t TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 16. 1003. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bad Weather Northwest ? and Lighter EeceipU Help 'tse Bull. rtELING IS FIRMER ' 'IN " ALL LINES Corn I tp Rri'inao of Dfrrrima la Cenntrjr Acceptances More ln terest Thta Isoal la Shown In data. M 12; 874c UAT8 To arrive and on track CMICAGiO September new, 824c; September old. S0-,e. t.RAI NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS a.d innvmo OMAHA, Juno 15, 1905. Wheat opened firmer on account of strength in the Minneapolis market, iaun.it by bd weather In parts of the northwest nnd by lignter receipts for the last two or three days. It was strong all tn rough the aessslon. Considerable Inter est attached to the news that the harvest had begun In southern Indiana. July dinted at 874c September at 834c and De cember ul 824c. Countiy acceptances of'corn bids, which have been gooa for two or three days, fell o niooay ana resulted in a. tightening or the cash situation. Thin caused an ad vance In futures. July closed at 624o, 1 old July at 634c, fV-ptvuiber at blc, old September at hl'fcc, December at too ana old December at 494c More interest was shown in tho . oats pit than there has been for some tine. The advance was slight, but the ton wai gaud. July finished at 3nc, September at 29c and December at 294c. Liverpool closed fa'lill lower on wheat and 0d lower on corn. The prospects thero now depend on American clearances, as It Is not expected that the Argentina arrivals will b largo before the middle of July. Kansas City la buying new No. 2 hard wheat In small lota to arrive In July at 81c. This is 44c over the Kansas City July price. it is claimed that 5,O00,UU0 bushels will be received there In July. A dispatch from a Kansas City grain firm to the Adams (Jralu company gives an esti mate of 66.0u0,uuo bushels, based on tha re ports of 200 millers and grain men who covered tho big wheat counties in Kansas and Oklahoma. Their train stopped at many places between utatluns and per mitted Inspection of fields. Minneapolis waa bidding 80o for wheat In Oklahoma yesterday. Tho party of millers estimate the Oklahoma crop at 35,uoo,uUO bushels, but Proutty, secretary of the Oklahoma Oraln Dealers' association: says It will be 22,000,000 bushels. The official estimate of the Arcentina crOD is 14O.UUO.0uO bushels, against 176,OOO.OuO bushels last year. The Minneapolis Hour output last week de creased 35.000 barrels. There la no export tredo whatover. From today's Inter Ocean: "t,t looks as though tha June run of corn which comes each year is starting. Acceptances yester day, mainly from Illinois and Iowa, were 6OH.0OO bushels. One house Is said to have bought 200,000 bushels, another 15o,00o bush els. Ono of tho largest olevators said Its nurchavca in the interior for June ship ment were the largest in three months. The .bids sent out Tuesday night were equal to ,io over old July for No. 3 on track Chicago. This price waa nearer the Idea of country holders than recently. Corn sales at Chicago yesterday were 380, 000 bushels, including 160,0o0 bushels for direct export, equal to 664c for No. 2 In store at Chicago. The bull Interest there has sold nearlv 3.000.000 bushels cash corn since June 1. They chartered room yester day for 400,000 bushels. The seaboard sold 144,000 bushels for export. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 964j97c; No. 3 hard, J0i?i95c; No. 4 hard, 89c; No. 3 spring, Stic. CORN No. 2. 484c; No. 8, 4Sc; No. 4. 47c; no grade, 43o; No. 2 yellow, 48Vc; No. 3 yel low, 4814c; "No. 2 white. 484c; No. 3 white, 484c OATS No. 2 mixed. 29ic No. 3 mixed, 204c: No. 4 mixed, 29c; No. 2 white, 304c; No. 3 white, 30c; No. 4 white, 284c; stand ard. 304c -Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn, featarra of the Tradlaet and (losing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June 15 Cold, wet weather in the Canadian northwest was mainly re sponsible ftr a strong tone here today In the wheat market. At the close the July option was up Hil:Sc. Corn Is up V0 4c, Oats, Vfi'v. and provisions. 24'tj74c. Notwithstanding lower prices at Liver pool the what market here was strong the entire season. At the opening July whs up 4c to c at 864c. to 86Sc. From the start shorts were active buyers. Tha attention of traders todav was directed mainly to the yet undetermined yield of the spring sown wheat. Weather III the Canadian northwest whs discouraging to traders on the bear side of the market, freezing temperature being reported from some sections. Excessive moisture was lio reported In that region. The pre dicted eastward Spread 01' similar condi tions was a source of anxiety to shorts. In addition many teports wore received emphasizing the probability of great dam age to the spring wheat crop by rust. A partial corroboration of the bullish ad vices was found In an advance of over 2 conts in the price of wheat at Minne apolis. News from the southwest was of such a conflicting character hi to lnak shorts- increasingly nervous. As the ses sion advanced demand from thHt source became more and more urgent. For July the highest point of the day was reached Just before the close, the price touching 81'v;. Final Quotations were at 874'uiISic. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 32,5"U bushels. Primary receipts were 454,(U0 bushels, comnared with 47.ii buHh els a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1 U cars against 249 last week and 256 cars a year ago. Influenced by lower prices at Liverpool and by a more liberal movement in the United States the corn market was in clined to weakness earlv in the session Strength of wheat, however, soon caused an active demand from shorts resulting in a quick rally. A firm demand for the cash article was an additional bu lsh lnlluence. The market closed almost at the highest point. July opened a shade to 4c lower at 62'9624c: sold un to 5:ic and closed at l&tfUOii. Iocal receipts were 275 cars with live 01 contract grade. Strena-th of wheat and corn was the main factor in the oats market. Karly In the session sentiment was a trifle bearish on excellent crop prospects, but a firm tone soon developed as a result of buying by a prominent elevator concern. July opened unchanged to a shade lower at 30-SjC to 3oH 6l304c. sold up to 307h31c and closed at 3(74,c. luteal reeeint were 1X5 cars. Provisions wore firm on an estimate of small receipts of hogs for tomorrow. Strength of araln had a bullish effect. Packers were the principal purchasers. At the close September pork was up 74c at $12,924: lard was up 6fj'7Hc at $7.50; rlb8 were 24Cii5c htarher at $7.7t)4n.?24. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, car: corn. 817 cars; oats. 100 cars;, nogs, 20,000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Sale i on tie Wall Street Market Drop to Sew Low Record for the Year. PIT IS PRACTICALLY ABANDONED Depression In Foreign Boarsea Dae to I neaalness Over Moscow Incident Is Reflected Here. government securities unchanged. The pro portion of h hank's reserve to liability this week, was fm 91 per cent, as compaiea With 60.02 per cent last week. Its York Money Market. NEW YORK. June 15.-MONEY On call. easv, 244124 per cent, closing nm at .'