4 ! .i Great Sale of Straw Hats 2.00 SAMPLE STRAW HATH 49c. Entire sample lines of two of the largest manufacturers in tlu country purchased by us at a groat bargain. Hats worth from oZJ. 10c, 15c, 25c and 49c $20.00 TI1KATRICAL TRUNK built to stand the hard knocks and with vry convenience imaginable In arrangement, special Saturday SOLID LEATHER ST.' IT CASE with or without straps, canvas lined, polished braM lock, $5.50 value. Saturday . , ,,,, .. . . ,..- $15 $4 Men's Furnishing Specials SAMPLE) GRIFFON BRAND SHIRTS The entire sarnie line of this well known blrt Come In finest Imported madrasses. Oxfords, etc., and are 7Qp worth from $1.00 to J2.50 Choice of this lot Saturday . f TWO SAMPLE LINES OF MEN'S STItRTS In silk and mohair bosoms, madras, percales, etc., regular 75c, (1, and $1.50 values, choice MEN'S FRENCH LISLE HALF HOPE Plain and fancy embroidered, worth 25c and !Wc, at, pair, 15c, 12V.jC and MEN'S BALBRIGOAN UNDERWEAR Made of the finest Egyptian cotton, greatest snaps ever offered In the city at the price, 49c, 39c C. 25c 10c 25c High qual- T ilv and low U price our drawing cards. I II lilt J I i 11 U THE RELIABLE STORE. uont miss Saturday's specials they're money savers LADIES' 15o AND 26o TURN- OVER COI,LAR8 Special Saturday, each, THo and 5c Bo AND fflc NET FACE VEIL INGS All ths newest designs, at, yard 25c lfte AND i"c TAFFETA PONS Very hand Bonn1 line, at, yard RIB- 10c IBc PURE LINEN HANDKF1R. CHIRKS Ores t . bargains Saturday, each 5c Ladies' and Children's Hose LADIES' HOSE in blacks, tans and fancj embroiderietl, J fv j worth double, at 25c, 19c and 50c lland Embroidered Indies' Horp, special bargain fill at, pair, 35c, 3 pair for 25c CHILDREN'S HOSE, heavy ribbed, all sires, snap 1 Qp at 191. nnA . - A W 15c INFANTS' HOSE in bines, pinks, and whites, Sat urday special at, pair 5c 49c 10c and. BOc FOTJR-IN HAND NECKWEAR-In all the newest spring shapes and colors, special, at iiwc and. . WINDSOR TIES Well worth double, at 25c and MTTN"S BELTS Most complete line In Omaba prices up from......... .. . -........ BEE THEM. 1.98 $2.00 Umbrellas Saturday $1.39 FINE TAFFETA UMBRELLAS In all the newest shndes, with fancy borders and Congo handles, your choice "l Saturday while they last ! The finest line of FANCY UMBRELLAS shown in Omaha, ranging In price from $5.00 to LADIES' SILK GLOVES In all newest shades with double finger tips, a writ ten guarantee goes with each pair, splendid value at $1.00, 75c Qq LADIES' KID GLOVES, a great bar gain for Saturday, as long AOs they last, at 3Jt FANS, the most complete line, suitable for graduation, ever shown In Omaha, all splendid values at from $10.00 to 25c IN OUR LADIES' SUIT DEPARTMENT Too much cannot be said of the merits of the offerings in this busy de partment You must, however, see them to fully appreciate their true bargain Worth Their beauty of design mil hir'i qtnllty are only exceeded by the surpassingly low prices. SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS In great vari ety of newest styles and colors, manufac tured to sell at $16.50 our sals Q OQ ,. u.uu price NOBBT LINEN BUTTS a brand new lot just received you cannot duplicate them for lea than $10.00 our saie A IK price " vf 4.98 price $7.80 LAWN DRESSES newest designs, prettily tucked and trimmed with dainty laces very special value at $6.00 LINEN SUITS trimmed with embroid ery and ticks, pretty new styles, re markable bargain Z E A $l& Jt M 9 SICILIAN AND LINEN COFFE7E JACK ETS rery stylish for summer I Qjl wraps $10.00 values at O.JO BEAUTIFUL SILK REDINGOTES, in black and colors, worth up I Q F A to $85.00, choice .. -...I0.DU FREE To every purchaser of one of or well known $7.50 VOILE SKIRTS Sat urday we will give free of charge a HAND SOME SILK UNDERSKIRT. $8.00 SICILIAN AND PANAMA SKIRTS, in ail colors and black special bargain .4.98 GREAT WAIST SPECIAL An Immense lot of women's waists, In all styles and fabrics, divided for Satur day's nale Into four great lots. An extra waist never comes amiss, and when you can get them at these prices you should cer tainly take advantage of the opportunity. LOT 1 Waists in lawn, madras and sateen, worth up to $1.00, at , LOT 2 Pretty waists, all new styles, worth up to $1.50, choice, .. LOT 8 An exceptionally fine lot $f stylish designs, lace and embroidery tVlmmed, regular $2.00 Qualities choice LOT 4 Linen, lawn and pongee waits, well worth $3 choice. . . CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES The most complete line In the city, ages 6 to 14 years, exceptional vnlues at $3.98 f P $3.50i $2.98, $2.50, $1.50 and l.tO SEE OUR HOME-MADE WRAP I'ERS at $5.00 down to FOUR SPECIAL HOUR SALES From t till 9 a. m. Women's 11.26 Wash.. Underskirts OC From 8:3u till 10:80 a. m. Women's S2.S0 Wash Suits, new styles, at From 9 till 10 a. m. Dressing Sacques and jvimonas, in Hg-nt ana dark colors great XC bargain at JjC From 7:30 till 9:30 p. m J1.E5 Wrappers',' new spring siyies, rumei over shoulder, prettyCO. lce....'