THE OMATTA DAILY TIEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 11. 1005. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET treculftton Doubt State. Advices and Wait for QoTemment Report. WHEAT MAKES A SUBSTANTIAL GAIN .enrral Rains a ad Forelaa Ucmaad Combine to Help Cur a Oats Dull Mlchlktan Crop Arc Oood, OMAHA, June 10. lax. "l1"' predictions by experts Mat u.a -"ciniuej.i crop report 11114 aliernuun """'u snow a u.urKeu iicituriiieni 01 pma lcta, the wneai market was strung- on tttto lupous, state advices snow that Kansas I, a fallen oft la points, Kentucky 11 ami Missouri ID. Ihe advance In pi levd was not meiit. however, as the traders ars iimnit-u 10 ,,R Witu susiiiciuii on u;ne of mess reports und are waiting to near what me Koveriiineiii ay. Jul. obened un changed and tliu other months a little nisner. All scored advances. July closed t,c- September at fc2c and December at si'aC Ueneral rains and a good foreign demand combined to help tliu com situation. All muntns opened anuut Wc higher and a bel ter price, wan made en tliu day advanced rfuiy ciosca ut ulc, old July at 62-y, Sep tember at ulc, old September at bic and ww-emoer at 4i-faC. Oats ugaln were steady and featureless. July finished at 31i,c, September ut mc and i"':fTiiwr at 2ifc. State, reports are comliiir In on wheat. The Kentucky condition, based on June 1, returns a condition of 91. Since then 11 personal Investigation by the bureau ofh clals shows decided damage by rust. Kun Bus reports show a loss of 15 tiolnts. The Michigan June wheat crop report, ns wired by King of Toledo, make the condition 7, am montn w, ibhi year 47. but 01 at nar. vest. The area at present Is one-third larger. The corn condition Is -', compared with 73 a year aso; oats 9o, against K last month anil h'j a year ago. The llnal official yield In Michigan last year was S,73,'.K bushels on ,01, Km acres. Snow's report say a: "That the ton days xnac nave passed since the data was gath ered for the government crop report of today have constituted the most favorably part of the season for the wheat crop and inia present condition is oven limner man the report today will show. Favorable temperatures and plenty of moisture have Improved the sit out Ion and complaint of fly, rust or other enemies Is very small. The same conditions govern the oat crop. The past week favored both corn planting ana Krowlnif and the situation was I in proved, but the crop has not yet reached normal developments and considerable Planting and reolantlnir Is yet to be done. One of the largest exporting houses In Duluth wires: "We have corn bids today from every correspondent almost that we ever did business with and, considering the fact that foreign prices are 8'itloe. above hlenco July prices, nnd that we could work an almost unlimited Quantity of coin n 1 ne oasis or tne July price in (. nicaeo. wo cannot help but feel stronat on the July corn option. Omaha Cash Sales. CORN No. grade, 3 cars, 42c; no grade, 1 car, e. OATS No. I white, 2 cars, 30c. Omsk Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 9iiTi9Sc; No. $ hard, (04i One; No. 4 hard. tWuKfic; No. 3 spring. (7c. CORN No. 2. 47M,c: No. 3. 47c: No. 4. 4fie, no grade, i'l'ii tic; No. 2 yellow, 4Sc; No. 3 yenow, iiie; iNo. z wmte, 4c; No. t white. llVC OATS No. 2 mixed. 29Ho: No. 3 mixed. r.'c iso. 4 nnxeu, zimac iso. i white. Hoc No. 3 white. Hoc; No. I white, 29V4c; stand' ard, 90c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat.. Corn. Oats Chicago 4 Kansas c ity Minneapolis Omaha Duluth Bt. Louis Minneapolis Grain Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis. mm m, ttr Kif V. .. I 4 .. .1 1 1 ' pany. wt-iu iiourd or Trade, was: mon to extra, Ulb'-; western imuation .creamery, nrsts, IduIiC. family. 11 fxii lO.'ti, snort Clear, iiJ.ti'U"w; mess, U i'.ht'v 1' TaLUiW-Dull; city, iHc; country, 4v . ..... .... Kl'Jl rTrm; nomestic, lair iu rum, a-Ti tf"r, Japan, nominal. CIlKErlr-Klrm; receipts, 1.8:3 pkgs ; Weekly exiiorts, l.i.ri pkgs.; now state, full cream. small. white. 9u'.'M-; state, colored, (c; slate, fair to choice, v fc; state, large, colored and whlto, lino, KOC1S Receipts, 13.7W) pkgs.; marKei un changed. I'OI l,iKi Alive, easy; western spring L-!ill;ena, :ic; fowls, 14c; turkeys, lie; dressed, easy; western broilers, Jtn:; fowls, l'AilUVii'i turkeys, 13.il7c. CHICAGO t.I-M.' AMI PROVISIONS Feataree of the Tradlnsj and CloslnsT I'rlces on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June 10 The Kansas crop re port showing a decline of 18 points in condition of winter wheat since April 1 Caused firmness In the wheat market to day. At the close July was up Sc. Corn also Is up c. J'ats and provisions are practically unchanged. Sentiment In the wheat pit during the greater pari 01 uih day was bullish. The opening was strong wltii July up SlL4c to Voi1" t 81. 'a"n o. Almost the sole topic anion traders be fore business commenced was the Kansas report, which showed the condition of the wheat for that state on June 1 was 77 compared with H6 on April 1. no report be ing Issued In Mav. The loss ot IS points Was said to have been caused by high winds and by drouth. In view of the forthcom ing report bv the government officials, the showing of the Kansas crop created con siderable apprehension among traders. On ngni orrerings July touched a,c. iater ine market -xpfcrlonced a sudden slump on sell lug brought out by a report of a Chicago crop expert. This authority stated that dui'lng the past ten days or since the time statistic for the government report were collected weather conditions had been the most favorable for the development of the wheat crop and that the orllclal figures would t too conservative. Before the mar ket recovered from this setback July had declined to Rf.MiWjc. Buying by shorts caused a quick recovery and during the last hour there was a firm undertone. Final quotations on July were at SiV4-u8,; c. Clearances of iiti..nd JioyiT. v Jtili lo 63.900 bushel. Primary recelota wera 247. bushels MmpirM "with' Wt,Wbuhei3 a year ago. Minneapolis, ru!utn anl l'ht cago reported receipt of lstt car against 10 cars a year ago. An unusual heavv rainfall throughout the corn belt created bullish sentiment In the corn pit. The volume of business was large. A prominent trader was the princi pal seller. July opened Sc to Hc. higher NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Action of Equitable Life Director! Hu ft Goid I fleet. MARKET IS ACTIVE AND HIGHER Lame Contraction of Loan Dae to Preparation fur Hedlstrtbutloa of Japanese Loan Deposit. 1RCANTILE PAPER-SSfil NEW YORK. June W.