TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, IPOS Tiie Omaha Daily Bee. T.. HOJEWATER, EDITOR. PinUSHEU EVERY MORNINO. TERMM OF 81HSCRIPTION: I'nlly Be (without Bundny), one year. .11.00 I 'ally Hee and Bundny, one year Illustrated Bee, on year 2 o bundny Hee. one ear X Saturday Hee, onn year 1 Twentieth I'entury Karrner, on year.. l.UU KKMVEKED MY LAKRIKR. 'ally . . I - , . . . , .1 J ! - WHT SIARTLtDt number of plants are Idle Is a rattier un- ot eleven rcpasta. it annum, w - A Washington dlsnst.h tn an eastern satisfactory showing, despite the state- tmctiy understood, however, tnat iroin .1 .... - .....- I .1.1- l. It .1 ....n. ev.1. paper says that the declarations of mm that the percentage or hiio pihiu "'"'k '" i "nn.-."'; President Hoosovelt tu hia western 111 this country Is not nearly as heavy as low that tlio jail kitchen la deteriorating speeches rea-si-dina- railway regulation the yearly average In the lust ten years In Its output or suffering In It reputa startled the railroad men In that city In European beet sugnr countries, tlon for furnishing all the seasonable .i, ..,,i.. ,.t it,. .. Ti.o evt.iPiit fiiet in that the beet suirar delicacies that the law allows within the ate committee on Interstate commerce. Industry Is not making progress In the limits of the price paid, It is stated that the fact that the nresl- I'nlted States, which is distinctly tllsnp- 1 dent lina ooened m strnnepr thnn ever pointing When It Is remembered tnnt otny -v siAicvii-suiry KTcrat-i i"n, I - .. Il I -.n,.. hi.il. II.. ...., 1.1 n1,1 tv.1.rt trt - . ,........ .. In favor nf n- vino- t in tmu-ot- of rate a few venrs ago 11 was mine Kciicrim; r" ' ""u,ll nuui "" liiy n. (without Hun.iaj ). per week.. lie U1I,K,)B. to ,,e commission has created believed that within a generation nt most Omaha 8 metropolitan appearance, but E?imnVerffi manifest uneaalnefs among the mem- this country would produce sufficient would not a ten-story building, covering Evening- Uee (including Bunday), per ,Hrs of the senate committee. Thev beet sugar to supply the home consump- more ground, do Just as well or better? Sunday I"', per ropy &c laro rimrpmiitfiH n iw.ii.vi.iff ti.nt the tlon. It now looks as if that ideu will There Is plenty of vacant space In houwP!iln.rc.sMW has gone beyond his views as have to be abandoned and that wo may Omaha yet for all the office buildings. partment. OFFICES. Omaha Th lite Building. South Omaha city Hall building. Twenty fifth and M atreeti. Council BIuITb in Tearl street. Chlrago-1640 Unity building. New York-lo9 Home Mfn ins. building. Washington 6)1 Fourteenth street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newa and edi torial matter ahould be sddressed: Omaha Hee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, espress or postal order. ryouie to ine nee ruDiismng uumimni .Kc Dors or tno senate committee. expressed la the lant annual message even wilness a decline from the present hotels and business blocks Omaha will I I . M and that the effect will be to create a production, in which twelve slates are want for many years to come, even lr contest between hltn and his tmrtv In the interested. The favor shown to Cuban the city doubles and trebles in popuia- senate. sugar In reducing the tariff on It is tin-1 tlon. In Its Inquiry the senate committee has doubtedly In a great measure responsible been most careful to obtain the rail- for the domestic beet sugar situation and road side regarding the question of rate unfortunately American consumers have regulation and in doing this it was ex- not been In the least benefited. pected that the views of railway man agers and attorney would have the ef- HOMES FOR THE SHIFTLESS, Only 2-rent stamps received In payment of foct 0f changing the president's position Next to the county infirmary the Om"hVorUem ."t on the subject they have lieen dlsap- Douglas county Jail is the most at- The true Inwardness of the electric light contract is becoming visible with out a telescope. The electric company has reduced the arc lamps from $04 to $75'a year and increased the number of lamps so as to swallow up all the money in the lighting fund Just the aame. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. pointed. There is In this, however, tractive place for the shiftless and tlnirt- nothlng that should startle or shock the less that could possibly be found in a members of the committee, or such of three days walk. them as are in sympathy with the rail- While the storekeeper of the county roads. At a matter of fact there has Infirmnry keeps an assortment of mll- STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebruaka, Douglas County, a.: C. C. Roaewater. secretary of Th Be Publishing Company, being duly sworn, taya that the actual number of full and i A T- v. Itailw UnrnlnB. Evening and Sunday Be printed" during th i,PPn no change in Mr. Roosevelt's posl- llnery, ostrich feathers, silk ribbons and with the women's clubs, and It may b kind of a porthole. Ite led us down alnna- Are Men Afraid? Cleveland Plain Dealer. It may be a touch of gallantry that preventa the other men from coming to the rescue of Grover Cleveland In his fight I little ray of light breaking through some ROtSn ABOtT SEW YORK. nipple on the t nrreat nf I Iff In the Metropolis. One of the strange anomalies of these ittrenuous tlmea la that the strongest i p posltlon to chlldrn prevails among the landlords of President Roosevelt's n.itlve city. Opposition 'a open, arrogant, unbend ing. Residents of certain sections of the town appreciate the rule and regulations and govern then.ilv.' accordingly, but pilgrims from "the provinces," who Jour ney thither with a view to settlement do not realize till on the spot how nulrkly the presence of .