Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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le and Companion fitted Againit Each
Other at Colorado Springs.
("amble of Throw In Klshth Glres the
SprloK One Ran and In the
.Math Inning There Was
Plenty Doing;.
hardt wti the whole wheat biscuit during
the matinee and but for the batting rally
In the eighth and ninth he would have
taxved thone Millionaire to death. For
even Innings the bent the locals could do
with him was a scratch hit by Frisbee,
which came In the fourth. He was backed
up by fast fielding and played his position
In a peppery fashion hlmHelf. Companion
was also effective, barring the opening
round, when three hits and a double ncored
a orace or runs. The Millionaires pre
sented a new line-up and the shifting of
positions seemed to work to their advan
tage. Bt. Joseph made two in tho first on
hits by Fleming, Ix-iotte, iJouglas and An
drew"' double. After that Companion set
tied down and In the remaining eight In
ning Bt. Joseph got but five scattered
hits. A base on balls In the ninth, his first
during the game, scored the last run for
the visitors, aa Noyes followed with a
For three Inning the Millionaires went
out In order. Frisbee beat out a bunt to
first, but could get no further than third.
Then for three moro Innings the locals
were retired one, two, three. In the eighth
Mott beat out a alow hit to first and Und
er' single advanced him to third. On Had
er"a steal Qulllln fumhlod tho throw and
Mott scored. With oim down in the ninth
lelehanty hit safe and Tennell waited for
four bnd ones. Knnhe'a sharp hit over
ahort scored Delehanty, Pennell going to
third. Knnbe Mtole second on tho first ball
pitched. Mott made a neat place hit be
tween third and short, sending in Pennell
and Knabe by a fast wprlntlng slide over
the plate with the winning run. Attend
ance, 250. Score:
Ketrhum, cf.. 0 0 0 0 0
flemlng. If... 1 I J 0 0
LtZDtt, rf... 0 1 2 0 0
Uoualas. lb.. 1 1 1 0 0
Andrewi, 3b.. 110 3 1
Mlllln, an..., 0 10(1
0 10 3 0
0 0(00
Indians' pitcher, for only two hits, and
were unable to score. The features of the
game rr the heavy hitting by the In
dians. Fore: Indl.ins, 11; Kentucky uni
versity, 0.
FrlnbM, cf... 0 1 I 0 (i
Blaka. 3b.. .. 0 0 t 6 0
Drlthanty 3b 1 1 0 4 t
Psnnall, rf... 1 0 3 0
Knabe, If.... 112 10
Mntt, lb 113 11
Barter, 0 1 A 1 i N'oyea. 2b.
Mine, c 0 0 3 0 ) -inran. c.
Comp'Dlon, p 0 0 0 2 i; ..'ffhhart. p.O 1 0 3 0
ToUla 4 27 13 : t Totals 3 25 13 2
One out when winiung run was scored.
Colorado Springs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 34
St. J'.seph 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Stolen bases: Andrews. Qulllln, Kmtbe,
Bauer. Three-base hit: Noyes. Banes on
bulls: Off Companion. 1; off I.leblmrt, 1.
Struck out: By Companion, 1; by i.lebhart,
4. Ieft on bases: Colorado Sprins, 4; St.
Joseph, 6. Sacrillce hit: Blake. First base
on error: Colorado Springs, 1. Two-base
hit: Andrews. wild pitch: Companion.
Double play: Blake to Mott. Earned runs:
Colorado Springs, 1; St. Joseph, 1. Time:
1.3V. Umpire: Mace.
Cadnrallader Loses First One.
DENVER, June h. Timely batting by
Hartxell, Helden and McUllvray won the
opening game of the series from Sioux City.
Cadwallader had his picture taken before
the same, and the hoodoo stuck. He not
only lost his first game of the season, but
was bumped for thirteen hits, including two
home runs and a two-bagger. Snortstop
Newton of the vlsitirs was put out of the
game and grounds by Umpire Burns in the
nrst Inning for saying after a close de
cision, "you gave them those two runs."
Wilson, who replaced him, got three hits
three times up, out his error off McUllvray
In tho second cost two runs. Bohannon
pitched masterful ball for Denver and his
support wus all that could bo desired. At
their present stride Denver will make
rough going for the leaders.
The Indians scored their two runs In the
seventh on a hit by Weed, a two-bagger
by Wilson and a dropped thrown bull by
McGllvray with two out. Double plays In
the third and fourtli innings shut oft runs.
Denver scored two in the opening inning
on Hartzell's single and Belden's homer to
center. Two more came In the second on
Wilson's error, Lucia's hit and steal, fol
lowed by hits by McHale and llartzell.
The last tvo runs came In the eighth. Mc
OUvray pounded a homer to left. Bohan
non hit, but was forced by McHule. Huer
wald threw Hartzell's fourth hit, a clever
Dunt, to the bleachers, scoring McHale. At
tendance, 250. Score:
Sheehan. 3b.. 0 0 3 0
O'Hara, If.... 0 0 2 0 0
Weed. 2b 1 3 t 3 U
Nrwton, aa... 0 0 1 0 0
Wilson, as... 1 3 3 3 1
Collins, rf ... 0 12 0 0
Nobllt, cf.... 0 0 3 0 0
Stsrnag!., lb 0 0 4 2 0
Baerwald. c. . 0 0 1 0 1
Cadwal'der, p 0 0 0 3 0
Plttabartr Wins from er York
Thrnnah Wlldneaa of Ames.
PITTSBURG, June . Ames met his first
defeat of the season today, contributing
much to the hss of the game himself. Kadi
of the wild pitches let In a run. Attend
ance, S.710. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R H O A E.
Corner, rf....o 0 4 0 0 rvmlin, ef....O 0 10 0
Clarke. If 0 0 0 1 0 Hrowne, rf...O 10 0 0
Reaumnnt. e. 1 14 0 0 Mrtiann. lb .O 1 10 1 0
Waanrr. ss... t 3 0 4 0 Br.snshan, e. 0 0 4 1 0
Clanr, lb....O 0 4 0 0 Merten, It 113 0 0
Howard, lb .l 110 O'frahlen, ss.... 0 1110
Rltrhsy. 2b. . 0 0 1 t 0 Devlin, Jo .... 0 2 3 11
Learn, 3b 0 2 0 0 0 Ollrwrt. 2b... 0 12 5 0
PHU. c 0 0 4 0 Ol'Stranj 0 0 0 0 0
Case, p 0 0 0 4 0 Amea, p 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 4 27 14 o 1 7 24 11 1
Batted for Gilbert In ninth.
nttsburg 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 4
New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Karned runs: Pittsburg, 2; New York, 1.
