TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements f- these cl" will be taken !! 13 as. tor the etealag edition aad aatll a. m. for the mornlnr aad Soadey edition. Ilatri 1 1-Sa a word first Insertloai le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lens thaa itOo far tat Irat laser tlon. Thrtr ed Tertlarmer.ts moat be ran eoasecntlvelr. Advertisers, by requesting a anm. berea rheelt. van bare answers ad. dressed to a aambered letter la rare of The flee. Answers ao addreaaed will be delivered an presentation of berk. MISCELLANEOUS The Van Sant School of, Shorthand and Typewriting, 716-717-718 N. Y. Life Bldg. This school has been running since 1891, and Its students are filling the best posi tions, from amanuenses to court reporters. More than one-fourth of Its students are GRADUATES OF HIGH SCHOOLS, and U'lth such students It Is not surprising that the school has acquired a NATIONAL REPUTATION for the speed and accuracy of Its stenogra phers, and their efficiency as office help. There Is a special demand for bright In telligent, HONORABLE YOUNG MEN St double the Salary the same uhllltv would command without a knowledge of oienogrnpny ana touch Typewriting. As a stepping stone to the best DOHitlons no other study is equal to the study of ou-iioKrapiiy. n trains me mind to quick action and places the ntenogranher In touch with the best business intellects of the age. The best thoughts of the business and literary world are continually passing through the brains of stenographers, and that is the reason so many of them have become eminent In the business and lit erary woriu. Students of good ability and Kood char acter may enter at anv time, as all be ginners receive individual attention. Free uiai weeK. Money for unexpired time will oe returned la students who for any rea son may wish to leave the school. C-162 18 THE LATE PRESIDENT GARFIELD MIGHT HAVE BEEN SPEAKING ABOUT OURSUMMER SCHOOL WHEN HE SAID: "Yonno- men talk of trust lnir to the occasion. That trust Is vain. Occasions cannot innko spurn. If you expect to wear spurs you must win them. If you use them you must buckle them to your own heels before you go into the fight Any success you mny achieve is not worth having unless you fight for it What ever you win in life you must conquer by your own efforts and that it is yours part of yourself." We don t know any better words to use to urge you to laae up a summer course In boyles College than these. In other words, when Opportunity arrives' it Is too late for prepar ation. Make some real use of your summer! The fascinating study of Stenog raphy, Bookkeeping or Telegraphy during the summer months in the cool breeze wooing rooms of the Boyle Building will make the usual long and tedious days seem short. Then with the anproach of Fall you will graduate as a thorough-going Book keeper, an expert Stenographer or a lightning speed Telegrapher, ready to step Into one of the many positions that are always awaiting uoyies graduates. Don't wnste the whole sunimcrl Make up your mind that you will make this summer count for something! Therefore, make preparations to enter our business college on the SUMMER TERM Opening Day Tomorrow, Monday. June 19th. New catalogue free for the asking. BOYLES COLLEGE, II. B. BOYLES, Tres. Boyles College Bldg., Omaha. ARE YOU DISCOURAGED? HAVE YOU FAILED TO FIND A POSI TION? IF YOU ARE A CAPABLE PERSON WE CAN PLACE YOU AT ONCE. HERE ARE A FEW VACANCIES. CALL OR WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET AND COMPLETE LIST: Assistant bookkeeper, young man. Stenographer, $76. Stenographer, $05. BtenoKraDher and bookkeeper: must SDeak German. Good miller, first-class man. Draftsman, $70. General marchandlse man. Printer, country town. Registered pharmacist. Nebraska. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N ilnc). Dept. hi. 841-842 N. X. Lire. B-936 18 SUMMER SCHOOL June 19-July 28 All grades above the 3d. St. John's Guild Hall, 2tith and Franklin. K-M86 18x CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent! R-937 , TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3531. R ta EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to ni; prices ngnu Bennett's. R 9) ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. iei. i U3. K 840 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 So. Uth St. Telephone 264. R-15J CUT E ATE railway tickets everywhere. f. ii. rnuoin, imw iarnam. rnone im, R 043 STOVES REPAIRED Water backs, gasoline- stoves cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 960. R-M195 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty o fire escapes, shutters, doors and saies. u. Anareen, prop., vi a. lum St. K m PIANOS and household goods a specialty, Packing, moving and repairing by ex perienced men: lowest rates. Tel. 1625, Bchmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1313 Far- nam. k smo THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 2432. Jackson. Tel R-646 EXPERT piano moving; lowest rates. Tel 1626. Bchmoller & Mueller. 1313 Farnam. R-M543 Jy9 STEINWAY PIANO, unrleht. allzhtlv used $225; bargain. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 t arnam R 848 SIGN PAINTING, S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. K M183 r.n.f A RTQ REDUCED prices to re UU vniIJ juc( stock: some great pargmna mis week. Omaha Reed and Rat tan Works. 