. offered at 24 per cent. Time money, firm; 80 da vs. 3 per cent; f days, per cent; months, 34 per cent. FRIME MERCANTILE PAPER - 3Vi4 rJl ?.."! BTKHIjINU E.MIIAlior,- mean?, nn actual business in bankers' hills at 4.fi 4 8716 for demand and at $4 85HK0 4.8515 for 80-day bills; posted rates, 4. ana .; commercial Mils, $4,844. . SILVER Bar, . 68c; Mexican aouars, Roxrs-tiovernmeni. stenoy. Closing quotations on bonds were Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Puluth fit. Louts .... 275 28 Oats. 133 14 32 103 3 47 5 15 24 55 41 Mlaneapolla Grain Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, aa reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany. 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Arttcle. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ye'y- wwrr-r-i - - - July... 107H 109H lop lot Sept... 8641 864 87 86 87 ,864 62S24 62 53 52 4 Sept... 50H 51 BOUf, 51 . BOT, Deo.... 474 48 474 48 47 New. WEATHER IN TUB GRAIN BELT Moderately Heavy Rains In Sonthern State, I.ia-ht In Central and West. OMAHA. June 15. 1905. During the last twenty-four hours mod erately neavy rains ten in me souinein states and light and scattered showws oc curred In the central and western sections The weather remftins generally cloudy and unsettled in the central valleys and east ern states, and conditions continue favor able for showers and thunderstorms In the central valleys tonight and Friday. The weather is generally warmer every where, exceot in the extreme upper Mis slsstonl and Missouri valleys and north west, where It is much cooler. Omaha, record of temnerature and nreel nltatlnn nomnared with the corresrjondlnc day of the last three years: 1905. 1904. 1903. 190?. Minimum temnerature 70 64 61 61 Precipitation 00 .01 .00 .11 Normal temperature for today, 73 de Deficiency In precipitation since JIarch 1, 8.09 Inches, Deficiency corresponding period tn 1904, KV nt nn inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, .07 of an tncn. , OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. Stations. ' Max. Mln. Inches. Sky, Ashland. Neb.... 91 67 . 00. Clear Auburn. Neb 90 63 .00 Clear rviltimbua. Neb.. 91 63 .00 Cloudy Falrbury. Neb... 93 '65 T Pt. cloudy Fairmont, Neb... HI Kt ,t ciouoy Or. Island, Neb. 90 62 .10 Cloudy Hartlnrton. Neb. 86 60 .10 Cloddy Oakdale, Neb..,. 90 M T Raining Omaha. Neb 90 70 .00 Cloudy Teknmah. Neb... t 65 . 00 Clear Carroll, la........ 89 68 . 00 Clear Clarinda. Ia...... 93 61 .00 .Clear Plblev, la K M T Cloudy Sioux Cltv, la.... 88 6 .02 Raining Stoiin Lake, la.. 87 64 .00 Cloudy Articles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn tJuly tJuly tSept. ISept. jDec. Sept. Dec. Pork- July Sent. Lard- July Sept. Ribs- July Sept. 87 S.'i'' 83HI 6l,51Vo62 47HQV.I 4841 I I I 30i 4 aOTtrrra I 1 5'J4 63 52Wi 62 52'(&53 624 61i,61Vu'ti2 61V, t" 47 61iW;50difil 4S!&4 4. 28 2V 12 624 12 80 7 224 7 424 7 374 7 W i9 294 12 6241 12 yt 7 30 7 50 7 474 7 7241 304 21 294 12 624' 12 8241 7 224! 7 44 7 S74 7 66 J 30 I 30-4 "9 28 294 '4 12 60 1 2 524 12 924 12 86 7 30 7 25 7 60 7 45 7 45 7 40 7 724 7 674 No. 2. tOld. JNew. fiamh nnnrotinn WDI-A SS foIlOWS .orTnT-jiv! winter natents. 14.20fi4.30 strala-hts. t3.90i&4.10: spring patents, K7. .tmle-hi M.75(S5.n0: bakers tz.vms.w. WHEAT No. 2 spring, si.iwg'i.w; no. a, 9Ncfifl.05; No. 2 red. McWTl.oii. OATS No. 2. 80'ic: No. 2 white, 31V3 32V4c; No. 3 white, 30-ig32c. . BARhKi iooa reeaing, oi-tiii, rhnlr-ii maltlniF 46'49c. HEEDS No. 1 nax, ii.'zo; no. nonnwi-M. n xi m: nrime --iimnT- wi PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.50 (S10.SII tjirrt. tter 100 lbs.. 7.224a7.25. Short ribs sides (loosel. 17.374'ff7.50. Short cleat sides (boxed), $7,3747.624. Receipts and shipmetf grain and flour were as follows: to Flour, bbls Wheat, bu. Corn, bu..., Oats, bu..., live. bu.... Barley, bu Receipts. .... 23.400 .... 10,000 .... 2!4.O0O .... 196.800 .... 8.000 47,3e0 Shipments 12.700 60,200 254,700 66.200 500 11,100 -. tha Prnium exchange today the but ter market was steaay; creameries, im imz. uirina iSfSWiv Eif es. steady: at rna'rk. cases Included, 14c; firsts, 144c; prime ilrsts, 154c; extras, 17c. Cheese, easy. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET NEW YORK. June 15. Sales of stocks on the Stock exchange toclivy fell to a new low record lor the year, reaching only ..) shares. Business was at a low ebb through out and late In the day Interest In the mar ket was practically abandoned In favor of the day's racing event, which attracted a large attendance of Stock exchange mem bership. The market was practlcully barren or incident and the movement of prices' scarcely perceptible, except for the inev itable sagging tendency due to Inanimation. Jt is maue auhject of remark, however, that In spite of the paralysis of demand for stocks, prices do not lose ground on the longer, comparisons. Thus, the Sharp ad vances made on Saturday last have not been entirely lost In the subsequent reces sions, although the speculative attitude on which that advance was based has been entirely alteivd. i here was no important development in affairs today, but such Incidents as occur red were not helpful to values. Develop ments in the Equitable Life affair scorn to bo arrested pending the report of the state sunerlntenilcnt or Insurance, and that re port is awaited for forming definite con clusions on the significance of the changes proposed. London was a lleht seller In this market and depression In foreign markets was attriouted to uneasiness over the out come of relations In Morocco between Oer many, France and Great Britain. British consols anil trench rentts were down. Lon don discounts hardened and sterling ex change at Berlin and Paris declined. Paris renewed ItH demand on tho Iyondon market for gold and the New York rate for French cheques hardened slightly. No effect was produced on the local money market. The arrival at Seattle of the first receipt of Klondike gold lor the seuson waa com mented on. The grain markets were In fluenced by reports of unfavorable weather in the noil Invest and this was not helpful to siocks, although its influence was slight ns shown by the meager sales and small price changes of any stocks which might ue arrectecl. 1 he few wide changes were In stocks for which a narrow market exists at any time and for which either bids or offers are found at this time only bv wide variations from nominal current quotations witn the aggravation of the dullness re newed complaints were heard of tho bur dens of the stock transfer tax. Baltimore & Ohio's good showing of May net earning was witnout effect, ine market closed In ert. Bonds were irregular. Total sales., par value, $2,000,000. I nited States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were tho sales and range of prices on tho Stock exchange todav: Sales. High. Low. Close. 243 894 3-14 VI 304 93 220 40 25 IK 40 474 110 11114 118',. 134 1024 814 loK 10x4 VI 634 150 1984 4!W 35 T79 18 191 173', 174 Sf'4 V '424 26 67 36 1854 834 464 181 878 274 84 42 404 78H 174 93 1601 18' 77 27 794 Adams Express Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry.. do pltl Am. Cotton Oil do pfd American Express.... Am. Hide & L. pfd... Am. ice Am. Linseed Oil do nfd Am. locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng Am. Tobacco pfd ctf Anaconoa M. Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. Bait. & Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi. Ot. Western Chi. & N. W C, M. ft St. P Chi. Term. & T do pfd C, C, C & St. L Colo. Faei & Iron. i.. Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd ' , Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Delaware & Hudson. D., L. & W Den. Rio Grande... do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do ptd International Pump.. do pfd 6.300 t9 794 1,200 600 600 V,900 "600 "too 4,300 '"400 2,000 i.900 7,100 404 274 474 ii24 i344 ios" 824 1584 1084 '64 1514 34'V 25 47 1344 ioiii 814 158" 1084 '63H 150 100 4944, 49 100 800 100 1,000 5fl0-200 784 19 191 1744 784 18 191 174 424 1,000 36 200 '"566 "206 2.600 500 3,900 500 100 1814 'isii '424 41 78 66 161 184 7 '" 1814 '274 '424 40 78 65 1604 184 79 .104 .131 m .104 , .I'li C S. rot ts, rcf. do 00 upon V. 8 ta. re( 4 o coupon V S. tie 4a. rrf on coupon V 8. old 4a, rag do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a, do . ctfa Atchlann fen. 4a do ad. 4a Atlantic I'. L 4a.. Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do la Central of Oa. (a. do lat Inc do 2d Inc rha. A Ohio 44a. Chicago A A. SSta. C, H r q n. 4a.. C . R. I. A P. 4a.. do rol. bm err. A St. U. . 4a rhlrairo Ter. 4a Colorado Mid. 4a.... Colo, ft 80. 4a 5 Colo. Ind. 6a, set A.. 70 do sat B ft , Cuba 6a, ctfa lo4 P. A R. a. 4a l"l manners' Sac 6a.... n Erie prior llan 4a. ...101 do sen. 4a 44 F. w. A I), c. la... Ill Hocklna. Val. 4'a. ...Ill Offered. 104 Japan aa, clfa. 14Sa do Ind aerie. I an 4Wa. ctra II,, A N unl. 4a... Manhattan r. 4i Me Ontral 4a... do lat Inc Minn. A St. h 4a. ctfa. 7fit M , K A T. 4a.... 116 I do la 101' N. R. R. of M. c. M4 N. Y. C. a 8... ..101 ,N. J. C. . 6a ,.1044 No. FaclBc 4t . . Iifv, do aa ..llMa N. A W. c. 4a .. M .O. 8. L. rfds 4a.. .. 64 jrenn. conT. I'ae.. ..1074 Raadlnif Ren. 4a. 4 Ft L. a I M A 5. F. 102H St. 1. i ,st. u s w. e. 144 Seaboard A. L. 4a.. lea 14 so. rarlflc 4a 97 So. Railway 5a 7!lH Texaa A P. la T. St. h. ft W. 4f t'nlnn Tacinc 4a.... do ennv. 4a V. 8 Steel td 6a... Wanaph la do deh. n. TVeatern Md. 4a W. A L. E. 4a Vila. Central 4a.... ...10 ... ' ... 1 ...I" a. .104' ... 744 ... ... ...HIO'l ... 4a. H ...1oeT ...H6ii ...Matt. ... 77a .10S4 .1011 ...1031, 6a..ll f. 4a. . . 671, . M4 .120S .1114 . K.1 .10(14, All . HI .117H . 72 . . . 914 . 16 Iloston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, June 15 Call loons. 3tj34 per cent; time loans, 34r(i4 per cent. Closing Quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atchiaon adi. 4a M IWeallna. common ... 81 do 4a lO.'Vi1 Adventure 3 Me. Central 4a 74 Allmiei n Atchiaon SI H Amalxamated 7 do nfd 1021: Anerh an Zinc Roaton A Albany. ...liSVi, AUsMlo 13 Iloaton A Maine 175 iDlngham Ponton Klevatcd 16614 fal. A Hecla tin Kltchburs pfd 144 iCentennlal Mexican Central 2014 Copper Ranna . N Y.. M. H. A H... 19714 Paly Weat .... ion !fiomlnlon Coal 122H Prar.klln n Oranhy S 4 lale Rnvale ... I V Maaa. Minlnt . ,...isai Miil)laan 1.16 Minaak OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steeri Btsadj to Lower and Cowi Weak and Lower. HOGS NICKEL HIGHER, TRADING BRISK sheep and Ijimb Market Fally Steady, ' with Quality ot Offerings Only Fair and Receipts Mich Heavier Than Yesterday. SOt -H OMAHA. Juno 15, 1905. Receipts were: Catlie. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.271 CKi3 1.402 Odlclal Tuesday 6. .'79 14,Nv 1,149 Oftlclal Wednesday 5.H9? 12.267 l.9 Official Thursday 2,785 8.7n4 3,04i Four daya this week. ..16.232 44,447 7.20 Four days last week. .. .18,6,5 M.3a 16.079 Same days week before.. 20,169 37,418 lH.isft Same three weeks ago. . .16.0M8 M:M 24,748 Same four Weeks agt 15,o:i2 27.4f'5 17. M9 Same days last year 12,270 45.348 3,115 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared witn last year: 1906. 1904 Ino. Dec. Cattle 390.86 431,210 4.324 Hogs 1,143, UNO 1,232, MS 8.i36 Sheep 700.21 668,6u4 31.617 The following table awwi. Ui average price of hogs at South Omaha tor me last several days with comparison: Date. 1906. 104. 1903-.liVl. 11901. ilW.lS9- Per Marquette.. fnlon Pacific Amer. Arge. Chem. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba Amer. Sugar do pfd U -i 75 Amer. T. A T 140?,: Mont. c. A C. Amer. Woolen .42 Old Dominion .. do pfd 102VOaceola Dominion I A s 224 Parrot Edison Elec. IIIU..HS iQulncy Cieneral Electric 176,4 Shannon Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Gaa I'nlted Fruit ; In I led Shoe Math... do pfd V. S Steel do pfd 19ly Tamarack tlHiTrlnlty 4:4 t'nltad Copper inaiiv -8. oil , t uh .., JI V Victoria 27ii Wlt.ona 94 -Wolverine 19 i lii i 24 1, SI 21 5 7 106 7 2.1 10 444 3 '4 108 May 16.. May 1C. May 1J.. May Is.. JViay l:,. May lu.. May May U.. May a.. May 24.. May 25.. May in.. May 27.. May 28.. May 29.. May 30.. May 81.. June l...i June 2... June 8... June 4... June 6... June 6... June 7... Juno 8... June 9... June 10.. June 11.. June 12.. June 13.. June' 14.. June 15.. Bid. Asked. Ex-dividend and asked. ew York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. June 15. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adama Con 0 Little Chief I Alice a "Ontario 400 Breece 20 (Iphlr 600 brunawlcR Con 4 Fl-oenlx 1 Comatock Tunnel .... t Potoal 10 Con. Cat. A Va 136 Navaxe .'.( "Horn Silver 176 Blerra Nevada 29 Iron Silver 326 Small Hope a 10 Leadvllle Con 6 Standard lit Indicates Sunday. The oflidal number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Catlie. Hogs. Sheep. H r . M. & St. P. Rv.... 1 a Mo. Pac. Ky 2 U. P. System 23 C. & N. W. Ky 2 E. & M. V. K.H.. 48 St. P. M. & O. Ky. K & M. Ky 2 C, B. & Q. Ry 1 C, K. 1. P., East... 1 C, K. 1. & P., West.. 2 Illinois Central 1 Chi. Great Western.-. 2 Offered. "Ex-dlvldend. were condi- Forelajn Financial. LONDON, June 15. Discounts firmer today, partly owing to the tlon of continental exchanges and the like lihood that Paris will resume purchases of gold In the open market. Consequently the Bank of England will nbt secure all the gold arrivals. Trading on the Stock ex change was Inactive beyond arranging the account. The tendency was Irregular. Con sols were steady, opened fractionally firmer, leased to below parity, became ir regular and closed quiet. -, Foreigners were unsteady. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at 1034. PARIS, June 15. Prices on the Bourse today opened heavy,- ontng to' the political uneasiness. .-French " ran .t. Were largely sold. Russian Imperial .4a . were quoted at 89 and Russian bonds Of 1904 at 504. The private rate of discount .was 1 per cent. ST. PETERSBURG, June 15. Realization on the Bourse today, after the recent rise, produced a fall, 4s losing 1 nolnts. Bank of France Stntement. PARIS, June 16. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ing changes. Bills in circulation decreased 13.660.000 francs; treasury accounts current Increased 27.275.000 francs; gold In hand de creased 4.850,000 franca; bills discounted in creased 31.000,000 francs; sliver In hand de creased 2.575,000 francs. Quotations DISTRICT AVERAGES, I No. of --Temp. Central. Stations. Max. Mln rhlciao. Ill 28 Columbus. 