TnE OMAITA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1005. P0ST0FFICE NOTICE PANAMA, CANAL ZONE, CAICA DE PARTMENT OF COLOMHIA, ECf AUOIt, PERU BOLIVIA and CHILI, p r . . City of Washington, via Colon (also 'luatemula whfn specially addressed fur this stf.uiwri; Bt 10 a. m. for CUBA, er a. s. Moiro Castle, via Havana; at 1ft a. m. for GRENADA, BT. VINCENT. TRINIDAD, CIIDAD. HOLIVAR and Ol'IANA. per s. . Orenadu. NOTICE.-Five cents pr lialf ounce In ad dition to the r.ular postage, must be Sroimia on all loiters forwarded by th IT'PLEll ENTARY MAILS and letters deposited In the drop marked "letters lor roreign countries, after the ci) INI OF THE KEG I" LA R MAIL, for despatch by a particular vessel, will not - r-oe so lorwardert unless men additional ixjstage Is fully prepaid tlieroon by stamps. Supplementary Trsnsatlantlc Malls are opened on' the piers of the AMERICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at :U0 a. 'm. or later; and late mall may be deposited In the mall boxes on the piers of the Gentian IJnes sailing from Mo ' Ik. ken 8 ipnlementarv mall for Turks Island and Dominican Republic Is also opened on the Clyde Line Pier. The mulls onvthe nlers open one hour and a half neiore sailing lime, ami close len minutes before sailing time. Only regular post age (letters 6 cents a half ounce) Is re quired on articles mailed on the piers of the American, Whl;e Btar and Oerman (Bea Pont) slaemsrs; double postage (let ters 10 cent a half ounce) on other lines. Malls Forwarded Ore n d. Etc., Ei. cept Traaspactfle. Mails (except Jamaica and Bahamas) are forwarded dally to ports of ailing. The CONNECTING malls close at the General Post Office, New York, aa follows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, at 14:30 a. m. (Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday). (Also from New York, Thursday and Saturday see above.) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:80 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunrtny at l;0r) p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also occasionally from New York and Fnlla ' delphla. See above). MIQUELON, via Boston and North Syd ney, at 6:30 p. m. every other Sunday (June 4 to Is, etc.), JAMAICA, via Boston, at 7:00 p. m. Tues day and Friday. (Also from New York on Saturday. 8e above). COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 1,10:30 P.' m. Tuesday. BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA, via New Or leans, at 110:30 p. m. Monday. (West Coast of Honduras Is despatched from New York via Panama see above ) NICARAGUA (East Coast), via New Or leans, at I10:0 p. m. Wednesday. (West Coast of Nicaragua Is despatched from New York via Panama see above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE, via New Orleans, at 10:30 p. m., Sunday (after 10:30 r. m. Sunday and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Panama and Canal Zone is held for the New York steamer see above.) (REGISTERED - MAIL for overland de- spaicnes closes at q:w p. in. previous oay Transpacific Malls, Karwarded Over land Dally. Vine HVUfuuiB ui Closing ul x (miBini;illi: Malls Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port or sailing. The final connecting mails (ex ceDt Realstered Transpacific Malls de spatched via Vancouver, Victoria, Tacoma or Seattle, which close at 6 p. m. previous day) close at tne uenerai rosi umce, incw NEW ZEAIAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), new Caledonia, Samoa, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 1 p. m. June 24 for desDatch Per s. s. Ventura. (If Cunard steamer carrying; the British mall for ' New Zealand does Hot arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls losing-at firm) a. m., :ao a. m. ana AFFAIRS AT SOUTn OMAHA Board of Beview How Has Boms Work to to Occupy It Time. STOCK YARDS ASSESSMENT UNDER FIRE (oannlalat l.odaed to Effect that Tax tomnilssloner 0'flll'l Flaares Art Rut Half Those ot Aa sessor Heed, Quite a little stir was raised at the ses sion of the Board of Review Wednesday when E. L. Howe, city treasurer, and stench and this caused an Investigation. Mr. Jones asserts that the waste water from the bath room and from the wash rack where the hose wagon Is washed runs Into a pipe which has an ending In a ma nure pile In the rear of the fire hall. This waste water mixed with manure has caused a stench which Mr. Jones says must or bated. Chief Oarrett of the fire depart ment Is making an investigation and will report on the cost of a pipe system that will abate the nuisance. Many Ciradlnar Petitions. Nearly a doien grading petitions are be ing circulated at the present time. Prop erty owners are asking for grading on Twentieth street from U to Y; on Twenty second street from S to Y; on Twenty third street from S to W; on 8 street from Sixteenth to Twenty-fifth; U street from Eighteenth to Twenty-fourth; W street from Colonel C. M. Hunt filed a protest against tQ Rllrolld avcml.; A Btwt from the assessment made- on the property of Twentv.,hlr(i t0 Twenty-eighth; Twenty the Union Slock Yards company. The pro- i(vmn MrPpt from (j to J; F street from test reads thai the signers in penan oi Twenty-sixth to