si THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1903. Telephone 8M. Sn, June X. 106. "Da satlsfled with yonrtfvlf If yoo will, bat not self sat-Lied." I VACATION TIME VALUES Arc you poing to spend your vocation away from Omaha? Whether you go to the sea shore, lake, mountains or country, there is no store where many of your vacation needs may be so economically taken care of as here. ii r..-,. i black cotton half hoof at two pair for 2rc. i large variety of the choicest and moat de- mUMUIl UtUOl UllClll B,,Min.ra. Iii new Bummer weight web- slrable to select from. Many little things here that are most always needed; Tins, safety pins, hat pins, hair pins, needles, combs and brushes, tooth brushes, Jewel bags, etc. ' Hand bags of good leather, plenty of ' pockets to stow away the little neces saries In. Handkerchiefs , Tou will need an extra supply of hand kerchiefsthere are good values here In ! men's, women's and children's slses. '' Women's all linen hemstitched Initial handkerchiefs, soft bleach, ready for use, i lfle each. i Men's all linen plain hemstitched hand I kerchiefs, good full sizes, 15c each. Flro grades at I5c, 36c and 60c each. i Men's furnishings Negligee Shirts, the good fitting, comfort- i able kind, neat patterns, SI. 00 to 12.00 each. I Half lloso. In the new fancy shades, 26c , nd 50c per pair. A special value In black cotton half hose at two pairs for 2rc. Buopenders, In new summer weight web bings, ffc and 50c per pair. Collars, In all th popular shapes, 15c each or two for 25c. Underwear, Belts, Night Shirts and Pajamas for man. Dressing Sacques The most comfortable of all house gar ments for hot weather wear. Take one with you on your vacation. Pretty styles at 11.00. $1.25, $1.50, 11.75, 2.00 and up to 17.00 each. Shirt Waists Choice, clean and crisp Shirt Waists, all the season's most handsome styles In linen, lawn and lingerie effects. A large assortment at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $200. $2.25 and up to the fine embroidered ones at $10.00. ' Washable Shirt Waist Suitings These arc materials that make up Into stylish and serviceable suits, we nave a Variegated Voile Suitings, 10c. New Boutonne Suitings, l&o. Embroidered Checked Voiles. 18c a yard. Barege Novelty Suitings, 35c a yard. French Voile Suitings, 60c a yard. Mercerized Jacquard Suitings, 25c, 2&o, 50c a yard. Bllklsed Toplln at 4Xj a yard. Linen Finished Suitings, 15c a yard. Galatea Cloth at 15c a yard. New Panama Suitings, 15c a yard, French Piques at 40c a yard. Mercerised Eollennes at 18c, 25c a yard, XMnen 8ultings, 18c, 20c 25c, 80c. New Spanish Suitings at lac, 18o a yard. New London Voiles, 12V4C. Ncw Mohair Lustre, 20c a yard. Half Day On Saturdays During July and August Remember we close at 1 o'clock on Saturday during these two hot months. Do your Saturday shopping' In the morning. WAR FEVER STARTS IN PARIS sands listen dally to the music evoked by the wand of Director Finn, and It Is sel dom that an encore Is not demanded. Not the least of the free amusements Is nd the Bav- rH..t PMi n.tU T.intuJ Otst the the presentation by means of moving plo- . . I tures of "The Life of Christ" am juoroooo iDciuem. MUCH DEPENDS UPON GERMAN ATTITUDE ! sge presentation, "Parsifal." 'S Press seriously niacaealn th Pos sibility of Resort to Arras Army Officers Are Artlre. (Continued from First Page.) S8EU Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts. I RUSSIANS FEEL THE ENEMY Beoonnaisanoe in lo'ca Develops Strong Position at Town of Taoping. OKU HAS OUTPOST FIGHTS EACH DAY Little Cbsngs In situation In East, bat Armies Seem to He Forming: In Battle) ' ' Line. HEADQUARTERS OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY, OODZYADANI, Manchuria, June 24. Tha Russians on June 21 made a reconnaissance In force against the Japa nese riffhht in the region of Oanchese. The . Japanese advance post retired to Tsaoplng, where they have built strong fortifications ' and hold them In force. Behind this line ' of positions are two other lines of fortifica tions, strengthened by bombproofs and en tanglements. The Russian attack, which forced the Japanese to summon three di- visions of Infantry from Kalyuan, ceased with darkness and the Russian detachment . retired. Outposts Fight Dally. GENERAL OKU'S HEADQUARTERS IN , THE FIELD, June 22, (Delayed.)