rnn omaha daily bee. punday. may 2. ions. DENVER'S GARRISON FINISH Poundi Oat Beren Burn' and the Game in the Ninth Inning. SWORMSTEDT GOES UP IN A BALLOON Walks Several anil Whrn He Pals Thrm Over the llmtff Mea Bump It tar Him for Fair. COLORAltO SPRINGS, May I7.-lenver coultt not iirore for three Inning and up to that time had but two him. In the third, with two down, perrlne, 1Iostetter and Everltt tingled, Perrlno scoring. Vol lendorf retiree the eld hy striking out Ienver scored In the seventh on Hsrtiell's pass and Perrlne a single. Then came tha fatal ninth and tha total eclipse of Bworm et'dt, Hartzcll was the first man up and banged out a triple. Rnn. lull wan panned and Belden fouled nut to first. Pcrrine sent an easy fly to left and with two out and five runa in the lead It didn't aeom possible that tha lot Bis could lone. Hostetter singled, scoring llarttcll and Randall, Everltt walked and Staler singled, scoring Hostetter. Vollendorf'a hud bound to left wan good for two bases and Kverlll and Blsler scored. Mctlalo hit safe, scoring Vollcndorf, and Hamuli's aecond lilt in the Inning acored Mcllale. The Millionaires broke Ice In the third and acored two runa. Messltt doubled and crossed the runner on Bwormsledt's hit. Pennell waa aafe on a force out at aecond and took third on Blake's hit, adoring on a long fly to center. Mott singled In tha fourth, tok second on a wild pitch and acored on Mltze's hit. Pennell hit for three base In the fifth, acorlng on Blake's single. The Springs brought Ita total up to seven In the seventh. With one out Pennell singled,. Blake doubled and Curtis tripled, two runa coming In. Curtis crossed tha runner on Knabe's fly to center. Attend ance, sno. Tha acore: DENVER I COLORADO SPRINGS. R H.O. A. It I R.H.O.A.B. ; MrHale, cf ..1 3 4 0 0 Fer.nell, rf... 2 4 0 0 Hartioll. lb . I SOI 0 Blikt. Ib....t I I 1 0 Randall, rf.. 1 Old 0 Curl la. If.... J 1 1 0 0 Belden, If ... 110 0 Una be. lb ...O 10 11 Perrlne. Jb... 1 II 0 Mellor, lb....O OHIO Hoatetter, aa. 1 I I i 0, Mott, aa '. 1 1 I I 0 EverlU. lb... 1 I 14 0 0 Mil tier, rf....O 110 0 Slaler, c 1 1 I I OiMeeeltt. C....1 1110 Sw'metedt, p 0 1 1 0 Ltndeey, p. . . 0 0 0 0 o !" Moines Omaha, W Ienver 2o Ht. Joseph 2.1 Colorado Springs H usmcs today: Omsha Sioux City and Des Mulnes; Denver at Col orado Springs. 14 14 VI 10 12 12 14 13 If S."! New York tl 13 M .M .n.1 Boston 31 12 19 . Games today: Washington at St. Louis i I Boston at Chicago. A KRAURS OK THK OHAHt TEAM at St. Joseph; UAMF. 1 THK JUTIOSAI, I.F.ACilK. anna's KfTerlUr Work la the Rot Enables tloston te Win. PHILADELPHIA. Mav T7. Young. Bos- ton's left-hand pitcher, shut out the local team todav. Pusglehv also pitched well but Boston hit lilm In the fourth and ninth Carter. Schlpke, Thlel and Martin I. rail Ont with tha Rat. While the 3'io hitter has temporarily va,i-1 Innings. Attendance, 6,304. Score: Ished from tde (imalia list, the Improve-I nosrrn. I PHlLADF.t.PHt A. Pirnt in I lia ilinflnv tir tl,n ttum la such I R.H.O.A K.. R.H.O.A.B as to lie of the greatest encouragement. I canneii. -f . . . 1 110 OThnmae. ' J J J I ... .u .k. . .V.. I Tenner lh .. 1 1 10 ft " Olea.nn. Jh . 0 ft 0 I I est 'point ItZvirMvl.: while 'this J I J;!,' "!!!!! week It la the highest It has been, and ft J f J T,:V: , , J J J almost eaual to what the team won the afc.. i a a n n,.s.M ih it on 1 0 championship with last season. Tnomas I R.emer. jb..O 0 tnollti. ee....o 0 I 0 nn l Milan escn nsa a poor wees si i"' I Nmihim, c.O ft o e Kinw, c v i s i i bat. while Freese fell away through being called on to hat In the ninth inntng and falling to deliver the roods. Some of th boya who have been pretty well down the line since the opening of the season began to ronnect witn the ball again, ana ir tney tan keen the work going for the next few oRys tun ream average win oe tar up in l Boston the figures by next Sunday, tarter nit 1 phllade lphla and Thiol, who has been further off his mark than anybody, batted .2. The team Toun n 0 1 0 i llO'iHl'hT. D . 0 10 4 1 i -ivrusr v v u v t. Totala I in t llDooln 0 10 0 0 marK man anyDoriy. naltea .zw. ine ieam Mh Wolverton. Two-base hit: Y 1k ,ir"r.K0.r.lhC"t "'? W"" i T-im Three-base hits: Duggleby, Shnrpe. shows that the boys surely meant It. Team r(flo h,I)ugfleby. Struck out: Hy Y lie . ling for the week was .mil. and that Is Dll1(.bv. ?. Bases on balls: Off Y going a few, even If the games were played on the home grounds. Martin fell hard, getting four errors during the week, two or them In Sunday a game, wiilcn is an Totala 0 I 27 li I Batted for Courtney In ninth. Batted for Titus In ninth. ft 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Irf-ft on bases: Boston, 2; Philadelphia. B. Karned run: Boston, 1. Stolen bases: l oung. Sac- oung, 6; Duggleby. 2. Bases on balls: Oft loung, 1. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Klem. Chicago Defeats St. I.onla. CHICAGO. May 27. Chicago had much unusual allowance for him. Buck Thlel I the better of a hard hitting game today ran Into some hard luck down at St. Joe I KMri defeated St. Ixiuis easily by base and fumbled two grounders In one game, i mealing and long hits: Attendance. ,. getting two dihok marKS, out no is sureiv Hi'ore: working harder than anybody now, ana l chicaoo. i st. Lortf the blunders he makes are made trying. I a H.O A 1C. R.H.O.A.E which Is one of the ressons why the Omaha I siaale. cf .... lift 0 Shar. aa....... 1111 team wins so many games. Martin has I grhulta. lf...O 110 OiPhannon, II.. 0 101 risen to the head of the run-getting list Maionjr. rf with eighteen to his credit, Thlel Is second I t-hanra, lb. with sixteen and Martin and schtpke are . i ... , . ,ki.J ..lit l . I'tllMuff.. mil" I r. T r , 71., li, Lull, l Willi lllic il. wiwnS I .