A 10 THE OMATIA DAILY REE; TTITTIiPPAY, JUNE P. 1005. i KRAUSE ADMITS TI1E KILLING Cattleman on Witneii Bund 8aji He Bbot in Eelf-CefeiM, TESTIMONY OF CASE IS ALL IN &rcumeat I In Proa-re., and Jry, it U Thoaght, WU1 Get tta ' on Thnr.dajr. On the witness stand In the floral court, where he and his brother, Herman, are being tried on an Indictment for illegally fencing; government land, John Krause, tho Sheridan county cattloman, admitted hav ing shot and killed Nathaniel Sylvester, a settler, and admitted, too, that the shoot ing grew out of a dispute over a fence. "Did you not, In 1898, shoot and kill one Nathaniel Sylvester?" asked Attorney Rush for the government. Before the defendant could answer his counsel strenuously objected to the ques tion, but the objection was overruled and Krause reviled: "Yes, I shot him, but It was In self defense. He shot at me first and then I shot him. Yes, I shot him In the back." The affair came abruptly and created quite a stir In the court room. The testimony In the case was concluded at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning; and Dis trict Attorney Baxter occupied the re mainder of the forenoon In his argument. He said In effect that the government had clearly proven Its case, that the defendants had a large area of public land under fence on August 1, 1903, and that they still had some of the public domain under fence as shown by the testimony of Innumerable witnesses. It was further Bhown by the government witnesses that tho fences In question were maintained and kept In re pair by the defendants; that they had en deavored to keep settlers from locating In that section, had frequent troubles with the settlers for that very reason and, in fact, all of their troubles grew out of their efforts to discourage settlers from taking up lands In the locality of their ranges. Baxter Concludes Aranmrnt. Judge Baxter concluded his argument at noon and an adjournment was taken until 3 o'clock, when Attorney C. C. Barker opened for the defense, to be followed by Attorney Noleman, the two occupying the entire afternoon. Special District Attor ney Rush will conclude the argument for the government. The trial of the case opened Wednesday morning, with John Krause still on the stand. In ' his cross-examination he con ceded that his cattle had ranged over much of the land included in the Indictments- townships 25 and 26, in range 48, and In townships 26 and 26, in range 45. He ad mitted that all of the land In those town ships was not deeded and that they had not acquired much deeded land aside from what they already owned, 10,000 acres, and the four school sections they had under lease since 1903. He described the many gates along their fence lines as consisting of posts twelve or fifteen feet high, over the tops of which were stretched wires, the gates proper being generally of barbed wire. Ho admitted further to having talked with Special Agent DeFrees of the land department, but alleged that he did not have any government land fenced, as he had taken all such fences down as he had been ordered to do by Special Agent Colonel Mosby when he was In the country in 1902. He also admitted that he had used some of the fence again, but only on deeded land. He denied having all of his range under fence. Barker's Plea for Kranses. Attorney C. C. Barker began the argU' ment for the defense at 2 o'clock Wednes day afternoon and spoke forty minutes. The gist of his argument was that the govern ment had failed to make a case and that abundant testimony had been produced by the defense that many of the fences alleged to belong to or under control of the Krause brothers belonged to other parties. He held that whatever public lands the defendants may have at one time had under fence were removed as directed by the govern ment before August 1, 1903. He Insisted that whatever lands the Krauses had under