lu THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29. 1005. Fac simile Declara tion of Free PES ss s-o Declare tlon of Independ enca with 'Purchase Great Ribbon Sale 15,000 Yards of High Cost Rib bonsNew York Mfgr s Importers Surplus Stock and Sample Lines All filk ribbon in beautiful floral designs, Roman Btripe, ombre ribbon widths up to 9 inches fancy colors, also blacks, white and plain colors regularly worth as high as 75c yard on bargain square, at, yard. . lSc-25c 15c Hosiery at 5c Basement 5c Thousands of pairs of odd lots of hosiery for ladies, men and children, black and fancy, worth up to 15c pair, at THE POPULAR SUMMER FAD, TUB BELTS, AT 15c AND 25c New white and wash colored wash belts, many embroidered, oxydized, gold plated and silver buckles, C Cst just the thing for summer costumes, at. . . IJvl 0 HAMMOCKS Full size well made hammocks in the pretty new summer colors wide spreaders, deep QQ 25 1 98 O50 fringe a large assortment, at. . .rJmm, " A " Men's Blue Serge Suits 9.75 All wool blue serges are scarce in the market on account of the continual demand. Neverthe less a lucky stroke gives us 1,000 more suits of very high grade single and d o u b le breasted two and three piece wide lapels, quarter lined, half lined, etc. a serge suit that is worth every cent of $15.00, at ' MS- a Kir JonAMnri I 1 USmmZ 9.75 Outing: Pants Ilalf peg top new pat ternshigh grade French flan- 'I AO nel, worth $4.00, at tVO ROCK ISLAND EXCURSIONS $45.00 $50.00 $30.50 $17.50 $15.00 0KE FARE PLUS S2 0SE FARE PIUS 50c $20.00 $21.00 $25.25 $34.10 $32.25 $26.75 rortland, Tacoma, Seattle and return. On sale dally. California and return via Portland in one direction. On sale certain dates June, July, August, September. Salt Lake City and return. On sale daily. Colorado and return. On sale dally. , . . Colorado and return. On sale June 30th to July 4th. Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas. Mexico, New Mexico and Western Kansas and return. On sale 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. To all points on Rock Island System, regardless of distance. On sale July 1, 2, 3, 4. Chicago and return. On Bale dally. Detroit, Mich., and return. On sale August 13 and 14. Pittsburg, Pa., and return. On sale August 17 and IS. Asbury Park, N. J., and return. On sale June 28, 29. 30, July 1st. Baltimore, Md., and return. On sale July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Buffalo, N. Y., and return. On sale July 7th, 8th and Otb. Above Rates Apply From Omaha. For descriptive matter, maps and other Infor mation call or write F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 Firnam St., Omaha. DR. BRADBURY 1806 FARNAfl Tscth Extracted.... J8c Porcelain Fillings $1 up Gold Filling $1 up Silver Fillings... 8fc up Crown...... .$2.50 up PUtM $3.00 up DENTIST r s 13 Yssrs Same Location 'Pbooo 1756. ' Bridge Work $3.80 up Nerves) removed with out pain. Loose Teeth Made Solid. Work runatMd U years, Our Oxford Tani Are as pleasing to ourselves as to our customers. They certainly are beauties. Every style Imaginable and every leather manufactured. Nothing so popular for this set.son. $2.50-$3-$3.50 See display in windows. FRY SHOE CO t61h and Douglas Sts. Wedding Gifts Don't decide till you've called at our store. We show the richest, rarest stock of cut glass In the city; In all that's new we have. Or should you decide on some thins In sterling silver we know we can please you at any rate if you'll give us your time we'll take pleasure In showing you an ele gant stock. Brown & Borsheim, Jewelers. - 22S-222 S. 16th St SATISFYING DENTISTRY Dental work that you can pay for with a feeling that you are getting your money's worth. That's our kind. Satisfying to you and to us. The Taft system of Bridgework is just what you want. $5.00 per tooth. We speak German. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS, 1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB, I DIAMONDS One wears them principally for their own edification and should not be censured for it, as It Is only natural to wish to be the possessor of any thing beautiful. Do you understand the feelings of one wearing their first diamond? You can imagine what they are when you stop to think that one knows that should necessity ever arise whereby ready cash Is required at once nine-tenths of amount paid us will he paid back If returned within one year from date of purchase. Prac tically the same as money In the bank besdes the pleasure of wearing it. I215& DODGE. 2 It is cool to-da in Colorado BEWARE OF POISONOUS BLEACHES Use DERM ALINE (medicated) 8KIN SOAP for a soft and beautiful complexion. Antiseptic and non lrrltatlng. 25 cents. Bold by HOWELL DRUO CO. 16th and Capitol Avenue. Block Signals All the Way Ask Geo. C. Cham bers, Pass. Aft.. Equitable Blag., Dm Moines, la., for "A Colorado Bummer" book. Why not take your Sr-imer Outing in Colorado Rockies? The Santa Fe is arranging some lowvrate excursions to Denver. Go on the Colorado Flyer, the train that's as fine at the Limited 1 mmrtr TOP I BEE WAIST PRODUCE RESULTS Makes the little supper complete. Order a case. JETTER BREWING GO. Mid Omaha. 'hsns t. Omaha Headquarters HUOO K. R1LZ, 14th Douglas. Tel. IMS. Co. Bluffs Headquarters LEE MITCHELL. 1011 Main Street. Tel. 80. READ THE BEST NEWSPAPER. ! Reealarlr fe The Bee OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wednesday Fair aad Warmer. j 10) I? MN WW r1 r SF 8 V. I V Is U vs- H Green Trading Stamp BoothMain Floor Wednesday Red Letter Day TEN GREEN TRADING STAMPS TO EVERY GREEN TRADING STAMP BOOK PRESENTED. Collectors must bring their books, It Is the only yriy to set RED LETTER STAMPS (no books, no stamps). Free books with extra stamps to New Collectors. PRBMIUfl PARLOR-BALCONY. Sinclair Millinery, Sinclair Millinery, Sinclair Millinery A Mid-Summer Polo Sale. LINGER IK rOLOR-TUSCAN rOLOS-CHIP FOI.OR MILAN rOL-OS RUSSIAN POLOS and the snucy "Tommy Atkins." nil d?wn to-the-minute, folded and twisted Into clever tailor efforts and charmingly trimmed. Rome have real pljreon wings harmonizing with body of hat. Every one is an exclusive Sinclair Idea, NO TWO ALIKE, each with an individuality as distinct and striking as one's countenance. ONE DOLLAR NINETY-EIGHT CENTS VV TO FIVE DOLLARS A POLO IS A PROPER HAT FOR MID SUMMER. PICNIC AND OUTING HATS. A nobby line of ducks, piques and hats In every washable fabric, up from VEILS! VEILS! FOR AUTOMOBILE, DRIVING AND OUT ING, 1 1-2 yards in length, up from VISIT THE GREAT WESTERN MILLINERY, MRS. SINCLAIR CHARGE. 49c 49 c IN Red-Letter Day in Dry Goods Green Trading Stamps Sensations will be the ruling- attractions Wednesday. Double Green Trndlng- Btamps with every Wash Suit, Silk Suit, Wool Suit or coHtume sold Wednesday. Double Green Trading; Stamps with every 26c article on the bargain circle In the Woman's and Children's Ready-to-wear department, sold on Red Letter day. Double Green Trading Btamps on all Short and Long Klmonas and Backs sold Wednesday. Red Letter Day. Double Green Trading Stamps on every Ladles' Silk or Wash Waist sold Wednesday, Red Letter Day. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Children's Dresses and Boys' Blouses and Negligee Waists sold Wednesday, Red Letter Day. RED LETTER DAY SAI.K OF BELTS. Fine Duck and Linen Wash Belts in Plain and Fancy Embroidered. Leather Belts, with or without back buckles. Mercerized Girdle effects In all colors, values In this lot worth up to 60c, OSr Sale price, each And Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE AT lOo. Balbrlggan and Ribbed Hose In fast black only, regular 15c. 10c Sale price, per pair Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday. SALE OP LADIES' IMOX 81 ITS. Fine French Lisle Ribbed I'nlon Suits, torchon trimmed, regular 50c value, 4 Oil Sale price, 3 for i.VJV Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday. low neck, no sleeves, umbrella knee. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Parasols sold Wednesday, Red Letter Day. , RED-LETTER DAY SALE OF LACES. Fine French and German Valenclenes edgings In real lace effects, with Insertion to match. In black and white, regular value worth up to 12Hc, 2JtC Sale price, 5c and '"" SALE OF FINIC1 "VEILINGS WITH EXTRA GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Fine Mesh Vellmtfs In plain and dotted effects, in all colors, ISc worth up to BOe. yd. Special, only, per yard -w And Ten . Green Trading Btamps, I SALE OF EMBROIDERED W AIST PATTERNS. Double Green Trading Stamps on all our embroidered fine Swiss Waist Patterns that are worth from $1.50 to $3.00 each. Special price, Red Letter Day. each, $1.48, $1.19 and -ow LOO COLORED DRESS GOODS AT KOe YARD. 2,500 Yards of Plain and Fancy Panamas, Fancy and Plain Mohairs, Voiles and Sicilians, new checks In black, brown, green and blues. Pin Head Checks with embroidered dots, Cream Mohair, with pretty cream figures, all new designs, worth up to $1.00 yard, SDr1 Red Letter Day (Wednesday) yd JWW GREAT SILK BARGAIN FOR WEDNESDAY. We have just purchased from the Great Silk Cleaning House of Samuel Elsman & Col, New York, 6,000 yards o f Silk Waist Silk Suits at less than Vk the manufacturer's cost; this big purchase comprises all this season's popular weaves and color combinations, positively worth up 40c to $1.25 yd., all go Wednesday at, yard w RED-LETTER DAY BARGAINS IN DOMESTICS. 12-Inch Matts and Doylies In Embroidered Swiss work, worth 25c each. Wednesday, each Five (60c) u T. B. 5c 80 dozen Linen Towels, all with fancy white borders extra heavy, ic large slie, worth 60c, Wednesday Ten ($1.00) G. T. 8 u"w 59c 72x90 and 81x90 Sheets of very fine seamless sheeting. worth 6e. Wednesday And Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with each. BIG WASH GOODS SALE. 200 Pieces Fancy White Goods ani New White Ground Shirt Waist Suiting, with neat-colored figures, very new, 12iC worth 19c yard, only, yd Red-Letter Day Clothing Section 4.44 W0SS Men's Blue Serge Suits. 6 WORTH OD $12.50 Men's Blue Serge Suits. 'OKTII Lo.00 Men's Blue Serge Suits. 8.88 i! 11.11 WORTH $20.00 Men's Blue Serge Suits. . Double Green Trading Stamps on all Suits. Mens, Young Men s, Boys' and Children's Suits. Here's Your Chance to fill your hook. Choice of any Child's Suit 2i to 16, sold up to Z Q C 7.50, at J J J and One Hundred ($10) Green Trading Stamps. 3 to 5 Only Bargain Squares, Chllds' Suits, worth up to Q C 5.93, at JJ and Two Hundred aad Fifty (125) Green Trad ing Stamps. Men's and Young Men's Dutches Trousers, 10c a button, ll.(0 a rip. Double Green Trading Stamps. Choice of Outing Coats and Trousers, worth up to $16.50 one price 8.88 TROUSERS. Blue Serge and fancy Worsteds, worth $6.00 now. Blue Serge and fancy Worsteds, worth $5.00 now Cashmeres, Cheviots and Worsteds, worth $4.00-now 4.00 3.00 2.00 Young Men's and Boys' Outing Coats and Trous ers, worth up to $6.50, at 3.49 Double Green Trading Stamps on all Straw Hat a Shirts sold up to $1.00, at And Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. 50c Double Green Trading Sttvmps on Everything Except Specials in Grocery, Bakery. Butter a.nd Pro visiona Sections. Extraordinary Green Trading Stamp Sensations. (WEDNESDAY), at. 6a and Bat FREE with each Knee Pants Suit THB RELIABLE ITORR. Ball and Bat FREE with each Knee Pants Snit Your Boys' CLOTHING jhould be ss rarefulty selected as your own. The quality of fsbrta and workmanship munt be In them to secure satisfactory wear. OVli GKEAT 8AI.E OP HOYS' CLOTHING WEDNESDAY of fers to the buyer a wonderful monev-snvlnr opportunity. Pome early. $.50 to $7.60 YOfTHS' a)SO TANT8 81' ITS. $3 60 AND $5 00. In slnsle and double breasted styles, medium or light Rfl.lil shades, splendid bargains "rt cdnesday at t. .M J"PJ 3.0 AND $4 00 KNEE TANTS SIITS. AT $1.9S AND $2.60. Double breasted sailor blouse, Norfolk and three-plecs styles, all the most'' desirable colors and fabrics, of quality never surpassed Q-" Sf under any conditions at the price I. VJ",.OVf 75C AND $1.00 BOYS' KNEE FANT8, AT 50C. A splendid line of knee pants. In