THE OMATTA DAILY I.EE: SUNDAY, MAT 14, 1605. TREES SHRUBS ETC. TXH DAitiJAlNH in nnii slimlp trcs csll at lopcfiit N jis'Ty Mlin, 1st and i ariuMH. l ln i.t u;. -MiiTC MATIT1N Nursery, Thon Bf'04 lMh and rrnit'. fcis M.'s AUTOMOBILES Ton SALE or Initio, oni White HtoarrxT .utorrn'bllf . OmkiiihI '.;1(k., Hun ln'i'ii run but l1 months; first-class con dition; will tnul" for Bi-urlty or will for ca.h First coin, fl rut orviM. fit to Wlttman, 10 '1 L Pt.. Lin coln, Neb. 5110 14 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES LtUAL .UTICK9. NOTICK TO AHCIIITfcCTS. Preliminary skt.-trli nuns or Mudks and rpiTiiii'utlun lu hrii-f tn- wantrd it X'cru, Nebrahka, on thf 24.h day of May, 1m, for a Nunnul H. Iiunl l.'lmiry building IrUWlllKH tCI COIlMHt Of 4 I Il' HllunH, i B'u- tlono, i Hour il.u,a, all drawn to a male uc inch, 1 foot to be llulolit'il In blark and wliite, cilorfd ptrniectives will not be al lowed. to be of fireproof rtinstruo tlon, built of brick and nionr, llnit-ln-d In oak. Ground floor to contain irritation rooms, unpacking room, workshop and toilet room. .Main floor to contain laritn leading room, liun relrrfnce room, mack room tor 4u,ijo volumes, entry ami ilclivory room, librarian mum, toilet facilities, dun cm, etc Total tout of building not to ex ceed .H0ou.uu. Architect s nervier will be fiald for as follows: For plans and specifications, 31, per cent; fur supervision as cu.stuiiuiry to architect, IV, Per cent; making a total of b per cent. No compensation for services rendered by the successful architect will bs paid for In cuse the cost of buildluK does overrun the amount of &i,'MM. The suc cessful architect Is required to leave the amount of fees duo him remain with the (State Hoard of Education until the build ing Is entirely lompieted, us a guarantee for the faithful performance of his services to be rendered as urchltect and superin tendent. The board reserves the right to reject any and all plans and ppeclllcatlons. Hy order of the Hoard of Kducatlon ot the 6Uitt Normal schools. J. I. M'BKIEN. Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, May 6. 19oo. MTcUot NOTICE TO CONTHACTOHS. Sealed bids or proposals will be received at the ofttce of the superintendent of pub 11a Instruction, J. L. McHiien, secretary of the Hoard of Education of the State Nor mal school, cnjiii el budding, Lincoln, Ne braska, until Vi o'clock noon, Wednesday, May i!4, luoj, for the erection and construc tion of a power house bntlJ.r.g on tho grounds of the State Normal school at Kearney, Huffalo county. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check on a Nebraska bank in the sum of five hundred (Kikmao dollars, conditioned as called for under form of proposals, page 3, Technical (Specifications l'latis and speclllcations are on file In the olllce of Superintendent J. L.. Mrllren, capltol building, Lincoln; C il. Ori ng, Kearney, und George A. Ucrllnghof, architect, Hentrlce. Plans and specifica tions for private uce can he had from the architect for the sum of ten (J1U.0O) dollars. Thu board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids and to waive defects in same. Uy order of the Hoard of Education of the State Normal schools. J L. M HHIEN, Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska. May B. 1905. MTcllOt CITV OFFICIAL KOIKES. NOTICK. Sealed proposals are invited and will be received by the City Clerk at room 10H, City Mall, for the purchase nf the following described fenl estate: The pnrt of 13th street, vm-nted, desiTlhenl as follows: A ft rip of rround IS feet wide and 170 feet long, lying west of and adjoining lot B, block 3"9, city, and the .IS-foot strip south of and adjotidtiK said lot 5; also n strip of ground lrt feet !') runl 1.12 feet lin. Ivlng east or ami adjoining lot l, block M, city, All proposals must be sealed, marked "Pro- Doniil for Purchase of Heal Iistate." nnd be llled with the City t'l.