EDITORIAL SECTION. The Omaha Sunday -Bee. PAGES 1 TO a ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 187L OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, JUNE 11, 1DU3. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. JIMIIII INWSUa-tT'TV TT 1 I i I 12 I I II II . II I I II I H I MM U IL FORTY STAMPS FREE Read Ad. Forty ($4) Green Trading Stamps Free to To formally opea the New Green Tr&diivJ Stamp distributing booth on ma.in floor, we will give free to evil customers Monday, a, New Green Trading Stamp Collecting Book, containing forty ($) Green Trading Stamps Th now (-Jtwn TrnilliiE Stnnin 1 Ist rllmtlna Hooth I built on nmln nllt. inula floor, nivrsslblfi to cvoryiHHl.v who niters the store. You jicsont your onlcs- slip thero. Hnd cot the TrnrtltiK Stamps tlint nre coming to you on them lustcnd of pot tin it thorn nt thf counters stamp distribution into one convenient center a pinn umi curries wiui u It concentrates the entire business of trsdlug Immense conveniences to us, nml entails no trouble to you. Monday every customer will get a new collecting book with fort) free Green Trading Stamps In It, In addition to the stamps called for on the purchase. HBHHY16i9BS9(LEiH3DDBflRHs1HHHH9BEBHCfek Everybody FrftfJ Free! Free! 1 Present yoar aalea-altpa, bo matter how small the amoaat, and the hook with the forty Green Trad In a; Stamps la It. Is roars. It's the hUaeat frea opnortantty we erer made for rash Ing yonr collect lo us. DRY GOODS SECTION Big Silk Sale for one day only (Monday) at 49c Yard 60,000 yards of silk shirtwaist suiting, bought from one of the lending silk manufacturers nt about one-third the cost to make. Among this big lot are this season's most popular weaves, such as nice soft Mescalines, fou lards, Feau tie fygnes, Chiffon Pop lins, plain Tuffeias, I'eau de Crepes, Brocades, Velours they come In all the new shades, nnd a large assort ment of many stylish, neat, fancy ef fectsevery yard perfect nnd every style correct worth from Jl to $3 yard all go Monday at, yard See window display of sale silks. Another Great Cot ton Goods Sale at 5c Yard Suitings ...5c 100 dozen fine Linen Table Napkins, 24s 2 1 worth $3.50 dozen for O C Monday, dozen aiiOJ Sheer v White Press Linen. 30 Inches wide worth 00c Monday, yard JJC Domestics Cheap 3-pound Hammock Pillow with fancy Art Tick worth $1.25 each Monday only, each UC 49c Full sized Bed Sheets, seamless, all ready for use worth 7."c Monday, each , 59c Heavy unbleached Muslin, 36 A inches wide, only, yard Tv Heavy bleached Muslin, 36 ins. wide, 5c Cotton Voiles worth up to only, yard. . , and Eta mine 15c yard 25c 1,000 pieces of fancy Egyptian Voiles and Tanaraas, lots of creams and whites worth up to 35c yard M only, yard I 2C 100 pieces flue white Shirtwaist Madras, very wide worth 40c yard P only, yard IJC All of our finest Arnold Organdies, French Silk Floral Crepes worth tip to 75c yard Monday, yard All of our fine Silk Organdies with beautiful floral patterns worth PA up to $1.25 yard Monday, yard JUC Big Linen and Do mestic Sale 20 pieces of the finest EnglishMercerized Table oamask, 70 inches wide worth $1.00 yard for Monday, GA yard....... v OZC 20 pieces extra heavy Irish and Scotch Table Damask, bleached nnd creams, 08 and 72 inches wide worth $1.25 yd. for Monday only, yd..OC 150 dozen Linen Huck Towels worth 23c each size 10x30 for Monday, 1 kfi A big table full of silk finished Cotton Press Goods and a big lot of fancy White Wnlstlngs with colored dots, that sold as high as 25c yard Monday, yard A Sacrifice Sale of Silk Dresses Monday morning we will put on sale nearly one huudred handsome new Silk Suits in plain and changeable taffeta, black and all colors, and llnjiih silk in natural shades only these silk suits are marked $15.o. $150, $20.00 ami $25.00 the price will lie A 7 C changed Monday to lJl f LADIES' CHEAM WHITE MOHAIR SUITS Only about one dozen suits on the rack prices from $15.00 to $1S.5( Monday they all go at ONE-HALF OFF. LADIES' WOOL SUITS Light weight materials for traveling one full rack sold from $H.rx