TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: PATrRDAY, MAY 13. 1003. 13 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bids of Kinetj-Fie CenU Cash WbetU Midi fot Intuitu. 5 Vr TO- first clean, $4 PC'S 4 10; second clears. $2 Si. LRAN-In bulk, $li NO CLREAL OFFEND EVEN AT THAT PRICE Hollar Vtkrtl Refore En of Month la ( Talk Corn Falls Brian Irtltrdtr'i Flgnre. OMAHA. Mar 12. lfNlG. Bids of P6e for nisn uwi veil made on too grain exchange toiiay. Tint ia ou .c Hoove. tui. ruay s Liua anu ! ab.,ve ticse i'i tne tusi ji the weea. No grain was ilulpl at th.it figure. Douar wheat bt. 1 mil i t toe inonUi la common talk uujui the exchange. ouiy Dfui vui.iiueu Its steady upnard ijiuveiji"lit to hoTc. slay tiiitt'd at 9-',x. r.ma us yetstei nay, ami Septerimer at ,o. Crn opened ui.,.ut in saine, but dropped ul. IwluvV yesterday. May closed at aa 4c, t.l.l July at 4ic, iw juiy at n it, ntw epternuer at iiifcc and oid at 44ic nata lontinut-u firm at about me same ligures. Kanaaa City wheat storks have decreased l.tnju bushels an lar thia v.eeg. At Chl idu Smi.iko uusi.els of .No. i Was cleared ekteiday, going to eastern mil la. At Min neapolis i2h cai of tvtie.it were loaded out of the elevators yesterday. There la Hume Improvement at various mai kets In tha flour business tn the last few aaya, orders omlng from the, east fur prompt ship ment. This shows a disposition on the (.art of buy era to purchase only fur Immediate w anis. A Minneapolis wire to the Adams Grain company says: "Cash situation is very strong ; too much water In tn Red rlvar valley. !' Today's Inter Ocean aays: "Valentino, who bought most of the July wheat when the crd were selling It early In the week, has. the pit thinks, i-old S.omi.i'OO bushels tli laM two d:4.ys. It la also claimed that part of It has Ir en taken bark throuxll broke', iii'iulries by elevator men. based on the i ial.ii of Jones that the southwest had lost It eariy advan'.axo and would harvest in earlier than usual, were sent out vesterday. llubb.rd Mofflt. Pt. I ou'X. replied: " "ndieatlons are that wheat harvest will bo five X" ten days earlier than average, a.'d conditions are good.'" Chicago says "Howard Pirtcll s estl tnate. c,f world's available wheat supply .ilmws a docrea.'-e of V.,itti,tr) bushels for April, compared with a decrease of 4,i00vio bushels in April of last year. This shows the big consumption that has and is going on. for expirts from Argentina and Russia and some other countries have tieen record breakers lately and this Increase In the reduction has been In the fare of that. We vill l.ejir mro of this for the months of ilny arid June." Hrocvi'h ill cables from Liverpool: "Wheat markets In Argenllna easy In tone, although tliere is an active foreign demand. Ar rivals from the Interiors have again he come liberal, while the quality continues satisfactory. Plowing Is making good progress. Corn markets steady, with good export demand Arrivals from Interior are fair In volume and the conditions are satis factory." Corn trade was light at Chicago. There was a little covering of old July by the shorts. Peoria wires to Omaha that there Is a good Inquiry from the south for corn and that some grades are up Vc Boston cleared 172.000 bushels of corn. E. W. Wagner, at Chicago, In a dispatch to Punderland l'idtke, says: "Distress threatens the bears because of the strin gency In the old crop. There Is no relief for the hears In a large crop for the early months." Omaha ( ash Prices. n r.l 1 i I', t, IJMI'l. o,iiiiv, il. lini... EOSSSc; Nil 4 hard. 60i:; No. t spring, !c. CORN-Ko 4fic; No. S. 4fio; No. 4. 4ftc; ro grade, 4iiT4:ic: No. 2 yellow. 464c: No. S yellow. 