1" THE OMAnA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, MAY 16. 1903. I Gre 1 G at Men Dead. and 'isteJi ... Mi rr. . . . v , , . .TTjT-.'f ? - ' T,'vfT,i."r'?r? 5 Y 71 reat Men Livin Will talk to you through The Columbia Graphophone. Think of listening to the voice of a celebrated man who is long dead and buried, to hear him as though he were right in the room with you, to almost see his gestures, to listen to him -delivering some great oration. IT'S A FACT, YOU CAN. Then think of listening to the voice of someone who possibly at that moment is thousands of miles from you. THINK OF SUCH A WONDERFUL THING. Yet it is all true if you possess a Columbia GraphopKoive It is the greatest achievement of the day. Once you own one, you will become more and more attached to it the longer you have it. Soaething new every night. Something laughable. Something novel always awaits you for your evening's entertainment. No end of good things "to be had out of a COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE. An hour spent with one of these entertainers refreshes you, quieta you, makes jjou feel as though you had attended the best amusement in the land and rejuvenates in every way possible. Under the Special Arrangement with the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO. at 1621 Farnam Si, we are enabled to offer A $12.50 Colombia Disc Graphophone With a Year's Subscription to The Evening and Sunday Bee TREE This is the COLUMBIA Regular $12. 30 Disc Graphophone and cannot be bought anywhere for less. Given FREE toourReaders The Columbia Graphophone received the Grand Highest Award at the St. Louis Ex position, 1904. It is yours with a subscription to this paper FREE of all cost. MAIL THIS TODAY NOT TOMORROW fniinnn nf InmiJrv We have also made arrangements to sup- lOUpon Ul inquiry ply mail subscribers with the Graphophone. Circulation Department, OMAHA BEE, For ful1 Particulars send us this coupon. Omaha, Nebraska. Mail Subscriber' S Coupon Please send your representative to my Circulation Department, OMAHA BEE, address as given below to show the OKA- Omaha, Nebraska. PHOPHONE you offer with one year's Please send me full particulars how to . i9 . rrrti nun T-nr ' obtain a $12.50 Columbia Graphophone subscription to THE OMAHA BEE. j practicalIy frcc Name....... Name , Address Address Date Date... COMPANION'S ONE BAD INNING Customary Nightmare Eeialti in Victory ' for Denver Mountaineers. CHAMPIONS UNABLE TO HIT HICKMAN Everett Presents a Ken Man Who Has Little Trouble in Holding the One Time Terrors Safe at All States. Companion went to pieces In the fifth ln nlnge of the game between Omaha, and Denver yisterday, and before the smoke had cleared away Denver had annexed four tallies, which were enough to win the game. He not only lost all control of the ball, but also lost his head at a critical stage when the bases were filled and made an error that cost runs. Denver won by the score of 6 to 3, and they were entitled to the sis from the record of men hit and bases on balls and errors of the ' Omaha team. Omaha did not win because a diminutive youth named Hickman willed that they should not and his will was his way at tha ball park yesterday before about 1,000 women and half as many men. The women were all sorry for Companion but "sorrles" don't count in a ball game and Companion was forced to go to the stable to make room for Llebhardt, who started off Just as bad and gave the first two men to face