-Nothlng Important baa recently occurred except dally skirmishes between the outposts of both armies. Hot weather has arrived and General Oka's ' army haa 'been newly clothed in khaki. Cruiser Bayan Floated. TOKIO, June 24.-11 a. m. The Japanese commander at Port Arthur reports that the Russian -armored cruiser Bayan has been successfully floated. celebrated at noon today In the Church of St. Clotllde. There was a large and fash ionable attendance, including Ambassador McCormlck and Mrs. McCormlck, and many members of the old French aristocracy. The groom Is the head of the ancient family of Bearn-Brlssac. A wedding breakfast followed. The prince and princess received many beautiful presents. Prince Henry ds Beim-Wlnani. PARIS, June 24. The marriage of Prince Henry Galard de Beam e de Chalals to Miss Beatrice Wlnans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wlnans of Baltimore, waa SOME SWEDES WANT TROUBLE Would Have Army Mobilised and Make Demand on Norway for Guarantees. STOCKHOLM. Sweden. June 24.-The un compromising element In the Riksdag Is ac tively prosecuting a campaign In favor of presenting to Norway demands represent tng Sweden's Irreducible minimum and ob taining guaranties from Norway before passing the bill conferring on the govern ment power to negotiate terms for the formal separation of Norway and Sweden This faction considers thnt the govern ment ought to be authorised to contract an emergency loan of $26,000,000 and mobilize troops to support Sweden's demands. Ths government, however, has still the strong, united backing of the moderate party which Is prepared to entrust the king and minis try with the powers demanded for'untram meled negotiations In regard to the neces sary guaranties to be given before agreeing to a dissolution of the union. princely rank haa Impressed the emperor with the difficult position he (Von Buelow) was placed In before the Reichstag by the Imperial telegrams for which he as chancel lor must be responsible, but which he has never seen till published in the newspapers. It Is reported that the emperor agreed to consult the chancellor regarding telegrams of a political character before sending them and to ask him to countersign them. BUBONIC PLAGUE ON ISTHMUS Fatal Case Reported at La Boca, Where No Precautions Have Bern Taken, PANAMA, June 24. A fatal case of bu bonlo plague occurred at La Boca yester day. The constant arrival of steamers from Infected South American ports which are received at 1a Boca without any extra pre cautions being taken must cause serious Infection. The dead man had been working on board the British steamer Chill, which the au thoritles of Guayaquil would not allow to enter that port. The companions of the de ceased laborer have been Isolated. Rats taken from the steamer Chill are being ex amlned. VON BUELOW jIGNS MESSAGES glnee Becoming: Prlnee German Chan cellor Exercises Stricter Surveil lance Over Official Dispatches. BERLIN, June 24. A fact which attracts attention Is that many of Emperor Wil liam's telegrams lately have keen counter signed by Chanoellor von Buelow. This apparently occurs In all cases where the emperor's telegrams have a political or public Interest. According to the newspa pers Von Buelow since his elevation to PLAY CLOTHES V A C A T I 0 1 S U I T S . SAND-DIGGER SUITS Ages 1 to 8. For little fellows, an overall suit all In one piece, fine light blue chambray with ruffs, belt and collar, neatly trimmed 7C with red 3C ROMPER SUITS Ages 2 to 10. Of gray or blue striped chambray one piece overall sulis, C. 60c and dC ENGINEER SUITS Ages 4 to 14. Blue stripe denim suits of overalls ana jacKets, per suit., 75c GIRLS' OVERALLS Ages I to S. Of blue denim, trimmed vlth pearl buttons and turkey EOC BABY CREEPERS Of fine dark blue chambray, piped with white, draw strings 7C at knee I 31 BOYS' OVERALLS All ages. In plain blue and checks, 40c. 40c and 35c HOSIERY Hosiery of Unassailable Quality. "Onyx" Brand and "Pony" Hose. Boys' and girls' strongest black and assorted tans, cotton