1512 Howard. R MS23 COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re- tall musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 S. 17th St., umani. ii WANTED, your machinery repairing, auto mobile, gasoline engine, model and expert- meniai worn. uucKingnam ft Peterson, r remoni, r.eD, a MEDICAL 5 REWARD to ladles for any case of suppression mat ur. Lavali Monthly neguiaior tans 10 relieve in nve days, This applies to all obstinate. Ions: stand ing, abnormal cases from any cause: no case hopeless; price $2.00. Free samples una nooKiei worm )uu. i se our pre venuve cones. rencn capsules o Dept. 509, Covington, Ky. 130 18x For Women Only Dr. Raymond's puis, for ueiayeu periuus. uusoiuteiy reuaoie, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work: relief brought to thou, sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mail, $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Ill PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles: never falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman 4t Muiuunvii jjrug vo., umana. 112 Dlt PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address witn stamp, ur. rries, ibiift Dodge St, umiuiv U 113 HONORABLE retired physician will give aavice ires 10 wen men. Address ur. Carl Kerby, P. O. box 827. Seattle. Wash. WW DR. W. HUTCHINSON. specialist ., women and children: 30 years' practice. Oftice, 23u6 Cuming. Residence telephone. okjo; uuice, soot. WEN, If you are small, weak or undevel oued. have lost strength, our Aemu Vu,. uum Developer will restore you without drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc tion and varicocele permanently cured In one to four weeks; .6,000 In use; not one failure: write for free book, sent In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co.. 728 Till, T , - , 1 LADIES treated successfully by mall or t ins omen, maternity nome. Infant adopted. Write today, stating how loni suppressed. Dr. Brlney, 18! State St. TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa; staple line: entirely new lndn.-e. ments to trade; high commissions; ix T.e-Riy lavanrr; permanent lo rignt man r . j. rariey to., ieiroii. Allen. LADIES Chichester's Ensllsh Pennvrnval Pills are the best: safe, reliable: take no omer. bena a stamps Tor particulars, "Relief for Ladles." in letter hv return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester inemicai to., rniiaaeipbta, J'a. PATENTS H. A. STl'RGES, registered attorney; pat ems, trade marks, copyrights; no fee uo lets suvveoatui. it n. i. i-ue. uinana. Bt'KS CO.. patent attornevs. Wuhlm, ton, D. C. opposite U. 8. patent office. ivice ana psiwi Disnu ir. suuyi PATENTS. We procure the valuable kind. I solicit cases from those who appreciate the best work obtainable. L. C. Sharp Machine W.,rU A. Ifttl, St ' WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP B WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 85, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 873 IF YOU are In need of a position ca" ""d nave a nenrt-to-neart talK witn Hni, THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B-957 WANTED Men end boys to learn plumt- ing trade. We cannot supply imann ror graduates; $4.50 to $5.00 per day. Elcht weeks completes "course. Earn while learning. Address for catalogue, Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. B 755 T.HE Home Educational 8oclety of Phila delphia wants more men to explain school and text books; good pav; pleasant work: no experience needed. Manager, BOO Ware Blk.. Omaha. B M737 DRUG stores bought, and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, 624 N. Y. L. 13 068 . $85 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid reuaoie men ,oui'ip or IP civ: verv pleasant work. Address A. W. South. 316 Kevuie Blk., Omaha, Neh. B its WANTED Several wide awake, energetic young men to travel; work dignified, pleas ant and profitable. Students or teachers prererrea. no Investment required. Ad dress: Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha, Neb. B M709 17x YOUNG MEN As railroad clerks; eight to ten weeks' training usually sufficient to secure a position; we guarantee to place you In position as soon as compe tent; the demand for men exceeds the supply; no position, no tuition. Write for catalogue. Chicago Railway ' and Commercial Institute, H5 Washington St., unicago. a mws isx WANTED Energetic man. each county to post signs, advertise and distribute samples; salary, $18 weekly, $3 per day for expenses. Honesty and sobriety more essential than experience. National Co., i.o unestnut St., t'hiia., t'a. B-lll 18x WANTED Honest, sober, industrious rmfii to learn , the real estate business and prosperous and well known firm; splendid opportunity for right party. For particu lars nuurusB ur ov, vare ufo - x iuv ua WANTED Traveling representative for Nebraska, introducing new hardware nov elties. Salary $,H0 monthly and expenses Address Mgr. Travelers, 1110 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. IS 107 isx WANTED Bright young man to represent large music nouse on a commission oasis, either resident. agent or to carry as side line over entire