-rk at or before 5 o clock p. m. on luesnay, Mav in, l'i6. The eltv reserves tho right to reject any or ao niu". Omaha, Nebraska, May in, ireR. W. II. ELHOfRV. City Clerk. JMaylO I 7t RAILWAY TIME CARD NOTxCH. Itesolved, by the City Council of the City of Omaha, the Mayor Concurring: That It is expedient and necessary, and It is hereby declared to be expedient and necessary, that the otllce of btreet Com moner of the Cliy of omaha be created and that a Street Commissioner be ap pointed at a salary of not to exceed two thousand dollars tS.'.Uou.OOi per annum; that the duties ot such Street Commissioner Bhall bo to do und suporlntend all necus sury street cleaning and street repair grading and such other work as lie may Lo directed by the Mayor and City Coun cil to do; and that tho Street Commis sioner shall hIho be reiiulrwi to report to the City Engineer in detail the amount and nature of ull work done by him, arid the cost of tame. Itesolved, further. That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorised and dl ected to publish a copy of tins resolution lor three successive weaks. Introduced by Councilman P. M. Back. Passed, April 18, 1SW5. H. B. ZIMMAN, President of the Council. Attest: W. H. ELBOURN, City Clerk. Approved- April 24, IP'S. II. B. ZIMMAN. Ml-d21t Acting Mayor. rin STATION TtXTH AXD I1AHCY, t'nlon Pacific. Isv8. Atrlv. Overlnnd Limited 9:40 am a 8:18 pro California Kxpress a 4:10 pm a 9:30 urn California Oregon E.a 4:20 p;n a B:Wpm North Platte Local a 7:50 am a 6:20 pm Fast Mall aS:B."nin a3:?npm Colorado Special a 7:4!i am ft 7:40 nm Beatrice Local b 3:43 pm b 1:30 pm Vtabnuh. St. Louis Express 6:80 pm :30am St. Louis Ixiral (from Council Bluffs) 1:15 am 10:0prn Shenandoah Local (from Council Bluffs) 6:45 pm 1:30 pra I'lilritKa Great Western, St. Paul A Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am St. Paul & Minn a 7:45 am a7:FXpm Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm al0:.10am Chicago Express a 6:06 am a 3:30 pm Chicago, Milwaukee) Chlca.o Daylight Ex.. California-Oregon Ex.. Overliuid Limited Dea M. & Oltoboji Ex.. Cblcaito, Iloclc Island EAST. Leave. Chicago Limited a 3:J5 am Chicago Express a 7:3& am Chicago Ex., Local bll :40 am ) u s Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm lies Moines Local Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:40 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Um il.a 7:20 am Colorado Express a 1 :.10 prri Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:35 pm Colorado Night Ex a 8.55 piu Chicago A Norm-western. & ft. Pant. .a 7:65 am all :00 pm .a 6:45 pm a 3:10 pm .a H.M pm a 7:3.1 am a 7:65 am a 3:20 pm Pacific. Arrive, a 7:10 am a 8:60 pm a 4:30 pm bll :50 am a D:5u pm a 1:15 pm a 3:30 am a 4:55 pm all:40 am a 7:5 am Local Chicago ... East Mull Daylight St. Paul Daylight Chicago Limited Chicago laical Carroll .. Fast St. Paul Local Sioux C. & East Mai. Chicago Express Norfolk Ac Honesteel Lincoln & Long Pine. Casper St Wyoming. ., Deudwood & Lincoln. Hastings-Albion ......... .all :30 am a SM pm a 7:uu am a S ivum a t -63 pin a 4:.'l- pin a 8:2 pj St. P..b 3:u0 pm ..a 6:5o pin ...a 7:40 am ...9 ;:io am .. 2:6o pm ...a 2:50 pm ...b 2M pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:26 am Chicago Limited a Luvpm Minn, & St, Paul Ex...b 7:Zu am Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. ...a 7:E0piu Missouri I'aclflo. St. Loula Express li C. c BU ..a 9:00 am btX a 11:1a put 3:45 pm 8:30 am 10:uu pm 11 :M pm 9:16 am !:5l am 7:u5 am e b:35 am i:so pm a 7:.i am 10:35 am 10 :3b pm s 6:15 pin 6:15 pin t di pm al0:36 pm a 8:0u am . bi0:3ii pin a 8:05 pm a 8:30 am a 6.W pui UURLI.VGTOM STATION lOTU t MASO.K Uurllugton. Leave. a 4:10 pm ail; 10 pin a 8:50 am b 3:67 pm Denver & California. Northwest Express... Nebraska points Lincoln East Mail.. Et. Crook & Platlsm'th.b 3:uJ pin Uellevue & Plattsm'th. .tt 7:00 pm Liellevue Ac Pac. Juno. .a 8:0 am Iiellevue fc Pac. June. a 13:15 pm Denver Limited Chicago Special a 7:10am