Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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C it j Council Closet Up Borne Important
Street Matters.
Borllnatnn Allowed to Iay Ralla
Alone; TnrnO-Mnlh Street Bad
Oilier Thlnus Needed for ln
Itroveinent Adjusted.
An nfljoui nil) meeting of the city council
wan li lil l,it nlglit wltlt Mayor Koutsky
In the elinlr and all members present. Con
Idi nil'l" Jiu!:jiks was transacted In which
the publir? Is Interested.
The ordinance vacating H street, from
Ttvonty-nlnth strict west to the tracks,
and the alley In block 16, wag paused, all
members giving their support to this ordi
nance. This stK-ct and alley are being va
cated for the proposed I'cters stock food
mill. Another ordinance of Interest was
pasBi d. This one pertained to the vacating
of the Wet Hide of T win t y-nlnt h street
from A to I) street, and giving the Ilurllng
ton road permlMston to lay either a single
or double track on this street. It Is stipu
lated Jn the ordinance that the railroad
cnninany hall pave between Its tracks
whenever the city council demands. These
were the only ordinances pnssed. An Ordi
nance was Introduced and read for the
first time providing for the paving of Twenty-fourth
street from O to O street, with
vitrified brick, the brick to be laid on a
concrete base. Permanent sidewalks are to
be laid on the north side of II street from
Twentieth to Twenty-first; on the north
side of O street, from Twenty-first to Twenty-second
,and on the south side of Q
street from KlKhteenth to Twentieth street.
In addition to these walks ordered laid
teps will be taken to have the city con
tractor lay permanent walks on Twentieth
treet from Missouri avenue north to J
At the request of Councilman Martin, the
city attorney will draft an ordinance for
the hi yl tiff of a cinder sidewalk on the eat
s'dc of Thirty-second street from It to V
street. Complaint was made about a pool
of stagnant water at Thirty-third and Q
streets, and the sanitary Inspector was in
structed to investigate and report.
. May salaries and bills were allowed.
Cloning Exercises Tonight.
. This evening the high school graduating
cIhhs will hold closing exercises at the
auditorium In the high school building. The
graduating class this year is composed of
twenty-six members, all having passed their
final examlnitlons with honors. Reserved
seat tickets have been Issued for the exer
cises tonight and whllo every seat waa
taken a day or two ago, there Is still a de
mand for tickets. Judging from this de
mand, large numbers of those who will at
tend will be compelled to stand. The fol
lowing program has been prepared:
Piano Solo II Pagllaccl Leonconvallo
Henry J. Hoc k.
Rev. O. W. Burch.
Vocal Solo Selected
Mrs. H. C. Richmond.
Commencement Address Profit and Loss
Hon. A. U Blxby.
'Barcarolir Tschatkowsky
Henry J. Bock.
Presentation of diplomas ............a
President Dana, MorrllL
Four New Smallpox Canes.
City Physician Koutsky discovered four
cases of smallpox in the Glass family at
Twenty-eighth and B streets Thursday. Ac
cording to Dr. Koutsky theso cases have
been supprcased. and were only discovered
by accident. Dr. W. M. Davis, the assistant
county physician, was called to the Glass
Residence and 'he at once pronounced the
cases smallpox. Immediately after making
the discovery Dr. Davis notified the city
physician. When Dr. Koutsky had made
an Investigation be - pronounced the cases
well developed. According to Dr. Koutsky
some of the children afflicted with smallpox
were permitted to attend school until a few
days ago. This case following so closely
on the Morehead case, which was only
brought to the attention of the health offi
cers by neighbors, has called forth the an
nouncement from the city officials that both
Glass and Morehead will be prosecuted for
neglecting to properly report smallpox
Bnlldlna; Operations Increasing.
lAst month thirty building permits were
Issued by the city building Inspector, the
total cost as given by the permits being
.425. For the month of May, 1804. twen
ty-one permits were Issued, the cost being
$16,425. An increase of $'.3,975 is shown.
Uulldlnar Insnector Wlneaurd savs that he
has twelve permits in view to be taken out
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Auditor Smith's Statement Snbjeot to
Soma Iiplanatorj Comment.
