10 TTTE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1905. TODAY CHILDREN'S SHOES, Black, Tan and White JO LOif imam ,rmn TODAY CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, Black, Tan and White Today We Offer the Results of Great Efforts and Preparation for the BIGGEST SALE of REMNANTS AND GREATEST VALUES OF THE ENTIRE SEASON 39c Silk Remnants Sc. 10c, 15c Grout lot of silk romnnnts In plain silks, fancy silks, polkn dots, I'prwlnn jnc quart, taffpta satins, Foulards and all kinds of silks In lengths of 1-4 ynrd to 1 yard ko on sale ut 5c, 10c, 15c Each 60c double width pure silk white chiffon on sale at aJC 75c fine silk scarfs. 1 1-2 yards long on dale nt Fine Black Silk Remnants Hundreds of remnants in IcnRths of 1 14 yards to 7 yards, of taffeta, penu de sole, peau do Cygno, crepe de chine and Habutnl wash silks, go at about half regular price. Silks on Bargain Square 49c and 59c Finest lot of silks ever put on bargain square, Including plain and changeable taffetas, Canillle silks, I.oulsene silk, nhlrt waist silks, etc. Aft sa on bargain spuares.yd itJC'DJC 19c Yard for Mill Lengths of 50c and 65c Silk Voiles and Silk Eolienne Hundreds of mill lengths, 3 to 10 yards encn, many alike, in the best styles of summer and party dress stuffs worth 50c and 0c a yard, f f go at IIC $1.00 Dress Goods Remnants 29c Yd. All the remaining remnnnts of dress goods up to 8 yards in length, from the Xeb City stock, worth up 1Q to $1 yard-go at, yard iLJC $1 .50 Dress Goods Remnants 49c Yd. Everything in dress goods from the Neb. City stock, in lengths of 3 vds. to 8 yds. that sold up to $1.50 M f a yard, go at, yard nfVC Remnants in the Arcade Mill lengths of pretty floral organdies, hundreds of yards that match, go at, yard DC Remnants Dress Goods 10c and 25c Each. Traveler's samples of highest class Im ported dress goods, 3 to 8 pieces alike long lengths, 25c each; shorter pieces 10c each. Embroideries on Bargain Squares Big lot of remnants of all widths of Inches wide, In nainsook and cam bric many suitable for corset covers worth tip to 50c 71 111- TC on bargain square IZ'lizL'LdL Remnants of Fine Laces French Valenciennes, C'lunys, English Torchons and many other fancy wash laces, all )., (? 7I-, widths, yd . . . . . I2C" O&'dC' I 2C REMNANTS IN BASEMENT 25c Mercerized Etamines, 74c Yard All the mercerized eta mines that sold in Nebraska City at 25c yard i go at, yard 2C 40c Ginghams on Sale at 64c All the balance of the Neb. City fine dress ginghams, wide mercerized ginghams, half silk ginghams, values up to 40c yard will go at, yard O2C 15c Lawns and Batiste, 5c Yard All the 15c printed lawns and batistes from Neb. City stock fine sheer P quality go in remnants, yard.. DC 15c Voiles and Suitings 5c All the Neb. City knlckerbocker voiles suitings and novelty suitings, P regular price loc yard, at, yd....! All the SB-Inch dress percales from the Neb. City stock in light and P dark, go at, yard DC New fancy dress prints, a spe- A cinl large assortment yard TC 40 Inch white lawns, worth up to l.c, go at, yard Mill ends of printed lawns, corded lawns and lace lawns, rare 1 1 bargains, at, yard I2C Toweling Remnants 5c Each Remnants of toweling In lengths of IVi to 2 yards worth up to P yard, go at, remnant DC One lot of damaged towels that would cost be It perfect, go at, f each 1C Special Bargains in the Arcade All the wash belts, shirt waist jewelry. beauty pin sets, fancy combs, hat pins that sold In Neb. City up to C 35c go at, each DC All the wrist bags and pocket bonks mat sow up to soc, lt-B 1 C go at lUk'UiV SCHMOLLER & MUELLER DISSOLUTION SALE TheLastlVeek Next Saturday marks the end of one of the greatest sales of pianos ever held In the west; nearly 300 pianos of high quality have b-en sold at prices that astonished all familiar with piano