-The sudden life Infused Into the stock market Justified the opinion of those who have complaint d tnat lojch of the repression on activity has been duo to tne o en dispute over the affair of the Equitable Lite Asuranct f -clety. The steps taken at yesterday meet ing towards effecting a settlement of the affairs of the society were accepted as a promise that the violent phases, at least, of the trouble have passed ami that the uneasy attention which has been attracted throughout the financial world will now lose It lfect on sentiment. The encourage ment fi ll was substantially manifested In the large buying orders at the opening of the market. Jarge blocks of important stocks were taken at a substantial advance In price over laxt night. There was some piolit taking, but the advance was sttoiigiy icsuined after the appearance of the bank statement. The laige loan contraction, amounting to (11, 7S2.2UO, was attributed to the preparation for the redistribution of the Japanese loan deposit. These deposits remain available for the call loan murkct. The effect of the week's operations on the cash Item was a small Increase In spite of the supposed large transfers to trust companies' re serve. The net effect was an expansion of (3.777.225 In the surplus, which was re garded with satisfaction. Operators were Inclined also to anticipate a favorable gov ernment crop report to be given out later In the'day and which might help the mar ket on Monday. The wheat market Itself showed some unsettlement from the dis agreeable surprise effected by the Kansas state report on the June condition of wheat. J he market closed strong ana active, which rose up from 1 to over 3 point on the day. The bond market was firm In sympatny. Total Sales of bonds, par val- ue, (iS.sao.OTO. at 61c to flVilc, sold between filfr Blc and closed at 51-SiC. Local receipts were S.t7 Gear with 112 cars of contract grade. Oats were firm. July opened n shade to Vic higher at 31sc to 31Vi31V4.c, sold be tween 314,i?i31lfcc and closed at 31V4313c. Local receipts were 213 cars. I'rovlHlons were steady. September pork Closed unchanged at (12 8UH. Lard was up JV at (7.42Vi. Ribs were unchanged at (7 00. Intimated receipts for Monday '-i . corn, cars; oats, no 42,im0 head. Thi. leading future ranged as follows Wheat, cars; hogs, Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ye'y. 4 387 2)3 20 27 14 184 2 33 11 4 M M 48 Wheat July Sept. Dec. 'urn tjulv (July TSept. (Sept. (Dec. I fits- July Sent. fork- July Sept. Lard- July Scut. Ribs- July Sept. 81Vi olrj-t 50-V'ijl 87 82g 82 B2H 5114 ;S6Vii'!T'-!8fi4'fr'si W, el1 82'f'H.81'r774 8Hfc 81?i S fiteVVi!S0H((j"4, H ITU's I 47 61i:52VflVi 61V 61 o0- 60', 4!'7fe DOH 47V 47V 62 51 v 6"H 6oV 47 at 12 65 12 82V,! 7 22Vi 7 40 7 S2H 7 62V, 31V 12 65 12 85 7 22H 7 42V 7 32V 7 62V 8m'3H4iriai;81Vi, 287sl 12 62V 12 82V,i 7 15 7 37V4 7 S2VI 7 00 29 12 65 12 82Vi 7 22Vt ? V) 7 32 7 60 29 12 55 12 V4 7 224 7 40 7 324 Article. Open. High. Ixiw. (Jloe. Ye y. Wheat I July.. 10SS 108H 1 01 1 08 1 08 4 Sept.. S5Va 85 85H 85 85 V 51H 61V 61Vs 51 514 Sept.. 60V, 5i 49;t, 60S 6"Vx Dec... 47V 474 4JV 47 47 New. WEATHER IX Till UBAIN BELT Thunderstorms and Heavy Various Sectlorej. Severe thunderstorms with heav Troitj Krnerni in ine Missouri an Rain In rains -4'""'""li'i nej uuriug r riuuy atternoon and night. The rnlns were excessive In ''i'i iowa ana Illinois, tne followiiii; being some of the heaviest falls reported: lavenport, 4 :oH Inches; loon, 3.48; Albla. 3.44: Marshulltown, 2.14; Peoria, 3.26; Oalva, i u neavieni ians in iveoruHKa were 2.S5 inches at Grand Island and 1.48 Inches at Tekamah. The fall at Omaha was .74 of an men. 'the weather Is cooler In the Missouri valley and west to the irountalua. and will be cooler In the c ntral valleys tonight, fol lowed by fair and warmer Sunday. Omaha record of lemueraiura nn.l nra. clpltatlon compared with the corresponding uji vi iiiv iivak uiretj years; Minimum temnerature K2 m fji at precipitation 76 T .00 .00 .Minna! ieni(eratuie lor today, 70 de grees. Excess corresponding period In 1904. .42 of an men. Kxcess corresponding rx-riod In 1003, .89 of an men. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. -iemp.- Ra'n. Stations. Mux. Min. Inches. Sky. No. i. tOld. tNew. FLOl'R Ensv: winter nntenta ti 9tirt? 4 So: StralKhts. tS.fkrn 4. tl): nnrlnir nAtenta (5.0oi5.70; straight, (3. 75(86.00; bakers, (2.40 WHEAT No. 2 spring. (1.07(21. 10: No. S IWcfill i6; No. 2 red. 99VS(1.01. CI .1) XT KT. O Fit . X.. n II i-.-'ifcn iu. a, uot,u, o. i, yellow, otc. OATS No. 2.i 3ic: No. 2 white. SXW.Mc: No. S white, 31432c. RYK No. 2, 77c. HARLKY Oood feeding. 39dr4?c: fair ta choice malting, 4tW49c. bKtus-No. 1 (lax. i.Z7; No. 1 northwest ern, (1.43; prime timothy, (2.8G; clover, con tract grade, (l).,iul2.25. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl.. (12.50a 12.55. Lard, per 100 lbs., (7.12V(S7.15. Short rib sides (loose), (7.2Ml7.35. Short clear sides (boxed), (7.267.374. Receipts and shipments of grain and flour were as iouows: Recelofs. flhlnmenta Flour, bhls 12.S00 7.500 Wheat, bu ' 5S sun Corn, bu 31.S00 477,iioO Oats, bu 30ii.Jo0 264.3O0 Rye, bu 1,000 700 Barley, bu 70,u0 3,9uO on tne froduce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, 16iilS4c; dairies, 15fi 17c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 131114c; firsts, 144c; prime firsts. 154c: extra. 17c. Cheese, steady. 9ii 10c reserve In th division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, liJ4.71; gold, (70.,2. Rew York Money Market. NEW YORK, June 10 MONEY Cn call, nominal; no loans. Time loans, steady; t days. ( per cent: 90 days, lm per cent; 6 months. 84 per cent PRIME M El lr cent. STKRLINa EXCHANGE -Steady with actual business In bankers' MP at M.VTtf 4.S7o5 for demand and at (4 "CiofrvM W,15 for slxty-dav bills: posted rates. (4 and (4.88; com'mrrrlal bills. (4 844b44. SILVER Iar, 5s4c; Mexican dollars, 454c. l'.ONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on ooncis were: VJ. g. rrt la. FI ..1"4 H.ltlr,(t Vl. 4S do ceuron Jpn n, Ctrl . -l"ot uo ta. ,.P.i4 ..l.-l ..;.u ..P'4 . .le.i t-tfs. 751 v 1 lli V. 8. 3. r d.i ccupon f g. nfw 4s, r-f du coupon V S oM 4fc r do rouron .... Am Tt.baiTo 4a, dr. 6. ft Tit At'hlen sn. 4 Mn ail). 4 Atlantic c. L. 4a..., Hal. & Ohio 4 do lta CeTitritl of Oa. 6a... do 1ft Inc. do Id tne Ctirl. a Ohio C.I . Chicago St A. IWa.. o , B A q. n. 4a.. C, R. 1. P. 4.. do rol. ( err. St L. i 4a Chicago T-r. 4a .. Colorado Mid. 4a... Colo. & 8o. 4a Colo. Ii:d. ua. aet A do nt B Cuta 6a, clfl IV H O. 4a intollrra' Sc la.. Erl'.' prior lien 4a.. do RPll. 4a P. W AY D. C. la.. Offered. ..ui4 rtfs tc 4t L AN unl 4a 104 Mnnhatlan c I a...l"4t Wrx. Central 4a 7 do lst Inc II" Minn, ft St. I 4a... t: M K 4 T 4a lOe- do la .v N. R. R. ot M c. 4a. to N. T. .'. 8-i Id' N J. C. (a 1IH 104H No. Pailf.c 4a 1 H . i' do Ha 77 14 113V, N. A W. c. 4a 102 . U S. L. rfilaj 4a K . 44 nn. cos. lim 10; . l'lT, Rradln grn. 4a loj . 04 su L 4 1 M o. 6a..llMj 101V St. U. 8 F I 4a. 10 . t St. L. . W. c. 4a ... II . 3S Seaboard A. L. 4a.... H .10'.V4 So Pacific 4a . I?4 So Railway Ba K'" . 7 Texaa A P. la llH . M T . St. L. at W 4a... 14 . t'nlon ri.-lflc 4a 107 . tyv, do conr. 4a 114 .104 V. 9 Steal Id !t Do .1"! IWabarh la Ill . ; I do !lb B 74 .loa Weatem Md 4a . 