TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. JUNE 25, lf03. FOR RENT HOUSES ml puru of the city. U. I -etui Ac Lu., bca Bldg. D llA) THE Omaha Van move and store llW'K N Ijui. 'it i. ;ia. d Storage Co. pack, t. if. goods. Storehouse Oilluu, lullV Farnam. D S0S VK age -O MOVE p'anoB. Mnggard Van & Stor- Tel. 14ii. Oil. co, lii3 Webster Bt. U 1 Piano moving; lowest rale for reliable mrvke. Tel. 11H. Solimoller tk Mueller. D lOvO IlnlUCPQln J' parte t t! t'ty- 11)8 HUUJCOy, jy. Davie Co., 6ut Aiee lildg. D t. HOLSLS. Insurance, Rlngwalt. liarker Wit. U 101 Hol'SLS FURNISHED Comparisons prove that our goods are very much hotter and at least 26 per cent cheaper than at In ntallrneiit stores. (Jur Urini are, tX.UO worth, 11.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co, Ret ween 12th and lath on Farnam St. D 517 2a 1'1,'KMBHtD FLAY In new apartment building tar the milliner. Address E M, Bee. LI Mil 8-KOo.M modern brick, line condition, 313 N. 2ad. D 242 Full KENT li-room modern house. 22u7 No. I'oth St. 2il. t-rootn modern home. 20C9 No. 20th St. KO. THOMAS HRKNNAN, Room 1, New York Life llklg. D M2S7 21 JO-ROOM house, modern, north of Han scom park; vacant July 1. Inquire Ki3 California. L M932 FOR RENT About July 20, 10-room mod ern house near high school. The O. F. Davis Co., 60-1 llee bldg. D MKIl CF.NTflAL, all modern, 7-room house, 230 n. :sa. vstx FOR RENT. 649 8 . 2Cth Ave., D ioimi brick, strictly mod ern, furnace, 2 blocks from Karnam car, tine neighborhood, near church and school. 4u and water rent. MCAUUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, lDuti Dud no St. D M370 26 NO. Ml SO. 19TH ST., between Leaven worth and Mnviin, 8-roi m modern house; bath, furnace, etc. Apply to H. Wolf, ts-! 8. lllth. DM3.6 2tix APARTMENTS TO LET. We are partitioning off two apartments In The Hamilton Apartments, 24th and Far nam; one suitable for family of two and one for bachelors. VV. Farnam Smith & Co., Agents, 1320 Farnam. D 615 FOR RENT 7-room, all modern house; choice neighborhood. 2123 California St. -132.(0. Apply at 607 N. 18th St. D-MS27 2701 DODQK St., 9-room house and bath, utrictly modern and up-to-date; most de alrable; lnveatigate If you desire a good home; good us new; rent 140. Cull Dodge. 'Vhone 6141. L 247 FOR RENT Neaaly new D-room modern house, nak finish, every convenience, lawn. 810 Worthlngton Place. 146. GARVJN UIIOS.. 1004 FARNAM. D-M855 FURNISHED lint for rent for the summer; reasonable; references. 240S Cass. 13271 FOR RENT, B-room modern house, 10(10 S. ihth St., nearly new and In Al condition; splendid lawn. Call or address as above Charles A. Put tul sun. Telephone. 234H. D M324 25X BEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE Modern, close In. Apply 2203 Burt. D 39 23x A REAL SNAP. 642 S. 80th St., 7-r., strictly modern, ce mented cellar, furnace, open plumbing and gas, being beautifully decorated, only JSi50; walking distance. Payne, Hostwick & Co., OOl N. Y. Life Bldg. D 030 16 HOUSES! HOUSES! HOl'SES!!! 241S Indiana Ave., 2-r., city water, J4. 3)SH 8. ll(th, 3-r., city water, close to S. O. car, $8. 14tuy. N. 17th. S-r.. city water, $9. 8403 Lafayette Ave., cholco 6-r., strictly modern cottage home, only $30. 610 S. 35th Ave., 6-r., city water, sewer and gas. only $16. 234 Farnam St., 7-r., Btrlctly modern, steam heat, close in, $30. 1310 I'ark Avo., 8-r., strictly all modern, fine shape, near car line, J37.S0. 8112 Mason St., 8-r., modern, choice location, L2.f0. 315 N. 2fith, choice 8-r., strictly modern, new house, close In, onlv $30. S0 S. Sxth, -i. strictly all modern, oak fin Ish, very choice, $S0. 15.V) 8. 27th, 8-r., strictly modern, good slmpe, cIoho to Hanstnm park, $27.60. 621 S. 2Sth Ave.. 10-r., all modern, close In, good Shape. $L'5. 710 N. 40th, lo-r., Btrlctly modern, finely fin ished, good barn, paved street, at reduced figure. See our list before von move. PAYNE. HOSTWICK ft CO., Sixth Floor, N. V. Life Bldg. D 53 25 FOR RENT Near Hanscom park, choice eight-room house, in first-class condition, every modern convenience, $lv. GARVIN BROS . 1,104 FARNAM. D-G05 25 S119H HALF WERSTER-r.no. 214 N. 16TH ST., ST(JRE-18.00. JfilS N. 20TH ST.. 6 Ri OMS $21.00. N. W. COR 1STH AND ELM-S18.00. 2i6 DOl'ULAS, 8 Ki ll (MS $.T.60. 908 N. 23D ST.. 7 RO IMS $:i2.50. 2814 ST.-MARY'S AVE.-$40.00. JOHN N. FHENZER, OPP. OLD P. O D 412 26 young men to travel or permanent. Work WANT ED Several for the summer, pleasant. Good remuneration. The 1 wentietn century f armer, Omaha. Neb. D u6 2207 FARNAM ST., 10 rooms, all modern, $40. &t a. !2d St.. 6 rooms, modern, $22.60. M17 N. 2.'.th St., 6 rooms, modern, $15. 611 8. 2tith St.. 5-room cottage, $17.60. 1310 N. 24th St., 5 rooms. $14. The Byron Reed Co.. Phone 297. 212 8. 14th St. D 401 25 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, lftflO 8. 2iih St.. nearly new and In Al condition; plendld lawn. Call or nddress as nhovo. Charles A. Patterson. Telephone 2346. D 113:( 2i'.x BUSINESS CHANCES IF VOl' wish to buy or seil a business or leal estate, consult b. . Sales Bureau, C4 and M Lee Bldg. Y inn IF YOU want to buy. sell, rent or exchange real estate or business (4L ICK see Cump-ton-Watts Co., b.ii paxton Blk. Y Huy X HAVE on? blacksmitn shop, 60x60, and lot 50x100, with good tools, both iron and wood; only shop in town; good trade, fooa territory. Come and see or write I. A. Buhmau, Buffalo Oap, 8. D. Y VOi SHARKS in Omaha Typewriter Exchange at $25 each; incorporation, $10,ooo; $-i,U6 worth ot shares sold in three days; 20 to i per cent profit on your Investment. We will handle the best new typewriters on the market. Y u6 GOOD paying drug stote; will sell at In voice; doing good business. Also a print ing plant, complete; good