1 TIIE 0MAT1A DAILY. BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1003. lb am AND PRODUCE MARKET Jul Wheat Ecoroi Antanoe at Close- of cession. BELOW NINETY OF THE DAY Mar Wheat Lotes Corn, Takes a OeeMne on Accoaat of Uta. ral Selling and Heavy Re ceipt (lata Are Firm. OMAHA. May 2. 19(6. July wheat rose t0 9ic In the. laat fifteen minutes ol the session, after biting blow nc a gooil part of the day. The market cipened c ovUiw ymionlay and dropped orf flintier tu 89c. Predictions of lain, tne bullisli aultuQn o( the Xod.-rn Miller iuid the buying ot Pringle in tha Chicago pit are responMlble for the upturn. May lout 2c and closed at 81.03; July closed -l 91u and September at 83e. Coin took a further decline. This was on nccouDt o general Helling of the cash ar ticle and heavy receipt. Omaha has been getting a gooU many cam of corn in the last few days. Chicago got But cars today and expects 644 cars tomorrow. At the close May was 5sc, July 49c. old July 4K7c, September I8',c, old September 4Sc. Oats were steady at about the same prices. May finished at 31c, July at auVc and Hept ember at 28c. At Liverpool light Argentina wheat ship ments caused covering by shorts, resulting in an opening advance of d in July and d in September and further gains of 41 in both montiis. A large spot demand was also a bullish factor, but late in the ses sion July eased oft ti, and September d on moderate realizing, 'ihe close was j d higher ou wheat and Vd hignur uii cor i. Settlements oa 1,500,000 bushels of May corn were made Wednesday afternoon, aud Thursday at Chicago by the leading corn ahu:'ts, BarUett-Prazler, at 6641160, For elgners have suitt-red the roost, as they always stay out to the last. There are some In tne trade who assert that the May deal is practically over, but the bull in ter -st do not admit it. It is said that there is little probability of the Chlctiuo bulls having . to tuko more than l,5oo,woo bushels In the next tour business days. Today's Inter Ocean says: "Home, of the lMst money makers in the trade took, proltts ou long July wheat yesterday. They figured that despite the bud crop reports the trade Is due to shift from the May to the July basin within a. low days, and tho change is likely "to have a depressing ef fect on market values for a time at least. Heavy buying of July wheat in Chicago and selling at Kansas City was on yester day. At one time the dltierence. was lUac. The same paper says regarding coin "Monday will bo practically the last day on which the elevator Interests can buy corn for drying to make contract grades. They will have to get corn that can bo run to their elevators on short notice Tuesday will be a holiday and all corn will have to be in store by noon Wednes day. 801110 of the corn ottered the lu.si.ee tion department the lust tew days has been turned down. This will make more trouble tor the elevator men and prevent their turning out as much corn as they antlci pated. There are iMi.OOO bushels of com to arrive here on a fast freight from Omaha that is expected to grade No. 2 and haa been sold for Mav delivery. The country is consigning corn, as it la the only way t... 1... .,,11,1.1 Omnhn Cash Sales. CORN No. 3 2 cars, 46c; No. 1 yellow, 1 ca r, 4iic. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT -No, 3 hard, 97cfil 00; No. i hard. 92di96c; No 4 hard, 6Vu85c; No. ; Bpi lng, 9$c. CORN No. 2, 46c; No. 3, 4(io; No. 4, 45c no orrade. 4CKS44c: No. 2 yellow. 4be: No. yellow. 46c; No. white, 46c; No. 3 white, ;e. 1 OATS No. 2 mixed, 29c; No. I mixed, 2c; No. 4 mixed, 28c; No. 2 white. 31c; No. S white, WVic; No. 4 white, 30c; stand ard. 81c. Carlo! Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 60S 139 Kansas City 27 33 12 Minneapolis Si'B Omaha . 6 38 ' 10 Duluth 3. St. Louis 35 55 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The rrwe 01; puces paid in Mlnneapo',. as reported by toe Edwards-Wood c atq1 pany. llvMil board of Trade, was; Article. I Open. High. Low. Close. les'y. No I. May, $1.12; July, $1.13; Sep tember, 8,o. OATS To arrive and on track, 31c, CHIC AttQ (iRAII AMI PHOYItlOSS Features of tha Trading; and Closing Prices on Board f Trade. CHICAGO. May 26. Suggestion that con siueiaoie damage. Dy excessive rains Had been uone to tne wheal crop cauxeu a strong mush In tne wneal pit here touay. At tne close tne July option was Up -o. ine price of corn tor May delivery unuei went aiiollier serious setback today, a break ot ic oocurring as a result ot ap parent abandonment of the Ueal. Fait ot tne loss was regained on buying by 811011.4) tnu close snowing a net loss of oc. juiy coin is ott l,U'c. oats are down c. 4 ruvlsioiis are a siiude to 6c lower. aiiungin in wheat developed alter a Weak opening. At the stall tne market was iniiuenced by improved weather and hnerai increase 111 receipts at Minneapolis. July opened uncnangeu to c lower at 11 r,v to iW4r, and In tne first hour declined n Ml'jc. t pon receipt of additional dam age i.-ports ciiicily lrom Hi. Ixjuls and Kansas City, the sentiment became bullish. 1 lie iiiarael closed at tne highest point of the day, with July at 91c. Clearances of Wheal and Hour were equal to 2o,ono bu. Exports for the week, as snown b Brad- sireets, were equal to 1,221. tJO bu. Primary receipts were otl.ooo bu., afejHlnsi 2bl,'o bu a year ago. Minneapolis, Duiuth and Chi' cago reported receipts of 2-9 cars, against iw cars last week, and 1M cars a year ago. Corn for May delivery today sold at bo'c a break ot ic from yesterday s closing quotations. The lrop in the value of the May option waa mainly the result of tho large Increase in receipts of corn, arrivals today belug 4ub cars with 2Vi of contract grade. The market was weak at the start, the May option being off 3c, at tine. In HI teen minutes tho price dropped to 5t and then slumped to .Vjc. An estimate of nearly 700 cars for tomorrow was a vital factor late In the day. IJuylng by shons caused a fair recovery, but the close was weak at 68c. July opened a shade to H'H'o lower, at i'J'.tc to 4Uc, sold oft K 4S4C and closed at 4vc. Oals were steady on an Improved cash demand. July opened unchanged at 3o-'ac, sold off to 3Hfec and closed at Wc. Local receipts were Vt cars. Provisions were easier as a result of a decline in live hogs, following liberal re ceipts. At the close July pork was ore oc at (12.47V. Lard was down 2"e at 17.25. Kibrt were a dhade lower at $7.2ei .2V. Estimated reoeints for tomorrow: Wheat, 1 car; corn, 6M cars; oats, 104 cars; hogs. H.'Mi head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: 3 Article. I Open. High. Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat May July 81 pt. Corn May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Sept. Lard Mav July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. I 105 I GO 1 06 1 03 1 03J 1 06 SlVil MVsl MVsi W,i 60 ;4fiV(tH,48V'?iOi 1K''1" jWViU-is, 31V 3iH 12 36 12 47V 12 72Vs. 7 15 7 25 7 4V 7 07h' 7 45 65ViI T 4--v 31 J 12 40 ' 12 47 12 72Vi 7 15 7 25 7 42W 7 07V, 7 22V. 7 45 47"k 31V4 3oa 68 63 4!H 4"i SO 4J4 4kil Ij) 2Vi28Vi'gJl 12 35 12 i: 12 2 42V4i 1? 4.V4 12 62V4 3 7Vsl sJ.sS! 12 77v1 31? 