c values, Special Thursday, each ,uw Ladies' Drawers Swiss ribbed Umbrella Knee Drawers, with Torchon trimming, 2.TC regular 40c values, special Thursday, each Special Sale of Ladies' Hose LACE LISLE, PLAIN GAUZE LISLE, EMBROIDERED LISLE, In plain and fancv colors, worth up to $1.00 pair, A.fir' SPECIAL THURSDAY, PAIR OW ' . Thursday Sale of Ladies' Neckwear Ladies' ' Fine Linen Stocks, with pique collar, In whites and cojors, and a pretty lot of dainty mesh lace trimmed and pleated Mull Collars, ROc worth 75c and $1.00 each, Thursday, each uvt Sale of White Wash Lace Veils Fine White and Cream Leer Lace Veils, heavy trimmed edges, warranted wash able, ppecial Thursday, each, $1.00, 75c, ftSc 60c and All-over Embroideries for Waists, worth 60c and 75c yard, 3Qc Thursday, yard Fine All-over Laces In Whites, Creams and Ecrus, worth up to SOc $1.60 yard, special Thursday, yard w Wash Goods Very Cheap Thursday Fine White and Black India Llnons, worth 16c yard, 10c Thursday, yard v Organdies, Voiles and Panamas in llgru ana aarn snaaes, c worth 16c yard, Thursday, yard Fine Floral and Coin Dot Batistea and Knlcker Suitings, worth to tf)c 25c yard, Thursday, yard ,vw Anderson's Best Scotch Ginghams, worth 26c yard, 12C Thursday, yard Thursday in the Crockery u w jjo in 25c If U rnnnultupply the MitKIKL. k.Hut no olttrr. but tend utiiii far tlliittntiisl tMmlc-.W It fflTAS full inicularii and hTwtinriA In. lubl lc. ImOih. MIHI ICI, I O,, K. Itttd ST., luHk, ECHAEKER's lHU(i bToKEfj 16th an Chicago sis.; Bo. Oiaana. 24tb and N at.j Council biuRs. 6th and Main Ms. KUUN 4 CO.. Utu and bouglaa alraata. . f ititit 'r. Btff Mt M HrUMM. 171' tvst CbMti Ca, MEN AND WOMERt Cm Bl ( aaadsral alMktrtas.iatuiaiaUoM, IrrlUkllsn 9t aJtslioai of Baeeat bm FtiilM, d set Hlrla. f ! or auiMisous. aM m or mi la ) rtpt, f tlpr. yraasiS. fat SI SS. m t 7. CutaUf smi oa aas SPECIAL SALE OF SALADS, CAKE PLATES. JUGS AND BOWLS-In the new cherry decoration, the very latest and all exceedingly pretty and oeiiaoi rttcn TX-n iH,.0 Green Trading Stamps. THE NEV BIRD JUGS Red Birds. Robins. Blue Birds. Canaries, Ori oles. Kentucky Cardinals, Thrushes, Woodpeckers. Kingfishers, , w A I T ...... a ivieaaow imi iv. Blackbirds and all kinds of birds on pretty Jugs 4 kxceedTnolt PRETTY LINE. 25c DINNER SETS. New, 1"0 pieces, In white and gold on new shapfS full set Two hundred "(OoM)" Green Trading Stamps. 6ECOND FLoOR. 8.75 WANTED Every Omaha Schoolboy and Schoolgirl To act as schoolboy salesmen and schoolgirl sales women. Extrs Green Trad ing Stamps as an lnduorment to the customer and good commission to younK hustlers. Apply Advertising pfpt . Srd Floor. Wall Paper 28 Per Cent Discount on Thursday, F''" day and Satur day. Bargains In Remnants, at Per Roll, 3c, 2c. Ic Bennett's Big Grocery Watch for Great Sale ot Men's Shirts Saturday IlllMY UOVIS TMSl NBLIABLR ITOIK. See Shirts on Sale Saturday Displayed in i6th St. Window h i is K i t 3 Semiannual Clearing Sale Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments 37.50 our flouring sale at. 2.95 75 Sicilian Shirt Waist Suits, in black. brown and blue, that sold at $7 Fn and JH'.mi. Clearing Sale Price 5P0 Wash Shirt Wnlst Suits. In almost un limited vnrlety of stvle and fabric, well worth double our clearing 4 tl sale prices, $4.95, $2.95, $1.98 and 75 CRAVENETTE COATS that sold nt $1.50. $15.00 and $18.oo, go at, T en i l learlng Sale lYioe . 