Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 14

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i i
Atl vertlseauenta tor tneae column
will be la km aatll 13 aa. for the
rnlair eSltloa aad til S p. nt. far
the mornlaar aad Saaday eallloa.
Ratea 1 1-Jle, irord flrat laeertloni
lo m nerd thereafter. Molala takes
for leu than iM for the flrat Inser
tion. These idftrllif neota moat ba
ran cnnaeent I vely.
Advertisers, by rrqneatln nam
hered cheek, ritu have tniwrri ad
dreamed to m anntbered letter In rare
of The nee. Anawera ao addreaaed
will ha delivered presentation of
CITY SAVINGS HANK pays 4 per cent.
R 938
EYK STRAIN relieved by expert optical
treatme nt; glasses to fit; prices right.
- Bennett's. R 939
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th.
Tel. 1779. R-940
WH wish to announce that we have en
glided a first -class dressmaker; come an;l
see. tm, Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Doug
las Blk. - R-M382 Je4
211 So. 11th St.
Telephone 264.
VMBRKI.LA repairing. Keys, 2"7 S. 14th.
Tel. 1714 R-M3S1 Je4x
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere.
P. H. Phllhin, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7S4.
R 943
Water backs, gasoline stoves cleaned.
Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 9fiO.
'TIS the business college student's first question.
Our Employment Department Las recently placed over 300
'toyles Graduates in fine salaried positions with firms where
bility and industry are quickly noted and rewarded. Ihe
amcs and addresses of these students are given in our three
folders, each entitled "A Yard of Positions," 100 graduates to
a yard. Let us know you want them and we'll gladly send all
three of these proofs of our prestige among business men of
this section.
Both the Smith Premier and Kemington typewriter agencies
n Omaha are constantly asking for "Doyles Graduates for our
Custom el's."
It is a provable fact that we have never been able to fill all
the positions that we have had to offer our students.'
It pays to attend the college from which business men have
found it pays to get stenographers and bookkeepers.
The summer session is now going on. Every day is an en
rollment day. Catalogue free.
II. IJ. BOYLES, President.
ioyles Building. Omaha, Nebraska,
OMAHA Safe anil Iron Works multe a spe
cialty of lite escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. G. Andreen, prop., 102 S. 10th St.
PIANOS and househnlat gdods a specialty.
Packing, moving nnrl repairing by ex-
Serlenced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1625.
chmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1313 Far
nam. R 945
OSCAR has returned and Invites his pa
trons to return. Mullln's, corner 16th and
Davenport. R 730 Je
Iron and brass castings. 802 Jackson. Tel.
2432. R 846
Fire Insurance at Cost.
We want a live agent in every town In
Nebraska. Write for particulars.
ANCE CO. 1609 Farnam St.
The past year we have placed thousands
on ifie Highway ot success.
We can place at once a
Bookkeeper. 112 to $16.
Good salesman and collector; must be busi
ness man; salary.
City salesman; commission; good line.
foreman tor lumoer yard.
rirst-class soda dispenser.
Five insurance salesmen.
.xperlenced stenographer,
'lano salesman.
Piano tuner.
First-class hotel clerk.
Dry goods salesman.
all or write for complete list.
Dept. if, 841-842 N. X. Lite.
B 39$ 4
BTEINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used,
$225; bargain. Portleld Piano Co.. 16U
Farnam. R 948
WANTED Several wide-awake, energetic
young men to travel; work dignified,
pi. ana nt and profitable. Students or teach
ers preferred. No Investment required.
Address Twentieth Century Farmer,
Omaha, Neb. B 160 5x
SIGN PAINTING. S. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas.
R M193
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re-
tall musical instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged. 113 S. 17th St.,
Omaha. , R
t'OR RENT I J very or transfer barn, 21)16
Bt. Mary s Ave. John R. Webster, Board
of T rade lildg. K 2i3 4
Dl liunil M uioveu 10 inio diMie oi. ei.
2299. High class cleaning and dyeing. We
I 1.... n ............. ., ...1 ........ TJ 'JCO A
WANTED, your machinery repairing, auto
mobile, gasoline engine, model and expert'
mental work. Buckingham & Peterson,
Fremont, reo. Jtv
Tor Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for
delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per
fectly safe; no danger, no pain, nd Inter
ference with work; relief brought to thou
sands after everything else failed; highly
recommended by all that have used them.
By mail, $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy
(jo., fioom ao, s Auama si., Chicago, in.
PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for
ladies; never falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 112
OR- PRIES treats successfully all diseases
and Irregularities of women from any
cause; experienced and reliable. Address
with stamp. Dr. Pries, 16111 Dodge St.,
umana. u lis
iONORABLE retired physician will give
advice tree to weak men. Address Dr.
Carl Kerby, P. O. box 227, Seattle, Wash.
M5S9 Je23x
JR. DE MARS. French Tansy and Penny.
royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure for
nu lemaiu 11 lesuini ineo. iit-guinr price,
$2; our price, $t jcr box. Beaton Drug
Co., loin ana rarnam, umana.
30, RUPTURE CURED, $30-No more dan
gerous injeotlons, no knife, no pain, no
detention from business. Our new ELECTRO-MAGNETIC
treatments cure rup
ture PERMANENT LY In 30 to 60 days;
absolute guarantee In every case. " We
refer to thousands of cured patients. Call
at our parlors, or write for free booklet
and references. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., 611 Woodmen-W'orld Bldg.