Two-base hits: Ixach. JloOann, Devlin.
Three-base hits: Howard, Browne, Mertes.
Stolen base: Beaumont. Double plays:
Rllchey to Howard, Bresnahan to McOann
to Bn snahan, Mdiann (unassisted I. First
biiwe on balls: iff Case, 3; off Ames, 2.
Struck out: By (.'use, .'; by Ames, 6. Wild
Pitches: Ames. 3. Time: 1:05. Umpires:
Johnston and Uwens.
Philadelphia Wins with Stick.
ST. LOUIS, Juno 8. Philadelphia won the
second game of tho series by consecutlvo
hitting, defeating the local Nationals 5 to 2.
Thlelmati was knocked out of the box in
the fourth Inning, three singles being made
by Philadelphia before a man was out.
lvellum succeeded him and fared slightly
better. Attendance, 1,8m). Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Thomas, rf...0 1 3 0 0 Shay, ss. 0 0(40
Oleasnn, 2b.. 0 0 2 3 0 Shannon, 1I..0 110 0
Courtney 3b. 1 2 0 2 0 Arndt, 2b . ..0 0 18 0
Titus, rf 1 1 4 0 OHeikley, lb.O 0 12 4 0
Mnaee, If 0 0 10 O'Bn.oot, cf....l 10 0 0
DraniineM. lb 2 4 I 3 1 tlunleary, rf. 0 0 0 0
Poolln. es 1 3 1 4 1 Hurke, 3b.... 1 1 2 0
Ilooln. c 0 2 f 1 0 ZearfnM. 0... 0 1 ( 2
Duaitleby, p.. 0 0 1 1 0 Thlvlman, p.. 0 0 0 2
Kellutn, P.... 0 0 0 2
Totala t 18 27 13 2 Brain 0 0 0 0
. Totals 2 4 27 19
Batted for Zearfoss In ninth.
Philadelphia 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 05
St. Louis 0 2000000 0:
Earned runs: Philadelphia, 4. Three-base
hit: .earfoss. Home run: Burke. Sacrl
flee hit: Magee. Double plays: Thlelman
to Shay to Beckley, Beckley to Shay. Stolen
base: Smoot. Hits: off Thlelman. 7 In
three Innings; ore Kellum, 6 In six Innings
Wild pitch: Kellum. Bases on balls: Off
Ihlelnian, 1: off Duggleby. 4. Struck out
By Duggleby. n; by Kellum, 4. Time: 1:60,
umpire: i.insiio.
Cincinnati Piles I'p filar Score
CINCINNATI, June 8. Cincinnati had no
trouble clowning Brooklyn today, the poor
fielding of the visitors aiding the local
team greatly. Miss Alice Roosevelt was a
spectator at the game and wae given three
rousing cheers as she left the park after
uie contest was over. Attendance, 3,114.
ouore :
HiiKglns 2b.. 3 3 13 0
Harry, lb.... 2 1 10 0 0
Kelley. If. ... 2 3 1 0 0
Seymour, cf. . 2 2 2 0 0
( orroran, ss.. 1 2 4 6 0
Odwell, rf. ... 0 1 0 0 0
Ilrldwell. 3b . 0 12 2 0
eVhlel. c 1 1 7 3 0
Overall, p 0 0 0 2 0
Lakeland, a suburb of Louisville. Brown
Ing has done nothing for shout ten years
1 "urlng the latter part of his hnse ball ca
reer he was struck on the head with t
pitched ball, and to this Is attributed his
Moore's Pitch In a Too Mnrh
Griffith's Highlanders.
NEW YORK, June 8. -Cleveland shut out
New York today owing to Moore's good
pitching. Attendance, 4,s00. Score:
R.H.O.A.E.! R.H.O.A.E
Vinson, ir o i i o O'Fultt. rf 0 0 0 0
Bar rf 1 1 4 0 0 Heeler, rf.... 0 0 2 0
Pllr. rf 1 1 0 0 0 I'ouaherty, if 0 0 0 0
I.a)ol.. Jb ... 1 2 6 0 1 Williams. 2b. 0 0 0 3
lirsdley, Sb . 1 1 0 4 0 Cnnroy, ss.... 0 13 2
Turner. s...0 1 2 0 ( hsse, lb 0 0 14 0
Stoall, lb...O 3 12 0 l Y-er. 3b... 0 1 1 2
Ruelow, .... 0 0 2 1 0 Klelnow, e.,, 0 0 7 1
Moore, p 0 0 0 4, p.... 0 1 0 2
Totals 4 27 II 21 Totsla 0 4 27 11
Cleveland 0 o 0 0 0 2 0 2 04
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: lAjole. Sacrifice hits
Chase. Buelow. Stolen base: Turner
Double play: Williams to Conroy to Chase
left On liJIMoa K'ah Vn,lr f a ft
First base on balls: Off'chesbro. i; 'oft
Moore, 2. list base on errors: New York
1. Struck out: By Chesbro, 7; by Moore,
i. lime; i:no. e mpire: O Loughlln.
Philadelphia Beats Chicago
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. June V fluprrb
pltchlng by Plank gave Philadelphia Its
victory over Chicago todav. The homo
team fielded poorly, but did good work at
me oai. Attendance. 2.4D0. Score:
Hartael. If... 0 0 0 0 0
Knutht. aa.... 2 2 0 6 2
H H O A 1
Jones, cf 1 1 4 0
Holmes. If . . 0 0 1 1
H lb.. 0 2 11 0 1 Callahan, rf.. 0 0 0 0
Cross. 3b 0 1 1 1 2 O Dals. aa... 0 0 14 0
J v i l McFar and. a. 1 0 2 4
0 110 0 Sullivan, lb..O 0 11 0 0
112 0 1 Dundnn lh... 1 1 X 1 A
Powers. 0.... 0 0 2 0 0 Tannehlll. lh a 1 t a n
nana, p 110 10 Patterson, P.. 0 0 0 1
Bchreci, o.... 0 1 0 0 'Walsh 0 0 0 0 0
. White, p 0 0 0 0 0
Totals ( 27 9 Altrock 0 0 0 0 0
Murphy, 2b.,
Hoffman, cf.,
Lord, rf.