50 Crnvonotte Coats that sold at ISfi.nn, $.T5.no and $40.00. ko at. tsi Clearing Sale Price IO.UU AUiiKiiidN PLEATED SKIRTS. In crrnm, green, black, blue, brown and tan, that sold nt t5.9,". n () Clearing Sale lilie .dm.tO $4.ro Accordion Pleated Skirts at 2.39 M TOMEX'8 WHITE WASH SKIRTS, witn 6 rows of embroidery and O CA 2 pleats, Clearing Sale I'rice ' OU Th atoi'U ninsit hr pivntlv rrdllfftl In the flM fow ilnvs mill to nicoinpllsli this end tiulckly wc offt'f stylish sonsoimlilp mrintMits AT HALF PRICE AND LESS. Sco thpnf ninciiltli-fnt tmralns lhursuny. "3 ELECANT COSTUMES All iiiivirtol niodon. In; pllk nml wool gnrnionts thnt sold at tT.H nnd $110.io, Clonrlng s.tlo piifp HANDSOME WOOL SUITS In Mack and folora, mostly Etnmint's nnd Sirllliuis, that sold at $1.).(K), $1X.:h Hiid $.").00, t-holce of 211 stylish garments, J Q C nt clearing sale price J O $20.00 and $2.",00 SILK SHIRT AVAIST SUITS, all new Btyles. nml an Immense VHiicty of colors and weaves; choice of l'.H) gnrmeuts In 1 V ills FREE. FREE. To every purcliaspr of one of our $iV."jO Voile Skirts Thursdnv we will Klve free of charge a Silk Underskirt worth $5.00. Don't miss it. WOMEN'S WHITE SKIRTS In newest stvles, trimmed with stitch bands and buttons, $3.50 values, 1 At CUnrlng Sule I'rice 1. $2.50 Waists, Q5C $:i.i wiiVsts,' H t FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. Children's Glnghnm Dnsscs In cadet nnd Russlnn blouse styles, at, choice FROM 9 TILL It) A. M. Dressing Sucqurs and Klmonas, flRr? at FROM 8:80 TILL 9 80 A. M. Women's Wnlsts, worth up to $1.00, 20C Great snap for this hour at FROM 9:30 TILL 10:30. Long Klmonas, 690 35c Embroidered Shirt Waist Sets 5c Thursday morning we place on sale 2.500 Embroidered Shirt Waist Sets In ten different designs worth 26c and 30c at, choice Thursday 5c A great snap for trimming your white or funcy waist. Don't miss It 19c Imported Pique 7k Thursday we place on sale fifty pieces of imported White Pique which In a regular way would sell for l'.'c yard ns long as It lusts per ynrd Hayden's Grocery Prices Discount All Competition 7c 18 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 -in. oacKS nest fancy High Patent Min nesota Flour $i.4,s 6 lbs. Best Hand Picked Navv Beans.... 19c 5 lbs. Best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barlev or Farina " ;)u 7 lbs. Best Bulk Oatmeal !ifl0 6 lbs. Best Bulk Laundry Starch 19c 1- lb. Cans Eagle Lye 7i,c Sapollo, per bur .5(1 Pearllne, package 2o The best i Crackers, per lb. . . .'.'.!(ic The bout k p Glngersnapn, per lb 4Vfce 2- lb. package Nudsvene Oatmeal 5c Xcelo, Malta Vita or Egg-O-See, per pkg yii(. Potted Ham. Devilled Ham or Potted Tongue, per ran 3uc Large bottles Pure Tomato Catsup".!!!.'7Via 1- lb. Jars Pure Fruit Preserves 7',io Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can 4o 2- lb. Cans Best Sweet StiKar Corn 6o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb 10c Young America Cheese, by the whole one, Per lb Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese, per lb.. loo Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o CAN YOUR PEACHES NOW. Fancy 4-hnsket crates Texas reaches.... 59o 1 Fancy, Juicy. Seedless Lemons, per doz.. !!(?' 3 Measures Peanuts Iikj Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per basket i'Sc English Walnuts, per 11) 10c Large baskets of Fancy California Apricots or Plums 30c HAYDEftS BR: Hurrah for the Fourth! We lead in prices and quality in Fire Works. Others try to follow, but we have the largest and most complete stock of Fire Works in the city, and all the famous Pain's and A. L. Due's Fire Works, which means the best makes. We handle no inferior grades Pain's and Due's Fire Works only, which we sell you for less money than anyone else can attempt to do. Here are a few prices others in proportion: ALWAYS IN THE LEAD WITH THE BEST AT THE LOWEST PRICES GRANULATED SUGAR EIGHTEEN POUNDS FOR SPECIAL. ...1.00 ZZr FBEMftlEITSr ' taMtaWwvai3 I tat aw ml tovtwsaw Ij 1 SIXTT ($6) GREEN TRADING 8TAMPS WITH TWO POUND CAN BENNETT'S BREAK- Afl. FA8T COFFEE OC FOR 1 Y ($4,001 GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH CAN DIAMOND "8" FRUITS Ofir FOR OC BAKED BEAN SPECIAL JUST THE THING FOR WARM WEATHER LUNCHES. ONE THOUSAND CANS UNCLE SAM'S BAKED BEANS. Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with 3-pound can Uncle Sam's Baked Beans. 10c, IOc. 10 c I j Colored Roman Candles, 6 balls 10c a dozen, each Colored Roman Candles, 8 balls 20c a dozen, each Colored Roman Candles, 10 ballB 30c a dozen, each Colored Roman Caudles, 12 balls 4c a dozen, each Colored Roman Cundles, IB balls 50c a dozen, each Colored Roman Candles, 20 balls 75c a dozen, eac h Colored Sky Rockets, 2 oa. 10c c a dozen, each ...2c ..3c ..4c 5c 10c lc 2c 3c 4c 5c ls.-...7ic COUPON GOOD FOR 5c THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 5c IN TRADE WITH EACH 5fc PURCHASE OF FIRE WORKS AT JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16tb St., Omaha BEE. lc each or 10c dozen. from, 5c each, 6 lur 2io, Colored Sky Rockets, 3 oz. 20c a dozen, eacn Colored Sky Rockets, 4 oz. 30c a dozen, each Colored Sky Rockets, 6 oz. 40o a dozen, each Colored Sky Rockets, 8 oz. 5uc a dozen, each Colored Sky Rockets, 1 lb. $1.0u a dozen each Exhibition Sky Rockets, 10c, 15c, 2fic, 40c and 60c. Penny Novelty Fire Works, 75 styles to siiict from, Five-cent Novelty Fire Works, lt styles to select 4Hc dozen. Ten-cent Novelty Fire Works, 60 styles to select from, 10c each, S for 2jQ, 9.-c a dozen. Tordedoe a, lc, 2c, Sc. 5c, 8c and 10c a box. Manderln Fire Crackt-rB, (real mandcrlni, 3c, 4c, 5c, 7c and 10c bunch. Baby Fire Crackers, 7t crackers In a bunch, 8c bunch. Baby Fire Crackers, 350 crackers In a hunch, 4c bunch. Case Fire Works for lawn displays, $2.5i, 3.M), $5.t). Let us show you A. L. Due's Flower Pots. Mines and Devil Among the Tailors, 6c, luc, 15c, 20c, 2oc, Six-, 4t)c, Title. We save you one-half on these. I'aper Balloons, 8c, 12c, 16c, 25c and 35c each. Canes In lU-d, White and Blue Striped, 4c and Rc each. Ammunition for Canes. 60 In a box, lc, 3c and 4c. box. Muslin Flafcs, 2c, 3c, 5c, 10c, 16c, 2&u and 50c dozen. BUY EARLY Remember we are showing the lnrgest stock of FIRE WORKS In tha city and ALL PAIN'S and DUE'S FIRE WORKS, which means the best you can buy. Give us a look before buying. w . Special attention to case Fire Works for lawn or public display. Iit ui ahow you what we can do for you for a little money. Goods are now on dis play In our show windows with prices. Remember W8 retull lire Works lea than wholesale prices. Special attention to mall and wholesale orders. Come aarly to avoid the rush. JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16th St., Omaha Pain's Fire Works received First Gold Medals at the World's Fair.- DR. BRADBURY 1606 FARNAfl DENTIST Teetb Ertract.. .25c ' Porcelaia Filling; $1 up Qeld Filling $1 up stiver riii.oga... eve up Crowai,.,, ...$3.30 up Vlmtm ilMnn c X 18 Veara Same Location 'Phone 1756. Bridge Work 9X50 p Nerve removed wltb out pain. Looae Teeth Made Solid. Work ruaxantaad 10 y -yr Teachers and Students Can make $.00 a day during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work digninea ana pieasani. vvrue particulars. :: :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY f ARMEIt OMAHA, NEBRASKA for Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cas ex. It in ned of one. don't buy be for. you aee us. Wa manufacture our own line, therefore wa know just exactly what each one Is nade of and Just bow It 1 made. They are all of the best naterlal and design. The workmanship cannot be eurpaased and or durability there are none better. Our price are low. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY. 1293 Farnam St Aak for QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO! l.fa MaBnaBBaaaBaw"Vaat a ssaajwBBkK a lajllaWI' 1 I I 1 ' m m J .la. 'W direct aa V r- - 'JL saorte4l I 0 i f BEST BECAUSE To3 .r. .01 wu tirT-. i