Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 16

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Never mir.h prices for mich goods offered
before, and If nt any time within orw year
?'nu wnnt to buy a new machine we will
nko the old one back at exactly what t
cost ynu.
The following I", a partial list of what we
offer for nil thin week:
1 IKUIKPTH: I 5 no
1 SINGERS. ItrOH ARMS...... 12. c
1 HOl'RKHOlil) 10.00
1 CNION 6.00
1 WH1TB H.
1 WHITE 5 .)
1 WIU'OX ft GIBBS i .00
1 NEW HOMK 10 f
Model dr-ophcuil machined, slightly used,
at one-half the regular price.
We rent machines at 7;c per week or $2 00
per month. These are modern, up-to-date
machines, with all attachments.
We sell needles anil parts for and repair
every sowing machine manufactured.
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
Cornet 15th and Harney fits.
324 Rrondwsy, f'otincll Bluffs.
BRANCH OFFICE ffJS N. 24th, 8. Omaha.
'Phone 106S. Manager.
Last Chance to Buy a Piano
or Organ at Your Own Price
at Our "Dissolution Sale."
Only Three
More Days
1 orpins, only 15 each.
3 organs, only !0 each.
4 organs, only $15 each.
Chicago Cottage organ, only $ 20
F.stey organ, eleven stops, only 25
Mason & Hamlin, ten stops, only 80
Burdette Chapel, eleven stops, only 35
1 square piano, only 10
1 Ilallet & Davis, only 2fi
1 Emerson, only 45
1 C. I. Pease, only 55
1 Chlckerlng, only bo
Gilbert ft Co., only 65
Strnpe & Co.. only 75
Hale ft Co., only 94
Wm. Knabe & Co., big snap.
Herllch. ebony case 110
New, eastern made pianos, only 122
New scale Kimball, only 142
Sherwood, mahogany case, only 150
Also a number of Ivers & Pond, Gabler,
Kranlch ft Rach, Chlckerlng and other
standard makes at give-away prices.
Terms, $2 to $10 cash and 26c to $1 per week.
Write for bargain list and special terms.
Schmoller & Mueller,
1313 FARNAM ST. TEL. 1625.
We have for sal a 10 H. P. 110-volt, direct
current. Northern motor. This motor is
In perfect condition in every way. Ad
dress Bee Building Co., ot see W. H.
Bridges, engineer. Bee bldg. Q 774
FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first
class standard school in Omaha, compris
ing complete course in business, short
hand and typewriting. Inquire at Be
office. Q Su2
FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental gal
vanised Iron cornice and ornamental
Iron posts sulabl for show window. Ap-
, ply superintendent Be building.
Q M82
to pulleys, from 8-Inch to 48-Inch In diam
eter; 3 oounter shafts, complete.
These are all in first-class condition. W.
IL Bridges, engineer Be building.
in endless variety and at prloes that can
not be duplicated anywhere else. John
son & Danforth, 8. W. cop. loth and
Jones sis. Entrance from viaduct.
Q 781
FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard
and poo! tables, bar fixtures of all kinds:
easy payments. Send for catalogue.
Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 407 8. loth st.
Omaha. Q-833
COMPLETE line new and 2U-hand furnl
ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge.
Tel. 2020. QXii
ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far
nam. Q&JS
It you want a bargain In steam fittings
call and look over me following supplies:
l.s-lncti Austin's horizontal separator.
I.ruiui Await. ,n u a k .cyiuviur,
H'h... huta hAA lulr.ii . .
...... ...... uia au.ouni OI
changes In our steam plant and are in
a ...ill fnnriltlnn Aflilr... 11a- jj
Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer Be
UUllUllll, V Ul.ll.. tej jj
1350 BUYS good runabout automobile, e-im.
anlaed in good running order; original
oust $U50. Address 1311 Faruam at.
"... wv.uuuLu urug I o
Omaha. Q Uti
CHEAP chicken fence,' long fir Umbers and
Mt'ST 1 sold at once, furniture nf a s'x
room modern house. Apply 11.16 8. 2Kth St.
U SI 4 3Ux
STEINWaY t'prlght Plnnn, j.V. 250 piano
leisimF go with it. Pertleld Pla.m Co.
1(111 Karnam. W 73 2
PIANO Pprlght, 5. Easy payments.
Perfle'd fia"o Co. 1111 Karnam. t5 piano
lessons go with It. Q-8,1 tt
S. E. corner 10th and Dodge Sts. 'Phone
8 ln-nsmores, rebuilt. $15. $25, $45.
6 Remingtons, ?0, $25, $55.
3 Olivers. $JO. 55.
(This $:.5 Oliver Is bmnd new.)
1 Commercial Visible. $15.
2 Williams, sn.all and large, $40, $90.
2 Smith-Premiers, good, JW7.50, 4S.
We repair any machine on the market.
New platens, 75c and $1.00. Platens
ground, 2oc. Type, 10c. Key tops. 1C.
y 714 28
ArTO.MOBlLEH-II.OnO electric runabout
with topi sed t miles. $."50. $1,400 Mo
bile. 4 passenger, steam machine, $1x5. $760
Rambler runnlinut, $325. $r5u Olds, $250.
Fredrlckson, 15th & Capitol Ave.
Q-MS7S Je29
WHITE steamer and Oldsmoblle touring
enr, cheap. Address E. Estill. Florence,
Neb. Q M914 29
ONE single-horse carriage, one hand-made
pony surrey, with pole; one fine phaeton.
Make me an offer. 2418 Cnss. Q 015 2x
WHERE You get It on
f urniture, nanus, Horses,
Wairons. Cows. Salaries, etc..
WHERE You get it on short notice.
WHt-HH! You get low rates and easy
WHERE Conlldential and courteous
dealings bring you back.
WHERE Can you do better?
fliULu2iJi. tKtuii CO..
Top Floor. 633 PAXTON BLK,
MONEY loaned on furniture, salary.
uuic, " . a-' i . mooe-
now, loom 214, at Wi S. loth st. Tel. B2titH.
