4 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY DEE; SUNDAY, JUNE 11, -1905. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaeaaeata far these eolamas will be taken all IS am. tor tae vealaa- eeltiea aad til a. wa. tor tho nornlic Saaday edltloa. Rate 1 l-2 a word first laaertlon 1 ward thereafter. ajathlag takea for leae thaa SOa for the Brat laser tloa. Thaar advertlaeaaente aoaat fee r ((ancatlTtlf. Advertisers, by reojoratfaa; aam. bered cheek, pan have aaewera ad. dreaaed to a aamaered latter la rare of Tho Bee. Aaavrera ao addreaaed will be delivered oa nreseatatlon of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS CITY SAVINGS BANK paa per cent. R B37 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 351. K S38 EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasees to tit; prlcea right. Bennett's . RW A NTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 521 N. lltth. Tel. 1779. R $40 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 80. Uth St Telephone 204. R 151 CUT PATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H.,Phllbln, laOS Farnam. 'Phone 7S4. R G4S STOVES REPAIRED Water backs, gasoline stove cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 0. R-M1H OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty ol fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen, prop.. 102 S. 10th St K-944 PIANOS and household goods a specialty. Packing, moving and repairing by ex perienced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1625. Bchmoller & Mueller Piano Co.. 1313 Far ham. R SMS OSCAR has returned and Invites his pa trons to return. Mullln's, corner HUh and v Davenport. R 730 Je9 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 802 Jackson. TeL 1432. R-846 ' Fire Insurance at Cost We want a live agent in every town in Nebraska. Write tor particulars. CoMMUKCIAL MUTUAL F1KE INSUR ANCE CO. 1U0S Farnam St. R-047 EXPERT piano moving; lowest rates. Tel. 1625. Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. . R M.X3 Jy STEINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used. 225; bargain. Pel field Piano Co.. 1611 farnam, R 948 SIGN PAINTING, S. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R M19J WANTED, your machinery repairing, auto mobile, gasoline engine, model and experi mental work. Buckingham & Peterson. Fremont, Neb. R COLLINS PIANO CQ., wholesale and re tall musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 S. 17th st., Omaha. R MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, 12. Dr. U. O. Raymond Remedy Co., Room 35, Si Adams hi., Chicago, 111. ' -111 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles; never falls; $3 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 112 Die PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp, Dr. Pries, laUVa Dodge St.. Omaha. 0113 HONORABLE retired physician will give advice free to weak men. Address Dr. Carl Kerby, P. O. box 227, Seattle, Wash. Mi8 Jex 130 Rupture cured 130; no injections; no pain; absolute guarantee; we cure per manently; new method; call or write for booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG. OMAHA. M-66S llx LADIES Dr. Walker's monthly remedy re lieves in five hours. Box free. Send stamp for particulars. Dr. Walker, Box 817. Milwaukee, Wis. 666 llx VARICOCELE, enlarged and diseased veins; write me about It, and I will tell of a cure, free. E. A. Boal, Box 10, Hlnchman, Mich. 642 llx DON'T DIE Blood King, greatest blood purifier; formula sent for 10 cents; makes $10 worth at druggists' prices. - Frontier Medical Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 644 llx LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, tellable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children; 80 yea re' practice. Office, 2306 Cuming. Residence telephone. 3SH6; office. 2067. MEN, if you are small, weak or undevel oped, have lost strength, our Aome Vac uum Developer will restore vou without drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc tion and varicocele permanently cured In one to four weeks; 75.000 In use; not one failure; write for free book, sent sealed In plain envelope. Aome Mfg. Co., 728 Barclay Blk.. Denver, Colo. LADIES treated successfully by mail or at his office. Maternity home. Infants adopted. Write today, stating how long suppressed. Dr. Brlney. 18'i Btate St.. Chicago. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BOYER Does nil that oilier claim to do, and la teaching you the 12 secret lessons of life, can bring to yourself riches, honor and UIkiikv, and 'aue a nun., . speedy tuutriago with llie one you love. Also tells dates and results of Journeys, investments and lawsuits, and gives dates of luairluges and deaths. Call at once and be convinced. Office 'SlO X. lTth St., CEN TER HOTEL-half block N. W. of 'MistotUce. Tel. B-2547. MADAME BUDDHA. Location I PBl'AIRS llj hi. 16th St. Palm try and Occult Science a specialty, Call and be convinced. . S-174 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, ' 1521 Leaven worth. S 964 MME. BOYER; advice reliable. 210 N. 17th twiner noieu, nair oiock IV. w. post. Office. 'Phonu B-2u47. 8 M421 lox MME. FRANCI8CO, 1704 Capitol Ave,; twin w m. in. iw y. lit. 0-IU4U 1UX THE WORLD'S FAIR FORTUNE TELL- tun. oireci irom t. Lau1r, enroule to Portland, have opened parlors, for one . week only, at 2615 N street. South Omaha. Meanings, 10 cents. 