V 10 TIIE OMATIA DAILY PEE: THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES AdrtHlirmrili for ttieee rolanii will fee taken natll IS m. for the rtritnf rdltlna aad nntll ft p. m. for the noralif 4 Sunday edition. Rates 1 a word llrat Ineertloni l a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lees thaa 20e for tha Bret tnser tlon. Thrar advertlaenaeata nut ba raa ronaecntlrely. Advertlsere, by reqneatlnsT a num bered rlifrk, raja hare anawcra ad dressed a a nnmbered letter la rare of Tha Hee. Aaairfti ao addreaeed .will ba delivered oa prcacatatloa of ' rherk. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand, Typewriting Teleg raphy, Nornml and English. All summer eeKslona. Catalogue tree. Address H. B. Boylea, Pres., Boyles bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 3S8 MOVING VANS ftTO d?" drivers. Expressmen's Delivery Co., W. A. Gordon, mgr., 214 N. llith at. 'i'hone 1195. R-M33 CITY 8AVLNG3 BANK pay 4 per cent R-X1S WANTED MALE HELP 8PRINO TERM OP THE Omaha Commercial College 17th arid Douglas sts., now open. New Classes In all departments. i.atajogue free. TRY KELLY'S TOWUt, SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. R-819 EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; classes to lit; prices right. Bennett's. R 8.0 WHO'S your tallorT It should be Dresher. Too busy making; clothes to close. Open evenings. 1616 Farnam at. R ha NTI Monopoly Garbage Co. Tel. 1779. 621 N. 16th. R-S22 WE wish to announce that wa have en gaged a first-class dressmaker; come and see us. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Doug las blk. R-M3S2 Je4 LAUNDRY SSfcS'S" R-152 VMBRF.LLA repairing. Tel. 1714. Keys, 207 S. 14th. R-M381 Je4x Stoves Stored ?;t SSTo, our new location, la and 1208 Douglas at. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORK 8. R-828 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Philbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784. R-827 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and saf.se. Q. Andreen, prop., 102 S. 10th at. R 828 PIANOS and household goods a specialty. Packing, moving and repairing by ex perienced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1313 Far nam. . R 704 OSCAR has returned and Invites his pa trons to return. Mullin'a, corner 16th and Davenport. R 730 Je9 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 802 Jackson. Tel. 2432. R 829 Fire Insurance at Cost. In We nam a live agent In every town Nebraska. Write tor particulars. COMMERCIAL, MU'VUAL FlKE INSUR ANCE CO. lttoS Farnam bt. R-M248 eTEINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used. 1225; bargain. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. R 303 BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wlih to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult u. t. Bales .Bureau 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y 631 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exhange real estate or Dusinesa yuiCH. see Corny ton-Watts Co., 636 Paxtou Blk. Y 832 I HAVE one blacksmith shoD. 60x50. and lot 60x100, with good tools, both iron and wood; only shop in town; good trade, good territory, . Come and see or write 11. A. Buhman, Buffalo Gap, o. D. Y 906 ROHRBOUGH BROS, OMAHA, NEB. B 84 WE HAVE a number of positions with good houses. A list of same will tie lur nishcd upon request. Call or write. WESTERN REF.. & BOND ASSN., Inc., 641-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. . B 207 17 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knieet, 624 wji. $76 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid renaDie men outside 01 m cur, " pleasant work. Address C. A. O'Brien, 318 Neville blk., Omaha, Neb. M-tI WANTED. FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages 01 10 jiu 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts.. Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 873 TAILORS, attention! If you are first-class coat makers we cun use you. uomi in;. Steady work to men that are right. Dresher, 1515 Farnam st. B 848 IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk wnn tunii THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B 849 WANTED, men and boys to learn plum bing trade. We cannot supply aemano ior graduates, 84. 50 to $6.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. Earn while learning. Address for catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. B-756 BOARD of Trade barber shop, 1606 Far nam; nine chairs; no long waiting; dbsi service; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 25c. B 282Mv31 SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery stock; salary right party. Address C. w. mur phy. Lawrence, Kan. B M639 J0x THE Home Educational society of Phila delphia want more men to explain bciioui and textbooks; good pay; pleasant work; no experience needed. Manager, 600 Ware block, Omaha. B M737 WANTED, carpenters: 25c an hour; steady work. Address Jos. Shleslger, contractor, Yutan, Neb. B M809 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Specially good offer right now. Few weeks completes. Positions guaranteed. Busv season now. Can nearly earn ex penses before finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College., 1116 Farnam St., B M901 18x TRAVELING salesman: references re quired. Address Raapke & Katz Co. B-M163 18 WANTED Saddlemakers. Apply