fence were deeded lands and that the range said to be controlled by the Krauses was at all times a publlo range, free of access to the publlo. Noleman Criticises Mrs. Osborn. Attorney I C. Noleman began his ar gument for the defense at 2:40. The first part of his address was directed particu larly to the witness, Mrs. Bessie Osborn, whom he characterized as a marvel of in telllgence, genius and information regarding land matters. He attributed her Interest in the case to malice and enmity toward the Krause brothers because of a dispute over a reservoir site adjacent to the homestead of the Osborns. He entered a general de nial of sufficient evidence being produced by the government's fourteen witnesses to show that the Krauses had fenced any pub' lie lands or that they had in any way in terfered with the settling of the country, but had on the other hand been the friend of the settlers and homesteaders by build ing a reservoir for public use and which the public did use. He maintained further that the Krause brothers had not ob atructed the highways nor had they pre' vented by fencing or otherwise free access to the country comprised In their alleged enclosure. Mr. Noleman continued his argument until 4:50 p. m. The court announced as the hour for adjournment had now about arrived an adjournment would be taken until Thursday morning at o'clock, when Mr. Rush will make the closing argument for the gov eminent Sea the new Color "Saddle" Oxfords JO Oil It' New Ladles' Saddle Col or Oxford $2.50 TODAY EVEN BETTER BARGAINS IN THE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE In the great Muslin Underwear Dept. on the 2d floor. 10 BIG BARGAIN TABLES FULL $1 and $1.50 Undermuslins, 45c, $1.50, $2, $2.50 Undermusllns at 95c An Immense line of gowns, skirts, Exquisitely fashioned gowns, chemises, Harry B. Davis, undertaaer. Tel. '12 BIG HORSES FROM MILWAUKEE Tabat'a Famona Team of Sis Feature of Liquor Men's Gathering?. - Incidental to the convention of the Ne braska Retail Liquor Dealers' association the famous Pabst six-horse blue ribbon team, with the handsome three-ton truck in charge of Fred Allan, special representa tlve of the Pabst Brewing company of Milwaukee, arrived in the city Wednesday morning. Friday from 10 a. m. until p. m. the team and truck will pass over the streets for the edification of all who love fine horses and appreciate unexcelled workmanship In the way of fine wagons and harness. This pretentious advertisement Is In charge of Mr. Allan, who has two assls ants besides an expert driver. The horses are of high breeding and average 1.S50 pounds each. The harness and trappings of the animals are of the most expensive kind. Two specials cars are used on the tour of the "Blue Ribbon" team. The tour was begun last February, since which time the team has been through the south and portions of the east. At the Mardl Qras the team and truck won first prize in th merchants' parade. In many of the south rn cities the arrival of the team was th occasion for a half holiday on the part of cltUena. Chamberlain's folle, t'holera Diarrhoea Hemeay Needs no introduction to the public, has been in use for over thirty years and has proved itself to be the most successful remedy yet discovered lor bowel com' 25c Ginghams on Sale at 6Jc Yard Today we plnre ru sale the entire stock of fine glnghnms from the Nebraska City purchase. Many of these are half silk and worth tip to 00c per yard; most of them are high class mercerized ginghams, worth ii.'c per yard, In every conceivable check, stripe and woven Ague, .11 - A 1 .. . ..... -. 1 15c Voiles on Sale at 5c Yard. One big lot of new woven light weight knicker voiles. In pinks, blues, grays, browns, etc., worth fifteen cents per yard go on one big bargain square tomorrow, at, per yard ................ Laces on Bargain Tables Many thousand yards of all kinds of plain and fancy wash and trimming laces alenclcnnes, Clunys, Normandy, Vals nnd Seville Torchon all widths, worth up to i!5c a yard, go at 50c Ladies' Neckwear at 15c and 25c. On bargain square all the latest styles of plain and fancy 4 wash neckwear, .Tarbeau, fancy stock collars, embroidered TP, A f C turnovers, etc., worth as high as rOe go at mJ mmJJ V 4. j ucaaca 6'c 5c 32C-5c-72C Ladies' Knit Underwear from the Neb. City stock that sold there for up to half a dollar, go at 6c, 12g and 25o each. chemises, corset covers and drawers, handsomely lace and embroidery inmmea, notion Heading all gar ments cut full regular values at $1 and $1.25 the year round June sale price Is 45c i skirts, corset covers and drawers lace and embroidery Inserting and trimming elaborately tucked and hemstitched all generously cut from finest fabrics regular $1..V, $2.(H) and $2.50 values June sale price Is j cut iroin 95c Dainty Sample White Petticoats at Just Half Price We bought the entire samnle line of fine white nfttlnonta from a inoUn New York manufacturer of fine undermuslins, paving Just half the wholesale price. There are only 1HO skirts In the entire lot some are the least bit soiled and mussed fom being handled In the show room, but they are otherwise per fect. This Is a rare opportunity to buy an elaborte white skirt at genuine big uarsaiu. inn riUUUS VARY FROM $1.50 UP TO $15 EACH. On gale today for the first time. Strictly new Ladies ShiriWaist Suits $1.98 $3.98 Dainty sheer lawn, lace and embroidery insertings, tucked, plaited and hemstitched, with extra full plaited skirts and dressy waists on sale on second floor at $1.98 and J3.98. BIG BARCAIN IN PRETTY MILLINERY We have laid out on bargain table on our third floor nearly 1.000 pretty Street Hats and Trimmed Hats for a big one day CiQ rQ r ra sale and marked them in three lots giving choice at.."OC" l.yB'O.VO Tan Ir Sale In the new Gibson Ties and Blucher styles, at $1.98, $2.50 and $.00. VISIT THI Lewis and Clark Exposition PORTLAND, ORB., June 1 to Ootober 18, 1908 AND RETURN THROUGH CALIFORNIA YOU WILL RCORCT IT If YOU MISS Mt. Shasta and Sacramento Valley San Francisco and Golden Gate Yosemite Valley and Big Trees Santa Cruz and Paso Robles Del Monte and Monterey Bay Santa Barbara and Los Angeles Lucin "Out-Off" across Great Salt Lake ' LOW RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC THI ROAD TO CALIFORNIA Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE,' 1324 FARNAM ST. Phone 816. iri--l,,'.-Jl What profltet h a man If he "buyeth" a trunk cheap and it Is a cheap trunk? Verily, a cheap trunk Is of few days and full of trouble. We can sell you a trunk CHEAP that will last many years, and you will always be pleased with It. Moreover, we make all our TRUNKS, traveling bags and suit cases In Omaha. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St LOWE BROS.' High Standard Paint Stands for the best that Is made In PAINT Takes less and wears longer than any other paint. We handle their entire line of pa'nts, etc., exclusively in Omaha and guarantee It to be the best In every way. If you are thinking of painting this spring let us figure with you. PKR GAIJ.O CAJf 1.0 PER 5-GALLO CAN 7.75 We carry everything In the paint line. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. PAINT DEPARTMENT 1416 Harney. 'Phone 3425. We deliver free to all parts of the city. "THINGS WORTH KNOWING" AUSTIN. TFI 6LIAS. UX. ft. fcottm. it i. 6AI VISI0S. MX. DHISOS. TM. OLTMRir. 