8-737 llx LOST AND FOUND FO'JND The right place to bave your eyes iwwu muu uiieu rmui oeuneu a. Found 970 A LARGE black pocket book containing some papers and cancelled notes. Prub- tbly lost on C St. P.M. O. paasen- Jer train arriving el vsmana, Thursday, une s, at 9:10 p. m. A reward will be ,ut v inuin tu ew on uiag. Lnst-M553 LOST Small leather case containing brace let and pin. Finder return to Bee office. newurq. . Lost it llx BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS aod aluminum caattnv, nl(-kl plat ing and finishing Ppellty .tlx. o 41 e MU "T VVvUVil 4VWMdh WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WORTH WHILE BOOK S FREE Our new 1906 catalogue Is worth any one's while. It Is Just out and Is free for the asking. Just as soon as we know that you want one ana wnere you are, you win get a copy. As a specimen of printing it will delight the eye of the lover of the artistic. As the epitome of Omaha's wonderful commercial Importance. It will please the Omaha enthusiast. As a review of the fields of labor open to and opportunities beckoning to the young man or woman who will become a finished Stenographer, Bookkeeper or Telegrapher It will even surprise most business men and prove a perfect eye opener to the young men ana young women Who have not investigaiea wnai wonaenui opportunities me world of business holds out to them. . As an advertisement of the superior advantages possessed by BOYLES COLLEGE and those which are possessed by Boylea graduates. It is a convincing essay that will make an Impression upon every reasonable mind. The narent who is desirous of alvlng his son a fair start In life or giving his daughter an education that will make her Independent of this world's vicissitudes, ought to read this book. The young man wno is snout to leave scnooi wno nas not yei aeciaea wnai line 01 work he will adont as a life work who Is now working In a position not suited to his abilities who feels that he Is In a rut in business, will find this catalogue of vital Interest to htm. The young woman who is about to leave school who wants to take up some congenial line of employment who wants to break away from the usual long, hard and thankless toll connected with woman's work, will find this book a source of great inspiration. SEND FOR IT TODAY Don't forget that Boyles Building now makes Boylea College the Ideal summer school. Fine cool class rooms and gymnasium add to the comfort of the scholar and to his or her zest in study. Remember that It Is this Fall that business assistants will be In the greatest demand. . every day now It air enrollment aay. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. a BOYLES, Pres., Boyle$ Bldg. Omaha. WE SENT 63 PEOPLE TO GOOD PAYING POSITIONS THE . PAST WEEK. IF YOU REA-LLY WISH A HIGH GRADK SITUATION AND ARE CAPABLE OF HOLDING ONE. WE CAN PLACE YOU. Partial list of vacancies: Young man acquainted with city. Bookkeeper, experienced, 16 per week. Bookkeeper, experienced, 112 per week. Stenographer, nrst-class beginner. Al paint salesman. S printers; out of town. Young man collector. Registered pharmacist, city. Drug clerk. Good real estate salesman. Manager for hotel, married man. First-class hoti-l clerk. Call or write promptly. Complete list and booklet furniHhed on apppllcatlon. WESTERN REF. & BOjN U A83 N, (INC.) Dept. B, 841-84! N. 1 . Life Bklg. B 7( 11 MEN of brains and ability will find this a valuable medium to secure gooa paying positions. Call or write for booklet. WESTERN REF A BOND ASSN. (Inc.). .Dept. B, 841-843 N. Y. Life riiag. B-618 14 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages ot la ann 85, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 875 IF YOU are In need of a position call and nave a neart-io-neart taiK wun nni, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B 957 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade, we cannot supply demand ior graduates; (4.60 to $5.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. Earn while learning. Address for catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., Bt. Louis, Mo. B 766 THE Home Educational Society of Phila delphia wants more men to explain scnooi and text books; good pay; pleasant work; no experience needed. Manager, 600 Ware Blk.. Omaha. B M737 DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. x. L. B 908 $86 PERMANENT salary and expenses ph ' rename men out'ioe or tne city; v pleasant work. Address A. W. South, : Neville Blk.. Omauu, Neb. B K WANTED Several wide awake, energetic young men to travel; work dignified, pleas ant and profitable. Students or teachers preferred. No Investment required. Ad dress: Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha, Neb. B M709 17x DRAFTSMEN and Engineers Mechanical structural railway; new work near Omaha; long engagement; $.90-$140. Chief Engineer, 616, 84 La Salle St., Chicago. B-674 llx HUSTLERS Everywhere, to distribute cir culars,' samples and tack signs. American Distributing Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 604 llx DETECTIVES Young men to become de tectives. Write "Manager," International Becret Service Co., Milwaukee, w Is. B 