TI1E OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JUNE 20. 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Opoi Below Saturday ted a Geieral Decline limes. WEAKNESS CAUSED BY SHOHT SALES Inner Prospeeta of Hrtrr Receipts Tomorrow, Cora Uoea Down Oata lr ana Bring Oat Lit t la Interest. inly. ti.UH; September new. Sic; September old. SMo. OAToTo arrive and on track, 81c. ine wneat market waa K rrom tart. Initial quotations on July being o to HfiHf lower at SSVi&c. An vance of V4T4id In Liverpool il ap OMAHA, June 19. 1906. Wheat la down today. It opened weak. kuuui -q dciow Saturday. 'Inere wan a little, apurt in the forenoon and July reached the high point of WVc. It then be gan to drop off. Selling by large Chicago """"ri was in cause lor the wcaknesa, I ho market wia also Influenced by the fact that no runt was reported and the casn demand at Minneapolis la not urgent. July cloaed at 87Vo tHic. September at nod. bNi'c and Decemter at 83T,c, Corn declined under the prospects of heavy receipts tomorrow, Chicago expect ing 714 cars. July cloaed at 63e, old July at iwc, September at 6-"U6Zc. o d Scotem ber at SlSfoV, December at 48'ac and old December at Soc. Oata were weak, tn sympathy with the general trend of the market. The trading elicited little Interest. July finished at Sic, September at 29vo and December at 29Tic. St. IxMila cash Interests have been bid ding too at country atattnns for wheat. Oklahoma mills are paying equal to 87o, Kansas City, for new wheat. The first car of new wheat from Oklahoma arrived at Kansas City yesterday; It graded No. 1. Weevle. la reported In the wheat In Ohio, lnglla. the crop expert, continues to send In bullish newa. He wires from New Mad rid. Mo., that the wheat there ehows con siderable emut and blight and the heads ara ; Imperfectly filled. On a former trip ha estimated the yield at 10 to 26 bushels, but now he says It Is 5 to 16. He sends In similar news from the region between Evanavllle, lnd., and Cairo, TU. There were no rains worth mentioning In the Kansas wheat belt over Sunday, though rains were reported there this morning. Harvesting is In full swing tn the central part of the atate. In the last two days there have seen good showers In the eastern part of the atate, which were needed for com. In a 100-mfla trip west of 8t. Louis Pctre finde all wheat dead ripe, about one-fourth in shock. Oats and corn there are needing rain. Wheat on passage today is 4.524,0iO bushels, a decrease of 424,000 bushels. July wheat closed lower In Liverpool and September was unchanged. There was a good continental request for cargoes, with the supply equal to the demand. Corn was unchanged to M hlarher. The visible supply of wheat la 16.780,000 misneis, 440,000 bushels more tnira a year aro. American epot corn In Liverpool la 67Me tn store, a price which tends to prove T 'tilted Kingdom stocks of corn are prac tically exhausted. Argentina corn on ar rival will aro Into Immediate conaumptlon. . Foreigners have not followed our advances tn corn fully, taking- only amall lots, await ing arrive Is of Argentina corn bought at lower prices. Decrease of corn on passage todav la 270.000 bushels. Chicago shipped 136,000 bushels. J. Olseen, with Sunderland It Updike, waa at Stanton, la.. Sunday, and he says the corn there covers the ground and the farmer expect to have It laid by oerore tne Fourtn or, July. Omaha Cask Bales. CORN-No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 49c. OATS No. S white. 1 car, 29Vjc. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. I hard, 95(ff9"c; No. 3 hard. 0i9oc: No. 4 hard. 88c: No. 3 spring. 86c, CORN No. 2, 4Mc; No; 3. 48c; No. 4, litc: no grade, B45c; No. 2 yellow, 4C No. 3 yellow, 49c; No. 2 white, 49c; No. 1 . white, 4!tc. OATS No. 1 mixed. 28We: No. S mixed Vc; No. 4, mixed, 27Hc; No. I white, 2StC; No. I white, 29fec; No. 4 white, 29o; stand ard. Z9ft0. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats CHICAGO GRAIS AID PROVISIONS. eatnree of the Trading; ana Closing Prices an Board af Trade. CHICAGO. June l.-Favorable reaulta In harvest operations caused weakness In the wh.-"t market today. At the cloae July wheat was off lc; corn Is down Hvj'tu. oata ic and provlslona :v'S12Sc. ine wneat market waa wean rrom tne a.l- nnar- ently Ignored here, weather conditions In the I'nlted States seeming eclipsing In the minds of most traders all other factors Reports from the southwest ahowed ttjat clear weather had prevailed generally alnce Saturday. In the northwest much rain had fallen, hut according to a report from Min neapolis little damage had been done by the continued wet weather. I.ck of defi nite reports of damage encouraged con siderable selling by' pit tradera and re suited In July receding to WSc. The de cline Induced moderate covering by shorts. As a result the market experienced a tem porary rally. July advancing to Kivc. Sen timent, however, aoon became more bear ish than before and prices started on a downward movement. The chief cause of the renewed weakness was the unanimity of advices from the harvest fielda regard ing the unexpectedly large yields. One re port claimed that the total crop for west ern Kansas would be 15.000,000 bUBhels In excesa of the yield a year ago. Another depressing Influence waa a decline In wheat prices at Minneapolis. At sViC July touched the lowest point of the dav. The market closed weak with July at sTTiGWc. Clear ances of wheat and Hour were equal to 18,600 bushels. The amount on passage de creased 4L'4.0H0 bushels and the visible sup- ply decreased 1.4J4.0O0 bushels. Primary re ceipts were 28,600 bushels, compared with 4K,S"0 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Dulnth and Chicago reported receipts of 190 cars, against 312 cars last week and 361 cars a year ago. Proflt-taklnc due to estimated receipts of over 7X) cars for tomorrow caused weak ness In the corn market. As an additional bearish factor primary receipts were 25 per cent larger than a year ago. Several prominent longs were active sellers. The market closed almost at tiv lowest point. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Price MoTiment ia Upward and Volume of Dealing! Increases Blightlj. FOREIGH SITUATION CLEARING UP July opened Hfi'ie higher to M,Vic lower at MSfrMc, sold off to 63c and closed at 63Hc. Local receipts were 629 cars, with 144 of contract grade. Tne oats market waa not immune irom the rreneral weakness. The main factor Influencing the fnrket was the llbern.1 movement, arrl"als today being consider ably In excess of the amount estimated. Excellent condition of the new crop was another depressing Influence. July opened He higher to 4c lower at townee, sold off were 122 cars. to 80c and closed at 31c. Local receipts Provisions were wenk on selling by small holders. Liberal receipts of hogs were largely responsible for the profit-taking. At the close September pork was off 12V; at $12.97Vi, lard waa down 7y at $7.4o, ribs were 2Vo lower at 17 .82V,i7.b6. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Theat, 4 cars; corn, 713 cars; oats, 146 cars; hoga, 22.000 head. Tho leading futuree ranged aa follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Tea y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn tJuly JJuly tSept. tSept. IDec Oata July Sept. Dee. Pork- July Sept. Lard- July Bept. Ribs- July Sept. Oct. 847,365 S4(ff64H i53St(64 49 siin 30 12 72H1 13 06 89 S5W I I 8774, 87T,gSS 891, B,RS'&-Ts;854j6v, 83,1 8371 85H B4H53WH 7 27HI 7 47 7 60 ' 7 2 710 64 62 62 49V4! 31 29ii 30HI 12 75 1 13 07H 1 7 50 I 7 65 7 87H 7 92 63 Sir 53H' MH 634,53VSA 58iV52V-,i 5162'yi2Hl52(.'SH 4P 29 1 M erti1 12 97H 483,1 4S'4 81 1 31H 7 26 1 7 t 7 45 7 4 760 1 7 7 824 7 29-,1 12 67H' 12 971 !7W 4o 7 8"V4l I S5 7 90 I. 3014 12 77S 13 10 7 32H 7 62H 7 62H 7 87 Hitch la Rosso-Japanese legotlatloi Averted aad Iraprovemeat of Re lations OTCr Morocco Two Important Factors. NEW TORK. June 19-The price move ment on the Stock Exchange followed the rule recently prevalent of reversing the direction of the day nefore. Saturday's movement was downwards and today the slow and dragging movement was upwards. The volume of dealings rose slightly over those for either Thursday or Friday of last week. There was no evidence of real life In the market and the profeselonal contin gent did not venture to Indulge a hope that a progressive expansion In activity was In progress. The tone of the market, however, was called good and the fact that the occasional tentative operations on the part of the traders on the buying side helps to confirm confidence In the stability of vsJnes. Such tentative operations today did not extend beyond a handful of favorite peculatlvo stocks. A numoer 01 inese ere under the innuence or reueraiea pre dictions of a coming increase in the dlvl- end distribution for Reading. That stoca Itself was one of the more active issues nd the movement In Pennsylvania was Istlnctlv In sympathy. Vnlon Pacific came In for Its share In the movement ana tne strength of United Statea 8teel preferred waa of aynipatnetic oeneni 10 wmj list. . . The expectation of an early report from th. state unerintenrtent of lnaurance on he Equitable l.iie investigation was iimuo the basis for some professed hopes 01 an early clearing up of the speculative situa tion. But It was announces uunm un dav that this anxiously awaited report minM not bo niihllshed for several days. The hitch which was threatened last week i .he rwait. nno-ntiAtlon was reDorted to be cleared up todav, and relations seeinea t.A imnmvMi oetween wermanv nnu France. The market waa thus renevea from depression on these accounts. In coming reports of gross earnings of rail roads for the second week in June showed the level well maintained above last year in accord with the recent tendency. Kan ma a irafflp ocn.1M1.ls also snoke In an en raurailni vein of the traffic offerings and of the nromtse for the future, based on . r T lie wnvertnir movement OI price III 111c grain market from hour to hour made it difficult to draw predictions on tne crop ituatlon, but weather conditions were re- nor.eii nromisitiir. The large increase in loans shown bv the Saturday bank state- Anrn In for rilfteliaalon and the CX planatlon was ofTered that u represem.-u. . . . . , II n a i-.t 1 1 1 a he placing 01 me iruvTniiiR Japanese subscription, which was sniiieu .ml ra.itenoRlted a week peiore. 1 no ... . -1. . nnnMnilwl entirely Unruffled although preparations are making for the coming half-yearly settlements. A trans fer bv telegraph irom can nu ihmnih the suh-treasurv of $i80.000 was an i.M.nt r.f the ilnv. The closing waa made somewhat Irregular by alight profit l.ln In m 1 1 frtQ tnclCS. Bonds were irregular. ioi -"'"T vnlue B.ORO.non. United Statea pona w .11 1 ,A nn rail The nuotntlnns on tne isew ion d. exchange ranged as follows: Sales, nun.ujw.i quoted at (9,13 and Russian bonds ot 1SKM av V. . NEW TORK. iune W-MONF.Y-On call laV closing 2; ofTered at 2'i- Time money eaav and dull, sixty days, t per cent: so days . PRIME MtiRCANTlLE PAPER, SHWH P"tEhLiN EXCHANQB With actual business In bankers' bills at 4.87g4 S72j for demand and at l4.8M6'(i4 630 for sixty days bills; posted rates, 34.86 and 14 88. Commercial bills. 14 85. PlI.VF.H-Har Mc; Mexican dollars. ac. BONI8 Oovernment. steady; railroad blinds. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Louis ... 6 . 68 .175 . 16 . . 37 623 46 '46 iia 122 12 ios Mtaaeapolla Grata Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, liu-iu Board or Trade, was: Articles. Open. High.) Low. Close.) 8at'y Wheat July.. Sept.. Corn July.. Sept.. Dec... 1 OKU 637fc! 621 49 109 I S9V41 64 62 49Wl 4 1 W4 8 61 4SH! loss 877.l 32 487,1 1 09 6374 624, New. WEATHER OF THE GRAIN BELT eattorod Showers ta Ceatral Valleys aad Northwest. OMAHA. June 19. 1906. Scattered showers occurred throughout the central valleys and northwest during th, laat twenty-four hours, and heavy rains fell at points in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. Showers are reported In central Nebraska this morning, and will probably continue general In the central valleys today and tonight. High temperatures were general In the central valleys during Sunday, followed by mucn cooler miring tne nigni. Omaha record of temperature and creel Sltatlon compared with the corresponding ay of the last three years: 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 87 67 O 61 precipitation 00 00 .10 .78 Normal temperature for today, 73.. de grees. Deficiency In precipitation alnce March L 182 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, 128 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, .si or an incn. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. . Temp. Ratn. Stations. Max, Min. Inches. Sky, 'No. t. told. iNew. rh nuotntlons were aa follows: F-LOUR-Steadv: winter patents. 14 ,203l 8 straights. $3.90154.10; spring patents. J.i.on K70- stralehts. 13.76(36.00: bakers. I2.404M.60. WHEAT-No 2 spring. Jl.ok'ftl.10; o. 3, S8cfl.nfi: No. 2 red. tl.O2ffl.03V4. CORN NO. 3. 6464'4C; IMO. i yellow, OATS No. 3, 81c: No. i white, 82H33c; No. 8 white, SlVic. BARLET Good feeding. Jai42c: fair to "choice malting, - 46!jy4!c. - f seeds No. l nax. 11.26: no. i nortnwest- ern. 81.43; prime ttmotny, Kf.K; ciover, con tract grade. 311.7512.26. FROVISIKNS Mess porK. per ooi., ii.'.no ifrl2.70. Lard, oer 100 lbs.. 17.20a7.224. Short ribs aldea (loose), $7.60437.70. Short clear sides rhoxed). 87.50IEf7.6Z4. Receipts snd shipments or grain ana nour were aa ioiiowb: Receipts, enipments. Flour, bbls 23.700 118.000 Wheat, bu 8.000 R6 000 Corn, bu 41,000 fi.4io Oats, bu mi, Di.wni Rye, bu Barley, bu , i,iw On the Produce exchange today the but' ter market was steady; creameries, ltVjf 30c: dairies. lWlc. Kegs, weak; at mark oases Included. 13c: firsts, 14c; prime firsts, 16c; extras, i?c. cneese, nrm; n'aiuc. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Ashland, Neb.. Auburn, Neb.... Columbus, Neb. Falrbury, Neb.. Fairmont, Neb.. Gt Island. Hartlngton, 94 86 lei 85 Neb. 80 Neb. 7 Oakdale, Neb, Omaha, Nco TekaniaJi, Neb... Carroll, la Clarlnda, Ia Sibley, Ia Sioux City, Ia.... Storm Lake, Ia.. 64 68 48 66 63 67 60 63 67 61 60 66 46 64 49 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 T .77 .81 .00 .66 Clear Cloar Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy t't. cloudy Cloudy Pt oloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy DISTRICT AVERAQES. No. Of Temp.