THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. MAY 29. 1905. 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Shimer & Chase, Builders of Modern Houses IT WILL, BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO BEE US BEFORE STARTING IM PROVEMENTS ON YOUR PROPERTY. WOULD YOU BUY BOM ET MI NO READY Bi ll,?? ARE TOP IiOOKING 1 FOR A GOOD DOWN TOWN SITE? omu new unto KV 8-room cottage, mnrtprn. near car. sift 8-room dwelling. West Farnam. all modern. ALMOST NEW $3.?00--4l-room home on Florence boulevard. -room dwelling, Hanscom Park. ' $1.700 6 rooms, nearly new, bath, etc. - Good Enough For Anybody ' 12,400 6-room ho ub and 100 feet frontage on 4 Emmett Bt. Pick It up. , $4,(KO Sightly lot and two cottages, Farnam l.ill. Bun p. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $50 CASH balance monthly, for 4-room house; corner lot, 66x132; south side. Price. $7X). O. C. Olscn. 17'4 Farnam 8t. Residence. 2116 8. 10th St. RE 8M-3I 0 BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE, ll-room mod. house; nice lawn, nlre shade; permanent walks; close to car; No. 1 re pntr; only $3.0u0. Could not build the house for the money. J. II. Parrotte, pax ton Blk. ' RE 82 28 TO LET Strictly r.-odern ll-room dwell- ins; neat location; flue lawn; good Darn; owner will lease to first class private family for two or three years during ao ence from city. W. Farnam tSruiih & Co., 1UU Farnam St. D M251 TAKE ONE OF THESE $275-Fitll lot, Clifton Hill. I if irt Full lot on Emmett St. To Exchange for Omaha Realty I Nice home In Nebraska City. Bee us quick. j Shimer & Chase, I WQ Farnam, Oround Floor. Tel. 8'67, RE 898 28 SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN ( ROOMS, city water and sewer, near new car barn: l,3nv; terms II desired. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. -RE 11th & William T ROOMS, all modern; a One south side location; $3,000; reasonable. BEM18, PAXTON BLOCK. RE Place For a Home Lot 50x150. on grade, five large bearing ap pie trees, two lame bearing peach trees. three large bearing cherry trees, five large asn trees; largo number or peony, iliac. narcissus and flowering almond bushes one block from car, splendid neighbor hood, at 36th and Burt Bta. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bid. RE 897 28 WANT 50 FAMILIES To colonize 1,900 acres of Irrigated landa .la San Joaquin Valley, California; 40 7 acres each, $46 per acre, Vi cash; if you go wi'h us May 13 will give you use of 20 acres free and apply ono-half of crop on iirst payment on your u acres. FREE WATER COLONY. Room 3. N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. RK239 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansus. Colorado and Wyoming low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. . u, f. K. K.. oiuaua, MeD., Dept. A. . " J RE-S62 BUSINESS property In Omaha Plying per cent net ot 120,000. Will sell for 815, ooo. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York RE M121 HAWVER. 1614 Emmetl Bt.. sells bsrgalns. RE- buvs and M6I7 2SX FOR RENT HOUSES NO. 1334 8. 2Sth. 8-room. modern house. large and beautiful yard, only $30 per month, lnoulre R. O. Peters Co., ground floor Bee bids;. D 747 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex- tcpi lurnace JU. C. M. BACHM.ANN, 436 Paxton block. D 775 HnlKPl'n Parts of the city. The UUUJCgij. s luvia Co. CtCA Bee bldg. D 77 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack move and store H. H. goods. Btorenou 1120-24 N. Te. '669. 19th. Ofllce. se 16UH FarnHm. NO. 315 S. 28TH ET. 10 rooms, modern. suitable for rooraera; will be vacant soon only $40 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters at v.o. u-auu WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor- l lo, xei. iu. umce, 111 vveosier u 1 879 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT "-room house; all modern, 2123 California St., 112.50; 6-room, 62n js. xsa St., $22, Apply at 6"7 N. 19th Bt. D M875 NEW. modern, up-to-date -room cottage. 3825 N. IHth. Telephone 675. D FOR RENT 403 Burdette, 7 rooms, mostly m-jd., $1. 423 N. 31th. S-room, mod., barn, $3o. SWEET & BEST, N. Y. I-lfo. D Sffl 28 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago 3868 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th Farnam. E 83 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 864 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern 2310 Webster. 'Phone 5390. E 8ii FOR RENT, desirable front room, to single tentleman; modern conveniences. 217 outh 25th at. E 806 ATTRACTIVE rooms, modern, walking distance. 'Phone. Reasonable. 421 N. 18th st. E M406 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FRONT room, 626 S. 19th St. modern, with good board. F-MK35 3"X EXCELLENT modern rooms with board for couple or one gentleman, right down town. Call at 1714 Douglas Bt. F 921 30x 2 ROOMS and good board. 2113 Douglas. F MXN3 30x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3 SOUTH rooms, arranged for light house keeping. 3210 Cass St. Q 764 FOR RENT, two large, very nlc rooms; walking distance. 410 N. 23d St. G M812 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Salesman to sell Ma'tn-Orape to Omaha trade; liberal commissions. C. II. Harp, LeMars. Ia. 6."6 27 TRAVELING salesman, calling on retail country trade, to take our fall dress goods, flannels and blankets on commis sion; strong side line. Mfg., P. O. Box 660. Philadelphia. Pa. -M6S0 27x SALESMAN wanted, road experienced. Oood line, good pay; no fakes. W. J. Lorack, Sales Manager, Iowa City. Iowa. 773 28X 8INOLE front room for gentleman; mod ern, private. 80S N. 19th. E MjOI 27 PLEASANT furnished rooms, 170 Cass. E 2iX CAPABLE aalesman to cover Nebrask with staple line. High commissions, with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent posi tion to rigm man. jess rt. umitn t'o.. Detroit, Mien. 772 2x ELE'JANTLY furnished front room, suit able for man and wife. 210 N. 17th Bt. E-M623 27x TWO very desirable front rooms, connect ing, walking distance. 