THE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY lfi. 100.- GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cora Deelop Strength of Day, Wheat Being Little Oft UTTER STARTS FIRM, BUT DECLINES May Oat Score Adtaaee, Reachlng Thirty and ei pa Eight ha High Receipts ton. Ilnae ta Rale. OMAHA Mir 11 The, strength of the market wa In corn, .I"'"1 being a trifle off. May corn closed a l 6oa,r, or 4c below the top notch for tne "y and 1C above yesterda. July stopped . , JoM Jul' "l ' September at t,'c nd old September at 47c. wheat started off firm n reports of ad vances in Europe, but changed after tne (pining- hour. May closed at 3-iV. July at vlc a September at (oN,c. May oats scored an aivance, strir to VL ,ul' tlol at 294c and September T"r shipping dfnmnd and 21 ran were sent out. Chicago re ports cash sale of ltv.OuO bushels and Ar mour buying May oata. rec"pt' continue to rule. Fourteen cara of all gralna raine In and 69 ere aent nut. In contrast with the situation two or three weeks sgn, the wheat receipt art. "nr thnn those ef corn or oats. There la a good demand at Minneapolis ror cash wheat, by miller and elevator, and No. 1 I 34c over May. while No. i is c over July. No. a v-lla at 9Mi$l.0l and No. 4 at K.fj9Io. At Chicago cash wheat is atrong. wltn sales; No. 2 at two over May ana r.o. 1 at 4c over May. The.vlsibls sup ply ahows a decrease of 2.3;'4.0O0 bushel. Reports of damaged wheat crop are criming from many loana in Kanaaa and Oklahoma. Pawnee. OkJ saya there ha not been eo much rust In eleven yeara. Cables ara stronger from England and the continent. Liverpool opened 4c higher m wheat and 4c higher on corn, and there waa a furthei advance later In the session. ?b?r1 Saturday, exporters took wheat. 24,000 of corn and 00. 000 of oat. On the wheat situation, today Reeord Harald says: "The Influential factor with the wheat trader were the Improving de mand from the miller and the shutting off or -the movement from thelnterlnr. De mand and suply activity have exactly re veraed the conditions prevailing while the Gates deal waa on. Mill in all direction were last week taking a normal to liberal quantity of wheat, while the movement to primary markets dropped to very small proportions Receipts at primary market 'f , jrmly 830.000 bushel, a compared with 1. MO.on bushels the previous week, and wlta 2.342,000 bushels two weeks ago." Omaha Cash Price. rJEA7-N?- ,hRrd. mc; No. 3 hard. tfSXvrN1:, h.ard- ?: No. 3 spring, ' CORN-No 2, 46c; No. . 46c; No. 4, 45c: no rade. 40643c; No. : yellow. 464c: No ."ow,; No- 1 Hc; No. a white. 464c. OATrNo. 2 mixed, 29c: No. 3 mlx-d. f?Vc; Ko. 4 mixed. 4e; No. 2 white, 30-; No. I white, 294c; No. 4 whita. 29c; standard, itOc a '4d; 4s 3"d. futures. QU'.et; May, 4s 14a; Juty. CHICAGO (.R tlt A3 D PROVIPlOSf. Peatarcs of the Trad lag and Closing I'rlces n Board of Trade. CHICAOO. May 13 Clear weather had a Ieartsh effort on the wheat market here today. At the close July heat waa off 4'oSc. Corn Is up Say. Oats show a stain of Va:c. l'rovisions are generally Up 4ilOc. Weakness In the wheat market developed oin after th opening. Influenced by Higher prices at Liverpool resulting from a considers ble decrease In the world ship ments. Initial quotations here for July were in wuiie ease 4- higher at xc. Almost Initnediately, however, prices experienced a severe setback on profit taking bv small holders. July sold off to sv '1 h de cline was In turn sucoreded by almost as sharp a reunion Milvh carried prices back to aFiont the highest point at the opening. The upturn had its Inception at Minneapolis where May a heat showed .So rain and July over 'Jr. The strength In the NotthwesVvn market was attributed to flood conditions in the Red river valley.- Weather officials, however, forecasted clear skies for tomor row. IToepects of Improved weather con ditions started renewed selling of July. A a reault the price again sagged off. A feature of trhiiinsr wa Increased humors In ihc September ..pi ion The market cIobm! weak with prices near the lomest point of the dev. final quotations on -Jnly being at Xli'i'it. Clearances of wheat anti flour were equal to S,ar bn. The amount on passage increased MatWrfi and rhe visible supply decreased 2.16MO0 bu Prlmaiy re ceipt were J3Vo hu., compared with Zl. bu. a year ago. Minnaapolls. lu luth and Chicago reported receipts of P3 car, against In car last ee(i and 1J8 cwr a ytir ago. Sentiment hi the corn pit was decldelt nuuisn as a result of a decrease of nearly S.aj.U bu. in the visible supply. Short and cash housea were active bidders dur ing the grmter jwiTt of the dav. The mar ket closed at the highest point of the ses sion. . July opened Wc lower to ifc higher at 47047'.4r to 47lc, sold between tT'tMTV and 4V, closing at the top. Ixical receipts were w cars wltn three of contract grade A- heavy decrease in the visible supply was the principal Influence in the oats mar ket. Btrenglh of corn had consider. .i effect. Trading was very atiiet and the tone of the market was Arm the entire dav. July opened unchanged at 2Sc. sold be tween 29'ic and itfi USc and closed at 2Jfj aSr. Ixval receipts were stxtv cars Notwithstanding a decline of lusilnc In the price of live hogs a Arm tone prevailed In the provisions market. The cauee of the firmness was a fair demand from packers for pork and lard The advance In corn also exerted some effect. At the close July pork was up 7Vnl"c at tl2.4TV&12.50. Tj,rd was up :v at 17 30. Ribs were a shade higher at 17.25. Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. t.5r,"; corn- 8- carB- oal. 13 cars; hogs, IS ("0 head. .... . The leading futures ranged as follows: Chlcaga Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Puluth St. Louis ... Carlot Receipt. Wheat. .. 2 .. 17 ..158 ... 2 .. a IK Corn. Oats. 78 IS 6 si 66 Ilaneavolla Wheat Market. Tha rang of prices paid In Minneapolis, aa reported by the Edward-Wood corn pany. UO-ui Board of Trade, was: Article. I Qpen. High. low. Close. Teit'y. Wheat I I May.. I 1 094, r-Ju!y,.il01i Sent Corn July.. Sept.. Dee... 44i4ii 1 14 1 ( 8241 I 48 I SI- 1 K'l i7! i 47"; 1 13 48 471, 44 1 09 1 0 47 New corn. WEATHER IX THE GRAI BELT Shorn era General In Central Valleys Clear West of Mlssoarl. OMAHA. May ii,il05. Biiower wei-e general last night In the vaiieys snd throughout the eastern and outhern states, and continue In the acxjUiern stmer this morning. The weather ha cleared et of the Missouri river and fair and alightly cooler weather will pre vail throughout the central valleys tonight and Tuesday. Excessive rains were general In the cen tral valleys and west during Saturday, and ere especially heavy at point in Ne braska; the following were aome of the heaviest fall reported : Grand Island, 4 :s Inches; Columbus, ?.&; Hartington, 2.80: Oakdale, 2.70. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 16. 19M. isna. 1900. Minimum temperature 6 61 60 hi Precipitation 0t .40 .00 .19 Normal temperature for today, 62 de gree. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 23 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1304. 