10 THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. MAY 10. 1003. A GREAT MONEY SAVING SaJe of Re Arnaults FRIDAY fltlDAY Just the Goods You Need Right Now TOR MAKING PRETTY CLOTHES FOR SUMMER. Imported Madras Waistinrf and Skirting Finest Quality in every new desirable style, in aaiK or ngn grounds with colored woven patterns, worth 50c; aped at, yarn v Now Lot of Summer Vollea The quality you expect to pay 15c a yd. we offer 1000 yards for i Friday at, a yard O2C Fine White Sheer India Llnon 4U Inches wtalo, lic lft value, at....- 1UC Black, white and all ahaili'a linn ailk dot Mull, not the ordinary quality, but actually 10 worth 3Jc a yard, for UC Simpson's Imst grade 30-inch Silk ollne, all fast colors P at, per yard. JC Iar1 wide light and dark dress Per cale, (Inn Koft finish, every new and desirable pattern, In splendid O new lot for Friday, at S9c 2 6!c New High drade Printed Dimity worth lite a yard; up-- f ft clnl for, a yard 1IIC Scotch Cham bray and Seeraucker Qing hams Splendid wearlugciual- ity, regular price V-aC a yard for, a yard.... Itemnart of dark dross Percales that are worth 10c we place on Kale an long ns they last fur, a yard 2y 36-Inch white Lawn, fine or med ium qualities, a special ' offer for, a yard .wC Short lengths printed Lawns, one entire bargain square piled 1 1 lilgb for, per yard I2C 50c Table Damask at I5c i. Friday we offer all the balance of fine mercerm-d Table Damask in mill remnants these are slightly imperfect worth 50c Fri day at, a yard '. !5c Lace Remra.rvl3 Immense lot of wash and trimming laces In nil desirable widths pretty new patterns, freh and clean bargain tables, at, yurd J ! 2c-32c-5c j i 10c-15c-25c j An Important Sale of Dress Goods Remnants Embroideries Medium and extra wide em broideries Swiss, nainsook and canihrlc. for all kinds of trim mings worth up to &0o yard, at, per yard DIAMONDS Yield dally Dividends In pleasure of possession. There are also a good Investment. We have an elegant line in unset stones top show you from fii'i.U) to J.MKi.nn, and a large line of new Platinum mounted goods. Brown & Borsheim, Jewelers. - 220-222 S. 16th St ! Base BeJl I Stockings For the Boys or Men's sizes, in any color you may wish. We have now got our colors complete and have every size at only 25c a pair or $2.76 per doien In the following Colors: ORANGE ; PINK NAVY BLUE RED PURPLE ,, ROYAL BLUE GF.EEN WHITE TAN 25c A PAIR If you are going to get up a team see us on the stockings. We can save you money. Come in and let us show you the quality of them. It will sur prise you. All this season's $1.50 dross goods black, cream and all colors 3 to 8 yard lengths every stylish new weave on great bargain square, at . . , 49c All the high class dress goods that sold up to $1.00 a yard 4 to 8 yard pieces, black and ell colors serges, voiles, Fanamas, etc., at, yard a vvuwio 29c J Travelers Sample Pieces 7 to 10 pieces to match T)IZn u enough for skirts & suits, black, all colors, ea.a JC aa All shorter lengths in the same assortment, each IOC 25c Floral Organdies at7ic Also 1,000 yds of white71 wash India lawn regular price 25c, at, yard. ... 2C " Friday Is Silk Bargain Day Fresh lota sample piece from one of Patterson's leading silk mills, all bright pretty oolora and go according to 1 C 1A. IF. u length, at, each.: f ZC-JC-1 UC-Z J C tm Manufacturers' remnants of fine black silks, including all leading qualities of guaranteed black taffeta, peau de BJ sole, peau de cygne and mcssaline, from ono to six yards pieces, go ai nan ine regular price. On bargain square, 6,000 yards fine silks, neat styles foulards, colored taffetas, messallne silks, 32-lnoh Kimona silks, :-!neh pure silk black taffeta, neat chameleon shirt waist silk, changeable Jacquard taffeta, many very handsome miks In this lot limit of 15 yards to each customer... 