ITIE OMATIA' DAILY HEE: RUXDAY, JUNE 11, 1003. FOR RENT HOUSES NO. 1334 8 Wlh. H-room. modern house. large and teautlful yard, only W y.T monin. inquire it, i. l'pu-ri cc o, grouna nour ties niug. D ,i HnlKP1" u luru f H' city. I' ll WUJL.Oc. i-elen 6c Co., Uee lulg. D lvO THK Omaha Van and rUorage Co. pack, move and Unit H. H. iwds. Storehouse ii .. il- .... . ...... . .,. . . ikiff-k n urui. I'lucu, luiift rurnaiii. lei. liC.. D nva WE MOVE piano. Maggaid Van & Stor age 'Jo. Tel. lit. Olliee, 1U3 S ebster at. D W! NO. 541 l'ARK AVE fl rooms, modern only tin a month, luquiie H. C. liters & Co. D Moll KOISE8 rntMBllED-llor, In good taste, In keeping with modern style anil the quality Is always excellent. Let ua figure wltu you. 'Verms: WiiO worth, ll.Oo week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between jztn ana i;nn on i-.irn.iin mi. uv-m 11 moving; lowest rates (or reliable service. Tel. Um&. Beliinollor & Mueller. D I'M) UniKPQI" all parts of Ilia city. The HUUJCJy, 4. Davis Co., hub lice Bid. D Ml HOL'SIiS, Insurance Klngwult, IJarker lilk. U lol rUR.MSHED FLAT In new apartment uuuumg lor mo summer. Address . an, ilea. u mil No. 41C2 Hamilton St., (-room flat, only $7.00 per month. ' Inqulrs .1. C. tters & Co., ground noor uee ma. D i 6-ltOOM modern house, Dewey Ave., paved, JJi.JO. U. L. 'i'ui klngton. ij6 Ueo. D 703 FOR RENT-7-room house; all modern, 21Z3 California et.,; i-room, 020 is. izu tt 122. Apply at IM iS. lilt 11 Ht. D M875 FOR RENT HOUSES MOATS 3"3 Knrbach Block. D-736 11 WEST FARNAM It-room, modern house, pearl v new; rental, J27.50. 4 mrnnm. Tel. Hecl-taHf. D 748 11 LOOK THEM UP 3o'4 So. isth. 3 rooms, city water, IS. HI 2 V 17th, 1 rooms, city water, tS. !(? Mionn S rnnma cltv Witter InSldc. 11(1, 3fl iJiFa'vtte Ave., 6 rooms, strictly modern, only 130. Bin So. 3&th Ave., 6 rooms, city water, seu-r nnd firnn. 11H. 2325 fin. nth. rooms, sarlctly modern except furnlee. reduced tn jii. Ml If I 1 . T IV T 2234 Fnrnam. 7 rooms, all modern, close in, only JTO. 1310 I'nrk Ave., 8 rooms, strictly modern, on enr line, $37.50. 3'V Farnam, 8 rooms, strictly moaern, nil nut In flrnnii sfinne. 143. 3ns Bo. With, choice 9-rnom house, strictly nil modern, oak tlnlsn. etc., 8112 Mason, 9 rooms, strictly monnrn, 1..JO Ho. Zith. 9 rooms, strictly an moaurn, t'7 !d 2a4 Ohio. 9 rooms, all modern, in fine hariA ftirnpr lnf t3(l 710 N. 4"th, elegant 10-room strictly all modern home with hum, st.. V Kill t'HUH K BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. MONEY TO IX3AN. Payne, Bostwick & Co., C01-3 N. Y. Life Bldfr. U 739 11 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS A OOOD HUNTER two-blade rlectrlo fan. OXJU stendard make bicycle for sale at a bargain. Address U Hi, euro or jtee. ti 4!ll lix Address Y 30, Hoe. y-7ia llx FOR PALE 2,3no-pound mule team; team of horses and harness; II pints, 3 sows; almost new Ult-liicli Hane wa"n; 2 horso cultivator; cheap, at 43U and Francis St., Omaha. y 744 llx TWO Jersey cows, must be sold at once. Hit . Kith St. J iwi l.tx SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain la steam fittings oull and lok over tha following supplies; 1 6-lnch Austins horizontal sepuratur. 1.4-luch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of cnaniies in our oleum plant and aie In tjuou condition. Auureas lieu Uulldlnic or see w. 11. lirldties, uniiineer liuu FOR SALE--fn.ont worth Uiimlm sewer warrants. Ijkj to ll.ouo each, draw i p r Cent, lino Investment. Omaha Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee. 716 11 Foil anything and everything to buy, sell or swap, sea MOATS 3o3 Karbach Block. Y-738 11 CO. Blug., Omaha. g bin I JOO H U i' S good runabout automobile, guar anteed in gouu running oiuur; original coal I'JJU. Address io.u rarnam bl. W 109 BHERW1N WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED iVAINT, Sherman & McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. W 107 ACTIVE man, Just retiring; from retail business, desires to purchase) interest in ninnufacturlnir or tobblnif business. which must be on paying basis, but need ing additional capital and services. Only sound, conservative business proposition considered. L. Ilayutn, Horton, Kan. Y-626 11 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles, vet uouia. vj 1UO SECOND-hand phaeton for sala, cheap. 161S N. 17th BU (J AIM SELL at bargain. 1,000 shares American DeForest Wireless, prer. and com.; i,cw Malestla Conoor. 2 Malestlc. Bonds at bargain. J. R. Phillips & Co., Metropoli tan Hldg., isew York. x M THE barns in rear of No. 3i.'l and X2X Pa- clllc St. Inquire of Stun liros., Room 8, Commercial National Bank Dldg. y a in 4-ilOOM modern flat. 9S0 N. 27th St. D-MD54 13x FtR the summer, furnished cottnge, 6 ronns. 11 modern; piano, gas stove, lawn; on paved street. 203 Chicago street; $i!o per inontn. D fti:,lti lix 7-ROOM modern house, 130.00. 042 S. SOth St. !- M27U llx 221H CHICAGO ST., 8 rooms, modern, 130; 3i Webster St., eight rooms, modern . except rur.iace, IM. Rlngwalt Bros., llaker Dioca. D Miw 11 MODERN HOfSE. CHOICE LOCATION. 2614 St. Mary's Ave., good ten-room house, modern, every convenience, walking dis tance, 4u. Uarvln tiros., luut tarnam. D-M138 Omaha Typewriter Exchange, Ilemoved to lfiuf l-'arnam St. 'Phono 4fi03. Densmores iJO Commercial Visiblo $15 No. 2 Remington, latest attachment.. No. 6 Remington W Smith Premier 35$l5 we repair any machine oil tne maraet. Q-711 11. FOR TRADE Land for cattle, hardware stock, Omaha or Council liluns residence property. Box 231, Madison Neb. (90 iix BUSINESS CHANCES HAVE the best paying saloon proposition for a man with Vi.'W. wama business cleared over $4,000 last year. MOATS 303 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 Fine Home 8 rooms, modern, every room newly pit I red. house painted inside and out. nice lawn and shade, large barn. This elegant house to let to a tlrsl-class tenant only; immediate possession. SWIiET & BEST, N. Y. LIFE. D 6X7 11 6-ROOM house, modern. 