state. General Music Sup ply Co., 34 East 21st St., New York City. B 103 18x WANTED Person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house: local territory; salary $25 paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Building, Chicago. B 994 18X MANAGERS wanted everywhere, place and appoint subagents for our great "Punch- my-iace game; lanes tne place lorDia den slot machines. Operate anywhere, Half Interest right men. Secure territory quick; fortune awaits you. Crescent Nov eiiy co., 3338 Archer Ave., Chicago. B-996 18x nwinpamB-M . i 4 V.nnn-1 a'.aa- . u ... . nun .riigiiicoi 19, iiiimiiiia.i, structural, railway, new work near Omaha, long engagement, $90, $140. Chief engineer, oia-n lm oaiie ai., Lmcago. B 140 18x WANTED Young mari stenographer, who has had experience In large retail store. Address G 39, Bee. B 806 1 WANTED 20 good people for city; calary or commission; city nrm. xr-rasner. zi N. 19th. B-T7 21x WANTED 50 mn to colonize 1000 acres of land, richest kind: ten years time; 40 ncre tracts; If you die your famllv gets deed. If you don't want to live on It. buy It as you would life Insurance, .'twont cost any more. Address Board of Trade. Tiny City, Texas. B-M8S3 18 TRAVELING SALESMEN, on commission, to carry three samples or a man a shoe to retail at $1.50: state territory and experi ence, reference, etc." readv sellers every where. The $1.60 Shoe Fbetorv. Balti more. Md. B M882 18x WANTED An experienced funeral di rector, embalmer and furniture man to work In a furniture store and take charge of funerals. Reference required. State salary wanted. J. Oliver & Son. Ran dolph, Neb. B MS89 22 WANTED Two good molders. Address Fremont Foundry and Machine Co.. Fre mont. Neb. B-MM5 18 WANTED 20 bricklayers; all summer's work; 70 rents hour. Henry W. Schlueter, D. & D. Institute, Council Bluffs. B-898 2i WANTED First-class white porter for . inon. ra . vtn at. a Mie WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to nistriouie circulars, anv. rrntter, tscg slirns. etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Onkland Bank building, Chicago. 111. B M907 lSx WHEN I tell you I can use fifteen drug clerks at once, registered and unregis tered. I expect ynu to believe It. V. V. Kniest. R. P.. "The Drug Store Man." 624 N. Y. L.. Omaha. Neb. B 187 18 WANTED Bookkeeper, live man who can make himself generally useful; state age. mnrrted or slnle. sMarv required and references. Address G C3, Bee. B-930 18 WANTED Several young men to trivet for the summer, or permanent. Work pleasant. Good remunemtlon. The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. B M17S 24 CLERICAL men frallroad office). 2 registered druggists. Experienced stenographer. Abstractor land titles. Graduate electrician. Bookkeeper (diploma). HART, 401 N. x. LIFE. B 151 18 WANTED Partner with $1,000.00 to man age office. Salary $700 month and half of protlts. HART, 401 N. Y. LIFE. B-M152 21 WANTED Experienced man to take rnarge or our stationery department must be familiar with commercial sta tlonery. The Hall Lithographing Co., lopeaa, ivan. M Mitts a SIX laborers at N. 24th St. and Belt line Aionuay morning. ti it4 it WANTED Salesman on line that speaks for Itself; names of Interested parties funrilshed. Columbia Phono Co..' 1S21 arnam i. B M972 20 WANTED Experienced salesman for drv goods shoe department In a general store In Nebraska; give former experience, also reierences enu suiary expeciea. u Ml. Hee, B 970 18x WANTED A few first-class experienced men to sell counties In Iowa, from $100 10 imi; bu per cent commission; oppor tunity for right men. Lock box 298. Co. Bluffs, la. B WANTED Al men to introduce and sell our flashlights and electric novelties to tho trade In every town: goods can be nanaiea as a wnoie or side line; we win make permanent arrangements and allow exceptional commissions to such men as have a large trade either at home -or on the road; our goods are big sellers In all classes of stores: this Is the opportun ity t a Itfatln,. n .. 1 1 n - B , V, n . .. v. n itiT-iiiiic. iiauuiuin ant.? umi. practically sells Itself; men of standing and ability need only apply; references required and given. Address J. Elliott Shaw Company, Shaw Bldg., Phlladel phia. Pa. B-141 18x WANTED Ical representative for your locality; wu per monm ana expenses readily earned; we equip you ready for business; no capital required; big op portunity. O. B., BOX 11. Lansdale, Fa. B 135 18X WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We originated this short method of teaching in 1803 and have graduated thousands of successful harbers. Little expense: po sitions waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. . B-M131 23x DETECTIVE service: careful men wanted every locality. Investigations undertaken anywhere: active since 1891. Write Sunt Dorsch, Blrchard Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis, B 115 18x WANTED Men that are satisfied to make $1.75 to $2.00 a day. Send In 25c. The Burgess Co., 342 Elllcott Bq.. Buffalo, Si. X. 15114 ISX GOVERNMENT POSITIONS-30.000 appoint ments last year. Chances better now, Examinations soon in every state, hook let 231. Kivlng positions, salaries, examina tions, sample questions, etc.. sent free National correspondence Institute, Wash