location. For full Information write William Madgett, Hastings, Neb Y-774 WHOLESALE and retail candy and Ice cream business, everything first-class; no Competition; mint for making money; very ltl-health cause for selling; invoice $5,ooo; an opportunity of a lifetime. William Madgett, Hastings, Neb. Y Mkj'l DOCTOR WANTED Tho best chanco for a physician in the stato of Colorado. Ad dress for particulars to Manager Craig Hospital, Craig, Routt County, Colorado. Y M2VS 26 10-ROOM flat, furnished, for sale at a bargain; good location for roomers. J. Levlne, 301 No. 16th. Tel. 771. Y-M286 TO RENT New brick store building, suit able for any line of business. Well lo cated and town growing. Write C. L. Rothell, Crab Orchard, Neb. Y-M304 27 FOR SALE, $7,000 general merchandise stock in good country town in northern Nebraska; splendid business; cause for selling. Address J 14, Bee. Y M317 27z BUSINESS CHANCES J. H. JOHNSON, REAL ESTATE- KI'SINESS CHANCES. WANTED. GENERAL MDHE. sto k, clean and up-to-date, valued at $14.1100 to 15.(, for 4-0 acres Improved farm, Mll.I-tf CO., I A. LI MBER AND COAL business In good, live town and paying business. GOOD Income property or Improved farm for fine HOTEL property, with furniture and everything complete; only house in life Nebruska town: does a monthly net business of fcinu to $loo. Price of entire property. $)2,o0. U'iear.) LARGU RANCH property for FLOVR MILLING and ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT, live western Iowa town, valued $)tf,W!0 (clear). Pays 10 per cent on valuo. HOTELS, FI'RNISHED. 60-ROOM, modern, northeast Nebraska town, strictly $2 house; none better In state outside OMAHA. Pays $.'0 net profit monthly. Price of furniture and case. $6, mm $3,500 cash, balance easy. 26-ROOM, miHlern, brick, $2 house, north western Iowa; good business, but sickness necessitates sale at half cash to owner a few months ago. Many other profitable hotels In Iowa and Nebraska at right figures'. AND DONT FORGET that I have many good propositions In roaming houses In city which will pay to Investigate. REMEMBER to send me full description of any prop erty you may have for sale or exchange and I will give same prompt attention. J. H. JOHNSON 'Phone 6172 N. Y. Llfo. Y-632 26x YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a pavings account with J. I,. Brandela & Sins, Bankers, 16th and Douglar 8ts. Assets over $400,00.00. Y WE have party with few thousand dollars and services to Invest In good paying business. I'nlon 1oan St Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 2904. Y-M344 26 WE have two good parties who wish to buy homes on monthly payments. List troperty for sale or rent with us. I'nlon oan & Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 2W04. Y-M345 26 FOR SALE Four years' lease and part of equipment of the finest modern country hotel In Northwestern Iowa. For full par ticulars address Box 76. Newell, la. Y-M349 6 HOMESTEADER For $5(0 I will locate party on section of land worth $3,0u0. Real Estate exchange, G14 Bee Bldg., Omaha. . Y M364 20x WANTED Young man In Omaha with at least $500 to Invest in a mall order med ical concern; new nlan; Investigate. Ad dress J 19. Bee. Y M3tifl 2iJC POSITION with Investment of $3,000 to $5,000 by .nan with best of references. Address J 3S, Bee. Y M381 26x WANTED Position in country bank with Investment. Best of references. Ad dress J 31, Bee. Y-M382 26x NEWSPAPER for Bale In fine town of 1,000. no other papers, $760 if taken at once. Outfit Includes r.vlinder press. Address Quick, care Bee. Y-M3SC 26 CONFECTIONERY, cigar nnd notion store, central location, opposite public school; snap If taken at once, regardless of value; fine modern fixtures; largo stock. C. J. Canan. R. 402 cltv hall. Y'-604 25x. WE execute option orderB for wheat: $20 margins l.oort bu. 2 cents. Send for FREE book, explaining option trading, and dally market letter, apolls, Minn. Osborn Grain Co., Mlnne- Y 427 26X IN VESTOR8 Greatest money earning, wealth producing financial project ever planned. Company forever owns every source of prollt In a modern city under unity of ownership. Stock should pay large dividend and double in selling price first year and ever continue tt increase. Information mailed free. Inventors' and Finance Company, Dept. I, Hoboken, N. J. Y-484 25x INSt'RANCE agents to .represent banking house as side line. Exclusive territory given. Richardson & Co., 43 Wall St., New York. Y-M430 25x FREE six months. A mining paper worth reading. It shows how to make money. Write for It. North American Miner, 34 Broadway, New York. Y 188 25x ARE YOU HOLDING STOCKS THAT DON'T PAY? Want your monev out? Send vour address today. Box 622. Ely rla. O. Y-420 20x FINE restaurant and short order house in one of best towns In Nebraska, with ele gant soda fountain; doing excellent busi ness; good reason for selling. Speak quick If you want it. Address F 66, Bee. tm WEBSTER ST., 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. I'.'O; 2218 Chicago Ht . 8 rooms, modern. $30; Jn3o Burt St.. 9 rooms modern, $3o. lilngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D M398 26 FURNISHED " Two modern houses in Hanscom park dis trict, nicely furnished, for rent for tho summer, one of 6 moms for $22 50 and one or s rooms lor x.17 to. Both of these are wen locaieu. for rurtner partlculnrs s Pnvne, Bostwlck & Co., 60I N. Y. Life mug- D 528 25 FOR RENT. rmj roppleton Ave., in rooms, modern. iifHumui yarn, reuecoruiea 10 suit, a beau tlful home, $45 iir.1:! Iiewev Ave.. -ooms, modern except nirimii', cnw in, ti.w. 1)10 I'ark Ave.. 8 rooms, all modern, Hans coin park district, $:!7.f0. 2o9 8. 