or sc. lk VANDF.HBH.T RECEIVES ROYALTY Emperor William Takes Luncheon on - Board American Yacht. IMPERIAL YACHT CLUB. KIEL, Ger many, June 24. Emperor William today lunched with Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Van derbllt on their yacht North Star and dined with Mrs. Goelet on the Nahma this even ing. The only others present besides the Imperial suite were Mrs. Goelet's party consisting o Ambassador and Mrs. Tower, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt, sr.. Miss Gladys Vanderbilt and R. W. Goelet. The emperor has visited all the American yachts. Only the small yachts faced today, the most Interesting contest being the second of the special class races for International competition over a fourteen and a half mile course and in a light breese. There were twenty entries and Wansee V won in 4:7:00, Molch was second In 4:12:30 and Tilly VI third In 4:13:30. Prince Henry, who sailed the Tilly VII, worked up from ninth place to halt a second behind the third yacht, Tilly VI. Prince Eitel Frederick, In the Elisabeth, was nine teenth. PARIS, June 24.- p- m. For the first time since the Fashoda Incident the French public is In the throes of the war fever. Whether It will result in anything serious depends on Germany's response to the French note on Morocco, but without con sidering the exact status of the diplo matic negotiations a considerable element of the public and press seriously discuss the possibilities of a resort to arms. Army circles are particularly active and at the military clubs the officers are merely en gaged in making comparisons of the forces of France and Germany. While the finan cial leaders scout the Idea of war, yet the speculative element has been quick to seise the opportunity to raid French rentes, which when they closed tonight showed a fall of 1 frano 8 centimes within the week, The official view is that the situation while delicate, does not present any aspect of danger or a crisis Involving a rupture of relations. This Is the governmental view and naturally presents the most fa vorable aspect of the controversy. How ever, the ambassadors of the leading pow era express impartial opinions fully sub talnlng the views of the government. No Cause for War. It Is pointed out In diplomatic quarters that the worst features of the Morocco sit uatlon do not present a casus belli. An analysis of the controversy shows that the sultan of Morocco Invited the powers to conference. Germany urges the powers, Including Ftance, to accept. Premier Rou- vler's latest note shows the willingness of France to consider a conference if Ger many explains Its purposes, but even should France decline to accept this, refusal of the Invitation does not constitute a cause for war. A diplomat summed up the situation by saying that the default of the present negotiations would not mean war, as the controversy would then proceed along nw lines. It would then doubtless lead to di rect appeals to the sultan with a view of securing the upper hand In Morocco. While the pessimistic element sees that Germany will seek a pretext for trouble, yet the actual state of affairs does not warrant such gloomy forebodings. Negotiations Will Continue. BERLIN, June 24. The Foreign office offi cials are busily engaged in studying the French note on Morocco, the unusual length of which will necessarily delay an swering. Emperor William's absence at Kiel, the Foreign office says, will cause no delay In the negotiations. Inasmuch as he Is dally Informed on all points, and bis de cisions are promptly given. As the study of Premier Rouvter'a an swer progressed the fact became evident that he has left many points open for dls cusslon and from which further negotla tlons can continue. The greatest dlftv culty seems now to be agreeing op whether Germany and France shall seek to reach a separate agreement before the meeting of the conference, thus eliminating many matters . from International action. Ger many apparently holds the view that It would be an act of discourtesy to the powers which have already agreed to at tend the conference if It arranged any mat ters beforehand with' France, Official circles here, continue