Twenty-ninth; Seventeenth heniselvts and other property owners ob ject to the assessment returned by Tax Commissioner O'Nell on the property of the stock yards company, and especially on the valuation of the real estate of the iour, avenue t0 i treot and the contractor company. Here Is a portion ot the ra monstrance; Your complainants show that said prop erty was assessed by the tax commissioner of this city for the year Hi5 at the sum or J,139,4;fc, which sum IS grossly inane 9 expects to commence work on this street before the week Is out School Examinations Completed The thirty-five women who have been tsklnir the examination for teachers In the uate and is less Jlftn "np-h ' the public schools turned In the last of their air value of the real estate of said com- oiinv. ami Is ess than one-hall or me ppris ,vruii. eunj ai -i noon. -uCT amount for which the same property Is days the examinations were held and It has assessed and taxed by the authorities of reported that many of the questions Douglas county, and Is less than one-half . , . of the valuation which should be placed asked w"e difficult. Scarcely any of he pon said property, and upon which it examining board has had an opportunity hould be taxed by the authorities of this o( looking over miners vet and it will be n'y, .rjK Vr P"-day before the result of the examlni Ire and set a time for heuring to Increase tlons Is made known. tlm ii viment tt ftnld romitanv for the I vear 1116. and that you Increase the as- Tit Cannon Crackers. sesstnent of said company from the amount Chief Brlggs of the police department has pen Instructed by the police commissioners l lo slop ine exploding oi cannon mo ihh-r- When this remonstrance was filed the rs on July 4. Blank cartridges and other w. f th l,Mr.l tHlkert the matter dangerous explosives are also uarreo... in over and set Friday morning for the time the order sent to the chief he Is directed f il. horln Jerri- Flturerald. clerk Of nricBis nere mts u.u. . the board, was sent with a notice to W. '"" connection wuu mis o.ue. w. C. Kenyon, general mnnager of the "J" " win inmru.-. w.r .1, mranv Th notice was ""-! '"""! l.n, ,...,,...,.. .v.. served and the presumption Is that Mr. Kenyon tnd his attorneys will appear be fore the board on the date set. The as sessment of $4,327,390 was Assessor Reed, and much surprise was shown when It was found that the city S. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and p" rrt.wll) be made- up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). PHILL1PPNE ISLANDS and GUAM, via Barf Francisco, close at ( p. m. June 23 ' for despatch per U. S. Transport. HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran ' Cisco, close at 6 p. m. June 26 for de ' inatoh Der s. s. Doric. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. June 26 for desDatch Der s. a. Mariposa. JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malls) COREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, a. C, close at 6 p. m. June n lor de scat oh per s. s. Empress of China. HA WAIT JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE lSLANDb. via San Fran- Cisco close at 6 p. m.. July S for despatch per s. s. Manchuria. HAWAII, -via-San Franclsao, close at I p. m. July lor espatcn per a. a. A in meda. - FIJI ISLANDS, and specially address-d limn i ' ' i i n ivn uin aim v v-v j . DONIA. via Vancouver and Victoria. B C, close at 6 p. m. July 15 for despatch per s. s. Miowera. MANCHURIA (except Mukden. New chwang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBERIA la at present forwarded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan via British India the quickest routes, Philippines specially addressed ' via r.u rope must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii is lorwaraea via can r ran Cisco exclusively. WILLIAM K. WILLCOX. Postmaster. Post Office, New York, N. Y. June. 16, 1906 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SIX BRICK BUILD- lima. Water. Hewer and Electrlo L.ight !ng System. Department of the Interior, otnoe oi Indian Aiiairs. Washington, u. t . June , 1SW6. Sealed proposals, endorsed Proposals for Buildings, etc.. at Washing- N. L., and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian Office until o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, July 18, 1&U6, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete two dormitories, a school house, a mesa hall, a laundry and a ware house, all of brick, with plumbing, steam heat and electric light, also water, sewer v aud electrlo lighting systems, at the site or the new scuoot near wanpeton, ti. u. M.ln strict accordance with plans, specifics "Wtlons and instructions to bidders, which j may be examined at this office, the offices or tne "uaseite, wanpeton, i. u ; in "Tribune," Bismarck, S. D. ; the "Arugs Leader." Sioux Falls. 8. D. : the "Improve. ment Bulletin," Minneapolis. Minn.; the pioneer-rress, pi.. -aui, aiinn. ; Aineri lan Contractor," Chicago. 