ington, v. c. a A YOUNG men for firemen and brake- men. Nebraska and other railroads. Ex peiience unnecessary. Firemen $75, be come engineers and earn $180. Brakemen (no. become conductors and earn $140, Name position preferred. Send stamp for particulars. Railway Association. Depart ment 69, Charles Bldg., Denver, Colorado, 15 WANTED A - young man to take care of horse and lawn. Apply 11 M t'arK Ave. B M188 19 BOY In factory; one who has had some experience In setting type; $6 week to start; give age, experience and refer ence. Address O 67, Bee. B 306 isx WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 WORKING girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. c sdd WANTED A cook. Mil. Joseph Barker, iaot Boum sin bi. c ;ii GIRLS wanted. Burgess Shirt Co. C 613 WANTED Girl for general housework. In quire of A. Hospe, lul3 Douglas St. C-M862 17 WANTED A competent cook; references required. 303 willow Ave., Council Bluffs, Mrs. dick Stewart. c Msy WANTED First-clasj dining room girl Apply Madison hotel, 21st and Chicago bis. c M'Jlb LADY assistant for branch office; estab lished business: (18 paid weekly. No In vestment required. Position permanent. previous experience not essential. Ad dress Branch Manager, 323 Dearborn, Chi cago. C MW6 18 x WANTED 60 experienced machine oper ators on shirts and overalls. Apply to Byrne & Hammer V. G. Co., factory. 12t and Howard Sis. C 177 18 WANTED An experienced cook with ref erences. ilMtt Cass Bt. C MUJO 18X WANTED Four men to travel In each state, distribute samples and advertise our goods; salary $-1 per week and ex penses, guaiantet-d: expenses advanced; experience unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve Co., , 409 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 960 18x MEN In outside towns; permanent posi tions; office furnished; properties sold; loans procured. Address 11 N. Cook Co., Sioux City, la. B 847 lax HAVANA CIOAR salesman, experience unnecessary, good pay. Bovlstun Co., 172 Washington. St., Boston, Mass. B-JOSlSx LADIES to do piecework at their homes, We furnish all materials and pay from $7 to (12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 14 E. Monroe St.. Chicago, J vai isx WANTED Experienced operators for power sewing machines in skirt factory aood wases and steady work; state ex perlence. Address Bheuerman Bros., Des Moines, Iowa. C 843 u WANTED Ladles to learn halrdressing, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis. We originated this short method of Instruction in 1898 and have completed hundreds of successful gradu ates. Call or write. Moler College, lilt Farnam St. C MUZ at NURSES' COLLEGE. Pueblo, Colo. Special six weeks' course, juiy ivin. uipiomas. WMVv, V " WANTED FEMALE HELP AGENTS WANTED SUMMER SCHOOL OF THE Omaha Commercial College " 17th and Douglas, OPENS TOMORROW MORNING, JUNE 19 COUHSES OF STUDY Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Pen manship, Public School Branches, also Civil Service. REDUCED RATES OF TUITION The tuition will be greatly reduced for our Special Summer School. It will afford you a splendid opportunity to begin a COURSE of STUDY, or' to make up lost grades In public school or to make an extra grade. Fall Opening Sept. 4. We expect this to be In our new college building at Nineteenth and Farnam streets. It will soon be under roof and the finishing touches begun, Thosa who wish to enjoy the finest facilities ever provided by any commercial school, the coming year, should send for our catalogue and full particulars of new building. All departments will be enlarged and two or three new ones added. Many new features will be added to our school work. Besides vastly Improving our rooms and surroundings, we will have one of the finest Auditoriums and Gymnasiums In the state. It will pay you to write us. Rohrbough Bros., Omaha, Neb. LADIES to soli drawn work, silk shawls, etc.; attractive; easy line to sen; Dig money. Mexican Drawn Work Co., San Antonio, Tex. C 986 18x YOUNG GIRL wanted to arsist with house work. Apply 1610 N. 25th St., South Omaha. C 178 18x WANTED Girl for general liousework. smaii ramny, good wages. Airs. w. v. Ure, 2003 Binney St. C M197 20 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by coachman, long ex perience, understand norscs thoroughly, best of references, need work. Address G 33, Bee. A Mi 87 18X WANTED First-class csrnpositor (lady), woma line position. References rurnlshed. Address G 48, Omaha Bee. A MS92 18x WANTED Stenographic, copying or book- Keeping worn, two or mree hours even ings; have machine. Address G 44, Bee. A-M91K 18X AS stenographer, five months' experience, Dy young man. Address U 82, Bee. A-M166 19x WANTED Situation by experienced lady sienograpncr. Address Box 6So, Sioux City, Iowa. A-M941 20 WANTED Situation as housekeeper In wiaower s iamuy ny mioaie agea wiaow, refined and educated, excellent cook and housekeeper; thoroughly competent to take full charge; good town preferred. Mrs. E. Miller, R. F. D. No. 1, Morgan vllle, Kan. A 949 lSx PROFESSIONAL male nurse, graduate Oermany, long years experience; best references; travel at home and abroad. Address Nurse, 938 Peach St.. Lincoln, Neb. A J1222 21x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Trustworthy