-hlldren cause them to be shunned by houa iwt (rs. A typical tx perlences Is that of Henry Jamls-in of Muscatine. la. Mr. Jamison, with Ms wife, four children and a dog, Journeyed to New Tork, where a tempting Job awaited the husband and father. The family had ample room to spread In Muscatine, and similar surroundings wre sought in the big city. Two weeks of house huptlntf wore oflf the glamour as well as the leather, and the tribe of Jamison Is now biking back to the reservation. "When Ellra and t got here, two weeks ago." related the head of the tribe, "we thought It would be a regular lark to go out and And a flat. We figured upon paying about I1S.50 for a nice, airy one thst would bold us and the dog and the four 'kids.' On that basis we could lay up n nice tidy sum out of my salary every year. We went to an agent and he took us to wbat I took at first for an Ice plant or cold storage warehouse. "Abcut a mile off we could see a dim month of April, lms, waa a follows: 1.. 2. I. 4. i. (. .. ai.oHo .. st.ono .. Bel, 1 MO ., 88.190 .. 38,100 ,. SM.100 4A.0O0 lion, lie Bianus lOOay On HUB question nenims npimrvi iur rinjinrnj ni n. c .... 28,880 of railway regulation precisely where he county's expense, the keeper of the ST M Btood 'hen bc wrote nls lB!,t annual county bastlle supplies the inmates with 2N,ioo message to congress ana mere was no miun mm. chihioc te iounu m cm-nii I something else. 7 ao.uao 80.D20 80.800 10 2T.V70 11 28,1 TO 12 2S3.400 11 2),10O 14 20,000 14 80,(KK Total Less unsold copies., Net total sale. Disturbing; Gaiety. Chicago Record-Herald. The Hindoo are celebrating Japanese victories and shouting "Asia for the Asiat ics." In case Mr. Bull's sympathy for IS 17... 11... 1... 20... 21 28,8no reason to expect that he would make any boarding houses. In fuct, the county " fX'lln departure from that. He had after bastlle is the best boarding house in 24 28,000 most careful thought and deliberation town. J lie bourder pays no noaru ami nave nui9 trouble in discovering 28,oo piapea himself upon record in regard to is given a new suit of clothes when he aa'iao legislation which he believed to be neces- takes his formal leave. 28.80W gnry to the correction of abuses on the In the winter the bastlle is kept com 2 au.iuu IS 82,100 the tunnel and on the way he was telling us about how that flat was made up of seven rooms and a bnth, and every room light. I struck a match and got a look t the rooms. 'Box stalls," Ellia and I called m. "From there he took us Into a gorgeous '. o'.Tua tlons- Japan begins to wane the Japa ahould I thing with a lot of gingerbread fixings hy. I at the entrance and an elevator In It. But most of the fixings were In the entrance. Melancholy Hilarity. 'Seven rooms and bath, all light and airy. Washington Post. I elevator all night, all modern conveniences "T.miffhsomi." innnn to have been the I and only mind you. nut that word In part of the railroads and the protection fortably warm, and iu the summer the hfft trugt B coJe wor(1 for -rebate." The ll.40O a year,' Is what the 'con' man rattled county cooler Is kept comfortably cool at railroads seem to have also used some off to us of the public against unjust discrlmlna- ..8TW.08T Dally average 29,321 C. C. ROSE WATER, Qoraiartf. Subscribe In my presence and sworn to thus formed and there was His views were not adopted an expense of a season. The only code word for the am subject, indicat ing anyining irom a cnucaie 10 uuwieiuui hilarity. before me this lat dav of May. 1906. iSealj M. B. HUNUATE. Notary Public. hastily. They were the result of care- thing lacking is an electric fan ful and mature consideration. Tresl- The fastidious boarders at the county deut Roosevelt does not change opinions I infirmary are served with orange mar not the malade and canned lobster. Perennial slightest reason to expect that he would Jnll birds find good beef a la mode with reverse or even modify the attitude taken mushroom sauce at the barred window- in his last annual message, of the county buffet. No work, good Seennd th Motion. Brooklyn Eagle. Iet us give Niagara to the nation for a park. Just as California transferred Its osemite. bo doing, we shall remove a perpetual temptation to our legislators. "I caught Eliza In my arms as she swooned. The agent used my hat to pour water down her back and revive her. Just the moment she got around again we got out of there where wc could draw In some real air. 