Totals 11 13 27 15 0
Malay, 2b.... 0 1 0 3
Pherkard, If.. 2 1 1 0 0
Lumley, rf. . . 0 1 2 0 0
UaU'h. 3b 0 0 6 3
(j-hfler. lb... 0 2 2
Lf wis, ss.... 0 0 1 1
Pobbs, cf 0 0 2 0
Rltter. c 0 1 3 2
Uaaon, p 0 0 1 4
Totals 2 6 24 16
Cincinnati 4 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 11
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02
Two-base hits Corcoran T.timlav ti,a.
J1""" nu: BnecKara. Stolen base: Bitter,
Base on balls: Off Overall, 3; off Eason. 3,
Sacrifice hits: Kellev Overall n,,t ,
By Overall, 6; by Eason, 3. Time: 1:50. Um
pire: riauswine.
Chlcntco Winn from Boston.
CHICAGO. June 8. Boston alartst n-ll
and held the lead till the sixth Inning, when
nit? locals negan to nit Fraser savagely.
mm uie Kame Decame a larce. At
tendance, 2,300. Score:
slam, cf 10 2 0 0
Hchulte If. ... 2 1 1 0 VI
Maloney, rf.. 0 1 4 0 0
l hanre. lb... 3 1 6 0 i
Tinker, sa. ... 2 4 2 4 0
Eve. 2b 2 16 11
Caaey, 3b. . .
Kling. c...
Welmer, p..
Chicago .
Boston . . .
12 11
0 14 0
.0 0 0 3
Cannell, cf... 0 0 2 0 0
Tenney, lb. . . 0 1 11 0 0
Ab'tlchlo, ss. 0 3 1 2 0
Oelehsnty, If. 0 0 0 0 0
wolvert'n, 3b 1 0 1 3
Uolan, rf 1 2 4 0 o
tlaymer, 2b.. 0 2 1 4 0
treet, e 0 0 4 1
raser, p 0 1 0 1
MrHale, cf... 1 1 2 0 0
Harwell, 3b.. 14 13 0
Randall, rf... 0 1 1 0 o!
Ilelilen If ... 1 3 1 0 0
Perrlne, 2b... 0 0 3 7 0
Hnelsk'ter. ss 0 0 3 4 0
MrUllvray, lb 3 2 12 0 1
Luila, c 114 10
liuhannon, p. 0 2 0 0 0
6 13 27 16 1
Totala 3 4 24 10 2
Denver 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 J
Sloux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02
Stolen bases: Perrlne, Lucia. Sacrifice
hits: Belden, Perrlne, Lucia. Bases on
balls: Off Bohannon, 1; off Cadwallader, 2.
Struck out: By Bohannon, 4. Ijett on
bases: Denver, 9; Sloux City, 4. First base
on errors: Denver, 1; Sloux City, 1. Homo
runs: Belden. McGllvray. Two-base hits
Bohannon. Wilson. Double plays: Perrlne
to Hoelskoetter to McUllvray, Hoelskoet
ter to Perrlne, Wilson to W ood to Slar
nanle. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Burns.
Standlugr of the Teams,
Played. Won. l,ost. Pet
... 35 23 10 .714
...34 31
... 38 22
.. 3 17
.. 35 12
..36 11
Uames toriav: riea Mnln... at nn,.i,. c
Jowph at Colorado Springs, Sioux City at
Sloux City
Dis Moines
St. Joseph
Colorado Springs
Manager t'lmer 1st Fined.
Clynier. manager of the Columbus tram
2 t" -AfiTlean association, was today
fined 15 and put under 3hj peace bond
fur ninety days by Judge McC'ann In the
police court. Clynier was arrested during
yesurday s game for repeatedly disputing
the decisions of Umpire King, and was
finally taken off the grounds by the poll,..
I mpire King has sent In his report of the
?i,i.r "aVrr.s,l.d,,nt ''ien at Milwaukee.
-e .1 iAl i)l'h- June -Resident O'Brien
of the American association base ball clubs
announced that he has suspended Manager
Clynier ol the Columbus team Indefinitely.
Indiana Shut Ont 'Varalt7 xine
LEXINGTON. Ky.. June 8.-(8polBl
defeated here oduy by the Nebraska In
dians. The college boys found Tobey the
11 12 27 9 , Totala 2 ? 24 12
0 0 0 1 0 3 6 2 11
0 200000002
L,eit on bases: Chicago, 2; Boston, 9. Two
base hits: Dolan, Raymer. Sacrifice hit:
Evers Stolen bases: Slagie, Schulte, Chance
(-1, Tinker (2. Double play: Abbatichlo
to Raymer to Tenney. Bases on balls: Oft
, ' r raser, o. lilt with ball: By
Welmer, 1; by Eraser, 2. Struck out: By
.......VI, ,, viv rui.IT, i. wiia pucn: uraser,
lime: l:o0. Umpire: Klem.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost Pet.
New Y'ork .,
Pittsburg ...
Cincinnati .
St. Ixuls ..,
... 42
... 48
... 46
... 48
... 46
Guinea today: Boston at Chiea urn. "R i"t-ari lr
ly.n.,at Cincinnati, New York at Pittsburg,
I'll flu .!, I, in ... 3. T 1 '
Omaha and lies Moines,
Another aeries of base ball games will be
opened at the Vinton Street park this
a, ii.M.ii, worn me umana Champions and
the Des Moines Underwriters will try to
take games away from each other for the
double purpose of getting to the top of the
average column and to please the fans As
" , ""y ne game, ami
as the vantlllion hoys are near the top and
the Rangera are going to be, some brisk
playing is promised. The Hawkeye tea.,,
will be here Friday, Saturday and Sunday
afternoons, eacli game being called at the
, ,t 'AV. a,,- 'riaay win be "Lad is
day." The lir.eun: abulia
Omaha. Position.
i'homas First base..
Martin Second base..
Dolan Shortstop .
Whlpke Third base..
Theil Left field..
Welch Center field,
Carter Hi?h.t fii.
Gondlng-Freese. Catcher . Wa'k'efield-Towno
"y I.'V'l'Pr Mansko
r..,Vu v r Morrison
9ulrk Pitcher Steele.
Pitcher ..Lelfleld
Corbett gold to Portland.
ST. PAUL. June 8. Pitcher Teddv Cor
bett of the St. Paul base ball team has
been sold by Manager Kelly to the Port
land (Ore.) club and will leave for the
west tomorrow. The reason of the sale nf
oroett is that the St. Paul pitching staff
...... "iiiie" v.uroei nas made a good
record, the addition of Carney to the
pitching force made It necessary for Man
ager Kelly to dispose of one of his six
Des Moines
, Ganlev
. ..Hogrlever
"Pete- Drowning: lasnne.