607 111 SOBER and reliable man tij represent manufacturer; extraordinary opportunity; state lowest salary to start; promotion it satisfactory. Engwall, Lakeside mag. Chicago. B-406 llx PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT strictly en forces the civil service law: 50.S30 appoint nients to life positions last year; splendid openings tor young people, w rue ior tne announcement or the uoiumman corre spondence College, Washington, D. C, containing dates, salaries, places for hold ing examinations and questions recently used by the Civil Service commission. B-612 llx BECOME a traveling salesman; w teach you how, securing a position tor you tree Institute of Commercial Travelers, Roch ester, N. Y. B-609 llx A YOUNG men for .firemen and brake men, Nebraska and other railroads.- Ex perience unnecessary. Firemen $76, be come engineers and earn $180. Brakemen SCO. become conductors and earn $140. Name position preferred. Send stamp for particulars, itauway Association, Depart ment bt, Charles Bldg., Denver, Colorado. B WANTED A few first-class experienced men to sell counties in Iowa, from $100 to $160; 60 per cent commission; oppor tunity for right men. Lock box 298, Co. Bluffs, la. B WANTED A good sober man for steady work on a cattle rancn in tne sananius. Vpply 238 Bee bldg. li M552 llx WANTED Patternmaker. Apply at Pax- ion & vieriing iron works, no. Kin ou and U. P. tracks, city. B 492 12 WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tactc signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B-M547 llx WANTED Five good carpenters; steady worn ana top wages to good men. AO--dress C. W. Way, Franklin, Neb. B M546 llx THEATRICAL singers and dancers, ama teurs and proreesionals, ror parks, car nivals, etc. Send $1.00 for booking fees, act, photos. Work guaranteed. Western Theatrical System, Des Moines, la. B-M569 lOx PRINTER for country town; registered pnarmaclst, city. Western Rer. & Bona Assn., Inc.. 841 N. Y. Life bldg. B-M557 10 CLOTHING salesman, children's depart ment. Bank solicitor, salary. Two lumber yard managers. Clerical men for railroad office. Pump and scale salesman, i t,xperlencea stenographer. Abstracter for land titles. Bookkeeper. $40. Graduated electrician, tWi a month. J. M. HART, 401 N. Y. LIFE. B-728 It WANTED Competent bookkeeper for gen eral office work; must have Al references. State salary wanted. Address: G 20, Omaha Bee. B 871 llx A FIRST-CLASS bread and cake baker wanted at once; a single man preferred; a steady Job to the right man; $10 per Woek City. Ia. ' ' B-M560 12x A WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we originated this short method of Instruc tions in 1398 and have taught nearly all who have learned since; practical ex perience, little expense. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam St. R M630 16x .tIGHT, active young man to take charge of large office business; old estaDllsnea, Must nave at least $500. . MOATS 303 Karbach Block. B 736 11 TAILOR wanted by The Pantorlum, 407 So. , Uth St. B 741 11 BARBER students wanted; special sum' mer tates, greatest reduction ever of fered, write at once. AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St. Omaha. Neb. B-760 12x WANTED At once; men to become firemen and brakemen; $76 to $126 monthly on first class roads. Application and full particulars for stamp. Address 606 Rail way uxenange uiag., Bt. ixuis, mo. B 745 llx WANTED Good, honest man to take or ders for enlarged portraits; good salary ana commission, a. J. omnn, wis uaven , port. B 757 11 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 WORKING girls. Canadian office, 15th and uouge. c m WANTED A cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 1505 South 8th St. C 287 WANTED Girl to do plain housework, $5 per week. 4a Davenport St. Take Dun dee car. C 464 WANTED Cook; references required. 2211 Bt. Mary s Ave. .' tet llx GIRLS wanted. Burgess Shirt Co. C 61 WANTED Lady clothes Ironer. City oieam xaunary, .a bo. xiin. j mdzv iu WANTED Girl for general housework; $6 per week. 5002 California St. (Dundee Place.) C-633 llx CANVASSERS To sell automatic screen door catches nnd gtant suports; make big money; exclusive territory; sample catch, 25c; door support. ?0c, postpaid. Auto matic Catch Co., Chicago. B 661 llx WANTED Men to distribute samples, tack signs, w.uo oaiiy. no canvassing, conti nental Distributing Service, Chicago. B 603 llx WANTED Person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; lociu) territory; salary, $26, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Rldar . Chl caso. B 661 llx WA NTEI Wlen to Introduce a patent hard ware article; salary sin per weea. ti.au per day for expanse, rapid advance ment; state apm and present employment. Write Ideal Shear Company, Dent. 14, .Chicago. B 660 llx CARPENTKR8 To sell $40 Portland ce ment building hlock machines. Abel Ma rline Works, 806 Chestnut St., St. Units. Mo. B 643 llx WANTED, local men In every town In the United Statea to distribute advertising matter; no canvassing: permanent, $3 dally. H. T. Contrls. Chicago. B-608 llx WANTED Married men who have had experience trimming apj coopering oil barrels and who are familiar with glue ing, painting, filling and warehouse work. Steady Job for right parties. Marshall