Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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THE iM.VinHJTloS QVKSTW. I Involved in the controversy mid there Is
There has boon mi unprecedented lin- KOO(i r(.Hon t0 believe tlmt nn Injustice
migration Hum fur in the current fiscal hB 1wn lono l)V tne Venezuelan govern
your, JiKlU-ntiiiK l"t the totnl uumber ,,, hl rtV0(11K the conwiwlon made to
of aliens coming into the country for the our (.nRonB. The Washington govern
yenr will reach Hinl twrtiiip exceed a ,ont sought to have the matter sub
million. Tli In extraordinary luilux from I mitteil to arbitration, but till was un-
forolgil lands is naturally -iiiinmiiliug 1 aunlltifKllv re.lec-tel by President Castro,
attention and It N stated that President yvho insisted that the Issue should be de-
Koosevrlt Is considering the Idea of pre- c,ie,i by the courts of Venezuela. ' Al
sciitiiig the liumlgratioii iroblem to con- hliongli It is prettv well understood that
psily Bee (without Sunday), p copy., -c J gr,.ns and urging some action In regard ne controls the courts our government
Pally Hee (without Hunuay). pr wees.. Wo ... j i .
Dsiiv Hce (including Bundayi, per wek.i.c to it. I cannot very well discredit their decision.
t.vening B (without Bunaayt. .-" - i 1,1 Inst ainilial lnessiige the nresl- TAIinr nroulilont pxnocts to aecoin-
Kv.nln Ha i nr un ni Bunuari, vc l - i - i - --
wk Ardent very clearly stated his views re- nllsli hr reixirtlnir the contention to con-
Complaints of regularities "iii ''delivery apecting 1 in in I unit ion. He said that gress is not explained, but there Is said
should be addressed to city c.rcuimm there Is no danger of having too many to be no uneasiness felt In adinlnlstra
immigrants of the right kind and that it Itlon circles regarding the outcome.
makes 110 difference from what country
thev conic. "If thev are sound In body AUYKHTlSlXO OMAHA.
and In mind. and. above nil, if they are Every successful business man will
of good character, so that we can rest lr witness that effective advertising
assured that their children and grand- " one of the chief factors Unit musi ue
communications relating to newa aim cu.- ... ... . ... r0iiu-..iiiia employed lu Uie building up process, in
torlal matter should be addressed: omana . ..... , " ' , ,.,.
Bee, Editorial Department. of our children and graiiUcniiureu, tnen iv5.ji-.i. huuuuiu v
remittances. I . i,i.i .i,,a h, m, .w.rrUni I differs little from the upbuilding of a
The Omai ia Daily Dee
Daily Hee (wltlout Sunday), one year. . It W
Jally Hee and Sunday, one year JjJ'
llustrsted Bee, .ine year
Sunday Bee, one year ;
Saturday Bee, year "
Twentieth Century Farmer, one year., l.w
Omaha Th Be Building.
South Omaha-City iiall building. Twenty
fifth and t streets.
Council Bluff s-JO Pearl atreet.
Chicago 1 Unity building. .. .
New York 160 Home Life Ins. building.
Washington 01 Fourteenth atreet.
Communications relating to news and edl
and has been observed
throughout Its history.
by the party
l.ettlna; In the Mant.
Chicago Tribune.
It is unpleasant to have to shoot a knowl
edge of the elementary branches of ge
ography Into the Muros, but thry refuse to
take it any olher way.
Order of Peered enre,
Chicago Record-Herald.
A circular issued by the Treasury de
partment says the proper formulas to use
In addressing the nation's four highest offi
cials are: "The President," "The Honors bio
Secretary of the Treasury," "The Speaker
of the House," "The President of the
Senate." The circular is signed by Secre
tary Shaw, and it Is Intended to give the
standing of the four officials as they seem
at the Treasury department to line up for
Mall Distribution at Lincoln.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
"Lincoln, Neb., has recently been mado
the distributing point for all the mall bags
used In the western railway mall service,"
said A. R. Talbot of that city at the Pfister.
"Denver was formerly the distributing point
and the change has been brought about by
the great Increase In population through
the southwest. The government has to take
into consideration railway facilities and
location In making a selection of this kind
and for that reason the change has been a
source of a good deal of gratification to
Lincoln people
"The Lincoln postofflce ranks as twenty
sixth among the postoffices of the United
States, though the city in population ranks
payable to The Ilea Publishing Company. hospitality." He urged, however, that successful business Institution
ma'if SnuTy the citizenship of the country should not more speciacaily, effective advertising is
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. m jpb,,,, BD(i (h,lt' we ghould keep necessary to the couliuued progress
BEB ruBLianim ...... ..,.., , . ,., , nn.l nrosi.cilt v of Omnha us auv other
IUKU luf niouuniu ML v ru n mxtuft, i -
STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. our wage workers. Therefore, "We lt of the campaigu for a greater cnj.