2Mh Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, walking distance, $30. (24 N. 42d, 7 rooms, modern, fine condi tion. I-Ti. 1214 N. 24th, t rooms, modern except fur nace. $15.00. .1706 Canton St., 4 rooms, city water, $10 00. Two 8-room furnished hoi'see for the summer. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y Life Bldg., Tel. 1781. D-527 25 START profitable mall order business; sell gOOOS Oy in.lll. tiiwii iwmro n v.... , conducted by anyone, anywhere; our plan Is very successful: we furnish every thing: complete plan free. Central Sup ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. Y "PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE- ' TURNED. Send model or BKeicn tor tree opinions as to patentability. Send for il lustrated Guide Book, contains 100 me chanical movements and LIST OF IN VENTIONS WANTED; TELLS HOW TO OBTAIN and SELL PATENTS: full Particulars of NEW TRADE-MARK AW, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Patents se cured through ub advertised free, In World'B Progress; sample copy free. I EVANS, W1LKENS & CO. Reg. Patent Attorneys, 616 F hi., Wash ington. 1). C. Y CASH for your :eal estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency. D 312 Bank ot Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y x ANNUAL salary $1,800 and expenses for reliable man; three-year contract; per manent If satisfactory; we wnnt bright man desirous of bettering himself; salary secondary consideration. Address: Box 228. New York City. Y WANTED Hotel -The citizens of Bnrtley have $?M) subscribed to be absolutely given to acceptable person who will build nnd maintain suitable hotel In Bartley; fine opening. Particulars bv addressing Hotel Committee, Bnrtley, Neb. Y 494 26x FOR SALE A first class grocery and moat market: doing a fine business; located on West Brondwnv. Council Bluffs, la. Ad dress W, Bee, 10 Pearl St., Council IlluITi, la. Y-M67I Jlx MONEY TO-LOAN CHATTELS Money! WE have It to advance you on Furniture, Pianos, Uve Stock and other chat tels, or If you are employed on a sal ary we can loan you upon your own agreement without mortgage. WE can give you the money on very short notice and handle the business with out publicity. WE never charge for making papers or for notary fees and we never deduct in terest in advance as seme do. WE can make your contract in 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 or even more monthly pay ments, making the payments very small, and if you pay larger payments . than the contract calls for wc allow a rebate which in all cuses shall be proportionate to the original contract, Others say they do tills, we do It. ONLY see us Is all we ask, and If we can njt rio as well or better than others we cannot expect your business. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., lit) Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22& (LBtabllaned Swi ts. loth tit. X-M888 $$$$$$$$$$$$ THE MONEY THAT YOU WANT I I I CAPITAL Is furnished companies more quickly on guaranteed stock or bonds be cause each Investor Is absolutely Insured against the loss of his Investment through Gold Bond issued by a MILLION DOL LAR company, where each bond is se cured by a deposit with the STATE THEASl'RER a perpetual trustee. HALF MILLION NOW DEPOSITED. Securities thus Insured are easily sold and your company quickly financed. Write for particulars, giving full Information about your proposition. Halford H. War din, 27 William St., New York City. Y-4S1 26x DUl'O STORE for sale. A snap; half In terest In a splendid paying drug store; In a good territory town of 4.O0O. This store was started new 2 years ago; ia doing the best business of the town and making good money for Its owners. I have busi ness Interest In other place that requires my undivided attention and till my capi tal. Am obliged to sell. Address A. j. Kinsley, Box 663, Wagoner, I. T. Y M4S0 July lx WALL STREET calls It a "creeping mar ket." Take advantage of a stock that will sell at 60 within three months, now falling ot 25. Trade through your own broker. Five dollars brings this Informa tion. F. Richardson, 2u6 West 71st Bt., New York. Y 486 J8x WANTED To buy, or location for a $2,0n0 hock or naruware. Address J 10, Bee, Omaha, Neb. Y 478 25x FOR RENT Brand new modern house with good barn on West Farnam St. SHIMER & CHASE Dtl3 25 NINK-K. house. $37.50: -R. house, $1; two 8-R. houses, $37.60: 10-H. house, $40; 8-R. house, J-i'; 7-R. house, l-b; 8-R. house, $26. Anson At Yobt, 4o8 i'axtou Blk. D 644 25 -ROOM cottage for housekeeping; com pletely furnished. 81 8. Km St. D M563 2x FOR RENT 627 8. th Ave.. 8-room cot tage; bath, furnace, etc.; 130. L. D Sald lug, Omaha National Hank. Tel. 230. D-062 26 FOR SALE Stock hardware and linnl ments In good live town In southern No- nraska. will sell together or separate. Inquire 'of J 17. Bee. . Y K8 2J FOR SALE Steam laundry. modern throughout, located In cltv 12.000: nl.int clearing $4.5c0 per year; no agency or com mission business. Will sell cheap for cash, or $2.ti cash will turn it. Tills la a rare cnance ami will stand thorough In vestlgiuion; plant has no competition Ad dress J 18, care Bee. Y 470 25x Bl(i MONEY-$10 buys puta or calls upon iv.v ousneis wneai; no . rurtner risk; movement of 5 rents makes you t.'iOO. Write for circular. The Standard Grain 10., 1 leveianu. o. Y 438 26x LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., luulu N. Y. L. 'Phoue 133. J. M. Marfarland. M K T. L Bid. Tel. 1653 -27 OMAHA COLLECTION CO., TeL 1275, 0 fee tilde 15ui SOUTHERN MINNESOTA newspaper for sale. $1.6011. No competition: earning anove mi casn a year: exenses light town has water works, gas and sewerage pop. duo Address l F. St. Clair. Adams. aiinii. 