to the Great West Saddlery CO., Calgary. Al berta, Can. B-M159 22 WANTED A few flrnt-class experienced men to pell counties In Iowa, from lino to $150; 60 per cent commission; oppor tunity for right men. Lock box 298. Co. Bluffs, la. B-M824 WANTED Honest, sober, Industrious man with small capital to learn tne real es tate business and start in as special rep resentative of lBrare. nrosoerous and well known firm; splendid opportunity for rlclit nartv. For particulars, address E 56 Bee. ' B-M189 IMC PERT soda fountain dispenser wanted Will have charge of one of the best going soda fountains In v the west. Must be the right man. thoroughly qualified and experienced. Big salary to proper party. State nge, experience and reference. Ad dress E 55 Bee office. B M1S8 19x A Well Trodden Road Is t TV'p is wTIh0 . Be the Best. Bee Want Ads are Known to Be the Best and that's Why They are Used the Most. GET IN THE BEST AND BE IN IT ALWAYS! LARSON JOHNSON-Cut rates to all points, nog Farnam. Tel. B 2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U 904 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clolh- "B, in isci, anytmng you ao not neen; we collect, repafr and sell at 114 N. 11th t. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. PRIVATE home during confinement: ba il . ""' nn adopted. Mrs. uaroen, 2218 Charles. Tel. 5311. U 908 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago E 8.1 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Farnam. SU &-d FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern 2310 Webster. rnone 6390. E 855 FOR RENT, desirable front room, to single South 25th st E 806 ATTRACTIVE rooms, modern, walking distance. 'Phone. Reasonable. 41 in. 18th st, E-M406 CENTER EUROPEAN HOTEL, 210 N. 17th rt., elegantly rurnlshed front room, ami able for man and wife or two gentlemen. 'Phone B-2547. E 131 17x HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, modern. Flat 6, 716 S. 16th and 1613 Howard. E 130 17x LARGE front room and board; room newly furnished, has mantel, two closets; houso modern; telephone; exceptionally desir able. Refcrencea required. 2037 Harney st E 127 17X 2 NICE clean rooms, 2 windows In each room, nicely furnished, modern house; rent cheap. 2573 Dodge. Tel. 1155. E 135 17x NICELY furnished front room modern, in Srlvate family with phone. 330 N. 17th t E 179 18x FURNISHED room !n new modern house. 2306 Douglas. E 176 18x WELL furnished, south-front parlors; also housekeeping rooms; modern, close, rea sonable. "Phone 2203. E M233 20x MODERN, furnished rooms. 623 N. 20th St E M226 2X HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms .nice and clean. 2013 Harney St. E M227 20x NICELY furnished rooms, gentlemen pre ferred. 707 S. ICth. E M22S 20x . 1 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, modern. Flat 6. 716 S. 16th and 1613 How ard. E M229 20X FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 1702 Webster. E M221 20x The Omaha Loan b Building Association the parent co-operative associa tion of the city, is still making loans to HOME OETTERS and IIOME OWNERS. Do you want a home? See them. Do you want to clear your home of debt? See them. Do you want a rainy day fund for age? See them. Do you want an educational fund for growing children, etc.? See them. Office, 1704 Farnam Street, Bee Building. G. W. LOOMIS. President. G. M. NATTINGER, Secretary. RE M206 18 FOR RENT HOUSES NO. 1S34 8. 2Sth. 8-room, modern house, large and beautiful yard, only 832.60 per month. Inquire H. C. Petere & Co., ground floor Bee bldg. D 747 WE RENT Sewlno ItmrhltiM ?ftr week. We repair all mnkes of machines; second hand machines, 15 to 810. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. 15th and Harney. XT-909 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge blk. U 910 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace-$20. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton block. D 775 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. S ft S, 1506 Farnam. j si 1 HDI KF9ln Parts of the city. The WWUOtJ0lFi Davis Co., 6w8 Bee bldg. OMAHA Dye Works. 1R16 Howard. Dresses, ..on m Buiia, portieres cleaned. U-M326 M18 D 87 i THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Ofllce, 1611 Farnam. Te.. 1659. D-S18 PlAMn ri iid t inn w ULtUU if for,mlnK. ftoc nd $1 weekly; pianos de i.v?.r? Immediately; piano lessons free. - - . ,aillLUI.19, NICELY furnished, large room, on second floor: hot and cold water In room. Also smaller room, modern. 116 N. 26th. E M222 20x NICELY furnished rooms. 710 S. 14th St. E M 223 20x FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences. 809 8. 21st St. E-M224 20x ROOMS nicely furnished. 620 8. 13th St. E-M225 20x 26 FAMTT1E8 for Colorado beet fields. H. H. Van Alstlne, 2009 Webster. B 204 19x WANTED At once. No. 1 organizers for our direct from factory to consumer plan of organizing branch stores; must be able to handle a strong proposition and give bond. The Union ClothlnR Mfg. Co., Coffeyville. Kan. 1 B-M232 24 OPTICAL bench man wanted: also surface grinder; state experience, reference and salary desired. E. B. Meyrowltz. 504 Nie. Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn. B M220 21 FOR SALE Paying Nebraska drug store; excellent location. . Address D 34, Bee, Omaha. Y M179 WANTED Canvasser, experienced, high- grade magazine solicitor, man or woman; exclusl'-e territory: permanent position and liberal commission. American Fam ily Magazine Co., St. Louis, Mo. B M210 18x WANTED-, young man with only best of reference and willing to work to take slock in a country grain elevator in Ne braska doing a big business; must have 82,000 to 83,000 to invest. Address with full particulars E 62, Bee-office, Omaha. Y-M171 22 80 WORKING GILS. Canadian office, 1Rth and Dodge. csoo FOR SALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon In county; good reasons. Address E 33, care Bee. Y M735 J10 WANTED Competent general housework girl, 85 per week. ZclO Dewey Ave. C-154 17 WANTED Partner with $3,000 to 86,000 capital In a good paying business. Ad dress E 49. Bee. Y-133 17x FOR SALE OR TRADE 2-story brick huildtng. new, suitable for any kind of business. Inquire of Louisa Haden. Crete, Neb. . Y M201 19x WANTED Ladies to learn halrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis (removing surperfluous hair). Splendid paying professions. Good oppor tunity for residence work. Two to six weeks completes. Call or wrlta. Moler College, 1114 Fernam St. C M902 19x A GENTLEMAN with $1,000 will hear of a vacancy with New York corporation re quiring a local district manager to take charge of branch and handle company's funds; salary $25 weekly and commission. Only applicants who can invest the re quired sum and have had business experi ence need apply. Address Russell, P. O, Box 1722, New York City, Y M215 lSx V " - HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money IS loaued 011 lurnliure. pianua. iivu stock and other uhatiela, and to salaried people ujiuu uitur own ..aicuuieiii 10 pay 11 per mitjiently employed. E can give you the money on the shortest possible notice and handle the business without publicity. WE offer you rates that are as low as you will find anywhere, and they are much leas than some will ask you. WE-leave the property undisturbed in your poaesaion, so that you have the uae of Doth it and the money. WIS take particular pains to have you un derstand the transaction in every particu lar, telling you in advance to the cent what the cost will be. WE are the oldest concern in our line in tne cuy anu oij try 10 please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Building. Tel. 229S. (Established 1392.) 306 S. I61I1 Street X 67li BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, etc. WHERE You get it on short notice. WHLHU You get low rates aud easy terms. WHERE Confidential and courteous dealings bring you back. WHERE Can you do better? uurn.'.N;lv I'Ub'lilT rr Top Floor. 633 PAXT&N BLK. A. AOO vnNUT loaned on furniture. uiirv horses, etc; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe now, room 211 at aw S. 16th st Tel. B2M4. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In M principal chips, xoiman, room 714, pew xoia xiiv uuuuma. a aa7 ur.WKN'8 MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cowa Plain note If steadily empioeu. iw n, 1. uie. - - . X 8X8 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry," horses. Duff Green Loan Co., 3 f Barker diock. a 89 1 1 . . JJONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- , airy, noravs, uuwb, oiu. v.. imu, ais a. 13. JL 890 I MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR Tifil.n Loan OflW. rellablfl. aooommodat ing; 4U1 buttlnesa confidential. 1301 Douglua, CHATTEL and Jewelry loana. Foley . Ioan Km lou r amain mv jv ax FLORISTS HKS8 at BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 801 L. HENDERSON, Ul Farnam. Tel. 1268. sua LOST AND FOUND IF FURNITURE or carpets Interest you look at our new spring stock the best ever shown In Omaha. Prices much cheaper than at installment stores. Terms: $25 worth. $1 a week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. E M212 19 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. ME88ENGER AND BAGGAGE. F-857 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol ave.; large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; "phone and modern improve ments. F 858 ROOMS AND BOARD. 614 North 19th. F 801 17x VICINITY of High School, $40 per month for two. 2406 Cass. 'Phone 640R. F M983 20x H NEW HOUSES H For South Omaha People Two fine, new, strictly all modern seven room houses, with full lot, on 24th St. be tween "A" and Valley Sts., on east side of street. If sold by June 1st price $3,600. Houses will be completed about that time. Hastings & Heyden, 16094 Farnam St 'Phone 1606. RE 208 17 13 Per Cent Net Investment 6-room cottage; city water and sewer: barn; full south front lot; rent for $15 per month; $1,250. Fit2gerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 5108. 836 N. Y., Life Bldg. KE-206 la 8-ROltM house and barn, large lawn, shade trees, fenced: ideal home for children: strictly modern; call. Morand, 2906 Dodge. D M3I1 Pki'VATE nnme during confinement; ba- 7 .uiifipo. ine ima isamaritan oani tarlurn, ,28. First ave., Council Bluffs. I. Tel. 774. U 626 8-ROOM house. 2122 Ohio street. In fine condition; porcelain bath, hot and cold water, $25. J. H. Blair, 726 N. Y. Life. C M180 18 NO. 315 S. 26TH ST. 10 rooms, modern, suitable for roomers; will be vacant soon only $40 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D-M613 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster St. D-879 CENTRAL, all modern. 7-room house. 