Omaha. M239 4x
UEN. If you are small, weak or undevel
oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vac
uum Developer will restore you without
drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured in
one to four weeks; 75,000 In use; not on
failure: write for free book, sent sealed
In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 728
na rciay ik., Denver, uoio.
VADIES treated successfully by mail or
at nis omce. Maternity nome. Infants
adopted. Write today, stating how long
suppresses,. nr. nriney, isi Biaie St
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women ana eniiaren: so years practice,
Omce, 23ii6 Cuming. Residence, telephone,
ooti; omce, ooj.
LADTE 8 Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no
oilier, eenu 4C stamps for particulars,
"Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
cnemicai i'o., i'hlladelphla. Fa.
location ITSTA1B8-113 8. 16th St.
Palmistry and Occult) Science a specialty,
-o.ii a.uu im v ill urn.
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1521 Leaven
wortn. S 864
U4I UIC'P AVI". TT) A Ml'L" lirnimi
aT. 1k) 1 4T v 1 . fca-a, 14 if I V,' ill
everything- told, past, present and future
aMtll 01 41.-1 IUI1 JI liu ! v f 4IIBU 1 1 ICLT V t I4J U
ana iiml In at n I n t aiiiu l Miitai LrnAaa In -..
treated; cure guaranteed. All business
-...i... I.. .-.J I . I . . I c- ... -icw
Liit uy i-uiiiiiiuwtit. it . ioui pi. moi
Red 5736. S 443 4x
YOUR fortune told by the most reliable
clairvoyants; send birth date, dime and
stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollin, 490 N. Clark
Bt., Chicago. nSii 4x
MME. BOYER; advice reliable. 210 N. 17th
(Center Hotel), half block N. W. post
omce. fiione n-axi. o U42i lox
MME. FRANCISCO, 1704 CapMol Ave.;
hours a, in. to 2 p. m. (t M420 lOx
RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages a
greatly reduced prices. Johnson & Dan
aorin, luuiuweai corner linn ana Junes.
SHETLAND ponies for Bale. 42d and Oen
ler BU. md6q
AT COST for ten days, buggies, harness
and saddles. Omaha Western Mercantile
Co.. 1614 Chicago St. I'-MuoS
rivuiuivj tlall0 atsia-ns. 8. E. Cor,
Capitol Ave., Tel. 2406; fully equipped for
44 Jaluua HI VlUlWt.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men, between ages of 18 and
3.-, citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who
speak, read and write English. For In
formation apply to Recruiting Officer,
13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln,
Nob., or Sioux City, la. B S73
IF YOU are In need of a position cnll and
nave a ' heart-to-heart talk witn maki,
THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-957
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb
ing trade. We cannot supply demand ror
graduates; $4.50 to $5.00 per day. Eight
weeks completes course. Earn while
learning. Addretfs for catalogue, Coyne
Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati,
O., St. Louis, Mo. B 755
SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery stock;
salary right party. Address C. w. Mur
pry, Lawrence, Kan. B M639 J!)x
THE Home Educational Society of Phila
delphia wants more men to explain school
and text books; good pay; pleasant work;
no experience needed. Manager, 500 Ware
Blk.. Omaha. B M737
WANTED A few flrst-claBS experienced
men to sell counties in Iowa, from $100
to $150; 60 per cent commission; oppor
tunity for right men. Lock box 298. Co.
Bluffs, la. B
Bank solicitors.
Clerical men for railroad.
Pump and scale salesman.
Experienced stenographer, $75.00.
Experienced stenographer, $60.00.
Experienced stenographer, $45.00.
Experienced stenographer, $40.00.
Experienced soda dispenser.
Experienced hat salesman.
Manager lumber yard. (
Graduate electrician, $200.00 month.
HART, 401 N. Y. Life. B-414 4
WANTED 6 bricklayers. 19th and Farnam.
Long Joty. ti M44i
80 WORKING girls. Canadian office. 15th
and Dodge. C 859
WANTED A cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker,
1505 South 8th St. C 237
GIRL wanted, to Tlo general housework.
2932 Pacific. C-M189 3
WANTED A good, competent girl at 115
South 34th; family of three. u 224
We can't make It for you, but we can prepare you
to make It for yourself.
If you want money, don't waste your time, It Is
rrepare yourself nt once for profitable work. Tha
Omaha Commercial College offers you the opportunity.
You should enroll nt once, as It Is near the beginning
of the Summer Term.
AVe teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting,
Telegraphy, Penmanship, and other Business Brnnches.
New classes In all branches. W'e have taught thousands
how to make money. We can teach you. Ask some
of our pupils, or their employers, what they think of
our work.
Write for particulars or call and see us.
Rohrbough Bros.,
17th and Douglas, , Omaha, Neb,
OWNER of an $11,000 equity In 22R acres,
Pottawnttiimle county. Iowa, land, with
fln itiiirnimninii i (10 incumbrance
line l!ll'I ,'veiuril i n 1111,., ,
payable on or before March, IsUO, will ex
'change for a general stock of merchAn
disc of like amount or less. Address loct
Box No. lrt. Shelby, Iowa. Z 415 4x
r.i.i.r.. i rimi nnn ptj minimi...
rooms with or without alcove, at the
most reasonable price; menls close by.
