Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Of Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound, the
Ureal Woman' Remedy for Woman's Ills.
my 3&Tm
A JfpTN-sSS,P ft
Xo rrtker Tma medicine in the world ha received such widespread and
arjqna.Hfietl endorsement.
No other medicine hu rorh a record of cum of female trouble or snch
kot-ts of gTfnl fritndt as haa '
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It wiU entirely cure Tbe worst forms of Female Complaint, all Orariam
Trouble. Inflammation and CJneration. Fallitip aod Disrsorment of the
Womb, and oonaeq-aejit Spin.aJ Wea'ane,, and is peculiar! adapted to tba
Change of Life.
It haa enred more canes of Back a be and LeurerrrbTia than iit tier rem
d the world haa ever known. It is almost infallible in srocn case. It
iioTti and expela tumor from the L" terns in aa eailr staf-e of de
reJopmrnt. Irrepnlar. r?arprr-d or Painful Menstruation. Weakness of the Stomach,
'.sdiewtiwa. BldUng-. Flooding. Nervous Iixtration. Headache. General Iebil
ftr qnickly rieid to it. Womb troubles., causing- pain, weight and backache, in
ttsntlT relieved and permanently cured by it w. Under all circtimrianoes it
XTifroralea the female srstem. and is a harmless as water.
H quick It remore that Bearing-down Fee-lisp, extreme lassitude, "don't
rare" and want-to-be-left-alone " feeling-. exeitabilitT. irritability. Berrous
es. DixxinfWB. Faintneaa. sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the " blue"
nd headache. These are sure indications of Female W eaknet. or aome ce
rn(reroent of the Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaint
and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures.
Tbone women who refuse to aooept anything: else are rewarded a hundred
thousand times, for they g-et what they want a cure, Soid by Druggist
reryw ere. fiefuse aU substitutes.
:rop reports bring hoie!
Xtum U Hxioa Pacific cf Tw Hundred
And Bereutj Agent! Bright
BV klle Cld WeilkH' Rrur4t Ce-rai
'naattaa, (.rata Hill Be la .
Cr4 Earlier Tk
Tbs Crdon Fsclfie baa received crop re
sorts f rant Z7t oorrespondents on tbe crop
enditlons up to tbe middle of May. which
irw xwrjr encouraging erd Include xmm5r
tals detail coaoemirtc tbs conditions of tbs
rowing crops.
Tbe soil Is reported from every county to
e ia. rood condition, both aa to Its texture
ind to tbe moisture It contains. Westers
Ketones Is especially emphatic In deciar
ng that prospects were never so good in
lt section whes tbe condition of tbe soil
taaoo Into consideration. A few coun
ties, possibly three, report that it is far
too wet hi tbeir territory, net only for
trowing cropa but also for those which are
at to be planted. Cf course, there is some
Mmj-ilafeit tn regard to tbe continued low
emperatare. but aTJ acre that a few days
Worn-Out Women
Wh Feel Tired ad Fail to Get Re.
nMea anr sccp. Arc obi lao crfm
f Serious Traia of Diseases.
At first there will be a treat laa-g-aor.
espedally ia the mortung. taint
aess. dltnness. weakness or siskins
at tbe pit of the stomach: the appe
tite will be variable, digestioe impair
ed: palpitation of the heart, shortness
of breath, cold bends sad feet, head
ache, paleness, dark circle under the
eye, and a cratTing- paia across the
tips and loins. The blood becomes
taia and watery, and the nerve lack
mx ia stre&Kth. the complexion sal
low, the cheeks sunken, the bust Bat
tened and reduced, the memory poor,
tha mind weakened, the disposition
Irritable and nervous, the least noise
often producing complete nervous
prostration. By feeding the blood and
ercea with Dr. Chase's Blood and
Xerre Food, the weak parts are made
atrooR. the weight increased, the
sunken cheeks and flattened bust fill
out and become firm and plump; the
eartrned blood makes the complexion
clear. -be Hps red. the eyes brijAt,
and five new life, strenrta and ani
mation to the t rstem. Price-" cents.
Said aa ssrsslw r atwera-DU-mm
ilrss osaaaa. Saa.
Use the Best
For any use where ooi coal is
of warm westber wia straighten out every
thing in sood shape.
Tbe rnion Pacific is able to announce the from the Hessian fly in wheat failed
to materialise and that but one county in
ninety mentioned it at alL When it is con
sidered that It is new tbe lSth of Msy and
ne fly in sirht it would seem. " tbe report
says, that tbe season would pass without
to jury beinc done by them.