3 W. a It. K 4a 14 .109, Wli. Central 4a M OMAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET AUKinda of Beef Steera and Cowi Lower foi the Wtek. HOGS HIGHER WITH TRADING ACTIVE flo Sheep or I.amba oa "ale Today Market foe the Week Lower on Mediant Grades with Oood Kind Steady to Strong. SOl'TH OMAHA. June 10, im. Receipts were: OtficlHl Monday OfTlcln.1 Tuesday .. Offlcinl Wednesday Official Thursday . OftV-tal FYlday Official Saturday.. Cattle. Hofs. Sheerv 5 772 1.(42 S..1S 15 t&i 1S.! 15.2.4 13.s2 5.447 3..V 6.42'J 3.741 1.037 242 ..1J.36.S ..2V.2J5 ..lfi.749 . .i;.44 ..14. 269 ..15.311 Y EAR 76.772 74.115 42. 746 41. 41 5S.is2 TO 14.321 17M IS. 4 10 11'. 4;7 10.W2 PATR Total this week. Total last week Same days wek liefore Same three weeks ago Same four wpks ago Same wek last year.. RECEIPTS FOR THE The following: table shows the recelpis of cattle, hogs and . sheep ut South Omaha for the year to date compared with last year 1 1903. Cattle S74.'4 Hors l,(.!'S.t Sheep 6M,':iSl The following turtle price of hogs at South Omaha for tne list several days with comparisons: Ino. 1S04. 41M140 UX7.& 065.449 27.632 shows ihe aversse Dec. 41 ta.a;2 DatO. I 190J. 1904. 11903. 11902. 11901. iWOO.IlHW. The Quotations on exchange ranged as 27,.i0 Adams Express Amal. Copper . Am. Car & Foundry. do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do Pfd Adams Express .... Am. H. U, pfd... Amer. Ice, ctfs do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil.... do pfd Amer. Locomotive .. do pfd Amer. S. 4 Ref do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref.... Am. Tob. pfd. certlf Anaconda Mln. Co.. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Llnu Baltimore k Ohio... do ufd Brooklyn Rapid T. Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chenapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. West.... C. & N. W C. M. & St. Paul.. Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C, C. & St. L... Colo. Fuel & Iron.. Colo. & Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas . Corn Products do pfd Delaware & Hudson. Del., L. c W Denver A R. Q do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric .... Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. Louis... M . St. P. & S. 8. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. & Texas.. do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Mex.. pfd N. Y. Central 2.6"0 the New York Stock follows: Sales. High. Low.Close. 24a 6l7 4 35 34 600 414 404 4.801) 1.2i)0 80,800 400 1.1U0 1,100 BOO 7.C0 400 6.4I0 4.6UO li 12.3isj 6,5i 100 2,0 3"0 l.' 900 15.8"0 'ii'j 200 3"0 2i ) . 1,41V) 4i , 12,M 6.0 2u0 484 112 1144 114 135 98 106 814 1U2 ltio lwH 974 63 1494 IW4 64 814 1:14 1944 176 3''4 934 424 274 59 37 1874 4 47 lt2 474 111 1124 11S, 10 84 1024 157 14 974 634 14S4 1994 494 Ws 192 173 3"4 34 414 274 54 364 1(, 9 45 181 100 2S4 2bVi 8,3110 3' l,0iX 'i'io l,5i O luO 414 794 93" 16i "4 4e&i 79 66i 93" ir.i4 184 800 254 244 800 8,300 11,6' Vj 23.7H0 1,100 i!i66 6.1"0 l.ftKt 8m) 1.2O0 Ashland. Neb. Auburn, Neb Columbus, Neb.. ralrbury, JNeb... Gr. Island. Neb. Hartlngton, Neb. Oakdal-, Neb Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb... Carroll. Ia Clurlnila, la Slblev. Ia Sioux City, la.... Storm Luke, la.. DISTRICT Central. Stations. Chicago, 111 Columbus, O Des Mollies. Ia... Indianapolis, lnd Kansas City, Mo. Louisville, Ky..., Minneapolis Omaha, Nebt..... St- Louis, Mo..., Local Forecaster, 91 61 .43 95 66 . 21 88 65 .48 93 63 .12 W 58 .116 85 56 2.85 82 50 T 83 61 .04 92 62 .76 90 6) 1 48 84 60 1.95 94 67 .60 82 53 .01 84 61 .IS 84 56 .38 Cloudy c leur Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv Cloudy Cloudy Haloing t. louoy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudv Raining AVERAGES, Temp. Rain. Max. Mln. Inches. 26 ' 72 60 .72 16 78 68 .02 10 86 62 1.46 U 78 60 .IS 16 94 70 .( 18 86 60 T 26 68 60 .10 15 88 68 .64 W 88 66 .01 L- A. WELSH. Weather Bureau. SEW YOHK ti It A I, MARKKT 44 notations Various of the Dar on Commodities. NEW YORK, June 10 FLOCR-Recelpts, 13.365 bbls.; exports, 8.534 bbls. Market dull and uncliunged; winter patents. 14 9u j.i winter stiaignts, 11 nwith; winter extras, so.iu"i oa; annnexoia naKeis. n ,;,,n.l.'); win. ter low grades, (S n 1(3 35. Rye flour, steady tair 10 goou, .ku4.wi; cuoico to fancy t4-6evi4 On. Co It N.MEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, (1.15; coarse, (1.15al.20; kiln dried. 1 701 J. 90. B4RI.EY Dull: feeding, 40c e. I. f. New York; malting. 4(Hi62 c. 1. f. Buffalo 1 1 EAT Receipts, 28.8110 bu.; exports 20.6 bu.; spot market steady; No. 2 ret, (1 14 bid in store: No. I red. (1.U54, nominal; No. 1 northern. Duluth, (1 144 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, (1.0t f. o. b. utiout. Options oeiied firm on the bullish Kansas state report, but later weaken, d. The close was unchanged to 4c net lower; July. 9u44i'.'Io. cloned 914c; Septemb-r, 66i86c, closed 8640; December, Kj4 ,iv',4c, ri jsed NJC CORN Receipts. 110.600 bu. exports, (l.Si'C bu.; spot market steady' No. 2. tdv levator and 69tkC f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow. 61V; No. 1 white. One. option mar ket wis quiet and easier, closing 4c net lower; July. 664uf7i rinsing 3u7i,c. OATS Receipts, 15.0C0 bu. ; exports. 32.450 bu.; exports steady; mixed oats, 26 to 3i pound. 3..'.2.4i-; natural white, Miunds, V4 o . . 40 ; clipped white, poumls, onu .i kv. HAY-Cjul. t; clipping, 6cuH:i; good to Choice. 774i824c. HOPS Dull; 19m. ?Mr2Sc: Pacific coast, 1!4. i.V.r.tKV 19iJ. 21ftl4o; olds. I!t:l3c. HIDES Dull; Galveston. 20 to 35 lbs., joe; California. 21 to th poutuls, lic; Texas dry. 24 to HI lb.. I840. PROVISIONS Heef. firm: family. ('J.aff 14 ii; mess. Ill nv'ill M; beer hams, 21 !.. S2 5t); packet. ('2 tt'd K .ill; extra India mess. 122.1X123 50. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, ii4c; pickled shoulders. 64'if c: pickled hams, lo.ih'Wc. 1-ard. steady; westers steamed, (7.13ii30. nominal; rr find. cjUlet: fcuitinent, 17 40; South America, (8 16; compound. 6Vi6c. Pork, steady; BL'TTKU Dull; nvslru l.iclorj, coin- 8t. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. June 10. WH EAT-Hlgher: No. 1 red cash, elevator, 9.1c; track, 1.03tf 1.U5; July, 74c; Bepteinber, 794c; No. t hard, H.OOfil.iitl. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. 61c: track. 623 524c; July, 5oc; Decemtier, 454c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 cash. Sic; track, 81413: 324c; July, 294c; September, 284c; No. 2 white, 3:14c. FLOUR-Winter patents. (4 954J6.10: extra fancy and straight, (4.7.'a4.90; clear, (3.60 jjt.00. BKEP-Timotny, tower, vz.wtyi.). CORNMEA Ij Steady, (2.50. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 73if?75o. HAY Steady: timothy. (8.0041 13.00; prairie. (6.C"ii9 50. IRON COTTON TIES 99C. HAGGING-84C HEMP TWINE 64c. PROVlSIONS-Pork. firm; lobbing. (12. Lard, steady; prime steamed, ?.674- Dry salt meats, steudy; boxed, extra shorts, (7.50: clear. (7.5o; short clear. (7.75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, (8.25; clear ribs, s 25; short clear, 8 W. POl LTRV Dull; chickens, 94c: springs. 