to ?2..o ali on sals Monday at... 4.95 7k Special Sale of Em broidered White Waist Patterns 250 White Lawn Waist Patterns with silk embroidered fronts, with embroi dered cuffs and collars to match they come in six different styles nnd are worth $1.00 each Monday your "A choice for, each JUC On sale in Lace Department Great June Lace Sale Importer's sample pieces of flue net all over lnces, in whites, creams and ecrus, 18 inches wide, in nice patterns for waists or trimmings values worth up to $2.00 yard Monday, 59(J Fine Net Laces with heavy edgings in Rosebud and other fancy patterns, four to ten inches wide. In cream and white with Insertions to match values up to 50c yard this sale, f & LADIES' AND MISSES' BOX COATS White nnd natural linen shades sell ing in other stores at $3.05 f P our price t.JO See our Immense display of Ladies' White and Colored Wash Skirts, Wash Waists nnd Wash Suits. Prices to tit any purse. BLACK CHINA SILK WAISTS-FIain and lace trimmed prices $4.95, $3.25 and 2.25 LADIES' WHITE AND COLORED WAISTS We have added about 20 dozen to our bargain tables of high class waists values $3.50, $2.5, $2.25, $2.00, $1.50 all at... 98c Another Great Millinery Opportunity To make room for mid-summer styles due to arrive speedily, we are closing out all late spring ami early summer bats. Understand tbeae are bona fide exclusive "Sinclair" bats. They are not hoo-doo bargains, but clean, fresh, honest mer chandise bought iu season on superior markets: Nice materials, elegant workmanship, styles are comprehensive and remarkably complete, colorings tending toward lighter shades Hats whose duplicates were sold at $5.00, Monday for 1.98 Hats whose duplicates were sold at $8.00. Monday for 0 49 Hats whose duplicates were sold at $15,00, Monday for 5.00 Trimmed Outing Hats In addition to our regular line of ready-trimmed ducks and piques, we are showing an attractive assortment of street and roll brim sailor, trimmed 2 m iu our own work rooms, from our owu artists' designs, ribbons and wings are tastefully combined to give that 7 LJ jaunty, eaucy, fascinating effect, Monday bjS. Veilings A new line of veilings made of hemstitched chiffon with embroidered dots a for automobiling and outing in two lengths one aud one-half A f TZC yards and three yards up from TVv A Rousinjj Green Sticker Sale of Hammocks. All Colors, Shapea and Materials Full 6ize Ilaiiiuioeks with valance and pillows QQp up from Ow Monday we give Fifty 1T.00) Green Trading Stamps with Ilanimocks sold for f2.48, $2, sh.ro, CQn fl.23 and One Hundred ($10.00) Green Trading Stamps with Hammocks up y C A from 6.JU Twenty (?2) Green Trading Stamps EXTRA with Cro quet Sets at $1.98, C $1.48, 08c, 75c ami. 3J See the "ew Baby Ham mock. Sporting Qoods Main Floor A BARGAIN IX LADIES' HIGH CLASS 1IOSK Plain black and col or4 silk, all-over lace, all-over lace lisle, black with colored tops, fine gauze, silk embroidery and silk em broidered Initials, plain and drop stitch lisle with silk embroidery these hose were marked at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 all go Monday at 89c 25c STOCKING FOR 15c Ladles'. misses' nnd children's fast black hose. plain and ribbed, 25c quality, Monday at 15c each . , yard. Fine Normandie Val. Laces for dress trimmings, a fine washing lace, inser tion to match the edgings worth up to 25c yard Monday, 1 A yard IUC LADIES' AND MISSES' EELTS-Thou- sands to select from our leaders 50c, 25c and 10c A $2.00 LEATHER HAND BAG FOR 80c Nobby and durable Walrus leather tan, black and brown worth $2.00 Monday at 89c LADIES' SUMMER VESTS Fine as a fairy web. white ribbed, low neck, no sir-eves 2.V value at 15c BIG DINNERWARE SALE! DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL DINNER WARE SETS, AND SPECIAL CUT PRICES AS WELL FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Six Patterns in Havil&jid at One-Half Former Prices 100 piece sets from $12.1 down to 15.00 And at $13.75, $12.98, $9.98 and 6 98 Plates, 30c and .25c ' Butter Pads 10c Olive Dishes 39c Bakers 95c Salads .: 90c riatters 75c Most patterns