'Phone in house. Dr. Pribbenow, 2r74
t , . , . v Ata
Harney St.
NICELY furnished front room In new
brick house; all modern, on car line. 2100
Sherman Ave. Reasonable to desirable
young man. Telephone Black-6111.
E434 4
O. M. E.. TEL 611. .
815 Park Ave.
Sunday Dinner Special
SALESMEN covering shoe and drug trades
add two to ten dollars daily Income hand
ling Dry-Sole; the big advertising we are
doing makes order getting easy; write for
R reposition. Dry-Sole Co., 99 Warren St.,
lew York. J
(CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions, with
advance of $100 monthly; permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess H. Smith & Co..
Detroit, Mich. 308 4x
greatest negro, has written an autobiog
raphy: sells like lightning; agents make
$10 dally; write for free outilt. J. L. Nich
ols & Co. Napervllle, 111. J M352 lOx
AGENTS WANTED Bonanza for agents,
the Page Washing Machine, 20th century
wonder; needs only to be shown; does Its
own talking; write today and start a bank
account. C. S. Page Mfg. Co., Des Moines,
Iowa. J-351 4x
WANTED Agents every state sell "Sani
tary Spring Heel Cushion;" retails 36c;
large proUts. Glmbel Mfg. Co., 95 Wash
ington St., Chicago. J 350 4x
AGENTS make $5 to $15 a day selling the
Co-Ro-Na Medlcator; particulars free. E.
J. Worst, Ashland, O. J-348 4x
CITY SALESMAN Sell and collect; hotel,
restaurants, Ice cream trade; good pay.
Address F 49, care Bee. J 305 4x
WANTED Immediately, first and second
girl. 1024 Park Ave. , C M242 5
WANTED Competent girl for general
work In small family; retrnccs tequlred;
good wages. Mrs. Frank Crawford. The
Winona, west entrance. C M226 3
GIRL for general housework. 2037 Harney.
C 2B4 5
WANTED Second girl; references. Apply
to Mrs. Kenyon, 614 S. 29th Ave. C 254
GIRL for general housework at 2541 Chi
cago. Apply to Mrs. A. P. Tukey.
C 252 5
DRUG stores bought land sold; drug clerks
wt&nieu. V. 1V11ICB1, D 41. X XV.
, B 958
COMPETENT girl, general housework: two
In family; no washing; references re
quired; call mornings and evenings. Mrs.
Charles E. Clapp, 119 S. S4th St.
C-250 5x
AGENTS We have crackajack proposition,
beats them all for permanent income; ab
solute necessity; consumed every day;
state or county rights to reputable, ener
getic man who can show ability. Address
for sample and particulars, Kleanal Mfg.
Co.. 36 Vesey St., New York. J 299 4x
WANTED Esergetlc, trustworthy man or
woman to work In Nebraska representing
large manufacturing company; salary, $40
to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses
advanced. Address with stamp, J. H.
Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 303 4x
GOOD general agent to establish local
agency in every county and larger cities
for sale of newly patented article In uni
versal demand; must give references.
Address 4tifl Wacouta St., St. Paul, Minn.
J 307 4x
PORTRAIT AGENTS Samples free; por
traits at 30 cents, likeness guaranteed;
frames and sheet pictures. Metropolitan
Portrait Co., 663-655 Madison St., Chicago,
111. J 329 4x
Olives. Radishes.
Shud Roe.
French Fried Potatoes.
Fried Spring Chicken Cream Gravy,
Mashed Potatoes. Cream Cauliflower.
Baked Ham.'
Waldorf Salad. Cheese Balls.
Lemon Ice. Coffee. Cake.
Sunday dinner, 60c; regular dinner, 35c; 21
meals, $0.00. All orders for dinners must be
telephoned In advance. Banquet room for
special dinner parties. Tclculione, Red-5482.
F-M241 4
CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave.;
large front rooms, with alcove, southern
exposure; hot and cold water; family
cooking; 'phono and modern improve
mants. F-979
tfOARD and rooms for gentleman; private
family. 60S S. 29th St. F M672
SALESMEN Experienced, to sell jewelry
assortments; entirely new Inducements;
high rate commissions and weekly ad
vance; give experience, present occupa
tion and permanent address. Long &
Johnson, Kansas City, Mo. 335 4x
WANTED First-class salesman; one sales
man's commission amounted to over $1,200
In six weeks from February 6 to March 18,
1905. Address The Barton Parker Mfg.
Co.. Cedar Rapids, la. 337 4x
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and
Iowa; staple line; entirely new induce
ments to trade; high commissions; $:5
weekly advance; permanent to riuht man.
F. C. Farley Co., Detroit, Mich.
SALESMAN wanted for extensive fine line
of advertising calendars, etc. Address
with references, stating experience, Aug.
Gast Bank Note and Litho. Co., St.
Louis, Mo
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16ih & Chicago.
E 9,3
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Farnam.
E 97 J
VIENNA Hotel; pnvate dining rooms, cafe.
E 975
WHY NOT FURNISH your own rooms?
Our prices are very moderate. We sell
furnishings on pay merits. Terms: $26.00
worth. 1.00 week.
Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between
12th and 13th on Farnam St. E 375 4
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent
location, modern, 2310 Webster. 'Phone
6390. E 976
GIRL to do general housework. 2923 Pa
clflo St.- C M366
$75 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid
pleasant work. Address C. A. O'Brien, 316
Neville Blk., Omaha, Neb. B 165
WANTED Salesmen calling on dry goods
trade to sell good line of walking skirts
direct from factory, on liberal commis
sion, either side line or exclusive. Give
reference and experience. Address F 51,
care of The Bee. B M236 3x
WANTED men, everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, - adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank
Building. Chicago, 111. B-M234 4x
$15 to $20 PER DAY. In your own neigh
borhood, send stamp for particulars. Ad
dress Exchange Agency, Hillsboro, O.
B-364 4x
YOU should never, never consider yourself
too late or out of season with any kind
of housecleanlnc, occupied or vacant,
nfrlected lawns or garden, when reliable
service Is obtainable. 'Phone Cedar-55092.
B 859 4x
WANTED Men to Introduce a patent hard
ware article; salary, $18 per week; $2.60
per day for expenses: rspld advancement;
state nge and present employment. Write
Ideal Shear- Company, Dept. 12, Chicago.
B 302 4x
DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted
In every locality for profitable secret serv
ice, to act under orders; no experience
necessary. Write Webster's Detective
Agency, Des Moines, Iowa. B 306 4x
YOUNG MAN, bright, over IS, to prepare
ror government position; gool salary;
permanent. 441 Board of Trade. Omaha.
B-293 4x
DETECTIVE WORK, established fifteen
years: s.irno secret service men. more be
ing added every day. Send us your case;
advice by mall free. Address American
Detective Ass n, Indianapolis, Ind.
B-296 4x
ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis-
trimite circulars, samples and advertising
matter, noon pay; no canvassing, lo
operative Advertising Co., New York.
B-311 4x
WANTED Four men to travel In each state
distribute samples and advertise our
goods; salary in per week and expenses
guaranteed; expenses advanced: expert
ence unnecessary. Address, with stamp,
stating age and occupation, Reeve Co.,
mi I'earoorn m., nicago. a sis 4x
WANTED Clever young man for shadow
Ing and secret service in and about
Omaha. Address Superintendent, 815
Hartrord Bldg., Chicago, 111.
B 320 4x
WANTED Energetic man to travel for lob
lung nouse; exerience unnecessary; per
manent; advancement: J75 per month and
expenses. Address, with stamped envel
ope, r . w. l-ous, eykes Block Mlnneapo
lis, Minn. B M309 6x
WANTED Men to learn barher trade
short time completes; positions guaran
teed; granuaies earn 13 to L'o weekly;
uiiiB uptime, van or write M0ler Bar
ber College, 1116 Farnam St.
B-M323 9x
CANVASSERS to sell Automatic Her...
Door Catches and Giant Supports; make
big money; exclusive territory; sample
"""i uour support, auc, postpaid
Automatic Catch Co., Chicago.
B 325 4x
MEN WANTED for our latest advertising
acnenie; mu weeaiy ensuy made; no tx
perlence needed. This opportunity li
Vours. Write at rnra fr, n..tli.iil.H
Manhattan Advertising Co.. P. O. box
sju. nrancn m. a., iMew York, N. Y.
B-328 4x
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
for manufacturing house; local territory;
salary $J6, paid weekly; expense money
advanced: previous experience unneces
sary. American House, Star Bldg.. Chi
cago. B-286 4X
WANTED Girl for general housework;
sman ramnv, ngnt work, lies is. 34th St.,
one block from car. C 368 4x
WANTED Stenographers can earn extra
money auring spare lime; limited number
only. Enclose addressed stamped envelope
for reply. Pilot Ribbon Co., Rochester,'
N. Y. C 298 4x
AGENTS WANTED Big money, sure;
quick sales, exclusive territory, free, sam
ples. Write today. T. M. Sayman, 2141
Franklin Ave., St. Ixuls, Mo. J
WE START YOU selling diamonds. Don't
fall getting our liberal offer; $5 dally,
sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N.
Y. Mention paper. J 292 4x
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng.
manicuring, racial massage, chiropody or
electrolysis; best paying work a lady
can do; little expense. Call or write
Moler College, 1114 Farnam St.
C M322 9x
LADIES To do piecework at their homes;
we rurnisn an materials and pay from
$7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope
to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago.
C-334 4x
STENOGRAPHER, good penman, aulck
ann accurate witn ngures, experienced,
Saleslady, sneaking German.
Two salesladies, city.
uasnier ror out op town.
Call or write for complete list.
Jjepi. a, B41-B4Z in. I. L,ie.
C-392 4
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Mrs. j. H. Dumont, 3642 Lafavette
Ave. C 283 4
Experienced chocolate dipper.
Ladv cooks, out of city.
HART. 401 N. Y. Life. C 413 4
WANTED Two ladies, neat appearance
ana Dusiness anility, to represent an
eastern publishing house In Omaha.
Permanent employment. Salary $6 per
week at beginning. References required.
H. A. Rice. 222 Paxton block, between
10 and 12, Monday, June 5. " C429 4x
WANTED An experienced cook: no wash
ing required. Anply to Mrs. L. L.
-Kountse, 423 S. 89th St. Tel. 187.
OFFICE GIRL A young girl, 17 years,
highest references, desires position In of
fice, physician or dentist preferred; polite,
prompt and obliging; can also do steno
graphic work; small wages.