16i2nc; turkeys, 11c; ducks, 9ullc; geese, M lie. m ttek aiow; creamery, iBrgci4c; dalrv, 15nsc. liUGS Bte:iay at lic, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls o.'Va) 8,0m) Wheat, bu l.nno 8I.1K10 Corn, bu M.foO 88.i) Oats, bu ta.ft") 8.0u0 Kaaaaa City drain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Juno W.-WHEAT- Ijwer; July. 77c; September. 74e; December, '44c; etish, No. 2 hard, bH9iic; rvo. s txip 9S4: No. 4. 7ii9?c: No. Z red, ffi98c; No. 3, ocfwir; No. 4. 72i2e; receipts. 43 cars. CORN steady; Juiy, ac; tseotem ler 45e; December, 414c; cash. No. 1 mixed, 49fi494c; No. 8. 49c; No. 2 white, 50c; No. 3 49e. OATS Irfiwer; No. 3 white, 304314c; No. 2 mixed. 3-V. F.1GS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new whltewnod eases Included. 14c; caeo count, ISc: cases returned. 4c l)er '"S less. HAY Choice timothy, f9.5fi'10.W; choice prairie, JT Tnfl .(". it 1 r r-ieaov. nv. BUTTER Creumcry, 13c. Receipts. 84. to E4.4i 42.() fiCH 148 794 123 20, liiii 151 99 24 627, 454 142" 61T4 81 N. Y.. Ont. A W 1.4-0 Norfolk & Western., l.tjuu do pfd North American .... 500 .99 Pacific Mall Pennsylvania 25.100 People's Gas 1.4U0 Pitts , C. C. & St. L Pressed Steel Car.... 1"0 do pfd 2iX) Pullman Pal. Car Reading 31,5o0 do 1st pfd 200 do 2d pfd Republic Steel l.OoO do pfd 4n0 Rock Island Co 4,2" do pfd leO Rubber Goods 100 do pfd 2') St. "L. & 8. F.. Zd rfd 1-rt St. L. Southwestern. 6n0 do pfd l.rt Southern Paclllc .... 15,7.) do pfd 200 Southern Railway .. 7,5uO do pfd Tcnn. Coal and Iron. 1.6'X Texas & Paclllc 2.1'") Tol., St. L. West.. HQ do pfd 2"i) Union Paciflo 71.9.0 do nfd IT. S. Express 100 125 125 U. 8. Leather do pfd TT. S. Realty U. 8. Rubber 9X) 3S do pfd SD l'44 U. S. Steel 83.200 28 do pfd 80,7 95 Va-Caro. Chemical.. awO 334 A) pfd loo 1"74 Wabash 2"0 19 do pfd 8U0 38 Wells-Fargo Exp Westing. Electric Western Union 600 94 Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin Central .. l' 224 do pfd Northern Pacific .... 2.400 187 4 Total sales for the day. 464. 80O 1543184c; packing. Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu.... Oats bu Shipments. S2.ef 61.Si 11.000 135 1D1T 374 92 964 914 174 73 274 74" 334 11 644 234 6"4 644 1194 32',. 774 33 874 66 4 1244 56 147 784 1204 20 iii" 138 98 274 62 45 li)" 61 804 984 1344 101 874 814 934 914 if m 2, 744 334 101 644 234 6"4 62-4 1194 314 tb" 324 37 564 1234 874 11H 267 937, S34 1074 184 S74 934 224 814 34 974 804 93 236 407 6 85 IS 40 484 110 1144 1184 1344 984 lor.7 81 4 H'24 1594 I1194 97 644 149S 198 6.-4 35-4 81 4 19 194 175 174 304 90 424 i I 54 364 1874 454 12 875 24 87 424 41 794 674 173 9 I604 184 1 8 27 784 244 48 244 06 1477. Itvi4 i-4 1224 20'. 52 117 1074 987, 2.S', 624 444 34 141-ti 61 4 92 984 61 1354 1"14 70 374 914 96 91 89 174 744 3.14 1"I4 64 23 64 634 964 774 3-1 364 56 1244 97 123 114 107 86 374 l'4 274 94 33 1"74 184 384 240 165 934 15 22 464 ForelKii Financial. LONDON, June lo. Early In the week business on the Stock exchange was ex tremely stagnant. There was so little doing that It was difficult to follow the tenden cies. Paris sold South African mines, the continued fall of which, with the uncer tainty respecting New York, weighed all the departments down. Some people at tributed the real cause of the depression to the scare In Paris regarding Morocco, caus ing nervous holders to throw stocks upon the markets. Toward the week end there was generally a marked Improvement on the prospective Imminence of peace, the reanxatlon of wnicn 11 was recogmseu would give an enormous stimulus to trade. It was pointed out that France can provide Russia with the required funds to rehabili tate Itself and pay th Indemnity, and that Japan lodging the latter In London for a while would supply tne marKei wun means for carrying on huge operations. Notwith standing the large Improvements operations were limited, owing to the holidays and It being the eve of the settlement. The Amer ican section merely renecieo tne iw aora quotations, there being indisposition 10 operate In either direction in view 01 tne financial outlook In Wall street. RRRLIN. June 10. Trading was ngni on the bourse today owing to the holidays. PARIS, June 10. Trading on tne Dourse todav was Inactive, but at the close prices were firm. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 88.40 and Russian bonds of 1804 at 602. Clearing- House Averasres. NEW YORK, June 9.-The statement of averages of tne clearing nouse nanas 01 this city for this week shows: Loans (1.089. 520.9110, decrense (11762.210; deposits (1.1'23, 8f!2 W, decrease 12,C44.9fi; circulation (46,. ri75!lO0, increase) (."i'2.1'; legal tenders (85, 293 ", decrease (330,200; specie (2"6.492.7fin, Increase (94,2i); reserve JJin.iiw, ,m, increase (6II011; reserve required C2S0,95S.. decrease $3 161,225; surplus $9,827. 500, Increase 13,777, 225; rx-!nlted States deposits $13,010,425; In crease (3,768,023. Bank riearlnars. OMAHA, June 10. Bank clearings for today were (1.363.636.38 and for the corre . ponding date lust year (1 .'"169,142.60. 1905. 1904. Monday $1,711,173.30 $1,466,445.80 Tuesday 1,729,961.79 1.826,630.86 Wednesday 1.672.i65.67 May 15.. May 14.. May 17.. I May 18.. V-ay 19.. May May XI.. May 22.. May 23.. Mav 24.. May 25.. May 26.. May 27.. Ma 28.. May .. May 30.. May (1.. June 1... June 2... June 8... June 4... June S... June ... Juno 7... June 8... June .... June 10. . I 1441 ! :I7 7 12 S 5 21. I 20 I 4 4H1 851 ' 07i I tti ( t3 i 03 5 28 f 4 621 1 7 13i 5 721 6 20. 3 mi 6 254 4 521 27 IS 781 6 111 ( 5( 5 ! 4 4, :1 7 12 1 B 10 2 fa 2341 461 6 27 T 111 5 73! I 3 M I 4 41 ( 241 7 071 B 7 B 031 6 1341 I 4J Id 7 H3, 5 3 8 ul J M 5 24, 4 .VI 6 19i 7 "8, 6 blj B 01, 3 ue 6 16! 4 321 I 7 Oil B (71 B O 3 02 t 16 I 4 S3t K: 1 5 Gil 5 041 3 58 6 184i 4 8s, 6 931 6 9G I 4 99, 3 35 6 771 6 9i b 00 ' I & 721 ; 011 5 631 4 95: 8 70 7 091 5 62 4 901 8 60 5 8U 7 10 5 68 4 85 1 8 67 7 llj i 711 4 83, 3 47 5 031 I 6 7.S 4 88. 0 30 6 071 7 07 1 4 83, 3 63 6 991 7 131 B 701 I 8 69 6 85 7 I61 5 71, 4 S3, 6 76 7 201 5 70i 4 911 3 58 6 771 7 15 6 711 4 94! 3 4B 7 18 5 751 4 95; 3 67 5 (Ml 5 781 B 0: 3 00 6 Sol 7 21 6 W 3 -il 6 00 7 26 6 83 1 3 63 $4 3084 50; fair to good ewes. $4 0; ewes, ( 3". t'HICAtSU 1.IVR STOCK M I1KKT Cattle Steady .Unas tron hff and lJimha Steady. CHICAGO. June lo. CATTLE Receipts. 4i head; market steady; good steel". (5 4i ",16 3.i ; 5 So; stockers and 12 Fr,i4 t" hxlfoi a 2.-: bolls. I2 2..1i4': calves. (.1 5"ii6 50. HOGS Receipts, lu.uou head; estimated for Monday, 45.oi head; market strong; mixed and butchers. 15.2.M16 424 ; good to choice heavy, (5.;K-(in 4: rough heavy, 14 0ili6 15; light, (5 J-.-un.4i; bulk of sales. $5 3'M$ 4". SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,'XH head; market steady; good to choice weth ers, shorn. (4 tvin lu; fair to choice mixed, shorn, IS .'fin.', western sheep, shorn, (4 J 616.I1); native lambs, shorn. (4.5(.ij6 16; west ern lambs, shorn, .(5.l'.u6 50. to poor to medium, feeders. $22 7:4i4.k.'; 12 5"';4..3; Canners, prime (4 'M COWS. (1.5": 6 17 I 4 661 I 4 991 "41 6 17 4 63, J le. t 4 6 134! B 164, I 19 I 6 2"4 5 224! 6 244 ( 9041 4 53. 4 4M 4 49 4 54, 6 63 4 68 4 68 4 09 4 74 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was Cattle.. . 