003 South 27th St. Telephone 5345. E 630 31 x WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell on commission as a sine line our line of overalls . and Jumpers. Ben J. Martin Mfg. Co., Springfield. Mo. 771 28 HOC8E FURNISHING We furnish the house complete, the best stock in Omaha, at the lowest prices. Terms: $25.00 worth, $1.00 week: 1100 worth. 12.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., Between TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly mud-, anA 1 I. t. C. blfl 9 1 An T, . . ... I III tj.'l 1 II. lull UU1 L. FURNISHED ROOMS We furnish them on short notice. We have the largest stock In the city; prices very much cheaper than at Installment stores. Terms, $25.00 worth. 81.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., Between jzm ana utn, on f arnam sr.. hi em as RAT.ITSMA V! ennerlnnced snertnltv nre ferred; opening for two. one for Nebraska; competent ; no salesman :n our employ paid below x&o a montn. Permanent Address: Manufacturer, Box 10M, St Iiouts. Mo. 744 28x 12th and 13th, on Farnam St. D 818 28 'Phone 5404. WANTED First-class salesman. One salesman's commission amounted to over $1,200 In six weeks, from February 6 to March 18, 1905. Address the Barton Mfg. Co., cedar Kaplds, la. CENTRAL, all modern. 7-room house, 120 V 331 E 628 27x NICELY furnished rooms. NO. 641 PARK AVE. rooms, modern only $28 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D Moll 2617 Lake St. E 626 27x NO. $015 PINKNET 8T. rooms, modern; win repair to suit tenant only 820 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D-Mtia Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625. Schmoller & Mueller. D 703 542 SOUTH 80th St.. 7-room modern house, lawn and cistern; possession June 1, 832.50. Ingulre 2815 Seward St. D M518 2SX HniKP?111 all parts of the city. R. nUUOC3c, Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D S80 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-1&S FURNISHED FLAT In new apartment Bunding tor me summer. Aaaress u nj, Bee. D M218 VERY desirable 9-room modern dwelling to small family; partly furnished If desired, or furniture ror sale; rent, per month. W. F. Holden, 3864 Seward St. D M328 NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 116 N. 16th St. E 508 31x TWO nicely furnished parlors, single or en- suire: also singio room: uoara ir oesireo;. 2207 Farnam. E M644 28x ROOM for gentleman, private family. Ap ply Zi-a Burt et. . no-- ax LARGE front Darlor and bedroom, ensuite: not and coia water; private lamny; ref erences required. Hulte , uaviage ik., corner 18th and Farnam. lei. 3tit. E 651 1 I NICELY furnished front rooms for light Housekeeping, zois Davenport. b-MSill zvx TWO rooms, ensuite; one small room fur- nisnea; references. to a. aim st. LARGE furnished room, with modern con veniences. In private family; price. $8 per montn. n a. zatn at. to eai zx PALE6MAK By responsible, well known house, two traveling grocery specialty salesmen, $200 per month and expenses long time contract; no commission. Ad dress F 21, care Bee. 761 28x SALESMAN wanted for extensive fine line of advertising calendars, etc. Address with references, stating experience. Aug Oast Bank Note and Lit ho. Co., St Louis, Mo AGENTS WANTED AGENTS, work for us and make $15 to $M per week selling metallic Pread noaros. white granite rolling pins and other fast selling household articles; we pay freight, give time to remit and furnish agents' outfit; a rare chance; write today; you won't regret It. The American Bread and Pastry Board Co., Cambridge, Ohio. J-7 28x A THE "Platograph." twentieth century wonder. Produces photographs 20,000 dif ferent subjects without a camera. Agents selling thousands. Send 10c for agent's outfit. Modern Plstograph Co., 177 Wil liam St., New York. J-783 2Sx $;tS WEEKLY to men with rigs to Intro duce poultry goods. turPKt in., vticmia. Kan. J-7S5 2x BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult l. o. Bales Bureau, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y 831 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exhange real estate o pusiness gtiuK. see Conip-ton-Watts Co., 536 Paxton Blk. Y 832 I HAVE one blacksmith shop, 50x50, and lot 50x100, with good tools, both Iron and wood; only shop In town; good trade, good territory. Come and see or write H. A. Buhman, Buffalo Gap, 8. D. Y 906 FOR BALE Paying Nebraska drug store; excellent location. Aaaress u 34, Bee, Omaha. Y M.179 FOR SALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon In county; good reasons. Address E 83, care Bee. mtjojio INVESTOR9-If seeking an Investment that will earn more fur you In a monin wmn a savings bank will pay you In a year, write us for full particulars and booklet explaining one of the grentest Industrial Investment plsns now before the public. Profits can be drawn weekly or monthly at option of Investor. This Is no specula tion, out a sate ano conserve nv proposition. .Investments from t up wards accepted Absolutely no chance to lose. We furnish best of references. The R. G. Hemdon Co., Chllds Hldg . New York City. Y-730 2Hx PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE FE- TURNED. Bend model or sxetrn ror iret opinions as to patentability. Send for Il lustrated Guide Book, contains 100 me chanical movements and LIST OF IN VENTIONS WANTED; TELL8 HOW TO OBTAIN and BELL PATENTS: full particulars of NEW TRADE-MARK LAW. COPYRIGHTS, etc. Patents se cured thrmiKh us advertised free In World's Progress; sample copy free. EVANS, WILKENS & CO. Reg Patent Attorneys, 616 F St.. Wash ington, WE MANUFACTURE line of patented hardware special lies, all staple household articles: only second year in business and have placed one or more of our at tides with about 100 leading United States hard ware Jobbers; company Incorporated; man with $4,600 can come in on equal terms with owners; no better proposition ever offered. 