A-866 4x
MAIDEN lady of good character wishes
position as housekeeper; can give rerer
ences. Address F 63, Bee. A M383 x
I WANT TO BUY a six or eight-room
modern house, centrally located and in
good neighborhood, or will hu; further
irom ine center ir mere are rair-sixed
grounds around house. Can pay all cash
if desired, r 48, care Bee. N 370 4
A FEW good, cheap vacant lots for building
purposes, well located. D 60, care Bee.
N-371 4
Y. Life pays highest price for books.
Tel. 3036. N 9a ,
WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furnltura
and stoves, leu Til or writ J. Levins,
city. N M22
SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1U
farnam. 7
$1,000 CASH Will pay this amount for
good slsed lot with small house. Address
F 65. Bee. N M240 4x
WANTED To buy a lumber yard or to
know ot a locality neeaing a lumber y,ard.
Aaaress r . nee omce. is M2S3 4X
WANTED Man over a to travel In Ne
braska, distributing and collecting; sal
ary, $S0 monthly and expenses. Road
8upt., 334 Dearborn. Chicago. B 287 4x
A YOUNG men for firemen and brake
men, Nebraska anJ other railroads. Ex
perience unnecessary. Firemen $76, be
come engineers and earn $180. Bra4temen
$o0. become conductors and earn $140.
Name position preferred. Send stamp for
particulars. Railway Association, Depart-
nteni (9, C'htuiea ilia., Denver, Colorado.
FOUND The right place to have your eyes
teaiea ana niiea rigm oenneii s.
Found 970
PERSON whs found glasses In toilet room
at Schllts hotel kindly return to soda
fountain at Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Re
ward. Lost M216 4x
$36 A WEEK and expenses to men with
rigs to Introduce poultry goods. Eureka
Chemical Co., Fort Dodge, la.
J-294 4x
WANTED An agent, either sex. In each
town to sell high grade shirtwaist ma
terials and ladies' suitings by the yard.
Our goods are novelties and quick sellers.
Write us. Direct Cloth Co., 2623 Olive St.,
St. Louis, Mo. J 312 4x
$500 PER MONTH and expenses selling my
patent ror making smokiess uun ana
Blasting Powder at 8 cents per pound.
Beware of fakes advertising a worthless
and dangerous article. I am the Inventor.
General agents wanted In each state. J.
A. Stransky. Box 400, Puwana, S. D.
J-317 4x
AGENTS to sell a practlcaf $5 typewriter;
40 per cent commission. Mcuarthy-con-man
Mfg. Co., 620 Spruce St., St. Louis,
Mo. J 310 4x
$50 WEEKLY to manage territory on Al
len's Fountain Brush; requires no ex
perience; references required. Address
Allen Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. J 321 4x
FOR RENT, desirable front room, to single
gentleman; modern conveniences. 217
xtiouth 25th at, E 06
FURNISHED rooms, modern. 2214 Web
ster. E M854 4x
ELEGANTLY furnished modern room. In
quire Flat 6, Davldge Blk., 18th and Far
nam. 'Phone No. 6283. E M9
ROOMS and good board, $5 per week and
up. . Call 1517 Chicago St. E 919
NEWLY furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 1521 Leavenworth St.
E-M191 3x
NICE front room for discreet couple. 525
S. 21st Ave. IS M 190 4x
TWO nicely furnished rooms for two or
four gentlemen, with or without board;
strictly modern; private family; use of
telephone. 2573 Dodge. E M184 4x
THREE nicely furnished front rooms. 2018
uavenpori. E 206 4x
LARGE furnished room, modern convent
ences, private family, $8 per month. 634
o. zstn Bi. Ei asi 4x
LARGE pleasant front room; also smaller
room; an moaern; large lawn and snaae;
reasonable. 6u S. 24th Ave.; 'Phone 4076.
E 2i 4x
NICE rooms; all modern. 524 S. 24th.
E-209 4x
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping.
'Phone 3m Third floor, 1302 Douglas.
E-210 4x
GENERAL AGENT, everv cltv; noveltv,
big seller. J. C. Travis, 111 World Bldg..
New York. J 327 4x
AGENTB Our new novelties ready. J. B.
Edwards Co., 146 Monroe St., Chicago, 111.
J-339 4x
AGENTS Seven dollars for one. Some
thing positively necessary and new. Ab
solutely no competition. Can be handled
easily by male or female agents from 16
years up. Bank references. Send one dol
lar for entire outfit, bringing seven dol
lars In return. Enterprise Introduction
company, P. O. Box 494, New York Cltv.
J-S41 4x
CANVASSERS to sell magnifying photo
graph frames. . Big money for live agents.
Everybody wants them. They sell at
sight. Address Glen Rock Novelty Works,
Glen Rock, Pa. J $42 4x
AGENTS are making $25 a day Introducing
"Pittsburg Push the Microbe of Suc
cess." Address The Pittsburg & San
Juan Co., 408 Penn Ave., Pittsburg. Pa.
J-290 4X
AGENTS To sell device with which bey
can remove "bag" from pants; can press
and crease; new. catchy, salable. Bav
slde Mfg. Co., Walnut Place, Philadel
phia. Pa. J-289 4x
AGENTS Write now for free sample of
work ann terms. Btar Harness Mender
best 26c seller out; we make other quick
selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg.