S'M ?f Jfabrask. u'.Coonty. ss.: should not admit masses of men whoso Ouiaua. is today enjoying the beucUts
T,.KII.kl.. nn.n.'n luinir 11ll IWOm, gt.n.lanl. nf 1lvlnp n,t n-linea ncrmll n 1 I of WldeHUreild advertising. Ullt mUCU
"JL'.,11 f1 ISrn.nv" Mo'rnR cMtoms and habits are such that they more can still be done 1u the way of
Evening and Bunday Bee primed during the . . h , wJ f the Alnerlcall giving publicity to Its advantages and much farther down the list. Three suoces
month of April, ID05, was as follows: . I ve times during the recent years the
i si.08o li 4B..wo wage worker" it is safe to say mat attractions ior uome n.m .u- . rv . .,m.,.r hA. Wn lnpr..Il.d
Z.:. these views the president still entertains vestors. lu the advertising of a city, as owin, to the growtn of the business passing
vt'osii and will probably again endeavor to itu- lu the advertising of u commercial busl- through the office. This is due in part t
""' mtloo Lra.. tlipm unnn tho nHontlnn nf onn. ness. uewsuauer uubliclty must be the the fact that the Modern Woodman, the of
n 80 ' uiulu 8tay. We have no hesitation lu "clft Publication of the Modern Woodmen
' 8i'.TT f According to a report made by an eml- saying, without fear of contradiction,
s im,ooo gratlon agent of the Deportment of Com- that Omaha has hud more, aud more
f iiVlioo merce and Labor the transatlantic steam- effective, advertising through Its news
27.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 8,i80 ship lines, working in secret agreement papers than through all other sources
28 t,auw I ...ith rnrnnnan trrtvornmonta orofttirli lnir I combined
' , , ,,l,ll,,ol In l linnhn f n Tnatrn. I i.j w.. . .. ,!,
oa 83.10V I a vusi Huuuai let 11 in; 1 1 11111 me iruua- i " ' vt - - - , nuu who ittucu u.v umj vim "
portatlon of emigrants to the United politan newspaper like The uee ror a pupneauona 01 any sina.
rniLAnri.pnii,s ntrTio.
Tremendoaa I pheaval t'aaaeit by the Minor Scenes anal InrlJents Sketehed
Urn llonae nrab. an (he Snot
The day dawns In Philadelphia! I F r the flrst tlma in its history a con
Out of the blackness of the long gloom 1 science fund has been founded In tha pen
comes the morning gleam of light. Out slon bureau with $ 10 as a starter. Equally
of the very effrontery and audacity of the unique Is the fact that tha money cama
crowning Infamy come the revolution and In a lump sum from Ohio. According to
the relief." an unsigned letter which accompanied the
With these words the Phllndelnhla Press draft, the pensioner, who Is now a woman
of Monday sends a throb of cheer Into the of more than four scoro years, has Just
ranks of the men battllna to prevent tha discovered that her husband secured a dl-
I B8,180
4 2S,10
J. S8.10O
... jwaoo
I 3,80
A. SO ,620
II 88,1 70
12 XH.400
II 88,160
consummation of the gas house grab,
which the select and common councils
pasxed last Thursday and sent to Mayor
Weaver for approval.
The Immediate cause of the outburst of
cheer and hopefulness is the determined
opposition of the mayor and his purpose to
exhaust all honorable means to defeat the
measure. The mayor has ten days In
which to consider the measure and he
Intends taking every minute of the time
allowed by law In cementing the oppos.
Ing forces for the purpose of sustaining
his veto when It is handed in. The meas
ure passed both bodies almost unani
mously, and effective work is needed to
divide the compact strength of the men
behind the grab. The first stroke of tha
mayor was the suspension of three chiefs
of departments, the most important In
the city, each with a salary of $10,000 and
each controllng a large amount of po
litical patronage. Besides the upheavals
produced by the mayor's action, public
meetings are being held in every ward,
the offending councllmen are being har
assed by Indignant constituents, and all
organised commercial bodies are aggres
sively rallying to the support of the
mayor, determined at all hasards to de
feat the consummation of the gas deal.
of America, Is printed at Lincoln and dis
tributed through the postofflce there.
As Uie circulation of this paper Is now
close to 1,000.000 the volume of business It
makes for the postofflce can readily be
Imagined. This Is the largest circulation
of any fraternal publication In the world
iJ aaid'niaa' ".''''..'.'.'.'.'.".'.'. '.'.'.'.. '.7 States. The statement of this agent is period of more than a third of a century,
said to show that many thousands of carrying aay Dy aay to inousnnus ot
Nat total sales
Dally average
stfi.aai I persons are brought here who are of bad I readers, scattered far aud wide, detailed Mme. Patti s voice has brought her more
C. C. ROSEWATB.K, nj evPn criminal character while there information of the substantial progress than ,ooo,ooo. Her best years income
J., . ' a. ..... iJtn nthers nf shnrtir nnronotont. in. and material achievements of the city, was 360,00O,
DUDSCriDa in mjr praacuv? " . . a K.n... HI. ru.m.r In a tl,n,ihlf,ll
1 1 v. i . .ii a. haa BAivAri nu a nnnurnnr irtflfnor nrnw. - -- - - -
creuiu.e h. eu.s xue cuurge inu any - T Z , article on the enhanced cost of living
. . (tim afiAnrlnn 4Mo n n nmnha Ml wilt nr I
roreign government wouia contract to '"s comes to the conclusion that the dearer
unload upon this country its criminal a11 tue arguments in favor or omana as prCea 0f food products are due to thu ad
classes, yet it appears that tha authorl- compared with its commercial rivals. I vanoe of almost all commodities.