'Well, the next day we tackled another agent. No luck.' Then the next day, and the next, and the next, until we had used two whole weeks. We went after the In failing to report to the Russian Ad- It is very probable that an issue will grub, a suit of clothes and a pair of Let us also remember those legislators P'rates who find tunnels and tubs and teles- I I I . ..... I oAHaa anil s4 1- a IrnmnAla t rv X?Ar Vnelrara miialty Kojcstveusky is saving someone be made between the administration and shoes. Everybody invited to come and who yielded to temptation. after trouble should he go down to de- those republican senators who are under get three good square meals a day, but Democracy and the President, feat the Influence of the railroads. This was Old Douglas, he foots the bill, nnd grins PhiiadeiDhia Record (dem.i foreshadowed in the course of these sen- nnd bears it. And the purchasing agent. President Roosevelt reiteratea in the Now that a .Dutch ship has been con- atora at tn, lBRt of ,...., who supplies 75-cent stilts of overalls for strongest terms his determination under fiscated by Japan The Hague tribunal They ,howed quite tnflt th .o hc grins. wnpn lne proflt rak0(1 iu. no circumstances ndIa"e J" may not have to go so far from homo had no synipathy wlth tne pjdent's Turning from the sublime to the rldlc- r.,nt hen , hi in carrv.nl sZ 4 I I. . ... ' " I .. Hi uunj, I nosltlon nnd that thev wr.ro nhanlntolv I UlOUS. hy not snetld some of tills successful one rut Inn whatever ruillrlea h I no late census. - j j-. t i . I .. 1.. i o mav consider he foe th. m.i.v w " 'Sorry, but If all off in that case,' the With mo additional electric .treat r.. " . . rr"""'"'? rl " ' " ' is not obiii to mu- M...B, rnrra Tr. aonnro ti.o loin u i a n .... n-i.i.r. i.a i - - . - copes and dog kennels for New Yorkers to live In. 'At last we found a hole we thought we could live In, 'way up somewhere about Eight Hundred and Seventy-second atreet, and signed a lease. As we were leaving the agent ran after us and asked us 'did we have any kids.' We said we Invoiced four the day we left Muscatine, but had 'Boss won't have no klda lamps for Omaha, there should be lllu ruination for gets clogged. OT CnnrPRftlnriR tr tianiirA futura 1 1 nnort , v I . . . . . I m W. W ml 1 J4 F JfAti.ltltAItM Hl.l f Irk II. I . .. vaKi v. mlnation for all-exceot when the circuit naa rmmen,iea. une inquiry wnicn ,7 . .... wl " nvlte the more active aid of - 1 ... n , . . I . . .... I ., I PI II II HII1HUL U I'M i ii-r... I .U .. ll.tl,. IWI i, . . . me orunie committee on inierstare com- i - . xno aemocratic party whenever such sup merce was directed to make was aimoly t0 tne federal court of this district to port doea not involve an abandonment of brigand said In his flats.' "And so Hllaa and your Uncle Henry are hiking home to Muscatine." .secretary Wilson ha. reached Kansa. U means of deferring legislative action. the collection of the tases i,n- P-ty pHncipies. The -eptio , V duS.e from in .u-. i -ii.n. j . I nnwofl nrum tlim far t in roup 1001 tlu-r I ,vc" 1111,1 wy Jlinois aenifjcran in lni-I . . . . . I all 4k.4 1- 1 .it.li. J At. . . . I III1KMII lllliill Iliaiill 1411- Tim VHIir l'HI4 1 II4V in lime to reassure llimseir mat tne " vu encueu uy uie com- " " cago at the banquet of the Iroquois club short grass country" is not always in mittee in its hearings was known be- mnde a vel'y serious blunder. Iu mak- may be takfin an ,ntmatlon of what the semi-arid region. 'ore. The country knew as well months lu an aPleai 10 me state ooaru tins he may expect if he shall aim to serve ago the position of the railroad man- J"eRr Ior ,ower assessments man were country nrsi ano party afterward, 1. r THW v. 1 I . I. j a I Til n II A 1 1 V thA atntA lionr.1 lt von r thev I v. M. tan, un. guuo uu rewru .8n. ns n u.ira uaiuy. ouuug new . NATIOXAI IXSIRAKCB SI PRRVISIOW against government supervision of rail- has been developed. are making a more grievous blunder. road rates. Mr. Parry must have heard One thing, however, is more fully as- Tne assessment board of 1904 was not spokesmen of the Biar Mft inanrance that the labor Unions favored rate leeta- aured. and that is that Prealdont Ronae. hostile, to the railroads. On the con- . Inter! Are in favor of it, iat(nn I ...i i- v . i I trnrv lt mpmhArn tvnro L-nntrn tr lv I (awwii. nru uun mc ut-riy unanimoun sunnort " " v " l Tn. ,a,iAM.t -. .Ari. .11 ukmit v,a Tf . - . . , . . I A 43 xa.i m, UillVIIV AVa imilUliai aiuyci flOIIJU Ul I tl va. srvra nakiiwu. vimi ri of public sentiment for his demand that ""meiy rnenaiy and nioisposea to go ingurancft . intnB. in forc. Ev.rv n.w ceive- hi. money on deposit for safe keep If P. E. Her succeeds in carrying out there shall he additional legislation giv- one sten further In the assessment of brief on the subject by an eminent lawyer Ing; It transmits his money to wherever all the projects he has in hand for build- ing the government increased control railroads than they were obliged to go stronger than any of the affirmative dis- he may direct, and It opens savings bank ina- un (ireater Omaha. h will h .nil. ,t ...,., i .1.. u. under the atresa of nuhllc onlnlon. nnrl cussiona mat nave gone Derore. in lec- accounts ior mm nere in (w ior. 1 ma ' oi.u uAuiaumi vi uiv muruHun, 1 ill? 1 ' 1 ,... , t..i. .i.,.hii. , . . . 