LOUISVILLE. Ky June R.-Louls Brown
ing, known fifteen years ago under the
familiar name of "Pete" Mi 'nUSI-l f (1 u ns-j4
one of the greatest bail players in America.
luuay commuted to the asylum at
OLD SORES ofsive-
TCnt H i n cf jd fnea : 11 . .
.... & "v,.v uucujuc man an old sore
. it is
is tried, but does no good, until the very
sarae eerra
that refuses to heal. Patiently, dav after ; . ,
salve, powder, etc.. that is heard' o7 7, tr 'i ".tticu an nur?.ea: evcr7
sight of it grows offensive to the sti
JLt daero
fi " every old sore. The cause Is in
remains the sore will be ..So?lt years go my blood became poisoned and
there and continue to grow da0' to'd.?le I ld have mnuing sores for
worse and more destructive. n. " w dosed up tbe result
The fact that thousands of off their trLtnt" disco,JraSin-f port I
old sores have been cut out s si lt tndnmtgAtoXh9
and even the bones scraped. litkmlytnyS
and yet they returned, is in- tirely cure up tU ?res and 1 am not!, to
disputable evidence that the doctor, intinfated U ftEte J
blood is diseased and respon- evfr broken out again. John W. Fundm
sible for the sore or ulcer. heel,nS-w-Va., May
Valuable time is lost in experimenting with external treatments such as
salves, powders, washes, etc.. because the germs and poisons in tZ VI,
must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S Tcleansea W
fies the circulation sr it-
, . v UiWU w ine parta and
v,. nu.Btnuy. a. S. S. not Onlv
removes the germs and poisons, but strengthens the
blood and builds up the entire system by stimulat
ing the organs, increasing the appetite and eivinc
exhilarating tonic, aids the digestion and puts every part of the bodv i
good healthy condition. Book on the blood, with any medical advice wished
without charge. r JvyfT SPcnG COmf ATlAHTAi '
I I 24 16 1
Patted for Patterson In seventh.
Batted for White In ninth.
Philadelphia 1 10 0 12 10
Chicago 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 03
Irf-ft on bases: Chicago, 7; Philadelphia.
4. Earned runs: Chicago, 1; Philadelphia
o. iu-uur.e mis: i. iavis (Z), Tunnchlll
sacrifice hits: Lord, Hoffman. Double
piay: jvicrariand to (. Davis. Hits: Off
Patterson. 8 In six Innings; off White, 1 In
two Innings. Struck out: By Plank, 9; by
iciiiciauu. i, ny niie, i. r ust nase on
nans: urr Flank, 1; off Patterson, 3; off
Willie, 2. Time: 1:45. Umpires: Kelley
mm .in. v-ni lily .
Boston Wins from St. Louis.
BOSTON, June S.-A batting rally In the
ninth, when two men were out, scored three
runs ior noston and beat St. I.ouls today.
St. Ixiuls forced a change of pitchers in
the llrst Inning. Glade pitched superbly un
til the ninth, when four hits were made by
"uDwii, rtiu'iiuttnur, ocore:
.. . . R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E
r-iDscn n... o 2(0 0 Stona. lf a 0 l ft i
Mnran, 2b.... 112 2
Vanzant, rf.. 1 1 1 0 0
Knrhler, cf... 1 1 i 0 0
Jones, lb 0 1 11 0 0
Wallace, as.. 0 0 0 4
Oleason. 3b.. 0 1 0 1
Parent, ss. ... 0 0 1 4 0'
tlurkett. If... 0 0 2 0 0
Colllna, 2b... 0 10 0 1
8tahl, cf 1 1 i 0 0
Orlmshaw, lb 0 0 11 0 0
Ferris, Sb.... 1 1 1 1 ol
vriger, c a o a 2 o ?u1en, c... 0 0 4 2
Olhaon, p 0 0 0 0 0 Glada. p 0 0 0 3
Freeman ...1100(1
Winter, p.... 0 1 0 4 il Totala I 62 12
Lnglaub .... 1 1 0 0 0
Totals i I 27 11 1
Two out when winning run scored.
"Freeman batted for CTiger in ninth.
Batted for Winter in ninth.
ttosion 0 1000000 34
oi. jouia 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03
iwo-hase hits: Koehler, Moran. Sacri
fice hits: Ferris. Oleason. Vn
Off Gibson, 2 In one-third inning; off Win
ter, 3 In eight and two-thirds innings. First
unnr ii units, vii vzioson, i; o IT winter, 3
on uiaae, z. struck out: By Glade, 4- by
Winter, 4. Time: 1:42. Umpire: Connolly.
Detroit Wins In Eleventh.
WASHINGTON. June 8.-Two bases on
balls and a scratch hit In the eleventh In
ning decided today's game in Detroit's
lavur. aufiiaance, o.uuo. ocore:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A E
Brhaefer. 2b.. 0 12 0 PHIll. 3b 0 0 2 1
vuuicjr, I-, j 0 v o . ones, cl 2 1 3 i i
Htanl. Ib 119 0
Anderson, rf. 0 3 3 6 0
Huelsman. If 0 0 2 0 o
.nuiien, 2D. . . l 1 2 1 0
Caselrty, sa.., 1 1 2 t 1
neaon, c... 0 1 1 4
riugnec, p.... 0 2 0 )1
6 10 33 14 4
Hk-kman. rf. 0 1 0 1 0
Crawford, lb. 1 1 8 1 0
Coughlln, 3b. 2 1 0 4 ol
I'leary, sa.... 2 4 4 6 n
Lowe, If-cf... 112 0 0
Drill, c 0 1 10 0 01
IJonovan, p. . 0 0 1 1 0
Mullln, It 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 11 33 12 1
ueirou o at 0000020 18
Washington ....0 001111100 06
Lamed runs: Detroit, 3; Washington. 3
inree-oase nits: Jones, Crawford. Stolen
"l"r-'', juovm, i,ue, urui. sacrifice hits:
Cassidy. Hevdon. Uli knmn 1 .v. n.m
Double plays: O'Leary tunasslsted), Cough
lln to Crawford to O'Lenry. First base on
vuub. ju iiiikucs, i, on uonovan, 1. Hit
by pitched ball: By Donovan. 1. MrmwU
out: By Hughes. 7; by Donovan. 8 l eft on
i'euoii, ; Washington, 6. Time:
2:1a. Umpire: Sheridan.
standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost,
.... SI
.... 41
.... 41
.... 41
.... 39
.... 42
.... 4rt
St. Louis 43
Games today: Chicaeo at Philadelphia
St. Louis at Boston, Detroit at Washing
ton, vieveiauu at j-sew 1 org.