- j, has been hanging the ball with the vim I ! " of a IJole and running the bases like a I n.,.,, " ii.i- iniinr. ini.i, anil iiir iiv.l mat nc wnu Vallendorf. p 1 1 0 1 1 I It 11 It 1 Totala.. Dalahanty ,0 0 0 0 0 through the week without a wabble tells the storv of his fielding. And he didn't shirk anything, either. Here are the figures. Including oil the games played up to date: BATTING AVERAGES. Last Gamea. AB. R. H. Ave. Week. Quirk 21 2 6 .Cf6 .363 Thomas 27 !7 13 .2m1 .3' Gondmg 22 i 2 .23 .2M Carter 27 97 14 2li .28 .211 Schlpke 27 M 15 22 .234 .19J Freese I 22 S 6 . 227 . 28 Martin 27 S5 II 19 . 224 .11 Dolan 27 105 IS 23 .219 .243 Welch 27 100 20 .2i0 .ldi) Companion .. 4 10 0 2 .2'H) .175 Mehhardt .... 2 10 0 2 . 200 .111 Thlel 27 104 IS 18 .14 .114 Ptiester 6 15 1 2 .133 .167 McCloskey ... 22 1 S .132 . Sanders 3 11 2 1 .091 .2o0 Team 27 H81 112 1M .222 .2H 0 110 0 Arndt. Ib.... 0 1 6 1 111 1 O'Rerklar. lb..0 0 110 ,0 0 4 3 ftPmnnt, rt....O 0 t 0 0 .till 0;OunleTr. rf. 1 1 1 0 0 .till llRurka. Sb ... 0 1 t 1 0 ,11110 Warnar. c... 1 I I 1 0 .0011 0 TMMman. D.. 0 0 ft I !Clarka 1 1 0 0 0 Total! I 14 rr 14 1 Touli 4 11 14 11 Batted for Thlelman In ninth. Chicago 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 8 St. I.ouia 1 0000020 14 Left on bases: Chicago. R; St. Louis, 8. Two-base hits: Casey, Maloney, Shay. hits Bilggs, Kling, Shannon. Stolen buses Slaaln. Kvera l t.'asev. Double iilav Klint 11 to Tinker. Struck out: By Hrlggs, 5; b by ?s, 2; of I tn L The Indiana hare lost thre nut of forty-eight games played this aaaoa. fiAMF.a IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Minneapolis Wins Exciting Contest frnaa I'olaanbna In the Tenth. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May 27. Minne apolis defeated Columbus today In a ten Inning game by a score of t to 1. The lo cals scored In the first Inning and the visit ors In the second. For seven Innings neither side scored until Jones got a nil in inn tenth and Sullivan rapped out one to Hiilswltt. who threw wild to first and let Jones In. On a decision by King the visit ors kicked and Clymer whs ordered off the Acid. Poth pitchers worked hard. Attend ance, 4.4nt. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. 1 COLIMBII R H OAR R.H.O.A R. Jnnea. rf I t I ft 0 Dal, rf 0 110 0 SulllTan. H.O 1 I 0 0 Pi-aartna. rf. 0 0 I 0 freeman, lb. 0 1 T 1 0 Hulawltt. aa . 0 I I 4 1 l oullar. H.O 1 I 0 0i( onsaltos. If 1 I 100 Gramltif'r, Ik 0 I 1 1 1 Klfcm. lb 0 111 0 0 roi lb 0 1 4 t I wrmo, lb , 0 0 I 4 0 Hrknildt, ... 0 110 0 Rarheajl. M..0 0 I t 0 Oylrr. aa 0 1 I 0 Rr.n. o 0 0 I 1 0 Stovall, .... 0 111 llVall. p 0 1010 Totala I 10 10 14 I Totala 1 I'M II 1 One man out when winning run acored Minneapolis 1 00000000 12 Columbus 1 00000000 01 Earned runs: Minneapolis, 1. Two-base hits: Coulter. Klhm. Three-base hit: Jones. Wild pitch: Veil. Base on balls: Off StovaU. 1: off Veil. 1. Hit by pitcher: Wrlglcy. Struck out: By Stovall. 2: by Veil, I Left on bases: Minneapolis. 8 Columbus, 8. Double play: Hulawltt and Klhm. Time: 1:46. Umpire: King. St. Ian Wins from Toledo, ST. PAUU Minn.. May 27 Toledo could not hit Sessions today and lost by a score or 4 to 3. Attendance. 2,010. Score: T. PAt'L. . TOL.KPO. R.H.O.A.E I R.H O A ! Oelar, rf I 1 1 1 0 Hamphlll, cf. 1 I 1 0 1 Wherlrr, 3b.. 0 I 1 I 0 O' Brian, aa... I I 4 I 1 Manan. ib... 0 0 4 0 0 Fleurnoy, II. M I M hoonan. lb... 0 1 10 0 0 Yeaser. e 0 0 4 1 0 Beastona, p. .. 0 1 0 1 0 Totala. .. 4 10 17 II 2 dtniman, ai- 1 1 I 4 0 Gilbert, cf ... 0 0 1 1 1 Iiurratt. rf... 0 0 0 t 1 Lea. It 1 I 0 0 0 fitment, lb.. 0 1 i 0 Bojla, lb 0 I II 0 0 Monarttr, Ib 0 0 0 I 0 Doyle, c 114 10 Latnnlti, p... 0 0 0 1 0 Totals I 7 14 II 1 Til FIELDING AVERAGES. Total! 7 11 I 1 Batted for Llndsey In the ninth. Denver 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 7-9 Colorado 8prlngs ....0 0211030 07 Stolen base: Mott. "fhree-base hits: Pen nell. Curtis, Hartzell. First base on balls: Off Vollendorf. 2; off Swormstedt, 6. Struck out: By Vollendorf. 2: by Swormstedt, &. Earned runa: Coloiado Springs, 6; Denver, t. I.eft on bases: Denver. 11; Colorado Springs. 4. Two-base hits: Belden. Mes sltt, Blake, Vollendorf. Wild pitch: Vol lendorf. Hit by pitched ball: Slsler. Double plav: Hartxell to Perrlne to Everltt. First base on errors: Denver, 1. Time: 2:00. Vmplre: Burns. Rloax Keep on Wionlnx. DES MOINES. Ia., May 27 Sioux City took the second game of the series from Des Moines today. From the first It was the Packers' game, and though the 1 nder- wrltera struggled hard, It was a vain struggle. The score was ft to 2. Without an available pitcher Morrison, whose wrist Is still In anything out gooa conoition, was called upon to go on the slab. He was batted hard, but wisely preferred to let the Sioux hit the hall, trusting to his fielders than to pass the men of the op posing team to first. Vllleman pitched a good game for Bloux City. Collins1 three base hit and Starnagle'a grounder to Hogrlever acored two more In the fourth and two In the sixth on Nobllt's home run, while a two-bagger and a single In the seventh added another. The I'nderwrltera rallied In tha eighth and ninth, but the rally was too late and merely prevented shut out. In tha ninth no scores were made, though Towne, Long and Hogrlever hit safely. Score: DES MOINES. - !. H.O. A. E. Oanley, H.... 1 1 0 0 0 Ia.hu as 1 I 4 0 0 Hnartcvar, Sb 0 1 1 2 I Rnraman, lb. 0 1 10 0 1 caffrn. If.... 0 0 10 0 Prlabla, cf .. 