Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 17

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der. I'stjSc; pick ld hums, lolno. tard.
quiet: western tamed. f7.loti7.2o; refined,
steady: continent 17 M: South America.
WIS: coinpond, $5 rT4j55 G2H. Pork. stady:
family. $15 ti 15 6"; short clear, $13.rjojl6.'J0;
Good Demand in All Linen. Eiaiciallv I 'taVJIi'iw t!ii'v! ritv r-r ckg.V
Groceriei and Hardware.
RfCE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, SVi
ff.'.Wc; Japan, nominal.
f'l l tkk-Haroiy steady; receipts, 1.1.5
Email Business for Half Day Session
Closes Dull Week on Exchange.
to extra. 17fi2nUo.
Cotton (it Woolen Goods Are Higher eclpts. 2,897 boce; weekly export, 1,660
LOGS Easy; receipts. 997 cases; west-
Am Vl'ill..i ...... k. .
van, I.,', 111., UlllllRI , I.H . "Ji.-.
i'il 1,1 K Y A live, quiet; western spring
rnicgen. wuxc: row a. uw. turKeys, ik
dressed, steady; western broiler. HtQ'ltici
jowis, inyj2'-ic; turKeys, laalic.
Coffee la Firmer and CUeeae
Scores Ad vance Famine 1
Laae-ia Ma"i.
"tj Jobbers of all lines or goods are pleased
1 wnn the week's trade. Tnat of the grocers
and hardware men has been very good and
Reading, the Onljr Stork to Show Any
Actltlty or Strength Friday
la 1w One Point
mo dry foods hnuHes report an Increase I Fenteree of the Trading and Closlna;
m an aireaoy very fair trade. The leather Prlcea on Board of Trade
duuiih-bo nas oeen as aun as expected ror cmr-rio T,m. .7 r-,i . .
several week., but in the lui r. ,l.v, I V.f?iVAl??' . ?une l' rCon.tlnue' ro'l. we
i,h. been i ,. r Vi.Tl :.,r7, w",p.r "1 ln northwest started active .h a rk:. .r.v.." ,7'r r'"' m the wheat Pu i.e
..Trior,. v,M caused a strong finish
Tho dry goods business
Deen considerably In ex
the same number of days
ea repoi 1 ooa coi- today and caused a strong finish. The rVerl It es
. .i t. 1 ,. J,uly nf,'lv'y was up an even cent at tho The oua
s since June 1 has close. Corn la up Mile; onts showed a actions I
Kcess of May for gain of 48t,c; provisions are up byWc. to be a
1. T he house trado Strength In the wheat market developed basis In
NEW YORK, June 17. Small business
ror today's half segslon closed a dull week
on the stock excuange and afforded no
relief tO the exl.ltitia m.'lllmnt fnmllllnna.
The most stgnfliant feature in the market
' tne loss or neany a point In Reading,
which was the only stock to show unv
activity or strength yesterday. This was
inn ni fit rtr t r, ' . ...
.E . felines of varying fractions are the rule.
11 nctltlous nature of the tram-
by the Professional traders M,enot
absolutely without & sustaining
hag been good and order, from salesmen late In the sessloVAt the
l1! .! yesterday's advances the traders had no
are better than they have been. Cotton was nuite Iwnri.h n,,ri initial
Kuoua continue strong, and retailers whose in July were off Ue to c to ti'S'c at ;7.. . i .t V ' " -""
stocks are bein reduced and who feel the 07T toV. Weakness at tne ope"n was SUiTtioB vS.1 n2r 1'",',
?lr !,??!n.',,""l' .JfP?:L..(. cellent wither for MS "'exauSed y the "SosslbilltvoTTn
r, .,i.i.c ii... u,7 UU u ..- uu . i. .u,,, unmnnuui ine ouinwesi. in unward movement. Th lnrfi r,f .h
ot ail grades and weight, have advanced v. bear, an IncentlVe 'to Many Cures' "by" fKK M?rl?
cent from the lowest point. Woolen traders who bought yesterday were today tI way, V, . dileua.fni of tZ, Z
goous of all kinds are very much higher ewr to dispose of holdings. One proml- ported frlctl on between i tiermanv and
and llrm at the prices. nnt trader particularly had liberal offer- Kance over their rebiMons toward M ,
One dry goods man said he was making '"KS. As a result prices declined. July fOCco But It was said that no? over too
Preparation, for an enormous fall business, filing off to 87Se Jburln. ; th.,ht half Ka. were "traded "in hew "or "foreign
t" viii iw . . . ... . I r ' I at. i 1 1 u II L. H.I1II r pun. in iar am rnnv vavovaa
territory tributary to Omaha an Indication J Duiusnnesa, the market becoming ex- traoeable, were on yesterday', order, do-
ui Bnoiai piusperny ana conseijueni utiga "'L'"" LT V. 7r,i ,h layea unul today in the execution. The
trade. lnB. cnange in sentiment was rear for tho icieater soeculatlvn artivltv in t h mar.
Canned ...nation. ' atS oaodltlo 'dange bSHW
co,nlgnirrortTi:ts,rc.ri? & sn i H.SE
ners association. They are quite different recent heavy rains In Kansas had greatly 7f,lr the aimrane. nf tL V.5nl J5Lt2
Horn those sent out laSt yea?. The quota- damaged the wheat crop. Alarmed by Tt tlxehe "Vnreise f in deooslts was ,,?ln"
tiona are lower on auricula and these reports, short made an attempt to 'P5r?ase m.,tP.,slt;s wa." K'n
.".i ..." .1 r . v.. . ............. unv.. K.,. m.i . i.i .ij"3r "uc iu loan expansion anu wnne
zinnia, aim vuimiuci HUiy lllBol on (juaiuca . rn," a wt-i ,ns -cin ib.ihii. Ih. reserve rennlrerriMnt wna thua In.
and pear.. In view of the tact that there The result was a quick advance. whlcTi c""ll some $4 113T the Tash IncreaSo
I a light truit crop tnrouan this section of carried the price of July up to 89',4i5WSo. amounted to on y $1 495 WO The result
in country It U reasonable to suppose that Commission houses were active buyers was a shrinkage In the surplus of 12 61 -
the sai of California canned truit will be lte in the session. The market closed 6oO and ITSilS surplus or 14 us,
greatly In excess of last year business. "frly " th tuP. VrlcJL.l dalyi,ft.1 The activity In Japanese 4' certificates
There Is quite a wide difference in the Quotations on July being at H,fc4c. continued, but their narrow range made
view, expressed by the various California lea,ra"c;" T.he" and our were equal tnftm attractive for trading operations
decrease. B.fild.OOfl. Ex-TTnlted States de
posits, $10.3u?,lUU; decrease, $2.651,
74w York Mmir Market,
KEW TORK. June 17.-MnNET-On call.
nominal; no loans; time loans, firmer; sixty
days. 1 per cent; ninety days, 3Va3Mi P1,
cent; six months, per cent; prime mer
cantile paper, SHIM1 por cent.
HTF.Rl.lS'n F.XCHANQE Firm, with ao-
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.8715
4 8720 for demand and at $4 Kjlofi 4 SA25 for
slxtv-diiv bills; posted rates, $4 80'&4 8S; com-
merclsl bills, H.M'li. ,
BILVER Bar, 6io; Mexican dollar.
B.ND3 Government and railroad, steady.
Closing quotations on bonds were:
C. 8. rot. Is, rf...-lM Jipss . rtr. 100
ia EniiDon 104S41 do Inil. atrtes
11;, ao rtri 91
104 'I,. A N. unl. 4
111 Minhttlan . f. 4...1D4
132 Mex. Ontral 4s 77
1"4 I do tut Inc 14
iw Minn. A St. U 41.... I
K. A T. 4s 1004
11414 do I
.H3 N. R. R. o( M. . 4i. 80
. N. Y. C. . ! W
.i"2 r. J. ( . . lis...,
.1U4H No. Pad no 4l
. d do U
.nan n. a w. c 4...
. .H O. H. L. rfd.. 4i
. 4W Ponn. conr. m.
Cher ft Ohio 4t. . . .107H Pedln in ,.
