10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1905. V: r- uaiei b!3 - Rfl Slln. Wednesdij tf7ZT Ladles' IUi SMppper I Cj Sale,$1.25-ly EXTRAORDINARY Ribbon Brgeuas We place on sale tomorrow a miscellaneous lot of strictly all Pilk talteta ribbons tnat were most advantageously bought by us. There is every color and shade up to 6 inches wide 'and would be a bargain at 50c per yd. These go on nr one big bar gain square at, per yard 0 c These are now on display In th Mrs. Benson's Show Window. GREAT SILK SALE Thousands of Yards of Plain and Fancy Silks Worth Up to $2 a Yard Go at 29c-39c-49c. One of the greatest silk bargains in many years. A rare chance for shoppers to buy $1, $1.50 and $2 silks at 29c, 39c and 49c. Buckingham Suitings, Bungalow, Satin Foulards, French Twilled t?ilk, Floral India Silk, Printed Satin Meg salines, 27-inch light French Shirt Waist Silk, Chameleon checks, pretty plaids, Broche Taffeta, white Moire Velours, etc. hundreds of patterns that are desirable right at this season at, yard 9c-39c-49c i I 50cSHIRT WAIST SETSI0c Deep Sea Pearl Shirt Waist Sets in a wide variety of sizes and shapes sets of three, 4 d actually worth 50c, II 0 If at per set TAN OXFORDS FOR LADIES' 198 C The new. Saddle Tans, etc., worth up to $3.50 at. , II inniMnerie; PROBLEM OF THE FRATERNALS Question of Auening Securities Up County Board of Equalization. to STATi AUTHORITIES INSIST ON THE ORDER U County Conmliilii Docs Not Adopt . Reed'a Assessment, Lattes" ia Instructed to Appeal ' to Court. Ono of the problems that soon must be solved by the County Board of Equaliza tion is whether the fraternal Insurance orders shall be asacssed or not. There are now on file protests from the sovereign camp. Woodmen of the World, and supreme forest. Woodmen Circle. The protests set out the value of personal property and se curities held - In safety vaults, and it Is claimed that all of this property is wholly exempt. It is, the protests claim, all held and used for charitable purposes and not in any sense for profit. There Is .no capital stock and the property and assets are al leged to be purely in the nature of a trust fund. The Woodmen of the World protest gives these figures:' Number of members in Ne braska, 7.S40; .office furniture, 15,000; credits with bank In Omaha, $402,189.06; securities ln safe deposit vaults, book value, $2,018, 597.65. This last item is held to constitute the credit of the soalety and to be exceeded by liabilities wholly or partially matured. The ordur reeejved from dues and assessments in Nebraska for the year ending March 81, 19u6, $.'13,841. Of this amount 18 per cent goes for expenses, 10 per cent Is Invested in se curities and the balance Is used In paying benefits. Assessor Heed's return on the sovereign camp is $38,340. The Woodmen Circle has 1,448 members in Nebraska, from which it received $15, 3.:6 for the year ending March 31. Of this JZ.45S.30 went for expenses, $1,277.49 was In vested and the balance went to pay benefits. Personal property Is given at $1,000, bank credits $8,115.76, securities $J08.003.0. As sessor's return, $16, 130. Stale Hoard Determined. The State Hoard of Equalization has evinced a determination to assess the fra ternals as other insurance companies are assessed. Even it thevlocal board should cancel the assessment the state board will order an arpeul. Neither Assessor Reed or any member f the Douglas county board would discus tha action to be taken In ad vance of Jho day when the question Is to come up. ,)f , , ' t A complain was received from the street railway company asalnst a general assess ment of $,0OO.O. Tha comrany is willing to accept an assessment of $6,000,000. Re ferred for ooiisideratkm. The company was allowed a reduction of $10,000 on the old power house at Twentieth, and Isard. It bow stands at $30,000.. ,. McCord-prady Grocery company made a return f-$kl4.o00 cr personal property, which the assessor raised to $262,500. Pro test referred. Manager C. O. Puller of the Postal Tele graph company made a return of $9,770.97. Mr. Reed raised this to $50,000 and the com pany emphatically protests. Referred. George Kg gem, quarter section in 36-16-10, reduced from $41,600 to $40,000; Clay, Robinson & Co., commission mer