THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 8. 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Good Weather and Orop Esporti Combine to Lower Prioet. EVERYTHING ON THE LIST TAKES . A DROP aove Sara Marat I la f.ood Condi. Horn an4 There Ja Larger Acre. of spring; Than Haa Been Estimated. OMAHA, June 7. 1!H6. .f-V.VyltlLnf Pn th ""t ,OOK art- Uood Ji7.J?y J1 f"'orhle reports of oup con 2 r?.?.l.mai'" T:h"at fTn lower and caused ttLH J 7 decline. Snow. Uie cmp export, T,T5. - ' Jh 'vemnnt report Sal mon rWe2uM hnw winter wheat con-it-non oc 90. a decline of only 2 points In a SI?.. . . lretige of spring wheat, he 'Rr"r than the government est), mate, and tne condition is about The drop In July wheat was 2c. ..""i, dccl'nel "lowly from the first, valentine at Chicago caused a bad break Jvv unloading 600,000 bushels of July. The loss waa almost regained later. . "' opened practically unchanged, but fleel ned In sympathy with the general market. July wheat dosed at 8tHc. September at 10 and December at Rlc. July corn closed .,t0';: ol(1 Juy ''V. September at "V, old September at 4iifc and December at 4t;c. Oata finished with July at Sir; September at 28,e and December at Wfcc. ,, Brooinhall cabled from Liverpool: heat, after opening unchanged, gained V1 on the unfavorable Russian crop re port, light offerlnga and the rumor that a cargo of Argentina wheat primarily des tined for Liverpool had been diverted to Ilsbon. The close waa unchanged to 'id higher. In corn a good spot demand and i he strength In both Iji I'lata parcels and Ila corn on the spot caused an open ing gain of and a further advance of ed t orn otosed H'1 higher." Berlin and Buda Pesth closed higher on wheat and Paris was a little lower. The government' weekly crop bulletin yesterday confirmed private reports from the southw'est showing Improvement In the wheat crop. It also confirmed the report of the beginning of harvest In tho southern end of the winter wheat belt and In Okla homa, southern Kansas and California. Winter wheat Is ripening In the lower Ohio jnd central Mississippi vslleys. Reports from the southwest are all encouraging. Reports on corn and oats In general have e", favorable for a week. Torn planting in Illinois is finished. In Indiana there Is much corn to be planted or replanted. In Iowa the last week has been the best one or the season for nelo work and growth of crops. Late planted corn is germinating rapidly, with a good start. King of Toledo, v., iicuu:n me j.entucKy June report will show a decline from, the May condition of 9 per cent. Rumors of the assassination of the cxar or Russia made an uneasy feeling In all markets yesterday. The Russian crop re port save that general rains Dave occurred in the southeast and the spring crops prob ably have been saved. Winter wheat and jy have suffered severely. Millers bought 60.000 bushels cash wheat in Chicago yester day. The bulk of the stock there Is held mainly by a few dealers at premiums wh en make millers go slow in buvlng. Du luth sold 60.000 bushels low-grade wheat to eastern mills. Omaha Cash sales. OATB--No. 3 white. 1 car, 30!e;' No. 4 white, 1 ear. 30c. 0m ha Cash Prices. oaEA,T.N "d. SfiCfWcj No. 3 hard, XlVx,N1-,4 hRrd- No. 3 spring. 7o. OORN-No 2, 47c; No. 3. 46Uc ; No. 4, 46Hc: no grade, 4044c; No. 2 yellow, 47c; No. S yellow, 47yc; No. 2 white, 47V4c; No. 3 white, 4(J4C 0OAJ8;No; 2 n'1. 29V; No. 8 mixed. 29c: No. 4 mixed. V4c; No. 2 white, 31c; No. J white, 30'c; No. 4 white, 30c; standard. Sic. Carlot Receipts. ' Wheat. Corn. Oats. C hicago i ifyj Kansas City ... . " 6i Minneapolis !!"..;"...14S Omaha c ii i.', uuiuth s Bt- Lou' !. 14 4 51 Minneapolis Grata Market. mPJ'i "J Pices paid In Minneapolis, pany. lio-m Board of Trade, waa: July, trim; September, old, c; Septem ber, new, TJc. OATH To arrive and on track. 31c. Article. Open. High. lUw, j.Cloatg yaa. Wheat July.. 1 12V4H Sept.. ht 112 Corn- July.. 51 ' gj Bept.. 50i8'4fli 50 Dee... 46 4ti 1 OS 1 0SV, 84 84H 501 jr, 49i 49u 46-H 4V 1 12V4 60 4f. 46 New. WEATHER IX THE G R A I X BELT Macai Cooler Throughout Central Val leys and Warmer West. Tk. , OMAHA. June 7, 190S thecePv.i ' wither has extended WSw the Ohio valley and lower lake region to the Atlantic const The temperature (s higher The IS.' "! "? on .he Paclflc cosr ine weather Is clear n the southern tatea and generally fair In the central valleys and western sections; It Is rain v ir... "rara OI temperature and pre. Sap;,of,TheC'ianstrne.Warsh!, """ Mln.mum temperature....1 19 PreclpltHtlon 00 .00 M gresrma temPr,lJur 'or today. 69 il. :.3rMnch?i".5r Prc,I,,t"n "nee March 1. annc" corrMpon,1lnK Period In 1904. .97 of Infhe"" corr'"PndlnK Period in 19.13. l.jg OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS, -ump- Rain. a .m "tjot"": . Max. Min. Inches. Sky. Ashland. Neb.... M R2 .00 . Clear Auburn, Neb 4 61 .no clear Columbus, Neb.. 79 65 .00 Clear a rbury. Neb... 83 4li .on riei.r Fairmont. Neb... 71 40 .00 clear Or. Island. Neh. us .IK) clear Hartlngton. Neb. 7 Bo .no Cloudy Oakdale. Nveb.. 7:' M .no c eir Omaha. Neb 7S M .00 Clear ' Tekamah. Neb... 90 55 .no Clear t;rroll. Ia 7S 62 .00 pt. cloudy Clsrlnda. Ia 87 M .no Clear Sibley Ia 76 63 .00 C oudy filoux City, la.... 74 64 . 00 Clear Storm Lake, Ia.. 7 4 53 .00 Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. ' . , No. of Temp Rain. Central Stations. Max.. Min. Inches. Chicago. Ill Tt 84 62 1 Columbus, 0 15 n4 t;4 11 Des Moines, la... 14 ' M T Indianapolis, Ind. 10 M ix Kansas City. Mo. 1 M b ' S Louisville Ky.... IS 8 72 "ns Minneapolis V5 m 4g 0, Omaha. Neb 15 80 j St. Louis, Mo.... 13 90 (4 L. A. WELSH. ' Local Foracaater, Weather Bureau. t. I. sals General Market. ST. LOCIS. June 7.-WHKAT-Ixwer; No. J red, cash, elevator, 9Tic: track. 11. 091 05 July, 777c; September, TSi.liTSUc; No. 2 hard. tl.U3tl.0il. CORN lower; No. 2 cash, 504c; track. 14'(i6:c; July, 49iii; December, 44c. OATS-Klrm: No. 2 cash. 81c; track Sl'c; July. 2o; September, 28UC; No. 2 white, Xic. - FLOl'R Steady. Rod winter patents. it 9Sfl5 10; extra fancy and atralght, 14 76a 11; clear. 3.ii0l4 00. w SKKI Timothy, steadv. tlOOrjloO ("HKNMKAL Stead v, fc.SO. BRAN Steady; Backed, east track, 76(B77o. HAY-Sleady; timothy, ta.OOQ 13.00; prairie tt.oimi9.6u. IRON COTTON TIES-99c. FAC.UINC'i-Si.o. HEMP TWINK-Vio. PROVISIONS 1-ower: Jobbing, tl2.77H. I -a 1 ct. lower; prime ateam. 16.76 Dry salt nieata, steady; boxed extra shorts. 170; clear ribs. 17. 50; short clears. 17.75. Racon, steady: boxed extra shorts, 18.26; clear ribs II 36; short clear. 18.60. POULTRY Slow: chickens, H.c; springs 1fii?2c; turkeys, 11c; ducks, 9Uc; geeae, 641 1c. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, IBSlci dairy. 16ir'o. rXiOS-Steady at 13c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 5.ftO J.ocrt Wheat, bu 14 0it 4A.000 Corn, bu 94 w t-S ocv OatS.. bu ,...61,i0 S60u) Peoria Market. PEORIA. June T. CORN Strong: No. 1 yellow, MM'S-'c; No. t, Mlc; No. 4. ific: po grade. 4ic. OATS-S'rong; No. I white. SlHc; No. 4 white. 