Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Ariiiant CltT Attorne ODDOiedto Accent-
0 r - - - - - - r
ing Mercer Park.
l'le 7'lioaanl Hollars Dcltmiaent
for Mnplfll lllllirntAtiiiinl.. PIo
Mxlhe of Wlil, Mi the tltr
Would llnte to rr.
ccoi-dlntf to Assistant City Attorney
II' rdmnn, the propo d donation by lr.
D. Mercer of a strip of land liK te.-t i
Vide tlirouKh Mercer park for tlio contin
uation of the Centre! boulevard westward
and northward from liemls park Is not al
toaether what could lie culled u good deal
for the city. It Ims been found that there
Is more than $Sio special Improvement
taxes, Including Interest, standing agalnttt
Mercer park, as th! tract east of the doc
tor's rcsidenco property at Forty-first and
Cuming street U known.
"Tly taking the strip, which will run along
the north side of Cuming street almost the
whole distance of Mercer park, the city
will get an opportunity to no down In Its
pocket for flvo-glxtha of these taxes," says
Mr. Herdman. "Deficiencies to Just this
extent will be created In the Improvement
funds for paving and sewers against which
bonds have been lnsue& to pay for the
work. In my opinion the proioslilon Is
anything but one tho park board or the
city should accept and I will advise agalnxt
It If I get the opportunity."
Proposed Donation to City.
Dr. Mercer at llrst proponed to tho board
a. boulevard route west from Ucmls park,
which would take In much of his property
and a largo lagoon or lake, which In Its
present condition Is offensive to the nclgh
borhoed, hour tho Unit IJno track and
sauth of Cuming street. This route was
rejected by the board, although tho doctor
proposed to donate a great deal of prop
erty, Including thu In lie. Ho then ap
peared with a proposition for tho boule
vard to go through Mercer park before
cutting Into Lufayctte avenuo and starting
In a northerly direction. Tho scheme was
favored by tho engineering department,
who saw In tt the easiest way to surmount
grades and topographical difficulties In
striking off for the north and northwest.
Tho Mercer plan was to 'run the boule
vard southwesterly from' Lincoln avenue
and In short fit for nothing but "mosquitoes,
hull trogo and malaria" Not long ago a
bov drowned In the place and It Is
Said ti have caused several cases of
typhoid. The matter will come before the
council tonight.
Booth Omaha Body Is Made Defend
ant for Malttplylnsr Assess,
ment ly Ten.
The Cattle Feeders Loan company lias
Pled an appeal in district court against the
nrtlon of the Hoard of Review of South
Omaha. The board raised the assessor's
return of'O on the personal property
of the company to $1X,000. In the petition
to the district court It Is contended that
the company has been assessed on prop
erty It does not own and that Its assess
ment should be cut by the court to 13,300.
I.otc Itate Kscnrslnns to tlie Seashore
via New York City, with privilege of stop
over on return trip.
SOUTHERN R"ir will sell round trip tick
ets from Chicago to Asbury Park and re
turn June 29, 30, July 1 and t, at rate ot
good returning not later tnan July
10, with privilege ot extension until August
U by deposit ot ticket and payment of ww
cents. Stopover may be bad at New York
on the return trip.
Don't miss this opportunltr tor spending
your vacation at the seaside. If you are
particular as to comfort and service, we
offer something a little superior to any
other line. Bee that your ticket reads via
the Lake Shore the route of the "Twen
tieth Century Limited." Bend for Itinerary
to L. F. Vosburgh, Oeneral Western Pas
senger Agent, Chicago, 111.
Aiiar Thirty-eighth street to Cuming street.
iron ajong turning street to i niriy-iunwi,
I up Thirty-ninth, and using the street and
Jk donating as much property from Mercer
r Smirk as would be necessary to make the
drive 1(0 feet wide.
After some discussion the board In
formally accepted the donation at the last
regular meeting, the subject of taxes not
being broached. The engineer was di
rected to prepare a plat and the city at
torney to tuake a deed to be signed by Dr.
Mercer and sent to the board for approval.
All the special taxes against Mercer park
h Me In litigation, but Assistant City Attor
JtSjy Herdman says he Is confident of saving
(J all of them for the city. The paving taxes
amount to l,uO, with Interest; one set of
sewer taxes, with Interest, to $1,M0, and
park taxes to the amount ot 126. For these
reasons Attorney Herdman has set his face
against the acceptance ot the donation.