0 14 Dea Mottle, la... 14 Indianapolis, Ind. 11 Kansas .City, Mo. 20 Louisville. Ky.... 17 Minneapolis 23 Omaha, Neb li bt. Louta, Mo.. 12 Rain. Inches. S-S 86 88 86 . 80 90 78 90 88 L. A. WELSH. 60 .04 f, T 64 .16 62 .12 64 .04 66 .04 64 .12 64 , .02 64 .01 Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Bt. Loale General Market. ST. LOUIS. June li. WHEAT Higher ; No 2 red cash, elevator,' lc; track, ll.osy 106; July. lc; September, 614frlHc; No. $ hard, $1.05. CORN Future higher: cash weaker; No. S cash. 61 He: hack, U4Jc; July. 6ic; De cember, 6oc. ... . . ,. - OATS SUady ; No. 3 cash, 314; track, 32c; July, 2"Jo; Beplornber, 28c; No. 3 white, 84c FLOUR Steady. Jed winter patents, $4 964j6 ; etra fancy and straight. $4.i50 4 9ti : dear, $3.'V(i4.00. SEED Timothy, uteady; $2.00183.40. COKNMEAL Steady; $2 6u. BHAN Firm; sacked east track. 75c. HAY Steady; timothy, $S.OOjl3 00; pruirla, W.OO jS.U). .. - IRON COTTON TIE3-99C. BAGGING 84c. HEMP TWINE 24c ' ', u nurivtsioMD-Piiik. higher: Jobbing. $12.70. Lard, firm; prime ateum, $.7 Dry kali meats, nlgher; boxed shorts, $7,624; clear ribs, $7.6-,4; short clears. $7;4. Eacon. higher; boxed extra shorts, U W; Clear ribs. $8.60; ahort clear, 8.i5. , POIXTRY Quiet; chickens, 8c; springs, m.iw,-.- .,..Wa latrllr! areeae. 5'Tflle. Bl'TTFR Unchanged; . creamery, 169 4e; dailies, 16'4l7C. ' EGGS-Qulet at 134". (ulnt' of the Day on Various Commodities. KEW YORK. June 16. FLOUR Receipts, 16.654 bbls.: exports. J36 bbls.; market steady but quiet; winter paienis, at.wio.-o, winter straights, $1.6oa4.80; winter extras, $3.1(Xi( Mlnnpaota on tents. 15.60(1 b 26: Mlnne ,'nta haJiera. 13.7nrti4.16: winter low grades, $3.O0iiS.55. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. ia em- rhn ca to fancy. S4.60XO4.90. i-TViNMV.AI Firm: fine white and yel low,- $1.16; coarse, $1.123,1.14; kiln dried. 1 Ifjptl BO. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 46c, c. I. f.. New York; malting, 4txalbzo c. i. i. uunaio. WHEAT Receipts. 12,000 bil. : exports. 15. 007 hu. Snot market Arm: No. 2 red. $1.06. nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, $1,074, nom inal, f. o. b. afloat: no. i nortnern.iiuiutn 11 1KU. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, ii.ni. f. o. b. afloat. On bull crop news from the northwest, associated chiefly with rains and lower temperatures, suggesting rust itimnca wheat advanced over a cent todav, Shorts were the principal buyers and last prices snowed trgiio net rise; juiy, i a-u,' 8?Uo. closed at 924c: September. 86 9-16' 87c, closed at 87c; December closed at 87V.C. CORN Receipts. 15.050 bu. Spot market i-m: No. 2, 60c, elevator, and 6oc, f. o. b. ufloat: No. 2 yellow. 614c; No. S white. 60o. Option market waa witnout transactions and closed nominally 4c net higher; July closed at 68e. septemner ciosea at ti w. OATS Receipts, t,i) nu. ; exports. 9.:ws bu. Spot market steady: mixed, 20(3 "2 lbs., S5((f854c; natural white, Snfri32 lbs., 36a374c; dinned White. 365J40 lbs.. SoiVU4IC. it A i wieaay ; cupping, buiiixc; gooa to cho ce. 774tl824c. HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 19i4 orop, 24itf28c; 1903 crop, 2123c; olds, 10 12c; Paclfla ooost, 19(H crop, 24S27c; 1903 crop, xvacc: oias. ltqi-'c. hides uuiet: uaivesion. zo to 28 ids.. Mc; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 19c; Texas drv. 24 to 80 1Kb., 1840. PROVISIONS Meet, ateaay lamily, 113.50 614.00; mess, $11.00ry 11.60; beef hams. $21.00 32.60: teKei. 11Z.00UM uu; extra inula mess $22.00fti22.60. cut meata, nrm; pk'kled bel lies. XH ta'U-luu; pick tea snouuiers. lo.aixun.oo: pickled hams, $10.0oi 10 50. Ijird. steady; western steamea, ,.i'u. nominal re fined, steady; continent. $7.35; South Amer lea, $8.15; compound. $5,3745)5.624. Pork, steady; family, i.0'ai6 no: snort clear, $13 .!(' 15.0ft; mess, $13. 474V 13 75. kicu bteaoy : aomesuc. jair to extra. poc. Japan, nominal. TALIA1W Barelv steady: cltv ft2 per pkg ). 4?-44c; country (pkgs. freel, f40 . .... . J . . HL ITRK-nrm; receipts, b.ijj pags. ; street price, extra creamery, 2062o4c; reno vated, common to extra, 134fll7c. CHEESE Market steady and unchanged; new state full cream, small, white and colored, fine. 94c; new state, fair to choice. 84tiVc; new state, large, white and col ored, fine. 94c. ECMJS Receipts, pugs.: state. Penn sylvania and nearby mixed, extra, l&AynUc; western, 144'alSc; southern Inferiors. 124V 13c. POULTRY Alive, western spring chicks, 224a?'lc; fowls. 134c: turkeys. 12c. Dressed, ensy; western broilers, 24426c; fowls, lut 12c; turkeys .13-aKc. Iowa Central 25 do pfd 49 K. C. Southern 234 do pfd 30 554 55 644 Louis. & Nashville... 1,000 1464 1464 1454 Manhattan L 164 Met. Securities 100 SO 80 79 Met. St. Ry l.noo 122 122 122 Mex. Central 1,200 20 20- 204 Minn. & St. L 64 M . St. P. & S. S. M 1174 do pfd 157 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. , Corn, bu. ... Oats, bu. .... 6.i"0 ..25.00 ..55 niO ..42,000 10.000 ts.uOO 66. tot 4'a,tM) a! Minneapolis Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS. June 16 WHEATWuly, $l.i: Septenibei'. 87'.c; No. I bard, $1 12; No l northern. $1.12 No, $ northern, 81 . FLOUR First patents, $6. 408 6T : second patciiia. $6.2(6..1ii: brt ;lear, $4(aa4.10; second cU-ara. $'-' Ifaff't 95. BRAN-ln bulk, $1175ij 13.00. Missouri Pacific 300 M.. K. & T 100 do pfd 100 National Lead 300 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 100 N. Y. Central 200 N. Y., O. & W 2,000 Norfolk & Western.. l.loO do pfd North American 100 Pacific Mail 300 Pennsylvania 6,90o People's Oas 7o0 P., C c. c St. u Pressed Steel Car do Dfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading do 1st pfd do 2(1 Pto , Republic Steel do pia Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Ooods do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Paettlo do pfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron.... Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd U. S. Express U. S. Ieuther do pfd II. 8. Realty U. S. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chem... do pfd u Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Express Vestlnghouse Elec... Western Union W. or L. E Wis. Central 6.3x0 do pfd 2.600 Northern Taclflo 400 984 284 624 44 844 1414 r.i 80 39 1354 1014 s 2S4 62 44 344 1414 614 80 "m" 384 134 1014 11,000 964 96 600 i',066 i',900 200 100 1,3(0 100 300 600 100 13.901) 200 100 600 16.OH0 600 100 200 It a) 200 17 '27 -32;i 1014 604 62 1197 31 97 564 1234 9' 374 1084 27 94 344 14 18 38 174 '274 '31 101 '004 624 1 194 31 97 56 122 96'-, 374 l-27; 27 937, 344 1084 18 38 300 94 944 234 51 186 22 49 1S54 984 i 4 624 44 84 141 61 79 92 98 38 13474 1014 71 37 91 236 95 91 88 17U 734 8 64 22 59'i 624 1194 31 97 77 32 554 1224 11 1004 37 K'2H 274 4V 34 l-4 184 235 16674 944 154 2274 Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. June 15. Today's state merit of the treasury balances In the gen- ral fund, exclusive or tne ibu,taj.tiuo goia reserve In the nivision 01 reaemntinti shows: Available cash balance, $135,798,262; gold, $71,374,504. Wool Market. BOSTON. Juno 15. WOOL Manufae- orers show a tennency to noid nack on hla-h nrices at present ruling in the wool market. As far as any medium grades of wool are ooncerned the demand is strong enough to warrant the belief that that por ion or tne cud win sen at gooa prices. Pulled wools are In small supply. Foreign and territory wools are firm, with trading moderate. Leading quotations are: onto and Pennsylvania XX and above, 84(535c; X, 32g33c.; No. 1, 38390 ; No. 2, 39940c; fine unwashed, 2627c; -blood, SfflSoc; H-blood X9i 83c : unwashed delaine. 