-'v 39c 65c 95c 1.45 1.25 Extra Specials in the Big Shoe Department patterns only 2 to a customer choice 500 pairs women's fine Goodyear wolt handturn and McKay sewed vici kid calf and patent calf oxfords, in odd sizes, made to retail from fl.50 fln to $3.00, Saturday IF OK 1,000 pairs women's fine vici kid Goodyear welts and hand turn soles, in tan or black, also pat ent kid, worth up to t Q Q $3.00 lJO 300 pairs men's Aristo Kid Blucher Bals, made in Omaha, union stamped, made to retail at $2.50. In this same lot are 72 pairs men's tan Russia calf Blucher Oxfords, trood value $3.00 1.96 1,500 pairs children's shoes from floor stock of H. S. Albright & Co.. at less than cost. These goods were made to retail from 75c up to $2.00 while they last, at 08c, 69c tft, and TUw 200 pairs boys' and youths, $1.50 satin and box calf CfcQ shoes tJi" 500 pairs infants' 35-cent soft soles, in all colors and sizes , Have you ever worn a GRO VER shoe or slipper? Just the thing for this hot weather. The easiest shoe a woman ever put on her foot We carry 26 styles of this wonderful shoe in stock. Agents in Omaha for the STET SON and CROSSETT shoes for men, and the ULTRA, GROVER and Lounsbury, ' Matthewson & Co. fine shoes for women. Saturday Corset Specials 75c Corsets, in pink, blue and white broche, long hips and two sets of hose supporters attached, choice 'lf Saturday JC $1.50 W. B. CORSETS In French batiste, with long hips and two sets of hose supporters, most remarkable bargain, at va'v ROYAL WORSTER CORSET In the 60 most stylish models. In batiste and coutil, worth np to $3.50; 1 special, at IU W THE LA MARGUERITE In models to fit every form, finest fabrics and gen uine whalebone filled; prices PA $5.00 to t.DJ PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED We make a specialty of fitting in our Corset department. Ladies' Undermuslin Bargains 1,000 dozen high grade muslin undergarments on sale at less than manufacturer's cost price. A fortunate purchase enables us to offer you stupendous bargains in these lines. LADIFaS' GOWNS, made from the finest NainsooK, prettily trimmed In dainty laces, embroideries and edgings, either long or short sleeve,, sold everywhere for from $1.50 to $2.00, CJQn sale price 'OL $1.00 GOWNS, extra long, prettily trim, AO nicil, special 'C LADIES' SKIRTS, made extra full with deep lacs or embroidery flounce and dust ruffle, you can not match them for less than $1.50 to Qfi $2.50, sale price JOC LADIES' $3.00 TO $5.00 SKIRTS, all this year's prettiest designs, very best fabrics, rich-1 FA ly trimmed, while they last, $1.98 and...lIU LADIES' CORSCT COVERS, made to sell M Q at from 98c to $1.50, while they last at.. . T JC LADIES' DRAW'RS handsomely trimmed, Q extra full and well made, worth $1, at prlrf 50c LADIES' LISLE VESTS In plain and 1 fancy colors, silk taped, ennp Saturday at Uk Ladles' 25c Vests, 1 ft I Ladle' Wc and 15e Vests, at lUt at.... Misses' and Children's 15c Lisle Vests, choice . ... m.. . FROM 9 TILL W A. M. Another Trimmed Hat Sensation $5.00 Trimmed Hats $1.98 )(70sre made another fortunate purchase of trimmed hats from a well known New York manufacturer and offer them Satur- day at less than half the manufacturer's price. Every hat is hand made and trimmed with the choicest and best materials such as jets, laces, chiffons and malines, and will 1 AQ go at the astonishing price, for Saturday I0 Twenty-five dozen Misses' sailors, pret tily trimmed with silk ribbon bunds fM Sbtr WaiUt Rata Mo. in entire new lot of all the best styles and colors for strraer wear, Of) Saturday VOC Kissed m OUMiMff Oattaar Havta. Duck, Linen, Pique, embroidery and Lace Bats In sailors and baby C A A effects, for Saturday, OSo to... J.UU Children's trim mod sailors 98o and streamers, extra value AO for Saturday JOC 50c bunches roses and foliage 25c 26c tuscan and silk braids, all f A colors, yard .'