Par for Prisoners Is Xante as t nder
the Former herlft and All
Other mils Are Con.
tracted by Hoard.
Referring to the statement published by
County Auditor 8mlth relative to the ex
pense of conducting and maintaining the
county Jail, Sheriff John Power makes tho
following statement:
When I took charge of the sheriff's office
and of the county Jail my predecessor, Mc
Donald, was receiving 45 cents ier day for
each prisoner confined in the county Jail.
That same rate per day has been continued
ever since. That 45 cents per day covers
the entire expense of feeding the prisoners.
pay all bills for every particle of food
furnished the prisoners and the county has
not been to any additional expense for feed
ing them since I have been sheriff. In addi
tion to that I have been compelled to fur
nish all cooking utensils, pay the salary
of the cook and all help in the kitchen, and
have also been compelled to furnish the
fuel used In the kitchen. All this at my
own expense. I have made a careful ex
amination, and have not found another In
stance In any city where the Jailer has been
compelled to pay for the fuel used in the
'The additional expense connected with
the Jail, such as repairs to the Jail, cloth
ing and medicine for the prisoners, is some
thing I have absolutely nothing to do with.
The repairs to the Jail and clothing for the
prisoners are all ordered by the county
board on the recommendation of the com
mittee on Jail. All medicines are ordered
by the county physician. When iothlng or
medicines are sent to the county Jail one
of my employes receives It and receipts
for It, but we have nothing to do with the
ordering of these supplies.
Rocky Ford Canteloapes from
Mexico War Between Pack
ers of Sardines.
They are not Rocky Ford canteloupes,
but they are very nearly as good, for they
are grown from Rocky Ford seed In tho
genial sun and generous soil of old Mexico
The first shipment of the season has corns
and the Juicy melons are on sale at a few
of the local commission houses. They sell
at a crato of forty or forty-five and the
retailers will sell them perhaps at 20 to 26
cents each. Only a few are here now, but
the crop is good and they will soon be
plenty. To be sure the express charges on
them will always keep them at a good
See "Crosby" Model Corsets, Her Grand
- - IHlJ
We announce a most extraordinary
Men's Suit Sale the greatest we
have ever inaugurated
Saturday, June 3.
We purchased from two of the big
gest wholesale clothing manufac
turers their entire surplus stocks of
highly tailored men's suits.
Don't buy a stitch of
clothing until Saturday.
These two great concerns, after a
very successful season's business,
had on hand 1976 of the swellest
and most stylish suits. We took the
entire lot at such a phenomenal low
price that we will be able to place
them on special sale. In two
For Suits Worth up to $20.
Extra salespeople will be here to serve you quickly.
thla month that will reach a total of at
least S50.0U0.
Two permits were issued yesterday, one
to Mrs. H. Lovely, Twenty-second and F
streets, for a f3,0u0 dwelling, and the other
to Mrs. Connelly, 816 North Fifteenth street.
for a dwelling to cost II, QUI. A number of
buildings are now under course of con
struction where no permits have been se
cured yet. The building of additions to the
Madison, Lincoln and Corrlgan schools will
add considerably to the cost of permits for
Two More Prisoners Escape.
a reception at the high achool building
Thursday afternoon.
With over 13,000 hogs on sale at the yards
yesterday the market dropped to the low
est point reached In some weeks.
There will be no meeting of Phil Kear
ney post No. 2, Grand Army of the Re
public, on Saturday evening of this week.
Thirty-elgnt births were reported to the
health board during May. of thla num
ber seventeen were males and twenty-one
John K. Coad. president of the PacKers
National bank, left yesterday for Los
Aninu rul wh.t-A hn will remain for
about tiire weeks.
Rurverintendent Clifford of the Council
ui.iffs s,.w.,,iu u.u In the citv yesterday.