Chicago Express a4:O0pm Chicago Fiver a 8:o5 pm Iowa Local aS:15am St. Louis Express a 4:26 pm Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:45 pm Kansas City & St. Joe..a9:16am Kaasas City & Su Joe.. a 4:36 pra Arrive. a 3:30 pm a tt:o8 pru a 7:40 pm al3:06 pm al0:26 am b :33 am a 0:60 am a 3:55 pm a 7:26 am al0:i3 pm all:4u am a 6:45 am a 6:06 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH A WEBSTEIi Missouri Pacific Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 3:60 pm b!2:30 pra CONDITION 0F0MA1LVSTRADE Ifore Bnyen on the Market Last Week Than for Some Time Fast. BUSINESS IN COUNTRY SATISFACTORY Aside from m Reduction In Sugar of Tea Cents Per Hundred Pounds Very Few C hances Took Place. Trade In Omaha and surrounding terri tory last week was or very satisfactory proportions. Local Jobbers reported a good many visiting buyers on the market, owing largely to the fact that conventions of various kinds brought a good many mer chants .to the city, and as a result liouso business with wholesalers was better than It has been for some little time and better than usual for the time ot year. As a general thing tho retailers who were inter viewed on the subject reported business out through the country as being In good shape. W armer went tier would of course make lightweight goods movo more freely, but at the same time there has been an excellent trado on medium weight stuff and that has morn thnn offset the lack of ac tivity on atrlctly warm weather goods. That trado Is bound to come later In the season. Such lines ns shoes are a little slow, as It takes hot Weather to make ipople lay aside their winter footwear. Inrdware, lumber, farm Implements, furni ture, dry goods, groceries, and in fact nearly ull lines handled by Omaha Jobbers, seem to be going Into consumption at a very satisfactory rate. Omaha retailers have also been doing a very fair volume of business and very little complaint Is heard from any quarter. Dealers In all lines seem to be confident of a good, brisk demand throughout tho spring and summer and In fact see no reason why business should not continue in good snap for some time to come. Markets on most lines have been rather featureless during tho week under review. Groceries have fluctuated up and down to some extent, but most lines have been about steady. This, however, is a time of year when changes on staple lines are not very frequent. Those who are in a position to know predict good, healthy markets for some, time to come. Sugar Trifle Easier. Wholesale grocers report the volume of business in their llii for last week as being heavier than It was the previous week and It also compares very favorably with a year ago. The market on most lines Is being firmly held, but the sugar market Is a trifle easier than It was a week ago. The reduction on refined grades at this point amounts to about 10 cents per loo pounds. Jobbers say that It is rather difti cut to tell at this time what the final out come will be, as the future courso of the market depends almost entirely upon the condition of the raw market abroad and RAILWAY TIME CARD Chicago, St. Paul, Mlnnenuolls A Omaha. Twin City Passenger... b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. .a 2:00 pm all: 10 am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am A dally, b dally except Sunday, d dally except Saturday- dailv exceot Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS. ANCHOR LINE tt. 8. MAIL. STEAMERS. NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior accommodation. Excellent Cuisine. The Comfort of PHangirs Carefully Considered. Single or Round Trip Tukets issued between New York and Sootf-h, Engllph. Irish and all principal con tinental polnti at attractive rates. Bnd for book ot Tours. For tickets or general Information apply to any local agent of the Anchor Line or to HENDERSON BROS, General Atfents, Chicago, 111. DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO NORWAY, SWEDEN AND DENMARK By tha fast 10,000 ton twin-arrew ' steamers. I daya rrom New York to Bcandlnarla. Oscar II June 1 Heillg 01av....June 21 United States... July 5 Oscar II July 19 HelllK OlaT....Aua. t'nlted States.. Aug. II Oscar II Aug. 30 llelllg Olar...Sept. 13 SCAXIJIXAVIAN-AMEHICA UXK, No. 1 Broadway, New York, or Local Agents. upon the consumption of refined grades in tins country. One of the largest con sumptive tlods of the ear Is now at hand and the demand during tho next thirty to sixty days will depend Upon how seriously the fruit crop over the country at large has been damaged. A good fruit crop always means a very heavy demand for sugars, but It is Impossible at this time to tell what the final outcome of the crop will be this season. Haws were a tritla firmer abroad on Thursday, but on Friday the market again eased off. The coffee, market Is still advancing and there is every Indlca'lon of still higher prices in the near tuture. The largest operators and holders in New York are Said to be very llrm In their views and do not SHiim at all anxious to si ll except at full list prices. the cheese market Is unchanged from a week ago. the demand still being In excess ot me supply, u is fought that In two or three weeks practically all of the fac tories will lie runi.lng. at which time sur plus stock should be;ln to accumulate. The canned goods situation attracted very little attention last week. The market on corn and tomatoes has shown no Improve ment and there does nut seem to ho much prospect of any Immediate advance. Con sumption, however. Is very heavy and the surplus stock is being gradually reduced. The belief among JoIiIkts Is that the pres ent stagnant condition as regards futures is bound to rosult in a smaller pack of corn this fall and possibly a reduction In the pack of tomatoes. In the case of tomatoes, however, tho amount of acreage does not have so much to do with tho size of the pack, for with a small acreage and a favorable season It Is quite possiblo to pack nioro tins than with a large acreage and an unproductive season. That being the case, it Is seen that the acreage does not finally determine the size of the pack. There is some talk anions: Columbia river I salmon packers of either withdrawing or advancing their prices on Chlnooks. The market ott sardines and oysters is quoted strong at the last advance, but there have been few changes during the week under review. Prices on evanornteil nenchea for fall delivery were named by certain shippers last week, but Jobbers consider It too early in tho season to secure reliable Information re garding the final output. The prices named, However, are said to be about the same as me opening quotations a year ago. it is expected that apricots will be much cheaper than they were a year ago, but. so far only Bpeculutive prices have been named, and, whlU- there was some tendency last we-k to advance theso quotations, It is too early to say what level will finally be reached. Other staple lines of groceries are soiling In Just about the same notches they were a week ago. Hardware Active and Firm. The hardware market is quoted as being very active for the time of year. Fanners are, of course, very buy with their spring work at this time of the year, but never theless tho dematfn fur all staple- nnd sea sonable lines has .so tar been of very cutis factory proportions, and, In fact, better than it was a year ao. A good deal of building is in progress out through tho country and more is being planned, and all such work requires considerable hard ware. Then, too, Hie demand for all sea sonable lines, such as wire cloth, poultry netting, steel goods, ncroeii iiooi'S and re frigerators, is very lu-avy und keeping up later in the season than usual. Retailors all report business In tho country as being very brisk, with every indication of its re maining that way for some time to come. Farm implements are also moving out at a very satisfactory