1 33 or an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1301 .32 of an inch. OMAHA DISTRICT KEPuRTS. Temp. Rain. Stations. Max. Win. Inches. Sky. Articles ! Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close.; Safy. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Ma v a July b Julv a Sept. b Sept. Oats May July 8-Pt. Pork Ma v Julv Sept. Lard May July Sept. Rlhs May 14!'!,,! 1471,4141 i"4$4, i4S'o47 ;'?4., ar 8 ( 51 SB 1 4 95 8'" FlUtg i4 87 4 7VI at, 804-rti 494 601; 494 4i4 47441 4 484-a 4 4 4X 47&474: 4 474u.4 47-V 44; 47 474 T4 30T, 4H4 47 w 1 3f!T, rrvaa 2a-4 274s a , 12 4?4; 12 65 I 12 f 12 70 I 12 4:4 12 65 7 3 T 474j 7 C124: I 7 45 7 3 r 7 60 7 05 7 25 7 50 7 2741 .474, 7 024, 7 21'4 7 45 I 12 30 12 60 12 7l 7 15 7 :i 7 60 7 06 7 25 7 60 3m 2I I 12 15 i 12 4 . f 12 60 7 124 7 274 7 474 7 on 7 124 7 47 Ashland. Neb. Auburn. Neb Columbua, Neb.. Falrburv, Neb.. Fairmont. Neb. I. Or. Island, Neb. " Hartington, Neb. Oakdale, Neb.... t Omaha. Neb Tekamah, Neb... Carroll. Ia CUrlnda- la Sibley, la Sioux City. Ia.... Storm Lake. Ia 74 67 .02 72 62 .04 74 62 .13 "& 63 .00 78 49 .08 74 60 . 06 72 48 T 73 47 .00 73 64 74 Vi .(10 71 60 T 71 44 .10 70 44 .02 72 62 T C8 60 . 00 Pt. cloudy . iouay Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clea r Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear DISTRICT A VERAQE8. No. o Temp. Rain. CantraL Stations. Max. Min. Inches. Chicago. Ill Columbus, O Des Moines, Ia.., Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo., LouUvllle., Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo.... Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. 24 7 3 60 . 03 17 60 68 .43 13 M 48 .02 li 82 64 .0 1 74 62 T 18 78 68 .24 24 70 44 .00 14 73 6ti .04 U 74 62 T U A. WtLSH. No I. a Old. b New. ' Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents. 34 10ft 4.2o; winter straight. f3.'w.oo; spring patents, . 5095.(10; spring straights, Bxa 43: bskers, 32.4093.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 310001.03; No. 3, Kcfiai.Ol; No. 2 red, 97ool.O0V CORN No. 2, 6o,c; No. 2 yellow. Elc. OATS No. 2, 314c; No. 2 white, rfcaSc; No. 3 white, 34'&324e. RYE No. 3. 774f7lic. . , . BARLEY Oood feeding, '3;S0c; fair to choice malting. 45&l&4c. ... SEED No. 1 flax. 11.25: No. i northwest ern. 31.39. Timothy, prime, 33.00. Clover, contract grade. I12o0ai2.50 PROVISIONS Mess pork, "pef Mil., tl2 .30 1135. Ird, per ion lbs., 37.15a7.174. Short rlhs side (loose. 87 'KTi124- Short clear sides (boxed), 87.12Htj7.23. Folloa-ing were tne receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bhls 8.911O S.SOO Wheat, bu ,'! 76.4"0 Corn, bu 63.600 297.000 Oat. bu 8i0 85.4,10 Rve. bu S.W0 Barley, bu 60.200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy: creamery. 18ff22c: .dairies. Ifie20c. F.ggs. steady; at mark. cases Included. 15c; flrsta, l4laliic: prime firsts. 184c; extras, 18c. Cheese, easy at 120124c. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day Commodities. on Varlona St. Loals GeneraV Market. ST. LOUIS. May 15 WH EAT Futures eaay; cash, firm; No. 3 red caah elevator, ftoutec; track, sl.02j 1.06; No. 3 hard II Oo 1 li; May. 5So; Jul), 814c . CORN Firm. No. 3 caah, 604c; track, LatttVtc; May. 604c: July. 474c. OATS Steady; No. 3 cah. 30c; track, sows 31 v: M,y- July. Sc; No. a white. 12)3340. FLOUR Ou 11, red winter patents. 14 6" 4.85; extra fancy and straight. $4 5&W4.S6; clear, t3.ofl 4.00. SEED Tlmothv. tteady. 32.002 6O. CORNMEAI-Steady, 3150. BRAN Dull: Backed, east track, J1AV Steady; timothy, 3800613.00 3b oii 60 IRON COTTON TIES-SHc. BAOOINO 84c. HEMP TWINE 4c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; fl2.So. Ird. higher; prime stesmed. 375. Dry salt meni (hoxedi, tteady: extra short , 17.374; clear rlba, 37.374; short clears, 37 60. Bacon (boxedi, steady; extra short, 3M: clear ribs. 38 00; short cleara, 38 25. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 104c; spring. 3itj37c, turkeys, lie, ducks, luc; geese. c. BUTTER Slow; creamery, 3ifc3c; dairy, 17Hc EGOS Quiet, 134c; raae count. Receipt. (Shipments. Flour, bbls 8 ( Wheat, bu 18.000 42 Corn, bu 2.o) 15.( Oat, bu to.OuO 31. () 7?rrv. prairie, Jobbing, Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. Mar 16. WHEAT Firm ; May. 44c: Jul)'. 774c; September. 724f 724c;. Cash: No. t hard. lial(if, ; No. J, fU-ttll.OI; No. 4. TSo; No 3 red. II OOmloi; No. 3. lc102; No. 4. 7g4c. Wheat re ceipt. 71 car. . CORN Lower;. May. 4e; July. 44S'S 444c; Septeniber. 4.(fl4C-o;. Cash: No. I mixed. 4,4U4: jo. x. 4;vt4Sc. No. I white. 48464-; No. 3. 48c OATS No. t white. 32lS24; No. 3 rnixed, 310314c. HAY Steady; cholco timothy, frylO 00 choice prairie. 7 7&08-UO. KT Kteadv, Huv'.va. HUTTER Creamery. hv22c: Decking. 144c EdOS 8tedy ; Missouri and Kansaa new No t nhltewood rae Included, iic; case count, 16c; casta returned. 40 less. neceinia. rJhlpment. .im 4! 1 li.tWO Wheat, bu rv-rn. bu. ejt Oat, bu. 23 1,,) NEW YORK, May 15 -FIX)UR-Receipts, 17.R17 bbla. ; exports. 15.000 bbl. ; market firm snd nominally higher; winter patents, 4.9i'9 6.26; winter straight. 14. 604 80; Min nesota patents, 35 4fii5S5; winter ex tras, 33.45a3.75: Minnesota bakers. 33 4W1 3 85; winter low grades, J.1 !55.6. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4.10&4.tiO; choloe to fancy. 34.S"4?4 85. CORNMEAL Steady: fine white and ellow. 31 : coarse new, tl.0Sufl.l0: kl'.n dried. 32. 75 2 86. BARLEY Blow; seeding, 444c. c. I. f. New Y'ork; malting, tWc. c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts 84,0(0 hu.; spot mar ket, firm; No. 3 red, 994c. nominal, elevator, and ll.Ot'4 nominal afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth. 81.0K. . o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 974c. f. o b. afloat. The day began with wheat active and stronger on bullish cables; subsequent further advances occurred on the big visible supply decrease and covering, but reactions followed and the close was 4c lower to 4c higher; Mav, 97ci&fS4c. cloeed at 984c; July. 91 15-ltii SCc. closed at 924c; September. 84'5854c, closed at 844e. CORN Receipts. S.226 hu.: exports. 1S0.587 bu.: snot market, firm; No. 2. M4c elevator, and 544c f. o. h. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3 white. 58c; option market waa gen erally firm all day and more active, in fluenced bv covering, the wheat advance and a bullish visible supply, closing '34e net higher; May, 5446564c, closed at Si4c; Julv. 624'&6S4e. closed at 64c. OATS Receipts. 178.600 bu : spot market, steady: mixed oats. 38 to 32 lbs . 3Vo364c: natural white. 30 to 32 lb.. 34j37e; clipped white. 86 to 40 lbs.. 364634c. FEED Quiet; spring bran. I'.MO; May shipments, middling. llR 10, May shipment. City, 130.60. HAY Harely steady; shipping, e0itrS5c; good to choice, tti5c. HOPS Quiet; state, choice. lo4, 25&2He; 19ii3. 2a&25c; olds. 1113c; Pacific coaat, W.4. t2g-!4e; olds. llijjlSc. HIDES Firm; Galveston. 30 to 25 lbs.. 184c; Texas dry, 24 to 3d lbs . 18c. LEATHER Firm: acid. 34432-. PROVISIONS Beef. Arm: family. 313 54 mess. $ll ingl2 50: beef hams, 32100 packet. 