MONEY loaned salaried people and other
without security; easy payments, unices
In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714,
New York Life building. X 887
BOWEN S MONEY; easy to get on furnl-
IU1V, ............ v Nlll uulv ir
steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 H. 13.
LOAN tU., 644 fAJLlUN BLUL'&
X 31
w ttiwus ready
Fw slightly uned engines cheap
Send lor catuiogue and pritc
1114 Far nam Street. Omaha.
AUTOMOBILE. 4-cyi!nder, new Wlnton at
a great bargain. 11. E, Frederlcksoa.'
Q-H76 Je
Several fonts of type
Gothic condensed,
both medium and heavy faced
in fair condition
will sell cheap.
A- imiKeii, Bupt. Mechanical
Be Publialmifc- Co.
AddIv to H
Q Mii7
FINE walnut wall case, $5.00. Albert Ed'
noun, jeweier, mm ana tiarney, (J 791
WIRE chicken, hog and lawn fence, iron
lence, tiiicu wciuv. ire worka
... . a.. 1 . t. u. . . '
IilAMOND for sale: ladles' kn, -1.,..
fine white stone; $S cash; balance $4 per
month. Call 614 Paxton block. Opuu
rToiiuiB,. iUDW sax
36 IRON beds, springs, mattresses: almost
new, for less than half value; also 3-hola
mil range. :mii uavenpori. vj kij Jeii
Your Debts
We have no plan to assist you to
avoid paying your debts, but if you
are trying to get out of debt we
may be of assistance to you. '
Suppose you owe your
Grocer $16.00
Landlord 10.00
Coal man 10.00
Doctor 10.00
Miscellaneous bills 6.00
Total $60.00
' It may be Impossible for you to
satisfy them all, but If you were to
get a loan of us and pay them all
and then pay us a payment each
month you could soon get out of
Our money Is loaned on furniture,
pianos, live stock and other chat
tels, and to salaried people without
It is our plan to make the con
tract in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or even
more monthly payments, making the
payments small und then if you are
ublo to pay larger payments we
grant you rebate. In other words,
with us the Interest stops the mo
ment the principal Is paid. Other
say they do 'his, we do it.
We offer yuu rates as low as
any and much lower than many.
We can handle your business
quickly and without publicity, and
our ulllce motto is, try to please.
119 Board of Trade Bld'g, Tel. 22115.
(Established 1M2.) m Bo. 16th St.
X M550
MONEY looped on salary, furniture, Jew
elry, noreea. vuu vriuau xxian i;o., J
Barker block. X W
EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business confidential 1301 Douglas.
CHATTEL, lary and Jewelry loans. Foley
Loan 10.. isf r arnam Bt. a oV4
WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co.
W W4
FARM atid city loans; lowest rates. W. H.
Thomas, 1st JNat'l liank aidg. Tel. 1648.
W 866
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
. w tioa
GARVIN BROS.. 1804 Farnam. City loan
at lowest rales; no delay; get our terms.
LOWEST rates, city property; 5 P. C. on
farms in eastern Neb. uuuus, raxton ill.
W 870
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop
erty at lowest rates 1 nomas erennan,
room 1, New York Life Bldg. W 871
BUILDING loans on residence property; 6
...... ...... . -It 11 VtAllrlA U 1.1 . w.Lr
W 873
Low Rates. Private Money, $100 and Up.
HAS. ti. VllllAAiaUi( (JU.
LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or
to nuiia wun; can pay 11 oaca in mommy
payments, nastings et iieyaen, i r ar
nnm St. W M878
weiRht, 1.200 pounds. Perfectly kind ana
gentle. lMily or child can drive. Bay.
with black points. New toD biiaitv cheaD
for cash. 2018 Willis Ave. Call after
P. m. P 000 28X
RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages at
grcaiiy renucea prices. jonnson & Dan
forth, southwest corner 10th and Jones.
P 782
SHETLAND ponies for sale. 42d and Cen
ter tit. P M688
THREE-STORY and basement. KW4 Far
nam; elevator. 114 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
I MtiO
WE have vacant a particularly deslrabl
mall office, which rents for $10.00 per
month. Price Includes heat, light, water
and Janitor service. It Is Iocs ted on the
fourth floor of The Bee building and I
Just the thin for any one wanting a nice
little, office In the best office building In
town. R. C Peters Co., Rental Agents,
ground floor. Be building. 1771
This building is -ixj feet, four stories
and a basement. The basement Is 22x132
feet, la cemented. The calling over the
basement has a brick vault and Iron beam
construction, making the basement firs
proof. Tii tirst floor ha a marble Moor In
iront and granolithic floor in rear. Ther
is a large burglar-proof vault and a powet
elevator. The upper floor hav window
on thre aides.
Address The Be Building Co., C. C.
Rosewater, Secretary, room lvO Be bldg..
IF you apply at one we can give any
one desiring a large omce space almost
any arrangement they ueslre. This space
Is on the sixth lloor of The Bee buliulng,
with north light. R. C. Peter Co.,
Kental Agents, ground floor. Be bldg.
THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam St., only
la per monm. inquire it. 1-. l eters tit
Co., Ground floor Bum bldg. 1748
FOR RENT Three floors and basement at
414-418 s. i;;tn at.; in nrst-ciass condition.
Inquire of D. J. O'Brien, 12o2 Howard St.
I M5S0 27
TWO ROOMS in Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg.
1 M810 28
FOR RENT Office room, street floor; lo
cation 11114 arnam. rs. r. uoage uo.
I-MG07 27
AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting
giabscs; big proms; our t-page tree eye
book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan
Optical College, College Place, Jackson,
Michigan. I
LARGE, light room, size about 85 x32 foet,
Zd floor, 1308 arnam St., suitable for
office, storage, light mfg., etc. Inquire
above number, upstairs. 1856 28x
Novv's Your Chance
To get an office in the U. S. National Bank
Bldg., recently redecorated, strictly mod
ern and best located In the city.