Tbe oald weather has retarded corn
pUntlne so tha t-ery little can be said in
regard to that, altbouch most of tbe TTnion
Facine's correspondents say the corn will
be ia tbe ground earlier this season than
Faar Bad Vl"aH Rrarm.
Only four of tbe 178 correspondents re
port adversely en winter wheat. The acre
age on the whole win be about the same as
last year. Oats are reported to be rrowinc
exoeedingly well, with a larger acreage
than last year. (
Kye is not an exceedingly Important crop
in . Nebraska, yet the acreage show s an
increase over last year.
The mow ttmarfcshle thing in tbe re
ports from these 176 bankers is that these
conservative men da not. with the exception
of three or four cases, report any injury to
fruit, and this in far of the continued
reports thst the, fruit crop I the state
had boen ruined. Recent hail norms in
Buffalo and Hall oountws have done quite
an amount of injury.
Irish potatoes w ill be as extensively raised
as last )-er; ia faS a larger acreage is
report from aome sections
Pastures are everywhere reported to be
in good condition and alfalfa looks well
all over the state.
In genera tbe Vaion Pacific reports that
there ia only one adverse condition la Ne
braska at present, that being tbe low tem
perature which prevails in almost every
portion of tbe state. Everything else is
favorable snd ctoj equal to those of last
year may be looked for if tbe present gen
eral conditions coctrnae.
Terr Bad ( a CWre by rkaaher.
lala'e 1 aasa Heme?.
For three months Mr. Gat; Woodwortk
of Stevens Point. Wis, was troubled with a
a very bad cough. He doctored continu
ally, but got no permanent relief until he
usd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which
effected a cure. A great many others have
had a like experience, alost cough medi
cines are merely palliative that is. they
give only temporary relief while Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy cures the disease
that causes the coughing and effects a
permanent cure. No one can afford to
neglect a cough, for a persistent cough is
tbe first symptom of consumption, the
most fatal of all diseases
4 aT aw
ntariiasiaw ( hawses Tiae.
Effective Sunday. My H. tht Burling
ton's St. LjOui train leaves Orriahs at t C
p. m. instead of at .S p. m.. arri-iTig St
Louis ' Hi a. m. Return train from St
lxuis will arrive at Omaha at II Jo a. m.
itist of 11 ii a. m. Tbe Chicago Special
w ill lea.e at 7: & a. m. instead of at 7:10
and the early Tnorrang tram from IVnver
will arrive at ' W Instasd of f C a m.
For tKiiets berths and full informaoon
call on 1. B. Reynold. City Paawnger
Agect. I'yC Farnam street, Omaha
trw Jersey snlla tJiad.
Agents of the PennsyHartia ltnes m-i!l sell
i(kets to Asbury Tark. N. J, June 3. M.
July 1, I. at grestly reduced rates. Pass-t-ngrrs
tab also visa Baltimore. Washing
ton asd thllsdelphia without additional
cost. For full inforxnauon address Thoa
If. TTrope. T. P. A, S V. B bank bldg.
No room for
Split. 1 cecta
argiunent Sheboygan
ss m eocwslie Salt, assm.
r aasssais as tooa ssae wtca
NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25
AM Grade t Hard aed Sett CaaL
t. A Jobasen. Pr 3 F Frurker. Treaa
J F. Miera.
U19 Fareaea Sl 'Pseac IM7.
at 0Tl1t sacae eeenfg mbl.
Itssssse ssstlsssi
Governey Cslli 11 PsctiM ox HsJvtj
TaxsTjM Ttjlts Hot."
tlttaiatsaa ta Rallrwads Reaerd
lag rayaeat af Lest
Year's Taxes.
(From s Staff CorreFp"ndrtit )
UNCOl-N. May ! . Ppeclsl --'ll is all
rot pure rot. Clsmy, and you know It"
That was Uk cotiment with which Gov.
emor Mickey greeted the close of a turgid
discourse by K. 3 Clancy on the rut .ws
of railway taxation in grneral and the as
sessment of tbe Vnion Pacific in par-tic ular.
Clancy, wbo is now assistant tax eomnus-siorx-r
of the railway, laid much stress on
the claim that interstate traffic cannot be
assessed by the state board.