Yellowstone Pur it tin Portland,
Personally conducted party will leave
via the Uurllngton Route June 29th for
Portland, stopping at Gardiner, Mont., for a
six-day tour of Yellowstone Park.
Return from Portland can be made
through California and Colorado If desired.
Party will travel In standard sleeper, and
application for berths should be made at
once. Rates are very low. Full Informa
tion at Uurllngton Ticket Office. lwl
Faroain street, J. B. Reynolds, City pas
senger Agent.
The Line lieantlf til."
Lehigh Valley railroad. Delightful route
to New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic
coast resorts. Five through trains dally.
Dining cars, a la carte. Connects at Buf
falo and Niagara Falls with all trains from
the west.
For time tables and descriptive matter
address George Kado, Jr., Western Passen
ger Agent, 218 South Clark St., Chicago, III
Teetblnir Unfiles.
Children when teething, especially during
the summer months, are more or less sub
ject to diarrhoea. This can be controlled by
giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy In sweetened water as
Want Pond Drained.
Thirty-six residents of Walnut Hill have
lurnea in a pennon iu win council shriiik
Itiat Inr.a ul u inu 11 1 rtitmt gn lunrl u.' ,1 ... 1
by Dr. S. D. Mercer at Forty-third ave
nue and Izard street be drained and the
nuisance abated. The pond was caused by
the grading of streets and the petitioners
1 represent that It is a menace to health and
' life, being deep In places, attractive as a
' swimming hole to small boys, used as a
dumping ground for manure and garbage
Special Kcnrslons HMtR
via Grand Trunk Railway System to To
ronto, Niagara Fulls, Buffalo, Asbury
Park, Philadelphia and Baltimore at
greatly reduced fares. Double track Chi
cago to Montreal and to New York via
Grand Trunk-Lehlgh Valley Route.
Fares, train service and other particulars
will be furnished on application to Geo. W.
Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A., 135 Adams St.,
12.50 to St. rani and Minneapolis
and Itetarn Via Chicago Great
Western Railway.
Tickets on sale dally to September 80th.
Final return limit October 31st. Also equally
low rates to Minnesota, North Dakota,
Colorado. Utah and Wyoming points. Fo
further Information apply to L. D. Park
hurst, general agent, 1511 Farnam street,
Omaha, Neb.
City Clerk Tbinki Somebody Eu Been
Indiscreet in Office Matter.
Sees Omaha Promoter at Albany and
Selp Dundy at Sew York
One of (.otham'a
Ilia- Men.
City Clerk Elhourn returned home from
New York Monday morning, cutting short
visits to Baltimore, Philadelphia and other
big towns, because he got word that his
office was getting in the newspapers alto
gether too much while he had his hand olt
the throttle.
"What are you going to do about the
Slmonson-Schenck case?" he was asked at
the same time by three reporters.
"Nothing for a few days," replied the city
clerk. "I am going to take my time and
make a careful investigation and see that
Justice Is done all around. It seems to mc
that some persons have been very Indis
This is all he would say about the dis
missing of Miss Schenck for eleven yea.-
Journal clerk In the office by Deputy Clerk
Slmonson upon charges of Insubordination.
Fresh from the pane and safe east, the city
clerk was not disposed to turn on the fuel
gas any hnrder and affairs In his offlco
were remarkably quiet.
Among the news Items brought back by
Elbourn from the east Is one to the effect j
that Peter E. Iler's gigantic railway ex
change building at Thirteenth and Farnam
streets Is not going up Just now. He met
Mr. ller at Albany and the latter informed
him that E. H. Harrlman, the railroad
king, had skipped away to Europe before
he could get to him. Mr. Her needs Harrl
man's assistance In the exchange building
proposition, Inasmuch as It Is desired to
get the Union Pacific headquarters under
this new roof. Mr. Harrlman will not get
back until November, so negotiations are
off until that time.
Visits Sclp Dundy.
Accompanied by Charles Karbach, who
returned with him, tho city clerk sat
through a performance at Sclp Dundy's
hippodrome and says he has enjoyed few
things better In his life.
"Seats are sold out a week ahead," says
Elbourn. "Dundy Is recognised as the pres
ent sensation of the theatrical world, and
he undoubtedly has made a great success
In a great enterprise. Nothing like the
Hippodrome has ever been seen before.
They sink the stHge and flood It with water
so deep that a horse has to swim to get
across. Some of the greatest acts, to my
mind, were those embracing military spec
tacles, the like of which has never been
seen before in any exhibition. I ran down
to the other Dundy-Thompson enterprise,
Luna Park, also, and this too Is a mighty
fine thing. Had a chat with Sclp, who Is
now one of the big men of New Y'ork.