111.: "Globe-Dem ocrat." St. Louis, Mo.: "Pee." Omaha Neb.; the Builders' and Traders' Exchanges at Omaha, Neb.; Milwaukee. Wis.: St. Paul, Minn., and Minneapolis, Minn.; the North western Manufacturers' Association, St. Paul, Minn.; Commercial Club, Des Moines, la.; the U. S. Indian Warehouses at 2t5 South Canal St.. Chicago, HI.; Ill) Wooster St., New York; 602 South Seventh St., St Louis, Mo.; 815 Howard St., Omaha, Neb., and with the Postmaster at Wanpeton, Nv D. For further Information apply to O. F. Larrabee, Acting Commissioner. J 4-8-10-13-15-17-20-22-34 street from Missouri avenue to I street; K street from Twenty-sixth to Twenty- seventh. The council has taken action on the grading of Sixteenth street from Mis- Kennedy, both colored and both living at I 81ii Dodge. A search of the premises failed to locate the alleged stolen money. RETENTION OF THE WOODMEN Matter of Keeping; lleadqaarfers ia Omaha Eapoaeed by ttt Commercial Cleb. The Commercial club will see what It can do to keep the headquarters of the Woodmen of the World In Omaha. At tha meeting of the executive committee of the club Tuesday Captain H. E. Palmer was present and asked for the help of the club. In an effort to secure the abolishment of the tax on the surplus of fraternal orders, assessed by a late decree of the State Board of Assessment. If the Woodmen were to be taxed, he said, they had de cided to move. As an Instance of the slse and Importance of the order, he pointed to the fact that it uses $30,000 worth of postage stamps every year. A committee of nine was appointed to devise means of assisting the Woodmen In their efforts An effort will be made by the club to se curo the next annual convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which meets this year In Denver. After a discussion of the matter It was referred to the com mittee on conventions. Commissioner E. J. McVann was In structed to attend the wieetlng of the west ern classification committee at Charlevoix, Mich., In July. Some questions of railroad freight classification which affect Omaha are to be discussed. It was decided to co-operate with the local Epworth leaguers In entertaining the Iowa delegates to the national convention at Denver. They will pass through July 3 and 4 and will stay several hours. They are to be given Omaha souvenir booklets by the local league. II. W. Yates, Jr., of the Nebraska Na tional bank was elected to active member ship and Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck of the Second Presbyterian church to honor ary membership In the club. tlon to this matter on July 3 and 4 and to nrreet every person who Is caught firing dynamite crackers or shooting firearms that of County wlthln the cltr llmlta' Magic City Gossip. Miss Hilda Condron has gone to Chicago " "l . ' to SDend the summer. tax commissioner had gone tinder tne , ... . . w nnened at f ortieth and W streets, county assessment by about $2,000,000. Gonka Wanted for ItarRlary, Two doen policemen's clubs are to be , ,.. oi,.,.,. bought for the police force last naturaiiy mum .i'un ., , au,, ritv Turnnulst nrrested Theodore Gonka In a , atteru, , Blstpr', wedding. saloon at Twenty-seventh and L. streets I Mr(l Robert Larkln of Sioux City Is hers for being drunk and disorderly and carry- visiting friends for a few days. Ing concealed weapons. Monday Judge Tonight Bee Hive lodge of Masons will . ., ,. . ,, , , u. work the first and second degrees. King fined, Oonka $5 and costs, and he Mawhlnney has been was put to work on tne street gang. rnnted fifteen days' leave of absence. Wednesday the police learned that Gonka Heveral new onen motor cars have been was wanted In Sioux City for burglary, placed In service on the Sherman avenue As soon as this Information was verified 11?p. Gonka was taken from the street force and "sco'umy for amonth's vt iockcu in a ceu. sin uuitci ir.cucu wjtn friends. here from Sioux City today to take Gonka The young people of the Baptist church will give sn Ice cream social at Migiiianu . - , . . . i yarn i in t?v-uiue. Eagles' Picnic Date. uk ehief of Cudahv s fire Aerie No. 154, Fraternal Order of Eagles, has returned from Wisconsin, where will hold a picnic at Courtland beach on he spent a ten days' vacation. Thursday evening. June 29.. This picnic will The fire department Is In tfi ot 1JW , ' , ,i, .. hi, feet of hose and an effort Is to be made be free to members of the aeries, their f0havle the clty COUncll buy this hose at families and lady rrlends. Tee transpor- onCe. tatlon to and from the 'grounds and free Officer Ringer has been returned to duty admission to the grounds will be provided, foneg.ectf dJty andas The first special motor train will leave Sa"""t days? pay. Twenty-fourth and N streets at 7 p. m. At- Mrg Blanche Cosman died Wednesday at tractions at the beach will be held during the home of her father, T. J. Seater, 2il7 the evening and the Eagles expect to en- Madison. fine run j' entlt Laurel Mill cemetery. i back. INSANE MAN ESCAPES OFFICER Sheriff Bnsy Eatinsr Strawberries and Ills Charge Makes a . Get Away, Joy a very pleasant evening. Ryan-Boyle Wedding;, William Ryan and Miss Kate' Boyle were married at St. Agnes' church Wednesday morning. Rev. Father A'Hern officiated Mr. Ryan Is foreman of the dry salt cellar at Armour's, and Is well known. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle. 321 North Twenty-second street. Af ter the ceremony at the church a wedding I a dish of strawberries-at the lunch coun breakfast was served at the home of the I ter at the Union depot was the means of bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan will the escape of an Insane man from the cus- reslde for a time at the home of Mr. and tody .of Deputy Sheriff Thomas Rockhold Mrs. Boyle. I of Ord, Neb., about 1 o'clock this morning SanlfW Condition Bad. - The deputy sheriff was taking Joseph Po V 11V OUIIUUI X llioirrviui A 1 WVlno lino 1 - a..UA filed a report reciting that the sanitary ora. 111., ana . vn reaenmg ., . , , v. , ... r.. t, two got off the train and In looking around 1. bad. Residents In the neighborhood of i. depot the sheriff saw a very tempting the flre hall have complained about the ot strawberries at the lunch coun or ana lurwiwmi jjiuwcucu m d. v.,.. ... ger for the fruit. It was not long there. after that his insane ward succeeded In making his get-away, much to the con sternatlon of the officer who had not yet finished eating the strawberries. The next thing was a telephone message to the po lice station, and Rockhold, in an excited voice, told Desk Sergeant Heavey, "I've lost a crasy man!"- In a short time he ap peared at the station and asked for some assistance in locating his protege, whom he said had secured a meat axe and sev eral other weapons of warfare and was making ready to ttermlnate the populace In the vicinity of the depot. Emergency Officer Devereese was sent with the deputy sheriff, but at an early hour this morning they had not located the man who took advantage of the dish of strawberries, GOES FROM BANK TO PULPIT V. E. 'Wilson, Former Bank Examiner, Will Become a Minister In the I'nltarlan Chnrch. V. E. Wilson, formerly bank examiner In Nebraska under the last pop admlnls tratlon. Is about to enter upon the study of theology preparatory to becoming minister In the Unitarian church. Mr. Wil son has many friends In Omaha and throughout Nebraska to whom this news will come as a great surprise. leaving Omaha four years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, with their little son, went to Kern, Cal., where he has been cash ler In tho leading bank. Mr. Wilson be came very successful In business there and built a row of beautiful sandstone brick flats, which he named "The York after York, Neb., the former home of Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson's old homo was Os ceola. From there he came to Omaha and they resided on Walnut Hill while In this city. In leaving Kern Mr. wii?0n will dispose of his banking Interests, but retains pos session of The York. He Is now In Oak land, Cal., where he will do his ministerial studying, preparing their home. They con template a visit to Omaha and their other former homes In this state during the sum mer. ,. Mrs. Wilson, who Is an accomplished and talented soprano, has been one of the leading singers in Bakersfleld and Kern, which cities are but a mile apart, through out their residence there. She Is well known for her participation In prominent musical functions there. OCEAN STBAMEHS. ANCHOR UNI O. B. UA1U STaAMSKa. HEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND QLASOOW. NEW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Snpertor aeeommo4attoD. Exosllsot CntilM. Til Comfort ot Psun(ars Cantullr Ccmtdarod. Slo.t r Kottoa Trip Tickets luusa hivnh now lori maa Scauh. EnsIlM Irtob and all principal tlutntal points at attraollTa rata. Sand lor Bool ( Tours. For uckata or ganarai Information apply to aur local agent o( tbe Anchor Una or ta HENUSUSUN bUOS. Oanarai Asanta. Cnica III, LEGAL NOTICES. PUBLIC NOTICE. ' By Virtue of an order of the district court 'of Douglas County, Nebraska, In a suit therein pending, entitled Frank J. pennlson against Western Anchor Fence Company, entered June 19. 1!W6, I will sell for cash, either privately or publicly, all the assets of the Western Anchor Fence company of every kind and description, In cluding material, machinery, tools, fixtures, office furniture, patent rights and every other species of property owned or enjoyed by the Western Anchor Fence Company. Bald property will be sold In separate Items or as a whole. Any part thereof not previously sold privately will be offored for sals at publia auction on July 10, lio, at 10 o'clock a. m. at 205 North 17th street, Omaha, Nebraska. All bids for said assets, or any part thereof must be accompanied by the cash, and will be reported to tha court for confirmation. Before the time fixed for the publio sale of said assets rids therefor will be re ceived at my office In the McCague build ing, Omaha. . THOMAS H. M'CAQUE. Receiver for Western Anchor Fence Co. J It dt m T BONDS FOR 6ALS. Bids are wanted on a llu.OOO Issue ot refunding school bonds of School District No. One of Weston County, Wyoming, said Issue being In 10 bonds of 11,000 each, bearing six (8) per cent Interest, Interest payable semi-annually. The first bond of 11,000 Is payable 6 years from data of Issue and one bond of 1,000 each year thereafter until paid. 'or further In formation address A. K VANS, Clerk of School Board. Newcastle. Wyo. MSldJut n NOTICE. Bids will be received by the secretary of tha linarri of Publlo iAiids and Buildings, at the office of-the secretary of state, up to 1 o'clock noon Saturday. July 1. 