Co., St. Louis, Mo. J
BIG money In squabs; cheaply raised In
only 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices; won
derful market; write for free book and
learn this rich Industry. Plymouth
Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose,
Mass. J
AGENTS wanted In every county to, sell
men's Scotch pants; $5 values for $2. Send
waist and lg measure and $2 for sample
pair and get our plan. $25 a week easily
made. R. R. Robertson Co., 40 Dearborn
St., Chicago, 111. . J 446 4x
TRAVELING salesman wanted to sell gro
cers; permanent position; state present
occupation and salary expected. Los An
geles Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. 301 4x
WANTED By manufacturer of perfumes,
toilet articles and flavoring extracts, a
traveling salesman for Nebraska. Experi
ence in this line not necessary. Good
position If taken at once. Address F 56,
care Bee. 284 4x
FOUND The best place In town to get my
summer dresses cleaned to perfection.
They guarantee their work, too. The
Suiturlum, at their new location, 1511
Jones St. Tel. 2299. . Lost-391 4
LOST Black feather boa, between St.
Cecilia's church and Cuming St., on 40th.
Return, to Dally Baa office for reward.
WANTED Experienced southwestern town
lot salesmen; men who can make sales
and organise clubs of ten purchasers $36
each; free transportation, southwest.- Ad
dress 625 Frisco Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
358 4x
SALESMEN to sell original "Chlcqulds"
candy-coated pepsin gum. Inclose post
age for free samples. Cummliatfs Com
pany, Allegheny, Pa. &0 4x
MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive
territory upon unequalled commissions,
for unrivaled books; no better opening la
to be found In the book selling buslneaa
than tha opportunity w now have to
offer; get our proposition; send addreaa.
M. A. Donahue ft Co., CUlco. tti tx
FURNISHED room In strictly modern
nonio; nice location ror summer. zo48 uni
cago. Call after 6:30 p. m. E 891 4x
2041 HARNEY street, strictly modern, newly
furnished, walking distance. 'Phone AbK
51141. , E 880 5x
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room. 1613
Howard, or 714 so. ltiin, nat b.
E 901 4x
FURNI8HED rooms for housekeeping, also
nam. top flat. ' ' E 918 5x
LARGE south front alcove room. 2580 Har
ney street. B 912 4x
NEWLY Furnished rooms. 413 South 19th
E M237 4x
DESIRABLE large south front room, or
smaller west room; Blriciiy modern; prl
vate family; breakfast If desired; rea
sonable. Apply 1712 Charles St.
E-M229 6x
FURNISHED room; modern. 725 So. 18th
St. E M228 5x
1816 CHICAGO ST., south front parlor;
piano; also single loom, moaeri.
E-M227 lx
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor, $
and more. 1712 Jackson. E M244 6x
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping; also sleeping room, 617 and 705
a. 16th St., aa noor. tuan ox
NICELY furnished room, house modern
2427 Dodge St. Tel. Cedar 62311.
E 260 5x
PLEASANT room for gentleman; private
family. 2223 Burt Bt. ta as ox
MODERN front room, good board, for two,
cheap. 1811 Chicago. t-zao x
LARGE furnished room, with all con
veniences, private family; price $S per
month. 634 S. 2tn i. tu ox
i.mnr, cool room, elegantly finished.
suitable for two, with or without board;
modern house, private family, walking
distance. 962 N. 2tn Bt. lei. rea 4n.
E-&4 4
will furnish everything for housekeeping.
Terms: $li worth. $2.00 week.
Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between
12th and 13th on Farnam St. tili 4
SMALL, comfortable room, with board.
2410 Cass. t M18S 3X
TWO single rooms and table board for four
people, gentlemen preierrea. 2111 Loug
ias. ' F-M1&7 4
NICFLY furnished pleasant room, also ex
cellent board; reasonable rates. 1 ne nose,
20iO Harney street. F 509 15x
ROOMS AND BOARD Private family:
south room with or without board. 2110
California St. F-M231 8x
ROOM and board, $3.50 per week; single
meals, 16c; good home cooaing; give us
a trial. 619 Pacific St. F M230 5x
ONE large newly furnished front room
with board; very desirable tor couple.
2037 Harney St. F-263 4
LARGE east front room, and other small
rooms. 316 8. 26th St. b i ox
A COOL, furnished room, with board. 2418
Cass St. F M363 x
WIDOW has nice cool parlor, hay window,
Knrch, good location, home comforts, good
oard. 2857 Farnam. F 355 4x
CENTER HOTEL. 210 N. 17th St., large
front room suitable for two; 50c and 11.00
per day; rates by tha week. Tel. B2547.
F M3i tix
FIRST-CLASS front parlor for couple or
two gentlemen: also fine outside room tor
two; all modern, with gas, bath and tele
phone. Call at once, 1714 Douglas St.
F-M245 5x
ROOMS and board, and one single room,
1811 Capitol ave. F M419 6X
LARGE front room .with desirable board.
620 S. 19th St. F M418 6x
LARGE front room with board. 2039 Har.
ney. F M417 bx
S SOUTH rooms, arra'nged for light house
keeping. 3210 cass St. u Y04
FOR RENT Two large, very nice rooms;
walking distance. 410 w. 23d Bt. u msjz
IP" YOU wlRh to buy or sell a business or
real estate, consult ir. B. bales Bureau
634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y 949
IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange
real estate or business QL 1CK see Comp
ton-Watts Co., 535 Paxton Blk. Y 950
I HAVE ons blacksmith shop, 50x50, and
lot 50x100, with good tools, both iron and
wood; only shop in town; good trade,
goou territory. Come and see or write
H. A. Buhman, Buffalo Gap. S. D. Y 906
FOR 8ALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon
In county; good reasons. Address E 33,
care Bee. Y M735 J10
SHARES in Omaha Typewriter Exchange
at $26 each; Incorporation, $10,000; $6,125
worth of shares sold In three days; 20 to
100 per cent profit on your investment.