rato and tho demand for wagons and buggies is exceptionally laio. Tne hardware market Is In Just about the some position it was a week ago. There may have been a lew minor changes, but the more Important lines have shown no quotable changes and the market is quoted as llrm. Those who ought to know say that every Indication at the present time Is for a firm market for several months to come, as the demand from ail sections of the country is so great that manufacturers are getting farther and farther behind with their orders every day, and as lonn as that Is the case there is not much pros pect of any reduction In prices. That being the situation, both Jobbers and retailors fe-1 safe in carrying as liberal stocks as their needs dictate. Good Demand for Dry Goods. There were more dry goods merchants in the city last week than have been here at any time since the rush of spring busi ness came to a closo. A great inanv of them came for the express purpose of buy ing dry goods, while others came to attend some convention and made use of the op portunity to sort up their stocks. The re sult was that local Jobbers enjoyed a very nice business. Retailers all l.atl a good word to nay regarding tho condition of trade In the country and nearly all of them said they had sold more medium weight stuff than ever before. As soon as warmer weather sets In they expect to do equally well with their light weight goods, so that dry goods merchants, as a rule, r well pleased with the trado situation up to date. Traveling men for local Jobbers are still Out after advance orders for fall and are In the majority of cases selling more goods than they did a year ago. They find mer chants confident of a good fall trade, and as a result they aro willing to place their orders at this time. The market on most lines of cotton and wool pi. ids Is in verv much the same pof tlon it was a week ago. The market seems to be in a good, henlthy condition and firm prices for some time to come are being freely predicted. The general prosperity throughout the country tributary to omaha is having tho errect or increasing tne number or dry g,ids stores at rather a rapid rate. In speaking of this brunch nf the drr goods business a local Jobber snld that his house had sold four large opening stocks last week, and that was only a sample of the way In which men are going into the dry goods business In Nebraska, Iowa and other surrounding states. Leather Goods Mone Too Active. The lack of warm weather so far this season has rather Interfered with tho do. mand for shoes. Low shoes nre being worn so generally by both sexes that the big majority of people will not buy them until the weather becomes warm enough to make the high shoes uncomfortable, and as a re' suit a backward spring retards the shoe business to a marked iiegree. Ketati. rs. though, are doing verv little complaining, for, all things considered, they they have hud a very fair trade so far, and that convinces them that when the proper weather conditions do arrive that they will enjoy a very liberal patronngo. Orders for fall delivery are now coming in quite freely and the general impression Is that traveling men will land more ad vance orders this year than they did last. Oils and Hosln, NEW YORK. May 13. OILS Cottonseed, firmer: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 27H(fi27e. Petroleum, easy; refined. New York, $t; 96; Philadelphia and Ualtimore, il90; Philadelphia end Itnltlmore In bulk, Ron. Turpcntino, firm, MitiJVfcn, oked. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, S3.45. OIL CITY, May 13.-OIT.S-Credlt bal ances, tt.19; certificates, no bid. Shipments. 