1116. for two (2) dynamos for the Nebraska Hospital Inr tnun.1 it Lincoln. Nebraska, us Per 4 specifications now on fiU lu the ottWe of the vcreiary or state. The board reaerves the right to reject any end till bids. - - , - . ' A. OALU8HA, Boeretary of the Hoard vt Public Lands and BulIdlhfB. -Jo2id5tM dMlPAGEflE GEHERALE THANSATIANTIQUC French Line, New York to Parts, nix Days. Ballings Every Thursday at 10 a. m. La Lorralna Juna x. La Bratagna July La uaocogna July a. La Lorralna July 17. La Barola July IS. La Touratna Aug. i. Haw. modern, gigantls twtu-acraw and axpraas ateamara; naval omcarr man-of-war aiaoipuna. Company's vaatlbulad trains, Havra-rarta. 4 houra. Proieaaional oixhaaira on board twln-aciaw staamara. Harry It. Moor.a. Agaul waoasu K. K. , law 'arua Slraat. Lou la Maaaa, cars Plrat National Bank. U A. Kutbarlord, Agant C. B. L K R. R.. lUt Farnam Huvat. U. IB. Abbott, Agant lluian R. K. ALLAN LIN1 ROYAL HAIL sTSAMl MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. Waakly Sailings St. Lawrauaa Routa. Shortast, amootheat and muat Plrturaaaua. MRW FAST TlikHiNU THIfLB gChliW STKAMItl "viowian" ana - Virginian-- ii.ouo tona oaoo. TWIN gC'Rk.W STEAMRRt Tunlalan" and "Bavarian" 10,600 taaa aaek. Apply to aur local aaanl. or CO.. IS JACMJION BLVD.. CHICAOO. GOVERKMESIT KOTICES. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office. Omaha, Neb., June 22. Iwu6. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, win oe received nere until 10 o'clock a. m.. central standard time, June 27, WOO, for the construction proper, at Fort Omaha, Nebraska, as follows: Two (2) double lieutenants' quarters, one (1) single set N. C. S. officers' quarters, one (1) quad ruple N. C. 8. officers' quarters and one (1) administration building. Full Information furnished on application to this office. where plans and specifications may be seen. Proposals to De marked Proposals for Construction, etc.," us the case may be, and addressed to Major M. Gray Zallnskl, constructing quartermaster, Army Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Jez2-23-26M MORE BUILDINGS AT FT. OMAHA Hand red Thoasand Dollars In Con strnctlon Work Advertised by the Army. Omaha contractors will be gratified to learn that another opportunity Is given them to bid upon buildings to be con structed at Fort Omaha. Major M. Gray Zallnskl, constructing quartermaster tat this point, has been directed to advertise for proposals for two double sets of lieu tenants' quarters, one single set of non commissioned staff officers' quarters, one quadruple set of noncommissioned staff officers' quarters and one administration building. The bids will be opened at 10 o'clock a. m. Tuesday, June 27, 1905, at the office of the constructing quartermaster In the army building, Omaha. Proposals may be procured from, and the specifica tions for the new buildings may be seen at the office of Major Zallnskl. The total cost of the proposed new buildings will reach :ioo,ooo. PROPOSALS FOR CLEANING MATE rlul. Lamps, -itc. Othce of the De pot quartermaster, Omaha, Neb., June 1?, 16. Sealed proposals lit tripUcste, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., June 27, 1905. for supolio, concentrated lye, tamp supplies, tc. United States reserves the right lu reject any or all bids, or parts thereof. Information and specifications furnished on application. Envelopes con taining bids to be marked "Proposals for sapulio, lamps, etc.," and addressed to Captain Thomas. Swobe, quartermaster. M-J n.2J.a,2l.26 . LEGAL KOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for a lOo-horse power boiler complete will bo received at the office of the secretary or tne noara or taucation of the State Normal schools, capltol build ing, Lincoln, Nebraska, up until 12 o'clock non. June SO, 16, for the State Normal school at Peru, In accordance with the specifications on file In the office of the secretary. The board reserves the right to rejint any snd all bids and waive de fects lu same. By order of the Board of Education of the elate Normal schools. J. L. M'HKIEN, Secretary. JlS-dlOt Special Hates East Via Wabash B. R. Call at Wabash city office. 1001 Famam street, or address Harry E. Moo res, Q. a. P. D.. Omaha. Neb. Olson Bays He Was Robbed. John Olson of Council Bluffs complained to the police last night that he had been robbed of 120 by some colored women In the red light district, and later Officer Boyie arrested Minnie Binlth and Margaret YAEGER IIAS AN EXTRA WIFE Beinlu io Hit Being Placed in t Dei Moines Jail on Bigamj Charge. GIRL PIANIST CREATES A GREAT FURORE Report that Great Western Is to Build aa F.steaslon Throngh Blonx City in Sooth Dakota. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) rK8 MOINES, June 21. (Speclal.)