CRM AND PRODUCE MARKET Wk Cub Situation an CoToriog bj Short Oauiei Fluotuatioa. ACTION OF JULY WHEAT IS ERRATIC Corn Mri( a All Months, bat Heavy Receipts Foretell Decline Oat Held Little Higher Than Yesterday. Julv. 11.114: September, new. 804c; Sep- OATS To arrive and on track, 314c I'HK'tUO KRAI AM) PROVISIONS -.L, ul? w.hct market was very erratic. t Ik n I n fl Ma- fi Wi - - 1 t -... u tiii" i"wer, unaer innuence ot JLVii ?n pTkei" in the northwest, It declined further until It reached 844c Cov ering bv nhnm ihn ... .....i . , irfi Hft to "J"1"2- 8'ptember held ateady H"rl M.- J1 closed at that figure. De cember closed at Hl-V:. Corn was etrona ' In all month. The opening wes unchanged, but an advance Z".?,1" July closed at 614c old July at 624c, September at 604c, old September at C0o and December at 474c. Receipt are heavy for this time of year and trader say they do not expect to see prices hold up. Receipts at all the mar. kets today were 438 cars, yesterday 329 cars. Chicago estimates JS cars for to morrow. .,9aU,hpld mus h'Kher. July finished at S14c, September at i4c and December at 294c. the general situation of crop conditions IS somewhat Improved, says the Cincinnati Price Current. There Is some betterment In the rorn crop, but conditions are Irregu lar, being not better tlian, and possibly not equal to, the average or years. Outs Indicate u full average crop. Wheat main tains Its previous promise. Oklahoma mill ers estimate their wheat crop at 20,000,000 to 30,000.000 bushels, with the speculators In clining to accept the lower figures. Flour stocks In the United States and Canada decreased 260,000 barrels In May. Dululh old 30,000 bushels low grade wheat to east ern mills yesterday and said they were getting out of the low grade. At Liverpool Snow's report caused a quiet opening, with prices d lower, but later the nearer months steadied VI on very unfavorable crop reports from Russia. Toward noon September lost this slight ealn, being affected by the Indian official rrop estimate. Wheat closed Wu- lower. Corn opened 4d lower and closed 4d lower. The bull Interest In corn In Chicago, which had a stock of almost bush els cash stuff on hand June 1. has not 1.600.000 bushels left. They have sold 1.600. 000 bushels In a week and have boats char tered for 900,000 hushols more. The sea bo rd sold 128 OuO bushels yesterday. From today's Inter Ocean: 'Fifty-seven er cent of the wheat In the visible supply Jn the United States Is of contract grade, against 81 per cent last year. This Is a most remarkable showing, considering the poor quality of last year's crop, and the claims made for the last year that good wheat was scarce. The seven leading mar kets have 7.488,000 bushels of contract wheat, a decrease of 1.774,000 bushels In MnV hilt an lnlMa& r,t iJliifW) l.i I . V. . over a year ago. These markets have In itw nKKii-niQ Jd,OIO,lW OUKneiB OI Rll KinOS of wheat, out of a total of 16.721.000 bushels In the visible supply In the United States, a decrease of 6.074.000 bushels last month and 488.000 bushels from last year, showing a larger consumption of the low than of the contract grades. Minneapolis Is 62 per rent of the present contract stocks. The showing Indicates lighter supplies of low grades and larger consumption of them, . leaving the higher grades for speculative, purposes .and for consumption at the end of the season." Omaha, Cash Sales. CORN-No. 2 yellow, i car, 474c; No. S, 1 car, 464c Omaha, Cash Prices. 'MEAT-No. 2 hard Mtrssc; No. S hard, ,;';..', ' mnjnoo; p.o. a spring, vie. CORN-No. 2, 47c; No. 3, 464c; No. 4. 464c; no grade, 4045c; No. 2 yellow, 474c; No. 8 yellow. 47c; No. 2 white, 44c; No. m whir. 4iitrv OATS-No. a mixed, 294c: No. 8 mixed, 29o; No. 4 mixed. 24c; No. 2 white, 81c; No, I white, 304c; No. 4 white, 30c; standard! 81c. Carlo Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Louis ... 8 .... 29 ....237 .... 8 .... a .... 17 an 32 '22 123 152 11 10 33 Minneapolis Grain Market. t- The range-o prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Article. I Open. High. Low. Close, Yes'y. Wheat - . July.. 105 10884 10414 10RH 1 OgW Sept.. S3. 847, MJ 84 Vi Corn . . , mm July.. 604 624 604 61a. Sept.. 494 60, 494 604 494 Dec... 464 4- 464 47? 464 New. WEATHER I THE GRAIX BELT r Cloady and Favorable Conditions for Light showers. , , , OMAHA, June 8, lfte. Generally clotidy weather prevails throughout the Missouri valley and west this morning, and conditions are favorable for light showers In the central valleys to night and Friday. The weather Is gener ally clear in the Mississippi valley and eastern and southern states, except unset tled weather In tho upper Atlantic states. The weather Is warmer rant f ih. mi.. Blsslppl river and will be slightly warmer 11 tciiuai VHUfys Ullllgni. Omaha reiorO ot temonratur nd cipiiaiion compared with the corresponding ... , , lf. 1!4., 1903. 1002. Minimum temperature.... 69 61 62 62 Precipitation 00 . 00 . 08 . 00 Normal temperature for today. C8 de grees. . tendency in precipitation since March 1. 1.62 Inches. .xcess corresponding nerlnd In 1u 7 an Inch. Excess corresponding period in 1'tn.i 1 i Inches. , OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. iemp Rain. stations. Max. At in. 11 Auburn, Neb. ieaaman, nri Carroll, 1.... 78 . 68 .00 79 64 .00 .y 66 .00 81 . M .) 77 64 .00 75 60 . 00 "4 64 .00 78 66 .ill) 76 to .00 74 63 .00 73 47 .0 79 63 .10 67 47 .00 73 ,, 66 .00 69 61 .00 Pt. cloudy It. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear DISTRICT AVERAGK8. No. of lemp. Rain. Central. Btations. Max. Mfn. Inches. Chicago. Ill 28 , 0 4S T Columbus, 0 17 74 50 T Des Moines, la..'. 14 72 t .00 Indtanapulis, lnd. 11 72 IX T Kansas City. M. 20 K: 68 ,no Louisville. Ky 18 KS 5i t Minneapolis 27 70 48 T Omaha, Neb 16 78 64 .00 St. Louis, Mo.... 13 82 62 .00 U A, WELSH. Local forecaster, Weather Bureau. : Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June H. WHEAT Mar ket, lower; July, 7ic; Septemlter, 7274aT3c; December, 7il-j't3c; cash. No. 2 hard. 96 8Sc; No. 1. 90!i7c; No. 4, 75'o94Sc; receipts, iu cars. . CORNBtearty;July, 47V447tt-: Septem ber. 4dc; Iieceniber. 41V; cash, No. 2 mixed. 4ito: No. S, 4Mb4c; No. I white, 491j 4Hc; No. 3. 4c. OATfl-Weak; No. J white. 38c; No. S mixed. ifiHe. "HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.304110.00; choice prairie, J7.7MiR.0O. RVE fiteady, 5&'Uc. BI'TTEK Creamery. lfiSOc; packlng,13e. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whllewood cases includi'd. 14' per dos.; case count, ).V; cases returned, Ho lot. less. Receipts. Shipments. Whest. bu 3.S"u 18.400 Corn, bu .40o Oats, bu 15.0") K.OuO Philadelphia Prodnre Market. PHILADF.LPI1IA. Pa . June i. BUTTER I'nclianged; extra western creamery, Jiiji liHc- extra nearby prints, !2c. EOOS Firm: nearby freah, Ue loss off; nearby fresh, l'o at mark; western fresh, lrwl'o at mark. ' . CHEEUE-fteady; New York full cream, fancy, new. W,lflc; fatr to good new, 9tf jic; domestic bwln, Uttitc. . Peoria Market. PEORIA, June I. CORN Firm ; No. I yellow. 4:cj No. I. 11V--; No. L K)c; no grade, 48MJ49 OATS-Steady; No white. 