him their bases on balls. One of these scored and that was all the scoring that Denver could do after Lleb hardt went Into the game, but they had Bough to their credit from the regime of Companion, so they were not worried as to the outcome. Denver scored In the first Inning when Old Bport MrHale walked to first, was sacrificed to second by Everett, stole third and came home on Randall's grounder to Martin, who caught Hartiell at second after he had also walked. Omaha In the Lead. The Champions started to score In the third Inning when Schlpke and Qondlng walked and Companion brought Schlpke home with a single. In the fourth Orraha mado two more when Welch was passed to first and went to second on Hickman's wild throw to catch him off first. Dolan went out from Hickman to Everett, and Thomas drove the ball to Belden in right field. Welch scoring on the throw In. Mar tin was also passed to first and stole second, coming homo on Schipke's drive to left which Itandall misjudged. Uondlng truck out. Omaha was now two scores to. the good and the women were wild and looked on the Champions as the greatest players In the world. When Denver cane to take her turn at the beginning of the fifth the fireworks went up end every man on the Denver team faced the luckless Comnanlon Ha Ho a- in th world can uuy ' cijjar Ik worth mor 1 than liV si long n a ' Rnuqui't Hull is koIiI at tbiit prion. Ask . . . , . a X V juur muac- 3 1 Ov roc i t. CIGARS wanted to quit before the Inning was ended but Pa would not have It that way and had him pitch the Inning out while Llebhardt was warming up. Companion passed the first man up, who was McHale, and Everett attempted to bunt, but the ball popped into Companion's mlt. Hartrell hit safe past Schlpke and Randall walked. Belden drove the sphere against the right field fence and Carter muffed It, scoring McHale and putting Hartzell on third and Randall on second. Perrlne drive the ball to Companion, who was seized with a case of rattles, and In stead of throwing the ball to the plate, which would have put the runner out, he whirled and threw It to Schlpke and as It went wild Hartzell and Randall scored. Hostetter was also passed to first, and Belden scored on Lucia's drive to Carter, who could not return the ball to the plate In time to head Belden off. Hickman popped an easy one tn the air which Oond lng nailed. Three bases on balls, one hit and two errors allowed four players to score. Llebhardt Cheeks the Rush. In the sixth inning Denver added another after Llebhardt had started to try his luck. McHale and Everett both were passed to first and Hartzell singled. Ran dall knocked a high one to Dolan and Belden did the same thing to Welch, Mc Hale scoring on the throw In. McHale drew three passes to first in the game and scored on each of them. After the fifth Inning when Companion went to pieces the Champions never seemed to have any intention of winning the game and Hickman did not have any intention of letting them win. Teams cannot be expected to win when they can only get three hits, two of which were scratches. St. Joe will be here this afternoon and Pa's boys will try to do better. DENVER. AB. R. .... 