3"S 12 40 I 7 15 1 76 20 " . .,1, y 7 15 7 25 7 42H' 7 05 7 22 7 46 7 17i 7 27V 7 46 7 00 7 22 7 47 No. 2. aOld. bNe ??t1,.?J,uoUons ''-re follows: BLOLH-Hrm; 'inter patents. $4.10-3; 4.20; winter sir ' hts. $3.mn iu, spring putents, $4.t0&o sprr,K straights, $3.90' ijil; bakers, t4r ,3 ...i,H,E,TN, spring. $1.10S1.12; No. 3, ,1Ji(,;x?Io red, $1.0tiV4'&10HV4. 2. 5xc; No. i yellow, 68c. OA i 8 N 2 3ii,c; No. 2 white. SSV iVvr0-. ' white, 31V321tc. Iyg7o. 2, 76S7so. BARIJY Good feeding, 4042c; fair to ch"'l'e malting, 4f4Sic. Bt D8-N0 1 flax, $1.28; No. 1 northweRt 4l.4o; clover, contract grade, $U.76W12.25. Pr lie timothy, $2.85. Jf'KOTIBIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.40 12.46. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7,154(7.17. Short ribs sides (loosel. ii.imfg i.ia; snort ciear NEW YORR STOCKS AND BONDS Market Dull and Manj Disgusted Tradara Close Up Tbeir Acconnti. NORTHERN PACIFIC AND GREAT NORTHERN Decline of Several 1'olnts Gives Evl- dries of the tnsettled Condi tion of the Rallrray Sltnatlon. r- NEW YORK, May 2S A brisk half hour's business alter lue opening today was ail mat saved the sloe market from tne lowest record of saies in nearly a year. 1 he transactions concentrated Into that lime was almost wnoily prolessional and weie designed 10 test the market. Tne pressure men applied brought such sny.il esuils in tne way of dislodging sloes, of lnuucing any following tnat ine aissied liauers cioseu up ineir accouuis. juany brokers inereupou lelt Willi tnu inteniiuil of not returning on Mommy tor the y..e day s business preceding tne Meiiiotuil "Urny noiioay , '1 lie prospect of a period t Vra; tical idleness to extend intu Vednesdiiy of nexi week had much to cVj with the somnolent conditions -hicb developed. Transactions were ot no sigfjflcanco, both by reason of their small Volume and the Hilling ert'ect on prices. Tne strength ot Ontario & Western was a sustaining force tor iijt vniue market. It was ruuiored again tjiat the, New York Central and tne iNew'iork. J.'ew Haven ik. Hailfoid had agreed upon terms for a jolul guarantee ot i, luvltleiid as the terms of a lease of the pro;rfy. Tne Use ot a point in Ne,w Yovk tx-nftal and 2i in New iork, Nevv liav-jti A Harttord were pointed to as CJ-ilmn.'Uiiju of this report. The selling at the,' oldening "was based imme diately upon prwlesse4 doubts as to thu exlenk 01 the settleri.ent eftected In the nortltweatern railway dispute. The drop of i points 'In Ore.t Northern preferred and 01 -3 In Nortl rn Pacific were pointed to as evidence of the continued unsettle nient of the situation. The United States Steel stocks alsr, were a weight upon the market aiiU y.e disruption of tne steel rail pool tvns '.he Bubject of much discus sion as fceurir.g on the trade situation, it was berievut?. ihat the dissolution of this agreement 'would open the way to added compiyjtKrf, eftort which would be llkeiy to liU'co yielding prices and to with bolig of orders. It was urged also tnat U. a Mlandonnient of similar agreements In ort-.er branches of the trade was likely to AiiliAv. The L'nlted States Steel stocks wei less responsive to the latter Improve nio.t in prices man the majority of stocks. Ihe announcement of an additional small frank failure from the west gave a bad impression, owing to the recent conjunc tion 01 a numoer 01 sucu to. to tie probable that recent disclosures ot banking operations resulting In the ac quisition ot unfortunate holdings has had the effect of stimulating a closer scrutiny of security and collateral on the part of the financial Institutions all over the country. , . Weather reports from the region of the irruin ernnn were more favorable, but some anxiety was reported regarding cotton crop conditions. Currency movements indicate a slight gain In cash by the banks, but the week s loan changes are likely to prove large. The extreme ease of the money market, however, precludes any great at tention to the bank statement. Ihe spe cial weakness of corn products was due to fears over the dividend on the preferred stock. Conditions were stagnant and the ..l,.,. tiu i,u Hnilnir the afternoon, but ih. tnc nt the closlnK was strong. xi vr firm. Total saies, par value. $2.USO,000. Lnited States bonds were all unchanged on call. . KV.iinwliiir were the sales and range prices on the Stock exchange today: Ing the last hour and closed firmer. Japa nese were firmer. Imperial Japanese gov ernment tm of W ere quote,! at lulH. Russians and "Rln Tlntos were easier, on continental sellltisf UERL1N. MtVV is Prices on the pours today were weaker, following the advice from New fork and London. Nw York Money Market. NEW YORK. My 2fi. MONEY On call, easy at 2''?i2 r closing bid, 2 per cent; offered. 2 cent. Time money, very easy aid, dull: So and w days, i per cent; morths, $ii3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-tHS per cent. 8TERA.TNO KXCHANftE Heavy, with nctual business in bankers' bills at $4 87i 4.8710 Tor demand and at $.8f15'(ii4.8520 for 60-ifV bills; posted rates, $4.868 4.8S; com mercial bllK 44.84. tilLVER-ftar. &-Vc; Mexican dollflrs, 43c. BONDS-Oovernment, steady; railroad, ateady. Closinc nrlees on bonds were: V. 8. ret '2a. rn....HH' Msnhatun c. I. ai -Tins sines tioosei, suimf A Bides (boxed), $7.12S'7.26. Following were the recel Ipts and shipments Wh at May.. July.. Sept.. Co. n July.. Sept...! pec .Kl 23 :l 1 i .i9V(S 4,H 46V! 1 24 1 llTi. ml 45 1 119 1 084 8441 J3 I 4 USsI ' 6 I 4R-41 46V,;. 1 23 1 10 861 49 Hi 48 New, WEATHER IM THIS 4HRAI I1ELT t TtmptMiurt IUos-. In Central Valleys and 1nke Region. t 4 OMAHA. May 26. 1906. The temperature is decidedly low in the rentiAJ valleyr and lake region this morn ing, and llglu to heavy frosts occurred last nWLht in northern Iowa, the Uakntas, AJrinssota and Wisconsin, and teinpera 'Jires below freezing were recorded tn northern Iowa and Minnesota. The tein jieruture is higher In the extreme upper "valleys and throughout the west and will lie higher in tiie central valleys tonight und Saturday. Light rain is falling In central and west ern Nebraska this morning and showery weather will probably extend over the cen tral valleys tonight and Saturday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding u.ty of the past three year: 1hi5. 1904. 1903. 1D0'.'. Minimum temperature.... 45 48 58 65 Precipitation 00 .00 . 93 T Normal temperature for today, U5 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, lis Inches. Ex-jess corresponding period In 19C4, .84 of an inch. Excess corresponding period In 1903, .33 of aa Inch. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Kaln. stations. uax. Min. 13, OOO . 14.(100 ..3K6.300 .1X1,311) of flour and grain: Flour, bbls Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. . Rye, bu Barley, bu 38,(w0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, inhale; dairies, ltWilsc. Eggs, weak ; at mark, cases included, 15c; firsts, 15c; prime firsts, liic; extras, 17c. Cheese, weak at lutfrl0c. of 100 3,ouO Receipts. Shipments. is, WW 28,400 212.7IH) 2.3O0 8, 211) Ashland, Neb.... Gi Auburn, Neb (7 Columbus, Neb.. 61 Pairbury, Neb.... 8 Fairmont. Keb... 64 Or. Island, Neb. r.2 llarllngton. Neb, bS Oakdale, Neb.... 68 Omaha. Neb 61 Tekamah, Neb... 63 Carroll, la. 67 Clnrinda, la 66 Plhley, la 66 Sioux City, la.... 68 Storm Lake, la.. 59 DISTRICT 41 38 39 38 42 43 3S 3S 45 35 31 36 31 40 32 llicnci, .