2ul4 Elm St.; 123. inquire bJi ram Ave. D mm iox 2701 DUDGE St., H-room house and bath, etrlctly model n aad up-to-date; most de sirable; investigate If you desire a good home; good as new: rent 40. Call 2v0t Dodge. Pnone 6141. D 247 MODERN HOUSE. Brand new house, every modem conven ience, six rooms, reception hall, combina tion stairs, lawn, two blocks Irom Han- com park, lalo U. ath St.; rent, JJo. GARVIN BROS., 1U04 FARNAM. D 334 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house, J30 N. 23d. 1 vWl UIY.PI'IOU mnflnrti pnttum 9'M mnti Cuu Bts. John R. Webster, Board of Trade toP Bldi. . D 2ul 2614 ST. MARY'S, 10-room modern house; attic, laundry; will paper ana repair; walking distance. Only 140 ier month. Inquire R. C. Peters A CO., ground fioor, Bea Bldg. D Jul 47 C 1 I TLYlUVT A in nmo mtaen Mtlt able for roomers. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground lloor. Bee Bldg. D-M426 IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult. U. a. Bales Hureau, 034 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y-WS 94 N. 42nd St. 8 rooms, modern; fine UPRIGHT 'piano for sale cheap Address: ,.r..l, tT. II, DOC. S-"" !':3 liewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace; fine condition, $22 50. Iti4 Mierm.'in Ave., o rooms, o. 1R54 Sherman Ave.. 3 rooms. 111. 8'C2 No. St., 6 rooms, $S. 2ofl S. 2Mh Ave., 7 rooms; walking dis tance, only $2f. 17ofl Canton St., 4 rooms, u. l'2fi So. Wth St., fl rooms, only MR. HAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 17S1. First floor, N. Y. Life Hide. u 743 u FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SCHM0LLER MUELLER Piano Co. Manufacturers of high grade pianos, offer the following unprecedented bargains for shrewd buyers: UPRIGHT PIANOS Gilbert, rosewood case, only I 65 Cooper & Co., ebony case, only waters, nice tone, only Star, large size, only Arion, walnut case, only Kimball, new scale, only Hallett & Davis, little used. only.. Also a number of Chlckerlng. Vose, Gabler, Sohmer, Knabe and other high grade pianos. SQUARE PIANOS Gilbert, walnut case, only $10 LiKht & Co.. only 20 Hallet & DavlB. good tone 23 Waters, rosewood case 63 Mathusheck. elegant condition 45 Also a number of Chickering, Knabe, Vose, Emerson and other square pianos at give away prices. ORGANS Two with flat toDS. each $ S 1 high top organ 10 1 Shoninger organ, 8 stops 15 Chicago Cottage organ 20 Mason & Hamlin, fine tone 33 Kimball, walnut case 22 Moline, six octaves 3U Burdette Chapel, only 35 Terms, $3 to $10 cash and 25 cents to $1 weekly payments. Write for catalogue and bargain list or pay us a visit of Inspection. We guar' antee apsoiute satisfaction. INVESTORS A valuable lime rock quarry for sale near Rockland, Maine. ifoor health; must sell. Shipping1 handy. C. A. Benner, Warren, Maine, 11. F. D. Y-C25 llx WANT TO BUY a working Interest in hardware store in southwestern rseorasKa. can invest $3i) now and $.IW later, 'lo buy, sell or trade, see MOATS 3U3 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 BEST confectionery and clpar store, with onvx soda fountain, located at jsm bouiii 11th St.. .Vi0. Clears over $so per month. liasy payments to rignt party. IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or posineaa yt,iujv see tjomp ton-Watts CO., -635 raxton lilK. X Spo I HAVE one blacksmith shop, 50x50, and lot boxiuo, witn goou toois, uoin iron ana wood: only shoo In town: good trade. uoori territory. Come and see or write H. A. Buhman. Buffalo Gap, S. D. Y WW 02 105 112 123 .. 147 UNTIL you have tried us you have no idea how niucii good wo can do you, To buy, sell or trade, MOATS 'Phono 1761. 303 Karbach Block. Y-730 11 FOR SALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon In county; good reasons. Address E 33, care liee. 1 AI1S1 J 10 SHARES in Omaha Typewriter Exchange at -o each; incorporation, 10,000; $0,125 worth of shares sold in tnree days: 20 to 100 per cent protlt on your Investment. We will Handle tne oesi new typewriters on tne maiKti. j 000 25 PER CENT PROFITS Put your money in tne cattio ousiness; casn or tuna pay menls. We have the best ranch In No braska. Call and get our booklet. The Western Cattle and Land Corporation, 610 Dee 13iug., uiuana. iseo. X 267 18 MOATS 303 Karbach Block. Y-730 11 J-EX-inVr hn..M OOll Dm. I.,,. wJt . . V, . III' UH' 1IM1 1'UUII! 1. 1 V4 AVd. IDUUVIIf. H block from South Omaha car; in good condition; city water Inside; rent $& waiter ureen, 416 liarbacu BlK, D 454 SchmOller & MUeller, for 2.500 shares" PIANO MAKERS, Wholesale & Retail Dealers, Gold Mining Co.'s stock; gilt edged; mar ket price advancing, but must sell for cash, even at a sacriflce. Address Box mi. uiagonai, la. X M232 NEW 7-r., modern, $19. Phone 4616. D 457 lux 1313 Farnam St. Tel. 1625. APARTMENTS TO LET. We are partitioning off two apartments In The Hamilton Apartments, 24lh and Far nam; one suitable for family of two and one for bachelors. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Agents, 1320 Farnam. - D 61a SEVEN-ROOM modern cottage; close In, Appiy to mi iiurt. u ota u HOUSES TO LET. 8. W. corner 32d and Paclrto St., 8 rooms, modern, barn S227 Willis Ave., 4 rooms, city water 2818 Farnam, 4-room flat, city water 10.00 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. D 730 11 FOR RENT-1026 S. 25th St., 6 rooms, city water, gas. 408 1'axton lilk. Tel. B1K24. D 726 llx A COSY furnished home for tho Bummer to man and wife. Inqulro 2040 Farnam Bl. lteierence required. D 684 llx SNAP 5-room cottage with bath, nicely furnished, till September 1. 1541 So. 26th St. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6n N. Y. ure mug. D 683 11 NEW MODERN BRICK HOUSE, elegantly furnished, close In, to first-class parties I ,td. i,-,f with rcfcrAium fnr i.nmiii, A,l,lr.u. II I tlOne 100O. care nee. tno 11 For Rent Houses In ail parts of the city. 