Chlraio A A. IVt,.... " Bt. U A I. kt. e. C..tl64
C , B. A l). n. 4,... .101 ft. L t I. r. t. 4s. i
c, R. 1. a r. 4i ... ii si. l,. a. w. e, ii
do col. dl 44Seahoird A. U 4a.... 17
rcc. A St. U . 4a..loa Ho Pa.-lllo 4a tss
Chicago Tr. 4a V4 fo. Rallwar (a 1104
Colora.lo Hid. 4a lt Ta A P. la Ill 14
Colo. A 80. 4a 144, T., St. L. AW. 4a.. I84,
Colo. lnd. 61, aot A.. 70 union t'acinc 4a lot1
do Bft B. ail f do con,. 4a
Cuba 6a, ctta V. 8. tel 2d (a.
D. ft R. O. 4a 10U;Wabaah la
ni'tlllera' See. 5,.... 7HV do drb. B
Erie prior Hon 4a....l02tiWcrtam Vd. 4a...
do ln. 4a 4' v A t K. 4a...
F. W. A P. C. la...l09L,IWta. Central 4a..
Uocklns Val. 4... .1114.1
V 1 la,
do coupon
t7 8. new 4a, re..
do eoapon
V 8. old 4a, re..
do mutton
Am. Toharco 4a, ctfa. 74ta M
do aa, ctfa
Atchinon .en. 4a.
do adj. 4a
Atlantic C. U 4a.
bal. ft Ohio 4a...
do Jv,
Central ut Oa. It.
lo lat Inc
do Id Ine..
.. IT
Beef Steers and Cows Lower for the Week,
with Trading Blow.
Receipt of Sheep and Linsi at Th Is
Point Moderate for the Week,
with Prices Ruling- Gen
erally Steady to Strong.
Cattle. IIos. Sheep.
... i.tll ,i..'3 1,401
... 6,779 14,5J 1,149
... 6.397 12.267 1.6T9
... ijxi .7"4 S.tMO
... I.:) S.82a 436
... 639 9.616 S"t
Receipts were'
Ofllclal Monday ....
Ofllolal Tuesday ...
Official Wednesday.
Official Thursday ..
Official Friday
Official Saturday ..
Total this week 18,061 C3.I14 8.446
Total last week 19.37) 76,769 16.07S
Same week before 22.i25 J,5d3 n.M
total three weeks ago.. .18.749 74.116
Total four weeks ago....lti,4;t4 42.74(1 1S.4I0
Same week last year.,..13,4!i9 69.217 8.7ti7
The following table shows the receipts ot
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared wltn last year:
l!r. 1904. Inc. Ic.
Cattle 39J.9i6 432.704 38.7:i9
Hogs 1,169,780 1,250.850 W,S70
Sheep 703.783 (W8.967 S4.816
The following tahla shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for tne last
several days, with comparisons:
Dank Clearing.
OMAHA, June 17. Bank clearings for
today were $1,348,295.60 and for the corre
sponding date last year $1,181,047.63.
Tlie following were the clearings for the
week, compared with the same week of
v reeeima wera 1 . u . . . , ' . .
22S.SO0 ho., oomnarerl with fsK Hon hu n vJ " " irJ & 01
canneiB. caused very largely by tU con- V UxCi. ""z"- fllVJ? ,
v, i...- .1 I ta.rn) mi ccni curea win ,
1. 1 aim tt nit 11 tru-tjii t-txii nt;i iiu.a i - n.!.-, 1 1 ii..i,.u .
The situation on canned corn Is very "i-fJSu V i iki ri- 1uJ
strong on spot goods, and the same thing b fast week and 301 ca? a year ago
holds true witu tomatoes, it looks as ca0r," J",,?, JF' i. i.'2 .
though a healthy market In theso Unt'l turn In mrn nrl Rnrlv In h e.lrm
wou.U be seen until alter the new packs ;h-narnPariCi.n,r,y, ln.i5Sn!T."."22 U"ns K
are made. What tho future beyond this a re.ult of ,deR, woathftr conditions
will bo Is extremely dimcult to foretell, throughout the corn belt. Another factor
If the acreage Is cut down greatly, as now that had a depressing effect was a con
seems to be the case, thuie Is no reason aMprnhle dnellns at T.lvernnol Uiiir
why a healthy markut should not exist I however, sentiment became bullish largely
uirougii ine coining aeason.
Monday ....
Tuesday ...
Thursday ,
Saturday ...
1906. 1904. 1.3.r6.or 40
1.52l,04S.24 l.aij fcffi SJ
1.655. 769.21
1,279.068 69
I 1
4 18
Amal. Copper
Am. Car & Foun
do preferred
Am. Cotton Oil
do preferred
In ivmniihv with whoa, vtnnrtm nf Ha-ha I American Express...
Sugar Is In rather an unsettled condition. I accentances had a strengthening effect. Am. Hide & t,. pfd..
Huws are lower till week, although at Receipts at primary points were liberal, I Am. Ice securities....
present no changes are reported In rellned but shipments were correspondingly large. I Am. Linseed Oil ....
hugars. The demand tnrougn tne country Tne marKet closed at practically the high- uu pieieneo
uui lng the week has been heavy, with tho I est point of the day. July opened tin- I Am. Locomotive
exception ot this section, wnero tne rruit cnangea to c lower, at 02 to oifto: sola I puiurreu
irop Is not yet matured, being later than I up to 63760 and closed at 63.(!it374c. Local I Am. Smelt. A R'f'g..
in the states south and east of here. How- receipts were 438 cars, with 128 of contract do preferred
ever, a very busy trade in sugar i looked grade. Am. Sugar R'f'g....
tor during tho next two or three weeks. Excellent weather and weakness of Am. Tobac. pfd. o. ,
It Is impossible to say Just at this time other grain had a depressing Influence Anaconda Mln. Co..
What tne niUI'Ket Will dO. I ? . .IT i" y" rrn.u. i. ny.nmuii
Advance la Cheese I rices. svmnathv with the unturn In wheat and Atlantic C Line
Coffee eased off the first of the week. I corn. Julv opened a shade to U-aUc lower. Ttnltlmnre A Ohio
nut Hurlnir 1 it a ,,a, , 'i thru. ,1 l v u If I n. 0,7 1 1 ...1.1 ,.n . n aiSi.n ami nln.J I 1 .1
.. . . . .p, ...w . j vw . ' . j - ah v . mnu u' ' ' ' u i " aim n . i . . , iiiriri ll'll
has been steadily tinner, Thursday futures at the top. Local receipts were 160 ears. Brooklyn Rapid T...
advanced fifteen points and Friday fifteen Provisions were firm on a fair demand Canadian raciflc ....
to twenty points. Holders do not seem at from packers. Offerings were light. At Central of N. J
all anxious to sell only at fall list. the close September pork wa up 10c. at Clies. A Ohio
Cheese has advanced Wlc a pound in tu.iv. i.arn was up nc, at i.o.'V4. kids Chicago A Alton ....
the last week. This rise hus been brought were 10c higher, nt $7.85!S8.87H. Act preferred
iooui largely uy speculation in too cneup i inumiru i,- nva i,i munua., . . ii,-,.! i ureal western
The quotations on the New York Stock
exchange ranged as follows:
Sales. High.Low.Close.
2.90i) 79 79 787,4
200 83 8314 33
200 30 30 S0V,
'960 i2 iii
'166 isi" iii
cars; hogs,
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
?June make to bo carried over In cold stor- 1 car; corn, 494 cars; oats,
ae. and by a very good demand lor lin-1 neaa
mediate wants. It Is the opinion of the
Jobbers that the trade is not to see lower
prices in cheese for some time to come.
With fish the market In all grades re
mains steady. The demand la exception
ally good for this season of the year, es
Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes y.
peclally In mackerel and family whlteflsh. 1 P. P1,
The trade Is looking for an advance on I
whltellsh In the near future, the catch be- I i
lng considerably smaller this year than in
any previous year for a lung time. There
la a heavy demand and It will surely have
a tendency to- advance the market.