2 Omaha 16 8 8 .BOO Denver 16 8 8 .60(1 Colorado Springs 14 6 9 .421 Games today: St. Joseph at Omaha, Colo rado Springs at Sioux City, Denver at Des Moines. Percy and Ills Pets. Percy Chamberlain, with his bunch of ball players from St. Joe, will be the next Western league team to line up against the Rourkes at Vinton Street park, and the first game with them Is scheduled for Tues day, at the usual hour. Friday will be "ladies' day In the St. Joe series, the team being here for four games. Omaha, Position. St. Joseph Thomas First Louglus Martin Second Peer Shipke Third Andrews Dolan Short Qulllln Thell Left Fleming Welch Center. Henllne-Ketchum Carter Right Lezotte Oonding-Freese ..Catch ...Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch Sanders Companion Lelbhurdt , Quick McClosky .. Pllester .... Noyes-Zimrnn Kvler St. Vraln Jnnrs Souders GAMES IX THE AMERICA IEAGIE St. Lonls Falls to Support Pitcher and ' Is Shut Ont by Phllndelpliln. , ST. LOFIS. May 15,-Fhlladelphia won the odd game of the series today, defeat ing the local American,?, 4 to 0, owing principally to the poor support behind Glade. Attendance, . 2,400. Score: PHILADELPHIA. ST. LOt'IS. R.H.O.A.E. I 0 I 0 t 1 t 1 14 Hartiel If.. Knlglit, ... Dims, lb CroH, 3b 0 0 1 seybou. rf... ill Murphy, 2b. Hoffman, cf Powers, c.. Bender, p... 1 I 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 Stone, If 0 Knrhler, cf. 0 Frluk, rf 0;Jones, lb.... iMVallare. si.. 0'Mnran, 3b. 1 0 0 0 Hoik1 field. 2b 0 0 0 Weaver, c 0 0 0 (Hade, p 0 0 R.H.O.A.E. 0 0 t 1 0 0 1 : 0 0 1 Knoll. Double plays: Turner and Carr: Turner, Lajole and Carr. Bases on balls: Off Rhoades, 3; off Hughes, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Rhodes, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, 4; Washington. 6. Struck out: By Rhoades. 3. Time: 1:45. Umpires: Mc Carthy and O'Loughlln. Boston Wins from Detroit. DETROIT, May 15. Mullin was verv wild and Ineffective In the last game of the series, escaping luckily for two Innings. Dineen pitched splendidly In tight places nnd was accorded fine support. Attend ance, 2,100. Score: BOSTON. I DETROIT. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Burkett, If.... I 1 1 0 . 0 Srhasfcr, Jb..O 16 11 Tarent. ss.... 1 17 1 0 fooler, cf 0 9 0 0 Stahl. cf 0 I 1 0 OiMrlntvre, If.. 1112 0 Orlmshaw, lb 1 1 11 0 C Crawford, lb. 1 I II 1 0 Freeman, rf..l 110 OKoughlln, Sb.. 0 1110 Inglaub, 3b.. 0 0 11 0 Hlrkmin. rt .O 110 0 Terrli, lb.... 1114 O'O'Leary, it... 0 10 4 1 Crlger, c 0 0 I 1 0 Sulllran. e... 0 0(10 Dineen, p.... 0 1 0 I 0 Mullin, p 0 0 0 I 0 Total! ( 17 u 01 Totala 1 t V 10 i Boston 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 6 Detroit 0 000002 0 02 Two-base hits: O'Leary, Hickman. Mc Intyre, Parent, Freeman. Sacrifice hits: Cooley, Sullivan, Coughlln. Parent, Ferris. Bases on balls: Off Mullin, 9; off Dineen, 2. Ix-ft on bases: Detroit, 5; Boston, 10. Struck out: By Mullin, 3. Double plays: I'nglaub to Ferris to' Grlmshaw; Mclntyre to Crawford; Dineen to Parent to Orlm shaw. Time: 2 hours. Umpire: Sheridan. Standing: of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. McHale. cf... Everett, lb... Hartzell, 3b... Randall, If.... Belden, rf Perrlne. 2b.... Hostetter, sa. Lucia, c Hickman, p... H. PO. A. E. 0 0 0 0 14 1 1 3 2 0 5 1 Totals.... Thiel. If Ca rter, rf Welch, cf Dolan. ss Thomas, lb Martin, 2b Schlpke. 3b Gondlng. c Cor'vinlon. p... Llehhardt, p.... 'Howard 32 OMAHA. AB. 5 27 15 Totala 4 37 IS 0) Totala 0 t tl 14 4 Philadelphia 8 0 0 1 o o n o 04 I St. Louis ...S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned run: Philadelphia, 1. Two-base ! hits: Davis. Murphy. Sacrifice hits: Sev ' bold. Double plavs: Moiau to Wallace; i Rocknlcld to Wallace to Junes. Stolen caes: Hartzl. Hoffman. Rases on balls: Off Glade, 2; off Bonder, 1. Struck out: By Glade. 