3ld31V- (HICA(. ORAIX AD PROMslOSl r'eatarea of ike Trading aad Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. June T.Almost Ideal weather for crops started heavy profit-taking In tho wheat market today. 'Pie result was a de ellne of Zc In the price of the July deliv ery. Corn Is off c. Oats are down tyt?Nc Provisions shr.w a loss of MilSc. From an easy start the wheat market de veloped Into extreme weakness. Despite a firm tone at Liverpool, opening prices here were at a slight loss, July being a shade to ic lower at 87Vrt8'.v. Weather In the 1 nlted States was the chief Influence. While news wss not entirely bearish, there were practically no damage rejs-irts of any con sequence. One of the principal bearish In fluences was a report by a Chicago crop expert estimating a loss of little over 2 points In the condition of winter wheat during May. In regard o spring wheat, this authority estimated an Increase of nearly 2 per cent in acreage. The condli tlon of the crop, it was claimed. Is excel lent. A break of 2ti3c In the price of wheat at Minneapolis gave emphasis to optimistic reports on the outlook In the northwest. Another factor that induced selling was a decline of 3c In the price of cash wheat at Kansas City. For July the lowest point of the dny here was resched at sc. Final quotations were at siic. Clearances of w-heat and flour were equal to U'Ss bu. Primary receipts were 199.300 bu., compared with 2ti8.900 bu. a year aao. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 148 cars, against 636 cars last week and 131 csrs a year ago. Weakness of wheat affected the corn mar ket, causing considerable profit-taking. A prominent trader led the bear forces In a raid on the market and before tne decline could be checked prices had dropped nearly lc. Support by several Influential commis sion houses caused a recovery of much of the loss. Firmness of the cash article had a strengthening Influence on speculative prices. The market closed easy at a mod erate loss. July opened tc lower at 60'fcC, sold between 60K!6ftSe and 51c. and closed at BOAjc. IxicAl receipts were 195 cara, with 43 of contract grade. A firm tone prevailed in the oats market early In the aesslon, but prices soon yielded to weakness of other grain. A feature of trading was selling of July bv cash houses. The market closed at about the lowest point of the day. July opened unchanged to a shade higher at 31c to 3!H'S31c, sold off to Sic and closed at 31fi31VkC. Local re ceipts were 107 cars. Provisions were weak with a small vol umf. of trading. A decline of 6c In the price or live hogs following liberal receipts gave the market a weak start, and the break In the prlcei of grains Increased the weakness At the close September pork was down 12V4 f"Sht J2-12.87H. lrd was off 6074c at 1, 55. Ribs were 57Ve lower at 17 5. Lstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 33 Wor8neadrn" ("lt 148 Car8: hOB The leading futures ranged as follows: Dalntk Grain Market. Dl'LCTII. June 7-WHEAT-To arrive: No 1 northern, tl Uy On track; No 1 so.tnr.rn, H.ll!, No. 1 nurlhera, L03'g Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Yes y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn tJulv Uulv tSept. JScpt. tDec. oats Julv Sept. Pork July Sept. Lard July 'Sept. Ribs July Sept. I 87-R!4'WU4,rV '-'i,flSi82i4t,-H I eo' 50Vtf4 19W SO 86 81 M'V SO'! R ifiOtiWV 60r4l 47 I 31H9V315.I&V 12 75 13 05 7 40 7 60 7 42U 7 674; 49i; 46-H SI 294 28Ve 12 75 13 06 7 424 7 624 7 424 7 70 I 12 S7HI 12 96 7 35 7 55 7 374 7 65 84 81-54 81 614 BOS' 49'S60 4!4 1 4H 31-54 28 12 74 12 974 7 S74' 7 bo 7 40 7 65 884 82.-i'ffs si 61 BO, 49-4 467S 31 H 28'm 12 80 13 10 7 424 7 624 7 45 7 724 No. 2. tOld. tNew. FLOl'R Steady ; winter patents, 14.20 4.S0; straights.; spring patents. $4.7085.70; straights, 13.90C(5.00; bakers', 12.40 3.00. WHEAT No. 2 spring, tl .0701.10; No. 3. tl.noei.08; No. 2 red, tl 01Q1.03. CORN No. 2, 624c; No. 2 yellow, 63ie. OATS No. 2. aic; No. 2 white, 2V&334c; No. 3 white, 314f324e. RYE No. 2, 79c. BARLEY Good feeding, 89g42c; fair to choice malting, 4rt4j49r. SEEDS No. 1 flax, tl.30: No. 1 northwest ern, 11.47. Prime timothy, 12.86. Clover, contract grsde. lU.75ral2.26. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 112.66 12.70. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 17.274'f?7.30. ' Short ribs sides (loose), t" 367.45. Short clear sides (boxed I. 17.26ft7.60. Receipts and shipments of grain and flour were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 30.100 11,400 Wheat, bu 6.000 61,000 Corn, bu 417.400 471.000 Oats, bu 369.800 268,600 Rye. bu 2.0110 2.000 Barley, bu 85,700 11,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries, 1620Vc; dairies, 154?jn8o. Eggs, easy; at mark, rases Included, 14c: firsts, 144c; prime firsts, 154c; extras, 17o. Cheese, weak, 910'ic. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. June 7.-WHEAT-July, 75Hc; September, 72e; December, 724c; cash. No. 2 hard, 86cfc1.00; No. 3, S8c(ffll.oO; No. 4, 75&96C. CORN Lower; July, 464tT4He; Septem ber, 44'tc444c: December, 41c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 49CH94C; No. 3. 48349c; No. 2 white, 49c; No. 3. 49c. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, SI 4032140 ; No. 2 mixed, 31g314c. EOGS Steady; Mlxsourl and Kansas new No. 2, whltewood cases included, 14c per doxen; esse count, 16c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, t9.50 10.00; choice prairie, t7.76tpS.00. RYE-Steady. 67670c. BUTTER Creamery, l&fl19c; packing, 144c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 28 s"0 88.400 Corn, bu 28,8m 29.6'K) Oats, bu 1,400 14,000 Philadelphia Prodnca Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 7. BUTTER Steady ; extra western creamery, 21214c; extra nearby prints. 22c. EGOS Weak; nearby fresh, 184o. loss oft; nearby fresh, 17c at mark; western fresh, 17dil74c at mark. CHEESE Eslr; New York full cream fancy new. MtCHAc; fair to good new, & 4c; domestic swlsa, ll314c. Mlnneapolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June T WHEAT July. 11064; September, 844c; No. 1 bard, tl.134; No. 1 northern, 11. 114; No. 2 northern, tlOSW. FIX3CR First patents,; second patents, t6.4Org4.50: first clears, 140(4.10; second clears. 12.76(92.86. BRAN In bulk. 112.60. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, June 7 WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. 11.1SB1.14. No. 2 northern. ti.05i.n4; July. 864c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 61c; sample, 45 60c. ' 1 OK-Bteaay; ro. , ojbmi, Juiy, uc, asked. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU June 7. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet; July, 4s lOd; Sep tember, ts Id; December, 6s CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 4a Td, futures, quiet; July, 4s id. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. June 7. SEEDS Clover, October, 15 70; prima alslke, 17 40; prime timothy, tl.60. Ragar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. June 7. -8 IO A R-- Raw, steady: fair refining. 