-Mrs. Blanche do Carvlll Yaeger today filed charges of bigamy against Charles Yaeger, whom she claims she married In Omaha January 10, 1904. Yaegec Is the man ar rested Saturday night on tho Informal complaint of his two wives. Now Mrs. Minnie Yaeger, who Is the mother of five of his children, claims thst she Is confi dent that everything Mrs. Blanche tells Is untrue. The Yaegers formerly all lived In Omaha. Mrs. Minnie Yaeger claims to have been married to him seven years ago. Mrs. Blanche Yaeger claims she will readily prove that she was married to him and that he Is the father of her one child. She was an actress and has a troupe of trained dogs and today, after filing the formal charge of bigamy, said she would return to the stage, for the reason that Yaeger had left her penniless. Yaeger and Mrs. Minnie, the first wife, came to Des Moines Inst January and he secured em- j ployment with Barrlrk Son. Mrs. Blanche came In April, when she claims he sent for her, aYter leaving her sick In Omaha. She claims he said he was going to Stuart, la., to escape some trouble In Omaha, but Instead came to Des Moines. Mrs. Minnie and children lived at the Logan hotel and Mrs. Blanche lived at 1122 West Second street. Yaeger denies that he Is married to Mrs. Blanche. Yaeger Is In Jail await ing trial. Wild Over Girl Flanlst. At the pupils' recital of the music teach ers' convention today the convention went Wild over the playing of Miss Oulda Wlltse of Sioux City, a pupil of Miss Helen Hamil ton. She Is a little girl and took the place on the program of one who was absent. After she had played Weber's "Moto Per petuo," her phrasing and gener-.I under standing of the piece stamping her as a genius, the convention went wild with ap plause, and she played Hoffman's "Oaielle" with equal ability. Competent musicians prophecy a great future for her. Great Western Extension. It Is learned that the Oreat Western Is planning to build an extension west from Clarion through Humboldt, Pocahontas and Storm Lake and running south of Cherokee to LeMars and down the Floyd river to Sioux City and west, crossing the Sioux river at Akron and then running west Into South Dakota. It is through a splendid and comparatively level and very fertile country. It is stated that the bulk of the $14,000,000 Increase In the capital stock of the Great Western Is to be expended In Iowa In building the new extension and In expert mentlng with electric lines as feeders to the main line. TO ADVERTISE.:jREAL estate II..- rlan Is Being Formulated by the Omaha Exchange, Which May Join Commercial Club. The Omaha Real Estate exchange may go with the Commercial club on Its next ex curslon, or it may arrange for an excursion exclusively for Its own members. In eithe case the object will be to advertise Omaha as a desirable place of residence and o real estate Investment. The matter was discussed at a meeting of the exchange Wednesday and will be brought up again at the next session. It was agreed by all present that Omaha real estate should be better advertised over the state. Some favored Joining with tho Commercial club in an excursion, others thought the real estate men should go on an excursion by themselves, and yet others expressed the opinion that advertising mat ter could be disseminated without any trip. A real estate booklet and a special edition of one of the dally papers were suggested. A committee consisting of W. L. Selby, B. A. Benson, D. C. Patterson, Alex Charlton and W. T. Graham will deliberate on the Ideas brought out and will make sugges tions In the matter at the next meeting. IN OPERATION BY AUGUST Object 'of New Motor Line Promoters is lo Partially Complete Road This Simmer, Ralls have been bought for the" Omaha. Lincoln ft Beatrice line from Lincoln to Bethany, and it Is tho Intention of the traction company to have the line In opera tion, at least that far, by August 1. The right-of-way has been secured except in several short runs, and some of the work will be done by the company Itself, Ignor ing the contracts with the Ross Construc tion company. Work also Is in progress near Ashland, near the place that the Great Northern cut off will cross the Platte. An attempt will be made to have the line In operation In time for the Chris tian church convention, which will be held at Bethany In August. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Marketing" of llogi Continues Liberal with Increase Over Previous Week. CINCINNATI, O., June 21.-(Speclal Telegram.) Price Current says: There is a continuance of rather liberal marketing of hogs. Total western packing was 650,000 compared with 600,000 for the prccedlnr week and 475,000 lust year. Since March J the total Is 7,270,000 against 6,855,000 a year ago. Prominent places compare as fol lows: 1905. 