values. We will close out the balance of this fine stock absolutely Regardless OF COST BRAND KRW PIANOS-Made to sell for ti. will be closed out at embroideries and insertlngs ud to 18 J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE OMAHA Gentlemen are invited to examine the Shoes on display in Mrs. Benson's store windows which will be sold at Boston Store Sat- fQp f r ) r-fl urday on bargain square, at jOC-!. jU First Annual Clearing Sale -IN- SUIT DEPT. , All $12, 18, 20, 25, 30 suits now on sale at .?10. , All fancj silk waists, $3.00 to f 15 just half price. Silk suits up to $35 just half price. EXTRA SPECIAL After the season's selling we have left a few sizes in opera capes, imported costumes, high grade suits, silk coats and cravenettes. These we don't intend to carry over make us an offer. W hat pronteth a man If he "buyeth" a trunk cheap and It is a cheap trunk? Verily, a cheap trunk la of few days and full of trouble. We can Hell you a trunk CHEAP that will last many year, and vnn -m .1...... v, j .. "" , - - jnra wan 11. Moreover ... .... .hl.mvo, traveling Dags and cases in Omaha. suit Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St YOUR OPPORTUNITY f"meour HtorrVne "ra.'1ual" n little remembrance d7wb for n.IT n Urnoch Hraeelet. Hat Pin. Watch Fob, nM ... ,P,m,"r' 1,(1,1,1 Palnte.1 Pl.-,tea. Collar But ton Box, rcuntain Pen. Silver or Cold Pencil snd a S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street Teachers and Students Can make $?.00 a day during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work dignified and pleasant. Write ior particulars. :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEBRASKA $440 - $425 iEW PIANOS will be sold $415-$390 EW PIANOS will be sold $375 -$315 ANOS will I $300 A.NOS will b $275 - $255 H60 NEW PIANOS will be sold for $400 NEW PIANOS will be sold for Other New $198, $176, $135, $122 Pianos $225, $155, $148, and $118. All pianos marked In plain figures at the lowest price. Time payments ac cepted at the cash price A small de posit now We deliver the piano when you wish. Remember, we have the highest grade pianos In the world, the Steinway, Steger, Emerson, McPhall, Hardman, Steck, A. B. Chase and many others. Don't hesitate, fix your mind on this and be sure to call or write THIS WEEK. Saturday Is the last day. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, The Big Piano House Same name same reliability. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha I Pony I I Stockinos I Tnia Is the very best boys' and Fli'.-V stocking made, and we keep a full line of these hose for ladles, gents, boys and girls, all 25c a pair, each pair guaranteed. Saturday, we will have special ale of CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS. 20c, 25c, 35c values, at only 10c each. Come early to get first choice and avoid the rush. I JOS. F. BILZ I S 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. I Agents Pictorial Review Patterns. j -lllBff PRIZE PUZZLE. Find a better soap for the Com- Slexlon, Nursery, Scalp, Toilet or ;ath than Dermallne (medicated) Skim Soap. The very best medicated soup. .be. SOLD BY Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. S30G0 BUYS A TICKET VIA Union Pacific TO OCDEN OR SALT LAKE CITY AND RETURN Nina Hours Quicker Than an Other Rout Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET. 'Phone SH. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S CITV VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, 28th and Mason 8ts., OMAHA, NEB. Telephone 534. Id) OMAHA WEATHER RETORT Friday Fair. SI Millinery Doings for Friday 49c A Number of Very Attractive Hats and Street Ha.ts Especially tabled for a rousing Friday sale. Some of them had valuos as high as $3.00 Your choice Friday Trimmed Hats and Street Hats In Fine Shapes and very attractive corublnatlons valuos f Q up to 3. 