0.1100 Shun.rt, lb.. 0 1 I 1 0 Towne, c.k.O 1110 Mnrrtann, p.. 0 0 0 I 0 WaknAcld .. 0 0 0 0 0 I -a St 28 off Thlelman. 1. Hit by pitched ball Thlelman, Single. Time: 2 Hours: L ra re: Johnstone. New York Wlna from Brooklyn NEW YORK. Mav 27 New Yofk beat J jl Brooklyn today by a score of 4 to 1. The Jtf7 local men knocked Jones out of the box in the fourth Inning and Strlcklett replaced I 1 ... 1 1 '1 , . L' ...... . nun. j iieiiumicc, iwu. ovuic. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.E.! R.H.O.A.E. pnnlln, cf . . . 1 1 1 0 0 Sharkard, If. 0 1 10 0 Rronna, rf . . 1 9 0 0 0 Ornnler, rf....O 110 0 MrOann, lb..O 1 14 0 0 Baton, so v u i u naban. c. 0 0 I I I Oom, 2b.... 0 0 I l v ea, if.... 1 110 0 Irfwla, aa 0 0 4 1 1 en. aa.... 0 1 1 0 Malay, f 1 1 2 0 1 In. lb ... 0 Oil 0 Mitchell, lb. 0 1 I 1 0 frt. 2b... 0 0 4 4 0 Rlttar, e 0 1110 liathewaon, p 1 1 0 t 0 Jonea, p 0 0 0 I 0 iHtrlckletl, p. ti i v a i Totala 4 7:e 19 I; Totala 1 24 II Sheckard out, hit by batted, ball. New York 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 4 ok vn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 li First base on errors: New York, 2. Left bases: New York. 4; Brooklyn, a. Mrst a on balls: Off Mathewson, 2: oft Jonea, Struck out: Bv Mathewson, 2: by Jonea, 1; bv Strlcklett, 2. Home run: Browne. Two-base hits: Donlln, Browne. Mathew son. Stolen bases: Devlin, Sheckard, Ma lay. Hits: Off Jones. 5 in four innings; off Stricklett, 2 In four Innings. Double plays: Bresnahan, Gilbert and McGann; Lewis unassisted. Time: 1:46. Urn plies: O Day and Uauswine. ritlshnr. Defeats Cincinnati. PITTBRrRO. Ph.. Mav fl.-Bv work In a- made It three Btraight lrom New York to- I the hit and run game Pittsburg took the day by bunching hits In the fifth, sixth ! lead in the first inning and could not be nd eighth innings. Attendance, i,sjo. score: i stopped. Errors were responsible for two CLEVELAND. NEW YORK. of Cincinnati a runs. Attendance, (,000. r.h.o.a.b. r.h.o.a.e. score: Vlnaon If 0 0 1 0 0 Pultl. cf 0 1(00 PITTS Bf RO , CINCINNATI. Bay, cf 0 0 1 0 0 Keeler, rt . . . 0 1 0 0 0 R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.B. Flick, rf 1 0 10 O WIlllama, ib. 0 1 3 4 0 Clymer, rf... 1 110 0 Brlitwall, ib.. 0 0 110 Lalole. ib....l III Anderson, if. 1 0 V 0 0 Clarke. If.... 3 I I 1 0 'Street 0 0 0 0 0 Bradley. 10.. 1 14 1 lllonroy. SD...U ill Beaumont, cf 1 I I 0 0 Corcoran, aa.. 0 1110 Turner, aa....l 113 3 Thane, lb.... 1 14 1 1 Wagner, aa... 1 Ilk 1 Seymour, cf.. 1 1101 Stovall, lb... 1 oil 1'Yeager, aa...o ill Clancy, lt... i : l( t oisebring, rr... o 1110 Bemla. e 0 III O MiUulra, c... 0 111 0 Rltchey !b..O 016 01 Barry, lb 1 1110 Moore, p 0 113 0'Hnna p ft 0 11 0 Leach, lb.... 1 0 0 1 O.Stelufeldt. Ib 1 0 0 1 0 'IWuihertr .. 0 0 0 0 0 Pelll, c 0 0 2 0 0 Kelly, If 0 1 1 0 0 Total! 117 12 4;P(eil, p....O 0 0 0 0 Flaherty, p.l 1 0 S .Phlpe, e 0 111 O. A. E. TC. Ave. Week. Freese 29 8 0 37 LOU) l.Ono Llebhardt .... 7 '9 0 1 l.OnO 1.000 McCloskey ... 2 23 0 25 1.000 1.000 Sanders 2 13 0 15 1.000 1.000 Gondlng 118 37 1 1W .VH .B92 Thomas 315 13 6 833 . 93 .91 Quick 3 24 2 29 .931 .929 Martin 61 H2 II 154 .K9 .918 Thlel 3!i 5 4 4H .917 .914 Iolan 61 81 14 154 .90S Xi Welch 51 3 BO .10 .813 Carter 81 4 4 39 .8S7 .875 Ptiester 1 10 2 19 .895 .871 Schlpke 20 53 11 84 . 89 .838 Companion .. 2 U 2 15 . 867 .917 Team 740 32 62 1184 .948 .'.Hi GAMES IS THIS AMERICA LEAGl'K Cleveland Makes It Three straight from New York. CLEVELAND, O., May 27. Cleveland SIOUX rlTY.' ' v -Y .. - R.H.OiA -B? Sheenan. lb.. 110 0 0 O'HanV If.-- 0 1 Weed. 2b 0 114 0 Newton, aa... 1 11 I 1 Cnlllna, rf.... 1110 0 fcobllt. rt.... 1 I 1 0 0 Stamagle, 0 1 i 0 Baemld .. 1 4 0 0 Vllleman. .. 0 0 1 0 01 Totals ( 11 21 1 I Totals i 1 17 ,14 I Batted for Morrison In ninth. Sioux City 0 1 0 2 0 J 1 0 06 Des Molnea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 t Two-base hlte: Sheenan, Newton, Bner wald. Home run: Nobllt. Double plays: lying to Rossman: Newton to Stamagle. Bases on balls: Off Vllleman. B; off Mor rin Rtriick out: Bv Vllleman. 2: bv Morrison, 6.. Time: 1:80. Umpire: Caruth- Postponed Game. At St. Joseph St. Joseph-Omaha; no game, rain. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Bloux CHV 17 .680 Tot.u i i:i: i Batted for Hogg in seventh. Batted for Powell in ninth. Cleveland 00001203 e.w York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1-3 Hits: off Hogg In six Innings. 4: oft Powell In two innings, 4. First base on errora: New iork. 4. Two-base hit Beml8. Lajole. Conroy. Three-base hit: Tiinifti- KAfriflre. lilt: Turner. Stolen bases: Anderson, Conroy, Bradley. Double Two-base hits: Corcoran, Sebrlng, Barry, plays: Hogg to McGuire, Williams to ""." ,1.1"rt'. ml"- ""'. .eny. Hogg. Fliat, base on balls: Off Moore, saennce nits: wagner, t.