3Sc; centrifugal, 86c; test, 44c: molasses sugar. BWe; refined, steady: No. 4. j:6c; No. 7, 6.20c; No. a, 610c; No. 9. 6 06c; No. 10, 6.0oc; No. U. 4.90c;; No. 12, 4fc6c; No. 13. 4.76c; No. 14. 4 70c; confectioners A, 170c: mould A, 1.20c; cut loaf, ft 06c: crushed, 6 66c; rwdered, 6. toe; granulated, 6.86c; cubes, I0o. NEW ORLEANS. June 7 8t'OAlt-Mar-ket quiet; open kettle. 8V44C; open ket tle centrifugal. 4404 16-16c; centrifugal whites, 6c; yellows, 4V(J4 li-ltc. seconds, SfS4y. MOLA8SK8 Nominal; open kettle. 13 2c; centrifugal, 6(0 14c Syrup, nominal, 30c. Oils and Roaln. NEW TORK, June 7 OILS Cottonseed, barely steady: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. 24i294c. Petroleum, quiet; refined New York, M.90; Philadelphia and Balti more, 16 86; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in hulk, 13.95. Turpentine, demoralised, 7340 74c SAVANNAH, June 7.-OlL-Turpentlne, nominal. 60c. ROsIN-Firm: A. B, C, 13 10; P. t3 20: E. B; F, 13 40; O, 13 46: H. 13.50: I, 14.301 4.36; K. !4.4on4 45. M. 14 Ml 4 So; N, !4.SOtf 4 '-8: WO. t4.70iS4.7S: WW. 4 8Ud4 65. OIL CITY. June 7. OlI Credit balances. 11 rt; certificates, no bid; shipments. 45.6c bbl ; average. 70.573 bbls.; runs. 81.i67 Bbls.; av. rage, . 934 bbls. Shipments Li '.u. 64.13e bl is : average. 63.21 bbls ; runt Lima. 67. -1 bbls. i vr, 41,104 bbl NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trading ii Littlest and Fries MoTenent it Confined to Narrow Range. MARKET ASSUMES A WAITING ATTITUDE Operations Partially Saspended Pend ing Determination of Validity of Slock Traasfer Tax. NEW YORK. June 7-There wss hardly enough business In the stock market today to constitute a motive power on prices. Trading was listless to an extreme degree and the price movement dragged and changed constantly within a narrow range. The rank and file of the trading element gsve themselves over to a discussion of the stock transfer tax and were inclined to agree that the burden of that charge was a factor in the present partial suspen sion of operations. As a case to test the constitutionality of the tax has been ar ranged for, there Is a disposition to await Its outcome In the making of contracts. Stripped of the ususl manipulations of the room traders, the bareness of the market stood fully revealed. Investment operations of transactions by the banking element were not In evidence. Amalgamated Cop per continued to occupy the foremost at tention and the movement of, the general list wss little more than a reflection of the fluctuations in the market leader. The copper stork showed a feverish tone and Its persistent setbacks kept the early mar ket unsettled in sympathy. It appeared that measures of support were Increased as Amalgamated Copper got lower and this served to discourage the bear aggression on the stock. When these attacks "were desisted from the tendency of the general list to advance manifested Itself. The best explanation of the advance Is that prices declined yester day, and the traders had proceeded as far as they dared on the bear side In view of the present very narrow dimensions of the market. There was a alight stirring of ac tivity amongst one or two pools, Including Reading and Southern Railway. The in crease In the dividend rate on Interborough Rapid Transit had rather an encouraging effect on the hopes of those who have oper ated In other stocks on similar expecta tions. The heavy output of anthracite for May was favorable for the coalers. Prices In the grain markets fluctuated under the contending influences of excellent weather conditions for the domestic crops and re ports of unsatisfactory conditions of the European crops, both of which influences, however, would favor the rrlces of se curities. There was a growing conviction thst no extensive operations were to be looked for In tho stock market until the crop outlook becomes better defined. There seemed to be no Immediate prospect of a solution of the Equitable Life problem. There was some revival of peace rumors concerning the Russo-Japanese war, but the dealings here for foreign account were on a very small scale. The day's gains were pretty well conserved owing to the almost total lack of either buying or sell ing In the stagnation of the late market. The closing tone was heavy. Bonds were easy. Total sales, par val ue, 12.2A5.0OO. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales.High.Low. Close. Adams Express 243 Amalgamated Copper 60,400 794 774 79 American C. & F. . . . 600 314 33 XUt do pfd 1') 98 98 P. A. C. O. pfd 93 American Express 25 Amer. H. A L. pfd... 800 40 S9 39 American Ice 4t do pfd 35 American Linseed Oil 17 do pfd HO 394 39', 39 Amer. I.ocomottve.... 700 47 46 46 do pfd 1104 American 8. & R 7,300 1094 108 1091-, do pfd 117Vi Amer. Sugar Refln... 300 133 1334 1334 Amer. Tobacco p. c. 4(0 947 90 94 Anaconda Mining Co 103 Atchison 4.100 804 ' 79 do pfd 101 J. Atlantic Coast Line.. 400 151 150 151 Baltimore & Ohio .... 2,500 108 1074 1074 do pfd 1 97 Brooklyn R. T 9,500 64 63 63 Canadian Paclflc 2.600 1474 144 1474 Central of N. J 100 194 199V 199 Chesapeake & Ohio., 400 49 48 484 Chicago St Alton S4 do nfd 8 Chicago G. W 700 I84 184 18 Ccicago & N. W S0 193 1921 192 C. M. & Bt. P 10,400 173 1714 173 Chicago T. & T 17 do pfd 30 C, C. C. St, L 2(fl 944 944 954 Colorado F. A 1 1.9no 404 40 404 Colorado A Southern Son 274 27 27 do 1st pfd 10 674 6"4 67 do 2d pfd. 400 S54 S 34 Consolidated Gas 18R Corn Products 1,600 94 64 94 do pfd 300 46 46 43 Delaware A Hudson. 200 181 181 180 Delaware. L. A W :s Denver A Rio Grande 274 do pfd 100 864 W4 (Wft Distillers' Securities 4U? Erie 8.600 404 884 89. do 1st pfd 1.2(10 79 784 7S4 do 2d pfd 1.200 664 &H 654 General Electric 171 Hocking Valley so Illinois Central 1584 International Paper.. 100 18Ti 184 184 . 1o pfd 784 International Pump '7 d Pfl 75 Iowa Central j do pfd 4ft K. C. Southern "44 do pfd 554 Louisville A N Z800 1444 1434 1434 Manhattan 1 200 14 1634 164 Met. Securities 784 774i 77i Metropolitan Bt. Ry.. 4.500 1204 1194 119U Mexican Central 2O0 194 19a. iq.c Minneapolis A St. T 52 M.. St. P. A S. St. M 1144 do pfd j5j Missouri Pacific Sno 96 M 964 Missouri, K. A T 4,?10 T,K 24 27si do pfd 1,000 6K R4 61 National Iead 600 4414 43't 4374 N. R. R. of M. pfd " 34 & New York Central.... 1.800 139V 1384 1391I N. Y.. O. A W 1.300 50V 504 502 Norfolk A Western.. 3.400 804 791; 794 do pfd 100 834 9,vi c2 North American 600 984 98 977i Pacific Mall s7 Pennsylvania 7.800 1344 1384 134 p'0C.rcA Bt" L"" 3" ,0M '- Pressed Steel Car.'.'." "" "" jw do pfd 100 914 frjiz 90V4 Pullman Palace Car : J31 Reading 36.200 944 934 94 do 1st pfd 1.100 9ivi 91 91 do 2d nfd 4n0 M m oa xepuonc bieei .... do pfd . ftock Island Co J oo ;u vkj Rock 00 nra ino 7 r- mi Rubber Goods too S3 8344 S;tf? no pfd iu 5' V 8-.r M pM' H " 64 Bt. L. Southwestern J14 do pfd 400 604 iirii mvJ Southern Paclflc g.SOO 6rJ 604 61 Southern Railway.... 