ties at Washington are not disposed to Not. an issue of The Bee, for example, is There's an aching void in the ranks of
entirely discredit the statement, but will printed that would not serve in good the humorists for the man who, in ar
probably insUtute further investigation, stead as an advocate to plead the cause -ghig "CieveUind Cham-
i-UDiic Bcnnment in tnis country was "UJ"U Bhaw respond to "Nonpartisan Statesman
reflected in the declaration of Mr. Roose- n8 locating or investing among us. a ,hIp
velt that there is no danger of having special number of The Bee, like that of colonel w. C. Greene, the copper king,
Omaha's trade excursionists are off. to many Immigrants of the right kind, ll,8t Sunday, containing an illustrated has planned a hunting trip into the wilds
"I m . . . n AAAv,. A 41. a n,,nai.u1 afiilaa n'A u A I nf ftM Mpvlnn whieh ft 1ft Kllid will ipl(rtRe
i"wt iiw.u' I no matter iroui wnat country tney come. . "x""" onium - r
liOOa IUIK. 1 I ., . . unvthlnir nf tho kinil that him iver been
Tkn.n I . v. - i m mBV l n niiuninfT nnnirrnprinn. iirnii- i ' - - -
xucio io suit luuui iir iui pwpie iruiii " o . i
before me this 1st day ot May. lUOi.
(Seal; B. HUNOATB.
Notary Public.
Sabacrlbers leaving tha city tem
porarily should have The Bee
mailed to them. It la better than
a dally letter from home. Ad
dress will bo changed aa often aa
The gas plant belongs to the city. A few
years ago It was leased for twenty-five
years to the United Gas Improvement
company. Under this lease the city de
rives a handsome annual revenue, based
vorce more than twenty years ago. only
the number of the pension certificate en
abled the officials at tha pension office to
ascertain the name of the aged woman,
and this they refused to divulge.
That portion of the letter, which they
would consent to make public, follows:
In June, lrws. a pensioner In Ohio drew
a pension granted her a short tlma before
amounting to 1570.40.
"Soon after the pensioner had drawn the
pension due March I, 1904, a rumor was
put In circulation that the soldier had se
cured a divorce from the said pensioner,
and that, therefore, she was unlawfully
drawing a pension.
"Steps taken to discover the facts re
sulted in a long, tedious hunt. Tha history
ot the search would be too uninteresting
to relate; suffice to ssy, that the soldier
was divorced from the pensioner some
twenty years ago. They wera both old
then. The pensioner Is now over SO years
old, and has lost her mind to the extent
that she can remember but little of the
"You will find Inclosed with the pension
certificate a New York draft calling for
VM.40, the amount unlawfully drawn.
Please look over the record, and If the
amount named Is not sufficient to square
the account, the balance will be forwarded."
Improves the flavor
and adds to the heal th
fulncss of the food.
covered In the printing of the genuine note.
For Instance, some years ago a number of
160 bills were discovered belonging to the
series of 1S0, but which had the legend of
1874 printed upon them."
Umpire Plav ball!
Voice From tho Uleachors What's de ust
of glvln' dem felers orders dey can't fill?
lie vela na leader.
I oltniTintoil
The Ohio platform shows that I'resi- abroad who are sound in mind aud ly distributed In large numbers, could Ln nvU;d tQ BCCOmpany
Sent Koosevelt still has to discover "the t1? and wbo are not subject to exclu- nt "celled as advertising literature vlce president Fairbanks.
tnemy'g country."
Many prominent men have
him, including
sion under existing laws. But the great "or tne "'J- Haa every Business man i -when a man is elected mayor of the
majority of the American oeoDle ln-1 sent out extra copies to his business I city of New York lamps are placed In front
v,.rt ha n .ivnt f ohm I eluding those of foreign birth who have correspondents and subscribers gener- of his residence and they remain there
It may hav. bang failures, so far become ciUzens as well as naUves. are ally mailed them to relative, and friends, -er no "-re. -rea
has produced no Cassle Chadwick. favorable to a strict enforcement of . the tne notaDie expansion now in progress
residences of ex-mayors. This Is a unique
' immigrauon reguiauons, believing that I ,"u" 'r""-",' i'" preservation of an old-time sentiment.