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Sky. Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clea r Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear AVERAGES. No. 01 Temp. Rata. Central Stations. Max. Min. Inches. Chicago. Ill 24 '.1 44 .6$ Columbus, 0 16 74 68 . Deh Moines. Ia... 13 64 36 .02 Indianapolis, lnd. 11 72 ou .84 Kansas City, Mo. 22 72 4ti .01 Louisville, Ky.... 19 76 60 .78 Minneapolis 7 66 36 .Od Omaha. Neb 15 62 38 .(hi St. Luuls, Mo.... 12 74 48 .2ti L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather lluroau. ft. I.outs General Market. ST. LOCI8, May 26. WHEAT Firm after decline; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.00; track, $113. May, $1.00; July, 84GS4;c, No. 2 hard, 1.06fcl.C. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 51c; track, 51c; May, 61o; July, 477o. OATS Steudy ; No. 2 cash. 30c; track, 314i31c; May, 31c; July, i8c; No. 2 while, 34c. FLOl'R Firm; red winter patents, $1.85 C10.O0; extra fancy and strnigut, $.7o64.80; cleiir, $3.604.00. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.002.50. COHNMEAL Steady. $2.50. F.KAN-Steady ; sacked, east track. 77fT7c. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.0u8 13.00 ; prai rie, 6.0ti'u9.60. IRON COTTON TIES-99C. RAGGING 8isc. 'HEMP TVINE-rc. PROVISIONS Pork, easy; Jobbing, $12.60. Lard, steady; prime steam, $6.76. Dry salt meats iboxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.37; clear ribs, $7.60; short clears, $7.62. Uacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $4.00; clear rilws. ls.12: short clear, $S.37. POULTRY Springs lower; chickens, 11c; springs. 2o4)27c; turkeys, U'c; ducks, luc; geese, be. BUTTER Steady; creamery, lSfi21o; dairy, lB'slDe. EGGS Quiet, 13c, case count. - Keeeipts. enipments. Flour, bbls i.ow Wheat, bu 35.000 Ry. Corn, Oats, bu.... bu.. 55.0 44,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 26 BUTTER Quiet; extra western creamery. 22iu23c; extra nearby prints, 23c. EGGS Steady ; nearby fresh, 17c, at mark; western fresh, 17f(flSc, at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full cream, fancy ntw, llfoll'c; fair to good new, 10V5j! loc; domesilc Swiss, 11?jHc. Atchison do pid Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore Ac Ohio .. do ptd Canauian Pacillc ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago et Alton .... do pfd Chicago G. W Chicago A N. W C M. & St P Chicago T. & T do Pfd C., C C. A: St. L. ... Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d pid JDelaware 6t Hudson Delaware L. & W.. Denver & Rio Urande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do ptd Louisville & N Manhattan L.... Met. Securities . Metropolitan St. Mexican Central Minneapolis & St. L. M.. St. P. & S. bt. M. do pfd Missouri Pacillc Missouri, K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. New York central. N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk & Western do pfd Northern Pacific .. Pennsylvania P., C. C & St. L.. Reading do 1st ptd do 2d pfd Rock Isiand Co do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific .. do pfd Southern Railway. do nfd 7.000 Texas & Pacific .. 35.000 T., St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do nfd Wabash do nfd Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin Central... do pfd Adams Express American express... U. 8. Express Wells-Faigo Express Amalgamated Copper 38,4D Sales. Mlen.Low. Close x im lie 7V 78 liuvi 101 1011 101 147 10j 2,800 144 1U 1,000 47 . 47 20U SiVi 32 4!66 18 18 ifciO 2ll' 210 lO.tiUO ll2, llOH '266 3i4 Silt 'M 26 '4 2b' i 300 66 bo 500 'Hr 3J 300 180 1.9t 12',i66 4ti 3i 3,iiA Iiti i6- 800 65' 60 200 88 Hi '966 159 15s 200 25 25 '766 5tf" 6i" 2,100 1424 141 2!5O0 76 75" 1,000 llo 11K 1,800 ! IVtt do ceua,n U. a lr m do Cfr'jpon . .-3, nrw 4, rr(. d COUoA . 8. old 4, IT! 104i N do coupon liMH N Am. Tobacco 4a, ctta. i3H N. J. I. s- do k. clla 1UH No. TaclBu liH4 Mi. Central 4a.. lutlk do lat lnc 104 Minn. Si. b .. U) M.. K. T. la. 1U I do ! ...1"4 ... 7 ...lot ... 7 . ..1U3 Ufa n. R ot M. 0. 4a. o Y. C. K iHa 1004 ta la. Atchlaon gn. 4a. do adj. 4a Atlantic I. L 4a, Bal. ft Ohio 4a..., do itu M Central of Ot. ta 1!3 do lat loo HI do M lnc 11 Chra. Ohio 4i. . . .1'rtS Chicago 4t A. IH ,.- Xs c. b. a g. n. ....1"JV, C R. I. P. ta.... no do col. 6a 01 CCV. at St. U s. 4a.. 101 Chicago Tor. 4a a! Colorado Mid. 4a 7C Ccln. A So 4a 4 Cuba 6a, ctfa HVil, D. a n. a. 4a. lviv Dlatlllpra' 8. ta..,. VI grit prior lien 4a....l(MH do son. 4a J4. r. vv. u. c. la.... 114 Hocking Val. 4Via.... 1114 h. & N. unl. tt 1M uftered. . l"i do la . N. A W. c, 4a... it. 8. L. rtdg. 4t ..HH ll'cnn. conr. iVta. Heading gen. 4a St. L. t 1. M. St. L A 8. F. 1. 4a. St. I 8. W Ml. ...l"6va ... Ti, ...liv ... ?lt .liS ,,.ii ea..ut to HI OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Lighter Ban of Cattle, bat Market Bhowi k Still Further Decline. HOGS QUITE ACTIVE AND SHADE HIGHER Light Ron of Sheep and Lambs with Nothing Choice In Sight Feeling on Market Weak to Dime Lower Thnn Yesterday, SOUTH OMAHA. May 2. 1906. Receipts were: OlHcial Monday Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday.. Official Thursday ... Oflluial Pnday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.01 4.047 t.84 3.1t4 1.437 4.otil m.ui 14.118 ll.iM 6.ol e.74; li,lK t4J 3.U4,' Total this week U.5. 65.565 28.295 Same das last week. . .18l) 3o.Oi7 KM Same week before 14,0) 34.5JI 19,47? Same three weeks ago.. 14,110 8?.3 20.M0 Same foui weeks ago. ...15.575 40,K) 29,aoo Same days last year 14.5o 54. L.830 RECEIPTS POR THE YEAR TO DATE. ihe lollowiiiK table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs aiul sheep at South Omaua for ue year 10 aale. Willi coiiiuarisuns wmi Seaboard A L. tt.... W.S 80 Farlnc 4a 80. Hallway tt ll't Tesaa 4k P. la My, T., 81. b. A W. 4t... S Union Ftcule 4t lot do con, ta UVt I' 8. Sleol i ta.... 1 aat year: 1905. 1904. attle arciiiaa kkk 41T Hogs 1M.D.S4 l.U3.il9t Sheep 6o3.ia Wo.Tjo ine following table shows I no. Dec. 56,3 1 8 so, 414 16,384 the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons: Wabaah It do deb. 1) Western Md. 4t...... W. A L. K. 4a Wla. Central 4a. Jtptn ta, ctta. do 4Wt, clla Colo. lnd. tt. ttt A. do set B .1174 . 13 . 5 . 4(4 . NH . ot . M . 04 . Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, May 2i.-Chll loans, 33 per cent; time loans, 3ri4 per cent. closing of stocks and bonds: Alrhiaon tdj. 4a....... ta Adventure do 4a 101 Mex. Central 4a. 74 Atchiaon 784 do pfd lol Boeton A Albany.... 26 Boston A Maine 1744 Boston Elevated li4 Kll. houra pfd 144 Mexican Central 194 N Y N. H. A H.-.H?-). Pere Marquettt . . . . 100 t'nlon ParlUc 11SS Amer. Arte. Chem... 12 do pfd i Amer. Pneu. Tube.... 4U Amer. Sugtr do pfd Amer. T. A T.... Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion I. A 8. Edlaon Klec. lllu... Oei.eral Klectrlc ... Mate. Electrlo do pfd Maaa Gaa l'nlted Fruit l'nlted Shoe Mach.. do pfd V. 8. 8teel do pfd Weetlng. common . Bid "Asked. ..131 ...1U ... Jilt ...101 ... 194 ...244 ...173 ... 14 ... 61 434 Allouel Amalgamated .. American Else Atlantic Bingham Cel. & Heclt... Centennltl Copper Ktngt .. Paly West bomlnlon Cttt Franklin Grancy Malt Royal ... Mam. Mining .. MIcMgiLn Mohtok Munt. C. A C. Old Dominion .. Osceola Parrot Uulnry Shannon Tamarack Trinity l'nlted Copper . c. 8. Mining.... Oil .ins VI'. 