6: by Bender. 4. Left on bases: St. Louis, 3; Philadelphia, 4. Time: 1:15. Um pire: Kelly. Chlrnao Beats ctv York. CHICAGO. May 15 Walsh was easv for the visitors, but White held them sate, al lowing hut four hits, which wore scattered. A one-handed catch by Williams, result ing in a double play, was a feature. At tendance, 5.18. Score: CHICAflO. NEW YOKK. R. H. PO. A. E. 0 A 0 3 1 o 0 2 2 0 0 10 Totals Zi Batted for Companion In the fifth. Denver 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 Omaha 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Fchtpke, Lucia. Hit with rltch-rt b'lll: By Companion. ". Struck out: By Companion. 3; by Llebhardt, 1; by Hick man, . allien b.ist-; ...ai tin. i nu.uas. McHale. Randall. First btr on balls: Off Companion, 5; off I.lebhurl. i; off Hick man. 5. Sacrifice hit: Everett, Hostetter. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Burns. Ilea Moines Wine Itagsed Contest. . SIOUX CITY, la.. May 15-Des Moines won the last gamo of the series. It was a long-drawn-out and ragged contest. Score: 1111 E. Sioux City ...0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 04 io 2 Des Moines ..1 0 0 0 3 2 0 2 08 13 2 Batteries: Allemang, Bills and Baer wald: Manske, Liefield and Towns. Colorado Sprlnsis Bents St. Joe. ST. JOSEPH. May 15.-Inablllty of the locals to hit lost the game to Colorado Springs today. Score: R.H.E. Colo. Springs.. ft 0 0010010274 St. Joseph ....1 0 0000000181 Batteries: Lindsay and Mltz; Jones and Zlnrar.. Standing; of the Teams. Pluved. Won. I.cl. Pet. Des 'Moines 1 9 7 .K2 St. Joseph 14 T T 5-i) eioux City 14 T T .. H.H.O.A.K. 1 1 1 1 : o Jonea, of 1 Green, rf 0 Callahan. If.. 0 Davit, 119 Donahue, lb.. 1 1 1 Sullivan, c... 1 Tannrhlll. lb. t buudon, b... I Walsh, p 0 Wb.te, p 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Pouuherty, rf 1 0 KeHor. If.... 1 U KullI, if 0 0 W 1 1 1 lama, 2b. 0 1 lii'onrojr. aa. . . . 0 0 Yi'r, 3b ... 0 I I h, lb... 0 Klftnow, c. Onnh. Oj'Anderaon . K H O.A.K. i 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 10 0 1 0 Cleveland 21 . 12 Philadelphia 2-' 12 Chicago i2 12 Washington ,.24 13 Detroit a io New 'ork 22 10 St. Louis 22 10 Boston 24 10 Games today: Washington at Cleveland. Philadelphia at St. Louis. New York at Chicago, Boston at Detroit. 10 10 11 11 12 12 14 Pet. .571 .545 5t .47$ ,4..i .455 4.7 GAMES I AMEIilCA ASSOCIATION Kansas City Wine from Minneapolis by lliuirhliiif . Hit In Sixth. MILWAUKEE. May 15. Kansas City won the lat game of the series with Mil waukee by Punching hits in the sixth inning. Milwauttee could not hit Franta at critical times and the game was a on slded affair. Attendance, 1,520. Score: KANSAS CITY. I M1LWAIKEE. R. HO. A. El R.H.O.A.E. Nance, cf 1 1 Iiowney, la. ..It Maaaey lb.. Klckert. If.. Ionahue. Sb. futro, rf.... bonnnr, 2b... Llutr, c Kranu. p.... zoo Kobtnaon. ta. 0 1 1 1 i at! U Nelll, If.... 0 1 1 0 0 0 u M'fh'an'y, rf 1 1 10 0 10 0 O'Brien. lb. 11111 t 1 VHMnphlll. cf. 0 1 1 0 0 (00 McC'mlrk, b. 0 I i I 1 6 v 0 Clark. Sb 0 0 I 7 0 6 I 0 Do vl lie, e o 1 '2 u 0 a 0 turtle, p o 1 0 4 1 Totala 10 It 17 11 ! Tola.. 4 24 13 I Batted for Orth in the ninth. Chicago t 3 0 0 0 1 1 6 10 New York 2 101000004 Left on bases: Chicago, 4; New York, C. Two-buse lilts: Kei lrr, Dundon, White, Anderson. Three-bnae lilt: Callahan. Sac rnlce hits: lHinohue (.', Orth, Conroy, Callahan, Jones. Stolen basis Given, Orth. Double piays: Sullivan und Duvln, mains and Conroy. Struck out : Bv Walsh, 1: by White. 