2i'ui8c: unmer chantable, 28i&29c: fine washed delaine. 379 xxe. Michigan f ine unwasnea. aznc; blood unwashed. 3J'a34e; n,-hlood, 33'u7Hc; 4 blood unwashed. 336l4c: -blood, 333 34c: 4- blood. :Xa3le: unwasnea aeiaine, jaxtana Kentucky, Indiana, etc. and 4-blood, 81 633c. Territory and Idaho Fine. 22&23o; heavy fine, lSfWei fine medium, 22tjsf23c; me rllnm 2iWi27c: low medium. 36227e. Wyom ng Fine. 2lfi22c; neavy nne, jwoikc; nne medium. 22H23c: medium, 26 27c; low me fllum. 2fnf27c. Utah and Nevada Fine, 21W 23c; heavy nne. lsgg'isc; nne meaium. a- Mr: medium. 26'ir27c. Dakota fine, ziD2zc fine medium. 215 22c: medium. 26(fi27c: low medium. 26'n27o. Montana Fine choice, 25(1J) 26c: fine average, 220j23c; fine medium choice, 26ii27c; staple, 27o; medium choice, 5-ifiOSn bt im;in. June -wuuij-oreaoy medium grades, combing and clothing, 20lf- 314c; light fine, 244-3280; heavy fine, Wai , 42440. Total sales for the day, 133,400 shares. Ex-dlvldend. tOffered. 185 London Stock Mnrket. LONDON. June 15. Closing Quotations on siocks were: Conaola, anftnay ,4 N l-ll'N. Y. Central... do account av 11-it Norfolk A W... Anaconda 6i do pfd Altbiaon U S Ontario A W... do pfd- 106VPei.i,,yivnia Ba minora m (lhlo....im Raud Mlnaa .... Dalutkk Oraln Market. . DULUTH. June II WHKAT-To srrlve: No 1 northern $t Kr rn track: Nor. 1 lur.awn, Jl.U; No. I uonberu, tl.H; July, - tlllwsakee Urals Market. MILWAUKEE. June 15 WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 11121.1.1; No. I northern. $1.04451 09; July, 87c, bid. RYV: Firm: No. I. We. BARLEY Firm; No. I. 614c; sample, 0 Jrlle CORN-Steady; No. S, 634544; July, 53o. Phlladelp'ala Pradaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 15. BUTTER Firm; extr western creamery, 20402101 extra nearoy prints. z.'c. EOrtS Firm: nearby fresh, 174c. loss off: nearby fresh, I640 atnark; western fresh. liarnwc at marn. CHEESE Firm: New York full ereama, fancy new. 10c; fair to good new, Jflne; domestic Swiss, lKfjitc. Canadian Paelflo Chaa. A Ohio ... Chicago Ot. W.. C . M. A at. P.. lxbera Danvar A R. O. . do aid trie da lat pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central . Iiuli. A Naeh-.. M ., K. A T .lab IRaadina . 1 do lat pfd . 14 do Id pfd .!! Southern Railway .17 do pfd . J- Southern Paclto .. . koil'nloa Pacilo 41 'a ; dr pfd .... el4 .... ...,li n aai U. 8 81 eel do p(d Wabaah do pfd Spulak 4a . .146 . 4 i . t4 4i . aa . 4 . l-4 . I . 61 SILVER Bar. firm, 27 l-16d Jer ounce. MONK Y 14m 2 per cent. The rate of discount in the own market for short bills is 2-ij2 1-16 per cent; for three montns nine, Mjii-i per cent. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O . June 15. "SED Clover. October, $5 7; prlus alslk. 17.40; prime timotoy, fi.ev. , Raak at Kaglaad Statemeat. IXlNfiON, June 15 The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Local reserve In creased 279.ii; circulation decreased A4io.(aj; bullion dei-.reaed 155.083: other securities decreased 4)3.44. laaV otiier deposiis d-ereaaed 567,000: public deposits Increased .oij,imi; uou rvservs lucfoasea A-;,uou 224c; tub washed. 5 14 6 20 6 28 1 6 264 6 1-a 6 234, I 2941 4 62i 4 62 1 6 27 4 4,, h Jl, 4 46i 6 27 1. 321 7 12. 6 661 5 21 1 3 67 4 60 16 1 011 $S a I o ft 73; t U $ 6 7 12, I 6 101 8 66 7 111 6 73 I 8 Si 4 4l 24 7 0i ft 67 6 OJ, 1 b lm 7 oil 6 631 6 U5I 3 53 6 284, 4 361 6 19! 7 0B, 6 61 6 01 3 W 6 I6W1 4 321 1 7 U61 & 67 6 041 3 63 6 16 j 4 83 04 I 6 61 6 04 68 S 184 4 381 6 9J 6 Sfl I 4 Hi), 8 5a 5 17 I 4 661 5 771 6 97 5 60 3 60 I 4 99 6 721 f 01 6 6.11 4 86 1 5 ll7,.: I 6 701 7 0'Jl 5 621 4 90 1 8 60 6 17 I 4 53 6 SO. 7 lu, 5 M; 4 bb $ 61 6 i;,4" 4 49, f 7 U 5 71 4 M 3 &i 6 137g 4 5,(, 6 93i 1 6 7l 4 S, 6 ill 5 164, 4 4 6 n7 7 07 4 6d 3 t 6 19 I 4 491 6 9 7 li, 5 701 J $ 59 1 4 54 1 6 85i . lu 6 71 4 83 6 20' 1 6 76! 7 201 6 70 4 911 8 68 6 22'4 6 63 6 77 7 15 6 711 4 94) 3 6J 5 24 4 68 I 7 1S 5 75 4 95 1 t 67 5 2041 4 68 1 5 80i I 6 781 6 W2 3 bt) 6 17 I 4 6 5 86! 7 21 6 10, 3 61 5 204, 4 74 6 00 7 W, 6 83 $ 59 I 4 71 6 031 7 36 6 911 5 001 6 IS1 I 1 6 Mi 7 A11 o ,vt 4 -, 3 fi 1! it!! t. 0 174 110 no IK) 4 M I 60 I o 4 no I no 6 on I . 1M 5ro 1(1 1.-4 170 1:1 ' i'fCH K E H 8 A N D F K E D K K a tut . 60 .l:lo HI 64 I 60 I 64 II 1 M 1 16 4 iM 1.... 1 1 0 li 710 . 670 . lao . 990 .1141 6 M I 10 I 60 I M 6 60 I 76 4 no 4 00 4 4 41 4 M HOG 9 There was a fair run of hogs here for a Thursday, about 123 load beins offered. 'Early reports from eastern points were favorable and sellers had some ad vantage. The qnaUlty of the hogs was very good, some fancy stuff being on sale. Buyers were out early and there was a good, strong tone tto the trade. On the opening bids were mostly made at $5.15. but few loads changed hands at the price, and after the first round or two the mar ket strengthened and sales were made at better prices. Light hogs were In best de mand and commanded more money than the heavier grades. The bulk of the hoga ehanircd hands at $5. 17 4 J. 20, with tops reaching $6.25. The general market could best be quoted as being a big nickel higher with trading active. 'As the morning ad vanced the market showed more strength, but the extreme close waa easy. A clear ance was mane sentutlve sales: In good season. Repre- 5 15 4 811 6 07 5 1341 4 841 I 4 811 a 7 36 7 31 6 83 4 Mi, g 64 5 81 1 4 85 3 66 6 861 4 89 3 64 1 27 6 65 3 16 6 4 1 1 129 1 12 Total Receipts.... 139 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing company 318 1,231 swift and Company 3oU l.ti'W Cudahy Packing Co 1,133 2.34 591 2.420 1.238 448 305 225 255 No. 7.... S.... 4.... 4..., .. 77..., 67 ... , 66..., 6.... 62... 74..., 64... es... 66..., 74... 73... !7... 8S... ..., 61... fa... 67... 66... 6S... 69.. 67... 69... 44... 40... 77... 61... 71... 64... 64... 62... 63... 67... SO... 60... 61... 73... 66... 64... 76... 66... 61... 60... 76.. 24... 67... 66... 67... 60... 77... 76... Sv... 46... 60... 66... "2... 66... 69... 83... Armour & Company Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C Swift and Co., St. Joe Swift and Co., country 73 Hill & Son 37 Huston & Co 30 Hamilton & Rothschild .. 16 L. F. llUBL 122 Cudahy Bros. & Co 602 Wolf at Murnan .'. lo9 Mike Haguerty 14 Sol Degan 2 B. Boot &, Co 32 11. Bulla 27 Other Buyers 60 ...... .. v -- . . Total 2,860 8,3o8 CATTLE There were 13U cars of on sale, a fairly good run for a Thursday. The receipts today were mucn neavier man for the same day last week and the gen eral quality was fairly good. there was a good sprinKiing ot Deei steers on sale, but there was little, life to the trade. Buyers were on the hill in good season, but were slow in taking hold. There was little urgency to the demand and buyers w;re bearlHhf There was very little done till well along in the forenoon and the market was slow' and draggy all throuKh. On some of the best kinds that suited the eye of the buyers prices ruled about Bteady, but on the general run of the steers tho maraet was luc lower. 