0. T. aOtSlON, TEX. MLSkOQFE, IT. waco, th. SAN ANTONIO, TtlL SHAWMfc.O. T. SO, SUAUSIf I, I. T. TLISA. I. T. MlLANOHACI h i Tb Largsst Cities In TEXAS, OKLAHOMA AND INDIAN TERRITORY Arsall Located on tae "The Kaiy" P, S. This Is a reason why you should travel and ship your freight via "The Kity" ! m iiJ lLii Ji OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Thursday Fair. HBOB sbbTHRsWKBBRK 5 Interesting June Millinery A GRAND TRIMMED II AT A beautiful lace turban elaborately trimmed cheap at $."3.00 f CIQ as a June leader . IU FEATHER JJATS! FEATHER II ATS ! An unequaled g display of feather hats, black onlf, turbans and dress shapes with ostrich trimming, they are - C f( oueenlv nroductions. and are exclusive tW Dry Goods Ladies' Tan and White Duck Coats, very nobby, C loose box style, stitched pockefs, half belt Ladies' White Duck Skirts, seven gore, tucked and C strapped, a $2.50 skirt l)ZJ Ladies' White Duck Skirts, 9 gores, stitched seams, f EQ graduating straps, $2.00 value, at , . CHILDREN'S HATS, over one hundred, materials plain and shirred pique and Swiss, silk Rengaline, Faille silk, pleated chiffon and velvet, qualities from 1 $1.00 to $2.00, at tOC Qualities $2.00 to $4.00 .QQc Colored Dress Goods 2,500 yards of Vollos, PannniHR, Serges, Mohnlr Melanges, Invisible Flaid Panamas Nun's Veilings Albatross Shepherd Checks, Cf Granite Cloths and Sicilians, worth up to ?1 yard, at yard.. jlC 58-lnch Panamas In navy, brown, green and black, regular value 1 ff' $1.50 per yard, only IiUU Extra Silk Bargains Thursday $1.00 SILK SHIRT WAIST Sl'ITIXOS, 4!c A big lot of this season's plain and fancy silk shirt waist suiting In all wanted plain shades, as well as a large assortment of small, neat designs; these silks are espe cially adapted for smart silk suits, regular $1.00 value this I Q is a rare bargain, Thursday, yard HfJC 10 PIECKS OF BLACK LINING SILK, 3(5 inches wide, regular 7 $1.25 value, Thursday, yard , DC 10 PIECES OF WHITE WASH IIABUTAI SILK, 30 inches wljje, rt regular OOc value Thursday, yard DJC FINE RICHELIEU RIBBED LADIES' VESTS-Regular 25c f value, special, each ; I2C Ribbon Sale Large assortment of plain colors, fine taffeta ribbon, from three to f six inches wide, regular 25c value, special yard, 15c and lC FINE ASSORTMENT OF FEATHERSTITCH FINISHING BRAIDS, in white and colors, full six yard pieces, values worth up to C 35c piece, special 20e, 15c, 12 l-2c 10c and OC JAPANESE SILK NINGAPOO AND FOLDING FANS-Worth f i ' up to 25c each special, each IUC Special Lace Sale Fine Torchon, Normandy Vals and appliques, in white and cream, from one to six inches, wide with Insertions to match, values worth up to 20c yanj, special for Thursday, yard DC ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES Just the thing for summer dresses aud dickies, eighteen inches wide, regular 50c value, special for n Thursday, yard JC Special Sale of Children's Parasols Fancy and plain1 cotton, cambric and silk covered, at, each, . f B 75c 48c. 35c 25c and IDC Optical Goods On Sale Thursday. 3.50 3.50 Best gold filled spectacles at spe clal prices Thursday: $5.00 Spectacles gold filled , $5.00 Eye Glasses gold filled Good chance to get good glasses for little money. We have an overstock of 50c spec tacles and eye-glasses, and will put them on sale J" Thursday, at IDC Thursday Shoe Sale. Barefoot Sandals from child's to QAo ladies' sizes at avJl Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. Ladies' Oxfords and Gibson Ties, in tans, I A? blacks and patent leathers Sixty ($6.00) Green Trading Stamps. Ladies', misses' and children's white canvas O C oxfords, in prices ranging from $2.00 to CJU Men's and boys' Canvas Shoes, high and 1 HA low cuts, at $1.50, $1.25 and I.UU in Bennett's Bi Grocery We not only sell you the best (roods, but save you money on all grocery purchases. Twenty (2) Green Trading Stamps with 3-lu. can Burnham's Clam Chowder 20o Twenty (J) Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond "S" Kruits 2So Twenty i$2) Green Trading Stamps with pound California Sultanas. .15c INT KRESTI N'G ITEMS. Baking Soda, package 4c Corn Starch, pound package 4c Diamond "C" Soap, 10 bars 2oc Potted Ham, can 4c Grated Pineapple, 3-pound can 10c California Haislns, pound 4c BUTTER. BUTTER. BUTTER. Our delivery wagons are