24.500 S14 3014 314 jfcM, re T do prrl inn Union Paclflc 4.900 or. pro - w 1 . f. Express ln"ix J"ther ' "H ' no pfd tin " I'. 8. Resltv V. 8. Rubber .' i-V do pfd "1 t 8. Steel 14 lno ij Vu flo ofd 24.100 flrisi itu. nT nneese'e'r"A'L".'.; '700 75 74i 74V exas Paclflc 400 SJU 2i2 tU '.. St L. W MO J744 874 85 o4 664 64 I224 120 1214 Va. Csro. Chemical. 00 prd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Exnress Westinghouse Elec... Western Union Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Central.... 00 nro ?"0 834 S3 81 200 107 107 107 80S 3744 874 "4 240 164 1100 Mi; 93 93 15 100 214 214 S? Northern Paclflc liifti lis" lxsit. isi Offered. Total sales for the day. 33 300 shares. London Stocks nad Bonds, sto1rri12P.June 7 -cloin Quotations on Conaals. sionty so account Anaron4a .. Atrhlton ... do nil . . Baltimore A Ohio.. atiadlas Pacific Cha. Ohio .. t'klcaso Ot. W r . M. A at. r DBra , D A R a 4o pt4 Krla , dc lat pfd do 4 p(4 llllnoia ('antral Ioui v Nah... U . K. at T .. rS M4 7-14 n II w ..1044,1 1141, lMia Norfolk W.. So pfd Ontario aV W.. Rand Minn ... Harding SO I So tat nfd J 4o td ptd ..174 Southern Railway .. 1T do pfd .. f Southern Panic , .. 114 I'nion Pacilc .. 4S So pf ,. ao U. 8. Steel .. '4 de pfd .141 Wlauh ..1444 dr. pfd BILVER-Bar, steady, 24d per ou'rice, i-4iui; per cenr. The rate of discount In the open market for short bllla h Sf2 1-11 per cent; for three months' bllla, 2-1121-16 per rent. ... .14114. a! .... M4 .... 5t .... 14, .... 4 .... 41 .... 444 .... 44 ... 114 .... M .... (IS ....1144 M .... J-4 .... P. 4, .... 14 .... It .... tl rekerve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance. $l32,4"t.4'C, gold, t70,3,8Ol. .Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. June 7. MONEY On call easy. 2&24 per cent, closing bid and of fered at 2W ner rent. Time loans, steadv 60 and 90 days, t per cent ; months, 3Vt 34 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3Vt4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE - Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at f4 87VV 4.87'i6 for demand and at t4.K5irS4.8M5 for sixty-dsv bills; posted rates, 14.86 and 14 SH' ,, l.,m a. l . -. ' Ci'iiiTTirt IBil ri 1 . i p,., SILVER - Bar, 6(4c; Mexican dollars, 464c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, easy. Closing quotations on bonds were: r. 8. rf to, reg....! Hocking Va! 4l. ao roxtpon ii japan 4a. ctri ..lo1a do 4. ctfa .14 , 1, AN. unl. 4a ... . t.H Manhattan r. 4a. ..121 Met Central ..I'M do lat Inc If "Minn. A St L. 4a V. 8 e do coupon V. i new 4a, rf do oompon V s. old 4a, reg do coupon Am Tobacco- 4a. ctta. 144 ! do fa. ctfa Atchtaon xn. 4a.. do adj. 4a Atlantic r. L. 4a. Bal. A Ohio 4a... do IHa K. A T. 4n. 114 I do la im N. R. R M N. y. C. I a.. !tu y. j r. a na.... 1M . No raclc 4i M4i do la IIS 14 1"4 1"4 74 , 14 t7 4 of M. c. 4a. an Central of. Oa. ta....ll N. A W. t. 4a do lat Inc.. do 3d tnc rhea. A Ohio 4Sa rtllcasn A A. Ie C. R. A Q. n. 4a C , R. I. A P. 4a do col. 4a 4. o. s. !.. rfda 4a. . . ai' renn conv. 34a... .lli'i .ins . 76H .ll;4 1(114 .107 Rnadlni gen. 4e... 1M St. I, A M. c fa. 11V4 et. ij. & s r. rg a. to .. 8(14 St 1,. s. w c, 4a ... 81 .. t?4 Seaboard k I. aa M4 err. A St. I 4a. .1014 So. Paclflc 4a Mi ( hicao Tar. 4a rta 80. Railway M IM4 -v oioreoo MID. aa..,. n I eiaa O r. IB 1Z1j win. a 00. aa. FB . Pt. u. ar W . 40.. k4 Colo. Ind. 4a, aet A. . 70 , 1'nlnn Pacific 4a 1044 do aet B t4 do ennv. 4a UH4 uvm am, rtia OX' ' s. steel za aa D A R. tl. 4a lon.iWabaah la 117 Dlatlllera' iec. f 7Si do deb. R 72 Brio prior Hen 4a,...101' W'eetem Md. 4a M 00 gen. 4a MVW. A h. K 4a 44 eV i'' C' 'l"i'ls. Central 4a (S Boston gtoeata and Bonds. POSTON, June 7 Call loans. 24-534 per cent; time loans, 844 per rent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atchleon adj. 4s H .Adventure , do 4 ...101 Allruea , Mai. Central 4 74 Amalgamated .. Atchison , T34 American Zlno do pfd lOIVAtlantlc Roaton A Albany !olv Blnxham Boaton A Maine. .. .172 Cel. A Heels.., Ronton elevated 1S4 ('entennlal Pltchhurx ptd 14 ICoi.ier Banxe , Met. (antral n Daly Went N V.. N. H. A H. ..! tomlnlon Coal Pra Marquette .... FranKHn Vnlon Pacific niH Orancy Amer. Arte. Chem... 224 lale Rnvale do pfd SH IMaaa. Mining ., Amer. Pneu. Tuba 44 Mlrhlsan Amer. Sugar , 1J2 Mohawk do pfd lS4,:Mont. C. A C, Amer. T. A T 1244. Old Dominion . . ai!nrceola Amer, Woolen do pfd Pomlnlon I. AS.. Kdlaon Elec. Illu. General Electric ... Maaa. Electric do pfd Man, Old I'nited Fruit United fihoe Mach.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do prd Weatlng. common . Bid Asked. .101 'V .24a .14 . It . 4b . vi .104 . 8S4 Parrot Qtllncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity I'nited Copper I'. 8. Mining.. I', s. oil ftah IHaiVlctorla 244a W'lnnna n 4 1 Wolverine (1 ' .. 34 .. ii .. 134 .. m .. li . . 7(l .. l.t ... 711 .. J4 .. i .. .. 124 .. an .. i4 .. 24 .. 74 ..III .. 214 .. 2 .. 104 .. -T4 Tresisry (tateaaent. WASHINGTON. June 7-Today' state, ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, eaclugivg'of the llOOO.otej fait T New Yoctc Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, June 7.-C!onlng quota vii Minima niucnn were Adama Con m Alice iu breece 20 Brunawlck Con 4 Cometock Tunnel .... t Con. cel. A Va 1M Horn Silver laO Iron Silver tli Leadvllle Cos 4 uttered. Little Chief ... Ontario ophlr Phot nix PotoM Savaae Sierra Nevada Hmall Hopea .. Hlatdard ttons . (1 .4.i .675 . i .. 24 ..126 Foreign Financial. LONDON, June 7. The demand for ninnev was quiet In the market today. Discounts were fairly steady. Trading on the Stock exchange was inactive owing to the uneasi ness regarding the political outlook on the continent and the nearness of the settle ment. Consols and kindred securities were firm on the cheapness of money. Americans, Influenced by the Equitable society trouble and the weakness of Amalgamated, opened lower, but recovered fractionally on pro fessional support. They ruled dull and after moderate fluctuations closed above the lowest quotations of the dav. Foreign ers generally were ateady. Japanese wera Inclined to improve. Imperial Japanese gov ernment lis of 1904 were quoted at 1034. BERLIN, June 7.-Tradlng on the bourse today generally was quiet. PARIS, June 7. Gemeral weakness pre vailed on the bourse during the earlv trad ing today owing to uneasiness regarding the foreign situation. I.ater there was an Improvement and at the close the market was calm. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 86.80 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 4.08. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 7. Bank clearings for today were 31.672.7is6.67 and for the corre sponding date last year 11.366,013.90. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations 'of the Day oa Ynrlons Commodities. NEW YORK. June 7FLOUR-Recelpta, 13.427 bbls.; exports, 3.094 bbls. The market was dull and unsettled; winter patents $4.9i85.25; winter straights, l4.boiS4.ln); Min nesota patents, 5.60ra.2o; extra extras. 