'But you will admit that if it were not
for the line through tbe state you could net
carry on tbe traffic and that it is there
fore a raluable link in tbe system." said
Land Commissioner Eaton, suggestively.
Thus all tbe way through tbe members of
tbe board refused to take Clancy senousay
and at the clfise of his argument allowed
Mm m go away with the knowledge that
it will act Independently.
Taaee la Other States.
He then w-nt on to state to the hoard
that in twenty-three states w-st of the
Mississippi rtvr the railroads pay an aver
age tax of H7 a mile as eorr.psred with
the average tn Nebraska frr !! of
H claimed tnst under the new law ibe
railways had btn increased pr cent,
while other prorrty wa Increased only M
per cent, and that mtirh of that was due
to newly uncovered values, so that the
increased awMment of thst which had
been listed under the old law was only X
per cent.
The Burlington tax commissioner made
a similar charge. Clancy K.k up tbe
value of the Vnion Pacific in tbe state,
producing figures to show that the 4C
miles of main line trark is irortn tli.12f.BST.,
to which be added fcl.2Sfi.B5 for tbe ta mii-
of tbe Otnaha d Republican Valley and
txZ.i4 for the sixty-five miles of the Kear
ney branch, making the total aluation
CMi.P7R.71i Then be recurred to tbe earn
ings, taking pains to inform tbe board
thst it had "nothing to do w-jtb revenue
arising from the transportation of inter
state traffic"
"Tbe gross earnings of tbe Vnion Pacific. "
be said, "on Ms Nebraska mileage in HM.
Including tbe local and interstate traffic.
amounted to tl2.ei4.nfi.Bn. The operating
expenses and tbe taxes amounted to SS.IMS.
!0o.M and the act earnings, including earn
ings on interstate traffic, amounted to
Harps aa lateratate raiBseree.
"Of the gross earnings approximately
Kt, per cent is derived from interstate
traffic and only IP- per cent from local
traffic. The gross earnings on local traffic
for tbe year TSHi is. therefore, B,0i,730.2?.
or an average of CITS a mile.
"Nearly U per cent of tbe gross revenue
is absorbed for operating expenses and
taxes. If tbe cost of handling, switching
and unloading were no greater proportion
ately than of througli service, where there
is less loading and unloading, less switch
ing and longer hauls, the net earnings of
tbe Union Pacific on local traffic in lft
would be E.J6 per mile."
Assuming that the cost of transporting
local traffic would be twioe as great as
through traffic Clancy proceeded with a
little mathematical Icgedermaln to prove
that there was no profit tn local traffic
"Tbe difference between the gross rev
enue per mile." he said, "and the net
revenue per mile on local traffic is CW.ii,
which represents half the cost of local
transportation. This sum. doubled to rep
resent tbe wbtile cost, amounts to ti.lilK.7i.
Iiwduct this latter sum from the gross
revenue per mile t,17ii snd tbe result is
t3i 7, which is the approximate amount
of revenue per mile earned by the Vnion
Pacific on local business in Nebraska is
the year This, computed on the bams
of Sta.C miles, shows tbe net revenue of
tbe Vnion Pacific in 1SXH on local business
to be M.J57.30."
After thus proving tbe practical lack of
revenue, he intimated that his estimate of
tbe cost of local traffic mignt be too small
and that tbe business might be done at a
considerable loss.
The branch lines, lie asserted, were oper
ated at a loss of tL.fc.Wt during 1M4.
Mate Smiw mt Telerlaarr Medielae.
Governor Mickey, Secretary of State Ga-
lussa and Auditor Sarle met today and
organised the State Board of Tetertnary
Medicine. authorised by the recent legis
lature. The following board of secretaries
was appointed: A T. Peters. Lincoln;
J. &
two and one year respectively and will be
paid from the fees Each applicant for a
license to practice veterinary medicine is
required to nay C Hereafter all veteri
narians must have these documents, show
ing thst they are qualified.
Gsnrssr's Iltlatataai ta Btatlroada.
It Is reported among state officials on the
authority of a federal official close to the
Vnion Pacific management that the gov
ernor haa forwarded tn ultimatum to the
Burlington and Vnion Pacific that the taxes
must be paid or s specisj session of the
legislature win be summoned to deal with
the rate proWein. This letter is said to ex
plain the unusual activity of the railway
politicians, who have been besieging tbe
governor in an effort to forestall a procla
mation. Tbe governor refuses to discuss
the matter in any of its phases for publi
cation, but he is free in his statements to
friend that tbe railways must expect to
have the rule of the "square deal" spoiled
to them. His friends are using the argu
aient that it w ill be fair to the railways and
the people to call a session for rate legisla
tion should the railways persist is their re
fusal to submit to what tbe board considers
fair assessments, since that will enable tbe
taxpayers t recoup themselves through
lower rates for the Increased burdens of
Or. Lard Kasaed IsarrlatesilrBt.