Admiral noiestvenakv U anld to he if this is done there will be no cause of wuia oe orougnt nome to tne very peo- Qne of the antics of the Shlloh band of
hunting for a fight He probably de- complaint If it shall be shown that any Ple "whose ve and ears we wlsh to ct- religious fanatics, who are disturbing a
..... . . .. win. Everv man and woman Identified with Maine town Just now, ia to subjoct 7-
avaAQu gvTciuuicui ib uuiuauiuK uyuu us I
its criminals or its Indigent there can be Omaha should constitute himself a spe
nn.el Thairee Wma tn hav DO dOUut it Will D6 dea t With as our u,eluiu lur "Uinim niiu
tinei'his eariv lmnressiona of thn in- interests demand. There is assurance acquire the habit of sending to out-of
dlans in spite of the efforts of the maga- that the subject Is receiving due atten- town Mends and acquaintances an the
inwrirpre. tlon at Washington and the country can ,1,table advertising literature within
llenon1 nnnn tfa horinir t..iiM. reacn. Ana wuen it comes to aaver-
I Ij.i. it ,u. i. I shock and beating was recommended to
A Dea Moines sirl haa come in for the I and careful consideration from the oresl-1 ' ",nalu,c- ,uc .,.kH -
first award from the Carnegie hero fund, dent as in his Judgment Its importance I flrst- and be8t newspaper makes the Pernapg tnlg remarkable body thought him
entitled to consideration because he did
not .kill his victim outright
The shortest speech Mr. Roosevelt ever
month-old babies to a fast of forty-eight
hours. The Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Anlmulk "of Maine would not
permit this sort of treatment of horses.
A burglar in New York who robbed a
woman ln her home with such personal
brutality as to shatter her health from the
American paper money Is generally es
teemed the prettiest thing in print. The
more one gets of it the more artistic it ap
pears. This is not because It Is hard to
on a percentage of gross receipts, a rev- ,et an1 equaljy hard to keep. The reason
enue wnicn ror tne last year amounted to that your Uncle Sam throws all avail
nearly 1700,000, and which, under the terms aDle skill Into the design, the printing and
of the lease, with the natural Increase ot the paper. It takes an average of thirty
population and of gas consumption, would days to complete the various processes a
net a largely increasing sum yeany irom bill of any denomination undergoes from
now on until the expiration of the lease by the time the paper Is received until the
limitation in something more than a score treasury's red seal Is placed upon It. Vis
or years. itors to the bureau of engraving and print
During that period the terms of the pres- lng frequently express surprise that, with
ent lease are so drawn, moreover, that the so many millions of dollars passing through
private gas consumers of the city would various hands, there Is no loss by theft.
have had the benefit of a gradual and To them, It seems Impossible thai not one
regular reduction ot the price of gas, and of the thousands of sheets of bank notes,
at the expiration of the leasehold the ranging from a It bill to a $50,000 note
united Qas Improvement company was I should ever disappear. But when one Is
bound to return the plant to the muni- shown the constant series of checks and
cipallty free of charge, together with all I counter checks on every bundle of notes,
Improvements and extensions made upon I one understands that the course of the
It during the Interim. I money from the minute It leaves the Treas
ury department as a blank sheet of paper
The pending scheme revokes the present until It finally returns to the department
lease and substitutes a lease ifor seventy- for the imprint of the red seal Is traced
five years on terms far less favorable to I so accurately that never for one moment
the city. This present lease, with all Its cttn there be a doubt as to Its whereabouts.
advantages, with an aggregate value at I Moreover, every afternoon at 3 o'clock, or
the expiration of twenty-five years which alit one hour before the department
has been conservatively estimated at doses for the day's work and before the
something like $150,000,000, with its prlv- nlht workers come on duty, the chief of
liege of reversion to municipal ownership a" sections of the bureau meet and ac-
ln twenty-three years, and with its com- count t0 each othor for all the paper that
nulsorv reduction of the cost of eas to nas Passea tnrougn their hands, Including
the people, the partisan bosses resolved Pr'nt"1 money, stamps of all kinds, reve
to forfeit and to sell out the whole con- nue "tamP". bonds and all other securities
pern, rlsht and title, for a nerlod of that ar blng printed on that day. 81l0UlQ
seventy-five years, to the United Gas Im- there be a fa""re to account for a single
provement company, for tho lump sum of ";eet or a "lns'e PosUge stamp, the chief
125,000.000. to be paid to the city ln slip- ff the 8PCtlon cannot give an account-
ulatod installments covering a period of I , , .ibjjuhhioh, ano an tne employes
two and a half years after the ratification " the entire building are locked up until
,h. v,ri I the missing sheet Is found. If It cannot
uo luuua. men mo iace value or me miss.