Omaha Is practically bare of Hollard her
ring and such stock ' as Is available will
soon be exhausted. The prices asked east
are as high or even higher than those
quoted In Omaha,
On fancy goods the summer demand has rlJrT
started oft well. The warm weather has
caused a decided movement in Imported T J?PJf
sardines and in canned meats. The pros-
peels now are for a good business from tr',
Low on. R?hi'
. In dried fruit, th market ha been "V.,iJ
rather eusy, with the exception of prunes, I
hlei hnv Hporid n. Hleiulv ailvanna in I -P(
the lust two wek due to unfavorable crop
conditions. Tho future market Is a little
strong, both on peaches and apricots, while
th situation with rcgaru to raiuins is not
1? 72H
18 07
I mi
81 H
12 M
13 10
7 85
7 66
7 62H
7 874
87 SsH'SS'.iflWA
68hI B4H
62 631il)7
II 7241
13 074
7 I7H1
1 60
7 ia
12 77h1 U
13 10 I 13 00
7 27
7 T
Chicago A N. W...
C, M. A St. P
C. Term. A Trans...
do preferred
C, C., C. A St. L...
Colo. Fuel A Iron...
Colorado Southern .
do 1st preferred...
do 2d 'preferred....
Consolidated Gas ...
Corn Products
do preferred
Del. A Hudson
Del.. Lack. A W....
Denver A R. O
do preferred
Distillers' Secur
do 1st preferred...
do 2d preferred....
General Electrlo
Hooking Valley
Illinois Central
International Paper..
, )4
ldfi 1074 1024 101
1.100 81H 81 814
1 1024
300 10S 108 1N
1.900 64 63 63'4
800 1504 15'4 1504
100 18 18
fioo 19" nvoi i!m4
WJO 173 173 173
. 100
100 364 S'4
18.978. 7M.42 $7,867,090.47
Increase over last yar $l,Ul,7i.2.95
June l...
June 2...
June I...
June 4...
June 6...
June A...
June 7...
June 8...
June 9...
June 10..
Jun 11..
June 12..
June 13..
June 14..
June 15..
June 16..
June 17..
Import and Exports.
NT-rW YORK. June 17. Total Import of
merchandise and dry goods at the port of
New York ror the weeK ending toaay
wer. valued nt ilO.OM. 996.
Total Imports of specie at the port of
New York for the weekr ending today were
132 920 In silver and $76,131 gold.
Total exports of specie from the port or
New York for the week ending today were
150,701 In silver and no gold.
Statement of Bank of Germany
BERLIN, June 17. The weekly statement
of the Imperial HanK ot uermany snows
the following changes: Cash In hand.
Increase. 17,980.000 marks; treasury notes
Increased 40.W) marks; otner securities ae
ci eased 2,600.000 marks; note In circulation.
decreased 23,W0,OUO.
Trenaory Statement.
WASHINGTON, June 17. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral tuna, exclusive oi ine iouav,uw kuiu
reserve in tne aivision oi redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, $136,880,168;
gold, $70,462,224.
400 160 180 160
do preferred 77
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Mass., Juno 17. WOOL
The Commercial Bulletin says of
tho wool market: While the market re
tains Hb strength business, although sat
isfactory, Is not being done In us large
blocks as previously. The demand for
merino wool has taken a spurt with pos
sibilities of increased activities. New ter
ritory wools are selling well and but little
Is yet doing in fleeces. The foreign markets
are very strong and supplies abroad are
llirht. The Hales which open on July 4 will
draw several American buyers and higher
iiS prices are anticipated. The shipments of
i-i wool from Boston to date from December
fi1 are 114.6tfJ.222 pounds against ' 97,604,500
reeeiots to date are 161,831.394 pounds
against 114, 397,163 pounds for the same pe
rl,, inar. vear.
8T. LAJU1S4, MO., June ll. w ujl
Steady; medium grades, combing and
Kim lng, ZltUOITiC, IlKIll lino, i7jnfiov;,
ne, 2o4i2ii4c; tut wasnea, .ayu'isc.
7 6241 7 60
7 87l 7 774
No. f. tOld. $Nw.
Cash quotations wer as follows:
FLOUR Easy: winter patents. $4.30fM.80:
. . i v. .. iu wi tn. .1 .. naAn. 4e nv
a. all llrlen- f .-.iit.. ur nil tnnvinar I """"'1"' y.-V- . I'"
.iik 1 . .hi, .n, 1.70; straights, s.(tt(B0.ou; Daxerg. i.4jd.
with reasonablo demand.
The recent advances In rice have been ooiift Kn 9 w X !rii oo ' ' Mexican Central ....
sustained, both on Japan's and fancy head 73 ZV, I v'allnw RKUc Minn. A St. L
rlco. What supplies are In sight are very oATB No "l 11'r- No 8 white SlVfa32!ic M.. St. P. A 8. S. M.
firm, held by persons who have the utmost RYE-No?' 2, 77(&79oV wnue' 0J-'C- Act preferred
International Pump..
do preferred
Jowa Central
do preferred
K. C. Southern
do preferred
Louisville A Nash..
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
WHWAT No. 3 nrina-. S1.08&1.10: No. s Met. street ny...
contldence in the future Btrengin ot me
Henna Will Be Seareo.
u a ut tv I.,,., i ....iu. ivTMn. i i Missouri facinc
JI.TI.LII. 1 i . I'.,. II . , iriyn.v, IWII l iu , - ,. n rp.
nhnln. moltlnil aK4 Ifin IMO., Kan. A. 1CX..
SEEDS-No. i flax. $1.26: No. 1 northwest- do preferred
iiiinoBi' i " . .
Ofita aro u little Htrontrer wun a rainy eni,i.ia,Mimr nuiumy, vuuuai r:--,, j
.,.,1 A-,a, HHwr-. r n plmnin. in KrA( fl. 111.76(1112.25. ' " "" flu'
' . : J - . ' i- ..1.. . ... I VT V Pattrrol
Hie prices ot syrups. ... . "J""J Tki'"'?4 K":' "oV" N V. Ont. AW....
There seems likely toDe a tamine in if;- V" " V," 'Ji . vrfn u Western. .
. ......,1
I Illn.l ...Vw.u .,,.AU r,ac l,Alfll,1eai inOKArll. I J-.yHtti .blVm. 1 I'iriv,,...
ill ill I, lusnii.
"" '!-.v . " I - j .ui. i am I Vorih American ..
crop Is grown, has prevented planting, ana noipi nu luyimui. ui iiuu uu nuui wu
the output of the country will be cuilallod. wer A follows: . SSnnavlvanla
Prices nive gone 3-S50 higher In a week. CM Sh,PmentA K, o,
The sale of woodenware Is good. Prices F our, bbls 16.100 7 3o0 People s Ons . ......
are steady at last week's figures, with no Wheat, bu S.000 24.200 f-
lnimediute prospects of any change. Xrn' ,! u ' i7i j7!
The hardware trade Is pleasing to tne ;u..... ""'re;
Jobbers, purticMlarly In the line of summer "ye, du..
null ani li irn einanl freezers. refrlK- I Barley, ml ,000
urutora hiii 1 biwn mowers. There has been On the Produco exchange today th but
such a demand for tho lawn mowers that I ter market was firmer; creameries, 16
li has been exhausted for I 20c: dairies. 154117c. Eggs, easy: at mark.
some time and the wholesalers have been I cases Included, 13c; firsts, 144c; prim
struggling to get them from the factories, firsts, 164c; extras, 17o. Cheese, steady, 8
They have succeeded in getting a lew i u luviQ.
,11 lots, but not enough to meet ine a-
limnd. One llrm Is cancelling orders fori WEATHER
un average of twenty-tlve mowers a nay.
Uarbca wire has taken a summer vaca-
ration, as fur as orders are concerned. But
J?he hardware men forget this In sattsfao
"fvlira at the sale of nails and builders' hard
I I ware, which Is now enormously large, and
in irrowimr as the season auv&nue. i,n
hlng tools and baying tools are also In
big domana. ....
Frlce are firm In all lines of hardware,
nut the week has Prougnt no cuangea. con-
Showery and Unsettled In Central and
Western Valleys.
OMAHA, Jun 17. 1905.
Showery and unsettled weather contlnu.a
general throughout the central valley and Tenn7Cosl Tron
waai, i,jiu lucai iiiuuuer anuweri were I pfH.
ai viio iiiiiu vans, uuiiiik inai i pp a, y, ft r
last tw.tilv.fnnii 1 1 r- a nA . I, . , i,. . u I I ' .' .
weather will probably continue In ti)
6tMO0 Pressed Steel Car.
156,100 do prererren j.