4 ma oner goo.i 10 days. j Y S97 25x ADVERTISER would like to meet a rn sponsible business man with $.".,000 cash I can demonstrate with alsivo amount a lorionv van oe iiwiiie. ns 11 nas in same business manv times before, which I will prove before Investment; business Is ready now and profits begin In a few days; money secured from loss: investigation invueu; success certain, j (3. care Ben. Y 564 27x N KLI, Improved farm In Richardson couniy. jveorassa. 10 excuange for hard' ware or clean general merchandise stock In good town. Would rut In stock, tools ami crop ana give immediate ponsessloii. Aaoress u. n. iieyuoioa, Humboldt. Neb R. It. No. 4. Y -4136 AND FIND IT HARD TO GET can be had on HOUSEHOLD FLRNlTL RE, PIANOS or on plain note if steadily employed, at reasonable charges and liberal terms, iuu repay the loan in easy weekly or monthly payments as best Bulls your convenience. If paid sooner than promised a liberal RE BATE Is allowed for time saved. Hun dreds of satlHtled customers can tes tify to our easy, Inexpensive, confi dential dealings. Our olllce Is fitted up for privacy, with private Interview ing rooms. Tel. 1411. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 11001113 joi- i-uxion jjik. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ X 40S 25 BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Cows. Salaries. etc WHERE You get It on short notice. WHERE You get low rates and easy terms. WHERE Confidential and courtuoua dealings b-ing you back. WHERE Can you do better? PHOENIX. CllEiJiT CO.. Top floor. 683 PAXTON BLK. CHATTEL LOANS. We have money to loan at a reasonable rate on oiamouus, pianos, household furniture or other good chattel securi ties to partiea whose position in life re quire tlial such transactions be made and held in strict conlldence. Union Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 2WH. X M284 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary. horses, etc.; hail usual rates. Dr. Pribbe nuw, room U4. at 2u8 S. 15th St. Tel. B2M4. SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES KMUIIT OF PYTHIAS NEBRASKA NO. 1, K. OF P. Regular meeting Mondav evening at 7:3o o'clock In Myrtle hall. 15th and Douglas Sts. Vis itors welcome. A. B. ANDERSON. C. C. ROY A. DODGE, K. R. and 8. TRIUNE LODGE NO. 66, K. OF P. Meets every Tuesday night at southeast corner 14th and Dodge. Visitors welcome, A. H RAWITZER. C. C. J. C. RRE WINGTON, K. R. & 8. ROYAL AHCAItM UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL NO. lo9 Meets second and fourth Monday each month at Arcanum hall, northwest corner 16th and Harnev. Visitors welcome. . N. F. RECKFORP. Regent, T- FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES U. S. NATL BANK RLDG. OFFICES FOR RENT. Two small offices, one on second nnd other on third floor, $s.26 each. All modern con veniences. One large ground floor office on 12th Bt.; large window for display; all modern conveniences, electric light and private wash bowl; all newly decorated; Janitor service Included. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ground Floor U. S. Nat' I Bank Bldg. I 5ol 25 LARGE, light room, size 85x32 feet, second floor 1308 Farnam St., suitable for olllce, storage, light manufacturing, etc. In quire above number, upstairs. 1633 25x AGENTS make $1 to $10 a day fitting glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Michigan. - I THRKE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1-861 THE ttoreroom, No. 1312 Farnam St., only ii per nionm. inquire it. j. petera St Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1963 STOREROOM, 621 South 16th St. Clark Powell. 1516 Capitol Ave. 'Phone 921. I-M1M LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eyes Found 970 YELLOWISH mare, black mane, small white Rpot on forehead and on right side. Jacob H. Armhrust, south Petruf's grove, Center street road. Found M.1S3 24x LOST Strayed or stolen, Jersey cow. M. it. t.opeianci, 1:1:2 Wirt Ht. lxist 541 25 FOUND Leather halter. Owner can have same by calling at Bee office and paying for add. Found 556 25 LOST Round purse, soma money. Reward ior return to 423 South sath St. Lost-578 25 PATENTS PATENTS. We procure the valuable kind. I solicit cases from those who appreciate the best work obtainable. L. C. Sharp Machine Works, 604-12 S. 10th St. H. A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un lets successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. -406 SUES ft CO., patent attorneys. Washing ton. D. C, opposite U. 8. patent office. Advice anil ;.Hint blanks free SOUy! 6 iiM ant r Price Slashing Vehicle Sale flu hi ill ifs'iri This nale monns to ua the turulp.fi Into canh, as bimiu ns possible, n many of our vehicles und linruosm'S ns iohhIIi1u. It menus to you a Inrgo nitrlnit 011 every thing In the liorso koihIs line. If you rnuteiuplute tho inirehnHO of 11 turnout for bus! net, pleasure or horse show use next fall, here's your elinneo Improve It. For example this f.73 Hostou Sta tion Wngon for $425. A swell lookliiK vehicle substantially built In the latest style, of extra well sea si mod second growth hickory. Is hand forced throiiKhout; bolts. Non-way Iron. Has a dark blue body with rich carmine gear. Is fitted with tst grndo Goodrich rubber tires; forged fifth $575 Boston Station Wagon $425 wheel; KnglNti steel rubber head spring; rubber step pnds with mud covers over steps. The outside sent Is genuine tufted leather; Inside scuts nnd trimmings of heavy bedford cord nnd coach lace; tufted stitln top lining; roller silk curtains at every window. It Is constructed with full panel and full glass back nnd sides of strictly bevel edged plate glass. All glass may he dropped. IHvlslun front is removable, therefore n vehicle for summer or winter use. Tills vehicle cut from 7.i to $4:1." others ns low ns fix for Top Ituggics why not take ndvnntnge of these reduc tions, right now I Today 1 Drummond Carriage Company, 18th & Harney Street '- " " ; ; ' " - 5 ARMY KEWS AND 60SSIP. FOR SALE FARMS THh TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Thla agricultural weekly goea to 60,000 bomea of farmers and stock raisers, so It you have a good piece of land to sell at reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement la small 1 cents per word In smaii type, or t2.lsO per Inch If set In iarg type OSTEOPATHY Johnson institute. &Xu N.Y. Life bldg. Tel.l6ti4 840 MRS. JOHN R. MUBICK. Osteopathy Phy- IVilftUi UiilVO, HOY 11 IV Din,, X t-i fcffoilu -S4J LEUAL KOT1CE8. PUBLIC NOTICE. By virtue of un order of the district court of Douglas County, Nebraska, in a Bun tnerein p-nuing, entitled trunk J. Dennlson against Western Anchor Kenco Company, entered June 19, 1&05, I will sell for cash, either privately or publicly, all the assets of the Western Anchor Fence company of every kind and description, in cluding material, machinery, tools, fixtures, office furniture, patent rights und every other species of property owned or enjoyed uy ine wesiern Ancnor r once company. Said property will be sold in separate Items or as a whole. Any part thereof not previously sold privately will be offered for sale at publio auction on July 10, 19ua, at It) o'clock a. m. at 205 North 17th street, Omaha, Nebraska. All bids for said assets, or any part thereof must bo accompanied Dy me casn, ana win oe reported to the court for confirmation. Before the time fixed for the publio Bale of said assets tlds therefor will be re ceived at my office In the McCague build ing, Omaha. THOMAS 11. MCAUUG, Receiver for Western Anchor Fence Co. J19 d20t m MONEY' joaned aalarled people and others witnout security; easy payments. Offices ioimun, room 714, X S63 In 63 principal cities. New York iue mag. BOWEN'S MONEY -Easy to get on furni- ture, pianos, norsea cows. I'laln note If steadily employed. iiO N. Y. Lifo. X-J64 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, nursea. iuu ureen ixian Co., 3 Barker Blk. X 9fi5 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. r. Read, SI 8 3 13 X-KCtl ' EAOUE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an uusinea confidential. 1301 Douglas. X- -W4 MONEY FOR SAIJvRIED PEOPLE. STAR ivUAIN UU., 044 rAAIUS 11LK. X KU7 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley ixian 1 o. . nm harriim wr x lull DRESSMAKING OOLDMAN Pleating Co., M0 Douglas Blk. -871 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A27C4. -72 LEARN dreKStnaking ot home by mall. A full, complete and scientific course In dressmaking taught by mail. Our stu dents very successful. Send for cata logue describing tho course. Century lorresponuence bciiooi, Des Aioines. la. M ifiO Sox MHS. R. A. KELLER. Ill N. 20th.. 'Phone 2r..t?, will make special reductions within the next 30 days In the making of the new 'Three-llece Suits." First class work guarantees, 674 ?bx WANTED TO BORROW WE HAVE the following 8 tier cent mort gages for sale on Improved Omaha real estate: t Sim 6-room house and barn. Rent, 112 ll.OuOuO-Farnam St. lot, with Improve ments. Rent, M. I2.0fl0.i0 4 houses on lurd Rt. Rent. fit. l .(mo 0"--7-room modem house, near Cuming e collect tne rents on all tho above prop erty and Interest and principal will be pain prumpiiv at ints oince. N. 1. DuDUE & CO., Iiil4 FARNAM ST M1t9 24 FLORISTS HESS & SYYOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -991 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnar.:, Tel. 1258. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE NEW, modem, elegant furnishings; refer tnce resulted, i tu, car Bee. ei- LEGAL NOTICE POLICE AUCTION SALE. In accordance with law and the provisions of Ordinance No. 5BJ1 of the City of Omaha, Douglus County, Nebraska, notice is hereby given that 1 will aell at publio auction, at the police station, Eleventh and Dodge streets, In the city of umana, mate of Nebraska, at z o clock p. m. Thursday, July titn, num. an unclaimed personal prop erty which may have been in the posses. Blon of the police department or chief of police six niontns prior to January 1st, ivto, This sale includes all kinds of goods, such as cutlery, bicycles, harness, watches, dress roods, rlothlng, trunks, gloves, etc., all sold without reserve to the highest bidder. J. J. DOKAHUli, J-24-d-l-t-EA8 Chief of Police. Fort Bllry, FORT RILEY. Kan.. June 24 (SDeclal.l Heretofore tho classes of student officers of the school of application for cavalry and field artillery have been limited to the num ber of oflicers of less than ten years' service on duty at 'tills post. Numerous Inquiries have been received from otlicera stationed elsewhere as to what steps they should take to secure detail for duty at tne scnool anu while tne matter or recom mending an extension of its scope ns a special service school was under consider ation a telegram was received from the chief of staff asking how members of this year's graduating class of tho military academy at West Point could be quartered here ror a year s course in equitation. A reply was at once sent that twenty grad uated cadets could be accommodated. They will probably lie ordered to report here about the middle of September. The work ot the school has lately attracted much attention and favorable comment and this beginning of a broader field of usefulness In the army is a natural result of the excel lent results which have been acompllshed. aocond Lieutenant u. is. Hathaway, Ninth cavalry, has returned from California, bringing his bride with him. They were married last month at the home of the bride's parents in Oakland. A mutual