to. follow tha affair, with keen Interest, but without anything like excitement, much less bell cose Inclination. They watch closely the movements of public ouinion, and while It is realised that the French people at large have grown much less Chauvinistic toward Germany in the last few years, corre spondlng with the waning influence of the nationalist-clerical military party commls slon in French politics, some anxiety still prevails In Berlin lest the leaders of the opposition to the French government again suceed In Inflaming the passions of the people and arouse a storm which the re publican leaders would be unable to with stand. lisle, at. Egyptian lisfes.... Silk Usles, oOc and.. .25c 35c Black and white lace hose for Infants, children 9Ki and misses, SOo and CSC Infants' light blue, white or black silk hose, up from.... ENGLISH SOX Fine cotton. Silk lisle Colored silk, up from.,.. .50c .15c .25c 50c School of Science for Guatemala. GUATEMALA CITY, June 24.-Presldent Cabera, out of his personal funds, has do elded to establish a practical school of sciences, arts and agriculture, 'under American professors. The tuition will be given In the English language. blnatlon of circumstances which he did not foresee and which nono of those who now blame him foresaw when his Moroccan policy was Initiated. He merely shared with the great majority of his countrymen the belief that Japan would either shrink from war or would be rapidly and com pletely crushed by Russia. The course of events and the prolongation of the struggle gave Oermany an opportunity of which It has taken advantage to encourage the sul tan of Morocco to resist and finally to re ject the French demands. That action on the part of Germany was an afterthought. Its previous Indifference to what went on In Morocco gave to M. Delcasse no warn ing of the consequences that might follow a paralysis of Russia In Europe, which It self had not entered Into the calculation of any French statesman. In the new situa tion thus created It Is probable that no suppleness on the part of M. Delcasse could have rendered It other than desirable that foreign affairs should be placed In the hands of some one less Identified with the policy which circumstances had superseded. It appears more than probable, moreover, that the changed aspect of affairs In the far east has lent to the attacks of M. Jaures and his associates uprut M. Delcasse and his policies a force which they did not possess before Jhe war. It wn. under M. Delcasse's auspices that the existing alli ance between France and Russia was en tered Into In 1898, and for his alleged pro Russian proclivities he has been ifnceas- lngly assailed by the clique which acknowl edges the leadership of the fiery M. Jaures. To any one acquainted with the character of the French It la Impossible to suggest that any hint of a lack of fidelity to their obligations could be discovered in the pres ent attitude of the French people. But when it Is remembered that the enormous sums of French capital entrusted to Russia have been placed In Jeopardy, that Russia has strained the friendship of France by repeated attempts to drag It into the con flict In the far east, and, lastly, that Russia as an effective ally has practically ceased to exist for the moment, It is scarcely a matter of wonder If the Invective launched against M. Delcasse as the framer of that alliance should find an echo In quarters where It has hitherto passed unheeded. Sultan Wants Help. LONDON, June 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Kald Sir Harry Maclean, who has Just arrived In London from Fes, says that the sultan of Morocco and his minis ters are quite willing to be helped In the de velopment of the country so long as this Is brought about In a manner which does not threaten the Independence of the country. "What the country wants," said 8lr Harry, "is Joint assistance from the powers, but the eultaln will not agree to accept the as sistance of any one nation, for reasons which are quite obvious." awBC GARDEN HOSE SALE. MONDAY ONLY If you buy tomorrow wo xlvo rou 10 h'T cent off standard brands of hose, any length, with couplings, lrr foot, 7c, Jk 11c, 13c. Refrigerators Reliable 10.5 up. Ice savers $8.75, Gas Ranges Polished steel, no blacking, most economical Move uiade. Milton Rogers & Sons 2 irrTrv:r"-"--4t a a IS! J yx y IV 14TH AND FAR NAM STREETS. 