D. W. Porter, colored, and F. Martin, tr,e guest or Superintendent J. A. McLean,
white, escaped from the city Jail early Mon- Mr. Clifford spoke In the highest terms of
Hot morning nnrl art Still at larBB. Martin " "ew
is the man arrested some time ago for hav
ing dynamite in his possession, while Por
ter Is a potty crook who goes around selling
cheap jewelry. The police say that these
prisoners escaped by sawing a bar to one
of the jail windows and then loosening the I
staples holding the wire netting on the out
side of the window. No partlaulur effort is
being made to recapture either of the men,
as by making thelf escape the police are
Nebraska Clothing; Co. Purchases Ira.
portaat Salt Stock from Two Fa-
nioua New York Whole
sale Tailors.
We wish to announce to the men of
EXPERIENCE OF MISS MERKLEY "atlstled that they will not return to tola Omaha that we have purchased the entire
(The Was Told That an Ops ration Was
Inevitable. How fghs Escaped It
When a physician tells a woman suf
fering with ovarian or womb trouble
that an operation is necessary, the very
thought of the knife and the operating
table strike terror to her heart, ana
star hospitals are full of women coming
far ovarian or womb operations.
Many Permanent Sidewalks.
In almost every portion of the city per
manent sidewalks are being laid Just as
fast as the contractors can do the work-
Two men from the city engineer's office are
engaged every day that outside work is per
missible in putting down stakes for new
walks. 80 great has the request for side
walk stakes become that City Engineer
Ileal says he is unable to set the atakea as
rapidly as demanded by property owners.
With the closing of the present year South
Omaha will have a number of miles of tine
permanent walks, while only a few years
ago scarcely a permanent walk was to be
1 found. By the laying of permanent walks
surplus stock of men's suits from two of
the most reputable wholesale tailors In
New York City. The purchase Involves 1.976
new and stylish suits that we will place
on special sale Saturday morning, June 3,
at o'clock. This stock was purchased at
a tremendous loss to the manufacturer. It
was one of the best purchases we have
ever made. Watch for our special an
nouncement in Friday Evening Hee.
There) are cases where an operatioa
Is the only resource, but when one con-
aider the great number of cases of
ovarian and womb trouble cured by
Lvdia K. nnkhara s Vetretable Com
pound after physicians have advised
operations, no woman should submit to
one without first trying the vegetable
Compound and writing Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free.
Miss Margret Merkley of 175 Third
Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" Loss of strength, extreme nerrousness
shooting pains through the pelvic organs,
bearing down pains and cramps compelled
ne to seek medical advice. The doctor, after
snaking an examination, said I had ovarian
trouble and ulceration and advised an opera
tion. To this I stronglv objected and derided
to trv Lvdia R. I 'ink bams Vegetable Com
pound. - The ulceration quickly beeJed, all
the bad symptoms duappeared and I 1
once more atrong, vigorous and welt
Ovarian and womb troubles are stead
ily on the increase among women. If
the monthly periods are very painful.
or too frequent and excessive if you
have pais or swelling low down In the
left side, bearing down pains, leucor-
rhcea. dont Deflect yourself : try Lydia
Jb, riBhhaia Vegetable Uxupouuo.
Silk Ribbon Day
Colonel Alexander Hogeland of curfew
law fame will make his annuul distribution
of silk ribbons to newsboys In the mayor's
office at the city hall Baturday morning.
With the ribbons goes a little neart-to'
the city la escaping from a large number of hrt talk Ior tne bo'-
personal Injury claims filed on account of
defective sidewalks.
Stamp Sales Increasing.
Postmaster Etter announced last night
that the stamp sales at the office here for
May amounted to S7.S10.8S. During May,
iwi, tne sales totaled i.4)7.:t. This Is an
Increase over 1904 of 11,163.64. The increase
as shown Is very gratifying to Postmaster
Etter and tenda to ahow that while May
was considered a dull month this year bust
ness at the postofnee was heavier than a
year ago. Miss Mary Beykora, one of the
recently appointed clerks, reported for duty
at the postofnee Thursday. Miss Seykura
was assigned to the general delivery de
partment temporarily, but later on will be
Instructed In the duties of "nlxey" clerk.
Eighth Grade Exerelaes.