transfer between organizations has been effected by Prlvatcj Willie W. Chelf, Troop A Eleventh cavalry, and John m. AQUir, a weiiiy-iiiui uauery, neia ar tillery. Second Lieutenant F. L. Polndexter. artil lery corps, recruiting officer stationed at w lcnita, Kan., spent a few daye at this post last week. He came as u witness before a general court-martial. Cook Turner, Twenty-fifth battery, field artillery, has gone to Logansport, Ind., to look after the settlement of an estate be queathed to him by a relative. He was granted twenty days' leave of absence. The commanding officers of all organiza tions which participate in the post exchange met In general council In the office of the post commander last Saturday evening for consideration of the general policy to be adopted by the exchange In the matter of conducting a laundry, a dairy, a poultry arm anu otner enterprises. The excursion to Fort Leavenworth was postponed until today on account of the liability of the railroad company to fur nish equipment on the date originally an nounced. A large number of soldiers took advantage of the opportunity to visit Leavenworth. A special car for the officers and ladies was a part of the train and one of the features of the day's entertain ment Is a base ball game between two teams of officers, one from this post and the other from ort Leavenwortn. Extensive renairs are belnit made in the barracks of the Twenty-fifth battery. The work will continue ror about six weens, during which time the - members will be quartered In tents at the rear of the barracks. Mr. Buzzacott of Chicasro. the Inventor or a field bake oven and other camping equip ment which has made him wealthy and famous among military men, paid a visit to the post last week, where he was the guest of Captain M. S. Murray, commis sary. He was once a private in the Fifth cavalry and is much Interested In every thing that pertains to the welfare of the Boldler. Orders have been Issued requiring mat nil men who have general court-marital charges pending against them be conlined In the main guurdhouse. The competition or the marksmen or tne Twenty-second regiment, Kansas National Guard, was finished last Saturday. Tho competition was in charge of Colonel P. M. Holsington. The scores made were un usually high, and the winners .feel confi dent of gaining some of the prizes In the national maicn. 1 uw 11111 w nu mauc um highest scores were: Captain J. F. Lawson, Major T. R. Campbell, Sergeant A. D. Altenreld, Second Lieutenant H. H. Shee lev and Sergeant R. J. Kessler, all of Hutchinson; Captain V. K. Cunningham of Osborne, Lieutenant A. T. Berg of Sallna, First Sergeant (t. P. Sawyer or Newton and First Lleutenunt Bruce Griffith of Wichita. These men will be sent to Sea Girt to per resent the Second Kansas regiment in the national match. Tho bid of Zelgler & Dalton of Junction City was the only one received for the construction of the new hospital. That firm submitted the lowest bid when pro posals were first received, all of which were rejected as tne lowest was in excess 01 tne appropriation. The size of the proposed building was somewhat reduced and new NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for a loo-horso power boiler complete will be received at the office of tne secretary or tne iioaru 01 r.aucation of the Slate Normal schools, capitol build ing, Lincoln, Nebraska, up until 12 o'clock noon. June 30, llf&, for the State Normal school at I'eru, In accorduuc with the specifications on file In the office of tho secretary. The bourd reserves the right to reject any anu an Dias anu waive ue fects in same. By order of the Board of Education of the state iNormai scnoois. J. U M liRlEN, Secretary. JldW ' NOTICE. Bids will be received by the secretary of th Hoard of Public ijilids and Buildinas. Ht h office of tho secretary of state, uu to 12 o clock noon Baiuruuy, juiy i, nun, tor two (2) dynamos for the Nebraska Hospital for Insane, at Lincoln. Nebraska, as per specifications now on file In the olllce of (lie secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. OALUSHA, Secretary of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings. Je22d5tM BONDS FOR BALE. Bid are wanted on a llu.OOO Issue ot refuudlng school bonds of School District JNO. Cine 01 n VBliMl .uuuiy. ,1 Hilling. said Issue being In 10 bonds of Sl.Ooo each, bearing six (ti) per cent Interest, Interest Jut) able semi-annually. The first bond ot 1 (in Is payable 6 years from date of issue and one bond of Sl.Ouo each yeir thereafter until paia. ror turiner in formation address A. EVA IS o, Clerk of School Hoard. Vewenstle. Wyo. M.UdTet ni OCEAN S1KAJUKHS. ANCHOR UHM V. B. MAIL TAMIIS. K'EW YORK, UlKUONLiKKHY AND OLASUOW NEW TURK.. OIBKALIAB AND NAPLES. Superior scroinmoaitiivD. wwium , m Ciuifort of fufniffl Cr(ulUr CoihIiUmJ. Slu r koto Trip liclits iur liwi Nw lrt ti.a Buul.Ji. tuhtt lrUk sail sll rluclpl cw tlntnul iilni i Urcii roiM. "! lor Moot . r....M Wi.m ink-,- ar lnfol LUallun avuii to ut local 4(t ot Ik Aocbor Lino sr lo ., l. k , .c- . M l.lt.lki li ,ri: 1..J111 I'ttlrAa,. ML H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S, CITY VKTEHIVAUIAK. Office and Infirmary, and Mason Sts. OMAHA. N Eli. Telephone M9. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Aaartsi voibbs, . War department as a member of a board for tho purchase of public animals at Eist St. Louis and ordered to report at (hat place for duty at the cull of the senior member of the board. Private Guy A. Hogan, Seventh battery, field artillery, having been tried by a gen eral court-martial and found guilty of viola tion of the sixty-second article of war, lias been sentenced to confinement In the guard house for one month and to forfeit $10 of his pay. Private John E. England, Twentieth bat tery, field artillery, was drowned while swimming In the Kaw river at the hay ferry last Sunday evening. The body was found near Ogden Tuesday afternoon and brought to the post for burial. Funeral services were held at the hospital Wednes day afternoon, with Interment In the post cemetery. The first provisional regiment of field artillery which Is to bo organised to test the regimental form of organization will go Into camp here on August 1 and remain three months. It will bo commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Sydney W. Taylor of the artillery corps, now in command of the artillery subpost, and will conslut of the five batteries now here and the Twenty ninth battery, now at Fort Leavenworth. During the period of the test all recitations In the field artillery school will be sus pended and a practice march of at least 200 miles will be made. A number of artil lery officers stationed at various poHts throughout the country have been ordered to report here by July 20 for duty as regi mental and battalion staff officers with tho new organization. Sergeant Harrison Henderson of the Ninth cavalry band was promoted Wednesday to be drum major. Private John Nelson was transferred from the band to Troon A and Private Morris Brown from the band to Troop B, Ninth cavalry. The Ninth cavalry squadron which has been encamped for several weeks at the national rllle range, engaged In target prac tice, broke camp yesterday and returned to duty in the post. featlng A troop by a score of IS to 6. A troop, however, was at a great disadvan tage, as Its pitcher, Mitten, was sick In the hcpltal. Wednesday, June 14, General Hlddlo, father of Lieutenant I). H. Kiddie, arrived at the post. Ocnernl Illddle will remold with his son for several weeks. Thursday, June 1&, Lieutenant G. Ia Striker left for his home In Clinton, N. Y.. 011 a two mouths' leave of absence. That evening Mrs. Hunter, wife of Major O. K. Hunter, left for Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where she will spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Stewett, wife of Lieutenant R. Stewett of the Ninth cav alry. Friday evening. Juno lfi, the usual offi cers' hop was held In the post hall and a most delightful evening was spent by all. Miss Broadwater of Helena, Mont., who Is at present visiting In Lead, S. D., spent several days at the post last week. Saturday. June 17, Veterinarian Jules II. Url left for Fort Keogh, Mont., where he will be on duty for about a month. Saturday evening Major nnd Mrs. Cheever entertnlned most delightfully at dinner Cap tain nnd Mrs. A. (. Lott, Lieutenant and Mrs F. CI. Turner. Mrs. Weaver, mother of Mrs. Turner nnd Mrs. Turner, mother of Lieutenant Turner. Tuesday. June 20. Captain Tott went to a hase ball meeting held nt Belle Fourche, S. D.. nnd as a result the Fort Meade team has become a member of the Black Hills league. There will no doubt be some verv interesting games played. Monday. Juno 19, Colonel William Stan ton returned to the post, having been ab sent on a three weeks' leave of absence. Speelnl Itntes Knut Via Wrbnmh n. H, Call at Wabash city office. 1(101 Farnart" street, or address Harry E. Moores, Q. A, P. D.. Omaha. Neb. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 122t Drotiosala were asked for. The new swimming pool Is being well patronized these hot days. Nearly 300 men ruungeu inio its rooung waters one even nir tills week. The water Is kept at a temperature of about 70 degrees and fhe basin Ih so large that, with regular changes, the water is kept clean ana rresn. Funds not being available for the con struction of barracks for the detachment of bakers and cooks, authority has been granted for the construction of a tempor ary frame building to be used ns a dining room and kitchen Tor the members. The building Is now being constructed near the post bakery. Tho men are quartered among the uinercnt organizations serving at tne post. Clirrord le or junction t:ity, wen ana favorably known among the young people at this post, has received an appointment to the Military academy. He left for West Point Tuesday, being under orders to re port there "on June 24. The post water works pumping station is to be enlarged by the building of an ad dition to the boiler room, work on which will be started next week. Captain C. B. Sweezy, Thirteenth cavalry, was detailed Monday, and Captain John T. Haines, Eleventh cavalry, relieved, as sum mary court and survey officer fur the cii"alry subpost. The Twentieth battery, field artillery, will go to Marysvllle. Kan., to participate- In the celebration of Independence day. The organization, consisting of about luO men and 160 horses and mules, will march over iand. a distance of seventy miles, leaving here June 2H. arriving at Marysvllle July 2 and beginning the return march on July 6. Camps will be made at Clay Center, Ran dolph and Irving. Captain William J. Snow of the artillery corps will be In command. Private Joneph 1 faster of the artillery was recently granted a furlough anil went to bis home In Iowa. While there both of his parents died and a brother became seri ously sick, und In consequence of these calamities he overstayed his leave. He was arrested In Bt. Joseph last Buturday and charged with being a deserter. He will be returned here for trial but will, of course, fa- leniently dealt with. Captain Ionnlng 1'Rrsirns, Ninth cnvalry. and James Younif. who has charge of the track at the athletic park, returned this week from (tie rac s at Atilleue, lirlnglng with them roost of the prlz" money. Their horses won nrst prize 111 uu tne races put ore, and In that they took second. Private William