29c Pretty new silks for suits In coin spot, two-toned taffeta neat fancy Louislene, boucle novelties, pure silk crash pongee and 60 pieces of One quality pure silk rustling col- i orea timeta on squares will go at 49c-59c Cooking by Electricity in Arcade Cooking by Electricity in Arcade DR. BRADBURY DENTIST .1506 FARNAM. Teeth Extracted 25c rercelaln Flllinp $1 up OeM FilliDft $1 up Kttvr P1IBat 50c up &ftvu. Sl.tO up ftotta 12-SOup 15 Years Same Location 'Phone 1758. Bridja Work $2,50 up Nerves Honored Without Pain. Look Teeth Made Solid. Work Guranteed 10 Yean GRAY FINISH Silver Is the thing these days Knives, Forks, Spoons. Hon Ron Dishes, Berry Rowls, Manicure Pieces any of these would make a handsome wedding gift. Should you have an Invitation to a wedding It will pay you to look over our line we have so many beautiful things this year. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 1018 DougMa Street. Ms, DIAMONDS? Are a specialty with us. We carry at all times an exceptionally com plete assortment of fine Diamonds at prices so reasonable that we are willing to refund nine-tenths of year from date of purchase. SiS days of pleasure for ten per cent of the cost. la the gratification not worth It? -& DODGE. THIS IS PERSONAL Ttiere are many things you should know about your teeth. It would be wise for you to let us examine them. We will tell you considerable thnt you will be glad to know. This is FREE. Teeth extracted painlessly, 75c. TAR'S DENTAL ROOMS, 1317 Douglas St. HOTELS. Hotel MARLBOROUGH BROADWAY, JoTH AND 37TH STS. Herald Square, New York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The largest and moat attractive LOBBY AND ROTUNDA In New York has been newly opened up. Special Inducements to COMMERCIAL MlfN with sample Thirty large and well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS, with or without bath. Forty large front suites, with parlor, two bedrooms and private bath; suitable for families or parties traveling together. The Old English Grill Room la an Innovation. I'nique and original. i , All exposed cooking Sea food of all varte tie a specialty. .' ' ' Our Corablnatlua Breakfasts are a popular feature. The German Rathskeller 1 Bnttwiyi greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular Music, ETJRO PEXN FLAN. 4M Room. M baths. Rates for Rooms. fM and upward- IP 00 and upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath. J 00. (4.00 and S6.U) per day; Parlor, two bedrooma and ba.Ua WW, K-0 aitd per day. $1 00 extra where two persons occupy single roum. Write for Booklet TXSI9SX-T1IUST HOTEL COMPACT. E. it. Tlerney. Mc IJOS. F. BILZI 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. Agent Pictorial Review Patterns. 'HMneleBEeleleleli a WASH YOUR FACE 2 with Permallne Skin Soap, finest 2 soap for the complexion; antiseptic T and non-irritating, t'leanses the pores, 2 whitens the skin. 25c. Sold by J Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 14 Will inaugurate a new fast daily train between Omaha and Colorado on the follow ing schedule: WESTBOUHD. Lr. Omaha Today 8:55 p. m. Lv. Lincoln Today 10:16 p. m. Ar. Denver Tomorrow 11 :45 a. m. Ar. Colorado Springs " 11:46 a.m. Ar. Pueblo " 1:10 p.m. EASTBOISJD. Lv. Pueblo Today 1:06 p.m. Ar. Colorado Bprings..Tom'w 2:30 p. m. Ar Denver " 2:16 p. m. Ar. Lincoln " 8:00 a.m. Ar. Omaha 7:26 a.m. Through Fullman Equip ment and dining car service. The Rocky Mountain Lim ited will continue to leave Omaha at 7:20 a. m. and the Denver Express at 1:30 p. m. as at present. Low excursion rates to Colorado on sale daily on and after June 1st. For further information call or write F. P. RUTHERFORD, Division Paaaangar Agent. THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXP0SITI0N--I905 AT PORTLAND, OREGON Will be open continuously From June 1, 1905, to Oct 15, 1905 Ono Hundred and Thirty bf yen Day i LOW EXCURSION RATES via union PACIFIC aao eowNicTioaa in u ci i ii . si ii'i , biiu B.uimrers allowed en route and at Portland on through tickets. 