are open stock, and you can purchase one piece, fifty, or one hundred, and always match. Second floor. SEE WINDOW nARNEY STREET SIDE. THE TABARD INN LIBRARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP $1.18 A LASTING CIRCULATING LIBRARY LATEST BOOKS, Fiction, History, Travel, etc.: a membership start with the purchase of any lale $1.50 copyriyht bwk; all boot are ercAuivjcable at any Tabard Inn Station for 6 cents. We cut the membership price to $1.18. All the latest fl-tion to pick from. Buok Stall, Main Floor. Specials in Hardware For Monday Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading 8tamps with nny Screen Door $1.75, $1.50, TQ $1.2S. 9c and OC (Bring correct measure.) Twenty ($2 00) Gteen Trading Stamps with Window Screen or Frame prices up from lOt Ten ($1.0u) Green Trading Stumps with Screen Door Hinges and Hcrewa. ji- 15c and '. leal Twenty (li.W) Green Trading Stamps with any Grass Hook 44c, 40c, q. 2so and IOC Thirty ($3.(i0) Green Trading Btanips with 24-tine' Steel Lawn Kake 4-C Thirty ($3.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with 14-tine Steel Garden ij. Hake 43C Thirty (3.0O Green Trading Stamps AtZr, with best Steel Hoe tOfc Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Btamps 4 fir, with larne tin t'ullender IUW Twenty (2.oo Green Trading Stamps with Mrs. Vrooman's Sink IT)-. Strainer ..,lvl Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps On with Yir Sink Brush leZG Double Green Tradtng Stamps on Ice cream Freeser. Double Green Trading Stamps on 4 1- Sereen Wire, per square foot I a W Double Green Trading Stamps on aU Paints and Varnishes. Bennett's for ready-mixed Taints. Leadi and Pure Oils. Forty (J4.00) Oreen Trading Stamp., with Gasoline Oven $2.18, $1.79 - Q)Q Double. Green Trading ' Stamps "on aU Gasoline Stoves. n. 1 ir.rtHfflljJ -Omar ''( irrr BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY The best groceries on the market, and money aved on all purchases. Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with y "7711 --pttiiini y.Kix , I. BN NETT-i.il. neU-j, Breakfast Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with pound B. F. Japan Tea..3c Ten ($1) Oreen Trading with pound-can Ben netts Capitol Bak ing Powder 24o Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with Z cans Hominy c ) Oreen Tradtng nips with two cans BoiilDlt Sardines 18c Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with pound package B a t a v 1 a Seeded Raisins 15c Twenty ($2) Oreen Trailing Stamps with pound fancy Brick Cheese 20c Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with pound Full Cream Cheese 2oo Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps -with bottlo Bennett's Capitol Extracts 18c Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with 3 cans Rnckv Mountain Cream 25o Forty ($4) Green Trading Stamps with 2 pounds large fancy California Prunes.. 25c BUTTER. BUTTER. Five (60c) Green Trading Stamp! with pound finest Country Butter 22c Fresh new-laid country Eggs, guaranteed strictly fresh.-pftr dozen...... Ten ($1) Green Truding Stamps with quart Sour Pickles 10c Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with dozen large Dill Pickles 12e Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with 3- pound can Burnham's Clam Chowder.. 20o Foi ty ($4) Green Trading Stamps with sack Excelsior Flour $1.75 Twentv ($2) Green Trading Stamps with can Dlnmond "8" Fruits 2c. Ten ($1) Green Trndlng Stamps with can Tablo Syrup 12'4e Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with" pint large Imported Olives 23o Wall Paper GOOD PAPERS, 1 up from 2' Remnant Ceilings Z and Walls, 6c, 4c, JC Corn, 2-lb can 5c Tomatoes. 3-lb can. 7c Corn Starch, lb 4c. Wash. Pdr . pkg..2Mc Oil Sardines, can... 4c BKNNETT'B CANDY SKCTION MON DAY SPF.CIALS. Cinnamon Drops, per pound 15n Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps. Chocolate Creams, vanilla flavored, lb.. 12c CIGARS. El Cnlrud, a genuine Porto Rico Clgnr, seven for 2."c Thick Plug Strong Hold Chewing Tobacco. pound 9c Thirty ($."