THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 23. 1005. CRAW AND PRODUCE MARKET Jalj Wheat is Btrong Eitnation. ot the Cuh BIG DEMAND AND SMALL OFFERINGS t Corm la Inactive and Clones with Llt tlo Chance Oats Score Advance -General Crop Prospects Are Favorable. OMAHA, June 22. 1906 wwy wneat was riaru lo buy ana strong on toe cash situation. It openeu at yes terday a dose, but began, a steady ad vance, reaching the high point at 9010, me same condition prevailed In oinor market. St. Louis aa up 14c and Kan aaa City Ho. At Chicago there was a big demand tor July, wun small unarm. Cah wheat was up 34c there, tear ot rain In the harvest ileids contributed to the tension ot the market. July closed at 9o?j904c, (September at &440 aim Liecemliur at Ma. Corn was Inactive with the exception of a amall spurt la the middle of the if aion, when old July stood at 6oc. July closed at 844c, Lid July at 6 v va' September at o24io3c, old Bepteiiiotr at US'tC December at ii)vo and old .December at 6oc. Oats were strong and active. July fin ished at 3144(32c, cieptumber at 8u'o and December at 314c Liverpool closed 4d higher to unchanged on wheat and 4d higher to uncliunged on corn. The last week waa a favorable one for corn and reasonable progress was made, ac cording to the Cincinnati Price Current, out today. It adds that oats are maintaining promise ot a good yield; winter wncat is unchanged in general; harvesting has be gun in the Ohio valley district; spring wheat la making good advancement. Tim Southwestern Grain and Flour Journal's crop bulletin from Wichita, Kan., ridicules the bull reports of those who have passed through the country In special cars. The journal makes the following estimate on the condition of winter wheat: Texas, 71; Oklahoma, 72; Missouri, 80.5; Kansas, 7b; Nebraska, 83, It gives the oats condition as follows: Texas, 66;, Oklahoma, 78; Mis souri, 86; Kansas, 76; Nebraska, 87.' Duluth reported sales of 800,000 bushels cash wheat for Immediate shipment east yesterday. The seaboard sold yesterday 32,000 bushels of wheat, 80,oou bushels of com and 80,000 bushels of oats, Duluth sold 260,000 bushels of No. 1 oats to Buffalo. f rom today's Inter Ocean: "The corn trade figures that Armour is the largest holder ot old July com and has been ac cumulating It for some time. Then there have been many million bushels ot old July corn sold -hv the leadina loners for the last two days; Bartlett-Frar-ier alone sell ing over 2,000,000 bushels. Other holders also have gone out. The corn has been ' picked up. according to the talent, by Ar mour, This la the only explanation they can make for the disappearance of the millions ot bushels sold. The theory of the corn bulls is that the run of corn tnis month will reduce the surplus in the coun try, so that in July recelrwr-"wlll be light. and with stocks down to bedrock, there is little possibility of getting much here during the harvest time. Comstock is put down as being long 3.000,000 bushels of September corn, but has sold out his July. His theory is that there will be less corn to come here In Beptember. also that stocks will be light and the market more controlled. . northern, $1,114; No. 1 northern. $1,034; July, II. US; September, new, 844c; BP tembep old, 894c OATS To srrive and on track, 814c. CHICAGO GRAM A 3D PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; anal Closing; Vrlces on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June 22.-8trer.gth of cash wheat Imparted a firm tone today to the trade In future deliveries. At the close July wheat was up 14c Corn Is unchanged. Oats show 4'a4c gain. Provisions are un changed tn 6c higher. The wheat market was an enigma to many traders, ruling strong in the face of numerous bearish advices. Seemingly the only reason that could be given for the strength was the essh situation, cash wheat showing good gains in nearly all market. For both spring and fall sown wheat the weather conditions today were more favor able than for several weeks, little or no rain having fallen since yesterday. Not withstanding this fact the market opened rm, wun July a shade lower to a ensue ilgher at 88"'cf89c. Not much wheat was ffered for sale and with an active demand from commission houses prices quickly ad- vancea. r or juiy tne hlgnest point ot tne ay was reached at 8040. The more distant enveries snowed a more moderate ua ance. During the last half hour much of he gain was iost on liberal realising. The market closed firm. July at 90-g9(4o. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal, to 73, 900 bu. Irlmarv receipts were 261,000 bu.. compared with 213.1M) bu. a year ago. Min neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 150 cars, against 176 cars last week and li3 cars a year ago. Sentiment in the corn bit early In the session was quite bearish on reports of a imcini movement in the near iuture. A romlnent long wns an active seller, and his had considerable influence with pit raders. IjUor the market became quite Arm. partly in sympathy with the strength of wheat and partly as a result of reports claiming light acceptances In the country of ilos sent out by cash houses The market closed firm with prices near the highest oint. July opened 4c lower at 54c, sold up o MUYuMfi.c and closed at M4c Local re ceipts were 434 cars, with 118 of contract grade. Active demand from several prominent commission houses caused a strong tone In the oats market. Strength of wheat was n important factor. July opened 4c lower at S14c. sold up to 22o. and closed at Zlltif Sic. Local receipts were 123 cars. An advance of 5c in prices of live hogs had a strengthening Influence on the pro visions market. The volume of business was small. At the close September pork was up 24c at 112.80. I,ard was unchanged at 87.424. Ribs were up 2'4ti5c at $7.75 7.77V4. estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 20,000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: easily Omaha CORN-No. 3, 1 49c. Omaha WHEAT No. 3 hatd 80395c; No. 4 hard, Kite; Cash Sales. car, 494c; No. 4, 1 car, Cash Prices. 95rg97c; No. 8 hard, No. 3 spring, 96c. CORN No, 2. 60c: No. 3. 494c; No. 4, 49c; no grade, 48f(r4ic; No. 2 yellow, 6u4ej , No. t yellow, 60c; No. 2 white, 61c; No. i - white. 60c. OATS No. 1 mixed. 2ffUc: No. 8 mixed, i4c; No. 4, mixed, 274c: No. 2 white. 29-ic; No. 8 white, 294c; No. 4 white, tc; stand ard, 29VaO. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 1 434 126 Kansas City 42 34 6 Minneapolis 140 Omaha 8 35 6 Duluth 9 St. Louis 18 67 66 Minneapolis Grain Market. The1 range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood oom- pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: $Artldes. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I'll I I July... 1 GMitai 108. 1 06l, 10SV 10SH 1 0x Sept... 88s, 894 RSV.I 88 8S Dec... 864 864 8541 854 85-4 WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT and Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tear. Wheat I July Sept. Dec. 't'TTl tJuly July tSept. JHept. IDeo. 