112 6Q 13.00; city extra India mess. lA'tu2:o Cut meats. nrm- fh-kled belllee. r.5n00; pickled shoulders 5 buiti00; pickled ham. S 75fi W 01. 1-erd' steady; western steamed. 7.337 40; reflned' steady; continent. 17 40; South Amer ican. 38 35; compound. 35 Joi6 824. Pork steady; family. I4 ig 15.60, short clear, 13 0) V1". II flKOJ Id. I. TAU'-fcieadv ; cltv 44jc; country (pkg. free), RICE Firm: domestic 24lii'6vc: Japan, nominal. m 1 1 r.n r.asy , street price, extra creamery. j-ojdc. umriai prices: Cream ery, common to extra. :S'h2dc; state dairv common to extra. 21u25c; renovated, com mon to extra. 176 44c: western factorv common .0 extra, lh.'Jc; western Imitation creamery, extras. 24c; firsts, 21&22C CHEESE New. easy; old. firm; old tat run cream, coiorea ana wnite, lancy, 14V.C old state, fine. 13r; new. small, colored' ana wnite, nne lic; old state, fair to ..tirtlcA 1 1 L 1 T EOGS Film; western storage Brats. 13 POULTRT-AUve. steady; fowl. 144c turkey, izc: creased steadv; western cnicKcn. iwui;c; uwn, ltKai4c; turkeys. Mlnnennwll ftrwln Market MINNEAPOLIS. May 15,-WHEAT-Mav. tint- julv tiov&.- CAnH.,1u.r jt-i : No. 1 hard. 3T141' No, 1 norikerii, 11.124; io. 1 iior.iiern, i,m.. . FliOUR Higher: first pateataK 16 25: second iateni. J9iJin6; first, tie era, 14.u0 Hi i". oeiona rieer. z .sr;j. BRAN-In bulk, a26tili5u. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS General Adrtnce in Values Doe Princi pally to Professional Manipulation. MARKET DULLEST AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL Comprehensive Revival of Fall I. In of Merger and Dividend Increase Romero Demand for Honda Is BinggiBh. NEW TORK. Maj- i5 There was some resumption of operations for the advance todny on the Stock exchange, but they gave every appearance of being almost alto gether In professional hands. A striking feature of the market was Its lapse Into dullness verging on stagnatijn St the high level of prices The renewal of operations on the long side of the market as based on the conviction that the forced liquida tion of weak speculative accounts had been completed and that it would be possible to advance the level of prices without bring ing out any (insupportable burden of offer ings. Very general confidence is still felt In the soundness of the business and finan cial situation and In the sufficient supply In the money market for the needs of the Immediate future. There are some suggestions of disap proval on the part of Important banking and money powers of any active speculation at this time or any sudden and violent movement of price. But this did not make itself evident today In active opposition to the advance. Some obstacles were met dur ing the early part of the dav, but they were resisted and ultimately overcome. The most notsble of these was the selling for London account, left over liquidation fol lowing the settlement making Itself fe!t again In that market But thi Influence proved less effective than the comprehen sive revival of a full line of merger and dividend increase rumors, which have suited the purpose of advancing prices several times already. These bearing on the North ern Securities adjustment was especially prominent and there was added to them the new suggestion of a proposed retire ment of the Hurllngton purchase bonds by an Issue of new stock bv the holding com panies. It was assumed in some quarters that a growing lnestment demand for bonds could be detected, which was to be ascribed to the growing supply of capital seeking Investment. The Journal of Com merce has traced new issues of bonds since January 1 to a par value of upwards of floO.000.000. Of these 823,oft0.O0O were for refunding or merger purpose, but It is pointed out that the output by railroads alone of new bonds for the four and one half months was 3,17.000.000 more than for the full twelve months of 1904. The present sluggishness of the bond market finds an explanation in these facts. Railroad of ficials reported most roads as having a surplus of capital now on hand, partly due to the small movement of grain and to competition by the lake lines, but also to large additions to the supplies of rolling stock. The increase in value of April ex ports of agricultural products was regarded with satisfaction. Irge payments to the subtreasury on account of the return of government de posits by the banks left the money market unruffled and confidence in the continued ease of money Is undisturbed. The advance in a number of public franchise stocks was at the expense of the short Interest. The firofessional character of the market was ndicated by the disposition to take profits on the day s rle. This reduced the gains considerably and In spite of the running up of St. Paul over two points In the final dealings the closing was heavy. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value. 32,70.ono. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Quotations on the New Tork Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales.Hlgh. Low. Close. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. B. O do pfd Can. Pacific Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chlcajro 4 Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western C. & N. W C, M. A St. P. Chicago T. sV T do pfd i. .... p., C-. C. St. L Colorado & Southern do 1st pfd - do td pfdji. Del. & Hudson Del., L. & W D. & R. Q do pfd Erie ( do 1st pfd 'do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do Dfd 111. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N : Manhattan I. Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. St. L M.. St. P. & 8. Ste do pfd. Mo. Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd Nat l R. R. of M N. X. Central N. Y Ont. & V Norfolk & W.... do pfd Pennsylvania ... P.. C, C. & 6t Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock island Co do pfd St. U S F. 2d pfd St. U 8. W do nfd So. PiiclflCi do pfd So. Railway do pfd Texaa A Pacific Tol., St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do Dfd Wabash do pfd W. & Ike Erie Wis. Central do pfd Northern Pacific Adams Ex American Ex U. S. Ex Wells-Fargo Ex.... Amal. Copper Amer. Car & F do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil... do pfd Amer. Ice... do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil.. do pfd Amer. iocomottve. do pfd Amer. Smelting & R. 36.200 do pfd fr0 Amer. Sugar Ref 1.4U0 Amer. Tob. pfd certlf 100 oda OBened' firm, but rWacie bv. oln'g to rumor -f'a dtt l -a :1c oonli tt j between Turkey god Bulgnrta and Of Uie illness of the head of the Rothschild link ing Institution. The latter repoit was sub sequently denied, but the depression con tinued. 'Ru.len imperial 4s were quoted at 31 afl Russian bonds of 1!4 at "1 1'v , BERLIN.t May l.V On Uie Bourse tods Iron shares were higher. o Ing to rumor in circulation here Id regard to an Inter national steel agreement. In general the varlou d'rrtnif n,s closed,, with a quiet tone. Sew York loney Market. NEW YORK. May 15 MONEY on call, stead'-. 24ff24 per "ent. c'nsln hid at 3 per rent, offered at 24 per rent. Time money, easr and dull; and !n days, 34 percent; monJhs. 