niE 0MAT1A PAIIA REE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. lSn.v May hard May Mlnneapol U-164 Mav. These points GRAIX AND PRODUCE MARKET Cora Takei Big Jump, Ifay, Julj and ' Beptmbr Going Up. WEATHER AND LIGHT STOCKS CAUSE IT -my waeat mirtiti a Little, awt May rail OsT Oat Maka Aa- vanee of Several Polata. rr .,V . Kl OMAHAt MT 16, 1W. Corp took a hlg jump today. May. which closed yrday at 604c. went up to m" Julwc1nwd at 474 ..Id july at &!. e ''mb".;' Hc oli Pptemler at 474 Th rah article, reached 74c. Wet weather and a big dwrHM In old corn atocka ars held mainly responsible for tha aitvan... T. "vTj a little, but fell off. The rush price for No. 2 on the local trhnti - a um. r."1''1 ?rt JuJy ,l g'c -ptember !ki. .i. !? do not ampere favor- "X "IV l" ai Minn where May jumped from 11.134 to and July from $1,021, to 11 WW. The closing prices on oata were: 314c; July, 29V:; September, 24e. figure show an advance of several over yesterday. judging- rrom today- report, th corn crop situation looka bad In Nebraska. The Piatt. river la two mile wide In many plat-pa, delaying plantlna In 4 he bottoma and washing out what has been planted Osoenl reports a big rainfall on an al ready wet around. Crete says that a heavy rain has burled the young corn and most of It win have to be replanted. Between Norfolk and the Rosebud the fields are 't ft water. A special to Sunderland I pdlk says that at Atkinson the around Is so wet and has continued thus so long; that the firmer have riven up hopes or plantlna;. Correspondents of the same company at Lincoln, Bostwlek, Da unt, Edgar. Beatrice. Utlca and Plymouth report weather much too wet. Reports from Kansaa are similar. Other Nebraska towna send rood reports. At the present rate of shipment the atock of contract wheat In Chicago will soon disappear. Two easels took on an aggregate of 13,000 bushels No. J hard winter wheat yesterday, A cargo of bnshela of lower grade Is to load this afternoon. The private elevator stock at Chicago ta 1.010,000 bushels, a decrease of 114.000 bushels. Chicago estimates Its total stock of wheat In all positions at 1,62,000 bushels, a decrease of 43.000 bush els. Broomhall cabled that wheat In and afloat for Europe decreased 198.0(0 bush els for the day. He says that the late advances In wheat check business. Mln nespolls reports SO.OOO No. 4 wheat In el vator sold yesterday to outside miller at 90e. Corn deliveries on May contracts In Chi cago were 1OS.0O0 bushels. The corn In all rmltlons at that place Is reckoned at M6.000 bushels, a decrease of l.Otfi.OOO bushels. Cables onerted 4.r44e hlarher. hut Broomhall says the spot market Is quiet, as roteau: m.floo bushels In the Chicago pri vate elevstors; .ono bushels at Ooderlch. Ont.; bushel at Cleveland. Corn I'nlted States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased. t.2.'im bushels. Oats inlted States and Canada, east of the Rockies decreased. 2,171, 0 bushels. Storks held at ljepot Harbor Increased lMcoo bushels. the shipments have been too large of late. (.nimipi snipped iss.ono tmsneia yesteroay. Chicago reports oata trade not large, althcugh the market was firm. In sympa thy with corn. Estimated oats In all posi tion there were 4. MS. 000 . bushels, a de crease of 408.000 bushels. Deliveries on May contracts were 20.000 bushels. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 67 lbs.. 1 car. Ue. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. t hard. W"W8e: No. t hard. MV; No. 4 hard. ?i&c; No. t spring, iV CORN No. I. 47c; No. 3. 47c; No. 4. 46c: no grade. 4046c; No. 2 yellow, 4T4e; No. 1 yellow, 474c; No. t white, 474c; No. I white. 474c. OATS No. t mixed. 4e: No. t mixed. ?4c; No. 4 mixed, 24c: No. I white, i4c: No. I white. 304c; No. i white, Hc; stan dard, 304c. Carlot Reele. Wlieat Corn. Oats. Chicago 124 136 Kansas City 68 60 11 Minneapolis .. M Omsha i 18 8 Pultith 1 St. Louis 12 3t 66 Miaaeape.Ha Wheat Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by tbe Edwards-Wood com pany. 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Article. I.Open. J High. I Low. CHse.Test'y, CHICAGO GR1I1 AMD PROVIIIOM Featarea of the Trading sss (UtUt Prices on Board af Trade. CHICAGO, May li.-An. uncotftlrmed re Port that Germany had seised an exten sive bay on the coast pf China was one reason for a strong wheat market here today. Another cause-possibly of greater Importance was a continuation of wet wcacner. me close of July wheat was up mrau. sin aavance or over xc a nusiiei in the price of May corn .followed reports vi an auemptea corner; ' the option fin ished at a net advance of 24c while the July option shows a loss of 4c. Oats are practically unchanged. Provisions are 24 M 1 IV. klffh.. ..." InfluenoiMl by higher prices at Liverpool the Wheat market cinenrd itrnni. . with July fctrSc to He higher at 87 & to 87S' 8740. The atrenarth of the foreign grolii market was flae laravlv to a reijort which was subsequently more or less -discredited tnat uermaoy . had begun territorial ag gression against China. Kear of fresh com plications In the war situation, active cov ering by shorts and additional rains In many srotlona of the I'nlted States caused Increased anxiety among' those who were on the short side of the market and led to a stilt more urgent demand. The tone became more bullish as trade progressed, an advance of nearly Bo at Minneapolis being a prominent factor. 'Another In fluence, was the weather bureau's weekly report, which declared that soring sown wheat rn North Dakota had been damaged by fro. For Julv the highest point of the day was reached at W,c Late In the session the market lost much of the es strenaih. The reaction was the result of selling hv a nromlnent long. The close hnvovnr was Arm. with Julv at 87VC. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 66.100 bushels. The world's visible sup Plv. as shown by Bradstreet's. decreased 2.250 bushela. TYImary receipts were 153 K bushels, comoared with 166. 6"0 a year ago. Minneapolis. Puluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 86 rare, against .6 cars last week and 2 cars a year ago. Interest of traders In the corn pit cen-tn-- in h Mk nntlon. which manifested everv evmptom of an attempt to "corner that' commodity. In an endeavor to cover sales shorts forced up the price of the May delivery over 3 cents from yesterday s closing quotation. ery nine mny cr.i was offered for sale throughout the greaW part of the session. A decrease of 3,2R9.OO0 bushels In the world s visible supply, com pared with a decrease last year of 1.442.0W bushels, wss one of the main bullish In fluences. Late In the day a decline of fully 1 cent occurred In the price of May as a result of considerable pront-taklng. Msy opened fc'&2.c higher at IP 53c. sold up to 4o and closed at 53c. July opened V.Hc higher at 48048Hc. sold between 47Tc and 4M4Me and closed at 4, lie. Local receipts were m ran, nu v .....