We will handle the best new typewriters
on tno market. y 666
25 PER CENT PROFITS-Put your money
In the cattle business; cash or time nav-
ments. We have ihe best ranch In Ne
braska. Call and Ret our booklet. The
Western Cattle and Land Corporation, 610
nee mug., umana, ieD. x 267 18
FOR SALE Half or whole Interest In gen
eral merchandise stock. Box 14, Hastings
Neb. ' Y-M243 6x
WANTED Purchaser for 2.50O shares M-K
Gold Mining Co.'s stock; gilt edged; mar
ket price advancing, but must sell for
cash, even at a sacrifice. Address Rox
127, Diagonal, la, Y-M233
FOR SALE Hardware stock in county seat
of 2,'SX); doing good business, tinning and
plumbing. Address t 69, Care Bee.
Y-249 4
CONFECTIONERY, cigar and notion store
central location; reasonable offer will buy
It; a money maker; good reasons for
selling; Investigate; fine fixtures: large
stock. C. J. Canan, R. 502 Karbach Blk.
Y-276 4x
$l.onn EARNED; no labor, no speculation.
tine goiKl investment is wnrtn it uii-uiim
of labor; $4 ' per month for 26 months
Invested NOW In OREGON TIMBER will
buy 200.000 feet (guaranteed by bank and
trust company!. Will soon be worth $l.nw,
besides paving 50 per cent dividends. This
Is worth vour time to Investigate. North
Ovist Co-operative Lumber Co., Portland,
Ore. 4x
GOOD drug store In Missouri county sent.
doing a nne ousinens, tor mic wii utmiat
terms. A bargain If taken at once. Ad
dress F 52. care Bee. Y 314 4
WANTED Large well known Chicago
manufacturing company, making staple
line of goods widely known, wants satis
factory man with $5,0u0 cash to establish
and carry on branch business; $2fi0 per
month Binary and all expenses, with share
of profits extra; safe Investment, perma
nent engagement and high-class business
good for $5,000 rr year or better, with
nig future increase. Unexceptional refer
ences required. For particulars address
J. Martin, 1108 Trude Building, Chicago.
Y-813 4x
WHEAT Send for free book, "Facts and
Figures, explaining option trading, and
market letter; $20 margins, 1,000 bu . i
cents. Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis,
Minn. Y 324 4x
FREE six months, a mining paper worth
reading. It shows how to make money.
Write for It. North American Miner, 34
Broadway, New York. Y 357 4x
HOTELS We advance money to proniot
sale of your property; negotiations con
fidential; catalogue ready containing at
tractive propositions. National Hotel
Brokers Co., Powers Bldg., Rochester,
New York. Y 201 4x
INVESTORS Investigate our co-operatlva
method of Investment and satisfy your
self that we have the greatest proposi
tion ever offered the public of moderate
means. An investment with us will earn
more for you each and every month than
a savings bank will pay you In a year.
No speculation or gamble. Dividends
may be drawn weekly. Best of refer
ences. Prospectus free. The R. G. Hern
don Co., Chllds Bldg., New York.
Y-332 4x
AN old established and dividend paying
New York corporation, making Important
business changes, wants trustworthy man
for responsible position; $2,000 security re
quired; liberal salary and advancement.
Address box 228. New York. Y
WANTED Cntchy business name for best
safety razor yet Invented; $f,0 prize July
1; contest absolutely free; write for par
ticulars. Nameless Safety Raxor Co.,
lock box 269, Chicago. Y 347 4x
LIVERY STOCKS I make a specialty of
handling livery stocks; If you want to buy
or sell, write me at once. J. C. Farr,
Bloomlngton, 111. Y-346 4x
THE COMMON WEATH Strictly co-operative
company; buys, sells, develops Black
Hills mining properties; buys stocks of
anv company; send 2c stamp for particu
lars. Lead, So. Dakota. Y 345 4x
LARGE front room suitable for two; walk
ing distance; reasonable. (21 S. 2hth Ave.
E M359 6x '
BEFORE trying to rent your furnished
rooms have the carpets and rugs cleaned
at the Suitorlum. New location. 1513
Jonea St. Tel. 2299. E-889 4
FRONT room and alcove; also smaller
room; no housekeeping; modern; refer
ences. 522 S. 24th ave. Tel. Bluck 44HO.
E-M440 6x
81NOLE or double room, facmg Hanscom
park; very cool and high; car line; meals;
reasonable; references. F 67, Bee.
E 444 4X
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms;
modern. The Lakota, 1613 Howard.
E M442 6x
LARGE front room with alcove, suitable
for two. 621 S. 18th. Tel. 1816.
E M441 6
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, gentle
men preferred. 220 N. 17th St. E 437 4
SOU UAiUt'EY BU, strictly modern.
EM448 Cx
A STOCK of millinery and notions In a live
town; gooil No. 1 trade; only those mean
ing business need write; cause for selling
out, ill health. Address F 67, care Bee.