Last night at the high achool auditorium
the eighth grade classes held their annual
closing exercises. The musical selections
were furnished by pupils of the class. W
M. Davidson, superintendent of schools of
Omaha, delivered an address to the class
which was instructive and entertaining. At
the close of the program Dana Morrill,
president of the Board of Education, de
live red certificates to 178 members of the
eighth grade class which entitles the hold
ers to the privilege of entering the high
school in the fall. The auditorium waa
filled with pupils, parents and friends. Thla
year's eighth grade class waa the largest
in tne history of the schools here.
Masie'Cltr Gossip.
The public schools close today for ths
summer vacation.
Some of the holes in Ihtt uvm. .
iw-mir-iourin street are being mied with
urvftra iiunt.
Mrs. T. J. O'Nell has return i. V.--
lutue unr undergoing an operation at Bt.
Dr. H. J. Aberlv has returned from Al.
ahama. where he went to look over the
inuuairiee in sou aooui liirnuiigbain.
The nreoarttorv class ,1 Mrs. Tt
C. KltUinuud aud the high school faculty
am Adama Pleads Not Guilty, hot j
Awalta Trial on Charge of
Holding; ip Meta.
On a charge of grand larceny, Sam Adams
waa up berore judge lierKa inursany
morning and pleaded not guilty. Adams is
the man who Is suspected of having taken
the diamond stickpin from the shirt front
of Louis Metz of the Metx Bros'. Brewing
company Tuesday night while he was
stepping from a car at Fourteenth and
Farnam streets. Adams asked permission
to see an attorney before his trial and the
case was set for Saturday morning.
For Tenchera nn stndenta.
Many teachers and students are looking
for pleasant employment during the sum
mer months. They feel that It Is necessary
for them to have some practical business
experience to properly balance their train
ing and to keep them, so to speak, from
becoming lop-sided.
It Is practlcully Impossible for them to
obtain an office position for so short a
time. There are, however, unlimited oppor
tunities as salesmen or solicitors, and this
kind of work, If well selected, Is more
practical and usually more profitable.
In selecting this work there are certain
qualifications that must always be con
sidered. The proposition must be meritori
ous that is, the article must be actually
worth to the purchaser the price charged.
It should not be exclusively a luxury, but
should possess some element that makes It
a necessity, either In tho business or house
hold of the purchaser. The work should
be dignified and of a nature that will com
mand the respect of tho people, thus giving
the salesmun a prldo In the business he is
Salesmanship or agency work with The
Twentieth Century Farmer of Omaha,
Neb., has all of these qualifications and Is
usually profitable. They give employment
each summer to a large number of teach
ers and students.
WANTED Ten experienced clothing
salesmen. Apply at once.
Don't le Poor Oil.
For use on sewing machines, bicycles
and all purposes requiring a fine lubricant
the best Is cheapest in the end. Genuine
Singer oil can only be obtained at Singer
stores. Look for the red S. 1514 Douglas
street, Omaha; 438 North 34th street. South
Omaha, Neb.
Odd Lace Curtains June is cleaning up
month and we must sell over IM.OOO worth
of odd lace curtains and portieres during
this month. They have been sorted out
and marked In lots at Half Price and less.
A to 00 Brussels curtain. Imported, at J2.35.
A 4.75 Cable net at 12 50.
Up-to-date dealers keep Sheboygan Splits;
10 cents.
Small Haul by DuriiUra.
Burglars entered the residence of E. W
Iimoreaux. 1S1 Wirt street. Wednesday
night, getting away with 11.70 in cash. It Is
not known what time the thieves entered
the house, but when the family arose In the
morning It found the window In the dining
room open where the burglars had gotten
in. Nothing but the money taken was
missing from the place.
Really star aerial performances possess
the most thrilling Interest for everybody,
uid In this branch of aerenlc art the com
bined Great Forepaugh and Sells Brothers'
circuses are pre-eminently strong. They
present nn unparalleled number of the
greatest and most venturesome and orlgina
mld-alr trapeze, horizontal bar, floating
ring, invisible wire and funambulistlc ex
perts, In the strangest and most startling
and stupendous flights, dives, evolutions,
catches and combinations. They give the
town plenty tc talk about, as will be shown
here on June 12.