- trCons?derlng the strength of wheat and corn, the oats market wss comparath-e v eteadv. Weather favorable for the Krptn of the new crop offset the effect of the higher prices for other grain. Th ""J of business was very light Ju'T i'P"'' a shade lower to a shade h Igher at V3 sold un to Mil- and closed at 2Hc. Local receipts were 13 cai-t. Provisions were firm. In vmrt y'1 ii.. . A..m in i.nm. Smaller receipts or ti hioi also gave additional strength. At the close July pork was. up 312.67Hffl!.en. Lard 5C Ribs were pe higher at 17.J7H- . . t . - S 9nr tfllTtOrrOW t csrs; corn. S8 cars; oats, .i car.. ....a- 28.000 head. , -,,.. The leading futures ranged as follows. Low. Close. ITes"y. 10c st at 17 50. Wheat. Article. lOpen. I High. NEW; YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Sella Off Earlj in Session and Later Biies Elowlj. MONEY UNRUFFUU . AND EASY Preparations to Meet Big Demand So Ample that lirge Traasae ttoas (tin o DIs-larhaace. NEW YORK. My l.-Some considerable declines were ertevted In price ot stoias in the course of an Hour's (mm liens Ritt-r the opening today ann a cnei.1114 upward movement followed lor nnl 01 the oay. A laige proportion of tne day's total irnns actionn was done during tne hrsl hour and after that thiTe was little 11101 e than nom inal, borne Items of Infcn-mailoQ in tne day s news offered a nominal cause for si t back In prlcee, but tne msraet is best ex plained by the discouragement 01 tlie pro iesslonal element over the utter jack of success In attracting any outside Interest. While the great case of money ana tho abundance ot lund.s apparently available rather diverts opinion from attnouiing money market affairs as the reason lor the present neglected stuck market, it is open to question whether a desire to con serve the money marKet has nut more or leas to do with the attitude of passive dis couragement of speculation which has been adopted by the banking and financial world. Some very heavy operations are proceeding In the money marKet and there lias been a large shifting ot loan accuunts in consequence In the last two days. The taking up of nearly $15..0iji of gov ernment deposits from the national hanks Is being carried through and it Is surmised that provision Is being made for the calling oi 60 per cent of ine underwriting sub scriptions to the Jlii.(i,0oo Pennsylvania convertible bond issue. Next week, on May Jt subscriptions to the amount of nearly I60,km.uiio to the Japanese loan Issue are payable in New York. The money market, in spite of these enormous trans actions and the preparation for them. Is absolutely unruffled and is In fact working easier. The April foreign trade statement, showing an excess In value of exports well above that for the April of the preceding year, gives assurance of the resources of the exchange market, on which special de mands sre now made In preparation for remittances on the Japanese loan Of the more Immediate Influences In today's mar ket the foreign political disturbance was most conspicuous. This was due to the reported seizure bv Oermanv of a Chinese port, and the efflclal denial from Berlin only partly relieved speculative markets from this effect. Our grain markets were more affected than stoi ks. A two-fold In fluence In both markets also was the weather news from the crop regions. Ex cessive rains were reported In the south west and the reports of damage to winter wheat by rust Indicated by the weather bureau's weekly crop summary was ex tended by the weather news of today. Spring wheat and corn planting were also said to be delayed. But the amount of stock brought on the market by these factors was exceedingly small. The easv yielding of prices, however, under the light offerings, discouraged the professional at tempts to get the market up. The mark ing up of St. Paul late In the day was at tributed to a trader's movement designed for effect on the general list, but the clos ing was heavy for the smallest day's busi ness or tne yesr. Bonds were dull and heavy: total sales. par value. I2.2o5.00n. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. The Quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange ranged as follows: Bales.Hlgn.lvOW.Clo todav wss calm and prices were f rm Rus slsn fours w ere quoted at fc 40 and Russian bonds of 14 at 5)0 fw lark Money Market. NEW TOflK, May 1 -PRIME MER CANTIt.E PAPER--:iV(i4't Pr cnt. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with ac-t'inl husiness in bankers' bills st itfcX"?? 4 for denisnd snd at 14 M0 a-id 4 for slxtv-dav bills: posted rales. 14 and 4r;iv; commercial bills, f4.MSfi4.MV SILVER Bar, steady st 6T"c; MfXlran dollars. 44V.C. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, hep- v MONEY On call, easy; ?fiC4 per cent; closing bid. :W per cent; offered at 2t per cent. Time money, easy snd dull; siity ami ninety days, S'4 per cent; six months, 3V fiHH ner cent. on rrnns were: W Vanhsttsn r. gol4 4 14 Closlns prices V t ret !. its... flo roupen V. S. Jn. r do coupon V. S. new 4n. rg do re:iion L "Id 4. ret do coupon Am. Tob"'o 4a, ctft. do ctf At-hnfn pen. 4i. do s4J. 4 Atlinilc ( ort L. Al A Ohio 4.. do ! Onlral of G 5a.. do lt tne do M Inc t'hfi. A Ohio 4H I'hlraao A. I4 C , B. U new 41 C. R 1. P. 4.. do col ht rr St U. rhlcaso Tr. if Colorado Mid. 4a... Colo. 4r s 4i rubs ea. clip V. A P. O. 4a Pit SerurltleJ El . Erla prior llan 4a do gen. 4t F W. A- Ii C. I04v M.i ntral imy do ! Inc .. 104 si I. 4 ... I'-t i M . K T. 4a... 1SI , do !d 1l'4W N R R. of U c. X. T r ran N. J r 6a .. TH .104 .. wtt 4i m ..inn, .. T7 int Hocir Valltr 4Vt.l!1S Colo Japan fit, ctfa do U t N unl. 4l 103 Offered. 11 1 No Pacific 4a ....IM 1 do Ii N A W t 4a 4.1iU1 Union I L rfd 4a.. wi ... l'4S Tenn. conT. Sa. . :. . .1!S ... . M Readlrs san. 4a... . .. ....US St. .. A I. M. c. U ,1U . ... " L A S V. fs 4. ni4 .... :s ft. I., s. w. c. 4.... t ini'a Seaboard A L. 4a MVi 1 So. pacific 4a 101V, So Railway St tie 1 Texan A P li UIMj Jt T . st. 1. w. 4t... M 4a .lOH t ntnn TaciSr 4t..., . . . . M 1 do conr. 4a . . . . . "4H V S steal Id fa... SS TVshlah 111 I 103 I do deb. B 1"lj 'W'aptern Md. 4a .... f""l W. aY 1, F. 4a .... in? 'la Onlral 4a ?V Japan a. ctfa lll do 4H. ctfa Ind. (a art B aet A. 10c 44 ISJV, 11" 14 "4 44 44 7 TH, 71 OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle EeceipU He ?if r Thn Expected and Pricei Eased Of a Little. HOGS ACTIVE. MOSTLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER Oaoal Demand far Sheen and I .a an b a and with Moderate Receipts Mar ket Rated Active valth Prices Fnlly steady All Aronnd. SOCTM OMAHA. May 1. 1. Receipts were: Official Mondsv Official Tuesday Two dsvs this week... Two days last week Same days week before Same three weeks a(to. fame four weeks sao... Same dsvs last year RECEIPTS FOR THE The following table Cattle. ... 202; ... B.fXiS Hogrs. Bhcerv tl'4 9.4H2 4.1W o.TTS . 7. mo 11. rm .?7 . fi.97 is s S OJ , f Ml 14 ono 1 "J . 1 25 m.oi'l .10. 10 13.711 1!W . M II.OW 771 TEAR TO PATE. shows the receipts of cattle, hopts and sheen at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: I! 1(4 Inc. Dec. Cattle '7 32 S"4 M 7nl llots tjH Ktft4 70.377 Sheep t4.