More than a month ago. In the secrecy of " -"
. . . . I where It was last received, and the em-
nlnvaa In (hot nnll. ....
ranged between Israel ' W.' Durham, the , ;"' "". , ' -'"""""""
i... 1, ., -ru ot thp,r wages, to pay to the government
7 - '"r. "T -". the entire face value of the missing sheet
u.wmu Ii,,v,c,nrv Htnn V for h mnlnv.I nt thm V,,.r..,.
company. Stripped of all pretense, the thfre has never yet been a dfty wnPn every
i ...n rrauy Bneet ha8 ot n HCCOUnte(l for
money 10 tne amount or la.ouo.uw, wnn ai
tne tiB..uani pronpects 01 contracts, piCK- ..Tou ean.t - count.rf.,t h, hv ,h.
It is to be noted that the west scores calls tor.
first as usual.
best impression.
"Corrupt and contented," as applied to The republicans of Ohio are in the
Philadelphia, must now be amended to habit of making their declaration of prin
"corrupt and demented," If the facts ara clples frank and explicit They have
to be observed. done so ln the platform adopted by their
state convention yesterday. It declares
With thirteen live "bob-cats" as part for the maintenance of protection to our
of Colorado's exhibition at Portland, the industries and labor, for a merchant ma
president surely abows his self-control rine adequate to the requirements of our
ln staying away. I foreign commerce, and for a navy made
and kept equal to every need. It speaks
The narrow partisanship of the World-
Herald is again illustrated by its unre- made was when he was governor of New
strained glee over the differences that rk state. He was reviewing the sound
have arisen among the members of the money irade on a day wet and chilly. A
ae legai ion ul crucKtry im-n swung uy unu
a. hAdirA nf thi liivtRion and a. small sold
mat it may De rurnisnea wun pouucai cup were presented to the governor. Mr.
capital it welcomes the contention and Roosevelt accepted the cup with a low bow
fears only that the trouble may be al- and asked: "Has anybody a flask?
layed. The distressing effects upon the
normal schools and the mischievous in
terference with the education of the nor
mal school pupils count for nothing. If
the democrats can only play politics
Ak-Sar-Ben XI is appealing to his sub- for the sacredness of the ballot and
tects for annnnrt for hla annual rmirt I ncainar itlaHm1nartnn In thannin
's.. i v7;z; : :::. they re quae ready to sac-ince m
:.:'7.., .:::.;" " ; ; Vl " terests of the normal schools.
auu BunjuBic. 1 iu tuvur ox uuu eniorcemeni ot tne laws
intended to stop discriminations and re-
Bloomlngton Advocate: Senator Millard
has announced that he wishes to be a
candidate for re-election. It Is generally
oonceded that where a man has made a
good officer he Is entitled to the second
term, but is not the senator getting a
trifle old. Seems to us It would be better
If a younger man were selected for this
Lincoln Journal: The Springfield Repub
lican says of Senator Millard's announce
The mayor of Chicago has returned all bates on the part of the railroads and
railroad passes Issued to him. lie prob- such further legislation in this direction
ably expects to be detained by business as shall be found necessary. The plat-
at home most of the time, anyway. form Is brief but sufficiently comprehen
sive, since It touches those subjects that
secretary Morton declares President are uppermost in the public thought,
ttooseveit to do as rar-seelng as Jeffer- There was no opposition to the renomi
on. But Jefferson had no railroad nation of Governor Herrlck, who has
rreignt rate prooiem to grapple with. given the state an excellent adminlstra-
tlon. That he will be re-electori Is nnf
General Linevltch wants General n h. iini.M. r, v.
Kouropatkln recalled. The Russian com- rmajority a. he ceived tVo vea7s ' W' gelf g"pportlng lntU"tlon
mander evidently believes tha arm doea I nt... - 1. "
not need the annr of . hrHM .7 Iw u""ul0 '"mony in x Lincoln democrats are claiming
not neea the spur of a horrible ex- the Ohio rennhiican ri,i-a . ...
.mnu I . . . " ' """lthe nrst place on tne omeiai Daiiot on
ampif. I BialnlT Shown hv th fact that Rcnafrl . ....
. v .... . f .n,ln(, mar ine eipcrion or tne nemn-
I Foraker did not narticlnat In tha ototo I ..... I 1,1.-1.. .i,.. ,k... m
Th. c i. ..1 1.. .v. 1 cratic canaiaate ror mayor a montn ago 1 "
lw " ul japa- convention, bllt While thla Will dnnhtloaa . . , . .... I Wl.r. Tol.vranh- Aa In whn I. In. K..
sm iMka nn Hiwiiiin i.i.. .n . . oonstituiea a aeniocrauc victory, vvnen - -
nese strike on a Hawaiian Island well ln e0mewhat reduce the republican vote the the MUlclDa.i campaign was on these rome the UCCMSOr to 8enator Mlllrd '
band. That officer could probably secure -lection of the ticket can be confidents mu.B campaign v,as on these not only commandlnj. the at,entlon of th,
- ... rinuua vi tin? lu set inn DC COnnapntiy .uma 1nmrvrHta wore lnllit in nrr. I . .. . j
BH ID millisrv commission n rannrtlnir . . . . . . 1 1 rnatur iiunii-ii, iiui .