1904. Chicago 1,760,000 1,640,000 Kansas City 9X6,000 870.001 South Omaha 745,000 8t. Joseph 652,000 St. Louis 635,000 Indiarapolls 307,000 Milwaukee 208.000 Cincinnati 187,000 Ottumwa 143.000 Cedar Rapids 136.000 Sioux City 315.000 St. Paul 2fl,000 Cleveland 168.000 825,000 605,000 555,000 330,000 1N3.0H0 158,000 167,000 135,000 145,000 293,001) 164,000 Ko Bpcclal Session. There will be no special Initiation at tha Ak-8tr-Ben den Friday evening for tho delegates attending the coal dealers' con vention. The announcement was made at the den last Monday evening, but has since been withdrawn. SOUTH DAKOTA G. A. R. OFFICERS J. B. Wolgremnth of Huron Chosen Commander. ABERDEEN, S. D.. June 21. (Special.) ' The Grand Army of the Republic elected J. B. Wolgemuth of Mitchell, department commander; senior vice, J. B. Geddes, Huron; Junior vice, Samuel Phillips, Spear fish; chaplain, S. A. Boyles, Yankton. The Woman's Relief corps elected Offi cers this morning: President, Clara A. Lukens, Mitchell; senior vice, Mrs. Laura Harman, Parker; Junior vice, Edith C. Brown, Olivet; treasurer, Helen Klbbee, Mitchell; chaplain, Mary White, Vermil lion; executive board, Emily SUsby, LUllfl Patterson, Mary Gelger, Mitchell; Ida Lowry, Leola; Mlna Cole, Pierre; national delegate-at-large, Jennie Nash, Canton; other delegates, Ella D. Parker, Water town; Frances Thompson, Parker. Yankton won the meeting place of the Grand Army of the Republic next year af ter a close fight with Watertown,.the vote standing, Yankton, 62; Watertown, 48. The memorial meeting tpr departed members was held this morning and the parade this afternoon. Shoots Wife and Self. SHERIDAN, Wyo., June 21. (Special Tel egram.) Dave Green shot and killed his wife, 17 years old, at Clearmont this morn ing. She was better known In Sheridan as "Ragtime Lis." He then shot and killed himself. Green moved to Clearmont a week ago and put his wife In a house of 111 repute to earn a living for both. She became Infatuated with another man and planned to run away. Green threatened to kill both. Green was under 1,000 bond for forging his father's name to several checks amounting to $125. His father went his bond. A Skin of Beauty l a Joy Forevor. T. Falls Oouraud'a Oriental Cream or Masjloal Boautlflar. Ramevas Tan, Plmplaa, frecnlaa, Uk V.icom; lUaii, and btla &iraa, Ma avary a.aibua on baautr. aau da lea detection. It kae atuud tha Uat of ftT yenra. and la no harmltfs taateit tobaaualt la properly siada. accept aw ooumar flt ot aiBiUw name. Dr. L. A. Sura aaid to a lady of I be bant ! a is paUtalii "Aa yoa ladlaa will has them. 1 -J 'flaaraaaVa Cream aa tha least a armful rjal) lha akiu Drepamumi." F. r aala by ail lroiiU and raacf. Oooda IWai la tha Cnliad Biaiaa, Cauda au4 lumps. rUULT.HQfLIS.PntK 37 froi turn SM, taTarl D LOCAL BREVITIES. The art snd statuary exhibit at Mount St. Mary's seminary will be open for publio inspection Thursday and Friday. Charles L. Hoover, an attorney of South Omaha, has been admitted to practice be fore the United States courts tor the Ne braska district. Crook post, Orand Army of the Republic, la arranging for a big camp flre and open meeting on the evening of Friday, June JO at the post hall, Twenty-fourth street anj aiiicb aivvoue. B. L. Sheldon has been arrested by De tectives Malnney and Drummy on the charge of being a fugitive from Justice. The man has been taken to Council Bluffs by Captain McNeil. It Is said Sheldon passed bogus checks on Mrs. Metcalfe, who operates a moonlight resort near the Bluffs. Superintendent Llewellyn of the Omaha division, rural free delivery, received the official notification Wednesday morning that the state of Iowa had been added to his division, being taken from the St. Louis division. The addition of the state of Iowa to the Omaha division will cause some ten or a dosen special route agents to report to the Omaha headquarters In addition to the twenty now reporting. On application of John Smith, adminis trator oi' the estate of Henry Bchroeder, Judge Sears has named John D. Wear as guardian ad litem of four minor children of Mr. Srhroeder to protect their rights and act for them In a sale of property to be made. In this same connection Mrs. Mary Catherine Bchroeder, widow of Henry, has filed a paper In which she waives her right of dower in favor of any ferson who may become the purchaser of he southeast quarter of section 17. town it, range u, uougias county. Knlabts Have Oreat Parade. ABERDEEN. S. D., June 11. tSpectal Telegram.) The Dramatic Order Knights of Kohrassan ceremonial parade tonight was a great spectacle, witnessed by thousands. There were seventy initiates. Youthful Lover Commits Balelde. MOUNT AYR. Ia., June 21.-(8peclal.) Refused marriage because of their tender years, Virgil Stanley, 18 years old, after an unsuccessful trip to Missouri with his sweetheart, killed himself yesterday. lis emptied one barrel of a shotgun Into his heart, at the home of his brother, Herbert win's Is to love children, and home can be completely happy without them, yet th; ordeal throusrh which the ex pectant mother must pass usually ia so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares tbe system lor tne ordeal that she passes through R jfl , the event safely and with but lym little suffering, as numbers If U have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. BiUDriELD REGULATOR CO., AIUpU. G. Mirers BURLINGTON BULLETBN . . . PORTLAND, TACOMA SEATTLE AND RETURN Daily $45.00 PORTLAND, TACOMA AND SEATTLE AND RETURN, Via California, June 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 ". . .