-6.371 S23.637 Tha followin table shows t averag-s price of hogs at South Omsha for tba last several days, with comparisons: to 1... !in 1 -44 t M . -, 4 n " HI 4 !? 4 e V ji 4 I C W AND 's 1 ( 10 MEIFKRS. lf? .-1 nt IMS . KM HE1TKRS. iou , 4.' . 13 . 14 I t5 t I It I on I no I 10 4 00 :i 4 tt 10 11 l BV1.L8. I KERS tils I 10 w M" . 7n MOfSS-Th heavy, anoiit Bin-ers were opened In n 1 ., 1. 1 . t .14J1 S . if" in i . i:o j 74 1 . ,!4' I tn 1 . I4M I n 1 IK I o 1 . H4 1 u 1 . M'74 IN 1 . in ton 1 .tl 4 on 1 . .IK0 4 00 CALVES. .. 1J 4 1 .. Itl M 1 STAGS ,. 15 STOCK CALVES 2:0 I n 1 .. AND 4: " V4 ft HI . 4o1 14W .1f0 l-a ITaa 14 l?n .1T0 1H0 140 i:.o 4 4 n 4 n 4 7 4 IS ; I It 4 n 4 M 4 U 4 f 4 IS 4 40 4 os 4 4 10 4 II 4 IK 4 jo 4 ! 4 IS 4 tS I II 1 : DO at .VOoS5 2i; bulk of sales. f-.17 higher I - V St. Joseph l lir atock Market. ST JOSEPH. Ma IS --CATTI.K -Receipts, l.tT" head: n atktt sluuly; closed ne.ik. IO lower; nallvea. 4i;;,'; cows nnd heifers, fl on?r; yearling calve. f7Mi4.. stack er snd f.lers. U.TMM f Hons Hecelpis. head; msrket e hlsher; Usht. f.'.2iwii.Si,i1 ; iliedimn heavy, fit .'Mi J7 V SHEET AND LAM PS -Receipts. .ff head, itiniket active, rtad; Colorado lan bs, X.2j. atock In Ulaht Receipts of live stock st the six principal lestern markets yesterday: Cattle, noss. 4 00 tixi FEEDERS : 4 n 443 4 OS 11J 4 I? Id I n 4 o tereipts here today were ID.'Xi lions belnc on sale, out early snd the market od season Conditions weiu South tinisha Plonx City ... Kansas City Si. Joseph ... St Louis Chicago Totals p yvl 41 4A S 4f 8 ("41 li.;"' 7 4T.S jl Cil 1.1 Oil 8her. e i- 810 t 3 3 13.t) .54 9.VI M.I50 SS 777 Wheat I I , I . .May .. 1 1 AVI 1 13H 1 lBt, 1 IS July .. DOS 1 0Vi 1 03 1 0J 1 02, Sept .. 821, 3414 g:S 2Vk Corn I . July .. 4R-, 44 47VI 47 4S Sept .. 47H9H "m j H Dec .. 44V I 44V 44H IX . THE ORAIM BBIT Wheat May July Sept. Corn Mav a July b July a Sept b Sept. Oats May July Bept. Pork Msy July Sept. Lard Msy July Sept. July Bept. M 81V, B4 4 80V 6m! 4SVL R7X44JV4 80VBVI siH3; !4StjHi4SH,SS' ' 474VI 40vJ 47S 47HSS 4 ii'47i'S-4 4iHl '"J 1 t4i 87, nTHS'l eflTl 90 BS & 4T 4S at' 31 4 SO' 9-i2 28H 15 S7U' 11 B21,: 12 ii JU 7 10 7 25 7 M ii S7VI 13 00 12 SO 7 IS 7 10 7 7 55 12 jtui i rrn 12 taw 13 " 12 75 7 KV 7 07H 7 26 7 60 1 12 SO 7 SO 7,3B 7 KH! 7 JO 7 2714 7 62HI 4 12 SO 12 60 12 70 T IS . 7 30 1 60 7 06 7 2fi 7 WEATHER ad SHchtly rlr West f Mlssonrl . Caolor. OMAHA. May It. 1KB. The weather continues showery In tha tipper Missouri and upper Mississippi val ley and thraua-hodt tha east-ana south. It continues fair west of the Missouri river and the outlook Is favorable for fair weather In the central valleys tonight and Wednesday. Slightly cooler weather prevails through out the country east of tn Rocky moun tains. It Is warmer on the Pacific alope and tha temperature will probably rise lightly la tha central valleys during Wed nesday. Omaha record of temparature and pre cipitation aom pared with tha corresponding day ot tha past three yaars.- . 1KH. lsfls. lt. Minimum temperature 60 61 2 63 Precipitation 00 .81 .00 T Deficiency In precipitation sine March L ,K of an Inch." Deficiency corresponding period la 1104. ,9s of an Inch. Deficiency corraapondlng; period In UOX, .M of an Inch. OMAHA DISTRICT ItEPuRTS. Temp Rain. Station. Max. Mln. Inches. Ashland, Neb.... 08 Auburn. Neb..'... 71 Columbus, Neb.. 7 Falrbury. Neb, 71 Fairmont. Neb... 7 fir. Island. Neb. Tt Hartlngton. Neb. 64 1410 spring . $3,809 nvi No. t. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were a follow. FLOUR - Firm: winter paj tent. 4.20; winter straights 13 .704 .00. oatents. 4.50i.OO: spring straights, 4.J0; bakers. 12.403.40. . WHEAT No. 2 spring . 1 I2cl 02: No. J red. TV,cfi ll.OJ. CORN NO. z, rc; ro. e,"T;.r', OiTS-Na T. 11 Kc: NO. I wnue WiTir.v' oood feeding. I740e; fal choice malting. , SEED No. 1 nax. 'X,"7' rn 1142. Timothy, prime, !6. Clover. '. . aA ail TlfS 1 K conirni i "''-. '; ul ail at PROVIBIONB aieaa pora, ii l an Tard ner 100 PS . Ii p. it nnura .. '. . . - - x aTNCAlU Rhnrt elear rios siaea iiihwi. i""" . ides tboxed). r.l2V7-- ,tm . ... Following wer un r.ri,o r ments of flour and grain: Reeelota. ShlDmeOts hhta 24sno itl"" to 12.000 55in .... .117.6(10 , ..... T.000 M.300 So..00 lw.aio l(.3i l.ono t.J0 Oakdal. Neb. Cimaha, Neb...., Tekamah. Neb. Carroll. Ia Clsrlnda. la.... Sibley, la - Sioux City. Ia.. Storm Lake, la 66 T 71 7f 74 tt 4 (4 47 .0. Clear 47 .01 Clear 4 .09 Pt. cloudy 4 .01 Clear 43 T Clear 47 .00 Clear 42 . Cloudy 4ft .03 Cloudy 60 .06 Cloudy 4K ' .10 Cloudy 41 .16 Cloudy 46 . 04 Clesr 4A .16 Raining H .04 Cloudy 46 . Cloudy DISTRICT AVKRAOE8. No. oi Tsmp Rain. CentraL BtaUona. Max. Mln. Inches. . Chicago, 111..,. v Coiumous, u - Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. , luisville Ky.... Minneapolis r Ointha. Neb St. Louis, Mo.... 2t 74 60 .11 17 70 64 . 01 II 74 64 l'i 1 to 60 .10 If 70 66 .OS r ' 44 At IS lis 46 .06 13 7 SO .11 U A. WKLSH. Local Forecaster, weather tfureau. CHICAGO GRAIX AID PROVISIOXS. : Featarea f tha Tradlna; anal Cloelaa; Prlees an Bard af Trade. ' RCTTER Easy; creameries. fi22c; dalr les UrjOc. . POI LTRY Allv steady: turkeys. 14416c: chickens. 13c: spring per dosen. one pound average weight. t30$L&0; 14 and 1 pound average. I.uiaj4 in. Ettud- Kasy at mark, cases Included, 14V. CHEESE Easy; dairies, ueiffec; twin. 12c: Young Americas. 12tH2V. Receipts today: Wheat, none; corn, 124 cars; oat. 136 car. Flour. Wheat, bu. Corn. bu... Oats, bu... Rye, bu... netv till On tho Produce exchanga today the but ter market wa weak; creamery. l3ac. A.M:m irme. Esae. steady, at mark. case included. 16c; flrts, 15H(916': prima firsts. lHc; extraa, ISc. Cheese, weak at 124J12tte. St. Inla General Market, ni inn Mav 16 WHEAT Higher: No. I caah. red. elevator, c; track, 11 OVK 106; May. 6c; July. 81S81Vc: No. 2 harj. Itiaher: No.' 2 62V53c: May, 61Hi Ju''-.t;5 w , OATS Firm ; No. caah. c; track. H, tiv; May, 30Vc; July. rHi2Ttc; No. 2 white. 33c. . i . TIjOVR Steady; red whiter patents. I4.6S C4R6; extra fancy and tralgHt, f45Rff4.6i; CSEElTUiiothy, steady. 12.00JJ2.50. i.OD VUPi I fiteaidv t fsO BRAN Dull: sacked, esst track. HAT-8teady; timothy, l.u08l3; it, HKfil 60. IRON COTTON TIES-69C. BAOOlNd-SV- . HEMP TWINE 6 Vc . ( ' PHOVI8ION8 Pork, higher; Jobbing. I12.67H- Lard, higher: prime steamed, SO. Irv salt meais (boxedi steady; extra short. r 7V: clear ribs, 7.tTVi: short clear. itm. Ha eon (boxed!, steady: extra shorts. IS.(H: clear ribs. 1R0O; short clears. W 25. POCLTRY 8tady: chlrkens. 10tc; springs SSj37c; turkey, 12c; ducks. Inc; 'IsrtTJKR Slow; creamery, 20fl26c; dairy. 17tf20o. ' EOG8 Quiet. lJVe; cas eounu Receipts, trhipments. , t.flo lo.iioo 13.000 4tlX) 33.0OO 26.10 , 67.000 ,(I00 72XJ73C. prairie, Atchison do preferred Atlantic C. Line Baltimore & Ohio.... do preferred Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago & Alton .... do preferred Great Western Chicago N. W C, M. St. P C. Term. & Trans.... do preferred C.t C., C. & St. L. ... Colorado Southern .. do 1st preferred.... do 2d Preferred .... Del. & Hudson Del.. Lack. A W.... Denver A R. Q. do preferred Erie do 1st preferred.... do 2d nreferred Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville 4V Nash.... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mex. Central Minn. St. L M.. St. P. St S. 8. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tex do preferred N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. New York Central... N. Y., Ont ar W Norfolk & Western.. do preferred Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Rock Island Co do preferred St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do preferred Bout hern Pacific .... do preferred Southern Railway .., do preferred Texas A Paclflo .... T.. 8t. L. W do preferred Union Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling A L. E ... Wisconsin Central .. do preferred Northern Pacific Adams Exprexs American j-xpress ., B. Kxpress Well-Fargo Exp , Ainal. t opper Am. Car tt Foun do preferred Am. Cotton Oil , do pfd.. ex-dlv Ahierlcan Ice , do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive do preferred 2.4O0 0 lrt 4.600 MV 101 154 108 l"lt 164 106 2.4O0 148V 148 1,500 4 80,400 60 21 177 20 V 217 I74T, Boston Mocks and Bonds. ROSTON. May IR.-Call loans. 3t?4 per cent' time loans. .1''M, per cent. Official closing of stocks and oonda: 4a . 14 Adventure .1U Allouer . 74 ' Amalgamated .... . Ila Am Zinc Atlantic .17 ptnaham .177 l alumet A Heels ISTVa I entennlal 144 Cipti-r Kanga .... 21 Va Daly Wat 194H dominion Coal 100 . Franklin US' Orancv S4 lisle Rerala St I Maw Mlnin .... 4V'Mlrhlaan lMVMr.r.ak 1S7 IVnnt C. A C ,.17i Tamaracli ,. lUtiTrinltjr . . 61 V I'nlted Copper . . . 4" if. S. Mlnlns . ..lft4f il .. Miftah .. at lvictoria . . II i Winona .. iniVWolrenna .. 14 AtrMaon ad no 4i W.i (antral 4a... Atchlaon o pfd Boaion A Walna Poaton A Mama 6'4ton I, .... Fltchhunr pfd Mexican ( antral . . N. V., N. H AH Pare Marquetta f nlon Pacific Am. Arae. Cham... do pfd Am. Fneu. Tuba... Am. Su-r do pfd .. Am. T. A T Ut4 Old nonunion Am. Woolen 34Vt;oreola . do pfd 104 (Parrot .. Dominion 1. A S JlHlO.ilncr .. r.dlann h.lec. jlura-..Z4a nannon General Electric ... Maaa. Klec do pfd Maaa. Gaa I nlted rrult I'nlted Fboa Mach.. do pfd f. 6. Steal do pfd Weatlns. common Asked. -"Bid. .. J .. se4 .. IKS .. 10 .. 13 .. -S'4 ..6M .. .. 7J .. 144 .. 774 .. .. .IS .. Sl, .. IS .. n .. 50 .. JS4 .. S4S .. 7S .. :4 .. 7H ..ill .. s .. iS .. !"S .. ls .. 4SS .. ss .. 1(1 ..lot I- :os. '1004. 11303. 1902. !1901 .1100. jlS" n. I ( rm 1 7 01 net wi m' 7i 17. .1 1 27V 4 7. 7 14! 4 P I M' 6 ! 1 19. .1 i 26V 4 761 I I Mi I Mi t 4 I 71 20. .1 t ?1V, 4 IV 7 inf I t fV B 4M 1 TS n..l S SI 4 7s 1 T 101 Mi I S 421 1 77 22.. I S 12H: "I 7 0 Mi S 101 I I 71 I " I 4 l 7 Oil S Kol S KVI S f.SI I 7 0 t 9 S 701 n 1 T London StoeWa and Bonds. LONDON, May 16. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: 100 l.SJ 200 100 27i "33i 7?7, 6614 27 42H 7" 66 900 lOV 160V4 400 6.100 "fro l.lfV) fKiO tnv '76H llfii, 21 - fil 145 7" lis 21 1 300 116V4 US 1,600 300 1.4o0 "700 l.RfO m 9SV 27 00V 60 7s. 97S 60 342' 4 H5j 78Ha 10,700 13 1354 it.'&O 3V W" riour, bbl.. Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu.... Oat, bu kssi f Itr Ursls and PravlaJas. KANSAS CITT, May 1. WHEAT dui. Steady. May. c: Julv. 7it17774c: Benlem ' lr. 7:'vc; cash. No 2 hrd. fi.0H8106. No. I. lv6l(C; No. 4. 745 Hk-: No. 2 red. 11.019 10; No 1 tOcSfl.tC; No. 4. ;fcSc. Re ceipts. 24 cars. CORN-Higher: May. 47Ae; July. 44Ve: Septrmber. 431till43,,c: cash. No. I mixed. 404?V: No- 41!:. No. t whits, 4V4"c. Ne I. 4c OATS Steady: No. I white. 12032Hc; No. mixed. ll&SISe. RYE Stead at I7tr70c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new ' No. I. whttewood raaea Included. lc; o count. 16c; cases returned. Vc less. HAY Bteaoy; rnoiee imotny. W SOU10.W;. creaman. U∾ Pklladelphla rrodaee Market. - PHILADELPHIA. May IS. BCTTER Market easier: extra western creamery, ;:VC; extra nearby prints. 24c. EOGS Market steady; nearby fresh. 1V at msrk: western fresh, 17lsc at mark. CHEESE Market weaker; New Tork 7ull creams, fancy, new. IIS. til 3c. fair to good, new. 12l2c; domestic Swiss,. 12(6 lie. MlaaoaiMlla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Msy H WHEAT May. tl 16V; July, tl us; September. ta'c; N. i hard. 11.17H; No. 1 northern, fl.U"; No, I northern, fl 06SC1 10. rLOL'R rirst patent. t416454l.5: second patentx, l&54r'06: first elaars, 14.003410; second clears, 12.7101.16. BRAN In bulk. fU.tttglS.M. - choice prairie. ITTMilOO. Bl'TTEH Lower; o. I no ; 11 king. 14c Wheat bu. Corn. bu.... Oats. bu.... Raoalpta Shipments. 1.900 7rt f !, 16 AM 13.000 lC raarla Market. PEORIA, Msy id CORN-Hlgherl N yellow, Msc; No. 1, Use; No. 1 oc; rad 49o. OATS Steady: strong: No. 1 white. lOVc: No. 4 white. lo&lOVc. W HlBKY-On tha basis 01 il 2f for finished goods. .available Sannly at Grain. NEW YORK. May l-8pclal cable and telegraph communications received by Hradstreets show th following change in available supplies.' as compared aim last account: Wheat-laired State and Canada. 'east of the Rockies, decreased. l.OM.eno buahels. Afloat for and la Europe, de creased. . bushel. Total supply, de creased .1 .16:. .000 busbeis. The leading decreaaea reported this week ar bushels In Manitoba; t'S.OOA atashei . at OwaU; ' lfSAH) puhf 1 at' Mllwraalca Grata Market. M1LWAI KEH. Mar 1C WH EAT Mar ket. Mgher; No. 1 . northern, ii.uc; No. northern. flOffcLll; July, ITStliCVe evsked. R 1 E Market 1c higher; Ja. 1. Wc. . BARLEY Dull; No, t llei sample. !r)aV CORN Market. 2e hlaher: .So. A Uaikic: juiy, c aaaea 1 lanlatk Grain Market. . DVLUTH. May 1 WHEAT To arrive, P.O. 1 nonnern. use; io. 1 northern, on trsrk. Il, May. (101; July, tl 7; Sep. OATS T tvra tvud oa Crafkr Mci. 4 100 700 "7i'j 8.600 "7(10 100 400 KO 300 7S,K"0 600 30i) 100 3..V-0 1.400 21.8.10 ) ) If 20ft a) Am. Smelt. A R'fg.. 34. 60.1 do preferred o Am. Suarar -R'f's;. .-. .. - 1.4i Am. Tobacco, pfd c. son Anaconda Mln. Co 300 Prooklyn Rapid T.... li.SfO Colo. Fuel A Iron.... 4.100 Consolidated Gas.... l.ioo Corn Products ' 1"0 do preferred l' nistlllera' Secur 500 General Electric International Paper.. 300 do preferred " International Pump do preferred National Lead 2 vio 4S 2!", 74', 67 2S 'sd'i e3t 30 E7V 12HV 97 IftSj 41 '23'. 4H IWVl s 3.". 98V R2V. 113S 117S 121", i:47i 9S7, 1 '4 119 1?lt 69 44 2' T9T 2s 74V, '62" ta1, 9fV Zl 36i4 57 121', 97 !, 41 '23" 494 191 83S 32a 61 112 11S 121 1V 9f.S l't Wa 4.1 IWi FO 4S "?o" 794 47 ' North American .... 300 i.v;. in.-, Pacific Moll MO 87 37 People s flss 2 lOOVi 994 Pressed Steel Car do prefereed , Pullmsn Pal. Car Republic Bteel Ml i it4 do preferred io 7414 74 Rubber Ooods 4 "AO W do preferred l' I'D Teen. Coal A Iron .. 2, T"i 1 V. S. leather M0 11 13 do pfd. offered) T. . Realt- 110 i so I. S. Rubber 100 40 40 do preferred V. 8 Steel ft 100 3iH o4 do preferred 12 '"0 ft Vs -Csr. Chemical... no t t4 do preferred .. 