31631Vic; No. 4 white. jof,iti31o. WlllBKX i is ror nnisnea grvixis. Dnlath Grain Market. Dl'LUTH. Minn, June" -WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern, II ll1; on track. No. 1 Mithern, II U'.; No. J northern. Il itt; Pea teres of the Trading and Closing Prices fin Hoard of Trade. CHK'AOO. June (.Active covering bv shorts. Influenced by a hulllsh crop report from Kentucky, caused strength at the mitsh In the whft market here todnv. At the close the Julv option whs up 'flr'4o. Corn Is tip iic. Oats show a gain of Vfi(c. Provisions are unchanged to Tc lower. The wheat mstket opened weak. Julv was off i: to t,c at K'rS'&8nc. Weather throughout the United States favorshle for rapid development of the crop. F'lt traders and commission houses sold freelv and caused Increased weakness. Under tlie gen eral selling July declined to 84V. Suddenlv sentiment changed. Demand, which hns been dragging since the opening, became unusually active. The market turned ex tremely strong. The cause for the trans formation was a decline of 17 points In the condition of the winter wheat In Kentucky as shown by the state report. According to statistics the condition on June 1 wss 75. compared with 92 on May 1. Deterioration by rust was given a the reason. Spurred on by this report shorts became eager bid ders forwheat. At the same time offerings were less free. The result was a quh'k ad vance to 814 ra8i,e for Julv. The upturn was accelerated by a firmer tone at Minne apolis. The market here closed strong and at the highest point of the day. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 14';,noo bushel. Primary receipts were 293.70) bushels, compared with 234.900 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 249 cars, against 20 last week and 146 cars s year ago. Despite the early Weakness of wheat the corn market was strong practically the en tire day. Several big snorts were active buyers, the volume of trading being un usually large. The fundamental reason for the marked strength was the small primary receipts, which are running about 26 per cent less than the corresponding time last year. Arrivals here were light. Ixiwer cables had a depressing effect at the start. Julv opened unchanged to Vjc lower at 50'4jo to 60HC, mill up to 61HC and closed at 617c. Local receipts were 261 cars, with 65 of con tract grade. An active demand In cash grain caused a firm tone-In the oats market. Strength of corn was another influential factor. July opened a shado to Vt,tffi4e lower at Snr to 31c, sold up to Sljic and closed at 31'4c. Local receipts were 162 cars. Profit-taking In lord had a weakening ef fect on tho entire provisions list. A decline of 5c In the price of live hogs was a factor. At the close September pork was off 5'37'Ao at 12 90. Ijird was down 6c at $7.60. Ribs were unchanged at $7 66. Estimated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat, 10 cars; corn, 280 cars; oats, 175 cars; hogs, 23,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. I High. Low. I Close. Yes y. Wheat I I I I July reHfiTi 8fttg, MT4j ii si;h Sept. 8nS8l 81" 80H;81Wi 8K9V1 Dec. 80V(11il SIHl 804,81V8Vil 81 Corn ili tJuly 6!HEp4( 62 61S 524 61 iJuly 50V 62S 6V4I 81 T 60S tSept. . 49?i 60V 4V50Va-V49Vao0 8ept. 40V, 6(!4!WfJ1i 50' 494 JDec. 46gi 47HI 47V 46 Oats I I I I July 3Qf2l 81V 807,f 3U. 3K&4 Sept. 2H 29Vii28Vi3Hl 287,''0 art 12 62V, 12 62H 12 674 12 60 12 674 Sept. 12 96 12 974 12 874 12 90 12 974 7 85 7 374 7 80 7 30 7 874 Sept. 7 65 7 66 7 474 7 60 1 55 7 374 7 40 7 324 7 374 7 40 Sept. 7 65 7 65 7 60 7 66 7 66 No. 2. tOld. tNew. FLOUR Easy; winter ratents, $4.20 4 30; straights, $3.9034.10; spring patents. $4.705.TO; straights, $3.908.00; bakers', $2.40 3.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.071.09; No. 3. $1.0iXt1.06; No. S red, 99ci6$1.00V4. CORN No. 2, 63c; No. 2 yellow, 54V4c OATS No. 2, 81c; No. 2 white, S2Vir333c; No. 8 white, 8145324c. RYE No. 2, 7ac. BARLEY Oood feeding, 8942c: fair to choice malting, 4GfT49c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.29; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.46; prime timothy, $2.86; clover, con tract grade. $11.7612.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12 55g 12.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.207.224. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.36'g7.4&. Short clear sides (boxed), $7.2-37.60. Receipts and shipments ot grain and flour were lj follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 24,000 11.500 Wheat, bu 8.000 18.000 Corn, bu.., 246.000 469,300 OatS, DU 246,0110 lu.a) Barley, bu 65,600 7,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, 16tf20c; dairies, 16418c. Eggs, steady; at mark, rases Included, 14c; firsts, 144c; prime firsts, 164c; extras, 17c. Cheese, Weak, 9&10V4C. St. Loals Uenferal Market. ST. LOUIS, June 8.-WHEAT Stronger; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 92c; track. $1.02 1.04; July. 78c; September. 76Hc; No. 2 hard. $1.06&1.M. cor N Higher ; No. 1 casn, me; track, 614fc62c; July, 504c; December, 454o. A K7 - 11 in, t i. vmii, dii;, ii n, oit,' 32c; July, 29c; September, 28V4c; No. 2 white, r ixjuk Hteaay; rea winter patents, 4.9i) Hfi.W: extra fancy and straight. J4.75A4.90: clear, $3.60(4.00. BKiiL'O Timotny, steady, 12.oua2.6O. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.60. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 7375c. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.00(613.00; prairie. $6.00f9.6O. , BAOaiNO-84c. HEMP TWINE 64c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing. $12.70 Lard, lower; prime steam, $6,724. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs, $7.50; short clears. $7.75. Racon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.25; clear ribs, $8.25; short clears, $8.60. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 94c; springs, 16r22c; turkeys, 11c; ducks, 9gllc; geese, 5 11c. BUTTER Steady; ' creamery, 185214c; dnlrv, 154118c. EGGS Steady, 13c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats. bu.... 4.000 .. 17,000 ..123.001) .. 34,000 7.000 26.000 6S.00 34,000 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, June 8. - WHEAT Ppot. nominal: futures, quiet; July. 6a9T,d; Sep tember. 6a79d; December. 6s 6d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 4s 84d; futures, steady; July, 4s 67id. Toledo Reed Market. TOLEDO. June $.-SEEDS-Clover, Oc tober. $5.70. Prime alslke, $7.40. Prim timothy, $1.60. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 8 WOOL-The wool mar ket continues in a strong position. Events of the past week Indicate to traders that the large buyers believe the basis of prices Is to run high. While the scoured basis of most of the sales recently made Is still largely a matter of estimate, such definite Information as Is obtainable shows clearly the strength of the market. The scoured basis in this market is about 7tS72o for fine clothing wool. 67&68C for fine medium. SS'i 67c for three-eighths and one-half blood and 621f5c for one-quarter blood. It Is said that very little fine staple wool will be made this year, as most of the wool will be sold In the original bags without sorting. Foreign wools are strong. Pulled grades are scarce. The range In this market is about as fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 345H5e; X, 31ifi32c; No. 1. SS'ufflc; No I. S9-ff40e; fine unwashed. 