r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 2, 1905. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET With kftj Deal Closed, Interest Begin to Center m Jul;. Ul GRAIN MARKETS RULE STRONG vYfceat Especially Arllve, with on alderahle Interest fanni la Carei Oata Have I naanal Strength ad kcr Good Advance. OMAHA, June 1. liu. No t BoninL ltJ!Vr: K. f tmrttntrn. tUKc: July. HJic; September, eid. My; OAitv-New, to irrlit and on truck, ixa. CHICAGO GBAM AID PROVISIONS Pradrn af the Tra dinar aad Closlng Prices oa Board at Trad. CHICAGO. June 1 flnu-Htv of cash wheat at all grain centers was the under lying reiiaun for a strong wheat market here today. At the close hrnl for July delivery i up lVe'V'- Corn la up Oats ahow a gain of Sc. Provlalwis are loo higher. In aharp contrast with the weakness yes terday the, wheat market today strong from start to finish. At the fpening Juiy waa up ; to e at 87c to 8c. Higher prices at Liverpool contributed some strength to the situation, but the most di rect cause for the bullish enthualaum waa Ail (tralna were strong today. With the 1 sensational advance at Minneapolis. July May aeai closed the Inn rut naturally bp- Una to center In J my. Moat oi the trading n this montn's optiona waa done In wheat, Aithougn a considerable aoUvity waa anown In July corn. Wheat whs strong In all months, opening 'ac above vesteiday and scoring steadv Advances. Juiy cloaea at sXVc, September i ec anu uccernwr at eic. torn opened ' c above yesterday. All tnontha held a flrui tone tnroughout the session and aavancea were almost always fceM. Recti pu here, as well as at the other niaracis, are ngnior man lor the last few days of May. still amaller leceint e. pected. July closed at bvV, old July at Wc September at c,c, old September at 4.c oata snowed unusual strength. Opening unchanged, they went up Tjc. July i wth , oeijieniuer av -uc ana Ue cetnher at 24c Deliveries oi corn In rh run veaterriav were l,45,O0O bushels, of wheat 35v,iiOO bush els ana or oats ia,tw bushels. Corn re ceipts for the month of Mav were S tail ,ur or ,39 cars more than for Arril and 2u0 tars more than for May, IfttM. Wheat decreased 1.1J2 cars from April and 188 cars from May of last year. Oats Increased m cars over April and 618 cars over last year. Within a week 1,000.000 bushels of corn have been chartered by the bull interests to Mont and several hundred thousand bushels to Annuo, i lie inaraei IS Demo- ell-en reunite frnin the work of the men wno flood it with crop damage reports. Wires from Kansas and Oklahoma say that the pronpects are much better than they have been. Inglis tells of damage to wheat In Tennessee and south eastern Missouri. A plague of cut worms rrporieo irom outline county, Iowa, oiner puinis aavices were favorable. iews reai tied nere ironi i-.ur.,iH-i.n mur. kets that the traders there expect wheat to hold Arm until the new crop is readv for harvest. Liverpool market opened weak on wheat, on account of yesterday's de- nine in America. The undertone was steady and the decline was checked by a food inquiry for cargoes. July and Sep tember advanced oh reports of rust in the ""'y government crop bulletin and 're decrease of nearly &0O,uUo bushels In nm Liverpool monthly stocks. The prices were helped later by better American mar kets. Covering by shorts and the fact that Argentina shipments were delayed, by rains caused an advance in corn. Wheat closed Vpd higher and corn Id higher. Today noiiaay ai tserun and Uurta Pest from the Northwestern Miller today: Minneapolis mills found trade conditions exceedingly unsatisfactory Imi weir Rnv. ers hold off and do not want to pay cost price of flour. In Manitoba wheat crop conditions are excellent. In Minnesota and the northwesters states, while crop condi tions on the whole are favorable, bright, warm weather is needed. In some sections the crop is backward and in some the plant tn,n ntJ 'PPe-rs to lack vigor. The Minneapolis flour output was 235,170 barrels In 1804 It was 240.615 barrels and In 1903 It wheat In that msrket made a sain of over 4c within a few minutes. ltr the gain was Increased to over Be. I"riee for cash wheat were correspondingly high, tl .0 a bushel being asked for No. 1 northern. Early trading in the Chlcaso market dis closed a large short Interest, the covering of which resulted in an advance to 8a 8c for July. As trading progressed some damage reports were received from the winter wheat section. One rrnort from In diana stated that th condition of wheat was deteriorating daily. Excellent weather, however, offset the damage reports. Never theless, with continued strength at Minne apolis prices here advanced still higher. Ite In the session July touched 89c. Mod erate realizing caused a slight reaction, but the cloae was declddlv strong. July at fVfml,c. Clearances of wheat and flour were enunl to 4i.SK bu. Primary rece dis were 3u.3o0 bu . compared with i?3.fl"f bu. a year ago. .Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi cago re lor ted receipts of 2) cars, against 205 cara last week and 143 cars a year ago. sentiment In the corn nit was bullish the entire day. An advance of a penny In the price of corn at Liverpool gave the market here a strung start and the upward turn In price of cash corn here caused additional strength later In the session. Shorts were urgent bidders, nut offerings were small. Much smaller receipts than estimated had considerable Influence on prices. The same Interest that led in the bull campaign In May corn was an active buyer of July to day. The Juiy option opened Sc to Va V higher at 4!.vi49c, sold up to ilc and closed at S'l-'VitlSoVac. Local receipts were 21 cars, with 1l'7 of contract grade. strength of wheat and corn caused a firm tone in the tats market. The volume of business, however, was very small. July c.pened unchanged to a shade lower at 3i bfc, sold up to 31o and closed at 30c. Local receipts were 149 cars. backers were moderate purchssers of pro visions today, as a result of which the mar ket waa strong, strength of frrain had con siderable effect. At the close July pork was up loc at J12.57V- lJrd was up 7Hc at I7X!V. Ribs were ;vluc higher at $7.3ua 7.3iV. Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 4 csrs: corn. 191 cars: oats. 10S cars: hots. Ifl.Ourt head. The leading figures ranged as follows: NEW-YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Open Lover on Light Offering and Later Beoemei Dull LOWER PRICES ATTRACT NO ! BUYERS Profcakl Effect af Eaaltakl Lit to Assaate Waltlas Attltade. Articles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn tJuly tTuly Sept. tHept. XDec. Oats- July Dt. Pork- July 8"H-1; 1 89 8--S flent wu 3J6.43) barrels. No foreign buire i.llrA ' i" fiucni oeing aone. I July Onths Cash Bales. .P CORN-No. J, 1 car. 464c. Omaha Cash Prices. V M M Nn. ? hurH 7eittnA. X? t hard. 95sc; No. 4 hard, tknasfic; 'No. j tunn-no. a, nc; No. 3, 4Hc; No. 4, Ribs July Sept 51 61 43 t I 491 49 1 498Va 47Hi 46 87s'8SHs! 1 01 80: SlVSKffSH, I 6-S 49S.