-orcoran, tuaiiKen- oil Hogg, 3; off Powell, 1. Hit with ball: By Hogg. 1. Left, on bases: Cleve land. 7; New York. . Stcuck out: By Moore. 4: uy Hogg, 4; by .roweii, i. no pitch: Moore. Time: l:bo. Umpires: Sheridan and McCarthy. ( It takes a migtity stretch of a boy's legs to burst a seam in a Kantwearout-Hercules" Suit. All the seams are double 6titched with heavy silk thread. . In the pants where the strain is thi greatest the seat and leg seams are covered on the inside with a strong band of linen tape; when a boy stretches his legs this tape receives the strain, in tead of the thread in the seam ind the cloth. Moat makers might think this tape binding would strengthen the pants enough but we don't; we line every pair of "Hercules" psnts with the best quality cold shrunk Irish Linen. K you could buy a pair of boys' pants made of boiler iron (hey wouldn't stsnd the strsln any bet ter thsn "Hercu'es" pants. Every thread ti a 'vTtrculea" Is WOOL; there Is Jus. r ;i.uch cot , ton In a "Hercules" suit as In the leather of which your shoes are made. Rain-proof, moth-proof,perspiratlon-proof and thorougly Hyglenlo and Sanitary. "tftrcnUs" two-pitc$ Knt-Pnts Suits far Boys t) i6yars. We will sand yej "Heretilea" Bek and dee lor' e name en re,"'1" ,dXanfimTCvt J Ti I II n" Daube, Cohn & Co., Chicago IKTCTlfflilfT " ' an us pi. orth i s o o o 1 Touts.. Harper, p.... 0 0 0 1 0 .. 1 12 27 17 1 Srhlet 0 0 0 0 0 I' ' Hahn, p 0 0 0 0 0 Blankenahlp 0 0 0 0 0 Totals S 7 24 I i Batted for Bridwell in ninth. Batted for Harper 'In fourth. Batted for Hahn In ninth. Pittsburg 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 8 Clncinnuti 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 03 Earned runs: Pittsburg, 4; Cincinnati, 1 s 1ID, and Clancy; Clarke, Rltchey and Clancy: Sebrlng, Barry and Corcoran. Flet base on balls: Off Flaherty. 3; off Harper, 1; off Hahn. 2. Struck out: By Harper, 2. Hits: Off Harper, 8 In three Innings; off Hahn, 4 In five Innings. Time: 1:48. Um pire: Emslle. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. s .771 15 .6X3 Detroit Wins Close Game. DETROIT. May 27. In a game that was In doubt until the last man retired. De- rou ciosea llie series wiiu u victory iroiil l New York 'tfi hiladelphia. Attendance. 4,80u. Score: Pittsburg .35 DETROIT. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia 33 H. H.O. A.B.I R.H.O.A.E. I'Momro a chaefer lb.. 0 0 0 4 0 Harteel. If... 1 110 0 I cinninnnH it cooler. .,.. "inlnl- " i ' Boston 33 ".i- i : ,i i :?"- 'z. x ','x : : st. ixuis 34 tiawiuni, iu,f v 1.1m, v v, o-,,l,U, QO ,...hlln lh till 1 flevhsilA rf .. ft A 1 0 A I OnXlKiyn d Hickman, rt.. 0 110 OiMurphy, 2b.. 0 0 1101 uames luaay: rumours l cincinnau O'Learr, aa . 1 110 HHoffman. cf.. 1 1 1 0 0 Bl. Louis at cnicago, Drill, o 0 0 11 HFowers. 0.... 0 16 11 20 17 18 IS 14 14 14 16 IS 18 19 20 26 .516 .5"0 .4uf. .424 412 359 St. Paul 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 -4 Toledo 10000001 13 Two-base hits: O'Brien (2), Demont, Lee. Stolen base: Noonan. Double play: Geler to Noonan. First base on balls: Off Ses sions, 2. Struck out: By Camntti, 5: by Sessions, 4. Passed balls: Dovle, 2. Ieft on bases: St. Paul, 4; Toledo, 5. Time: 1:32. Umpire: Kane. Kansas City Wlna In Tenth. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 27 Nance won the game for Kansas City In the tenth In ning by knocking a safe hit to the left field fence, bringing In the winning run. Both pitchers were effective. Attendance, l.iMl. Score: KANSAS CITY. LOUISVILLE. R.H.O.A E l R.H.O.A.E. Castro. rf....l 1 4 0 0 Hallman, rf . . 1 1 I 0 0 Name, cf.... 1110 olSulllvan, ae.,0 0 111 Maaaesr, jd... 0 0 I 1 0 Ttraihear. lb. 1 1 I 4 0 Hlrkert, K...1 111 0 Kerwtn, lf.,,0 1101 Uonohue, 3b. 0 0 0 1 1' Dexter, cf ... 0 0 10 0 Bonner. 2b... 0 1 I 1 01 Woodruff. Ib. 1 0 1 1 1 Pinner, e 0 111 0 Srhrelver, C..0 1 4 1 0 Downey. aa..l 0 4 1 0 Houeer, lb...O 1 11 1 0 Durham, p... 0 0 1 6 OiKenna, P.....0 0 0 t 0 Totala 4 I H 11 l Totala I 121 It 1 Two out when winning run was made. Kansas Cltv 01200000 o- l i Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 03 Karned runs: Kansas Cltv. 2: Louisville. 2. Two-base hits: Castro, Hallman. Brashear 12), Houser. Home run: Brashear. Sacrifice hits: Massey, Donahue, Durham, Schrlver. Stolen base: Sullivan. Double plays: Downey to Bonner to Massey, Mas sey to Downey, Sullivan to Brashear to wouser. r Irst base on balls: Off Kenna. 4; off Durham, 4. 6truck out: By Kenna, 3; by Durham, 1. Hit batsman: By Kenna, 1. Left on bases: Kansas City, 6; Louisville, 7. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Boaline, Barry and Ferguson. , Milwaukee Piles Ip DIaT Score. MILWAUKEE. May 27.-Mllweukee drove McGlll to the bench In the fourth lnnlnir. He was succeeded by Goodwin, who checked I tie neavy hitting, but It was too late, as the home team had a lead of ten runs at the end of the fourth. Attendance. 3.20U. Suoi-a : MILWAUKEE. , INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A. E.I R.H.O.A.E. Robinson, aa. 2 1 1 I 0 Carr. 3b...... 0 110 1 O'Neill, II....0 0 0 0 0 buff, rf 0 10 0 0 uoufhen, ir 1 1 I'O 0 M.Creerr, cf. 0 I I 1 MTh an'y, rf I I 0 0 0 Thoney. if... o 0 10 1 O'Brien, lb .0 0 it 0 0 Roth, c 0 0 13 0 Hemphill, of. 1 I 4 1 0 Oataen, aa.,.. 0 0 1 i I Mci mica, id 0 1 0 4 o Bruce. 