24a26c: one-quarter blood unwashed, $3fi34c; three-eighths blood 8ta;!4c; one-half blood, 3k'!i33c; unwashed delaine, 276i2Sc; unmerchantable, 28g29c; fine washed delaine. 3738c. Michigan Fine un washed, 2n23c; one-quarter blood un washed. 83634c; three-eighths blood washed 33S3S4o; one-half blood. 30831c; unwashed delaine. 26G26C. Kentucky. Indiana, etc Three-eighths blood. 34?l344c. Territory Idaho Fine. 22f23c. heavy fine, 19g30c; fine luediuin, 22B Etc ; medium. 26627c: low me dium, 26j27c. Wyoming Fine. 21ft22c; heavy fine. 18 19c: fine medium. 2223e; medium 26'(j27c; low medium. S64i27c Utah and Nevada Fine. 26'o27c: medium. 18QU)c; fine medium. 220 23c; medium. ai'(i27c; low me dium. 27-Sc Dakota Fine. 214j22o; fine medium, 2Hj22c: medium. 26&27c; low me dium, 2t"$27c. Montana Fine, 24fi2oc: fine average, 22?i2V; fine medium choice, 25W26n; average 21622c; staple, 274?28c; medium choice, 27i 28c. ST. LOUIS, June $. WOOL Steadv; me dium grades, combing and clothing 26'a SISc; light fine. 244'n2c; heavy fine. 2nj 254c; tub-washed. 32ii4:4c. sngar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. June -8UOAR-Raw steady; fair refining, tc; centrifugal 6c teat. 4Sc; molasses sugar, JUc; refined' steady: No. I. 625c: No. 7. 6 20c; No a' 610c; No. . 6.06c; No. 10. 6ic; No ll' 4c;; No. 12, 4 86c; No. 13. 4.76c; No l 4 7ftc; confectioners A. B.TOc; mould A i.Vc: out loaf. (6c: crushed, 66c: powdered. 1.96c; granulated, 6.8&o; cubes, NEW ORLEANS. June 8.-8UOAR-Quiet: open kettle. Jft4,r; open kettle centrifugal, 44t4 15-18c; centrifugal whites 6c: yellows. 4Spl 16-16c; seconds, J1T4VC ' MOLASSES-Nominal; open ksitle? 13B J6c: centrifugal. ni(e. ' " STRCP-Nonunal, aoc. . . nn OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JU'E 9. 1903 NEW YORK STOCKS AND Attempt to Stir Up the Market Retain in Rue of Few Iesnet. MOVEMENT FLATTENS OUT COMPLETELY Values Mnk to Lower Basis Owing to IjicU of Demand Equitable Affair Causes a Waiting Attltnde. NEW YORK. June 8 There was an abortive attempt to stir up artlvlty In the stock market during the first hour of to ds v's session, which resulted In lifting a few stocks to a considerably higher level than yesterday's closing. The movement flattened out completely and the subse quent settling of prices to a lower level basis was due as much to Inanimation In the market as to any active pressure to sell. The opening advance hnd Its Incentive in the higher level for London prices, based on the belief of a hopeful outlook for peace. Although the prospect for peace Is attrib uted to the Initiative of the American gov ernment, the Interest manifested In the matter bv the stock market Is of the most languid character. The uplift of prices whs purely sympathetic witn inoon ann ine actual transactions for foreign account here were Insignificant In amount. The small selllne attracted bv the higher range of prices, however. Invited some additional at tempt to move tlie market upwarns. i ne efforts centered on a handful of stocks, amongst the coalers and southern railroads, and Included Amalgamated Copper. Favorable weather conditions for the growing crops were reported, hut a sufflc lent pnrlnd of uncertainty remains after harvest to prompt ft delay in forming defi nite conclusions on the outcome. The In ertia of the United States Steel stocks was almost complete. Influenced by the absence of any Indication of revived activity In the Iron market. This proved a burden on sen timent towards the whole mnrket. The slow length which Is being dragged nut In the Equitable Life affairs still ex ercises a repressive Influence on the stock market and causes fi drend of possible un fnvorable results of a far-renrhlng char acter In the Investment demand for securi ties In the future. The rise In call money rates was attributed to the redistribution of funds on deposit which are the proceeds of tne Japanese loan subscription amongst various flnnnclal Institutions, and the Inti mation was conveyed that these funds are likely to be left on deposit here for an in definite period. Discount rates declined In London ana foreign banking houses were reported as placing loans In this mnrket. Stock commission houses also have funds to lend owing to the extreme dullness of the stock market. The hardening of the call money market rate was regarded as purely temporary. But a somewhat firmer tone was reported for time funds and the likeli hood of higher money rates In the fall Is not without Influence In causing the al most total stagnation of the Btoek market. Only a remnant of the day's gains was pre served and the average level of prices was Insignificantly changed from lnet night. The peace rumors made the Japanese bonds strong. The bourl market generally was dull and steadv. Total sales, par value, $3.130.uOO. United States 3s, registered, ad vanced H per cent on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today; aius.Mign.L,ow. Close. Adams Express . Amalgamated Copper 24 30 & F. iiuO 80 33 794 34 1U0 30S 3uH 100 47s 47, 200 1,0) 200 414 474 111 40 46 111 6,0 1104 ld4 lii94 300 118 117 100 13:14 133 sou (V 1,600 300 804 102 79 4,400 154i 161 152V, 2.9O0 1094 1077, lSr 200 97 ii 5,900 63 2,10 148 'i00 19 4 2,700 494 100 85 100 79 2,100 18'., 700 194 974 62, 1474 19-i 49 35 79 184 192 6,700 173H 1724 172 17 1.0U0 304 804 50i) 6110 200 SU0 l!900 1,500 Lao 200 100 7,200 2,500 6U0 414 26 67 86 '' 44 28 87. 41 26 67 36 " 43 1?4 404 794 66 404 78 66 1.4 1724 MM 1.300 I694 1,V 159 40 79 664 2U0 19 18 13,100 200 400 145 1644 American C do pfd American Cotton Oil. do pfd American Express.... Anier. H. & L. pfd... American Ice do pfd ctfs American Linseed Oil do pfd American Locomotive do ptd American S. & R.... do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln... Amer. Tobacco, p. c. Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton . do pfd Chicago Q. W Chicago & N. W C, M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do nfd C, C.. C. & St. L Colorado b . & I Colorado & Southern. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Delaware & Hudson. Delaware. L. & W... Denver & Rio Grande Denver & H. G Distillers' Securities Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric .... Hocking Valley Illinois Central Interna t. Paper do pfd Internat. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & Nash. Manhattan L Met. Securities ... Met. Street Railway. 2,800 1194 119 jviexican 1 enirai .... Minn. & St. Louis.... M., St. P. & S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Texas.. do pfd National Lead N. K. R. of M , pfd. N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. & West. Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas Pitts., C, C & St. L Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Pal. Car.... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Soul he i n Pacific do pfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Tennessee C. & I Texas Pacific T.. St. L. W do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd V. S. Express U. 8. Leather do pfd U. S. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd , U. S. Steel do pfd Va.Caro. Chemical. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Express Westlnghouse Elec... Western Union Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd Northern Pacific Ex-dividend. Total sales for the day. 270.100 shares. 266 794 'imi ' 9J 3v4 93 225 40 4 35 174 404 46 111 1174 133:, 97 1034 794 101 97 62 147m, 1974 49 18 18 1914 304. 264 66 344 186 9 434 lMm II . 27 Ol J-Kt 41 414 184 784 27 75 234 47 244 554 144 1644 774 119 194 52 115 155 964 27 61 434 344 139 504 80 92 974 87 8,9"0 134 1344 1344 100 IO04 1004 100 36 904 232 94 9! 884 16 16 714 714 1,600 1,61V) 1,3 8) 700 llooo 3,0'M) 1,6'V) 100 7 27 61 444 1404 51 8"4 s 144 164 774 97 274 61 4 434 140 " 60 80 8i0 9"0 '206 20 6.000 21 10 l.GoO 100 8.6"0 2o0 7,7nO l'.om 8."1 100 :') 2C,2iO 100 17.300 15 S 5V) : 91 16 71 274 734 33 60 62 119 31 75 3'. 374 664 L2 97 26 93 334 944 91 26 734 33 60 61 119 31 75" 324 374 6K4 121 97 ! 93 33 K 164 184 400 934 93 100 1K34 1834 734 334 100 64 204 694 61 119 81 9i'. 75 32U 364 66 1:2 9 ii 1074 874 874 104'J .26 f4 33 1074 18 240 163 93 544 22 4g 1834 New Vi'1: Mining stork. NEW YORK, June 8 Closing quotations On mining storks were: Adams Con AM. mi bri- :o Bruatwtrk Con 4 I'nniatock Tunnvl .... Con. (ll. A V Hi Horn Silvr i0 Iron 81 Ivor iuO Loadrlllt Cos 4 uffertd. I Little ( htf ... Or,lrlo opnlr Phonl, 8va,o Hlerr, Nnd Hmall Knpoo .. Ifiiaidtrd .. . .4.IO ..IH .. I . . :o .. it .. ) .. 2 ..Urn Treasnrjr Statement. WASHINGTON. D. , June H.-Today's statement of the treasury balance In the general fund exclusive of the $150,906 Out) gold reserve In the division of redemption shows: Available cah balances. $1.16 167 732 gold $70.7i'l.o20. Weekly htateaaeat Mask of France. PARIS. June 8 The weekly statement of the Bank of Frame shows the following changes: Note in circulation rl.'rJJ.i -4,ku,wui i treasury accounts current, de creased 44.S7.1.onof ; gold In hand. Incressed 77F..if; bills discounted decreased 147. 7W. onuf; silver In hand, incressed ev York Money Market. NEW YORK, June II - MONK V On call, steady at 241.1 per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 8 per rent; time loans, firm; sixty days, 3 per cent; nlnty days, 34 pt-r rent: six months, 341f3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-34 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' hills at $4.87'5 4 7"5 for demand and at $4 Rf.loff4 .8616 for sixty-day bills: posted rates, $4 M'64.88; com mercial hills. $4.84f?4 84. SILVER Bar, fre; Mexican dollars, 464c BONDS Government, firm; railroad, steady. Closing quotation on bonds were: V. 8. rot la. r....lf4 )ln-klnt Val 44. no coupon i'-i-, japan an, nra V 8 a. r. do rou pen f S. naw 4a. rg. do coupon L' 8. old 4a, do roupon ,14 .104 .131 ,1M .104 .! do 4m. ctfa 1.. A N. unl. 4a Manhattan c. 4a M. ( antral 4a. . . . do lat Ino Minn. A 8t. L. 4a An. Tobacco 4a, ctfa. U M , K. T. 4a. do 4a. ctfa. Atchlann gen. 4a.. do ad) 4a Atlantic C. L 4a., Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do da Central of Oa. ta. . do lat loc do td Ino Chea. A Ohio 4a. Chicago A A. Sa. C, B. A Q. n. 4a C, R. I. A P. 4i do rol. ra 115 I do ta ...10t IN. R. R. ot M c ... HH N. Y. C. f. a. .. .10114 N. 1. c. t Is... ...104 No PaolBc 4a ... ... I do u ...1U N W. r. 4 . ... K 8. U rfd 4s . .. 114 Pann. conr. IW ...1074, Rpadlna aan. 4a. ... m Bt. L. A 1. M. c. ...lO'.'S Pt. L. A 8. F. f, 4a. n ... w'(4 St. I,. 8 W. r. 4a 1 it 8abnard A L. 4a.... MS .HIS . I . MS .1044 .104 . ni . 24 . t7V ....1011, .... 44j 4a. in ....IWH ....13(4 ... .ism .... T7 ....WJ4 .... M ... .miH ....1M'4 la.llts ....1:014 111(4 CCC A 8t. b. f 4a.. 10114 gt. Pacino 4a ... Chlcafo Tar. 4a 7V4 80 Railway la.. Colorado Mid. a 7f.Hi Tnu A P. la .. Colo. A 80. 4a NUT., Bt. b. A W. 4a.. 134 Colo. lnd. la, aat A.. ll'nlon Paolo 4a 1nv, ao oai u M14,' ao conv Cuba la, ctfa 104 ,i s. Hteal td la 12?, ! K ft 4a mi iwanaah la 117 Platlllera- Sec. Sa.... 11l do dab. n 7H, Erie prior Ilea 4a I0H Waatern Md 4a 7 no ,sn. ia w. a l,. K. 4a H r. w. A D. C. U....M Wla. Cantral 4a H -viiersu. Boston Rtoeka and Bonds. BOSTON, June 8-Ct.ll loans. 8034 per cent; time loans, 3434 per cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atchlann adj. 4a M Adrentura 34 ...2: ... TR4 ... do 4a Kit I Allourt Mai. Central 4a 74 lAmal,amatrd Atrhlaon 7 American ilnc do pfd 10H, Atlantic Roaton ft Albany r.44 ninjham noaton Mama 17 tl'al fk Hacla. Hoaton Elevated Fltchburg pfd .... Mailcan cantral ... N. V. N. H. ft H.. Para Marqnatta .. Vnlon rarlflo Amer. Arga. Cham. do pfd Amer. Pnau. Tub,.. Amar. Sugar .111 Centennial .14.1 Copper Ranna .. . Daly Waat .19!) i Dominion Coal . . Pran81ln .Itl'a Orancy . il I Isle Rnvale . 8K4 Maaa. Mining ... . 44 Michigan M414 Mnhawk do pfd I14i' Mont. C. A C. Amar. T. A T lt" Old Dominion ... Amer. Woolen 424'.Oareola do pfd 10a "Parrot Dominion I. A 8 1iQulncy Krilann ITlMn Til,, - aift Bk..Hnl. Oanaral Electric Maaa. Electric .. do pfd Maaa Oaa rnlter Fruit I'nltad Shoe Marh.. do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Weatlng. common . Bid "Asked. .171 . II 1 . M4 . 43 ,.10 . II . Sl . tl . IS , . II I "Tamarack Trinity t'nlted Copper 1'. 8. Mining.... C. 8. Oil I'tah Victoria Winona Wolrerln ... 134 ... 2S ...uo ... H14 ...70 ... lav. ... 71 ... ... ... i ... 1 ... it ... in ... 3n ... 2.1V, ... 1 ... it ... ... 74 . . . ion ... 714 ... tfVi ... 2 ... lovt ... 44 ... DV, ... It, ...10a London Stocks and Bond. LONDON, June 8. Closing quotations on stocks were: Conaola, money ... do account , Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltlmora A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Cliea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W , C. M .A St. P.... DaBeera D A R. 0 do pfd , Erla do lat pfd , do td pfd Illinnla Cantral .... Loula. A Naah M.. K. A T , .. Hi,' .. a. .. I24 ..104 14 ..111 ..ism .. t0 1144 ,.17S ,. 17 .. i1 .. 81 .. 41 ,. SI ..16JV ..141 N Y. Cantral.... Norfolk A W.... do pfd Ontario A W.... Pennsylvania ... Rand Mlnaa Heading do lat pfd do 2d pfd. ..1434 . ." 8i4 .. H .. b2 .. II .. !. .. 411 4I. 4414 Southern Railway ... 32 do pfd Southern Paclflo t'nlon Pacific ... do pfd I'. B. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd Spanlah 4a 19 .. 13 ..12i- .. '." .. 274, .. I4 .. Ill 914 SILVER Bar, steady, 27d per ounce. mu.Mci-inm per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for threo months' bills, 2 per cent. Bank of Englnnd Statement. IX)NDON. June 8. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follow ing changes: Total reser-e. Increased 401, 000; circulation, decreased 104,000; bullion, Increased 387,238: oilier securities, In creased 37,000; other' deposits. Increased 17,010; public deposits, increased 911.000; notes reserve. Increased 4S70iO: irnol-n. ment securities,, Increased 422.000. The pro- k". ' ii reserve 10 naDlllly this week is 60 2 ner rent am xntnnoro ...c.i. 50.33 per cent last week. Bank Clearings. OMAHA .lima lD..I, ' " u. unnn viraiiiiKB Ilir l(J - nnv arura tl tin? no1) iu m.A ' . ' ..,-,,,.pT nun . 