- Rain. 'Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago. Ill W Columbus, O...... 17 Dee Molnea, Ia... II Indianapolis, lnd. 11 Louisville. Ky... 11 Mlnneapolla 31 Omaha, Neb 16 St. Louie. Mo 10 90 Vi SS 91 66 68 W . 88 L. A. 04 70 66 68 70 46 62 66 WELSH. 62 .14 .68 .14 .06 .11 .14 .23 ST. No. luly. krd. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. St. Lonls Geaeral Market LOUIS. June 19.-WHEAT-Lower: 1 red, cash, KUc; track. 11.03 31.06; k&r4 11 Oh. CORN Cash, higher: futurea. lower: No. I cash, UKfC, tra. k 2ftW,c; July, (lc bid: December, 4"Vc. OATS Lower; No. I cash, 81c: track. Sit, 032c; July, 29'4; September, 2S4o; No. white. !S'.v,c. FLOT'R Slow but steady; Yed winter pat ante, 14,906 00; extra fancy and atralght. M-lft T8; clear. xs.(g.ui. SEED Timothy, ateady. 110043140. ?(Srn MEAL Steady. t20. BRAN Clow; sacked, eaat track, 7M?76o. HAY Demand fair, timothy, 16.00813.00 prairie. 86.nnao.09. IRON COTTON Tinfi64o. BAOOINO 7Vi0.', PROVISIONS Pork, lower;' Jobbing, n??u. Lard. . easier: prime steam. ti 70 Dry salt meats, ateady: boxed, extra aborts, 17 76; clear rlba. 17.75; ahort cleara. 18 00. Bacon, stead v; boxed, extra shorts, IS.iJV,; clear ribs. 88.62H; short clear, w sr POt'LTRY Steady; rhlokena c: springs, lMlSc; turkeya. Ho;, ducks, tyilOc; geese, LnlL- BL'TTER Steady; creamery, 16fi30Hc; dairy, 15ul,c. Kdaa Lower at 13c. rase count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls e."" Wheat bu.u Corn, bu 118.A .1UV.U0V Oata, bu. ln.ooo 4i JII Sn.(10 68,000 Vtslala Baaply ( Grala. NEW TORK. June 11 The visible sup ply of grain Saturday. June 17. aa compiled v the New Tork Produce exchange, is follows: Wheat, 16.7fcJ.0iiO bushels; decrease l.tnt.flOft bushels. Corn, 2.921.000 bushels; de emu &7iin0 htiahela. Oata. 7.1'.VI0 bush els: decrease. 230.0H0 bushels. Rye, 6 MO bushels; decrease. SO.Ok) bushels. Barley, mouo bushels; decrease. rH.00 bushcla Dalata Grata Market. DULt'tH, Jane IS WHEAT To arrive: No 1 northern. W.1H4- Oo track! No. 1 northern, tl.U; I-.. I avrtheto. anotatloas af the Car em Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. June 19.-FLOUR-Recelnts. 14.9S bbls.; exports, 928 bbls.; sales, 7,3o0 bbls.; market steady vun moderate demand; winter patents, i4.904jft.26 winter straignts, 4.t"(r.fcu; Minnesota pat enta. tr.5042.26; winter extras, $3.K4j3t Minnesota oaxers. as. ibmis: winter low gradea, 13.004iS.66. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. H2MMtio; choice to fancy. Htifl4.90. W 1 ... n ij n .e.u j , uii, nuna aim ici low. 11.26; coarse, 3l.12Col.16; kiln dried. (2.90 tisno BARLET Quiet; feeding, 46c, c. I f. New York: malting. 4y5zc, c. l. r. Butlalo, WHEAT Receipts. 40.SU0 bu. : apot mar ket irregular; No. 3 red, 11.06H. nominal .laval.,, X. 9 mri 11 Ottiz. r,A,l,,al n afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, ll.ISS, f. o. b. afloat: no. i nam, Manitotia, ii.w f. o. b afloat. After some Irregularity at the open tng, with a forenoon bulge due to north west crop news, wneat declined and was weak all day. It closed IHjTc net lower Influenced late by bearish crop news from Kansas, reports or linerai country offerings of new wneat. liquidations py tne north west and bear pressure. July, 93'D94V.e, closed at &3Vc; September. 88f49c, closed at 8c: December. KMTM-S.C, closed at 8o CORN Receipt a, 142.976 bu.: exports, 68.641 du.; spot maraei easy; ino. i. ouio eleva tor and ao f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow 61o; No. 2 white, filc. Option market quiet and weaker, declining tinder pre, dictions (or large receipts at Chicago an bearlsn crop news, closing UB'tc ne lower. July. 68Vfcu94kC. closed at 687kc Beptemoer, o.'vaosc, cioeea at o.s,c. OA 1 1 Keceipts. lm.wu ou. sxports, lis, 877 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats. 2 to 32 pounds. 8Sj3fi:; natural white. so to ai pounaa, 5b-jj.hc; clipped wnite, as to 40 pounas, sttoi-tuc. HAY Quiet : cllppmg. 60QHc; good Choice, 7fWiJ821c. MOPS-oulet; state, common to choice 19U4 crop. 4Z8c; ivos crop, ll'ii'Oc: olds. 4512c; Pacific coast, 1904 crop, 24T7c; 1901 crop, Fnizc; oios, imuiio. M 111 ,JlIJIll.l - IM VMtnil. . m a w ih. 30o: California. 21 to 26 pounds. 19c: Texas ory, Z4 to au ios.. isvfeo. lrathek uuiet: acid. Z4trec' PROVISIONS-Beef. ateadv: family, m (rl4.00: mess, tlO.OOll.OO; packet. tl2.6013.00 city, extra India mess, va.fMtuzi.m. Cut meat steady; pickled bellies. Mrluc; pickled shou dt-rs, tdihc; pickled hams, l'lgidc. Lard. steady; westara steamed, 17.lou7.30; refined, steady; continent. 17.35; Soath America. Id 16; aompound, fc S7eie6-3V,. Pork, quiet, family. 116 0iii 15 50; ahort clear, 113 0(lJ.W); mess, lis 3;yTij. iD. TALliUW-ateady; city (i.oo per pkg.l. 4Hc; country (packages free), 4Vc. RICE Firm:- domestic, fair to extra. 8U, SVvcjJapan, nominal. BUTTKK-ttoceHite. ll.oii packages; mar ket unsettled: strwet price, extra creamery, 204'82ic; official r)Hces. creamery, com mon to extra, 7fr30ftc;-state dairy common to extra, lSS-tliK-: renovated common to extra, TSSflnc; western factory, common to extra 18Vvi16o: western Imltatloa creamery, common to extra, li4flc. CHEESE Firm; receipts. 115 packages; new state full cream, email colored and white, fine, Hici fair to choice. SSfWc; large colored an.l white, fine, 94c; skims, full to llirht. 7tT7H. KOOS Weak; receipts. 14 376; stats. Pennsylvania! and nearby fancy selected white. ?vg2ic: choice. 19ftl9Vfrc; mixed extra, 19c; westerns, lSHflWic; southerns, Ur14Hc t POl'LTRY IJve. stesdv; western spring rhlckena, 28c; .fowls. -13c: turkeys ISc; dressed, easv; Western bemiers, 23ir26c; fowls, lvfji:Ho; turkey, IS;l7o. Adams Express Amal. Copper Am. Car und Found. do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do pfd Amer. Express Amer. H. & L. prd.. Amer. Ice Securities Amer. Linseed Oil.. do pfd Amer. Ixicomotive .. do pfd Amer. 3. & Rcf do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref.... Am. Tob. pfd. certlf Anaconda Mln. Co.. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Ll.ie Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Brooklyn Rapid T... Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J...... Chesapeake & unio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western Chicago & N. W.... C M. & Bt. r. Chicago T. & T do Dtd C. C C. & St. Loula Colo. FMei ana iron. Colo. & Southern.... do 1st prd do 2d bfd Consolidated Qas ... Corn Products do pfd Delaware & Hudson Del., L. A W Denver & R. G do nfd Distillers' Securitlea. Erie do 1st pfd do 3d cfd General Electric .... Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central certlf.. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities 7.0i 0 1.000 100 200 79 33 18 79 324 26 18 V I. rat. ta. to aoiipon . VJ B. l. rg do coupon . V 8. nw 4a. do coupon . V I. old 4s, do coupos . ..104 Jupan U. ctfi -.1041, 4n t1 series ... . lrt I do ctfi... .f It. pt, ant. it ..in Vintiwin e. ( ' ..1I24; n-i ontrsl 4s.. . 