4; by Ortn, 1. PassMj ball: riulllvan. Bases on balls: OlT Walsn, 1; off White, 2; off Orth, 3. Wild pitches: White, 2. Hit Willi bull. Greene, Sullivan. Hits: Off Walsh, 4 in one and one-hair Innings; off White, 4 In seven and one-half innings. Time: 1:9. Umpire: Connolly. Washington Shots Ont Cleveland CLEVELAND. May 15. Washington com pletely outplayed Cleveland tixlay. Hughes pitched a masterly game and was splen didly supported. Score: WASHINOTON. CLEVELAND. , Janea, cf I l Hill. Jb 0 I ftthl lh I but Ifruan. If. 1 raeeidv. as. . . 1 Mil. 2b I Knoll, rf 0 klttredae, c . 0 llUBbea. p. ... R HO A tt 1 1 0 I 1 0 0 Ji'knn. cf. . 1 bay. If 0. r lick. rf u Lajule, b... 0 Bradley, lb. 0 Turner, aa. . . 0 fair. 11 0 Buelnw, c... 0 Kboadta. p.. 11 H O. A E. .0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 4 7 1 Toula t 87 10 Washington Cleveland First on errors: base hits: Ray, Nlll. Stahl. Sacrifice hits Stahl. Hill, Jones. Stolen oases ; Lajoie, 1 Totala n 1J I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 06 00000000 0 0 Washington. 1 Two- Totala t 10 17 It j Totala...... I 10 27 II 4 Kansas City 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 29 Milwuukee 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 01 Two-base lilts: O'Brien, Frantz. Base on twills: off Curtis, 4: off Frantz, 1. Wild pilches: Curtis, Struck out: By Cui us, 2; by Frantz, 3. Double play: Bevhlu and O'Brien. Sacrifice lilts: Downey, Don ahue. Ia-H on bases: Milwaukee, 10; Kan sas City, 6. Time: 1:40. Umpires; King and Kane. Minneapolis Defeats St. Panl. MINNEAPOLIS. May 15-Mlnneapoll won an uninteresting game from St. Paul today by butting Ferguson out of the box in the first two innings. Corbett, who suc ceeded Ferguson, allowed but two hits in the remaining seven Innings. Graham wua hit in the heud by a pitched bail in the fifth und was forced to retire, Freeman taking hlH place. Attendance, 1.C00 Score: MINNEAPOLIS. ST. PAI L. R H O. A. E.I R.H.O.A.E. Jonoa. cf I 1 Sullivan, rf... I I Oraliara. lb... 1 1 Freeman, lb.. 0 0 fouller. It ... 1 1 Srhmldt. c... I 1 Km. lb I 1 tireinlns' r, Sb 0 1 (lei. aa 0 1 Stuvall, p.... I 0 Oder, lb I 1 I 4 farnay, rf 0 I 0 0 0 Hemphill, cf. 1 4 0 0 S I I 1 0 0 0 0 U.O Brian, at. 0 OlMarcaa, lb Flounroy, If. Kelley, lb... Yeafer, c... Kergueon. p. Corbeu, p... 0 110 0 I 10 0 000 1 9 0 0 11 Totala 10 11 n II - Toula I III 11 i Minneapolis 4 i 0 0 0 1 0 10 St. Paul 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 03 Hits: Off Ferguson, 9 in two Innings: oft Corliett, 2 in six innings. Two-base hit: Stovall. Sacrifice hits: Graham, Sulli van. Carney, base on balls: Off Stovail. 4; off Ferguson, 2: off Corbett, 2. Struck out: Bv Siovall, 2; by Corbett, 1. tttulen bases: Schmidt (2), Fox l2). Hit by pitched ballf By Corbett (1). Left on bases-. Minneapolis, ; St. Paul, 10. Time: 1:1 Umpires: Haskell and Anderson. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won.. Lost. Pet. Columbus 22 is t T Kansas City St. Paul .19 10 9 .BM .22 10 11 .47ti .22 10 12 .45 .JO 9 11 .451 .21 8 13 .3"1 18 6 12 . 333 Games today: Columbus at Kansas City, Toledo at Milwaukee. Indianapolis at Min neapolis, Louisville at St. Paul. GAMES IX THE NATIONAL IEAGIE Sen- York Bunches Hits In Sixth In ning: nnd Shots Out ChleaKO. NEW YORY, May 15. E; nunching hits In the sixth inning the New York Na tionals scored another shut out on the visiting Chicago team. Manager McGraw war ordered out of the grounds for dis puting a decision of one of the umpires. Attendance. 