Tbe State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings today derided in favor of the
allopathic or, as they prefer to call them
sercea tbe regulsr pactitionera. and
against Jhe homeopaths by electing JDr A.
P. Lord of Omaha superintendent of the
new hospital for crippled and deformed
children which is tobe established st tbe
Home for the Friendless in this city under
aa appripratioo made by the recent legis
lature. Ilia salsry will be tl M s year,
tie has designated as his associate Lr. H
W. Orr of this city. s will have charge
of tbe secondary surgical operations and
will be paid S a j ear.
ledate rrsserlr Meat BVe Taiid.
Attorney General Brown, ia tbe following
opinion rendered County attorney Heu-dric-ks
of Saunders county, holds that his
ruling aa to the taxation of fraternal as
sociattotts requires the asatasiueat of Ma
sonic kxlge property:
I sm in reoript of your requtat for the
epituua of this department on Ibe question
as to whether tri.rty of Masonic Wow
ea fciodrvd tnstliut x,:is s car nipt from
taxation under tae staiiitory provision ex
ennpurtg frocs taxation frip-rty used ex
i umx -.' for chantahi purpoaea
After ss exannnaU'ia of id is subject I
an convinced that t jr er-operty of aura
MiBtitu'Ktns r swieties Is not exempt from
tssa'toa. under I nmiiaon of our oa
suisiK and statute eaempung trass taaa-
ti"ti pmrent used exclusively ftr bar
iable puT-es.
cvoon moans wjrrnG st fuewjot
Katlwaal Aasaraatiaa F.searalaa ta
tap oe far Oa-y.
FREMONT. Neb . May 1 . pcil
Arrangercnts have be-n corr,pletd for "be
holding of a good roads convention in this
city pn May K On that dst a r( isl
train rarrymg the offc-rs of the National
Good Roads association to Portland will
rrh the city and it will remstr here oxer
the dav. W. E. leucks of ChTTago, or
ganiser of tbe aesooiatioc. was 1 re yes
terdsy. snd a meeung was b-)d st the
cily ball in the aflmoon to jierfprt the
arrang omenta. Tbre rretirr will be
beld. one at 10 a m. and others at I p m
and 7 :3ft p. m. Tbe latter will be at the
opera bouse and will be illustrated by
srereopijeon viewa AitKint those w-Lo will
take part aie W. H. Moore of St Louis
president of tlie aKSoriation; T. F. Rixey
of St Louis; Hon. Martin Iodge. director
of the office of public road inquiry f the
Vnited State government, and William
Brad burn, consulting engineer of tbe as
sociation. Reduced rales will be secured
from ail points within fifty miles of tbe
Oaklawd'a Rallrawd Praspecta
OAKLAND. Neb May 3 i Special ) 3.
M. Av:rill. the right-of-way nai for tbe
Great Northern railroad, is in this city
working on the right-of-way for that road
through Oakland.
The proposed road will run Just east of.
and parallel to tbe Chicago. St. Paul. Min
neapolis A Omaha through Oakland, and
will cross that road in the south jrt of
Most of the nght-of-w-ay has been se
cured on Conmvrcia! avenu at a thirty
day option, from S to fcvic being paid on
each claim.
Work has ben stopped "n the new bri'k
building which is in the course of con
struction on Commercial avenue, by Neis
Benson. This property has Wn sold to
the raUroad corr.nar.y for fld.niKi. Kwir down
on thirty-day option. TYls move by the
Great Northern s caus.rg quite a little
excitement in this community and people
begin to thick tbe new road is coming
without a doubt.
tfwi af Yebraaka.