00 Friday, while they I VJ tl Every Depart ment Contrib utes to Fri day Sales. kWDEGE THI nKLIABLB ITORB. Just a Few of Our FRIDAY SPECIALS A Tournament of Bargains Friday A bevy of rare bargain off ori tigs which cannot help but appeal to the economical buyer. Come early Friday uud get your pick of these winning value. In the Great West Room 12lc Victoria Uwn-40 Inches wide. ai yarn last Duck and Ollting Hats Great Varieties at Sincere Bargains. second floor 64c Htamlnrd Lawns nml In I Prints at yard I 1ft' Printed Hat late, prettv new , patterns, at yard .' All kinds of White Ooods, worth up to 25c yard at , 3ic .23c .43c .74c 5c 6c 5c Friday is Remnant Day in the Dry Goods Sections. REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS Blvslc acid colored, from one to eight yards, in voiles, Crepe Lnypta, Crepe de Paris, Panama, Eoliennes, run s ellin. Muhairs and may other noted fabrics; the former prices were $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2; REMNANT PRICE 64 Inch Sicilians, In black, brown, rmvy, Fronrh blue, rod and gray; the $1.H) quality Friday only prr yard 60c All Silk Foulard and Ponjee, 29c Polka Pot Foulards and Pongop Silk, in all colors and size dots, our rngular tine quality; on snip Friday morning at, yard KEMXAXTS HLEAC1IEI) MfSMX-3 inches wide extra fine quality, yard WHITE CL'HTAIX SWISS-30 indies wide-only, yard 49c 50c 29c 2c .71 2C 4U-IXCH WIDE LAWNS and 30-IXCII INDIA LIXON worth C to Hoc a yard; this sale only. yard... DC EXTRA HEAVY UNBLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS-Worth r 4."j each; Friday, each JLDC ODD NAPKINS Manufacturer's samples of odd Napkins, they come In one-half dozens two lots: LOT 1-Worth up to $2.00 a dozen; " r six for uJC LOT 2 Worth up to $2.25 a dozen; ' " n P six tor 5C liK: rai'lllc Suiting, nil fagt colors, at yard 1S' I.onsiliile Cambric, Ion mill endw. t nrd ll!'.c ytninhird Seeraueker (jlnV hams, at yind Keiminnta of Table, Linen and Toweling xlAL.11 I'ltICK, Main Wash Goods Department 60c AMI 6!c WHITK MKRCKRIZKD GOODS AT ISc YARD-Remnanta of highly mercerized Witlsting: IVrslan Utwna, Uatlste, riues. M.iisclllen. Rcdford 14 Curd, etc., that gold up to 6i'c a vaid I4C 60c AM) 39c MKRCKRI.KD WHITK GOODS WILL CiO AT l2Wi" A Y A RD Rein-Xynls.'.",?s- 'f'rorr'zr''l White Goo.l, ot all ,leachpti..na, in leni iths from to 6 yards. MadrasBea. Litici SultltiKa. Ktumine HuitlMnf., etc.. worth up to 30c yard, all will go at 1UC L'f MININGS AT 10c YARD Silk I.lninga. Yam.V Mia. 'all' a'lik.'re'm""' tf-, nants of frampm.n s silk sateen linings, I'ercallne l.lnitiR. etc.. worth up to 5Sc... 1"C Remnants of thlrty-slx-lnch Percales, worth tll'teen cents, at a tr jard OC Special Bargains Friday in High Grade SHkS rhMant BHlTot pHst ft?v WfTks hnve Mt bundrcds of short- lengths of choice Silks, and in order to close them out (iwlckiy we ofler choice of wurr'i!- w k"; W;'.r! 1 i,L,,,', 11 " p"r ynr'1- I''rl'lilV tlioy last nt-yard VV.UJ,:j-rA!VI J'V' AND CHINA SlNKrt-T5c value. ; Incliea wide, at Mc 1C yard oi' value, , inches wide, at 3!'c yard I'Hr value. '.'0 ln,-liea wide at yd IVC BLACK CHINA SILK-M Inches xiff,Klt.U- I i l vc. f l.- i m i ....... . .....I . i.. ,iii.,-n nuif. uuk regular Wu- value, nt vnni OOli 5c 1 iC REMNANTS WASH GOODS All the short lengths In our Wash Goods that sold up to 25c a yard-at, yard ah tne sbort lengths of our Wash Goods that sold up to 85c 1 1 yard only, yard A i,F" -i.'