4,000. Score: NEW YORK. I R.H.O.A.E. Donlln, cf 0 0 1 0 0 Caaey, CHICAGO R.H.O.A.E. Browne, rf... 1 McOann lb.. 1 Mertca, If.... 0 Pahlen. ea.. . . 0 Devlin. 3b.... 0 Gilbert, lb... 0 Bowerman, e. 1 McGlnnlly, p. 1 3b... 1 t 0 OiSchulte, rf.. 0 4 0 OlMaloney. cf. 1 i 0 0 Birry. lb 0 1 0 4 6 oUlngle. If 0 I 1110' Tinker, aa 0 0 0 110 Hoffman, Sb.. 0 0 14 10 O Ne4ll, 0.... 0 0 1 0 1 0 Brown, p 0 1 I 1 0 0.1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 6 t i I I 1 4 Dooln, e 0 0 S 4 OMcFarland, p. 1 1 0 I 0 Corrldon. p. ..00011 Plttlnger. p..0 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 8 24 16 1 t Totala 5 10 27 11 2 Philadelphia 20100020 6 St. Louis '...0 0 3 0 0 0 O 0 03 Two-base hits: Gleason (2), Smoot. Sac in two innings, 6; off Pittinger in seven innings, 3. Left on bases: St. Louis. 4: Philadelphia, 6. First base on halls: Off McFarland, 1; off Corrldon, 1: off Pit tlnprcr. 2. First base en errors: Philadelphia. 1. Struck out: By McFarland, 4; by Corrldon, 1; by Plttlnger, 4. Wild pitch: McFarland. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Johnstone. Standing: of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New l ork Pittsburg Chicago Cincinnati Totals 4 17 0 Totala 0 5 24 14 1 New York ( 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 Chicago t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 First base on errors: New York, 2; Chi cago, 1. Struck out: By McQInnity, 1. SncYlfiee hit: Donlin. Stolen base: Mertcs. Umpires, Klcm and Emslle. Boston Beats Cincinnati. BOSTON. May 15. Cincinnati outbatted Boston tolay but lost the game because Harper had one bad Inning, the fifth. In which he pissed two men and was batted safely twice. Attendance, 1.2U0. Score: BOSTON. i CINCINNATI. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Cannell, c. .-. 0 0 0 0 0 Hugglna, 2b.. 1 t I 4 0 u I Corcoran, ea.. u 2 u i 1 0 Seymour, cf . . 0 I I 0 0 I 0 beoriug. rf... 0 1 1 0 0 A olpnlan, lb 0 III 0 0 0 0.4rhlel, lb 0 0 10 0 OlUndwell, 3b.. 0 0 0 4 0 0 .(dwell, If.... 0 0 10 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Tenney. lb. .. 0 11 Ab'tlchlo. il l 1 I Wolverf n lb 0 0 Barclay. If... 0 Sharp, rt 1 1 Haymer, 2b. .. 1 1 Ntiedham, e. . 0 0 Young, p 0 0 3 u rnelpa, c Harper, p .1417 13 I Totala 1 24 12 1 Boston 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 Cincinnati 1 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 01 Stolen bases: Seymour, Iiuggms. Sac rifice hit: Harper. Double play; Corcoran, Hugglns and Dolln. Struck out: By Young, 3: by Harper, 6. Time, 1:32. Um pire, Bauswlne. Brooklyn Outbats Pittsburg;. BROOKLYN, May 16. The home team outbatted the Plttshurgs. Scanlon, who hud to retire in the eighth Inning through an injury to his leg, agner Having fallen on him in the seventh, had outpltcned his opponent up to thai time. Attendance, l.sto. Score: BROOKLYN. I PITTSBl'RG. R 11. O A E.I R.H.O.A.E .24 19 5 .79! .2i5 lrt 10 .filii .Jii 13 13 .5V .25 12 11 .4) .23 11 12 .478 .29 12 17 .414 21 10 14 .417 .55 8 17 .320 ghec'iird, If.. 1 1 Lumliy. It ... 1 1 batch, lb.. Owena, 2b Lewis, rs.. Dobka. cf.. liabh. lb... Hitter, c... Scanloo, p. Jonea, p... 0 0 0 0 Clarke. If 1 V O'Uraumont, cf. 0 0 0 Ulnward. rf . . 3 vjvYaftoer, aa-. 9 t Jlancy. lb... 0 o ..itihiy, lb. o 0 Larh, 3b. . . 