500 107 10t Westlnghous Elec Western Cnion Total sales for the day. SSg.eOO shares S1V 101 a 154 J 9V 14Ss 197 V 49 SS 7l 304 217 176H 17, 314 27 67 334 1S5 370 iSV 85V 424 7!4 61 -7 92 lrtos; 25 49 274 61 4 145 1M4 74 116 iii-i 157 974 264 64 354 142S 494 f4 924 1364 7 93 91 85 a "44 67 23 62 624 119 304 HO 334 35 (6 K-J4 9t 19 404 154 .3 49 1914 243 2:i 1241 244 MS 354 9ft 324 1 i 874 11 45 51 i 1124 11 tit 121 1;4 954 li4 M4 1?4 59 4't4 176 1i4 794 30 31 474 1004 3Mi lOOl 994 94 234 1 SH I tt 12 70S 90 ' 40 1C 31 94 M vr 1-04 S3 Conaola. money. do account v.. Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Bait. A Ohio .. Canadian Pacific rtiea. A Ohio... Chi. Ot. W r.. M A St. p. DeBeera I). A RIO O do pfd Erie do lat pfd.... do Id pfd Illinola Central Uoula A Naih . U.. K. A T . 15-1'N. T Cantral ..W 1-1. Norfolk A W. .... 8S; do pfd 4 (Ontario A W. 10a Pcnnvlanl . ....1114 Rand Mlnea .. lnSS Readlng ....31 I do lat pfd. . . .... JOSI do Id pfd. ....1WS So Ralla-av .. .... I1S1 do pfd Ji' iSo. Facinc . 7i t'nlon raclflo . 41S I do pfd . MS 1 1. P. Steal . 7s do pfd .1ST. iWnhaah .1S do pfd . ITSIEpanlih 4a SILVER Rar, steady. 26 9-16d per 01 f.n z'giS per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills is 2 8-162'i per cent; for three months' bills, 2 S-16'tf2Vi per cent. .147 . t-os . 4 . MS . H . 10 . 41S . 4s . CIS . us . . 4 .12SS . 9S . SI', .1"1S . 20 . 41 . April April April April April April April 23 Am-ll 24. April 25.. 6 264i 7 74; 7 041 7 03i 6 771 6 151 3 61 April 26 I f. !u! A Tt, I S Ml 6 771 1 391 1 M April 27.. S 1641 4 74 S ?l I 8 711 I 341 I 67 April 2. . 6 10S 4 71' 6 9t' 6 071 I 6 171 .1 t 1041 4 771 7 OBI S 651 I 1 4 li Mi t 95; 5 4 6 l I E 114! I 6 831 4 ; 6 641 t 26! I 1 ! t 114- 4 6 7b 7 Oli 6 71 18' 3 66 ,i t 14, 4 65: 17 01 1 6 72 : 17, 1 I I 2441 4 691 75; ' 6 64i 5 36! I 61 I 6 Jl 4 fill 72! 7 OS' 1 t til i 62 I S 2741 4 65i 6 66, Ml i "71 11 64 I I 4 641 6 63 ' 6 93 5 69 E 211 S 1741 6 63 7 99 6 64 i 101 3 6 S 154 "7' 62 7 0 6 65 6 12 : 8 6$ 5 19 I 4 no' I 7 07 1 n tl ! o 10 n o 6 274' 4 64 6 64! I E 66' 6 161 1 62 8 2-.4: 4 61' 6 46' 99! ! B 151 f 66 6 134 4 08; 6 41! 7 08l 8 681 I 3 61 i 4 66 6 36 7 12 -6 71, 8 17' 5 14' ' 6 3' 7 12 6 661 6 21 3 67 E 20 I 4 60 6 351 7 07 , 5 69, E S3'. 3 63 April 2 April SO. May 1.. May J., May 3., May 4. May B.. May . Msv 7.. May Mav May May Mav Mav May Mav May ... 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14 . 16.. !.. Indlrafes Sundav. The official number of cars of stock brought In by each rood wss: Cattle.llogs. Sheep. H'r's. C . M St. P. Ry ... J . .. Wabash Hv i MIhsouiI Pacific Ry.. 10 1'. P. System 41 C. N. W. Ry 1 F.. E. A M. V. Ry ... f.l C. St. P., M. & U. Tlv. 42 B. & M. Ry 7j C B. & y Rv a C. R. I. P.. east.... 6 C R. I. A P.. west... . Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. 4 1 60 1' 10 i:r Saw York Mining- Stocks. NEW YORK. May 18, The following ara the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice B raaea ........ Bmnawlrk Con... Comatmk Tunnel Con. Cal A Va.. Horn purer Iron Silver Lead vl I la Cos 4 onered. . 10 Llttia fhlet ... . 4.1 "lotarlo iffiSir ... ifrtOcnii , Pptoal .. 2 .. i ..174 .8:5 IHllam (6lerra Nevda uB... u i too - rs 2 14 44 44 iBtaodard zoo Total 255 The disposition of the receipts was as fol lows, escn buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep'. Omaha Packing Co 77o' 1..U 4 Swift and Company.. Cudahv Packing Co.. Armour A Co t Cudahv. Kansas City Ewlft A Co., country Ixibman A R ro .1.0 .6 04 1 .66S !."0S 1.470 1 ;06 1.3H0 i.8S8 Hill & Son. H. F. Hamilton....... Wolf Mike Haggerty J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Cudahy Bros Morton A Gregson.... fr. & S Other buyers Total CATTLE- r 1"7 V?.S 5. 3 3.5 1 9ri 170 41S 47J 317 ,i.1 9.1i 2-e 5..;3 Wool Market. BOSTOJ7. Mav 16.-VOOI,-New strentrth Is taken on dally by the wool market and tne conditions are followed with acute in terest. A great deal of wool is reported to have been moved. New spot wools have been shipped out again as soon as they have reached the warehouses. New terri tory wools are moving with freedom. Pulled wools have sold well, especially "A" su pers and fine "A s." Foreign grades ar firm. Prices In this market are about as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 34!Vi3oo; X. 31032c: No. 1, 36&37c; No. 2. 17(&')8c; fine unwashed, S5Q'26c; unmer chantable, 274j'2Kc; quarter blood unwashed. 32633c; three-eighths blood, 32iS33c; half blood. 30.331c; unwashed delaine. 27620: fine washed delaine, 37c; Michigan fine un washed, 2223c; quarter blood unwashed, 314i32c; three-eighths blood. 31J&32C; half blood. 29f?'t0c; unwashed delaine, 2526c; Kentucky. Indiana, etc.. three-eighth and quarter blood. SiQ.tfc; Territory, Idaho fine, 2t"&21c; heavy fine. 17fc1Sc; fine medium. 21 tr22c; medium, 24(g'2r.c; low medium, KftSSc; Wyoming fine. S'ijClci heavy fine. 17fclw; fine medium, aofcjlc; medium. 24SiC5c; low medium. SHb'Tie; I'fah and Nevada line. 21 ic; heavy fine. 17'sjlflc: fine medium. 221$ 23c; medium, 2H:?t27c; low medium, 27!8"2ic; Pakota fine. 20f-21c; fine medium. 20fi21c; medium. 24tr25c: low medium. 24325c; Mon tana, fine choice. 241125c; fine average, 21 622c: fine medium choice, 24j'25c; average, 21 'a 22c; staple, 26'&27c: medium choice. Jig 27c. iyiNDON. May 16 WOOL-The offerings st the wool sales today amounted to 9.314 bales. Prices showed a hardening ten dency throughout, owing to Americans buy ing fairly large lines of medium and light crossbreds and fine Merinos. Several lots of medium scoureds were bronght in. Fol lowing are the sales in detail: New South Wales, 1,500 bales; scoured. 304d'S'1s 141. Queensland. 3' bales; greasy, 9dls 3d. Victoria. 300 bales; scoured. 74dfils 8d: greasy, 64d'(fl8 Id. South Australia. 7'X beles; scoured, lais Sd ' greasy, 6S114d. West Australia, l.ioo bales: greasv. 7ai lid. New Zealand. 5.500 bales; scoured lid ils Id: greasv. 7dils 24d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 2i0 bales; greasy, 64a4d. Falkland Islands, 1 bales; greasy, iUW U4d. Puma Arenaa. 1,5(0 bales: greasy. 74dls. ST. I .AH IS, Mav 16 WOOIv Strong: me dium grades, and clothing. 21 32c; light fine. wafJe; heavy fine, 19i&.3i tub washed, 32943c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 16.-COTTON-Krot closed quiet, five points loaer: middling uplands. 8.D0c; .middling, -gulf, 8.45c: sales, 1.707 bale . t LIVERPOOL. Msy 1 COTTON-Spot In fair demand, prices unchanged. Ameri can middling. Itic. The sales of the day m-ere s.uuu oaiea or wnicn a cre ror spec ulation and export and Included. 2.600 American. Receipts, 21,04) bales, including American. NEW ORLEANS.- May 1 6. COTTON Quiet: sales. 5l.on lles; order 6. good or dinary. 4c middling, 7 c; g'od middling. 8 3-16c; middling fair, 84c. Receipts. 6.17C; stock. IHB.I-n. ST. IAM'18. My 16-COTTON-Firm Middling. 8c: sales. 87 hales; receipts, l bales: shipments. 