1,607.292.94 1.459.216.28 , 1.363,636.38 1.356.013.90 1.234,342.08 1. 187. 926. 85 S1.913.C4S.78. .(9,544.062.36 (7,630,403.68 Thursday Friday .... Saturday , Totals Increase, Wool Market. BOSTON. June 10. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin says of the market: The wool market Is In a strong position and spot wools have been freely taken by manufac turers at good prices. Dealers are not de sirous of selling more contacts until some deliveries are made. Stocks are light for this time of the year. The sale at Shalnko, Ore., on June 6, has practically cleaned up Mint state. Buvlng Is still going on actively In Ohio end Michigan. About 10,000 to 15,000 i-nios have arrived here from the Inst Lon don sales. Australian and South American wools are well cleaned up and the new ar rivals are now being awaited by purchas ers. The foreign markets are very strong nnd rising, with only small stocks on hand The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 29, 1904, according to the same authority, are 150.791.1SO pounds against 91,191 082 pounds at the same time last vear. The receipts were 125.126,844 no'inrls. ngnlnst 93.448,941 pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS. June 10. WOOL Steady; me dltim gi des, combing and clothing. 2''S 314c; llirlit fine. Ift'yc; heavy fine, ariJ2c lh u-:.shert 3l(fi42Wc. LONDON, June 10 WOOL The arrivals if tnol for the fourth series of the auction sales amounted to 124,540 bales. Including 57,- m., v!4i..n forwarded direct to spinners. The rennrts this week were: New Zealand, 7.489 bales; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1,948; various, 1,948 185 shares. Boston Mtocks nnd nnnds. BOSTON. June 10. Call loans, STj34 per cent: lime loans, 4'(i4 per cent. Closing quotations on stocks nnd bonds were: 30 (6 40 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Juno 1ft BUT-TER-Wnlet: extra western creamery, 21c; extra nearby prints, 22c. EGGS Easy: nearby fresh, 174c loss off: neirby fresh. V4c at mark; western fresh, I7'.(17w.c at mark. CHEESE- f-tt-Milv; New York full cream f;incy. new, V.'u9Vc- fair to good, 9Vn,.i4e; domestic Swiss. IHiltc. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June in CORN Unchanged; No. 8 yellow. 6:4c; No. 3. 6:4c; No. 4. 514c; 110 grade. 494c OATS-Stendv: No. S white, 814i32c; No. 4 white '4f!31i!. WHISKY On the basis of finished goods. (1.26 Market. Minneapolis Grnlia MINNEAPOLIS, June 10 WH EAT July, f1 08; Beptemher. 85Ae; No. 1 hard. (113; No. 1 northern. (1 11: No. t northern. (107. FLol'R First patents patents. 16 2ii4 .TO: rlr-u see-md clears. (2 "S"ii "5. BR AN In bulk. (1250. (6 . 4W 16. 5" ; second clears, (4.00u41i); Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH. June 10. WH FAT To arrive. No. 1 northern. (I ll: on track. No. 1 north ern, (1.11: No. 2 northern. (1.03: July, 11. 11; September new, soc: September old. Hbo. OATS-To nrrlve and on track, 3140. Toledo TOLEDO. f., October, timothy. f, 674. (1.50. seed Market. Juno 10. -SEED Clover, pilioo aklku, (7.40; prime Atrhtaon aJ. do 4a Mn lantral 4a.... AU'Maon do pfd Bialon S Albany... Heaton Malna... B.tston Eievalrd ... Fltrhhurs pld Mexican t'tnlral .. N V., N. H. H Para Ma quetta I'uloa Parlde Amer. Arse. Cham do pfd Amn. Arga. foam... Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. a T Amer. Woolen dn pfd t,, mini, in I A s ... G.llaun Elec. 1 General Eleetrlo alasa. Elatlric do prd Miaa. Gaa I nlted Fruit Vnllad Shoe Ma.h... do pfd V. 8. Bla-el do pft Watlng. common .. Bid Aakad. CI Adrentura .102 lAllouua . 74 AmalgAmaled . hlti AmerU-an Ine .li'.'H Atlanlle 20l Blniham .ltT Cal. A Heels .16 I Centennial 'Copper Kanae . 1 f'aly Wert .Ill liomlnlon Coal .... . r anklln , .1H4, OranUr , . lit Hnyala In, Miuta Mlntni 4 ifhii.n ..jjw M,.n"i ..U4V, Mi.nt C. A C ..140 .Old Dominion (old) . . 3H4 Om en I a ..1UJ Parnit . . 1 gulnoy . Ill ..i:jSi Tamnra.1 .. 1 Trinity .. 51 t'nltcd Copper .. 414 f. .. Jllnlnf liw I . H uu a5 l lah Il Vloiorla 27 1, Winona 4;a Wolverlos 1 I 14 .12 ,. 114 .. I .. 11V, .. I) . .ii .. 15l .. ( .. l."4j ,. IS .. I ,. i ,. 1'4 .. a .. 13S .. DO .. I .. 24 .. HI .. 114 . . US .. 74 ..ins .. I44 .. I"' .. 44 .. 1 . .10a Hrrr Yf'. Mlnlair Stoeks. NEW YORK, June 10. illoslng quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con Allc-a brweca Brunawli-k Cnn .. Comatock Tunnel Cos. Cal. A Va . Hora lllTar Iroa IlKH Leadrllle ron .... Offered. 0 u . a . 1 .14 .laO .3lM . 4 Little Chief ... ;t)nutrlo 'llphir Ifhotnlx Pitoal jHavaca ! Sierra Kerada jimail Nopas .. 'Standard .4-.) ..two .. I .. .. II .. in .. H ..1M Treaaary ttatesneat. WASHINGTON. June 10-Today s state, ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral 1 11111, tkciuaive 01 uue t.iAA'.ucu tola Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK. June 10. EVAPORATED A rpt ,RS Market shows firmness on spot with supplies small and some demand for prime. Common to good quoiea at 4"i 44c, prime at 64S64C, choice at tyu64c, ami fancv at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI'ITS Prunes remain firm on spot, but without showing anv quotable changes, prices ranging from 84'ritic, according to graue. Apricots are auite steady in the absence of selling pres sure Choice are quoted lutfil'UAc, extra choice at lie and fancy at 121il5c. Peaches are In much the same positions as aprl Cots, with choice quoted at liXi!'104c; extra choice at lownioc ana iancy at jiviajijc. Raisins are moving steadily in small lots miili nrices as reeentlv Quoted. Loose mus catel. 4'u'jc; seeded raisins. 54&0c, ond London layers at (l.w&l.ia. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, June 10. OIL Cottonseed nil Arm: nrlme crude, nominal: yello 2M4,29c. Petroleum, nulet; refined New York. 16. 90: I'nuaaeipma ann uaiiimore, ', 1... Turnentlne. unsettled. 634(u4c. ROSIN I nsetlieu, siraineu, common 10 mr, .rt fi r.a . ....... . . ,A ah rt .It v. n 1 Ollj II 1 I. ra., J une in. n u t. rnm ne. fl 27-.. Hlilnmenls. ddis. average 10 i24 bbls.: runs. 83.774 bbls .; average, 70.223 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 86.826 bbls.; average, ti.5"0 bbls.; runs, Lima, 01, uuis.; average, UUt hbls SAVANNAH, ia., June lu.-oil-liir tu.ntln firm. nM4c. ' , . i . , . . 1, - .t nr . t-. H ir, TT. tttiaiN nrni: a. i. t. aj.w, i', eo.iu, u (3.20; F, $3.25; O. $3 30; H. (3 50; I, 4.W K. (140; M. (4.50; N, (4 60; w, u, 4.iu W, W, (4.80. Batfar and Molasses. NEW YORK. June lo 6VOAR Raw t fair refining. 8 ll-16c: centrifugal 96 test. 4 6-16e; molasses sugar, 3 7-16c Konne.V nulet: No. 8. 6.25c: No. 7. 6.20c No. 8. Sl'; No. 9. B.OBc: No. 10 6.00c; No 11. 4 9"c: No. 12. 4. 85c; No. 13, 4.75c; No. 14 a Trie Confectioners' A. B.70e: cut loaf. 4 c crushed. 6.55c: powdered, 695c; granulated, sx6c: cubes. 6.1IIC. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, good to elioiee ariirllc. NEW ORLEANS. June 10 SUOAR Quiet: open kettle, S4iH4c; open kettle, centrifugal, INnt 15-16c; centrifugal wliltes, 5c: vellows. 