220 N. 23d. D-331- NO. 641 PARK AVE. 6 rooms, modern only $26 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D M611 NO. 2016 PINKNET ST. rooms, modern; will repair to suit tenant only $25 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D-M612 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, 2602 Foppleton Ave. $.16. 8-room modern house and barn, 2116 8pen cer St. $30. J-room modern house. 922 N. 19th St. $25. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. D 829 19 Plsno moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625. Schmoller & Mueller. D-702 FOR small famllv, one modern 7-room house; price $32.50 per month. 2123 Call- fornla. D 129 642 SOUTH 30th St., 7-room modern house, lawn and cistern: possession June 1, $32.a0. Inquire 2815 Seward St. D M115 21x HnilP'n 11,1 Parts of the city. R. nuuOCOc, Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. D 1M) HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D S82 FURNISHED FLAT In new apartment miiming ror tne summer. Address k .-, nee. I) M218 6-ROOM house, all modern. 2014 Elm St. Inquire 532 Park Ave. D M213 20x MODERN, 8-room house near Hanscom park; perfect condition: Immediate pos session; rent $28. J. C. Selden. 409 S. 10th street. D-M211 21 WANTED FEMALE HELP 2020 HARNEY ST.. The Rose, all modern, nleelv furnished rooms: srnod location for Y. M. C. A., men, as ft adjoins tennis courts; rates reasonable. F 147 17x ROOM, furnished or unfurnished, with good board. 1818 Capitol Ave. F-M1G0 18x WANTED A tactful, cheerful woman to act as companion for a lady just out of hospital. Address E 60. Bee. C 148 17x TAILORESS and apprentice for ladles' talln-n IRIO VUnnlg. C TlriQ IB WANTED Good girl for general house work; two in family; no washing: best wages. 102 So. 36th. C M161 18 WANTED An experienced second girl, private family, lsis s. 32a Ave. Tel. sszi. C 178 17 WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry work; $6 a week to competent girl; reference required. 3136 Chicago St. C-M198 WANTED Several competent ladies for house canvassing; good salary to right persons. 1609 Farnam St., 2 to 5 n. m. C-M234 19x WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED lady stenographer: refer ences. TCI. HiacK K)K. A M1MS 19X LADY well acquainted In Omaha, posses sing tact and ludgment, renned and good education, wants position In office or store where raithrui ana rename service Is desired. Can fit for stenographic work in Bhort time. Salnry moderate. Good city references. Address E 54, Bee. A -Ml 92 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS make $100 weekly selling our re inforced cement fence post outtit. Write quickly for territory. Mackay. 84 Wash ington St., Chicago. J M214 18x CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, Location UPSTAIRS 113 8. 16th St. Palmistry and Occult Sciences a specialty, can ana oe convinced. S 174 GYLMER, scientifio palmist, 716 N. 23d. B 919 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. worth. 1521 Leaven' 8920 MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady, palmist and clairvoyant Office, 1704 capl. tol ave. 'Phone 5610. S--Mill 20x PATENTS H. A. 8TURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights: no fee un leas successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 900 SUES & CO., patent attorneys, Washing' ton, D. C. opposite U. 8. patent ofllce, Advice and patent blanks free. WUyl FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS RUNABOUTS, wagona and carriages at greatly reaucca prices. jonnson & uan forth, southwest corner loth and Jones. P 782 FOR SALE Automobile, good as new. Ad d-ewa Box . Furl Crook. P M9I4 21x OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1664 40 I FOUND The right place to have your eyes I MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy phy ana aiiaa riant .ueaneii a. I , aician. omen. Airiua i.im- ex. " dmaw-ja trta STOP and see me; board and room, $3.50; single meals 16c. Good home cooking; give us a trial. 619 Pacific. F-182 lSx FINE, large room, with excellent board; nice location and reasonable price. 'Phone 8024. F M230 2f'X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 8 SOUTH rooms, arranged for light house keeping. 3210 cass st. u 704 FOR RENT, two large, very nice rooms; walking distance. 410 N. 23d st. u Mti2 UNFURNISHED room, new, modern. 2306 Douglas. ; t 176 ihx FOR RENT STORIES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 814 First In at l tsuriK Bldg. 1-860 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small omce, wnicnrents tor iio.uo per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is lust the thing for any one wanting a ntce little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1771 IF you apply at once we can give any one desiring a large omce space almost any arrangement they desire. Thla space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters ft Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee bldg. 1772 DON'T FORGET THAT THE GREAT AUCTION SALE OF ' SOUTH OMAHA ACRE LOTS AND 5-ACRE TRACTS WAS POSTPONED AND. VVtLL'TAKE PLACE SATURDAY; MAY 20, BEGINNING AT 2 P. AL ONLY BRING $10.00. to pay down a earnest money and you can make your firnf payment and sign the contract any time 'vithin thirty days. The balance can be- paid $6.00 or more per month. On these terms any one who raa steady employment can buy the greatest