57 bales; stock, 48.858 bales. Farelatn Flnaarlal. LONDON, May 1 Money was In better demand In the market today and In mod erate aupplv. Discounts were weak owing lo the condition of continental exchanges Business was affected by the earlv and unfounded report of German occupation of Hajthou Shantung peninsula. Consols were eaay. Home rails were heavy. Americans opened auletly steady at about parltv hardened a fraction snd reacted sllahtiy ana then aee-sawed Hustness ws trans acted during the afternoon and tbey clr.aed fuw. , Grand Trunk waa weak on forced ale. conttnontai were weak on Pons sell tnar. Japanese Improved a little. Imperial Japanese government sixes or K4 wer qiinied st 101 RERUN. My 16-Prloe on the Bourse here tooay aere weaker.. , PAKia. AU la-Tradlr.f on th Bourt) Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. May 16. 8l.'G AR Raw nominal: fair refining. 3 13-lCc; centrifugal, an lesi. t 7-iec; molasses sugar, I -16c. He fined, ouiet; No S. 626c: No 7. 6 10c; No 8, Bloc: No 9. E'6c: No. 10. 6 00: No. 11. 4 90( : No. 12. 4 85c; No 13. 4 76c: No. 14. 4.70c; con fect loners' A. i 70c; mould A. 2fic: cut loaf. soc; crusnea. s.wic: poaaereu. o.soc; granu lated Banc: cubes. tc. MOLASSES Steady ; Nw Orleans open acme, goon in r-rioioe, ,TenT".C. NEW ORLEANS. May 16 SUGAR Wuiet: open kettle. 3i(i44c; open kettle, cernruugai. V0 4 lo-ir-..'; centrirugal whites, B4c; yellows. 44 "55 S-lCc; seconds. 344j4Se ai .ii.A rrr.o .uminiu ; open ateiue S6c; centrifugal, talk-. SYRLP-Nominal. Joe. -There was a liberal run of cattle here this morning, there being about 6.60 cattle on sale, which in realty was considerably more than was generally ex pected. As a result of this liberal run and none too favorable reports from Chicago the market eased off a trifle, but all things considered, the market held up in fairly good shape. The big end of the receipts consisted of beef steers, so that buyers took their time to look around, and it was a little late before much business was transacted. The rreneral market was right around a dime ower. In some cases something that Just happened to strike the fancy of buyer was not off quite that much, but on the other hand undesirable grade in extreme cases were a trifle more than a dime lower. In the major! tv of rases, though, 10e would cover the loss. Owing to the liberal run and to the fact that the market was slow In getting started, the day was well ad vaiced before a clesrance was msde. The proportion of cow stuff to the total receipts was rather small today and as all the buvers seemed to be anxious for fresh supplies, prices did not suffer as much as In the case of steers. The market could probablv best be described bv calling It stead v 'to a dime lower. The market seemed to be very uneven on all kinds, the decline in some cases being most notice able on the more desirable grades; In n.hora tr m-n the common cattle that suf fered. Trading was rainy active on tne rows and heifers, so tnai most or me offerings changed hands at a reasonably esriy hour. The market on nuns, veai caives ana stags nere a trine weaK. in sympainy wun . h a Ratline on steers and cows. There were oniv a lew niu.-nera. onu fujen nn sale, and most or tnose mm were offered were western hayfeds. They sold mostly at 14.40 and 14.45, which looked like a good, steady price. 1 ne aemanfi ..m the cnimtrv Tor stock came in sun verv limited, but at the same time it has been about equal to the supply, owing to he fact that verv Tew came nave oeen coming forward KeDresentaiive sales BEEF STEERS. No. 1... It .. tl... I. .. ... 4... t. .. 4t... 4... 4... IS.. 4 ... 1... J... II. .. ts.. I. .. ft. . II . .. 14... . . I . 17.. 4.. ... ... II.. I . It.. IV. V . t:.. it.. 14.. 10 . 44 . it . 17.. 17.. t.. I.. lit irv n inn., may barely steady; prime yellow, 27u'.'74c. Pe New York, W95; P Oils anal Rosin. NEW YORK. May 16.-OIL8 Cottonseed. e crude, nominal; prime etroleuin. easv: refined. Philadelphia and Ralll- mora. In 90; Philadelphia and Baltimore in bulk. MOO Turpentine, quiet, 44tni4c. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, Co" OIL CITY. May 1 OILBCredit bal ances. 11 29; certificates. no bid. Ship ments. 7,ol: average. 19.B21; runs, 26.T; average, 70 279; shipments, Una, 77nn; average. 79.471; runs, Lima, 7,74; average. 41.90". ..SAVANNAH. Ga.. Majr lAOiaTur. ixuliu firm, two. t... I . I . I-.. l . I -l . I . ! I . 4 . I.. I . 10 . .. I . I.. I . 1- 4 . 14.. I.. I.. I . 1-. 4.. I . 14.. I I.. 14 . 1.. Ar. Pr No. At. Pt. 44 IK 1 IIS 4 14 .... ITS 4 IS 14 10M 8 14 ... 474 4 to It 11!4 I 14 ... Ilil 4 1. "77 I II ...Hi 4 tS IS 1141 s is 117 4 SO I loci I II ,...10 4 M 114 I ....1041 4 SI 4 U4 I tl ..137 4 SO 4 154S I tl .... ot 4 40 1" 1170 I JS ...1111 4 n 7 tl7 I . ...lll'J 4 IS it 1131 I 21 ...1400 4 45 IS IS I tS ....1CI7 4 45 7 1J;0 X .... 44 4 If. II 1UI I HI . .i :J 4 70 S 1111 I 10 .14 4 75 44 IT'S I M ....1K 4 Ho lb HI! 4 II . 1IC0 4 II S 1K I IS ... Kill 4 Kt 21 !' 4 4 ...1111 4 15 65 1JO0 I 41 104(1 4 45 7 1175 ft 45 ....txa 4 K M ml I 4i .. 11WI 4 SO II 12M' I 10 ....1114 4 M 17 1111 I 50 ... .Kto4 I I ll I SO ... .11.10 I 0 17 i4U4 t SS ....1K4 6 UQ t ISII i SS ....llli S CI 17 1J4I 5 44 1100 00 IS 1M4 I 40 .... 471 ' ft 00 tl line ft 4 ....1124 4 0 14 liJ ft (S ... .1085 ft M 11 U24 ft 44 ... .1025 ft 00 ti 1JH5 ft 70 ....ltMl ft 05 ! I'M ft 70 ....11.61 ft 05 7 14. ft 70 ....1111 4 01 40 1476 ft 75 111! ft 10 II 14f. ft 7 1104 ft 14 ir.t ft 7i H7 ft 10 54 1541 ft ao 1010 ft 10 17 1400 ft 10 STEERS AND COWS. .... mi I 74 10 M 4 44 .... :ift I 76 14 4"4 I 70 Sal I 90 il... 10U7 1 00 .... ooi 4 oo 4 mi it .... 14 4 iS 24 1111 ft 10 ....1111 I Kl 17 11M ft 14 447 4 IS If ltSl ft 44 .... 704 4 M STEERS AND HEIFERS .... 711 4 t n 1o4 I 44 COWS. 7M III 1 1010 4 00 ... loco I is i ...;.iof,i 4 o a.. 474 I SO il Il 4 04 .... M i SO 1 740 I 00 1000 19 4 1047 4 04 110 I 40 1 10 4 00 140 Hi . 4 1140 4 00 lift 4 17 1217 4 10 1M0 1 44 1 lltS 4 10 I 1 00 1 UO 4 14 1020 1 40 ' II 44 4 II TSI I 00 I lltl 4 14 ..... 4a 1 IS 11 113 4 15 .... IIWS I 71 S 1111 4 H loat I o I uu 4 I I!4 IM t Haw 4 IS llaO t 00 ' 1 970 4 14 t4 I 0 I lol 4 ft 114 1 0 , I llto I tft ILK J 11 I 1140 4 IS .....DM II 4 IIS 4 M 'l. 3 tft 11 Ml 4 10 41 i I 40 ,1 IIS 4 10 W IH 1 l'4 4 14 1 4 ft I"u I IS 1144 I SO 14 1121 III IW 74 4 1041 4 li ..... M 111 ' 1 H0 H ld.4 I 40 4 117 4 tt 4 II t - 755 4 40 1040 ft 44 I 1114 4 5 ll:S I IS 1 11M 4 ft 74 I U . 1 -1JXI 4 ft 11 I ki U iv4 4 44 In favor of the sellers and on the opening there was mi advance of about J4c After the first round or two. however, the mar ket strengthened. more activity being shown, snd the demand was fully ejual to the supply. Rids were made nnd the bogs sold nt prices rlghf around a nl'-kel higher thsn yesterday's best time. At this ad vance the bulk of the hogs charged hands, the trade being very active Late arrivals were favored today, for ss the morning ad vanced the market strenat heneil. and some late sales showed sn advance of from Be o lie. The hulk of the hogs sold from 16 174 to 16?2. with the better loads mostly at 15 4 and 16 25. F.vervthlng changed hands at an early hour. Repre sentative sale- No. Ar Sr. FT No. A Sh. Tr. II 10 . 