$56.00 SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES AND RETURN, June 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 $o6.00 DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS AND PUEBLO AND RETURN, Daily $17.50 DENVER, COLORADO SPRIN6S AND PUEBLO AND RETURN, June 30 to July 4 $15.00 CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND SOUTHERN WISCONSIN Points and Return, -Daily $20.00 SALT LAKE AND OGDEN AND RETURN, Daily $30.50 YELLOWSTONE PARK, Through, including hotels and stage, daily until Septem ber 17 $75.00 Cody, Wyo., Black Hills Resorts, and Hot Springs, S. 0., and Return, Daily '.Approximately Half Rates MICHIGAN RESORTS ON LAKES MICHIGAN AND HURON Daily Low Tourist Ratal Canada, Maine and New England; St. Lawrence and Lake Champlaln Regions Daily Low Tourist Rates TORONTO, ONL, and Return, June, 21 and 22 $27.15 INDIANAPOLIS and Return, June 22 $19.40 BALTIMORE and Return, July 1 to 3 .$32.25 BUFFALO and Return, July 7 to 9 .$26.75 ASBURY PARK and Return, via New York or Direct, . June 28 to July 1 $34. 10 If you will call or write, it would be a pleasure to ad vise you about rates, train service, to reserve ypu a berth and try to make your trip a comfortable one. J. B. REYNOLDS. Ticket Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, OMAHA mm A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18.00 The Bee Building. Stanley, near Caledonia, dying two hours later. STOCK PLACED IN ESCROW Capital of Sloox City, Homer A South ern in Omaha National Dank, Says Mlllnrd. Senator J. H. Millard Is authority for the statement that the stock of the Sioux City, Homer A Southern Railway company has been placed in escrow In the Omaha Na tional bank of Omaha and will be turned over to a purchasing company In a few days, but the identity of the company to make the purchase has not been divulged. A report from Sioux City conveyed the Idea that the purchaser was the Great North ern, but Mr. Millard said he knew nothing of that part of the dispatch. He said he simply knew that negotiations were In progress and would probably be completed In a few days. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS A. Engdahl and wife of Wausa are regis tered at the Millard. W. O. Whltmore, the well known cltlsen of Valley, and Perry Smith of Fremont are In the city, guests at the Paxton. J. D. Gillette Hill of Lincoln, 111., a stu dent of Williams college. Is visiting with John Redlck, son of Judge W. A. Redlck. Mrs. M. T. Hascall and daughter of North Platte are visiting Mrs. HaacaU's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Akaladt. Iiu W. Frasler of Fairmont. M. M. Free man of Union. W. H. Rairnell, an attorney from Lincoln, and C, E. Button, proprietor of the Pierce roller mills, are Nebraskans stopping at the Murray. "Doc" Ballenger, vice president of the In ternational Horseshoers association, with headquarters in Chicago, Is in the city for a few days and is registered at the Murray hotel. His business here Is purely personal and has nothing to do with the association. Ueutenant W. C. Cowln, U. 8. A., Third cavalry, who has Just been appointed a personal aide on the staff of General T. J. wlnt, came In with the general from St. IOuls yesterday. This Is Lieutenant Cowln's first visit home for several years. He has been stationed with his regiment In the north since its return from the Philippines, his troop being now at Fort Assinlbola, right on the line between the United States and British America. DR. MoGREW 8PEC.Aa.l8T Treats all forma of Diseases of Men 28 Tears' Experience 18 Years In Omaha. A. Medical Expert whose remarkable success has never been excelled. NEARLY 30,000 CA8E8 CURED. Varicocele, Hydrocele, Blood Poison, Stric ture, Gleet, Nervous Debility, Loss of Btrength and Vitality. HIS HOME TREATMENT has permanently cured thousands of cases of chronic Nervous. Rectal, Kidney and Bladder and Skin diseases at cost. Savo time and money by describing your case and write for FHBB BOOK and terms of treatment. Medicine sent In plain pkgs. CHARGES LOW, CO! SCLTATIOH FREB. Office Hours a. m. to t:tO p. m.; Sun days. I a. m. to 1 p. m. Call or writs. Box, 766. Office. &6 8. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Evory Woman UDUIlWsHllnlMWtnOW 8boai IM VOBftttTOl MAftVEL WhirliM Spray JCTifAVSiMMtt afsV VMsr,va:-.vT 1' --''JaW,J' un "" ' laaaaMlj, a- rlnaWSri. nnol supply trie acoaDC do other, but sand staiup far Ulusuatf twok-MLa. It fall prtlsalfs and 'Itraetiona lo- asrsws If be cann kiaavB otnar, but Ulusuatrd full uartla v&luabia ui la. lira, mahvmi, (4.. m. as ST., asm iohm. The Best Hot Weather Medicine SALE TEN MILLION BOXES A TEAR VS CANDY CATHARTIC . IM1EVENT ALL SUMMER BOWEL TROUBLES mot aaae bj CHAEFBR s LKUu BTuREo Ittft an Chicago sts So. Oman a, ih and N sta. Council Bluffs. 6th and Main sts. KUUN aV CO.. tttu and bouailas street Treat all disease el Mem Vartoooels. Hydro cele, Stricture Blood Poi son. Weak, Nervous Mao. Kidney and Bladder Die ases. Stomach, Bowel Skin and Chrooio Die. eases. Examination VYse. Honest Treatment. Low Charges. Write for infer, ma tlon. U years lo Omaha On. Surle s h Siarlai, 14th and Douglas BtA Omasa, Neb. MEN AND WOMEN. SCvmmjTX 1 Cm i( far anaalaral hll.arAI ttefatr(as.lBSMaMaM, 1 &.. i U Irrtlslloas F aMarallMt mk " ml Maafcraaaa. ' Irr .! ctMftoa. PalsUaa, .ad sat Mtrtw rHbaStCsusrauGs. (.at or mu". ,,1 7 aWasarassa, ' er saet la rial a wrap?, axKaas, raeld, fuf SI a. I iMtiUs sa Tk. (amies saaa aa laaeaaa H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, Kit a and Mason BUk. OMAHA, KEB. Telephone Ut,