"Didn't see Paul Morton. The Equitable
deal Is a little too bad for me to mix up
with, but I guess If anyone can straighten
It out a Nebraskan can."
Mrs. Elbourn Joined her husband at Buf
falo and the two came home together.
the Republican valley. The corn stand
above knee hlKh and the other crops are
booming, especially the alfalfa, which In 1
the laM two years nas neen mastng
Franklin cmintv famous. He says crops
are far in advanc of what they are here.
This Is due to a warmer loam. At Lincoln
and some distance west the low grounds
are a little too wet at prfsent He says
there Is no longer any talk of Irrigating
the Republican valley.
City Trensnrer Joys Ilonds Are
Profitably Sold to the Cleve
land Firm.
A bid that was higher than the extremely
good one made for a $l0,WO re-Issue a short
time ago was received by the city yester
day afternoon for an Issue of ISO,!") paving
renewal bonds to bear semi-annual Interest
at 4 per cent and to run twenty years. V.
J. Hayes & Sons of Cleveland got the
bonds with a bid of J2.S3S. the Union Na
tional bank of Omaha being the only local
Assuming that the city, following out a
policy recently adopted, would retire as
many bonds as the premium covered
Hayes & Sons put in a bid of $2,724 for
148.000 or forty-eight of the bonds and 2.t18
for forty-seven of them. The bid for
forty-eight bonds was accepted, meaning
that the city will hereafter pay out only
$1,920 Interest annually for JlS.tiOO of 4 per
cent bonds, whereas It has paid $2,500 an
nually for a $50,000 obligation. Besides this
nearly $600 wilt be added to the sinking
fund, owing to the demand that Omaha
bonds have found.
The bids were as follows:
W. J. Hayes & Sons Cleveland.'.
Kountze Brothers. New York 2,761
Blodgett, Merrltt & Co., IWton 2.520
Parkinson A Burr, New York... 2.515
Union National" bank. Omaha 2.2W
W. R. Todd & Co., Cincinnati 1,000
City Treasurer Hennlngs says he Is well
satisfied with the sale.
Special Hates East Vis Wabash R. R.
Call at Wabash city office, 1801 Farnam
street, or address Harry E- Moo res, G. A.
p. D., Omaha, Neb.
Mortality Statistic.
The following births and deaths hare been
reported to the Board of Health during the
forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday:
Births John W. Dlsbrow, 2021 North
Twenty-first, girl; William Gladden, 210
South Twenty-seventh, boy; F. E. Hill, 417
North Nineteenth, girl.
Deaths Harry Snowden, 1802 Ohio. 1V4
months; Mrs. Bell Phihpsen. 911 North
Forty-first, 38.
The little
red label
on every loaf
is the badge of good bread. It means a well
baked big appetizing satisfying loaf.
When you order bread ask your grocer for
U. P. Steam Bakery
Baking bread, at home, Is hard work.
If you use as good flour and count the cost
of coal and gas home made bread cost
more than Snow Flake to say nothing of
the work and worry. Try Snow Flake for a
single week there will be no more back
breaking, bother and trouble home mad
bread baking for you.
5c a loaf
Over four hundred grocers sell It
v r m mr w amtr m -mmmmm mr m mr m a
Juno 8a July 1, 2. 3, 4, 1905.
I - w
II B ure your ticket reads over this line. I I
- mm
b a ma
Inquire at
V . Tnone 310.' S
Graduates of Omaha High School
Take Examinations for Higher
Examinations for entrance to Harvard
university held this week at the public
library by Charles S. Elgutter have brought
forth four young men graduated by the
Omaha High school to stand the tests.
They are:. Risley Q. Haines, Arthur F.
Felker, Richard W. Hall and Arthur C.
Potter. Miss Anna Bourke will undergo
the examination for Radcliffe college,
which Is given by Miss Idella L. Hamlin.
The number of Harvard candidates Is
larger than ever before.
Cuban Diarrhoea.
United States soldiers who served In Cuba
during the Spanish war know what this
disease Is and that ordinary remedies have
little more effect than so much water. Cu
ban diarrhoea Is almost as severe and dan
gerous as a mild attack of cholera. There
Is one remedy, however, that can always
be depended upon, as will be seen by the
following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Ja
cobs of Houston, Tex. : "I hereby certify
that Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and
Plarrhoea Remedy cured my husband of a
severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he
brought home from Cuba. We had several
doctors, but they did hlnwio good. One
bottle of this remedy cured him, aa our
neighbors will testify. I thank Qod for so
valuable a medicine"!"