79.102 bbls., average hx .nu bbls; runs, 75.o.'2 bbls., average 7'iXin. Shipments Lima, 77.oo7 bbls., average 69.W2 bbls.; runs, Lima, Oo.Cul bbls., average 55,304 bbls. SAVANNAH. May 13. OIL-Turpentlne, steady, file. ROSIN Firm: A, R, C, J3 2T; D, ?:l .30; K. f.T40; F, $3.tO; O. WGU; H, $3.7;: I, $3.n0; K. 14.00; M, $4.t ; W. t.. $4.a; W. W $140. I'.viipornti-il Apples und Dried Friiltn. NKW YORK, May 13. E VAPOR AT KD APP1.K8- -The market remains quiet and unchanged; common to good are quoted at 4i'iHl4C, prime at n.25;io.3oc, choice at 6-ii 6V..c nnd fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA rKIKI FRI'ITS-Prunea are in moderate Jobbing demnnd at the moment, with prices ranging from ?V8"i7V, according to grade. Apricots, quiet and unchanged at VW' for choice, 11c for extra choice nnd 12'il.rc for fancv. Pe ichea also nre unchanged, with choice quoted at luTi Inc, extra choice nt loi'rdoc and fnncy at llVfU2o. Raisins are "quiet, but steady to flim; loose Muscatels are quoted nt 4Vo6L.o, seeded raisins at 6V4i"0 and London layers at Sl.rttsjfl.lS. Metal Market. NKW YORK, May 13. METALS The metal markets showed the usual Saturday apathy. Tin Is easy In tone with spot quoted at $2!l.70'n'.5.;i0. Copper is held around llfi.oWJlR.75 for lake. $lf.neff15.12H for electrolytic and $14.75Ti 15.00 for casting. Lend is quiet nt $4..r)iKii4.i'iO. nnd spelter dull at $S.fiiv?,V70. Iron was quiet nnd unchanged ST. LOl'IS, May 13. METALS Load, dull, $4.46; spelter, weak, $ii.30. Made of th finest tm- B ft I I ' 1 S Jlr ported llohemlan hops B I I I "Si str$ry and selected malt; thnr.rughly H ir - y s f bot 4M kM Omaha's Model ' JU j 80,11 CT'"' 011 dlnJllB' I Made of th finest Im ported llohemlan hops ...a .lected malt; thormiKhly erlxed after being r ' ' ' tied. ORDER A CASE The Popular Bottled Deer for Home TELEPHONE and by Increased firmness In cottons. Print cloths are tending upward. Jobbing houses liuvo been very quiet today. OMAHA W HULKS. ILK MAHKCT, Merchandise nuil Specie. NEW YORK. May 13.-Total Imports of merchnndlse and dry goods at the port of New York for tho week ending today were $12.3.'.0.r,7fi. Totil Imports of specie at the port of New York for tho week ending to day were $13,344 silver nnd $2!.222 gold. Total exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were $344,237 silver and $22,600 gold. PhlladelpTila Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 13. BUTTER Steady; extra nearby prints, 2c; western creamery, steady. EaOS Steady: nenrby fresh, ISHc at mark: western fresh, 17g17Hc, at mark CHEESE Firm; New York full cream, fnni-y old, Uhtc; choice old, 14c; new. 13 13cc. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, May 13. PRY ttOODS Few out-of-town buyers were in the dry goods market today. Tho week has boon char acterized by sharp advances In worsteds Condition of Trade and ttnotations on Staple and Fancy Produce, EOdfl Recelnts fair market utendv can dled slock, ir I.IVl.' t'liT"! TUV LIo... iniffiil.. roosters, according to size. 7'ujc: old roost ers, 6c; turkeys, 14ulfK; ducks, lie. li UTTER Pack ill if Stoek l.Vnir.Uc. rhnl,.n to fancy dairy. IMiJOc: creamerv. iri':in- prints, 24c. FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; halibut, 11c; buffalo (dressed ), !c; pU kerel (dressed), we; wnno nass (dressed). 12c; suntlsh, 6c; perch (scaled and dressed), Sc; pike, 12c; catfish, 15c; red snapper, c; salmon, 14c; crappies, 12c; eel, 16c; bullheads, 11c; black bass, 2nc; whitefish (dressed), loc; frog let's. Per doz., Soc. HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay IiealciH' association: 'hoio No 1 upland. $7.5o; No. 2, $7.""; medium, $fi5o; coarse., $i'.oo. Rye straw, $ii 0". These prices are for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $1000. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all slses, $2.75"a3.O0; fancv navel sizes 126. 1.7) 17fi. In), 216. 2Vt, $3.25; sizes r'7590" ll2" 2 50,'m2-7": ediings, all sizes, LEMONS California, extra fancy, 270, Sifl and 300 sizes, $3.25? fancy, 270, 300 and 3)10 mi""", o.'-., eiiuit . .1 and si ana :ioo sizes, J2.F.0. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. nkgs Hallowe'en, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5c, ids California, per 10-lb. carton, 7."' Sic; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, loc;- 6 rrown. 