4i34 per rent FrJIME MERCANTILE TA f'ER-3 VT 4 rer rent. p I r.MI.I r..x ii-.-iv.r. ruin. ini actual business in bankers bills at 34 R) fMS'XS for demand and at 34 Mvi4 M,o for slxtv-dav hllis: posted rates 34 K54 and 4 74; commercial bills. H 44ft444 HI l. r.K rar. ii, ir, Mexican ommis, 44c BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. cn nenos were: .'l"l I.. p unl. 4 1r 104 Msnhsttsn r ( it . 1'HS inV Met centml 4 " lt I An 1st Inr JT Vi Minn St, L. 4.... " 1H ; M . K T. 4 ..144 t 4 .1"4 N R. R of t. 4t T C s IH ri ,n J. r. 1 Mi i tol INo PidtV- 41 1H " J VB X. A W. r 19! 1 .44 0 . L rfds 4 ' rnn cutit. ! 1?1 11l Itnlln n . . l"Ia :--, 81. I.. AIM r. 111 7-1 st l. A s r r 4. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt. Light and Prices Bteadj All Around. Held 4a Closlns price U 8 ret ts. ref do coupon t. . re 4n rnupon t. . sw 4. 'Teg ae pe-jK C. a old 4. ref.. io eounon Am. Tohseeo 4. rtfa tl N do 4. rtfa Achiton fen do 4). 4s At limit r. !,.; 4s ... Bit. Ohio 4 .... On 3H Central of Os. "(.., do 1st tne do :d Inc Ches A Ohio 4 Chlrt A A I4 r , B A Q n 4S . C, R 1. P. 4s . do col. f rcr. A gt. L. 1 4. Chlraxo Tsr. 4..i Colorado Mid. 4 .. . . Colo. A So 4... Ouh ht. rtfs D. ft. 0 4s ntillllero' See. (... Erie prlcr lien 4s.. do sen. 4s r. W A D C. Is Horklnf Vil 4s . Japan 4s. rtff offered. .1071, si t. s w . 11 . sitvTrd A. L. 4s .iniS Bo. Psrlflc 4 . tl So Rsils ir . . . tJ Tens A P Is ., .1S T . St I, A W , . Chios Pann" 4s . . 7414 do rnnt 4s . s V g Steel 2d F,t .Ids Wshssh Is .1011' do deb B . H( Western Md. 4.. .Id W. L F. 4s.. . ;TIWls omnl 4s.. .lisi Jspsn s. rtfs. ... .liov, do 4s rlfs . SHColo Ind ss. A. .. I . M94 . 1JS14J . 14 ..10T . ,.. 4 '.'tI ... WL, . . 4 ... 4 ... V,l ... , ... 73 1 600 1..VK) 20 S.6 100 3.300 102 V, 154 l'V W 149 1.700 B0 3. 300 38.6U0 219 1TRH 1.h 'SA, 90Q 100 81 'f 2Ti- l.O 10 100 4. (CO 4' 60O 600 100 1.000 .1( ,10l :',;oo 67 w 4-w 85 421 7i 161 Vt 26 62 14. 73 1171. 217 M-4 101, 1534 14h"B 4!i 2 iv, 174 27 E7i, Boston stofki and Bond. BOSTON. May IS -Call loans. 3i4 per cent: time loans. JW&4H per cent, official closing of stocks and oonds: Atchison id. 4s do 4 Me, central 4a...... Atchison do pfd Boston A Albsnr Boston A Main Poston Rlerated .... Flt,hhirf pfd Mflican Central N T . V. H A H Psre Marquette ... t'nton PaClnc' Amer. Arfs. Cheoi.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuhe,.. Amer. Suaar do ptd Amer. T. ft T Amer. Woolen ...... do pfd Dominion I. A S Edison Elc lllu.... Oeneral Electric ...... Maas. Electric .'..'.. do pfd Mass Gas t nlted Fruit I'nlled Shoe Mach.. do pfd C. . Steel..... do pfd Westing, com moo . Bid "Asked. . M Adventure 34 .102'4lAllnuei . 74 lAmalramated 44 . 814 Amsrlcan Zidc ' .11 iAllantlc 14 ir-r., Hmham SJ .1774 Blnsham tt .13 -al. Her la .4 .144 t'enternlal I"S . 21 1 Copper Ranre 714 ?no Ipslv West 144 IK) JPomlnlon Coal ' .JMi'rranlilln W . ?4 4 Oranrv p . lisle Rorale 22' . 4TIMass Mlnln :1I7 Michigan ll1 .136 fMohssk 3 liW iMonl C. A C Ji M"4 Old nomlnlon 2 .1114 Osceola . !lVt Parrnl l's I4. Qulncy 5 .17 Shannon . 17H Tamsnsclr 11 . 4,4 I nltrd Copper td , 4'i4 C. B Mlnlnf 31H .it v. t. 011 ki . k4dah 4.k . .44 Vl.-tntfa 3!- . 41 Winona 10 . Wolverine Ua .Ml HOGS SOLD A BIG NICKEL LOWER -nlth Fairly t.ood Demand heep old trng to loe Higher and Lambs J Or to 35c Higher. SOLTH UMAHA. May li. lio. Receipts were; Catt,e. jlogs. 8,ieep. Oflu wi jvionnay lH 1.1,5 4.wl ame day last w ek 2 , 4j 6.t.9 1(41 Pme week lfoie s.ia .sl 13. 74 Same three netKS ago... 2.44J 4.,n Iv.m" banie lour weiK bko.... i.v'H 4.4-3 MCI Sams day lasu year i.4;i' b."bj 3..w RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATK The following table 'shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Umana for the jear 10 date, witn comparison wua iasi year; i!e. ir"4. .I.24 6!4.t5 61 V.i4,5fi. i.V,aii UU,.2 af-r a few loads had changed hands the market rtf to a sundsuil Wltn blue ntostly 7"-C nsvrer. Halesnvtis tliongn. woulo not cut ioo- at Vie price cliered nnt finally packer mls-d nnir bid and paid fnlly as gujil prlc-s lor Hie l-l hogs as the early ones Proliant. Trading w not active, at any tune, but tne ngoi te ceipts hrcnght tne n-etket to a uie by tne middle of tie fon-npn. Tn - long string went at with tne less deslrabi.- loads largely at 3S i: The choicer ka,s mostly at .i l.t and it, ill. 'I liese rrli-es make the markel simply a big nick-! lomr than Satuiday 8 hentmive sales: a triage. Kcpie- (attle hogs , Hheep 'Hie Inc. Iec. 67,. .HI .... 74,73i 4:1 lulluWini; uu.t' kliuaa lh' AVtual price of hogs at South uniah lor the last teverai oa. wltn companions; :JS. '!4.jlttS.ll02. ,1901. 11900. 1 April April April April April April April a. April April April April April April April May May May May Mav May May Mav May May May -I- 17. I t 2r 1 7 03. Ki a S, ft 86; 3 72 17.. I I 7v 4 7 7 I4j UJ, I M, 4 I 13.. I 6 4 7j 1 3i i 4d, 3 71 20.. I 6 331, , 4 111; 7 10 I 6 hfrj i 45, 3 21.. I ft 4: 4 7 7 liil ( 33i I 6 til 3 77 22.. I I 12. 4 31 7 0 W, S S0 I S 73 8.. I 4 si, 7 til, ftfti 0 ft 3, 24.. I 6 S,rt,; j 7 OS, IM ti 1C1 ft i I 6.. I 6 itiri, J 74i 7 U4i V u, fc ' . 6 u 3 t 2t..j6S! 4 73, I 4 , ft 77, 6 3s, 3 45 27.. I 6 16i 4 74 92, ft Tii ft 4 3 1 23. -i 6 liV 4 71, t M, 6 07 1 I ''l 23.. I 6 10-,., 4 V 77i 7 UiH 651 I I ! 1 4 Mi h Ml fcn i 4 ft 32t ' , I 6 U, I ti ftj 6 sVi 6 04 1 ft iti 3 i I U?i 4 60 ft id, 1 ui, ft u, li 3 0 , 6 l"-t 4 65 1 7 vli 6 U ; 17, 3 j 6 24'Ai 4 5; 6 75: 6 64 , 6 36 3 ,. 6.(1 I 4 (i3i 6 'i. 7 03, 5i3W ft 27'Al 4 ton , 6 bo : i m D I ' I c 4 t4 bi 1 ltkl 4 61, t xu. No M . . 7! . t 41 . . 74 . U . n . 111. . M . 1(1 . II . ; . u . 41 A. ..ll . :m . I4t . t".S . . :.i4 . mi . :n . .it: . .241 . ii . ,( . . . !. . I1 S44 Pr I 1" I 114 i li t I 1I4 I 11 4 1:4 t 114 t 1:4 4 It t li 4 II 4 li 4 li 4 II I Is I It i: ( . 7 . . 44 . . U . tl.. 44 . 71.. 74 . . . t . tl. . 4 . 44. . tl. At M . ." . Ill . t .4 . i . iH . !'4 t . !J4 . SJI . Ml . II . Sit . m IMI Pr. 4 M t IV 6 nvsi V-.. O JD-, 10.. 1 0 19 , 31.. I 6 27H: 12.. I 6 is.i. 13.. I 6 l!v "1 I Id.., 5 14-S 4 OS 4 64 4 61, 4 bo, 4 DO, ( 64 6 46 6 4i; b ;to 6 32 b KS, 6 U! 6 21 7 tfr! 6 04, it 10 3 69 1,3 b (ai 0 li 3 66 7 07 , 6 61 5 1 5 3 W I 6 6 99, ; , 09 6 63, 7 U, B 14 7 12, i M, t 16 3 62 I 1M I i 63 5 17, " a 21, 3 67 indicate feundu- The official number of cars of stocH brought in today by each road was; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r s. C. M. St. P. Ry.... o L". f. sysiem Zi C. 4k N. ss: ity 4 t ., K. oc M. . Ky.,,.24 HI. f., M. & U 7 M. Hy 24 a. c y. Ry it. 1. a- r. east.. 1 R. 1. A K, west.. 1 1 i 1 li 2 5 1 30 9 42V 7cv, 66 1-4 16i'H 26 61 145H 7o 2l M. pfd 1 5.600 SK4) SV 3Kt 7'0 13 300 19.300 .6'a 14.00; 4T22 50; 32.00 per pkg ), "fc4c. fair to extra. l.lerMl Grata Market. LIVTRPOOK May IS. WHEAT Bpot, dull: No 1 ; California. 6 4VI: future, steady; May. t 4jd;.Jnl-. tig ft d. taeptein per. 6a 7ii COKN fitftit, firm; Amtricah nUA4. nw, reorlat Market. PEORIA. May 15 CORN-Higher : No yellow. 4ivc: So 3.. 