C21.S5 Asbnry fark and Retara Via
Erie Railroad
June 29, 30, July 1 and X limited to Aur
SI; good to stop at New Tork, Cambridge
Springs, Chautauqua and Niagara Falls.
Tickets on sale also to all tourist polnU
Chautauqua Lake, Niagara Falls, eta.
good until Oct 81. Full particulars, KA
Railway Exchange. Chicago.
One Fare to Hot Springs, Ark.,
Plus S2, for round trip, daily, good for
thirty days. Bummer Is the best time for
treatment. Ask any ticket agent.
Harry B. Davis, undanaser. tel. 1221
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Residence. Age.
Felix Teltge, Omaha
Frederlcka Mann, Omaha ft
James B. Hill, Lincoln 22
Nettle E. Thompson, Lincoln 20
Martin Stelnhover. Omaha Jg
Anna B. Stumpfmaler, Osnaha 7
Charles E. Rees, Waterloo, la 27
Lillian C. Cartlff, Parsons, Kan 20
James F. Maguire, Waterloo, la 24
Jessie Stark, Waterloo, la "jo
Frederick A. Crom, South Omaha 24
Edna F. Tedder, South Omaha 17
21-K wedding rings. Ed holm, jeweler.
Good Crops in the Valley.
K. E. Garrett, banker from Franklin, re
ports the most flattering conditions from
Off At
cr I
sihs this as. a-siar srAne
Csioa racist Rtllwsy, OsutA, Nsk.,
tr O. t X. V. Rf , u C. B.
Q. By.. Cblcaco, IlL
Man from Kansas Give Eiaht-llan-
dred-Dollnr Check far Penn.
s Iranian's ( ash.
His arms akimbo, one leg carelessly
thrown over the other, William Donovan
of Pennsylvania sat on the steps of the
city Jail building on the outside steps
singing In almost Inaudible tones:
And his face I will break.
If he don't bring that stake.
When we meet on that beautiful shore.
Mr. Donovan had exchanged $26 in
Omaha Sunday for a big chunk of ex
perience. Donovan met a stranger at the
Union station. The stranger needed hands
for his horse ranch at Hutchinson, Kan
Donovan was looking for such a Job. Dono
van lent the stranger $26, taking a check
for $S00 as security. The stranger Buld he
would return to a certain spot In one hour.
Donovan waited until the village lamps
were lighted and tho villagers were going
home from church. Then the man from
the Keystone state went to police head
quarters and confided his suspicious to the
powers that be.
To New York in IS Honrs.
"The Pennsylvania Special" of the Penn
sylvania Short Line makes tho run from
Chicago to New York (905 miles) In 18 hours.
It leaves Chicago every day at 2:45 p. m.,
arriving at New York next morning at 9:45.
Returning It leaves New York every day
at 3:65 p. m., arriving at Chicago next
morning at 8:56.
The business man's opportunity. Today
In Chicago, tomorrow In New York. The
next morning back In Chicago.
"The Pennsylvania Special," eighteen-hour-traih
between Chicago and New York
Is equipped with Vestihuled and Electric
lighted Library, Smoking, Dining, Sleeping
and Compartment Observation Cars.
For full particulars, (eleeping-car space,
call on your home agent, or address Thos,
H. Thorp, T. P. A., 26 U. S. Bank Bldg.,
Omaha. . . ,
Two-Piece Outing Suits
Are ike only Real Summer Garments for Men.
The time has now tome when men nre seeking 1IKAL COMFORT.
You can get the HEAL TII1NO in our comfortable two-piece outing suits.
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00
At these prices we will give you the broadest selection from which to choose.
TO THE UFSY MAN For your convenience we have installed in our Farnam street
windows, conveniently arranged a full assorhncnt of these popular two-piece suits. It's
the most complete display in the city. Olante at them as you pass. Then to our great 2nd
floor clothes department we know you'll come.
Announcements of the Theaters.
"A Royal Slave" will be presented three
more times at the Boyd by the Ferris Stock
company, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
and at a matinee on Wednesday. On
Thursday evening one of the most im
portant bills of the season will be offered,
when "Little Lord Fauntleroy" will be put
on, with Master Clarke Marshall In the role
of the Little Lord. This Is one of the
most attractive of modern plays. It will be
the bill until after the matlneo on Sunday.
Eagles, Look!