furnished with Ice boxes. Insuring delivery of butter In first-class condition. Finest Country Butter, pound 22o ICE COLD BUTERMILK FREE. CORN. CORN. CORN. Good quality Corn, 2-pound can Bo Dozen cans 55c TOMATOES. TOMATOES. Good solid pack, 3-pound can 7o Dozen cans 75c CANDY SECTION. Several hundred pounds French Burnt Peanuts, per pound 10c See Our Solid Oak Sideboard at $9.85 TBS RELIABLE STORK Sale of Ladies' Undermuslins Continues Thursday. Ladies' Skirts Thursday The entire center alwle of our Ladles' 8 lilt Department will be devoted to the. dis play of the rarest lot of skirt bargains eve r brought to Omaha. All bet styles, tat rlcs and colors are represented In this Immense illHplav, and, like the Cravenettes ot Tuesday, they will bo sold AT HALF PRICE AND LESS. PRETTY ACCORDION ri.EATED SKlRTSln all colors, regular $1.00 9 054 values, unmatchable bargains In tills sale at 4.95 7.50 SICILIAN AND PANAMA SKIRTS In Marks, blues, browns, grays, tans and greens, sold everywhere regularly at $!, sale price Thursday BEAUTIFUL SILK WALKING SKIRTS. In nil colors, mndo of Glvernaud'S best taffeta, worth up to $15. salo price Silk Underskirt Free To every purchaser of one of our nan give absolutely free a fine silk underskl WOMEN'S $2.60 CHECK WASH SUITS, piped with red, special QQ $6.00 LINEN ' SuiTS, "nicely ' trimmed wit li pretty embroideries, special 2 31J $x.nO WASH "SUITS," In "great" variety of newest styles and materials, Q 98 $!0.oo"VASh' St iTS,' In" the" most" beautiful 19ns designs, quantity limited, 4 nU special at t'VO $l.on SICILIAN COFFEE JACK- fi ()U ET8 at O.VO HANDSOME SILK AND LINEN REDIN- .m:.mM 10. 00 $2.00 SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS, the best made and most beautifully designed lot of garments ever shown, QQ dsome $7 50 Voile Skirts Thursday we will rt which would sell regularly at $.ix. M HI'HIMNt; W AIST VAI.l US $.1.00 Linen Waists at $3.00 Linen Waists at 2.98 .1.45 ..1.00 ...65c ..35c Women's $2 00 and $:.M) Waists at Women's $1.50 Wash Waists FRiM R TILL 9 A. M.-7Re Dress ing Sacques, for this hour FROM S:30 TILL !:30 . M. Women's $1 50 Underskirts great snap 69C FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M - Children's two dollar Into uwn Dresses Bt 98c i the Great West Room One Big Square of all kinds of White I One Big Square of Standard Prints and Goods, worth up to 25c per '71r Printed Lawns, worth "Vac, OJr yard, at. yard '31 at, yard ..8V One Big Square of Seersucker Glnghnm, I FROM S TILL 10 A. M. Wash Voiles, all wortn 10c per yard, special bar- r,PW colors and patterns, worth vlr l.So varrt. at. vnrd m h gain Thursday, at, yard. Great Pre-lnventory Hardware Sale The Biggest Bargains Ever Offered are to be Found in this Great Sale 2 wire Egg Beaters 3c 1 large package Tooth Picks 3c Garden Weeder ; 3c 1 box Wax Tapers 3c Sink Shovel 3fi 1 package assorted Tncks 3c, Large wire Hat Hook 3c Chop Knife 3c Glass Lemon Squeezer 3c Wood Potato Masher 3c 1 packagn Toilet Paper 3c Metal Towel Bar 3c Nails, 8d to 60d, com 2Vc Nails, 3, 4. Rd. com 2Jc. Good steel Grass Hook 12c Soring Hinge 13140 1 lard wood adjustable Screen 20c Screen Door, 2xfi tix6 ti'ic Oiled .finished Door 9m: Best grade Screen Wire lHc Hardwood Hose Reel 59c Watch tomorrow morning papers for Gigantic Sale In Big Basement Annex. Hundreds of articles will be included la this sale at 26c on the Dollar. It Means Dollars Saved by Purchasing Your Groceries at Hayden's Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour.. $1.48 10 pound sacks best Corn Meal 15c 2 pound cans fancy sweet Sugar Corn 4Hc Per dozen, fancy sweet Sugar Corn 5"c 3 pound cans solid packed Tomatoes. ...6'c Per dozen, solid parked Tomatoes 70c 1 pound cans Rex Pork and Beans, with sauce 5c 1 pound can fancy Alaska Salmon 9e 3 pound can Boston Baked Beans 7V4c .a 1 - l . . .1 . ' Xi ... . ' T."" . . . Alt Ourift'a lf I IH I n X.'miM mil , 11 ni. l.itl nil, .7 " i , " Pride, or White Fans .Laundry Boap..z&c Choice Japan Rice per pound. Fresh Bread, per loaf . .34o ...40 I.eiponsI Lemons! I.rmonil Large juicy seedless lemons, per dozen 12c Fancy sweet Juicy Bananas, per dozen. .120 Fancy sweet Juicy Oranges, per dozen.. lo 3 measures Peanuts 10c Get a nice cold drink of W.ild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer free. Take home a brick of Ice Cream for. .....5 EHIAVDErc BROS. GREATEST PREMIUM OFFER EVER MADE BY ANY NEWSPAPER A $12.