OPCEOL.A Captain L. M. Pratt has s.ld
hi inn-rests in his hoi-l to F. P. Giil"rl
of Omaha, the latter to take the entire pos
session on July L
EE-TK1CE At tlie annual nwti-ig of
tbe Hall in lb Grove eo.-i.-ty 1hcs i-.ffi''-s
w't-re elected' Mrs. W. S. Bourne. prsi6nt ;
Mrs C, A. Bradley, vice prfni6nt : Lenors
Fisher, secrets rj . Mrs. Ajhert Sage, treas
urer. BEATRICE A F Baily. who Is prob
ably tbe oldest resident of this section of
the state, celebrated his !ih hirthdav Tuflf
day anrnoor and evening at tb- liome of
his ciaughter, Mrs. Eugene Mack in this
BEATRICE At a meeting of the board
of directors of the Beatrice Commercial
club J. T. Harden tendered his resignation
as president which was accepted. It is tb
intention of tbe club to meet soon for reorganisation.
OSCEOLA The VTomaj.'s Home and For
eign Missionary society of tbe Methodis?
Episcopal church had s very interesting
meeting at the church parlors yesterdav
afternoon in honor of Mrs M. VT. Miles,
who i about to leave them.
FLATTSMOVTH-Paul Rttesner and Miss
Emma Lots were married in this ity last
evening at tbe borne of the bride's sister.
Mrs Henry Zuckweiler Tb couple will
make their future home at Lincoln, wbere
Mr. Roesner is employe in the engine
service of the Burlington.
PLATTSMOVTH A large audience or
Plattsmoutb peojile witneRsed s practical
demonstration of physical rulture and its
beneficial -ffets st tbe snnual exbitiition
given by the Turner society last night.
Tbe entertainment was pronounoed tbe
best or its kind ever given in tbe city.
TABLE ROCK At the office of the
countv Judge st Pawnee Citv m Tuesdnv,
May IS. Judge F. A. Barton officiating. Mr.
R Stonecypher of Table Rock and Mis
Addle Fuller of Suanee. "ia.. were married.
TABLE ROCK A petition for s license
for s silk-on was filed last night with the
villuge board by G. A Alexander.
TEKAMAH At a regular meeting or Te
kamah lodge No. JCL Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons, beld here last night, tbe
following officer were elected for tbe en
suing year. W orthy meter, Carl G Nor
seen; wenior warden. George H. Wixer;
Junior warden. Harry K. Clark; secretary,
John A. SinghSAis; treasurer. James P.
BEATRICE tr. F. Grngrlch. w ho has
been cashier at tlie Burlington dexKt at
this point for the past two ears, left the
employ ot the ooirjiany today to act-pt a
position in the -fhces of the vueen t'ity
Creamery company bere. Mr. Gingrich wii
lie succeeded by H W. Conard. formerly
ertra agent fwr tbe Burlington oa tbe
W vmore ii vision.
FREMONT At a meeting of tbe direc
tors of tbe Commercial club, beld yester
day, tbe following officers were chosen
for tbe year: C. Li. Man, president; O. F.
Turner, vie president, J. F. Hanson, sec
jetary. and A. C Hull, treasurer. Tbe di
rectors started a gang of men at work
smoothing off tlie roads adjoining the city
tin mormrae. On account of tbe rams
they were very rough.
CR.E1GHTON-I. A. E. IiRbrow of this
place lee.1 highly elsted over the pros
per.t of s well recently dug at this piai-e
Tbe weii was sunk to a depth of sixty
feet and found to have a thirty-fuot flow
of water, with indications of i.igrjy pnxd
medical proj-ertie. The watvr in itself
very closely resembles tbe famous Carls-
onsumptive Cough Cured
Mr. E S T.born. Wife of a
Department Store Manlier.
Cured of a Chronic Couh by
Duffy. Pure Malt Whiskey.
Young Lidy. Who Had Lot iO
Pounds in Six Months, Is
Quickly Cured of Distressing
Cough. T a. born. Cured of
Chronic Constipa.tion a. n d
Bowel Trouble, Tells of liis
Remarkable Recovery.
Ti:rlng the fsll and winter of :sn,".-4. rry
w ife bad a chriic coiigh whi-h Tun dr-w n
iter svstern. reduir-d her a-eigi,t and sapped
ber strength to such an exient liiet we tie
came alarmed snd feared she had oc-nsur r
tir-n. Her do'-to- rae hi-r ery httie relief,
snd we t-vd different medicine -in vain,
bet m-thit-g bT tiled her until she beaan
to tske IufTy s Iire Malt Wl-ikey. which
we heed if therugh s "-etimot.ta! of a
temp ranee ad"fcate B-f--w the flr1 hot -tie
vkp taken. tle ci-tugh had almost ceaed.