1 . , . 1 1 ... , l .w . v . u. ,,uu.. (iTOpie re m ton matter witn tne aa- '"" Hon. Ralph W. Breckenrldga of Omaha, shipping office of the British consulate that of any other financial concern In New Tork, It has only one officer. He deliberately lays in wait for the men he hopes to have become depositors, and working In conjunction with him there Is a special police officer who watches the men that have deposited to see that they do not fall Into the hands of "crimps" and harpies. This bank Is not run for profit, but performs for the sailor three distinct parks. When the twelve new buildings to be placed at the disposal of the signal corps at Fort Omaha are completed, the old ministration and this assures ultimate assessment of all Other classes of prop- chairman of the committee on Insurance where crews are ahlpped and paid off every victory for the interests of the (iconic I erv under the new revenue law. It was of the American Bar association, was a working day In the year. It Is only a few Computed tnen, OU estimates based on 1 olru,lB jirtscnuiiun 01 ine argument max I steps irom ine aesK wnere ine men are the selling price of land as compared ' , r ' lnertore' aner voyages, long ana snort to 1 I Ka r.DII Ta t. Kv si rrrnm a . I .u. I.... . .h. k.nlf wlnnw tt.n. thai Mr. Breckenridge has taken pains to se- I mean to most sailor the road to safety FOOD INSPECTION LAW. j i. tha intunfinn r th. TiAn..n.nn I with its assessed valuation, that real tftrt will bAirtn trt npflaont a a 1 A I " ' . ...v vfc wc iycimumuui I I ..... . ... ... ...vj .,. yaiua iu w i nieun iu 1'iuni miiuia liic . v,au m "nicij ion win oegin to present, a gaia day f APi..itl. in Btl.iti. iha iar estate as returned by county assessors cure the opinion of hundreds of leading and self-respect. Many sailors take these appearance. I .i,iv,m i .i ..... .u. was BDoraised at 01 ner cent of its sell- purchasers of Insurance throughout the steps, and the number of those that do so yuu.u.wug, luc iuniuiumuu mm me . at.. .nA ..11. ... v,.. .1 . . b. tti .1 inar nrlee. wh lie rai Ironrta worn nnnrn a1 ""- " '- is incrciwinm. mo , v.uimi . . . . without exception they want federal super- Church Society for Seamen was the first to Inaugurate this department of seamen's work, ri.R a roR rERTETrAti teack. The Late General Ice's Eloy of President Lincoln, Isll'a Weekly. General Fltxhugh lcn'a eulogistic refer ences to Lincoln In his recent address be foro the joint session of the New Tork legislature are another evidence that the passions Bml prejudices of the civil war era are forever burled In the t'nlted Ptates. No more striking tribute was ever paid to the martyr president than was passed upon lilm by this former eminent confed erate soldier. It recalls the eulogy paid to Sumner. Just after his death, by Sena tor I -a mar, also a distinguished adherent of "the lost cause." I,oc e eulogy of Lin coln was the lust public utterance of one of the bravest soldiers of the south, and, like the dying words of General Grant on Mount McGregor, It waa an eloquent plea for perpetual peace. In the confederate Memorial day exer cises In the various states w hich have held them this year there were as fervent ex- pressslons of loyally to the government as w-ere ever uttered by ex-unlon soldiers or any others In the north. At the cere monies of the approaching Memorial day on the national side there will be more fra ternal mingling of the blue and the gray than have been witnessed up to this date. The Influences which have burled the last trace of sectional feeling have been es pecially busy In recent years. President Roosevelt, In his expression of love for the south and In hia appointments of ex-confederates and their relatives and descendants to federal posts, has done more to blot out the geographical lino In politics than has any other president of any party. An era of good feeling has come which Is far more striking than that of Monroe's day. The fraternization between the sections Is closer at this moment than it was at any time before the civil war, for the slavery Issue was a disturbing factor In the rela tions of the sections from Washington's Inauguration to Appomattox. For the first time In the country's his tory It can now be said that there Is no longer a north or a south In the old parti san sense, but only a nation In which all localities have an equal part, and we can all reverently thank God for It. TERSOVtL NOTES. The Russians have borrowed 200,000,000 marks In Germany, where marks are easy, apparently. Four hundred ex-confederates now living In New York City will be guests of the I'lysses S. Grant post on Memorial day, and Senator Joe Blackburn of Kentucky will be the orator at Grant's tomb. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, accom panied by Prof. J. M. Splllman and M. A. Carleton, has started on a trip to the south western states, where an Investigation of agricultural conditions Is to be made. Bill Pevery, New York City's statesman. would give all automobiles that exceed the speed limit a Jail sentence. "If they was put against the prison chuck for a few meals," says Mr. Devery, "they would put drags on their machines." Paul O. Stensland, the Norwegian banker of Chicago, has presented to the Scandina vian section of the Germanic department of the University of Chicago a valuable col lection of 1,280 volumes of old Norse litera ture, formerly a part of the library of the noted historian. Von Maurer. Mayor William II. Berry of Chester, Pa., Is a reformer for sure. He has re turned all hia free railroad passes. " am now more than ever satisfied," he says, "that the whole practice Is wrong and certain facts make It Impossible for me to accept the so-called courtesy of certain transportation companies." Captain John B.' Aulln was employed as a pilot at Port Arthur when the war broke out and the Russians detained him. His wife, In Oakland, Cal., who did not hear from him for a year, believed he had de serted her and got a divorce. The other day he returned with 125,000 that he had earned piloting during the siege, and now there will be a remarriage. CREAM - Improves the flavor and adds to the health fulness of the food. FLASHES OF FtS. "I suppose that statesman felt very proud and happy when our ovation waa tendered lilm." "Yea." .answered the disagreeable person "He felt almost as proud and happy as the chairman of the leceptlon commute." Washington Star. "Sav, wot's de matter wlf Chlmmy? DIs mornin' he got a crack wlf a golf ball an' he aays: Oh, gracious! My goodness. Oh, ine! oh, myl Oh, sugar!' wot's de matter wlf 'im7" "Aw. he's caddyln' fer d bishop wot Just Joined d club." Browning's M&ga, sine. Mr. Oeerlng Where Is that French chauf fetir that vou had last summer? Mr. Sparker He went back to Ireland. Puck. She T can't understand why you hav such faith In doctors. He Well, I'm rich and I know they won't let me die whileJl have any money left. New Tork Telegram. Mrs. Harduppe John, I'm sure there's a burglar In the house. Mr. Harduppe Well. I feel sorry tor him. I know what it Is to work hard for nothing. Puck. "Don't vou love to hear the gush of the tide?" said she. "The tied don't gush," he answered. "If f iini.v I niists w iiu mo uiiraiciiru. . cioliu Leader. Would-be Kmployer What was your for mer occupation, sir? Humble Applicant I was In charge of nursery, sir. Would-be Employer What! A govern ess ? Humble Applicant No, sir, a gardener.- Waahlngton Post. THE NORSK MOHTISQALE. Will Kirk In Milwaukee Sentinel. Miles Standlsh ban having a courtship Yen all of his fighting ban tru; Maester Longfaller tal me about tt And so ay nkol tal It to yu. He say to his roommate, Yohn Aalden, "Yu know dls Prlscllla, ay s'pose. Last veek yen ay try to get busy, Prslcllla yust turn op her nose. Yohn Alden ban nervy young faller So Standlsh yust tal him,' "Old pa.1, Yust boost me to dis liar Prlscllla Yu know ay Can't talk wery val. Pleese tal her ay ban a glide soldier And say ay have money In bank; Ay'd du (lis myself, but ay tal yu My manners in parlor ban rank." So Yohn go and call on Prlscllla And happen to finding her In, He sit close beside her on sofa And give her gude lots of his chin. "Miles Standlsh," he aay. "ban glide faller, Hot stuff vlth his musket and knjf. Anrt so ay ban coming to tal yu'- ' "' Hod U'l vi Prlscllla, for vfe." Prlscllla, she listen to Alden, And den give him cute little venk. And say, "Vy not speak for yureself, Tohat Miles Standlsh ban lobster, ay tenkl" 80 Standish get double crossed dandy And dat's yust vat AY vant, by yee, Ef ever ay ask any faller To doing my sparking for me! That llttlo bruah with thA larirnnon In United States of food products which are Jolo comes as a reminder that aonro- adulterated so as to be injurious to at 74 Per cent ot tnelr true vaIue. h"80'1 vision, r-Hation. for mintarr nrottn health or which are falsely labeled, and Pn tneIr earnings or their market value. Herein is a suggestion for some great be safely abandoned bj congress for a products the sale of which la pro- b? the 8ellIn Price of Btos fal,y " frtain public opin- ..A ' 7 congress for a n'fot and bonds. n The control and su- nunc ni ivnai. - j " I . . . pervlslon or lire Insurance companies is a - Ta ture or from which they are shipped to l" rcuu.iaui, wisuom mm qUMtlon very mxich to the fore at tha preg TUe fact that 100,000 of Omaha 4 the United States. The law went Into r'unenre Bnou,Q nave oictntea to tne ent moment. Let some enterprising metro per cent bouds have sold at a premium effect last March and the department ha a railroads that they gracefully acquiesce polltan dally, desirous of a "feature." in of nearly $0,000 affords tangible proof since been enforcing it strictly and will ln tne 'Mment of 1SR14 and pay their view J J"er th. thouaande of big .. . . . I Uoo.. n.i,h., ... v.n .. ... policy holders and find out whether they vwniia a iti-un una never ueeu BO I continue TO QO SO. gilt-edged aa it ia today. The position taken by Governor Folk on the subject of lynching shows that Missouri went entirely out of the "aolid south" class when Its electoral vote waa east for Theodore Roosevelt. tflTPB without firriitr.bllr.tr fir nrAtaat I policy I would vlmm nnttlngr thA n&tlnrtftl mv I Tl. . .. 