&-H 49', 49i, 13 45 12 TO 7 30 7 47i 7 221 si soue. It ETV 12 48 12 82 12 70 7 321 7 27 49 V. 4 29 48 4 30 28 7 12 57! 12 42 12 82 12 67 7 25 7 45 7 32 7 22' 7 821 7 22 7 67 7 60 7 67 7 47 No. 1 tOld. tNew. FLOUR Steady : winter natenta. 14 ina 4.20; winter straights, $3.754.00; spring pat ents. I4 70.5o; spring straights, 83.984.70; Daaers, j.bt). WHEAT No. 2 snrlnr. I1.0&ai.07: TCo. X. PAi,0- ? m'; 29c; No. 3 mixed. : No. 2 red. $1.06jl.O7. OATS-No. 2. 31c: No. 2 white. iiKtiSip.: No. 3 white, 31tr32c. X imo. z. M'aMVI!. BARLEY Good feedinr. 89442c: fair in cnoice mailing, 4yc. BtitjjH-o. l nax, 81.30; No. 1 northwest ern, 11.47. Timothy, prime. 82.85. Clover. contract grade. 111.75312.25. PROVISIONS Mess Dork, per hhl.. 812 4X iA.ro. per juu ids., li.aMii.z-V. bhort ribs sides (loose). 17.207.30; short clear sides (boxed). 87.12HW7.26. Kecelpu and shipments of grain and flour NEW YORK. June 1-Judged by the volume of transactions today not much Importance would attach to the day's stock market, but the extent of the reduction In prices affected by the days operations muu be snowed considerable significance as an lnmx of the speculative attitude toward values. To a large extent the re sults of tne day reached simply a retreat rrom the professional commitments to the long side of the market which were made yesterday. Specific disclaimers of some of the authorised rumors upon which ad vances were effected had something to do with the change of position. A sense of dissatisfaction with the meager response Irom any outside sources to yesterday s demonstration was a factor today. The greater part of the changes In prices was eiiected promptly as the trading be gan and represented a revised estimate of raiues as much as a natural result ot rela- Ive supply and demand in the market. Tlce8 gave way promptly on light ofter- ngs and when the level had been touched wnlch Was Judged to be appropriate to the new opinions the market sank into aps- netic aunness ana surrered little Irom ad ditional pressure of liquidation. There was little resiliency, however, snd no eftectlve new demand was attracted by the cheaper prices. There can be no doubt of the Importance attached to the Equitable Liie controversy as an unfavorable lactor In the market. A large Dart of tne uav's discussion centered upon that subject and the closeness with wnlch the tenor of the forthcoming report of the lnvestisatlon committee was guarded left room for a wide range of surmises over Its character. There Is some feeling prevalent that the Equitable Incident, coupled with a number of recent bank failures, lias had the ouect of prompting to a course of housecleanlng amongst financial Institutions generally and to an overhauling of resources and their standlns. The desire tu know the results of such a process may very prob ably have its part in the waiting attltule wnicn is now pronounced in nnancial cir cles. The day's news from the crops did not throw any very definite llgnt on heir prospects, but the feverish movements in the grain markets was slgni i.'ant of the problem still to be settled of 'l.e outco-ne of the crops. The money market was slightly firmer than during tne .-icent ist, owing to the operations in con.vcti m win nnanclng a purchase copcernel in the. or ganisation of the new Smelters' bccmitles company, but not much significance was attached to this and the weakness of stocks waa not connected in any way with conditions in the money marn.'t. ire con tinued pressure on the United K'ates fried stocks was of large sympathetic e.'.cct and considerable realizing In Reading and In Union Pacific was connoct -d with the changing views ot a prospv:t of il.v dtnd Increases which were considered good in connection with yesterday's buying. 1 he market made no effective recovery and closed easy. The Japanese bonds were very heavy to day. In company with the general t nd market. Total sales, par v.ilue, M,10,i00. United Slates bonds were all unchanged cn call. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Bales. itign.Low. Close. 46c; no grade, 408-4c; No. 2 yellow, 46c; No. 3 yellow, 4c; No. 2 white. 46c; iso. while, 4c. UAir-iMo. I mixed, 29c; No. 3 mixed 2c; No. 4 mlxod. ac; No. 2 while, lc No. 3 white, 30c; No. 4 while, 8uc; stand Carlot Receipts, Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Kansas City... Minneapolis ... Omaha Duluth BU Louis 4 63 244 b 12 12 2il 94 31 108 40 2 68 - Hlsaasipolla Grata Market. The ranee of oricaa tm in Mini,..uii. s reported by the Edwards-Wood com- were a Uws fruj. iiv-m eoara ox irade, was Article. Open. High. Low. Close.) Yes y. T Wheat July.. Sept.. Corn July.. Sept.. Dec... 1 06 1 10 31 , 49 41 4ti 61 491 4V 1 Oi 83 49 41 4o ! 1 10i 8aB ' 491 B bid. New. WEATHER IX TIIK ORAM BELT Receipts. Shipments. 32.&W 15.700 9.000 63.000 1,046.400 sOl.iOO 434. 223.4)10 3.0(10 10,000 62.600 4.0M On the Produce exchange tndav the. hut ter market was steady: creameries. lbM utiiiieB. ivuiyc. rvKKS. easv. at maru. 46 I css included, 14c; firsts, 14c; prime nrsts, 115c: extras. 1 ( 'V. .AAu ' 1 . w...n, i, riUTi SEW YORK GESEBAL MARKET 1 06 49 Flour, bbls... Wbeat. bu... Corn, bu oats, ou itve. du Barley, bu.. a Various from Lakes to West Coast aad Cooler East. . . OMAHA. June 1. 1906. glon, central valleys and west to the F- f.',"iai winter straights, 84.ti5ji4.90; lYTTl " " -Wlvr " lne Atlantic and VAfs. r "rS.--i'lV"??' (laotattoas of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. June 1. FI-OUR Rec-lrsl. it o.: l.ki. . . .p.. i . . r .jt uuiq. MUUI M, O.B.LL DDIS. Alr- ket quiet and unsettled; winter patents, gulf states. very light and scattered showers oo. currea during the night in Kansas. N. oraska and tne upper valleys and thunder storm conditions are current in nnr.t,.. rn nansas thla mum ni Th. n,.. , i generally clear In the upper valleva and 2! Sw.' bJul J" clouJy n the mountain districts, and showery weather will prob- . .. ... cuiU vuaigai anu rl Umatt record of tenitx-rutur. a n ctpltation compared with the correspondlna . - . 1!W5- 1804- 1903. 1302 minimum lemperaiure.... 01 61 4 4 Precipitation u) .98 .38 .03 Normal temperature for today. 67 du. Dettcie 83.353.75; Minnesota bakers, 83.76 4 26; win ter low araoes. u.jKQi.u. kv nour nrm fair to good, 84.2fcS4.0v; choice to fancy, 34.60 cunnaiiAij-tinii; nne wnite and yel low. 31.26: coarse. 