snap . in acre or u-acre tracts that have ever been offered near to South Omaha. Xou can raise enough on one acre to pay for It before the contract expires. All of this land is witljin walking distance of the packing houses and stock yards, and will double in value when the rew electric line is built from Lincoln to Omaha. The present survey is within 300 yards of these FREE CARRYALLS will meet all cars at the end of the car line, 40th and Q Sts., and take you to the ground. If you ever expect to own a small piece ot ground close to boutn Omaha, where you can raise fruit and vegetables and some stock, and thus turn to a pront tne hours you are not wonting in the packing houses or at other employ ment, nere Is your chance to buy the finest acre property close in. If you have money to invest in real estate, or to specu late with, we know of no better chance tnan win oe onerea ar tnis auction sate. Remember, there will be nearly 200 acres for sale, so lona as the successful bid is a reasonable one, the owners reserving the right to stop the sale at any time. Come and bring your friends and your family. and it tne weainer is pieasani you win see the greatest sale of acreage we have had for 1 years. , N. P. DODGE & CO.. , 1614 FARNAM ST. C. F. CALHOUN. AUCTIONEER. RE 187 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building is 22x86 feet, four etorles and a basement. The basement is 22x122 feet cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and Iron beam construction, making the basement fire' nroof. The first floor has a marble floor in front and granolithic floor in rear. There is a large burglar-proof vault and a powei elevator. The upper floors bava windows on three aides. Address The Bee Building Co., C C, Roaewater, Secretary, room loo Bee bldg.. 1-690 THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam St., only lis per montn. inquire n. cetera Co., Ground noor Bee Diog. 1748 A CENTRALLY located photograph gal lery in South Omaha for rent. George & i;o., City nail Duuuiug, duuiu uin.im. rteo. a tot la ROOMS FOR PHOTO GALLERY. Near 26th and N sts.. South Omaha, $16 per month, ueorge t to., iui f arnam st. 1-MS14 21 FOR RENT Office room, street floor. 1614 Farnam. N. P. Dodge & Co. 1 M1S8 18 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By young man of good char acter. board and room In private fam 11 v. In modern home, desirable location, Address E w, wee. n mjji ix TREES, SHRUBS ETC. FOR BARGAINS in fruit and shade trees call at Crescent Mu retry saiea ground. Slat and Farnam. i'hone djw. M878 MARTIN Nuraery, 'Phone 6904; 18th and Douglas. BUS M2.X BUSINESS property in Omaha paying 8 per cent net on $20,000. Will sell for $15,- ooo. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York lAte iag. RE-M421 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to have your aDsiraci oi mie maae or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1614 farnam st. xtr, sh FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus, O., property, two lots inornDurg nace, one lot Burlington Place, free of all In cumbrance. Address J. A. Hartley, 84 N. High St., Columbus, O. RE M937 18x FOR BALE My home, t-room aouae; 100 feet of ground; moaern improvements; in first class condition; fine shade trees; beautiful lawn. Anyone desiring modest but attractive home at reasonable price should investigate, iucnara ju Mete a ire, 1840 Charles at RE M371 160 ACRES fine alfalfa land. $40 per acre. 320 acrea, $37.60 per acre, tor snort time. Willis Caldwell, Broken Bow, Neb. RE M963 WiH nulck sal at WAJT DOWN FIGURE. lot racing west on lwe Ave., one diock south or new catnearai. v;. m. nynnaw, 803 N. Y. Life Building. Khl46 17X CU.AS- Williamson Co.J- W,"1? RE 861 KANSAS LAND. 108 quarter sections In Wichita county, $406 lo WUU a quarter, ah koou wneai ana ai - . T , a. I. . . ...... T - Xaiia lailU. J. 4. olcpuciiB, umauo, HCHi RE 807 FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS Send for my list of improved farms and timber lands In south Missouri. ionn ju. ntepn ens, Immigration Agent, Salem, Mo. RE-M302 21 FOR SALE The 8-story brick building at 1320 Pierce, to be torn down ana re moved. Bids will be received, ror fur ther Information apply W. FARNAM SMITH. 1320 Farnam Bt. RE-M164 18 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating C., ZOO Douglas blk. MJk4 IN i-AMLLXES, Hit Sturdy. Tcaae Arras. WANT 50 FAMILIES To colonise 1,900 acres of Irrigated lands in Hun Jrajiiiln Valley. California: at acres eacb: $46 per acre. ie cash; if you go wi'-h us May 13 will give you use of 20 acres free and apply one-half of crop on flrat payment on ycur i acraa. FREE WATER COLONY. Room 8. U. Y. LUe Bldg. Omalaa.Neb Farm and Ranch Lands Vhrk rinui. Colorado sad Wyoming; low one; wo years' lima. Leas Dept. V. p. a. EL, Cmwha. Ktfc, Lt- A. MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P. 110-volt, direot current, Northern mctor. This motor Is in pertect condition in every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see V. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee bldg. Q 774 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a flrst Class standard scnooi in umaija. comprls Ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. Q 862 FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental ga! vanisea iron cornice ana ornamental iron posts sutame ror snow window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. Q-M826 SV 1 R BY ma" .prepaid, any ad fx 1 I 1 O dresB n. 8.. 