1 ' 1 tuts corre sponding date last year $1,234,342.08.. NEW YORK GENERAL, MARKET Quotations of the Day oa Various Commodities. .rKXY YORK. June 8.-FLOUR-Receipts, 15.089 bu.; exports. 6,122 bu.; market dull. nareiy sieany; winter patents, $4.90(g6.26; winter straiehts. t4 AVii4 8A- nintar ,vru. $3.1Ufi3.86; Minnesota bakers, $3.76'64.15; wln- u 1 w KmwrB, ..inn o.oo. nye nour, nrm: fair to good. 14.2fjU4.6o: choice in fan. $4.6i54.90. CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, $1.26; coarse, $1.1081.12; kiln dried, 2.5 2.90. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 44c c. I. f. New York; malting, 48fr52c. c. 1.1. Buffalo. WHEAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red. $1.06 bid in store; No. 2 red, $1,074 hid f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $1,144 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.0.4 f. o. b. afloat. Wheat was Irregular, biiowuib punitive weaaness eany ana sub sequent advance that left final prices o net higher. Outside weakness, bearish weather and crop news and liquidation caused the Initial decline. Later recoveries were based on northwest strength, a bul lish Kentucky state report and strength In corn. July, 90 1-I6ra91c, closed 9lC,c; September. M4fi'fi6c, closed 86c; Decem ber. 84 3-l(VS8&c. closed 86c. CORN Receipts, 64.500 bu.; exportH, 150. 936 bu.; market opened firm; No. 2, 69o elevator and 69c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, 594o; No. 2 white, 60c. The option market was generally strong all day, hav ing good support from shorts and commlsJ sion houses. The close represented 14c net advanre. July, 5ii4fi674c, closed 674c. OATS Receipts, 107,900 lju.; exports, 11,935 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oat. 26 to 82 pounds. 85i'364c; natural white, 30 to 33 pounds, 364,a3'i4c; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds. 364&40c. HAY-Steady; clipping, 60-86240; good to choice. 7744(84c. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, lo4, 25j29c; 1903. 2225c; olds, 11i&13c; Pa cific coast, 1904 , 2&tJ28c; 1903, 2124c; olds. IKq 13c. HIDES Dull; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs , 184c. LEATHER Steady; acid. 24026c. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; famllv. $13.50 14.00; mess. $11. ood 11.50; beef, $21.0021.60; packet. $12.50g 13.00; city extra India mess, $22.01622 60. Cut meats, Arm; pickled bellies, $8.0O68.5o; pickled shoulders, .0; pickled hams. $IO.ui'n 10.60. Lard, barely steady; western steamed, $7.1Mi 7.30, nom inal; refined, barely steady; continent, $7.40; southwestern. $8.16; compound, $5 374'&5.60. Pork, steady: family, $14 .6fVatl&.0o: short clear. $13.1" "(('15 00; mess, $13 37413.874. TALIXJW Steady; city i$2 per pkg.j, 44c; country ipkgs. free), 444c. RICE Steady; domestic fair to extra, 3 6'jC' Japan, nominal. Bl.'TTER Easy; street price, extra creamery, 20462oc. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra. 185304c; state dairy, common to extra. )64ii'-0c; western Imita tion creamery, extra, 184c; firsts, 174(5180; renovated, common to extra, 144fl74c; western factory, common to extra, 144 164c CHEESE I'nclianged. Et 1(58 I'nchanged. POl'LTRY Alive. Irregular; western spring chickens, 24c: fowls, ISc; turkevs, 12c. Dressed, quiet; western broilers, 2M3oc; fowls, 10jjlS4c; turkeys, lS-gHc. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. June . OOTTON-Spot closed quiet, 15 points higher; middling up lands. 8 55c; middling gulf, 8.80c; no sales LIVERPOOL. June 8 COTTON-Spot, moderate business done; prices steady American middling. 4.59d. The sales of the day were t.Ooo bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 41700 American. Receipts, 2,000 bales; no Ameri can. NEW ORLEANS. June 8. COTTON Firm; sales. 1.850 bales; ordlnarv, 5c; good ordinary. 13-16c; low middling. 71l-l6c-middling. 5-lc; good middling. 8c; mid dling fair, 8 15-ltk , receipts, 8.054 bales stock. 186 844 bales. ST LOI'IS. June 8 COTTON-Steady middling. 8 7-14c; sales. 291 bales; receipt. 100 bales; shipments, SS5 bale,; stock 48 326 hales. iMIaaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June I. WHEAT July $1 08; September. 84c: No. 1 hard. $1,134; I"-. northern. $1,114; No. 1 northern. $1.0, FLOLR First patent. $ wv&e; 70; second patents. K)f(6 5n: first clears, $4.0ikS4.1u; second clears, $2.7o2 85. BRAN-In bulk. SU to. OMAHA LIVE STOCE MARKET Eeit Beef Stern god Cow. a Dims Higher ' and Trading Active. HOGS ACTIVE, ABOUT A NICKEL LOWER Big Falling Off In Receipt, of Sheep Today, with Market Ruling a Dime Higher Quality of Reeelpts Only Fair. SOUTH OMAHA. June t, 190. Receipts were: Cattle. Hugs. 8 nee p. Otticiai Monday ,,i, ,,,5 Official 'luesday 6.772 15.894 6.426 Official Wednesday 8,586 15.696 8.741 Official Thursday 1,944 Id.ko l.UBj four days this week.... 18.675 63.363 14,079 Jour days last week 2U.19 87.418 16,4 game three weeks ago. . .lo.of'S fca.iOi 24.748 Same four weeks ago... .15.0(2 27, 4,10 li,849 Same days last year 13,860 41.U61 9,798 KECEifia FOR THE KbAR iu DAii. The following table shows tlie receipts 01 cattle, hogs and sheep at Mouth Omalia for tne year to date compared wltu last year; ... 19U6. 1904. inc. Dec. a"'e 373,3 414.7.8 40.826 " 1,070,227 l,l9,fcl0 93.WW bhe'P 692,839 661.62 81,211 'i ne following uiDle shows uio averaso price of bogs ut ttoutu Omaha lor tne last Msveral da with comparison; Cat. I 19Ut. UW4.fl.llM3.UWl.l00.18. mO.. May it May u May li, May im, May 1, May 20. May m, May May May 24 May 26 way km. May -ii. May 2g. May 29 May iu, iay i, June 1., June 2, June 3., June 4. June 6., June 6. June 7., June 8., lmV I I I 4l 4I ' I SS 6 28 t 164, 1, 1 I i4l I IV I I ' I 'I 5 11; I 6 li , I io4, I 6 13),! I ltvl I 6 19 I I I 5 20, I 5 22 I 6 24j I I 4 to'l 4 M 4 U 4 i, 4 46i 4 86 4 341 4 83 4 0 4 601 4 9 I 4 bt , 4 49, 4 6o 4 40; 4 49, 4 01 6 631 4 68 4 681 e U 861 7i t 87 M 1, 6 19 I n4 0 tU b 77 0 72 6 70 6 taj, I 6 93 6 I'M 6 99 b 00. 6 751 5 77 I 6 80 ? X2, 0 .' 1 01 I 7Ut U I 14, 7 12, 1 7 il 6 73 1 oi 6 i I 04 DO, 1 wi b tiii 7 Ooj 6 67 I W 6 96, I 6 9i 6 60 7 01 b 6M 7 t) 6 7 1V b os, 7 11 s il I b itf 7 0i 1 7 13, 6 70, 1 jo, 0 ll 7 20 6 70 7 15, 6 71! 7 LS, 5 76, I 6 78 D 211 l t a u J u U 4 ba a iv 1 W I 6 03 b Uoj I 62 b oi 4 w t V4 8 IU v ba 4 m, 8 do 1 8 Ml 4 96, 4 90 I 60 4 00, 8 bi 4 84, 3 bi 4 00, b u 4 00, 4 (Ki I 3 bit 4 So, 4 91 3 68 4 94 3 6) 4 96 3 67 b 0 8 60 63 2, n0 36 4,663 418 2.926 449 b,(9 134 70 60 7 2S 7 21 2 11 13 146 2,017 15.233 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: C. M. & St. P C.Ule.Hogg.Sh'p.H---; Mo. Pacific 9 '2 .. .'. U. P. System 16 46 3 C. & N. W 3 17 .. 2 ., A M. V 27 89 2 C, Bt. P., M, & O.... 13 13 B. & M 14 24 .. 8 C, B. & Q 3 6 C, R. I. & P., east.. .. 6 C, R. 1. dr. P., west.. .. 8 Illinois Central 3 Chicago Gt. Western 2 3 .. .. Total receipts 86 217 6 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Rovers cmIa ij .... v. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company..,. Cudahy Packing Co.... 418 2.926 163 Armour Xr 1 'n 44u k..u. kui ........... . . v, WW U,. cuuatiy, from K. C Dwin at v,o., country... Vansant & Co Iihmyn Jit l'o W. 1. Stephen Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Husr Wolf A Murnan Mike Haggerly J. B. Root & Co Other buyers 146 -289 1,044 CATTLE There was a rather light run of cattle nere today, about 81 cars oeing ot tered. Huyers were on the hili early and tne mat'Ket opened in good season. The market on beef steers snowed more strengtii today tnan It has for several days and there was a firmer tone to the trading. The demand was fairly goou and buyers evidently wanted the eattie. Chi cago reported a slow but steady market, but the market here was not influenced by this fact, and buyers took on tne sturf at prices ruling generally a dime higher. On some of tne commoner kinds prices ruled only about steady, but most of the stuff shows the advance noted above. Mon day's market was slow, filling lu15c lower than the close of the previous week. On Tuesday a further decline of lO&loc waa noted, common, light-weight, halt-fat cat tle showing the most loss. Moderate re ceipts on Wednesday made trading a little more active and on the good kinds the market was only a shade lower, with com mon kinds a dime off. Today Is the first day of the week when anything like a stiff ening in prices has been noted. The cow and neitet market was in better shape today than any time during the week. Trading on this class of cattle was fairly brisk and a clearance was made In good season. Good kinds sold at an ad vance of fully a dime, while commoner grades also showed a slight Improvement. Bulls, veal calves and stags also show some Improvement and the demand today was better than at any time during the week. Supplies of stockers ana reeaer continue light anil today the receipts were picked up In fair season at right around steady prices. There has been a limited Inquiry for this class of cattle all the week, but owing to the light receipts there has been little difference in prices. BEEF STEERS. So. Ar. Pr. No. A. Pr. 1 94 3 60 J" USJ 4 0 10 47! t 0 3 1301 4 6 7 1007 4 10 10 104S 4 76 JO 1007 4 10 1 11S7 4 75 0 1(112 4 16 4 ....1164 4 10 J 1100 4 IS 6 4 to 10 m 4 a 14 127 4 86 M 1162 4 25 7 J201 4 86 II 1010 4 25 0 12S7 4 85 1 676 4 00 It 1267 4 96 12... 1015 4 JO SS 12t 4 05 1 1014 4 SO 1 1680 I 10 4 101 3 4 30 tl 1221 ( 20 SO 4t 4 S6 It 1361 i 26 19 1091 4 40 80 1292 6 26 S 1140 4 40 ( 1418 ( 40 24 1114 4 4 14 104! 6 60 t 1066 4 60 17 12.16 6 64 24 1017 4 65 11 1481 6 66 Jl 1204 4 40 STEERS AND COWS. 1 727 t 5 IT 10l 4 40 SO 79 4 06 It 1014 4 60 l0 1162 4 t5 ID 1167 4 60 1 1020 4 35 14 1107 4 45 14 1062 4 86 31 1197 4 80 COWS. 4 1012 36 1 MO 1 SS S 973 J 35 18 971 S 40 4 W i 4 1HI I 40 1 840 S 60 4 1U46 S 70 1 1W) I 50 1 113 I 70 It 10!6 t 40 S Ml I 14 S 1126 S 6 6 1O10 S 76 t 10S5 S 75 4 til S 75 1 1160 t 76 S 12O0 s 75 1 1060 S 75 4 896 3 76 1 1040 J 76 1 1060 t 75 1 960 t 55 7 1015 8 80 2 966 S 90 4 1024 I ,0 4 2 3 00 4 7.. 1094 S 85 1 1260 3 16 8 Hit s 0 t 10.10 S tS 1 960 4 00 17 3 25 4 ion 4 00 3 114 3 40 4 915 4 00 4 t 3 45 S 12( 4 10 3 lO't 8 50 I Udi 4 o 1 1020 t to HEIFERS. 4 S7S S 60 1 1140 S SO 5 440 S (5 1 e s 5 1 4a0 S 70 S 714 S 46 S 710 S 5 1 4 4 t 70 1 720 S 00 S 610 a 75 t 4K0 t 00 3 616 S SO 1 800 1 00 4 llWi 3 80 tl 707 3 10 S ax5 t 80 18 14 I 16 It :7 3 Sis 47 1l I 0 S Ii64 4 40 7 60S t SS BULLS. 1 100 S SO 1 1010 S 60 1 1410 t 75 1 1610 t SO 1 20 I 0 1 1470 S to 1 1440 3 00 1 H70 t 40 S 1314 S 10 1 1)30 S S5 1 110 3 40 1 1M0 1 u, 1 760 S 26 1 1940 S 75 1 16.10 S 26 1 2il S SO 1 1640 3 S6 t 180 M 1 140 3 5 1 1130 S 5 1 1300 I 40 4 I KIT S SO 1 1SS0 S 60 1 1470 4 00 1 1410 3 60 1 lao 4 Ml 1 640 S 50 1 MM) 4 as 1 1400 $ SO 1 JJ.J0 4 (,U CALVES. S 125 S 86 1 ITU I 60 1 126 I 46 1 170 S 64 1 t!0 I 1 200 4 60 SKI I 50 1 no 1 44 1 140 3 60 1 160 4 64 4 SKt S 85 1 150 a 60 1 110 4 U0 1 nil 1 fo 1 160 4 76 3 133 4 76 1 100 4 76 t 170 1 Ti 1 SSO 4 TS 1 Ian t 75 I llu S 00 1 Hi) 4 7 1 100 4 00 1 lau 1 1 114 S 00 3 - SOS S TS j 170 4 SA 4 i.lg ( 7 i lt& 4 1 lau 4 74 1 120 5 50 STOCK CALVES. 1 470 S TS STOCKERS AND FEEDERS I to 1 tio 1 90 4 S70 t 46 It 471 S 14 1 4a I 00 7 TJ4 t 5 480 IN 14 ttt IN 1 4"0 I OC. S.. 1.- 440 S I I.. t 400 l I . 1 77" t 40 If.. S 789 S 6 )-.. S 6S7 I 90 SO.. 7 HI 111 IS 74 J SO San 4 no ST IN , an 4 ot t-l 4 IS 74 4 IS tua i 4 SS HOGS There waa a falrlv rood run of hogs here for a Thursday, about 4 cars being on sale. The quality of the receipts was about the same ss has been coniln for some time and the Muff arrived early. Chi cago early reports quoted the market there 6c lower, with a fairly good run, and this fact had a bearish effect on this mar ket. Huyers were out early, but were ask ing concessions and opening bids were rlftht around 24ijo lower than yesterday. After the first round or two the market weak ened and hid war, fully 6c lower. Ijtter In the forenoon, however, the trading was done at opening figures and the market showed more strength. The popular price today was $5.). as asalnst $6 25 yesterday. Some hi'RS brought $5,224. while during the weak time prices got down to $5,174 Top today reached $5 26 There was a fair ac tivity to the trading and a clearance was made In good season. Representative sales: No. At gti. Pr. 6 Av ah. rr. 14 14 ... 5 It 7S 141 M IU rt 3:'4 180 S 114 47 261 ISO I JO J 360 ISO 6 17V, 81 I7 ... I 10 10 129 too t 17S, 71 144 10 I ) 6' 819 40 4 17V, 9 2M 110 I to . 24 120 8 17V, (1 14S 110 4 10 7f 210 120 I 17V, ti JM ... 4 10 (0 225 310 8 174 44 t7 100 4 30 TS 144 Sto I It 4 tS 169 SO I 10 88 tot 90 I 174 7t Sit ... 4 10 ST tS 1(0 8 174 4! SS 40 4 SO 17 tS 180 I 174 71 114 ISO t 10 68 8"t 310 8 174 91 192 1"0 8 to 47 IIS 120 8 174 111 2SS 140 I 10 12 337 140 I 174 73 147 S00 8 SI 194 ISO I 174 9,' 215 SO 8 20 70 M4 120 8 174 71 74 120 S 20 64 ITS 80 8 174 SS. SM 40 8 to 17 221 too I 174 II 863 ISO I 10 SS 246 f-0 6 10 70 til S20 S SO II 2:o SO 8 to 78 tit 160 8 SO 72. 140 120 8 10 40 IIS ... 4 20 84 I'll 120 4 10 41 160 120 8 to Tl 141 300 8 10 SK 141 120 4 20 73 210 SO 8 20 TS .SIS ISO 3 10 78 191 80 8 30 St 266 SO 6 to 10 S81 ISO 3 20 78 SI7 100 I 30 84 2.14 ISO 8 30 t4 140 ... S 10 86 2S4 ... 8 30 SI 251 40 8 SO 77 240 ... 8 10 71 301 90 8 20 T6 IS 2 ... 6 30 IS 290 200 8 10 71 210 ISO 8 20 36 114 ISO 8 30 76 230 ... 8 20 SS 244 ISO 8 M M2 ... 8 30 SS 371 ... 8 30 0 246 110 I SO Ik Ids SO 6 10 S8 14 . . 8 M SO 130 80 8 20 TS 234 SO 4 30 St 137 ... 4 20 T6 220 110 8 10 48 175 140 ISO 82 ICS 80 4 SO SS 128 ... 4 30 69 246 200 6 20 76 220 40 8 to 7 219 SO 6 20 S3 .283 80 6 30 87 328 120 6 30 14 3.10 ISO I 30 50 217 80 6 tO 71 244 SO 6 30 8 949 110 S 10 6S 260 SO 8 10 Tl 210 ... 8 tO 16 284 80 I 30 37 325 160 8 20 37 221 SO 8 80 Si 301 100 8 20 84 246 ISO 3 20 70 IIS 120 6 10 71 3SS SO 3 10 SO 200 120 8 20 78 ISH 120 8 10 ' 221 10 8 10 TS 110 SO 3 30 . ' S3 204 80 6 30 T6 2.11 84 8 10 S 246 ... 6 20 T8 IIS ... 8 20 86 22T SO 8 W SS 363 ISO I 10 85 229 ... 8 to TS 240 ... 8 tO SS 128 ... 8 to St t40 SO 8 10 74 249 40 8 10 84 186 ... 8 10 87 264 ISO 8t0 72. v 204 100 8 20 88 229 ... 8 10 81 ill ... 