- o.iAw yams of Crash Toweling, worth 7V.C T yard only, yard .....DC SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES VESTS 100 dozen Cotton Richelieu Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves- P regular 124c values special for Frldav, each... . ' DC LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PLAIX AND RIBBED HOSE-in"lA black only, regular 15c value; special for Friday, pair lUC LADIES' FANCY LACE LISLE HOSE AND PLAIN LISLBIn 1 Art black and tan only, regular 50c value; special for Friday, 3 pair for l.UU SPECIAL SALE OF GERMAN AXD FRENCH VAL. LACES-WIth In sertions to match, In dainty patterns for summer dresses, values P worth up to a yard; special for Friday, yard, 10c SHc and... DC 2Ti 7UFt WASI IlELTSI d'k and pique, 25c value; A special for Friday, each iUC CHILDREN'S DRESSES! CHILDREN'S DRESSES! !' , , Llnon 1,11,1 Marllns Dresses, in white and colors, sleevelf LA Buster Brown styles, Mother Hubbard, also guimps to match, f ages two to four years, values up to $2.50 OZJC ADIES' PERCALE WRAPPER Trlmmoii ith "LIHa " shoulder, nice full sleeve, has 0 inch flounce and extra full skirt 0 nil sizes, regular $1.25 all colors SUNBURST SHEPHERD PLAID FETTICOATSlS-inoh' ac-' t P cordion pleated flounce 1 AS CIn?nTtETLAtNJ INTANTS' 'KTS-MVd;'or'whVt;"india Liton n cely tucked, trimmed with two ruflles of Val. lace, regular n r $1.2.); special iC BATHING SUITS-A11 prices, all colors' and ' sizes' on' ' Second Floor! Strawberries! Strawberries! Your Last Chsvnce Oregon Strawberries Short Crop. Large and fancy, 100 cases Friday, at, per case... 2 62 Home Grown Strawberries 74 cases of th best, Friday, at, per case ...1.65 flale Begins on Arrival of Berries Friday Morning at 8 o'Clockl Lemons! Lemns! Lemons! 45 boxes large fancy f C Lemons, at, per dozen IjC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Economical buyers for the home are Interested In our daily sales in grocery section. SPECIAL, FRfNR OFFER A larRe quantity, of 40 to in size, usual 12Uc per lb., Friday only per lb So 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar jl.m Green Sticker Specials Ten (11.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with eneh of the following items: 'an Diamond "8" Salmon 2c C:in Imported Sardines 5c fan Shrimps Hf. Can f",:iy's Island Clams '.!l2Hc Can Kippered MerrlnK l.iie Can Tomato HerrlnK 2ftc Can Fresh Herring loc Can Rorkv I'olnt Crabs 24c Fifty 5.A0) Oreen Trading Stamps with 6 lbs. splendid Japan Rice.. Sic BITTER, BITTER. Just received, a large shipment of fanry Country Butter, direct from the dairies. Friday, special, Ih 22c Bennett's Candy Section. Salted Peanuts, lb i0c Jardiniere Special Friday Two lots assorted shapes ana colors, a big snap, 50c and Ten (Jl) Green Trading Stamps with each. 100-piece Dinner Set, Eng lish Porcelain, a good ser- jrennie set in green or blue, Friday, per set 5.98 Tumblers for Friday Good Clear Crystal Table Tumblers, each Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with every dozen. A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES Some opportunities are not recognized until too late. This is true about . I a n-triu. juui unnj m teem II vtl must Hade good to UT II protect your perfect teeth. I H 9 Sooner the better. Learn our price for fixing your teeth. Consultation FREE. Full set of teeth $8.00. 1BIT DOIGI.AS BTRF.ET. RIGHT IW SHOPPING DHTACK. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS Our Wedding Gift Preparations wide. We value, m-vard -f. tri"? SIl'K;,,; llRhrs QSr SII.K I'OMJKK JO Inch'1 wide, ln Wide, $1.25 vulue, at-yard VOC regulur 76c value, nt-yard...... &UC $30 Robes Friday for $15 WE HAVE SECURED THE SAMPLE LINK OF THE Al) AHHAMS EMBROID. ERY CO. DRESS ROBES AT 600 ON THE DOLLAR. Kx-iutsitely embroidered linen, Swiss, pongee, vollo and organdie rolies nt JlST HALF TRICE FRIDAY. JIO.OO Robes (5. nr. fc!5.00 Robes - n 15.00 for O UU tllmrRb.a....... 6.00 $16 00 Robes pj en for 7. 