13 36 (63.76; Minnesota bakers, $3.7S84-25; winter low grades, 13.25(53.65. Rye flour, firm: fair to good, 34.26ifj4.tW; choice to fancy, 4.6oa 4.90. CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, $1.26; coarse, $1.10(81.12; kiln dneu. U-iA ?2.90. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 444c c. 1. f. Now York; malting. 46g62c, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT-Receipts, 21.000 bu.; spot mar ket Irregular; No. 2 red, $1.06, bid in store: No. 2 red, $1,064, bid f. o. b. afloat; No. i northern Duluth, $1.07 f. o. b. afloat; No 1 hard Manitoba, $1.07 f. o. b. afloat. As a result of the favorable weather and crop news, supplemented by a bearish Snow re port, wheat was weak today, losing about 2c a bushel. Stop-loss orders In consider able volume were caught bv the break and last prices were Isfljic net lower; July, 904l6'924c, closed at 90t,c; September. 85 6-16 &-8t4c, closed at 854c; December, 85a864c, closed at 8G4c CORN Receipts, 36,475 bu. ; exports, 61,156 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2. 684c ele vator and K84c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, 694c; No. 2 white, (Wo. Option market was steady at first, but later declined with wheat, closing dull and 4c net lower; July, 66i65(i4c closed st 66c. OATS Receipts, 208,500 bu.; exports. 8.354 bu. Spot market quiet; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 8ni??'354c; natural white. 80 to 32 lbs.. 354 &374rj clipped white. 36 to 40 lbs., 36447 40o. HAY Steady; clipping, 60J(624c; good to choice, 774Sffl24c. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1904, J29c; 1903, 2225c; olds, ll18c; Pa ctflc coast, 1904, 264iSHc; 1903, 21 6 24c; olds, lH3f13e. HIDES Dull; Galveston, $0 to 26 lbs., 20c; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas drv. 24 to 80 lbs , 184c. LEATHER-Firm: acid. 24jK6c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $13.50 14.00: mess. $U.t011.5O; beef, $21061.50; packet. $12. 6O(B13.00; city extra India mess. $22. OOfj 22.60. Cut meats, firm: pickled bellies, 7eH.00rS1l.GO; pickled shoulders. $5.68 6.00: pickled hams, $1O0nl0.5O. Lard, steadv; western steamed, $7.l54r7.36. nominal ;reflned, steady; continent. $7.46; southwestern. $3.15; compound. $6.374176.60. Pork, steady: family, IH.mVio of'; short clear, $13 OOfc 16.00; mess, $13 8741J1S $74- TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg), 44c; country tpkgs. free!. 444?44e. RICE Firm: domestic fair to extra, $4fJ 5 iic: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Weak; street price, extra creamery. 3o4f21c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, lSVOHc: reno vated, common to extra. 144Q18C: western Imitation creamery, 184tf l9c; weatern firsts, lc. CHEESE I'nchanged. EGGS-Cnchanged. POl'LTRY Alive, steady; western spring chickens. 24c: fowls, lor: turkeys. 12c; dressed steadv; western broilers, $0dj35c; fowls, 10tjl34c: turkeys, 13i77lJc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 7 METALS The Ixn flon tin market was unchanged at 136 7s 6d for spot and a shade higher at 135 2s 6d for futures. Spot Is quoted " locally at $34874. Copper is lower abroad, closing at 66 Us $d for both spot snd futures. Locally the market remains unchanged. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at $15 00. and cast ing st $14 75. Iead was unchanged at 12 18s 8d In I-ondon and $4 6094 60 In the local market. Spelter also was unchanged on both markets, being nuoted at 23 13s td In Ixmdon and at $5 30 caily. Iron closed at 4Sa 4d In Glasgow and at 45a Sd In Middles borough, locally Iron is unchanged: No. 1 foundry, northern, Is quoted at 816 76S17 W No. 2 northern, foundry, at $18 2r17.00: No. 1 foundry, southern. $16. 76 17.25; No. 1 foun dry, southern, soft. $17 fliff 17 26: and No. I foundry, southern, at $16.25iiil4 78. ST. LOCIS. June 7 M ETALS Lead. Hgher, at $4.424fi 4.474- Spelter, higher, at Board of Trade Statement. LONDON, June 7 The May statement of the Board of Trade shows Increases af $10,264 in Imports and $14.601000 In exports. The chief items of increase in Imports are: Po'idsturTs. $3.66.40: cotton. $2 $56,065: while wool decreased $2.08$ 20$. The Increase In export wert mainl cotton fabrics, $6,773.. OMAHA LIVE ST0C1 MARKET Heiry CttU Receipt tt All Points Causal Break in Priest. HOG MARKET STRONG TO SHADE HIGHER Sheep and Lamb Markets t nevenly Lower, il(h Trading Mow and Dreggy and Herelpta jl on. sitting Mostly of larabs. SOUTH OMAHA. June 7, 1906. Rereipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official .vintiaay 3,0 n,,is Official Tuesday 8.772 15 694 5 424 Official Wednesday 4,( lo,i 3,2bo Three days this week.. 17.148 37.412 12. SM Three days last week. .. .16.782 2:1 12 13,4i2 Same days week before. 11. 9 39.0111 23.8 Same three weeks ago.. 11.6 18.H62 13.1)61 Same four weeks ago... .10,202 21.779 13 5i6 Same days isst year ln.Or-9 20,750 6.276 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to date compared with last year: 1. 19"4. Inc. Dec. t attle 372.4-'6 412,ii37 itn.611 "?" 1.000,276 1.158.757 98.41 Sheep 691,311 6ol.5S0 29,731 The following table shows (he average price of hogs at South Omaha tor tna laat several days with comparisons: Data. I 1906. 1904.103.1902.1901.100.1639. My 15. May 16. May 1J. May Is. Atay 19. May 20. May 21. May -a. May u. May 24. May J5. May 26. May J7. May 28. May ffl. May 30. May 81. June 1.. June I.. June 3.. June 4.. June 6., June 6.. June 7.. 6 144i ( 20 6 28 I K54 b !;, 234 S li! 6 284 I 1641 ( 16 I t 184 6 17 I 6 llTii 6 li 1 5 1-4 6 13,! 6 lbsti 6 19 I J 2241 I I 4 60 4 (U 4 U 4 4 4 46 4 41, 4 36) 4 321 4 331 4 to, 4 4 W 4 63,' 4 4 4 63 4 4i 4 49 6 631 4 M, 821 $ to . il $ 27 24 U .1S1 6 M 6 t 6 77 6 72 6 70 6 80 e 6 93i 6 Ui 6 9 6 !wi 6 75 5 771 I 7 121 07 T."l 7 12 1 U 7 07 7 041 7 081 7051 6 Ptii 6 97 7 Oil 7 09 7 loi 7 ll I 7 07 7 13 7 lt 7 2fl 7 15 7 18, 6 (Mil I o iTi $ n $ 67 6 KSj 6 Oil 6 67 6e" 6 60 6 631 6 2 6 68 6 71, 6 70 I 6 70 6 71 5 70 6 71 6 75, 6 21 1 $ 23 6 U t 101 t 67 $ 6$ I b $ 6$ to 66 6 Ua 3 63 6 01 J 6 04 $ 62 6 IM $ 68 4 bw, 3 io I 8 Ml 4 951 ' 4 0 $ 60 4 et 8 bl 4 83 3 67 4 8 6 30 4 U H m I S 69 4 83 4 911 3 58 4 941 3 64 4 96 3 67 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cara of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs Sh'p.H'ses. C, M. & 8t. P. Ry I 4 .. .. Wabash 4 . .. Missouri Pacific Ry 2 4 1.. I'nion Pacltlc system 46 47 8 2 C. & N. W. Rv 2 5 V., E. A M. V. R. R....'. 22 86 C, St. P., M. O. Ky... 28 12 $ B. & M. Ky 41 40 1 C B. 61 Q. Ky 12 5 1 C, H. I. P. Ry., east.. 4 8 .. ' .. C. R. 1. A P. Ry., west. 1 Illinois Central 1 2 .. Chicago Great Western. 1 6 .. .. Total receipts 162 223 14 3 The dixpoHition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neaa indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 5n0 2.447 211 Swift and Company 1.010 3.10 1.310 I'udahy Packing Co 9Ji 4,8X3 541 Armour & Co 929 4,665 1,194 Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C 212 Swift and Co., country 91 .... Vanxant & Co 95 Lobman & Co 29 .... .... Hill & Huntxlnger 89 Huston & Co i Hamilton & Rothschild... 