. , I rtiliman rai. viir...,
800 Reading
no 1st nrrirri -u . , . .
do 2d preferred
Republic Steel
An preferred
Rock Island Co
do preferred
Rubber Goods
do preferred
St. T-. A 8 F. 'd pfd.
St Louis S. W
An nrefeTed
Southern PaMflo ....
drt preferred
Southern Railway....
do preferred .
100 80 80 80
"iw 1464 145 146
"600 'in" '79" 79
1,100 122 1224 1224
100 9S fl H
100 27 27 27
61 4
600 46 4 4 43
800 80 794 79
9,200 135 14 1SfA
400 101 101 111
91 4
Q,(VV 94 K 95
600 "1 97 '
100 es
0rt 1i
100 81
'S00 '76
"ioo '87
)10V 119
81 81
dltions are excellent for the summer's central valley tonight and Sunday,
trado. Collections are good. The weather Is cooler west of the Ml
More Order for Shoe. I sissippi river to tho mountains and will
Leather is as quiet as It has been for f " .VS" 7" ,ool'lr'
the past three ' Onmtia Xlnlpnol.
that the letailer. have I""nl tb 'lr totk pi,.,n compared with the eorrespondln
ut low shoe too small and are making J, f , ' , .hre. years-
......11 ailillM.iHl nnlora. The fa 1 order Ull 01 lne "tBl lnree er.: .
are now all takun 1 and the shoe Uou Minimum temperature.... 69 ' 63 ' 68 67
soon be shipping them out. There has been vreoipitatlon ., T .03 . 00 .00
no Hilvancn since last reports. The sales
men will not be doing much for several
sveuks now. and some of thtim are prepar
ing 10 take their vacation.
Normal tamperatur for today, 71 de
grees. Uetlclenry In precipitation Sine March 1,
1.43 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1904,
.11 of an Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1901,
.47 of an Inch.
Temp Km In.
Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Sky.
E .u Cloudy
ttuotatlona of ' the Day on Various
NEW YORK. June 17.-FLOL'R-Reoclpt,
16.44.' bbls.; exports, 7,776 bids. ; inurket, dull Ashland. Neb..., 76
und umiiiinKed: w inter patents, $4 9'5 2.; Auburn. Neb 84 61
winter straights, $4.nuti 4.8U; Minnesota pat- Columbus, Neb.. 70 64
ents. $5 bc.ii u. 23. wlulnr extras, 3 Hu3 116; Fan bury, Neb... 60 66
Minnesota bakers, $J.7.V?i4.1a; winter low Fairmont, Neb... 70 64
grades $3.0041 8.65. ltye Hour, quiet; fair to Or. Island, Neb, 70 67
good, $4.&'u4uO; choice to fancy, $4 6tij4.90. llartlngtun. Nab. t8 64
fOHNMlAl.-Klrnv, fine white and yel- tiakdale, Nob..., 70 66
low. $1.25; coarse, H.lSnjUU; kiln dried, I2.SM Omaha. Neb 74 69
ft 3 00. Tekamah, Neb... 7 57
BARLEY Dull : feeding. 46o, o. I. f. New Carroll. Ia 83 60
v.. ik: multlnu. 4ufi:.2c. c. 1. f. Buffalo. Clarlnda. la W -.61
WHEAT Heceluts. i,(JJ bu.; spot market, Plbley, la 77 66
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
1B00 1:24 122
'"". 1f
200 12 "4
1V . 7 f !
inn 1""U inH l'tA
g An V7M, "T(, TT
600 II 24
do pre'errd
TTnlon Psclfle
do preferred
TT eTrprom
V S. T,the-
An preferred
YT SJ Tl.iOr
XT S Pobber
do pr"ferrfl
TT. S. Steel
An "referred
Vs.-Csr. Chemical.
An preferred
An nrfered
rvn-Vnrwn P"n. .
T"atnebnu TTIep.
atrn 7Tnrtri . ..
Wee'ln f- T-. .
V''scoral Cntr.l.
As n-f-.i
Total sales for the day, 84,700 shares
London stock Market.
T1NDON. June 17. Closing quotations on
storks were
LONDON. June 17. WOOL There was a
moderate trade In wool during the past
week. Home grown cups were taaeji mr
imoi-iea nt full rates. Australian ' wool
slow but firm. The arrivals 01 wooi mr
the fourth series of auction sales amoun
to 139.873 bales. Including 05.0(H) bales for
warded direct to spinners. The Imports
w Smith Wales. 7.2:13 Dales
OiiAonalnnri. 2.032 bales: Victoria. 1,637 bales
South Australia, onies, ittniiiniiin,
hales: New Zealand. 7.761 bales; Cape of
Good Hope and Natal, 6,895 bales; various,
312 bales.
St. Lonls General Market.
BT IJT-ia. June 17. WHEAT Higher
No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 92c: track. $1.00
July. 82'nc; September, 82c; No. 2 hard,
11 0ft
UllKIN rtigner; nv. cunu, piu, ua'-n,
244t53c; July, 52c; December, 46c.
UAlo mgner; ino. i cbbii, oic; uac
e: juiv. iic: oeDiemuer. lovfec;
white. siMiC.
tri.iii'R steaav. itea winter patents,
$4.96'fl6.10; extra fancy and straight, $1.7&jJ
i,iri; clear, w.wim.uu.
BEEU 1 imotny, steaoy;
rOHNMF.AlSteadv: $2.60.
BHAN Steady; sacked, east track, 76760,
HAY Steady; timothy, ia.uo(ui3.ou
prulrie, le.OOHH.fiO.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing,
S12.S7U. Lard, nrm; primp steam, io.72a
lry salt nieats, higher; boxed extra shorts
S7..5: clear ribs, $7.75; short clears, 18.00,
Bacon, higher: ooxea extra snorts,
clear ribs. ts.6'."4: short clear. $874.
POt'LT It Y Market steady; chickens, 9c
springs, lo'uihc; tui'Keys, uc; oucks, sjnc
irreHe. SffrlOc
BUTTER Market, low; creamery, l&O
204c; dairy, 15(5 17c.
lAiUB Biaay at Jc, case cuuni.
Rectlpts. ahlDments
iOiW 8,000
14.000 66 000
57.000 41,003
12,000 46,000
VeA isa't ii" 1fA
inf) IM 94 04
... is
'anl 'arri 'ri 'v,
40S 8" 81 "
firm: No. 2 red. $106. nominal, elevator; Sioux City, Ia..., 74 6 .01 Cloudy
No. t red, $1,074. nominal, f. o. b. afloat; Sturm Lake, la.. 79 68 .02 Cloudy
No. 1 northern, Dulnth, $1.16 f. o. b. afloat; DISTRICT AVERAGES.
No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.09ii, f. o, b. No. of Tamp Rain,
Except fur a slight decline after the open-
lng wheal was very firm all dey, reflecting Chicago, 111 li
bullish crop and weather nuw In the Columbus. 0 16
northwest, smaller spring wneat receipts ijfs Moines, ja... m
and active covering, the close represented Indianapolis, lnd. 11
lio net advanes. July, .'ntia io-jtc. Kansas i ity. mo. k
" . . ..... . . .1 . L.. .J1 . . I t T .., 1,1. T ., Ill
Station. Max. Mln. Inches.
.... . .J....... ,.,, U W ,11,1 IH.A
ti.(i net kuvaiic.i u... .1 iv-.j-t
o,,m.i at t:lTi.c: September. SS'tSiSsTkc. closed I Louisville,
at 8Vac; December, Va4;8So, closed ut I Minneapolis
CORN Raeelpta, 87.071 bu.; exports. 187.68J
hu not in.irKet. steaoy ro j. nine ele
vator and lc f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow,
88 66 .21
84 .66 .20
88 64 .24
8 64 .01
90 64 .04
88 68 ..08
68 60 .84
76 64 .10
Omaha. Neb. J,.,. 15
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
Ai tlljc: No. 2 white, 61c: option market i Metal llsrxst.