1"4 I do 1st Inn 10 'MIod. St. L Am. Tobseco 4s, etii. 11 M . K. at T. 4t. do 4. ctfs.. Atrhlsnn gva. 4t..., do ill. Atlantic C. L. l Pal. A Ohio ! do 8 it rantral of Oa. la.., do lat Inc do td Inc Chrl A Ohio 4Ha. fhlcoa) & A. ma ., D. ft Q. n R. I. & P. do ool. fta CCC A St. L. l. 4s l olorado Mid. 4a.. Chicago Tar. 4a... Colo, ft So. 4a Colo. Ind. (a, sat A do set B Cba ta. clfa.. D. A R O. 4a. II1 do ta ..l'4a N. K. K. Of W 0. .- H1 N. Y. C. f. a.. .10 N J C. Sa ... ..1044 No Pactac 4a..... .. (V do l . llV S. ft w. . 4a.... .. 7 ,o a. t,. rtd. 4a. . . 41 Pfnn cont. Ia.. ..107H Reading (an. 4. . .. St. L. ft I. M. c. 4a.. -mi', St. L. ft F. t a.... 41 , St. L. R. W. s. 4f r44 Srahnard A. U 4a. 4a. lmv So. Padflo 4 74 1S0 Rallwar 8a t Tx A P. la T . St. L. W. T" Vnlon Pnclge 4a... .. 4H' do conT. 4a ..106 t 8. Steel id l. ..2 watumh la Illatlllara' ec. ta 7 I do deb B Brie prior Ilea 4a. . ..1011 Waatcrn M4. 4a. do en. 4a 9414 W ft L. E. 4a.. P. w. D. C. la....0H; wis. Central 4a. Hocklni Val. 4a....lU Offered. ... 2 ....IOS I. ..104 .... 74 194j .... M ....100 41. "0V, ,...loo ....i.ie4 ... ,inn .... 77H ....int .... n ....101 ,...loH a 4a. o 11 H ! 1T1 1114 i 104 It! ?4 117 72 17 4-4 OMAHA LIVE STOCi MARKET Deit Beef 8 teen and Cowg About Steady, Others Dime Lower. HOG TRADE RULED STEADY TO LOWER Receipts of Oheep aad l.aaabs Fairly Heavy, vllh Market Rnllas; Pally ateady with ta Close of Last Week.. SOUTH OMAHA. June 19, 1M. receipts were: Cattle. Hoe;s. Bheep. Official Monday 4.nj 7.m7 t.M Same day last, week 2.271 8.KX3 1.4i.'2 Same week before ",37S 6.718 3.7S Same three weeks ago.. 6.4:i 4.li6 B.21 Same four weeks ago.... 4.iU!t 4.i-l Same day last year 1,04 6.340 4.fil KECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared witn last year: 16. 1904. Inc. Dec. Cattle 39.571 432.738 34.U.7 Hogs I.17H.317 1.2M.97H 80,162 Sheep 707,066 609.210 87.849 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tne laat several days, with comparisons: at eastern polhta Waa reported early and this tact raa a rear en-eci on trauma here. p.uera were out early and the market opened In good season. The quality of he hog was smxi, some soon uant-weignt stuff elng offered. These kinds were In best demand and brought about ateadv prices, with heavy hogs 2o lower. There waa consmeraoia activity to tne trauma and a fair clearance was made In good sermon. The bulk of the hogs sold t'lv at IS.17Hal5.ro. with tops reaching S.VSS. This price was paid tor several loans or gooii I: W . 1 V. t -1 . . M Tl.. 1 ... I. - IRIll-w t- in eiun, I i't erl,r,al I'm' "l was ateadv to ju lower than Haturnny. Common heavy weights sold down to 3Vi, msklng a greater range than has been seen here for aoma tlma. Representative sales No . I 74... 74.... 67.... 41.... SO .... M Date. 19f. 19tH.l9O3.la.il9Ol.l00.ilSW. Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. June 19 Call loans. 34 pf centtlma loans. 84VJ per cent. Official quotations on stocks ana bonas were: Atchison adj. u. do 4a Vri. Cantral 4. Atchlaon do pfd Boalon ft Alhanf ,t riotiton ft Mama "Hoaton ElcTated.. Pitch burg pfd Meilcan Cantral ... N. Y., N. H. & H. "Pera Marquette .. l'nkn Pacific Amer. Arse. Clrcm. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tube.. Amer. Susar) do pfd J Amer. T. A T Amer. woolan do nfd Dominion I sf ; rAdrentsre ....IOIUj Allouea .... 7S Amalfamaled . .... m American Zlno .1"J Atlantic Bingham 171 Cal. ft Hecla , .In i fertennlal .14S 'ropper Ranee .... . Vi Dalr Wn , .197 Dominion Coal ... ,100 jFranklln ,12 Oranhr , 2t Ile Korale . t4 Man Mining .... . aM;Michltan ui MoiianK U5 (Mont. C. He C... 140U (jl.l Dominion .... 11 ri0c4ol loitt Parrot A 8 ... 22 Qulncj Edlaon Elec. Illu..l45 Shannon General Electric 171 'Tamarack Maaa. Elactrlc 11 ITrlnlty do pfd 41 I'nlted Copper Maas. 0 44 V. g. Mining.. t'nlled Fruit 17' V. 8 Oil United Shoe Mach.... 47 ll'tah do pfd 11 Victoria V B. Btaal 17! Winona do pfd 4 Wolvarlna '.'eating, common ... 11) 1 Bid "Asked. 1 ... a2 ... 7 ... ... 12 ... 2 ...430 ... 17 ... (U ... K ... 75 ... 1 ... AX ... 19 ... 7 ... 12 ... 43 ... 2 ... 24 ... 11 ... 21 ... IS ... 7 ...ins ... 7 ... 24 ... 2S ... l ... 44 ... ... ...101 London Stock Market. LONDON, June 19. Closing quotations on stocks were: , .. 10 N. Y. Canlral. to 4-14 Norfolk ft W., .. 6 do pfd .. Hi Ontario ft W.. ..104 IPooneylraniA . 111 Hand Mlnaa ... 1,300 47 46T4 1.400 600 400 'ioo l.fiOO BOO 2-X) 1,700 16.900 8,100 112 119 1344 103" 82 1024 159 109 iir'k 150 l.ioo 4974 Ton 1,509 ) 100 100 600 41 IOO 5,700 IOO S'O 400 78 19 192V, 174H 8014 95 43 VMS it1, 94 3oH 02H 210 a 17 40 47H 111 112 113V4 lSIH DsS4 103 Hl 102 159 1W4 60 4 1WA 198 4974 49 31 11214 llH 134 IOS" 81 102 159 109 4" 150 10 48 424 40 79 5 178 78 18 190H 173 iH 95 4m 10 48 424 4i4 79 OS 17. 300 161 161 100 IOO 600 LOW 200 S.tVlO 26V4 tbM Met. Street Railway 12.900 24 66 146 1644 i"4 1244 204 118 158 99 27 63 44 141 CI 80 M.500 400 13.900 2J0 136 101 9M4 91 100 17 17 to 150 Mexican Central .... 4ti0 Minn. A St. Ixnils M.. St. P. & 8. S. M. 800 do pfd 100 Missouri Paclfio 1.300 Mo., Kan. & Texas.. l' do pfd lot) National Iead 100 N. H. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central 7W N. Y.. Ont. A West. 2.000 Norfolk & Western. 1,200 do rf d North American .... 200 98 Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa Pitta . C. C. t 8t. L, Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Pal. Car.... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rork Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. I. A S. F. 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern do pfd Southern Paclfio .... do pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Tenn. Coal and Iron Texas & Pacific Tol., St. Ls & Weat. do pfd Union Paclfio do pfd 17. S. Express U. 8. Leather do Dfd U. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber do nfd t. 8. Steel do t)fd Va.-Caro. Chemical. do nfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Karso Kxp Westing. Electric ... 200 Western I nlon 1.5H0 Wheeling A L. K ... AW Wisconsin Central... 7. .to do pfd S friO Northern Pacific 24 54 145 164 80 122 30 in" 158 974 27 62 44 lii" fw 79 135 101 964 91 Consols, monay . do account .... Anaconda Ati hlaon do pfd Bal. & Ohio Canadian Pacific Chea. ft Ohio. . . . Chicago Ot. W.. C, M. ft fit. P. DcBecra Denver ft R. O. do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Cantral . Loula. A Naah... M. , K. A T. , . . ....154 51 .... ....178 .... 14 .... tl .... 0 .... 41 .... 10 .... 69 ....1Mb ...,1("S 3 Reading do lvt pfd do td pfd Southern Rallwar do pfd ' Southern Pacific .. Union Pacific do pfd V. 8. Slael do pfd Wabaah do pfd spanlHh .143 . 81" . 91 . 62 . 4 a . 49 . 4 . 44 . 12 . ) . i .124 . M . 2b . . 13 . i . 41 PII..VER- Rar. steady, 27d per ounce, MUiNfc,Y lrniit ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short Mils Is I per cent; for three months bills, 3 per cent. Xrif York Mlnlngr Stocks. NEW TORK, Jutta 19. Closing quotations mining stocks were: Philadelphia fruimom Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 19.-RUTTER- Flrm; western extra creamery, 21c; extra nearnv prints. :jc. KGG8 Active-: nearby.