24 L. F. Husz 141 Wolf Murnan 22 Mike IlHKXertv 4 Sol Degan 3 J. B. Root & Co 88 J. H. Bulla 31 8. A S 66 Other buyers 179 .... 182 Totals 4,104 15,6 3,608 CATTLE There was another good run here today, some 161 cars arriving. The general Quality of the cattle waa good. although the most of the stutt was of me dium grades. This Is the time of the year when feeders begin to clean up their cattle, and recipta have been heavy at all points for the last week. The market on beef steers today was on the same draggv order as yesterday, buy ers being late getting to the hill and slow to take hold after they got there. There was a weaker feeling to the trade. Buyers took off again on the price, and there was very little done until well along toward noon. The demand was noor and on only the best kinds was there any life to the trade. The receipts consisted largely of common and medium grades, as noted above, and there has been a steadv decline on these kinds for a week. On the general run of cattle the market Is very slow and shows a decline of 25)8 40c as compared to a week ago. The market has simply declined of Its own weight, packers claiming that the cattle are coming faster than they can unload the beef. Their coolers are full and the meat 's going Into consumption slowly. Cows and heifers were In better demand today than the steers, although trading waa slow and dull, and the stuff did not change hands until well along toward norm. Konie sales iook rigni arounu sieaoj, wiiue others went off about a dime. Rulls. veal calves and stags are off about as much as the other classes of cattle. The supply of stockers and feeders con tinues light, with juices ruling lower and the demand poor. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ho. Av. Pr. No. Av. rr. I Bio 1 es i"H3 a eo 1 441 I 46 If 1140 4 40 1 1140 I 76 7 1144 4 40 1 IK1 4 (K 38 1142 4 40 it I 10 1! 11SS 4 70 1 1000 4 Id 4 1007 4 70 4 tin 4 1(1 it U04 4 70 U 1170 4 IS 4 1145 4 75 ft) HUB 4 10 ia 112a e 76 IS 1144 4 16 86 12H4 4 0 li in7 4 U 14 i::u 4 0 4 40 4 tt 17 13S7 4 0 10 1104 4 6 7 H" 4 tO 45 10(16 4 36 ! 174 4 K 4 102 4 It 1214 00 (0 1050 4 30 1 lilO 6 00 t 100J 4 S5 JJ llftO ( 00 14 1164 4 M 14 1226 4 04 ( 1141 4 40 14 12X7 I 06 1 IMS 4 40 1 1260 5 10 II 4 4 40 IS 1IIH1 6 15 18. 1101 4 40 45 1271 6 0 tl 1060 4 4S . Ill 1347 6 25 1 1110 4 50 81 11S7 5 30 11 1107 4 50 45 1801 b 30 8 1061 4 64 IK 13 Hi 6 3D IS H7 4 ii5 26 1403 6 40 14 1074 4 66 1 IW) 6 60 64 103T 4 45 II 1623 6 ii STEERS AND COWS. 17 7t 0 11 1073 4 95 S3 706 I 5 BlICKKU AINU OlAUS. 19 1214 4 40 4.UYV8. 1 664 t 00 4 694 t 40 1 M0 I 26 t 10 I 60 1 0 1 J5 1 1280 I 60 1 1070 t 40 4 104t I 60 1 1050 I 40 4 HII4 8 60 70S I 40 t (WW I 64 1 420 I 60 4 1108 I 60 4 4117 t 60 1 50 I. 10S1 2 60 20 27 I 65 t 740 I 44 1 441 t 40 1 M t 61 1 1200 t 40 4 762 I 70 4 Ml a 65 t 140 I 70 i 10H3 1 70 a iMo a 76 mo a 70 8 ?4 t 76 8 10D3 a Tl 1 1140 t 40 T 1014 75 1 1140 t 04 1 1010 a 71 1 440 8 00 1 1040 8 71 1 Hit a 00 1142 I 10 a loao i oo a io4t a o I t a 15 8 1224 4 00 14 I5 8 26 1 1060 4 00 8 1100 8 24 1 18 4 00 14 4M t 30 1 1120 4 00 4 4 ID 1 1210 4 00 1 1120 8 U 12 1106 4 It HEIFERS. t 670 75 1 660 8 50 1 610 I 00 8 710 a 40 1 4K4 3 00 10 t03 a 41 ia tit a ot a too a 75 a 6 I 16 Ill 3 75 a ti7 a u i 450 a 7t 1 614 S 60 1 700 I 40 at 664 a to 1 1140 t 60 1 150A a 44 1 440 8 M 1 1100 8 44 1 1720 8 26 1 1470 3 40 480 3 4t 17 1657 a 46 t 1670 a 10 1 1700 a It $ 7lt a 40 1 1240 $ 40 CALVES. 1 tOO 4 00 a 160 I 78 t no 4 6o a : a 74 1 160 I 21 t 830 ( 76 4 142 I 16 1 140 I 16 1 It 4 40 a 114 71 1 140 I 10 I ( 1 7 8 810 4 Tt 1 160 I 75 BTOCKEKB AND FEEDERS. 1 440 t 64 23 622 8 71 11 611 8 40 1 4.(4 a 40 1 400 I 60 ia 644 a 44 1 82 t 40 . 4 74 t n 1 844 I 40 1 71 a It 11 77 8 46 8 711 4 00 a Tis a 44 a 7.4 4 00 4 463 a 76 33 M 4 It I )0 t 76 I tl 4 o 1 4M a 71 tl 4k I 4 u 1 420 a 76 30 1175 4 j, t 58 8 74 HAYFED WESTERNS. Thomas Andrews Idaho. 1$ feeders . 1094 4 06 8. L. W. Ranch Co. Colorsdn 43ttrs...U34 4u 1 bull 1400 171 46steii...i;34 4 90 18 Steers. ..1IS4 4 90 HOGP -Thrie was a good run of hogs here tndny, about 23 csrs being on sale. The quallt) of the hogs has been good for some time Hnd there were few poor loads In the yards. Chicago reported the rsrly mnvket slow hut stronger, and sellers here had some advantage. Buyer were out early and there was a good, strong tone to the trading The market opened with bids generally stronger than vesteids e best lime, sales being at snd right around $6 J5. Trading was faltiy active and the bulk of the hogs were cleaned up in good season. On Die close the market eased off a little snd prices ruled about steady with yester day. The bulk of the hogs sold at $A.S24.7) 6 25, with tors reaching $6.30. Represena tlve sales: Nu. Av. sh. Vr. No. Av. gti. Tr. 7 141 . . t 17 4 72 2;4 . I 25 76 Ill S t)'. If : to t 14 74 217 140 I 4 , 4 . . S IS 71 270 40 tz 4j 44 lt-5 40 6 124 !17 1T0 6 2t' M 244 1 I 25 244 0 6 76 134 110 I 16 o ;m 2i I us o ? o I 5 41 274 40 1 214 6 , 24 140 lit 70 2IT . . I 224 41 V l: 4 25 7 t"7 120 6 214 24 ... t 25 46 M ... 4 824 44 1?7 ... I 25 41 214 60 6 224 24 232 ... I 35 10 (24 140 2, II 220 ... 28 1 224 I") 1 224 M l"l 6 15 M 271 120 I 124 71 244 ... I ft 71 237 120 I 22, 83 12 ... t 26 7 20 JO0 214 46 818 II III 41 146 120 1 224 II.. 34 . . 6 25 74 2l '0 2 4 74 .244 40 4 16 70 J15 40 1 28 4 '7 l lift 6 24 TO 231 ... 234 "3 2I 120 85 Tl 221 40 1124 47 224 1IOT 114 4 223 200 I 224 200 S 24 14 2f . . I 82 4 76. 232 ... 6 36 7 232 200 I 24 TO 283 41 i I 117 120 1 124 75 260 120 1 25 66 214 120 I 22 4 78 244 ... I 26 6? 276 10 4 224 76 23t 40 I IS 01 30 170 1 22 4 70 332 to 6 25 Tl 227 0 6 32 4 74 27 40 I 26 278 40 4 22 4 77 841 140 4 25 74 118 10 I 134 Tt 241 140 I 25 62 234 10 I 214 41 334 40 6 14 76 218 40 t 224 T " O0 4 36 11 14 ... I 22 4 7 203 140 I 14 76 245 too 6 26 16 20 ... 78 234 too 24 6t 230 344 I 26 71 236 10 6 tl 4 341 ... t) M 144 10 I !5 76 204 120 I 26 41 141 40 6 25 Tt 241 40 I tl 40 241 40 t 25 68 278 40 I 26 tl ..HI 160 26 67 358 ... I tt 40 241 140 1 84 8 223 10 I 16 82 2'.'l 80 I 26 66 343 130 I 36 4 328 ... I 16 42 3.14 40 I 34 40 240 ... I 21 Tl 251 ... 6 26 46 244 130 6 26 6 265 160 6 25 63 827 ... I 36 30 117 44 I 25 7( 342 240 I 26 46 236 110 IS 77 132 l0 6 t 45 243 80 4 28 58 371 140 Itt 66 354 120 124 6" 211 10 6 25 75 til 140 6 25 47 P2 80 26 62 ml 10 I 24 61 295 80 tft 47 44 ... I 34 47 171 120 I 26 46 362 ... 6 26 44 227 120 I 2 tl 1M ... t 25 8 204 2 40 t 25 184 244 120 6 25 46 274 40 I 26 7t 211 130 4 25 47 247 40 6 26 66 2it 120 I 26 7 261 ISO 6 26 61 24 80 I 25 70 22J ... 25 44 243 ... 6 26 72 2i7 80 ?4 4T 250 . . 62 140 ... til 64 151 tOO 6 2 86 845 80 t 21 T2 214 ... I 25 74 828 120 I 26 64 810 ... Ill 6" 812 ... ( 3D 47 262 40 25 7 tss . . I 15 152 JM) 60 6 IS 81 0t 160 6 44 274 10 6 28 S 275 40 6 25 T3 225 840 6 85 60 365 140 6 26 70 261 160 I 25 71 244 80 6 25 Tl 24 Joo I 25 60. ....... .176 120 4 25 76 263 10 1 15 62 230 10 6 ; 66 240 ... 