4Snc; Ho. 4, 4ftic; DO graoe, n',,n 4 . c.; No. 3 bife. SOeJOc. No. 4 bite. ric . WHlSKY-oa the batia . 1136 for fin lit.d ouda. S.2H0 4o0 . l.0 .n9,s !"0 . 2,!)0 I'M 2t 3'T0 loO . 99.1MU 300 tV.:, 35' 144 7 136S. 94H 29 74H 63S 119' Sli, 334, Sj 57i, 124i KtcV 00 414. 5.700 2.1' 3.6tO 67.300 6(0 2410 6.4) 14 196 361, 1434. 60 7t 135H 28 73 62. 30", 96S 33", 30 571, 1225, !, H 4H 193 8614 9 32 Sj S3 ! S24 3.2V 24 60O 3 lo,7oft 3 0 ! 100 loO Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R T Colo, ruel tt I Con. Ga Corn Product do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nat l lead No. American, ex-dlv Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman P. C Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Good do pfd Tenn. Coal A I I". B. leather do pfd.. nfd V. 8. Realty '. U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. S Steel do pfd Va. Caro. Chemical.. do pfd Weattngh. Electric Western T'nlon Total sale for tha day 6314 113', 11H 122 137T, 9 110 634, 46 19' 12 60 444 117 1H 1131, 116H 122 136 96 log i'4j 451, 1MV, 2 60 441, 117 2"H 101 "4 1M 1 9ii 149 19 49- 33 76 21114 218 175:, K Si's, 99 27 67 4i 17 ro 30 86 1, 42V. 78'!, 436 S7 9! 16ii 264 49 274 614 146 1164 '. 21a 65 UA 158 HO 5, 26 sr- 1434 6O4 7S4 92 IW4 73 ' 91 s64 4 734 664 23 62 -'4 114 St', 364 74 123 !4 194 41 154 234 60 193 244 236 . 122 244 it4 94 324 95 5 37 194 46 624 1124 1174 1214 137:, 964 109 624 London Stock and Bond. IjONDON, May 15. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Consols, money ...... 9i IN. T Central 14T4 00 account snva Norfolk a w ms Anaconda US' do pfd P4 Atchison MVrhuarlo A W ,4 do pfd 105 IPaonsylranla 4 Baltlmora A Ohio lllRand Mines in Canadian Pacific ifu viRestliria; ih Ches. & Ohio t!", do 1st pfd 4; Chicago Ol. W i4r do- Id pfd 4.14 C. M A Bt. P KUVBouthera Railway ... S14 DeReers It441 3o pfd 1 Denver A H; O...' "4'Southern raciBc 444 do pfd " il'nlon Psnflc 12S Erie 7.'. do pfd lo do 1st pfd ...... ... t'Hjlf 8. steel do : 3d Dfd :4 fd .; 101"4 Illinois Central ....... 4l 1 jr'Unah A ....... boult A Xash. 144, V PM 4J4 M.. K. A T ... iTS 8pntsh-4 u SILVER Bar. firm. 264d per ounce. MONEY 2 :er ct:Otr " The rate of discount in the open market for short hills 1 2 Slfc??:, per cent: for three months' bills? "i 3-jfV!24 per cent. Xevr "York Mining gtorks. KEM" TORK. May 15.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adamt Con All. Brseca Brui e Ick ca . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... Horn 81lvar Iron Bilrvr Ia4riiia Con .... offered. to 1 Little Cslaf 4.; Ontario "ipolr .Pfoanlx iPnt'.al , Savase .',Sierra Nerada 'Small Hnpaa .. ,Standard . M . 4 . 1M) .10 .il . 4 .. 6 ..40 ..400 .. 1 . . 10 .. 47 .. 4S .. t ..200 Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON. May 15.-Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the gold reserve in the division of redemption: Available caBh balance, $131X660,133. Gold. 161. 777,397. Bank Clearing. OMAHA. May 15.-Bank clearings for today were $1,376.72:1.61. and for the corre sponding date last year 31.300,154 49. Corn-wool finally 5-'. ti. C, 0.. c. Chicago (it. sliin. Total receipus ST Th alpoi"itloti of the receipts was as fol lows, eacn buyer purchasing the number 01 neaa lndlcatea: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company. CudRhy t'acKiiisj Co. Armour & Co an bant & Co L.obnian Ai Co Hill & riuntzinger... L,. F. Husx Mike itagserty J. B. Kool ot Co S. A uther buyers . o'9 43 .. Wi' 4no 3.; ,. 1M OlK l.lsi . 4M b'ji 2.3.-SJ 4U . 67 6 . 56 2 .. 64 . 44 44 3t4 2,ot 4.UHS 1,969 binall tun of ci- uui ai cmcaiio pIKBB lun-d miini luu Total CATTLE 1 Here waa a tie i.eie this 11101 iihik mere turre ii.uoo jieu. where weust to. a uiuie lower. Ai th ocinajiu nas sumcu iu to iiuid pi let. a sieauy and as a resuii a tairiy aoiu Clearance va made ai a teasonaOiy early uour. in tne case 01 imwi mecii tne inarael was quite active on naiidy-weignt tame 01 stood auaiitv and tne inicea paid lor sucu inaa lunv tut aoo a iiiunv in iuii at the close of last went, very nenyy cattle or cattle of any weigdt. lacking 111 quality were not particularly in aemana and no mora loan Hiuauy. iub uuiavuia- bie reports trom other markets, 01 course had a tendency to mate pacKei,. tamer bearish, but they Had to pay sieauy prices for whatever they got. Owing to tne ngiit receipts most every ihing changed hands in croon season. The market on cows and heifers ruled fairly active, with prices generally steady. Very lew were Included in tne receipts and In some cases the better grades bold at price that looked a little stronger. 1 he general run of offerings, thouen, sold in uractically the same notches iney did at tne close of last week. The market on bulls, veal calves and stags could not be quoted anything but steady. The same as was the case all last week, there were very few stockers and feeders Included In the receipts, and while the de mand from the country is not very brisk, speculators took hold this morning and bought up anything at ail good at fully as good prices as were paid at the close of last week. The common stuff was. of course, hard to move, but there was no quotable change in ruling prices. Repre 100 304 304 7.100 90 l-0 18,oo to lisj "i.Xi S0 7) TOO 100 1.000 100 17t 14. 6u0 IS 4 124 694 444 175 'jo 79t s 60 4X 1004 994 40 94 235 1 744 S64 K3 114 10 90 40 IO? 34'4 1064 J7.-4 57'00 shares. 494 1014 37 I004 40 95 lr 38 109 M4 o 424 110 31 4 164 ta lol 37 74 40 9i 1K4 734 354 im a 0 40 lm 314 35 Foreign 1hII. LONDON. May IS Money waa plentiful in ins rr.araei tooay ana ins aemana waa moderate. insoounts were easy oa tha prospect ive ease or money. . Trading on the Stock exchange waa dull In the ah. senca of Investment purchase. There were two small failure, but they had no affect on the market. Consols eased on tha po litical uncertainty in Europe, which at fireaaad It to International eerurltlea. Anvwr rana opened dull with movement below parity, but they rallied slightly on fair local support. In th afternoon Americans bi-am rtrnier Japanese wera inchned tn harden early In tha day. but aagged late, Imperial Japanese government 6a of 1V4 weie quoted at psV PARIS. May U.-frlos on th Sours Wool Ksrket, BOSTON. May 15. WOOI The mercla.1 Bulletin says of the matket: All . dealers have agreed on the exceedingly strong position of the market which is m the sellers favor. The new domestic wools arriving here have been sold at advanced, prices as soon as received. Australian and South American wools have moved freely with values on high basis. Pulled wools of the finer gradea have also been sold at an advance over last week. Trie record price of 241,0 landed here has been paid In Wyoming, Oregon and Montana are the only western states beyond the Mississippi which have amount of wool not bought. The foreign markets are very strong and values at the present sales hare advance! 2 per cent OTer tlie March sales. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from receniler 29. 1904. according to the same authorltv, are 3,O70.nOR pounds against sO,S2S.633 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 103.442, Mi. pounds against 63. 