1 .1 i..... v i i ii a. I . v. . . e That Is the proper course. The export Aur' ,","U1U "n,c "vl"w ' "" lunl ernment on guard for th protection of of adulterated artifio. tn thu enu..trr nne minions or aonars or raxame real their Interests, articles that are not permitted to be sold e8laie anu arsons i property is unpro in the markets of the countries where ductlve- "llronds are not only pay- they are manufactured-is a fraud udou la a reasonable Interest on their cap American consumers which has been too ua,17'auon arter aw,UL,S operating- ex- long tolerated and Secretary Wilson Penses and taxes, but are spending mil merits the most cordial com mend tlon Hons of dollars in betterments that PUBLIC TASTE IMPROVING. for tha 'Pti a hrnfllUBAP Af AS,tmn, 11.. vard believes that railroad rate, ahould for hls ffort9 to do ShUld ,by rlgh,18 be Cmllted M prflt9 The problem of Just how naughty little girls can be on the top of a Fifth-avenue stage was solved the other day when four well-dressed maidens, between 12 and 14 ars of age. rode dewn the avenue In company with a bewildered and submis sive maid. ' "Let's each shut our eyes ln turn." said one of them, "and then throw a kiss to the first, man we see when we open them." They all agreed, and alternately wafted kisses to stirtled paercby. This evoWed no answering salutes, however, and they aoon tired of It. "Let's bow to all the nice looking peo ple we meet," suggested one whom the others called Alice, "and see how many be regulated by the government. Now the profeaaor of economics at the Unl versity of Chicago should be called. Prog-reaa ot the Movement City , Beautiful. St. Louis Republic. Enthusiasm for the city beautiful Is not a spasmodic fad. Present interest In public I men we can make take off their hats to work will not die altogether and leave the I us. movement for betterment Inert. The pro- I This suggestion was adopted. In spite of fraudulent practice on the rmrt of for- or """T-1"" earnings elgners who ship adulterated goods to I ine ra"roauH snouia aiso nave norne gress attained during recent years illus- the timid i rotests of the maid. There was this country. A large portion of such m mma ,Dat tne oroeu contributions trates new meals or living, ana in turn it l much domng or neaogear on lower um ii.i j M-.. levied nnon the neon e of ehrnnbii In " iui-i. im ui mun ia avenue. aruc.rs arc (.rvpurru l'i'y ior me " , . . " -" merely an Incident of embellishment: th witn 1.000 Cblcaeo school children on American market. Doing unsa ab le in ""J 1 "'" chief motive i a deii tor ail the a strike the World's Fair city has little most of the countries of Europe because lUHt or near,y lDe snjacent states. purtenances of health, comfort and appear- eauae to hon for a anlntlnn nf it. i.r. of the strict system of Inaneetlnn that I-ast but not ,pnst, they should have ancea ...,kiu k- i j l m.iii. til- Tii ititi . . .... norne in niina inai ior many years nre- v"a "" -j I. i UUUI Id II. W LAIC I1CAL KUUCI Bllllll. HIIII II1B I fit IHIID luric, J IIO 1IIBLIIIIII1IU Ul fl BIV office of city spunker has not yet been ot inspection here, if rigidly carried T,OU8 l" 11 Ine rauroaos were out treated. out. will put a stop to the im- "B"'u'"jr UUUL1 ,n'"ru -r" I" " Donation of adulterated and fHiH rlly the cause of the unconstitutional Iu lnal wo uapusta or tne north labeled iroods to the unouestlonabla urease in me state nent. and south are getting together the civil benefit of American consumers. This Instead of yielding to the appeal for . 1. l..,.l Tl I . . . I . .nit.ll.llA,. A to,,. It lo V, 11 J.,4 K -" - ""r"" " .... w."n . uicuiui jr. rrw judicious legislation Should be supple- " "l 'l " l"c '""" "U,-T fail to fulfill their object. General disorder Although only seven years old. the struc nytenaua are to meet next week and mented by a law that will protect the r ' ooaru mis year to enrorce is a disgusting form of frantic extra- ture Is leaking badly and the white gran- will have a similar proposition under I r,r,i ..tn.t i..i... .. the legal standard of taxation by assess- vagance. . lite exterior shows signs of serious erosion. onalderatlon. 1 t . Ins the railroads in nronortlon to their Improvements entail a comparatively Discoloration Is as yet the most visible evidence of the disintegration or tne stone, The association Intends to treat the en tire outside surface with a paraffin prep arattnn auch aa was used on the obelisk WOUld it not tie a UTIKmI illpR for the I .. ..... - ..... ... ... I I. rnral t.