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHOUE TO OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS OF THIS PAPER PRACTICALLY FREE I HIS IS THE COLUMBIA'S 512.50 DISC GRAPHOPHONE BOUGHT ANYWHERE FOR LESS. IT CANNOT BE B Men's $2-50 Welts No reason for wearing a machine fwwed shoe that baa a rough inner sole and Is full of tacks, when you can buy a genuine Welt soled shoe thut is smooth on the inside and easy pn your feet for $2.50. This shoe is adapted to summer wear as it is easy to waiK in ana iff' umde of either Vie! Kid or Box Calf. IKm't torture your feet with a heavy, stiff soled shoe when you can get one that is easy on your feet for 2-50. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Omaha. r-t-Dat. Haas. ABK FOR OUR FRJTJB, CATALOOUB. Michigan Summer Resorts Among the lakes and rivers of the East Coast of Lake Michigan is the ideal country for a summer outing. Fishing, boating, bathing, sailing, golf, and above all, an ideal climate. Ture air and pure spring water. Health and recreation. Booklets descriptive of these resorts mailed on application to H. F. MOELLER, G. P. A., Pere Marquette Railroad, Union Station, Detroit, Mich. :- :- IMPRISONED III THE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHOUE RECORDS ARE More ttian ten thousand different classes of entertainment Sweet Melodies Rich Music Classic Soups Oouitc Songs Funny Stoiies-GooU Jokea, and aa endless amount of good things from all corners of the clole. If you go to the thenter, hear a catchy song, one that you would lllte to num. ilay or whistle over but can't, you can purchase n Columbia Record with that -ery song imprisoned on it and have your Columbia (iraphiiphune play It for you to your heart's content Every tone Is Just as true ns though it were coming from the throaty tna songster. Every word is Just as clear as though the singer stood before you. Now.' think of what an enlovment that is think of Ihe good times to be had yut of such a WOXDERFI'L IXSTUl'MENT. DO YOU WANT ONE? Py special arrangement with THE COLUMBIA CUArilOPHONH CO., 1621 Fnmnm Street, Omaha, Neb., we are enabled to present to both old and new subscribers A SI 2.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPKOPHONE PRACTICALLY FREE. Cut out the attached coupon and mail It to CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OMAHA REE, and we will send our representative to demonstrate and expUla how you can secure it. MAIL THIS TODAY NOT TOMORROW. sk for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO 1 PEST BECAUSE Cltaaxs. Sold 5!rot ' Tai in WOT paylnr ka'SalTf. elrti. . turn ww ciuu cb vvfr COUPON OF INQUIRY. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OMAHA BEE, OMAHA, NEB.: Please send your representative to my address, as given below, to show the GRAPHOPHONE you offer with one year's subscription to THE OMAHA BEE. Name Date. Address Only a Few Days till rrnduatlon days and th prcnent you ar goln to ne- rt annuld Htumii'd io now vi thins "r ... ... ....m HrKKina. etc. nnd you know mir iirlwn art- rlKht. Suenj a & few minutes In our more. Look for the numu tlion llty NI1U 1111 il"-ol )uu in guum til , I t- Htumli'd to now vi' ho many beautiful ir- i;lfti all Hpprnprlittx Wati'hcn, ChalriH, Mt-aita, JT Fohst. ItlriKH. HnireMfi, Hut Tina, Sirarf l'lim. .Ztrm S. W. LIND9AY, Jeweler, Kit Douglas 6trW f Bi 11