4r'i4 15-16C; seconds, i'a'4e. MOIAPSES Nominal; open kettle, 23'(j26c centrifugal, &yi4c. syrup, nominal. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 10 COFFEE The market for futures opened quiet at un Changed prices to an advance of B points on a moderate demand, chiefly from Euro pean houses. The news was without spe cial feature and the market continued quiet all the morning, but ruled steady In the ab sence of Important offerings and closed steady net unchanged to 5 points higher. Bales 25.260 bags, including: June, 6.2oc; September. 6 40c; November, 66"Kt: I)eceni ber, 6 iic; January, 6.75c; Murch, (.sue. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio. 7c. Valley. A O.... Hogs. 2 2 23 15 4o 2 17 2 7 2 5 124 Hogs. 1.222 1,911 8,162 2,133 M. & St. Paul Wabash Union Pacific System ... Chicago & Northwestern Fret nit, Elkhorn ot Mo. Chicago, St. Paul, Minn. & M Chicago, Hurllngton & Qulncy R. I. ft P.. east Illinois Central Chicago Great Western Total receipts The dlSDosltion of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle, Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company 8 Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co 13 Total 15 8,427 CA'l TLE There were no cattle here today to make a market. For the weik the re ceipts have been 19,368 head, a decrease of soi, as compared to icbi wee anu an increase of 3,847 over the corresponding we;k of lust year. The Quality ot tne offerings has been very good oil Lie v.-eek, although there was the usual sprinkling of sliortfed and grassy stuff. The market on beet steers was lower ana unsatisfactory the first three days of the week and tradinsr for the most part wis slow and druggy. Monday's market showed decline of liMloc. while a luriner decline of liKii 15c. was noted on Tuesday. ednes- day the market dropped another dime, mak ing tne decline lor mo wee a uooui an "; on everything Dut tne very Dest coriueu steers. Thursday there was a reaction, due nartlv to moderate receipts, ana ino mar- Lrnt rilled srenerallv a dime higher. Frl day's market was about steady, there being .1., OS,;, truai.iv all th. a very iiriii. oupij,. - week has been dull, but the advance of rhpl!,v ttiir the market in better stllUitt For the week the market on the best kill ers Is right around 15c lower than tho close of last week, while common to pretty good .uttlo are about 20ft 3(JO lower. The cow and heifer market has been very moan and unsatisfactory on anything show ing grass, altnougn goou neuvy biiuii-u hav tieen in oeiliuou. uui at lywci vt Ani,,r u.-1tli tne close or. 1USI wee the market is right arounu a quarter lower nd there is a weak tone to uie iraue, me .uiin, huinir most marked on grassy stuff, There was little quotable change In the nri.., on (mils, staus and veal calves, at t imieh buyers iook on a iimtj tn mo The market on siocaers auu iccuei o lower the first of the ween, nut wun tne general advance on Thursday trading ii,.,..o.i a utile more strength the latter art of the week, rrices i uieu auuui je r... lower for the week, wun recuipts ana ...1 limited uo is i nnra was u. itvii ii kwuu iuii hogs here for a saiuraay, auuui i-a nu being on sale. The general quality of the hogs was goou an vven. eicentlon. Buyers were out eariy anu uau- , .. ........ 1" I. I. .... u ....... inar haiian in goou nwnuii. """ " ' ' v u-nnted as bidding On the open r- ..,rieht around 24c higher than yea- 1 " " . . . . , t .r. mm .hnt llin terday ana u bulk of the hogs changed hands. Trading was active and a clearance was made In good season. The popular price today was was some non ooo, j - others brought (5.224- The market at this DOlnt IS in very aauaiaiiui; week. Representative sales Kansas City live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., June 10 -CATTLE Receipts, S50 head, Incluilln loo south erns Market nominally steady. Choice eXort and dressed lieef steers. 15 2e'ii5.70; fnir to good. (4.251(525: western fed steers, $4.(aiift.6); stockers and feeders. (3.f"ti4.i; southern heifers, (3i"i6.oii; southern cows, (2.25H4.0O; native cows. (2 J . 4(4.6"; native heifers (3 25ti 4 9i; bulls. (J. bu 4 .6"; calves. (I 'ii5.5i. Receipts for the Week. S.i) head. HotIS Receipts, R.CX bend: market !4o higher; top. (5 ;5; bulk of sales. (3 274'('' 6 32'j; heavy, $5.274ii5.S24; packers. (5 274 ti5.35; rigs and lights. I5.15y5.35. Receipts lor the week, 6o&0 head. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, none; market nominally steady. Native lambs. $6ii..-n6 75: weiern lambs, (5. 76117.25; fed ewes and yearllns (4.25'ui.5 ; Texas clipped earllnrs, 4.7.",u5 25; Texas clipped sheep, (4. 254. 85; stockers and feeders, $J.5cu40o. t. l.onla Live Mock MnrViet. CT. IX)l IS, Mo., June 10 CATTLE Re ceipts. 2'0 head. Including 150 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and ex port steers, $4.404.0O; dressed beef and butcher steers, J3.Jity5.10; steers under 1 . is ) imunds, 13.6-'H I . -5; stockers and feeders, 2.5. gj 4.(0; cows and heifers, (2 2.'rjj5.(): din ners. ij.oiVii J. 50; bulls. (3 (ii3.3o; calves, (3. oil 6.(i): Texans and Indian steers, (3 W 56(0: cows nnd heifers. (2,oift3. i5. HOOS Receipts, 3.5"0 head; market steady: Dls und lights. (5. 1" 'Hi. 35: packers (4;oii5.S5; butchers und best heavy, ( 5.35. SHEEP AND UMDS- Receipts, 500 head; market steady: native muttons. $3.00 5i5.nO: lambs. 5inn,.2fi: culls and bucks, V3.i"l4 25, stockers, (2.lioft2.6o; Texans, $3.75 dj 65. ew York Live (lock Market. NEW YORK. June 10-BEEVI:-Re- celpts, 809 head; market steady; dressed beef, slow, 8rn 94c; exports, 7U0 head cuttle and 7.4f,ii uuarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 108 head: market lower; veals sold at $3.0uil7.50; city dressed veils, steady, 9ull4C. HOOS Receipts. 2,412 head; market steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, Z.iJi heud; market for sheep slow but steady, for lambs 4'o4c lower; 8 cars unsold; sheep, M.ixifpi.oO; liimns, xti.ocfys.w. oressea mut tons, low, 7 ft He; dressed yearlings, sieaay, 1Hj124c; dressed lambs, weak, 12ftl4c linchansed. Cupper a ns quoted at $15.00 for lake and electrolytic $14 75 for casting Tin In moderate ilenian.l with simt at (al no ('.10 1 I.I. quiet. Ht 4 5"l4 6o, Btld Spelter firm at (.'. .vj. lion was unsettled Willi the tone easy. Milwaukee raln Market. MILWAl'K EE. June 10 - WHK T; No. I north, in, $112 ill'. No. t northern. (loii1iH'4; July, 9tiiiV64c, bid. RYE- Firm: No. 1. SJ'ic BARLEY Firm ; No. i, 61c; samplo, S9 corn hirm; no. i. wi'4c; juiy, o-sto. bid. MONNETT IS CALLED DOWN Ohio Attorney I sea l anannae llegard- lua; t'orporn Hons 4ot A p-prov.