chants. South Omaha, reduced from $15,000 to $10,000, same as last year. Attorney Scott contended the assessment should be only $500, but was overruled. MRS. MANCHESTER 19 HOPEFUL Believe State Board May Reacts Order to Assess. ",We expect to near something definite this week from our attorney, A. H. Bur nett, who Is at Lincoln before the State Board of Equalisation," said Mrs. Emma B. Manchester, supreme guardian of the Woodmen Circle, when asked what Was be ing done with regard to the proposed $80, 000 building of the order. "Mr. Burnett Is laboring with the state board to get it to rescind Its order taxing the surplus of fra ternals. A definite and Anal answer is ex pected this week. , "In the meantime nothing is being done with regard to the building. .We want to stay In Nebraska and are waiting to see if we cannot escape the unfblr taxation. We have some hope that the Board of Equalization will think better of its former decision and settle the question favorablv to us Irt the next few days. Letters are coming to us from various states soliciting the establishment of our headquarters. The Topeka papers would make "it appear that we desire to go there, but we do not. Our desire Is to Btay in Nebraska first of all. but If we are forced out of Nebraska, Kan sas is not regarded as a desirable state for headquarters." Mrs. Manchester has Just returned from Memphis, Tenn., where she assisted last Sunday at the unveiling of a Woodmen monument. J. C Root and Harry Root of the Woodmen o the World were also there. 9 FREE Cooking Lessons AID.... PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION IN XHEaa Art of Cooking BY.... Sarah Elizabeth Craig OF BOSTON. AT THE Peoples Store Tuesday will be the last day, as Miss Craig leaves for the cast. .Call and learn for yourself the delightful art and taste the wonderful dishes that Miss Craig makes. All her cooking is done on a Direct Action Gas Range the most remarkable stove invention of the age burns one-third less gas than any other gas range Sold on easy payments. 50c per week on the smaller size. $1 .00 per week on the larger size. MENU TUESDAY 10 A. M. Beef Pie Potato Salad Pop-overs 2 T. M. - Roast Leg of Mutton Shredded Lettuce, , with Roiled Mayonnaise Orange Puffs Orange Sauce ' Peoples Furniture A Carpet Co. R J OMAHA WEATHER REPORT jf J H B - Taesdsr Fair. 1 ' H ur. Lyons v PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very tonvenientf for tourists. EXTENSION OF. LINE BEGUN Work of Leagthenlnar Tracks on oath Sixth Street Actually Is In Progress. Work was begun by tha street rallwa.v company Monday morning on the Harney street extension on South Sixth street. This line will be built at once as far south as Lincoln avenue, formerly known aa Cen tral street, and will open up a thickly pop ulated portion of the cltv and furnish hot ter car facilities to a large number of peo ple. The street has been graded and paved for tome time The Grand View Improve ment club, which has a large membership or residents of that section, has been hold lng weekly meetings for several months in the effort to secure an extension, until It was finally rewarded at tha meeting of the airectors or the company last Tuesday. CAPRICES OF DRUNKEN SPOUSE Ortala Idloay aeraaies of John IVapl aw Lead to His Temporary Change of Resldeaee. Police Judge Berks holds that it Is. not nice for a man to go home drunk, throw his wife, feather bed and trunk out of 'the window and then lie down' to pleasant dreams, as John Napinaw is reported to have done Sunday at his home, !0 North Ninth street. Mrs. Napimtw appeared In police court against her fractious husband and told of the rapid transit of herself, feather bed and trunk through a window. Napinaw Will not be at home Jor thirty U4) a. PREPARED Vf Mt, tlrntoas. to Mlaeral Hath t lly, ia reached without . change of cars only cy me urana Trunk Railway System. Time tables and a beautiful descriptive pamphlet will be mailed leva on applica tion to Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. St T. A. 134 Adams Bt. Chicago. LOCAL INTEREST IN THE BANK Omaha Persons Watch for Investigation of Mail Older Concern at St. Louis. NO MONEY LOST, SO FAR AS IS KNOWN Institution Conducted on Novel Baala la I'nder Inquiry of