81.95 un. Cat. logue tree. rectory mercnanaise Co., nnoxviue. xenn, u aissa caiiX PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys, from 6-inch to 48-inch In dlam eter; 8 counter shafts, complete. These are all in first-class condition. W. tx. Bridges, engineer Bee ouilding. Q 112 HARNESSl HARNESS! HARNESS! An endleca variety and at prices that can not oe duplicated anywnere else. John son & Danforth, v S. W. cor. 10th and juiicb sis. Hintrance irom viaduct. Q-781 FOR SALE, new and secnd-hand billiard anu puui laoies, uar nxtures 01 all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswick-Bdlke-Collender, 407 S. 10th st vimana. Q 833 COMPLETE line new and 20-hand furnl lure. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. i ei. MiMi. j 2D-HAND safe cheap. nam. Derlght, 1119 Far- Q-835 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings tan auu w'J. vvy;i mo wiiuwing Supplies L-inch Austin's horizontal separator 1.4-lnch Austin's vertical separator. These have been takin out on account of cnttuac" .I. vu. bvwmii iJiam mm are in rood condition. Address r,,ii.ii. ' Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee OUMUius. viu.ii.. W o3J 1350 BUYS good runabout automohiin ,,,. ameeu m suu muiiing uruer; original . r.rA . .1.1..,.. I'jia C..- ' ' O ' W-M238 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED Omaha. Q We' IRON FENCEwrrg:s:6i,onr6,hIstwn Q-837 CHEAP chicken fence, long flr timbers and RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS OAS OR GASOLINE ENGINES. i4KO out yamwAi, always ready. Few slightly uBed enginea cheap. Send lor catalogue and prices. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORKS. 1114 Farnam Street Omaha. Q-674 AUTOMOBILE, 4-cylinder, new WInton, at Q-676 Je8 SEVERAL fonts OI second-hand tyDe. Gothic, etc , in fair condition, for sale cheap. Apply to H. A. Haskell, supu jaecuaniLiu uci., on ruuiiauiaB io. - U-M679 FOR SALE, fine apotted coach pups. Geo, W. Trlnaie, nanseu, la. w M740 lSx FINE walnut wall case. 866.00. Albert Ed holm, Jeweler, ibtn ana Harney. Q 791 nriR HALE Gas stove and nice ice box both In perfect condition, for $9. Inquire 1614 No. atn Bt. w Mitw is FOR SALE Standard coffee urn, 15 gal Ions cheap for cash. Waggoner & Mc Candllsh, Craig, Mo. Q 181 '22 ROME Darlor. library and dining room furniture for sale. Cal) evenings, 32ui Woolworth Ave. MIDI 18 FOR SALE 150 bushela potatoes, 26c jaer buanet can at mi o. in a nr., umana. Q M219 ltl JU ACRES of rood sod at Benson, one block south of Military road. C. I. Dea ler. Inquire of U. J. Grove. Q M21( Ux UW AND COLLECTIONS JO FIN" M . MACFARLA NO, New York Llf Lldg-. roosaa M and Ba. Tel. uul ao A TTO R NTTTS4 avrrrwhera. Tha New Btiaw duirch. Co, main fj N. Y. L, 'Phona l.Tli. W H HATTEJLOXH. AU,tzoJ, notary. PERSONAL fghnuld be read DAILY by all Interest as changes may occur at any i Fnreian tiiails for the week ending 20. 19if. will close (PROMPTLY In aFJ rase) st the General Postofflce as follow' REGISTERED. AND rARCKL6-POT MAILS close one nour earner tnan nosing time shown below. I'srceUi-Post Mane tor tjreai Britain and Ireland are despatched by the White Star .Ine on wednesoaya ana ny tne American Line on Satnrdaya. An additional despatch la made by the Cunsrd Line when a Cunard steamer sails on Saturday later inai the American Line steamer the ssme day. The Parcels-Post mails close one hour before he rrau ar mails, parreia-rnst Mans Ten Germany close at 5 . p. m. May 15 and A Regular and Supplementary malls cloe at Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton Streets) hair hour later than clos ing time shown below, (except that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Ifill Farnam St. IT 912 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune jour piano, $2. Perfield Piano Co.. 1611 Fnrnam. U 913 MAnMPTir treatment ft baths. Mme .... .wi . v- i is smith, 118 N. 15, 2d fl.. r. 2. 17360 TRY KELLBY'S LAUNDRY., "PHONE 35.10 c mo WILL give worthy party shorthand schol- nuip in leaning scnooi and wait ror pay ment. Address C 65. Bee. U 259 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHINC BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN pi RATI Mr; r.n 200 DOUGLAJ BLOCK. Tel. 1936. u Wi F5EIfCH' Spanish, German lessons. F. r-eiuer, iia a. 20th. U 668 M23x DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronio mm "rrvuua oiseases. t.au or wne. ur. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. Consultation free. U 233 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates ior reliable service. Tel. 1625, Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-703 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. . U 906 MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for paiiuas, aosoiuteiy rename, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no inter, ference with work: relief brnuvht tn thou. sands after everything else failed; highly recommended bv all that have iisaH t..m By mail $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Co., Room 36, 84 Adams St., Chicago. 111. 916 LADIES Chichester! English Pennyroyal x-uia axe tne dcsi; sate, rename; take no otner. bend 4c stamps for particulara "Relief for Ladies," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlcnester cnemicai Co., Philadelphia. Pa. PEN-TAN-OOT Prompt regulator for ladies; never rans, 2 postpaja. B net-man & McC onnell Drug Co., Omaha. 