8- . MVl'tab . 31 Victoria . , jtivfc Wlnont . . iiJH Wolverlnt . 11 I oiriciul .... 14 .... IBS .... n .... .... lo .... ... 1 .... 1; .... 74 .... i .... US .... 1 .... ev .... 11 4t .... I .... MVi .... M .... 11 .... ba 1 ....100 .... TS .... 24 .... .... 10 .... 41 .... .... USa ....107 May l... My ... Way ...! May 4... May ...' May e... Mar 7... May ... May v... May 10.. May 11.. May 12.. May 14.. May 14.. i Alay lo.. May 10.. I May li.. May Is.. 1 May ID.. May 9o.. May 21.. May Alay id.. 1 May 1'4.. May 25.. May ai.. London Storka and Bonds. LONDON, May 26. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: . Consols, monsy do account ... Anaconda Atchiaon do pfd ... 90V N. Y. Central. 0 i-lt Nortolk A W.. ... 1 lo pfd ... ft Ontario & W.. ,.lo4 ; Pennsylvtnlt . Baltimore A Ohio. ...110 Rand MlDta . 2,100 fcOO M0 100 . 1,200 ,lo3,tX10 6O0 100 . 1,I0 ,. IS.SoO '. b3,ii0 200 0 Xoa 5s V 34 13W, o2l 78 4 92 lhlS 133 c9 90 80 io'., 5 31 138 49 7 s li8 132 S 90 3.2O0 20 25 29.01 po 55,000 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Mav :6.-VHEAT-Spot, quiet; No. 1 California, 6s 9d. Future, ste.tdy, May, nominal: July, 6s 10d. CORN Sjtit firm; American mixed, new, 4s ill. futures, steady; May, 4s bd. July, 4s 5'd Peoria Market. PEORIA, May 26. CORN Lower; No. 3 yellow, ale; No. 3, 51a; No. 4, 60c; no grade, 47i4lc. OATS Steady; No. S-whlte, 301j31c; No. 4 white, iO-HIiSOc. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 2.-VHEAT-May. !1.0o; July, 7'(jk7'.'c ; September, 75'75c. Cash: No. t Imrd, $l.nt!1.07; No. 3, 4i'g 11.04; No. 4. Mrtrl.0; No. i red, I1.02&1.07; No. S, 94cl1l.04; No. 4. Mcfjll 00. CORN May, 46o: July, 45-c; Septem Ier, 43c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 4Sc; No. 3, 47if74M-; No. 2 white, 4H'c; No. 3, 4.sc. OATS Steady; No. 2 wlilte, 33tfX.c; No. 2 mined, 320 32i,c HAY 8teady; choice timothy, $9iolfl0.00; cnoiee prairie, , (:hjs.uv. 17C20c; packing. RYE Steady, 67(j70c. Hl'TTtrt-Cieaniei j, 13c. EGOS Lower; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 1 whltewood cases Included, 14c; case count, 13c; cases returned. o lesa. Receipts. Shipments. WTieat. bu 1 15iO - 21.600 Corn, bu 46KV 3i).4i Oats, bu .'. 2,000 S.000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 2 WTIEAT May, 11.22; July. $1 11; September, 6c; No. 1 hard. $1.26: No. 1 northern, tilt; No. t northern, $1 .11. PIX1UR First patents, W.65.j.75: second patents, $6.4oti55; first clears, )400St.lo; seeond clears. 2.76(B2S5. BRAN In bulk. $13 OmfjU Wi Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. May M SEEDS Clover, cash, $7.00 asked; Ootoher, $5.7.' asked. I'riine alsike, $7.25. Prime timothy, $l.u5. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. My 26. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling upland. (50c; mid dling gulf, 8.75c; sales, 2.111 hales. NEW ORLEANS, May 26 COTTON Firm; sales, 1.6n0 bales; ordinary, 5c; good ordinary, 6 U-16c; low middling, 711-16c; middling. 8 516c; good middling, 8c; mid dling fair. 8 15-16c; receipts, 3,645 bales; stock, 170.49S bales. ST. IiOl'IS, Way 26. COTTON Steady ; middling. 8c; sales. 15 bales; receipts, 400 bales; shipments, 303 bales; stock, 47,102 bales. LIVERPOOL. May 2. COTTON Spot In fair demand: American middling fair 5.11(1: good middling, 4.7:1; middling, 4 old; low middling, 4.45d; good ordinary, 4 47d: ordi nary, 4 lid. The sales of the day were 10,o bales, of which I,0u0 were for specula tion and export, and Included 8,700 Ameri can. Receipts were 2ojo bales. Including 23,oO American. Milwaukee Gran Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis . May 18. WHEAT Market lo2o lower; No. 1 northern. $113; No. I northern. $1.05ffl 10; July. 3Su83c. RYE Firm; No. 1. 83c. BARLEY Steady; No. t, 61c; aample, 4&3 f.KV CORN Firm; No. 2. 63fiS4c; July, tra. Dalnth Grain Htrket. DULUTH. Minn.. Mly e-WHKAT-Tl arrive. No. 1 northern, $L13'A: on track. No. 1 northern. U.13'; Ko. Aorthern, $1.09, Visible Sapply of Cotton. NEW YORK, May .-Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows a total visible ot 3.9(2,39 hales, as against S.9;6,052 last week. Of this total 2 612.3S9 bales Is American cotton, as against 2,653,052 last week. Bnaar tail Molasses. NEW YORK. May 26. SCO A R Raw, steady: fair refining, 3c; centrifugal. 9b test, 4c; molasses sugar, 3c; refined steady: crushed, 6.60; powdered, s.96; granu lated, 6.85c NEW ORLEANS. May 16 8COAR Msr. ket quiet; open kettle, J44c; open kettle centrifugal, 44 la-iac; cenlriruKai white. DVc; yeuow. t"Wf)ac; seconas, fVI'nC ill iLASSlkS Nominal: open kettle, 134i24c cenUlf ugal. otjUc nyrup, nominal, too. 7o0 2W) 14.500 100 1,900 100 100 tOO 4o0 01.4iO 100 300 100 300 62 22 69 bl'li 119 29 9o',i 32 s; 64U 120 97 21 47 61 51 5o 60 119 951, 32 Z, 64 118 9; lb a 40 79 33 97 American C. & P.... 1,700 do pfd 500 American Cotton Oil do nfd American Ice do pfd American Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive.... 9K 464 do pfd 60 1094, American S. & R ... 18.900 110 do nfd Amer. Sugar Retln... Amer. Tobacco p. c. Anaconda Mining Co. nrookiyn K. r Colorado P. & I tConsolldated Gas.... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper. do pfd International Pump. do pfd National lad North American Pacific Mail Peoples Gas Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd , Rubber Goods ' do pfd Tennessee C. & I I". S. leather do pfd I'. S. Realty 200 85 V. 8. Rubber l.bO 31 do pfd loo in V. S. Steel 81.800 ttiV do pfd 44.8.10 93 Va.-Caro. Chemical.. 100 3: do pfd Wesllimhous Elec... BA) 165 Western I'nlon SuO 93 1.300 132 2 96 COO 104 4.000 W 3,200 40 4'. ft) ii 62 iK) 42 'i'C i;V 200 79 "900 44 200 99 l'.OoO lVl 200 30t 'soo if 4I0 72 800 34 l',3(i6 75" 77 32 96 45 108 108 13l" 96 103 57 39 '9 60 41 Vi 19" 78 98 99 16 iij 70 81 73 7 84 38 10! 92i s:4 164" 2 Offered. tEk-dlvldend. Total sales for the day. 478.600 shares. 1401 10. v 96 144 192 47 82 81 210 1(2 17 l-)4 vo 00 84 179 3.0 2i 86 40 11 tkt 88 91 lo8 24 41 24 66 14- 161 7ov lHtt 19-J. 54 114 loc. 9. 26t 68 31 139 62 7 92 181 133 78 S 85 26 71 61 21 58 61 Vt 119 28 96 St 314 87 64 119 1 97 18 37 15 22 46 243 225 122 240 '.91.4 33 ' 97 80 93 35 17 40 4; 19 lo9 117 132 95 102 584k 40 185 10 60 41 170 19ii 7K at 79 1( 86Vt 230 16 71 84 4 11 107 85 38 105 : 2 32 10a 103 2 Canadian Pacific Chtt. A Ohio.... Chicago Ot. W... C. M. & Bt. P.. UeSetrt Uonver A R. O.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd.... do id pfd.... Illinois Central . Louis. & Nasht . M., K. A T SILVER Bar, .147 '4 Reading , 4k do 1st pfd . 18 4: do id pfd .17(1 Southern Railway . 17 V; do pfd 2 (Southern Pacific ., 7 . 40 . 71 . l .163 .14 . 34 firm Union Pacific do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd Spanish 4a 2." 1-lGd per ounce. .142 . 784 . 33 N . 62 . K 94 . 45 . 44 . 43 . 21 . i . 42 .124 . eft . K . M . 13 . 38 81 10NEY-lSjl per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for Bhort bills Is 2 per cent; for three montns Dins, z per cent. New Y '. Mining: Stoeks. NEW YORK, May 26. The following an tne closing quotations on mining stocks Adtma Con Alice Breect Brunawlck Con .... coinatock Tunnot .. Con. Cal. A Vt.... Horn Sllvtr Iron Sllvtr Ltkdrille Con ottered. 