men and women as selling agents for high grade furniture specialty, needed in every home. Sells readily. No competition. Average earn ings over 110 dally. Experience not neces sary. Also a few district managers with established crews. Liberal terms, hearty co-operation. Article now bring exten sively advertised. Write fully. Address Comfort Spring Co., 466 Benton St.. Jollet, III. J "THE Brotherhood of Man;" handsomo portrait President Roosevelt, 14x17, with 24 quotations, by mall 15c; seven copies, II. Wleland Specialties Co., 1P47 Broad way, New York. J 117 1Sx QUICKEST seller ever sold to farmers; time-saver, money-saver, money-maker. Under our new plan, does not really cost the farmer a cent. New plan; brand new; very liberal pay. Easy Farm Bookkeep ing, Boone, la. J 957 18x "I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent; new; demand; quick sales. Farfn ers' Account Book Co., Newton, la. J-955 18X SALESMEN WANTED MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive territory upon unequalled commissions for unrivaled books; no better opening Is to be found In the book selling busi ness than the opportunity we now have to offer; get our proposition; send ad dress. M. A. Donohue & Co., Chicago. 991 lbx SALESMEN WANTED High grade spe cialty salesmen to make a killing next ten weeks; seasonable staple, well adver tised, with all attractive features of splendid specialty, which It really Is; big side line opportunity. Manager Boyd, 304 Equitable, St. Louis. 989 lSx $500 PER MONTH and expenses selling my patent for making smokeless gun and blasting powder at 8 cents per pound. Beware of fakes advertising a worthless and dangerous article. I am the Inventor. General agents wanted in each state. J. A. Stransky, box 400, Pukwana, S. D. J 959 18X AGENTS WANTED Capital necessary for outfit, 150; weekly earnings win exceea original investment. Address I. D. Stevens, 604 Fischer Bldg, Chicago, 111. J-958 18x AN OLD established house with a' good L line ok kudus anu Huienaiu ttuveniMiiiK r . . i : i i .. , . for Nebraska; exclusive territory will be given and a money making proposition; twenty Alien succeeding at this time with the line; commlssior contract; references required. Address The Little Doctor, 112 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. 962 18x GENERAL AGENTS For county rights, placing newly Invented stovepipe on market; requires no wiring; no more smoke or soot. Springfield Eenterprlse Mfg. Co., Springfield. 111. J-946 1 8x SO SIMPLE and practical, Koposay's lawn sprinkler sens ltseu; live salesmen make big money; sample, 75c, prepaid. Geo. Hahn & Co., South Bend, Ind. J 946 lSx AGENTS WANTED Good pay; steady employment, selling our nortnern grown trees. The Greening Bros. Nursery Co., Monroe, Mich. J-948 18x WANTED Live agents In every town in u. S. to handle our new 1905 nousenoid novelties; write for catalogue. Union Novelty Co., B, Milwaukee, Wis. J-944 18x MEN AND WOMEN J30.OO weekly easily earned at home or traveling; permanent business: write in today. Chicago Vapo rizer Company. Chicago, 111. J 998 18x YOU can make (10 to S20 a day selling the combination tool (bellows, forge, anvil, vise, plpe- ise, drill: S50 worth of tools all In one for $20.) Indlspensible to every farmer or home owner; the most practi cal and fastest selling article of the age; patented; exclusive territory sold; an agent wanted In every county and town ship. Holmes A Morrison, 1130 Majestlo Bldg., Detroit, Mich. J-999 18x SALESMEN can easily make $10.00 a day selling our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs; catalogues free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. 111. 9S7 18x SALESMEN wanted: excellent opportun lty; season just opening; exclusive or side line, .paint experience unnecessary If you are a salesman; we school you. Klnloch Paint Company, St. Louis. 110 18x SALESMEN First-class specialty or pat ent medicine men who are making money, but would change to make more. Estab lished house: Inducements to the trade unequalled. Box 656, Chicago. 106 18x SALESMAN calling on retail country trade to take our fall dress goods, flannels, blankets on commission. Strong side line. Mfr., P. O. Box 660, Philadelphia, Pa. t 106 18x SALESMAN wanted; $2,600 and expenses. Year's contract to a first-class specialty salesman who Is a result getter. We mean business. No time for trlflcrs. Ad dress G 47, care Bee. 104 18x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, -with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. 101 18x ATTENTION We want you to sell our new invention; 15.00 profit on each sale; saves every home over $24.00 a year; out fit free. Write for circulars. Standard Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. . 18x SOAP AGENTS Stop selling trash; sell our Dollar box to your own motner. ior so cents make 20 and feel that you have given her more than full value. That's worth something. Our sales Increase dally. Why? Because our soaps are chemically PURE. Our BIO SEVEN Box costs you 11 cents. Don't write If you are not willing to make $100 to $200 monthly. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. J-3H6 18x AGENTS WANTED To sell my pocket knire tool Kit; tne latest ana nest money maker. Write to U. J. Ulery, New Yjrk. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work In Nebraska, representing large manufacturing company. Salary, $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly, ex- rnses advanced. Address with stamp, H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 118 18x DOME perforated fry pan covers, prevent greasy stoves. Things fry nice and brown. Our boiler protectors are Im mense. Big sellers. New catalogue. Kitchen Mfg. Co., Reading, Pa. J 116 18x WANTED Teacher or student to travel during vacation. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. In making applica tion give qualifications, experience and salary paid for teaching. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, 121 Plymouth Place. Chicago, 111. J 130 18x $36 00 WEEKLY to men with rigs to Intro duce poultry goods. Eureka Chemical Co., Fort Dodge, Iowa. J 125 18x AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of Sarsapartlla tor 35c; best seller; 350 per cent profit. Write today fur terms and territory. F. R. Greene, 116 Lake SI.. Chicago. J BIO money !n squabs; cheaply raised in only 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices; won derful market; write for free book and learn this rich Industry. Plymouth Hock Squab Co., 300 Howard St., Melrose, Mass. J SALESMEN covering shoe and drug trades add two to ten dollars dally incomo hand ling Dry-Sole; the big advertising we are doing makes order getting easy; write for proposition. Dry-Sole Co., W Warren St., New York. J AGENTS WANTED Big money, sure; quick sales, exclusive territory, free sam ples. Write today. T. M. Bayman, Jill Fsanklin Ave., Bt. Louis, Mo. J WANTED Representatives In every local ity to sell our teas, coffees, spices, ex tracts, baking powder, etc., direct to the consumers. Liberal Inducements. A chance to establish a business of your own. We assist you In every way.' Address Royal Tea Co., 2bul-$ Cottage Grove Ave . Chi cago, J-5Ux WANTED A few first-class specialty salesmen capable of earning $3,000 per year to present an attractive specialty to the retail trade. Established house: lib eral contract to right parties: best refer ences required. Address zil-40 Den morn, cnicago. Wi isx WANTED Capable salesman or Insurance man for special work, witn strong prop- vances. Don't want cheap man. Drawer 611, rock island, in. lzi isx WANTED First-class ' salesman under standing general rubber goods business by wholesa'e rubber goods manufacturing company. Address, stating experience, references, salary wanted, etc., A 26. care Lord A Thomas, Chicago, in. ua 1U WANTED Salesmen to call on gent's fur nishing goods trade In Nebraska by one of the largest manufacturers in nosiery, Good route. Address Underwood Knit ting Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 113 18x W n it 1 rjl-Dmroincii its 1 1 ,'i ..m 11, uo . 1 1 our wholesale seed department, selling seeds to the merchants. Apply with ref erences: must be ready tcr start July 1, . r, ..- T T 11... O. tfv nrV.. .In.'.ln ...... -1 men, St. Paul, Minn. 133 18 TRAVELING SALESMAN By large wholesale house tor umana, 10 sen gen eral stores; state experience. Watson, sales manager, 69 6th Ave., Chicago. 952 18x WANTED Traveling salesman who visits the fcmall cities In their territory thor oughly to take a side line of staple goods; samples can be carried In pocket; ml a mnn for each of the following states: Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Mis souri, Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska. Address National Mills, Albany, wis. soj isx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PERSONAL Educational Summer Term g Nebraska Business College Opens June 19th. EXPERIENCED calendar salesmen to carry best combined line Calendars and Mnveltlna before the nubile. Only success ful men need apply, with full particulars about themselves. Spotswood Sneclalty Co.. Lexington. Ky. 34 mx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16ih & Chicago. Special classes will be organized In all departments. Public school teachers and pupils who wish to take a short course In BOOK KF.RP1NO. SHORTHAND AND TYI'EWKITINU, or ENGLISH BRANCHES, will be given special attention. Trof. Ixnvry, a practical bookkeeper, and a man of over twenty years of FUccesaful experience, will have charge of all the Commercial branches. Miss Holmes, with an exiieticnce of ten ypnrs as practical stenographer hcra in Omaha, will have charge of Shorthand and Typewriting, riace yourself undo the tuition of well known practical instructors, and your success is assured. GREGG SHORTHAND The Oregir Shorthand is taught In ita purity. Mom achools are using this system than any three systems combined. For very good reasons, this is the onlf school in Omaha that is making a specialty of Gregg Shorthand. Investigate. Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. Membership Free Every student is given a membership in either the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without extra expense. The surroundings and influence of associate have everything to do with the success of the student. INVESTIGATE If you are seeking a school that has every facility, employing expert Instruc tors; a school that will meet your every expectation: a school that is endorsed by the leading business men and court reporters: a school of the highest moral tone- then Investigate the merits of the above Institution, look through Its cool, well ventilated rooms, and you will say with others "There Is on better school at any price." Call, 'phone or write for catalgue. A. C. ONG, A. M., LL. B., rrenldent. , Boyd Building, Corner Seventeenth and Harney Streets. HOUSEKEEPING, also sleeping rooms, j ne tAKnia. ibis iiowara bi., ana in o. 16th; fiat 6. K M917 19x CENTER HOTEL. 210 N. 17th 8t. Nicely furnished rooms, 60c to 1 .00 per day. Spe cial rates by week or month. E M938 20x NICELY furnished front room, private famllv, gentleman prererred; ti.wi ween. 1717 Webster St. E-M180 2tf TWO elegant, cool front rooms, modern, fine location, on car line. Fhone b-d34. 2423 Cass St. E 174 lx LARGE parlor, modern, lawn and shade. suitaDie ior two ousmess men or women. Mrs. Geo. Guy, 1713 St. Mary's Ave. K-fM lSx 26'6 DAVENPORT Two rooms, all modern and furnished comolete: llKht houseKeep- . Ing allowed. These rooms are very de sirable and will please you. . it isx NICELY furnished rooms, house modern, telephone. 2127 Dodge. E Miao zux ELEGANTLY furnished splendid rooms and surroundings, postofnee three moms, everything up-to-date, gentleman pre ferred. Address 107 N. 20th. 'Phone 6318. 13191 18x NICELY furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen; reasonable rates. Zll s. am Ave. E-871 lSx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave. Broad verandas, ample lawns, siaieiy trees, rustic seats, home cooking, hot and cold v-ator. Reasonable rates. F 97 O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F 978 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Avo.l large iront rooms, wim aicove, suuuiern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern improve ments. 979 , SECOND HAND MACHINES Never such prices for such goods offered befire, and if at any time within one year you want to buy a new machine, we will take the old one back at exactly what It cost yoi. The following Is a partial list of what we offer for all this week: 1 DOMESTIC 16 00 1 DOMESTIC 10.00 ., 3 SINGERS, HIGH ARM 12.00 1 SINGER. NEW IMPROVED. 15.00 1 HOUSEHOLD 10.00 1 UNION 6.00 1 WHITE 8.00 1 WHITE '. 6.00 1 WILCOX A GHBBS S0.0O 1 NEW HOME 10.00 Modern drop-head machines, slightly used, at one-half the regular price. We rent machines at 75c per week or $2.00 per month. These are modern, up-to-date machines, with all attachments. We sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner IRth and Harney Sts. S24 Broadwiiv, Council Bluffs, BRANCH OFFICE fiL'S N. 24th St., South Omaha. GEO. B. MICKEL, 'Phone 1663. Manager. SIGHTLY east front with alcove, for two persons. The Pratt. 210-12 S. 26th St. ,,. - F M700 FOR two gentlemen or man and wife, large front room witn alcove, rurnisnea or un furnished, with good board; close In, fine lawn and trees. 621 S. 18th St. 'Phone 1816. F M878 18 FURNISHED rooms, all modern, walking distance; newly furnished. 220 N. 19th St. . . E 874 18x 1816 CHICAGO, sputh front parlor: P'ano; also single room; modern. E M906 19x ONE large room with small room adjoin ing: the very best board; beautiful lawn, garden ; home cooking. 627 Park Ave. Phone. F M909 19x GOOD room and good board for two; 15 each; nice yard. 1811 Chicago St. F M903 19x BACHELORS HOTEL 20th and Farnam. F-23 Jyl TWO furnished front rooms; modern, with board. 6? S. 19th. F M226 2x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two large, very nice rooms; walking distance. 410 N. 23d St. O M813 UNFURNISHED front room and alcove, with housekeeping privileges. 2582 Harney Bt. G M857 17x A SUITE of 4 rooms and hall with private bath, second floor of Wlthnell building, 16th & Harney. Corner rooms and front rooms. St. Mary s Ave. t rooms, $11.00; 2 rooms. $7.00. One large room for $6.00. See Janltress on premises. , N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St Q M913 19 UNFURNISHED front room and alcove, with housekeeping privileges. 2582 Har ney St. Q-21 19x PERSONAL SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removeo. dv etecincuy, tuu sultallon free and contldentlal: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. U 97$ 18x BACHELOR. American, age 60, good hab its, good business ability, would like to meet a lady, suitable age, with means, results to follow. Address G 65, care Bee. U ltJ7 18x MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. i'JT, Tekonsha, Mien. U 9ul 18x ANYONE wishing to know what finally cured me of Brlght s disease and bladder trouble address Jerome F. O'Daven, 3J47 Vernon Ave., Chicago. U-960 18x FREE guide to perfect manhood. Send 2c postage. Health Association, Box 721, Philadelphia. Pa. U-112 18x DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronk and nervous diseases. Call or write. Dr. Jackson. 418 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Consultation free. VUU FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1&& bchmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U 131 $30 RUPTURE CUKED-$30; no Injections, no pain; absolute guarantee; we cure per manently: new method: call or write for booklet. QUICK CUKE RUPTURE CO., 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG., OMAHA. U-M178 30x DEWEY. European hotel, 13th & Farnam. E 974 VIENNA Hotel; pr.vate dining rooms, cafe. . E 175 FOR RENT, desirable front room, to single gentleman; modern conveniences. 