618 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo, Y-M581 27x RESTAURANT for sale; price $1,800; do ing good business; good reason for sale, Address F 23, Bee. Y M617 31 x FOR BALE Good clean stock of gro e.erles. Invoicing about $1,500: well lo cated In brick building; county seat town; rent low. Bevlna tt Reese, corning, la. . T-M613 27x FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, In first-class condition, In county seat town 8200. Address r Zfr, care Bee. X 634 27x MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive territory on unequaled commissions for unrivaled books upon a superior proposi tion for reliable, permanent book sales men; an unusual opportunity now open; Btate qualifications; send address for our offer. M. A. Donohue & Co., Chicago. 731 28x TRAVELING salesmen to sell our self- opening Presto Step Ladder as a side line; a great seller. Write for terms. The Standard Screen Works, Ltd., Glen Rock, Pa, 735 ZSX SHARES In Omaha Typewriter Exchange at $25 each; Incorporation. $10,000; $6,125 worth of shares sold In three days; 20 to loo per cent profit on your Investment We will handle the best new typewriters on the msrket. x 658 DAILY PAPER Established western dally and Job business, cleared $4,000 in 1904. for sale: whole for 314,500 or half In terest for $7,500; no attention will be paid to inquiries wnicn no not rurnisn nnan clal reference. C. R. Wilkinson, Endl- cott building, St. Paul, Minn. Y-M677 27x FOR RENT Three nice large rooms; city water; 8 per montn; ikzb N. I7tn Bt. Ad dress C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton. D-M585 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ensuite, nicely furnished, $2.50 week. 1406 Jones. Hi TO 28X LARGE, pleasant front room; also smaller room; an moaern conveniences; mrge lawn and. shade; reasonable. 508 S. 24th Ave. 'Phone 4076. E M846 30x SEVEN-ROOM Charles. modern cottage. 2317 D M581 FOR SALE 6-room cottage, city water, gas, large cellar, lot 83x140. 1841 N. 23d St. RE M645 28X , I A SNAP 6-room. modern house; lot 60x 138; bearing fruit trees, currants, goose berries, grapes; barn, chicken house; a good home, near 88th and Leavenworth street. 10-room house and barn near 19th and Cal ifornia Bts. 7-room, strictly modern, new house near 27th and Lake Bts. C. O. EDBERG, 619 N. 19th St. , RE 708 28 FOR SALE Lot 32, Tuttle's Subdivision, which makes 24 choice lots, 60x128 feet and alley, and block 224, Florence, which makes 20 Choice lots. These properties cost me $10.uu0. Will sell for $5,000 it can sell at once. G. Brandenburg, Los An geles, Cal. RE 756 28x $2,500 BUYS fine home. In splendid con dition. In Council Bluffs; seven-room house, modern; three lots, each 44x132; seven minutes' rlda on motor to heart .of Omaha, so you can come home to lunch: terms reasonable. W. F. Bupp, 17 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. RE 90o 38 A BNAP. 8-room modern house, except furnace; new porch, cement walk; good repair; 1 block Farnam. Easy payments. $23.50. J, H. Parrotte, Paxton Blk. RE 881 28 SOUTH OMAHA ACRE LOTS We hkv mn mnnv li nulrles fnr our acre lots In South Park thut we have decided to keep office hours In South Omaha in X c. Ulbson s office, from a until p. m, every aay. we will men go w w leaving from 40th and Q streets, at 6:30, and will remain on the around until dark, Cnme and ree nnr mana at Mr. Gibson's ,A office, and then go out with us and aeo i me acre iota. Remember, these lots are within walking- distance of packing houses, on high sightly ground, ana tne terms are aeaa easy, uni buy 825.00 down, and 110.00 a month on esc acre. New electric line will double tho Value of every acre. Come out today and see for yoursell. N. P. DODGE Si CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. O. T. PETERSON, Salesman. 27 KANSAS LAND. 10$ quarter sections In Wichita county, $40$ to kuu a quarter, ah gooa wneai ana al falfa, land. J. J. Stephens, Omaha, Neb. RE-807 ELEGANT 8-room house, 2602 Poppleton Ave.: large lot: fine shade trees: 835. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. D M58S 30 NEAR 26th and Farnam (318 8. 26th), 3 nlse rooms, cheap, for the summer. Miss Jeanetto McAusland. E M852 29x NICE rooms, all modern. 20th Bt. Phone. 624 S. E M850 30x FOR RENT 8-room house. 2635 Parker St.. $18. Inquire J. F. Carpenter. -27th and Parker. D M815 28 t FURNISHED ster. rooms, modern. 2214 Web- E M854 4x EIGHT-ROOM modern house. 32d and Cass Bts. John R. Webster,- Board of Trade ilia. J JM63H 31 6-ROOM, all modern house, . 2524 pewey Ave.; pavea street; iza.uv. u. U. iur- klngton. 606 Bee. D M612 J7x ALL modern 8-room house, near Hanscom park. Desirable tenant can get reduced rental on lease. J. C. Selden, 407 S. loth St. D MU20 81 AN 8-room house. 2122 Ohio St.. and a 7- room house, 2609 N. ZZd St.; both in fine condition; modern. J. H. Blair, 726 N. Y. Life Bldg. D M646 28 NEW, modern, 6-room house. St. 'Phone 4616. 1317 8. 6th 1) 6i4 28X FURNITURE AND CARPETS We sell these from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than the Installment houses and our goods are very much better. Terms: 825.00 worth, 81.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam Bt. D 15 zs FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for rent; private family. 2222 Douglas. li, MiUi at H1TRNIBHED rbnms in delightfully situ ated modern home In Walnut Hill; largo porch, shady lawn; meals If desired; ref erences. Tel. I .til. Hi ra FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone 3233. 