2b.... 0 0 1 t 1 Clark. Ib 1 I 1 1 0 Dickey, lb... 0 1 10 0 0 Hernia. C....1 1 4 0 0 MrOIII. n 0 0 0 0 1 Hatenjan, p.. 2 1 10 0 0 Uoodwln, p.. 1 1 0 0 0 Touts. .....11 11 17 17 o Totals 1 24 it Milwaukee 0 0 4 ( 0 0 0 1 -rU Indianapolis 0000010001 Karned runs: Milwaukee. 3: Indlananolis. 1. Hits: Off McQill In three and one-third innings, 7; off Uoodwln In four and two- thirds Innings. 4. Two-base hits: Dough erty, inot nesney, (.lark, Mecreery, Uood- win. inree-oase nits: uiark, Mccnesney. Stolen base: Robinson. First base on balls: Off Bateman, 2; off McGlll. 2; off uooawin, z. mii Dy pitcnea bail: Mc Cheaney, Batemnn.' Struck out: By Bate man, 3; by McGlll, 2. Double play: Both to Carr. Sacrifice hit: Robinson. Lett on bases: Milwaukee-, 6; Indianapolis, 6. Time: i;. umpire: tjirroro.. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Milwaukee 31 21 10 ,6?i Columbus J 33 21 12 .636 Minneapolis 31 17 Indianapolis : 3D 16 St. Paul 33 17 Kansas City 32 14 Louisville 31 11 Toledo 30 8 Gamea today: Columbus at Minneapolis; roieuo ai oi. jraui; inoianapous at Mil waukee; Louisville at Kansas City. Mullln, t 0 0 1 1 0 Flank, p. i -henreca Totala 1 10 17 il 1 "Barton PROTEST MADE AGAINST BENDER ,0 0 0 0 ,00000 .0 0 0 0 0 I Bi Nine Trstek Meet Committee a i Jt n t - i, . , ,, LINCOLN. Neb., May 27. tSpeclul Tele 14 14 16 18 20 21 .64 .533 .516 .4.18 .356 300 Totala... Batted for r'-jtfor, in ninth. tuaitxu lur ruim iu iinini. , , ,.T..hn H nn,ir v..h.ul,a ,,l, r. .. i . ninAAieolP. . ... . . weuvii vaAvvvv u I llv I star root OiL I and nnMw hnll nlnmr Philadelphia 00000110 0-2 i,K8 ,n protested hy the committee In Two-base hits: Coughlln, O'Leary. Hoff- I charge of arrangements for the comlna 'hla man. Three-base hit: Hickman. Sacrifice I nine" track and held meet in Chicago, and hit: Drill. Stolen bases: O'Loary, Drill, 1 unless the protest Is withdrawn the track Donovan, Crawford. Ho if man (2), Powers. I team from Nebraska cannot compete In First base on' bans; un Muuin, a, on tne meet, i nc name or Henaer appeared Plank, 3. Hit with ball: By Mullln, 1. in the list forwarded by Physical Director Left on bases: Detroit, 10; Phllaaeiputa, Clitpp, from which the Nebraska team was 7. Struck out: By Mullln. 4; by Plank, 4. to be chosen. It was not the Intention of Double play; Drill to Crawford. Time: I the Nebraska athletic authorities to use 2:06. Umpire: Kelley. I Bender, as he nas been playing base ball ... . I and nas not conditioner! nlmseir for track nasninajion awnie s.unia. I work. The charg against him Is profea- T. LOUIS. May 27. Manager Stahl of I slonallsm. The entire list from Nebraska the Waaliingtons gave his charges an ex- I was certified to by the physical director amnle of timely hitting today by sending as eligible under the conference rules, and home the winning run wun a single in tne I ir ttenaer s rejection necomes permanent third. The Si. Louis Americans were un- I all of Nebraska's entries would be sub- lucky In their hits, getting them when I Ject to the same fate. Physical Director two were out and being del ea ted A to I. I Clapp will go to Chicago next week to eon- Altendance. 5.400. Score: I suit witn ttie committee, rne Nebraska a.awiKnTnv st uh iq latnletic Board nas no direct information K. 11. O A K. I R.H.O.A.E. I upon the subject, bill it is the belief that ( Jonea. cf... 1 110 0 sion. If 0 110 0 I tne charges- ng-ainst Mender spring mini Hill b 1 ill aoeniar, cr... i i 4 o o I nis expreNseu inieniion in pi ay proitssionai siahl, ib 0 111 0 Knak. rf 0 2 0 0 0 1 ball, beginning next month, on the Li I tie Hueiaman, it. a o o o o i JOI,ea. lo .ti o t o o Rock, Ark., team In the Southern league. laaaiay, as... v a a a vinene.ee, ea.. w a a i .:v: ;V..O I 'l . o'Mn. lb::. I D.l.le-HsU.r .t Jetter'., HeyOuu. C....U ill i nearer. c....o u i i ii Two THSi games or.iwu win lie Dlaved Wuile, p 0 01 0 Olade, p o 0 0 4 oat' Jetter s park this afternoon. As the -tansani .... awe four teams who Dartlclnata In this after. Totals. I 17 1 I Batted for Weaver in ninth. I . . . . u ,. , u r. , .1 u I i ,1 u uniiit Lull tka f , . . Totals. ..... 1 I 27 I I I ..hn rtatrnnlse amateur hall are nrnttilsd u t.lAnunr afternoon. The first -ernnm will Washington 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 I the Continentals and Joe Duffy's, and St. Louis 1 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 I wiii tart promptly at 2 p. ni. The second Earned runs: Washington, 2. Two-bane one will be the B. Jeltera and Willow hn: Hill, (sacrifice hits: Moran, MII. Springs. Following la the line-up for the Stolen base: C. Jones. Hit by pitcher: I second game: By Wolfe, I. First base on balls: Off I JKTTfcrla. position, witww Sl'Kl.NGS. Giade, 1; oft Wolfe, 2. Struck out: By Clark Glade, (; by Wolfe, 1. Lett on bases: Bl. Kennedy Louis, 8; Washington, 7. Time: 1.45. Urn- Koran pire: Connolly. (lark Chlraao Beaches Hits. Van Cleave.".'. CHICAGO. May 27. Chicago defeated Diamond...... Boston today, 9 to t. Dlneen held the Flnley locals aafe until the sixth Inning, when Ballenger...... Chicago bunched hits and acored four runs, Collier clinching tha game. Attendance, V.Jlu. Score: CHICAOO I BOSTON. R H O. A C R.H.O.A.E. Jonea. Cf 1 0 I 1 0Selhach, if... 0 0 0 0 0 Holmea. if... I 1 4 0 0' I'ftrent, aa . .. 