3L10Q1.12: kiln dried i! sr. .BARLEY Dull; feeding, 44c, c. L f. New York; malting, 4n;o c. i. f. Buffalo. vniuA.i tceipts, 3o.ooo bu. Spot Arm No. 3 red, nominal, elevator, and f. o. b. afloat; No. l northern. Duluth, 11.13. f. o. b. afloat, No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.01, f. o. b. anoat. sensational advances In Juiv at northwestern Doints caused the Incl mar ket to show oeclded stret.rth moat nt th nay, me close being lVntiUxc net higher. diioiib wno large ouyers, proviaing most of the support, but In the lsst hour moder ate reactions occurred when holders sought . i j i , ; , I iroviiuiiB v cm iry wurn n in-ha " At i yivui.. Juiy, r.tfsc, CIOW1 i 3-lte; 6p- "l " ' r- -'v-U ovti, a-TVl C III UK r. V Ee" corresponding period in 1904, .38 of toVoc 7loeei 86c ',... ai , J , COKN-Recelpts, 2. Excess OOrresDOndlna: nerlnd in lom i ot . . - w - --W, I OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. ' Sky, Ashland, Neb..-. 7b so -.uu Clear Auburn. Neb 74 46 .Uu Cloudy Ceiuiubua, Neb.. 76 47 .u6 Clear Falrbury, Neb... 77 6a .00 Clear Kalrbury, Neb... 77 66 .uo Cloudy Or. Island, Neb.. 18 ' .34 it. cloudy A .v.i, -.w in krm ,l"V V ICaC Oakdale, Neb.... 77 66 .04 Clear Omaha, Neb 73 66 . 00 pt. cloudy . . -w . . . ,v ,w .iear Carroll, la 76 bf ,u Clear Clarinda, la 78 63 .U) Cloudy Blbley, la .73 47 .00 Clear Sioux City, la... 74 62 .00 Clear btdrm Lake, la.. 72' .63 '.- .00 ' Clear DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. Of - TemD. Ruin Central. . Stations. Max, Jain. Inches. V.D1CKSO, III! M ,4 00 Columbus, 0 17 72 46 Des Moines, la... 14 W Indianapolis, Ind. 11 74 Kansas City, Mo. 16 76 64 Louisville, Ky.... 19 74 60 Minneapolis 37 fu ii Omaha. Neb is 76 4 Bt- LOUIS, MO.... U 78 bl L. A. WKI BU Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. UU Leals Geaeral Market. BT. LOUIS. June l.-WHEAT-Higher for future, lower lur -sn; no, z red cash elevator, 8o; track, $l.u7; July, uiie' t)eptember. so Yic ; No. 2 hard. $l.ini.i! CORN Higher; rvo. 3 cash, 'c; track t,i. ii.-. 1 . . 1 .- iqi t 1. . : -; ' lie; juiy, wc; September, e; No. 2 Uc; July, 2c; bepiember, a c; No. 2 white. !t3,0S)c. FLOUR Weak; red winter patents. 84 96 p. nr, rin inncj uu iraignt, 94.74 90 BEEl Timothy, steadv, S2.uotj2.SO. COHNM EAle Steady, 32.50. BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track. TTg HAY-8teady; timothy. $8 00713 00; prairie IRON COTTONT1E8 99c. BAOniNO 8V.C HEMP TWlNE-. rnuiioiuno i-ora, nigner; jobbing t(7. lard. higher; prune steam. 86 lry sail meats, sieaav; noxea extra shorts ' V7.I7V6: clear ribs, t, 50: short uieara i: .r'u. Bacon, steady; boxed rxtra shorts, $8; clear riDa. s 13: snort clear, 11. r O U L T K V Kteaily ; chickens, Vtic springs. .Jmjric; turkeys, 12c; dui-ks, 12-fcUc; BUTTE R-fiteady; creamery, WftJIc oairy. iviH-. . EGGS Lower. l$o, rase count . Receipts. Shipments ,V"ht. bu... orn, bu , Oats, bu , Ad 1G0 bu - Ktnnrti 1 UU wu. ojmji. uiaiKei nrm; ro. i. oi, elevalur, and 57. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 56c; ro. a wnne, sac. ine option market was fairly active locallv and exhlhueii mn.M. erable strength with wheat, closing c net higher. July, 56'&56c, closed 5c. "AiT-Keceipia, l(.t bu.; exports, 830 bu. Spot market steariv: mixed mti "e ... S2 lbs., 35c; natural white. SO to 32 lbs i5 u37c; clipped white, 36 to 4o lbs., 36huc. HAY Dull; shipping, 65c; good to choice. 75otip. HOPS Juiet: state, common to choice 19o4, 2(i29c; 1903, r26c; olds, lKgl3c; Pa cific coast, 19o4, 35J!c; 1903. 21 S 24c; olds. 11 6 13c. HIDES Dull; Qalveston, to 28 lbs.. aic; California. 21 to JS lbs.. 19c; Texas tui 1. to Ml lOS , 1AC. - LEATHER Steady; arid, 243ic. IJ0 1BIONS Beef, firm: fm.ulv iiiumi - . . . . .... u,,.uv, i iiaiiib, i..uuif 12.60; extra India mess. S22.0022.SO. -i.t nieais, sieaay pirKlel nellies. 17 soft 7C fickled shoulders, 86S0r6.uu; pickled hams 100oiil050. Iard, quiet; western steamed i. iwfi.ft; rennea, nrm; continent. $750 iiniiuunu, n .iitin n;w; routn America s io. rorx. quiet; family, $14 50W15 .on; short cirmr, IMJ". io.w; mess. 113 J, 13 S7U lALLUW-BIHav; c tV. 4c: Cllinrrv 4n4e. KICK Steady; domestic, fair tn nitra RL.' I - .. . k I ' ' , " " .' 1 1 . iii'fiiniai. Ml I 1 cn nrm ; street Dries. eitra creamery, ,:i vnr-isc. (Jmciai prices: Cream ery. common to extr. Ujj21c; state dairy mimmori iu riini, li'g-ic intwif, vuiet. EOOS Unchanged. l'tl 1.1 R l Alive, easv: western mrin. vim -n, m-, lowm. itc turners lL'c Dressed, steady: western broilers, J0453ic iowi, iviQifc, turaeys, iSfQltc. Kaasas CHy Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS 4'ITY. June 1 WHKiT.n, juiy. ..a-.T.c: September. TSfiTSTjc; cash No. Z hard. Il.tnxul.04; No. 3, IMctySl.u.- No 4. TSSSTo; No. 2 red. $1 0U6 1.04; No. 3. 93c'u T.c. Keoeipts. 17 cars. July. 41u4j46Vc: Henlem per, v'8ic; cssn. No. 2 mixed, 48 'rf 4c: N'o. A UUi: Kn -.-hlfji 10- v 4C. OATS Stesay; NO. 7 white. 32Vif?3Se: No s inixeo, 4iyq:c. RYE Steady. Bnr70c. HAY Steadv: choice timothy. 83 TMrtO no choice prairie. $7.754rt 00. KUUS--Steady : Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood rases included. 14Ve rr wi., iiw cuuiu, t-ec; caes reiurnea, rtc uts. ir?! BI TTER Creamery. 164il!V; packlns. IV Receipts. Shipments heat, bu 21.6 84 4iv) Com, bu 15. 61i) Oats, bu 5.000 10. m Sl.iC: No. 4. TRflJ CORN-Higher; artppnrtod a! parity. Philadelphia A Read ing were the feature. After some reers aiona to below verity tl market closed quiet. Imperial Japan" government s pf l-4 were quoted at 103. New Terk Moaey Market. NEW YORK, June l.-MCNKY-On call, steady St 24i3 per cent; closing hid. 2 per cent: offered, t per cent. Time money, rasy and dull; 60 and 90 days, 3 per cent; 6 month. 8,e3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-3(i4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Pteady. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 STfvjJ 4 87 for demand and at $4 afl4.85' for o-day bills; posted rates, $4.My4.; commercial bills, $4 M64 84 SILVER Hs r, 67c: Mexlcsn dollar, 45c. BONDS Oovemment, steady; railroad, heavy. Cloaing prices on bonds were: l'. ret. it. r 104 Hnrklni Vtl. 4 Hi do ceuson 1044. Ja.a i. rtti.... V. I. ta, r 1M So 4S ... se te'ipaa ...in il, a .v udi. D. . a.w 4a, ri ...KJ 4s emj rcn m V I. o!4 4. res 103 do coupna Wl Miss. A It b Am. ToMeco U. ctts. Kit M . K. AT. Mftnbctttn f. s 4s. Mn ceniral la do 1st IftR ...in ...104S, do . nr Atchison rn. do tdj. 4s... Atlaotlo C. L. Bsl. A Ohio t do Central of O. Is.. ..Ill do 1st Ino 44 do Id Inc II Ches. A Ohio 41. ...107V Chicago a A. IHs..- rt i... 8. Q. o. 4i . C , II. I. A P. 4t . do col. So CVC. 4 I. U I e Chlro Ter 4o ColonidS Mid. 4i.... Colo. A So. 4a Colo. Ind. 4s, set A do set B Olbs is, ctfi.. D A R G. 4l Distillers' Sec. .... Erie prior Ilea 4 . dn ren. 4i... r. w. a p. c. is .in . to- . "S .104 . . J't . M .10 "4) iU do tl ltS N. R. R. of V . 4s. in n N. T. C. g IU 101 N. J. C. I tl IliU, No. PoHtc 4s 1V( do Is 74j tt. A W. t. 41 lirlH O. 8. L. tfdg 4 ... M Fonn. ennT. 31 P1! Reidlns n. 4o ion n. L A I. M. c. ( . HSiA St. L. A 8 r. ts. 4l. 10 St. L. 8 W. e. 4s... U 8Mbnrd A. L. 4i.. 144 So. ftlftr 41 l so. Rollsr dS Ttii A P. li T., St. L. W Unloa Pintle 4i do COAT. 4i im i IMS 7 ft as Ex-Interest. "Offered. lufS'V. 8. Steil !t ti li'iytvibMh u "Hi do dob. B lots 'tt.rn Mi. 4. . 