197.0M for the same period last year. IONDON. May li-WOnl, The offer ings at the wool sales today were prin cipally cross breds Demand was " keen and prlcea held firm. Americans bought suitable parcels at full rates The conti nent eagerly bought the small supply of Merinos, paying 2s 14d for scoured. Fol lowing are the sales in detail: New South Wales. 1.700 bales: scoured. M5?d. Queens land. 300 hales: scoured. Is 3dfi2 14d. Vic toria. 400 bales: scoured, la lidfcils 94d: greasy, KHdfils Sd. West Austarlia. i00 bales: scoured. H4I31s 3d; greasv. 4A,d57ls. Tasmania. 100 bales: greasy. SHd'Sls. New Zealand. 1 9l hales; scoured, lOrilpls 84d; greasv. Adfils 44d- ST. lxU'18. May 15 WOOI Strong: medium grades combing and clothing. 23 S2c: light fine JMirSc; heavy nne, 19S23c; tub washed, S2Q43o. sentative sales: BEEF No. 1... 2... 47... 44... 1... 22... 46... 4... 30 . 2S... 66.. U... 1.. 1.. 10.. It.. 30 . 17.. 1.. 1... 44... STEERS. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. .. sso 1 at a 1044 t 10 ..Km 1 2d 1JS4 4 20 .. i0 4 10 t" 11M 4 H 11 4 tt 13 12&4 i 40 . . too 4 tu 20 i:et 4 45 ..llitE, 4 4 1X1,1 4 40 .. tii 4 t'J 4 1"& 4 40 ... bus 4 to 4d lii. 4 to ...1435 4 Bi m 4 i ...11!) 4 ao tl li',4 4 4i . . .Iii7 4 17 4 41 ...H4 4 Ki 21 R'47 4 SO ...lSSft 4 0 :0 1L-40 4 li ...litSM) 4 5 If' : 4 ti ... i1 4 (W It IMS 4 5 ... n: i ou st isai t 4 ...113a 4 00 4t 1131 4 70 ...1124 4 (10 i 1W5 4 75 .. I11OO 4 Oi 1 ltl'4 4 ou ..112H 4 06 II lc:o 4 ou ..1250 I 10 Metal Market. NEW TORK. Mav 15. METALS Spot tin In the Iondon market was unchanged at 135 !a fid. while futures were a shade higher at 135 17s 6d locally the market waa quiet and easy In tone with spot clos ing at 329 7VrJ9 30. Copper was easy In the London market, closing at 64 15 for both spot and futures. IOoally the situation seems a little steadier In tone, but outside r, rices are still extreme. Uks is held at 15 OMi 1.2 ; electrolvtlc at r;6 t3l6 124 and casting at 314.75615 00. .Lead tit unchanged at 34.50114 60 In the local market, wnile lnn dnn reported an advance to 12 17 fid. Spelter continued easy In the local market with spot now quoted at 35.5515 66. Iondon wa unchanged at 23 Kw. Iron closed at fCm In lasgow and at 64a 9d In Mlddle borough. I-ocally Iron was unchanged No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at S1T.2F.491 fgi; No. 2 foundry northern at 3l.7tV817 b: No. 1 foundry outhern and No. 1 foundry out hern soft at 317 TMr 17.75; No. 2 foundry southern at lit. 71Sj 17.01 8T LOC13. Mav 1 -METALS Lead, dull. 34.44. Spelter, weak, 15.30. Otla and Raaia. NEW YORK. May IS-OILS-Cottonseed, firm: prime crude, nominal: prime yellow 2743274C. Petroleum, easy: refined'. New York. 9",; Philadelphia and Baltimore S6.9u; Philadelphia and Halttmor In bulk 4.(. Turpentine, quiet. 644ifi44c, aked. ROBIN Firm; strained, common to good. 13. 403 60. OIL CITY. Pa.. May 15.-OILS Tredlt balance. 31. 23. Certificate no bid. Ship ments. 1WS.T94 barrel: average, SS 947 bar rel: . run. 130.789 barrel; average. 73 til4 barrel Hhlpment. Lima 97 tW) barrels; average, 6 240 tsirrel Run. IJina. lflB.nij barrel; average. 5i.3,-4 barrel. SAVANNAH, May J6v-OI L8-Turpentlne, ftrm. Oc. ROSIN-Firm A. . C. 33 Jr. 45 3 30; D. 30 I36; K. I? rf.3.45: F. 33 46150; O. -13 50; H. 13 76: 1 tl'. K. 4 : M $4.06; N, $4.10; W, U. $4 25, W. W. I4 CQ4 50, I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 t 1 1 4 I 1 3 1 1 1 1 ... I.... 1.... 1 1.... I.... .... 1.... 1.... 1 1 1 ... 1.... I.... I.... STEERS 4 20 tst t76 .... af.S li: :s :o no 410 11 K KW loro 71.0 no sM Ia 1K0 S60 1040 1040 t!0 t:t ij:o t;o i 440 n: ta,'i i0 1000 10M 1041 11 lift 4 MMl 1070 ton 427 714 7J0 M 410 100 W tin lit 1M0 UK ito 140 r 110 220 S20 100 124 110 , 100 100 so 4 u 4 40 4 71 4 H AND 16 .. 3... 14. .. It .. COWS. cow a 1(4 1060 12S0 u;t I 10 1 tt 2 25 I a 1 2i 1 40 1 59 t 50 70 1 75 2 71 1 75 I 7i I 75 1 75 2 75 no 2 to 2 00 3 00 I 00 3 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I I 40 I Ml I 40 3 t-i 4 71 3 74 HEIFERS. 10!'. it.'. 17.! JO. . It. . t'.'. It. .1170 . . tao ..1134 .. v7 ..IMS) . . :i ..1124 .. s't .. 430 . . o .. Kfo . K4 ..10 . . 1:110 .. tst .. ti ..l-,4 .. ( .1210 ..1220 . .!1I .1114) . .1110 . . 020 ..1127 .. S40 .1111 .1036 .1254) . UiO ..1144 4 00 I Ot 4 25 4 Hi I 75 I 75 I 75 1 to I to 3 to I to I to I XI I to 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 It 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 24) 4 20 4 40 4 20 4 li 4 ho 4 at 4 4ft 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 1 40 3 44 I 00 3 05 3 It 3 14 13. 1 1 17 tt IS BULLS. I u I 50 3 40 IS 1 TS 3 to CALVES. 4. I 00 4 00 4 00 4 71 t 25 t tt I 50 4 to I to 4 m 6 4 40 1 8TAOS. .. TSt .. t0 . . 70 .. S07 .. 104 ..134 ..1511 ..ltbO ..1520 ..lt0 ..17: ..10 ..1X4I 2J0 lift M 150 150 UI 120 . 1st W 4 00 4 0 4 00 4 M 4 K 4 tt 3 U 4 U 4 00 4 It 4 10 4 li 4 10 4 T5 4 74 4 00 4 0 4 (a) 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 0 FEEDER". 4 00 T 4 40 1041 4 M tit 4 4W 1254 4 75 loo 4 74 HHr-t-.i' '1 here ws a sirull run of sheep ami lambs here Oil liioining. only about fifteen car being reported. All tne buy ers seemed to be anxious tor supplies, and as a result the market openeii In good sea4in and trading was active wltn prices Ingiiir. The quality (if most of tne sneep was rather interior and some of the com mon kinds were not particularly active, but still thev sold In lalrly good season at strong prices. The !etter grades of sheep wers brisk and fully a dime higher. Some wethers wltn a lew yearling In them sold up to t0 and some wool ewes brought $6 10. 1 .a nibs. It snything. were stronger man sheep, und In a ginid many casos they were quoted lOal.ic higher than the name kind sold for last week. A high as $V0o was paid for pretty good clipped stock Owing to the activity and to tin light receipts, ever) thing sold in good season. Quotations for clipped stoca: won eh,ili- lainhs A m- talr to mod lattlnS. $52tHi5.76; good to choice Colorado wooled iambs. 35.005r7.00: good to cnoiee yearuus-. $5.0('u6.25, fair to good yearlings. tM IVodb.lii; good to cholcs wethers. M60fl4 ia; iir 10 good wethers. $4.2f.4.50; good to cholc ewes, 4 2c.iii4.56; fair to good ewes, $4 lOn 4.25. Wooled stock sells Irom 76c to 31 per luo pounds higher than clipped stock. Representative sales: No. 118 western cull ewes 6 westert lull ewes 43 western enes 125 weetern ewes 1S9 western cull wethers 49 western ewes 100 western cull lambs 429 western wethers 6:;9 western lambs 20 western wethers and year lings 1 western wooled ewe 101 western wooled ewes 425 western lambs 17tj western lambs 402 western lambs 6 western lambs 197 western lambs western cull ewes 131 western bucks 1S7 western ewes 1 western buck 261 western ewes 63 western lambs 74 western lambs cream, fane. old. 14c: ne. i:44UVc 144fll'ic. cholcs, old. 1114.114. W HOI. I. ik 1 tniiivr, Av. Pr. . 76 2 i-O . 74 3 t0 ,. 91 4 (0 .82 4 16 . ftO 4 1ft . K4 J . 6S 4 25 .Ml 4 75 ,5ft 5 00 '. 