'Ihls route glTea you t'tO miles along the noble Columbia Klver, and a chance to visit YELLOWSTONE PARK June I to September IS, 1900, re- turning from Portland via CALIFORNIA Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1334 FAR VIM STREET, Phone SIS. DEPUTT STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L. RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VKTKRIARIS. Office and Infirmary, 28th and Maaon 81a. OMAHA. NLB, Xalaphoa K. I A OMll WEATHER REPORT Friday Showers. n CILOCKEHY CRASH ! to JS.(H, 5.00 TOILKT SETS Worth for Those are on the newest shapes and hnutlsomoly derornted. Also Double Oreen Trading Stamps on any decorated set In stock for Imlnnce of week. SKK THK NKW HAVILAM CHINA IINXKR SKTS; the new Arli I shape, solid gold hitntlles; the prettiest Ilavlland ever made; sold lu sep- nrnte pieces, or In full set of one hun dred pieces 60.00 Do Not Forget Our China Section When Looking for a Present for the June Bride. WHITE ENGLISH PORCELAIN DINNER SET, the very finest of ware, 62-plece set, fl QQ special O.VO One Hundred (J10.00) Oreen Trading Stamps. HA VI LAND CHINA DINNER SETS To close out two sets thnt sold at $-'9.60, can be bought "7 Kf now at... VERT FINEST CRYSTAL BON HON DISH Handled, ICln each ..i IUL A LOT ftp ODD HI,T-i; FI.ATES. TO ClAtSE Oi:T gl'ICK Worth 10c up to Sc each BAVARIAN CHINA CI VS AND SAIN CEHS New shape and pretty pink decorations, a :'uc value, lllc for A BIG PICTURE BARGAIN WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS All Yard Pictures left over from Saturday's big sale about 75 in all to close out quickly; these f 1.23 AOc values for M Twenty ($2.00) (Ireeu Trading Stamps. Subjects in clude Pansies, Tuppies, Fruit, Etc. WMch for Our Bi Art Sale on Saturday. See Our Big Game Picture Window. Harney Street. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY. SAVIO MONEY ON ALL YOI'R OROCERY PURCHASES. AND QET THE BEST AT BENNETT'S. Fortv ($41 Green Trading Stamps, with sack Excelsior Flour $1.76 Twenty ($J.0O) Ureen Trading Stamps, with 2-lb. can Bennett's Breakfast Coffee o Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps, with pound tea, at 4Sc Ten ($1.ii0) Oreen Trading Stamps, with can pure ground black pepper, at 12c SWEET CORN, can .60 Twenty ($2.0iy Green Trading Stamps, W1LU pOUHU ptH.-Htt .Ji. tri via seeded raisins, at 16c Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps, with large bottle Columbian catsup, at 200 Ten (1.0fl) Green Trading Stamps, with 3-lb. can table syrup 12H Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps, with 8 bars Bennett's bargain soap 25c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps, with pkg. Gusto Breakfast Food, and cup or saucer 15c BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Large stick candy, three for lc Fifteen sticks for 6c SPECIALS IN HARD WARE FRIDAY ONLY Thirty ($3.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with green painted screen door, with hlngea, knob and hooks (any reg ular sizel "0c Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with steel blade grass hook 18c Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with "steel blade grass hook 28c Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with extra quality grass hook 40c Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with extra quality 1-pce grass hook a3 Double Green Trading Stamps on lawn mowers, style to suit everyone prices up from $2.85 Thirty ($:t.00) Green Trading Stamps with 24-tine Heel lawn rakes. ...42o Fortv ($4.o) Green Trading Stamps with shovels and spades, regular 65c 55(3 Thirty ($,1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 12-tlne steel garden rake 3Sc Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with 