Govern. , ment, but Fraud la Not Certain. Several Omaha persons are Interested, It is said, in the developments of a postofflce inquiry into the methods of the People's Bank of St. Louis, which was started a short time ago on a mall order basis. It is not known positively that any Omahans put money In the bank, but several were thinking about doing so, at least. According to' press dispatches the state of Missouri filed complaint against the In stitution recently and. the bank closed for a day and then re-opened and continued doing business pending investigations by the postal department. The People's bank was started by E. G. Lewis, who made a huge financial success In a few years out of the Woman's Magazine published in St. Louis and sold for ten cents a year. Deposits were solicited by circular and other advertising, tire at tractive feature held out being some sort of a profit-sharing scheme in addition to tha t or 4 per cent Interest to be paid on money entrusted to the house. , Herbert H. Fish, secretary of the West ern Newspaper Union, was one of the prominent Omaha men who were con templating investments in Lewis' Bank. Pnt No Money in. "I first heard about the bank in Chicago, where it was talked of with a good deal of faeor,-' said Mr. Fish. "I cannot say I am directly interested in the bank, however, because I was inclined to wait develop ments and see how the venture was going to pan out before risking money. The re markable success that Mr. Lewis had with his publication caused me to think he might work similar wonders with the bank. I un derstand the bank Is still open and doing business and that it Is by no means settled that there is anything fraudulent about It. "My understanding is that the bank ex pected to get deposits from aH over the country, attempting something along the lines of a postal savings bank scheme and to extend facilities for Investment and sav ing to parts of the country not accessible to banking houses. There was some sort of a profit-sharing plan In connection apart from the ordinary interest paid. Dispatches stated that lwls was to have a hearing before the Postofflce department June 14, but I have not learned of the outcome." - Other men connected with the Western Newspaper Union who were reported to have placed money In the St. Louis bank denied that they had done so. In financial or business circles nothing further could be learned concerning the bank's local operations. FLEMING CUTS OFF BEARD rarts with Whiskers that He Had Worn for Twenty-Five V ea r s. Tax Commissioner Fleming had to produce proof of identification before City Treasurei Hrnnlnga would recognise him at the city hall Monday morning. This was due to the (not that the commissioner had discarded the full beard which has obscured his coun tenance for an even twenty-five years. In accordance with his orders his barber left nothing but a mustache and a few symp toms of "Lord Dundraarys." Mr. Fleming denies that he caused the shearing because he looked like A. J. Seaman, the tax title buyer who Uvea on T cents a day; because the Iowa doctors have pronounced whiskers unsanitary or from an aspiration to quit the demo-pop ranks and slide back Into republican council wlurt be belonguU prior BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Money' Savins- n AU rocity Purchases. Thirty ($.1.00) Green Trading Stamps with sixteen pounds Granulated Sugar Twenty $2.0ii) Green 'Trading Stamps with throe-round can Burnham's Clam Chowder 0c Twenty (12.00) Green Trading Stamps with frame Colorado Honey 15c Ten (I1.0O) Green Trailing Stamps with quart-can Llbby-McNell's Soups, assorted '. c Twenty ($2.00) ..Green Trading Stamps with quart-can Armour's Soups, assorted Twenty 2.no Green Trading Stamps with quart-can Hucklns 8oui assorted 300 Forty ($4 V Green Trading Stamps with 48-pound sack Pride of Bennett's Flour l.r5 Fifty SM Green Trad ing Stamps with 3 pounds finest Java and Mocha Coffee $100 tarn ft: in Diamond "C" Soap, ten bars 25c Tomatoes, can, 7c; dozen T5o -wii, can. oc; dozen 65c BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Several hundred novelty Bon Bon Boxes, filled with candles, each Be Fresh Burnt Peanuts, pound 10c Hardware for Tuesday Thirty (W.0S) Green Trading Stamps with any painted Screen Door, com plete with hinges and trim nilngs tvw DON'T FOR GET WE A HE HEAD Q U A K T E K S F O K J A P-A-L A C , READY - MIX ED PAINT S, LEADS AND OILS. Green Stamps faints, Stamp! 