Oil Co., Marshalltown. Ia. B M6S9 IS GOVERNMENT POSITIONS 30.000 appoint ments last year. Chances better now. Examinations soon In every state. Book let 231, giving positions, salaries, examina tions, sample questions, etc.. sent free. National Correspondence Institute, Wash ington, D. C. B WANTED Binders, rulers, forwarders, fin ishers and paper cutters. Steady poaltiona at good wanes for houra work. Open ahop. Addresa: Shallcrosa Ptg. Co., BU Louis. Mo. B-u3 llx YOUNG MAN Bright, over IS. to prepare for aovernment position; good aalary; per manent; gradual promotion. See at once room 441. Board of Trade. B (91 llx DETECTIV E Shrewd reliable men wanted In every locality for profitable secret service; to act under ordera. No experi ence neoeeaary. Write Webster Detec tive Agency, Des Moluea, Ia. B-8J7 1U WANTED Competent lady bookkeeper for general office work; must hav Al refer ences, state salary wanted. Address G 19, Omaha Bee. C 672 llx WANTED- Girl for general housework. Inquire at 1706 8. 2Sth St. , C-568 11 GIRL for general housework. t54l Chicago. C 664 12 WANTED Girl to do general housework for family of two; no washing; refer ences required. Apply 415 North 20th street. C M521 13x GOOD German saleslady. Experienced pleater. Two demonstrators, $7 and commission. Millinery saleslady. Bookeeper; good penman. Apply promptly. Complete list and booklet furnlrhed on application. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N. (INC.) Dept. B, 841-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. C 718 11 WANTED Girl for general housework In small family; no washing. Apply 1248 8. 7th Ave. C-M727 12x WANTED 60 experienced machine opera tors, on shirts and overalls. Apply to Bvrne & Hammer D. G. Co., Factory, , Uth and Howard Bts. C-J26 11 LADY cook: out of city; 'transportation. Chambermaids and general girls for house work; top wages. J. it. Hart, 401 N. Y. Life. C-722 11 WANTED Ladies to learn hair dressing, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis. We originated this short method of teaching in 1M3 and have taught nearly all who are successful now In the business; diplomas granted: inex pensive course: splendid pay to graduates. Call or write, Moler College, 1114 Farnam 8t. C-MSol 16x NURSES' College. Pueblo, Colo.: special six weeks' course July 10th; diplomas; write. C-667 llx LADinS To do piecework at their homes: we furntah all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co.. 34 E. Monroe St.. Chicago. C-l7 llx-. WANTED-Three Intelligent ladlea to rep resent an eaatern publiahing houae In city on aalary. Must furnish Al refer ences. T. H. Cartmell, 222 Paxton Block, 4 to f p. m. C 9S llx BOARDING house manager for summer re sort; give experience and referenoea. Ad dress O 36. Bee. C MTU 12x LADIES Send 10e silver for particulars about our "Protector," Boa 242. Minna bpoUs, Ulna. C(7lUx WANTED FEMALE HELP SALESMEN WANTED ANNOUNCEMENT! THE SUMMER SCHOOL OF THE Omaha Commercial College Will Begin Monday Morning, June 19. Tor more than 20 ypars we have condtictoil a Summer School from the middle of June to Sop- ' tember. Special advantages are provided for those who desire to take a Business Course, or a course In Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy or Penmanship. New classes in all of these will be organized Monday morning, June 19th. Public School Pupils Special classes will be organized for public school pupils of the Seventh and Eighth Grades, who bave fallen behind or desire to make an extra grade. Tuition Rates Reduced The rates of tuition will be greatly reduced In all departments during the Summer Term. Students are permitted to attend as many weeks as desired. Time to Begin Be sure and start at the beginning. Call dur ing the week, or write us for full particulars. Opportunity Knocks at Your Door Will you ignore the call? Will yon spend the summer In idle pleasures while fortune awaits the advantages gained. Particulars, Informa tion and Catalogue free. Address: ROHRBOUGH BROS. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD PERSONAL Educational Summer Term i WANTED Competent girl for general houae work; small family. Inquire 125 N. 38th Ave. C 677 11 WANTED, lady stenographer; state ex perience and salary expected. Address O 22, Bee. C M699 12x WANTED Neckband, bosom Ironer and finisher. Puritan Laundry, 13th and Cas tellar. C M683 12 WANTED Qlrl for general housework; small family. Apply 807 N35th St. C-746 llx WANTED SITUATIONS COMPETENT male stenographer d-Hires position; highest references furnished. Address Q 13, care Bee. A 535 13x TEACHER wishes employment as govern ess In family in city or country home. Address Q 18, Bee. A 681 llx AGENTS WANTED BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, the world's greatest negro, has written an autobiog raphy: sella like lightning; agentu make $10 dally; write for free outfit. J. L. Nich ols & Co., Napervllle, 111. J-M352 10a $30 WEEKLY to men with rigs to Intro duce poultry goods. Eureka Chemical Co., Fart Dodge, la. J-63 llx SOAP AGENTS Stop selling trash; sell our dollar box to your own mother for 35c make 3dc, and fed that you have given her more than full value, that's worth something; our sales Increase daily. Why 7 Because our soaps are chemically pure; our Big Seven box costs you 11c; don't write if you are not willing to make $100 to $200 monthly. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. J 659 llx WANTED Representatives In every local ity to sell our teas, coffees, apices, ex tracts, baking powder, etc., direct to the consumers; liberal inducements; a chance to establish a business ot your own; we assist you in every way. Address Royal Tea Co., 2801-3-6 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi cago. J 640 llx WANTED By manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts, a traveling satesmnn for Nebraska; ex perience in this line not necessary; good position if taken at once. Address G 14, care Bee. 668 llx SKILFUL scheme salesman. Retailer wins out and Is pleased; office or road position; nothing equal to It; $200 per week can be made; can be used as a very profitable side line; samples light and furnished on references; correspond ence confidential. Address 211 Dickey Bldg., Chicago. 662 llx MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive territory upon unequalled commissions for unrivalled books; no better opening is to be found in the book selling business than the opportunity we now have to offer; get our proposition; send address. M. A. Donohue & Co., Chicago. N 666 llx WANTED Capable salesman or Insurance man for special work with strong propo sition. Commission with liberal advances. Don't want cheap man. Drawer 611, Rock Island, 111. 602 llx WANTED Salesmen to sell on commission as a side line our line of overalls and Jumpers. Ben J. Martin Mfg, Co., Spring field, Mo. -601 11 SALESMEN make 600 per cent commission selling "Novelty Sign Cards;" merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties; cata logue free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. 678 llx SALESMAN WANTED $2,600 nnd expenses. Year's contract to a first-class specialty salesman who is a result getter. We mean business. No time for trlficrs. Ad dress G 4, care Bee. 614 llx WANTED Chicago manufacturer wishes to secure the services of a first-class salesman to sell fire hose and fire de partment supplies In the city of Omaha and vicinity; state where last em ployed; liberal inducements will be offered to a party who can secure busi ness in this line. Address G 6, care Bee. 616 11 AGENTS WANTED To sell our Columbia bread and pastry boards. Peerless wire clothes pins. Gem clothes driers, etc.; all new labor-saving Inventions; one agent sold 21 of our metallio bread boards in four hours (profit $12); exclusive terri tory; a rare chance for agents; write at once for terms. L. C. Hartsock. Mfr., Spring Valley, Ohio. J 646 llx AGENTS WANTED A good thing, needed In every house and office; exclusive ter ritory; easy money. Write Innes Mfg. Co., A, 87 Washington St., Chicago, 111. J 648 llx AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of Sarsaparllla tor 85c; best seller; 350 per cent profit. Write today for terms and territory. F. R. Greene, 116 Lake St., Chicago. J WE START you selling diamonds. Don't fail getting our liberal offer; $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J-472 llx AGENTS If you're tired of ringing door bells, dodging the dog and trying to sell "gewgaws" to reluctant housewives, try putting up our gold letter signs; most profitable proposition In America today; no experience required; any novice can do the work; 800 per cent prollt; work In the shade, clear $40 weekly; general agents and branch managers wanted. If you mean business enclose stamp for confidential details. Benjamin Burdlck, Chicago Lawn, HI. J-615 llx WANTED An agent, either sex. In each town to sell high-grade shirt waist ma terials and ladles' suitings by the yard. Our goods are novelties and quick sellers. Write us. Direct Cloth Co., 2623 Olive 8t.. St. Louis, Mo. J-613 llx AGENTS Seven dollars for one. Some thing positively necessary and new. Ab solutely no competition. Can be handled easily by male or female agents from six teen years up. Bank references. Send one dollar for entire outfit; brings seven dollars in return. Enterprlae Introduc tion Company, P. O. Box 494, New York City . J 629 llx ATTENTION, mail order houses; will sup ply homeopathic remedies under your name. Broncho" Remedy Co., 123 Liberty St.. N. T. J 621 llx AGENTS World's greateat Invention; 60 candle power mantlelese gas burner; equal to Welshach light; on three feet gas; sample, prepaid, 25c Parisian Lamp Co., 171 Washington St., Chicago. J 678 llx $600 per month and expenses Belling my patent for making smokeless gun and blasting powder t eight cents per pound. Beware of fakes advertising a worthless and dangeroua article. I am the inven tor. General agents wanted In each state. J. A. Stranky. Box 400, Pukwana, 8. D. J-638 lix 'I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent. New, demand, quick sales. Farm era' Account Book Co., Newton. Ia. J-S36 llx SALESMEN covering shoe and drug trades add two to ten dollars dally Income hand ling Dry-Sole; the big advertising we are doing makes order getting eaay; write for . proposition. Dry-Sole Co., 99 Warren St., New York. J BIO money In squabs; cheaply raised In only 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices; won derful market; write for free hook and learn thla rich industry. Plymouth Wock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose, Mass. J AGENTS WANTED Big monev, sure; quick sales, exclusive territory, free sam ples. Write today. T. M. Sayman, 2141 Franklin Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS Write now for free sample of work and terms. Star Hasness Mender; best 26c seller out; we make other quick selling necessities. Colihnbla, Nov. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. J SALESMEN WANTED WANTED First-class salesman: one soles man's commission amounted to over $1,100 In alx weeka. from Feb. 6th to March 18th. 1906. Address the Barton Mfr. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 656 llx TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa: ataple line; entirely new Induce, menta to trade; high commissions; $C4 weekly advance; permanent to light man. F. C. Farley Co., Detroit, Mloh. WANTED Bxperienred salesmen. Salary, every atate; also lady agenta: good line. B. R. Berry Chemical Co., Bt. Loula Mo. (78 llx TRAVELING salesman wanted to sell gro cers ; permanent position: atate present occupation and aalarv expected. Ina An gela Cider Co., BU Louis, Mo. llx SALESMEN WANTED-BIg demand for our goods; proposition surprises every body; $8 profit every sale; failure Impossi ble; sample case outfit furnished. Baenzl ger & Co., 19 Sullivan St., Chicago. C58 llx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM'S ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16t.li & Chicago. BtVtt DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Farnam. E 974 ROOMS FURNISHED We do this 26 cheaper than the installment houBs and furnish a much better quality. Terms: $25.00 worth, 1.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. E 687 11 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 875 FOR RENT, desirable front room, to single gentleman; modern conveniences. HI tiouth 26ta L a 406 ROOMS and good board, $5 per week and up. Call 1617 Chicago St. E 819 EXCELLENT cool and cosy furnished rooms with or without alcove, at the most reasonable price; meals close by. 'Phone In house. Dr. Pribbenow. 2574 Harney St E 139 LARGE front room with telephone; de sirable location. 1050 Georgia avenue. E M508 llx EAST front parlor and smaller room; mod ern conveniences.- E 617 lOx NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 211 So. 29th Ave. E M525 llx HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; modern. The Lakota, 1618 Howard St. E M633 llx NICELY furnished rooms, modern, single or ensuue, ior gentlemen, in. mn. E 667 1HX NEATLY furnished- room, strictly modern, electric lights, private family; gentleman preferred; reference required; $8 per month. 1921 St. Mary's Ave. E 665 12x LARGE furnished room, with modern con veniences: private family; price $8 per month. 634 8. 2&th St. , E 561 12x TWO elegant, cool front rooms, modern, fine location, on car line. 'Phone 1K534. 2428 Caas St. E 714 llx PLEASANT room; private family; use of parlor; cheap. 4334 Burdette. E-M579 12x SUITE of rooms, all modern. 'Phone 4040. 1822 Chloago St. E M706 12x COOL, south rooms. 614 North 19th. i E M728 16x ONE large front room, with alcove, with . board. 621 So. 18th St. Tel. 116. &-M747 13 FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms; good location; walking distance, tel. 6192. Apply 616 So. 22d. fc M756 13x FOR RENT Two rooms; front, modern, pleasant. 2682 Harney St. Telephone 6SS6. fo.OO. E 766-12 FIRST-CLASS cool front parlor for couple or two gentlemen; gas, oath and 'phone, Ked 4637. Call at 1714 Douglas St. E 760-14X FURNISHED COOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 811. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F-978 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Avo.; large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'pliona and modern Improve ments, t 7 NICELY furnished pleasant room, also ex cellent board; reasonable ratea. The Rose, 2020 Harney street. F 609 U.X WHY DON'T YOU have a home tt your own? We will furnish It on eaay pay ments. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between Uth and Uth on Farnam BL F 6ft 11 TWO nice rooms with board. 8410 Cass. F M4M lox A NICE cool furnished room with first claaa board. 2418 Caaa St. Phone F M531 llx NICELY furnished front parlor, for two, with board, $6 per week: also single room, 84-s0 per week. 1811 Capitol Ave. F-M5U llx ONE bay-window, room, modern: good board. 626 South 1U St, F M740 U . Nebraska Business College Opens June 19th! fpoclnl classes will be organized In all departments. I'tiMIc school tenchcra and pupils who wish to take n short course in BOOK KEEI'IXU, SHOUTIIAXn AND TYPEWIUTING, or ENGLISH BRANCHES, will be given special attrntiou. Trof. Lowry, a practical bookkeeper, and a man of over twenty years of successful experience, will have chance of all the Commercial branches. Miss Ilobnes, with nn experience of ten years as practical stenographer here in Omnha, will have cliarse of Shorthand and Typewriting. Place yourself under the tuition of well known practical Instructors, and your success Is assured. GREGG SHORTHAND The Gregg Shorthand Is taught In its purity. More schools are using thla system thnu any three systems combined. For very good reasons, this Is the only, school in Omaha that is making a specialty of Gregg Shorthand. Investigate. Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. Membership Free Every student Is given a membership in either the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without extra expense. The surroundings and influence of associates hav everything to do with the success of the student INVESTIGATE If you are seeking a school that has every facility, employing expert Instruc tors; a school that will meet your every expectation; a school that Is endorsed by the leading business men and court reporters; a school of the highest moral tone then Investigate the merits of the above Institution, look through Its cool, well ventilated rooms, and you will say with others "There la no better school at any price." ' Call, 'phone or write for catalogue. A. C. UNO, A. M.. LL. B., President Boyd Building, Corner Seventeenth and Harney Streets. BOARD and suite of rooms at 627 Park Ave.; everything home-like and modern; large lawn; man and wife or two voting ""fn- F-M733 13x SIGHTLY east front with alcove, for two persons. The Pratt, 210-13 S. 25tti St. F-M706 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT t SOUTH rooms, arranged .or light house keeping. 3210 Cass St. O 754 FOR RENT Two large, very nice rooms; walking distance. 410 N. 23d St. O MS12 FOfR unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; modern. 2408 Cass St. Q itij 3 OROI'ND floor rooms, with range; $15. Tel. 6309. G-T63 llx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Je.nltor service. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is Just the hing for any one wanting a nice little office in tho best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building Is 22x85 feet, four stories and a basement. The basement is 22x132 feet, is cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and Iron beam construction, making the basement tire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In front and granolithic floor in rear. There Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The 'upper floors have ylndows on three sides. Address The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewater, Secretary, room 100 Bee Bldg. 1-690 IF you apply at once we can give any one desiring a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space la on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1772 THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam St, only $16 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & . Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1962 LARGE light room, size 8Rx32 feet, 2d floor, 1308 Farnam St, suitable for office, stor age, light manufacturing, etc. Inquire above number, upstairs. 1729 llx STOREROOM, 621 South 16th St. Clarke Powell, 1516 Capitol Ave. 'Phone 921. I-M196 OFFICES FOR RENT in the U. S. National Bank Bldg.; strictly modern and the best located offices In the city. Also good desk room in a large llghty ground floor office. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor, U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. I-7M 11 AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Michigan. I DESK room with desk and 'phone. Call 943, New York Life bldg. I-M754 12x WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house In Dundee, Benson or Florence; best references. Address F G5, Bee. K-M5:9 llx WANTED To rent furnished flat or house by couple without children; best refer ences. Address G 23, Bee. K 696 llx WANTED Couple without children desire room and board In first-class private family. Address G 64, Bee. K-i-696 llx WANTED Furnished house of three or four light housekeeping rooms. Must be modern and centrally located. H. A. Klce, 222 Paxton block. K 97 llx PERSONAL LARSON & JOHNSON Cut ratea to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel, B 2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U-121 . THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. Uth St., tor cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U-611 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. G-ardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U-123 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. 5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co, Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 123 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramga Blk. U-124 DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 2 & 3. 1506 Farnam. U-126 PIANO CLUB Just forming; 50o and $1 weekly; pianos de livered Immediately; piano iessuns free. Call for particulars. 1611 Farnam St U-126 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Oood Samaritan Banl- tatium. 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-626 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Periield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 127 MAflNPTIP treatment - bathe. Mme. 1 1 B, ft t I Smith. 11$ N. 16, 2d fl., r. 2. li WO AUTOMOBILE REBUILDING J solicit a limited amonnt of heavy repair work from garage and ownera who ap- 1reclate the beat work obtainable. L. C. lharp Machine Worka, loth and Jackson. U- TUB, vapo- Urh0i baLha. 720 8. 