'Phone 6314. Omaha Investment Co, 308 BeO Bldg. D 680 11 FOR RENT New 8-room house, entirely modern, oak tlnlsh, fuclng south on West MACHINES THAT HAVE BEEN TURNED IN ON WHEELER & WILSONS. These machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and are the latest thing that the different manufacturers produce. They are .$40.00 complete with attachments and are guaran- 1M.00 I teed to be In first-class condition. Singer, 5-drawer, drop head.... $20.00 Singer, 7-drawer, drop head 22.00 Davis, 5-drawer, drop head IT 60 Davis, 7-drawer, drop head 20.00 Standard Automatic Grand 26.00 White, 6-drawer, drop head 15.00 Domestic, 6-drawer, drop head. ..20 00 Second-hand machines, box top, of any make, from $5.00 to $10.00. We rent machines at 73 cents per week. These are complete with attachments and will give you good service. Yours, respectfully, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th and Harney. 625 North 24th St., South Omaha. 334 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Q LOOSE leaf ledger cheap. F 46, care Bee. W 161 AN EXPERIENCED man, well acquainted in in 3 cuy, would invest a few thousand dollars aad services In well established paying ousiness mat will stand rigid In vestigation. x)ox iyu, umana. Y M522 FOR SALE Meat market located in Cen tral rveDrasKit; good location. Address U 7, care or uee. Y M40O 13 WANTED Good second-hand physician's operating cnair; learner cover preferred. ftiust oe cheap. 'Doctor,' nil Woodmen wona Plug. y M556 llx FOR SALE Hotel furniture and fixtures good li.W day house. Central Nehraskii low rent; population, 1,500. Address O 15, ismana JBee. Y M551 llx MOATS 903 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 WE have a nice little office husl cttn do Dougni rignt, clearing 1&0 per lltlMl 111. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (INC.) idvcaiiueiii x;epi.p Ml JN. X. Lilie. Y-719 11 WANTED Persons with monev to Invent- witn or without nosition. tn invention in the advantages of the mall order busi ness. Address National Supply Company, j-miiBiug, mien. x Uoo llx BIG Income for life to anv ladv or sren iieman wno win invest in oround Floor copper Mining stock; particulars fur nlshed. Address I A. Werner, 9.14 Mo naunocK hik., cnicago. Y 641 llx FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first- class standard school in Oinana, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. v m TV f'1 hllVA ttl Dl.r.1 In CaY,,a.jl a KT.k ' ' " ' " v". . . - .ii .j "iii u i . . , i . 1 1 . ; want to trade for general merchandise stock. MOATS Farnam. with barn to match. $46.00 wr FOR1BA,LEf about w ,feet ornamental gal Phone 1761. month SHIMER & CHASE CO.. Tel. SS67. 1609 Farnam 6t. D m U -ROOM house, modern, 2206 Harney. D M713 13x tm HAMILTON. 6 ROOMS. $13. U0. 2823 HARNEY. S ROOMS, $17.00. 14 N. 16TH ST., STORE. $18.00. 1515 N. 20TH ST., 6 ROOMS, $21.00. 2614 ST. MARY'S AVE.. 34O.00. JOHN N. FRENZEH, OPP. OLD P. O. d m n MODERN HOUSES FtR RENT. 7 rooms (1 story), auor Mason St (-room modern flat in Davidge Bldg 8 rooms, 362 N. 4oth St 7 rooms, b41 Oeorgia Ave 7 rooms, 18:4 N. 27h St 6 rooms. 916 N. 18th St JOHN W. 11UBB1NS, 18o2 FARNAM ST. D-676 11 vanlzed Iron cornice and ornamental iron posts suitable for w window. Ap ply superintendent cee uuuaing. Q-M826 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN- 20 pulleys, from 6-lnch to 48-inch In dlani ter: 8 counter uhalls. complete. These are all In tirst-class condition. W, tl. linages, engineer ties uuiiuing. y 112 803 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 INVESTORS Money placed with us will earn more in a montn than savings banks will pay you In a year. Write for full particulars. No speculation. No risk ADsolutely legitimate nnd safo. Best ref erences furnished. The R. G. Herndon Co. (inc.), Chllds Bldg., New York. Y-669 llx HARNESSl HARNESS HARNESS! BUY wheat or corn. Conditions never more favorable, jo buys 2,500 bushels Two cents advance doubles your money, Write Standard Grain Co., Cleveland. O, X 664 llx .$37.50 . 3i.UU . So. 00 . 3'i.mi 22 V) An endless variety and at prices mat can- $j3f) BUYS 10-room rooming house, with HOUSES FOR RENT, 19?l California, 10 rooms, modem $40.00 2u7i bt. Mary s Ave., a rooms, modern... 35.00 2614 St. Mary's Ave., 10 rooms, modern.. 40.t) 1613 6. 28th, new, 6 rooms, modern 3joo 2123 California, J rooms, modern.,.. ta) N. 22d, T-rooom cottage 2S23 8. 16th, 8-room fiat 1214 S. 17th, 5 rooms, close In 2622 Erskine, 10 rooms, bath 3 N. 27th Ave., 4-room cottage... . 22i4 N. 27th, 4 rooms 8ol6 Ames Ave., 3 rooms GARVIN BROS., 16o4 not be duplicated anywhere else. John son & Daufortn, b. W. cor. huh and Jones Sis. Enliunce Irom viaduct. Q 102 . 16 io I FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, oar natures o( all kinds: easy payments. Send for catalogue. iii'UhswicK-saie-v.oueuaer, u B. loth St., uiuiuia. itu $400 piano, one block from high school rent only $2o. This Is a money maker, Have lots of others, all kinds and prices eee MOATS 303 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 . 32.50 22.(0 12 50 12 00 1J.00 10.00 8 V BOO FARNAM. D-695 11 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago urnltura Co., 1410 Dodge. 'lei. zujo. y io4 RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS GAS OR GASOLINE ENGINES. imo u it wi-, 'ii.iiuim.Li, Hiwti)i reaay. crw auisoiiy useu engines cneap. Send lur culaiutjue and prices. OLDS GAS ENGINE WolUiS, 1114 Farnam St., Omaha. Q 674 FOR SALE Restaurant, population 1,000, ranrosn town; good ouslness; party leav ing. Address u- iz, rare nee. r 649 11 ANNUAL salary $lil0 and expenses fo rename mnn; tnree-year contract; per manent If satlsractorv ; we want brlirh mnn desirous of bettering himself; salary secondary consideration. Address: Box Z2X. New York city. Y FOR SALE Grocery and meat market doing nne business. Rest location. Going to uregon. K. htae, York, Ner. Y-673 llx FOR RENT A furnished flat in a new yviRE chicken, hog and lawn fence. Iron aiwrtment house for the summer. Ad- fmce, hltcli posts. Uelises. Vlra Works, dress: U ZS, Bee. D 7e llx dil H. liith Ht. unn y ua FOR RENT Eight-room house, first-class condition. In Hanscom park district, $8. Will reduce rent to small ramity. GARVIN BROS.. 14 FARNAM. D 61(4 11 AL TOMOH1LEB $l.0UU electric runabout with lop. fctuu: I1.4VO Mobile. 