4 10 T4 tf 10 ft to 74 o 0 ft 15 II 255 40 ft 10 5 - 4O0 ft 14 o MI 40 ft to 7 lJ 440 ft II (41 . . ft to 74 404 Ml III 74 M 14 ft X 71 JW1 ls ft 174 M I4 ... It r t5 iki I lrn - 15 an ft tn tJ too ft 1:14, it 51s o ft 10 7 ?04 10 SI'S 41 40 4 t n, m ... I 17H :t Kl ... S ;o a J47 M I 17H 70 107 ... I W 75 to ... ft 17 4 514 II tin . . IT! 17 11 111 ft to 4 tl 10 I174 57 141 ... ft (A Kl i5 100 ft m 41 til . . 5 to n 1.H 4 ft 17 12! tm 140 ft 0 21 ill 40 ft 1?v t fll 40 I to 50 ITT 10 1 174 .m "1 ft to (t M n ft 1714 l oa in ft to 74 tl 1!0 II 174 71 2 4 ft to 7 . . 5 17V, 51 170 t40 I tO . XI 107 SO ft 17V 1 t4 . I 20 11...-. ! . . ft 17v M 21 SO ft 10 72 1-.4 t40 ft 17t 77 11 ... ft 20 47 tf" ... ft 17H II 2M ... 4 20 ill . . ft 17t It 25 . . ft 20 40 154 140 I 171 HI 1 0 ft 1 10 lo ... ft 0 42 Ifl too ft to to Ml ... ft to 71 tf.4 lo ft n 7 170 . . ft to 70 Jul 40 ft 10 47 1 14 I 10 II 217 120 ft 0 71 151 0 ft SO TO 141 ... ft to II to 100 ft to 71 1M ... ft W 1 11 . . ft 10 SA Ill ... ft 20 SI 141 200 ft 10 tl 251 10 ft tt SS ,170 ...ft to 7ft rt 40 ft to 71 Ill . . ft tn 14 117 40 I 10 n ill too ft to So t44 ... I to 47 140 0 ft 10 II 240 ... ft 10 II Sit . . ft to 14 2S 444 ft 20 71 231 100 ft to SI 214 ... ft 20 17 117 40 ft fo 47 270 ... ft to 50 22 SO ft to 40 125 40 ft to IS i4 120 ft 20 45 745 too ft 0 7J it ... ft 20 II 150 40 ft 10 7 24 ... ft 20 75 12 . . ft 20 44. : 275 . . II to 5 S..4 120 I to 74 141 110 ft to 70 241 ... 1 KH 74 244 . . ft 20 41 177 ... ft 12 70 240 140 ft 20 11 27 ft t? JO 220 ... ft to fKil 40 I 114 40 172 SO ft 20 ft t ... 5 114 44 Ill 10 ft 20 71 Ill 1 ft 224 77 125 40 ft 20 44 131 120 ft 12 "4 54 rl 10 ft fn 71 t"5 ... ft 124 74 21 40 ft 10 l 2 ... ft 224 59 244 50 10 74 US 10 ft 4 2 221 110 ft 20 41 S! 80 ft 224 ft 15 10 ft to SI t!4 400 ft 224 77 117 40 ft to 10 151 Ml ft 124 70 141 120 5 to 1 31 ... ft 224 41 1M ... ft M 00 IKS ... 5 15 61 114 180 ft 10 70 2H 0 125 9 221 440 ft 20 77 201 10 ft 25 71 234 M ft 10 27 14 40 ft SO 10 225 ... It SHEEP There was not an excessive run of sheep here this morning, and as all th packers seemed to be anxious for supplies. lie market ruled active and strong. 1 n market opened In good season ard it was not long before everything in signi changed hands. 1 As high as 14 75 wss paid for fair wethers, and some ewes snd weth ers mixed brought 14. 85. Yearlings sold up to 15.20. The demand for lsmbs was also fully SEW YORK. GF.rsF.RAL MARKET Qaotatlona of tbe Day nn Yarlon (ommodil Irs, NEW YORK. Msy 16 .-FLOUR. Receipts, 23,(J bbls ; exports, 7,100 bbls. ; market tirnt and higher for top grades; winter patents, M9tko6 i5; winter straight. H rVV4 v,; Min nesota patents, to BOOitt ; w inter ex tras, l.rtf &3.71, . Minnesota bakers. 13 4ou I S5, "-.inter low grades, $:t 2e4f-3.t). K flour, firm: fair to good, 14 109400; choice to fsncy. 14 'u4 S5. CORN MKAL Stead v; fine white and ellow. l ; coarse new, kiln dried, 12 76432. BARLEY Slow: reeding. 444c. c. 1. f. New York; malting. 4ivi'r. c. I f . Buffalo. WHEAT-Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 994c. nominal elevator; No. 2 red. tl 0i4 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 norttiern. Duluth. fl 09V f. o. b. afloat; No. l hard, Msnltoba, 994c f. o. b. afloat A strong upturn early In the day carried July wheat up to 93Nc In New I ork. It was due to much higher north west markets, firm cables, unfavorable weather news and covering Eventually, however, tho trade took profits, causing reaction In the last hour. Final prices were 4 to r net higher. May, TW-aC, closed 99c; July. 924'o"4c, vlosed 2c; September. R54j'6l4C. closed 954c CORN Receipts, bu.; spot market firm; No. 2. 6c. nominal elevator, and bfic nominal elevator f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 564c: No. 2 white, 57c. Option mar ket was fairly active nnd strong at first on the excessive rains west nml delayed planting, but later reacted with wheat, closing 4c net higher, except May. whlcri was 14c upon manipulation. May, SfVoiih'c, closed f64c; July, 63VO"54c, closed. Mc OATS Receipts, 6S.1M1 bu.; spot market firm; mixed oats, 26 lo 32 pounds, STtW.' natural white, 10 to 32 pounds, :i'nJ.c; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, S644r3it4c. FEED yuiet: spring bran, lis lo; May shipments, middling, I18.1U, May shipment, cltv. 120.50. HAY Steady; shipping. 835ci good to choice. (j4j4Cc. HOPS-Dull: state, choice. 19i4. 2.V029c; 19, 22i 15c: olds, ll(al3c; Pacific coast. 194. ZltrUr: olds. llUUc. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 184c; Texas drv, 24 to 30 lbs . lc. LEATHER Steady; acid, 24H260. FROVISIONS-Reef. firm: lanillv, 113 50 pl4.0f.; mess. liy 812 50; beef hams. $21.-0 pa? 50; packet. H2.601& 13.00; city extra India mess. lao.fl.ajj so. Cut meats, steadv; pickled bellies. 17. 60ft:. 00; pickled shoulders, 15 rnKim.OO; pickled hams. I9.7r.fa 10 no. !-ard, aulet; western steamed. $7.211,7.40; refined, steady; continent. 17 40; South Amer ican. 18 26; compound. 15 2i.';it.V24. Pork, steady; family, $l4.5ocal&.o; short clear, 113.5txii 15.0ii; mess, 113.2513.75. TAi.LoW Stemb ; city (-' no per pkg ). 44c; country (pkg. free), 44t4c. RICE Firm; domestic fair lo 24fl4c; Japan, rominal. Hl'TTER Weak; street price, creamery. 214ii22c. Official prices. ery, common to extra, 19fL'14''; state dairy, common to extra, 1 ri 21 4c ; renovated, com mon to extra, 15V19c; western factory, common to extra, 14'dlSc: western Imitation creamery, extras, 9c; western firsts. lHc. CHEESE New, weak; old. steady ; new state, full cream, small colored and whit", fine. 114c: state, fair to choice, lOillc; Mate, large, colored and white, fine, 104(04 11c; old, state full cream, colored and white, fancv. 144c: state fine, 134c. EGGS Film; western storage flrat, lS4c. POULTRY Alive, easy: western fowls, 134c: turkevs, 12c; dressed, quiet; western fowls. lotfl34c; turkeys, 1381Sc. extra. extra cream- Metal Market. NEW TORK. May 16. METALS Tha London tin market was a little higher, closing at 135 6 for spot and nt A 134 5s for futures, while the local market was quiet and unchanged at t.'9.75ii29 IV). Cop per was again easy atiroan, closing at a.i 0s for both spot and futures. Ixcally tha enual to the supplv and the market could t market is nuiet and shows little attraction be Tuoted strong and active, tne same as j, being still reported that business can ba was the case with sheep. There were no choice clipped lambs offered, but 15.65 was paid for fair stuff. A car or wool Mexi can lambs arrived that sold for 17.10. Ijite In the forenoon. tn double flecks of Mexican wool lsmbs that were fed In Kansas, arrived and they were picked up n a hurry at 17 45. which looked like a good strong price They were verv choice, how ever, end In fact much better than any thing that has been here In some time past. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to eholre lambs. tS. 75756 15: fal' to good lambs IB W'TS.T': rood to choice Colorado wooled mh 16.fJOOV7.00: rood to caolce yearllnrs. K.