102 6 00 .911 6 10 ,.93 6 10 ..66 6 25 .. S 6 26 ... fit 6 25 . K4 6 50 .05 00 . fil 2 51 . 127 2 75 .61 3 Oil . 110 3 50 .97 4 15 , . 5 6 00 .. 121 6 00 CHICAGO LI 4 K STOC K MtHKKT Cattle Ten to Twenty Lower Hogs Ten Lower heep Higher. CHICAGO. May 15.-CATTLE Receipt. 29.000 head; market litft.Vc lower; good to prime steers. $'&45 .66; poor to medium. 4.VtlS 5; stockers and feeders. $.'.75(iif .On; cows, $l(vH5S0; heifers. $i.(4VhS.3'i; csnners, tl.RiVdl .40; bulls. $.'.7T4i4.7."i; calves, $3.,(i;.75. H'-Kt.S Keceipts, 60.(0 head: estimated for tomorrow. 2ft.(i0 head; market 10c lower mixed and butchers. tn.Ooffiu.tu: good to choice heavy, $5.S"ii6 374; rough heavy. $5.0fKn.2t; light, $6.155 40; bulk of sales, $5.fl6 40. SH BKP AND LAMBS- Receipts. 20.000 head; market lisirlfic higher; lambs strong; ood to choice wethers, shorn. $4.(0'ci5.26; sir to choice mixed. $3. 5064.50: western sheep, shorn. $4.0O'ji6.26: nstire lambs, $4.00 $43.50; western lambs, fbWH'.W. f ondltlon tif Trade and tnntalla on Staple nnd I atc I'rtxlnc-e, K(HII" -R- iclpts fair .naiket s.cidi ; ciin- died st.X k. 104-. LIVK J '( 'I I. i' RY Metis. 1047,11,-; young lYiostrr. a (or.. I. in to lre. , oid ioot ets. He; tlikeis. )4ilV: iturk-4. lie. HI TTKll -racking trn-k, 14.i IS-. ehol.-e to ifimy dany, Ik.ih;; cieamery, 2"li..(C, prints. .4c. FRLSM FISH-Trout. pv: halibut, lie; dreel, Sc. pu kecl idicssi-iil. 9r: white mss (dressed, l-e. s imti -.11. lerch is.n!ed and d'ese,i, .'; pike, 1., ; catfish. IV; red sirippi r. Vk-; a nton. 14c; iraipl.s. 12.-; eel. loc; builheids, llr; blai k Ii.ish, 2, wl.licHsti tdies.K'Ji, ps.-; ireg les. per do , 3oc M At- Prices (Hinted by Orftha 'r.o!es.v,a Hav Dealers' nss 'clntlon: hotce No 1 Upland. $7.00; No. 2. $7 00; medium. $0 50; coarse $H on. Rye straw. $,',iV These pi has are for hav of go;d -o!or and quality. RRAN Per ton. tif 00. TROPICAL FRC1T. PKANtlF.S-Kxtrn fancy .Mediterranean sweets, all, $.' 75'; 1 (; fanev navels, sixes 125 15r 17. ICi, 2io 10. $3 i"; sues 96, 112. $2 jott :.76. si edllngs. all sitea. 15.76. LEMONS California, extra fam-v, 270. 3 0 and 3o sires. $3 2V, tahi y. 270. . and ) sixes, 13 1'; choice. 24'i and 270 sires. $2 2; 3i and ?: sties. $2 50. DATES-Per box of 30 1-lb pkg.. $: 00; Halloween. In 70-Ih. boxes, per lb. 5c. FIOP California, per 10-lb carton, 7$J SSc: Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; 0 crown, 12c PANANAS-Ter medium-sited bunch. $1.7S C2.J5: Jumbo. 2.5iVjj a ,o. riNFAPP! ES-riorlda. p" crata of 34. $0, M or 42, $3 60. FRI'ITS CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Flack, tiar -lb. box !.ii; white, per 3-lh. box, $1 VI. STR A WBK. R RIESAraan, per 24-qt rase. $2 (KV,ii TANt! ER I NKP California, per half hog. $2 00 CRANBERR1 ES Jersevs. per crato, $1..". VKXJETA RLE9. TI"RN1P8-New, per dos., 45c. CARROTS New, p( r dm . 4;ic. PA RSN I PS-old. per bu.. 40c. WAX BEANS- Per t,-bu. box, beins. per -lui. lox. 75c. POTATOES-Home gr. wn. in bu.. 3ic: Colorado, per bu., 45c; toe per lb., fic. REANP-Navv. per bu., 12.-crcrMRKRS-IVr dor 45U"75r. PEAH New. per bo. $l.754j2.far TOM A TOES Floririp. fan-y. per 1-basVet crate. $2.75; choice, tier 6-bnsket crate, $2 25. SITNACH-Ter bu.. 50c. CABBAi IE California in crates, ner lb.. BEETS New. pr dor. bunches. 45c. ONIONS New sum hern, per dot tmnrhee. 15c; rlermudas, jmt crate of aNiut 50 lbs.. ?5 RADISHES Hot house or southern, per do., 7hr. LETTl'CE- Hot house, per dox . 45c: heaJ lettui-e. per do. $1. PARSLEY" Per dor bunches. 45c. APPARAGCS Home grown, per dog. bunches, 4(stJ45c. MISCELLAEOrS. CHEESE Swiss, new. irtc; old. 17c: Wis consin brick, 16c: Wisconsin llmburger, 15c. NI TS walnut. No. 1 sort sliells, new crop, per lb., isc; nara snens. per jo.. 1:4c; o. 2 sort sneus. er 10., i.c; .o. 2 nam shells, per 11.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 2c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7ci roasted peanuts, per lb.. 6c; Chill walnufs, per lb.. 12nlS4c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. IV; hard shell. er lb.. 16c: chestnuts. r lh.. 124W1ec: ' new black walnuts, per 7vrfLr- hAllHArk l.ickorv nuts. rr hu . $1 "H; large' hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.50. HIDES No. 1 green. 74c; No. 2- gresin. 64c; No. 1 salted. 4c: jo. r sniten. .yi ,o. 1 veal CSlt. nc; i veai can. dry salted. 7'n14o; aliep pelts, 2bcg$l.W; horse hides. 11.60433.00. $1; string sacks, per new pu lav- New York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK. May 16 BEEVES Re ceipts. 4.291 head market for steers barely steadv; bulls firm and 10c higher; cows Ofo26c higher: steers, $5. 35(7 . 40, tops, $6 56; Dulls. 33.sii4 4d; cows. tiiMfl'4 aoiea quoted live cattle lower at Jlil2c rr pound: lops. 124c aressea weigni. nneep lower at I;i44,il3tc: yearling. 14c. dressed weight. Exports tomorrow. 945 cattle, 1,034 sneep ann ( quarter 01 oeei. CALVES-'RecelDts. 7.723 head: market opened steady to higher and closed slow and easier; veals. 3.(tRrft.2ti, tew extra at $7.374ri7.50; general sales. $6.3743-7.00; culls, $4.00(14 50; dressed calve steady: city dressed veals. 74 74c per pound; extra, 11c; countrv dressed. 4Wi9c. HOG 8 Receipt. 10.316 head: market IVo? 26c off; prime stats hogs, 34.25; prime stale pips, $6 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.528 head; market for sheep strong; lambs 25o higher and all sold; clipped sheep. $2 5W Sou: no wooled sheen: cliDPed lambs, fair to good, $6.0"6.50; no prime or choice here. Kanaaa City Live Htnrk Market. KANSAS CITY. May 15 CATTLE RP' ceipl. 6 0 head. Including 1.500 southerns; market heavy; steers steady to PK- lower others steady to strong; choice export and dressed beef steers. o.ta.3i: talr to good 34 2536 4o: western fed steers, $4.5t&.l5; stockers and feeders. $3.26i2r5.oo; southern steers. $.17o,(lS 50; southern cows. $2.25&4.I0: native cows. $2 2.V'C4 6: native heifers. li.'a 5.30; bulls $2.754. (16: calves, xs 6" 60. HOOS Receipts. 5.700 head; bft IO- lower dose 10c lower; top, $5.': bulk of sales. $5 15ft5.274; heavy, IS. 2S9 5.274: packers, I5.1fVSS.30: pigs anttl light. i4.ontas.Zft. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6 400 head; market luc higher; native lambs. $5.7 7 25: western ljmbs. $S 75f7.2S: fed ewe and yearlings. $4.25&2F.; Texas clipp-d year lings. $4.76r5.40; Texas clipped sheep, 4.2&i 4.9o; stockers and feeders. I2.50gi4.ft0. St. I.oals Live r4torti Market. ST. LOC1S. May 15 CATTLE Receipts, 2.(H0 head. Including too Texana. Market: Natives, steady: Texans. strong: native shlnnina and export steers. $5.2'i4i 50 dressed beef and butchers steers. $4 50 5 75: steers under pounds. $4.5fsti-:i.lo: stockers and feeders, $3.5oojj .00; cows and heifers. $3 (H5.25: canners. $2.('frt.25; bulls $2.754.75: calves. $3 (O4"(4i.0O; Texas and Indian steers, $3,505,525; cows and heifers t3.0O4ic 60. HOGS Receipts. 6 500 head; market lower; pigs and lights, $4.8'&6.30; butchers and best heavy, $i. JOJi-a 35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S.5O0 head; market steadv; native muttons, $360 ir.'; lambs. $6.