. - -"" preaictea. ine ract or secretary Tart
Some good promises to come out of the
binder twine bills that defeated in
the legislature, after all. To the discus
slon of these bills is to be credited the rment of his candidacy for re-election:
InvofitlTBtlnn tntn thn nrlcn n.ild fnr con. "Jnere nas Deen enougn uncertainly re
vict labor In the state prison, and the lrantg for hlg plttce nave e,, QUletl
demonstration that the state has not working in that state." This will provoke
been getting a fair price for this labor, a few grins here at home, where It has
As a result, the new contract are sure ben, "ved all the time that Mr. Millard
, . , , , - , . I wuuiu D9 up xor C BCUUIIU ICI III W1H1UX11,
to be made at higher prices and the OUMtlon. Hl8 cana,dacy is serious enough
penitentiary brought closer to the point on account of his strong railroad support,
nd yet that Is Just the thing that Is ex
pected to beat him out of 'his boots. The
people of Nebraska don't seem Inclined to
send railroad senators back to Washing
ton In their present state of thinking. They
may change their minds, but It doesn't seem
at St Petersburg.
were loua in pro- abator himself, but a good many other
rlninilna- their nominee to lie a nonnar- I neoDia of this state who would take areat
being selected as chairman of the Von- tUan candidate, but. as Is generally the 1 pleasure In donning the senatorial toga
ventinn haa natiirallv Kuan udaj .. I . . .. I now worn bv Senator Millard. The fact
With La Follett. In the senate it is deslened to Mm atat" " . !, A C8Se "ner tDC W Wn" Wy that the Northwestern and Union Paclflc.
possible the rules of the "millionaire's .0nti.i m..imm. n, " '" insist tnat it is a partisnn aenievement who triumphed over the Burlington last t. k. . ' "! Possibility. Whether or not such DUPe and alniDle. winter, may atempt to repeat Itwlf In
the coming senatorial contest. It Is sum
clent to state that as between these rail
road factions within our state that the bat
tie .will be a royal one. Iet us hope that
In the meantime the people from all over
club" will have to be amended or. the
majority of the members will have to
listen to soma unpleasant truths.
was the intention, it is unquestionable
that Judge Taft is very strong with the
republicans of his native state.
muce air. Dcawav taiiea to land a
Russian contract it la possible that he
may be compelled to aell those ships
It is authoritatively announced that the
action of the highest Judicial tribunal of
with 20 per cent mora effective power Veneiuela lu regard to the asphalt con-
wsn any now anoat to uncie bam. troversv will receive no further .ttn.
tlon from our government until the meet-
It Is given out ln New York that Hill lug of congress, when the president will
snd Harrlman have come to an agree- lay the whole matter before that body,
ment to work together. What effect There Is no Intimation why the executive
such an agreement will have on Jim department of the government has de-
Hlll a proposed oxbow around Omaha Is elded to relinquish its proper and legitl
yet to be developed. . . mate right to deal with the controversy
and turn It over to the legislative branch.
The governor furnished by Nebraska but It Is not an unreasonable inference
for the Panama canal gone has reached that the president has come to the con
his destination and assumed control of elusion that nothing csu be accomplished
the territory under his Jurisdiction, through diplomacy ami that cuseiiucntlT
The people of the canal tone will have I it is for rou Kress to determine whether
to be ou their good behavior now. or not the course of the eovernment and
courts of euezuela warrants action
Cincinnati's Commercial club has ar- j which is not within the authority of the
ranged for a dlscussiou of the railroad I executive. In other words the president
rate situation between Secretary Taft I does not wish to take steps whit h mitrht
and tha president of one of tho eustern j lead to war with the southern republl
railroad companies. Urgent Invitations snd will leave It to congress to ssy what
should be issued to members of the I If anything shall be done.,'
Laited States senate to be present The interests of American clUieus are
Congressman Kennedy Is following a
good precedent by throwing open to gen
eral competition the West Point appoint
nients subject to his disposal. We have this state will have come to their senses
had congressmen from this Second Ne
braska district who treated the West
Point cadetships as personal perquisites,
to which their constituency had no right-
and will not be willing to send a single
man to the legislature who la In the least
contaminated by corporation Influences.
Hastings Tribune: Senator Millard ha
launched forth his candidacy for re-elec
Wilt ' a i ...wl llin I nn Ilt.i I It. MMllfl
"do you think tho world is growing wiser.''"
iiccHuse 01 n niau'iiipni i rwin in
newspaper to the effect that lobsters are
getting scarce," answered the student of
cause and effect." Columbus Dispatch.
"What business is Miss Caddie In?"
"flh. she's in everybody's business."
"Ah! Wholesale, eh?"
"Yes. exceijt when It comes to a SrandnA.
She retails that." Philadelphia Press.
'T ... II,. V r. . Vnrlf tollr fit flHvlnV
the mayoralty to President Roosevelt when
he nnlshes his present Jon.
"That's Just like the New Yorkers. They
think they're offering him a promotion."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Barber Razor all right, sir?