V. Inactive with no transactions, closing o NRW TORK. June 17. METALS Th
net higher: July closnd at 58c; Hvptember m,.ta were all without material change,
fa closed at D7c. Copper 1 quoted at $14.60 for lake and eleo-
A OATS-Ueceipt. 58 500 bu. : exports. 8.325 tr.V ,.,. and $14 75 for casting. Tin remains
bu.; siM.t market, steaoy; muni una .si ira qult,t out ,teadv at ttO WiO 50. Lead Is
1 J lbs , !uS54; natural white, JO tu i S2 lbs., ,.,,- 4.&of4.60 and apelter at $6.36.
SJ lbs , 3JU3i4:; natural wnite, ju iu at urn., ..,,rt
.4j374c; clipped while, . to u id., ao ,lou u reported easy In tone with rumors
tj40c. .ruBMi,.. f sales about 25 point under previous
I1AI-Vuiri i-niFjuna. w-.7a . v,v. i auot at ions for No. z lounary, aoiunern.
u. ivsuiiiet : state, common to choice,
19f4 Clop, :4iJ'25u; llru3 crop, UltT-'Sc; olds. 10
4l2c; Paoitlc coast. 1904 crop. 24827c; 1903
crop. tsni'. olds, 101I12O.
,.vi.-i3 Oulv.alnn VI tn 9M lha
Sic. CallfornU. ii to 25 pounds, lc; Tsxas I Strong, No. 1, northern, SI 13: No. 2. north
ST. LOC18. Jun 17. METALS Lead.
firm at 4.4:4S4 4". Spelter, quiet at $5.10.
Mllwaakeo Grata Market.
w t aliroi nK. i o 1 wumu, aa puwuii nw. .,.0,.,,
- Jkuiy 54 to J0 IIn... I840. .rn. ll.OWil.W: July. ktrWc bid.
rflr I.FATH FR Quiet ; acid. MX". ; No. 1, He.
1 rROVISlONH-Heef. firm: famllv. $11 fft UA RLE Y 8 trong ; No. 1 He; H
A !4itl. mesa $10 O1W1 11 00: packet $12 MKfi IS u; 50c
1 city extra India me-. $.,!(wi22 SO. Cut meats CORN-Strong; No. I, yellow.
u'iidyj pickled bellies, k-ulOo; plckltd shoul- July, W4c.
sampl, 42(9
N. T. Oantral.
Norfolk AW..
do yDi
Ontario A W
Ham! Mlnaa
do lat pll
do U rM
Souibarn Railway
do prd
Boutharn Paplfis .
L'nloa Paolflo ....
do fit
V. . Staal
do ptd ........
ia afd
Snantrti 4a
per ounce
... 14Vi
.... i
14 1
Onr.asla, tnoaar ... SMI
do account do1
Anaconda aMi
Alchlann US
do nld 1WW
Balllmora A Ohio... ,111V,
Canadian rarino ivtl,
Cha A Ohm H
Chlcano Ot. W 1'4
P. M- A St. P
pahaara It
(lanvar A B. O
do Did W
Irla 41 is
do lat pfd
do Id Did as
Illlnola Cantral 1 aft 14
Iulavllla A Kaatl...l4
M , K. AT IbVSnanltt
SlL;R Bar. firm. jTWd
The rate f discount In the open market
for short bills is 2if?2 1-18 per rent; for three
month bills, ifnzi-l per cent.
New York Mining; Stock,
NEW YORK. June 17. Closing quototlon
on mining sloes were
6: 4
, a34
. 4
, ti
. il
, Si
Adama Cos
A He
llrunawtk Con ..
fomatock Tunnal
(on. t'ai. A Vs..
Hrrr. 811, ar
Iron BUvar
Laadvllla Coa ,.,
i ILIttla Chlrt ...
IT Ontario
10 brhlr
Slarra Navada
Small Hojiaa ..
Stai dard
. I
, 6
.. I
.. 1
.. 10
.. aa
.. 14
Clearing; Hons Averages.
NEW YORK, June 17-The statement of
average, of the clearing house Itanks o
this city tor tn weeK shows: Loans, $1,104.
811OX.I; Increase, $16,240,000 Deposits. $1,140.
284 Riii); Increase, $14 467.0(0. Circulation,
$47.S:Vt?; Increase. $7-3 too Legal tenders,
lw4.3; Increase. 11.130 Specie,
a."7.4i; Increase. $364 7i. Reserve. $".i.'. 280.7k)
Increase. Sl.48o.Onrt. Reaerve reuulred. flS'i.
OTl.luO; Increase, $4,U3,Ouu. Surplus, $7,Ui9,5oO
Date. I 1905. 104. 11903. 19o2. 11901. 100.1899,
K 137dl 4 Ui I nil I 5 7 4 881 6 80
0 JoV-l 4 48! 1)7 7 tf'l " I I l
6 19
6 20
I 22 S 63
5 24. 4 58
6 M'i
a 11
4 491 6 6i 7 ill I 701
4 64 6 8oi 1 161 to -11
I 6S
6 18
6 16
6 18
6 194
0 u
4 68
4 69
4 74
4 78
4 81
4 84
4 81
4 87
4 91
6 751
6 77
5 80
6 85
6 03
7 ?0 5 70! 4 911 S 61
7 151
7 18
7 21
7 26
7 36
5 711 4 94
t 75
6 78
4 951
6 02
6 10
3 63
I 67
i 0
I 11
I 69
I S3
l bl 5 00
8 U'l 1 881 n . 4 ' 3 if
6 071 7 861 5 831 4 86! I C4
7 31 5 81 4 85 3 66
5 98 6 861 4 r9i 3 64
6 01 7 241 1 4 95 3 62
5 94 7 23 5 83 t 61
Indicates Sunday,
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses.
ar A. o t iT
.... OIL. ........ ,. ,
Missouri Paclflo 1
vs. P. system 3
A N. w..
F.. B. A M. V.
C, St. P., M. A O
C, B. A Q
C, R. I. A P., east
C, R. I. A P;, west..
Chicago Gt. Western ..
Total receipts 15
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tb nurn-
ser oi neaa indicated:
Cattle. Hogs
Omaha Packing Co 1.L57
Dwut and company 2,191
Cudahy Packing Co 1 ,2M
Armour A Co 2,026
Swift and Co., from country 75
8. A 8 376
Other buyers 6 ....
Total 7 10,103
CATTLE There were only Ave cars of
cattle on sale today, not enough to test
ine martlet. .Receipts for the week fell
nearly 2.0oo short of last week and showed
an increase of about 4,000 head as com
pared with the corresponding rweek of a
year ago. The general quality .of the re
ceipts was fairly good.
The market on beef steers was In an un
satisfactory condition, as th demand wa
poor all th week and buyers were indiffer
ent on all classes of cattle. Good fat steers
naa nrst can, but on these kind sellers
found It hard to move their holdings and
the market shows a decline ot 164,260 as
comiared with the close of last week.
Mo no ay opened with prices just about
range stuff, as fed sheep are rretty well
cleaned up.
Oiiotntliira fir rtlnned stock! Good fA
choice lambs, $6.0e'u6..W; fair to good lambs,
$; ,iai; good to choice yearnnes, o.nt
6.60; fair to good yeorllngs. I4.75fi5.0n; good
to choice wethers. S4.76n6.25; fair to good
wethers. $4.2f'!4.i6: good to rholcc
$4.S'Vu460; fair to good ewes, S4.fl0?4.SO.
All Classes of Stork Steady on Mod-
erate Receipts for Saturday.
CHICAGO. June 17.-CATTl.E-Recelpt.
400 head; market steady; good to prime
steers, $5,4046 25; poor to medium, $4 IH"1
8 26; Blockers and feeders, $2 76 ft 4. 76; cows,
t3.Mty4.60; heifers. $2 fH50O; canners. i.if
2.40; bulls, I2.26ir4.l8); calves, S.MV4V6.5O;
Texas fed steers, $4.OTif5.0O.
HOGS Receipts, lO.tMi head: estimated
Monday, 42.0X10 head: market steady; mixed
and butchers. $5.25(T5.474; good to choice
heavy, t5.4iKi5.474 ; much heavy. $4.7&lb't"-5;
light. $5.25185 45; bulk of sales. $.v3.Vn6.40.
SHEEP AND I.AMRS Receipts, 16.0OO
head: market steady: good to choice, weth
ers, $4.6O6.00; fair to rholee mixed. S3.5mt
4 40; western sheep, $4 000.00: nntlve lambs,
J4.60Hj7.oo; western lamus, .i.wmjd.iio.