Cleveland ..
Detroit ,
Washington ,
New ork
25 12 .755
24 17 .6X5
23 IS .661
21 20 .Mu
18 21 ,42
18 24 .4:9
16 24 . 400
17 26 . 395
Of the tournament teams hnwlino ii.t
night Bengele and Zimmerman were high
with 1,850. and BenKele's K9 nuts him in
second place among the scratch men. Ton-
neman nan tne high single game for the
night with 213. but carried off the lnwt
also when he drew five splits in his open
ing game. The teams tonight are Gideon
and Vansant and McCague and McKelvey
at 7:30 and Sutton and Nelson and Collins
and O'Conner at 9. Scores:
1-2. 3. 4 6. Tot. Hdp. Tot.
Bengele 1S7 204 195 171 212 9i!9 0 9R9
Zimmerman.. 144 lt!7 180 lsti 179 Soil 25 8M
Totals ....331 371 375 357 391-1.825 25 1.850
Molyneaux . .1G8 180 170 199 ltio 877 60 937
Heft 158 100 103 157 192 S) til 8!ki
Totala ,...32tf 340 3 356 352 1.707 120 1 S27
Tonneman ...122 213 187 107 858 10 g.
Chumlea 119 luo 201 151 ltil 817 50 n
Totals ....271 3tS 388 320 328 1,65 W 1,735
Lincoln Alhletes for Chicago.
LINCOLN. June 8 iSm-hl isi u..
coin High school athletes this afternoon left
.j.. v.. '", Kiirn nify win participate In
the athletic meet In that city Saturday In
the interscholastlc meet will be seventy
high SChOOlS. The Lincoln hnvi mhn !. .
dav for the scene of the contest are Captain
Sidney Collins, Curtis Collins, Henry Bom
merhalder, Frank Winters, Harvey Rath
bone and Manager Walker Iwis.
Southern l.eauoe Games.
At Montaomerv Montirnmrv i- w. ...
leans. B. '
At Nashville Nashville, 2; Little Rock 4
At Hlrminii ham rilrmlnu h ,,, o- .' '
..... . ........ w , .iiiii-
phls. 1.
At Atlanta Atlanta, 8; Shreveport, 2.
orth Loup Wlna First One.
NORTH LOUP N'h .Tuna II a.,ii
i.o ..tin iruun waa openen in North Ixiup
by a game between North Loup and Scotia.
In which the home team urm Fv a
8 to 4. " ' '
Des Moines Team Beta a New Mark for
last Hitch, finn and Couple.
Racers on Their Mettle and Bis
Crowd tees gome Kscltlna- Sport
and a fireat Ride by
Interest In the firemen's tournament at
Council Rluffs still continues and the crowd
nt the old Union park was almost a dupli
cate of the day before, but there was a
notable exception, and that was the order
that prevailed. The crowding onto the
track was stopped In Its Inclplency and the
racers had a clear field and took advantage
of it by smashing several national and state
records. A card of ten races was pulled off
In record time, and the crowd left nearly
an hour earlier than the day before, when
but six events were finished. The firemen
were congratulated on nil sides for the dis
patch with which the various events were
run off.
The renter of Interest was In the paid de
partment contest for a purse of 1700 and
open to the world, although the rest of the
world was not present and the same teama
ran that furnished so much excitement the
day before. Jnek and Jack, the crack team
from Des Moines, went through their per
formance without a slip and beat the
world's record, made by themselves, when
the men arose from bed, slid down the pole
and hitched the team, drove half a mile and
made a coupling In 1:15. There were sev
eral sensational features In this race and
the crowd was wrought up to the highest
pitch at all times. When the Sloux City
team, state champions, came out as the
lest team, the men realized that they were
against a hard proposition to bent the time
of the Des Moines champions, yet they
went after them. A slight delay at the
start and another at the finish gave them
a slight setback. On the finish the coupler
Jumped from the cart and was thrown head-
over-heels and yet lit In about the right
spot so that he made one lunge for tho
hose and made the coupling without any
apparent loss of time. Council Bluffs had
plenty of rooters for its teams, but they
were both unfortunate at the start.
Events for the Amateurs.
In the tug-of-war Newton outpulled In
dlanola after about three minutes, and
then Humboldt beat Newton, giving Hum
boldt the Drat place. ThiB event interested
the crowd as In days of yore, in fact it is
one tif the few events In which the men
are matched face to face, most of the
events being against the watch and run
In the ladder-cllmblng contest, Zalmer of
Carroll made the climb In 8 seconds. Wood
cock of Marlon In 7 seconds and Risner of
Marlon won In fi seconds. The runner ran
fifty feet, climbed a thirty-foot ladder, the
ladder laying on the ground until the start
was made and then raised to not less than
40 degrees, and the time counted from the
pistol shot until the runner touched the top
In the state race the Neola team was en
abled to hold the state belt, which It had
won last year In the time of 0:33. by dolnar
the stunt in 0:32. In this event a coupling
Is made after the run. Carroll was second
in 0:33; Malvern third In 0:37. and Odebolt
fourth In 0:37.
Odebolt protested the amateur hose race
and was allowed a second trial as the
coupling caught the first time and an ax
was needed to loosen It. Odebolt won li
0.37, Shenandoah was second In 0.39 and
.uaivern was given, no time.
Marlon sent out a splendid team to con
test for the fire company drill corps prize.
and before they were half through It was
the unanimous opinion that the company
that won from tho Marlon boys would have
to go some. The team was scored 0.9S by
Judges Major Tinley, Colonel C. L. Root
of Lyons and Sam Green of Council Bluffs,
The Rock Island team of Valley Junction
also made a natty appearance in their
white uniforms and pink carnations, but
the other team was bettor In the eyes of
the Judges and took the persimmons
Odebolt bea: Shenandoah by a second in
the consolation race, and Al Marks of Car
roll beat McCracken of Shenandoah by a
fifth of a seconil in the leaders' foot race,
Oldfleld Knees In the Rain.