12-tlne malleable garden rake.lsc Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with 14-tine ninlleahle earden rake. 20c Double Green Trading Stamps on best double Selvago Wire Cloth, square foot lo BASEMENT. Friday Shoe Sale. Men's tan, Russia calf bluchers, welt sewed, (Ed Clapp shape), Z C A $5.00 value at . ." J0t Men's tan Russia calf blucher oxfords, Jap cap toe, strap and buck- CA lei, Packard's $5 shoes at. . J0 U Men's patent Corona colt blueher ox fords, welt sewed, Wall, street, cap toe $5.00 value 400 Men's colored vlcl kid blucher ox fords, welt sewed, Pack ard's $5.00 shoes at Men's tan, Russia calf blucher ox fords, welted soles $3.50 value at Old men's bluck vlcl kid So. ties- English welt, wide plain toes, easy ou the feet.... 3.50 2.50 y 2.00 Show Me That $15 Goat It's Equal to Most Stores, $25.00 I Up says : Most of us miss the good things in life because we do not demand them and yet my mark is an easy thing to ask for on "Mackinettes." We have just fifty coats we wish to close out. They sold up to $13.50; yours Friday and Saturday only My Mark () The Faultiest Fitting Shoe for Women. SEE DltV GOODS, MILLINERY, ETC., ON PAGE 6 Ladies' Silk Suits, worth $15.00 h 111:8.88 mm in S THI RDLUBLB STORK. Great Sale of Men's Shirts Saturday. See Hth St. Win-dows. Special Friday Bargains BIO SALE OF SILK PONGEE. 19-ln. wido regular .W qc.nllty for 27-ln. wide regular Sftc quality for , 27-Inch wide regular SSc value for 36-inch wide regular $1.45 quality for.. NATURAL JAP WASH SILKS. l'-ln. wide regular 3!c value for 27-ln. wide regular 75c value at 27ln. wide regular 6oc value for I M-lnch wide regular Kc. value for 4V XV -ln. wide regular MV value for tJO 4!V A full line of Color Corded Wash Silk rt'gulnr 40c. Frldnv your choice of $1.00 6" pieces for, yard J.1e, BLACK JAP AND CHINA SILKS. 12-Inch wide, regular c, for Sa 21c 27-ln. wide, regular 75c, for 6o 50e 27-ln. wide. r(tulnr We. for f9a Gi'c. 36-lncJi wide, regular $1.00, for ttVO GREAT EMBROIDERY SALE. Thousands of yards of the very finest Corset Cover Embroideries, In all th choicest patterns, worth from f0c to 75c per yard, special Friday, at, yard atOlv $1.60 to $2.00 EMBROIDERED SKIRTING, 60 Inches wide, will be sold at, yurd 50c MAIN WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT REMNANTS OF HIGH GRADE WAS grade remnants of Wash Goods at the nios Omaha. 630 WASH GOODS 18C. Remnants of White Jacquai'ds, that sold up to 63c, In 3'-yard lengths, Q will go at. yard IOC 60C GOODS AT 15C. Remnants of Jacquard Organdies and other f roods, that sold up to 6oc, good long ength, will close at a 15c 59C AND 31)C GOODS AT 10C YD. 26c and 36c Madras, 25c Mercerized Wash Goods, 6oc All Linen Suitings, 2ic and 39c 10c H OOODS-Wc will close out our high t astonishingly lo pilot's ever made In Organdies, French and Persian Iiwns. all will go. nt. yurd 40- AND 5SC LININGS IOC. 35c and V SHteen Linings, Percaleena All Silk. Half Silk and other goods, worth from .'6c to 40o and 6Sc a yard, all iHr will go at a yard IViW 26C GOODS FOR 5C. Linings, GltiKhnirt, fine Wash Oooods. Hnteens, l'ercnle. 3H-lnch Cambrics ami other goods, worth up to 25c ard, En all will go In this sale at a yard... IN OMAHA'S GREATEST DOMESTIC ROOM 15c Seersucker Ginghams, at yard 6c 25c Nicker Suitings and B'ige Voiles, at, yard 8V4c 25c Egyptian Tissues, Suitings and lace stiiim Walstliigs, at yard 6c 15c Fine Printed Lawns and Batistes, 40 Inches wide, at yard 67c ONE BIG SQUARE OF LINING, worth up to 5oc yard, at yard 6o 15c Almerla Batistes, pretty patterns. fast colors, from the holt, at ynrd...470 ON E BIG SQUARE All kinds of White Goods and Wals.Jngs, worth up to 35c yard, at 10c, 7V' and fia 8 1-3 Soft Finish Bleached Muslin. 36 Inches wide, from the bolt, ut vard.. 6a 20 YARDS TO CUSTOMER. 