3d noor, iwz uougias. JK MbSO ex TWO furnished rooms for sleeping or three for housekeeping; modern, clean and nice yard; space for piano If desired. Is. is. cor. ana onto. lei. nw. js ZBX TELEPHONE ash 51322 concerning nicely furnished room, modern, norm pan cuy, 88.00: breakfast If desired; references. ill lOl 2648 CHICAGO Furnished room In Btrlctly modern home, nice location for summer. Call after 6:30 p. m. li-MWi 30x MODERN Burt. 7-room cottage. Apply to 2223 D 653 Z8X WANTED Specialty salesmen with good records and splendid address who can sell blue sky or anything else any sales man can; a great, quick money maker. Address, giving age, experience and pres ent occupation, P. O. Box 628, Chicago. 737 Z8X WANTED Salesmen on salary or commis sion selllne lines of caskets In Illinois and the west, must have trade and ex perience. Address F 30, care Bee. rat 2 x WE give one-half of our profits to sales man on a good line of specialties to tin hardware trade; will advance expenses to responsible parties. F. W. Lenhoff, Dept. 1 m. ..... .... a ou SALESMAN Wanted by east ern manufacturing concern, a young, energetic traveling salesman to sell the dry goods and men's furnishing goods trade through Iowa and Ne braska. Salary and expenses ' paid. - . Give ;full particulars. Address F 27, Bee. -797 28 SALESMAN To handle line of special store seating; prontabie commission paid. Ad- dress: The A. K. Milner seating 1.0., Canal Dover, O. 796 28 TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa; staple line; entirely new Induce ments to trade; high commissions; $25 weekly advance; permanent to right man. F. c. Farley t:o., uetrou. Mien. TRAVELING salesmen wanted to sell gro cers. Permanent position. State present occupation and salary expected. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. 784 ZBX BUSINE9S people of ten years wants to enlarge. Btock to oe put in costs from $1,010 to $1,600; anyone putting this stock in for us will pay 2B per cent profits: no expense attacnea to selling goods; run particulars. Address IT 33, Bee. Y M666-2S WE CAN PITT YOU NEXT to the best business proposition now offered for sal In this city. It has made Its founder am owner Independent. He wants to retire. That Is the only reason he offers to sell It Is making money now and will mak you money from the day you buy it. It was established 20 years ago. The line I staple and In constant demand. If In terested and mean business call on or ad dress Union loan & Investment Co.. 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Y M665 31 FOR SALE Complete fixtures. In splendid fixtures, best location, reasonable rent fixtures, bestlocatinn. reasonable rent splendid town 3.000. money maker for right man: act oulcklv if you would se cure this fine opportunity: good reason for selling. Lock Box 16. 'tvavne. Neb. Y 69Z Z9 BUSINESS opportunity; $150 buys outfit which will yield net pronts of 810O to ?Jn per week. Address: 1. . u. Stevens: no Fisher Bldg., Chicago. . . Y-741 28x LEGITIMATE enterprises Incorporated and financed. Bond Issues arranged. Bale guaranteed. Loans made on good securl ties. Send particulars, w. II. Todd Co.. 112 Dearborn St.. Chicago. V -IT Mv A 111 oiv FOR SALE, or trade, good paying Chicago drug store. Btock and nxtures inventory about ft,000. Fine location. Sales $75 per dav. Good soda trade, summer and win ter. this is no nara-un oroposmon Owner must leave Chicago. M. Murray, Box 628. Chicago. zsx BUSINESS CHANCES GET cash for real estate and business quicker than other brokers; send de scription, stating price; learn how. Hoy Dickson. 2716 Park Ave., Bt. Ixiuls. Mo. M D. C. Y FOR SALE Good general merchandise business In town of l.noo in nortneastern Nebraska, doing a rash business of $25,000 to $30,000 yearly. 8tock clean and up-to-date of $10,000 can easily be reduced to 87.000 or W.flOO. Will sell for casn ana good security; no trade and no agents wanted. For particulars, address c 53, care umana Bee. 1 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located, it you aesire a quick sale send us description and price, Northwestern Business Agency, I. 312, Bank of Commerce building, Minneapolis, Minn. li no von need canltnl? We will Incorporate, organize, complete ana nnance nign-cinsn strictly legitimate enterprises; positively no wildcat scheme entertained. American Finance and Industrial Co.. 123-125 I.U Salle St., Chicago. Y-736 2Sx PERSONAL LARSON JOHN BON Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B ins. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U 804 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in ract. anything you ao noi nrr... we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. UtH at. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. 1 1611 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies boarded and adopted, aire, warns n. 1216 Charlee. Tel. 63U. U 08 Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A BFKCIAX.TT, TAILOR MADE BUTTON . RUCHING GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLAS BLK.. OPPOSITE HAYDEKa BROS. TEL. 1936. WE RENT sewing machines. 78o week. W repair all mnkea of machines: second bsnd machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. II aoa OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramgs blk. U 10 DR. ROY, Chiropody, B, 2 & 8, 1506 Famsm, J (11 PIANO CLUB Just forming. 60c and $1 weekly; planoa ids livered Immediately; piano lessons free. Call for particulars. 1611 Farnam st BULLFROG and Ooldlleld mining stocks dealt in; accurate latest quotations promptly furnished. We are on the ground and can advise you truthfully re garding investments In this famous gold district. Let us keep you posted. In- 3ulrles cheerfully answered. Write us to av. Nevada Brokerage Co., Uoldfield, Ne'v. Reference, any bank in Ooldtleld. Y-734 2Sx PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan BanU terlum. 