Good desk room In large office.
Chas. E. Williamson Co.
Ground Floor, U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg.
1-717 28
Section (040 acres) of good Nebraska hay
land to exchange for good city property.
Clear lot to trade for horse and buggy.
Four-room house, near in, to exchange for
good rental property; pay difference in
Good 8-room house, Hanscom Park district,
10 exenange lor tarni.
Shimer & Chase Co.,
'Phone 3467
1B09 Farnam.
Z 706 28
820-ACRE well Improved farm In eastern
Kansas, black, good sou, near county
eat, school, church, R. F. D., telephone,
116 miles from Kansas City, in sure crop
section; one-third each clover pasture,
meadow and cultivated land. Leased for
$800 cash per annum, payable semi-annually
in advance, Just for oil; when royalty
exceed this amount get one-fifth of all
oil found; also $100 per annum for every
f;as well; la In proven oil territory:
eased $200 cash for pasture, one-third of
the hay and crops. 1 would take' a mod
ern, clear residence on this if worth
the money and in Omaha. Fur oil map of
county, price, terms, etc., write to the
owner, H. J. Hill. Alma, Neb. Z 779 28
FOR SALE Or exchange for land, clean
stock ot general merchandise, about J,wo;
must dispose of It at once. Address Box
837, UUca, Neb. Z 858 2Sx
IF YOU do not find what you want In this
column put an ad in and you will soon
ge It. Z 883
MAN and wife would exchange almost new
upright piano for good room and board.
Address F 25, Bee. Z M676 2Hx
160 ACRE8 clear California for Nebraska;
760 acres Nebraska for Omaha. S.
Hauver, 1814 Emmet St. Z M074 2Sx
WANTED Small stock of merchandise for
equity In good H section Boone county
land, I miles from ralnoad, good soil, no
sand; H rough. Improved. $12,600, subject
to $7,600; or 200 acres Plat county good
valley land, no sand, H4 miles from rail
road, all Improved, $13,000, subject to
$7,600. Merchant, Box 882, Columbus. Neb.
Z-890 28
FOR SALE, or exchange, for land: Hotel,
20 rooms, furnished, all In good condition;
good business In good town, eastern Ne
braska. You will deal with owner. Ad
dress: Box 337, Utlca, Neb. Z 856 28x
FOR SALE or trade for merchandise, 180
acres first-class land, 120 acres under cul
tivation, balance pasture; all fenced; good
Improvements. Address: P. O. Box 472,
Central City, Neb. Z 788 28
AT COST for ten days, buggies, harness
and saddles. Omaha Western Mercantile
Co., 114 Chicago St. P M689 6
FOR SALE Very cheap, new wagon built
for tea, coffee, extract and medicine busi
ness; one of the handiest and best ever
built. W. H. Haven. 120fl Clarkson Ave.,
Fremont, Neb. New Phone 47H1.
P-782 28x
FOUND The right place to have your eye
tested and tilled right Bennett's.
Found 7
BTRAYED or stolen, one 4-year-old bay
niare. weight about 1,150 lbs., white spot
In forehead. Return to Herman Rapp,
near Wolff saloon on West Dodge St. and
receive reward. Lost M842 28x
LOST Ret ween Millard hotel and 22d and
Douglas, gold fob; monogram V. W. K. ;
reward upon return to V. W. Bovles,
Boyies college. Lost M871 29x
FOR SALE Thoroughbred cocker spaniel I LOST lady's gunmetal watch, with black
puppies; fancy black stock; bred for pets
nnu snow purposes. Aauress v . u.,
Stuart Neb. g M878 29x
HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale at 4 N.
lth St. j-JuMtS x
FOR BALK 500 square 3 and t ply "Roof
bestos" Felt Rooting, best on the mar
ket. W purchased mora than w needed.
Ixw price. Address. H. E. M.. 402 N.
rourtb BL, 6U LcuU. Mo. Q-Wl 28
ribbon fob, probahlv on Harney between
27th and 2sth, or 2Mh and Howard. Re-
turn b 272(1 Howard. Reward.
tivllo dsins. S. K. cor.
!.YNGJTAD16lh ,u nd Capitol av..
Captiol ave., Tel. 2-iua; fully equipped for
nl kind of printing. MSJI
Mason le Tempi
Cor. lth A
VESTA CHAPTER No. O. K. 8 -Hegular
meeting Saturday evening. June 8, at 8
o'clock. Visitors welcome.
NEBRASKA No. 1, K. OF P. Regular
meeting Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock
In Myrtle hall, 15th and Douglas Sts.
Visitors welcome.
ROY A. DODGE, K. H. and 8.
TRIANGLE LODGE No. 64 Meets every
Tuesday evonlng at Ca-stle hall, 22d and
Cuming. Visitors nlwnvs welcome.
D. H. STINE,' C. C.
J. It. STINE, K. R. and 8,
TRIUNE I.ODOE No. 58, K. OF P. Meets
every Tuesday night at southwest corner
14th and Dodge. Visitors welcome.
A. 11. RAWITZER, C. C.
Meets second and fourth Monday each
month at Arcanum hall, northwest corner
18th and Harney. Visitors welcome.
N. F. RECKORD, Regent.
Location UPSTAIRS 113 S. 18th St.
Palmistry and Occult Sciences a specialty.
Call and be convinced.
S 174
GYLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d.
MRS. FIUTZ, clairvoyant, 1521 Leaven
worth. S 920
MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady,
palmist and clairvoyant. Ollice 17o4 Capi
tol Ave. 'Phone 6610. S M484 27
MME. BOYER, business medium. Read
ings. 60c. Advice reliable. Office 210 N.
17th St., Center hotel, block northwest
P. O. Tel. B2547. S M51 27
YOUR fortune told by the most reliable
clairvoyants; Bend birth date, dime and
stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln, 4P0 N. Clark
St., Chicago. S 727 2Sx
Union Pacific. .