4B44B44B SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS The followlnff Is n list of sllirlitly used mid shop worn sowing niucliiucM to be on siilo this week: Iiurdlck drop head White drop hend Five-drawer Slntter, V. S Domestic drop head Seven-drawer AVlilte, llirht woodwork Standard (iraud. oak 4 Q Cl woodwork I J Secondhand 11. T. Machines, all makes, up from M $ 15.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 .12.50 5.00 n We rent the Wheeler & Wilson ball benrlnjf sewing machines for 7fic per week. We sell repairs for nil makes of machines, fall us up and have your machine put In s.hai e for your spring sewing. We call for and deliver your machine without extra charge. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Geo. . Mickel, Manager. Fifteenth and Harney Sts. Telephone i663. 8.14 Broadway, Council Bluffs 02H N. 24th St., South Omaha . Thane II-OIS. Thonv 4-,Um. E14a4H4lB1414H4n014li Japanese Politicians to Meet. TOKIO. June 24. Delegates of the two great political parties, the constitution allsts and the progressives, will meet here Wednesday to discuss peace and will then memoralize the government on the subject Infants' cashmere hose in white, blue, tan, black, red or pink, silk OIi heels and toes l WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. BENSON THORNETS YOU ARE RIGHT, n GOODRICH GARDEN HOSE IS THE BEST WEARS THE LONGEST GOODRICH BRANDS DEtUCE, WHIRLPOOL, TOR RENT, ARTESIAN, CASCADE, TRITON All Good Sailers and Evtvry , Foot Warranted JAS. MORTON IXCLU..V. AOKHTS POR TH.. BUILDERS' HARDWARE AND TOOLS & SON CO. I THIS Htl 1511 DODGE STREET Will Vleir the Scenes. Next Thursday morning at 8 o'clock the members of the various committees who will view from time to time the lots on which the l.OA) children are competing for prizes awarded by the Omaha Improvement League, will meet at the city hall and from there will ko to various Darts of the city under the direction of the prize commit tee. Generous citizens will furnish auto mobiles to carry the members of the committee. An appropriate badge will be given every contestant on that day. The children are reaueated bv the Drlze com mittee to watch the newspapers Wednesday ior inursaays program. PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD A DOOX TO HOUSEKEEPERS. The most Improved method to free a house of lane or small roaches Is to use the contents of a box of "Peterman's Roach Food" at one time. Shake It on Joints so some of it will penetrate and remain to keep the premises continuously free Roaches eat It as food; it 1 the most destructive remedy on this earth for them. and it will not scatter them to other places to live on ana mumpiy. BEDBUGS "Heterman's Discovery' (tlilcio, a quicksilver cream, is invaluable to kill bedbugs. Apply lightly with brush on beds wnen apart, on backs or picture frames. mouldings, etc. It will remain permanent, and U tne only remedy that they absorb and kills those that go over where it lias been lightly brushed on. It will not rust Iron, harm furniture or bed ding. "I'eterman'e Discovery" (liquid) In flex ible cans, handy to force In Joints for aulck application, will kill bedbugs and their eggs instantly. "r'eterman's Ant Food" A strong powder to kill and drive away ants. "Peterman's Rat-Mouse Food" makes rats or mice wild, they will leave and not return. Take no other, as time may be even more Important than money. Originated in 1873. Perfected In 1906 by wm. reierman, mtk. i-iiemisi, 64, M, U West 12th St., New York City. London, Eng. Montreal, P. Q. Sold by all druggints in Omaha and tnrougnoui ine i nitea eiates, also oy THE BKNNKTT CO.. Iepurtment Store, PRACTICAL SIDE OF STUDY How the Commercial. Colleges Suc ceed So Well In Equipping; Young People for Business. "What Is the explanation of the won drful success of the commercial colleges?" was asked a well known school man not dl rectly Interested. "It Is because they emphasise the prac tical side of business training," waa