728 First ave.. Council Bluffs, la Tel. 774. I V-iM PHONE 701 and a man will call and tun your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., Ms Farnam. U 818 ft 4 M r?-TM J" treatment AV baths. Mm. llVm C 1 1 smith. 118 N. 15. 2d fl., r. Z, U 360 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY.. TPHONB 8534J u via REPRESENTATIVES everywhere; handle financial proposition; greater prom man Hell Telephone stock, which was bought for 60 cents and sold for $4,000. Colhurn & Sharp. Hoboken. N. J. Y-719 28x BIO MONEY $10 buys, puts or calls on 10,000 bushels wneai; no runner risa; movement of 5 cents makes you $600. Write for circular. The Standard Grain Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. Y 724 28x $125,000, OR PART, for Investment In some good enterprise wnnnui service. 1. r. Cameron, Sentinel Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. Y 794 28x imn rat. K A ladles and gents business on S. 16th St. Best location in tne cuy aim a dead sure money maker. Best or rea sons fnr selline. Stock will Invoice about $12,000. and unless you've got the money do not answer this ad. Address: E 67, Bee. 1 iw WHTTPR THIS. Dn vou want to buv a real estate, loan and Insurance business located In south east Nebraska? This Is an excellent prop osition, making money and will bear In vestigation. Owner haa other Interests, For particulars write JOAN C. NULK, FALLS CITY. NEB. Y 781 28x WANTED By young man of business nhiiitv nnri evnerlence. with some capl tal. to engage In a good business. Ad dress E 60, Bee office. Y 786 28 FOR SALE Cheap for cash, clean stock of millinery, doing good business; low rant; r.ni4 iniairn- In land Nebraska town. Want to dispose of It before June IB. Ad dress: BOX UI, Ulica, Jeu. FREE, six months, a mining paper worth reading. It Bhows now to mane money. Write for It. iNortn American Miner, at Broadway, New York. Y 748 28x 6-ROOM house, modern, 2014 Elm at., $21 inquire tsi rark Ave. u mwi z,x MODERN HOUSES FOR RENT. 7 rooms (1 story), 3002 Mason St $37.60 8 rooms, 862 N. 40tn Bt 3U.'J 7 rooms, 1041 Georgia Ave so.uu y - JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. WANTED Manufacturer agents In touch E 880 Sux FOR SALE, 7-room house, 2423 Emmet, 100 feet frontage, excellent repair, two feet above grade, half block of car; bargain If taken Immediately: elegant home at moderate price; owner on premises. D M681 tx FOR bargains In houses, or vacant lota, or acrea, Improved or unimproved, aae our large list before buying. J SEARS & GLOVER, Room 3. N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. RE 832 28 2819 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, new plumbing, close in. 822.60. 2215 8. 29th, 9 rooms, all modern, on car line, something nice. $27.50. 209 8. 28th Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, large yard, walking distance. $25. 924 N. 42d, 8 rooms, all modern, newly re paired. 826 211 S. 28th Ave., I rooma, modern exoept furnace, close in, $16.50. 1457 8. 17th St., 3 rooms, modern except furnace, $13. 1706 Canton St., 4 rooms, city water, $10. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. D 839 21 1008 HAMILTON, 6 ROOM8-$lS. i23 HARNEY. 8 ROOMS $17. $14 N. 15TH 8Tj STORE 818. 1S16 N. 20TH ST., 6 ROOMS 83. 2614 BT. MARY'S AVE.-$40. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD T. O. D 718 28 423 N. 39TH 8-room mod., barn. Party leaving city. A snap at $4,600. It not.aold by 1st, for rent. SWEET & BEST. N. Y. Life. RE 8D4 28 FOR BALE Kountse Place bargain; 1614 Locust, all modern 8-story house, full south front lot; price $4,000; will consider lower price for quick sale. J. H. Sher wood. K17 New York Life. RE-913 28 BARGAIN I ROOMS, 50-foot front, near 26th and Sprague Bts.; $!. XE MIS, rAAlUfl OlilV. RE $150 LOT ONE lot on Pinkney near 30th St.; only two blocks from car; $l5u payments If de- Hi rea. BEM1S. PAXTON BLOCK. RE ii lots, 60x165, one trsot, west of Swedish hosoltal. high and sightly, near at rest car and achool, water In street, nothing finer lu umana ror a suburban home. F ir quick salo $1,200 takea the bunch. Biggeat bargain In Benson, 7-room dwell ing, three full lots, good substantial house, water In street, permanent walk, ehade and fruit trees, about one block from car. lniDi-ovementa cost nearly (2.500. l,ots worth at least $1.0u0. If aold next ten day a $2,600 buys property; part cash. 13.600 lot near Cudahy'a residence, five days $2,500. Next in Have you got about $11,000 to Invest business brick block, heart of dtyT bave the block, will net you 1$ per cent. C. M RYLANDEB, $0 New York Ufa Building. KEMos t7x EASTERN NEBRASKA BARGAIN. IK IMPHOVED half section, near town, new Improvements, all fine clay soil, for sale chesp and owner will accept a small farm as part pa n lv easy terms on difttrsuos, tt Norfolk. Nfb. I ivx M8U8 28 FOR RENT In Dundee, a practically new modern dwelling. Dundee Grocery Co. D M848 30 FURNISHBD modern 6-room cottage for the summer. 2614 Bristol Bt. D M811 29x MOVING, storage and baggage delivery. Twln-t lty Kxa. uo. ri-none in, oince 606 S. 16th St. D 812 2Sx SPECIAL $03SH 3- 18th rooma, city water, close to B. O. ear $8. 1412 N. 17th 1 rooma, city water, on oar line 88. 18u7 Mason t rooms, city water Inside, good shape close In 310. 610 S. 36th Ave. 6 rooms, olty water and gas: a bargain at iis. 2325 8. 18th 6 rooms, porcelain bath, closet, gas. etc.. only $18; snap. Ill Stanford Circle, nice 6-room cottage, modern except furnace $18. $008 Farnam 8-room Btrlctly all modern. very choice $45. 1550 8. 27th atrictly all modern, cloae to park 827.50. 22o4 Ohio 9 rooma, strictly all modern, In nrst-class shape, a delightful borne 830. 808 S. 38th 9 rooms, strictly all modern, oak finish, very desirable l&o. 710 N. 40th 10 rooms, strictly all modern. good barn 850. Ill 8. lSih. 10 rooms, modern except fur nace, two blocks from city hall $ufi. Payne. Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. D-830 28 041 HARNEY street, strictly modern: newly furnished; walking distance, f none Ash-61141. E MS80 30x TWO nicely furnished rooms for 2 or 41 vnntlemen: strletlv modern: nnvate tam- lly; rent reasonable. Tel. 1155. 2573 Dodge St. E M910-30X ELEGANTLY furnished modern room. In quire Flat 6. Davidge block, istn and l ar- nam. f.ione xo. wsa. . r. nm HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 1613 Howard. 714 a. 16th. Flat 6. 13U301 30X FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping; also well furnished parlor; modern, rensoname. 2234 Farnam. t, iite iki ROOMS and good board. $5 per week and up. call lil7.cnicago Bt. j sw LARGE south front alcove room. 80 Har ney Bt. IZMVVi 3UX FURNISHED front room with alcove: mod ern; close in. oZZ B. 24tn Ave. lei. Black-4490. E 884 28x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F-7 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol ave.l large front rooma, witn alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern Improve- menu. F 868 LARGE or amall pleasant furnished rooms. modern conveniences; excellent board; reasonable rates. The Rose.2020 Harney. r MoUv SIX LARGE front room and alcove, with good board for two, 836 a montn; moaern house. 2215 California St. F M619 27x NICELY furnished room with board. -mod ern. 2039 Harney Bt. aiais tx FRONT room, with alcove, suitable for two gentlemen, witn board. rnone ikio. 621 8. 18th 6t. F-M683 2Sx DESIRABLE large south room or smaller west room, strictly modern, private fam ily; breakfast If desired; reasonable. Ap ply 1712 Charles St. F M6J3 x BOARD and room for gentleman private family. &u tso mn hi. with purchasing agents of railways and manufacturers to handle staple line pay ing liberal commission. "Manufacturer," Ixick Box 58, Cleveland, Ohio. 823 28x FOR SALE A' complete stock of drugs. stationery, paints, etc. Liooatea in one of the best towns in southern Wisconsin. Address H. B. Galusha, Monroe, Wis. x m zs YOUR choice of 100 hotels for sale cheap. Hart, 401 N. Y. Lite. 1 4u a U S. SALES BUREAU 634 and 636 BEE BLDG. GENERAL MDSE.. $1,600 up. GROCERIES. $500 up. CIGAR STORES. $150 up. BILLIARDS & POOL, $200 up. RACKET STORES. $300 up. BAKERIES. $250 up. NOTION BTORF.S. $600 up. VRAT MARKETS. 81.000 UP. NEWSPAPER PLANTS, $500 up. HA ROW ARK, l,ZW up. HOTELS. $700 up. ' ROOMING HOUSES, $250 up. urM a minwisillNna. ll.ftOO ud.' If you want to buy or sell any kind of business, ao not iau 10 1111 ni--. U.S. SALES BUREAU 634 and 636 BEE BLDG Y-890 28 HANDSOME 6-room cottage, entirely mod ern, for 2b; water rent paid by owner. Inquire 2623 N. 24tn Bt. V 864 28 x NO. 42V2 Hamilton St., 6-room flat, only $7.00 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor Bee Bldg. D 867 NICELY furnlshod room with first class board. 2418 Cass Bt. 'Phone &.". F-M644 29x ROOM AND ALCOVE, with board of best variety; heamirt.l inwn: everything mod ern and homelike. 627 Park Ave. F-696 29X ONE large newly furnished front room with board; very desirable for couple. 2037 Harney St. F 843 23 LARGE front room and alcove with good board; $36 a month; modern. Z-'ls Cali fornia. F-M&44 SOx 6-ROOM modern bouae, 3624 Dewey Ave., paved, $25.00. G. E. Turklngton. 60S Bee. It 703 FURNISHED rooma 26tb Bt. and board. 31 8, F M851 SOx FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except urnace, ie n. iiin ana rsraer pis. D 831 0x NICELY furnished front parlor for two, with board, 5.u0 per week: also day board. 83.50 per weeK. 1B11 Capitol Ave. F 716 SOx NEW MODERN HOUSE. $42 S. 24th St., eight rooms, every modern convenience, walking distance, 340. GARVIN BROS.. 164 FARNAM. - D 833 MODERN HOUSE. Brand new house, every modern conven ience, six rooms, reception ball combina tion ataira, lawn, two blocks from Haa- acom park. 1518 B. 28th BU; rent $35. GARVIN BROS.. 1U4 FARNAM. ROOMS furnished or unfurnished: modern: detsched house; large, shady lawn. First- class home cooking. 1818 Capitol Ave. F M911-30X THE MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago Bts.. Is conducted on the American and European plans, has no inside rooms; rooms and good board at reduced prices; AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted; capital necessary for outfit, $150; weekly earnings will exceed original Investment. Address: 1. I). Stevens, 604 inner Bldg., umcago, 111. J 743 28x 'I FEEL like a millionaire" writes one ajrent: new; demand; quick sales. Farm ers' Account Book Co., Newton, Iowa. J 742 28x GENERAL agents; automatic beer faucet attachment; luo per cent: sells at signt; bis: thing. Answer aulck: secure terri tory. Crescent Novelty Co., 3388 Archer Ave.. Chicago. J x WANTED Teacher or student to travel during vacation. Salary paid weekly ana exDenbes advanced. In making applica tion give qualifications, experience and present salary paid for teaching. Ad dress, with atamp, J. A. Alexander, Omalia, Neb. J 775 2Sx AGENTS Quick aalea. good profits guar anteed, selling our aeu generating gas burners; fitting common kerosene lamps, brilliant portable gaslight, absolutely safe; description free. Eastern Gaslight Co. 280 Broadway, Mew xom. J-802 2Sx FIXED MONTHLY INCOMES Men and women agents being appointed In towns and outlying districts; handsome office furniture supplied; the greatest campaign of the century; watch the papers. Write "Dept." G. The Ponca Co., Chlcsgo. J-755 28x $500 PER MONTH and expenses, selling my patent lor mailing smoKeiess gun ana blasting powder at 8 cents per pound. Beware of fakes advertising a worthless and dangerous article. 