4 Daiuniir. leain, 3d; 760 Rambler, $326; uoO Olds, t-v. i ivuiiwmuii, uvu turn v.apuui Ave. y-M76 Jea FOR RENT Store, 724 B. 13th, corner, JD-HAND date cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far- WK BUY county and city warrants nnd claims, make short time loans, write fire Insurance, act as acents for sale or rent ln real estate, collect rents, care fo: property and superintend repairs. Lis' your property with us. Union Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2!m. Y-717 11 22x48, $JO.0O. Fine location for a names I nam shop. Bloie, 720 H. 13th, 22x46. $.0O. THE BYRON REED CO.. Tel. 197. 212 S 14th St. D-600 11 Q-106 MOATS 80S Karbach Block. THE LARGEST STOCK of house furnish- Y-736 U lugs lu Onmlia. Terms: $:5.oO worth, $1.00 WH have an openings-partnership for an FOUR LAKE COTTAGES. In plnu forest. week. Omul a Furniture and Carpet Co., between i.'tn anu uin on t urnain bl. y 689 11 energetic real estate man; must be reliable and a hustler, union loan anu invest ment Co., 212 Bee. Y-715 11 one mllo from railroad station; IhjhIs; flne I FUR 8 A LB Typewriter, in excellent eondl- nshlng; rmisonanie rent. l u OsiHjrn, Smiley. Crow Wing county, Minnesota. D 6 llx F"OH RENT 7-room, all modern house, 2113 California St., $32.60; 4-ruom cottage. 2M)4 Kionavt Bl., I9.M. Apvly at w7 N. Mtb Bl. D MTU tion. Address U 21, y-Mi07 lSx FOR SALE. NAME and adlres of every family, Platte I 10-room house, full of roomers; strictly county, iseorasaa; gives rural routes and modern: rent cheup; 10-room boarding and rooming house, full of roomers: rent reasonable; near isin bi and Capitol Ave must be sold; party all complete, up-to-date: price low. Ad. I l.,Mva eltv On 19th St. dress J. F. Carrlg (court Louse). Cotum- I c. O. EDLING. 61 N. 19TH BT. bus. Neb y-708 llx Y-707 U BUSINESS CHANCES OKI'ORATION, controlling business es tablished 16o, desires to secure tno ser vices of an energetic business man to manaifu branch nttlee. Investment of $1.0"O and upwards and unquestionable reierences as to ability aim integrity re quired. Salary $2,im) annually and com missions. Address Box 630, Madison, Wis. Y 66 llx NEBRASKA LODGE NO. 1, A. F. & A. .... cinciui meeting m Sclav. June 13, at 8 p. in. Work In E. A. degree. C. L. SHOOK, Muster. CAPITAL LODGE NO. 8. A. F. A A. M. a special meeting Monday evening at 7.30 for work In entered apprentice de gree. Visitors Invited. R. V. COLE, Master. A P I T A L Meritorious enterprises Inline !i,,l and ftniLmd : entire bond Is sues of industrial, gas, water works and electrical propositions financed; corre spond! nee invited. Municipal Bond and Securities Co., 170 Broadwuy, New York uy. x wis ha VESTA CHAPTER No. 6. O. E. 8 -Special ""in wnuriuiy evening, Juno li, at 8 flock. Visitors welcome. Winifred Wallace, Sec'y. NEBRASKA NO. 1. K. OF TV Uee.ilar leetlng Monday evening at 7:3o o'clock In l.vrtle hall, 15th and Douglas sts. Visitors elcoine. A. B. ANDERSON, C. C. Roy a. dodge, k. r. and s. TRIANGLE LODGE No. 54 Meets every urmmjr evening bi castie nun, ana Cuming. Visitors always welcome. D. B. 8 TIN E, C. C. J. R. STINK, K. K. and S. TRIUNE LODGE NO. 66. K. OF P. Meets every Tuesday night at south west coiner 14th and Dodne. Visitors welcome. A. II. R A WITZEll, C. C. J. C. BREW1NGTON, K. R. & S. FINE restaurant and short order house In one of best towns In Nebraska, with ele gant soda fountain ; doing excellent busi ness; good reason for selling. Speak quick If you want It. Address F 66, Bee. Y MOATS 303 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 PATENTS N GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED. Send model or sketch lor free opinions as to patentability. Send for Il lustrated Guide Book, contains 100 me chanlcnl movements and LIST OF IN VENTIONS WANTED; TELLS HOW TO OBTAIN and PELL PATENTS; full particulars of NEW TRADE-MARK LAW, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Patents e. cured through us advertised free In World's Progress; sample copy freo. EVANS, W1LKENS & CO. Reg. Patent Attorneys, 615 F at.,, Wash ington, D. C. Y CASH for your :eal estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price, Northwestern Business Agency, D 312 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. x YOU can never profit by business chances unless you nave some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Brandels & Hons, Bankers, 16th and uougiur bis. Assets over 400,00.00. Y- WANTED Partner to take half interest In omce business paying over $2oO per lllUlllll, MOATS 303 Karbach Block. Y 730 11 WANTED To buy a clean mall order ousiness; win pay cosh. All correspond ence strictly connuentiai. Chas. 11. Kel lerstrass, Kansas City, Mo. Y 639 llx WHEAT Send, for free book, "Facts and Figures," explaining option trading, and mantel letter. ;o.iio margins hu. ; cents. Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis, juinn. X 630 llx FOR SALE Or exchange, sixteen hundred- acre stocK and rice larm, including pump ing plant and canals. Well Improved, Clear. Particulars furnished. Burt & Hoopes, Beaumont, Texas. Y 634 llx FREE A $1,200 flfteen-horso power Popu lar automonue. Sena us your name. laylor Company, Room 310, No. 44 Broad way, New York. Y 631 llx HAVE cash customers for HARDWARE, COAL and GRAIN business In southwest ern Neb. preferred. For quick action go 10 MOATS 803 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 400 PER CENT profit selling and intro ducing our renowned remedies: special Introductory proposition; write today for territory, terms, etc., stating ousiness, etc. The standard Chemical company Delphos, Ohio. Y 627 llx CASH paid for Information; representa iirtu i j rinit, (iiti z y iiiluiii; to $26 weekly without Interference with Hoboken, New jersey. Y 628 llx SUCCESS! SUCCESS! ! No business ex eels life Insurance us an Income pro ducer for men who are properly coached We teac.n the business by correspond ence. Good positions for our graduates. Trained men earning $6,000 to $15,000 per year. Promotion rapid. Send $2.00 for primary course to International School of Insurance. Correspondence Invited. Box 14fi2, New York City. Y-623 llx ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell old established grocery and feed business, with or without buildings. In good conn fry town, doing over $:t0,iioo per year stock about $7,500; fixtures, horses wagons and machinery. $K00; cost double Here's a chance for a hustler with about $2,500. MOATS 803 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 GOOD renl estate business and abstrac books of Union county. Arkansas, for sal at low figure; business worth severa! thousand dollars a year. Apply at once to Aylmer 1 lennlken, HH Dorado, ArK. Y-6S2 llx CHICAGO BUFFET Finely located nea business center; owner's other buslnes compels sacrifice; rent tfio.AO; price $60().on worth double. iscar M. .uegei. ,x wasn Ington St., Chicago. Y 681 llx NEW YORK state corporation, thoroughly established, desires manager to taK charire of their ofllce In Omaha: salar Jl.Mlft. additional commissions, will malt $10,000 first year; must be able to tak ntnrlr In enmnnnv for control of state t the amount of $2,500; must be able to co operate with us In Installing plants; man with ability Is reonired. America Vacuum Can and Machine Co., 153 La Salle St., Chicago. Y 677 llx WANT TO TRADE two oil paintings; cost $1,000; for piano. MOATS 303 Karbach Block. Y-736 11 HARDWARE and harness. Nebraska town 2.0i; stock nil new; at invoice; doing $1,000 business. Must be olil luvojn sickness. Will include residence lr oi sired. Address O iW, Bee. Y-734 11 RESIDENCE In Albion. Neb., 9 rooms, I?. ft), terms to suit purcnaser; rents value t'fi ner month: good barn and out buildings. Must be sold soon. Adiress G.'9. Bee. 1 iAi 11 VS. VAT' n-lah tit milolftv TlllrrhnHA OT (lis pose of a hotel, rooming house, restaurant or any Otner ousinena ,ropTv or n,-- etirlfles we can trerti you. iu-in mm Sellers' Exchange. 1623 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. Tel. SM7. Y v2 llx FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS RUN ABOUTS. wagons and carriages at greatly reduced prices. Johnson i Dan form, nouiuwMl (Hjroer mm auu mjii(? SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Mnsonlo Temple Cor. 10 nnd t'npllol A TV. KXH.IITS OF PYTHIAS. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES IIOYAL ARCAXIM. UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL NO. 1069- Meets second nnd fourth Monday each month nt Arcanum hull, northwest corner 16th and Harney. Visitors welcome. N. F. RECKEORD, Regent. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. It. C. Peters & Co. V S80 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. llioinas, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 4l PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, luJ) Douglas. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. ai'iiam bimlu Ac Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 983 MONEY TO LOAN -Pay no Investment Co. W-984 GAKVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans ui lowest luiczt; no uuiuy; get our terms. W-936 LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on 1U1 1 1 1 0 Hi CODIC, II A . V. U . V. 1 1 1 1 .T, Li. Jt 1 1 111 D1K. W 986 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha prop. erty hl lowest rates. i nomas urenan, room 1, New York Life Bldg. W 987 BUILDING loans on residence property; 8 per cent. . 13. xuemio, luiiige uik. W 983 LOANS on Omaha improved property, or to build with: can pay It back In monthly payments. Hastings nt neyuen, nr. ham St. W-M878 Low Rates, Private Money, $10 and Up. CUAS. Hi. W1L1.1AA18U.N (JO. W- PATENTS H. A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade merits, copyrignis; no lee un leeu successful. 617 N. V. Life, Omaha. 9o6 SUES & CO., patent attorneys. Washing- ton, u. c, opposito u. . patent omce. Advice and patent blanks free. 301JyI PATENTS. We procure the valuable kind. I solicit cases trom those wno appreciate tne nest work obtainable. L. C. Sharp Machine Works, 004-12 S. 10th St. . DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. 9fl IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. "Phono A2766. 9,2 LEARN dressmaking at home by mall. A full, complete and scientific course in dressmaking taught by mall. Our stu dents very successful. Send for cata logue describing the course. Century Correspondence School, Des Moines. Ia. M fW) 30x MUSICAL E. RICHTER. Voice Culture, The Art of Singing and Repertoire, announces tbat he will commence teaching In Omaha at tho Woodmen of tho World Bldg., room 612, on June 13, 19i5. Voice trials and advice free every Tuesday and Friday, 9-10 a. in. M 641 12x 6INGING Prof. Alex. C. Stewart, Euro pean dramatic tenor. Ladies' voice spe cialist. 'Phono Red-4919. M163 13x PRINTING PDIMTINf. MEMORIAL CARDS; ar rKlN 1 IlNO tlHtl0 designs. S. E. Cor. I.YNGSTAD l0lh st- u"d CapltolJe- GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 1611 Capitol Ave., Tel. 2405; fully equipped for all kinds of printing. M990 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg., rooms 304 and 319. Tel. 1552. -893 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow. CHur'.-h Co., main fl., N. Y. L. 