1 lie stuff was bought up very slowly, sellers finding it hard work to dispose of their holdings even at the prices. There was a light run 01 cows and heifers here and trading, as on steers, was slow and draggy. The common and fair kinds were weak to 10c lower, wnne on some 01 the good grades the market ruled about steady. Buyers did not seem anxious for the stuff and there was little urgency to the demand. The market on bulls was a little lower. although veal calves and slags showed little change and were just anout steaay. There was another light supply of stock ers and feeders here today and, as has been the case Tor some time, the demand was small. The market on the good kinds waa steady, but ruled lower on the common grades. Representative sales: , tiEEF rJTEERS. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 15. METAIJJ The Tendon tin market was a little higher with snot closing at 138 5s and futures at 136 li ana in tne local marsei biiowwi autntt Improvement, stocks being light and flrmly held. Spot closed at $,V).3iy30.50. Copper waa lower In London,' closing at 65 17s 6d for both spot and futures, ixicany tne market was unchanged with lake and elec trolvtlc still quoted at $16 and casting a ti4 7&. Iead was unchanged at 13 in Lon don and at $4.60414.60 In the local market Spelter also was unchanged In both mar kets, closing at 24 in umaon ana at o..u In the local market. Iron closed at 49s 4d in Glasgow and at 46s 4d In Mlddlesboro. Locally the market was unchanged, jnc 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $16 5017.00, No. 2 foundry northern at $100&16.60. No. 1 foundry southern at $16 2itai6.75. No. 1 foundry southern sort at xin.zbirH.uv: ino. 2 foundry southern soft at $16.754i'l.25. ST. LOUIS, June ij.-MP,iAUi-iaa, steady at $4.424ii 4.474. Spelter, weak at $5.10. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 15 COTTON Spot, closed quiet, 15 points higher; middling up lands, 9.10c; middling gulf, 9.35c; sales, none. ST. LOUIS. June 15 COTTON Firm. Middling. 8 7-18c; sales, 133 bales; receipts, none; shipments, none: stock. 41.073 bales. NEW ORLEANS, June 16.COTTON-tr-lrm: sales. 1.7U0 bales: ordinary. 6 15-16c: good ordinary, 74c; low middling, 8c; mid dlings, 9c ; gooa middling. o-ioc; mid dling, fair. r9. Receipts, 2.949 bales; stock. 116,303 bales. LIVERPOOL, June 15 COTTON Spot, In moderate demand; prices 3 points higher. American middling, fair. 6.33d; good mid dling, 6. old; middling, 4 83d; low middling, 4 67d: arood ordinary. 4.4d: ordinary. 4.33d The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which 610 were for speculation and export, and Included 6.400 American. Receipts, 2,000 bales. Including 1.600 American. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June 13 CORN-Steady : No. I yellow, b.10; No. $, (34c; No. 4. 624c; no grade. 61c. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, o; No. 4 white, S04c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU June 15. WHEAT-Spot. nominal; TUiures. ateaay; July, 6s d; Sep, tern her. As 77d; December. 6 6d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 4s ;isa; futures, quiet; July, 4 7Ja; Bvutem , bcr, a 6)td. No. At. Pr. No. at. Pr. 1 620 1 76 21 1275 4 7S I 810 65 80 1169 4 76 2220 4 06 2 1290 4 76 I WO 4 IS 16 (lil 4 76 4 1061 4 20 16 1204 4 60 20 1016 4 20 22 12:6 4 60 S70 4 26 21 12l 4 60 ? 918 4 26 16 1160 4 80 II ll2 4 25 45 lli-l 4 65 1 4 25 16 1261 4 ee J 1260 4 25 16 1124 4 K0 6 1182 4 25 13 1264 4 90 12 1120 4 26 U l l8 4 90 22 1034 4 26 11 126U 4 90 2U 964 4 40 34 1234 4 90 22 967 4 40 22 1164 4 ti 6 1164 4 40 74 Kill 6 00 16 1090 4 40 11 12-17 6 00 1 121 4 40 12 1118 6 0(1 t 933 4 40 1 1410 4 00 4 1023 4 50 11 1300 4 05 36 1216 4 50 19.'. 1611 ( 10 II 1070 4 60 20 1J59 ( 10 II 1191 4 60 29 Una t 15 16 12i0 4 60 16 las ( 20 11 1144 4 66 1 16 6 20 11 1111 4 60 10 13ii ( 26 10 900 4 65 29 1444 5 20 II 1113 4 66 1 1420 6 30 17 U'tt 4 70 17 1021 6 36 1 14W 4 76 1 1300 6 35 4 815 4 76 13 1421 6 J 11 llt 4 75 M 12S4 ( 40 1 1J60 4 75 12 1465 t 40 IS 69 4 76 BTEh.K8 and COWS. 7 4r-5 I 25 1154 4 60 f 9t 1 80 10 116a 4 0 161 4 10 10 1 ZOO I 06 U .lie4 4 56 13 1311 6 20 COWai. 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i , i i 4 18 I I 1 1 1 1 t 26 I 1 14 1 1 4........ 1. I I I 1 14 I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I .. 610 .. 167 ... 117 ..loao ,.. 990 ,.. 70 ...ll'2l) ...1010 ...1030 ...10U5 ... 9110 ... 740 ... 930 ... Ml) ...10.16 ... 9:15 ... HO . ..1040 ... 90 ...1M6 ... IK4 ... 910 ... 874 ... 740 ... 110 ... 190 ... taO ...1011 ... 936 ... 8(4 .. 520 .. T01 .. 6H0 .. 724 .. UI ,. 4a0 ... 61 , A .. alt ..1131 . .11 ..l'0 ..1224 . -1S2U ..1214 ..1110 ..1150 ,.1164 ..1116 ..12"0 ... 70 ,..u; .. 154 i oo I 20 I 25 1 26 I 4 t 40 I 60 I 60 I 60 1 a 1 at I 65 1 76 t 75 i 75 1 90 I 00 I 16 t 15 II t It t 26 i 16 I 24 t 26 I 15 t 15 t 65 3 64 I 70 IIEltlSKS. 1 I. U. ...1180 .... 771 .... 960 1 ISA ....1171 ....1141) .... 995 ....1108 ....1046 ...1230 ..,.1170 ....mil ....1108 1210 ....lnl ....linn ....1024 ....1312 .... 965 . ...llivi ....121X1 . ...1H ....1294 ...loao ....1194 ....1426 ....1060 ....1804 ....ILii) 1 76 I 75 8 80 I 40 80 1 65 I 85 t 90 1 90 4 00 4 00 4 01) 4 04 4 10 4 10 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 16 4 24 4 20 4 10 4 n 4 84 4 14 4 46 4 74 I 25 t 40 1 86 I It 16 I 25 4 U 8 40 $ 70 4. 24 1 1 11... 1 )... 1 ( HULLS. t 60 t 6V I 40 I 75 I 75 1 76 1 76 l so t (a) I 00 I 20 I It 1 t to CALVES 4 00 . Il . 941 . 440 . trO .. IM . 444 . 710 .1018 ...11K0 ...1740 ...914 . . IS 1 0 . ..150 . ..17S0 ...1710 ...1180 ...1IJ0 ..14I ...I2d ...I'KO ...1104 I 76 I 10 4 00 I 1 4 It 4 15 4 25 4 14 I 54 I 44 1 40 I 45 76 I 74 79 1 76 I 94 1 14 1 tn I 94 4 24 At. Sk. Pr. ...nr. i;o 6 15 ,..S66 1WI I 15 ..171 140 6 174 ...264 ... 6 17i ...244 160 6 174 . . 240 940 4 174 ...314 200 I 171, ...174 140 4 174 .. 214 4n I 17V, ...254 1(0 4 174 120 6 nn ..217 120 I 171, .. 2.M ) 6 174 ...267 120 6 Hi, ...246 ... 6 174 ...2:7 80 6 174 ...272 80 6 114 . . !(1 80 6 17i ...271 ... 4 I7i ...279 i:0 6 17( ...244 ... I 17i ...23 120 I 17i ...246 ... 6 17i ...111 ... 6 US ...244 140 I 174 ...210 60 6 174 ...257 80 t lit ...3"2 ... I 17i ...Sr-,1 40 6 17', ...224 80 6 17v ...320 SO 4 17 ...120 Son 6 17 ...244 40 6 174 ...241 100 6 17't ...287 80 6 174 ,...301 ... 6 171 ,...294 80 4 17V4 ...264 120 4 17 ...249 10 6 li ...227 120 6 17V, ...237 11 6 174 ...271 164 4 174 ...279 2"0 6 174 ..221 120 6 !- ...323 80 6 174 ...2X4 80 6 17 V ...lit 200 6 17i ...271 40 6 17V4 ,...120 40 6 174 ...219 to 6 20 ,...116 80 6 30 ...177 ... 6 20 ,...247 160 6 20 ...231 100 4 20 ...110 40 4 20 ...261 ... 6 20 ...231 ... 4 10 ... 271 ... 6 20 ...171 80 6 10 ,...2M ... 6 10 ,...131 ... 5 10 ...111 160 6 20 ...220 120 4 20 SHEEP Receipts today were than they have been any day so week, although the uuallty was good. There were eleven cars on Bale and buyers were in the barn early. There was a good demand for the Btuff and a clear ance was made early in the forenoon. Prlcos ruled generally steady, with lambs looking a little stronger. Trading was laii-iy active and sellers had no dlmru tv In disposing of their holdings at the prices noted above. Grass stuff Is beginning to make its appearance and is selling very satisfactorily. Theie were two double decks of Wyoming grass wethers here to day, which sold lor $4.35, and one double that brought $3.60. A bunch of fed west ern shorn lambs changed hands at 96.25. (quotations for clipped stoca: Good to choice lambs, $.006.25; fair to good lambs, o.suai.oo: good to choice vearllnprs. 