1 2 Hobertallle. p 0 1 1 1 li felt J, c 0 1 4 0 v iar,scb 0 0 0 1 1 0 I ooo 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 1 1 Q 1 Milwaukee 24) U .6(0 Total! 4 10 21 11 J Totals 1 4 24 14 2 Batted for Roberta. lie in ninth. Brooklyn 0 u 0 1 2 1 0 0 4 Pittsburg .'. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Two-base hits: Lumley, Dobbs, Three base hit: Batch. Home run: Batch. Sac rifice hit: Looln. Stolen bases: Burke, Bransfieid (3), Magee. Hits: Off Corridon rlflce hits: Scheckard, Dobbs. Beaumont. Hirs: On" Scanlon In seven and one-third innings, 3; off Jones In one and two-thirds Innings, 1. Stolen bases: Clarke, Beau mont, Ritchey 12). Lewis (2). Double plays: Lewis to Owens, Wagner to Ritchey to Clancey. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 6; Pittsburg, 8. First base on balls: Off Scanlon, 7; oft Robertallle, 7. Struck out: By Scanlon, 2? by Junes, 1; by Hobertallle, J. Time: 1:58. Umpire: O Day. Philadelphia Beats St. Louis. PHILADELPHIA. May 15-St. Louis bat ted Corrldon off the slab In the second Inning, but the visitors found Plttlnger a punie. The locals won by timely hitting. Courtney was Injured In sliding to base and Kruger took his place. Attendance, 2,489. Score: PHILADELPHIA. 8T. LOflS. . R H O A E R.H.O.A E. Thomas, of .. I I 4 0 ODunleavy. rf. 1 1 1 Oleaeos. lb... I I I i OShannou, if... 1 1 1 0 0 Conrtaey. lb. 0 I I I 08 moot, rf 1 Krusar lb.... OArndt. lb 1 i Titus, rf 1 OBeckley. lb... I II Magee. If 1 I 1 OShay. aa 0 0 110 Brenelel. lb II Huxke. 3b.... 11 Deslis. at.... 8 11 IWaruer. a.... I 3 Brooklyn Boston St. Louis Games today: Pittsburg at Brooklyn, Cincinnati at Boston. Chicago at New Y'ork, St. Louln at Philadelphia. TTventy-One llluli Schools Entered. IOWA CITY. Ia., May 15.-(Speclal.) Twenty-one high schools, represented by 30ft athletes, will compete for inter-scholastic honors here next Friday In what Is now believed will be the most hotly con tested event In the history of the associa tion. The rorent victory of the Ida Grove team In the northwestern Iowa hiirli school meet indicates that first place may not go to any of the Des Moines high schools, as has been freely predicted. Preparations are being made to entertain an enormous crowd. Braudols Team Winn Tiro. The Brandels base ball team won a good game from the Harnev Street Stars, with a score of 1.1 to 5. Batteries: Brandels, Potter and Murphy; Stars, McCaffrey anil N: ttard. The Brandels team won nnnther j;ame from the Advos last Friday, 10 to 6. The manager announces thnt th" Brandels nine would l'ke to meet any good team, sgd 12 to 14. Managers wishing Kamcs will address Loyal Conn, 116 South Thirty-socond avenue. Mllfnr-1 IJefents Pome. CRETE. Neb.. May 15 (Special Tele gram.) Mllford enme to Crete todav with n husky bunch of ball tossers snd took the college boys Into camp, 5 to 4. Poane tried three pitchers and lost the game in the experiments. Day's home run In the ninth would have tied the score, but for an unfortunate slide at the third base. Potts. Lnrefl and Badousek played good ball for Doane. Indiana Score n Shntont. FORRESTON, 111.. May 15. (Special Telegram.) The Nebraska Indians blanked the crack polo team today, 11 to 0. Brief Bits ol Sport. Michigan failed to win its thirteenth straight ball game on .May 13. What will happen to the heavyweight championship, when Jeffries retires. Tinker, a poor hitf- isst veir, lead the Chlcasro Nationals so far this year. Frank Ruzlcka will "vrestie