'I 1 1 S July Sept. Dec. Pork- July BeDt. Lard- July Sept. Ribs July Sept. Oct. l887-94 8T' 837frM' 84 83-Vtf4i8l48-4 I 64ttf 654' B'&'H 534-34 4841 31 4 294 12 52H 12 82S I 7 23 7 46 7 55 7 75 7 8:'H 82 8041 311 12 E5 12 W 7 27H 7 46 7 60 7 80 7 86 wr, 83 544 64 53 62HW"a 48 80Vi I 12 474 1Z DO 7 2241 7 424 7 55 7 75 7 80 I 90ff4 8889 37s 84 54frV54'ffi 64S 53V4 52iu53' 48ft 314 I 12 474 12 80 7 2241 7 4241 7 65 7 774 7 8241 I 644 534 62 484 80 12 474 12 774 7 224 7 424 7 524 7 724 7 SO NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS AdTinca in Pricei Continue! for th Fourth Saocetiive Day- HEAVY SALES IN PROFIT TAKING Demand Proves gnnlclent to Absorb Offerings, Although Late Market la Irregnlar Bonds Are Firm. NEW TORK, June 22. The advance In prices continued In the Stock exchange today for the fourth successive day. The obstacles encountered In the offerings to take profits increased quite materially, but they weres absorbed with considerable facility. The action of the market war ranted a conviction that the movement was In the hands of an organised party of Ullleri noerntnrs bent on attracting a fol lowing of outsiders by demonstrating the possibilities of strength In the market. Their faith In the profit to be derived from this operation is supposed to be based on the Innate advance of strength afforded by the market Itself by Its resistance to recent attacks. Contentment with the future promise of prosperity is counted as the iinrinrlvlns factor In the hardness of prices. but much is heard also of the probability of large dimensions of a "sleeping short in terest," the result of an accumulation of persistent short selling for a long time past. A sufficient advance In prices would dislodge such an Interest and force It to buy stocks to cover. The organised competition which has de veloped this week Is clearly designed to lift the level of prices raUier than to effect an Indefinite accumulation at the lowest prices possible. The operations give evidence of an abundant supply of funds and of re sourceful expedients In manipulation, which show the leaders to be experienced and skillful operators. News developments from hour to hour are given less importance than during the recent period, while small and unorganised traders were striving for a small turn on prices. A movement of greater consistency and more substantial basis is evidently designed now, ss is shown bv the confidence with which stocks are absorbed on the advances. The Influence of yesterday's Increase In the Reading dividend was obvious In the direction taken by today's speculation, tho largest operations centering In the Penn sylvania group. The Reading Increase is supposed to Indicate the probable pot" of the directors of the Baltimore AOhlo, Norfolk & Western and Chesapeake & Ohio and the benefits to result to the Pennsyl vania Itself from Its holdings of these sub sidiary stocks made it a sharer In hi movement. The advance was not simul taneous at all points of the list, but quite comprehensive gains were established 1 by a system or rotation, me n"1"1 - .--- -on the Equitable Life affair was regarded as opening up new depths to be ounAA. But any unfavorable effort on stocks was overridden by the speculative demand. This was true of the ontage rumui. vu... ... the grain market and of report that the relations between .France anu over aiuruvw " j . u , asaln The profit-tak ng made the market ?.?L.:. .... i the dv. but the day s gains were not substantia ly rnpalred. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par val'ie, $3 340,000. United States bonds were all un- cn.n,?,r"c,. th. .ales and range of prices on the Stock fggh.W. A 1 mm IT -m Amalgamated Copper 84.200 81 r . . . . a,iw cent as compared with 60.H per cent Inst week. The rate of discount at the Bank of England today remains unchanged at 14 per cent. Kevr York Money Market. NEW TORK, June 12. MONEY On call, easy at &&14 per cent; closing Md, 2 per cent: offered at 24 per cent; time money slightly firmer; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, 84 per cent; six months, 3S4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FAFER-8VBH4 PeBTEfRLTNn EXCHANGE - F.ssy, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 87-JJ 4.8705 for demand and at 4.8M'Hf.8616 for slxty-dav bills; posted rates, 84.86 and 84.88; commercial bills, $4.84TtJ4 85. SILVER Bar, 68c; Mexican dollars, JlONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds were: OMAHA LIVE STOCk MARKET Eeef Steers and Cowa Steadj to Btrong, Trading Aotite, HOG TRADE ACTIVE AND PRICES HIGHER Receipts of Sheep and Lambs Mnrh Lighter Than Expected, vrlth Mar ket Steady nllh Yesterdny's Prices and Trading Active. SOUTH OMAHA, June 22, 1905. v. a. nr. ts, so eowpon ., rj. a. U, rag. so coupon . U. B. new . do coupon . V a. sis 4s, so coupon .104 ijipsn . cm.... ....1044 do M Miiro... ....104 do S. ctti... ....104 h. A N. vnl. 4a. ....Ill Manhattan t. I ....1114 Mn. Onirml 4a.. ....104 I do lit Inc .lot Minn. A Bl. L. Am. Tobacco 4a, etfa. TO M , K. A T. 4a. do 4a, ctfa... Atchlaon (an. 4a.. 'do am. 4a Atlantic C. U 4a. Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do IHi No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, 84.2OB4.30: straights, IS.SQifrl.lO: spring patents. $5.009 6.70: straights, 13.765.00; bnkers J2.40fi3.60. WHEAT-NO. 2 spring. 11.0801.12; No. 3, oc'(ri u(; mo. x rea, cukn-io. a, iioc: iNO, OATB No. 2. S!c: No. 2 No. 8 white. 82333Ve. Hlti-no. i, YB4HWC. BAHLEY ilooo feeding. 39Q42c cnoice mailing, wnma. Mo. l llax,; mo, l nortnwest ern, $1.43; prime timothy, 13. Clover, con tract trraile. II I.Tfxif 12.26. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., 112.45 gH2.50. Idird per 100 lbs.. J7.157.174; short ribs sides (loose), $7.65ft7.ti6; short clear sides (boxed), $7.60ai.G24. Receipts and shipments of grain and flour were as toiiows: , 2 vellow. 56ic. white, 324334c; fair to Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu.... Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu. Receipts. Shipments. 15.400 13,000 38.000 168,000 420,000 ; 64.100 172,500 122,3(10 2,900 39,600 1,000 American C. do pfd American Cotton Oil do pfd American Express... Amer. H. L. pfd.. American Ice American Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd American S. & R do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln... Amer. Tobacco p. c. Anaoonda Mining Co. 1,100 "200 200 804 844 324 924 32 924 2,800 414 '7,000 000 81,4(10 1.300 4,90) 1,600 7,800 200 800 89,900 Hack Cooler la tpper. Middle Southern Parts. OMAIIA. June 23. 190S The weather is much cooler in the upper region, upper Mississippi, middle ana lower Missouri valleys and southwest. Frost occurred In northern Minnesota. The temperature has risen In the west and uurwiwesi ana warmer weatner win ex tend over the central valleys tonight and Friday. nattered showers have continued In the antral valleys and west. Heavy rains have KbUen In tho lower Mississippi valley and west gulf states, and lighter ruins through out the eastern section. Omaha record ot temperature and precl- pltation conipared with the corresponding day of the last three years: ;. 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 61 61 64 61 Precipitation 00 00 T .07 ' Normal temperature for today, 73 de grees. Denclency in precipitation since March L 4.11 inches. . Dellclency corresponding period In 1904, 1.71 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, 1.02 inches. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Ruin. Stations. Max. Mln. inches. Sky. Ou the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, lii 19qc; dairies, loifflSc. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases Included, 13c; firsts, 134c; prime firsts, 15c; extras, 17c. Cheese, 94tJ10c. NEW TORK GENERAL MARKET Atchison 17.J00 do pfd Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore & Ohio.... Brooklyn R. T 12,800 Canadian Pacific .... 19.800 Central of N. J....... Chesapeake & Ohio.. 2,900 Chicago & Alton -. JoO do pfd . 0u Chicago G. W 1,800 Chicago & N. W 1.700 C, M. & 8t. P 13,400 rhlioirn T .& T do pfd "V C c:. C. & St. L. ... 1.200 Colorado V. & I ,100 Colorado ft Southern 300 do 1st pfd iw Ashland, Neb.. Auburn, Neb Columbus, Neb., Falrbury, Neb... Falrmount, Neb.. Or. Island, Neb. Hartlngton, Neb. Oakdale, Neb.... Omaha, Neb , Tekamah. Neb..., Carroll, la . Clannda, la Sibley, la Sioux City, la.... Storm Lake, la.. 78. 7 69. 74 67 M 66 66 71 7 76 78 63 66 66 49 60 47 48 47 61 40 43 61 46 43 48 40 44 38 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear . Clear Cltar Clear Clear DISTRICT ' AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. fetation. Max. Mln. Inches. in lea go. in Columbus, O D8 Moines, la.. Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Louisville. Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha. Neb 8U Louis, Mo..,. l. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. 29 80 64 .02 16 84 tfi .30 13 78 48 .C8 H 84 64 . .62 19 82 66 T 15 84 70 .53 27 64 40 .01 15 70 46 .00 0 84 68 T - (t. Loots General Market BT. .LOUIS. June 28. WHEAT Higher: .No. I red, cash, elevator, 24c; track, II 00 new, i oo iu; juiy. .c; Bepiemoer, k.'4v hJ4c; No. 3 hard, Ii.oi.tjl.o7. CORN Easy; No. i cah. 624o: track. 63H Cr4c: July, 624c; Uetember, 4j4c. OATS Lower for cash; No. 2 cash, Sic; track, 814c; July, 4c; September, 2c; No. .8 white, 8JSt33c. - FIX)UR yulet and steady; red winter patents, Roodtb.oo; extra fancy anu straight, t4.5U4 '6; clear, 83.2ixii4.00. . -SliED Timothy, nominal. $2.fltg2.40. CORNMKAL Bteady. 2 60. . EHAN-Unchanged, . slow; sacked, east , track, T6i&'T6c. , HAY Unchanged; timothy, $5.00(512.00; prairie, 85.0O(('l(i.ov. . IRONCOTTON T1ES-94C. . BAGGING 84c. HEMP TWINE 64c. PROVISION 8-Pork, firm: Jobbing. $12 674. Lard, steady: prime steamed, $6.70. .Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts. 17.624; clear ribs, $7.75; short clear. $! HO. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $S374; clear ribs, $8,324; clear, $8,874. POULTRY firmer; chickens. 94c; springs. 14518c; turkeys, 11c; ducks, 9jilc; geese, bdlc. PUTTER Quiet; creamery, livgjlc; dairy, 1MJ17C. EUG8 Steady at 12.C case count. Keceiots. nnipments. Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. , NEW YORK, June 2i-FIXUR-Recelpts, 13.316 bbls.; exports, 9,906 bbls. Market firm, with fair inquiry; winter patents, $4.906.25; winter sM-aignts, h wwh.iw; annnesota pat ents, $o.6t)4j6.26: winter -extras, $3.10S.oo; Minnesota bakers, $3.76G4.15; winter low grades, $3.00ft3.55. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. H iV(H W); choice to fancy, i4 Mu W. coHNMtAiH'irm: nne white and yel low. $1.26; coarse, $1.12(51.16; kiln dried, $2.90 tiS.OO. BARLEY Dun: feeding. 46c. c. 1. f. New York; malting. 46Qt2c, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Firm: No. Z red. 81 04. in store: No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1,194. f. o. b. alloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1,114. f. o. b. afloat. A further scare In July wheat today advanced that option over lc. It was based on poor threshing returns, Dullish winter wheat news and Chicago stocks. July opened at 93X43 96 8-16c, closed 944c; Sep tember opened 88'i'38M,o. closed 88c: De cember opened 8K44j8c, closed 884c. t'UHN-Keceipts, ,so du. ; exports. 4,H30 bu. Sales, 60.000 bu. futures. Spot market was Irregular; No. 2, flc. elevator, 61c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 624c; No. 1 white, 62c. Options opened easy on good weather news, rallied with wheat, but were finally depressed again by unloading. They closed 4c lower to 4c higher. July, 69Vuti04c; oeptemoer. os -itxaOTc, ciosea oskC. OATS Receipts. 45.OU0 bu.: exDorts. y bu. Spot market firm: mixed oats. 23 to 32 lbs., ifiH'u-Jtk;; natural white, SO to 32 lbs.. 3ti(i3(c; clipped white, 36 to 42 lbs., 374i4c. i HAY Steady ; shipping. 24'74c. HOPS Easy; slate, common to choice, 1904 crop, 24m'28c; 1903 crop, 21(&23c; olds, 10 412c; Pacific coast, 19u4 crop, 24tf27c; 1903 crop. 20cff22c; olds. 1&S120. H IDES Quiet ; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 20c; California. 21 to 26 pounds, lac; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 184c. LEATHER Uulet; acid, 24260. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family S13.5otrl4.0l; mess, $10.0utiU.OO; packet, $12.6u4l'13A; city, extra India mess, $22.00 22.50, Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 8 (Jjhic; pickled shoulders, 64a6c; pickled lutms, lmil04c. Lard. dull; western steamed. $7.26; refined, steady; continent, $7.26; South America. .$8.15; compound, $&.874$ 6.624. Pork, steady: family, 815.u0 16 60; short clear, $13.0txtf 15.00; mess, $13,874 WI3.76. TALLOW Steady ; city ($2 per pkg ), 44c; ctnintr (package free), 4I,c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 34 13640; Jupan. nominal. Hi;TTK-Steady and unchanged: re ceipts. 8 (5 pkg.: street price, extra cream ery, 204j21e. Official prices, creamery, com mon to extra, 17204c; state dairy common to extra. I.r44i2uc: renovated common to extra, U'vuiic; western factory, common to extra 1S4'iric; western Imitation creamery, common to extra, 16(319c. CHEKSE-Steady and unchanged. EGOS Quiet and unchanged. POULTRY Quiet; western spring chick ens. 21c; fowls. 13c; turkeys, 13c. Dressed, firm; western broilers, 2otj25c; fowls. 124c: turkeys, 13iil7e. Kansaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June 22-WHEAT-July, T94'ii79Sc; September. ",5V475ic; December, 7Hc; catih, No 2 hard. wScn $1.1)1; No. 8, i vw: i-Mo. a, j, re(, sociltl.w; ISO. 3, ii47c; No. 4. 734i9Sc. CORN July. 494c; reptemher, 47Vc: De cember, 4i4'843tc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 614 ocHc, kj. o, pil., i'ku. i wiiue, ode; xo. J, 624c. OATS Steady; No. 1 white, 324S3Jc; No, 1 mixed. a4c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, .60jn0.00; lllUlt P UlAII IF, l.lir!(n.w, Flour, barrels , Wheat, bushels Corn, buahsls .. Oats, bushels ... 17.000 ,.67.(m) 67.0JO 10, OKI 42 000 &.uo 42.CM) Minneapolis Grain Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. June 22 WHEAT September. SeViSSc: lecember, 85V; No. 1 hard. $1134: No. 1 northern. $1114; No. 1 northern, 81.074. FLOUR First patents, 8600ia: first clesrs. $& !i; second clears, $!.75&2.8o. BRAN la bulk. $Ji76ttU 00. ... . Dnlnth Grnln Market. DULITH. June r-W HEAT-To grrlve; No. 1 aortheru, $1,114; w track. No. I do1 2d nfd 200 Corisolldated Gas .... SStiO Corn Products l'JO do pfd Delaware & Hudson. 8,000 Delaware. L. & W... 100 Denver & Rio Grande .... do pfd i" Distillers' Securities. 1,100 Erie , 30.&IO do 1st pfd. J 4,200 do 2d pfd 2.000 General Electric 100 Hocking Valley .... Illinois Central 12.300 International Paper. 1,000 do nfd .... International Pump. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern 400 do pfd 600 Louisville & N 7,500 Manhattan L Met. Securities 8.000 Metropolitan St. Ry.. 13,300 Mexican Central 2.200 Minneapolis & St. L M . St. P. ft 8. St. M. 1.700 ,do pfd 300 Missouri Pacific 6,100 Missouri, K. at T 1,000 do pfd. j Soo National Lead 1 800 N. R. R. of M. pfd... 500 New York Central.... IS.80O N. Y., O. A W 8,800 Norfolk & Western.. 13,700 do pfd North American , Pacific Mall Pennsylvania .... Peoples Uas P.. C.. C. ft St. L Pressed Steel Car .... 1,000 do pfd ' aoo Pullman Palace Car Reading 4,800 do 1st prd io do 2d of d 200 Republic Steel 2.600 do prd 1.400 Rock Island Co 87,100 do pfd 2.u Rubber Goods 200 do pfd St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd. & St. L.' Southwestern. 700 do pfd 800 Southern Pacific 19,700 do pfd 600 Southern Railway.... 5,000 do pfd 100 Tennessee C. 4 1.... 4.4oO Texas ft Pacific 1,2(4) T.. St. L. ft W 700 do pfd 1.000 Union Pacific 86,900 do nfd 100 V. 8. Express U. 8. Leather 400 do pfd I". S. Realty 700 U. 8. Rubber ' 8"0 do pfd 600 V. 8. Steel 55.0no do pfd 68. 600 Va.-Caro. Chemical.. 8.3O0 do pfd m Wabash 1.200 do pfd 1,400 Wells-Fargo Express .... Elec... 400 Western Union 700 Wheeling ft L. E Wisconsin Central... 1,800 do nfd vv Northern Pacific 600 Bid: Sa) offered. Total sales for the day 494 113 1174 122 137 964 107 834 1034 1634 1114 674 1624 524 i 78 194 1964 1764 81 964 44 274 6B 374 189V 94 464 1874 880 89 484 42 804 674 174 167' 194 48 113 1154 1214 186 96 1064 824 103 163 1104 664 1604 614 ,. 784 194 J954 1754 ii''" 954 434 274 68 874 1884 94 464 186 880 894 43 ' 414 794 664 174 1654 194 100 814 814 24 544 1484 814 844 96 314 220 374 264 174 40 47 113 117 1214 1364 96 1074 834 134 1624 111 964 66 1524 201 614 35 78 194 1954 1704 17 31 964 434 i74 68 37 189 9 45 187 870 284 884 . 434 414 804 66-Ti 174'? 914 1664 194 774 27 814 264 48 24, 644 1474 164 81 4 1264 214 54 1204 1004 1004 284 68 4444 341 , 144 614 824 ..1164 do Jl ..IMS N. R. R. of M. .. M4 N. Y. C. . IV.. ..101 N 1. C. I. ta... ..1044 No. Pacific. 4a... 7 Hi do 3a do 1st ino do Id Inc Chaa. A Ohio 4(a. Chicago ft A. 1H.. C, B. ft 4. a. 4a.. R. I. V r. ta.. do aol. 5a CCC. ft St. L. (. ta Chlcaso Tar. 4... Colorado Mid. 4a.. Colo, ft go. 4a Colo. Ind. ta. act A do act B Cuba (a, etfa II. ft R. O. 4a.... Hauliers' sec. ta. Erie prior Hen 4a. do a-en. 4a t. W. ft D. O. la. Hocking Val. 44a. Offered. 7 4 .1"! . M .103 . alt ....101 .... n .... 924 ....lift ...H'4 .... t .... II .... 4 ....101 w4 4a. t ...101 ....194(4 ....1't .... 17 . ...1"24 (04 Sheep. 3,(2 t.4l 6.0(4 1,747 Central of 6a. Ia.....ll& N. A W (i. s. L,. rtdf. 4a Pnn. cont. ma i2 Rradlne. gen. ta ll'3'H Bl. L, ft I. M. c. ts..llH St. L. A B. F. f. 4a. 9"7 81. U 8. W. c. 4a. MS Seaboard A. L. 4a. 101 4 go. Paclflo 4a tl 80 Rallwnr ta..,. Tciaa ft P. la T . St. U ft 4l IIS Inlon Pacific 4a... .. 70 , do conv. 4a ,.104'C. H Btrwl id ta.. . .luita Wabaah la .. 71 I do deb. B ..10t4'Wcatcrn Md. 4a... .. IH,W & U E. 4a.... . .llovWIa. Central 4a.... 111I ti"4 . . u ,.lil4 .. Uie ,.107i ..126 .. t ..117 .. 744a .. .. 4 .. e64 Renelrits wre: fisttiit. Hid,. Orhciai Monday 4,6u6 7, "37 Omclal Tupxiihv h.6.1 l.lil Official Wednesday 4.066 11.710 Official Thursday 2.8i4 13,80 Four days this Week.. 18.172 4.V738 14.8:12 Four days last week. ...16.235 44,44i' 7, A Same days week before. ,l6i6 M.StjJ 16.o;9 name three weeks ago...i,l(K) s,.4i jo.tso tiame four weeks ago...ln.o94 53.207 24.748 Same days last year 10.780 38,!9o 10,8i4 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DAI h. The follomlns: lahla ahows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ne year to aate, comparea wun msi e:n . IH16. 19f4. Inc. Dec. Cattle 411,137 442.3l 31.214 Hogs 1.215.618 1.2xT..6o 70,147 8heep 716,615 6i9.017 89,&1'8 The following tshin shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for trie last several days, with comparisons: Boston stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, June 22. Call loans, 3a4 per cent; time loans, 84344 per cent, official quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atchlaon adj. 4a M Adventure 4 do 4a 1"I4 Allouez 24 Max. Central 4a 76 Amalgamated 814 Atchlaon as American Ztno B do pfd 101 Atlantic 13 Bnaton ft Albany ttt Boaton ft Maine 177 Poaton Elevated 1&7 Fitch burg pfd ltf Mexican Central 104 N. Y., N. K. A H...187 Pert Marquette Blugham 2X4 (al. Ii llecla. Centennial Copper Range .. Daly Waet Dominion Coal Franklin Union Pacific lzoU. Amer. Arge. Cham. . . M41 lale Hoyale do pfd Araer. Fneu. Tube Amer. Sugar do ptd Amer. T. ft T Araer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. ft 8., Edlaon Eleo. Dili... .144 Oeneral Electric 173 Maaa. Electrlo 1 dO Std f! Maaa. Gas 44 United Fruit 81 I Maaa. Mining 414 'Michigan 134VMohK 135V4 I Mont. C. AC. 14li 4 I Old Dominion . 86 W Oaceola 104Vat Parrot Qulnry 'Shannon ....... Tamarack Trinity United Copper . U. B. Mining... 4 United Shoe Mach do nfd V. 8. Steel do nfd Wootlng. common . ma "AsXed. 1U84 U. 8. Oil. 6.VI 17-4 . lIVs , 7 , 19 . 7H . 174 . iv 24 . S4V, . 2 . i2S4 . 8 . fa ,10S I . 2314 , 2 . 104 , tf ta Utah . J1441 Victoria . W Winona 10 . J4; Wolverine ICi . M London Stock Mnrket LONDON. June 22. Closing Quotations on stocKs were; Consols, money do account . . . Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd 6H .104 Baltimore A Ohio... .114 ... 04e'N. Y. Central.. 0 7-l, Norfolk ft W... Canadian Paclflo Chea. ft Ohio. ... Chicago Ot. W... C, M. ft St. P... DeBeers Denver ft R. O... do nfd Erlo do let pfd do M pfd llllnola Central . Louie, ft Naab... M . K. ft T ...lit ... e2 ,.. 19l ,..140 ... 14 ... 91 ... 424, ... tl ... 7 ...Ket ...llli4 29 do pfd Ontario ft W Pennaylvanla Rand Mlnea Reading do lat pfd do )d pfd Southern Railway do pfd 9outhern Paclflo .. Union Paclflo do pfd U. 8. steel ' do pfd We been do pfd apanlah 4a ..144 .. S314 .. 99 .. S.14 .. 7U I4 .. 44 .. 4(1 .. IS .. 89 .. 44S ..127 .. 994 .. i04t ..iooh .. 41 914 SILVER Bar, steady, J74d per ounce. MONEY-1&14 per ent- The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 1 15-162 per cent; for three months' bills, 115-16(02 per cent. Foreign Ptnanolnl. lajnvun, June 22. Supplies or money were fairly plentiful, In the market today and the demand was,. uiod crate Discounts were firmer and revived on the demand for gold. Trading on the Stock exchange was quiet and prices were firm with occasional advances. They closed below the best quotations of the day. Consols were shade easier. Americans opened generally harder In sympathy with New York and closed firm. Japanese hesitated. Imperial Japanese os 01 ivu were quoted at 103. KafQrs were weak on account of the ap proachlng settlement. BERLIN, June- 22. Trading on the Bourse was quiet today. United Stales Steel shares were active on New York ad vices. PARIS, June 82. Prices on the Bourne today were lower on the report of the ag gravatlon ot the Moroccan situation and , rumor of a Russian defeat. Toward he close there was a slight Improvement, denials being given of the pessimistic re ports. The report of the approaching issue of French treasury bonds waa also con tradicted. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 89 1 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 602. Bank of France Statement. PARIS. June 22 The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes in circulation, de creased, 62,126.000 francs; treasury accounts, current, increased, 45,770,000 lrancs; general accounts, current, Increased, 2o.576.O0O francs;- gold in hand, decreased, 18.635.000 francs; bills, discounted. Increased, 4.600,000 francs. RYE-Steady. BbSSSc. Ui: ITER Cie -eamery . 1544l4c: packing, I3c EGOS Btearty : Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included, 124c; case count, livto; cases returned Vac leas. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bushels Snrn, bushels . ats, bushels . 3 .270 .34.40 . 2.000 23.2(0 40 M 9.0UO PHILADELPHIA. June 22. BITTER Firm: etra western creamery, 214c; extra creameryprtnts, 224c. EtSOS Firm; nearby fresh, 174c, loss oft; nearby fresh. l4c st market; western fresh. Ii'4(il74e at murk. CHEESE Firm; New York full cream, fancy, new. 104c; New Y'ork full cream, fair to good, new, 8iaiuc; domestic Swiss, U;i44 ! ' 1004 394 1394 1024 ft4 904 914 894 181 754 284 744 82 1094 1!Z 894 858,700 shares. New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. June 22. Closing quotations on mining siocks were: Adams Cos Alice Braces Bmnawtck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Coa. Ce I ft Vs.. Hi-re Silver Iron Silver Leadville Coa ... Offered. .. to .. M .. M .. 4 .. ..17t .. f Little Chlat ... Orterlo Ophlr rroenls Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Small Mopea .. Siatdard . I .404 .44 . 1 . 11 . 47 . to .. M ,.1M Bank of England Statement. LONDON. June 22 The weekly stats. menl of the Rank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, In creased, tiu.uw; circulation, dcreaed 40.000; bullion, increased, 744,866; other securities, iniTPaaea. tKi.uii; other de posits, increased. 878.000; public deposits, mcreasea. aiie.tasj; notes, reserve. In creased. 664. On0; government securities un changad. The proportion of the bank's reservo to liability this week la 51.06 per Date. I 1905. 19H. 1903. (19t., 1301. 19otf.1899. June June June June June June June June June June June une June June June June June June June June June June 1...I 6 1341 4 53 6 fill I 6 74 4 88 S SO 2... I 6 lb-! 4 4i 6 t'7 7 07 I 4 t4 8 M 8... 6 19 4 49 6 99 7 ii 6 70 ' 3 69 4... I 4 b4 6 so: V lb, 6 71 4 88 1 6... I ( 204 6 751 7 201 6 70i 4 91 3 6 ... 6 224 8 63 6 " 7 13 6 71 4 94 8 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. M. . 17.. IS.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 6 14 5 16 6 134 5 194! 6 22 6 20 .5 I84! 5 14-t 6 10 7 15 6 71 4 94 8 1 181 6 751 4 95 8 67 6 7 02 8 60 7 21 6 10 8 al 7 m S3 8 69 i iH 6 91 6 00 7 3,1 1 o ;.: 4 11-1 8 n 7 861 i 831 4 861 3 64 7 31 1 5 8l 4 86 3 66 I 6 8ti 4 89 3 64 7 241 I 4 961 8 82 4 91: 6 94i 7 231 6 83 1 I W 4 92 6 97 7 26 6 88 1 6 03 04, 7 -UI & if J 1 6 061 3 64 5 00 ' 6 hni 7 (ii 0 8'.'i 4 M, 8 7l 6 071 7 43, 5 91 1 4 93 8 69 5 06 ! 5 83 I 5 89 5 00i 8 66 6 24.! 4 681 6 204 4 68 ( 80 6 17 j 4 U 6 86 t 304 4 74 6 OUj 4 (8 6 03 I 5 us 4 81 6 071 4 84 4 811 5 98 4 871 6 01 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brouaht in todav hv each road was: cattle, nogs, sneep. ri sea 2 C. M. ft St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific .... Union Pacific C. ft N. W F.. E. ft M. V C, St. P., M & O.. B. ft M. Ry C, B. ft Q C, R. I. ft P., east. C. R. I. ft P.. west Illinois Central .... Great Western 32 15 12 13 35 Total receipts The disposition of 3 2 2 48 2 4 .. 1 67 15 28 8 13 8 16 2 1 2 194 7 1 .112 the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs, tjneep Omana Packing Co... Cudahy PacKing Co. Switt and Company.. Armour ft Co Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. Carey & Benton Lobman ft t:o Hill ft Huntzinger ... L. F. Husz Wolf ft Murnan Mike Haggtrty J. a. Root ft (-0 Bulla ft Kline Other buyers 29 2.120 04 716 4,lb 174 3 1 1 2.9,(3 739 611 4,6'i5 43 4j8 23 14 26 68 30 1 89 2 wss verv good. Encouraging reverts from eastern points lent a stronger tone to the irnoing nere ana sellers nun some wivnir taare. TUiyers were out early and the mnr ket opened In good sesson. Light hogs were still In the best demand and showed the most advance, while heavyweights were slower In moving and In soma esses showed no belter than steady prices. On the open ing buyers bid only about steady prices for everything, but after the first round or two the market strengthened and trading be came brisk. The hogs sold today at an ad vance of about 24c ami In some esses light weights snow an advance ot a ntrsei. ine bulk of the hogs sold at t-rv 10416.15, with tops reaching $5 in. the popular nice being 85.124. as sgalnst 85.10 yesterday. The mar ket was good all the morning and closed Btrong at the advance. Representative sales: No. M... tl..., et... 14... 79... 19... to... ... ss... at... M... n... 9... 7S... ,.. 94... ta... 42... HA... ts... to ... H... 70... 40 .. 40... 4... 4... 68... Ht. .. 71... 40... 41... 81... 72... 6... 71... At... 46... 64... 46... 71... ,,.. 9... M... (it... 71 .. 40... 74... 57... 69... 64... 79 .. 79. ., 98.., 65 . .. 64... 70... t8.., 74... 42... 41.., 71.., t... 4.. 67... 40.. 93... 69.. 69.. 90., 63.. 49.. 74.. 69.. 62.. 74.. 77.. 76.. 69.. tl.. 91.. 61.. 64.. 71.. 72.. 65.. 76.. 67.. AV. lit 144 II 2S9 t7 III .217 ,J"J .! .24" 119 20 .271 .124., .314 .101 2'4 .til .221 III .902 .316 .19 ,.24 .264 Ji .2"! .294 31 M . 239 .213 If 2 .tnl rW .240 ..214 .2LM .252 ..-ill ..3(0 , .249 ,.227 ,.27 ,.244 ,,2,14 .243 . ,2150 ..249 .270 .144 , .2"2 ..226 ..223 ..209 ..270 . .20 ..179 ..2t ..234 ..246 ..2SH ..279 .222 ..t9 .246 .270 ..226 ..261 ..241 ..118 ..144 ..Hi ..271 ..224 ..144 ..207 ..220 ..21t ..2S7 ..214 ..251 ..210 ..248 ..231 ...221 ..141 .114 ..237 s. P. 10 I 07V4 I 07 h, t 07 t 10 t 10 I 10 I 10 14 1 1(1 10 I 10 10 to I it t 14 I 10 t 10 t 10 t 10 5 10 t 10 t 10 t 10 f 10 6 10 t 10 I 10 I 10 t 10 6 10 t 10 t 10 I 10 t 10 t 10 t 10 I 10 t 10 I 10 t 10 6 U4 I 124 t 124 t 12 t 124 t 114 4 12S t 124 i 12V4 t 124 t 12 Vf t 124 t 114 t 12'4 t 124 i 124 t 124 I 12(4 I 1214 t 12V4 t 124 ( 12 6 t4 t lav, t 124 140 160 ! 140 160 90 ISO 160 120 240 160 90 120 240 9-1 110 80 120 240 140 120 160 40 40 80 120 160 120 J20 90 90 90 40 190 40 200 40 ISO 90 240 160 80 80 200 80 90 40 80 to 40 40 40 120 80 120 too 80 120 120 10 90 160 t 134 a 13V4 t 124 ( 124 I 124 t 124 t U4 f 124 t 11 I 114 t 12 t 12 I II t 12 e 12 t 12 I It t 12 I 12 6 11 t 12 t 12 t 12 t 11 t 12 No 44 66 70 61 74 t 77 4t 47 T9 61 7t 40 48 17 64 74 75 74 7S 11 76 to 10 48 76 62 69 75 71 84 74 U 41 44 66 41 83 to 47 83 74 74 41 42 17.. 69 79 74 76 81 79 74 49 71 70 72 II 15 80 , it 102 72 66 , 80 89 99 69 66 66 67 48 61 81 71 7t 76 80 80 71 14 71 41 47 72 71 71 87 80 A. IM .141 .177 28 140 KH .lit .tot 4 .160 .227 ,227 .117 .144 .199 .140 .240 K37 .259 .14 244 132 .268 .26D .2X7 .127 If I 149 .210 .231 .219 .215 .J7.4 .261 .244 .T")8 .190 .304 ISO .lit .120 .214 .210 .114 .230 .139 111 .2u6 .lit .239 .196 .104 .18 .124 .224 .199 .110 .214 .211 ,.118 .207 ,.2"1 .220 .ti ,.20t ..197 ,.197 .246 ..121 ..228 ,.129 ..200 ..104 ..206 ..107 ..24t ..246 ..111 ..200 ..241 ..101 ..221 ..226 .134 ..141 .241 ..111 ..196 ..117 a 120 120 40 too 90 10 120 120 10 60 130 to 120 120 130 120 280 80 80 40 140 80 too to 40 80 40 Pt, 12 4 12 12 t 11 t 12 I 12 I 11 I 12 I 12 t U t II I 12 t II I lie I 1! I 12 t 12 I 12 t 11 t 11 t 12 I It 4 It t 12 I 11 t 12 t 12 e it t 1! t 12 6 12 t 12 t 12 t 12 t 12 t II t 12 t 11 I 12 I 12 f 12 t 12 I 12 t 12 t 12 I 12 t 12 t It I It t It I 16 I It I II t It I It t 11 I It I It I It I It t to I II I It t It I It t It I It t It i It 6 IS I It t It t 16 t It I It t II t It t It I It I It I It I II I II 6 II I II I 11 I It S 17 I 10 4d; futures, quiet; July, 4s 81: Septem ber, 4s "d OMAHA VlrOI.RALE MARKET. Condition ot Trnde nnil Itnotatlone on staple and Fancy Produce, E(JG8 Hec lpt, fair; maiKet, gteaty: candled stock. 