The ruin was coming down quite hard
when Barney Oldlicld appealed for his first
trial, but this did not seem to bother this
daredevel at all, and he simply pulled all
tne harder on Ills cigar and let the ma
chine go right through the shower, whose
only perceptible effect was to settle the
dust somewhat. In the second trial the
rain had settled the dust and made the
track fant, and it was announced that Bar
ney would go against the world's record for
a mile circular track. The difference was
very perceptible to those who had seen the
other performances of this tlme-deRplser,
for he did not take the trouble to shut off
his engines while making the turns, but
simply let her go for what she was worth.
Coming down the stralght-a-way In front
of the grandstand the approach of the
Green Dragon looked like a cyclone, and
a buzz and a whirl and he was gone for
another lap. The time announced for the
second trial for the live miles was 4:52,
which is the world's record for this sort of
a track.
Owing to the heavy rain which came up
as Oldfleld finished his last trial It was de
cided to postpone the auto and motor cycle
races until this afternoon. Yesterday'B
summary :
Amateur hose race: First nrlze IfiO Orte.
bolt; second prize 340. Shenandoah. Time:
on the whole a very Interesting program
of events. Many were disappointed that
the motorcycles did not go Thursday
afternoon, but the shower that came up
prevented, so this fast race will le run
this afternoon. Louis Flesrher was on
hand with his new motor, and Judging
from the manner In which It lias been
winning hill climbing contests It ought
to go some on the track at the Bluffs
which Barney Oldfleld pronounces as fast
as any In the country. The purses are all
good for this afternoon's card and the
teams are all on edge to make as good
record on tho week as possible. Hundreds
of people from Omaha were disappointed
that they did not get to see the Omaha
autos run as per schedule, but they were
also put off because of tho storm. To
day's firemen's events:
1:00 p. m , hose race, 0:40 class, purse
JlKi: Hrst prize, $50; second prize, $40; third
prize, $20.
2:00 p. in., second state hose race, purse
$-4n, including belt: First prize, silver i
belt $liio, cash $50; second prize. $50; third '
prize. $:&; fourth prize, $16. Tho team mak- '
ing the fastest time In either state hose i
race will be entitled to the state belt and !
first Iirlze. I
2:30 p. m., paid fire department, hub and J
hub race, purse $150: Fust prize, $Hi; ser-
ond prize, $50. Association rules to govern. ;
3:00 p. m., novelty bub ami bub race, j
purse Jltio: First prize. $75; second prize,
$5H; third prize, $26; fourth prize, $15. In
this novelty hub and hub race, team to
start at judges' stand, run 125. yards on
track to cart, take up cart and return, :
lay 150 feet of hose, break coupling and put
on pipe rame as In state hose race. All .
teams competing at tournament must take 1
part In race.
4:00 p. m., hub find hub race, between the
two teams making fastest time at tourna
ment: Purse, $40.
off Jager, 1 Struck out: Bv Kllroy, 3; hv
Jaearrr. S; tv Crnlsr. 1. Passed ball: Schmidt,
left on b-ises: Kansas Cltv. &; Minneapolis,
7. Time: 1 ;6o. .'mpire: Glfford.
Standing of the Teams.
Columbus ..
Milwaukee ,
Mlnnen polls
St. l'nul ....
Iiidiana polls
Kansas city
I'laed. Won. L'St. Fct
45 29 1 6 .;,
44 21 1
44 26 19 .6W
45 24 21 .5.H
40 IS 22 .450
4 2 2 .4
4:1 IK 2,' .3,2
43 15 2S .348
Onmes todav: Milwniike at tnHinnnii.
Kansas City at Toledo. St. Taul at louls
vllle. Minneapolis at Columbus.
Hole Staa at University.
...'V.jy J,,r"' -"I",I'I'1 Telegram 1
-Ldnard Rule, at present director of Iowa
university gymnasium, hss been emplovM
for next season at n salarv of $l.r Uul.-
formerly director of flie Vminit Men's
Christian association gymnasium at Des
Moines and Iowa City
Minneapolis mill iet Thomas.
DETROIT, June . -Manager Armour of
the Detroit American league Imsc bail
team, telegraphed Secretary Nevln today
that he would In a few davs release Pitcher
Forrest Thomas to the Minneapolis Ameri
can association team.
Mine F.xplnalnn In Scotland.
INVERNESS. June 8.-An explosion oc
curred In the Inverness coal mine today.
Sixteen persons are reported to have been
Sporting: lirevltlea.
Fishermen are miDrovlmr their nnnn-,...
ties during this cool weather and the cars
to Courtland and Manawa are crowded
with fishermen going and coming.
Fred Williams, former ntuph . v.
Crelghton university foot ball team has
turned his attention to foot runners and
has made a winning team at Neola.
Henllne's prowess with the stick has not
been In evidence since donning the Omaha
uniform, but he may be starting out slow
like the rest of the Omaha team did.
There Is more excitement in seeing a
beautiful team of horses run from their
stalls as the firemen come down the poles
than In most sporting contests. The way
that some of those lire horses could take
the beautiful, rubber tired, white enameled
wagons and whirl thm for half a mile
whllu hauling four men and aome hose was
a wonder.
The Omaha Field club will hold Its first
open handicap tennis tournament Saturday
and It is expected the entry list will be
oecause or me interest that has been
aroused and because of the postponement
from last week. The courts are In most
excellent condition and the directors expect
to play off the finals next week, Saturday,
June 17, on the opening day of the club.
Those wishing to enter should hand their
names to W. M. Woods or F. R. Dufrene.
Bummer coat and pants to order, $20.
McCarthy Tailoring Co., 304 8. 16th Bt.
Hook and ladder race: Purse 1150. Marlon-
Time: 0:4;;.
1-irst mate race: First nrizo 15a
and belt, Neola; second prize, $50, Carroll;
third prize $26, Malvern; fourth prize $15,
Odebolt. Time: 0:32.
Paid fire department free for all onen
to tlie world: prize $100, Des Moines
No. 2. Jack and Jack: second nrlze
lies Moines No. 1, Black and Tan; third
prize liio, Sioux City No. 1, Corbett and
Sullivan. Time: 1:15.
Hub and huh race, between two teams
making the slowest time in amateur hose
race: First prize $.'i5. Odebolt: second
prize $15. Shenandoah: Time, 0:30.
hire company drill corps: ! list nr ze
$li, B. F. Mentzer company of Marlon;
second prize $5o. Rock Island Drill corps
or vauey junction, percentage va ana
Leaders foot race: First prize $15, Al
Marks of Carroll; second prize Jlo, Mc
Cracken of Shenandoah. Time: 0:26.