-frank, 17c. lo off; nearby riean. t't'-tr at mark; . western fresh. lAfjl7c at mark. . CHERSE ateadv; iNew Tor full erum- sry. fancy, new. ice: New Tork full cream. full to good, uaw, r'V'o; 'domes Uc Swua, UH. . . -e.- ... 61W vw 100 ai 100 mo 1W too 300 rK Mo 800 4 'iw 11.3O0 400 300 4iW IO.1.1O 10,) 100 "27 74 32 101 64 , 22 60 62 1S0 31 7 77 33 8"" W Sfi in? 28 K 34 167 8fl 16. 24 53 27 74 32 101 64 32 60 61 1 H a?4 6" 1214 98 36 102 94 34 1" 4 5874 tl i5 1874 191 173 17 30 95 41 26 67 36 185 0 46 182 375 27 88 42 40 79 65 172 93 161 . 18 77 27 80 15 48 24 54 14b 163 80 K374 20 54 118 158 99 27 CI 43 84 141 80 79 92 98 38 101 74 36 91 236 95 91 89 17 32 101 C4 22 80 62 12 31 96 5 37 55 13 125 10i 85 36 102 28 94 84 104 16 37-4 167 K4 in 24 52 185 on Adama Con Alice , B recce Brunswick Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Silrer Leadrllle. Cou ... Offered. .. .4 :: .. .. .ISO' ..17! .." ..' 6 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr rroenix Pot oil Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopaa .. Standard ,.. 4 ...400 ..400 ... 1 ... 10 ,.. u ,:. :i ... 35 ,..lo0 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, June 19 Today's state ment ot tne treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash, balance, $136,823,679 gold, $67.56,e52. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, June 19. Bank clearlnga for to day were 31,642.828.40, and for the corre apondlng data last year $1,826,496.30. Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 19. METALS The London tin market was higher, closing steady at 138 17s fxl for apot and 137 bd for futurea. The local market was quiet, but a shade higher In sympathy with spot, quoted at $30.35(530.55. Copper was a utile lower in tne lxindon market closing at 66 17a 6d for both spot and futurea. Locally the situation la un changed. Some dealcra are holding lake around tl5.1ift 15. 2S. but generally speaking both lake and electrolytic are quoted at $15.00 and casting at $14.76. Lead was un changed at 13 In London and at $4.5034 60 in tne local mantel, spelter waa also un changed at 24 6s in London and at $5.35 In the local market, where tho tone Is eaay. Iron closed at 49a 4d In Glasgow and at 45s 6d In Mlddiesboro. Local Iron was easy; No. 1 foundry, northern, is quoted at $16.&V(rl7.00; No. 8 foundry, northern, $l6.00ffi6.50; No. 1 foundry, southern. $16.26 616.75: No. 1 foundry, southern, soft. $16 25 fa 17.00; No. 2 foundry, southern, $16.5(3 16.00. ST. LOUIS. June 19. METALS Lead. firm at $4.424.47. Spelter, uiet at $5.10. Cotton Market, YORK, June 19-COTTON-Spnt June 1... June 3... June 4... June 6... June ... June T... Juno 8... Jura 9... June 10.. June 11.. June II.. June 13.. June 14.. June 15.. June 16.. June 17.. June IS.. June 19.. Ml 1 t 7t 881 6 30 ; 07 7 OT) ) 4 S3) $ KS 6 7 li I 70f i IM I 6 13T4 4 531 5 m a 10, 4 4n H 6 ia 1 a 41. k chi, 4 64 6 85 T 16, 6 711 4 83 6 3": ( 6 751 T 201 6 70 4 91 6 227 6 63' 6 77 7 15 711 4 94 5 244t 4 581 i 20 4 8 5 80 5 17 I 4 69! 5 801 4 71 6 00 4 78 03, 1 5 W 4 81 4 84 7 181 b 30 E 1' 6 15! t 13 6 1S 4 81 4 871 4 91 4 921 I 88 I I 67 3 60 8 (1 I 59 5 22 6 20 6 071 7 86 7 31 i 98 6 01 6 CM 6 97 1 5 94 751 4 5 "8 ifcl 7 211 t W 7 26 1 J 83, 1 B & 81 IK 0M 7 Mi b '.' 4 ! it b 83! 4 861 1 64 6 81 1 4 85 $ 68 861 4 4i I 64 14 951 3 6 83; I $ 63 6 8S 6 03 6 l2 1 6 061 3 04 7 24 7 23 7 26 7 33 Indicates Kunrlar The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hoas.Sh'D.H ses. ... M. ot St. f. Ky.. 1 Missouri Pacific Rv.. 66 Union Pacific System. 26 & N. W. Rv 5 F.. E. A M. V. K. R. . 26 C. St. P., M. & 0 17 R. & M. Ry 21 C, B. & Q. Ry 3 C, R. I. A P., east C, R. I. A P.. west... 10 Illinois Central C. G. W 3 17 4 41 5 15 1 3 4 1 94 12 26 12 27 Total receipts 165 The disposition of the day's receipts was as rouows, each ouyer purchasing tne num per of head indicated: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep 1.9Z1 l,5w 2,365 teO 6H 1 936 1.304 Omaha Packing Co 3iu Swift and Company 661 Cudahy, Packing Co 640 Armour & co ts3 Vansant & CO 43 Hill A Huntzinger 6 L. F. Husz 82 Mike Haggerty 24 J. B. Hoot A Co 113 Other buyers 155 Totals 2,666 7,1104 3.1S1 CATTLE There were 155 cars of cattle reported in this morning;, but 62 of them were southern cattle billed through, leav ing about 93 loads on sale. The receipts to day show a small decrease as compared with the oorresoondlne- dav of last week and also a slight decrease aa compared with the same day last year. Tho quality of the offerings was only fair. There was a good sprinkling of beef steers on sale today, some fairly good stuff being offered. Buyers were on the hill early, but did not take hold with mucn life and there was little urgency to the de mand. and the cattle were nicked up slowly. Buyers were bearish and aellora, in most cases, were compelled to take on some on the Drice. On the good kinds that just suited the eye of the buyers the market was about steady, but on the fair to good came, ana even on some or tne goon Kinos sellers were forced to take off about dime. Trading wa: slow and there was little life to the nni.o.ct. Grassy stuff, as usual, was neglected. As has been the case for some time, the market On cows and heifers, althouah suf ferlng a decline. Is In better shape than the steer market. On the good, heavy, dry lot cows today the market ruled generally steady, but the common to fair and grassy kinds are in about the same condition they have been In for aome time and are lower Graasy cattle ahow the big end of the de ciine, ana tne movement on inese Kinds 1 verv slow. Bulls, veal calves and ataga were In poor demand and the market waa lower, with tradlnfi- slow. There were only four or five cars of Blockers and feeders here and there wa little demand for this class of stuff. The market on the good kinds was steady, but the commoner trades were lower. BEEF BTEERS. No. At. Pr. No. A. Pr. t USD I 00 1174 4 48 1 M 4 00 It ltlft 4 44 I 50 4T00 14 1W4 4 74 in 1131 4 16 14 114 4 7S 10 M4 4 16 !" 1140 4 75 JS 116 4 10 IS U4 4 40 11 1041 4 tO 1 1MJ 4 0 23 4 34 i 1934 4 DC SO 10M 4 SO t.. 1420 4 5 0 1005 SO 40 12.1S 4 S II .. 74 4 SIS tO 1SSJ 4 45 4 106 4 40 23 1,174 5 00 Jl lo0 4 40 1341 I 00 It 11M 4 44 4 1IS7 4 00 11 1114 4 50 tl 1245 4 00 VI IMS 4 50 1MT J 00 tl I1M 4 60 S 12S 4 00 70 101 4 45 IS 120 ( 10 11 llto 4 40 t7 1444 4 15 98 1143 4 40 43 1371 i SO 1 1415 4 40 Tl.... 71.... 54.... .... .... 74.... 44.... JV.., !.... 14..., 54.... 74..., 41..., 74..., 71... 14..., II... 74... W... 54... 44... 74 .. 75... 14... 71... 41... 14... 41... 44... t... ... t4... 14... DO... 41... 7t... 71... 80... t... 45. closed quiet; middling uplands, 9.15c; mid dling gulf, 9 40c; sales, 26 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 19. COTTON Bnot n limited demand; prices sixteen points higher; American middling, fair, 6 94d; good middling 6.17(1; middling. 4K9ri: low mid dling, 4.83d; good ordinary, 4.65d; ordinary, 4.4d. The sales of the day were 7,010 bales of which 500 were for speculation and ex port and Included 6,600 bales American. Receipts since last report, 66,000 buies, in cluding 61300 American. NEW ORLEANS. June IS. I OTTO N good ordinary, 674c; good middling, 9 7-16c; middling fair. vuo. neceiots. il.tuo Dales. stock. 