!) Oreen Truding Stamps. Patterson Seal Cut Plus Smoking Tobacco, 8-ounce tin ,. 24c Eight (We) Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Special Smoking Uobaero, found 2fio 'Ive (KOe) Green Trading Stamp". We handle 8queer.lt fur Tobacco Sacks. Porch and Lawn Furniture I.nwn Settles, rcgulHr $2.1X aud 2.00t at $1.80, if 1.75 Ofi nn.l VOC Torch Chairs, regular ) IP S3.1i5 and $3.50, nt .J Torch Kockors, 3.00 and $2.75. aud 1. 1 U FIXE LINE OK GO-CARTS AT KEDrCEI) TRICES: TIIIHD FLOOR. Lace Curtains Mill runs some slightly dam agedothers perfect Monday in three lots. ' -' LOT "1 All damaged, full size curtains, Jnoluding nit f Z grades, special each. .... UC LOT 2 All grades, nonie dam aged, mostly perfect OQ curtain, fK-cial each.. tJ- LOT 3 Very fine Nottingham curtains don't miss seeing the values, special fiO each OJC THIRD FLOOR. Linoleums Inlaid Linoleums new patterns, regular $1.35. $1.50 and $1.75 grade, for one day 07 r only, at yard C Our fl5e grade of Linoleums, in 2.") patterns, for one C day only, at JZQ These are room size pieces that have accumulated during the season. THIRD FLOOR. HARNESS SECTION BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK Heavy Raw Hide Whips, worth $1.25 . . 50c Raw Hide Whips, worth 7.V. 35e Harvester Whips, worth 50c...MMM. 25c Wagon I'nibrellas '. $2.00 Wagon Sunshades $3.H) Heavy Cord Nets, per pair. .$3.00 Heavy Cord Neck Nets, each . . .' 25c Horse Hats Free to harness or trunk buyers BASEMENT. Clothing Sectioa AU Womem Recognize Smart Clothes So Do Some Men. To Be Safe, Buy One of Our Outing Suits. Our System Forbids High. Prices. 10.00 .15.00 20.00 8.50 .7.50 5.00 3.49 BLUE SEROE COAT AND TROUSERS $15.00 values BLT E SERGE COAT AND TROUSERS $20.00 values BLUE SERGE COAT AND TROUSERS $25.00 values : HOMESPUNS, COAT AND TROUSEfRS $12.50 values FLANNELS, COAT AND TROUSERS $10.00 values TWEEDS, COAT AND TROUSERS $7.50 values........ Young Men's Coat and Trousers, 14 to 20 years $0.50 value DUTCHESS TROUSERS It's show you the new patterns Just from the factory. They are neat, new and stylish. You know the warranty 10c a button, $1.00 a rip. You admire another woman! your glance wanders to her feet. There you have the hall-mark of smartness and gentility the peerless Dorothy Dodd Shoe. Three Dollars and Three-Fifty for lioots. Two -Fifty and Three Dollars for low cuts. Children's Wash Suits 2.95 1.95 50c Double breasted, pur white linen, 8 to ltj years old, worth $5.00, at 3 to 8 Sailor and Eton worth $3.oo 3 to 8 Sailor and Eton I A1 worth $2.00 l.UU 3 to 8 Sailor and Eton worth $1.00 Men's and Eoys' White and Fancy Shirts PA worth up to $1.00, at DXJC Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Blue Union Snirs, 200 150 ($15.00) Green Trading Stamps. Fancy and Plain Colored Underwear-shirts and drawers, at ' ' Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Sumps. Straw Hats rxm't complain, w have them In all shapes, and all grades. Hera's a snap: MEN'S BAIIXRS $2 00 hats MENS 8A1IX)RS $1M hats MEN'S SAIIjORS TC m ss. 1.50 1.00 $1.00 hats. Panama. Hats 5.00 7.50 35c I GENUINE ONE PIECE. $7.K) Tanama Hats for $inoo Panama Hats lor WE PESIRE TO CAM. YOI'R AT TENTION TO OTR PKTACHABLE FANCY BANDS JUST LANDED IN TOWN 5Q I TJ1REE MEN ARE .SENTENCED Ireiident of Paper Railroad G'eU Term in Tedsral Penitentiary. SENDS OBSCENE LETTER THROUGH MAILS J, r. MHle HeleMed Irons Douglas Coautr J H After Servia Tim Mac Jul ?' Last Year. Saturday morning In the federal court was devoted to the arraignment and sen tence of accused aud convicted persons for various misdemeanors against the federal laws. The most important of tho sentences Indicted was that against II. Leon Miller of Oak, Neb., convicted Friday of mailing an obscene letter to a oung woman In Logan, 14. He was given a fine of $1(0 and one year and one day Id the Bioux Falls, S. D., penitentiary at hard lator. The particular offense of which Miller was convicted was sending what purported to be a ropy of a letter sent by the girl's father to Miller's wife, making improper proposals to her and accompanying the copy was