the answer. "Practical courses of study are absolutely essential In theseNdays of Industrial prog ress, and for this reason the business col leges have become extremely popular. Their purpose Is to fit young men and women for practical life and the fact that while they do this they, at the same time, discipline and culture the mind, has placed them on an equal footing with schools of the high' est rank. Prof. De Oarmo of Cornell unl verslty has the following to say about the training of the commercial school: "If he has eoually efficient teachers and Is supplied with equally good facilities, the student of the commercial school Is nut In ferlor to his brother In the arts school. In the range of his education, in the quality of his discipline. In the dignity of his worn or the worthiness of his destination. "Such an endorsement of commercial ed ucatlon, from such high authority, only emphasizes the tendency In modern times. on the part of prominent educators, to slim inate from our courses of study those things which are presumed to have only a disci pllnary value and to substitute for them thoae having a practical value. It la the province of the commercial schools to equip young people for business life and In doing this they render the coin munlty a valuable service. The commercial schools of Omaha deserve great credit for what they have done for the city and the state, for It is a well known fact that a large number of our best business men. men of large influence and capabilities, owe their success to the training they received In these schools." ELEPHANTS AT LAKE MANAWA Haarenbcck Herd Will Take a Rath and Swim a Race There Today. Sixteen elephants plunging Into the lake and giving an aquatic exhibition ennstttuto the rare and exciting feature that is calcu lated to make Manawa the mecca of the record-breaking attendance today, with auspicious weather. C. Lee Williams, man ager of the Carl Ilagenberk show, has con tracted to exhibit the herd in the park and at 4 o'clock today to have them give the water show. There is nothing an elephnnt enjoys more than a good bath. They draw water Into their powerful trunks and spout It as high as forty feet Into the air. The washing of the baby by the mother Is es pecially attractive to the children. The Manawa Amusement company has hung up a prise for a swimming race between the monsters. There will be a lengthy and varied pro gram of free shows In addition to this rare event. W. P. Cresswell. known as "Bicvele Bill," will give afternoon and evening exhi bitions of expert roping or lariat twirling. gun spinning, knife Juggling and trick cycle work. Covalt's Concert band will render an entire change of program of classic and popular music. "Daredevil" Fackler will make a high dive at 6 p. m. and a fire dive at 9 p. m. Prof. Andrews Is billed for a balloon ascension and parachute Jump at 8:46 p. m. At the Casino In the evening en tirely new kinetoecope pictures will be shown. g FY JEWELEK jLLLri 11 H3ELL3 WATCHES-? . t - r mis-iTO i ai (i r t:nr iti a Tc! o o uni nui inTcaiiuAic s The most Important point In buying a watch or dia mond is to deal with u man whose words are abso lutely reliable AND WHO KNOWS HIS BUSINESS i-COPLKV'S WORD IS NEVER DOUBTED lie has sient '16 years In Omaha studying watches and dia monds. You can be the Judge of his prices 18 11' TO lOUK INTEREST TO SEE HIM? textonB7fL "WSBs.a.ssasmnsMaj . i ssa.sis.n --BsW , , s 1W S nr. TULLIS COMES CLEAR AT LAST Man Tried In Federal ri- An Charare of Counterfeiting If Acquitted. C. B. Tullis was acquitted In the federal court yesterday evening. Judge Munger Saturday morning sus tained the- motion of the attorney of C. E. Tullls. on trial for using the I'nlted States malls for the purpose of procuring counter feit money, to strike out all of the testi mony of the government's witness, Eddie Penn. Penn is an ex-convlct of the Nebraska penitentiary. Bob IrTln at La r are. CODY, Wyo., June 24. (Special..) Bob Irvln, the outlaw, who has been charged with complicity In the attack on the First National bank and the murder of Cashier I. O. Middaugh here last November, Is again at liberty. Irvln was arrested at a ranch south