(WfJR2n: fair to good yearllnajs. 14.nOfrf.0O; rood to choice wethers M.wxfM Tn: rsir to good wethers. t4.2S("M.50: good to choice 4 2W4.&5: fair o rood wes. 14.00-07 4 ?5. Wonled stock sells from 7Ee to II per 100 pounds higher than clipped stock. j-tepresentatlve sales: No. 9 western cull ewes 90 western bucks 50 western feeding wether... 36 western ewes 13 western ewes 663 western wethers 417 western wethers 300 western wethers and ewes. 240 western wethers snd ewes. 300 western wethers and ewes. 11 western wethers and ewes. Ill western lambs 24 western lambs bucks wethers lambs yearlings lambs , wooled wethers 2506 Mexican wooled lambs.. 2 western wool lambs done very close to Inside prices. Lake is quoted at $15.01X515.25. electrolytic at 115.00 (S15.124. casting st 114. 755 15.00. Lead waa unchanged at 12 17s6d In London and at !4.50fft4. 00 In the local market. Spelter was higher at 23 12s6d In th London market. I but continued easy In the local market. with spot closing at lo o-KoTS 60. iron was unchanged at 52s In Glasgow and at 54s 91 In Mlddlesborniigh. I-orally the market is said to be easier, wltli prices lower in most Instances, although some dealer are still holding for about the figures recently uoted. 2i western 14 western 21 western ;74 western 34 western 7 Mexican Av. . 66 . 152 . 91 . 92 . M . 93 . 112 . 103 . 103 . 101 . 68 . 62 .... 78 127 80 82 80 h5 M Kfi .... 60 Pr 1 00 2 85 3 60 3 75 4 25 4 60 4 75 4 83 4 85 4 83 t 00 5 65 7 10 00 3 00 4 00 5 5 5c 5 75 7 7 25 NEW opened toffee Market. YORK, May 16 COFFEE-Markatt steady at unchanged prices and ruled quiet around the initial level. The close was quiet, net unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales were reported of 24,250 bags. Including May at 6oc: July, 663c; Sep tember, 6.tXri4l95c; December, 7.2oc; Janu ary, 7.24; ; March, 7.3oc. Bpof, steady; No. 7 Rio, Sc. REAL ESTATE THAMFEH1. CHICAGO LIVE UTOCK MARKET Cattle Meadr 4a Weak Hob Five to Ten Ceata Hlaher. CHICAGO. May Hi. CATTLE Receipts. 4.000 h?ad: market steady to weak; good to prime steers. to.TS'.J'". .5: poor to medium, 14 BO(ff5.A0: stockers and feeders. 12 806.30; cows. 1100(15 26; heifers 11iWa6.65; ran ners 1 5041'.'. 4"; bulls. !2.75'u4.75; calves. 13.0JVS7 00. HCHiH Receipts. 11.0110 head; estimated for tomorrow. 2V..0O0 head; market S'.'tlOc higher: mixed and butchers. t5 3nca6 45: good to choice heavy, K.404i5.474; rough heavy, 15,r.; light, to.Xtintf.; bulk of sales. 15 tVi 45 SHEEP AMI I.AMHS Receipt. 13.0110 head: market 10c hirher; good to choice wethers, shorn. 14.90(fi5.i5; fair to choice mixed, shorn. !3.6(ffi4.60: western sheep, shorn. 14. 00055.25; native lambs, shorn, 15.00 f-650; western lambs. t5 00.ft6.7S. . .Iinls Live Stark Market. ST. !"irtS. Msy 1 CATTLE Re ceipts, 4. VI bead. Including 2,0il Texans; market tor natives stow; lexsns. sieaay: native shipping and export steers. IS 10r t 35; dressed beef and butcher steers, 14.50 (U s; steers under 1 .000 pounds, !35 10; stockers and feeders. 135tJ4.76; cows and helfere. t3.35rffi 25; canners. li.VKtti 24; bulls. H. 10(93 75; calves. 6 2fVir6 50: Texas and Indian steers, J.'ao .': cows ana neiters, 13 (A-Jjf, 3fV HOGS Receipts, . nesa: market strong: pigs anil lights. 14 Ooiitj i;.: packers. 14 ftxt 35; butchers and best heavy. 15.25 tr 45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1000 bead: market stron: native muttons, ft 50 ifrS.00: lambs. K Ooftfl 50: culls and bucks 13 0nm.5o; stockers, 12.504.00; Texans, 3.00 (tfSOO. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, May 16. CATTLE Re ceipts. 8.000 head. Including 800 southerns. Market steady to 10c higher: choice export snd dressed beef steers. tS.6fflr..!0: fair to good. 14 6."ti4 to; western fed steers. 14.50 stockers and feeders. 13 25(86 00; southern steers. 13 9"ir6 .00: southern cows. 12 6Vfw 5n native cows, t2.704.afj; native heifers, 1325 4l5 3B: bulls. li U-ii-i o..; calves. SI (.Out. 50. HOGS Receipts, 11.200 head: market steady: top. 15 40: bulk of sales, tfi 2MC .174: heavy. Iiu637: rcker. t5tr64ii; pigs and Hants. 14 (axub 35 ttHEKP AM) LAMBS Receipts, 16. head; market strong and active: native laoitHi. 4(u7 4f': western lambs, t& fed ewes and yearllnrs M-ru62o; Texsa rlloned vesrllnrs. 14 7Wi6 60: Texss clipped sheep, 4 1594 75; stockers and feeders, i 50 04 50. lens Cltv Lira stock Market. SIOUX CITY. May la-(Special Tele gram. CATTLE Receipt. 7'JO head; mar ket aeak. stockers steady; beeves 14 'tj !S. . ....... I.,,ll. art, ml.H lli.l Ml stockers and feeders, il 00(84 51, calves and earlHis. 13 '&4 00. liOGtl R:ipts, ,009 head; market Be DEEDS filed for record May 16, as fur nished ty the Midland Guarantee nn.l Trust company, bonded abstracter, lt!4 Farnam street, for The Bee: J. D. Smith to Jennie G. Meyer, lot 17, block 6, Jerome park H.OuO J. A. Peterson to Mary Poriwll. part of lots 1 and 2, block 2. Patrick's Second addition Nona buldwln to F. E. St-elcy, 4 of 4. In block 8, Plain view. W. F. MrKenrie and wife to J. Cam eron, und'a of lot 8. block 250. City of Omaha :. Same to name, part of lot 18, 4-15-13.. J. Cameron and wife to G. c McKcn- lie. tirw!4 of lot 9. block 3f. cltv W. K. F. Vila et al.. to E- R. Smith, lots D to 11, rues' place J. U. Dailey and wife to M. F. Croas, lot 12. block 1. Haathorne Frank Thom!aon, executor, to Llxsin P. Spencer, lot 23. block 13, Omaha View Sarah I Mnndla to J. Schnuettgen, part of lot 24. t.lock 2. Forest Hill.... S Kellner to J. T. Kerns, lot 15. block 3, subdivision of John I. Redlrk s Julia A. R.iKsitcr and husband to G F. Slepp, lots 7 and 8, block 1 Relvedere ; Lillle M. Townsend and husband to R. P. Wilson, lot. 9, block. 16, Central park B. R. Hastings and wife to T. Lor-n-on. lot 20. block 117. Florence Clementine Brown to I. H. Avery lot k. block 34. Kountie Place A. N. Benn to Margaret F. Falcaferro lots 15 and 16, Albright A Aylsworth s Second addition Annie M. Sherwood arid husband to Adolph and Bertha Kunkle, lot 12, block 60. South Omaha i. E. A. French to M M. Lund, und4 lot 1, block 2, Sunrise addition 923 1,200 FOO 1IKJ 500 0 75 750 S.025 1,000 475 0 l.JoO 25 GOLDPIELD BULL FROG We ar issuing for th benefit bt our personal clientage a book complete in very detail, telling of the discovery of these wonderful ramps and the!r movements to date a seen and photo graphed by Mr. Henry Anchester and E. T. Thornton, our consulting en gineer. Wa are operating one of th largest high grade propositions in th district snd will snortiy open our subscription book for a limited num ber of share to be decided udod laisr. Respecifuly Submitted, THE HER tt V AM HESTER t'OMPAXt, (Incorporated.) MHwaaker Wisconsin. Edwards-Wood Co. tlaeorporatad rialq 0(t1c4ri Filth a ad Roberta StrMl 6T. PAUL, fllNN. DCALtRSIN Stocks, Grain. Provision. Ship Your Groin to Us Praaeb o flic a, 110.111 Uoard af Trad Bldgr Oaaalta. -eb. Teltphoa Sol. 212-214 Exchange BMg . South Omaha. Bell 'i'bun nt. lttdaitdBt 'PboM 1