. ... 1UC TOcrwlre frames, large and small 2J SHEET MUSIC What Do You Think of These Prices in High Class Sheet Musk? ttb pwee on MUl DKun and hoar Uwtn placed in Bt- Louis Exposition Maroh, WaiUes, Dun of the DaiaK foOowtng pieces at a very low prloa. Department. Main noor, We place on aJe Saturday 0 Mueto Lcroiaana ma Hollyhook Bong, Blmple Gbofeasion, MotJaaUiry T Arabella, OM Olory, Bell Brigade, pans, wnim aiuuoHii, iwara Sjr NBV vianung use names, roousn Ure&ms Prayer, Arrival of the Mockfns- Bird, Lulu's Dream, Henny, My Bknmallna roaaa. JUaok Hawk. AltarwardJ, By MaMCkuidU, Undercurreot. Come in liver Thin Waltaes, JTeru- juane. The windmill. ftlooa WlnkaL Botianmps aod JSaMea, A M i sin a e front brmla pa Walla, Where (he Ssree Aabutua Orvwm, In After Tsars Wbea I Ju OUL Pixie Doodl Oenavieoe, tola, Caotaio uupto, sns uemas Bonos, araMiiA Tliuue, Krswa, MM. laaia Xkafs U. Inrth IluAr Baoh for Mine, Toper, Satls- fieo. Trlxy, Won't You Fondle Me. n Taein AJwayi in the Way, I'm Try 1 1 I" 80 Hrd to Forget You, Josephine, .1 V In Old Ireland Meet Me There. Br the Ims Old Delaware. Little Boy from Street and Laar Moon. 19c MEN'S FRENCH BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Drawers have bicycle seats, worth up to 60c per garment limit of three suits to a customer at, per garment 15c 3 Week. Oak 12c THREE STUPENDOUS BARGAINS In the Art Department This CARBONETTS in 5x6 Frames, regular 25c values, sale price. TnE YOUNG MOTHER in 4x 11 Lacquered Gold Frames, 39c elsewhere, our C special price utj ORIGINAL PASTELS, THE largest and finest line in the west at Frames Made to Order Made to Salt, $1 Up Good Things You Will Need for the Warm Weather l-lb. paokage Corn Starch... 4a Jellycon or Jell-O, package. 7Hc Condensed Cream, can 7c l-lb. jars pure Fruit Pre serves 75 Malta Vita, Xcello, Egg-O-Se or Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, paokage 7Vr3 The best Pearl Tapioca, lb.. lo The best Pearl Barley, Sago, Farina or Hominy, pound. 8o Good Japan Rice, lb So 8-lb. cans Oolden Table Syrup 7Hc S-lb. palls pure Fruit Jelly, loo Potted Ham, Deviled Ham or Potted Tongue, can V&c Oil or Mustard Sardines, can 4o l-lb. cans fancy Alaska Salmon tc l-lb. cans Rex Pork and Beans, with sauce 60 The best Boda Crackers, lb. Ho The best Crisp Olnger Snaps, lb 4o Fresh Bread, loaf 4o 10 bars Diamond C," Swift's Pride, Beat 'Em All or White Paris Laundry Soap 25c The best bulk Laundry Starch, lb 4c FRUIT. FRUIT. FRUIT. The largest fresh fruit de partment In the west Regular lflo size Pineapples for .... Regular for .... Regular for Regular for .... size slse 20o size 5c Pineapples 1 Wo Pineapples 10c Pineapples .12 He Large Jutoy Lemons, dosen.. 10c Large ripe Bananas, dosen... 12c Pure Colorado Honey, rack. 10c Fancy extra large Navel Oranges, dozen 30o FREE. FREE. FREE. A nice eold drink of Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer. Take home a brick of Ioe Cream for tc Hardware Hardware See the demonstra tion of Washing Ma chines Saturday. We will demonstrate the New Paragon Cyl inder Washing Ma chine In Hardware Department. The Par agon operates on the same principle as all heavy laundry ma chinery. It will wash the finest lace as well as the heaviest bed ding. It Is the great est labor and time saver on the market. A child can operate It. Don't fall to see it and be convinced. OTHER OREAT SPECIALS. 6-tle Parlor Broom 25o No. 1 Galvanized Wash Tub..S9o No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tub..49o No. 8 Galvanized Wash Tub..59o 10-quart Galvanized Pall 10c 12-quart Galvanized Pall 12c No. ( Coppen. Bottom Wanh Boiler -. eo Combination Wash Bench 75c High grade Lawn Mower... .13.25 Garden Hose, per foot 6c L ''V' ifflI III' , IP5" f 4 mm ... MM . ...5c FROM WTILLlt A.M. LADIES' SILK EMBROIDERED HOSE In blacks, tans and all the new shades, good value at 25c great snap for this hour limit of 6 pairs to a customer at, pair 10c FROM 11 A. M. TILL 12 M. LADIES CORSET COVERS Made from the finest Nainsooks, trimmed with washable ribbons, laces and em broideries, worth 0Oc to $1.00 per garmentr-great barjraln dur ing this hour at, per gax- meet. 25i Sat'rd'y Drug Specials Always something doing in out drug department. Those who want pur goods at lowest prices will always find them here. Graves Tooth Powder, at Tetlow's Complexion Powder, at Satchet