Ladder climbing contest: First prize
gold medal, value $.'5, Rlmier of Marlon.
Time: 0;(1.
Tug of war: First prize $20 and rope,
Humboldt; second prize $16, Newton.
Oldfleld, five miles against time, 4:52.
Program for Today.
Five races In the firemen's tournament
remain to be run this afternoon and these
will be interspersed with automobile races
and motorcycle races, which will make
Milwaukee ulna from St. Paul by
Timely Hitting.
MILWAUKEE, June 8. Milwaukee won
the last game of the series from St. Paul
by a score of 7 to 5, by timely hitting, coup
led with errors on the part of the visitors.
Attendance, 1,038. Score
R.ll O.A.E.r K.H.O A.E.
Robinson, ss. 3 1 2 1 1 Oeler. rf 0 1 1 0 0
O'Neill, lf.,.0 1 1 0 0 CHemD'U. rf 1 1 2 0 0
M'l'h'sn'r. rf I 3 2 1 f Wtireler. 3h. . 0 0 110
J (I'Drlen lh 1 0 0 0 0 I' u Hrien, aa 0 1 2 2 0
F Hemp' II, cf 0 2 0 0 Varran. Sb. . . 1 12 6 1
MK 'mlc-k, 2b 0 0 2 2 0 Flournny, if.. 1 2 2 0 1
' lrk. 3b 0 2 0 0 0 Kelley, lb.... 110 10
nevllle, c 0 1 2 0 0 Nnonan. c 1 2 S 1 0
H!rkeyv p....O 0 0 1 0 Ferguson, p..O 2 0 0 0
Iinughertjr, p. 0 0 0 2 0 Evans, p 0 0 0 V 0
McKay 10000
1 Totals 5 11 24 11 2
Totals 7 10 rj T l
Batted for Hlckey In fourth.
Milwaukee 2 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 7
St. Paul o 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 05
Earned runs: Milwaukee, 3; St. Paul, 4.
Hits: Off Hlckey, 9 in four Innings; off
Dougherty, 2 In five Innings; off Ferguson,
7 In four innings; off Evans, 4 in four in
nings. Two-base hits: F. Hemphill, O'Neill,
Home run: Nnonan. Stolen bases: McChes
ney (2). Bases on balls: Off lllckev, 1; off
Dougherty, 3; off Ferguson, 2, on 'ivans. 1.
Hit by pitched ball: McCormlck. Wild pitch:
Ferguson. Struck out: By Hickev, 2; bv
Ferguson, 1; by Evans, 2. Double plays":
McCormlck to J. O'Brien; 'Marfan to p.
O'Brien to Kelly. Sacrifice lilts: O'Neill
(2), Kelley. IWt on buses: Milwaukee, 0;
St. Paul. 8. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Yeager.
Irfulsvllle Ontplas Columbus.
LOUISVILLE. June 8. Ixuilsville out
played Columbus today and made it three
out of four. Columbus could not bat Wright
with men on bases. Attendance, L4o0.
Score :
R.H.O.A.E. Davis, rf 0 10 0 0
Hallman, If . 2 2 3 0 0 Plrkfrlng, rf. 1 13 0 1
Sullivan. 3b.. 12 0 10 Hulewltt. ra . 1 1 2 2 0
Brashear. 2b. 0 0 4 0 Congaltnn, lf. 1 I 4 0 1
Kerwln. rf... 1110 0 Kihm. lb 0 2 10 0 0
fjeiter. lb...l 1 12 0 0 Wrigloy, 2b.. 0 112 0
Woodruff, cf. 0 1 3 0 0 Darbeau, 3b.. 0 1 8 2 0
Shaw, c 1 1 1 1 0 Kyan, c 2 3 1 2 0
Qulnlan, aa.. 0 1 2 4 1 Berger, p 0 0 0 6 0
Wright, p.... 1 0 12 0 Dorner, p....O 0 0 0 0
Totals 7 27 14 l Totals 6 12 27 13 2
Louisville 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 07
Columbus 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 (f 5
Two-base hits: Corralton, Rvan. Three
base hits: Kerwln, Ryan. Stolen base:
Woodruff. Sacrifice hits: Woodruff. Quln
lan, Berger, Hulswltt. Bases on balls: off
Wright, 3; off Berger, 3. Struck out: By
l Berger. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Berger,
2; by Dorner. 1. Double play: yulnlan to
Brashear to Dexter. Left on bases: Le- W
Ille, 1; Columbus. 7. Hits: Off Berger, 6 In
five and luo-inlrds innings; olt doiih., 1
In throe and one-third innings. Time: 1:50.
Umpire: King.
Toledo Heats Indianapolis.
TOLEDO. O., June K. Toledo hit Reldv
hard in the llrst Inning today and drove
him out of the box in the third after mak
ing enough runs to win tho game. At
tendance, 1.500. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. K.H.O.A.E.
rilngman ss. 1 1 1 i 1 Tarry, 3b 0 0 5 i 0
Olltrt, cf ... 1 2 i 0 0 Brum, rf 1 0 1 u o
Durrett. If... 0 1 2 0 0 MrCreery, cf. 1 3 0 0 0
Lee. rr 0 2 2 0 0 Thorey. If ... 2
bemont, 2b.. 1 0 1 5 l Farrell, 2h.
Hnyle, lb 2 2 0 2 Osleen, ss..
Morlarlty, 3b. 2 2 1 2 l Puff, c
Hark, c 10 7 10 Koth, lb...
Mlnahan, p... 0 1 0 0 0 Reidy, p....
iMcOlll, p...
Totala 11 27 11 i
I Totals...
Toledo 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 e
Indianapolis 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 26
Two-base hits: Boyle (2), Morlarlty, Mln
ahan. McCreary (2). Home runs: Morlar
lty (2). Stolen bases CUngman, Dc;, ,t,
Thoney. Left on bases: Toledo, 6; limui
apolls, 8. Double play: Carr (unassisted).
First base on bulls: Off Mlnahan, 5; off
Reldy, 3; off Mcfilll, 2. Struck out: By
Mlnahan, 6; by McGill, 2. Hits: Off Reldy,
8 In three Innings; off McGill, 3 In five in
nings. Wild pitches: Mlnahan, 4. Passed
ball: Duff. Time: 1:15. Umpire: Haskell.
Minneapolis Wins In Fourth,
KANSAS CI TV, June 8. Minneapolis won
the game In the fourth Inning today, when
Kllroy was knocked out of the box. Mor
gan, who relieved him, was wild. Craig,
who was substituted for Jaegor, was very
effective. Attendance, U00. Score:
K.H.O.A.E.) R.II.O.A.B.