1 0 111 Green, rf 1110 0 , First . Second . , Short ... .Third .. .Right .. . Center .Left .... Catch .. .Pitch ... . Pitch .... fievia.' aa 0 1 I I 0 Uunohue. lb. 0 0 I 0 I Sullivan, c. .. I I I 0 1 Taanenlll, Ib 1 1 I I t IlundoB, lb... I 4 0 I Wblte. p 1 0 0 1 t Totala. . ..Weer DelJiney Graff Crawford ...Ellison .Kennedy . . .Ellison . .Ryeberg Probst Haley Strong Amatear Teams Today. The Lee-Gluss-Aiidreesen Originals base bail learn and tha C. N. Diets team will play at 3:0 tintay af Vinton street park. Both of these teams have won nearly all The Cars ofService A niaclilnp thHt will do what thu Olilnninhllp SiHinl.ini 7 h. P. Htin- ntmtita ro rtnlnu In racing ncrosa the t'oiitliH'iit. over simply horrlWe ronds nititl. water. tiT anil snntl -Is ginnl enough for anrlxitly. If cxcrls prery otlior ninsbout In servlcfllillity, rrllnlilllty. sliiipllclty In constnictlon and durability. "Old Scout" nnil "Old Steady" could never have got inst Otiinhn If they were not hnllt right. The price Is !y far the l.iwea for such wonderful and essential autonioMle qunlltics. Have our agent demonstrate this car to you. 20 h. p. Touring Car. In our oldsmoblle an h. p. Two Cylinder Touring; Car we built eren better than we thought for It accomplishes things beyond our expectations. It goes up bills on high speed that ninny $4000 ears can uot climb, It takes sandy, clay and muddy roads beautifully-for there l really 24 horse power In Its reliable Olds- mobile Motors though we claim but 20. Easy riding, roomy, beautifully finished think of all this for such a little price. L2 Oldsmoblle Standard T H. P. Runabout Send for our new catalogue Just out showing the Oldsmoblle line: T h. p. Stsndard Rotinabout 1 n. p. Touring Runabout 10 h. p. Light Tonneau Car h. p. t-Cyl. Touring Car 1 h. p. Commercial Car The Oldsmoblle Is tha far of Service." Powe p. Oldsmoblle Touring Car s AGENTS 11 Automobile Co. - - OMAHA n Automobiles Olds Motor Works BE New and Second -Hand Gars on our . floors, ranging in price from $250.00 to $3,000.00 Come iu and look them over, you may find just what you want. Tires, Lamps, Horns, Gog gles, Spark Plugs, Jacks, In fact everything for ma chines. We also put on the JSwinehart Solid 15ub ber Tire. H. E. Fredrickson sjHys. sukfajStss KARR & SANDERS Turf Information Company Are vou loners? If bo try us! We are 8enUnr out winners daily. (Jet our lnfornintlon direct. Subscribe at once; big doings. On receipt of your order we will send pri vate code, also sheet telling you how to bet successfully. Terms, $7 for 6 days. $2 for 1 day. ROOM BOti. 11K DK ARBORS ST., CHICAGO, ILL,. The "Fittest" Car REO ears are the "surrival of the fittest"' in motoring. They contain none of yesterday's mistakes, complications and needless expense; but embody only its experience and its successes. The latest knowledge; the most advanced ideas; thor oughly demonstrated principles applied in the most effective way, and manufacturing on a large and economical scale make the l.EO Touring Car at fl,250 equal to most $3,000 ears in speed and comfort, at half the cost of maintenance. REO Touring: Car, $1,250 Only 90 pounds of car weight to a full home-power. Double opposetl engine with long continuous hill-climbing stroke. Practically unbreakable transmission; Jar-proof radiator, positively automatic carburetor; completely enclosed dust-proof mechanism; control accurate, seiiHltiTe and absolutely certain; direct-drive speed, auythlug from 5 to 35 tulles per hour. REO Runabouts, S650 8 II. P., 000 pounds, two passenger car; 25 miles per hour, with an equally remarkable engine for its sine, and tho same type radiator, circu lation, transmission and mechanical perfection as Its big brother. Writ for catalogue explaining fully both cars. The HEO TourlngCar taken from stock won the hill-cliiublng con test of the Automobile Club at (Springfield. Mass., April tlth, with an average of 20 miles au hour on a 12 per cent grade up I'ecowplc Hill over all cars of Ita class, beating some of the best cars in the country that cost three times the REO'S price. Reo Motor Car Co., u.jT.YnTiCiich. Dt?f AT IT AMARU P Cf noJF.mamst.. OMAHA. Huiaett. It... 0 0 0 s t'oiline. 3b... l I 0 1 of th gsjnt'S that they have played this year, ami snouin give a gooa riiiu.it ion of Kreemau. rt . 1 1 I Jrlm.taw lb til . (,,, The iie.up: erne. Sb rtger. c... Jl Lees. p.. Tolals- 114 111 .! I U II 1 .. 11M t J Crtser out, hit by Catted ball. I'hioagu 0 0 0 0 0 4 S 2 -9 Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 (I 0 Ji lWt on bases: Chicago, 3; Boston, 4. Two-base bits: Dumlon, Tannelilll. Tlirea basa hit;' Ureen. Stolen bases: Dundon, Bui ken. Pavls, Holmes. Struck out: by White, I: bv Dineen, 4. First base un Iwlls: On Dlneen. 1. Wild pitch: LMneen. Time: 1:41. I'mplre: t) Lvughlln. laaatasT bj Teams. I'lsyed. Won. Uist. Pet JO 1 11 : 1 U tl 17 14 HI 1 15 M 1 17 SJ U li L..-U.