13'jc. LIVE I'iH'l.TH Y-Hens. MH40: roosters, 6c; turkeys, 12-fllRc; ducks. 8c; spring chickens. l' to i lbs., 16c per lb. HI TTKR -Packing stock, 13c; choice to fancy dairy, l.jjlSc, creamery. Am 21c; prints, 22c. SCUAK-Standard grnnulated, $6 21 r"' cwt.; cubes. 17.00 per cwt.; cut loaf, 1,45 est.; No. 6 extra C, 16.16 per cwt.; 10 extra C. 85 96 per cwt.; No. 15 el ;X.X powdered, 30. t 85.75 per cwt.: XXXX powd 90 . 107 .2957 13,882 219 1.6S7 Tnlala CATTLE There were 112 loads or came reported in today, but of these twenty-six louds were billed through, leaving about eighty-six cars on snle. Conditions wero more favorable to selling Interests than they have been so far this week, and witn light receipts the market showed more strength. . Beef steers constituted the big end of the receipts today and the quality of the offer ings was fairly good. Buyers were out early and there was a fair activity to the trade. The good heavy beef cattle ruled generally steady to strong and in some cases where the cattle Just suited the eye of the buyer the market was possibly a lit tle higher. Common and rough kinds, while In better demand, brought only steady prices, and some salesmen thought they were obliged to take off. The market is slowly recovering from the break on Tues day and the demand for a limited number of cattle Is fairly good. There was a very light run of cows and heifers and there was a good demand for the stuff. The good heavy cows Bold fully steady with yesterday. Even the common and grassy kinds were in a little better de mand. Buyers evidently wanted a few loads of this kind of cattle and a clearance was made In good season. The market on bulls, veal calves and stags was fully steady and showed no quotable change In prices. As has been the case for some time, there was only a light supply of Btockers and feeders on sale this morning and the de mand for a limited supply was fairly good. The market ruled generally steady on these kinds, with trading fairly active. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS SHEEP There were thirteen cars of sheep reported for today, but for some reason only Ave arrived, with two loads 1 billed direct to a packer. The market was I In good shape, as buyers were out early, and a rair clearance was made in goon sea I son. There was a good strong tone to the trade and some urgency to the demand As has been the case for some days there Is a fair demand for anything good and the market on these kinds is fully steady Steady prices were paid today for the stuff sold and there was considerable activity to the trade. A car of fed ewes sold for J4.15, while a bunch of fed lambs brought 85.85 Qiioiatlo-.s t Innen . t : 'food to choice lambs, 86.00ff6.25; fair to good lambs, $5.fwti(.W; good to cnoice yeariingx. o.cV(i 5.50; fair to good yearlings, 34.75W5.00; good to choice wethers. $4.7o(o5.25; fair to good wethers. I4.25&4 75: aood to choice ewes, 4.30?4.60; fair to good ewes, 84.004.30. Representative sales: iNo. 12a Oregon cull ewes. 20 western ewes n" low. per cwt.; bar powdereu, 1..40 per cwt. eagle tablets. 87 95 per cwt. FRESH FISH-Trnut. 8c; halibut, lie; buffalo (dressed), 8c; pickerel (dressed), 80; white baas (dressed), 12c; stinflsh, oc; perc.t (scaled and dressed), c; pike. 9o; catfish, l.V; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 16e; prapples, 12c; 4VI, 15c: bullheads, 11c; black bnss, 20c whhensh (d-essed). 10c; frog legs, per dos.. 3c; lobsters, green, i'.v. boiled lobsters, toe; shad roe, 45c; blue fins, 80. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale lay Dealers' association: Choice. 17.00: N. $6.60; No. 8, 86.00; coarse, 86. Ou. These are for hay of good color and quol tv. BRAN Per ton. 815.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sizes, $3.7f.,a 00; extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all lies. 83 50: seedllms. all sixes. 83.00; Va lencia, all sizes, 84.00. LEMONS Limntitern, extra fiincy, 270, 800 and 36) sizes. $4.75; fancy, 270. 300 and S6) sizes, 14. 2: 270 size, 1.100; 300 and 361) sizes, 83.50 ; 210 size, 2.26; 240 size, 12.60. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb pkgs., $i00; luuowe en, in 70-lh. Poxes, per 10, sc. Fi(fl California, per lo-lb. carton. 7J8 8Tc: Imported Smyrna, four-crown. 12c; five crown, 12c. bananas Per medium-sited bunch, l.7 2 25; Jumbos. 12.5nfl3.0O. PINEAPPLES Florida, per crate of 24. 80 and 36 sizes. f,1.2f; 42 slr.e. 3 00. FRUITS AND MELONS. APRICOTS Calltoriiia. tier 4-busket crate. $1.10. PLUMS California, per 4-backet cratu, $1.10. PEACHES Texas, per 4-lkrt crate, $1; Callfornln, per 25-lb. box, $1.00. CHF.RKihS California, black, per 8-lb. box, $1.76: white, per 8-lb. box, $1.76; Mis souri, box of 24-qts., $2.00. STRAWBERRIESHomo grown, per 24 qt. case, $1 76rif2uo; Hood River, per cose of 24-qts., $2.50. CRANBERRlKS-.icrseys, per crate, zi.50. GOOSEBKH RIEH- Box of 24 qts., $2 t. CANTALOUPES Mexican, per crate. $3.0C! 4.00. WATKR.M KUJ?i-Airam Dweets, jtvai 60c each; crated, ltc per lb. RASPBERRIES- ked. box of 24 pt., $3; black, box of 24 pts., $2.00. BLACKUEHHIrR-tasc or ii qis., 12.VU. VEGETABLES. TURNIPS New, pei doi., 25c. CARROTS New, per doz.. 25c. PARSNII'S-Oid, per bu.. 40c. WAX BEANS Per 4-bu. box, 75c; string beans, per 4-bu. box, 16c; bu. box wax or string, ja.oo'flz.a.. POTATOES Home-grown, III sacks, per bu., 85c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per ou., iac. BEANS Navy, per nu., ;.w. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per crate of 1 doz.. $1.00 CUCUMBERS Fer dot.. 4oTbC. PEAS New. per bu. box, $1.00. TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate. $1,00. Bl'INAtJlt I er ou., duo. CABBAGE Calltrnla. In crates, pet lb., Sc; Mississippi, 31. 26ff2.2o per crate, ac cording to size. ONIONS New, per doz. ouncnes, itc: Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., $1.25. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per doi , We. LETTUCE Hot house, rr aoz., s,'.ta40c; head lettuce, per doz., 75o. BEETS New, per no., auc. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twins, 13i(14c; oung Americas, 14o. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 1 hard shells, per lb., 12u; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, fer lb., 12(il34c; almonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; shellbarK hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; Prge hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50 HIDES No. 1 green, THC, .' 'o. 2 green, 64c; No. I salted, 84c; No. t salted, 74c; No. 1 veal calf, 10c: No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, 7 14c; sheep pelts, 26cfi$1.00; horse hides, $1.60(83.00. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. D. C. June 22.-Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve In tho division of jedemption shows: Available cash balance, $136,600,237; gold. $66,596,178. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 22. Bank clearings for to day, $1,362,686.42, and for the corresponding date last year $1,108,583.60. Wool Market. BOSTON. June 22. WOOL A quieter tone prevails in the wool market, but prices are as firm as ever. Many of the new wools are at hand and hither Quotations are not unexpected. Dealers generally ex pect that the present high prices will be sustained for a considerable period. New wools have sold freely, while the call for cross-breds has declined. The old pulled wools have been practically all sold. For eign wools are firm. The range In this market is about as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania and above 36336c; X. 33Q'Mc; No. 1, 4i(pM2c; No. 2. 42g43c; unwashed. 27f2 28c: quarter blood (unwashed), 3f36c; three-eights blood, 28e; half blood, 35c; un washed delaine, 2fi'30c: unmerchantable. 32'633c: fine washed, delaine, 3839c. Mich igan, fine (unwashed)) 26c; quarter blood (unwashed), SSiSc; three-eights blood. 339 84c: half blood. SOile: unwashed delaine, 27ff28c. Kentucky, Indiana, etc., 88c; quar ter blood, stxa-T'C. Territory: inano, nne. 22n3c; heavy fine. 19ig20c; fine medium 22 (ft23c; medium. 26W27c: low medium. 26ft 27c. Wyoming, fine, 21f(22c; heavy fine. 1819c: fine medium. 22(3'23c; medium. S6t?37c; low medium. 2fr27c. Utah and Nevada, fine. 21r23c; heavy fine. 18ffl9c; fine medium 22 ?23c: medium, 2?r27c; low medium. 272"ic. Dakota, fine. 21 J? 22c; fine medium. 21(n?2c; medium. tWVic; low medium. 26S27c. Mon. tana, fine choice. 2.VfT26c; fine moving. 22S lie; fine medium choice. 25if(26c; movlns. 21 fir'c; stanie. mffvc; medium choice, ?7ffi28e. BT. LOUIS, June 22. WOOL Steadv: medium grades, combing and clothing, 2''-f 814c; lla-ht fine. 24Hi9c: heavy fine, t(yp 224c; tub washed. Sl(5324c. No. t I 1 11 t 11 14 1 1 t It 7 t 11 9 t 1 17 17 14 18 14 1 4 14 If V AT. Pr. No. AT. . 054 8 (0 II 1U! .1033 t 40 1 1180 ... 943 I 0 17 llMi ...1011 I 76 It 1091 ...1120 4 00 40 1070 ... 987 4 0D 18 H4 ...1100 4 00 f0 1219 ... 950 4 00 19 1166 ...1110 4 10 11 1160 ...1460 4 10 . 23 1217 ... 868 4 It 6 1172 ... 974 4 20 to 1384 ... 906 4 10 7 1240 ... 4 20 It 1U94 ... 971 4 21 t 1090 ...1140 4 80 17 12S! ...1650 4 St 16 1311 ....1133 4 40 10 1114 ,...1018 4 40 10 1175 ....1112 A 40 17 Ili8 ....1072 4 45 40 1SM9 ,...1108 4 46 6i 1343 ...1160 4 40 40 1480 911 4 50 II 1444 ,...1033 4 10 40 1161 ...1071 4 50 BIKERS AiSU t-uvva. d Slolasses. June 22 SUGAR Raw, near NEW YORK. steady: fslr refining. 8S(a3 ll-16c; centrl fugal, 98 test, 4e-16c: molasses sugar, S4) 8 7-160. Refined, steady; No. 6, 6 45c: No. 7. tpoc; No. 8. 4 80c; No. 9, 4.75c; No. 10. 4.70c; Ifo. 11. 4.80c; No. 12, 4 56c: No. U. 4.45c: No. 14. 4.40c; confectioners' A, 5.40c; mould A, 5 90c: cutloaf. 2tc; crushed, (26c; pow dered, 6.65c: granulated. 6.55c; cubes. t.SOc. MOLASSES Quiet; Naw Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 293S5c. NEW ORLEANS. La.. June 2J.-8UQAR Market quiet. Open kettle. 8644c; open kettle, centrifugal, - 44Q44c; centrifugal whites, 6c; Tallows, 4S4 1616c; seconds, iQc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle. 13 86c; centrifugal. 6-&14C, Oils anal Rosin. NEW YORK. June 22OlLS-Cot ton Seed firm; prime crude. 224c nominal; prime yellow. 284rJ&4c. Petroleum, easy; refined New York. 8490; Philadelphia rr.d Baltimore. 8686; In bullr. $3.96. Turpentine. Steadv. 6344e asked. ROBIN Steady ; trained,' 'common to good. 83.66870. SAVANNAH. Ga.. June H.-OIL-Tur-Dentine, firm; 60c. ROSIN-Qulet; A. B, C, $8 35; D. $8 40; E. 88 56; F. $3 60; O. tl6: H. 83 75; 1. $4 00, K. 4if; M.. H JO; ii. HM, WO, $4.75 WW, 11 4 11 10 1J ao 17 4 1 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 1.... 14.'.'.'. 25.... I... I... 1... t... I... 1... 4... I... I... 1 .. 1... 1... 1--. I... 1... I... I... 1... I... I .. 1... I... I... I... I... 1... 1... I... "i.'.' 1.. 1 . 1.. 1.. 1 . 1.. IS... 5 . 414 ... 717 ... 814 ...1010 ...1121 ... m .1098 I to I It I 75 8 86 4 it 4 40 4 40 I. 34.... 12.!" ..1153 ..1161 ..1148 ..1067 . . 9(18 .AM Pr. 4 to 4 40 4 to 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 66 4 6t 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 76 4 76 4 40 4 80 4 90 4 90 I 01 I 06 6 06 ( 06 t It 4 41 4 til 4 60 4 40 4 60 4 76 S 1EER9 AND STAGS. .. ill 8 tl CUWB. 3 western ewes 454 Oregon ewes 600 Oregon ewes 64 western ewes 2 western bucks 2fi western ewes S8 Western feeding lambs.. 25 western lambs 64 5 western lambs 62 1 western ewe 80 113 western lambs 67 26 western lambs 68 At. . 72 . 82 . 100 . 80 . 81 . 88 . 95 . 89 63 Pr. $2 00 8 00 8 00 3 10 8 10 4 00 4 00 4 16 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 50 6 36 6 85 CHICAGO LIVE STUCK MARKET Cattle Strong Hogs Five Cents ' Higher Sheep gteadr. CHICAGO, June 22. CATTLE Receipts, 4,5(X) head. Market strong; good to prime steers, J5.2Va6.Uu; poor to medium, Jl.Ooerf 6(10; Btockers and feeders, $2.WKU4.50; cows, $2.5mU4.60: heifers, 82.606.00; canners, J1.40U 2.5t; bulls, $2.25(64.00; calves. $3.0016.60. HOGS Receipts, 26,000 head; estimated to morrow, 18,000 head. Market 6c higher; mixed and butchers, $ft.lSi;6.36; good to choice heavy, $5.201t6.35; rough heavy, $4.60 &5.10; light, J5.15u6.824; bulk of sales, JO. 25 (&5.S24. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13,000 head. Market steady, lambs strong; good to choice wethers, shorn, 34.60(55.00; fair to choice mixed, shorn, 83.50Ca4.40; western sheep, shorn, $3.753;4.90; native lambs, shorn, J4.6oa6.5o; western lambs, $4.75r6.50. .. 690 , .. 9U0 ...1020 ... 8M ... 756 ... 818 . . .1110 ...lW ...1155 ...90 ... 762 ... 960 . .. 940 ...1002 ...1330 . .. 93 ...1080 ... 881 ... 932 ...1040 ... 904 ...llwO ... 470 ...1043 620 I 00 I 00 t 25 I 25 26 1 40 2 60 t to I 7S I 76 I 90 t 86 I 83 1 9t 2 W I 00 I 00 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 15 I 2i I 36 I 40 I to 1. II.'.'. ..1340 ..1011 ..1071 ..1180 ..1346 . . llibl) . . 1003 ..1261 . .1082 ..1020 .. tot ..1143 .. 980 ..1240 ..VJVl ..1174 ..ll!t ..11X3 .. 8x4 . .1200 . .1470 ,..1170 . . 70 ...1100 COWS AND HEIFERS. ...1011 I 66 HEIFERS. I 40 685 670 too 670 I 76 I 00 I 00 aoO- t 60 610 I 40 6M ... Too ... i ...1100 ...loW ...n;o ...1100 ...14'i0 ...1460 ...160 . . . WHO ...1410 ...1790 ... 140 ... 110 ... 10 ... 180 ... 190 ...100 110 I 40 I 50 I 40 14. I. I -. . t.. .. 1. , 693 , 77 . 570 hVO 95 546 )M26 . 50 I 60 1 to 1 to I to I to 8 10 I 10 I 45 S C6 I 61 I t 70 I 70 I 70 I 75 I 76 I 80 i 80 I 80 I 80 I 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 I 50 I 40 I 40 I 70 lit I 40 t 60 4 00 St. Louis Live Stook Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,0(0 head, Including 3.0UO head of Texans. . Market strong to 10 cents higher. Native shipping and export Bteers, 4.76jj! 6-90; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.85((j 6.65; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.60(?'4.25; stockers and feeders, 12.ooij4.25; cows and heifers, $2.004.75; canners, 1.26S2.35; bulls, $2.8U4J)3.25; calves, 83 25 'a 6. 