917 DR. DE MARS. French Tansy and Pennv- royoi puis, guaranteed. A sure cure tor all f?male Irregularities. Regular price, $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug M850 A30 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced ana rename. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries. 1611Vx Dodge st.. omana. u m FOR SALE FARMS 160 ACRES Improved farm. 130 acres In cultivation; lies nne; town nve miles; Webster county. Neb. Sacrifice price, $30. A. J. YARRINGTON, Wahoo. Neb. M194 21x S70 ACRES stock and (Train farm. Improved Clav ..mini.. 'CVi Vmi will havA tn he quick if you want It at $27.60. A. J. YARRINGTON, Wahoo, Neb. M195 21x 160 ACRES, Improved farm ten miles from Lincoln, very cheap this montn. A. J. YARRINGTON, Wahoo, Neb. M196 21X THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goea to 60,000 Domes oi farmers ana stock raisers, so it you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small z centa per word in ama.i type, or $2.80 per incn it aet in large type. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W 864 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bang Bldg. Tel. ims. w SK5 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St W 867 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, W 868 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms, W 869 LOWEST rates, city property; S P. C. on farms in eastern neo. aemis, raxion nut, w 70 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop. erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brennan, room 1, New York Life Bldg. W 871 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent W. B. Memie, uamge oiock. W-872 WANTED TO BUY RUONfFI.D. the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N Y. Life pays highest price for books. Tel. 8036. - WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furniture and stoves, leu in or wrua i. i.cviuv, city. in WANTED TO BUY Books in sets, bought or sold. Anglin te Co., 1614 Farnam st u.ia or. SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1811 Farnam. oi MEN'S 2d-hand clothing bought. Tel. A832S. ra xvi ing for new store; nothing but good ... . .a . J . T. r, Tlon quality waniea. ui-. N' 1?x VVANTr;iJ to out gooo aerona-naiiu on'", must be first-class. Jewel Tea Co., 1410 - a n VT Ortaa II PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar PRINTINU tlatic designs. B. E. cor nnvriT nnmrriiH PPIMTIVO CO.. 1511 Captlol ave.. Tel. 2406; fully equipped for al kinds or printing. FOR EXCHANGE If YOU do aot Snd wttat you want fn cnlcrma pat an. ad to and gou will a this MtCQ CV-tk3 When You Write to Advertisers rcxaembar ft only takes as extra stroke or tare of tha pen tn mention, tta fact ttuU yel POSTOFFICE NOTICE V Mali. m. for FRANCE. V Transatlantic THURSDAY (1S)-A 7 a. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT I'OAU TURKEY, EGYPT, ORKECE and PRITISH INDIA, per s. a. I.n Savole. via Havre (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer). SATURDAY (20) At 8 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Louis, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (Including Liverpool. Scotland and Ireland when specially addressed for this steamer); at 7:30 a. in. for SCOT LAND direct (specially addressed oniv), per s. s. Columbia; at 8:3ti a. m. for BEL GIUM PARCELS-POST MAILS, per s. s. Vaderland (also regular mall for Belgium when specially addressed for this steamer); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct specially addressed only!, per s. a Koenlgln Lulse; at 12:30 p. ni. (supple mentary 2 p. m ) for EUROPE, per s. . Lucania, via Queenstown and Liverpool. Malls for South and Central America, West Indies. Ktc. THURSDAY (181 At 8 a. m. for BER MUDA, per s. s. Bermudian; at 9 a ni. for CUBA, YUCATAN and CAMPF.CHE, , per s. s. Havana (also other parts of Mexico when specially addressed for this steamer at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, por s. s. Santlngo also Mexico, via Tampico, when specially addressed for this ateamerl. FRIDAY (19) At 12 m. for ST. KITTS. NEVIS, ST. EU8TATIUS, 8T. MARTINS and GUIANA, per s. . Uller; st 12 m. for BRAZIL, per British Prince, via Per namhuco, Rio Janeiro and Santos (Includ ing Northern Braxll, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay when specially addressed for this steamer). SATURDAY (201 At 8:30 a. m. (supplemen tary :so a. m.) ror in racau and vk.v EZUELA. per s. s. Maracalbo (also Col ombia, via Curacao, when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.)for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauca and Mag dalena Departments, per a. s. Alleghany falso Costa Rica, via I.lmon, when spe cially addressed for this steamer); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. nv for GRENADA, ST. VINCENT. TRINIDAD. CUIDAD BOLI VAR and GUIANA, per s. s. Grenada;,. at 13 m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY -f- and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Bailor prince, ana FRENCH steamere) r Ings occur at 9:00 a. m.ttjW i mall may be deposited s on tho piers of the i NOTICE- Flve cents per balf ounce IN A DITION TO THE REGULAR POSTAGE, must be prepaid on all letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TRIES," af'er the CLOSING OF THIS REGULAR MAIL, lor despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE la FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. SunDlementarv Transatlantic Malls are also opened on the piers of the AMBRI- ' CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH eteameraV whenever the salll or later: and late In the mall boxes GERMAN LINES sailing from Hoboken The malls on the plera opi; on hour and a half before sailing lime, and clone ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 5 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN, WHITE STAR and GERMAN (Sea Post) steamers; double postage (letters 10 cents a half ounce) on other lines. Malls Forwarded Overland, Ktc, Ex cept Transpacific. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) ara forwarded dally to ports of sailing. The CONNECTING malls close at the General Postofflce. New York, as follows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, at t4:30 a. m. Mon day, Wednesday ana Saturday. ' (Also from New York, Thursday and Saturday see above.) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. and lo:au p. m. aauy. except nunoay; Hunday at 1:00 p. m. and 10:80 p. in- NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also oc casionally from New York and Philadel phia. See above). MIQUELON, via Boston and North Sydney, at 6:30 p. m. every other Sunday (May 21, June 4 and 18. etc.) JAMAICA, via Boston, at 7:00 p. m. Tues day sno r-riday. (aiso rrom insw Torn on Saturday. See above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at tlO:M n. m. Tuesday. BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS (East Coast) and uliaiimala, via iew or HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and specially addressed mall for the PHIL IPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. May 22 for despatch per s. a. Siberia. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. May 22 for despatch per a. a. Ala meda. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. May 26 for despatch per U. 8. tranaport. HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at o p. m. June a ior oespatun V per s. s. Mongolia. JtT NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except T I r1 T" West), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HA- WA11 ana riii idwiio, via can r ran. clsro. close at 6 p. m. June 3 for Arm nath n.r N s. Konomn. llf the Cilnar,l steamer earning British mall for New ' Jfj Aeaiana ducb nui iuva in umn id con nect with this despatch, extra malla clos ing st 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. nv; Sundays at 4:30 a. m.. 9 a. m. and 6. p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). MANCHURIA (except Mukden, New chwang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBERIA Is at present forwarded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, Weat Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Eu rope'' muit be fully prepaid at foreign rates. Hawaii is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. WILLCOX, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., Mav 12, lftnfi. leans, at tl0:S0 p. m. Monday. (West Coast of Honduras la despatched from New York via Panama see above.) NICARAGUA (East Coast), via New Or leans, at tl0:80 p. ra. Wednesday. (Weat Coast of Nicaragua la despatched from New York via Panama see above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE, via New Orleans, at 10:80 p. m , Sunday (after 10:30 p. m. Sunday and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Panama and Canal Zone la held for the New York steamer see above). tREGISTERED MAIL for overland dea patchea closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Tranapaelge Malls, forwarded Over land Dally. The schedule of closing ot tranapaclfla malls is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex oept registered transpacific malla des patched via Vancouver, Victoria, Tacoma or Seattle, which cloae 6 p. m. previous day) close at the general postofflce, New York, us follows: JAPAN (except Paroela-Poat Malls). KOREA, CHINA and specially addressed mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close at I p. m. May ) ior deapatcn per s. a. Em- rresa of India. J I ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except west) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 p. m. May 20 for despatch per . a Manuka. TAHITI and MARQUEBAS ISLANDS, via 8an Francisco, close st 6 p. m. May 21 for despatch per s. s. Mariposa, JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and specially addressed mail for the PHILIPPINE IH UNH8, via Seattle, cloae at 6 p. m. May 21 for despatch per a. a. Shawmut. GOVERNMENT NOTICBI. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Sheridan, Wyo.. April 20, 1906. Sealed propoeaut, in triplicate, for con structing concrete walks at Fort Macken tle, Wyo., mill be received here until 10 a. m., (mountain time). May 56, UQ6. Plana, specifications and other laforma tlon may be obtained st offices of chief quartermaster at Denver, Omaha. Chicago and Bt Paul, and at this office. U. 8. re srrrea the right to aocept ur reject any or all pmpoaala or any part thereof. Pro. poaala should be encleaed tn sealed eo velr'pee. marked. "Propnaals tat Concrete Walk." addressed ta Cant Jaotae aL SSAmu . 1 i J