20 43 Si .140 .lit .300 . i Utile Chief Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevtda Small Hopes .. Standard 4 ....400 ....(69 15 .... M .... II .... 21 ....165 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 26-Today s statement of the treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,01)0 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance. $12.3i3.542: eioiu, iv,ivjf,ooo. Dank Clearings. OMAHA. Mav 26. Bank rlearlnn-a. foe in. any were i,isw,,o.i(, and for the corre spondlng date last year $1,113,613.73. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations Various Foreign Financial. LONDON. May 2.-Money was In good demand In the market today, partly in con ned ion with calls for over fc.Ooo.OOO. Sup- riles were plentiful. Discounts were firm, in the Stock exchange trading was mostly normal and featureless, stocks having a drooping tendency. Consols were easier. Americans opened flat, owing to the reac tion in Wall street, and recovered to a fraction above parity In the forenoon, owing to the fair support prompted by a belter feeling among the members of the Hill-Harlem parlies. Atchison. Topeka A Sanla Fe led the Improvement on bear covering. Later there was some reaction, then prices remained fairly steady for a wtiile, became very unsettled, rallied ltr of the Day on Commodities. NEW YORK. Mav 26. FI.nfnn.cini. ld,9no DDIs.; exports, 16,498 bbls.; market quiet but firm: winter rm tenia j c,,,, 6.26; winter straights. $4.ti54i4.85; Min nesota putents, $o.6ou8.2o; winter extras, w.ai uc.,u, itunnesoia Daaers, 3.4nftj3.o; winter low g:adM, $3.25ra3.65. Kye flour, firm; fair to good, $4164(4.00; choice to fancy. $1.6040 CORN MEAL, Firm: fine while anri val. low. 1.2o: coarse. ti.O-iui.lo: hiIi. ,ii..i BARLEY Firm: feedlntr. 4iie e I t New Yoi-k; iiiaiuue, iiiw c. 1. ij'illi'.ilo WHEAT Receipts, 2,000 bu. Spot, market 11 regular; io. 1 rea, i.ol. nominal, ele vator; No. 2 red. $1.10, nominal, f. o. b anoat; no. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.11, f o. auout; o. i narti, maniioDa, 11.01, f, o. b. afloat. heat droped a cent in the forenoon under liquidation and improving weamer, out gaineu ic alter mioilay on scare of shorts in the northwest. May ciosea ic lower ana otner months higher: May, $1 .09Hj 1.09; closed at $1.09 .llliv (Ul.fii'lK It.lnr, ,'lr,a..l nt WLn CAntA... ber, 8'i'h87viC; closed at 87c; December, oi(,i'.; cioseu at Bi'.c. CoHN Receipts, 78,475 bu.; exports, 21,653 du. opoi. market easy; rso. 2, nominal ele vator, and 574C, nominal, f. o. b. afloat No. 2 yellow, 6!c; No. 2 white, 60c. Option easier; May closed nominal; July, 64'tjl none; cioKt'ti ai oosgu. OATS Receipts, 111,000 bu.; exports, 13,443 bu. spot, market Dareiy steudy; mlxe oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 3;ic; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs.. 36417c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lt)S.. SitMOC. HAY Dull; shipping, 6065c; good to cbolce. n'a:c. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 194, 2,-iruzac; iwij, uuZoX; oius, lliil3c; la ciflc coast, liH, 2jB26c; 19o3, 2124c; oldrf, lltiuc. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs. 20c; California 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas. drv. 24 to so ids.. I8c. LEATHER Strong; acid, 24Kc. PROVISION- Meei, inm; aiiiny, $13.5"Vri 14.0o; mess $11 .(Jofi U.50; beef hams, 21.(tf tt.vt, ttnrKfi. ei-.w'i io.w, ruy extra, innla mess, $30.(w22.60. Cut meats, firm; pickled Dollies, . s.iii; pitKiea snouiuers, 5Vk; pickiea nams. iu (n m.oo. iird, steudv western steamed, $i.uVn7.4o; refined, steady comment, ti .oe; noutn America, e.b; com pound, $5.37'B6.r,''. Pork, steady; familv, tl4.5o-gl5.00: short clear, $13.(kyij 16.00; mess 13.87 Va"13.itt. TALlOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg ), 4c country (pkgs. tree). 4iawli.c. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 3 bkc; japan, nununai. BUTTER Weak : street price, extra creamery, ic. umciai prices: Creamery, common to extra, 31.ej.c; renovated, com mon to extra, ifiBi9c. ctle.se: eak new state full cream small, white, fine, 10c; fair to choice, 9tf 10c; new state colored, fine, loc; new state, fair to choice, 9filuc; new state. large, 9'BlOc; new state, colored, fine, 9'q( 9c; old slate full cream, colored and while fancy, 14"c; old state, fine, 13c. EGGS Weak; western fancy selected, 17 CjlHc; western firsts, 17c. POULTRY Alive, firm; western spring chickens, 3otfj33c; fowls, 15c; turkeys, 12c. Dressed, firm: western broilers, 3ixfi35c; fowls, 103 14c; turkeys, 13t)17c. I 19J6. 1904.1903. 11902. 11901. 1900.1S99. 6 11! 83 i I M I Ml $ Jl 6 111 4 68 101 01, s ill 6 18 3 66 5 18, 4 66 17 1 6 72. i 17( Sj $ 24! 4 6i I 7lf 1 i 4I 5 W I 5 (0 I 4 (1 t M 7 08 ) 6 tj I 62 6 2l 4 66, 6 0 98 I 7 I 64 1 4 4 $ M 3 6 t9 ( 21 t 17 63 99 6 4 e 10 $ 6 lDM, 4 7 til 7 Obi t w, 13 6 19 I 4 68 7 071 6 61 5 16 1 I 63 6 27 4 64 6 64 6 65 6 16 3 63 6 fc.Wi 4 fill S Mi 991 ! i 16l I M 6 19, 4 t8 6 Cl 1 l 6 68 1 4 ha. 11 An, 7 1. n .11 6 17i K 141 e , -J. 1 O n I. Yi 67 6 20 1 4 80 85 ' 07 6 69 1 6 23 2 63 1U 17 Ul b ,M 0 M, UO 4 62! 6 27 I 73! 6 U i 09 0 !, 4 4, n ol, 7 U, I 1 l I 6 23 4 46 27 7 11 1 6 731 I i 65 e 4 in ( '241 7 071 A h7l 6 03l 6 29 I 18 7 03 6 63 6 0o 8 $2 6 2S 4 36i 6 19i V 0B 6 l 6 0i 3 00 5 16 4 32 I 7 05 5 67 5 04 ; 3 63 6 16 1 4 33 t 041 I 6 bl 6 04 3 bs 4 S8 5 9.1, 6 9o, 4 99 3 60 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: ( ultlw tlitL-'M Hhf.fn.1 C M. & St. P 2 Missouri Pacillc 6 I nlon Paoiiic system 16 C. & N. W 1 F E. & M. V 12 C. St. P.. M. & O.... 5 B. & M 15 C, B. & Q 3 C, R. I. & P., east., t C R. 1. oi P., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gu Western .. ' Total receipts...... 62 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnaslng tne nuin uer 01 neaa indlcuted: 2 32 'lit 15 3 67 17 2 36 2 6 .. 1 1 2 O 160 14 16 Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Omaha, from K. C... Cudahy, from K. C... Cuduhy, from country. 1. oilman Co Hill at Huntzinger L. F. Husz Mike liaggerty J. B. Root & Co II. Bulla S. & 8 Held over Cattle. Hos. Sheep. 45 1,i6 567 2.912 1,233 91 2,"24 693 839 3,423 614 27 126 6116 17 7 85 3 14 1 I MO 4 W I SI IH 4 at; 4 15 14 714 4 1 11 1 lid 4 it WESTERN HAY FEDS. Bank & Hayes, Inano. 4$ Steers. ...ll.s $95 11 leeuel p. .1010 16 I cows 990 $ 90 1 bull 1.VJ0 i 80 1 bull 1580 2 85 HciGS 1 nere was a good run of hogs here lor a Friday, about loo cars being on sale. The hog receipts have been railier heavy ail tne week, but the market haa held up fairly wall, r-ariy reports from Chicago showed a slow market, witn a de cline ot about a nickel, but ml tact had no effect on the market here and trading at this point was stronger. The hogs ar rived early and buyers were out In good season. 'Ihe demand was fully equal to the supply and trading from the start was active, prices on tne opening ruled gnner- ly 2o higher than yesterday, witn the bulk 01 .tht hogs selling from ao.liiu6.2o. The popular price today was $o.li. with tops reaching $5 26. The market was a lit tle uneven, a weak spot showing in some places. The bogs were cleaned up In good time, with the market easing olf a tribe at the close. Representative sales: rfllo. Jnlr, .4.".c; August, .NVc; Mr temher. (t (tV,MV; October. rft 67r; De cember. $ flf i ft ivy ; January, S '.''; March. 