5 W. A L, g 4s.. ll?IW1l. Oatrtl 4S.. ...IN ...lit 41.. 44 ....10t itise M ....117 .... Tl .... M .... 4H .... 44 l,94) 19 400 199 22.300 174 Adams Express Amal. Copper 23,4' 81 79 Am. tar 4fc f oun.... !,) 84 S3 do preferred 100 99 99 Am. Cotton Oil l'JO 31 31 do preferred - Am. Exp Am. Hide & L. Did.. 1,600 42 41'4 Am. Ice, ctfs do pfd., ctfs Am. Unseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive 4.200 48 46 do preferred Am. Smelt. & R'f'g.. do preferred Am. Sugar R'f'g Am. Tobacco, pfd. c. Anaconda Min. Co... Atchison do preferred Atlantio Coast L....'. Baltimore & Ohio.... do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T... Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago sV Alton .... do preferred Great Western C. N. W C, M. St. P C. Term. & Trans.... do preferred C C, C. & St. L. ... Colo. Fuel at Iron.... Colo. & Southern.... do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do preferred Del. & Hudson Del . Lack. & W Denver & R. G do preferred Distillers Secur 200 42 Erie 12.500 41 do 1st preferred.... f.no 7Vi do 2d preferred General Electric .... Hocking Valley Illinois central International Paper. do preferred 3W T is1 7 International Pump 2 no preferred 7s Iowa Central 100 15 25 26 do preferred 4s K. C. Southern ..... 24 do preferred T" 67 r7 T Louisville & Nash.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. L M.. St. P. & 8. 8. M. do preferred Missouri Psclflc Mo., Kan. & Tex do preferred National I-ad N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central 700 141 N. Y.. Ont. A W.... 3.7"0 M Norfolk & Western.. I.m0 do preferred 400 North American .... 700 Paclllc Mail 2") 244 80 32 97 93 225 41 18 42 46 90 112 111 111W 18.800 112 110 110 600 118 118 118 1,600 133 132 132 rl'O 96 6 -fs 100 104 104 102 4.0 80 79 79 200 102 102, 101 900 151 149 149 1,600 lo 1'I7 107 100 97 97 97 S5.6O0 68 62 62 4.500 14Si 146 1464 l'JO 197 197 196 1,800 48 4. 4K 32 18 194 172 17 80 9.1 41 27 67 1R7 10 49 1M 27 8S 41 2K) 4,000 2) 300 600 300 Oil 3'0 9-1 42i 27 6Si4 35 1K8 1" fo 1.5o0 182 18 195 172 41 27 67 34 17 10 50 181 42 39 78 39', 78 65 100 174 174 174 W 600 160 169 159 1 5.3'0 144 143 143 164 12.500 79 77 77 17.20 119 117 118 500 20 19 19 54 00 116 115 114 Boston Stock aad Bonds. BOSTON. June 1. Call loans. 263 per cent; time loans, 3'u-4 per cent. Official dosing or stocks and bonds: Atchlion id. 4o M (Welling, comrmn do 4i 10? 1 Adventure Mri I'Snlral ft ..... 74 lAilouei Atrhlson Amsigsmited .... do pfd -...102 iAmerlron Zinc ... Rottos A Albany K4V Atlantic ..174 Blnghlm ..Int llal. A Herla . .141 4t'mit!nnlll .. l.Vkifopper Rang ... . Joo fpalr .. n Pranklla ..ItlH'orancjt .. 24Vll Hoyal .. Mara Mining ... 4' Michigan ..112 Itlohask ..114 iMont C A r.... ..lit 'Old Pomlnion .. iJ Vhu-.ola ..lint parrot Boetop A Malno HoMnn KlCTStod .. Fltvhburg ptd ... Mexican t'iniral . . N. T., 5. H. A H MPero Marsuotta . Vnlon Pacific Amor. Argo. Cham do pfd Amor. Pneu. Tuba. Amor. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amor. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion 1. A 8... w Qulncy Edlaon Eler. Ills... .144 Shannon Oonaral Electric ...171 Tamarack Mia. Electric 14 Trinity do pfd tn I'nilod Cnppar Maaa. On 41 I. 8. Mining.. t nlted Fruit lHtif. 8. Oil I'nltrd Shoo Mack ... M U tah do pfd 31 Victoria V. 8. Steel 2 W'lnona do pfd t2fcWolvertns Bid "Asked. . in . o . 21 . 10 . t . li . rt .620 . II . 19 . u : . 4 . 1 . s . 11 . 41 . 1 . 24i . 11 . 14 . 7 1 .ion . I . 24 . 40 . 10 43 . . 4 .104 OMAHA LIVE STOd MARKET But Beef Steers tnd Cows Steady to Stronger, Trading Astiv. HOG MARKET MOSTLY FIVE CENTS LOWER Cheep Market steady with Very Light Receipts and Trading Mow Lambs Sold troeger with Desnaaa Good aad Tradings ActlTe, POCTH OMAHA. June 1, lr. Receipts were: umclal Monday tmclal Tuesday .., Official Wednesday Official Thursday , Cattle. Mors Sheep. .. 6.4I4 4.496 6.216 .. 5 2S5 7.2TJ 2.265 .. .rt1 12 13 6.W1 .. S..V 13. 4.0 2.917 Pour Hlv thla week IH ST "ai 1 : Four days last week 16.M6 K4.16 2$. 295 Same days week before. ,M 39 8 "77 18. U1? Same four weeks 8gn....i4.0'O 84.531 19 477 Same days last year. .. .11.110 37.tA3 26.810 RECEIPTS POR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: 1905 19o4. Ino. Deo. t,,le 353.235 4.l75 46.940 " UM.5M 1.1U7.442 102,85!) Sheep 677.3i3 661. 7s8 26.415 Toledo Seed .Market. TOLEDO, June 1. SEEDS Clover. Oc tober, ti Alaike, prime, 17.50. Timothy, prime, 1 60. I so p l i 4 m t n IH 1 1IM 4 t IB I 40 1 4 ss I Ill I tt 1 14T0 4 00 1 Mil I H J 4 s 1 140 I T I lit 4 14 1 11M Tl 1 !f-4 II 1 740 I II I HT 4 II 1 UIO SS I IT4S 4 1 iaa i m i iro 4 M 1 HTO I It 1 124S 4 40 1 12 I J CALVES. 1 2n I (W 4 144 It 1 41 I M I 124 I IS I Il I M I SO I 14 1 I4fl I M I ISO l 4 t'1 I 04 I ian I as 1 40 I 00 toft 4 40 4 m 4 on I is I M 1 170 4 11 1 114 I 44 11 Ill I 21 STOCK E US AND FEEDERS. 1 714 I tl I TM 4 fg 1 4.-.0 I 44 4 7 4 19 44 Ill IH I 74 4 24 1 lit I 0 I 144 IN I 440 I 10 44 714 4 10 4 ,771 4 04 10 414 4 V The official number of cars of -stock brought In unlay by each road was: o r. Cattle Hogs Sh p. H ses. . nt ci, x . ry l Wabash Missouri Pacific Rv is I'nlon Pacific system 29 C. & N. W. Rv 3 K., E. A M. V R R 31 C, St P., M A O. Ry.. 12 H. M. Ky 23 C , B. & Q. Rv 6 C. R. I. A P. R ., east., i C . R. 1. & P. Ry., west .. Illinois Central l Chicago Gt. Western Total receipts .141 4 1 64 'a !'. 9 61 2 19 '6 5 ,. 2 8 2 2 3 .. 1 197 12 1 HOGS There was a good run of hogs liere today, about 175 cars being on sale. The general quality of the hogs was fairly SMod. Chicago retorted a heavy run for a Thursday and earlv advices called the mar ket slow. This fsct hsd a hear Influence on the trade here and sellers mere forced to make some concessions. Although a sharp break In prices was noted buyers were out esrly and there was a fair de mand for the hogs. Rids were made and the bulk of the hogs changed hands at a decline of about a nickel. While sellers were slow to meet this decline hogs sold In fair season. The hulk sold St 85 07'6 10. some hogs selling st little lower figures thsn these. In some esses sales did not look a nickel lower, but trading generally was at th decline noted above. The later market was more active and stronger than and mtjsd. Il.7rvfl6.rt0; storkers and feeders, 83. ; ealvti aid yearling. $3,Okd4.lo. HOiS Receipts. 7.7' head; msrket 6c lower, selling st 85u4j6 .10; bulk ot sales, .0t. Sew Tork I.lve stock Market. NEW YORK, June 1, -REEVES Re ceipts, 2R1 hind, notiilng doing today, mar ket feeling dull. CALVES-Hecelpts. 7 head; nothing do. Ing; market nominally steadv; dressed calves rather slow; city dressed veals, 7 4jl"V: count rv dressed, iniyc SHEEP AND lAMH8-Receipt. 1.6 head, sheep and jenilings dull and lit 15c lower; good Isnihs steady: others weak. Sheep $4 '"i4 H7e; yearlings, nominal; lambs. 