-W A rnntruot ( Kr.il t in ... .. .. - I I . cimnivn, uul aiibi I lie J .1, mJ w 1 1 - I . v .n.. ' - .w........ ... - one UDOn nlcn tn. people Will Commercial club to arrauco with the structed the axnenaa terminate. The I be made to cover the dome with a water less and offers more of happiness than Ilia city neglected. This theory the public be gins to realize. Unpaved, dirty streets ar expensive to the municipality through Then the little girls all sang for a block or two, kicking their feet ln time to th music, and before they reached the Wash ington arch they were trying to see how much they could embarrass a nervous looking gentleman In a. cab by the Intent stare of four pairs of bright young eyes, Damage by weather to Grant's tomb W damage to apparel and property. Inade- I causing much anxiety among members of quale sewers are menaces to health, t'n- the Grant Monument association, which Is kempt parks are almost useless, as they I Intrusted with the care of the granite pile. The consensus ot opinion endorses The Bee's demand for a higher standard ln the choice of public officers ln Nebraska, but at the same time every aspirant for official honors modestly admits that he conforms to the demand. It 1. not to be doubted that the move- '"- ad Mn a rroperty not Ph. t'VZT ad ment to this end will In time he success- up 10 lruH Ya'"p 10 lnHl sianuara. practically all purposes of economy. New streets require solid foundations and good ful. The demand that food shall be pure unite. THE BEIT 8VQAR INDUS TB T. A report Just made by the special School census enumerators of Omaha to "Lm theory applies to nearly all classes ot proof preparation. If that resists the ele make a complete census while they are about it, so that we may' know just ex actly what the actual population of Omaha is in the year 1005? The ex- publlc work. Betterment, as a business proposition, is municipal and public econ omy. When to th economy are added the bene. fit of Improvements, It becomes clear that Ihe cross-examination of Governor Cummins before the senate committeo "ent of the Department of Agriculture shows legal talent on the part of the 0008 not lT n "together encouraging 1 . lll( .,pntBl f ,.h . .r.ra.,co,.,I..,t stfactivene.s 1. mor. than an ae.thetlc members of the committee who con- rul Ul v"1 "u,u"u 04 M" need not be very great, Inasmuch as the ducted the examination, and also shows w unr ""- ' agent. enunieratOM are obllpeJ l0 mRk piamjy nai tneae memoers would like , ''. V . """'" painstaking canvass to ascertain the to report to .the senate. lu 'uu " ...uustry was oaca- nunibt.r of persons of school ai:e within warn uuuug uuo inst yrar, ne uoea say t, lt iinlltlJ ine international txiai race will clve I a goon umur uiscourageuents nave 1 1 1 the enterprising promoter a chance to developed in the twelve months, lie re- df uiouhtrate the real advantage of wire- marks that in the work of development leas telegraphy between America and I which has beeu done during the last Europe, for there will be as much in-1 eight years it would be surprising if achievement. Streat, sewers, parks, clear water and other ' convenlencea promote health and comfort, aid business and aug ment a clty'a reputation. They ar almost Infallible signs of publio spirit and com munity ideals and the standards of living. Th enterprise of municipal corporations ments the whole exterior will be so treated. The association realises that tha work should be done at once, but as It would be a costly undertaking there la hesitation In Incurring the expense. At present the celling under the dome Is In danger of falling If the water I not kept out. The decorative plaster work haa been discolored ln spots through th action cf water. Thi haa been going on for the past year, It having taken als years for the beating rain to find Its wsy through th stone work. Expert say that granlt than by actual scaling. is a stimulus to public tast. Cities provide I""". " to a whole community advantages which attacks, by loas of cohe.ive strength rather, In other circumstances could b enjoyed only by families of wealth. The improve ment made and th convenience afforded With nearly $3,000,000 already paid Into cultivate refinement and show how easy tt th treasury of the Cathedral of St. John is to realise comfort. As a consequence th the Divine, and with another million at public demands more and mora of better- least In sight for next year, th trustees of ment. I this vast enterprise are giving assurances It is liecausa public tast is better and I that thla greateat of all cathedrals In becaua th real valu and convenience of I America will surely tie completed. Th Improvement la perceived, that the mov. I largest Individual contribution made was ment for realising the city beautiful will 1800.000 With the sum already raised th From an official report It appears that I not retard. Th peopl of the large cities I choir will be completed. Thla w ill aeat i.OOO 172.733.49 out of the apportionment of success attending the beet crop Is offer- the caterer at the city Jail furnished are now living up to th hlgheat standards persons ana win De openea wiinin a rcw ,-3.000 for miscellaneous expenses, ing much encouragement and consider- guest of that hostelry with only 3.307 -'. J- ZLTL 'Un'. 