5U ,2?o?!f. 10.00 $L'5.00 Roles for $:.f Robes for You rannot afford to miss this Brand on. portunlly. Embroideries and Insrrtlngs of all kindsV worth De, lix- and lfic per vard In OlL one great lol Friday at yard Three Special Hour Sales FROM 8 TILL 10 A. M. Men's Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers-plain and fancy colors 39c values, at per garment FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. Ladles' Drawers and Corset Covers, prettily trimmed with laces and embroideries, and 60c values at FROM 10 A. M. TILL 12 M. Fast black Hose for ladies and children, double heel and toe, fast black or your money back, 16o values, ut pair 15c 15c 6c The Big Hardware and Crockery Sale As Announced Will Commence Friday Morning at 8 Sharp The biggest bargains ever offered to public will bo found in this great sale. Sink Shovels, each Package Assorted Tacks Garden W'eeder Two-Wire Egg Beater Box Wax Tapers Large Wire Hat Hooks Chop Knife Glass Lemon Squeezer the 3c 80 3c 3o 3c 3c 3c Wood Potato Masher Toilet Pape.-, per package Metal Towel Bar Hardwod Adjustable Screen 14-inch High Grade Iwn Mower. Fancy Decorated Cuspidors Enameled Dustpans Galvanized Drip Pans 10-quart Galvanized Water Pail.... 3c j Flve-tlo Parlor Broom ... 3a ... 3c ... 3c .. 2nc 49 ... 7VC . . . . oc 2!o .. loo .. 26o GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY Tulip Cups, very nice each lc Water Tumblers each lc Wine Glasses each lc Crystal Spoons, Creams, Pitchers, Nap pies, etc., 10c to 25c values, for 2c St. Dennis Handled Cups 3'fcc Decorated Plates, all sizes, olives, nap pies, oatmeals, fruits, soups, trays, pickles, etc., 26c to "6c values, for.... Be Fancy decorated glassware, consisting of creams, sugars, butters, spoons, fruits, etc. they sell regular at $2.25 set this sale each "4o Lemonade Pitchers, Candelabra, Glass Crewels, etc., for this sale 15e and.... 20o 100-piece best English Porcelain Din ner Set, a $12.00 value, for $).fB Hundreds of other bargains too numerous to mention. o; o L2)im Big Cut in Rates California, and Back 1 Ask flcv C. Chambers, Phss. Agt., 409 Equitable Pldg., Des Moines, la., for all the tacts. The Santa Fo will run first-class excursions, to California, on certain days, April to August. Fare out and back about half the usual price. You may go on luxurious California Limited and visit Grand Canyon. r Noteworthy for larssness nt tlon. for excellence of quality and ex- ""'ni or aesign. we take pleas ' inviting you to our display take pleas- for June gift giving. Mtrrlloir Stiver. Cat Glaaa. Hroorhra. Diamond Rlnaa. Brown & Borsheim, Jeweler. 22. 222 S. 6th St BRADBURY 1606 FARNAfl Teatb Extracted.... 2Sc Porcelain Filling. $1 up Gold Fillings $1 up Silver Fillings... 50c up Crowna $2.50 up Plates $2.00 up DENTIST 15 Years Sanaa Location 'Phone 1756. Bridge Work $2.80 up Nerve removed with out pain. Loose Teetb Mad Solid. Work g-uaxaate4 10 yeax a. HOTELS. Hotel MARLBOROUGH BROADWAY, JoTH AND J7TH STS Herald Square, New York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The largest and most attractive LOBBY AND ROTUNDA In New York has been newly opened up. Special inducements to COMMERCIAL MhN with samples Thirty large and well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS, with or withoul bath. Forty large front suites, with parlor, two bedrooms and prlvste bath; aultabJ for families or parties traveling together. The Old English -Grill Room la an Innovation. I'nigue and original. AU exposed rooking Bea food of all varletiee a specialty. ' Our Combination Break fails are a popular feature. ' The German Rathskeller PEan'pkaN re",,'t ''" 'or special food dishes and popular Music EURO. " Kc,,,tn,1: baths. Rates for Rooms. 1 60 and upward: COO and unwirfl bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath. 13 Go, II u, and 6.u) per day PuVlor two hVZV.tt. batb. 16 00. 16 00 and fs.oo per day. fl CO extra where two pe?sr,e occupj rtnU tl Write for booklet. WEENEY-XItRMar HOTEL COMPaVNr. B. L TUlBey, UUk