80c Stamps 74c Stamps 48c Double Trading on all Tuesday. Thirty (S3.fln) Green Trading with any Rolls man Cherry Pltter Thirty (3.00) Green Trading with No. 1 Enterprise Cherry Titter Forty ($4.00) Green Trading with any Gal vn nixed Wash Tub, 72c, 64c, 66c and SEE BENNETT'8 BEFORE BUY ING YOUR HINDER TW1NE-WB CARRY THE BEST AND PRICE IS RIGHT. Twenty ($2 00) Green Trading Stamps with Refrigerator Pans, 50c 3Cj Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with any Watering Can, ilflc prices up from uuw Double Green Trading Stamps on any Ice cream Freezer, prices A A up from BASEMENT. Watch Out for a Great Broom Sale Watch Bcaivetfs Ads. Fifth Day of the Great Sale Greater Values Than Ever HfiRTDEES TUB RKI.IAIILK ITUKK. v Read Every Item Carefully Every day the interest in the great Clino & Co. Btook Pale in creases every day sees still more marvelous bargain offerings. Watch out: ads. closely, don't miss one day. Tuesday Suit Dept. Bargains from the Cline & Co. Stock $5.00 WHITE LINEN SUITS Skirt rind embroidery trimmed great snap Tues day eholce LINEN WAISTS A small lot from Cllne utoek, worth tip to fl.'iO to close quickly Tuesday, choice ClIILDKEN'S DKESSES-In all colors, ages years ("line & To. !f;.tio rn lues choice WOMEN'S $1.00 WHArriOHS snap nt ., $1.50 HOUSE DKKSSB8 all colors 75c nitESSINO SACQUES AND KIMONAS at . waists 1.98 & Co. 59c 4 to 14 79c 49c 59c 35c From 8 till 9 A.M. From 9 till 10 A. M. , 100 full pieces of fine imported printed Fine soft finish Bleached Muslin, Batiste, worth $19c yard worth ti'jc yard for one fill for one hour at, yard " hour ot 20 yards for mmmmmmammmtmmmmmmiammm aaaasaaaaaaaaaaiBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaBBaaBiBaaaBsa; From 10 till 11 A. M. From 11 A. M. till 12 M. Yard wide Curtain Swiss, worth 124c Fine quality Persian Tjiwns, 40 Inches yard from the bolt for one Sin wide, worth 40c yard for one er hour at, yard hour Tuesday it, yard Furnishing Goods Specials From the Cline & Co. Stock IT IS NOT TRUE That June has been discarded as the wedding month. It Is still the month of Roses, Cut Glass and Sterling Silver. W have all of these except the roses for wedding gifts. Spend a few minutes In our store, select your gift, leave your card we will send It up for you. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street Michigan Summer Resorts Among the lakes and rivers of the East Coast of Lake Michigan is the ideal country for a summer outing. Fishing, boating, bathing, sailing, golf, and above all, an ideal climate. Pure air and pure spring water. Health and recreation. Booklets descriptive of these resorts mailed on application to H. F. MOELLER, G. P. A., Pere; Marquette Railroad,' Union Station, Detroit, Mich. i All the 10c, 16c and 19c Hose, for women and children, go Tuesday, . fy, at, pair "w Ladles' Vests, worth from 10c to Si 26c, go at Ladies' Gowns and Skirts Cllne's price 12.00 and Tuesday. $2.00 and $2,50 our sale price liMc sdav rjt Men's Bnlbrlggun Underwear Cllne ft Co. -v 60c to 75c quality In two ',8525c -.-., T . T". T", H . I 1 IIT.. T . - . A. i rjt tnf r iv oninja rur men u-nu ooys, soiled, but worth 75c to $1.00, OSn - choke aaOfc. Men's 25c and 50c Suspenders, at Boys' Suspenders, worth J5c, at 19c 74c 25c Silk Illusion, Per Yard, 5c A full line of 27-Inch All Silk Illusion, from the Cllne Co. stock, all colors, regular price 25c, sale price Tuesday, only, per yard .5c nj Thousands of Other Bargains on Display V Summer Vacations Every person who takes vacations should own a trunk and ult case. Borrowing often Inconveniences the one who loans. We can sell you a trunk, suit case or grip of our own manufacture that will last as long as you live and always look well. The price will be lower than cheap grades would cost you elsewhere. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam St. Patronize s, you patronize home industry.' GREATEST PREMIUM OFFER EVER MADE BY ANY NEWSPAPER A $12.