13th. U-Ui OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 462L U- MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocoaine habit myself cured; will Inform you of harmless permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. U RED STAR prescription positively cures indigestion and dyspepsia. Being not a patent medicine, phvslriana prescribe It Price, twenty-five rents. Fidelity Medi cine Company, Washington, D. C. U-632 llx NERVOLA restores vitality, feeds the brain, leplnces wasted tissues; makes you strong. Sent sealed. $1.00 box. Norvola Medicine Co., 585 South Ave.. Rochester, New York. U 633 llx SrPERFLt'OrS HAIR, warts and rrtolsg permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendor, 422 N. Y. Life. U 582 llx WILL the lady traveling with her husband on the Wabash road between Omaha and St. Ixnils May 6th or 15th. 1H, on her way to Englnnd. send her address or commu nicate with G 8, Bee office. U 681. Ux MARRIAGE pnper 10c. sealed; best pub lished; many worth $100 to $100,000; bank reference; Incorporated. ,R. K. Love, Ja cobsdn Bldg., Denver, Colo. U 618 llx AMERICAN widower, age 65, no children, no relatives, wealthy, healthy and liberal, wants a good, companionable wife. Ad dress G 10, care Bee. U 610 llx BEST umbrellas, lowest prices; repairing done. Boston Umbrella Co., 630 S. 16th. Tel. 1617. ' ' U M18S JySlx ,A REFINED, prepossessing young lady, 21 years of age. who greatly admires the west, would like to correspond with aa honorable gentleman of Integrity; object, matrimony; absolutely no trlflers need answer. Address, Miss W., Elmlra, N. Y. Box 466. U M 646 llx EDWARD NORMAN KENT, music studios, Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney. Writs for circulars. U 671 PUlno Tuning. Tel. 6604. Dalbev, 2207 Mason. U-670 Jy-sx MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay whon-married; entirely new plan; send no money. Addresa H. A. Horton, Dept. .297, Tekonsha, Mich. U-64S llx ' PERSONS witnessing the street car ac cident at the corner of Leavenworth and Sixteenth streets last Sunday evening at about 6:16 p. m. are requested to oaJ 11 upon or Bend address to. Vm. H. Holrnea, 712 New York Life building, Omaha, Ne braska. U 684 11 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3634L . U-U8 WILL give worthy party shorthand schol arship in leading school and wait for pay ment. Addresa C 56, Bee. DR. JACKSON treata successfully chronla fend nervous diseases. Call or write. Dr. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Consultation tree. U ISO FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Bchmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-Ul $30 RUPTURE CUHED $30;-no injeotlons, no pain; absolute guarantee: we cure per manently; new method; call or write for booklet. QUICK CURE RUPTUBE CO.. 611 WOODMEN WORLD BLDG.. OMAHA. U-M178 30X WEALTHY maiden, disfigured by an acci dent, healthy, perfect form, affectionate and liberal, wants a good, kind husband. Address G 11, care Bee. U 611 llx 'INHALE HAL A" Cures lnstrfntly ca tarrh, hay fever, throat troubles; harm less. Carried in vest pocket. Doctors endorse it. Price, 26c. Manufacturing Importing Co., 78 Fifth Ave., New York. U-630 llx WOULD you be successful and happy? Send birth date, sex and Ave 2o stamps for your life horoscope. Zodlactua, It West 35th St.,-New York. U--2 x MATCH MAKER I Inspire and open eyes. Truth and knowledge 1 fit to youre. You. can look for, find, fascinate, marry, al ways enjoy and gratify the right one. Honorable parties write in confidence. I send short question list and require face views. Instructions elevating and sci entific. - Grand harmony of results cer tain. No regrets. Governments will toon supervise marriage by this system. Jeaa Lafayette, 30 Long Bldg., Kansas City. U 679 Ux ATTRACTIVE and very, wealthy maiden lady alone, wnnta Immediately kind, up right honest husband. Address Clay, 63 8. Ada St., Chicago. U 676 tlx WANTED Ladiea everywhere to wear our Victoria Protectors. Hygienic, sanitary and comfortable. Sample, postpaid, 60 cents. Stamp for catalogue Illustrating full line of specialties. The Gate City Supply Co., Oinuha, Neb. U 762 llx OBJECT MATRIMONY Oentlman of re finement and culture, with means. Never married. Physically and mentally perfect s Would like to correspond with lady of In tegrity and means. Brains preferred to beauty. No triflers need answer. Give full particulars In first latter. Addresa O U care Bee. U 74 llx WANTED TO BUY BHONKELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. S21 N. Y. Life pays highest price for books. Tel. 3036. Nrt WE buy, sell or trade carpeta, furniture and stovea. Tell 'ill or wr.te J. Levlne, city. N-M-2 SQUARE PIANO in good condition. 1U Farnam. N WANTED To buy Remington typewriter In good condition. Call at 1614 Farnam St N-M5UB Ux WANTED Oood second-hand physician's operating chair; leather cover preferred. Must be cheap. "Doctor," ill Woodmen World bldg. N M555 llx WANTED Three secondhand ceiling fang to attach to gasoline engine. H. U. Gants, Onawa, Iowa. N 670 llx WANTED TO BUY Second-hand roller top desk. Must be cheap and in good condition. Address H. W. A.. Bee' of fice. Council Bluffs. N 787 12 X OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, U6 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel.lSH MRS. JOHN R. MUKICK, Osteopathy Pny id-; ffUce, Neville Blk. TeK.