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 pm
California Express a 4:10 pm a 9:30 am
California & Oregon Ex. a 4:30 ptn a 6:10 pm
Nirth Platte Local a 7:50 am a 6:20 prn
Fast Mall a 8:55 am a 8:20 pm
Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:40 am
Beatrice Local b 3:48 pin b 1:30 pm
St. Louis Express 6:80 pm 8:20 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) 9:16 am 10:30 pm
Shenandoah Local (from
Council Bluffs) , 6:45 pm 1:30 pm
Chicago, Rock Island ac Paclflo.
Chicago Limited a 3:35 am a 7:10 am
Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 8:60 pm
Chicago Ex., Local bll:40 am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Express.... a 4:30 pm bll:6o am
Des Moines Local a 9:56 pm
Cldcugo Fast Express, .a 5:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Rocky Mountain Llm d..a 7:20 am a 1:30 am
Colorado Express a 1:30 pm a 4:55 pm
Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:56 pm all:4oum
Colorado Night Ex a 8:55 pm a 7:26 am
Chicago Great Western.
St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm
St. Paul Ac Minn a 7:45 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Chicago Express a 5:06 am
a 7:16 am
a 7:65 pm
alv:30 uni
a 3:30 pin
Chicago, St. Paul.
Chicago Daylight Ex. ...a 7:o6 am all:00 pm
.auLUiiiit,-viCAUU .CJL...I& aJ.tU pill
Overland Limited a 8:36 pm
Des M. at Ukoooji ix....u 1.00 111
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 7:26 am
Chicago Uniued a '.".00 pill
Minn. & St. Paul Ex....b 7:u um
Minn. & bt. Paul Ltd 1:60 pm
Chioauo Jt Northwestern.
Local Cnlcago all:o am
ast Mail At'U ma
Daylight St. Paul t.?:iH.aui
Dayiigut Cnlcago a (:uo uu
Lainlled Cnlcago a 8:3a pm
Local Carroll a i.'si v1'
Fast St. Paul a k:ia put
CajcuI eioux C. tii.. p..b 3:u0 0111
Fast Mail
Chicago .Express a u:5o pm
NortoiK t lionesteel a 7:40 am
Lincoln or Long Pine....b 7:10 am
Casper dc Wyoming 2:ou pm
a 3:lu um
a 7:36 am
a o.-u
al0:35 pm
u aw am
olu:36 pm
a k:ou pm
Deadwood & Lliujin.
Missouri Pacific.
Htv Louis Express
K. C. At 8U 1 Kx...,
.a 3:50 pin
..b 2:60 pm
.a 9:00 am
.uU:16 pm
3:45 pm
8:30 am
lo:uu pm
U:o0 pm
9:16 am
:au am
7:05 am
e 9:jo am
2:60 pm
a 7:30 am
lo:36 am
10:3o pm
e 6:16 pm
6:1a pm
6:16 put
a 0:30 am
a 6:00 piu
Mme. Boyer,
With mystio powers, of delineation of past,
present and future, will be delighted to
add your case to the many thousands of
others she has successfully rescued from
the valley of poverty and despair, and
cheerfully direct you on the way to
health, happiness and prosperity.
Bring Your Troubles,
I Can Help You.
Call at once, be convinced; this may
be an Important turning point In your
life; do not hesitate, delay means dan
ger. The dollar properly Invented ha
seldom failed to make the poor man rich.
Can Tell You How to Do This.
In teaching the It secret lessons of success
In life this wonderful woman with super
natural power is permanently located at
CENTER HOTEL. 210 No. 17th St., Mt
block northwest postorfice. Tel. B2647.
Business hours, 8 a. 111. to 9 p. M., daily.
6unday 10 to 6.
Letter containing stamp promptly con
sidered. All business strictly confidential.
Missouri Paclflo.
Nebraska Local, via Leuve. Arrive. "
Weeping Water b 3:60 pm ul-:30 pm
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis &
Twin City Passenger.. b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm
bloux City Passenger.. a 2:00 pin all: JO am
uaKianu locai o 6:45 pm b 9:10 am
A daily, b dally except Uunuuy. d daily
except baturaay. e danv exnupl Monday.
ULHLI.NU I 0. BTATlO.t 10111 at A1ASO.V
Leave. Arrive.
Denver & California.. ..a 4.10 pm a 3:10 pm
Northwest fc.xyrea ....all. 10 pm a b:os pm
Nebraska point a 8:50 uui a 7:40 pm
Lincoln Fust Mail b 2:67 pm al2:oo put
r 1. (.riniK oc i-iuiisin m.o i:oi pm aio: um
Bellevuo & Plallsm'lh..u, 7:60 pm b 8:33 am
Bellevue & Pac. June. .a 3:30 am
Bellevue He Pac. Junc..al2:16 put
Denver Limited - a 7:10 am
Chicago Special a 7:26 am
Chicago Lxpresa a 4:oo pin a 3:56 pm
Chicago Flyer a 8:ot pm a 7:25 am
Iowa Local a 9:16 am al0:63 pm
St. Louis Express ....a 4.46 pm all:30 am
Kansas City Ac tit. Joe..alO:46 pm a 6:46 am
Kansas City Ac St. Joe. .a 9:16 am a i:o6 pin
jvansus city ec bu joe.. a .o pm
Superior accommodation. Elollent Culilna. Th
Comfort of r"iM'rs carefully CounldereJ. Blnix
r Rouna Trip Tickets luutu Dviwmi Mew um
nd scotch, Kusltah Irish slid ill principal coo
tlaental polnta at attractive ratea. Sood for Boo
of Toura. For tlcketa or seneral information appl
to any local agent 01 tna Ancaor i.ina or 10
HKNDEHsUN liKOg. Oeuerai AeDU. Chicago. I1L
By the faat 10,0(io ton twln-acraw ilea mere.
daya from New York to scanalua'la.