of Basin last January, but escaped from the officers. He fled to Mon tana, where he was recently arrested, and while being held for the Wyoming officers he again escaped. Irv'.n Is a Dowerful fellow and as daring as a dozen ordinary men. He is a crack shot. Is not afraid to shoot and some one will get hurt before he Is again taken Into custody. A reward has been offered for the capture of the outlaw. KRUG PARK IS A BEAUTY SPOT I Hill Top Pleasure Resort Becomes tha Prettiest Place la the Eatlra Wast. Krug park Is pronounced the prettiest nd most fascinating place In the west and possesses a wealth of amusement features unequalled west of Chicago, from any standpoint or view. This, taken In con sideration with the fact that the thermome ter always registers several degrees less of heat than In the city, the swift ride through the picturesque country adjacent thereto, the sights of the golf players at the Omaha Country club and the Interior decorations nd surroundings of Krug park, all con tribute to draw the crowds that daily visit this most popular of park resorts. The exceptionally liberal policy of Man ager Cole In furnishing a list of free enter tainments of the class that la carried Is meeting with popular appreciation and ap proval. The Royal Canadian band fur nishes the music for Krug park and Is un deniably ths success tf the para. Thou- DEATH RECORD Mrs. Mary . MrCullouaa. RIVER 8IOUX, la., June 24. (Special.) The funeral of Mrs. Mary Neeley McCul lough, who died here Wednesday, occurred yesterday afternoon at the Latter Day Saints' chapel, with Elder O. H. Shearer presiding. She was born In Ohio December T. 1837, and was one of the first pioneers of Harrison county. Handsome, Stylish and Attractive . STANHOPES, RUNABOUTS, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Direct From Manufacturer to User At Factoryv Prices. Our vehicles will suit the most fastidious. Our prices will certainly please you. Call and inspect our line before you buy. JOHNSON & DANFORTH ' Manufacturers' Agonta of Vehicles and Harness. 8ATTLEY BLDC, SOUTHWEST COR. 10TH & JONES ST8. Entrance from Viaduct on West Side. ' .--"...:.:.jr DON'T TIRE EASILY when you eat Grape-Nuts " 1 "Thtrc's a Reon FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Pair In Eastern Nebraska Today Showers In West Portion Tomorrow Faflr. WASHINGTON, June 24 -Forecast of the weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska Pair In east, showers In west portion, cooler In south portion Sun day; Monday, fair, warmer In northwest portion. For Iowa Fair Sunday except showers in northwest portion, cooler In west portlun; Monday, fair. For Kansas Fair Sunday; showers and cooler at night Monday. For Wyoming Fair Sunday, except show ers and cooler in southeast portion, warmer in northwest portion; Monday, fair, wanner In south portion. For South Dakota Showers Sunday, cooler In east portion; Monday, fair and warmer. For Missouri Oenerally fair Sunday and Monday; cooler Monday in west portion. For Colorado Partly cloudy and cooler Sunday, showers In east portion; Monday, fair, warmer In east portion. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BI'RRAIT OMAHA, June 24. Official record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with tne corresponaing oay or tne last thr-; years: 186 104. lu. 1J02 Maximum temperature..,. H SO 74 t2 Minimum temperature.. ., U fi I! w Mean temperature 78 71 tH 71 Precipitation 00 .H .01 .01 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 75 Excess for the day I Total excess since March 1, 1&0& 7 Normal precipitation , IV Inch Deficiency for the day 19 Inch Total rainfall since Msrrh 1 S 01 Inches Deficiency since March 1 4.62 Inches Deficiency for ci;r. period 14 1.2? Im-hes Deficiency tut cur, jwriud lis3. ... l. Inches Clearing Sale 300 MADE HATS Not one factory hat in the lot. Your choice from $1.00 up to $3.90 Pennell Mill'y Go. Office. Ill South 15th St., Opposite Old Postolllce. 1 VuTTvNk. Bladder! 1 ' iajil i' H Wi W ,fou'c ' one, f ! rCSJ jj t Cures In !H HsaiTOfc? TI48HoursJ I ytfrfl URINARY f J iilHBfs DISCHARGES " - it, far- iRUJI l V Rcwirr tit rr, untrrf.l'ft. C' SWMWlSWWMWtfWWirWMWtfthrftasV