Kansas City Mr Stock Market.
Receipts, 5(0 head, Including 4iK south
erns. Choice export and dressed beef
steers, $5. 25(16.76; fair to good, $4.2SiIj6.t8);
western fed steers, t4.t54it.6; stockcrs ami
feeders, $3.0fSf4 60; southern steers. $3.0019
6.0O; southern cows, $2.25iUl.oo; native cows,
$2.25114 60; native heifers. $3.26)14.90: bulla,
$2.3f.lj4.26; calves. t3.tHxii6.75. Receipts for
the week, 82,liXI head
HOGS Receipts, 3.000 head. Market
steady. Top, $5.85: bulk of sale. $5.31X1
6.824; heavy, S6.30r5 324; packers. $5 8'"(5.36;
pigs and lights. 5.20a j.,35. Receipts for th
week, 44.500 head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none.
Market nominally steady. Native lambs,
$0,0047.00; western fed lambs. $5.75i7.10;
fed ewes and vearllnss, $4.25W5.15: Texas
clipped yearlings, S6.tv4t-5.40; Texas clipped
sheep, $4,254)6.00; Blockers and feeders, $2.35
ITerr York Lire Stock Market.
NEW TORK, June 17.-BEEVE8-R-ceipts,
20 head; no trading. Market feel
ing steady. Dressed beef slow at 74'i9o
per pound. Exports, 750 cattle, 65 sheep
and 6.21K quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, none and nothing
doing; feeling weak. City dressed veals
slow at 8'dl04c per pound.
HOGS Receipts, 2.oo7 head; none on sale.
Market feeling steady.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.834
head; sheen steady; lambs slow and 26c
lower on all except choice grades. Sheep
sold at $3.004i 4.40; yearlings, o.w; lamon,
$6 6097.55; one car of choice heavy lambs,
$.8.00. Dressed mutton dull at ifu9c per
pound; dressed lambs slow and lower at
St. Loots Lira Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, June 17. CATTLE Receipts,
750 head, including 600 Texans; market,
steady; native shipping and export steers,
$4.603.00; dressed beef and butcher steers,
Id.dirMD.zo; steers iinuer i.ew 100.,,,
stockers and feeders. $2.50iffl4.6O; cows and
heifers. $2.00(55.00; canners, $2.0oS2-50; bulls.
f2.76'g'3.26; calves, $4.264j6.00; Texas and In
dian steers, $2.754j6.26; cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts, 8,000. head; market,
......... . ... n n ,1 ii0ht. tr:niViKiR nncknm.
nirnuf 1 Jien nuu -- . r '
$4.505.40; butchers and best heavy, $6.30
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
none on sal.
East Beports id Wet Weather Del
Best of Bears.
Slonz City Live Stock Market.
flTAT'V PITV T. T, inA '17 lHncln1 Tatle-
gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; mar
ket steady to weak; beeves, S3.75iS6.SO; cows,
bulls and mixed, $2.75'i4.; Blockers and
feeders, 3.0O4j4.uo; calves ana yearungs,
ao reirt,, on
HOGS Receipts, 9,500 head; rnarket 24c
lower, selling at Sb.lojr&.nu; ouia 01 saics,
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June 17. CATTLE
Receipts, S6 head. Market steaay. natives
X3.7t4it.t)6; cows and neners, i.iku. id
. . 1 . ao -r. T. a cr.
Bluinri. miu hjijiibio, n.iuii.,w,
HOGS Receipts, 3,610 head. Market 24c
higher; closed weaK; medium ana neavy
IS SiKfjf, S5.
tHititf ueceiptB. oa neaa; marnei steaay
Wheat Has a t.ood Day, Corn la
Strong with Better Demand
and Uats Are Higher
la Sympathy.
OMAHA, June 17, 1905.
Reports of rust In the northwest, al
thougn they were denied by the bear,
caused an uneasiness lit the market today
and mucn strengtn developed In wheat. It
was helped by damage by ralu In tb
southwest, especially in Kansas, and by
wet weather 111 Canada. Julv closed at
894'5 811', September at 86yt6a and Da
ce. noer at 86c.
corn was strong on light country ac
ceptances and depletion of stocka. The do
mana is better and onsets tne prospect
for a large movement next week. July
losed at oJViioJ'ni. old July at 64WC. Sep
tember at Wac, old September at 624f52cI
December at 48o and old December at
oat were strong, in sympathy witn tne
eneral market, although the prospect
for a crop are excellent all over the coun
ty. Juiy closed at Si Sc. September at
2V7Vtf204a and December at 3oo.
Liverpool closed with the market un
changed tu d higher on wheat and t4d
lower 011 com.
J. E. Von uorn. manager for th Adams
Grain company, says reports of Hesslau,
fly In Nebraska counties are exaggerated.
He talked today with a cluien o( Geneva,
who said there wus but little fly tit his
county and that most of the damage was
n tne minds of the men who went out
rom Lincoln. Geneva Is In Fillmore
uunty, on ot the counties reported badly
Reports of black rust In the Dakota
nd Minnesota have been consistently de
nied today. The Great Northern .Elevator
company ot Minneapolis sunt a man out,
who found some red rust, but no black.
The Western Elevator company of
W inona, Minn., wired that there la no In
dication of rust at Grutsun, S. D., as re
ported yesterday. There la some red rust
at walerlown, a. v., says tin message,
hut none at Salem. Melville. S. D.. wired
that it had no rust, but that 2 per cent of
the wheat had been drowned out. 1M
milling demand for wheat at Chicago yes
terday was quiet, with sales of 86,000 bush
els. Bids for new wheat sent by Kansas
City to Kansas and Oklahoma yesterday
railed to tiring responses. Miners are oner-
lng the larmers In Missouri foe lor tnoir
new wheat. Reports from the harvest In
some sections of southern Illinois say they
are getting ten buslielB an acre where they
expected twenty. Harvest is m lull oiasr.
at fjusworin, Kan. iiroomnau estimates
the world s wheat shipments for the week
at 11,200,000 bushels.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 96u97c: No. S hard,
904j96c; No. 4 hard. 8c; No. 8 spring. 96c
LUnn-HO, X, 411'iic; ino. a, ac; ro. ,
48c; no grade, 424)46c; No. I yellow, 4940 ;
No. 3 yellow. 49 Wc. No. 2 white, 4c; No.
I white. 4lc.
OATS No. 2 mixed, 284c; NO. mixed,
28c; No. 4, mixed, 274c; No. 2 white, 29c;
No. 3 white, 29c; No. 4 white, 2Sc; stand
ard, 24c
cariot iteceipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Stock In Slant.
Receipts of live stcck at the six principal
steady with the close of last week and on western margeis yesieraay :
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
Kansas city
Totals 2,925
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
. 539 9.645 802
. 700 S,300
. 500 8.000
36 8,610 68
. 760 8,000
. 400 10,000 15.000
.2,925 88.655 15,870
Tuesday there was a good demand for the
onenngs. Trading was brisk and prices
ruled generally a dime higher than Mon-
riav In ,ha fan. rt lll, Mnnl ., , . V. . , m
ever, Wednesday's market was lower, sell- SJ- , "f.P"
era oeinK comoenen tn tuicn nrr ahnnt , 1
tne advance or the previous dav. on
Thursday and Frlilav nrlcna wars at 111
lower. Common cattle, as well as anything
showing grass, wore very hard to move
and were not wanted. This market Is In
no worse shape than other points, as every
marKei nas Deen autten witn sunn leu
which Is th main reason for the decline test. 4c. Molasses sugar, 3c; retlned,
noted. Packers claim that they are get- quiet; No. 6, 6.20c; No. 7, 6.20c; No. 8, 6.10c;
ting, supplies faster than they can dispose No. 8. 6.05c; No. 10, 6c; No. 11, 4.90c; No. 12,
of them. 4 c; No. 13, 4.76c; No. 14, 4.10c; conrec
There has been a little better demand for tloners' A, 6 70c; mould A, 6.20c; cut loat
Snsrnr and Molasses
steady; fair refining, 8c; centrifugal. 96
the good, heavy drylot cows and heifer
tnan ror steers, and on these kind the mar
ket shows less change. On the common
tlUIICt 81 . 0. I Vv 1 t Iv UlU n v. a. ji 1 . M v luawa
6.55c; orushed, 6.55c; powdered, 5.95c; gran-
ulated, 6.80c; cubes, 6.900.