8 10 76 182 120 I 10 SO 121 40 8 10 78 821 1M 8 20 61 217 ... 8 80 Tl 24.1 80 6 tO 61 243 110 8 30 68 ITS 140 8 20 6t 814 80 8 10 48 231 ... 6 20 76 310 80 8 SO 73 208 80 8 80 89 246 ... 8 10 87 148 800 8 20 88 219 140 S 10 87 1S8 ... 8 10 110 263 180 8 80 ' 88 198 40 S 20 48 219 80 8 10 77 218 80 6 10 88 215 80 8 10 T6 22T 160 S 20 71 2SI 100 8 20 79 208 40 5 20 60 231 SO 4 214 65 120 40 6 tO 71 230 ... 6 24 S 263 ISO 8 20 54 164 40 I 224 17 170 ... 6 20 62 289 ... I 4 82 165 ... 6 20 41 283 ... 8 124 1 255 120 6 20 89 260 160 8 J24 69 260 200 8 30 66 175 SO 8 224 71 114 330 8 20 81 244 SO S 224 Tl 114 80 8 20 9 248 SO 6 124 8- 183 40 8 20 89 150 ISO 8 224 225 90 S 10 tt 241 80 4 124 S 216 80 5 20 S4 217 10 6 Slim. f". ..... . .I.ld 2411 4 20 83 226 4 0 5 20 74 221 180 6 20 32 209 320 6 10 248 800 6 20 16. ...... .804 ... 8 20 87 228 ICO 6 20 88 218 ... 6 10 71 216 ... 8 20 83 271 80 4 20 TO 210 80 5 20 84 2.14 ... 8 30 70 260 160 8 20 85 146 ... 8 20 ST 115 140 8 20- 60 171 100 8 20 81 116 ... 6 20 71 981 SO 8 20 80 24T ISO 3 10 86 181 120 8 20 63 ...281 140 I 10 89 169 ... 8 20 88 267 ... 8 10 u 241 41 5 211 60. SS... 70... 69... ...195 ... 8 824 ... 274 ... 5 224 ... .231 ... 8 224 ... 299 ... 6 224 68 278 ... 8 224 71 235 160 6 224 SO 261 120 5 ay, 70 218 80 8 224 H 27 ... 8 124 79 240 280 8 224 tl. 1.18 120 8 124 63 821 ... 5 124 86 171 ... 8 124 10 118 ... 4 224 88 219 ... 6 124 T2 260 SO 6 224 6T 17S 80 8 214 66 281 ... C 124 88 270 40 8 M4 TS 303 SO 6 22 4 68 801 ... 6 26 SO 287 SO 8 25 63 341 80 5 26 S3 281 80 5 15 SHEEP There was a AartriaA fulii,, ner In the receipts today, there being hardly enough stuff here to test the market, only Jle cars being on sale. Chicago reported 14.000 sheep received and a good strong market, and this fact, together with the light receipts here, lent a good active tone Jo the- market. The lambs sold this morn ing brought $5.55, which Is a dime higher than yesterday and a dime lower than Mon day. They brought $5.45 yesterday and $5.65 Monday. The general market on the com mon to medium kinds for the four days of the week Is right around 10i?i15c lower. There Is good Inquiry for choice sheep and Iambs, which are very scarce, and the feel ing is that anything of that description would bring prices fullv steady to strong as compared with a week ago. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lambs, $ri.806.(8y; fair to good lambs. $5.50(55.80; good to choice Colorado wooled lambs $6.80Cq7.16; good to choice yearlings, $5.0fKfj5.16; fair to good yearlings, $4.7b4j5.00; good to choice wethers. $4 504)4.80; fair to good wethers. i4 264.o0: ood to eholce ewes, $4.2oCh4.50; fair to good ewes, $4.00U 4t40. Representative sales: NO. Jyt pr 8 western bucks 76 $4 25 8 western ewes 127 , 4 65 2 western ewes . 60 8 00 1 western ewe 80 4 25 29 western lambs 62 4 28 2 western lambs 60 I 00 580 western lamb 75 6 65 82 western ewe 82 8 00 70 western ewes ..,. 78 4 15 CHICAGO LiTb STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hogs Steady Sheep and Lambs strong to Shade Higher. CHICAGO. June 8.-CATTLE-Recelpt, 8.000 head; msrket steady; good to prime steers. $5.40tfi6.2.,i; poor to medium, $4.fKfj 6.S6; stockers and feeders, S2.76rjV-4.86 ; cows, $2. 60074.75; heifers, $2.6065.26; canners, $1.26 fe2.30: bulls, $2 2554 80; calves, $3.0tS6.40. HOGS Receipts, 28,000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 20.000 head; market steadv; mixed and butchers. $5.2fird6.40; good to choice heavy, $5.3iv.374; roujh heavy, $4'0 C5.10; light, $5.263.40; Bulk of sales, $5.30 6.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.000 head; market strong to shade higher; good to choice wethers shorn, $4.6i6.15; fair to choice mixed, shorn, IB.50W4.4cl; western sheen, shorn. $4.0066.10; native lambs, shorn, $4.50Ci.50; western lambs, shorn, $5.0t6.50. Kansas City live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June $ CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head. Including 1,500 head south erns; market-weak to 10c lower; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $6 a(n5 76- fair to good. $4.26jfe 26; western fed steers. t4.25Ji 5 50; stockers and feeders, t3.OOA4.50; south ern steers, t3.15d5.O0; southern cows, $2 50ff S:.75iJ2"i'v r.?W!,2 Krdw, native heifers. $2.2506 00; bulls. $2.60fi4.50; calves, $3.0tK!r5 60 HOI18 RorAlr.ta 19 k-n. . . ' , ,1(1 1 6c lower; top, $5 324; bulk of sales. $5.2Mi) 5.30; heavy. $5.iKfi5.80; packers, $5.2ot)5 324- n U. ...... llKk. - . r r n 2 nun iigmn, 40. Itl'fta.JD. SHEEP AND LA M R8 Receipts. 2,000 1!,?',.''''"'' 'Oft'lBc higher; native lambs. $5.5oift7.2&; western lambs, IB.SOiff 7.25; native fed ewe and yearlltig-s, 14 2fi'05.5O; Texas clipped yearling. $4.75436.26: Tcxhs clipped sheep, $4.25tj5 O0; stockers and feeders, $2.50i Bt. Loals Live Stock MnrLat, ST. LOI'IS, Mo., June 8 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,500 head, including 2,2ofi Texan' market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4 7ftt6.0O: dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.75i6.60: steers Under pounds $3.75'fj6.65: stockers and feeder. $3'84 26: cow and heifers. $2 i6l75.00; canners $'00 j2.60; bulls, $2 60(64.26; calves, $5.o0(a5o Texas and Indian steer. $3.t"S4 76' cow and heifers. $2.UKfj4.0O. HOGS Receipts, 4,010 head; market easy pigs and light. $5.00(90.40; packer. $456 tib ; butchers and best heavv. $6.3('u6 40 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1 0o0 head; market steady; native mutton $350 (51.80; Innibs, $5.i&7 16; cull,. $' 75424 Ao stockers, $2.103.25; Texans. $3.75-54.66. stork la fight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western market yesterday: .. 1.942 . . 4.0i .. 1.711 .. 2.6.8) .. b.OtIO ..18,453 Hosts. Sheep 15,2)6 1 087 7.f) ... , 12.600 ' 2,000 10.001 1,7, 4.000 J.OKI 28IO0 16.0U 76.757 21.916 South Omaha Sioux City Kansas city . St. Joaeph .... St. !ui Chicago Totals Bloom C'ltr Live Stoeli Market. SIOl'X CITY. la.. June S.-(8pecial Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipt. 8(0 head: mar ket steady; beeves. t3 865.60: cows anl .0 , 1 i. ' "iocer and feeders. t3.oOi74.00: calves and yearllnr. 12.7504.10. nvnio-nprtiiin, (,ijii nri: market a hade lower selling at 15 1615.224 bulk Of sale-, $5,174. '-". ouik t. Joseph Live stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo, June $. CATTLE Re. eelpt. 1.711 ht.d. 'mara.t steady. 7eekj native, tt ftvg, r,8,; cow and heifers, 11.60 tj00; stockers nd feeder. $2 foiV4 86. Ill K1S Receipts. lo.inl head. market weak to 8c lower; light. 15 2fnf 2,'4: medium and heavy, t526ifA.3-4; hulk of sales, $6.2 feS '-'74- Sllr.EP AND I.A.MHS-Recelpts. l.tTI head, market fur Innibs steady; sheep 10 tjl5c hlpthrr. OMAHA WIIOIKMLK MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qnntatloas ) staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS- Rccilpts, fair; market, steady, candled stock. 15c. LIVE Pol LTRY Hen. 10c; roosters, 60 6c; 1 2tr I Sr-; ducks, inc. Rl'TTER -Packing stock. i;;iil34c; choice to fancy dairy, Is'o'Sde; creamery, 2oJ2lc; prints. 12c. PRl.SIl KISH-Troul, 9c; halibut. 