Powder, per pkg Cuticle Soap, fn per bar X vL Violet Crenee Marquise, 15c Ross Rheumatic Cure, $1.00 pkg. at OUL. ASK ABOUT NOTTAUL'S SOAP. lie 10c ..5c SUPERIOR QUALITY LENSES in perfect FITTING FRAMES at moderate prices. Carefully fitted by EXPER IENCED OPTICIAN. a. Special Announcement "The June Bride" Combination Ice Pick 6c Connecticut Food Grinder, each 79c Lawn Sprinklers each 15c 2-quart Copper Bottom Tea and Coffee Pots , 25c A set of six fancy Straw Table Mats J9c S-hole Burner Oasoline Stove ......12.49 Russian Iron Gasoline Stove Oven 11.49 A large Arm Rocker, green 4 Cfk frame, splint seat l.JJ Special Price While They Last Full size 8teel Couch, gold bronze frame; O Btr a clean sanitary couch, for Kfjr A very handsome Oak Sideboard Folding rubber tire Oo-Cart 93 Ladles calling In our Furniture Depart tnent will be presented with a little book entitled "Wedding Etiquette." This has a great many interesting hints and ideaa and Is correct in every way. We have just made a deal whereby we oan sell this lawn seat for 65c. It is strong and well made and finished natural. This Is a very low price and will last un til the line Is sold out, Oak Plate Rack, fitted with cup fiS hooka for .ijO Oak Cane Seat Chair, braoe 4 tf arm k.JJ Rocker to matoh for 1.00 Parlor Tables and Stands ranging in price from 7ta up to tS.&O. Over etghty-nve styles of new goods to choose from. HAYDEN'S MEAT SECTION 41 I Fancy Bacon, per f A 1 4 pound 71 Morrill's Bacon, per 3 4C pound II4C T Pot Boast, per 1 .. ..C pound U2v 71 Bib Boast, faawy prinne 1 A 4C steers, pear ponnad. ilv Morrill's Colo Iowa Pride Hams, peT pound,... . Veal Stew, per pound Veal Roast, per pound Mutton Stew, per pound Pork Roast, per pound SOMETHING MOST BE DOSE What tht Bailroad Bats Agitation May Finally Lead To. BUGABOO OF SOCIALISM IS HOISTED (LaOroad Managers Declare Rata ehedales Csaaol Be Fixed by Other Tbaa Experienced Railroad Men. The bugaboo of socialism and fraternal Ism has been raised and made to shake Its matted locks, with a view to scaring away those who might come around to the administration view as to the right course to pursue In handling the freight rats regulation question. It's not an un common thing to hear men of mature years and array beards declaring that freight rats control la the first step In the direction of railroad confiscation, and that nothing that has been put forward by Mr. Bryan In ths campaigns of 1800 or 1898 could be more socialists than the present proposals to have a government board or commission say to the owners ' of railroads, "Tou may charge so much, but no more." Tet all agree that there a re conditions with respect to the com mon carriers of ths country that should be corrected. There Is no difference of opinion In Washington on ths question that some thing should be dons. It's only the ques tion of how It should be brought about Every railroad man who talks about the railroad rate agitation turns toward the present Interstate Commerce commission. ' Hs points out that Its personnel Is made KIRS. WKiSLOV'S S00TK1KQ SYRUP tasbeeai pUklraa 1 tar Millions of Mothers (or tbelr Tiwialns (or oar ruiy Tear. im guai, eu ana is ue iMi ite Tneialns (or It iHhal the salld. serous e-u tln. suras wuul MUM ror a uura .YW1UITY.-IVM rSSTS A 3IOTTLC. np of men who got their places, not be cause they distinguished themselves in the railroad world, bnt because they had good political backing, or did have, until it dropped away, and there was a disposi tion on the part of the then chief execu tive to save them from retirement to pri vate life. Then Mr. Railroader says: "Now, look here, old man, frankly. If you had a property that had taken years for Its development and many millions of dol lars, with your executive ability and man agement and private enterprise and pri vate thrift, had brought to its present value, would you want to see the govern ment ruthlessly step In and take It out of your hands and manage It through the personnel of the present Interstate Com merce commission 7" Then they go ahead and tell you how ths changing of the smallest and least Important of the rate schedules makes It necessary to change all of them, and how the whole system of rates Is like a house of cards, the displacing of one bringing the whole tumbling down. They tell you also that their rate experts get In salaries sums equal almost to the combined sala ries of the