7c. Ppot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7o. No. M 14 71 8a 11 1 81 i W 1J6.... 44 ai 14 76 24 SI 41 41 II II II M 44 HO II IS 14 72 to II 41 81 li 41 I II...., at.... 11... 78.... II.... 41.... 41.... IS ... . 11.... 74.... 71.... 17.... 74.... 70.... 6.... 46.... la.... IS.... Ai. ...171 ,.,! ...114 ,..lt4 , ,,m ...itu ...141 ...1,4 ...;l ...441 ...111 ...117 ...131 ...ID ...286 ...it ...t. ...141 ...121 ...lal ...Ul ...2i ...ltf ...2IU ...I4S ...2M ...2S0 ...2411 ...244 ...248 ...184 ...:si ...ill ...24 ...ll ...24t ...OS ,...itl ,...24t ....' ,...ll4 ,...226 ,...IM . ..J7 ,...JJ ,...200 ....221 ....2M ,...JJ ,...231 ,...240 ,...tul t& 204 72 2M bi 282 10 120 80 140 10 140 II) to 120 190 Ml 40 80 120 'io 40 160 14(1 280 'io 120 40 87. 62. 60 71 20 l 224.... 11 74 74 69 74 86 7S 'I. 211 ..217 ..268 ..241 ..181 ...242 ,.2i i ..221 ..212 ..212 ..234 ..221 ..218 ..228 .218 f-r. I 14 I II I 14 I 14 I II I 17 I 11 I 17 t 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 11 I 17 I 11 i 17 I 11 I 17 I 17 ( 17 I 11 I 17 I 17 ( 17 4 17 ( 17 I 11 ( 17 4 17 I 17 I 11 t 17 I 17 17 I 11 ( 17 i 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 6 17 6 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 ! 17 I 17 6 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 6 17 I 17 t 17 4 17 I 17 4 17 6 17 5 17 4 17 6 17 f. 41.. II.. 10... t . 84.. At. ..Ill ..lit ..224 . .180 ..8W II 227 12. 12. II. 7S... 71... II... 44... 14... 44... 41... 4 .. 71... SI... 4S... 44... I... 14... 40... 12... 17... 14... 71... 72... 41... 41... 41... 44... 41... 41... 12... 47... 117,. 44... IT... 61... 71... Io... II... 40... 12... 47... 61... 47.., 71... V... 21... 74.. 12.. 76.., 4o... .. 41.. 68. 64.. 48.. 71.. 10. . 62.. 72.. U.. 12.. 67.. 67.. 61.. 64.. .244 ....114 ....810 ....2.0 ....244 ....i ....264 ....2.10 ....21.1 ....no ,...2U ...2,0 ....247 ....244 ....! ....M4 ....861 ....147 ....It ,....881 171 ,....234 ,....240 .....241 800 ....l2 ....284 ,....28 ,....861 204 241 81? 24 I to 211 241 216 220 268 291 20 240 244 214 424 284 221 241 214 271 242 284 218 282 tM 203 241 288 244 224 2Z8 Hit Ill 246 86- 120 144 140 i'ta ito 80 1MI 120 to to 80 im 80 140 80 10 120 Pt 6 IT 17 I 17 4 li 6 17 17 I 17 I 11 I 17 I 17 I 17 17 I 11 I 17 I 17 I W I lu 4 10 I to 4 Kl 4 to I 20 I M I 14 I N I SO I 20 t 20 I 10 I 10 1 to I 20 4 to 4 44 I to I to 4 10 4 to 4 20 I 10 I 10 6 to 4 20 I 20 4 10 4 10 I 20 6 to I 20 4 20 I 20 I 20 4 20 4 20 I 20 I to I 10 I to I 20 I 20 4 20 6 20 6 20 t 20 4 20 I 20 t 20 6 to I 26 t ti 6 It 30, 150 207 1,421 11.072 3,239 Totals CATTLE There was a rather light run of cattle here today, about sixty cars being on sale. The receipts for the week were li,498, an Increase over the same days of last week of 1,100 head and an Increase over the corre sponding nve days of last year 01 s.wu neaa. The general quality of the cattle this week has been fair and the eood handy weights have been in best demand. The sharp break In prices at eastern points the middle of tne week influenced this market to some extent and there has been a steady decline since Wednesday. There was a fair supply or neei steers here today, but even with a light supply buyers were bearlsn and compelled seuers to take off some even on the good kinds. There was very little urgency to the de mand and although the cattle were all sold the movement was slow and druggy. Buy ers' bids were mostly 10c lower, and as sell ers were backward In meeting the decline little was done till well along in tne fore noon. Steers have suffered more or less all week from a rather poor demand and show more of a decline than does the stuff for feeders. There was only a light supply of cows and heifers on sale todav and as buyers evi dently wanted a few cattle the demand was about equal to the supply and the market does not show the decline that prevails on steer stuff. There was a fair aemana ior cows and heifers and buyers picked up the stuff In good season, although sellers were forced to make some concessions and the market was generally steady to a shade lower than yesterday. These conditions have prevailed all the week and cows do not show as much decline as beef steers. The market on veal calves, stags and bulls Is quotably unchanged. As has neen tne case an me ween 1110 supplv of stockers and feeders was very IlKlit 'todnv. there being hardly any fresh receipts. Prices ruled generally steady with yesterday s niaraei. 01 Jicna. No, 78 2o4 SHEEP 1 nere were fourteen cars of sheep reported here today, with three cars direct to a packer and four cars billed tnrough. Buyers were out in good season and tnere was some life to tne tradin-. Tne demand was fairly good, but buyers were bearlsn and compelled sellers to ni.iKo some concessions, une market generally ruled steady to a dime lower, the decline being leit euually bv shrcu and lambs. The receipts today were about half lambs and half sheep, tne stuff being of medium quality. Lambs have been on the down grade all week and are, for tho week, 25 400 lower than last week. Sheep have heia up better than lumbs this week and the market on these kinds is In better shape than on the lambs. The decline on tne sheep for tne week in about lodiliic. Today a bunch of shorn wethers brought $1.10, which is a nickel lower tnan Wednesday. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lambs, o.W4ttj.-t): fair to good lambs. $5.5u4r6.U0; good to choice Colorado wooled lam us, iu.8o(ii7.25: good to choice vearlinas. $5.00f(i6.S6; fair to good yearlings. 14.7b'(i6.uo: good to choice wethers, S4.76tba.0O; fair to good wethers, $1.254i4.6o; good to choice ewes, 44.6l.tii4.8s; talr to good ewes, $4 OOdx 4.60. Wooled stock sells from 76c to II Cw per 100 pounds higher than clipped stock. Representative sales: No. 21 western cull ewes 135 spring lambs 63 western cull lambs 4 western ewes 4J western wethers 300 western ewer 2 western ewes 250 western ewes 19 spring lambs 348 spring lambs 485 spring lambs 100 spring lambs 469 western yearlings and weth ers OMAII4. WHOI.F.SAI.K MlflKFT. Condition of Trnde and Quotations en Maple and Fancy Trodnee. EGGS Receipts. flr .narket steady; caa died slock, lc. LIVE Pol l.TR Y-1 lens, 10c; roosters, t 6c; turkeys, l.Sc; ducks, 11c. Bl'TTER Packing slock. 13tJ14c; choice to fancy dairy, lstu2uv; creamery, 2-H-lc; prints, i.2c. FRESH FISH Trout, c; halibut. He; buffalo (dressed), 8c; plckeiel (dressed), tc; white haxs (dresaed;. 12c; sutittmi, 60; perch (scaled nnd dressed i, 80; pike, lb; catfish, 15c; red snapper, loc; salmon, 14c; crapples, 12c; eel, 16c; bullheads, lie; blacg bass, 2oc; whltellsii (di eased 1. 10c; trog us, IX' r dot.. 30c: lobsters, green. 2,c. oiled lobsters, 30o. HAY Prices quoted by Omw Wholesale ay 4.euiers association: 1. noice, ii.ou; o. 1, $7.00: No. 2. $i.5o: coarse. $6 50. Thee prices are for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $16 00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES M. Mi.'liaels, all sited. $3.78, 4.00; extra fancy Mediterranean sweets. 11 sixes, 43.00: tancy navels, silos M, 150, 176, 200, 21i, 260, $3 00; sites Ho, 96, 114, W'uJ.iS, seedllnus. all sixes, 42. 