-A. Bradford l.a wrier Minims Taylor Miller Iiemen Townsejid Foley Adams. St'Ully.. Safelder Position. . . . Second ... Short .. ..Third . ...Right , .. Catrh . ...Center .. lft ... ...First . ...Fitch . C. N. DIETS?. Jenkins Tracy ...Iiunn Plutner Tonnenian I.af.M ty Anderson HmitIsoii Knight Chlcaso Cleveland ... i'httanVlPhla Ietrolt Washington oL ix)ULS ... Mrliran Flard mud Saspeadea. NKW YdRK. May i7. Manager McOraw of the National league has been fined tl' and suspended nfteeu days (or UMnj of fensive language to President Dreyfuss of .i33 I tn Flttsliurg club. i . r:i I Kaaraaka laaiaas Wis Game &14 I PI NKIRK, Ind . May n. tHpeciai Tele i. I rrm i The Nebraska Indiana won easily .4i I today from the Dunkirk team by a score Fit A Art GESIVS START IN BASIS BALL, Soma Famous Players with Whom He Betas the Game. To those familiar with tha old fellow's career, the passing of Frank Genlns who has Just been released from New Orleans from the field of usefulness as a ball player, recalls with pathetic Interest other veterans of the game who begun with Frank, but uult long, long before him. Some of these contemporaries of Genlns, being more of tne sKy-rocaei oraer, man ne, laaea rrom the diamond before he even had reached his senlth. Genlns had his beginning In his home city, 8t. lxuls. In tne early '80s, before Frank branched out into professional ball, tine of the fastest amateur leagues waa maintained in 8t. Louis, and he was one of Its stars. He was captain of the old Papins for a while and then, entering still faster company, became second baseman and captain for the Peach Pies, one of the liest ot 'em. In that league were the St. Godherd Herb Bitters, Prickly Ash Bitters, Enterprise, Drummonds (of the Drummond Tobacco company!, Shamrocks, Paragons and Christian Brothers. No less distinguished personages than the Tebeaus, George and Patsy, figured prominently in this league. They wero usually with tho Shamrocks, though Pat played for a while with the Paragons and Urtimmonds. And then there was old Jack Fogarty, with both the Prickly Ash and St. Godherd teams, the man who was kept off a bigger diamond because of his utter inability to run. Jack went around tho bases considerably like a tub. He was In the Western for a while, and had a try-out In Lucas' famous league. Jake Bene, "Tub Head" Welch and many . other men who became familiar lights, though they may not have dazzled the bleachers. In the Western league, and were among Genius' compatriots. And then there was that old landmark, the chief of kickers, Perry Werden, old Charley (Silver) King, who also waa later known as "Cannon Ball" King, for his terrific speed.' King sprung up when about 18 years old from his ' rud der's brick yart vonet." and pitched for the St. Godherd's and Prickly Ash. It was a long time before any catcher could be found to hold him. Jack Decker there's another one of the old hoys one of the fastest backstops that ever this league saw, was able to hold King, and so was Goodell, a long, lank young tellow who Joined the Godherd's afler Iecker went to tne Prickly Ash, and later onto the professional dia mond. King went from this league to the Bt. I.ocis Browns. But going back of these days In this fast amateur league. Frank Genlns, as a boy, could be found on the corner lots of ht. Louis, laying the foundation for his splen did career aa a first -class ball player. Gamea la loothers Lea sue. At Memphis Mempls, 3; Birmingham, 1, eleven Innings; darkness. At New Orleans New Orleans, 2; Mont gomery, X . At Shrevenort Shreveport, 2; Atlanta, 1. twelve Innings. At Little Kock-Llltle Rock, 2; Nash vllls. 4. Harvard Outclasses Yale. BOSTON, May 37. Harvard outclassed Yale In the duel tennis meet played on the Longwood Cricket club courts at Long wood todav, winning five matches to one In singles and three to nothing In doubles. In the nine matches played Yale won but three sets, all of those being In the singles. treto Jaalors Wla. CRETF. Neb , May !7.-i8peclal ) The Crete Juniors defeated the Miltord Juniors In an esclting base ball gal here yester day by a score of 10 to a. At the beginning of the ninth Inning, the Wllford boys ap parently had the game won oy a score oi 7 to 4. but the Crete lads rallied, runnlmt In six scores and allowing the visitors to secure but one, thus wresting away the victory. IMVKRSITV ATHLFTES W1XSKRS Broad Jump, Last on the Program, Settles Plaee. DBS MOINF.S. Ia . May 27. (Special ) Rain for time stopped the state field meet today, but the athletic contest was resumed and continued to the finish. The track was fast and the small amount of rain that fell did no particular injury. There were 6.1X10 people at the fair grounds In spite of the threatening weather. The students of the State college at Ames paraded the streets this morning, headed by the college band. Nearly every college was represented and this evening reunions of the various colleges and fraternal so cieties were held In inn various noieiH. The surprise of the morning was In the taking part In the preliminaries of Tem pleton, captain of Grinncll. No announce ment hart been tuiide of his reinstatement. hut careful and systematic Inouiiy revealed -the fact that a meeting of the games com mittee had given lum amateur standing again. He tool third place in the prelim inary of the H0-yard ditsh. The result of the four races before the rain tempoiarlly stopped the meet was as follows: 100-vard dash: Hamilton, Normal: Huff, Grlnnell; Copcliinrt, Ames. Time: inu,. Mile run: Thompson, Drake; Riley, Iowa: Curtis, Ames. Time: 4:36. High hurdles: Clow, Grinned : Brown, Iowa: Burcham, Drake. Time: 1V. 440-yard dash-Hamilton, Normal; Davis, Iowa; Cooper. Ames. Time: 5c. Thu broad Jump, the last event, won the meet for the State university. The event counted five rxiints and was won by Cp tuln Barker of the State university team. The final results were: State university, 3X1; Grlnnell. B31; Drske, is; State Normal, Ames, 18; Coe, 1. Break Errs at Tennis. LINCOLN, Nen.. May 27. tSpeclul.) The question of the supremacy at lawn tennis between the universities of Iowa and Ne braska Is still unsettled In the second day's play In the Indivlrtunls today Monett of Iowa defeated Mathewson of Nebraska, 6-1 6-0. Cassidv of Nebraska evened up th score nv defeating i-oggswcti or iowh, t-. 