91.074 bales. BT. LOriB, June 19. COTTON Quiet and unchanged; middling, 9c. sales none; re ceipts none; shipments, 152 bales; stock, 40,311 bales. Totala salea for the (lay, tK.VX) aharea. Foreign Financial. LONDON, June IS. Money waa In demand In the market today, stimulated by a call of $U. 250.000 for the Japanese loan, but the effect as not marked aa the proceeds wen rc-icni. I'pvrmors on ine stock ex rii.iien neutrally were inie ana the mar ket closed undecided. Consols were dull owing to the uncertainty regarding the money ouuooa. Amerlrans were stagnant at the opening; the changes were trifling at mainly above parity, and the tone was ateady. They closed quiet. Foreigners moved fractionally. Russians went up and Japanese were fairly steady. Imperial Japanese. 6s of 1904 were quoted at liuu. BERLIN. June 1 -Trading on the Hoarse loaay was ustiess. oemg aneoted by re ports that a general engagement Is be ginning in mancnuria. PARIS. June 19. Prices on the Bourse today opened firm owing to the progress Of -the Moroccan nesntlatlons. but Uier tradlnr heoarne dull and stocks at the close war Ataavv, ttuasiaa imperuu 4a wars NEW Oils and Roaln. NEW TORK. June 19.-OIL8 Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, iT7'a27c. Petroleum, quiet: refined New Tork, u; rnuaaeipnia ana Haiti- more. 16. kS: In bulk. $3.95. Turpentine, steady; 61fl2c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good. $3 6033.62. bavam.nah. June i. oiL Turpentine firm: 6tfcc. ROSIN-Flrm: A. B. C. $8.30; D. $3.45: E. $.1 56; r 3. tw; i, 4 m; K, $4 40; in, $4 70 WU, 40' WW, 18.00. OIL CITT. Pa . June 19. OIL Credit bal nces, $1.27. Certificates. no bid. Bhlp- menta, iniH bbls. j average, 75, lsa bbla. Runs. 136,612 bbls.; average, 70,561 bbls Shipments, J J ma, 124.328 bbls.; average, F9.186 bbls. Rune, Lima, 106,088 bbls.; aver age, 66,060 bbla. agar aad Molaaaea. NEW YORK. June 19. SI 'GAR Raw, ateady; fair refining, 3sc; centrifugal. 96 test. 4i4c; molaae suaar. 3Hc. Refined. nun; iso. a. o ac; iso. 7. 5.200; no. . 5.10c No. , 6.05c- No. 10, 5c; No. 11, 4.90e; No. IX 4 Hoc; io. 13, 4 Toe; rvo. 14. 4 7t)c; confection ers" A, 6.70c; mould A, 6.30c: cut loaf, 55c; crushed. (56c; powdered, 6.95c; granulated, MOLASSES Quiet; New Orleana open kettle, good to choice. I!g?5c. NEW ORLEANS. June 19-SCGAR-Mar- ket quiet; open kettle, 34,fi4c; oien kettle centrifugal, 4S,W4'4c; centrifugal whltea, 60 ellows, 44 16-16ci Seconds, Sfllc. MO LABS La Nominal; 0en kettle. 134? asc; centrifugal. (3ji4c. Byrup nominal, 3nc Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. June 19.-CORN-Hlgher No. 3 yellow. 54c; No. 8. 64c; No. 4. 53c no grade. 62c. OATS-Bteady; No. S white. Sl'c; No. white. 3S31c. WHI8KY-On Ihe basis of $127 for fin Ished goods. Liverpool Groin Market. LIVERPOOL. June ll.-WHEAT-Siml nominal; futures, eaay; July, oa 10d Sentemher as rd; IVcember. 8s S"d. CORN Hpot, ateady; American mixed 8TEER3 AND STAGS. A. ..ill .. Ml .. IT .. t ...0 ...rM ...1 ...tu .. ,4l ...241 .. J11 ...150 ...t. ...MS .. J7 ...fS ...tl ...rw ...no ...150 ...11 ...ni ...S-4 ...J54 . ..!'! ...l ...147 ...154 ...MO ...HO .. tl ...221 ...Sk6 ...24 ...244 ...V ...154 ...111 ...24 ...117 ...114 ...114 ..IN ,...toi 8a 40 40 o 140 40 lie lao 40 120 110 40 44 IW 40 40 40 240 140 10 too 10 t"0 10 10 40 40 40 44 140 40 ISO ll IM 140 40 Mo. Av. Sk. Pr. Tt 147 40 I to Tl 417 1W I to 74 tot 40 I SO 4T 2? 40 I SO 44 " 124 I 20 TO 21 .. I SO 1 S"T .. I 20 S4 tW M I SO 71 S44 .. I SO 74 SIS 40 I SO 10 Sfd an 8 so 0 1H lio t to M SIS 10 I to 4. til .. to 74 S41 40 I 20 44 Sit 44 I SO 41 SSI 40 I SO 74 Sll SO I 10 T7 SIS 44 i tO II., t5t ., I SO 44 2SS .. I 20 14 241 10 8 tO 74 114 ,.120 70 Ut .. 4 20 70 :..sis too t SO T4 T .. t 20 14 .SIT 0 20 Tl 250 120 I SO 18 Sll 120 I M IS Ill 44 I 20 so tor ..120 70 141 120 1 10 tit no 1 so 71 Sll 40 I SO TS SIT 10 8 11 ?04 SO I S4 14 til 10 I to 51 S5I 110 I 20 14 tilt 10 I 21 1 ill 14 ( 111 82 S02 .. I 14 HI 114 I St T4 Ill 40 I 11 71 221 .. It! II ITT 40 t II 16 1TI 10 I 24 40 SOS ..It! t 10 ( 15 t II I 15 I II I II I II I 15 I IS t 17H I IT4 I 17H I ITS 6 11 I 1TH I 1TV. t 17 I 17V, I ITS I 11 I IT14 6 1T I 1T4 I 1T I 1T I ITS I 1T I 17 I TV I IT4j 8 11 I 17 4 11V I 17 I 17 I 17 I to 4 20 I SO I SO I to I so .225 .. 8 24 nt . . 1 to BHEEP The week opened with a fairly good run of sheep, there being about twelve loads on ealo today. The receipts .were of fair to good quality. The stun" arrived in good aeaBon. but buyers were a little alow 11 taking hold, ana It waa rat ner late in the forenoon before much waa done. There were three loads of Idaho grass ewes and three loada of Idaho grass wethers on said today about the first grass stuff to ap pear this season. Some of the ewea sold at $4.65. The general market ruled Just about steady with lan week, with but little ac tivity to the trade. The fed stuff was mostly on the fair order, although a pretty good car of lambs brought $6.00. A bunch of fed Western wethers sold a'. $4.75. There Is very little change In the market. wnicn is in arjout the same conamon us last week. Quotations fir clipped stock: Good to choice lambs, $6.00ft.35; fair to good lambs, tJlWi W; gooa to Choice yearnnite. ao.wia 5.50; fair to good yearlings. $4.75'5.00; good to choice Wethers, $4.75a.25: fair to good wethers, $4.tT4.76; good to choice ewea, $4.804 60; fair to good ewea. , t4.0TKff4.SO. Representative salea: No. i western cull wethers 2 western ewes 49 western cull lamba... 88 western wethers 127 western cull lambs... 494 Idaho grass ewes 250 Idaho grass ewes.... 2T7 western wethers paring for semi annual Inventories and ar4 closing out stocks at reductions. OM4.H4. WrrtM.KI.K M All KET. Condition ol Trade an q not at Ion a on taple anal Fancy Proanc. EOOSI-Rec, Ipts, fair; market, steady) candied stock. I41M4c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9o; rooster Re; turkeys, 12iTl5c; ducks, so; sprint chickens. 1 to 2 lbs., lfc per lb. til'TTKK--Packing stock, 13c; choice t fancy dairy. 174jlJc; creamery, 2tjj21ci prints. 22c. Bl'UAK-Standard granulated, $6 31 r cwt.; cutes, $7.00 per cwt.; cut loaf, $. 41 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C, $6.15 per cwt. No. 10 extra C. tV U5 mr cwt.: No. 15 yel low, $T75 per cwt.; XXXX powdered. $6 9$ per cwt.; per cwt.; bar powdereti. $7.40 earle tablets. $7.96 per cwt. FRESH K1HH Trout. 9o; halibut, 11c; buffalo tdressedl, 8c; pickerel (dressed), 8c; white bass (dressed). 12c; aunflah, 6c; percn (scaled and dressed). 8c; pike. 9o; catfish, 15c; red snapper, liV; salmon, 16c; rrapples. 12c; eel, 15c; bullheads, 11c; black baas, Me; vhlteflsh (dossed), loc; frog legs, per doa., $Sc; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters, $ic; shad roe, 45c; blueflns, Sc. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wliolesala Hay Pealera' association: Choice, $7.00: No. $6.50; No. 3, $6.u0: coarse. $6.00. These 115 western wethera 664 western lamba 47 western lambs 230 western lambs CHICAGO LIVE 8TOCK MARKET Av. Pr. ,92 8 75 86 3 75 ,72 4 60 ,100 4 60 ,72 4 55 , 119 4 6") ,109 4 66 ,102 4 75 ,78 4 85 ,66 6 40 ,79 6 50 ,80 6 00 g 1142 4 5H BTEERS AND COWS. t 517 I 75 S2 741 4 25 11 I9i S 40 4 1150 4 54 SS 425 4 05 11 1289 4 40 20 M 4 15 !' .1118 4 44 COWS. 1 1000 1 40 S 1190 I 48 10 914 2 00 1 1330 I 45 1 120 S 00 1 10S0 S 45 S Ill" t 00 II 4"! I It i M0 I 10 1 100 I 50 I IN 111 , 1 170 I 50 1 7M S S3 1 41 I 50 t 165 S i5 S 2 1075 I 55 I SM I 34 (4 1WI I M 1 1150 I 50 SI IM I 45 S 930 S 10 1 1240 I 71 1 710 S 60 I IHIO 1 71 1 eT.O I 50 S 1256 I 76 1 730 t 40 10 .1104 S 10 5 MO S 40 S 1140 t It 1 1"50 1 45 10... . UOS t S3 1 IK I 15 S3..". 951 S 0 6 444 t 15 7 1PM J to 1 1140 I 10 1 1200 S 90 IS..... Ill S 0 I ...1171 I 35 1. . 106H I 00 1 14"! M t 10T6 I 00 7 105S S 14 t 1"20 I 00 1 12.11 4 00 1 loBO S 04 11 1074 4 CO 4 907 S 00 1 1370 4 00 14 Kit I 04 S 1175 4 04 ii ioio i io s ina 4 00 17 450 I 10 4 1270 4 00 1 1010 I 34 1 1115 4 04 1 140 I 36 4 1121 4 10 1 1044 S 15 S. 960 4 II HEIFERB. 1 I 40 II 944 III 1 360 I 00 II Ill TO 4 471 I 40 1 930 t Tl 400 S 40 41 691 S Id 1 4.".0 I 60 27 Ml 4 00 I 770 I 74 I WO 4 00 4 637 S 25 44 444 4 OS 1 710 I 15 1 110 4 tt BULLS. 1 10JO I 38 1 1440 I II 1 1110 S 50 1 1450 I II 10 1541 S 40 1 9M I 36 t 1270 I 45 1 1414 I 14 1 10 I 70 1 lioo I li 1 1V I 75 I luTf I 15 1 774 I 40 1 610 I T6 1 1210 I 90 It 1493 I T5 1 1490 I 00 1 WT1 I T5 1010 04 1 If 70 Tl 1 1144 I 10 1 1970 I 15 1 lln S 10 1 1410 14 , 1 1140 I 14 1 l.'IO 4 00 I 1 ...1470 I 10 1 lub 4 II STAGS. 1 1414 I 76 CALVES. I 11 I 06 I 150 I 50 t 416 I 71 S 161 I to 1 60 4 00 1 110 I IS, I 90 4 04 4 126 I 50 4 Io0 4 54 1 140 60 1 190 I 00 S 121 i i 1 160 4 24 1 250 4 10 1 16 I 25 4 110 6 TS 1 loo 4 14 4 161 Tl 1 100 I 50 S 115 00 STOCK ER3 AND FEEDERS. S 610 S 60 4 771 IS 4 615 S 1 641 I 70 I TH I 00 I 0 T I IM I M t IM 75 1 41.4 I 16 II. M 71 1 loO S Si 12 671 I H Ik S 120 S5 1 440 I 40 S 510 94 U 511 61 I l 4 1 1 K-4 I 60 II 1A44 4 14 5 IS4 3 60 1 I'jOO 4 XJ II 72 S 50 HAY FED WBfiTERNS. H K. Forsyth. Wyo. 88 steers... .1: 4 55 20 steers.... 1370 4 ga T O. Cheatln. Wyo. 10 steers.. ..1336 4 46 4 steers. ..1088 $75 I cows k0 I 30 .... HOGS There were ninety-six cars of hos reported in today a fairly good run tor a Moods.. dull aad ioaer nuuket Cattle Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower Hogs Ft Cents Lower. CHICAGO. June 19.-CATTLE Receipts. 28.000 head, Including 600 head Texans; mar ket 10!H5o lower; good to crime steers, $5.356.00; poor to medium. $3.i546.25; stock ers and feeders, $2.75.70; cows. $2. 60S 4.60; heifers, $2.6034.75; cannera, $1. 504??. 40; bulls, $2.26134.00; calves, $3.0O6.26; Texas steers, $4.0034.76. HOQ8 Receipts, 45.000 head: estimated for tomorrow. 20.000 head; market 6c lower; mixed and butchers, $5.2066.45; good lo choice heavy, $6.37H'56.46; rough heavy, $4.7646.10; light, ta.20tt5.42tt; bulk of sales, 15 SrVSS 40 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S0.O0O head: market 10c lower: lambs. lOwlSe. lower; good to choice wethers, shorn. 14.50 6.00; -fair to choice mixed, shorn, $3.6o'q) 4.40; western sheep, shorn, $4.OOff5.0O; na tive lambs, shorn, $4.756.60; western lambs. $6.00841.60. New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. June 19.-BEE"VE9-Re-celfKS. 4,482 head; market badly demoral ised, lOWTOe off. Steera. $4 356.M; one car fancv. $6.10: bulla. t3.0OS4.25: cows. $1.75fi 8.55; exports, tomorrow, 810 cattle, and S.IOO quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 5.00 head; veals ac; tlve and stremr: buttermilks. 25c lower veals. $6.orvjj'7.26; selected and extra. $7.S5f 7.50; culls, $4.00474.50; buttermilks, $3.76t 4.25; dressed calves, steady; city dressed veals. SWlOHc oer pound; choice, 11c; coun try dressed. 6ffHc. HOGS Receipts, 12.637 head: market quiet; state hoga, $5.8fr6.90; light hoga, $6.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 16.406 head: sheep market firm to 15c higher choice lamhs. steady; common, slow; fair to . good. 25! " higher: sheep, tS.OON.SO choice. $4.75; culls. $2.0nfi'2.5O; lamhs. $8,000 7.75; two cars, choice, $7.85; culls, $5.60; gen eral sales, $7.00777.50. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, June 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,800 head, Including t.000 southerns; market steady, close weak; choice export and dressed beef steera, $5.0Ojift.75; fair to rood, $4,254(6.00; western fed steera, $4.2fa1 50; atockera and feeders. $3.004.50; south ern ateera. $3.0o4i4.75; southern cowa. 12 26 $.76: native cowa, $2 25(4.50; native heifers, 13.2r.tf4.50; bulls. $2.254.26; calvea. $3.00&5.7S. HOGS Recelpta. 11,000 head: market 24 f?5c lower; top $6S2Vi: bulk of sales, $4.25oj 5 Jo; heavy. $6.22H&6 27: packers, $5.2fj3&.30; pigs and light. $5.20g5.32tt. SHEEP Receipts, 7.5nu head; market 10 h 20c lower; native lambs, $0.056 west ern lambs. $5.7E4r7 0O; fed ewes and year lings. $4.2fxS6.50; Texas clipped yearllnra, $4.7505.26; Texas clipped sheep, $4.2634.85; stockers and feeders, I2.5O54.00. . e',w, . . e, v,.w, V , -n in,, 1 prices are for hay of good color and qual ity BRAN Per ton. $15.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all algei. $,t7rfj 4.00; extra fancy Mediterranean aweeta, all sixes. $3 50; seedlings, all slaes, 3.00; Va lencia, all sixes. $4.00. LEMONS Llmonlera, extra fancy, 270, 300 and 3r slr.es. $1.75: fncy. 270, 800 and 3ft) sixes, $4 25; 2 TO slxe. $3 00 ; 300 and 360 Bisea, $3.50; 210 slxe, $2 .26; 240 site, $2.50. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb pkga.. $100; Hallowe'en, In 7Mb. boxes, per lb. o. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, ' 7H 85c: Imported Smyrna, four-icrown, Uc; five crown, 12c. BANANAS-rer medium-slsed bunch, $1.71 2 28. : Jumbos, $2.5i&3.00. PINEAPI'LES-Florlda. tier crate of 24. I 80 and 86 sizes. $3.20: 42 size. $3.00. FRC1TS AND MELONS. APRICOTS California, pr 4-busket crate, $1.10. PLUMS California, per 4-backet crate, $1.10. PEACHES Tex sb, per t-bs-ket crate, $1) California, per 25-lb. box, $1 10. CHERRIES California, black, per 8-lb, box, $1.75; white, per 8-lb. box, $1.75; Mla aourl, box of 24-qts,, $2.00. STRA WRERRIKH Hume grown, per 24 qt. case, tl 76-2 0U; Hood River, per case ol 34-qts., ;:.oo. CRAN fctfc. lirtlr.N jerseys, per crate. 1 6a. GOOSEBERRIES-Hox of 24 qts., $2.00. CANTALOUPES Mexican, per crate. $3.00b4,00. WATtllM r.iv4.' t Aiaoama sweets. &ai 60c each: crated. lc per lb. RASPBFJtRI KS Retl, box or 24 Pts.. 33; black, box of 24 pts.. $2.00. BLACKEEKHlKH-t'iw or 24 qta., xa.oo. VEGETABLES. TURNIPS New, ei Aa., tie. CARROTS New, per doa., 260. PARSNIPS-Oid, per bu.. 40o. WAX BEANS-Per tx-ou. box, 75c; string beans, per H-bu. box, ISc; bu. box wax or siring. 82.0042.. POTATOES Home-grown, in sacks, per bu., 35c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; sew pota toes, per bu., 75c. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2.00. CUCUMBERS Per dox.. 45i75c PEAS New, per bu. box, $1.00. TOMATOES Texaa, per 4-basket crate, li.no. BPINACH Per bu., 60c. CABBAGE California. In rratos. tel lb., 8o, Mississippi, $1.25(32.25 per crate, ac cording to size. ONIONS New, per dox. bunches, lSoi Bermudas per crate of about 50 lbs., $1.25 RADISHES Hot house or southern, pel dox, 20c. LETTUCE Hot house, per doa., 8540c head lettuce, per doa., 75c. CAULI FLO VVER Home grown, per crata of 1 dox., $1.00 BEETS New, per dos., soc. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEE8E Swiss, new. Inc; Wisconsin brick. 14c; Wisconsin limberger, 16c; twin 13vgl4c; young Americas, 14c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb.. 13ci No. 3 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 1 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, rer lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chili walnuts, per lb.. 2'tfl3Hc; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard Bhell, per lb., 10c; ahellbarK hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; lrgo hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. HIDES No. 1 green, 7Hc i io. I green, He; No. 1 salted. 8Hc; No. I salted. 7Hc; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf. c; dry salted, "ft'llc; sheep pelts, 2ucj$l.09; borsa hides, $1.5O&'3.00. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 19-WHEAT-July, 78i4j'78Hc; September, 756: Iecemner, 76i4c; cash. No. 2 hard, 96cffl$1.0O: No. 3, 88il)84c; No. 4, T2'Sti3c; No. 2 red, 86cfe$1.0tt; No. 3, 9Sig8ViC; No. 4, 73ft1Wc, CORN-July, 48H'&4WJc; September, 46VJ 4674)C: December, asVe; cash, No. 2 mixed, &Xa604c; No. g, 6OGi50V4c; No. 2 white, 6Uy! 52c; No. 3, 51H62c. OATS-No. 2 white, SlHffc; No. 1 mixed. 29Hc. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2. whltewood cuses Included, !2Hc; case count,' 12c; cases returned, c Icbs. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $D.5OfjT0.00; Choice prairie. $7.75'a8.00. RYE Steady, 6,Va7ic. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1518c; packing, 13l4l3Vc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 33,000 3.600 Corn, bu R4.SO0 S8.000 Oats, bu 8,000 14,0o0 Bvaporateit Apples nnd Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. June 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Steady, with prime fruit for No vember delivery held at 6V, although sales above t l-16c have not recently been re ported. The spot market la unchanged, with common to good quoted at 4Va-t-ti, ?rlme at SStfjCc, choice at 64tac and ancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunog are steady In tone, with coast advices re- Cortlng little for Hale undr tho 3-cent asls. Spot quotations range from 2ic to 6c, according to grade. Apricots are In bet ter demand for future shipment and ths t'.pot market la unchanged. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jun" 19 WHEAT July. tl.W'V September. 8774,e; No. 1 hard, $1.12: No. 1 northern, tl.lu-V Jo. 2 north ern, $1.071,. FIXJUH First patents, $6.1(v?f6.20; second patents, $6. 90.(10; first clears, $4.00&4.1u; second clears, $2.;532.80. BRAN In bulk, $12.7513.00. St. I.oals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 19. CATTLE Receipts. .OXi head. Including 6.000 Texans; market lower; native, shipping and export steers, $4 7515.40; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3 SSflftj.lO; steers under 1.000 pounds, $3.60 4 "0; Blockers anri feeders. $2.6')Ho 40; cows and heifers. $2 OOCOO; canners. 1 75473 25: bulls. $2 5016.25: calvea. S 0ofj6.25; Texas and Indian steera, $2.75735.00; cowb and heifers. $2.00-fM 00. HOGS Receipts, 4.00n benrt; market lower: nigs and lights 15.005.35; packers. M5ogfi.F5; butchers and best heavy, $5.35 5.40. SHEEP AND IAMFS Receipts, 4 not head; market ateadv;. native muttons. $3.40 i4 76- lamba, $5.0(k9: 78 : culla and bucks. 2 6013.00; atockera, I2.00fj3.25; Texans, $3.7$ 424.65. St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 19.-CATTLE-Re- celpta. 1.64.1 head; market slow to weak. 10c lower: natives, gi.ibcte.eo: cows ano neirers, $1 5oM60; Btockers and feeders, $2 7VS4 f HOIIH Keceiots. s in neaa; msraet nig 5c lower: llsht. $5 tOf5.824; medium and heavv 18.int4?W. SHEEP and lambs Receipts 93 neaa: market ateady. long fltf Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia . Jure 19.-(Speelal Tele- gram.l CATTLE Receipts. 700 head. Mur- ket lower: atockera. steady: beeves. 13 8,Vr 6 50; cowa. bulls and mixed, 2.754)4.75: atockera and feeders, $3.00ij!4.C0; calvea and yeerllnaa. $2.75fi3.N5, HOGS-Recelpts, 3.200 head. Market steadv. selling at $5.1536.30; bulk of sales, xyitxtia.ir. Stock ta Sight. Recelnta ef live atock at the alx princi pal weatern markets yesterday: cattle, hosts Bhee-v South Omaha 7 n i.'Ai Bloux Cltv 700 Kansas City 7.fi0 St. Joseph 1.643 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 19. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. n.l2'yfil.l3; No. t northern. $1.0MJ1.11; July. STVu-itoc, asked. RYE Stead v : No. 1. R3c. No. 2, BARLEY Steady ; J60c. CORN He lower; 53S asked. ' 51c; sample, 40 No." S, eiS'St'iCj July. Toledo Seed Market, TOLEDO, O., June 19 SEEI S-Clover. cash, $5.8ii asked; prime alslke, $1.40; prima timothy, $1.50. Elgin Unties Market. ELGIN 111.. June 19. BUTTER Market, firm: official market 20 cents. Salea for week. 657,800 pounds. REAL ESTATE TR ASdFEnS. St. Loula Chicago Total . .0rt .15.000 $,:ro 11 wo 8.733 4.0ort 45.000 7,ri 643 40A SO .000 ..45.749 74.970 36.723 ' Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 19-COFFEE-Market for future oiend ateady at a decline nf I to 13 points In response to lower Eu- ro;ean cables. The market waa Anally steady, net unchanged to i points lower. Sales were 27.250 bags, Incl ining July al .$S4j 4Gc; September, 8.6-'K6 c; Decem ber, alu'frt.&r;: March, 7.00c; iWy. 7(7j7 05 8 pot, Rio, quiet ; No. 7 Invoice, c. Dry 4eo4s Morkel. NEW TORK. June 19 DRY OOOD3- The situation Is not altered materially and buvlng continues to he conservative. The tendency ta undoubtedly upwards and buy ers admit' the posalbilltlea of highcj- prices for taa tisar future. Local Jobbers ara pr- Deeda filed for record, June .19, 1906, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee an.l Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street for The Bee: D. Gray and wife to II. A. and Ethel M. Settlers, lot 1, Freeinan'a aub $2,350.00 J. J. Ryan, guardl.in. to J. Seeher- gr. lot 2, blbck 37, First addition to Corrlgan Place 275.00 Sarah D. Starr to F. K. Kox. part of ne. 'i of i, ecc,. 31, 15. 13 2,100.09 City Savings Bank to R. Efnnger, lot 7, Twelfth and Ames ave.. sub 3.000.00 F. A. Johnann and wife to O. John son, part lot 14, bloc.li 4a:t lirannvu w 4,0.110 Bherlff to Mary K. totman, lot 3, Mcr'mirlliah 1'llLoe , C. Snyder to F. Ilcgke. part or lots 6 and 8, block 6u. l.i-Oit 1'imrl. r Mabel P. Ogcen t h(, tn . i. Ure.part Of lots 1 and 2. IdOck 69. city N. H. Hunt to Harriet i-.btcii, lots 4 and S. block 104, Flct.iice 800.00 G. E. Post and wife to- T.' A. Creigh. lot 6, block ''F," BaubdsVs & lllineliaugb's .., ... M. M. Robertson ana wire o v. u. I.miIv. s. W lot 81 Nelson's v. ti. t re ano wiie to p . nironr, part lou 32 to tJ Inc., Fairmoiit Place Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated I naln Office: Fif'ts gad Roberta Strait l ST. PAUL, ni.N.N. 4.000.00 375.00 100.00 600 'O 1,625.00 10.00 C EALKRS I " Stocks, Grain, Provision. Ship Your Grain to Us ( ran en inteev t iu.ll 1 Hoard of Trad pldg Onaaha. Neb. Telepboao 8B14, .'l n4 Kxehgrigs Uldg.. South Omaha. tied 'i'iiuiie iJ.IL iududai 'fbuua l