1 5. LEMONS Calllornia, extra fancy, 270. nd 3uo sizes, $:i.V6; luncy, 270, 300 and Sue zes, 13 Mi: choice. 240 and 270 sixes. $i.6o; 800 and 360 sizes, $2.76fi'3.00. DATES Fer box of 30 1-lb. pkgs., $3.00; allowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes. tr lb., to. FiGS Calllornia. per 10-lb. carton. 719 85c; imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; five- crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch. I1.7 02 26; jumbos, $2.5ota3.o0. riiNUAFPLKS Florida, per crate or 34, o or 4, 44.au. FRUITS CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Black, pf lb. box. $1.75: white, ner 8-lb. box. 41 5i STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per 4aU ease, $2.00. TANGERINES California, ner half box. $2.P0. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, f ar crata, $1.5 VEGETABLES. TURNirS New. per dox.. 46o. CARROTS New, ir dox.. 4to. per bu., luc. r -bu. box. 75c: atrlna beans, per -bu. box. 75c: bu. oox wax or trlng, $2,004(2.25. PO l'A i'0-.ti Home srriwn. in sacks, nsr bu., 36c; Colorado, per bu., 46c; uuw po la- toes, per lb., 2c. iik.A.NS Navy, per bu., $2. CUCUMBERS Per dox.. 41.uJ76c. PEAS New, per bu. box, $l.'.6ij'2.O0. TOMATOES Florida, fancy. Der -bakt crate, $2.50; choice, per -basket crate, $2.00. dmaai ti-ror du., 00c. CABBAGE Calllornia in crates, ner lh.. 2c. BEETS New, per dot. bunches, 45c. ONIONS New. per doz. bunches. 15e: Bermudas, per crnie of about 5o lbs., $l.oi. rtAlii-lih.a Hot ncuse or southern, per ox., 20c. LETTUCE Hot house, per dot.. 36(S4oo; head lettuce, per dux., $1, MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. 16c: old. 17c: WIs- contdn brick, loc; Wisconsin llmuurger, loc; twins, liu'15c. a u i o w ainuts. io. 1 sort shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; o. t son sneus, per lb., 12c; iso, 2 nurd hells, per lb,. 12c: pecans, lam, per lb.. 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., Vc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chid walnuts. per lb 124!l3c; almonds, soft shell, par lb., lie; Hard alien, per lb., hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; nuts, per bu., 31. 50. HIDES 10. 1 green, 7fcc; 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. ivo. 1 veai can, 10c; .no. z CHICAGO LIVE STOCK Av. Pr. ,77 4 00 ,66 4 40 ,56 4 40 , 106 4 50 , 117 4 70 ,95 4 60 ,60 4 60 ,97 4 60 ,45 6 00 68 6 SO ,62 6 80 .59 6 26 "l00 6 00 MARKET No. II is!!!!" 1 1..., l.... 1... 1... 1... 1... i... t... ... 1... 1... 1... i... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1.., 1... 1... 1... 1... 4.. 4... 4... 16.. 10.. 4... 4... 4... 1.. 1... 1... 1... 4... 7.., 1.. T.. At. .... 160 .... 870 .... 870 .... 817 .... 90 .... f75 .... ....1200 ....1020 . 1034 .... 27 .... 844 .... 720 .... 40 ....1078 ....1052 ....1050 .... 896 ....1092 .... 920 BEI.K Pr. I SO 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 20 4 26 4 30 4 30 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 46 4 4S 4 46 4 70 4 70 4 10 4 75 4 76 IS.... 1.... 21.... 1.... 15.... 17.... 17.... 2... 6.... 21.... 40.... 68.... II.... 1.... 4..., 13.... 14.... 11.... it... 61..., COWS. AT. ....lfl ....1:30 ....1144 ....1310 ....106 ....1247 ....1160 . . . . 1JS0 ....1174 ....10S ....1281 ....1112 ....1122 ....llSio ....1226 ....1202 Ul'O ....1194 ....1311 ....i:86 ... 196 I 00 4 1030 ... U0 i 25 t 920 ... 110 2 10 1 1180 ... 110 t 40 1 885 ...1000 i 60 1 1306 ... 195 2 60 4 1035 ... 691 t 60 10 11194 ... 770 I 40 1 1080 ... 400 i 40 11 1111 ...1030 t 44 i 990 ...1000 I 75 i. 1200 ...1170 I 75 1 1230 ... 754 i 75 1 1076 77 i IS 14 1017 .... 470 i 76 I 73 .... 930 I 15 2 1090 ,...1070 i 71 ! 1125 ,...1045 t 76 I U'4 ,...1010 i 75 T 1127 ....1170 i 76 i 1016 .... 9(0 i 60 U80 ,...1030 I 00 1 1164 ,...1040 I 00 4 1194 .... 180 I 00 1 1111 ....1(130 I 00 1 1250 .... 470 I 25 1 1180 ....1100 116 i 1090 ,...1(hJ I 26 4 11 ".8 ,...1200 I 26 1 1240 ....1276 I 60 1 1110 STEERS AND COW8. .... 412 I 90 4 1040 .... 410 4 40 1 1032 ....1110 4 40 7 1116 .... 100 4 44 II 1341 ....1024 4 40 14 1292 COWS AND HEIFERS. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. May 2C.-DRY OOODS-The inherent strength of the dry goods market Is evidenced In the Independent attitude of the sellers, who are sold ahead to an ex tent that prevents many of the quotations recently accepted being accepted. Jobbers lorn My are quiet, but are sanguine of the future. Oil Market. OIL CITY. Pa.. May 26. OllCredlt bal ances. $1.29; certificates no bid. Shipments, 73.249 bbls.; average. 82.924 bbls. Runs. 9o,. 540 bbls.; average.. 74.144 bbls. Lima ship ments, 74.147 bbls.; average, 63 347 bbls. Lima runs, 433,671 bbls ; average, 65,617 bbls. 494 , 414 415 , r.o 460 400 , 4t0 , 4i , S3 , 461 . 444 I 44 I 8 40 4 I 10 HEIFERS. Ml .1041 Pr. 4 75 4-75 4 76 4 80 4 80 4 40 4 80 6 00 6 00 6 00 I 06 6 06 5 10 5 10 6 20 6 to 4 26 6 25 4 25 6 30 I 40 I 60 t 60 I 60 I 40 I 44 I 44 I 65 I 76 1 75 I 76 I 75 i 75 I 76 I 10 I 80 I 10 1 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 14 4 II 4 14 4 14 4 21 4 25 4 36 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 71 4 76 6 10 4 20 4 14 4 U Cattle Steady Hogs Five Cents Lower Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, May 26. CATTLE Receipts, 7,000 head. Market steady; poor to prime steers, $5.50'g6.5o; poor to medium, $4.o0'a o.iu; Blockers ana feeders, 2.76it.00; cows, $2 60tj4.75; heifers, J2.6Oi08.CO; cauners, $1.60 U .; Duns, $2.6001.76; calvts, $.i.0O4i7.00. HOGS Receipts, 23,000 head; estimated for tomorrow, ib.ooo neaa. Market bo lower mixed and butchers, $5,15(06.45; good to choice heavy, $5.80fi.4i; rough heavy $4,904(6.25; light, $5.1o6.4.; bulk of sales, 4o.wtio.to. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head. Market for sheep, weak; for lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, shorn, $4.50 I 415.00; fair to choioe mixed, shorn, $3.604i I 4.40; western sheep, shorn, $4.0Oru,4.90; native tamos, snorn, ti.twas.o; western tamos. $6.00441.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,600 head. Including 900 southerns steady to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beer steers, $5.40446.10; fair to good. tl '. 1 K ..'I,,.,,,. tnA tl lu . stockers and feeders, $3.2544.75; southern steers. $3!!b.2b soutnern cows, 12. bote 3.7b native cows, $2.25fi4.75; native heifers, $3.00 sj-o a, nuns, 42.8tnj4.bo; calves, xs.woie bO. HOGS Receipts, 11,500 head; steady to 5c lower: top. $5.37: bulk of sales. $6. 3005.36: heavy, $..304j.8(: puckers, $5.30446.37; pigs and lights. $5.Sivgfl.25. SHEEP ANU 1.AM Bo Receipts, B.OflO head; market steady and active; lambs, $6.6u4i6.75: western lambs, $5.75ii7.8o: fed ewes and yearlings. $4.i8T).75; Texas clipped yearlings, 41 io-rio.it; Texas cupped sheep, 44.10-a4.10; siocsers ana ieeaers, ii.su'fl.j.o'). t 16 t 26 S 60 t 40 t 40 i to I to I 25 22. II.'.' , 404 782 , 424 , 180 720 , 400 , 741 1 1., 4. 1390 13f0 440 1110 14H 1174 1370 1440 1710 140 , 140 , 110 90 , 140 , 16 , 161 , 140 , 140 196 181 SULL8. 1.... 1. 1. 1. I::: 1... 1... $ 11 t 16 I 86 I 40 I 00 1 IS I 40 1 44 1 15 CALVES. 1 40 1 I 76 4 00 I 00 4 21 4 16 4 44 4 44 4 10 I 60 4 14 ...1150 ...1240 ...1670 ...1940 ...1180 ...If ...1640 ... 