members of the Interstate Com merce commission. They listen impatiently to the suggestion that the government can pay as much and can command as much In the way of talent and ability as private corporations. Railroads Hot Inactive. There Is a strong railroad side of the present agitation. This was most evident In Washington during the past winter, when the finest suites of rooms at the principal hotels were occupied by the rati road agents and attorneys, and during the past few weeks, when special salaried pleaders for the roads have appeared one after the other and were examined by senators friendly to the Interests they rep resent. All this has had an effect, too, It has, from present Indications, defeated all possibility of passage of any such measure as went through the house of representatives last session and bore the name of the Esrh-Ton nsend bill. Railroad Interests already congratulate themselves on this fact. Yet there Is no doubting that those who have cried aloud against so rlallsm have been pushed backward from thslr position and have lost ground, and that the legislation which will be evolved will be In the direction of paternalism. Last year the congress created a bureau of corporations and gave It means and au thority by which It could probe into the private business operations of big corpora tions engaged In Interstate commerce, ex cept railroads. The beef corporation and the oil corporation have recently been In vestigated under this authority. Now, one of the most prominent features of the legislation to be evolved is Just such inquisitorial powers as the bureau of cor porations possesses. The proposal Is not the child of socialistic minds nor the abstraot thought of a wild-eyed, long-haired devotee of paternalism, but the mature and delib erate conclusion of some of our statesmen accounted most conservative. Men of the type of Spooner, arid Foraker, and Hale, and like Connecticut Piatt, recently de ceased, subscribe to the proposal that the government should exercise Its Inquisitorial function, through authorized agents, to see that the common carriers observe the pro hibitions of law against the giving of re bates and unjust discriminations. Revival of Old Strnaale. In congress It Is expected that during the next busy and Intensely Interesting session will be seen the old-time fight between the men who believe In a strong and central government and those who subscribe to the principle that the union of states should be a loose confederation. It will be a struggle. In a way, between the followers of the Hamilton and the Jefferson schools of, poli ticsusing the term In Its correct and not popular sense. It will be a repetition of the struggles that marked past epochs In the history of our government; a repetition of the controversy that eventually ended In the constitution being so construed that In ternal Improvements might be made by the central government or at that other time a national bank might be established by the central authority at Washington. The growth and tendency In this direction has been steady and observed by the close students of governmental affairs. Those who resent the suggestion that there is anything paternal In our present govern ment democracy lose sight of the many really paternal functions of the govern ment. No greater Inquisitorial commission ex ists than that of the Board of Appraisers, to which customs disputes are referred. The members got salaries equal to those of the members of the president's cabinet, and when appointed to the places they hold them for life, presuming that they are faithful In the discharge of their duties. These men send for witnesses and examine most minutely into the private business of Importers. They examine rival Importers The Railroads And The People A SERIES of timely articles on the pending railroad problem, written by Edward Rosewater, editor of The Bee, embodying the facts gathered and conclusions reached in a third of a century's study of the question is now running in The Sun day Bee. The topics treated are: 1. Railroads as Public Highways 2. Overcanltallxatlon and Stock Waterlog 3. Credit Moblllcr Construction 4. Consolidation and Pooling 5. Rebates and Discriminations 6. Railroad Domination, State and National 7. Railroad Legislation, -State and Mstlonal 8. Railroad Supervision or Government Ownership These articles are written in popular form to be