11c; buflalo (dressed I. 8c; pickerel I dressed 1, 8c , white bass (dressed), 12c; sttnflsh. 6c: percil (scaled and dressed). 8c; pike, 9c; catfish, lbc; red snapper, loc; salmon. 14c; erapple. 12c; eel, 15c; bullheads, 11c; black has. 20c; whitefiah Id-eased I, 10c; frog leg, .per dot., 90c; lobsters, gtern, 27c; boiled lobster. Sue; shad roe, 45c. HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice. $7.00: No. I. $6.60; No. 2, $6.00; coarse. $5 00. These firices are for hay of good color and qual iv BRAN Per ton. $15.00. TROPICAL FRl'lT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sixes, $t.7Vt 4 00; extra fancy Mediterranean sweeta, all size, 13 60; fancy navels, sites 136, 150, 176, 200, $3.26; site 80. 96, 112, $2.;6, seedlings, all site, $3 00. LEMONS -LImonlera, extra fancy, 270. 0 and 300 sites, $4.00; fancy, 270. 300 and 360 site, $3 50; choice, -4n ami 270 alxes, $2.b0; 800 and 60 site. $2.75ii3 0O. DATE8-Per box of ao Mb pkg.. $2.00; Hallowe'en, In 7o-b. boxes, per lb, 6c. FIGS California, per lu-li. carton, 7t 85c; Imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; flve orown, 12c. BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch. $L75 fJ2 .. Jumbos, $2.6ltt3.ii0. PINEAPPLES -Florida, per crate of 24. 80 and 36 else, $3.26; 42 fixe, 13 ft). Fit I ITS AND MELONS APRICOTS California, per 4-banket crate, II. 50. Pt. CMS California, per 4-bsket crate, $1.40. PEACHES California, per 25-lb. box, $1.15. CHERRIES California, black, per 8Mb. box. $1.75; white, per 8-lb. box, $200; Mis souri, box of 24-qts., $3(8). STRAWBERRIES Missouri. pr 24-qt. case, $1.75112.00; Hood River, per case of 24 qt , $2.60. TANGERINES California, per talf bog. $2 00. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crate, $150. GOOSEBERRIES-Box of 24 qt $2.60. CANTALOUPES Mexican, per crate, $5.00 6. 00. VEGETABLES. TURNIPS New, per dot., 25c. CARROTS New, per dos., 26c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu 40c. WAX BEANS Per 4-hu. box. 75e; ttrlng beans, per 4-hu. box, 75c; bu. box wax or string, $2.O0'y2.2S. POTATOES Home-grown, in sacks, per bu., 35c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., 75c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.00. crciTHBERB Per dot., 4o'75c. PEAS New. per bu. box, $l.7fi(fJ2.00. TOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket Cratt), $1 60; Florida, fancy, per 8-hasket crate. $3 60; choice, per -basket crate, $2.75. SPINACH-Per bu., 60c. CABBAGE California, In crate, per lb.. 3c. BEETS New, per dot. bunches. 86c. ONIONS New, per dox. bunches, 15c; Bermudas, per crate of about 50 lbs., $1.50. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dot., 20c. LETTUCE Hot house, per dot., 3540c; head lettuce, per dot., 75c. CAULIFLOWER-St. Louis, per crate of 1 dot., $1.60. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 15c; Wisconsin llniburger, 15c; twins, 13rg14c; young Americas, 14c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., l!c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12il34c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard Bhell, per lb., 15c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 areen, 74c; No. 2 green, 64c; No. 1 salted. 84c; No. I salted. 74o; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, 7ffll4c; sheep pelts. 26c$1.00; horse hides, $1.60(83.00. Metal Market. 1 NEW YORK. June 8.-METALS Spot tin was unchanged In London at 136 7s 6d. white futures were 2s 6d higher at 135 5s. The local market was quiet and little lower on tliei average, spot closing at $20.75Sf30.10. Copper was firmer abroad, advancing about 6s 3d and closing at 65 17s 6d for both spot and futures. Locally the market remains unchanged, though a fair demand la reported and the market Is considered a little better In tone. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at $15 00 and casting at $14.76. Lead was unchanged at 12 18s 9d In I-ondon and at $4.60(34.80 In the local market. Spelter was a shade higher In Ixindon, closing at 23 16a, but remained quiet In the New York market at $5.30. Iron closed at 49s 4d in Glasgow and at 45s 6d In Mlddlesborough. Locally there are reports of business a shado under former quotations for No. 2 foundry south ern, but the general situation Is without quotable change. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June g. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at an ad vance of 6(&10 points on bull support and scattered covering In response to higher European cables and smaller primary re ceipt. The close was steady, with June B points higher, August 5 point lower and other months net unchanged. Sales were reported of 71.08) bags. Including: Julv, 6 26ift6.36c; September, 8.40776. 65c; December, 6.70(35.800 : February, 6 9oc; March. .9na6.95i. Spot, steadv: No. 7 Rio, 7c. Mild, quiet Cordova, 1 00130. REAL E8JTATK TRANSFER. DEEDS filed for record June 8. 1905. as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1611 Farnam street, for The Bee: Annie McGlnnl et al to J. H. Beden see, lot 4. block 130. Florence $ B0 J. T. Schultt and wife to Minnie Ackerley, lot 4, block 13, South Omaha J Minnie AckiXey and hushnnd to H. V. and Clara J. Pugeley, same property 2,700 The Old Man's Home of Philadelphia to lots 13 and 14, block 15, Kountxe place 5,000 G. M. Ilrd to Mary Z. Ijilrd, undlvU of lots 20 to 26. block 2. Corel's add to Crelghton Heights 100 W. H. Green to J. A. Flke. part of lot 7, block 2004. city of Omaha, and other property T,000 Wlnnett W. Mcllvalne to Cora A. Saunders, lots 9, block 1, Yates Hemple's add 450 National Life Insurance company to H. F. and O. J. Pitrel. parts of' lot 19, 21. 23 . 28. 27, 29 and 81, block 4, Campbell' add 1,060 H. F. Petrel et al to B. E. McCague, part of lot 21. block 4. Campbell's add J Home Investment companv to Educa tional Society of West German Methodist Episcopal church, lot 17, hlock 96. Dundee J Same to O. llausser, lot 20, block 96, Dundee J E. Kountze Real Estate company to Marie W. Miller, lot 14, block 10, Kountte pluce 1,200 Pioneer Townslte company fo P. Runt, lot 2 to 6 and other property In ubr dlv of out lot A. Remington JJO W. E. Swentzcl and wife to Winifred M. Hayden, lot 27, block 6. Kilby Place 800 Winifred M. Hayden and husband to H. R. Pinkerton, same property TOO E. Kountte Real Estate company fo Lltzie P. Evans, lot 9, block 2, E. Kountze Reserve 8,000 M Queenan to J. Franek, part of lot 3. block 7. Rrown nark 1 .3)0 J. A. Chamlier et al to T. E. Price, part of ne4 of swti of 8-16-13 1 J. II. Burn and wife to L. J. Greger- son. lot 23. block 1, McOavock & O'Keeffe's add 1,800 Union National btnk to R. E Stuart, part of 4 of w4 of nw'4 of 8-15-13 . 1,20) R. E. Westgate and wife to E. E. t.e Beau, lot 21 and 22. block H, Saun ders A Hlmehaugh add 100 United Real Estate and Trust com pany to Alta Smith, part of lot 10, block 31, A. Kountte add 60 Edwards-Wood Co. 'Incorporated 1 Hal a Office: Fifth aad Robert StrMt ST. PAUL. ITINN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your Groitx to lj Braacb Office, 110.111 Hoard ef Trad Bid., Oaaaba, Neb. Telepheae) 8514. 21Z 214 Exchange Bldg South Omaha, tun Phone at, ladadiat fhomt &