7 n 6V HfXlS Receipts, 2,916 head; market nom inally steady. stock la siaht. Receipts of live stock st the six principal western markets yesterdsy: cnttie. nogs South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City . St. Joseph t. Louis Chicago as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. 11,,.R Sheen. uirana racaing t o . Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Carey A Benton Lobman A Co Hill A Huntxlnger I- F. Husi Cudahy Bros. A Co Wolf ft Murnan Sol Degan J. B. Root & Co Bulla A Kline 8. A S Other buyers Totals ihe following table shows tne average price of hogs at South Omaha fur the last several days with comparisons: 285 2.346 15 745 3.847 2 6-7 8 ns l',073 144 647 'i.Vd: 139 55 30 97 49 194 38 2 44 12 136 171 196 .... SU3 1,234 13,223 1,428 Lesdos Stocks and Bonds. LONDON, June 1. Closing quotations on stocks -and bonds: Contois, money 411 Norfolk A W 40 do account 41 7-ill do pfd W Anaconda SS Ontario A W 51 Atchlion 12i Ponnarlvanla II do pfd 1041 Rand Mlnci 4 Baltimore A Ohio. .. .111 Reading 4 Canadian Pacilc 151 do lu pfd 4a Choa. A Ohio 41 do td pfd 43 Chicago Ot. W II V Southern Railway ... JO DoBoera 171 do pfd 44 Denrtr A R. O !ISouthrn Pacific 44 do pfd II, I'nlon Pacific 126 Erla 42 do pfd 100 do lit pfd 10 V. 8. Steel ; do td pfd II do pfd i Illinois Central 14; Wabaih 14 Lontl. Naih 141 do pfd M . K. A T 24 Rpanilh 4a 41 N. T. Central 144 j SILVER Bar, quiet. 26 9-ld per ounce. MONEY-ltij2 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2 1-16 per cent; for thiee months' bills, 2 1-16 per cent. New TvW Mintage Stocks. NEW TORK. June 1. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adama Con Alice -.t. Bruniwick Con .. Contitock Tunaal Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Rllrar ...... Iron Bllvar ........ ladv!lls Cos .... Offered. . ... 20 ... 44 ... 40 ... 1 .... 8 ...150 ...144 ,...100 ... 6 Mttle Chief.... aalio Oshir Paoanlx Potosi Savago Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard .. 8 ..400 ..475 .. S .. 13 .. 10 .. a .. 15 ..141 Bank of England Statement. LONDON, June 1. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, decrease, 312,000; circulation, Increase, 648.0 a); bullion. In crease, 335.867; other securities. Increase, 1.523,000; other deposits. Increase, 1.361, 000; public deposits, decrease, 74.uoo; gov ernment securities, unchanged; notes re serve, decrease, 242.000. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week is 50.32 per cent, as com pared with 62.12 per cent last week. Date. 1 1906. il04.1903.lW2.1901. ,18o0.1899. Us' l...4U ta U 6 44 21 l Alay 3... nni 4 6j mi I oil a .i li 8 May . ... 6 lo, i fcj, i 7 uij 6 U. . ill t ts. Msy 4... t 4 4 69 7t I I 64 t 86 1 I May t...6.u 4 U 4 '.4 7 0 6 U 8 62 May ... 4 2i 4 W 6 to, g W J 8 64 Mav - 4 64! M 6 o 6 tt, 6 21 May 8... I li 6 w, J W t 10 3 May ...) o I,, 4 6",i c ti! 1 uoi s , s U 8 so May 10.. 19 14 681 7 071 6 61 lo 4 May U.. t 27 4 64 6 64 6 66 6 16 1 ki May 12.. 8 4 61 6 46! s9i ; 4 16( 3 W May 13.. 1,; 4 o, 6 4i 4 wl e 6s I 3 May 14.. i m, o M 1 lij I i4 6 17 " May 1j.., 6 14,, . iIU j u. u 6, o illi 3 8.' May 14.. I 20 1 4 60, 6 aip 07 61 6 3 6J May 1 4 62 1 1 U, u ) U lv May is,. 1 B 26 4 t2 21 1 6 ) s U 8 68 Alay is.. j 4 4 oi, 7 12, 1W1 May 20..I 6 23 4 46 6 27 7 U 73 3 ta Alay 31.. j ( 4 41 6 24 7 U7 6 7 6 03 May i2..6 23i b 15, 7 W, 6 W 6 Uo 62 Aiay u.A 6 i'a 4 36i 19; 7 oi 6 i 6 0i w May 24.. 5 161 4 32 7 06 6 67, 6 04 3 62 May 25..tl6 4 S3 6 (Hi 6 wi 6 04 S 64 May no.., 6 18 4 3 6 93; C 6j 14 99,3 40 May 2i . ,5 1," 4 66 6 77; 6 97, 6 60 I 3 00 May 28.. I 4 99 6 72; 7 Ul 6 63 4 96, May ..ll I 6 70 7 09 6 62 4 90 60 May 3n.. 61, , 4 53, 6 oUi 7 10, u, 4 Iw; 8 01 May 31.. j 6 li. 4 49, 7 11, 6 il; 4 63: 8 ai June 1..., 14 63 6 93, 8 70 4 88 3 50 fa) 3.000 "iioo 2.0 MO 151 97 ' 44 36 79 93 99 31 155 167 96 964 68 44 35 1397, 49 " 93 99 38 ... 17.800 135 134 1.400 101 100 100 100 89.800 6"0 "g'io 500 2"0 200 5.i 37 92 94" 9 'ir 72 !7 73 34 700 M3 51.M0 o 6 87 9-.' '92 9 ..... 72 M 73 3.1 102 80 61 tiO 119i 119 ll4 r9i 96 77 32 Pennsylvania Peonie s Gas P.. C. C. A St. L.... Pressed Steel Car do preferred Pullman Palace Car.. Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Republic Steel do preferred Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred St. L A S F. 2d pfd. St. Ixuls 8. W do preferred Southern Pacific ... do preferred Southern Rsllway... do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron.. Texas A Pacific.... T. St. U A V do preferred fnlon Pacific , do preferred T S. Fxpresa f S. leather do preferred I'. S. Wea'tv . V. 8. Rubber do preferred l. S. Steel ... do Preferred Vs -Car Chemical... do preferred Wabash do preferred Wells. Fargo Fn.... Westlnghouse Elec. Western- I'nlon Wheeling A L. F. ... Wisconsin Central... An nreferred Offered. IF.s-rlghts. ex-dlv Total sales for the dsy. 654 000 shares. 25 w 43 34 139 49 78 92 99 37 134 1"0 78 37 9.' 230 92 90L, 84 16 2 1"3 61 i0 1.800 StO 300 ...101.100 i?i 100 IK 29 96 74 31 3 577, 57 9574 744, 31 38 66 HO Ofl) 100 401 S6.trt SOU. iJ. irr i2i 9S .... 1?? .... 11 10TV tftft 107 loo St 39 89 38 10 Pi's ' 107 18 39 4') 167 167 11 'H 800 14 47 182 T a) !;r i4o ir r 1H4, rv. 182 Treaaarjr Statement. WASHINGTON. June l.-Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3160.000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 1131,141,378; gold. 868.172.921. Bank Clearing. OMAHA. June 1 Bank clearings for to dsy were tl, 460,771.72; for the corresponding aaie last year, i,M-,t,a.iti. Metal Market. NEW TORK, June 1. METALS The London tin market was easier again, clos ing at 136 2c6d for spot and l35 2s6d for futures. ixK-any tne market continues quiet, with prices showing a declining tendency owing to lower quotations sbroad. Spot Is quoted at 29.7yrj.30.12 Copper was higher In London, closing st 65 7s 6d for both spot and futures. Locally the situation is un changed, with lake and electrolytic quoted at $15 and casting at 314 75. Exports of cop per for the month of May amounted to 22, 753 tons, making a total for the five months of 10G.700 tons, compared with 97.766 tons for the same month last year. 80 far this vear 27.000 tons have been exported to China, against nothing for the same time last sea son. Leaa was unchanged at 12 17a6d In Ixndon and J4.60t54.60 in the local market. 8pelter was also unchanged at 23 12s 6d In London, but was easier In the local market, closing at $5.40. Iron closed at 49s lOd In Glasgow and at 46s 7d In Mlddlesbnrough. Locally Iron was unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted st $16 75117.60; No. 2 foundry northern, J16.2517 00; No. 1 foundrv southern and No. 1 foundrv southern soft, $17.0)617.25; No. 2 foundry southern, $16 So 18 75. 8T. LOIMS, June 1 M ETAL8 Lead, steady, $4 4"tM 42; spelter, lower, $5 10. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. June 1. GOTTO.V Spot closed quiel, 10 points lower; middling up lands, 8.75c; middling gulf, 9c. Sales, 2.642 bales. LIVERPOOL. June 1. COTTON-Spot in creased In demand, prices 12 points higher; American middling fair, 6 33d; good mid dling. 5. Old. middliiig. 4&3d; low middling, 4 67d; good ordinary. 4.49d; ordinary, 4.33d. The sales of the day were IO.O11O bales, of which 2.0"0 were for speculation and export and Included 9,300 American. Receipts, 11,000 bales. Including lO.SuO American. ST. IXJL'lS. June 1. - COTTON Quiet ; middling. 8c. Sales. 150 bales; receipts. 30) bales; shipments, 646 bales; stock, 44.9543 bales. NEW ORLEANS. June 1. COTTON Easy. Ssles. 450 bales; ordinary. 6 16-lgc; good ordinary. 7e; low middling. 8c: mid dling. 9c; good middling. 8 6-16c; middling fair. 9c. Receipts, 2.637 bales; stock, 136, 961 bales. Indicates Sunday. CATTLE There were 3,000 head of cattle on sale today, a good run for a Thursday. The general quality of the receipts was good and some extra good well-nnlsned cat tle were offered. The receipts for the four days of the week were hesvier than for the previous week, showing an Increase of About 8, 000 head sod an .crease of about lti.uOo head over the corresponding four aaya of the last year. The market of beef steers had a stronger tone today than yesterday and there was a little more activity to the trading. Buyers were out early and a clearance was made In good season. There was a little urgency to the demand and buyers evidently wanted the cattle. On the good kinds tne market ruled fully steady and In some cases prices looked a little stronger. A bunch of extra good cattle Bold up 10 $5.95. tne top of the uay. Good handy weights were In best de mand, although the other kinds of cattle fully held their own. There was a good sprinkling of cows and heifers on sale and. as has oeen the case for the last few days, the demand was good. Buyers went right after the good kinds and there was quite a little urgency displayed. Fully steady prices were paid for all kinds and the good stuff looked a little stronger. Trading was fairly active and a clearance was made In good season. The market on bulls, veal calves and stags ruled Just about steady with yester day and were In good demand. There was a light run of stockers and feeders here today and on the kinds wanted the market was fully steady to a shade stronger. Stuff that did not show much quality was a little hard to move and prices were In about the same notches as yester day. 1 here was only one bunch of hav fed westerns here today and they went for beef at steady prlcea. Representative sales: BEEF Si h.ER3. I5 U.i beta) 68.() 16 000 ltfi TJ la) S .0)0 Dalatk Grala Market. nt1.rTH. Minn. June T WTTKAT-To twrtve. No. 1 northern, 81 l.c; on track. Milwaakee 4Srala Market. MILWACKEE. June 1.-WH EAT Market 1 cent higher; No. ) northe-a $1 13. No. 1 northern $1.05411.09. Julv 8St,v4 bid. RTK Firmer; No. 1. (Cc. RRLEV-Steady; No. 1 ilc; sample. rjRNOie cent up; ' No. t, 61fl3c; July, ilc bid. Foreign Financial. IONDON, June 1. Rates for money were esaler In the msrket today with the month turn and the termination of (he settlement. About tl6.000.0u0 in dividends and Interest was distributed, which partly offset the f. Vi C due for calls and consols' pay day. Discounts were easier, being affected by the general tone of the msrket. . Prices on the Stock exchange were buoyed up by oheao money the fact thst no failures were announced and the growing belief tht eeace in the far east Is net ear distant Business was reeaser. Consols were in good reoaest. but the- deem) a ebade er Americans spaaed arm aad were steadily Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW TORK, June 1 EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues firm, with ftrime fruit held a little higher. Common o good are quoted at 4Vp4c; prime at I.S0Q6.tfl; choice at 6ft6Hc; fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS-Prunes are In moderate demand for the large and smsll sises and hold Arm at quotations ranging from 2 to 4c Apricots are un changed, with choice quoted at lftil0tc: extra choice at lie: fancy at l?4jri5c. Peaches are slow at recent prices. Choice are held at 10fr10e: extra choice at 10U4 loe: fancy at U12c. Raisins are steadv to firm, with loose Muscatel quote) at 49 6c: seeded raisins at 6&6c; Ixindon layers at $1 ootn ii. Co tTee Market. NEW TORK. June 1 COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of .8 points under light offerings In th absence of buying orders. The sews was featureless and tne market ruled about steady around the Initial figures until nearly the close, when increased of ferings found a continued light demand and th market was finally quiet at a net de cline of 545rU points Sales were reported of 1L7S0 Kagra. including July at 4 454)4.60-; September. .gc. Deoenber. I JOr; March. 1 .4tmy7 -Of-. Baot Rio. qojt: Vo. 7, Invoice. rc mid. uiet; Cordova, lutjlte. Ne. AT. PT. No. a. Pf. 1 30 4 40 11 1..45 4 90 1 fJO 4 45 1 14W) 4 10 4 7t 4 45 1 IIM I 00 10 4iJ 4 4-1 1 1110 4 00 4 M 4 40 II H7T 4 00 11 ISO 4 40 4 10S0 4 Oo 11 1"4 4 50 10 lu: 4 05 1 420 4 kt It 1241 4 OS I 1120 4 40 25 loll 5 , 4 104. 4 51 42 1241 4 10 4 1042 4 40 11 lust 4 14 4 7 4 40 1 1)04 4 11 4 U'iH 4 40 40 I 15 4 l"il 4 40 10 1015 t is 1 1054 ,4 45 4 1UH 4 20 1 494 ,4 70 1 1040 I Jo I Jo 4 70 JtJ ....1251 1 20 It 122S 4 70 15 1148 1 80 II 1134 4 70 4 116) I 40 11 14 4 75 12 11-72 4 10 1 lel 4 75 21 IliO 4 SS 11 M 4 75 11 1150 1 14 4 UU 4 75 IS l!,.l 5 as 14 4 HI HI 1271 5 40 4 1190 I 40 21 12U ( 40 15 0 4 0 14 1216 4 i 11 lift 4 U 7 ,ji7 4 41 tt 0;4 4 la 4 14. 4 44 4 100 4 u 17 1144 1 46 t 1004 4 l 17 12) 4 so 21 1U1 4 40 tl 12u 4 40 1 4 So 4P liC 1 s 4 1041 4 9-1 19 1400 ( 44 STEERS AND COWS. 14 95 4 00 tl 164 4 51 10 4 4 14 II 440 4 90 4 4i 4 50 11 439 4 40 12 1044 4 71 41 1211 4 40 14 1014 4 14 COWS. t 440 1 24 4 161 8 44 1 400 8 14 1 piftO t 90 t 107O I 16 4 1157 4 00 1 1 8 44 t 1220 4 00 1 910 I 50 4 IU H 4 721 I 50 11 1044 4 00 4 174 t 40 1 io;o 4 oo t 14 I 14 4 0 1 70 8 5 4 440 4 04 1 1100 I 75 1 101 4 00 4 1447 t T4 17 into 4 00 4 401 8 75 4 long 4 0 1 1114 I 15 I pus 4 00 14 903 8 94 I 422 4 10 1 IV) t 44 7 107 4 la 1 440 8 0 t 424 4 10 8 1000 8 00 T iu I 14 I loo 4 so 1 11 to 4 14 1 104 8 1 1041 4 15 4 ITT 4 00 It 1040 4 M 4 441 t II 1 1U41 4 tl 4 lt I 14 1 9V4 4 15 1 1230 8 15 1 1110 4 26 4 I'4 I la II Ill IX 4 I" 8 l 4 1112 4 40 1 49 4 tl I 404 4 to 3 714 3 tf 4 1000 4 14 8 1 t I IX 4 10 11. 1C44 I 44 14 911 t 40 t 941 I 44 1 1014 4 40 4 14 I 40 7 IMI 44 t 1124 t 40 IS 117 4 44 t 94 I 50 8 1: : 4 40 1 l I 40 I mo 4 64 1 "00 t 4 UJO 4 4 X. 1140 8 75 4 1140 4 64 HEIFER9. 1 440 I 4u 4 4:1 1 40 4 177 I 40 4 f 4 44 4 4.:7 I 00 1 444 4 j, T 7' 8 00 43 I,, 4 40 1 W $4 17 407 4 50 4 451 I tt 1 1040 4 44 4 444 8 40 8CLLS. 1 T 3 1 140 1 0 1 1"74 I 00 I jt:o 4 00 ' 1 UAt t 40 ) UXl 4 04 the early. Representative sales: b. at. sk. r 86 t. S. Tr. 51 m so 4 m 7t a ... 1 it 40 no 44 4 07 49 t'4 120 4 10 44 174 ... 