Vi..J.llii-J,....iii..iitii 11 1. im. , wiping, .ip.iu. ana
I 'lit ' 1 - i: - -
Folding and Reclining Go-Carts and Baby Carriages
Our prices nre a jroort deal loss than you can
buy anywhere else. Evrry o-C'nrt or Carriage Is
guaranteed to ynu for tbe first year that we will
keep it in pood shape free.
I'.efore buying, come and see our goods and be
satisfied. We do repairing. Catalogue free.
Omaha Reed and Rattan Works
Telephone 2043. 1512 Howard St.
See "Crosby" Model Corsets, Ilcr Grand.
Marriage I.lccnsea.
The following marriage licenses have
been issued:
Name and Residence.
James A. C. Kennedy. Omaha 28
Caroline Purvis. Omaha 21
Charles P. Nelson, Kennard. Neb 23
Maude K. Fainhiid, Kennard 19
Joseph Cap, South Omaha
Antonte Strumftt, South Omaha ....
Charles Humphrey, South Omaha..
Myrtle Harlow. South Omaha
Charles II. Peacock. South Omaha..
Maude Woolley. South Omaha
18-K. wedding rings. Edholm. Jeweler.
"H,nta on Tre-val"
height K(SADmmmMEm
he Lakes ofMnnesotA
, $12.50 roR rrf round trp
y City Ticket Office
V 1512 Fnrn&m St.. Omaha, Neb.
I 0
Is a man of wide celebrity, and so is JOHN GUNO. DEPEW'S fame rests on the
fact that be is ths most charming and delightful after dinner orator in America.
QUND'8 fame originates in the highly pleasing and truly delightful fragrance and
recognized purity of
This renowned brew has been made for over fifty years from the
choicest malting barley harvested in fertile Wisconsin and the rarest
hops that beautiful old Bohemia can grow. As you drink it down a
sense of complete satisfaction steals over you. "PEERLESS" is
remarkably wholesome and strengthening alive with health and
tonic properties. Hence the ablest physicians recommend it for
anaemics and convalescents because they know that it abounds with
healthful, invigorating qualities. "Its fragrant tang and Bparkle is
the life of the barley crop, and its amber glow and glory is the glint
of the golden hop." Bottled at the brewery. Sold everywhere.
Ask for It by name and Insist on getting It. Why not test it?
Go to the telephone, call up our agent and order a trial case delivered
to your home this very day.. Its name describes it, "a beer without
a peer." Try it and see.
JOHN GUND DREW1NG CO., La Crosse, Wis.
W. C. KEYDEN, Manager Omaha Branch, 20S
Both Phsass
euth 13th Street, Omaha, Neh.
Telephone 344.
Wf. P. UCKNER. Manager Kansas City Branch,
10-0 Grand Avs., Kansas City, Me.
One nf our useful weddins gifts which Is unusually
attractive Is twelve sterling sliver chocolate spoons
and muddli-r complete in case, (12.00. largest stock of
sterling silver In city. Inspection Invited.
I 1 1 I I'M 111 '
lit VV- M
Herald Square, New York.
Completely renovated und refurnished
The largest and most attractive LoHBT
AND ROTl.'NLfA In Nw York haa ba
newly opened up.
Boeclsl Induoemanta to COMMF.RCIAT.
MhlS with Bumplea Thirty large and weil
lighted SAMPLE ROOMS, with or without
lth. Forty large front suites, with parlor,
two bedrooms and private bath: suitable
for famlllea or partlea traveling together.
JS The Old English
Grill Room .
la an Innovation. Unique and original.
Ail eipoaad cooking. Be food of all varlatlea a specialty.
Our Combination Breakfaata sra s popular feature.
The German Rathskeller
la Broadway s grasteat attraction for apeclai food dlahes and popular Muale.
400 Kccma, 200 bat hi. Rates for Rooma. H.fO and upward: 12 00 and upward with
bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath, M00. (4 00 and 16 00 per day; Parlor, two bedrooms sa4
bath, 6. W, M 00 and M 00 per day. II 00 extra where two persona occupy single rooss.
Write for Booklet.
SJ W EEN ET -Tl ERN E I HOTEL COM PANT. K. U. Tlerney. lies.