Germain, Troop C. Thir teenth cavalry, was iletnlleil Tuesday on special duty as Janitor of the gymnasium, and Privates John H Piilllns. Troop A. and John Moore, Troop I', Eleventh cavalry, on special duty in (he oflice of the ost adju tant. Thirty-six recruits arrived here this week and were aslgned to troops of the Thir teenth cavalry. The sUiial corps detachment Is arranging to Install an elecinc nre alarm system a( (his post. It will connect the quarter master's corral and store house. Carr hall. the lauhelor oflicers' quarters and other building and will be operated from the new guardhouse. The date specified for the Inspection of the uniforms of officers on duty at this post has been changed from June 24 to June IH Veterinarian Richard II. Power of th .artillery corps bag tXMta detailed by the Fort lies Moines. FORT DES MOINES, la., June 24. (Spe cial.) Lieutenant Stevenson returned from leave of absence on Friday and resumed his duties as assistant to the poet quarter- The quartermaster general has authorized the purchase of a road roller for use on the roads of the reservation. Rev. Dr. Reynolds of the Presbyterian church of Des Moines conducted the even ing service at the post hall liuit Sunday. Quartermaster Sergeant Alfred Weeks, Troop I, died suddenly at the hospital on Monday morning. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon. Chaplain Waring deliv ering an eloquent address. This makea three graves In the northeast corner of the post. Captains Hardeman and Elliott, Eleventh cavalry, and Lleutenunt Shook, assistant surgeon, left for Chicago on Sunday to give evidence before the board examining Cap tain Perry for retirement. They returned to the post on Thursday. The target range road Is well traveled these days by detachments going ana com ing for revolver practice. A picked squad of officers and men are practising with the hope of representing the regiment at the division competition. Lieutenants Smith and Pearson are enthusiastic on the sub ject of shooting and are both fine shots. Lieutenant Moffett, Thirteenth cavalry, left for his new station at Fort Klley on Wednesday. The grounds belonging to tne state anu situated north of the post are being moved and several small frame buildings erected ; for use us commissary storehouses, etc., 1 preparatory to the arrival early next I month of one of the state regiments for an- 1 nual camp instrucdon. The encampment I this year will be by regiment Instead of by ! brigade, as last year, the groujid having 1 been found cramped for the larger body of 1 men. Captain Jones was the busy man of tho post during the past week, having, in addl- tlon to his duties as commissary, signal 1 and ordnance otllcer, tilled the desk at ttie adjutant s office of Captain Elliott during I the hitter s absence in Chicago. The garrison is soon to lose another offi cer. Lieutenant Smith being busy packing IiIh furniture for a tour of duty at West Point. He expects to leave next month. Captain Perry's leave of absence has been again extended. The building of the new quarters and stables progresses finely and bids fair to be completed by fall, the addition to the quartermaster's storehouse will be nnluhed within a month. Fort Meade. FORT MEADE. 8. D., June 24 (Special.) In spite of the rainy weather the base ball teams have managed to play several kcheduled games between showers. On Sunday afternoon, June 11, the staff team defeated ir troop oy a score or 14 to 1. Tnut same arternoon a most interesting game was played, when H troop was beaten by C (roop by a score of 5 (o 1. Wednesday afternoon. June 14. E trooD defeated IJ troop by a score of 20 to 7. Saturday arternoon, June 1(, 11 ana u troops played, H troop winning by a score of f to 3. Sunday afternoon, June 18, 10 troop played A troop, and 13 troop, with Its usual success, won by a score of 7 to 3. Wednesday afternoon, June 21, a very close game was played between F and H troops. At the end of the eighth Inning the score was 4 to a in tavor 01 11 troop, oui F troop In the ninth and last Inning made five runs. II troop then came to the bat and made three straight outs, making the final score 8 to 4 In F troop's favor. The same afternoon G troop succeeded In de- jtiBSBBBBEESttl. EE9K9SS CHE 1 :ap EXCURSIONS VIA Round Trip Rat from Omaha ASBURY PARK. N. J. Oil 1ft On siilo June 28 to July 1. 01. IU BALTIMORE, Md. ftO QC On sole July 2 to 4 OL.LO BUFFALO, N. Y. HO 7C On 8ii lo July 7 to 0 CU.f J riTTSBURO, Pa. OC OC On sale Ail. 17 to 18 CO.LO Tlekots to points Im1ow on Bale dally, good to return until Oct. 81: CHICAGO 20.00 ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS. 12.50 MONTREAL, P. (J 42.85 NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. .. 41.50 CHAUTAUQUA LAKE, NY 40. 50 DULUTII, Minn 18.50 MACKINAC ISLAND, Mlt'h5.75 DETROIT, Mich 34 35 DEVIL'S LAKE, N. D 19.45 ALEXANDRIA. Mlun 15.25 BEMIDJI, Minn 18.05 SP1CER, Minn. (Greeu Lake) 15.35 M1NNETONKA BEACH.... 13.li WATERVILLE. Mlun 10.50 CLEAR LAKE. Iu 10.70 OKOBOJI LAKE. Ia 9.95 WATERLOO, Ia 11.85 CHEROKEE, Ia 6.85 In addition to above, special ex cursion rates to many other points In Minnesota. Michigan, nhlo, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, Massa chusetts, Maine, Canada e(c. Delightful steamer trips from Chi cago or Duluth and the Great Lakes and St Uwrenre River. Steamer reservations made In udvance. Call on or wjito me about your trip and I will cheerfully give you com plete Information rcgurdlng rates, routes, connections, etc. W. H. BRILL. DUt. Pass. Awt. I. C. H. R. 14413 Farnam Ht, Omuhn, Neb. ZqSSI tongue KVK? 1 E GoldHedau flrORLEArt3lCS5CmcAflol39PARiiB00 GRAND PRIZE ST St.Louis VORLD's Bur '. W.ijmiJULsll'L.. liLi: Bmrmmmmmmmmmammaimmmmm