Oarar 11 Juno T
Helllg (HaT....June II
United States... Jul? 5
Oacar II July 1
Helll Ola. ...Aug. t
I'nlUd Btatea. .Aug. 1
Oecar II Aug. 10
Helllg Olav...gept. 11
No. 1 Broadway. New York, or Local Agents.
Johnson Institute, til N.T. Life bldg. Tel 1M
MRS. JOHN K. Ml'UICK, Osteopathy Pby.
stclaai otllce, NeviU illk. Tel. A
you mm
Just received from factory
ja carload of new top buggies
'and ruuabouts, worth up to
flOO.OO enph.
Will po on sale tomorrow as long as they last, 0Cf f(
Manufacturer's Aganta Vahlclaa and Harnaaa
Sattlej Bldg. . S. W. Cor. 1 0th & Jones Sti. Entrance from Viaduct on west side
Sealed prooosals am Invited and will be)
received oy tho t. It y t lerK on TUfSduy,
June ti, 116, at u clock p. in , In ti.u
Council Chamber In the City Hall, for tn
following street lminovenienls, to-wit:
bnauldiiiK street from .Mill street to Suth
street, blieet Improvement Ulclru'l No. bJ,
by reijavuiK. reitdjusttng the old cuius and
leiildcliiK till detective curbinK, a per
Ordinance No, 6lW. '
loth street from Corby street to Spencer
street. In Street Improvement District .No.
S17, by curbing and paving, a per Urdl-
li Hi avenue Iront Jackson street to Leav
enworth street. In Street Improvement L'ib-
inci xso. ,Nj, oy cuii'ir.s ana pavliiK, a
per Ordinance No. Cll'S.
HOtli street from I'm nam street to Leav
enworth street, in Street Improvement Dis
trict xno. ms, ny repavitix, readjusting the
old curbs und replacing ail deluctivu curb
ing, as per Ordinance No. bW.
Ueward street from .IMh street to list
street, la Street Improvement Uiatrlot No.
b:o, by curbing und puvlng, as per tlrdl
nunce No. 660O. street from Dodite street to Chicago
street. In Street Improvement District .so.
o--, uy curbing aim paving, as per Ordi
nance No. &00I.
4utli street from Hamilton street to
Franklin street, in Street Improvement
District No. fci3, by curbing and paving, as
per Ordinance No. B50'J.
lllds fi r feuch street Improvement. must
be upon asphalt, stone, vltrilied brick,
vitritied brick block, urtlllcial stone or
niucuduin, and all bidders are requ red to
designate the locality, quarry, kiln cr fac
tory from which will tie iurnisneu tne
soeclflu material to be used by them, with
its commercial dr-slguutlon.
Proposals niunt be subhltted for each
district separately and must be made upon
printed blanks to he furnished Dy tne t uy
KtiKlneer, who will also furnish instruc
tions to bidders, together with specllloa
tlons and form of contract and bond upon
application to his office; and as evidence
of good faith and guarantee that contract
will be entered into and good und suttlclent
bond rurnlshed, should award tie inaito
thereon, each proposal must be accompa
nied bv a certified check payable to the
City of Omnhtt in an amount not less than
two per cent ot tne total or eacn um, nut
In no case to be less than $100.
ProDosals must be addressed to W. II.
Elbburn, City Clerk, Council Chamber, City
Hall, and marked "l-roposais tor street
Improvement, District No. ," giving
the number of the district bid upon.
The City Council of the City at Omaha
reserves the right to reject any or all
Omaha, Nebraska, May 22. 1906.
J 6 City Clerk.
Sealed proposals ie invited and will bo
t l. . i'ttx, I'lurl t lr,,m Uni flrv
Hall, until 2 o'clock, p. in., Monday, May
AV, 1KO, 1111 iiiu (uiiuniite ..iuv...u.. ..v.
tools for the asphalt repair plant, to be
delivered, K O. li., at yards, Twelfth and
xiif.H,,iuH dtrnAti (imnliRi bids to be ODbned
at said hour und read aloud:
260 tons aapnait, more or less.
6tW tons Platte river sand, more or less.
hm toim Missouri river sand, more or less.
(Channel sand.)
iUO barrels t'oriiana ceuiem. mure or ies.
1U0 barrel residuum, mors or les.
1 steam roller, i to i ton.
1 hand roller, one-half ton.
1 or 2 fire wagons, with pan ux2 Watt, li
Inches deep. Willi ash pan and grate com-
P'uteasphalt tampers. 6x8 Inches, standard
Blze, with hollow Iron handles.
12 asphalt smootners, sianuaru sue, wiiu
hollow lion handle..
3 asphalt axes, weight 12 pounds, with
12 usuhalt rakes, standard lze, with
handles. ... ...
24 picks, standard size, wun nunuies.
4 Mavnard sliovels Nu, , (Moulders) D.
handles. ... .
t'4 sciuare-Dointed hovels. No. 4, D.
handles. , . , .... ...
U street brooms, 14 incn, wun nauuies,
(Bassine or similar.)
1 anvil, lau pounda
1 portable forge, No. 1, Western Chiet or
similar. . , ., .
1 vise, swivel bottom, combination for
4-lnch pipe and under.
15 i-,mtratin steel tray wheel-barrows.
capacity 3 cublo feet.
4 0. scoop-snuvcia.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
i u .. .1 l 1, n ,V.a nnm nf Xlllf) nil A.
CVl Lllieu wne.iv, ... ...v w- - -
guarantee that contract will be entered Into
if award Is made.
Kids must be marked r-roposuis ioi
.....t..i .. .1 T ..1 a fnf Annhnlt Hpnalf
Pla:it" and addressed to the City Clerk,
Koom iw, uij iia.ii.
mi. ..-..,...!, 11 ha rainlrM tn
isiuuero on ' "i ... . -' ' "
give the commercial designation, source
and chemical analysis of tne refined
material, and the time of delivery of the
first ltw tons; aiso tne wino ui ucmci; w
the balance. ,
contract to the lowest bidder, separately
4n .nV H, 11 lllHU
or ruiH'Liivrij, . W .jttv
Omaha Nebraska, May 15, lKOo.