12c. , RAN AN AS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.75 (f(2.2fi: lumbos. $2.fWV.j3oo PINEAPPLES-Florlda, per crate of 24. 30, 30 or 42, $3.50. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Black, per R-lb. box. $2.00; white, per K-lb. box, fl 50 8TRA WHERRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt. case. J2.Oofi2.25. TANOERINES-Californla, per half box, CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crate, $1.E0. VEGETABLES. TURNIPS New, per dos 45c. CARROTS New, per dor., 4fic. PARHNIPS-OId. per bu., 40c. WAX BEANS Per -bu. box, lj strlns be.xns. per H-bu. box, 75c. POTATOES Homo grown. In sacks, per bu., 30c: Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per ib., 6c. " BEANS Navy, per bu., 2. CUCUMBERS-Per dux. 4f.'575c. PEAS-New, per box, $1.76i(j2.00. TOMATOES Florida, fancy, per 6-basket crate. $2.75: choice, per 6-basket crate. $2.26. SPINACH-Ter bu., 50c. ' CABBAGE California In crates, per lb., 3c. BEETS New, per dox. bunches, 4nc. ONIONS New southern, per dos. bunches. !70 sizes, $2.25 $2.00; 15c; Bermudas, per crate of about 50 lbs.. $'' 25 RADISHES Hot licuso or southern, per dox, 2T.C. LETTUCE Hot house, per dos., 45c; lieo-1 lettuce, per dos., $1. PA R8LEY Per do, bunches, 45c. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per do, bunches, 40"i45c MISCELLANEOUS. CH ESSE Swiss, new. Pic; old, 17c: Wis consin brick, li.c; Wisconsin llinburger, 15c. NUTS --Walnuts, No. 1 soft sheiis, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb.. l;ic; No. 3 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, p. r lb., 12c; small, i r lb., Pv; peanuts, tier lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., xo; Chill limits, per lb., 12u'i:iV; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per U.. l."e; chestnuts, per lb.. 12Vifl3c; new black walnuts, per l.u., 7.-..iK sle llli.irk hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.5o. HIDES No. 1 green, 7Ho; No. 2 green, 0'.c; No. 1 salted, Sc; No. 2 salted, 7V i No. 1 veal calf, lnc; No. 2 veal calf, 5c; dtv suited, 7il4c: sliep lells, 25c';$1.00; horse hlil.s, $1 rii3.00. Milwaukee irnln Mnrkct. MILWAUKEE, May 33.-WH E AT-15T20 up; No. 1 northern, $1.'; No. 2 northern, $1.08. 1.07; July, S7tjc. bid. R Y E Firm; No. 1 7.S'ic. BARLEY Hull; No. 2, 61c; sample, 35. 50e. CORN V4c up; July. old. 4ko, bid. OLD ROWAN TOWN UNEARTHED French Peasant Mnkea Discovery Which Lends to New Excava tions In France. PARIS, May 13. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Maurin, a peasant, has made a remarkable archaeological discovery at a place between Memle nnd Chatcauneufsur Rnndon, In thp Lozere. While digging over waste ground the man came across tho ruins of a dwelling, under the floor of which he found a silver box containing a collection of valuable coins of the third century. Heads of the Roman emperors of tho period are plainly visible on the old pieces. The ruins are said to be those of a Roman villa, evidently luxuriously fur nished. There are still traces of frescoes on tho walls. Since tho peasant mudo his discovery further excavations were started and are continuing. Traces of other buildings have been brought to light, and It Is believed that they are those of a small Roman city which once existed on the spot. Tho walls of the house discovered show signs of hav ing been burned, and it Is believed that tha city may have been destroyed by fire. Great Men Dead and gmm -jf 1 Great Men Living S I -:-XiiW.i r.' ,v mmmxz! vv mi'- t' r. -W.. ...... ... Will talk to you through The Columbia Graphophone. Think of listening to the voice of a celebrated man who is long dead and buried, to hear him as though he were right in the room with you, to almost see his gestures, to listen to him delivering some great oration. IT'S A FACT. YOU CAN. 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