-d by the Judge, COLVMRl'S, wns crested In Judge Wanty Oenetnl Frank O., June 10. A sensation the Vnlted States court bjf rebuking former Attorney" Monnett for his remark regarding the Beef trust ond corporations In general while making an argument be fore the Jury In the case of Wilfred Walker, who sued the Baltimore A Ohio rallmnd for (TAOOO damages for cutting off both his legs. Monnett said he wished to call attention to the crippled man and tha rapacity for corporations, and said that tlia testimony offered by Walker ought to be taken even In a Beef trust Investigating case. Judge Wanty, In his Instructions) to the Jury, told It that the Jury Is to decide the case on the testimony offered and not by prejudice against corporations. "I say this." said the Judge, "because ut the rcmnrks of the prosecution regarding the Beef trust and corporations In general. This case is to be decided upon the evi dence nnd not upon prejudice." Mr. Monnett lost the case. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June 10. CATTL J Receipts. 2o head; market steady. Natives, U.Mn'ntiS; cows and heifers, (1.5u4j5.0O; stock ers anil feeders, $2.50i!4.6o. HOOS Receipts. 7,4'2o head; market shade higher. Lluhts ?5. 25055.324; niedlun. and heavy. $5,274-55.35. SHEEP Receipts, none; demand strong. SCHOOL ATHLETES MEETING More Than Ms Hundred Contestant Are Taking: Part In Con tests at Chlcnao. CHICAGO, June 10-Moro than 6o0 ath letes from ten states contested In the an nual Intcrscholastlc meet on Marshall Field day under the auspices of the University of ' Chicago. The contestants represented seventy-five different high schools and ncadumles. From tho standpoint of at tendance and number of entries the meet eclipsed nil previous similar events her. Among the strongest teams entered were: East division of Mllwaukeo, Englewood of Chicago, Ida Grove of Iowa, Detroit uni versity of Michigan, Shut tuck of Mlnne. sota and Lincoln of Nebraska. All of these teams are well balanced and have won th championship of their respective states. Mom City Live Stork Market. SIOl'X CITY, Ia., June 10. (Special Tele ram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar ket strong; beeves. 3.7Vifj.5.); cows, bulls and mixed, $2,7514.75; stockers and feeders. W.Wita.90; calves and yearllmjs, $3.iy4.(. HOGS Receipts. 5.000 head; market siiaae higher, selling ut $5,1245 2o; bulk of sales, (5.15&6.174 Editors on a Trip. ENID. Okl.. June 10. Many delegates to tha National Editorial association, which nded Its annual convention at Outhrle last night, arrived here today on their three days tour of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Tomorrow most of the dele gates will go to Bliss, Okl., where a buffalo chase and other entertainment hnve been planned on the famous '-101" ranch. Mock In sight. Receipts of live stock nt the six principal western markets yenterday: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Ilrnnrtt Money for Itlpon. RIPON. Wis.. June 10 William J. Bryan has given $300 of the Bennett fund, which le holds In trust for the education of Door college students, to Rlpon college. It Is exv pectod that the fund will be largely In creased by return payments from student ho are assisted. Totals 1,335 8.447 , 100 6.000 850 6,000 25 7.425 2-) 3,5i4) 500 400 lO.OilO 2,000 1,335 89,372 2.500 for the Wo. Iv 44.... 11.... M ... 76 48 ... e. .. II... tl,.... l ... at.... :.... &.... tu.... 41.... .... 44.... 14.... 41.... .... 4!.... IS.... 14.... 11... .... 16..., 49 ... II.... 1J.... !.... Is..., I. .. ...., 17.... 13..., 57..., 41.... la..., 42..., ta. ., 70..., -).... ta... 64... 13... .)... e4... h! .. tl... II. .. II... 11... 17... 17... 17... t&... 41... 7... 4e... 11. Merchandise NEW YORK. June and specie. 10. Total Import of merchandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending today were (ll.575.3t5. Total Imports of siieele at the port of New York for the week ending today were (06.3(C silver und (99.617 gold. exports of specie from the port of New York fur the week ending today were $815,557 silver and $127,60 gold. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June 10. Buying In the dry goods' market lias been restricted during the day. I'rlces are very strong and with an upward tendency, while deliveries air by no means acceptable to buyer. Av. ...171 ...244 ...lia .. .ana ...147 ...117 ...iii ...14 ... ...141 ...274 ....121 ,... ...ti.t ...IU ...111 ...144 ....111 ...1.1 ,...211 ....111 ....171 ...134 ....222 ....H1 ,...221 ....! ....lit ....117 ....111) ....211 ....2ba ....111 ...Jul ....nt ....273 ....111 ... . ...HO ...221 ... m ll ....li4 ....2lo ....! ...Ill ... ltd ...24 ....223 .211 211 . .4 .110 . .240 .. ..lit ..111 .11 .tol 13 M Pr. I 174 I 11 I ns I 17 I 17 1 11 6 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 20 4 to i 20 I (0 I 10 I 24 I M I 20 I 24 I 10 I 14) I 20 I M I 10 I M a 10 i 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft tu ft 10 i tu I 10 I 2u I 20 ft M I 10 i 20 ft 10 ft (0 ft 10 ft 20 ft 20 I IU i 10 I lo 4 20 ft 10 ft U ft mi ft lo 10 ft ao I so So ..., 75..., II.... 18.... II. ... 14..., 47.... 1.... 11..., to.... 64.... 60... It..., 67... to... (... 14... 74... 44 .. 7... 47... ... 71... 11... 7... 41... u... 14... 41... 14... 14... 45... It... ... 15... It.., 44... II... IS... 71... 41... 14... ... 40... 14... 41... 71... tl... 14.., St., t.., 72... 71... 71... II... I. 1... U... 41. . 14.. 44 . . II. . 41.. At. ....lf.1 ....111 ....141 ....2M ....22 ....!(! 240 219 231 ...202 ....260 ....277 ....177 ....110 ....20 ...111 Ill 121 Ml ....Ml .....111 .....V.I 111 121 ....111 ....111 164 141 ....176 ....111 ....ill 212 141 114 170 147 121 !. 2(.t 121 lit Ill 236 Ill 141 201 Ill 233 lot Itht 230 Ill lot 113 Ill 2A 231 U4 ....111 241 6h. 40 'it) 40 0 140 !00 140 160 10 10 10 too 140 (0 ISO 4 100 10 ao Pr. ft 20 ft 20 6 20 ft f ) t 10 ft 10 I 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 24 I 20 ft 10 ft to I SO I to I 20 6 M ft 20 ft 20 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 ft V) ft 10 ft 2) ft 20 ft 10 I 10 I 20 I K) 6 20 I lo I lo ft lo ft It I 13 I II ft 22 ft 22 ft 22 ft 22 ft 22 I 11 I 22 6 ft 22 ft 22 I 1S ft II ft 23 t 22 ft ." I V.: ft 12 ft 12 ft ti 0 ft 10 110 ft 10 120 ft 10 40 ft SO SHEliP Tne big barn was deserted to day, mere being no sliet-p on sale. The market for the week held Up fairly well and, although there is a decline noted, It Is only on the common ana meaium grades, 'lha receipts were fairly ilberul, but mere was no cnolce stun received, i bere Is good, strong feeling here on the choice kinds and prgspects point tu a stronger or higher marxei on inese sinus next weeK. The medium and common kinds, whlcn have constituted tne i.ig end or the re celpts this wees, nave not oeen in very good demand, buyers bidding lower and the trading is Slow, met Kinds show- decline of KsfjlSc tor the week. Anything choice this week would probably have brought steady or A little stronger prices. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to choice lambs. (6 suu. 10; fair to good lambs, 16 txraf, bo; good 10 cnoice yearlings. (5 uvu5 16; fair to good yearlings. $1.735.00; good to choice wetners. h 60fj4 SO; fair to good wsthors, (4iil-5f; good to bole OMAHA. W1IOLE8ALU MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Maple and Fancy Prodnce. EGGS Recints. fair: market, steady: candled stock. 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 10c: roosters. 5M 6c; turkeys. 12iil5c: ducks, 10c. BUTTER Packing stock. 