7hV Miscellaneous" usually covers a multi- sbly improving the prospects of sugar meals in April as against 3,318 for the Lnv r.tr0-reMi0a but that thv should in- edifice will continue. The lowest estimai JAN8EN, Neb., May IS, 1906. To the Ed itor of The Bse: I read with interest your brief editorial on my opinion on railroad rates. I rather enjoy your sarcasm, but can't you, for goodness sake, get your men terest in the' movements of the rlral some mistakes were not made, but be I to spell my name with an "a" instead of shins as lu the fate of nations. thinks that In the main the results Jus- n " t,,,v i"'' ,n lclvt I nm no 1 - tlfy the efforts which have been put The most suggestive item in the com- forth. He states thst the last season can paratlve exhibit of the Board of Kduca- be fairly rated throughout the different tlon finances for the ten months of the parts of the United States as favorable present fiscal year Is the saving of to the production of sugar and that "the a Dane. Yours as vr. PETER JANBBN. The correction is cheerfully made with au apology to the Danes. a. cava --jnei ar w, Vr,c . . r-IV k'fc. i - 1 1. . - -ie,v THE BIG RACE. Human Lives Are Sacrificed. tude of small (rafts tod big leaks. I production next lear," yet tha fact that a same mouth last year, belfig a decrease sist upon Urtnw progress. mad on Ui ultlmat cost la A0.o,C00. At this time of the year many auto mobile exnerts are looking ahead to a final test between t,he automoble and the locomotive. Already the automo bile has made faster time than any locomotive, but there ia danger ahead for all concerned in such races. This season of the year reminds us that we are all more or less ic a race for life in which death overtakes many who are run down and in a weakened condi tion, ready to take up with the germs of grip, pneumonia, spring fever, later typhoid and the many weaknesses which often end with consumption and the grave. A reliable tonio is what is needed, something which will put the machinery of the body in strong, vigor ous action. BULE8 OP HEALTH. "Remember this, that our bodies will not stand the strain of over-work without good, pure blood any more than the engine can run smoothly without oil." Affer many years of study in the active practice of medi cine, Dr. R. V. Pierce found that when the stomach waa out of order, the blood impure and there were symp toms of general break-down, a tonic made of the alterative extract of the following medicinal plants and roots was the Lest corrective. This he called: Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The ingredenta: Golden Seal (Hydrnnti$ Canadmsit). Queen's root (Utillingia Sylratica). Stone root (eWtn.sortiVi Canadfntt) . Cherrybark (Vunus Viritniana) . Bloodnxit iSanguituiria Cunadrnti) . Mandrake Podophyllum 1'rltatum). For over a third of a century this tonic and alwrative has been more 'largely sold than any other blood medicine o nerve tonic. Being made without alco hol, this "Medical Discovery " does no shrink up the red blood carpuscles, bub on the other hand it increases their number, and they become round and healthy. It helps the stomach to as similate or take up the "proper ele ments from the food, thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, bears burn and many uncomfortable eymps' toms, such aa neart-palpitation due l gas formed in the stomach. Jt tt especially adapted in diseases attended with excessive tissue waste, especially in convalescence from the various spring fevers, whether of a malarial or ty phoid character. As a tonic and recon . struotive during and after the influences of grip it will prove of particular value. It has been extensively used aa a re. builder after the severity of a rheu matic attack. Mrs. Gertrude Vandenberg, of 061 College Avenue, Appleton, Wis., sayst "I had always fn)oyed the best of, health until last summer when I bad scsrlet fever, the effects of which seemed to remain, causing defective hearing ; my strength did not return, and I felt acute templo pains, and ex haustion, also I would perspire freely, if I made the slightest physical exer tion. The doctor did everything he could to drive the humor out of my system, but was unable to do me any good. I began to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and soon found it was helping roe slowly but surely. 1 took it for twelve weeks, when I was restored to perfect health. My appetite is excellent, my complexion much improved, and I am able to at tend to my duties with renewed vigor and strength. I heartily recommend your ' Golden Medical Discovery' as a wonderful 'strength-giver.' " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets leguUts) the liver, stomach and bowels. '