1 am tne inventor. General agents wanted In each state. J. A. Siransky. Box 400, Pukwana. S. D. J-764 28x AGENTS Write now for free sample of work and terms, star Harness Mender; best 26c seller out; we make other quick selling necessities, vjoiumoia jnov. aug. Co., Bt. Louis. Mo. J AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle Sarsapa,"ina ror an cents: best seller; .luO per cent ,roflt; write tuday for terms and territory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St.. Chicago. J BIG money In squabs; oheaply raised In only 4 weeks; sell lor fancy prices; won derful market; write for free book and learn this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 300 Howard Bt., Melrose, Mass. J AGENTS We hs a winner. If you want easy money, writs quiuK. itoaea ganitary Co., st. ixiuls. mo. j AflENTS and carnenters: get busy Intro ducing Evans Automatic burn and Screen Holders; entirely new and up-to-date ar tide, can be Instantly applied, wonderful Improvement over sasn cora and weights; samples, 30 cents each; dosen, $3.24. sat isfaction guaranteed; demonstrating models ror agents. Anoress cvans Auto matic Sash Holder Mfg. Co.. 137 Smith Bt.. Evergreen, Borough of Queens. New York cuy. J 7i zsx AGENTS wanted who understand steam to take agency or tne n.omo Bieam Trap. Moulton, 3 LJDerty ot., new rork. J-791 28x W"E START you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal oner; id daily sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 793 28x BE8T paying restaurant In the city. Hart, 401 N. Y. Lite. 1 mi is ROOM to rent; a first-class location, and room for a oiuiara nan anu imur In the best city of 6,000 Inhabitants in 10-ROOM boarding and rooming house, full or roomers; close in; cneap rent; owner leaving city. A snap. Address F 35. Bee. FOR 8 ALE Stock Hardware and Imple ments, located in good live town in southern central Nebraska. Inquire of F 33. Bee. Y 805 28 HOTEL. 46 rooms, fine town: southern In diana, established 40 years; rent wu. r ine paying business. Price. $4,500. Roy Dick son, 2716 Park Ave, St. Louis. Y 798 28x AN OLD established and dividend paying New York corporation matting important business changes wants trustworthy man for responsible position; $2,000 secur ity required; liberal salary ann advance ment. Address Box 228, New York. Y-765 28x TF1 Interested In mining, oils. Industrial, plantation, railroad stocks or Donas, you cannot afford to be without tne FINANCIAL WORLD. A unique publication that does not publish advertisements, nut prospers ny us sun crlntlnns: its Ftee Advice Bureau an swers subscribers' Inquiries by letter. Th only reliable protection for Investors. It will open vour eyes. Sample copy free, Financial World, 662 Schiller Bldg.. Chi cago. Y 753 28x OWN YOUR OWN HOME anywhere In the United States. We fur nish money: no interest; small mommy navments. Oood agents wanted. Frater nal Home Purchasing Agency, 4th floor Loan and Trust bldg., Milwaukee. Yis. Y-757ISX MUSHROOMS pay; Isrge demand, easy to grow. Why not mane your waste snace cellar, stable, old boxes, barrels bring in monev? Chlcsgo Tribune. Dec. 18. stated a motorman in Chicago was making $1,500 a year during odd moments growing mushrooms In a basement. Learn this profitable Industry end add to your In come. Instructions for making beds, ex tracts from government report and lllus trated booklet, together with foil-page articles from the St. Louis Post -Dispatch on mushrooms sent free on request, as well as bulletins on late spring seeds The Post -Dispatch editor slpinlv Investi gated mushroom growing. You should read what they say regarding this re- markahla industry. V. 8. Seed and Mush room Co.. St. louls, Mo. "Our aeeds are better." Y-764 28x PATENTS Latest Book on Patents Mailed Free. This book tells all about PATENTS and how to obtain them at a reasonable coat. Illustrates 100 mecnamcai move nnii Telia what to Invent for PROFIT How to obtain a patent and how to aell a patent. O'MEARA A BROCK. PATENT ATTOR NEYS. 918 F St.. Waahlngton, D. C. 2M Broadway, New York City. Y-806 28x also day board and mesl tickets; popular I AGENTS WANTED An article that sells. priced caie In connection. I irooo sine une or ciriui i-mi'"-. M. 4' f IUIV.A. j rap. 1 Ditnipiv, .xnj. nuwiwuim n.ui. vu.. F S20 28 1 Alonnioutn, ill. w ie YOU can never profit by business chances unless you nave some money; imiu sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes ia rt a savlnss account with J. L Brandels It 8'Jns, Bankers, 16th and Douglar Bts. Assets over $400,00.00 FOR RENT At Emerson. Ia., new brick storeroom. 24 x70. on corner: good loca tion; good opening for drugs, ' clothing or racfcot store, r. u. uioson, Maivern. ia. a Saw ( Iowa. Rent. $30 a montn. 4th Bt.. Red Oak, Ia. Address 518 Y M906 30x WILL give worthy party shorthand schol ar-snip in leading scnooi ana wiv i" la ment. Address C 66. Bee. U-269 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price Hat and samples. I THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUULA3 BLOCK. Tel. 193. u w 25 PER CENT PROFITS-Put your moneyi in the cattle business; cash or lime pay ments, We have the best ranch In Ne braska. Call and get our booklet. The Western Cattle and Land Corporation, 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U 267 JelS DR. JACKSON treats succesafully chronla and nervous diseases. Lall or write. Dr. Jackson. 418 N. X. lAlu bldg., Omaha, Consultation free. U 232 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rales lor reliable service, iekltue, Bchmollor ei Alueller, piano makers. U-70S IF YOU have a room, a house or flat to furnish, let us figure with you; our prices are right. Terms: $25.00 worth. $1.00 week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., Between lztu and I3lli, on x- arnam Ml. u u a TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. ISth. U 908 HAIRDRESSINGi massage. Miss Paxton Blk. manicuring and facial Agnes llelherton, 607Vfc U 663 29x HOUSE, lawn, garden, work that pleaaea you. 