Patient l wouldn't know I was being
Harher Thank you, sir.
Patient Its more like being flayed, you
know. Cleveland leador.
T see that Mavor Dunne of Chicago has
refused to accept any railway passes.
-T HiiiinikA ll tnn nrlv fnr film to take
a vacation." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
What reason does lie give for not paying
his wife alimony?
He ssvs that marriage is a lottery, and
hence alimony is a gambling debt." Col
liers Weekly.
Mrs. Bickering; There you go again! You
are always finning fault.
Bickering That's right, my dear. And I'll
never forget the day I found you Cincin
nati Enaulrer.
'We don't hear so much nowadays about
that liquid air."
"No, I guess most of what we used to
hear was merely hot air." Philadelphia
Ledger. .
"That after-dinner sneaker took every
body off their feet, didn't he?"
"It was the onlv thins: left for him to
do; they were off In their heads before he
began to talk!" Detroit Free Press.
Ings and mercenary advantages for the un
scrupulous spoilsmen of the present genera-
'feel,' " said Mrs. Will A. Leonard, expert
money counter and the authority on coun
.1 , ., . . .
. " , ' ' "". . KrWU ln the redemption division of the
tne cy s .uiure py roomng or one or its UnIted ButM Tr,aBury department quot,d
by the Washington Post.
"Every counterfeit has some Imperfection,
Kn tlm waa lnat Th. mllml. ...... "'m"- " '" ' " "'
.,., . . " : , -f- knowledged fact. No matter how skillful
most certain and most lucrative sources ot
revenue for a paltry sum one-fifth or less
of the real value of the concession
were hastened becauso of this premature
publicity and the ordinance ratifying the
deal, which had been carefully drawn up ln
advance by high-priced lawyers represent
ing the United Gas Improvement company.
was railroaded through the preliminary
stages of committee and first and second
tho engraver of the counterfeit, no matter
what process has been used ln order to de
fraud the government, there Is always ln
the counterfeit some departure from the
genuine note, which, as soon as it comes
to our hands, strikes us as a blunder, but
which passes without question the eyes of
When the dv fnr v.n- . some of the most experienced, business men
Thursday Mr. Dolan and his associates had . re
discovered that thev cmiM afrnrrt f,r .11 We have heard much of the detection
to make some slla-ht concession- in ,hL by-touch theory, but there is little truth In
original terms for the public welfare and U' f counw- money has come Into the
yet see their way clear to a very profitable mee wnlch waa detected as counterfeit as
oargain at tne city s expense. - , ,.v
The concession voluntarily made at the note 18 by no m,anB decisive, for many of
last minute in the hope of allying popular th counterfeits we have received have been
Indignation was one which curtails the maJe of a"6""1"1 PPr, made at the bureau
United Qas Improvement company's pros- of nravtng and printing, which has been
pectlve profits by about $4B..0O0 or ir 0rV . obtained by bleaching notes of small de-
000 by amending the original ordinance so nomination.
as to provide for a gradual cheapening of
tne price of gas. This amendment did not The only thing to be relied upon is the
Insure so rapid a decrease ln the price to I eye. The coloring of the note. Its size,
the consumer as is guaranteed under the and the work of the engraver are the
present lease, which It is now proposed to points which usually give away the coun
caneel, but, after all, It was something. terfelt. The Ink may be a fairly good
Imitation of that used on the genuine note,
The reason for the grab Is thus explained but the note may be found to be a thirty
by a correspondent: I second of an Inoh shorter or longer, wider
Philadelphia needs money. It needs It or narrower, than it should be. Or It may
for municipal improvements, some of them I be perfect almost In both of these two re
legitimate, some of them jobs through spects and the fault He In the engraving.
which favored contractors and 'grafters' I No one has ever seen a perfectly engraved
hope to further enrich themselves. The city I counterfeit note. There have, however.
Is on the verge of bankruptcy. It has about I been some very skillful engravers, among
reached the limit of its borrowing capacity I the counterfeiters, who, if they had fol
under Ita charter. I lowed their trade legitimately, would have
"Its schools. Its highways, sewer and I made fortunes
water departments are all In need of funds. I "Is It true that genuine plates have ever
More money must be had for its gigantic been stolen from the bureau of engraving
and filtration plant and for other open
tlons which Mr. McNichol, a favored con
tractor and close ally of the municipal
and printing and counterfeits made there
"No; all stories to that effect are myths,
powers, has either under way or In con- Those plates have always been guarded
templatlon. the same as an emperor's Jewels. It Is not
"One of these Is an ambitious scheme for possible to make away with a genuine
a boulevard to the northeastern, or Torres- I plate."
dale, section or tne city, wnicn is expected
not only to be a beauteous driveway, but
also to open up large tracts which Mr. Mc
Nichol and other far-sighted persons with
political affiliations have been shrewd
"Have wrong decisions ever been made
upon a doubtful note?