and I" continued l "ea t mevt 1 in a wry short
lime she was enc-d
Another wonderful cure was that of a
yovng lady employed oy nve in s depart
mnl H"i in BaUimore V an troubled
a ith a chrx-tiir coiigh. ad a ho liad let ft
jn-'iitid in sm rm-iiti. MHihw did her Tf
g-Kd and she was in despair, a lies 1 ad
vised Iter to take vour graod medicine. In
a short rime she -a entirely cured
"1'ersonnlly tt y experience w it h IXirTy s
has t-een lntie ston f rns.rv -bms For wi
1 had chroric constipatrm. which brrnigt.t
f.n boa-el fr-,i'le and liW-do-.g pilea Tor
fi- years 1 d'-ctored aitli p-11 and other
medicine, but -welAed no relil until 1 com-rw-nced
tn take 'Iuffy' ' The f.rsi bottia
had a magical efte.-t. and In a .hc'1 tma
1 aa r-iti-eed to comt'le'e health.' S.
TABtiRN. Baltimore. Md March L 3!.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
tiuffV Pure Malt IMiiekry if the onlv positive cur ar.d pe entive of pneumonia consumption grip, b-nnrl itis. C"urhs.
colas disessea of tlie ti.roat and lungs, malaria. fvcrs. sv.math and bowel troubles, and all wasting, run-down. :cas- on-
eitJrn-tr4r centenarians ewe their long life and r-ontirud health, strenglh. activity and usefnlnea to ihis g'"nd medicine,
whleh hH tlie matchless record of over aiMaw. cur in fifty j-ears It i absolutely pure, contain-no fusel oil. ana i tne
only thi.krv r-coimixoa by the G.vernment as a rrifdicitie.
(KTIOUwkri aa ask far llitl'i Fare Malt x hi.key Ve ware yaw aet tbe aeaaiae. 1 aaeraaalawa
sealer, aaiaefal af tbe escelleaee ef this areaaratioa. Mill try ta well aa rheaa lasllatlaaa aad a--alle Malt
-Viaiskey sabstitates oalrli are pat aa tbe saarket far praat aaly. ! nalra. tar ft-aai rellelas tbe l-k. are
Msltlrly baraafaL Ileaaaad eDswy-s. - aad Wr sare aa get It. Lena l.r lf trade-asarW. -The Old ( beaalat aa
the label.
The genuine rmffy' Fnre Malt TVhlsVey I aoM'by all its and grocers or dlr act. at II a bottle v rite lor tree meoicat
booklet containing symptoms and treatment cf each 3ijM.e to the iuny Malt w nif.K y to..
? - . - -. :. -' , : . .
:: .s)rJH' -o
x -. -1 a-:- ,
- '
' ....... ...
,'.-- i
.-. . . -: ''::' : . :-v: ... -i
CI a V "
Rochester. N. T.
Such Are "words cf Barter Efkting w
Eefcf Inquiry.
District Atteraey bajs lweal laves
tLgatlaa Is Altai Saaae l.taes
Fallaoea la tbe thl
, cage Hearlag,
rorty-one additional ' w-ltnesses from
South Omaha have len subpoenaed to ap
pear before tiie federaj grand jury here
in the Beef tiust investigation, which
will now bring the number of subpoenas
up to atout yKi. These last subpoenas ate
for commission me.n and employes of the
packing houses and include a number of
tbe leading meal men of the Magic City.
Those testifying tx-fore tbe federal grand
jury Thursday morning were: Sol 1..
i ho w ere com-
v i
change, m -j't one or t
mission men
The most in-.priBnt witness of the after-
noon was C F. Wilher of la trice. Wilber j
was for a number of year associated aith ;
the tup packing bouse of Nelson Morris t 1
St. Louis and has for a number of year J
been in the retail meat business at Beatrice. '
A Marl far the Vkaala.
OMAHA. May la To tbe Editor of The
Bee: One of tbe "signs of the tiroes" whirh
not given the opportunity to tell promises great things for the near future
all J should have liked to tell before the j i the general interest of the people in the
grand Jury, owing to the special nature of schools We could name schools of Omahi
the inquiry ahiuh relaie? to the violation
of the Interstate commerce and anti-trust
laws There was but little that I could say
In reference to these matters, a my asso
ciation with I he lug meat men goes back
a good many years I was treated very
pleasantly by the Jurors, who. 1 think, are
trying hard to get down to the solid tact
of this meat business. There is nothing
that I said before the Jury that I am at
liberty to divulge, nor would' I care to do
basse tltal Fealares,
"There are. however, some phases of this
meat business that should tie taken into
this inqciry by the grand Jury. The way
tbe packer and their traveling saJomen
get In their work a gainst tbe small retailer
Anderson. Seward, and H. L Ramai4 Sp" mineral water of Germany.