M-27 W. H. ELBOURN, City Clerk.
STRUCTION. Settled proposals are invited and will bo
received by the City Clerk at Room 1W.
City Hall, until 2 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday,
June 6. 1105, for the construction and widen
ing of such sidewalks ns may be ordered
by the mayor and council during the year
ending December 21, 1905, of stone, artificial
stone, brick, tiling und white pine, such
sidewalks to be constructed or widened In
sccordance wMth the plans and specifi
cations for such walks now in force.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certi
fied check in the sum of aiw as a guarantee
of good faith, and to be forfeited to the
city as liquidated damages in event, tho
successful bidder fails to enter Into elm
tract if award is made.
Kids must be marked "Proposal for Side
walk Construction," and addressed to the
City Clerk, Room 106. City Hall, and will
be presented to the City Council, unopened,
at the regular meeting on Tuesday, Ju.
6, 1905, at i o'clock p. in.
All bids must be mude upon printed
blanks provided therefor by the City En
gineer, and no bid will be received If de
tached from the package In which It Is
bound; nor must any of the accompanying
papers bo detached therefrom, but thu
entire package must li unbroken and In
good order when the bid Is deposited. The
prices must be stated, both in words and
llgures in the respective columns as pro
vided for In the printed blanks.
The City Council reserves tho right to
reject any or all bids.
Omaha, Neb., May 22, 1906.
MSI City Clerk.
Under authority and direction of Ordi
nance No. BIW. sealed proposals are In
vited and will be received at the office of
the City Engineer, room, 4ol City Hull,
Omaha, Nebraska, until 2 o'clock p. m.
Monday, May 21), 190G, for the grading of
that part of 16th street, In the City of
Omaha, from Vinton street to Boulevard
street, lm-iudins: tho necessary approaches
thereto, thu City of Omaha to pay one-half
of the cost and expenses thereof, at which
time said proposals will be publicly opened
and thu bids read and tabulated by the
City Engineer, and transmitted to the City
Council for its action thereon.
All work to be done in accordance with
plans and specifications on tile in the ofllce
of the City Engineer.
Proposals to be made upon printed blanks,
which will be furnished upon application,
and us an evidence of g'xid fuith und guar
anty that contract will bo entered Into
and good and sufficient bond furnished
should award be mude thereon, must be
accompanied by a certified check, payable
to the City ot Omahu, In the sum of fifty
The right is reserved to reject any and all
Omaha. Nebraska. May 18th, 1905.
City Engineer.
Deeds filed for record yesterday. May 27.
19iT). as furnished by the Midland Guar-
utitee and Trust company, bonded ab
stracters, 1R14 Karnam street, for the lie
Emille Kallna und husband to Mary
Shestak. part nf lot 21. block 1. and
other property In Brown l'ark l,0(O
D. It. Turney and wire to 11. it. mc
Calls, lot 2, block 6, Patrick's 2nd.. 425
C. J. Scott and wife to Llbble M.
Searlu. lots T and 8. block 115. Dundee
Pluce 8.000
F. Slman to A. Rocheford, lot 6, block
18, Deer Park 2,200
H. O. Knox to C. W. Hull, lots 11 and
12. block a, Wilcox 2nd 1,100
South Omaha uina company to j.
Muchaeek. lot 9. block 19. South
Omaha 400
A. A. (1 bson to Eliza Wlthrow. lot
6, block 4, Kountze & Ruth 4,000
D. Gibbons and wife to Carrie Martha
cek, lot 8. block 19, South Omaha.... 750
J. D. Murphy sn : wire to Memo f.
Brennun. lot 11. block 39. South
Omaha 450
Office and Infirmary, 2t!tD and Mason Sts.
OMAHA, NED. TelepboD K9.
London Complains of Different Inls
Allowed Jfw York to Sooth
African Port.
LONDON, May 2T.-tSpecial Cablegram to
Tho ltee.) At the present moment three
shipping wars are belnir waged for th
purpose of assisting foreigners to compete
successfully with British manufacturer In
South Africa, Australia nnd Indian markets.
South African freight rates and the pref
erence given to exports from New York
are causing endless comment here. These
American exports enjoy preferential ship
ping freights which give them an advantage
of from 10 shillings to $0 shillings a ton
(forty cubic feet). The war between the
conference lines nnd tho competing British
Prince line from New York to South Africa,
to which these freights are due, lasted for
years. Two months ago the war looked like
coming to an end, but In March the German
Hnnsa line left tho conference and Is now
an outside competitor. Great Britain has,
therefore, a new campaign Just beginning
between tho British conference lines from
New York and the Prince and Hansa lines.
The American exporter has, therefore, a
prospect of a prolonged war, giving him a
substantial preference In shipping freights
to South Africa over his British competitor.
Concerning the freight war In trade be
tween New York and Australia on one
side are four British lines and opposed to
them Is an American company nnd tho
White 6tnr line (nominally American, but
British In management). Goods are being
carried from New York to Melbourne from
17 shillings 8 pence to 30 shillings a ton less
than the same classes of British goods from
London or Liverpool to Australia. In the
samo way American exports to New Zen
land are receiving a preference of from
7 shillings 8 pence to 30 shillings a ton over
those from this country.
In the Indian trade the circumstances are
different. Here there is a purely inter
national struggle between the P. & O. and
British India lines on the one hand and
the German Hansa line on the other. But
the effect is much thn same fn Its nature
as In tho South African and Australian
trade. The competitive reduction of freight
rates between Antwerp and British India
by the German Hansa line of Bremen as
against the P. & O. line has stimulated tho
exported trade In the Belgian mineral
market with India and the far east. It Is
also obvious that while the British com
panies and the Hansa company are cutting
freight rntea between Antwerp nnd India
It is possible for German exporters to ship
much more cheaply to India via Antwerp
than British exporters can ship from
The position of British shipping companies
at the present time Is very difficult. The
ship companies are subject to unlimited
competition, both by their own countrymen
and by foreigners. The foreign competi
tion may be and sometimes is a subsidised
competition, and British shipping com
panies, fighting for their existence, are
driven to look upon self-preservation ns
the first law of nature. The problems of
these freight wars are very complicated.