all shades and colors Er) I plain and fancy mixtures great bargain Wednesday ana rt Hoys Special Wedr 20 and 3fio Boys' Wash Knee rants, in ages 3 to 8 flalr nesaay at -' I Rugs and Linoleum Remnants. Twenty-nv 9x12 Kashmlner Rugs In up-to-date patterns, worth $1J SS KLI) L.1HTT1!;K DAT .8.98 A few room sice and smaller remnants of surface Linoleums, worth 'in 60c and 66c a square yard, at., ""v CTRTAIM DEPARTMENT. One and two yard remnants of striped Curtain Swiss, to v-ae. ' at each 12c and.... UC 8EB OUR LINE OF PORCH FURNI TURE THIRD FLOOR. Main Wash Goods Dept. High Grade Special sale oh 0c high grade printed silk organdies fX most beautiful floral designs one day only OC3 Special sale on plain silk organdies, Jacquard designs, worth 60c ysrd ribbon OCr cloth half silk all plain colors, etc., Wednesday SSVU Special aalo on odd pieces of fine white goods, Bedford cords, madrasses, oxfords, Marseilles, fancy stripe, etc., not a yard worth less than 26c 1fir ii perfect goods w edncsday aw and up to 58c yard all perfect goods Wednesday 60 pieces of 16c and lc voiles, 60 pieces of 19c plain colored crepes all colors will close at 20 pieces of checked voiles the 12Vjc grade fast colors to close at a yard . 5c 24c i PeachesI Peachesl Peaches Now is fhe Time to Can this Delicious Fruit Fancy large 4-hasket crates of Texas Peaches, pe. crate 76c Single baskets, each 20c Buy. your Lemons now for the Fourth; they will be much higher the end of this week. Tomorrow we will sell Fancy large. Juicy Seedless Lemons. per dozen 16c READ , THESE GROCERY SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY. 18 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 48-lb. Sacks Fancy High Patent Minne sota Flour $1.48 10 Bars Swift's Pride, Beat 'Em All or White Paris Laundry Soap 26c Sapollo Scouring Soap, per bar 6c Pearllne, per package Jo 4-lb. package Washing Powder 1214a On Time Yeast, per package 5o Eagle Lye, 1-lh. can 7HJ 4-lbs. Fancy Japan Rice 16o 4 lbs. Fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina l5o 7 lbs. Best Bulk Ontmeal 15o CHEESE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY. Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese, per lb..l2Uo Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb. .10a Fancy Wisconsin Swiss Cheese, per lb....l6o Fancy New York White Cheese, per lh..l6o Durham Brand Neufatchel Cheese, each 6o KEEP KOOL Take home a brick of the famous Waterloo Ice Cream for HAYDEN BROS. BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES on new bicycles to reduce stock. Lowest prices on tires, sundries and repairing. Also prepared to do all kinds of automobile tire work at lowest prices. i New Bicycles, . up from $1 5.00 Ak-Sar-Ben Tire $3.00 LOUIS FLESCHER, 1622 CAPITOL AVENUE First National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Omaha, Nebraska Capital 500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. .$329,357.65 Deposits $0,800,473.39 Herman Kountze, President. John A. Crelgnton, Vice President, F. H. Davis, Cashier. C. T. Kountze, Asst-Cashler. L. I Kountze, Asst-Cashler. Special facilities and liberal terms offered for mercantile and banking accounts. Your business solicited. Three per cent on Time Deposits. Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. If In need of one. don't buy before you sea us. We manufacture our own line, therefore we know Just exactly what each one Is nade of and just how It Is made. They are all of the beat naterlal and design. The workmanship cannot be surpassed and Cor durability there are none better. Our prices are low. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1203 Farnam Sf WANT A BOY In Every Town to Sell me SATURDAY BEE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTEK BROWN COMICS, altogether 80 page, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, when the farmers are in town. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE. For Full Particulars Write to The Omaha Bee, Omaha.. Nebraska. Bee Want Ads Produce Results