MOLASSKS tjutet; New Orleans open
and grassy kinds the market Is In about i kettle, good to choice, 294f35o.
the same condition as on steers, and a de-
cllne of 16ic la noieil fr th. wir Tiia I Quiet: open kettle, 8S4c; orien kettl
trade on the grass cattle Is very slow and centriiugai, t-vipi'Ac; ceniruugiii wiuie
they are hard to move even at the decline.
Bulla, veal calves and stags also show a
decline and the demand Is poor.
There was a light supply of stockers and
feeders here this week, but supplies were
ruuy equal to tne aemana, wnicn was poor.
5c: yellows. 4ifr4 15-16c: seconds, 3fr4c,
MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 13
26c; centrifugal, 641 14c. Syrup, goc.
Coffee Mar7et
NF!VV YORK. June 17 COFr-RTf! Mnrke
Prices on these kinds also show a loss and I for futures opened steadv at unchansred
are ivsnoc lower man last weeK, itepru- prices to a decline of nve points under real
oeniaiiva uaies: 1 lzing ana selling ror a reaction eneour
liEEF BTEERa. I aged by somewhat disappointing European
No. At. Fr. Ms. . a. Pr. I cables. The market was rallied by bull
1 uau ay support and closed steady; net unchanged
I.UW8. 1 to Ave nnlnta lower. Sales were reported
1 " w of 1.250 -halts, nc un ne July at 6.2.VnU 400
HUD-Thure was a a-ood run of hnn Hentemher at 6 AO: Decemher nt 6.85dxil 90p
here for a Saturday, about 113 loads belna- March at 7.00c: May at 7. 104i7.1 5c. Snot
on sale. Buyers were out early, but were steady; No. 7, Rio Invoice, 7e; mild
111 a unariiti muuu, Mvsauig ai'ucri 10 taae I sieauy; t,oroova, tuifiic,
on on me price, una trauing on tne open-
Tom Johnson Averts Wreck
CHICAGO, Juno 17. Mayor Tom L. John
lng was slow. Bids were generally 24a
lower than yesterday's general market and
.nf. iXV'V.Snt'h?,:. Cleveland, who I. here Investlgatln
H-monrt hii. ih- trart- n h fc.7,7" tne .nicago sireei car system, naa a liar
u.. v, .... . . " w.. row acat,A tnriflv whn an a nt.inr,T.lla I
weinnis "ii'D siuvr. ine inaraei ha n u h n.i .f ii.i.,iii .
showed considerable activity after trading 5 KP LT- "r".. '7.,
oecame rainy startea ana a roir clearance ;,;.Vr, . .k. ..... .1.-
was niadd in good season,
the hogs changed hands at .174fe6 22. Urci'ii t"k"."
till tops reaching $6 26. The porular J' .7 .L " -"....v... 0.0
rice was $5.20. Reprewrtatlve sales; Ullls $lI2ili?LvI''?Su.e& ",rlou
The bulk of
car tracks at Clark and, Randolph streets.
Flour, bbls.,
Wheat, bu.,,
Corn, bu
Oats, bu...,.
Kansas City
Minneapolis .
St. Louis
.. 64
.. 6
.. 19
.. IS
Minneapolis Grain Market.
ThA rnnu-A of nricea paid In Minneapolis.
as reported by the Edwards-Wood com
pany, 110-111. Board of Traae, wai;
Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea'y.
Wheat I
1 08
1 09
1 08'
47 I
1 094 1
8l 884 1
Peoria Market.
PF.ORTA. Juna 17. CORN Steady: NO. I
yellow, 63c; No. S, 63c; No. 4, 634c; ho
grade. 61c.
OATS Steady; No. 8 white, llo; No. 4
white. 80o.
WHISlvY on tne Daai oi tor nn
lshed good.
Liverpool Grain Market.
nominal; futures, quiet: July, HslOd; Sep
tember, 6s8d; December, 6s 7d.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,
4s H4d. Futures, quiet; July, 4s 8d; Sep
tember, 4s 7d.
majority of Ihs
ptambara ol lh
lale nrm of
Oils and Hosln.
NEW YORK. Juno 1' ",T S Cottonseed.
qulf-t; prime crude, nominal; prim yel
low, 2Mi.84e. ret roii. ,.1 , ullmd,
New York, $6.90; Philadelphia and Balti
more, $6Kj; in bulk, $3.ito. Turpentine,
teady; 614TH)2c asKea.
ROSIN Firm: strained, common to good.
OIL CITY, June 17. OIL Credit balances,
$1.27; certificates, no bid; shipments. 121.46
bbls.; average, 73,173 bbls.) runs, 88.161 bbls.:
average, 71.630 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 62 6o
tihls. ; average, 06.814 DDIs.; runs, liina, 6o,Juo
bbls.; average, 66,327 bbls.
SAVANNAH. lilt.. June 17. TlKl-BH-
TIN 10-Firm; 584c
R11SIN Firm; A. R, C. $3.90; P. $3.40; B,
$3 4t"f3 46; F. $3 45ifi8.nO; G. 18.60 3 .; H,
$.1 0f.flS.fi5: L, $4 80; K. $4 40; NT, $4 10; N. $4.70;
W U, $4 904.115; W W, 15.00016.16.
Cotton Market,
NEW YORK. June 17. COTTON Futures
closed barelv steadv: June. 8 55c: Julv.
8.62c; August. 8.69c; September. 8.73c; Octo-
ner. s.wic; isoveniner, 4c; uecemwr, aaic;
Januury. 8.94c; February, 8.97c; March,
Sole- April. e.Mo; May, 9 08c. Spot closed
fcteady; middling uplands, v.iac; miuuung
aulf. 9.40c: sales, none.
Nisw uiibBANS, June lr.a-tju 11 UN-
Firm; sales, l,2u0 bales; ordinary, fl 7-18c;
good ordinary, 7c; low middling, 4o;
middling, iic; good middling, 7 9-16c; mid
dling fair. So: receipts. 2.360 bales; stock.
97. 9M bales.
6T, LOI IB, June 17-COTTON Steaay ;
middling, 9: sales, 207 bales; receipts.
250 balee; shipments, 254 bales; stock, 40,173
Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES Market shows a steady tone,
with demand llvht. Common to good are
quoted at 4vi$4o; prime, 5ytic; choice,
were unchanged, with quotations ranging
from 2V to 6c. arciirdina- to grad. Apri
cots are dull, with choice quoted at lojf
104c; extra choice, 11c; fancy, i."(i'ito.
Pwho are firm on account of the light
supplies available on spot. Choice are
quoted at 10':ili".c: extra choice, 104
10c; fancy. lo"Val2c. Raisins are un
changed; loose Muscatel punted at 49
ftl.c needed raisins. filu'u
layers, $.i-.'ul.l5.
66c; London
No. at. Sk. Pr.
M 171 400 I 16
I til 120 1.17
II i7 o a 11
1 i'i SO t IT
II Ui ... 11
? 234 lia 6 life
M 221 100 k 17 V.
14 271 1,0 a life
14 224 ... 6 17ta
4 m ... ihh
1 Hi 10 I 17ta
10 311 110 I 11
II 2H1 2(10 6 11
I 24 10 I 17
11 an ao 1 11
7 240 2111 t 17
IT 241 M I 11
T 141 ... I 17
1 Ill 110 t 17
41 2.".5 10 I 11
M 2 40 I 11
1 161 40 I 11
74 241 120 i 11
TO 267 40 I 17
40 m av ( 20
T till 40 I 20
11 ; ino ju
11. 211 40 4 20
M 114 ... I la
II lit 140 I M
I 246 ... I 10
I :a i0 I 10
HI lo 1 M
T4 317 to t 20
TT Ill 40 I 20
Tl 114 I'JO I 10
IT 141 1KJ i 10
to ut (k) I la
10 sj ut 1 10
Tl 21a 110 I 10
I 11,4 1M $ 10
II Ill lo I M
tl. .114 40 t 10
1 Ill lal IK
a 241 I II
at 261 10 I 10
M til ISO 6 $0
... m in 1
....221 $0 I W
...AM M I 10
....2S4 ... I 10
....Ml H I M
....121 ... I to
,...iU4 .., I M
....Ml ... 110
.240 40 I 20
11 ..