, . 1 Local physicians wbo have examined tne
of Omaha. They will serve three, 1 water prooounoe it highly beneficent to
Deecan. W. H. McCreerv. J. G. Martin.
James L.ush. Arthur Beacon. M P. Cham- i is Important. They make a thorough can
bers and C. E. Grundy.
Judge Baxter sud Thursday morning
There seems to be a misapprehension re- j
vass of tbe city they happen to be in and
put tbeir meat into store, sell to hotels,
restaurants and big consumers of meat and
cu-ditii the nature of the investigation tnu practicaiiy kill the retail business.
we are now carrying on lief ore tbe grand j "fniere retailer used to sell with half a
Jury. Jt is not to establish the fact or j chance from S3 to 4H worth of meat a
falsitv of any combination between the day they are now selling only IT. and DP
packer and commission men a to pri'-es.
Tbe sole purjKise of the investigation i to
ascertain if there J.a lern or now is any
violation of the anti-trust laws, or if there
has been or is now any violation of the
interstate commerce law. AVe are not
limited to any time or rule covering tbe
investigation, but are instructed to make it
complete, thorough and exhaustive, and
this we projKise to do. The- statement re
cently apjiearing m one of Tbe Bee reports
that there are no -evidences of any eombi-
worth oftener but IT. worth. The retail
meat man. of course, ha the bulk of the
fresh moat retail trade, but he has mighty
little of the smoked or cured meats trade
because the packers have loaded jp the
erooenes with cured meats, regardless of
the common business courtesy due the pur
chasers of their fnsh meats, tbe retail meat
men Then ararn. they sell fresh meats
direct to large stores which have sufficient
refrigerator room to take care of it. Tbe
result ha been to cut tlie very life cut of
nation between the packers and conimi- I t he retail lui sines in meats and most of
the small meat men have to add other com
modities to their sttK-k in order to keep
their lieads above water. Lots of them
have been ari'-ert out of Ibe business and
others are dropping out constantly because
they cannot burk the Beef trust and live."
diabetic conditions.
FREMONT At a special meeting of the
congregation of tbe Ianih Lutheran
church it was voted to instruct their of
ficials to give an option on their church
property on Third street to the Great
Nortliera railroad. Tbe Tanih Methodi:
church, wtiicb owns property on tbe same
street, have also been asked for an option
on tbeir property. This Indicates very
plainly that tbe new road will enter tbe
dry from the northwest and run north of
tbe Northwestern.
OWrXiLA Among She Star routes that
have been allowed is one running from here i nesees have been summoned before tbe
sion men, as told by one of the witnesses,
is striitiy true.. That phase of the questinn
is not teitig investigated at all. and your
informant was right in saying that in the
nature of thing there is no possibility of
a combination between the packers and
commission men. particularly here at
Asked in reference to the methods of the
investigations being conducted here as com
pared with tbe investigation before the
grand Jury in Chicago. Judge Barter said:
"We are proceeding on exac tly the same
lines as those of the Chicago investigation.
In fact, our inquiries here might be called
a part of the Chicago investigation. W
shall sek to get every light possible on the
matter. I cannot Bay when tlie investiga
tions are likely to be concluded here."
Owe Haadred frauaaaaaed.
Up to I o clock Thursday evening 1W ait-
Daw't Tae Pear Oil.
For use on sewing machine, bicycle
snd all purpose requiring a fine lubricant
'be best ia cheapest in tbe end. Genuine
Firger oil can only tie obtained at Singer
stores. Look for the red S. 1B14 Douglas
street. Omjiba; 43S North J4th street. 6outh
Omaha Neb.
to Silver Crwk. let to Melker J. Ryan, and
begins on Sunday. May 2L the mail going
from here to Silver Creek at I 1 a m. and
bringing tlie Sunday paper and mail that
leaves maba on No. 11 at f :i& and due at
Silver Creek at 3r:tT. not later trian llKi.
and tn arrrve at Osceola in three hours
This will give lis s mail every Sunday. We
will ret tbe Sunday morning pajpers from
Omaha and Lincoln as well as the letter In
trie middle of tlie afternoon of Sunday.
grand Jury. Those examined Thursday
afternoon were: Charles F. Wilber. a meat
merchant of Beatrice; P. C Karsiena, C.