They might with advantnge be fully In
quired Into by a special committee of the
Board of Trade with a view to ascertaining
ome means of protecting the Interests of
British manufacturers without doing Justice
to the shipping industries. It I every
where argued that the British export trade
must not be allowed to remain a mere
counter In the game of warring shipping
Head of Reported South American
Repnbllo Tell of Object and
LONDON, May 27. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Monsieur Le Duo de Brexet,
president of the Free State of Kunani, in
South America, and "head center" of tho
alleged plot to overthrow the Brazilian
republic and restore the old monarchy,
was interviewed here last week on the
Monsieur Le Duo de Brexet, who Is of
thn old nobility of France, explained with
ft strong French accent, that he Is more
American than French.
He wai re-elected president In 1903 and
has been In Europe on statu business about
twelve months.
The Free State of Kunani, the president
explained, Is about the size of England.
It Is bounded on the north by British,
French and Dutch Guiana, and by Vene
uela, and on the west and south by
Brazil, and on the east by the South At
lantlc ocean. It hus two ports, Kunani
and Macapa, on the Amazon, and a bay
near Kunani City large enough to hold
the largest warships In tho world. The
president laughed merrily when asked If
that was where he was going to keep his
new warships, and said: "Ah, yes, when
I get them; but first we need ships of com
merce more.
"We don't wish to be mixed up with
such foolish suggestions as warships and
revolutions and things of that sort. We
have no such Ideas. We don't want any
thing to do with Brazil and everything
will be quiet so long as Brazil leaves
us alone."
The president explained that since 1874
Kunani has actually been a free republk
and has had ten presidents, of whom ho Is
the tenth. There are 300,000 civilized in
habitants and about 15,0ijo,0i.n) Indians, and
the chief products are rubber, mahogany
and timber generally.
"Both France and Brazil claimed our
territory," snld the president, "and they
referred tho question to arbitration by
Switzerland, Irrespective of our views. In
1900 the Swiss trlbunnl decided that the
country did not boiong to France, but it
did not say that it belonged to Brazil.
Brazil then made a raid on Kunani, which
was repulsed with a loss of 800 men.
"Tho suggestion of our enlisting an army
with which to fight Brazil Is ridiculous,"
he continued. "A number of Spaniards are
anxious to come and get their living In our
country and are only awaiting the op
portunity We have also had Inquiries
from Boers.
"My object In being In Europe Is to
procure the recognition of our Independence
by Europe, and, although Britain may not
be the first to acknowledge us, I believe It
will be the second. We have the good
will of every country except Brazil, which
wishes to. throttle our trade.
"Brazil would be well advised," the presi
dent concluded benevolently, "to agree with
us while we are willing. For Brazil's
sake it 1 tn he hoped It will not again at
tempt to Interfere with us."
Superintendent of (ilmrow Tramway
System Come to Help
Mayor of Chicago.
NEW YORK. May 27. James Dalryniple,
superintendent of the city tramway system
of Glasgow, Scotland, who conies to the
L'nlted State at the Invitation of Mayor
Dunn of Chicago, to advise the officials of
the western metropolis in their experiment
with municipal ownership, arrived here to
day on the teamer Campania.
Speaking of his mission to Chicago, and
municipal ownership generally, Mr.
Dalrymple said that the principle had been
successfully demonstrated In Glasgow,
Mr. !. I Robbed.
NEW YORK, May 17-Mr. Mary E.
Leaae, th former Kansas lecturer, was
held up In her home in this city today by
two burglar, who held a revolver to her
head and robbed her of 1110 In cash and
I Sxjv woitU of Jewelry and Uvrwar.
Country Retailer. Are In the 01tJ Ho
Eelfot Fall Ooodf.
Tomato Situation
Interesting and
IT.. I tlarlia t'naef i led I.e t ha? r V
I Unlet nnd Dry Goods Hons
Trnde Quite Loraje.
With good weather for the last week the
country retailers have been coming Into
the city to select their rail goods. The
situation in this regard Is better than usual
and may be attributed to the fact that the
farmers, who have been delayed In their
work by wet weather, ure now very busy In
the tlclils and have no time to get to town,
thus giving to retailers a chance to make
the wholesaler a visit. They have been
taking advantage, of tho good weather to
come In, because they know that they nre
the least busy now when tho farmers are
most busy, 'i'ho week before was a good
one In this respect, but tho number of
visitors at the wholesalu houses last week
was much Breatcr.
Notwithstanding the urgent demand for
farm work, the retailers report that they
are enjoying a good business, esiieclally In
the grocery line. The demand Is easing up
on certain articles which are classes a
summer goods, but It Is being transferred
to other lines. Indications are that tho
lute business in summer goods of nil kinds
will be fully up to the standard. If not
above It. Although the spring sales of
imnimer weights In shoes and dry goods
have been very large, yet any number of
nu rchnuts will find it necessary to replen
ish their stock before th summer Is over
and some of them will have to make fur
ther purchases In some line before it Is
even well begun.
Leather Trade SIott.
Local jobbers In leathpr goods speak of
n slow demand for Immediate delivery, yet
they are not complaining, for with them
Fuch a condition is but the natural thing;
nt this time of year. The orders for fu
ture delivery are satisfactory, and they
know that on the whole the summer's
business will be a big one. Altogether,
the wholesalers are well pleased with the
conditions now prevailing.
There are no complaints In tho mntter
of collections. They are reported bv all
Jobbers as good for this time of year.
No very great changes In prices have
taken place during the week. Tho most
marked advances have been In groceries.