(.igA 50; culls and bucks, $3 0ru4.O0; stockers, $2 75325; Texans, $3.00 65.00. Evaporated Apple anil Dried Fralts. NEW Y'ORK. May 15 EVAPORATED APPLES Market ctmtinues quiet with de mand light, but holders steady. Common to good are quoted at iib54c: fancy at ( Al.lrT'n.MA iinir.i' r n lis -rrunen seem to Tie in sngntty oetrer loomng de mand, which Includes aboiat all the, but which has not yet had sny quotable Influence In prices, which range from 2V? to 6sC according to grade. Apricots are attracting little attention at the present time. Choice are quoted at 10W104r; extra choice at 11c. and fancy at ll'ffllnc. Peaches also are quiet: some sales or rut urea are reported but generally speaking buyers Are holding off for lower prices. Choice nn spot are quoted atvUVfrV"''-. "if obojef) at 104"il04c; fancy at Il-Pillc. Raisin am reported In a firm " position, hut demand Is quiet, loose muscatels are quoted at 44 64c; seeded raisins at 54 64c, and Lon don layers at $1.00(51.15. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 15. COTTON-Market closed Ave points higher: middling uplands. I.2fic: middling gulf. 3.65c. Sales. 4.S00 bales. LIVERPOOL May 15 COTTON Spot In fair demand; prices four points higher; American middling, fair. 4.50c: good mid dling. 4.50c; middling. 4 40c: low middling, 4 24c; good ordinary. 4.06c; ordinary, 3 90c The sales of the day were R.000 hales, of which 500 were for speculation snd export and Included 7.600 American. Receipts. 23.010 bale, including 20.100 American. NEW ORLEANS. May 15. COTTON Market steady; sales. 3.6m bales; ordinary, 6 5-16c; good ordinary. 64c; low middling, 7 7-16c: middling. Sc; good middling. S B-10c; middling fair. 8 5-16c; receipts. 4.404: stock. 159.1.15. ST. IillS. Mav 15 COTTON Market firm: middling. 7 15-16c. Soles. l.J! hales; receipts. 127 hales; shipments, 3 bales; stock, 4S.7:'9 bales. ingar anil Molasses. NEW YORK, May 15 SUGAR Raw. nominal: fair refining. 3 13-pic; centrifugal. 96 test. 4 7-16 : molasses sugar, 3 9-16c. Re. fined, uulet; No. 6. 5.25c: No 7. 5.10c: No. B, 5 10c; No. 9 . 5 05c: No. 10. 5O0; No. 11. 4 90-; No. 12. 4 R5c: No. 13. 4.75c: No. 14. 4.10c; con fectioners' A. 5 7(-; mould A. 6.2ic; cut loaf. .55c; crushed. 6 50c; powdered. 6.95c; grrar.u lated 6 K.'ic: culies, f. loc. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open kettle, good t choice. I9'3riC. NEW ORLEANS. Mav ID Sl'GA R Mar ket quiet: open kettle. Siij44c : open kettle, eentrif ueal. 44h4 16-10e: centrlfiigal whites, 5!c; yellows, 4aj5 3-16c; seconds, 341514c.. t 1521 STCK-e-LRiS AND 1 720 I !5 I.. 1 70 t 71 l . 1 1010 I 09 . t 170 I 44 ts . 3 43 t t 27 4 tat I to 1.. t tat 3 71 11AY FED Y E STERNS. I Jeff,: , Colorado, n teera.. .1164 4 90 2ft feeders .. $71 4 ; HOOS There wis a small run of hegs here today, even for a Monday, but as Chicago nad tl,, nogs and the n.arket there waa 10c 10 jr. packer, of rouraa thought they ought to ret their hog for lea nvnsr. ins inarket rarled out a big he lower, or 56"4'' loner. Packer, though, ner lv U bid U pric. sod t. Joseph Live gfoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mav 15. CATTLE Re celpt. 1.417 head: market teady. 10c lower; natives. $4 26(&J10; Texas and western, $3 25 65.26: cows and heifers. $1 60436. 15: bulls stags, etc.. 32 35&cM5; veals. $3 004 25; yearling calves. $2.7.V34 60; stockers and feeders. $2 75d4 90. HOGS Receipts. 3.060 head; market 6c lower; light mixed. $5 16'gfi 25; medium heavy. ."i .20431. SO; pigs, $4 (s"&a.50; bulk. $5.174iei5 25. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.662 head: market l('ti2ic higher: Colorado lambs. $7.26. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 15 -COFFEE Market for futures opened steadv at an advan'-a of five points in response to generslly stesdy cables and a light scattering de mand through commission houses. Nenr the close a little realising caused a par tial decline of five points, and the market elned net unchanged to Ave points higher. Sale were reported of 14.250 bags. Includ ing Beptemtser at $6 9oi7.('': December t $7 2057 .15: March at $7 35. Spot. Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice, Sc; mild, steadv; Cordova, 103 13c. loai City I. Ire Stork "Market. 6IOUX CITY, May lfi.(Special Tele, gram 1 CATTLE Re( el pta. I.400 head: mar get lower: stockers strong, beeves. $4.0i 100; rows, bulls and mixed. $;t.0fifl.(s; Stockers and feders. $"1.0(Vg4.50; calves and yearlings, $3 0064 45. HOGS-Receipts. 1.6O0 head; market 6tT 10c lower: selling at $iuo)5, bulk of sales, $6 10-36.124- Stork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterdsy: Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha 2.214 2.178 Sioux Citv 1.40 1.500 Kansas City 6 340 $ Ton St. Joseph 1.417 3 OA St Iuls 2.000 t.5 Chicago 29.000 60 0u0 Shee iepp. 4.1f 6 4 0 4.i'.HJ 3 50 20.WO Total .42.331 69.2J8 $7,721 Ylalble Snpply of Grain. NEW YORK, May 16-The visible aunplv of grain May 13. a compiled bv th New Tork Produce exchange. Is as follows : Wheat, 24. 170.000 bushels; decrease. 2,15, Ono bushels Com. 6.103.000 bushels; decrease. tu1,000 bushels. Oats. 10,653.000 bushels; decrease, 1,151.000 bushels. Barley, 1, 490,0X4) Vushels; decrease, IS.OOO bushels. - . Klnla Rnuer Market. ELGIN. 111.. May IB RI'TTER Ruled weak on the Board of Trade today. Prlcea were quoted at 22c. a dei-Hne of 24c from last week. Sale for the week were 648.000 pound. Dnlath Grit Utrkrt. DILI'TH. Minn.. May 15 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern. $1.014: on track. N". 1 northern. $1 m4; No. 2 northern. $1.02; Mav. $1 (4; 8eptemler. MV OAT8 -To arrtve, 31c; on track, 30i,c Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May 15 -SEED-Clover, cash. 17.00; October. $5 674; prime alslke, $7 50; prime timothy, $1.50. Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. May 15 WHEAT Mar ket Jc higher; No. 1 northern. $l.(Vi1 U: No I northern, $1.031 OS; Julv. "4c bid. RTF-Market 40 hlrher. No.' 1. 79 PA RLE Y Market steadv; No. 2. 61c CORN Market 1c higher; No. 3. 5sij-&u4c; July. 584c Philadelphia Pradaca Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 15-Iil'TTER-Market lower; extra wetern ceamery, 24c; nearby print. 2f,c. EGGS Market ateady; nearbv fresh. 164c at mark, western fresh. I7(f7l74" at mri CHLtet-Markot firm, Now York lull GOLDFIELD BULL FROG We are Issuing for the benefit of Our personal clientage a book complete In every detail, telling of th discovery of these wonderful camps and the.r movements to dale as seen and photo graphed by Mr. Henry Anchester and E T. Thornton, our consulting cn gineet. V are operating ont of th largest high gtad prupoaiiton In tha district and will anuruy open our ubscrlptlon book for a limited num ber of share to be decided uuon later. Respectfuly Submitted. 1 THE HEAHY ANCHI.SIER CO MP AM', (Incorporated. ) Mllwaakee, . . Wlaeonaln. Edwards-Wood Co- 4 incorpuiated fUia OfUce: Fil'h aaJ Kobarts StrMti ST. PAUL, rUN.N. DEALERS la) Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Branch 0ee, 110.111 Uasard l Trstlt Bldg, Oavaaa. sea. Taleahana SA14. 212-214 Lx Chang bldg.. South Omaha.