Oraham, cf..O 3 1 0 0 Tastro, 2b 1 1 3 2 1
Sullivan, rf..O 0 0 0 0 Name, cf 2 1 1 1 o
Freeman, lb.. 0 1 11 1 0 Mawv, lb...O 2 6 0 0
Coulter. If.... 1 1 3 0 0 Rlrkert. If... 0 14 0 0
Schmidt, c... 0 1 7 0 u Donahue, 3b.. 0 0 10 0
Oremlng'r. 3b 2 2 2 2 OFranise, rf... 0 12 10
Foi, 2b 110 10 Under c II n f. 1 n
0.vler, ss 2 1 2 3 1 Ilowney, ss... 0 1 6 2 0
jaeger, p u o u 1 0 Kllroy, p ..
Craig, p o 2 1 1 0 Morgan, p..
Hynes 110 0 0
! Totals....
Totals 7 13 27 11 ij
Batted for Jaeger In fourth.
Minneapolis 0 0 0 5 0
Kansas City 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 o o 4
Earned runs: Kansas city. 3; Minneapolis,
Two-base hltB: Masxey, Kllroy. Home
run: Greminger. Sacrifice hits: Sullivan.
Freeman. Miissev. Kti.l,.n i. v..,.u
Double plays: Greminger to Freeman; Rlck
ert (unassisted); Rlckert to Castro; Frantse
to Butler. Hits: off Kllroy. 8 in four In
nings; off Morgan. 5 In five innl I1BTM tiff
Jaeger. 3 in three innings: off C-alg. 5 in
six innings. Bases on ballB: Off Morgan, 5;
2 ' 2 0 0
1 113 2 0
0 18 3 2
0 14 11
0 0 6 1 0
0 0 0 1 n
110 2 0
6 24 12 3
happy nmbltlon. von
are restless and unrefreshlng ami each nior iV "yo aken.C'.'"'
cheerless realization of vour physical Impediment. nn "gain to
have neither the ambition no? I I.J ' SowerM. i i.Untaln vour h7n'',
fellow men. drag through a miserable exls en ce often wishl, L V, rn'Vn,..V
end your troubles. In many cases self-ab, s?. nl.rhr .l'MilKJ.fV..,,J,:,,ll
properly treated private diseases, which cause St rlci.Vre v0V!fl''7''rt,, ''''
Kidney and Bladder diseases. These d sWsei (or Prostatic,
th'rii'g.'i'iy.0"1 UlP rl"ht 'XiZ an';
'.. . J .rnre f fhcse diseases that so Insldlouslv destrov .h ..
,' are suffering from physical weakness and
loss of sexual vigor, your nervous iv.iL,,, i. i, , ,
Pleted and your m.d Veakonc d Tim, Urcd ''iTf,''',.
not what It should be. Desponden ,v . ,7A..V,f.?. '
, many cases self-abuse, night losses mi h X- ... . , " .2
1 ritht- 1 1 I. u . - j, - . . " 1 e
: . ' . J" ,'.v': 7 manhood, secure the sen-ices of the eminent J.i , '. "
rpi .JI, -i v. ...inln
r,,mi nuity. Drain fatiguo and wrecked manhood.
i 'Hiiit-t n-(i Willi I 'in . (if frii mi e,v. nnmin
.i-.. ,iu Li' jv"wi 'i'H.i-. i nny w Rton thn im.v. i
vicYim ZtwvZll?X fZV"rl", liable
We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly mannooc
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis,) Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
ceelf evl, habits. x.
rarnam St., Betw.en i3th and 14th Strata, Omaha, Nab.
- "
I r . w
m i .
.110 3 0
0 0 U 4 0
4 i 27 14 1
1 1 0 u-7
1 ' is . 1
ia camornia, June 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 27. 28, 29,
30. , $56 00
June 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30. . . .$56.00
dune .iU to July 4 $15 qq
I)ai1 $20.00
I)aiI' , . $30.50
Through, including hotels and stage, daily until Septera-
ber 17 $75.00
Cody, Wjfo., Black Hills Resorts, and Hot Springs, S. D., and Return,
I)ail-V Approximately Half Rates
I)ai,v Low Tourist Rates
Canada, Maine and New England; St, Lawrence and Lake Champlaln Regions
I)ail-V Low Tourist Rates
MILWAUKEE, WIS., and Return, June 16 to 19 $15.25
TORONTO, ONT., and Return, June 18, 19, 21 and 22. . . .$27 15
INDIANAPOLIS and Return, June 19 and 22 $19.40
BALTIMORE and Return, July 1 to 3 '..$32.25
BUFFALO and Return, July 7 to 9 .'.V.'.$26.75
ASBURY PARK and Return, via New York or Direct,
June 28 to July 1 $34.10
NIAGARA FALLS and Return, June 17 to 19 $26.75
It you will call or write, It would be a rleasure to ad
vise you about rates, train Bervlce, to reserve you a berth
and try to make your trip a comfortable one.
J. B. REYNOLDS. Ticket Agent. 1502 Farnam Street, OMAHA.
Ask for Sheboygan, tbe famous Wiscon
sin water.
There is
no auch thing
paying the same
price and g-efUnt" the
same quality. At
your tobac-
'""""l"'"""lrt iisiiii. nr.i.i 111 nsiissiaa'.i rm' mm i , i..aIZI
$18.50 St. Loufs. On Rale June 1st and dally thereafter.
$26.75 Niagara Falls, N. Y. On sale June 17, 18 and 19.
$27. 1 5 Toronto, Ont. On pale June 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22.
$1 9.40 Indianapolis, Ind. On sale June 19, 20, 21 and 22.
$34.1 0 Asbury Park, N. J. On sale June 28, 29, 30, July 1st.
$32.25 Baltimore, Md. On sale July 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
$26.75 Buffalo, Y. On sale July 7th, 8th and 9th.
Long limits, stop overs and many other features can be offered in connection with the
above dates.
CALL AT WAIUSn CITY OFFICE, 1601 FARNAM BT.. or write me and w mn an
tM. .,.-. ,1 i , . . ... " "-UVS
vvx mu, ufBcripuve maiier, roiaers, rates from eitner Umana or Chicago.
Harrv E. Moores. R A. P. n Wntmh R R flmaho riof.
. af w J -- - J mumwii as 1 la j WIIIUIIUj llulla