Dry goods have held at about the same
figures nnd the continued advance In
leather has changed the prices some. Deal
ers do not fear a decline to amount to
anything In any line, as they say that
the demand from now on will be equal to
the supply. Especially will this bo true
of new goods, which are Just lielng rlaced
on tho market. Those who ought to know
fay mat tne general tendency should be
upward, rather than downward.
Tomatoes a Kent ure,
. A feature most Interesting to tho Job'
blng grocer the lust week has been to
matoes. For some time there has been a
steady selling out bv holders who have
been compelled to realize, and the market
nun neon strong one day and weak the
next. In tho last ten days, however, there
has been a decided change in feeling.
Without exception, so far us is known
here, no tomatoes are now to be obtained
nt prices that were ruling two or three
weeks ago. The net advance Is about 5
cents a dozen. Coupled with this situa
tion Is the fact that a large part of the
Inferior stock has been moved Into con-
.u,,i , , v it,, ii in-in. nun kiiiiii? now uneie
mat were sold at the low prices.
i-xo cnanges are reported in corn, i-'eas
are a little str-r,,. with few offerings.
Tho price Is still low.
Most oyster pacers report that they
nre unable to fill orders complete, and It
eeoms now as If there would be some
shortage before the now goods are avail
able In November.
Sardines, one-qunrter oil, are offered
lower than they have been for some time,
while three-quarter mustards are very
strong at the recent advance. Very few
mustards so far have been packed.
Fish Are High.
The market is high, indeed, on Holland
herring and family whlteflsh, and there is
no Immediate prospect of a decline in price.
Irish mackerel of tho 1906 catch are being
sold at prices considerably higher than lust
season. The dealers do not look for as
low prices this year, for the catch up to
date In the l'nlted States has boon ma
terially less than lust season and all the
mackerel has been sold fresh, bringing high
prices. The supply of pink salmon is about
all gone. Prlcea on red sockeye salmon
will be a little less than tho opening prices
of a year ago. Good reports of the fish
run In I'uget sound are now beginning to
come and the packers are making actlv
preparations for the season's business.
Dried Frnlt Active.
Trade Is reported active In dried fruits.
Most of the special offerings of peaches
for fall delivery have been withdrawn.
The situation is not nt all clear. While
there are prospects for a good crop, the
dinners will come in for an unusually large
amount, and large quantities will be
shipped east as fresh fruit, so what the
outcome from the grower will bo In the
way of dried fruit is problematical. On
spot peaches and apricots the market Is a
little bit easier, caused by the near ap
proach of the shipping season for uprloots
and the lower prices offered for peaches
for fall delivery,
The rice market In the south continues
to advance, and as the situation is con
trolled by those who ure able to hold the
goods, there is hardly any probability of a
decline In the market and an advance
probably will take nlnco.
In fancy groceries the demand has been
very satisfactory. There has been practi
cally no change in prices.
The market Is very strong on woodnnware
in all lines. There are no changes In quo
tations for the week, but there is an an
ticipated advuuee on wooden tubs and pails
and wooden butter dishes.
Dry Goods Jobber Busy.
The house trade of the local dry goods
jobbers hus been good, for both current
shipments and fall delivery. Tho order
business, too, bus 'con satisfactory, both
direct and through ilesmen. The advance
order business Is bitter than for tho cor
responding time of lust yea'. A big bus.
ness is being dune In blankets, domets,
dress goodH and other fall specialties. The.
market on cotton goods continues strong, -although
no quotable changes have been
made In the price lor lending brands. Some
revision In tho prices of hIhiiIh print ha
been expected, but the manufacturers have
not reported yet what they ure to be. Col
lections are very satisfactory.
There is a continued advance in the price
of leather goods. This has been going on
for eight or nine months, but yet thura Is
no check in It. The stock of leather seems
very light indeed. A noted udvancu In in
upper stock. That which Wad quoted a
Week ago ut Zi cents Is now 2B rents. The
shoo business 1m naturally quirt In th
country towns. Tho pilnclpal orders being
booked now ure lor full delivery and the
shipments will bruin in about a month.
The "ut once" business hus Incn better all
spring than it was last year, until lost
week, when there wus a noticeable fulling
off. In geneiul, the business may bo said
to be quiet, but full ordiTB wll bo heavy
from now on.
Hardware Active.
The hardware trade is good. It Is not a
heavy us it was u month ago, because of
tho fact that the farmers am now ut work
In thu Held. The best demand, of course.
Is for farm Imp'rinentH, und tho farmer
seem to be buying this year with tho Idea
that they must iiuve plenty of thu best.
The retailers report a good ileinund for
wagons und buggies and they ure giving
some orders to the wholesalers.
No uppreclalile changus have taken place
in the week on staple lines of hardware.
The market Is firm, though and If there If
any tendency to a chunge ut ull. It is In
the upward direction. Prices have run
alout the same for three or four weeks.
Wire and nails have experienced no change
at all in price for some time.
Linseed oil and turpentine have scored an
advance. Linseed oil is up i rents a gal
lon. Turpentine Is up a lutla and may go
riugar price are practically the same,
although the market of the raw material
Is considerably firmer. The demand Is much
better and there Is un outlook for a good
sugar business for some time to come.
Coffee is irregular, with thu options 10 to
15 pointH lowur than a week sgo. The ac
tual Coffee, however, holds at about ttio
same prices. Desirable eld crop enffee
are exceedingly scarce, ami roautcr tind It
difficult to ob'aln them at a premium over
the regular market.
Cheese Is lower, most grades showing a
decline of to i cent In thu lust week.
Thu volume of business show a decided
Improvement. Small white l more plenti
ful than it wus lust week und is now on
equal footing with the colored, each grade
selling well. Fine skims are steady and
fairly active. Old cheese is featureless.
Dry Good Market.
The week closes quietly In the dry good
markets, but strong operation (,f buyer
Indicate depletion of stocks in many di
rections and Inquiry for prompter deliver!
are general. Prices tend upward up to the
ta'lcul position aud to U upward Ueud
Of VUllM. .