21 South 26th t. B-6 ROOMS and good board. $6 per week ana up. Call 1617 Chicago St. E 19 EXCELLENT cool and cosy furnished rooms with or without alcove, at the most reasonable price; meals close bv. 'Phone In house. Dr. Prlbbenow. 2574 Harney St E 4J EAST front parlor and smsller room; rood era conveniences. 116 N. 26th bt. E 617 26X NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen; all modern conveniences; excellent loca tion for transients; references exchanged. 2101 Farnam. E 873 17x FIRST-CLASS, cool, pleasant front parlor for couple or two gentlemen: gas and hath, 'Phone red 4t37 er call 1714 Douglas St. r- Ma WANTED Merry-go-round and other at traction for Fourth of July celebration. Address Committee on Amusements. Ash land. Neb. U-M86318X RECORDS of the living voice of Pope Leo XIII recltlnk the benediction and Ave Maria. Columbia Phonograph Co.. 1021 Farnam. Jy 14 MARRY? W" worth $100 to $100,000; paper loo sealed. If others have failed, try R. K. Love, Jacobson Bldg., Denver, Colo. U 100 Isx AMERICAN WIDOWER, age 65. no chil dren, no relatives, wealthy, healthy and liberal, wants a good companionable wife. Address: G 10, Bee. U-128 18x FREE Your fortune told by America's famous, marvelous, gifted astrologlst, oc cult scientist, clairvoyant and life reader. Prof Hall, 96 Fifth Ave.. Chicago. Bend birth date, three $-cent stamps. AUTOMOBILE REBUILDING I solicit a limited amount of heavy repair work from garages and owners who ap rreclate the best work obtainable. L. C. luarp Machine Works, loin and Jackson. LARSON JOHNSON Cut rates U Ml points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B 2113.' Mem ber American Ticket Brokers', association. U-121 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need: we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthr. poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U-611 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. GardelL 2216 Charles. Tel. 5311. U U WE RENT sewing machines. 76c week. We repair all makes of machines: second- . hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. . U 123 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk, . U-124 DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 2 ft S, 1606 Farnam, U 125 ' ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Bend for price list and .samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1938. U 04 PIANO CLUB ' Just forming; ouc and $1 weekly; pianos de livered Immediately; piano lessons free. Coll for particular. 1611 Farnam St. U-124 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 72S First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-62 'PHONE 701 and man will call and tune) your piano, $2. Perueld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 127 M A niSIPTIP treatment bathe. Mme, mJMJJI Cll Bmith, lis ti. 16, Sd ft., r. 2. 11 3M TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th, U 132 BEST umbrellas, lowest prices; repairing done. Boston Umbrella Co.. 620 S. 16th. TeL 1617. U U183 JfUJL EDWARD NORMAN KENT, muslo studios Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney. Write for clrcuU-s. U-673 Piano Tuning. Tel. 6804. Dalbey, 2107 Mason. U-570 Jy-ex TRY KEI.I.KY'S LAUNDRY. 'PH.ONB J63. u-ua WILL give worthy party shorthand schol aishlp In leading school and wait for pay ment. Address C 65, Bee. U 1 MORPHINE,, opium, laudanum, cocoalue habit myself cured; will inform you of harmless permanent home cute. Mar Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U OSGOOD ART SCHOOL 46 West Ost St., New York; summer classes dully, In oils, water colors and china decorating; cata logues, giving full particulars, on applica tion; established 1877. , U 136 18x MATCH MAKER I Inspire and open eyes. Truth and knowledK" I fit to you.- You can look for, And,' fascinate, marry, al ways enjoy and gratify the rlnht one. Honorable parties write In confidence. 'I send siiort question list and require face views. Instructions elevating and sclen-i title. Grand harmony of remilts certain. No regrets. Governments will soon super vise marriage by tills system. . Jean Lafayette, 30 Long Bldg., Kansas City. U-1S8 18s WEALTHY MAIDEN, disfigured by acci dent, healthy, perfect form, affectionate) and liberal, wants a good, kind husband. Address: G 11, Bee. U-127 lUx VIOLIN teacher wanted (or beginner. Ad dress J 3, care Hee. U 223 18x OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacture pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 4621. DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. . -971 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A276C LEARN dressmaking at home by mall. A full, complete and scientific course In dressmaking taught by mall. Our stu dents very succeswf ul. Send for (Cata logue describing the course. Centur Correspondence School, Des Moines, la. M V0 x LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snowi Church Co., main rl., N. Y. L. 'Phone 1.13. J. M. Macfarland, 104 N. Y. L. Bid. Tel. 165 837 OMAHA COLLECTION CO., Tel. 1276. 0f Bee Bid. . MX