4 47 44 171 40 4 10 40 444 I 47 44 U4 140 4 10 47 176 It I 17 71 200 40 4 14 71 1,0 40 4 47 41 114 120 I 10 44 141 t40 4 07 24 251 ... 4 10 44 240 40 4 47 71 241 240 I 14 It 229 140 4 OT 12 245 124 4 10 SB 124 ... I 074 77 244 ... 4 10 14 CJ ... I 07 t :tS 40 6 10 67 134 40 4 47 51 22 40 I 10 It 150 140 4 07 224 ... 4 14 I 174 . . I 07 44 f0 ... I 14 76 114 844 4 T TO 101 ... 4 10 bl 171 ... 4 07 41 24 140 4 11 61 100 100 1 17 49 151 40 4 10 II 214 140 I 07 76 Ill 90 4 II 49..'. 2T7 ... I 40 44 151 4 4 10 2711 ... 4 474 71 MO ... 4 1 72 271 0 4 47 70 tt7 84 4 14 74 171 ItO 4 07 41 1"t) ... I 14 II M 40 I 47 10 321 ... I 10 14 201 40 1 07 19 14 ... 4 10 17 271 40 1 47 7') Jl ... 4 10 41 t-11 ... 4 07 70 127 140 4 10 17 r.5 U0 4 07 It 257 41 4 14 77 til ... 4 07 74. Ill 40 I 10 It 120 ... 4 07V, 40 2M ... 4 10 74 tit 8 4 07 74 til 80 I 10 81 231 40 6 07 72 141 ... tit 4: 121 120 I 07 201 40 4 14 It 124 ... 4 07 71 125 ... I It 71 241 ... 6 07 77 178 40 6 14 71 134 40 4 07 40 251 14 4 10 14 Ill ... I 47 71 121 ... 4 14 11 115 10 I 47 I 149 120 4 10 71 140 40 8 7 40 244 120 1 14 II K.7 4 I 47 71 21 120 I 10 40 2T4 100 4 7 40 lot 40 4 10 It JU 140 I 47 70 tit 140 4 10 41 144 ... 8 47 14 14 140 4 14 41 .X4 tt 4 47 51 Wl 10 4 14 tl 194 ...'4 47 44 tlO ... 4 10 44 J14 40 4 07 44 194 10 I II II IX 140 I 47 44 401 40 4 10 t8 .141 10 I 47 71 240 40 I 1 74 tot 14 4 47 46 241 40 6 10 71 .241 M0 4 47 71 141 40 4 10 Tl 194 ... 4 97 SO 124 40 4 10 44 -til 4 4 47 TT 227' 40 4 10 42 214 ... 47 It Ill 124 4 10 4. 151 120 1 07 71 X5t 120 4 10 tl 247 14 I 47 II 2 tOO I 10 71 JO 124 1 07 40 221 ... tit 41 til 40 4 07 tt 171 120 4 10 16 J17 to I 07 76 147 14 I 10 79 JOI 140 4 07 31 241 ... 4 10 tt -137 240 I 07 (9 117 40 4 14 4(1 214 125 4 07 77 230 ... 4 10 47. 137 40 I 07 41 tl 40 I 10 71 2 10 4 47 76 221 SO 4 10 II jr7 ... 4 47 41 141 ... 4 10 74 151 14 4 47 Tl tst 40 4 1 48 ISO 120 I 07 Tl 144 140 I It 41 lit 40 I 07 47 HI 14S t II 71 2T7 120 1 47' CI lit ... t 10 Tl Oil 110 I 07 It 871 ... 4 It II 147 ... 4 07 44 tit ... 4 It 14 J61 40 I 47 47 179 ... 1 1 49 371 ... I 14 41 124 KM I 14 48 2M ... 14 44 117 40 4 14 5 .191 44 I II Tl VI St 4 10 Tt Jit 40 14 44 Ii5 I 4 It 14 It! M II) 40 174 80 4 10 TO J40 110 I 10 T4 !77 140 6 14 It tot 10 6 10 TT tit ... 4 14 44 J4S 140 4 14 80 lit 44 6 IS to 19 ... 4 1 Tl 171 ... 4 11 74 J21 Its I II 51 164 ... 8 II 44 J14 114 4 U) 44 .Ihl ... 8 18 40 141 40 1 10 SHEEP There was only a moderate run of sheep here this morning, about twelve cars being on sale. The receipts consisted almost entirely of lambs. Chicago reported a good run, with early advices calling the market stesdy. Buyers were out early and the market opened In good season. The market on shorn lambs showed more life today than for some time, and there was a fair activity displayed. The lambs changed hands at prices ruling steady to stronger, while In some cases they looked 5pl0c higher than yesterday. Wooled lambs were a little harder to move at the prices than the clipped stuff, but ruled Just about steady. Two double decks of shorn lambs brought $6.05, which sale waa a nickel higher. The sheep, as was the case yester day, were not in as good demand as the lambs. There were no fresh arrivals and the market was Just about steady. Some clipped sheep and yearlings sold at $4.i5, a good steadv price. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lambs. $6.80!&6.ii0: fair to good lambs. $o.50fff5.; good to choice Colorado wooled lambs. $6.8u'B7.25: good to choice yearlings, $.YOia5.i6; fair to good yearlings. $4.754t5.oU; good to choice we;hera. $4 50184. 80; rair to good wethers. i4.26Q4.60; good to choice ewes, $4.4C&4.50; fair to good ewes. $4,004 4 40. Representative sales: . No. 2 western cull ewes 26 native cull ewes 5 native ewes 26 western wether culls . 14 western ewes 51 western lamb culls 563 western wethers 460 western ewes and yearlings. 191 Colorado lambs 26 Colorado lambs Sll western ewes and yearlings. -60 western ewes and yearlings. 415 western ewes and yearlings. 503 Colorado lambs Av. Pr. 65 $ 00 91 $ 50 80 3 50 , 50 ' 4 35 81 4 40 ,56 4 50 101 4 65 .80 4 76 .65 6 40 .66 6 00 ,71 6 00 ,69 6 00 ,71 00 ,61 (60 MARKET CHICAGO 1.1 VK STOCK Cattle, Hoars, Sheep aad Lambs Are Steady oa Moderate Rerelats. CHICAGO. June 1 CATTLE Receipts 8,000 head; market steady; good to prime steers, xs.wai.to; poor to medium. U.VtHib 40 Blockers and feeders. t2.7tV96.0Q; cows, t2.tfit o.oii ; neirers. ii,itioo; csnners, tl.ooiw bulls. $2.75S4 75: calves, $3.00.78. HOOS Receipts. 21,000 head; estimated for tomorrow. l8.(io head; market steadv mixed and butchers, 85.10i5.3I: good to Choice heavy. $5 VW&5 35; rough heavy. $4.5kS 6.25; light, 15.1515.3;'; bulk of sales, $5 25 0 sn. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelnts. 16.000 head; market steady; good to choice weth ers, shorn, 84.mwi6.oo: fair to choice mixed shorn, $3.604. 4o; western sheep, shorn, $4 00 tiotD: native lamns, snorn, 4.oo'n.25; west em lambs, $5.60i7.2o. Kansas' City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.500 head. Including 800 southerns market steady; Miockers and feeders, 2oc lower than Monday; choice export and drensed beef steera, . 4iXftt . 10; fair to good $4 2.VSr5.26: western-fed steers. $4 50&5.75 Blockers and feeders, $3 a"1.6fi; southern steers. $3.4'&'5 10; southern cows, $2 HOti'4 ni); native cows, $2.2564.66; native heifers, $3.25 &6.00: bulls. $2.i4.50; calves. J-i t'6.76. . HOGS Receipts, 10.7K) head ; murk opened 2noc lower, nut loss retained; ton $5 30; bulk of sales. $5 2o.:7; heavy. $.) 06 30; packers, $5,2145.27; pigs and lights, 84.H"lti rj'4j. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300 head market strong; native lambs, $6.0017.511 western Ian, lis, $5 ,547 15; fed ewes and yearlings. 84.2wo5.,o: Texas dinned year lings. $4.76j6.25; Texas clipped sheep. $4 25 tj 4 85; Miockers and feeders. IJ.ina'J To. St. I.onls I. Its Stoek Market. 8T. Ill IS. June 1CATTT.F Receipts, tww nrau. inciuoiiia neaa lexans; mar ket for natives steady, for Texan wenk native shipping and export steers, $5.0Of o. 25 dressed b. ef and butcher steers. $4 255 75 steers under i on lls , $3 Vit6.50; stockers ana teeners, ss UMOTHi: cows -end heifers $?. aftfit 75; csnners $2.00ti25); bulls, $.V0n4 4.60. calves. $40iy&6.6o; Texas and Indian steers, H.uxgj.uo; cows and heifers, $. a. i. itous Kerelpts. 6 600 head: mark. steadv; pigs and lights. $5 00(95 80: nackera $4 6i85.30; butchers and best heavy. $5 2B SHEEP AND I.AMB8-Rf oeipts. 1 5A0 head; market stesdy: native muttons. $.150 4)4 76; lam r. $4.75u7R; culls and bucks. $2 5o fc4.(T); stockers. $2 75 8.10; Texans, $.75ft4.60. St, Josepk I.lve Stock Market. . 300 .4. 5"0 .1.17 .S.oon .8.000 13 4 7.7' )n;.o 11. h-w 6..V") ii.ooo Sheep ".VO 8 277 150t) Totals 23.197 TO,9f9 23,94 OMAHA WHOLKSALB MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy Prodne. EUGS Receipts fair, market steady 1 can dled stock, 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. l"c: roosters, f 4?7c turkeys. 