...MO 100 $ 10
...111 40 I 10
...2i 40 I l
...111 1W IN
...111 M IN
...! 10 20
...2:4 M I 10
...111 ... i (0
...20 4 I 10
...244 1M I 10
...lit 40 I tO
...lit ... t 10
..121 44 I 10
No Av. 8k. Pr.
T4 tor ... I to
74 tvl ... t 10
a lit 110 I to
Tl til ... t 20
11 lit M t to
11 114 ... t 10
71 S07 120 6 10
44 110 iuo 6 10
II m 120 6 tl
T7 IV, ... 120
TO t'.l l0 I 10
a) 121 10 I 20
III Ill SO I 10
Tl 2I 120 t 10
Tl 144 10 I 20
14 111 ItKI t tO
Tl tal ... 110
41 114 40 I 10
IT 160 10 t 10
Tl 141 10 I 10
It a 10 t to
230 0 6 10
4 221 120 ( 10
17 Ui 40 I Jo
71 240 ... i Kl
Tl 2i: ... I 211
60 171 M I U
46 :l ... a .j
14 1st ao I to
44 til Ho 6 to
17 211 120 I 0
Tl IM 10 I 10
II Ill 40 6 20
m :n ... t to
44 227 40 I 10
61 r: 10 t 10
l 217 ... t $4
II Ml 110 I 10
Tl i4 uo 1 ay
Tl lit 40 I 20
0 14 10 I to
T4 lit ao I 10
Tl 1.UI Ml t 20
4 210 ... i 21
11 194 110 i 21
4 (01 110 I 12
7t. lit SO t 22
71 07 41) 4 22
U 2-4 40 t 12
41 Ill 10 I 2J
11 HO 1M I 11
It Ill 114 I 12
II 1.0 40 I 22
IS l- 110 I 12
ia i.j 10 1 ii
61 Ill 60 I 12
11 UO 120 I 12
1 11 ... i 11
4 106 4 I 11
44 Ill 40 t 11
II Ill ... I 2.'
0.,..;...1M 40 I 12
46 lit 10 I 21
171 ... lit
6a 101 40 I 16
TT lal 110 U
Tl 11 4 I 16
accident. Whan he saw a collision was un
avoidable he reversed th power and the
big machine backed away and escaped with
slight Injuries to th front wheel, the only
part touched by th street car.
Kansas nil Lower.
INDEPENDENCE. Kan.. June 17. The
price of wustern oil wa rut $ cent a bar
rel! today. The Standard OH company 1
now paying u rem a narrei ror hlgh-
f trade Kansas and territory oil and cent
ess a barrel for each half degree gravity
under 82 down to 80 cents a barrrl.
It wa long ago predicted the price at
Kansas oil would reach 50 cents a barrel
by reason of the vast overproduction In
this field.
Observe Bunker Hill Day.
BOSTON. Juna 17 Practically all the
business activities of Greater Boston were
suspended today In observance of the in-
plevrsary of the battle of Bunker Hill.
l ne patriotic celebration centered, as usual.
In Charlestown, the scene of the famous
light, There wa a parado of the ni lltla
and blue Jackets from the warships. Vari
ous outdoor event attracted large num
ber 01 people.
Woodmen Clerk Busy.
MILWAUKEE. June 17. More than 800
delegates were present today when the
fourth annual convention of ixioal Camn
Clerks' Association of Modern Woodmen of
America was causa to order at the Re-
fubllcan house, perhnpa the most Impor
ant subject under discussion today was
the inhibition against all men associated
witn in liquor irarnc.
Mrmba, Naw Yaik and Boatoa Stock
Lx char, tea.
Member Naw York Stock Exchanta
Mackay & Co;
Nassau and Pine Streets, New York
1 3 Congress Street, Boston
Dealers in US. Government Bonds and
other Investment Securities.
CUcafo Raprcaentatlva. W. Edwin Stanley. The Raokery
Mraan. Vernet 61 Co.. Phfladelphia. Pa.
Meem.TW Branch At Co., Richmond. V.
Csneapoodenu. Connected by prirate wirea
W. Farnam Smith
a Co.
Stocks, Bonds,
Investment Securities.
1320 FarnimSt
Tel. 1064
Deeds filed for record June 17, a furnished
by the Midland Guarantee and Trust
company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fur
nam street, for The Bee:
National Life Insurance company to
A. C. Henkle, iart of lots 21 and
23, Campbell add $ 2,000
in 1 1 j oicjuiaui ani iiuaoanrj to ixiuisa
Ellbert. lot 6. block 71, Florence....
T. C. Best and wife to J. Jensen, lot
7, Davenport sub
O. H. Hazard and wife to Mary Haz
ard, lot 19, block 4, Portland place..
F. M. King to T. Lornien, lot 20, block
117, Florence
A. Cgstetter to F. M. Costetter, lot
8, block 1, Hyde Park
Jennie A. ConnelJ to H. A. Tukey
lots 1 to and 111 to 24, block 2, Hal
cyon lieignia
The Financial World
WITMorf Ule rearlaaa 8-aaalal ar a-4 Its
ASvlae Serelea. It helpe you ao Juoico teglllaaml
tnveetaarale fraaa fsfcaa. Ii expo-era rotten laiaoa
with all I la trlt-ka e-nrt trapa. It la IndaitaDilent aa It
seeaat no asaartlelna; but live and proaers k au.
sorlpUoua only. II will
teJeaf.lTanr HatlrM4. Oil, I'laatatlaa. M la.
. la. laSiialrlal aieka or Haada, In wolch
jrou mar he Intereeteil. A sample copy mlyul
aa.e you a rikriuna or niaae you one. nena
Ba ror rraf asl taaf nerorevou
ioriii. rni(iAi,Himui,
119 Saklllar Uldg .Cblcago.
Dry Good Market,
Market Is still strong and buyers find dif
ficulty in securing prompt delivery of
goods. Buying Is not speculation, but
operators are willing to contract aheiuj
further than baa been the case In to
past. The tendency la still upward.
wa little doing In the big barn today.
The market for the wtek showed uu In
good shape. Receipts at this point wer
SHEEP There were onlv three para r.t
Sheen renorfed In thla nmrnlna unit l,nir.,.
showed no Interest In them, ao that lhr 1 Flora M. Ford and husband' to"ci.' 'm.
irew, part or lot 12, Barker s allot
T .. r, . A f ' . . .. ... 1 1 n n. ..r n
, : . , -- , ..... - - . I , n. v .'ii.i.i, in . , l Br
,11 ii in. WTiuK aim , 1 1 kk iprii nil. iru
of tho offurlngs was good. There was a
good demand for both sheen and himl.a nil
tne wren ana tne market on both kinds
ruled fully steady. 1-aiiiba even look a
little stronger. All pouts report a good
market for th wetk with rather mudnrait
receipts. The light receipts will probably
cuiilinu at tills pwlnt uutll tliii for th
mlchael, lot 17 and M, block 11,
imicyon neiguiB
3. A. AblKitt, trustee, to C. K Hall,
part of lot S and 1ft, block 7B,
Boiith Omaha 18 000
C. W. Weddell to J. M Nelacn, lot
S, block "A." Horbai k's 1st S.7B0
J. M. Flxa and wife to Louis Zadins,
lot 6, block 1, Corrlgan plac 100
Edwards-Wood Co.
(laoorpo rated
nia Olllcei Fllh sad Roberta SlrMiS
ST. PAUU niN.N. .
Stocks. Grain, Provisiojis
Ship Your Grnitt to Ua
ttrnneti Ortlce, 1IO-111 Board of Traa
lllilai Omaha, Keb. Telegilione 8(114,
:'v,'-V14 Exchange Bldg.. Houth Omaha.
ISeH 'Phone 1t- ludepaudant 'Phone i
Intended to Wliair que.tluna aekad or thet a6)aal4
be a.liei hv any breai-111 or iriMH.'ll.a Inve.t'ir In
for Ilia iirniretlon of their own lawraata.
Vet'lsr.U r lMTION will Ueaaiied tree oa raauast,
l ilLA. LAt'KT A bet- baakera.
Smlaaf ami it a Aara7ll Vaa Og,