Tuesday evening, June 27, the members of
Omaha aerie No. 38, F. O. K., will meet at
the club rooms and visit 8outh Omaha aerie
In a body. Come. Big doings. The pro
cession will start at 7:30.
D. W. CANON, Secretary.
Card of Thank.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks
to our friends for the kindness and sympa
thy shown us in- our late bereavement in
the death of our mother.
Greatly Reduced Hates Via Wsbnili
Account Fourth of July. Tickets sold July
1 to 4, Inclusive. For all information call
at Wabash city ticket office, 1601 Farnam
street, or address HARRY E. MOORES,
O. A. P. D., Wabash Railroad, Omuha,
Big reduction sale at MacCarthy Tailoring
Co., 304 South 16th St. See show windows.
Building loans at B. V. B. Meikle.
FREDERICKSEN Ferdinand, brother of
Nicholas r reaencKsen, uiricn h renerlck
sen and Mrs. E. Jensen, June 23, 19n6, at
his residence, Anaconda, Mont., aged 44
Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. m. from resi
dence of Nicholas Frederlcksen, 2L'4S
North 19th street. Interment Forest Lawn
cemetery. Friends Invited.
June 30 to July 4 the Burlington will sell tickets to
Denvsc, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return ut this
remarkably low rate.
Colorado h a mile higher than tide water. Every cubic
foot of her atmosphere is charged with vitalizing ozone. A
complete change of atmosphere and living are the first
necessities of a vacation. Colorado's crisp mountain air,
cool nights, vivifying waters and outdoor life thoroughly
restore a depleted system.
Better go! Write or call at this office, and I will be glad,
to furnish you with a copy of our new Colorado Hand Book
just off the press which contains a wealth of information
about hotels and boarding houses in Colorado. It's free.
Dally until September 30 tickets wlU be on sale to Colorado and return at $17.60,
with return limit of October 31st.
J. B. REYNOLDS, Ticket Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha
una idi DM al( (it wviuiai-i
r lii is -int nl i' 11 tVnir
t 1
Omaha Day at the Jockey Club Races
Union Station, 1 p.m.,Thursday,June 29
Returning at a Decorous Hour Same Evening
The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben are
EVERYBODY Else is Going. Also the Ladies
18 Bands, Grand Parade, Fireworks, Refreshments
$1.00 Round Trip, Including Admission to the Races
Pay the Committee or Get Ticket at the Union Station
I L'
I 4
T"ff JV&tr 0J3M jrtAfLYX
" 00?
Blses 32 to 42-inch bust.
For the accommodation ef readers of The
Baa these patterns, which usually retail at
from 16 to to cents each, will be furnished
at the nominal price of 19 cents. A supply
la now kept at our office, so those wha
wish any pattern may ret It either by call
In or enclosing 10 cents, addrowc.4 fair
We Will Send This Picture in Colors en Receipt of 25 Cents in Stamps 5 for $1.00.
L 'S
TUB OKH3IMAI. remedy that "kills the Dissisf Gcrsa."
Moat jKMtnf askd mMdla-titd men never
know that (Mr scali axe loaded with
nnkwotisB growths uutll tho hasr baa
'iron off. Nature sends her warn
ings of dandruff, Itching scalp and
fulling hair, but the discovery of the
dandruff germ Is too recent for the
rw2 ttsre. SI. oa. few Mc .tawsls ItlftaDf CO, DcL I. Iktreit, Mick., fw s msi.
ftHEKMAN & MC()NfcLL UHVih CO.. Special Agent
R utile to realise the danger of neRlent.
lewbro s lierpldde positively destroys
the dandruff microbe; stops falling
hair and protects the scalp Kalnt
reinfection. A delightful hair dress
ing. Stops Itching Instantly. Its Im
mense populuri'y proves, its goodness.
Bave your hair white yo have hulr to
Treats all forms" of
Diseases of
tS Years' Experience
IS Years In Omaha.
A Medical Expert
whose lenutrkslilo
e.irrKS has never
been excelhd.
Varicocele. Hydrocele. Ulooil Poison, Stric
ture. Gluet. Nervous Lieblllty, tss of
Strength and Vltnllty.
baa permanently cureil thousands of cases
of rhroulc Nervous, llectal, Kidney and
Hladder and Skin diseases at small cost.
Bave time and money by describing your
esse snd write for FltKW HOOK arid terms
i,f treatment. Mftdli Ine H.'nt III pliiln pkf.
Olllce lluuik a., in. to t.JU p. in.; Bun
days. I a. m. to 1 p. m. Call or writ.