13 15c; ducks, lotjllc. BLTTr.K racking stocK, i.iuKisc; enmee to fancy dairy, l.JOc; creamery, 2002101 prints. 22c. FRESH FISH Trout, 8c; halibut, lie; buffalo tdressed), Sc; pickerel (dressed). He; white bass (dressed!, 12c; sunnsh, Ms; perch, (scaled and dressed), 8c; pike, loo; catfish. 15c; red snapper. 10c; salmon. 14c; crapples, lie; eel, 16c; bullheads, 11c; black bass, zoc; wnltensn (dressed), iw; irog egs, per dnx.. 80c: lobsters, green, z,c: boiled lobsters, 80c. HAY Prices ounted Dv Ortana wnoiesaie Hav Dealers' ass.x-lHilon: Choice, 8..00; No. 1, K&i; No. 2, $6.00; coarse. $5.00 These rices are for hay of good color and quai- ty. BRAN Ter ton. $15 00 TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, ail sites, $3.7 4j4.00; extra fancy Mediterranean sweets. all sixes, 44ou; lancy naveis, sixes 15v, lis, 20U. )lo, 2uo, 4J U0: sixes so, KO, li. $J.uOt(2.7o, seedlings, all sizes, $a.(o. LL.viOiss caiiioinia. extra iaucy, i.u, rm aim goo sizes, U..5, fane), 270, uu and otxl sizes, 36o; choice, 240 and iiV sixes, W-ov; W and 060 sixes, J2.,6dJ.OO. DATES Per buz of 80 1-lb. pkgs., 82.00; Haliowe en, in 7o-io, boxes, pc: lb., 6c. FlUd California, per 10-. o. canon, nit 85c; imported Smyrna, (our-crowu, .uc; five- crown, i-'C. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $31. is ifi.Ho; jumbos, $2.6tUS.O0. niNLAi-f its r loiiua, per crate 01 i. 30 and 36 sizes, Ji; 42 size, $2.76. FRU1TE CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Black, pet 8-1 b. box, 41.76; white, per -ll. box, WOO. biKAivuhnKita Missouri, poi t-a.h case, li ifrjilvo. TANUEKiNKS California, per half bos. $2.W. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crate, 41.0). MISSOURI CHERRIES Uox of 24-alS, $3.00. GOOSEBERRIES Box Of 24 qlS., 12.60. VEUElA-Li-i-S. TURNIPS New, per dox., 45c. CArUIOTS New, per flox., tec. PARS.Mr-S Old, per bu., 4uo. AX BEANS Per W-ua. box. 76c; string beans, per -bu. box, ,'6c; bu. uox wax. or string. 82.iA4j2.26. i-oi A iu-- Home grown, in sacks, per bu., mo. Colorado, per bu., 46c; now pota toes, per 10., 80. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2. CLCUMBERo per doz.. 4o476c. PEAS-New, per bu. box, i.'i(Ku2.0e. TOMATOES r'ionua, lancy, pur -baaket crate, 4M.O0; choice, per 6-baaael crate, J 00. bUNACli-Per UU.. 60c. CABBAGE Caiitoriila in crates, per lb.. 27- . ... BEHTH new, per oox. ouncnes, 10c. ONIONS New. per dox. bunches. 15c; Bermudas, per crate ot about 60 lbs., $1.65. RADISHES Hot house or auulusio. vot dox., 20c. LETTUCE Hot house, per dot.. absj4t)c; head lettuce, per dox.. $L CAULIFLOWER-Si. Louis, per crate or 1 doz., $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. lsc: Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wiscoi.sin llmburger, 15c; twins, 13 14c, young Americas, 14c. jUicj Wainuta. iso. 1 suit sneus, new crop, per lb., 15c, hard shells, per lb., Uc; 110. z sort shells, ner id.. 12c; sso. naru shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb.. Uc; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb 7c; roasted peanuts, per id., sc; iiiui wainuis. per lb., 12gl8c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; shellbaik hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickoiy nuts, per du., ti.&o. HIDES No. 1 green. Thbc: No. 8 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7ci .-so. 1 veal can, luc; ino. z veai can, ru; dry salted. 7j3l4c; shep pelts, 2bci4l.uo. borte hides, ti.ougia.uu. Sngar and Molasses. NEW YORK. June 1. SUGAR Raw, firm, fair refining, 4c; centrifugal, mi test, 4c; molasses sugar, 3c; refined, steady; crushed, 6.55c; powdered, 6.96c; granulated. 6kic. NEW ORuKAno, June 1 l liAiv wuiei; open kettle, avnt'ac; open Keiue ceniru- ugal, 4'A w ltt-ioc ; ceniruugai wnuw, ot; yellows. 4-V?i4 15-16c; seconds. 3S4c. MOLASSES Nominal ; open kettle. 13- 26c; centrifugal, ftg14c. Byrup, nominal, 30c Dry Goods Market. CW YORK. June 1. DRY GOODS Sev eral additional advances In the price of cot ton gooda were announced by selling agents In the dry gooda market today. Bleached goods figured prominently In the list. Not withstanding the advancing tendency buy ers are placing comparatively few orders except for current needs. New York houses secured the majority 01 ine contract awarded for clothing today by the local Indian office. Minneapolis Grala Ola r ket. MINNEAPOLIS, June 1. WHEA1N Close, July, $1 .l"o; No. 1 hard, $1.18c; No. 2 northern, $1.06e. FLOUR First patents. $6.50-36.60; second patents, $6.3fS!6.4"; first clears, $l.0034.1o; second clears. $2. 75-Ti 2 fc6. BRAN In bulk, $13.00-8 13.60. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, June 1. WHEAT Spot, nominal: futures, firm; July, 6s 8d; Sep tember. 6s 8d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. 4a 6d; futures, firm; July, 4s 6d; September, nominal. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June 1. -CORN Higher; No. 3 vellow. 61c; No. S. 51c; No. 4, 60c; no grade, OATS Unchanged ; No. 8 white, 3013310; No. 4 white. 3oVaaoc. H. L COHN GOES foALASKA fonrt Reporter Accepts Appointment of Assistant Inlted States At. toraey la tbe orth. Harry L. Cohn, stenographer In Judge Button's court, has accepted an appoint ment as assistant United Statej district at torney for Alaska. The tender of the ap pointment came to Mr. Cohn from N. V. Harlan. Ihe district attorney for Alaska, and M.r. Cohn ha decided to accept. . He will leave for Alaska , about the first of July and. will have Ms headquarters at Fairbanks. His salary will be $2,000 per ' year for the present. Mr. Cohn is a young lawyer, who studied for the br in the office of District Attorney Harlan. He practiced law here for several years and was assistant city at torney of South Omaha when he accepted the position of court reporter with Judge Sutton, one year ago lust January. He will continue ss reporter until he Is ready to start for the Arctic circle and until that time Judge Sutton will not name his successor. fives. $4 104U5.75: cows and heifers. $1 5oa 6.1": stockers and feeder. $2.io4i4 75. HOGS Receipts, 1 LOW head; market weak to 6r lower: light tt l.vtfs y v medium and heavy, $5 17H&6.23; hulk. $5 17415 224. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S.CT head, market steady; wooled Isnibs, $7 15. Sleax trtrrMre Steel Sarfcet. 8!OL"X ' TTT..' June J l.-rfSpeoUl Tele gram. CATTLE Receipt $vi head; rcar kat steady; beeves, $4j.-j4il, 00 w 4, bulla Edwards-Wood Co. 1 incorporated I rialo Office: Fifth gad Robert Street 8 ST. PAUL, rM.NN. DEALERS 8t Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your Grain to Us Praneb Ifflee. 110-111 Board of Tree)) Did-.. Oaaaha. Nek. Telephone A31 g. 21V-214 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha Eta 'Phone Hi. ladepeodcat 'Pkaae s.