'Phone cedar ob092. u M&ao sox ROYALTY paid on aong-poema and musical compositions, we arrange and popular ize. Pioneer Muslo Pub. Co., Inc., J 660, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. U 740 28x MARRY wealthy; 2,000 men and women worth $100 to $100,000; paper 10c, sealed. R. K. Love, Jauobson Bldg., Denver, Colo. U 745 28x YOUNG woman wishes comfortable board ing place in pleasant Nebraska town for the summer, or would rent nice room wltli privilege of light housekeeping. No ob jection to small place. References. P 34. care Bee. U 813 28 x MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage directory free; pay when married; entirely; new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Mich. U 750 28x. SEND FOR A FREE MAP OF GOLDFIELD. And quotations for all the active stocks for quick sale. 6,oou Alien s rara un; 5.000 Constant Oil 5c 2.000 Tenderfoot 25c 2.000 Friday Gold 8c 5,000 Highland 10c Will buv Reliance. Tacoma Steel, Hid-. den Fortune and other active stocks. WILLIS TODD, 1021 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-MS77 28 $500 REWARD to ladles If our monthly reg ulator falls to relieve In 5 days; no casea hopeless; price $1; also use our preven tive cones; free booklet worth $100. French Capsule Co., Dept. 245, Covington, Ky. U-751 28x A GOOD-NATURED, liberal and wealthy broker, age 3o, wants a good, sensible wife. Address K, 817 Lincoln Ave., Chi cago. U 768 28x . FREE Your fortune told by America's fa mous, marvelous, girted asirologist, occult scientist, clairvoyant and life reader. Prof. Hall, 90 Fifth Ave., Chicago. Bend birth date, three 2-cent stamps. U-767 28x BEAUTIFUL, very wealthy Mexican maiden, educated, speaks English, wishes to marry an enterprising American. Ad dress King, 1046 George St., Cthcago. U-766 28x MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocoalua habit myself cured; will inform you of harmless permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. IT- PHOTOGRAPH gallery, low rent, with liv ing rooms upstairs; good town good lo cation. Address T. D. Gibson, Malvern, Ia. Y M904 Sox WILL sacrifice my ll-room house, 2643 Dav enport Bt. If taken at once. Bee owner, 202 N. 26th Bt Y-M8S9 x WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life paya Highest price tor books. Tel. 8036. N-3i WILL buv second-hand camera 6x7 or larger. P. rt. Ehlers, iWt Leavenworth. N-M640 27 WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furniture and stoves, leu ill or write j. ievine, city. N M292 SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1611 Farnam. i Cheap vacant lota to build houses on. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1600Va Farnam Bt. 'Phone 1608. N 651 29 PATENTS PATENTS. We procure the valuable kind. I solicit cases rrom tuose wno appreciate tne nest work obtainable. L. C. Sharp Machine Works, 604-12 S. 10th 8t. PATENTS promptly secured: Inventors Hand Book and advice free; highest references from prominent manutaclur ers. Shepherd & Parker, fcul i Ht., Washington, u. u. to. zkx II. A. 8TURGEB, registered attorney; pat ents, trade ma less successful, enla, trade marks, copyrights; no lee un 517 XM. Y. Life. Omaha, boo SUES & CO.. patent attorneys. Washln ton, D. C. opposite U. 8 patent ofllce. Advice end patent blanks free. noijyi WANTED TO BORROW WE HAVE a client wanting to borrow $5,000 from private party 011 first-class real estate worth $12,000. being 24-room steam heated flat. Address or see The Abbott Cowan Company, 16th and Harney Omaha, Neb. 3 2 WANTED TO RENT WANTED I furnished or unfurnished con nectlng rooms In Hanscom park dlstrlr by man and wife; state location and price. Address F 41. Bee. K-M917 31 8 ( 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, with bath for light housekeeping; south part of city preferred. Address F $8, Bee. - , K.-M887 JO OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. 4521. no Cuming. Established WOULD you lie successful and happy T Bend Dirtn aaie, sex ana nve z-ceni stamps for your life horoscope. Zodlao tus, 13 West 35th, New York. V 720 28x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts snd molea permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all owrlc guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. u-sa. x LADIEB Send 10c silver for particulars) about our "Protector. Box 242, Minne apolis, Minn. U 824 28 X WANTED All kinds of out-of-door attrac tions for Fourth of July. Address Chair man 8ports Committer, Weeping Water, Neb. U M874 1 ORGAN $10. 50 rents weekly sons go with It Farnam. 10 organ les- Perfleld Piano Co Mil U-872 28 AUTOMOBILE REBUILDING I solicit a limited amount of heavy repair work from garages ana owners wno ap preciate the best work obtainable. L. C. Bhurj) Machine Works, 10th and Jackson. REFINED, educated. Christian young lady stenographer, musical, literary talent, wishes friendship of strictly temperate gentleman. Address F 36, Bee. U 836 28x WANTED Attractions for 4th of July cele bration. Balloon men write. Address Box 17. Harvard, Neb. U M9o8 4 WANTED Attractions of all kinds for all kinds for celebration, to be held. In Arapahoe, Neb., on the 4th of July, WS. Address Saml. Patterson, secretary of the 4th of July committee. U M907 3 CONCESSIONS OK ALL KINDS FOR SALE. For the grand picnic at Rivervlew park, July 4 dancing pavilion, merry-go-'round or any other legitimate concession. Thous ands of people will visit the park and here's an opportunity to make money. Address "Committee," 825 Bancroft Bt. IT M8R6-3X LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MAC FA it LAND, New York Life bldg., rooms 344 and 319. Tal. 1562. 98 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Bnow- Church Co., main ft., N. Y. L. 'I hune 131X TREES, SHRUBS ETC. MARTIN Nur$ery, 'Phut 1904, 18th and Douglas, $08 M27s iVj rr t "