15. 6.60: fair tn good vearllnas. J4.75W5.00: a to choice wethers, $4.76fg6.25; fair to good wethers. $4.254.75; good to choice ewes, $4.3(Ki4.60; fair to good ewes, $4.0004.30. Kepresentative sales: No. Av. Pr. 18 Mexican cull ewes (7 2 85 4 Mexican cull ewes 60 2 86 399 Mexican ewes 62 3 80 414 Mexican ewes , 64 4 35 MexlmTn wes.,.;.. '..,. .'.....' ?" 4 35 269 Western ewes .7 91 4 50 1 western ewe 90 , 4 60 6 western yearlings 74 6 60 283 western lambs 70 8 25 grnsa buck 160 2 oo grass bucks 126 2 00 grass wethers..,. 94 8 60 grass wethers.... 100 4 25 grass wethers.... 99 4 25 Nn At. i 61 2S as 206 61 t7J 71 im 46 Ill 61 171 Si 227 77 tit 7 160 61 23 !I7 as 2t 71 241 71 127 7 210 7t 117 It J64 69 vat 76 ins 70 211 41 151 65 MO 61 210 14 126 48 211 44 230 11 264 75 214 65. 21S 62 261 68 tf-4 7S 195 SI 177 66 234 74 221 64 121 64 246 77 211 r; 247 68 Ill 46 219 12 231 72 138 72 2.11 64 231 8C 201 48 248 67 241 7t 240 69 241 60 161 IS 241 67 233 71 167 82 185 86 107 13 240 tl 236 48 161 12 214 I !75 7 221 II 181 Bk 4 80 SO an 40 '40 40 80 120 160 in lin 40 fl Ml 40 80 120 iti) 40 280 160 200 80 40 120 40 10 80 160 160 120 80 120 280 an 40 "ii 40 40 120 120 I 10 I to I to t 20 6 20 6 !rt 4 20 t 20 I to t tl I 24 t to I to 5 20 6 10 4 20 6 10 6 20 5 to I 20 I 20 I 20 I 10 4 20 I 20 6 20 I 20 6 20 4 20 5 20 5 20 6 20 5 tl) I 10 6 20 4 10 6 20 6 20 4 10 5 10 6 20 6 20 5 20 6 10 6 20 4 10 I 10 4 20 6 20 4 20 t 20 4 20 6 20 4 224 t 224 6 22i 6 224 4 2!4 5 224 6 26 6 25 5 25 4 26 heavier far this not as 1 Wyoming 15 Wyoming 238 Wyoming 373 Wyoming 134 Wyoming CHICAGO live: stock MARKET Cattle Steady Hoars Htronaf Sheep and Lnmba Lower. CHICAGO, June 16. CATTLE Rtacelpts 7,000 head: market steady; good to prime steers, So.biiffj6.2h.; poor to medium, 4.0"ii 4.4" stockers and feeders, $2.76'04.80; cows. $2 50 Ifi4.60; heifers, $2.5036.00; can tiers, $1.40S2.4O Duns, -'.L'h'(i4 .o; calves. X3.ou(av.4U. HOGS Receipts, 20,000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 18,000 head; market strong mixed and butchers, $6,20(a5.46; good to choice heavy, $5.SrV86.424; rough heavy $4.75515; light, $5.26&6.424; bulk ot sales, t5.3tVii5.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 15.000 head; sheep market 10c lower; lambs, IA 25c lower: good to choice wethers, shorn. $4.8fK&6.00; fair to choice mixed, shorn, $3.50 4i4.40; western sheep, shorn, t4.0ofi5.00; native lambs, shorn. $460i6.26; western lambs, shorn, t5.00ft-6.66. Kanaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 15.-CATTLrV-Re-celpfs, 6,400 head, Including 1,100 southerns. Market steady to loo lower; southerns steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers. $5 2VcJ6.78; fair to good, $4Wfi6.00; western fed steers, $4 2,Vh6.60; Blockers and feeders, $3.0(rfi4.8O; southern steers. $3.0OHJ 4.75; southern cows, $2.25(jj4.00; native cows, $2.26&4.bO; native heifers. $3.26j4.90; bulla, $2.2654 26; calves, $3.00j6.60. HOU8- KvceiptB, 12,000 neao; market steady and active. Top, $5274: bulk of sales, 46.12V03 2: heavy, xn.224106.Z6; pack ers. $6,2246.274: Pigs and lights. $5.15tt 5.-27Vi. SHEEP AND IAMMS Receipts. 8.000 head; market, steady: native lambs, $6.00?; 5; western lambs, X5.25-u7.20; fed ewes and yearlings. $4.265.50; Texas clipped year lings, $4.9Vf!&.40; Texas clipped sheep. $4.25 ijj4.ou; Blockers and feeders, $2.5O4.00. Bt. Lonls Live Stock Mnrket. ST. IUIS, June 15. CATTLE Receipts, 2.500 head, including 1.500 Texana. Market strong. Native shipping and export steers, $4.25.-77 5.90; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3 aoign.oo; steers tinner l.ouo pounds, ii.&uex 4 60: stnekers and feeders, $2.6oU'4 60: cows and heifers. $2.'7V4.00; canners, $2.0002.50; bulls. $2.85'?i3.76; calves, $2.75416.26; Texas and Indian steer, $3.lJ4t6.00; cows and heifers, $2.0004 00. HOi IS Receipt. B.&uo neao. Aiargei higher. Pigs and lights, t5.0041fi.4O; packers, $4.50415 35; butchers and best heavy, $5,264) 5.40. SHEEP . AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.000 head. Market strong. Native muttons, t3 fVffrd.Tt ; lambs, $6.ofvff7 00; culls and bucks. $2 754.70; Blockers, $2.t4l'3.00; Texans, $3.00 64.75. St. Joseph live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June 15 -CATTLE Receipts, 1 668 head; market 10c lower. Na tives. t3. 75426.65: cows and heifers, $1.5oi 4.76; Btockcrs and feeders. $2.764,4.66. HOGS Receipts, 9.498 head; market 24c higher. Lights, $5.20475.25; good heavy, t6.2246.274. . . . . SHEEP A5'U ivAAi ho Keceipis, Kno head; market steady. Shorn laniDs, ts.15. . ienfritug.il white, Jc; yellows. 4J4 15-I6c. MOLAfES - Nominal , open. 13j26c. Syrup, nominal. 3c. 4) VI A II 4. Wlrlll.liULlS M ARKET. Condition of Trade and tinntatloas on tapis aad Fancy Produce. EGOS-Rce.lpl. fair; market,, steady; Iftndled stock, Holfic. LIVE Pon.T,KY Hens. W. roosters. 5;r6c; luike.ts. l.tfilOe; ducks. !c; spring ciilckens. 14 to t lbs., ?fwn2::c tier lb HI I I MM Packing toi a., iac; choioe to ancy dairy, l,'ulc; creauieiy, -'Hi 21c; lints, :':c. SUGAR Standard granulated, $6.21 per wt.; culies, li'.m per cwt.; cut loaf, $1.43 per cwt.: No. 6 extra t , $h.l- per cwt.; No. 10 extra C. to 96 per cwt.; .No. 16 yel low, 5.75 per i W I.; XXXX powdered, 46 9t per cwt.: bar powdered. $..40 per cwt.; eagle tablet. t7.96 per cwt. FRESH FlSH-Truut. 8c; halibut, lie: buffalo (dressed ), 8c; pickerel (dressed), 8c: white bass (dressed). .'c; sunnsh, be; pcrcil (scaled and dressed). 8c: pike. 9c; catfish, lm-; red snapper. Ifle; salmon. 16c; crapples. 12c; eel. 15c: bullheads, 11c; black base, HK-j Whitehall (d-essedl. 10c: frog legs, per dos.. iSc; lohsVrs. green. 27c; boiled lotisters, 3uc, shad roe, 45c; hlueftns, 8c. HAY Price minted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' nsaoiiailoh: Choice, $7.00; No. 1. $6.5t; No. 2, $i.00;' coftrse, $5.00. These rices are fer hay of good color and qual- tv. BRAN Ter ton, $15 00. " TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES-St. Michaels, all sires, $3,751 00; extra fancy Mediterranean, sweets, all sixes. $3.50; choice navels, sixes 126, 150, 176, 2t t, $3.60; sixes 80, 96. 112. $3.26; seedling, all sues. 43.110 LEMONS- Limoniera, extra fancy,' 270. 300 and 360 sires, $4 '.'6; fancy, 270, at) and ii) sizes, $3.75; choice. 'Jt'i and 270 sixes, 13-00; 300 and 360 aim $3.5'). DATES Per box of 30 1-lh Pkgs.. $1.00: Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb, 5o. FIGS California, per lo-lb. carton. ;S7J 85c: imported Smyrna, four-crow 11, 12c; flvt crown, 12c. .BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, $1.7J ;!26; Jumbos, $2.5t"(;t.ou. PINEAPPLES-Florida, per crate of. 24. 30 and 36 sixes, 13.25; 42 slr.e 13.00. FBI ITS AND MELONS. APRICOTS California, per 4 banket crato. $136. FLI. MS California, ler 4-baskct era to. $1.35. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crate. $1: California, per 26-lb. box, $1.15. CH KkHl ris California, black, per 8-lb. box. $1.76; white, per 8-lb. box, $1.76; Mis souri, box of 24-uts., $2.00. STRAWBERRIES Home grown, per 24- qt. case, $1.i5u 2 00; Hood River, per case of 24-lts.. $2.50. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crate. $1 60. GOOSEHERRIES-Hox of 24 qts., $2.u0. CANTALOUPES Mexican, per crate. $3 OOttM.OO. WATERMELONS Alabama sweets. S.M2 60c each. ' RASPBERRIES Ken, DOX Of 21 PtS.. $3: black, box of 24 pts., $2.00. BLACK BEH Kir H-case or zt qts , $2 00. VEGETABLES. TURNIPS New, pe uu 25c. CARROTS New, per do., 250. PARSNIPS-Old, per bu.. 40c. WAX BEANS Per i-bu. box, 75c; string beans, per 4-bu. box, 75o; bu. box wax or string. $2,004)2.26. POTATOES Home-grown, in sacks, per bu., 35c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., ioc. BEANS Navy, per nu., tz.w. CUCUMBERS-Per do.. 45ff75c. PEAS New, per bu. box, $l.on. TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate. 90c SPINACH Per bu., 50C. CABBAGE California. In crates, per lb., 3c; Mississippi, tl.254j2.25 per cratts, ac cording to size. ONIONS New. per dox. nunche. 16;.: Bermudas, per crate of about 50 lbs., tl 25. JIAD1HUK.S not nouse or Bouuiern, per dox , ?0c LETTUCE Hot house, per dox., 35(fJ40c; head tetfuce. pe-" do., ,75c, . CAULIFIXlWEKHiUrte grown, per crato of 1 do . $1 00 BEETS New, per do.. 3"e. MISCELLANEOUS. . CHEESE Swiss, new. 15c Wisconsin brick. 14c; Wisconsin llmbcrgcr, 16c; twin, 13til4c; young Americas, He. NUTS Valnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per. lb., 15c: hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 son shells' per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, lafgo. per lb., 12c; small, per lb.,. 10c; peanuts, nor lb., 7c; roasted peanuts.' per lb., mc; Chill walnuts, pfr lb., 18ft 134c, almonds, soft, shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; ahellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; Prge hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. -. HIDES No. 1 treen, 74c; ; io. t green. 64c; No. I salted. B4c; No. 2 salted, 74o; No. lveal calf. 10c: N. 2 veal calf,.c; dry salted, 7if;14; sheep pelts, 26oQ41.00; horse hides. $1.6o3.00. Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Juno 16. WHEAT July. 784ff78c: December, 764ffj75Sc. Cash: No. 2 hard, 964799c; No. 3, 90f974e; No. 4, 854? 93c; No. 2 red, 964i()c; No. 3, 60fc974c; No. 4, R5fi93c. CORN Jul v, 49c; Septemher. 4,4T167c; December, 43-V-; My, 434(fj Sc. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 5o4id04c. No. 3, 44i50c; No. 2 white, 614c; No. 3, 61c. OATS-No. 2 mixed, 2947294c; No. 2 whlta. 304V31e.L . HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.50t?10.00; choice prairie, $7.75fuVOO. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 164184c; packing. 134c. EGGS Lower; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock. 13c, loss off, cawes returned; case count, 114ct southern, 6c. Receipts Wheat, hu 22.800 Corn. bu.... 26,400 Oats, bu 6000 Shipment. 32,806 42,400 4.1X10 Oils nnd lloaln. . . NEW YORK. June 15.-OILS-Cotton-seed. firm: prime crude, nominal; yellow, 2Sra2S4c. Petroleutn, steadv; refined. New York, $6.90; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $6.85. Turpentine, quiet, 614T)tl24c. SAVANNAH. Ga June 15 OIL Turpen tine, firm. 684c ROSIN-Flrm; A. B. C. $3.20; D, $3.80; E, $3.35; F, $3.40; G, $3.46; If. $3.55; I. $4.30: K, $4.40; M. $4.50; N, $4.70; WO, $4 90; WW, $5.00. OIL CITY. Pa., Juno 15. OI L Credit bal ances, $1.27: certllleates, no hid. Ship ments. 69,677 bbls.; average, 67 006 bbls. Runs, 99,675 bbls.; average, 68,920 bbla. Shipments, Lima, 61,401 bbla.; average, 68,884 bbla. Runs. Corlee Market. NB WYORK, June 16. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 5 point. The close was firm at? a net advance -of 15 to 20 fiolnts. Sales were reported of 49,760 bags, ncluding' July at 6.2o6.36c; September at 3&4f6.60c; March t 6.7i)i6.90c, and May at 90c. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7 ll-16c; Cordova, lCSllc. . : Sloas City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. June 15. (Srjeclal Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipts, luo head; mar ket Bteady; beeves, $3.o05.50; cows, buljs emu niiaru. eo.uir-.Li.iu. luv avi, aoiu irruara 13 11114 eo; calves and yearlings, $2.75413.90. iiuus neceiprs, a,ii neaa; market to higher, selling at H. IO'OO.!; bulk of sales. Stock tn Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal weaierii iiiaravis ycaLaruay ; cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City St. Joseph ... St. Louis Chicago Total 2,786 100 5.400 , 1.6x8 2.600 7.UU0 8.704 S.3O0 12,0tJ 8.49S ,6il) 20,000 3,040 2oo6 960 $000 16.000 . .19,453 62,003 23,990 ....H. t:$ Sagar and Molasses. NEW YORK. June 15. BUG A R Raw quiet; fair rennlng. $c; centrifugal, 86 teat. 44c Molasses sugar, 34c Ke nned, steaay; No. a, B 26c; No. 7. t.20c; No. 8, 6 10c; No. 9. .0bo; No. 10, 6c; No. 11, 4 Sjc No. 12. 4 t5c; No. 13 4 76c; No. 14, 4 70c oonfectioners' A.' 6 70c: cut loaf. 6 55c crushed. 6 55c; powdered, 6 96c; granulated 6 85c; cubes. 6.1oc. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, good to Choice. 37fl-5''C. NEW ORLEANS, June 15-8UOAR Quiet; oia ktuis, ctnullu.-!, .evwJ REAL ESTATK TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 15 as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded 1ml racier, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: V. M. Lartley and wife to J. E. Wright, lot 2, block 5, Isaac & Bel- -den's add ....,.$ 400 Benson lind company to B. Larson, . lota 1 to 6. block 45. Benson . kUW Conservative Savings and Ixan aaso- clatlon to F. and Fannie Hockey, lot 3. block 11. Brown Park 760 Hattle Nlndel to E. C. and Tonle Schlndler, part of lot 6, block 4, Credit Foncler ' 3.000 Mary Homlc to 8. Homic, lot 8, block 8 Brown Park 1 Sylvia H. Bassett to L. W. Devalon, lot li, i am Place i.in D. V. Bholes company to A. W. On- born, lot 14. W. A. Redlcks add.... 100 T. A. McAfee, executor and trustee to J. M. Adams, lota t and 7, block 3, Lincoln Place 400 United Real Estate and Trustee com pany tn Mary Butterneld, lots 6 and t, block 6. Maxwell's 2nd add........ 60 A. C. BuHh to A. B. Woodford, lot 31. block -1. Sherman Avenue Park.. 1 Olof Nystrom tq Marv Nystrom, lot 13, block 109, South Omaha 1,000 C. E. Hall to J. A. AldHiit, trustee, part of lots 9 and 10, block 76, South Omaha 18.000 Western Investment company to F. I). Wead, lot 1, block 2, Washington Hill 200 Anna H. Partridge et al. to T. W. McClure, part of lot 1, block 2, West End 4,000 A. VI. Price and wife to E M Whip ple, part of lot 31. Hickory Place.... 1,875 J. Bwansnn to Maria Rutenhouse. part of lot 40. a. E. Rogers' Okanoma... too Marthena Saunders et al. to R. N. Burgea, part of sublot 18 of lot 2, Capitol- add. 2.600 J. B. Nelson and wife to J. I Carey, part of lot 26, 8. IS. Rogers' Oka noma .' 1 Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated I riain Office: Fifth sail Robarts' Strut) AT. fAVU ni!H, DEALERS!-. Stocks, Grain, Provision; Ship Your Grniti to Us Breach OtBea, 1IO-111 Hoard at Trad . BIsbt.. Oneaaa, Nefc. Tela-paaae S5I4. 212-214 Exchange illdg.. South Omaha. BJ 'PhUtA U4, lilduadut 'Phttua