with Emil Klank at Bohemian Turner hall. Thlreenth and Dorcas streets. Thursday evening. Amateur base ball games were played on vacant lots all over the city Sunday, and thousands stopped to enjoy the sport. Denver made eleven hits to Omaha's five Sunday, and still they could not win. That Is a good hard luck story to write homu about. The Orioles defeated the White Eagles by the score of 11 to 6. The feature of the game was the playing of the Jnflld- ers. Batteries: Orioles, Lowe, Wester gard; White Eagles, Miller, Dalles. Barnev Drevfus has gone a gunning for President Pulllam of the National leigue, for the penalties which that official imposed upon Clymer for rowydism. If Clymer of the Pittsburg team gotrt Into many more rows. McGraw will be wanting him for the Giants and then Del Howard will have a regular position. The Superiors, Sunday defeated the New Rivals In a ten Inning game by a score of 8 to 7: the features of the game were the three base hits bv Gully and Cederal of the Superiors. Batteries: Carey Penny and Cederal for Superiors; Ross and Blackt y for New Rivals They are talkinp decoration day roa.l race in some sections of the country, but they nre nncient history In Omaha. Ti'ue was when the city moved out to the Potlg.' street course for the day to see Plxlcy. Me Call and FredTickson ond the other bicycle heroes fight It out over the hills. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today anil Tomorrow In brankn, lono nnd Sontb Da. kota Warmer Tomorrow. Me. WASHINGTON. May 15. Forecast of the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; warmer Wednesday. For Missouri Fair Tuesday; cooler In the north portion; Wednesday fair. For Colorado Fair Tuesday and Wednes day except showers Wednesday In east por tion. For Wyoming Fair and warmer Tuesday and Wednesday; warmer In northwest por tion Tuesday. For Kansas Fair Tuesday and Wednes day. Loral lleeord. OFFICE OF THE WHATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, May IE. Official record of tem perature and prenpitution Compared with the corresponding day of the last three v.ars: IW. 19"" He K Maximum temperature... t7 65 79 5.S Minimum temperature M Bl (V) .",1 Menu temperature f9 58 70 54 Precipitation 11 40 .' 19 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March L and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 2 Deficiency for the day 3 Total excess since March 1 09 Normal precipitation 14 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Prei iplta'tlon since March 1 6.2ti Inches Deficiency since Match 1 Inch Deficiency for cor. period In 19M.. .AS Inch Deficiency for cor, period In U3.. .9H inch from Stations at 7 r. M. Reports Tern. Max. Rnin- Statlon and Stato of Weather. Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, part cli.udy C hicago, cloudy Davenport, rain Denver, clear Havre, clear Helena, clear Huron, cloudy Kansas City, clear North Platte, part cloudy . .58 Omaha, claar Rapid City, part cloudy., St. Louis, part cloudy S. Paul, cloudy Salt Lake City, clear... Valentine, part cloudy. Wllllston. clear T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. pin. Tern. fall. .4 .r. .5H 5s .0' 74 .10 ..',S 74 T . i;i .m .2 hi .( .Oft 62 .52 M .12 .62 78 .14 .5 f,4 T til K7 .0.) ,5J 5.1 .t) .72 7ti .no .in f.4 T . f,H .(HI ,5S ti2 '(0 .54 6ri .00 The Best Hot Weather Medicine SALE TEM MILLION BOXES A YEAR 10c. 25c. 50c CANDY CATHARTIC mem j in Driffiits PREVENT ALL SUIRMEK BOWEL TROUBLES