"Well, only one case has come to my
tmrnulliiU nntln Tn 1SM ll ft nnt waa
enougn ,o P"- brought to me to be stamped 'good.'
land prices and which they hope to sell by . ., . .
ful claim, but the present congressman ion to a seat In the upper house of the
is not acting on that theory. rnl'ed 8tBt" " without much bras.
that he desires to have it k no wit through-
The city authorities are ou the right I out the state of Nebraska that he Is a
track lu trying to regulate the hauling I candidate to auoceed himself. It has been
of earth snd refuse through the streets t",e k'nerally understood that Mr. Mil-
so as to protect the pavements from woul undoubtedly be up for re-election
droppings. This is where an ounce of wnen the Nebraska legislature convenes
prevention is worth a whole pound of two years hence, and there are only a few
In politics wno am not expect an eariy an
nouncement from the senator. Had It not
been known that there were other candi
dates in the field working Quietly but dili
gently to get a hand on the senatorial toga
there would have been no need of such an
early declaration, but In these strenuous
days a public servant no sooner gets his
name upon the payroll than he must siart
the ball rolling for his next campaign, if
he desires to have and to hold. Since
there are so many unannounced candi
dates in the field, we trust that when their
names become known they will all prove
tn l nf the "bigger men" type that we
hav heard so much of lately.
Am Adeqaate Penalty.
Washington Pubt.
It forced to adopt heroic measures, the
railroad companies may get some satis
faction by compelling Secretary Taft to
pay by weight when hu travels.
Uoed Henabllcaai Uactrlar,
St. Iouis Qlobe-Democrat.
Secretary Shaw favors the policy of treat'
ing all nations alike In tariff rates, and
says that it will be the administration
policy. That Is good republican doctrine
a -
the foot as city building lots.
"Another plan, even more ambitious, la
to cut directly through the heart of the
city from the city hall at Broad and Mar
ket streets a parkway to run in a bee line
northwest to Falrmount park, a project In
volvlng the condemnation and demolition ot
much property, and also Involving lucrative
contracts and pickings, to say nothing of
the varied assortment of more delusive
'snakes' which are popularly believed to
lurk In the enterprise.
"In Ita need. PhlladelDhia. unwillina- to
submit to the logical expedient of an in- finally found ln the cash room Its exact
pronounced It to be counterfeit, but the
sender not agreeing with my opinion, the
note waa taken through the redemption dl
vision, the cash room and the secret serv
Ice division, where, with few exoeptlona,
it was declared genuine by the experts.
It ws then sent to the bureau of engrav
Ing and printing and returned from there
with a typewritten certificate of Ita genu
lneness. These decisions (lid not Influence
me, however, and I maintained my post
tlon so firmly that my chief clerk took
It ance more on a round of inspection and
creased tax rate, has resorted to the spend
thrift's last resource the pawnshop."
duplicate among the counterfeits there
"When the note in question was again
brought to the notice of the man In charge
of the bureau, he offered to buy It, and thus
back the opinion given. The chief of
km Obvloaa Tenth.
Washington Post.
The simple trulh is that no offli lul of the redemption, of course, refused to sell
the government, either legislative, execu
tive or Judicial, ought to ask for or accept
favors from transportation oompanlea. This
truth is so obvious and so important that
none of the hosts of officials who do ac
cept such favors attempts a defense of the
it and requested that an engraver examine
the counterfeit with aid of a magnifying
glass. When this was done tha experts
discovered at last that they had been
mistaken at first and tha history of the
doubtful note was ended.
"In some cases mistakes have been dis
"I want a business suit now." said Biopsy.
1 was thinking of HomethliiK In tho way
of a smnll plalii."
'And I. replied the tailor, '"csn t heln
thinking of something In the way of a
small check." Philadelphia Press.
Do you favor sovernmcnt ownership of
No. answered the man who travels.
'Some of the porters nre haughty enough
now. I don't know what they would he If
hey were to loom up as government of
ficials." Washington Star.
Washington Star.
Although they often cause me grief,
My wants unsatisfied;
I sometimes view them with relief
And even point with pride.
' When bulls and bears are wildly tossed
Ann rumors strange contuse, ,
I mourn about no fortune lost
I have no wealth to lose.
Though wagons moved by gasoline
May sadly maim and scar.
I view them with a mind serene.
I have no moto car.
We read of drowning swift and sad.
Will sympathetic shock.
I'm ssmRtimes genuinely glad
I halve no boat to rock.
And so this life is never glum.
I banish al distress,
Deriving sstlsfaetlon from
The things 1 don't possess.
y&vfowf$E-ii -Lugs
with soap and you lesvs
a thin coating of grease
and resin always sticky.
An antisceptlc chemical clean
ing powder absolutely free from
acid, animal fat or resin.
Softens hard water, does not
scratch varnish nor injure the
Sift a little through the per
forated cover on a cloth or
sponge easy, economical, clean
ly. Try It on the lath tub,
wash bowl or baby's bottle.
One Pound Can 10c
(Made tn Omaha.)
The Gibson Soap Co.