6-3. Rain prevented the playing of the doubles, which were postponed until Mon day, when Motiett and Cnggswell. repre. sentlng Iowa, will be pitted against Cassidv and Kcribner of Nebraska. F.ach team has won two matches In the individuals and II has been agreed that the result in the doubles Is to settle both matches. Joekey Club Organiser). MIBSOCR1 V ALLEY. Ia.. May ?7.-(Sne-clal.l The Missouri Valley Jockey club has been organised with the following of ficer"!: President, E. F. James; vice presi dent and treasurer. Fred Brown; sup-i :n tendent of grounds. William R. Feuflud; secretary and man;ier. John Tuttle. The first race meeting will be held at the lil fair grounds on June Jti and 30. Missouri Defeats Washlna-tou. Surrey Type One 18 II. P. $1,350 A strictly high-class touring car at a mod erate price. More 1905 models sold from Omaha than any other make. The superior quality is the reason. Rambler Auto Co. 1506 Capitol Ave. Write for catalogue. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES We are agents in this territory for the Woods & Haker Electrics, the finest line of electric runabouts, Stanhopes, Victorias and coupes built in this country. POWELL AUTOMOBILE CO. ers last fall and Is now having trouble tn replacing them. Uarvin is catching nearly all of the games for Little Rock. Breitonstein Is still in the game and winning for Shreveport. Pop Eyler seems to be no hoodoo at all to the Omaha team this year. Padden has been given his unconditional release by the St. Louis Browns. The automobiles on way to Portland passed through Columbus yesterday. At the Intercollegiate trark and field meet nt Vsnkton, the state Agricultural college won first place. The Scotch amateur gofl championship WfHi by A. B Barry of Bt. Andrews. I ivoiu-om aiuuent. We recently received a Stanhope of both Ward's and Baker's build and will be glad to show you the cars and give full in formation regarding their care. A request by postal or phone will bring catalogues. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES from Des Moines, and It seems likely this will be the case, tr-e welcome th Packers will get on their return home to meet the Champions will be a wonder. ' Rain and wet grounds caused a post . oonement of the sanies at the Vinton Fred Lyon captured the iui.nh...,.,n Street nark between the Ie-Olass-Andre- lowa amateur medal at the Ulenwood Gun 'n Originals and the Oelgulon unlver club tournament. laity team and also at the field club b- a-r mi N Mav 7 The Missouri State I 't1 hotel at St. Joe for three days, whlli unlTer'slVv odav "defeated WsshmguinTm " J"1" P0"? ?'?., Ve..erd? verslty In a dual track meet by 6i points to f! history might repeat It (aptaia Hardy Khfi Kihlliltlon. CRETE. Neb.. May ?7 (Special.) Cap tain A H. Hardy, the famous ritle and re volver shot, gave a free exhibition of his skill this morning. Sporting; Brevities. Frank Oenlns has been released by Ne' Orleans. Tom Burns sold M.OOO worth of ball play. All of the amateur games, ss well as the full box scores of league and association games, are published In The Morning Bee. Bwnrmstead was welcomed back to Colo rado with a fine bunch of bats, which the Grizzlies used to effect on hU slants. tiolf championship finals are oeing played at New York, the contest being between Archie Graham and Charles II Seeley. Just a year ago Omaha loafed around u y Omaha has three of the plteliers who helped win the pennant last fall, and all are In the top-notch of condition. Mc CInskey Is taking the place of Prairie City Brown tn the quartet. Bobby Caruthers Is hack In the game, umpiring as he used to. He was taken sick at Ienver Just alter the season opened, and VanSirklen of Colorado Springs has been substituting for him. tween the two picked teams. Ralph Bush, Billy Marsh, Al Barker and Charies Iewis caught Ml large crapples ai Manawa Weilnesdsy, besides several small bass. Fishing was never better thaa at this time at this beautiful lake, and tho crapples are of a sis that Is worth whlla to pull from the water. . Wet grounds prevented the gam between Crelghton university and the Lee-ilass-Andreesen teams, scheduled for yesterday afternoon. The college leant leaves- an a trip Wednesday morning, the Itinerary to Include the Doane, Wesley an Slid state university teams. The slatw oulleglate league season winds up in tunaha Satur day, Crelghtou playing Bellevue. Omaha will be given a! test, from tha league games until June S, and In the meanwhile the amateurs will hold forth st Vinton street park There are several strong amateur teams In ,' Ouaha, es pecially the Lee-Qlasa-Andreesens, for merly the originals. Manager Dan Putler. deputy county clerk, has arranged several game and wouia oe piuisea 10 near rrom outside teams who wish gamas at gm or If Bloux City makes it three straight in Omaha.