6 26 76 240 240 6 tt 74 3.3t 4fl I 35 72 177 60 6 25 44 834 120 6 35 75 258 40 i 25 69 272 40 I 26 6! 250 80 6 25 64 2S3 80 4 274 68 263 120 6 25 83 207 ... 6 174 71 232 200 4 25 75 21 ... I 274 75. 344 ... 6 15 44 114 ... I 374 80 iai JOO 6 25 64 232 ... t 174 61 2K4 80 6 25 64 34 ... an 70 232 ... 6 25 0 SCI 80 6 30 120 4 25 60 260 ... 4 80 SHEEP There was a fairly good run of sheep here today, some thirteen cars being on sale. Shorn lambs again constituted the big end of the receipts, there being only a few cars of old sheep ofrered. The sheep arrived in good season and buyers were In the barn earlv. but trailinar was slow u dull. The market was uneven, some sales being right around steady, while, on the other hand, salesmen were obliged to take off about a dime on their holdings. There waa no choice stult on sale, receipts con sisting largely of medium and common kinds. Whilo there was little or no urgency to the demand, the sheep were picked up slowly at the prices mentioned above. Quotations ror clipped stock: Good to choice lambs, $5.80rd6.o(l; fair to good lambs, $5.50S'6.80; good to choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.8007.15; good to choice yearlings, $5.0064.5.16; fair to good yearlings, $4.76(94.00; good to choice wethers, $4 50U4.SO; fair to good wethers. $4.26(94.60; good to 4iolce ewes, $4.3o84.&0; fair to good ewes, $4.00 4 40. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 33 cull ewes 79 50 26 cull . ewes 80 3 00 4 western ewes 77 4 00 207 western ewes 85 4 00 148 western Iambs 61 4 10 2.' western ewes 86 4 15 226 western ewes 95 4 26 50 western cull ewes 3" 4 60 222 weatern lambs 62 5 00 3f) western lambs 75 6 45 401 western lambs 78 6 75 1 western lamb 80 6 26 6 spring lambs 43 7 00 CHICAGO I.l"vE STOCK MARKET tattle Ten Ccnta Lower Hogs ftteady Sheep and Lambs Higher. nSJiIC.Ari- Jl,np 7. CATTLE Receipts, 20,000 head; market Wc lower; good to prime steers. $5.4(K&.20; poor to medium, $4.0Of?6.35; stockers and feeders, $2.764i4 90' cows. $2.50ia4.75; heifers, 2.4O4iS.O0; canners, $1502.60; bulls, 2.44Kjgr4.50; calves, $3.00 HOOS Receipts, 28.000 head: estimated for tomorrow. 22.000 head; market steady; mixed and butchers, $5.2Me5.45; good to choice heavy, $53mff6.424: rough heavy. $4 00(16.20; light, $6.3(866.474; bulk of Bales, $5.33'(i6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15.000 head; mark"! 10c higher; Iambs, 15W25C higher; good to choice wethers, shorn, $4.50 fiti.25; fair to fhoice mixed, shorn, $3. 50ft 4 40; western sheen, shorn, $4.0frS.OO' na tive lambs, shorn, $4.5O9f.50; western lambs, $6.0Off7.0O. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head, including 1,200 southerns; market weak to 10c lower. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5.2507vVMl; fair to good, $4.25'i16.20'. western fed steers. $4.2556.60; stockers and feeders. $8.0(Kft4.(i; southern steers. $8.25H5.00: southern cows, $2.h(K(4.00; native cows, $2.2o'&4.50; native heifers. $3.25ffi6.0O; bulls, $2.6oit-4.50; calves. $3 00(8)5 60. HOClS-Recelpts, 12,500 head; market 24-7J 5c lowei ; top, $5 35; bulk of sales, $5.274'if 5.324; heavy, 5.300J6.324; packers, $5.27A3 6.35; pigs and lights, $3 10ft6.824. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts .0n0 head; market slow, steady; native lambs, $5.26(87.26; western lambs, $5.75ifr7.50; fed ewes and yearlings, $4.25&6.50; Texas clipped yearlings, $4.75'ff6.2!'); Texas clipped sheep, $4.26r4.86; stockers and feeders, $2.50 434.00. St. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. I)ri8, Mo., June 7. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4.500 head. Including 3,000 Texans Market lower. Native shipping and export steers, $4.8oJ00; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.755.85; steers under 1.000 pounds, $3.75(34.65; stockers and feeders, $3.0004.86; cows and heifers. $2.2rV6Y0O; canners. $2.00 ?2.60; bulls. $2.3082.75; calves, $3. 26(746 60; exas and Indian steers, $2.75(94.76; cows and heifers, $2.0Otfl4.OO. HOGS Receipts, 10.000 head; market steady. Pigs and lights, $5 0OT&6.424; pack ets, $1.50trj6.4'; butchers and best heavy. $5.30076.424. SHEEP AND LA M Bfl Receipt s, 2,000 head. Market strong. Native muttons, $3.50 4.85: lambs. $5.00417.25; culls and bucks, $2.004.50; stockers, $2,1903 25; Texans, $3.7$ (& 4.60. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 7. CATTLE Receipts. 1.788 head; market ateady to 10c lower; natives, $3.9)76.60; cows snd heif ers. 1.6 Kg 6. 00; stockers and feeder, $2.60 04 65. HOGS Receipts, 9.901 head; market $4c lower. Lights. $5.268 324; medium and heavy. $6,27 45436; bulk. $5.274i.324. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. $.541 load; market active to steady; wooled lambs, $7.00; shorn lambs. $6.00. Sloag City ill Stork Market. SlOfX CITY. June 7 (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. 900 head; market 10c lower; stockers easy; beeves, $4.m0) 00; cows, bulls and mixed, $.1. 00-8 4. 86; stockers and feeders. $3 00434.00; calve and year lings. $3 Kfj4.10. HOGB-Recclpts. 10,000 head: market a hade lower, selling at $6.1tHi5.26; bulk of sales. $5.1747j5.20. Stock la Sight. Rereipts of live stock at the Six principal .....oil raiciuujr. South Omaha .... Sioux City Kansas City Bt. Joseph St. Iiils Chicago Total Cattle. Hogs. Sheep . 4,000 15.000 $.250 . .900 10,000 . 7,000 12.50 6,000 . 1,788 .01 6.541 . 4.0(10 10,000 J.OOO .30.000 24.0(0 U.OuO .38.188 65,401 81,791 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 7. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices. Buying by shorts caused ome Irregularity toward the close and final Prices were 5 points higher on Novem ber, but generally unchanged to 5 point lower. Sales were reported of M.OOO hag a Including; July, $.K,.icl Augut, tVc: flepteniher. MdS)"; December, 811 6 7"c; January. .7c; March. 4 8ittl 85c; Mey, $ 90c. Prnt, quiet ; No. 7 Rio. 7"4c. O 44 4,114, MIOI.K4I E VMRNF.T. ( nnrtltlnn of Trade a-id 4)nntailnna on Staple and Fancy Prodnrr. KOU84- Rr o ipts. fair; mat kit. stead); cs nil led slot k. loo. LIVE l'Ol'l.l K l'-llens. loc; rooster. 58 4c, turkevs. I.'fflfic: ibi)ks, 10c Bl "I TKR-Packing stock. I3trl34c; choice to fancy dairy, Ivtov; creamerv, JtU'lc; prints, L?c. FRESH FISH -Trout. 9c: halibut. 11c; buflalo (tli-esaedi, 8c; pickerel (dressed). c; 3 hlte bass ttlrcssMli. l.Y, sunftsli. 6c, percn iscsled and drfSfedi, 8c: pike. !c; catflsn, Ibc; red snapper. Inc; salmon. Mo; crspple. 12r; eel. l.Sc: liulihesits. 11c; hlsck bass. .0c; whitetlsli idrrsserii, I'V; frog legs, per do., V; lobsters, gteen. 27c; boiled lobsters, aoc; had roe. 45c. HA 1 Prices nuoted by Omaha. Wholrsala Hay Dealers' aoclif!on: Choice, $7.(0; No. 1. $1.0; No. 2, $6,ti; coarse. $.'.(). These frlcr are for hay of good color and qual 11 BRAN Per ton. $16.00. TROPICAL FRCIT. ORANUES-St. Michael, all sl7.e, $3.7.VtJ) 4 00. extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, ail sixes, $3 50: fnncv navels, sixes 12s, ISO, ITS, 200. $3 sixes $0. 