R, Allen, Pbelix Leena, Paddy Griffith. C.
C Beckman, M P. Chumley. C E. Grundy,
C, F. Hunt singer. F. G. Ingraham, John
Murphy and Loui Wolf, all of South
Omaha and connected with the Trade ex-
ElLbora River rea.a,e Oat.
WEFT POINT. Neb.. May Is i Special
The Elkbora river above and below this
city is slowly rising snd some apprehension
is felt by citisens living in the bottoms.
Peter Nelson, a fanner living two mile
south of West Point, in a bend in the river.
n oliliged to move hi family and stock
to higher gronnd jesterday. Between West
Point and Beemer, at the point where the
valley widen, the water extend for two
miles on each side of the railroad track.
Immense area of fine com lands are ren
dered useless for cropping this season. No
loss c live stock ha thus far been reported.
(and ooubtelcss there are other irtiich
are not acquainted with! that are forceful
center of high moral infl jence as well as
of fine mental training. Like Jane dcia-n
and her assistants, these teachers are giv
ing the best of their lives for the fuU
development of the children, and their ln
fl'jence is a power which extends to ibe
homes of the entire neighborhood The for
tunate do well to appreciate it, as well ss
tbe les happy, frtr do we not need to or
alert if we would '"hold w hat we haie
gained? And must we not advance tf we
would not retreat?
Theseschool owe 1he.iT standing largely
to the cbarartei' of the principals, who
know bow to bring cut the best that Is in
everj owe. both teacher and pupil.
Such a principal has a isnge heart and
ready eym patty. Without tlie magnerista
of true sympithy other endowments, how
ever great, are inadequate. She has a leva
of Justice wnkh enables tier lo Judge
righteously, always leaving out self-interest.
In addition lo these essential tiualitie.
sbe is not lacking in intellectual attain
ments. Let tlie people se to it that the home
and tbe schools work together to sur
round our cnildr-en with the sr-mosphere of
sympathy, justice and lntellgenca, for this,
to their unfolding minda. if the 'breath of
life. E. J. B.
Plea Fraaa tbe .allery.
OMAHA. May Jfc To the Editor of Tha
Bee: Nob- that the theatrical season is at
an end it may be well to state-a few line
In behalf of the patron af tlie gallery.
rmring the last season a certain Allen
Dale" of Omaha has taken unlimited liber
ties in casting numerous in suit a oa this
part of tbe audience. Tley -have been
branded a "low-hrow" and "row die." all
of which wa unnecessary and uncalled for.
Soch words as these are sufficient to stop
a large part of "Vie patronage, and should,
if father and mother for many w-emea
occupy seats in the ""heaven"! are Classed
as such.
Without sny exception It may be ssfejy
said that only Omaha's best class of ctti
B' nfi pay to see such productions as tae
Boyd ha had during the season of 14-
1 hope thi emerald-foliaged named young
man will see fit to rectify the injustice
be ha done to hundreds of Omaha theater
goers and that he will not lie so "foolish"
as to. again unnecessarily provoke- anger
among tbe same. L, K. H
staalx Clerk MlaaiaaT.
GENOA. Neb.. May la. S;iecia Tele
gram, i Harry Bratt, bookkeeper jn the
First National bank at iMs place, went to
hi room last night at about e'-clocJc and
no trace of him can be found. Money,
watch and key were "le-ft on tbe dresser,
and it i thought he drowned himself ta
tbe Beaver in a fit of aberration.
)n u wTWT TinSETT1 TUT
The last 10 cent Cigar that you smoked will
taste flat and bitter after you have
bought your first Banquet Hall.
The inside of Banquet Hall Cigars is the best tobacco
that grows in Cuba- It comes from the Vuelta Abajos
Province which supplies the kings of the world.
The wrapper is a sweet silky piece of imported tobacco.
Judge it by the best cigar that usually costs you 5c more.
Wise dealers sell them, not because they can make so
much profit out of them but because they can make so
many customers out of Banquet Hall Cigars.
' Other shapesat two for 25c and 15c straight. .
Oaf AHA OISTaVIBUTOaVS Miaaw Haw lark
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