'Phone 1313. -S9 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Pealed bids will ln received up to 10 o'clock a. in., June 24. p6, for the erec tion of a brick school building In Platte Center, Neb., for school district No. ;'4, Platte county, Nebraska. All bids imist be In strict accordance with rlitns and speclllcnlioiiH prepared by A. H. ycr. architect, Fremont. Neb, and each bid must be mconipnnled with a certified check for $3v. payable to the order of G. Oroncnthal, treasurer of the above mentioned school district, as a guarantee that bidder villi enter Into a satisfactory contract and give a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of tho con tract. The Ismrd reserves the rlitht to re ject any or all bids. Plans mid specifica tions may bo had by applying to the un dersigned, or to A. H. lver, architect, Fre mont, Neb. JOHN MoFFETT. Director School District 24. Platte Center, Neb. J 10-11-12 I F.CiAl, NOTICES. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT ING. Bids will be received by tho State Print ing tsjard at the ofllce of the secretary of state nt Lincoln, Nebraska on or before 2:3o o'clock p. m. Monday, June 19, l:o6: For printing and binding .M copies of part two of volume two, Nebraska Geolog ical Survey. Specltlcatlons for same can be found on file In the ofllce of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to tho probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska. June fi, 19'iii. STATE PRINTING BOARD, By LOU. W. FRAZIKR. Becrctary to the Board. J7-d,'it-m BONDS FOR SALE. Bids are wanted on a $lo,oo0 Issue of refunding school bonds of School District No. One of Weston County, Wyoming, said Issue being In 10 bonds of $1,000 each, bearing six (6) per cent Interest, Interest fayablo semi-annually. The first bond of 1,000 Is payable 6 years from dato of Issue and one bond of $1.0o0 each year thereafter until paid. For further In formation address A. EVANS, Clerk of School Board. Newcastle, Wyo. M31dJ0t m RAILWAY TIME CARD I'KIOX STATION TF.STU AND MARCY. OMAHA COLLECTION CO.. Tel. 127R. 009 Bee Bldg. M503 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -991 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnar.-.. Tel. 1258. 912 WANTED TO BORROW $1,600. 6 years. 6 per cent, first-class se euiity. Address G 24, Bee. M702 12x CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. SHETLAND ponies for sala. 424 and Cen Ver Bts. ? M5SU PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT. Sealed projiosals ure Invited und will be received by the City Clerk on Tuesday, June 20. I!ie6. at 8 o'clock p. m., In tho Council Chamber In the City Hall, for the following Street Improvements, to wit: 33rd street from Cuming street to Charles street, in Street Improvement District rso. 819, by curbing and paving, as per Ordi nance No. &M0. Douglas street from 2oth street to 24th street, in Street Improvement District No. 64, by repaying, readjusting the old curbs and replacing all defective curulng, us pur Ordinance No. 5611. Leavenworth street from the west curb of Park avenue, South, to 37th street, in Btreet Improvement District No. BJo, by repaying, readjusting the old curbs and re placing all defective curbing, us per Ordi nance No. 6512. Cupltcl avenue from 24th street to 26th street. In Btreet Improvement District No. 827, by curbing and paving, as per Ordi nance No. 6613. Bids for such street Improvements must be madu upon asphalt, stone, vltrltled brick, vitrified brick block, artificial stone or macadam, and all bidders are required to designate, the locality, qunrry, kiln or factory from which will be furnished the speclilc material to be used by them, with Its commercial designation. Proposals must be submitted for each district separately, and must be made upon printed blanks to be furnished by the l ity Engineer, who will also furnish Instruc (ions to bidders, together with Miiecltlea Hons and lorrn of contract and bond upon application to oillce, and, us evidence ot good faith and vuaruntce that contruct will be entered Into, and good and suf ficient bond furnished, should award bo made thereon, each proposal must be ac companied by a certified check payable to the City of Omulia In an amount not less than 2 per cent of the total bid. but in no case to be less than $iou. ProMsals must be addressed to W. H. Klbourn, City l.ierk, Council Chamber, City Hall, and marked "Proposals for Street Im provement, District No ," giving tha number of tha district bid upon. The City Council of the City of Omaha reserves tha right to reject any or all bids. W. II. ELBOUHN, Jl City Clerk. 30 pin 8 :15 am 10 Union Pacific. Leave. Overland Limited a 9:40 nm California Express a 4:10 pin California Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pin North Platte Local.. .a 7:60 am Fust Mail a 7:65 am Colorado Special u 7:45 am Beatrice Local b 8:15 pin Wabash. St. Louis Express 6 St. IxjiiIb Local (from Council Bluffs.) 9: (Shenandoah Iyical (from Council Bluffs) 6 Chicago, Rock Island & EAST. Chicago Limited a 3 Chicago Express a i Chicago Ex., local... .bll Des Moines Express.... a 4 Des Moines Local Chicago Fast Express.. a 6 WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm'd.a 7 Colorado Express u 1 Oklahoma ft Texas Ex. a 4 Colorado Night Ex a 8 Arrive. a 8:18 pm a 3:30 am a 6:10 pm a 6:20 pm a 3:20 inn a 7:44 am b 1:30 pni :20 am :80 pm :45 pin 2:30 pm I'll clue. :35 am :3a am :40 urn :30 pm :40 pm a 7: a 8 a 4 bll a 9 a 1 20 am a 3 3i pm a 4 30 pm all 65 pin a 7 Chicago Great Western. St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm a 7 St. Paul & Minn a 7:45 am a 7 Chicago Limited a5:Xlpm alO Chicago Express a 5:06 am a 3 bleu ro, IHIIwankee A St. Paul Chicago Daylight Ex... a 75 am all California-Oregon Ex. ..a 5:46 pm a 3 Overland Limited a 8:115 pm a Des M. & Okobojl Ex. ..a 7:56 am a 3 Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:23 am Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm Minn. & St. Paul Ex..b 7:25 am Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. .a 7:50 pm ChicaKO & Northwestern. Local Chicago all :30 am Fast Mall a 8:23 pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:50 am Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am Limited Chicago a 8:38 pm Local Carroll a 4:32 pin Fast St. Faul a 8:28 pm Local