an equally suggestive letter to the girl Inviting her to visit him at Omaha. The young woman Immediately turned over the corre spondence to her father. Tho result was that the father, a Mr. Turner, tame to Omaha, turned over the letter to the post office Inspector, and an Investigation re sulted In Miller's srre.t and conviction. It belr.g conclusively shown to the satlfatlon ' of the federal Jury that Miller had himself . originated the alleged letter of Turner as a means to assist him In securing a divorce from his wife and thus enable him to carry on a liason with the girl. Miller also enjoys the distinction of being the president and general promoter of the Winnebago A Yankton railroad, a corpora tion still in the air, with not even a streak of rust or right-of-way. In the meanwhile the Winnebago A Yankton railroad will languish In Innocuous desuetude until Pres ident Miller concludes his Sioux Falls visit. Others Are tanght? For sending an unmallahle postal card Inscribed in violent and unchaste language to his former employers in demanding u settlement of his salary account, Philip Strakosh of Trcumseli, being found guilty of an Infraction of the federal laws Friday afternoon, was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 and to do thirty days' time in the Doug las county Jail. Coral W. White, a boy of 18 years, living mar Gates, Cumer county. Neb., pleaded guilty to the charge of Intercepting a letter addressed to his father and taking there from a money order or draft amounting to $31 and appropriating the same to his own use. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and to eight months' imprisonment In the Dodge county jail at hard labor. Since the boy has been sentenced It has been learned that he was really more sinned asalnnt than sinning. In that the Indictment was brought against the boy at the instance of his father, A. White. The bov. it la i. K-ged by his friends, was a hard working young man and contributed largely to the support of his mother and that he turned over the proceeds of the draft to her, whereupon the father became very wroth ana instituted, the prosecution axainst him but refused to appear before the grand jury in tne hearing. The boy was brought aown from Custer county Saturday mom Ing by Deputy Marshal Allan and, having do irienua nere and not knowing, what to do, pleaded guilty, with the result of tho Sentence as stated. Attorney W. F. Wap-pli-h lias taken an Interest In the case and will endeavor to have the untnir. r . I duced, as from the statements of the ( boy's friends there appear to be some very ameliorating circumstances that did not come out In court Saturday morning. An order was Issued Saturday morning by Judge Munger releasing J. F. Miller from the Douglas county jail, where he has been confined since July 16, ISM, upon a conviction of taking a letter addressed to a party of similar name and appropriating from It a draft for H. Miller was sen tenced for one year. and under the federal law Is entitled to five days' reduction of sentence on each month for good behavior. Under this law it was ascertained by his attorney, W. F. Wapplch, that he Is en titled to his liberty and an order to that effect has been Issued upon the request of the attorney. Railway Notes and Personals. R. R. Sutherland, formerly superintend ent of the L'niim Parlllo and at present with the Rock Island, arrived In Omaha Saturday morning. R. H. Klnns and party from Pittsburg will pass through Oniuha Saturdny evening on the HurllnKton to look after their mining Interests In the Black Hills. Announcement has been made that the Hairlman lines. In conjunction with the Northern rncl(le, will build the Snake river cut-off at oine. This line will traverse the north hank of the Snake river from I-wls-ton. Iriuhn, to Rlruriii. Wash., and will be seventy-eight miles long. The Oregon Navi gation company will build the line, but the The Railroads And The People A SERIES of timely articles on the pending railroad problem, written by Edward Kosewater, editor of The Bee, embodyinz the facts