25; Texas and In dian steers, $2.756.00; cows and heifers, $2.0u4i4.00. HOGS Receipts, 8,600 head; market steady to strong; pigs ana Hunts, $4.oud.s; pack ers, $4.5oU5.224; butchers and best heavy, Jo.16iio.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady. Catlve muttons, $3.&o'ii4.75: lambs, 85.o0iif6.60; culls and bucks IZ.VD-U4..0, stouKcrB, j.uiKtU.4u; Texans, tj.'iu 44.75. Kansaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 22. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4,000 head, Including l,6oo southerns; market steady to strong; choice exports and dreswd beef Bteers, I5.25'y6.75; fair to Kood. J4.2o(u'5.00: western fed steers. $4.25fu 6.25; wtockers and feederB, $2.754j4 .40; south ern steers, $3.0oVi-i.7n; southern cows. 2.2i4! 7o: native cows, $2.fc(M3.i5; native belters. t3.2o(ri4.75: bulls. J2.254r4.00: calves. 83.00Cu.'.6. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market hg 4c higher: top, $5 30; bulk of sales, 35.234 Sl274; heavy, $5.17Va5.25; packers, $5.224441 5.274: and lights. $6. 15ti6 30. SHEEP AND LAM HH Receipts, 3 (KM) head: market stroiiK: native lambs. K.iotv 7.00; western lambs, $6.76((j1.00; fed ewes and yearlings. w.Zixab.tja; I exas riippea year lings, M.75tf5.25; Texas clipped sheep, $4.2u'& i: Blockers ana tec-aers. j.ou'ga-w. t 25 t 75 I 71 I 80 I 19 I 26 I to I to I 60 I 16 BULLS. 1. 1. it!! 1 CALVES. 4 It 4 71 I 00 i 06 I 00 t u I 36 1350 160O 1C30 1770 1422 ....1290 1540 ....to20 ....1190 ....1604 140 161 170 .... 190 .... ISO 140 t 51 I to 1 40 I 60 I 46 I 66 I 71 I It I 96 I M 1 to I to I to I 7t I 75 t 71 STO KLhS AND FEEDERS. 440 t 10 40 t 26 870 I 16 .720 IN .44 I 00 .110 1 00 .790 It .630 III , 684 I 60 .110 I to . 161 I HI 472 t 40 it.. 1 . I... I . 17.. !.. I.. 12.. 40. I. 7. .1051 I 66 . 870 I lo . i43 I 10 tt I 70 9(7 . . 62o ., CM .. 9(4 .. 4M .. OiiO ..loot t 70 I 70 I to I to 4 00 8 10 4 ( HOGS There was another good run of hogs here to.iay. about lf( loads being on ale. The general quality of the receipts Metal Market. NEW YORK, . June 22. METALS Tho London tin market was again higher with speculative support the feature. Spot closed at 139 12s 61 and futures at 13$ 6s. Locally the market is quiet, but hold ers are firm and spot Is quoted at $30 8741) 30.624. Copper wns unchanged at 66 2s 6d for both spot and futures In the Lon don market. Locally the situation re mains unchanged with lake and electrolytic quoted at $16.00 and casting at $14.75. Lead was unchanged at 1.13 in ionaon ana ar. 34.60fi4.60 locally. Spelter closed at 24 lit .ondon, nut was weaK nere at sd..i. iron closed at 49s 4d In Glasgow and at 4T,s 6d In Mlddlesboro. Locally the Iron market Is unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at 316.5V517.00; No. 2 foundry, north ern, $1.0O4lfi.60; No. 1 foundry, southern, J16.25(hl6.75: No. 1 rounnry, soutnern, son, $16 25W17.0O; No. 2 foundry, southern, soft, $15.50f?16.00 BT. (Ail ia. june -z. mi-,iAi.n 1.1-nn. firm at $4.46'it4.474; spelter, quiet at $5.06 6.074- Cotton Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS. La.. June 22.-COTTON Firm; sales, 6(10 bales. Ordinary. 64c; good ordinary, 7 9-16c; low middling. 8 7-16c; middling, 1-loc; goo a mioaimg, -c; mm- dllng, fair. 9 1116c. Receipts, 1.842 bales; stock, 89.948 bales. NEW YORK, June ira. 1 u i iun-npor,. closed quiet, 20 points higher: mlddlinej uplands. 9.20c; middling gulf, 9.46c; sales. 209 bales. ST. LOUIS. -Mo. , June B.HUHUN- Steadv. at 4c higher. Middling. 94c Sales. 501 bales. Receipts, none; shipments, 198 hales: stock, 89.835 bales. LIVERPOOL, June 22. COTTON ppot. In better demand; prices 2 points lower. American middling. lair, o.4)(t; goon min- dllng, 6.0d; middling. 4 91d; low mlddllmr. 4 75d; good ordinary, 4.57d; ordinary, 4 41d. The sales or tne nay were ni.ow oaies, 01 which 1.000 were for speculation snd ex port and Included R.500 American. Receipts, 20.0CO bales. Including 19,900 American. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June 22. CORN Unchanged; No. 2 yellow, 644c: No. 3, 644c; No. 4, 53'jc: no grade, 6145:40. OATS meaay io. a wniie, iiec; io. white, 31c. Toledo gecil Market. TOLEDO, June 22. SEEDS Clover, Oc tober. $5 .n. Alslke, prime, $7.40. Timothy, prime, $1,524- St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 22. CATTLE Receipt. 1.000 head; market steady to strong. Natives. 13 6o7i5.30; cows and helf era, $l.5(Ktf4. 50; Btockers and feeders, $2.76 4.60. HOGS Receipts. 8.924 head: market hft 74c higher. Lights. 5.2'T5.274; medium and heavy. duik. o.zttfa.z.'j. BHKEP AND LA MBS-Receipts, 770 head market strong to 10 cents higher. Shorn lambs, 86.35. Sloax City Lire Itock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. June 22. (Special Tele- gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 3oo head; mar ket strong; Btockers weak; beoves, $3.754j 6.26; cows, bulls and mixed, 1:. , V"-i.:; Btockers and feeders, $3.00&4.00; calves and yearlings, ioWSoS. HOG8 Receipts, 6 300 head; market weak, selling at 86.074415.15; bulk or sales. i .10. took tn light Receipts of live stook at the six principal western maraetB yesterday : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha 2.K4 Hloux Cltv 3") Kansas City 4o0 St. Joseph 1.0a) St. Louis 4000 Chicago 4 5oC' IS 6 3(0 8,0(0 8.924 8ji() 26.000 1.747 3.(00 770 2,(i0 13.000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Deeds filed for record June 22 as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fft'nam street, for The Bee: Ii B. Musselmau and wife tn K. Miller, lot 15. block 4. Ambler Plane $1,000 S. Mlcszkynls and wife to T. Foster, part of lot 23, Moloney's add 850 Omaha Realty company to J. T. Tel- tink. part of lot 2, block 5, Park Place 600 E. J. Sullivan and wife to D. W. Mar row, lot 10, block 6, Dupont Place 1 Margaret fiigler and husband to O. P. Bemls Re-il Estate company, lot 9, block 8, Wlllinm Hagedorn's add I J. T. Henderson and wife to F. H. Keefe, lots 3 and 4, block 12, Schleslnger's add 650 A. P. Gardiner to Emma Bates, lot 38, Rees' Place 3,000 J. Mulvlhlll to J. A. Crelghton, part of lot 6. block 174. city ., 4,500 J. Mever and wife to A. and Rosle Kasal, lot 11. block 13. Brown Park.. 1,600 J. P. Peterson and wife to Anna Mer- gen lot 10, block 4, Lake's add 1,600 P. J. O'Connor and wife to May Lawler, lot 1. Thor Place , 800 H. D. Reed and wife to E. M. Fay, lot IS. block 6. Jerome Park 2,600 J. H. Taylor and wife to A. Foster, part of lot 10. block 10. Waterloo.... 800 Kittle M. DuBoes to J. W. Rlggs, part. of lot 10. block 10. Waterloo 1 Sarah A. Aatklns to C..B. Hutchln-, son. lot 10. block 14. Walnut Hill.... 500 Adalnde Duly and husband to Adalade Dewey, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 13, .llanscom Park 1 Edwards-Wood Co. Oneors-orsted I . naa Olllcat FitMi gad Roberts Strtcti ST- PAUL. fUNN. Tot lis. ..18,e4 70,604 19,617 Liverpool Or lit Market. LIVERPOOL. Juns 22 WHEAT Snot, nominal; futures, quiet; July, 6s t, Sep tember. 6s f,d; December. 6s 74gd. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 6a CEALKKSIN Stocks, Grain, Provision; Ship Your Grnin fo Us (trancw Onire. JIU-lll Hoard of Trade III da.. 4J ana Ian. tab. Telephone BM44. 212-214 Exchange Blug., South Omaha. Bel) 'Phone liii. Independent, 'Phone t