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHOilE TO OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS OF THIS PAPER PRACTICALLY FREE Teachers and Students Can make $.00 a day during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work dignified and pleasant. Write for particulars. :: :: :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEBRASKA to Mr. Bryan's earthquake tn 1896. He won't tell what he did It for, but shrewd friends suspect the devastation came about through the example set by Park Commis sioner Ed Cornish, In the office adjoining the tax commissioner's, who last week de molished a short black mustache that had been his property for twenty years. Mr. Cornish now looks like Uncle Mark Hanna In his prime, but he Is going to put the mustache back on again, If nature will be good, because he doesn't look as pleasant as he did. ADJOURNED TERM RESUMED Federal Court Convenea and Takes I'p I.tqnoe Helllaar Cases of Lnlkart and Umbtrt r The adjourned term of the United States court was resumed Monday morning, with Judgo Munger on the bench. The first case set for (rial is that of John Lulkart and Logan Lambert, Indicted for infraction of the United States liquor laws on the Indian reservations. Owing to the nonar rlval of Mr. Lulkart and certain witnesses for the government an adjournment was taken until 2 p m, , The adjourned session of the courts will continue for the remainder of the month of June, in order to clear up the criminal cases in the district court. These are largely minor postofflce cases, wherein the Indicted paroles are charged with infrac tions ot the postal laws. Yellowstone I'ark ana Portland. Personally conducted party will leave via the Burlington -Route June 29th for Portland, stopping at Gardiner, Mont., for six-day tour of Yellowstone Park. ' Return from Portland can be made through California and Colorado If desired Party will travel in standard sleeper, and application for berths should be roads at ence. Rates are very low. Full Informa tion at Burlington Ticket Office,' IjuJ farnam street. J. B. Reynolds, City Pa. seager Agent Harry B. UavLs, uoderta.M. Zei. 123 i I HIS IS THE COLUMBIA'S $12.50 DISC GRAPHOPHONE BOUGHT ANYWHERE FOR LESS. IT CANNOT Bi Bare Foot Sandals The bare foot sandal season Is here. This Is the popular shoe for summer wear. Just what you want to rest your tired feet. Tool and comfortablo. Genuine welt soles with no nails to hurt the feet. Uppers made of gen uine Russia calf. Infants' to men's sixes. Child's Sizes. ( to 8. 1.00 Child's' Slses, to 11, j 25 MiRses' Sices, 12 to 2, 1.50 Women's Sizes, 3 to 8. 2.00 Men s Slses. 8 to U, 'x 2.00 These are made to wear. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. Osaana'a Vp-io-Dato Iks Hons. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATaXOOUK IMPRISONED 111 THE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHOilE RECORDS ARE More than ten thousand different classes of entertainment. Sweet MeJod!e- Rich Music Classic Songs Comic Songs Funny Stories tlood Jokes, and aa endless amount ot good thlngt from aU cornerg of the glob. If you go to the theater, hoar a catchy gone, one that you would Jike to hum, play and whistle over but can't, you can purchase a Columbia Uocord with that very song Imprisoned on it and have your, Columbia Graphojihoue play It for you to your heart's content. ' DO YOU WANT ONE? Bysiclnl arrangement with THE COLUMBIA GHAI'HOPnONE CO., 1621 r"arnam Sirret, Omaha, Neb., we are enabh-d to present to both old and aW subscribers A SI 2.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHONE PRACTICALLY FREE. ' . Cut out th attached coupon and mull it to CIRCULATION DEPAKTMBN1 OMAHA BBK. and we will wud our representative to demonstrate and explain how you can secure it. . MAIL THIS TODAY'-WOT TOMORROW. COUPON OF INQUIRY. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OMAHA BEE. OMAHA, NEB.: ' Please send your representative to my address, as given below, to snow the GRAPIIOPHOXE you offer with one year's subscription to THE OMAHA BEE. Name Date. Address Aak for QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO ! npA.iiirw .' . ,VT navlns for bill boarda. fenra palatlac, eloolra. BEST BECAUSE Toj are , SOT P-y'"f r.h,,,., KQiTL to Imported imin; ST. LAMS. Vt B w' u i SI" 1. 1 li " -w . mm . i. ' ji . m r. mm m i V