Sioux C. & St. P.b 3:50 pm Fast Mall Chicago Express ;..a 5:50 pm Norrolk & uonesteei a cvj am Lincoln & Long Pine.... b 7:10 am Casper & Wyoming e 2:50 pin Deadwood & lilneoui a z:w pm Hastings-Albion b 2:5o pm Missouri Pacific. St. Louis Express . K. C. & St. L. Ex. 10 am :oO pin :30 pm :50 am :56 pm :15 pm :30 am :55 pm :40 am :25 am :15 am :55 pm ;30 am :30 pin :IWk nm :10 pm 3:, n in :20 pm ...a 9:00 am ...all:15 pm al0:35 pm a 8:05 am bl0:35 pm a 8:06 pm 3:45 pm 8:30 am 10:i0 pin 11:50 pm 9:15 am 9:5o mil 7:oo am e 9:35 am 2:50 pin a 7:30 am 10:35 am 10:35 pm e 6:15 pm 6:16 pm a 6:30 am a 6:00 pm BURLINGTON STATION lOTII & MASON Burlington. Leave. Arrive. Denver & California ....a 4:lopm a 3:20 pm Northwest Express ....ulliopm a 6:08 pm Nebraska points a 8:50 am a 7:40 pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:57 pm al2:0u pm Ft. Crook & PlnttsnVth.b 2:52 pm al0:i6 am Bellevue & I'lattsm'th..a 7:50 pm b 8:32 am Bellevue & Pac. June... a 3:30 am Bellevue & Pac. Junc..al2:15 pm Denver Limited a 7:10 am Chicago Special a 7:25 am Chicago Express a 4:00 pm a 8:56 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm a7:i6um Iowa Local a 9:15 am a!0:63 pm St Louis Express a 4:46 pm all :30 am Kansas City & St. pm a 6:45 am Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 9:16 um a 6:05 pm Kansas City & St. Joe. a 4:45 pm WEBSTF.R DEPOT 15th & WEBSTER Leave. Arrive, .b 3:60 pm bl2:30pm Minneapolis & Missouri Pad He. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water Clitengo, St. Panl, Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. b 6:30 pm b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:00 pm all :20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am A daily, b dully except Sunday, d dally except Saturday, e daily except Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS. ANCHOR LINE V. B. MAIL STEAllItKS. KEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Huperlor sccommoditlon. Elint Cultins. TM Comfort ol PMMiignri Crfull)r Counldered. gln, cr Hound Trip Tickoti UUtd bMwe.u New Yor ud Stolen. Eallh lrlxh nd principal oou tlDtnUl polnu it sttrautlM rte. Sod for bout ot Tour. For tlrk-t or funeral Infiirmetlon mw't to any local gi nt of the Anchor Llue or to HENPKHSON 11HOS. Geuenl AS'UUL Chlciao, 111. DIRECT PA8SENOER SERVICE TO NORWAY, SWEDEN AND DENMARK Br the fart 10,000 ton twln-ecrew uteameri. BVi dayi from Now lora 10 rionun...... Hdlm Olav June 21 t'nlled Statei...Jul)r 6 0fr II July 11 llrllls OUT. ...Auk I t'nlted Etatea. .Aug. 1( incur II Aug. m HrlllK OlaT...6l.t. IS I nllnl Klutra. .Hi-fi. 17 H( AM)INA 1A.VAMEH1CAN LINK, No. 1 "roadway. New York, or Local Agenta. CASE NOW UNDER ADVISEMENT Matter of Declaring Void Certain Assessments for llonlevard Con struction is Considered. Judge Sutton has taken under advisement the case of tho Coad Ileal Estate company et al. against tho City of Omaha, to have declared null and void certain assessments for the construction of Center street boule vard, from Burt street to Hanscom park. There are about thlity taxpayers of record as plaintiffs and the total amount Involved is about IlG.f"). While this suit was being heard by tho court tho World-Herald published an edi torial decrying the motives of the pliilntlfTs and patting on the back the men who had paid the assessment. Attorneys Han som and West, for the plaintiffs, called the court's attention to the article and as serted It was clear contempt of court. Judge Sutton seemed Inclined to agree with this view at first, but before Issuing a citation he took time for consideration und concluded the article hardly came within the Inhibition of the law. If you have anything to trade, advertise It In the For Exchange column of Tha Hue want ad page. CONDITION OF 0MA1LVSTRADE Merchants Place Order. Here Who Done Buaineu Elsewhere. Eavi GOOD EFFECT OF RECENT EXCURSION Much Ilullillns; (ioliia: on Over the Country, hlcli Helps Hardware Business tiinnr nnd toffee Market Are Irregular. Good effects of the recent trade excursion In the South liatte country are being noted by Wholesale dry goods nouses. Several re tail merchants wno have never donu uny business beiore in um.iim have placed lair orders here within the last wees,. Two of them hud been hitherto bu)tng their slock al St. Joseph. They said that their ac quaintance wilh tne i cpresculu 1 1 ves of Omaha houses who went on the excursion had lent them desire to further investi gate the advantage of buying their guoia In Omaha. All seemed well pleased Willi the treatment accorded them by the local dealers. The wholesale men are Jubilant over the fact that the excursion has had such good results, which, they say, cannot now be estimated. Tho week has been the best In a long; time for house trade In the dry goods business, country merchants having found a few days time, while the farmers are busy, to get to the city to luy in a part of their fall stock. None of the orders have been large, for thev are never very large Just at this season of the your. Ac cording to the retailers, the country trndn is very good. It has been better all spring than last year and the prospects are that tho Summer and fall will see a larger year's business than has ever fallen ti the lot of the dealer. The healthy condi tion of the trade Is causing the retailers to place advance orders for fall goods very freely, both house orders nnd orders through salesmen. The wholesalers say that the prospects for fnll trade are Im proving daily in every direction. Tho wool market Is exceedingly strong. Within the week there have been advances In most lines of woolen underwear. A big demand for wool and the scarcity of it have Increased the price of that article. The price has also advanced on all blenched nnd nrown muslins. Prints are unchanged, but firm at the prevailing figures. Features of the hardware business Indi cate that building over the country Is be ing; done on a much greater scale than for years. The