160 1 ...... , 204 , 140 170 111 130 130 , 130 180 , 184 180 3 41 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 16 4 40 10 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 60 I T6 I 76 6 71 I 74 4 75 I 74 6 14 4 00 4 00 t K STOCKERd AND FEEDERS. 400 I 40 4 864 4 14 , ill 4 94 $ 424 4 M Live Stoek Market May 29. CATTLE Receipts St. Lou ST. LOUIS 2.O0O head, including l.OoO Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4,864(6.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4,164(5.86; steers under 1,000 lbs.. $3.75fi4.20 Blockers and feeders, $3.0O4i3.4o; cows and beirers. vi.wa 4.80; canners, $2.(KXij2.26: bu Is, 31.90413.60; calves, X3.25ij6.2b; Texas and In dlan steers, $3.504je.&0; cows and helfera, $2.50fJ4.25. HO(jB Receipts, 5.500 head: lower: Dies ana uguis, 44.uonb.tra; parsers. 44.99(94. 90 uuirnera ana nest neavy, 40.30010.40. SHEEP AND LAM KB Receipts. t&V head; market steady; native muttons, $3.60 ?(5.0t; iambi, 40.00t1g.110: culls and bucks $3.2544.3o; stockers, $2.8o(fj3.10; Texans, $3.60 423.75. St. Joseph Live Stork Market ST. JOSEPH. May 28. CATTLE Re celnts. 251 head: market steady: natives $4,104)5.90; Texas westerns. $31056.16; cows and neiters, 41.ouiqo.; ouns, stags, etc $2.105.10; stockers and reeaers, $2.754f4.75. HOGS Receipts. 4,491 head; market steady; light mixed. $o.2Wi6.30; medium Heavy, tB iouo.io; nuis ot saies, x&.if75.a6, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 646 head; market steaay. Sioux City Live Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., May :6.-(8pecial Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; mar ket loo lower; Blockers steady; beeves, $4.00 ib.8b; cows, duiis ana mixea. .i.0Oa4.85 Blockers and feeders, $3,004)4.00; calves and yearlings, 4J.wc4.10. HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; market big Be lower, seiung at 4 00'ao. id; bulk of sales, to.iuvja.iift. ttdnlr 4 i4 Receipts of live stock at the slg principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. South Omaha 1,437 Sioux City 40 Kansas City ,6r Pt. Joseph 2f,l St. Louis 1,(84) Chicago 7.000 Totals 13,5X8 Hogs. Sheep. ll.M 3,647 9.000 11.600 t,00 4.491 646 6.60O 2.5XI 23.0tO $,0o0 61.877 18,592 Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. May 26. COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened ateady at unchanged prices at an advance of 6 points on steady cables and support from importing lnte etts. The close was steady. Sales were re ported of 64,750 bags, including June at 15c; shellbark large hickory dry salted. ho rso hides, 7ul4c; shep $1.001: 3. 00. No. I green, 2 salted, 7ui veal calf, 901 pelts, 26c4i$l.uu; Wool Mnrket. BOSTON, May 26. WOOL The Commer- ial Bulletin will tomorrow say of the wool market: Speculation among dealers haa practically ceased, while tnere has been more buying tor consumption, foreign crossbred have moved well and the new territories have been taken up on arrival. with many clips sold to arrive. The flnor grades of pulled wools have sold well and locks are rsinniy aiminisning, me western states are about cleaned up and the fleece sections are excited, with extravagant prices being demanded. The foreign mar kets are strong and advancing. The ship ments of wool from Boston to date from December 29. 1904, according to the same niithorltv are 101.159.217 pounds, against 8S.421.081 pounds at the same time last yenr. The receipts to aate are 11 i.oib.wih pounun. agalnBt 85,273,698 for the same period last year. csr. l.tJl. la. may so. v wu oimu , me dium grades, combing and clothing. 2(W3le; light nne, 24n2ic; neavy nne, jmiy-t-rrsi tub washed, 324) 42c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 26. METALS Tha London tin market was again lower, clos ing at 136 15 for spot and 136 2s (4 for futures. Locally the market was easler, with trading very quiet. Spot closed at $29.87y30.37. Copper closed at 64 5s Id at 64 7s 6d for spot and futures respectively in the Londpn market, which renresented a silKbt decline. ine local market was unchanged, with lake and elec trolytic quoted at $15.00 and casting at $14.75. Lead was a shade higher In Lon don, at 12 17s 6d, but remained uncnangea at $4,504)4.60 In the local market. Speller was unchanged at 23, 12 fid in London and ruled weak at b.4b'cia.bo locally, iron closed at 49s 10 d In Glasgow and at 46s ld In Middlesboro. Locally Iron was un changed; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $17,00417.50; No. 2 foundry northern at $16,504 17.00; No. 1 foundry southern and No, 1 foundry soutnern sort at 4iiwijii..; No. 2 foundry southern, $16.5tglb.ib. ST. LOUIS. May 26. M ETALB Lead, easy, $4.40. Spelter, lower. $5.10. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits, NEW YORK. May 26. EVAPORATED APPLES Market seems a little firmer on spot, with supplies small and a moderate demand; common to good are quoted at IVtH'V: prime, o.totgb.boc; cnoice, tac; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are quiet so far as futures are concerned, while a moderate loaning aemana tor spot supplies keeps the market firm. Quo tations range from 20 to 6c, according to the grnde. The apricot future shipments are Bald to be easier, but the spot situa tion Is unchanged, with choice quoted at 10Q10c; extra choice, llc. Peaches are quoted at 10c for choice. 104i'10ic for extra choice and ll'77l2c for fancy. Raisins remain unehsnged; loose Muscatels re quoted at 4(fi514c; seeded raisins, 64?6o and London layers at $1.00(31.15. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record May 26. 1905. aa fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fsrnam street, for The Bee: J. G. Harrington and wife to P. O. Rohwer, lota 1 and Z, block 4, Vt ater- loo $ 200 D. W. ehull et al to MeCague Invest ment company, lot 1, block 6, Shull a 2d add 950 MeCague Investment company to Clara Peterson, same property 1,610 U. N. Hess to F. G. Laur, n of lot 14. block 135. South Omaha 900 Sarah J. Oaynore and husband to C. Muller, part of lot 1. Morrison's add 1,100 Susan A. Bheeler to K. E. Peterson, part of tax lot 42, In w of sw of 10-15-13 1,800 Ella G. Parker and husband to M. G. Kirkhauser, lots 1 and 2, block 1, Perkins' subdlv , 1 B. E. Wlleox to J. Lavert y, lot 18, block 1. B. E. Wilcox s add 100 F. C. McDowell et al to L. Doll, lots 13 io 16, block 1, Wakelev's add 10 H. P. Stoddart. 8. M. C to C. K. Her ring, lot 12. block 116, Dundee Place.. 134 Same to W. R. Fotch, lot 7, block 110, Dundee 66 Same to same, lot 1. block 98 and other property In Dundee 60S Same to same, lot 20, block 124, Dun dee 834 Aetna Trust company to E. W. Homan, lot 7, Glses' add 2 L. A. Behafer et al to F. B. Bliss, n of s of ne of cV4 of 26-15-12 1,600 A. 8weensnn to C. Chrtstensen, lot 8, block 16, Halcyon Heights 260 Union Savings bank of Davenport. Ia., to Cudahy Packing company, e of lot 4, block 195. city of Omaha 1.760 Catholic University of America to same, same projierty 6.250 J. C. Gibbon to same, same property.. 5,250 Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated 1 Haiti Ofllc: Filfb and Roberts Strut 3T. PAUL, niN.N. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provision. Ship Your Grnln to Ub Branch OtTiee, llO-lll Hoard of Trad Illds; Oanaba. Neb. Telephone Bold. 212-214 Exchange Bldg., South Omaba. Dell 'Phone 1U4. Independent 'Fauns 4 J