49c Home Made Sheets, bleached, 72x 90 size, at 3Ko 13Hc Pillow Cases, 42x45v36 slse, at 90 SILKS. SILK. SILKS. SILKS. Fancy Japs and China Silks, Taffeta lines .etc., w.orth up to T5c yard, 1 to , 6-yard lengths, on sale on bargain square, 10r domestic room, at, yard lvfw BED SPREADS' White Honeycomb Bedspreads, handsoma Marseilles patterns, hemmed, ready .4 Its-. w w les na r use. full size. at. $1.26 Colored Bedspreads, In pink and I $2.00 Bedspreads, with or without frlngn, white and blue and white, heavy Br I beautiful Marseilles patterns, f OCi fringe, special, at OOW at leaStJ INTERESTING GROCERY PRICES THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND FRESH EST GOODS ON THE MARKET. Bromangelun, Jellyeon, Fruit Puddine or Jello, per package 74c 1-lb. Jars pure Fruit Preserves 7c 6-Ib. pall pure Fruit Jelly luc Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup...." Large bottles Worcestershire Sauce. .. ."Vjc Large bottles fancy Mixed, Sour, Gher kin, Orrion or Chow Chow Pickles.... THe The best Corn Starch, per package.... 4e The best bulk laundry Starch, per lb. 4c Fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina per lb 3" 1-lb. cans Fancy Alaska Salmon ac Potted Ham, Devilled Hnuis or Potted Tongue, per can 3'4c 1-lb. package Imported Macaroni 74c 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 2fic 7 lbs. best bulk Oatmeal 15c S lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans.... 19o Quart cans Golden Table Syrup 7H BUTTER! BUTTER! BUTTER! For Friday only we will sell 100 0-lb. tuba of very Fancy Full Grass Separator Creamery Butter, at, per pound 220 This butier cannot be equaled anywhere for less than 2&c lb. FRESH FRUIT AND CANDY SPECIALS. Large, Sweet, Highland Navel Oranges, per dozen JOo Iarge, Juicy Lemons, per dozen.. loo rttinuiiT BiiiuinKni oi lanry large, rine Pineapples, as long as they last, each.70 Pure Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack 10a Fancy Chocolate Creams, regular 80o lb., for Uj Fancy Bon Bons, regular 30c lb, for.. Uo HAVDEN BROS. The Greatest Singers in the World. The Greatest Musicians in the World. The Greatest Humorists in the World. DID YOU EVER HEAR THEM; Whether you ha.ve or not, A COLUMBIA GRAPH0PH0NE will let you hear them AS OFTEN AS YOU PLEASE. Under the Special Arrangement with thti COLUMBIA ORAPHOPHONE CO. at 1621 Farnam Street, we are enabled to offer A $12.50 Columbia Disc Graphophone With a Year's Subscription to The Evening and Sunday Bee FREE. This ta tha Columbia ragular $HBO Dlaa Graphoph4na aA cannot ba bought anywhere for lasa. Given FREE to our readara. The Columbia Graphophone recoiled tha Grand HJghaat Award at the St. Louia ExpoatUon; 10O4. It la youra with a aubaclpUoa to thla paper FREE of all ooaC Mail this today not tomorrow Coupon of Inquiry Circulation Dept.. OMAHA BEE. Omaha, Neb. Please send your representative to mr addrese a. given below to show the ORAPHOPHONE you offer with on year's aubscrlptloa to TOH3 OMAHA BEE. Kinl Addrasa ,....m. Dt. W. have also made arrajigementa to upply :iall aubacrlliers with the OmLihophon.. For full parUonlara t.nd ua thla ooupon. Nail Subscriber's Coupon Circulation Dept., OMAHA 8KB. Omaha, Nab. please send me full partlaeUars how to obtain a $12 60 Columbia Orabo phone practloalljr rrea. Nacn. Addreaa Dat.. 5 A MAJI IS Jl'DGED Nowadays, to a large extent by his appearance modem civilization decrees that he should cultivate a pride which will prompt him to keep himself neat.. Shabbily dressed persons are found today In the rear or tha proces.lon. A cheap or dilapidated trunk or grip Is even worse than poor clothes. , . if you need a trunk, traveling bag or suit case, buy It of ua and you will get the best for a nominal price. We have the largest axsortment In Omaha and manufacture our own stock, therefore we can save you money. imAilA TRl.NK VACTUHY, raa I tree,