13c: choice to fancy dairy, lifulsc: creamery. 20ir21c: prints. 22c. FRESH FISH Trout, 9c; halibut, lie; Durralo (drensedi, Sc; pickerel (dressed), 8c white bass (dressed), 12c; sunflsh, 6c; percn (scaled and dressed), 8c: pike. 90; cattlsn 15c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 14c; crapples, 12c: eel, 15c; bullheads, 11c; bluck bass, 20c; wnitensh (d'essed). 10c: flog legs, per dor... 3oc; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters, tuo; shad roe, 46c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Muy t'ealers association: Choice, fi.uu: No. 1, ftii.oo; No. 2, 16.00; coarse, ftb.uu. These prices are for hay of good color and quul lty. BRAN Per ton. (15.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sizes. (3.75-S 4.0u; extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sizes, i;i.jO, fancy navels, sizes 126. lull, lib, 20U, $3.25; sizes 80, 96, 112, (2.75; seedlings, all sizes, ftd.ou. LEMONS Llmonlera. extra fancy. 270. Z"J and (uO sizes, (4.uu; fancy, 270, 30) und 36) sixes, $3.50; choice, 240 and 270 sizes, $2.00; aw and 3oO sizes. I2.7du3.ui). DATES I Vt box of 3o 1-lb pkgs., $2.00; Hullowe'en, in 7u-lu. boxes, per lb, jo. FIGS California, per lw-lu. carton, 75u? 85c; Imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; llve- B ANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.75 W.jt, ; jumbos, li.wuJ.iu, PINEAPPLES Florida, per crate of 24, 30 und 36 sizes, t3.26; 42 size. 43.00. FRUITS AND MELONS. APRICO'lS Calif ornlu. tier 4-basket crate, ml.'.v. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crate $1.40. PEACHES California, per 25-lb. box, (1.1b CHERRIES Cu forniu. black, tier 8-lb box. ftl. 10; while, per 8-lb. box, (2.U0; Mis. sourl, box or 24-q.lg., 13. 00. STRAW HERRI Kg Missouri, per 24-ot case, ti.iou2.ov; iiuou nivrr, per case 01 X4 uts.. 12.50. -I ANUEHlNE-jallfoni a. per half box $2.00. CRANBERRIES Jerseys per crate, $1.50, UUUliblSKlllt.8-t(oi of 24 (Its., $2.50, CANTALOUPES Mexican, tier crate eo.6vun.l4). VEGETABLES. TURNIPS New, per doi., 25o. CARROTS New, per doz., 2oo. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 400. WAX BEANS Per M,-bu. box. TSe: strlna Deans, per -Iju. box, i&c; bu. box wax or string, $2.0042.25. iviAiuM-nom-grown, in sacks, per pu., 00c; toiorauo, per uu., 40c; new bout toes, per uu., 10c. BEANS Navy, per bu., $200. CUCL'MRERS-1'er doz., 46iJviBc. PEAS New, ptr bu. box, (i.76u2.00. TOMATOES Texas, uer 4-baKet crate $1 5'); Florida, fancy, per 6-banket crate, (3o(l; choice, per 6-laisket crate, $2.75. bPLNACH Per bu., 500. CABBAGE California. in crates. lb. 3c. BEETS New. per dos. bunches. 35c. ONIONS New. Per doz. bunches. 15c Bermudas, per crate of about 3o lbs., $1.60. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per doi , 2' c. LETTUCE Hot house, per do.. JolOc neuii lettuce, per aoz., 70c. CAULIFIX)WER-Sl. Louis, per crate 1 doc, $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, loc; Wisconsin llmburger, lso; twins, I3d(l4c; young Americas, 14c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb.. 13c No. 2 soft shells per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, lurgo. per lb 12c; small, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb.. 7c roasted jeanuts. per lb., rc; Chill walnuts tier in., lz-'tit'-c; almonds, soft shell, per in.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; aliellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.75; 1 'rge hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. HIDES No. 1 , reen, 74e; 10. 2 green, 6'4jc; No. 1 salted. f4c; No. 2 salted. 74o; No. 1 venl calf, loci No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, 7'!14c: sheep pelts, 2Ccti$l.C0; horse hides, l.!u3.00. per IlKAL F.STATK TKADsFERS. Deeds filed for record June 10, 1905, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: . H. Dnlley to Mary A. Dalley, lot 1. block 10. Kountze tilace S 1 S. Crookshauk et al to Mary J. Crook- shauk. lot 6. block 21, Florence 1 Genevieve Tylee to O. W. Moshler, nart lot B. block 7. South Omaha 1.000 Marie B. Lewis to J. Swanson, lot 40, 8. E. Rogers, Oklahoma boo Lewis Root to Frank J. Burkley and L. F. Crofoot S4 sw Sd-ld-iz l,ouu E. S. Streeter and wife to H. M. Mc- Clnnahan, lot 7, block 14. walnut Hill 4U . J. Cunningham to A. L. Reed, lot 11, Frederick's ndd 1.200 ,. Nejdl and wife to A. Nejdl, un dlv4 sw4 of sc4 23-16-12 1 ComprUinf otajoiiijr al fttat narmbert el sVs Ula firm el VERMILYE ft CO. DONALD MACK AY n fylenibet INew lotx ana Doaiou jmm Exchanrca. LATHAM A. FISH CEO. D. MACKAY , , Mrmbef rsew lorx aloes r.irnanao C.TROWBRlDC HOUJSTER F. W. KLNDRICK Mackay & Co. Bankers Nassau and Pine Streets, New York 1 3 Congress Street, Boston Dealert in VS. Govemmtnit Bonds and other Investment Securities. Chicago Repieaenlatire, W. Edwin Slaaley, TKa Roolarf Menia. Vemet 8t Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Meaari.Thoa. Branch c Co.. Rjchmond.Vs. itonaapoadenu. Connected by private wves W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks. Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 FarrzmSl. Tel. 1064 Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated nln Office: Filth and Roberts StrMtft ST. PAUL. fllMX DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain. Provisions of Cotton MarTvtt. NEW YORK, June M.-COTTON-Fut lire rinsed very steady; June, Rflfic; Julv. ft 1 7c ; August, s.i'k.; September. H.27c; fictober, K.3lc; Novemlx-r, 3c; Decenilter. t.Oc; Jan uary. (1.46c-, February, Kd3o; March, 8 Me. Spot closed quiet; niltld 1 1 liar uplands, 8.7'Jc; ini ldliiiK K'llf. sales, 2') bales. ST. UiL'IS. June In 'oTT N Stendv; mlddllns. !-16c; sales, S!i bales; receipts. 10) bales; slilpmen's, none; stock. 42,!'15 bales. NEW ORLEANS, June 10 COTTON Firm; sales, IS bales; ordinary. S 13-li',e; Kood ordinary. 7c; low mlddllnar. Vic; mid dling. K4.0 Kood nilddllnK. K3-l'c; rnlddllna fair, DV,c; receipts, 2.7t) bales; stock, 107,4H2 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 10.-METAIJ4-Th nieUil murkets wei gunerally uulet and Ship Your Grain to Ua Branch Office, MO-111 board of Trad nitlsT.a Ouaalia. Keb. Trlephooa 8014. 2111-214 Kxchanc 111 flu.. South Omaha. Bart 'i'hone iti. Indepeodant 'fhon a PROTECTS f INVESTORS The Financial World SAMPLE COf V FlttE Krt ITVrTOIt OR BPKt l LATOU OAlf BE WITHOIT thi rrr4M lnHftttrl.l bmimp m4 Iu A 4 v Ir (it-rvlim It Ltlpa jou U Jinlg ifj1tlail iriMnl rmM Intless. 1 vs p ' rettr - wltU 4vll I ( frlrk Mid trirsv ll ! liiilpviitlonl va 1ft t-fsFiii ma mlrerlUlia tVul Um kutd frutr ijr ul cr.pliuiu umjf. ll wit) OPEN YOUR EYES am, H4ifiriiii P(4h p i , in iiia jun in iy iiinMrMptrl. A irtL-l roj mlptit mmrw t'ib ft rurwiin r mutiftiyDH nii ni-itd lW(f it. r M 4ll IAIi HUK Llj. 120 POINTS FOR INVESTORS li.laniled to an.iaer quUona aekad or thai .iA be a.Kel liv aujr tiruaeut or eruetM-.-Mv tuveaor In MININt), OlL H ItlMsTKIAL BtteCaL (or fit ,t-.OM-tl'ii of iitmir own liiutruate. Mi:Vi4:l IIUITION lll uaawllaS " I isrilins. 1111 CI.Aa. LAf'ET ., ba.leea. Hrwt4ar mm4 It w auae, V Krk tsU,