Y-344 4x
AN established manufacturing company of
highest commercial standing, supplying a
household necessity at a large profit, has
decided to open a branch office and sales
room In Omaha, and we require the serv
ices of a good man to fill the position of
district manager; salary, $1,200 per annum
and office expenses, together with a com
mission on all sales. Under our co-operative
plan our local manager is required
to Invest $1,000 In the capital stock of the
company, to be held during the term of
his employment, and we expect the right
man to average $2,500 per year or more.
Address E. B. Webster, Auditorium Bldg.,
Chicago, III. Y-849 4x
CAPITAL, meritorious enterprises launched
and financed; entire bond Issues of Indus
trial, gas, water works and electrical
pioposltlona financed; correspondence in
vited. Municipal Bond and Securities Co.,
170 Broadway, New York. Y 3o0 4x
CASH for your real estate or business, no
matter where located. If you desire a
quick sale send us description and price.
Northwestern Business Agency, D 312
Bank ot Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis,
Minn. Y
CASH for your business or real estate, no
matter where located or what It is worth.
If you want to sell your business or real
estate I can And a buyer for you quickly.
-Snnd me full description and price today.
F. W. Merchant, 106 Washington Bt . Chi
cago. 111. Y-314 U
BUY' wheat or corn. Conditions never
more favorable. $50 buys 2,500 bushels.
Two cents advance doubles your money.
Write Standard Grain Co., Cleveland, O.
Y 343 4x
RARE business opportunity for either sex.
.vianuiaciurer win estaonsn you in oesi
paying business. Write for particulars.
Saxo-American Embroidery Works. Depu
M. L., No. 1 Madison Ave., New York.
Y 340 4x
LEGAL business, collections. reports
promptly furnished. Investigations made.
St. Louis and vicinity. References given.
Correspondence confidential. Write W.
B. Armstrong, Att'y, 802 Tine St., 8U
Louis, Mo. Y-338 4x
I GET cash for real estate and business
quicker than other brokers; send de
scription, stating price; learn how. Roy
Dickson, 2716 Park Ave., St. lviis, Mo.
TURNED. Send model or sketch for free
opinions as to patentability. Send for Il
lustrated Guide Book, contains 100 me
chanical movements and LIST OF IN
particulars of NEW TRADE-MARK
LAW, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Patents se
cured through us advertised free in
World's Progress; sample copy free.
Reg. Patent Attorneys, 615 F St., Wash
ington, D. C. Y-
A first-class coal yard, centrally located.
Tarty with $2,000 capital can make good
money; does not need all cash.
Y-372 4
FINE restaurant and short order house lit
one of best towns In Nebraska, with ele
gant soda fountain; doing excellent busi
ness; good reason for selling. Speak quick;
if you want It. Address F 66, Bee.
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L.
Brandels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and
Douglar Sts. Assets over - $400,00.00.
WE HAVE moved into our own building at
1513 Jones St., and are now ready to give
you better cleaning and dyeing than ever.
The Suitorlum. Tel. 2299. Y 390 4
OFFICE room and storage In heart of
commission and market district. Call
or address Foster & Nicholas, 607 So.
11th. Tel. 2278. I 406 4x
THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far
nam; elevator. 314 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
I 951
Now Is Your Chance
To get an office In the U. S. National Bank
Bldg., recently redecorated, strictly mod
ern and best located In the city.
Good desk room In large office.
Chas. E. Williamson Co.,
Ground Floor, U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
1430 4X
WE have vacant a particularly desirable
small office, which rents for $10.00 per
month. Price includes heat, light, water
and Janitor service. It is located on the
fourth floor of The Be building and Is
just the hlng for any or.e wanting a nice
little office in the best office building in
town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents,
ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771
This building Is 22x85 feet, fonr stories
and a basement. The basement Is 22x13
feet, is cemented. The ceiling over tha
basement has a brick vault and Iron beam
construction, making the baaement flre-
FOR RENT Store room; 724 S. 13th, $20.
The Byron Reed Co. 1281 4
Novs Your Chance
To get an office In the U. S. National Bank
Bldg., recently redecorated, strictly mod
ern and best located In the city.
Good desk room in largo office.
Chas. E. Williamson Co.
Ground Floor, U. S. National Bank Bldg.
1-274 4
proof. The first floor has a marble floor In
front and granolithic floor In rear. There
Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power
elevator. The upper floors have windows
on three sides.
Address The Bee Building Co., C. C
Rosewater, Secretary, room 100 Bee Bldg.
IF you apply at once we can give any
one desiring a large office space almost
any arrangement they desire. This space
Is on the sixth floor of The Bee bullalng,
with north light. R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg.
' 1-772
THE storeroom, No. 2912 Farnam St., only
$15 per tnontn. iniiuire K. c. J'eters St
Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg.
STOREROOM, 621 South 16th St. Clarke
Powell, 1516 Capitol Ave. 'Phone 921.
I-Ml 96
LARGE, nice light room, else 85x12 feet,
2d floor, 1308 Farnam St., sultable'Vor of.
flee, storage, light manufacturing, eta.
Inquire above number, upstairs,
1432 4
BRICK store room, 1106 Farnam, $50.
1-268 4
AGENTS make Si to $10 a day fitting
glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye
book tells how; write today. Janksonlan
Optical College, College Place, Jackson,
Michigan. I
BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat
ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. COu 41
H. Main at-. Council BJutts. '