crathered and conclusions reached in a third of a century's study of the question is now running in The Bun day Bee. The topics treated are: Railroads as Public Highway OvarcanltaUzation and Stock Watering Credit MoMller Construction Consolidation and Poollnx 5. Rebates and DlscrlmlnaJtioas 6. Railroad Domination, 5tt and National Railroad Legislation, State and National Railroad Supervision or Government Ow nershlp 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. These articles are written in popular form to be readily understood by the or dinary reader. They give a general survey of the railroad situation from the standpoint of the people, pointing out abuses and suggesting rational remedies. Every one who wants to be thoroughly Informed on this uppermost of current issues should read each one of these articles. -4. Sixth of Series on Page Three of Editorial Section Northern Pacific reserves the right to op erate over It. At present the Northern Pa citlo In hauling freight from Lewlston coutitv west must climb Kendlek hill and then pass Spokane and cross the Cascade mountains to reach the coast. LCU DILLON GQESTO EAST Famous I. Idle Mare Passes Tliroagli Omaha Captain Gets Kali as Souvenir. Friday evening I-ou Dillon, the famous little trotter owned by C. K. O. Billings of Chicago, passed through Omaha enroute from San Jose to Cincinnati with a special car and two attendants. Captain Henry Dunn, owner of The Kid and an active member of the Omaha Driv ing club, saw the mare and received from the custodian of the animal a unique souve nir, one of the nails that kept the shoes of the mare on her feet when she made the famous mile In 2:01 at Memphis last fall. That mark stands as a world's record for a mile trotted without windshield. Captain Dunn will have tho nail goldplated and made Into a pin. Lou Dillon is now 7 years old and weighs 866 pounds. Those who have been following the fortunes of the animal declare she will have another notable season this year. MOORES TO BE THE MOSES City Clerk Asks the Mayor to Lead Clir Coo aril Oat of the Wilderness. t Mayor Moorea, officially, has been asked by City Clerk Elbourn to act as a Moses to lead the council out of the Jungle which has sprung up around the city hall out of the soli of the new charter. The clerk has sent a copy of the laws on the sub ject of grading streets and changing grades and the appointment of couaollmen as ap praisers for damagea and tieneflta thereby. Among other things tho charter requires a report from the appraisers Within ten days after they are appointed. Bays the clerk In his epistle: This matter Is submitted for your con sideration, as In my Judgment It ts about time to proceed with this work in ac cordance with the law, or to cease the adopting of these resolutions and publish ing them for the mere fun of repealing them all and having to adopt and publish another set of resolutions, will you be our Moses T The document and Its attachments. In cluding allusions to twenty-seven resolu tions, has not yet reached the executive office. TWENTY DAYS FOR KRAUSES More Tim Given Convicted Cattle men la Which to File Motion for Rehearing. After consultation with Judge Munger Friday afternoon, John and Herman Krause, cattlemen of Sheridan county con victed of Illegally fencing public lands and intimidating settlers, have been given twenty days in which to file a motion for a rehearing and to secure a full transcript of the testimony In the case. In the mean while sentence will be suspended and I he convicted cattlemen were released under their old bond of $1,000 each. Mortality Statistics. The following births and draths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Saturdny: Births John Johnson, 3211 Charles, hoy Cornelius Jannen, MS North Eighteenth, girl; Henry C. lieckman, lt Plnkney, boy; Charles Sherman, &44 North Twenty-seventh, girl; Jerry Mahoney, 1010 South Thir teenth, boy. Deaths B. W. F!orn. Curtis, Neb., B0; Adclph Anderson. North Forty-seventh, 7. Katharine Killlam, 3b Parker, 41; dwla Claimed. 17 U Soula Twenty-sixth, 1.