96. 112. $2.75. seedllna. all sixes, $3 00 LEMONS-t.lmnniera. extra fancv. 270. $oo and 3m sizes, $4.00; fancy, 270 $00 and 360 na,. , t-iuii-., .v)r mm w sisrn, sj.ou; &4 and 30 sixes. $2 75SOO. DATES Per box ot 30 1-lh pkga., $2(0; Hallowe'en, in 70-1 b. boxes, per lb, 5c. PUIS California, per Itt-lo. carton, 75'3 RSc; Imported Smyrna, four-crown. 12c: five- crown, 12c. bananas Per inedlum-slxed bunch. $1.75 W2 26; Jumbos, $2.604i$.on. P1NBAPPLKH-.Florida, per crate ot S4, 30 and 36 sixes, $3 25: 42 slse, 13 On. FR11T8 AND MELONS. APRICOTS-Callfornls, per 4-basket crate. Jl.W. PI. CMS California, tier 4-hftsVtet rraia $10. PKACHES-Callfornla. per 25-lb. box, $1.15. CHERRIES California, black, per 8-lb. box. $1.75: w hite, iter 8 lb. box. 1-.0O: Mia. sotirl. box of 24-qts.i $3 00. htkawhkkkiks Missouri, per 24-ot. case. $1.764? 2. 00; Hood River, per case of 24 lts . $2.50 TANGERINES California, per half bog. $2 00. CRANRr.RRI ES Jerseys, per crste, $150. gooseberries-box of 24 qt.. $2.50. CANTALOUPES Mexican, iter rrata. $5.(KHf6.(,0. VEGETABLES. TV RN I PS-New, per dor.. 25c. CARROTS New, per do., 25c. PARSNIPS Old. per bu., 40c. WAX BEANS Per 4-bu. box, 75c; string beans, per 4-bu. box, ,5c; bu. box wax or string. $2.0tK((2.2fi. POTATOES Home-grown. In sacks, ner bu., 36c; Colorado, per bu., 46c; new pota toes, per nil.. 10c. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2.00. CI'CrMBERS-Per do., 45'rY7Sc. rEAS New. per bu. box, $1.7562.0O. TOM AT0E8 Texas, ner 4-basket crsta. $15(i; Florida, fancv, per 6-ha eke t crate, ia.00; choice, per K-nnsKet crate, az.76. hi 1 N acm 1 er nu., 50c. ' CABBAGE California, In crates, per lb.. 3c. BEETS New. per do, bunches. 35c. ONIONS New, per do, bunches, 15c; Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs.. $1.60. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dox . 20c. LFTTI CE Hot house, per do.. SoJWOc: head lettuce, per do., 75c. CACLIFLOWER-St. Louis, per crate of 1 do., $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. 16c: Wisconsin brick. 15c; Wisconsin limburger, 15c; twins, l.liiiMo; young Americas, 14c. NITS walnuts, No. 1 sort shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c: No. 2 hsrd shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c: peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., lift 134c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c: shellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 74; No. 2 green, 64c: No. 1 salted. 84c; No. 2 sslted, 74e: No. I veal calf. 10c: No. 2 veal calf. 9c: dry salted. 74il4o: sheep pelts, 26ca$1.00; horse hides, $1.6O3.00. . 1 ; Wool Market. ROSTON, June WOOL The wool mar ket continues In a strong position. Events of the past week Indlcato to traders that the large buyers believe the basis of prices Is to run high. While the scoured basis of most of the sale . recently made Is still largely a matter of estimate, such definite Information as Is bbtalnabln show clesrlv the strength of the market. The scoured bssls in this market Is about 70ff?72o for fine clothing wool. iSToitWe for fine medium. 65rl 67c for three-eighths and one-half blood and 6245'65e for one-quarter blood. It is said that very little fine staple wool will be made this vear. as most of the wool will be sold In the original bngs without sorting. Foreign wools are strong. Pulled grade are scarce. The range In this market Is about as fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 34S35c; X. 31'a32c: No. 1, 381i39c: No. 2. S9ifT40e; fine unwashed. 24825c: one-quarter blood unwashed, 33(ff34c: three-eighths blood. 83fi34c; one-half blood. 3233c; unwashed delaine. 27(9'2Sc; unmerchantable, 28fli2ftc: fine washed delaine. 37J38c. Michigan Fine un washed, 22ft23c; one-quarter blofid un washed. 83'&34c; three-eighths blood washed, 83fi334q: one-half blood. 3ofl31c: unwashed delaine.1 26fl28e. Kentucky. Indiana, etc. Three-eighths blood. 84ift344o. Territory, Idaho Fine. 2?fl2Sc; heavy fine. 19i?f20e; fine medium. 22fl23c; medium. 26927c: low me dium, 26(fJ27c. Wyoming Fine. 21ra22c; heavy fine. 18ijr19c; fine medium. 22?23c: medium. iiflTic: low medium. 26ff27c. Utah and Nevada Fine. 25(f72TP; medium. 18(J519c; fine medium. 2&23c; medium. 2t')fiI7c: low me dium. 27iSe. Dakota Fine. 21(S22c; fine medium. 21'922c: medium. 26&2"c: low me. dlum, 26t?27c. Montana Fine. U'SXic: fine average, 22fi23c; flne medium choice, 26(fJ26c; average. 2 K( 22c; staple, 271628c; medium choice, 27128e. ' ST. 1)I"I8. June 7.-WOOL Steady; me dium arades. combing and clothing, Wit 314c; light fine, 24Vn28c; heavy fine, 26& 224c: tub washed. lifa-Ma. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. June 7.-COTT0?' Market steady; sales. 2,275 bales; ordinary steady: good ordinary, 6 11-16n; low mid dling. 7 9-16c: middling, 8 3-16x-r good mid dling, 84c; middling fair, 8 13-lfic; receipts, 5.315 hales: stock, 114.888 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 7.-COTTON-In In creased demand: prices 2 points lower; American middling fair. 6.09d: good mid dling. 4.77d; middling. 4.59d; low middling. 4.43d: good ordinary. 4 26d: ordinary, 4.00l, The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 7,400 American. Receipts, none. ST. T,Of1fl. June T.--COTTON-Bteadv; middling. 84c; sales, none; receipt, loo hales; shipments, 252 bales; stock, 48,98$ bale. Steam Dredge la Floated. NEW YORK. June 7 -The United States steam dredge Caucasus, which went ashore on the south coast of lying Island Monday night, has been refloated and apparently Is undamaged. It will be sent to tna navy yard for Inspection, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record June 7 as furnished by the Midland Guaranty and Trust com pany, bonded abstracter, 114 Farnam atreet. for The Bee: O. C. Redlck to H. E. Jones,, part of ne4 of neH of sec. (-16-13 $ $00 C. C. Parmele and wife to W. W. Mcllvaine, lot 4, block I, Yts A Heniple 10 Same to same, lots t and 10, Yates 6V Hetnple .- 10 H. E. Joiner and wife to n. Camp bell, part of lot 10, block 2, E. V. Smith's J,aO Sheriff to 8. Preston, part of lot 17 to 20, block 11. Ambler Place 1,11$ G. H. Thummcl, special master, to W. V. Bennett, lot 2, block 2, Far ker'a 1,604 W. V. Bennett and wire to Sophie E. French, same property 1,660 C. W. Brown and wife to G. H. Hart man, part of block 6, Marysvllle.. $.200 Batea-Smlth Investment company to Maggie Merrlt, part of lot 23 and 24. block 4. Hanscom Place 10,000 J. II. McMillan to li. Chance, lot 11, block 8. Maxwell ft Freeman's 1 Byron Reed company to J. Neje ktnsky. part of t 30. Hartman's.. M W. H Green and wife to J. A. Fike, lot 1$. block 6. Brown Park $.000 Edwards-Wood Co. flaeeroorated rUiu Otflca; Fifth aad Raktrrt ItrMtt ST. PAUL. niNN. DEALS) at IN Stocks, Grain. Provision Ship Your Grain to Us Branch Oflco, IlO-ill board of Trad Bl4fr Omaha, Rah. Telephone Mil 212-214 Exchange Bldg South Omaha. BtS 'i'faoog kit. lad()4)4tdat 'ftieM 1