readily understood by the or dinary reader. They give a general survey of the railroad situation from the standpoint of the people, pointing out abuses and suggesting rational remedies. Every one who wants to be thoroughly nformed on this uppermost of current issues should read each one of these articles. Fifth of Series in The Sunday Bee. to establish the truth or falsity of declara tions made to them or other representatives of the central government at Washington. Their proceedings are "star chamber" in every sense. No record Is made of any of the evidence submitted to them. Even customs Inspectors, and, In fact, every other officer of the government except only the members of the board, are excluded while they are examining witnesses. The decisions made by this board are final and no appeal to either the chief executive or any presumably superior officer Is effective. The United States supreme court has not only confirmed In them this high authority, but it has approved the right to refuse all Information as to the evidence or other determining facts that prompts the mem bers of the board to their conclusions. Some Other Kxamples. Tn the management of the postal facili ties of the country the central government, operating the great stem at a loss, pro ceeds on a socialistic principle. Its au thority is strongly confirmed when It ex ercises Its prerogative of practically Isolat ing man through "fraud" orders by which all mall addressed to him Is withheld from the delivery and returned to the writer. The bank Inspectors, through the system In vogue under the comptroller of the cur rency, not only examine at Intervals Into the condition of banks, but they investigate the standing of Individuals associated with them, not accepting their unsupported statements, but through an interchange of Information gathered by examiners at all of the populous centers, they reach Inde pendent conclusions. The Judgment of the comptroller of the currency, as the repre sentative of the central government. Is at times set up against that of the boards of directors of great banking corporations, and from his conclusion there Is no appeal, but only the alternative of suspension. The work of the Immigration Inspection service is along socialistic lines, though clearly marked out by national enactment. For the common good the central govern ment says who may and who may not enter Uie ports of the t'nlted States and become citizens and enjoy the advantages of our Institutions and our democratic form of government. For the common good our Im migration commissioner enforces absolute exclusion of at least one race. Not the least important of the steps In the direction of government advance to. ward ths realm of socialism Is ths acquire ment of the Panama railroad line with Its connecting steamships plying between the Atlantic ports of the t'nlted States and the Atlantic port of the Isthmus. Quietly, and without a word of protest along the lines of the present railroad rlamor, the govornmnnt has embarked In an experiment of govern ment ownership. Suppose the government conducts its Isthmian railroad as a common carrier economically and puts the former private ownership to shame. Suppose ths Atlantic steamship line is operated with ronounced success. The problem presented and Its effect really does seem worth think ing about. Washington Correspondence Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat. Iteplantlna New York Forest Land. Fenced thereto by the fear of conse quences in the next decade, three paper milking companies of New York have adopted a system of reforestation. Hun dreds of trees, furnlshlnir wood pulp and speedy In growth, have been Imported from Germany and thousands upon thou sands of acres denuded of their forests are to be replanted and care taken that the reforestation proceed rapidly and gen erally. Cleveland Leader. ortheBaby 1 Many of your neighbors have used Mellin's Food for their children. Ask them what they think of it ; look at their children and see the result of using a proper food. Mellin's Food will give the same good results if you will use it with your baby. Send for s sample, ws will send it (res of charge. Is ths ORLT m I rents' w Ike hiibeet ewers ef the lafaats Fees tea nt a ckase KxseeltUa. ScLeefc, S4. tllgaV, a Loa a geld ate 41. T A f hick received lbs Grsad rr tie. it J Lesiaiaaa Per-. 'S MKLLIN FOOD CO, BOSTON, MASS. A