Lee-Olass-Andreesen Hard ware company reports that Its trade In nails, hlngi s, glass, window stops snd other builders' hardware Is considerably larger than It has been at any time In tho last fifteen yenrs. It Is the rule both In the city nnd country. Merchants In small towns are laying In large supplies of builders' hardware nnd It Is evident tbnt they anticipate much building In their vicinity all summer and fall and conse quently n satisfactory trade. Business In hardware Is nwny ahead In volume of that done during the correspond ing week of last year. The spring has been a better one all through. One firm reports a 30 per cent gain for March nnd Anrll over last year. Others say their business Is very satisfactory and much larger than last year. Snorting goods, especially fishing tncklo and golf and tennis goods, are In big de mand. Thev are held at the same prices which ruled last year. There Is n fino trade In other seasonable goods. Includ ing refrigerators, screens nnd Ice crenm freezers. A few denlcrs are ordering their binding twine, but the rush will not come for snmn time yet, as most merchnnts wait almost to the time of harvest. The trade In twine, however, nnd the prospects for a big de mand through the season has caused Hit advance of V cent In the price of slsul rope, which Is made of the same material as the twine. The sugar market has !een In rather an unsettled condition durlnp the week. Both raws and fine sugar have been easier. This Is a verv unusual thing for this season or the venf, on tho eve of the largest eon sumption period. A week ago raws w-era strong. Foreign markets urn responsible for the present condition and it Is claimed that the decline In raws Is caused by 0, lack of demand for the refined article. Th s Is not the case, nt least as far ns thin country Is concerned, for the demand In the United States for the week, especially In the south, was unusunllv heavy. The predictions are that notwithstanding thn fact that the fruit crop will be much lighter this year, there will be a great deal of sugar consumed all season. Jobbers here look for n steady trade from June 15 to Jnlv 10. It may not be so much the, question of price ns of being able to se cure the sugar promptly. It looks now as though the bottom had been reached for some time to come nt lonst Thn .nfre mnrket Is Irregular and options nre fifteen to twentv-flve points lower, al though there Is little change In the spot market. Desirable roasting cofTees In tho Braxll grades, ns well ns the milder cof fees, nre scarce. Cheese Is quoted V,Gic lower than a week ago All the old cheese Is gone with the evcentlon of the Swiss, the new make of which cannot be sold yet. Some Of tno largest handlers nre of the opinion that the mnrket has pretty nearly reached bot tom This depends largely on tho demand for the next two or three weeks. In general, the grocery business has been sntlsfnetorv. The volume of business has been big. the tone healthy nnd collections satisfactory. . , . x. Fish on the whole nre high. There are some new mecKerei on toe in.iin.-i. prices, but they nre or a quauiv nu , ... Is not desirable to purchnse They turn red verv utilekly. Mackerel cnught Inst fnll are' better, being much fn'ter . anil or " r ' iiin. ,, rices Ho land herring has advanced, nnd the prediction Is that higher prices yet will hold before tho new catch Is on the mnrket. ,, The demnnd for fancy goods Is large This Is the senson for picnics and dealers realize that they should enrrv n good stock. Olives, olive oil and sardines are In especially good demnnd. There are no changes In the prices on wodenwnre. The demnnd hns been good nnd probably will continue so for thirty to sixty days. . . Canned goods nre a strong market. Tho strength that developed In corn and toma toes Inst week hns been upheld this we. k with n further tendency to advance In both articles. California canned goods have been doing remarkably well, showing the best trade in this line slnee the first of the vear Prices for fall delivery have been received from some California packers Ch Hesn no pears nre held higher thnn last vear while , apricots, lemon-cling peaches 11 ' . i 1- rrr.A -TOM llPflt. first' en? of Columbia river nsh has Just c"! trade In canned good ; hn ,nen satisfactory. It doubtless will bn gently increased after the strawberry sea- son is over. Tho ..K" Scot's ilpn,,, as well as seeded raisins, are In .JU nT Apples are nl- sel ng 11 with D. bP- The advances in nee imvn i,.-.-.. maintained, nnd while mere are ; ; grades. tlmn there nme nre none nt lower prices. been, yet there arThe"lenther ' tTnde 'continue, slow with , . f,.Jv scattering orders for Immediate deliv ery Most ,,f the orders for fall nre' In nnd the Jobbers nre busying them Selves preparing for shipment. The mar ket holds strong. DOOUTTLE BADLY BRUISED Inlon Pnelne Knulneer aataa gerlnns Injuries as Result of Accident While Driving". While driving downtown Saturday morn ing from his home at Tenth and Martha, streets, W. J. Doollttle, a I'tilon Puclflo engineer, was thrown from his buggy and sustained numerous body bruises. He was taken home In tho police ambulance and attended by Dr. J. It. Nlelson. An exam ination of the Injured man showed no bones wi re broken nor Internal Injuries caused by the accident. Mr. Doollttle's In juries are particularly on the left eye and hips. Ills horse became unmanageable while being driven north on Eleventh street and before Doollttle could alight from the vehicle he was precipitated to the ground. CAN DO WITHOUT HER TOGO Month Omaha (ilrl Fluds the Can Survive a While Without Jap I.over. Miss Mamie Watts of Booth Omaha hns finally concluded she can llvo without Harry Bel; I, her Japanese Romeo, of 606 North Hlxteenth street. In the company of her mother the girl left the matron's de partment of the police station and promised to go home and help her mother with tho dishes until at least August 1, when ah will attulu hor majority.