44t; No. 2 white, 4fiVic; No. 3 white, 46c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 29c: No. mixed, rsc; No. 4 mixed, 2Vc: No. 2 white, .V' (IIICAGO CRAI AMI PROVISIONS Fratarea ( lb Iradlnc and ( loslaa; Prices na Board of Trade. CHICAJO. May 12 Cold, wet weather In the northwest created bullish sentiment in the wheat pit hr today. At the close July wheat was up i,'ii V. Corn Is oft Sc- "a is show a loss of 'U -'. I'rovlsiotis are a shade to lower. The strength In wheat developed after trailing was well und r way. Early In ti o session sentlmenl was about evenly di vided. Urilliant weather throughout the west and Southwest about offset the effect of higher prices at Liverpool, due to de creased shipments from Argentina. July l ned a sh-i.le to Vu V- hlgtu-r at M's'iji-u. Aftrr touching &iic, July eased oft to Nii : on selling by pit traders who were Influ enced by the Improved weather conditions In the west an 1 southwest News from tho northwest, however, whs di-iidiily bullish. A dispatch from Minneapolis stated tout weath' r in that section was extremely un favoiable f r the growth of the spring sown crop, cold rams retarding the devel opment of the plant. Shorts cover, d freely as a result In response July rallied to ' tiSj'.c. A mesfage from Kansas I lly Inti mated that receipts there would soon show a material Increase, started lllieral profit tnkmg. With a temporary lessening of de mand prices declined, July selling off to M'o. A quick recovery followed on re newed buying by shorts. The market closed strong and nearly at the highest point of the day Final quotations on July were at Wc. Cleaiances of wheat and flour wero equal to l.U.(!0 bu. Kxports for the week, according to Rradstrect s. were equal to 8:i9.() bu. Primary receipts were Ini.uw bu., compared tvliJi 1'.4"1 bu. a year ago. Min neapolis, Dultith and Chlcago reported re ceids of 90 cars, against til last week and 7 a year ago. owing to clear weather In the corn belt the sentiment today was bearish. In creased shipments from Argentina fur nished an additional Incentive to sellers. A feature of trailing was heavy selling by a prominent commission house. The market closed at almost the lowest of the dav. Julv opened unchanged at i,c and closed at 4;"e. Local receipts were 41 cars, with 2 of contract grade. Kxcellent weather was a weakening in fluence In the oats market. Cash houses were the principal sellers. Julv opened a shad" to 1,0 lower at ,c to LI'Sljc, sold oft to 29'c and closed at i'u-ic. Local receipts were K3 cars. Higher prices for live hogs held the pro visions market comparatively steadv. The volume of business was light. July pork closed nt a loss of fie at $12.4TV. iVrd was oft L'tjc at J7.15. Ribs were a shade lower at $7 .. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, none; corn, 7 cars; oats, fl cars; hogs, 11, mx) head. The leading futures ranged as follows: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market it AotiTa and Makes Cooiidertbla Show of Strength. ST. PAUL LEADS THE ABVANCE Rumors of riaas to Increase Divi dends oa a aaber of Issaea tloslna; la Dall and Hestr. Artlclfs.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes y. No. S white. standard, 30c. Carlot :!Hc; No. 4 white, 29c; Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 1 44 83 Kansas City 4 19 7 Minneapolis 78 Omaha 1 7 9 Puluth SU Louis 9 13 44 Miaaeaiiolla Wbrat Market. Tha range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edward-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Article. .Open. I High. Low. Close. Yest. 1 05 Mi Wheat May. .. July... Spt... t'.rn ! July...47iSiV Sept... I 4,"! Dec... 44V,! 1 05 99 47 . 47', 4 06 97H 80 c. 4rt 4t;S, 44 W I 1 06Vj! 4H' 44 1 04 no's 47H 47' Wheat May Julv Sept. Corn Ms v t.Tulv tJulv t.Sept. tKri.t. t 'a ts Ma v Julv Sept. Prirk--Ma v Julv Sept. Lard Ma v Julv Sept. R . Mnv Julv Kept. I maw 47nf4 47V 47 I 6V 4!H! 47H 47-S 47m 47m I 4SHI 4fi', 3V.! I 12 15 12 5H 12 70 47 47k 4H 4eV,fj 4'iS,4t,VS:V.I 47H 4!" 47V. 47, 47Vs NEW TORK. May 12 Stocks made a considerable show of strength today, and the demand expanded suflicientiy to al most double the volume of transactions over that of several previous days. The dull, resisting power shown by the mar ket this weeR gave notice that the liquida tion had spent its force, but it was evi dent from the small recovery effected up to late yesterday that there must be a considerable outstanding short Interest which had refrained lroin covering In the exjiectatlon that there was to be a renewal of the liquidation. The sharp flurry late yesterday In the Northern securities group demonstrated the vulnerable position of this short in terest and served to encourage a continua tion of the campaign against It today. The movement started In a hesitating way and there were several halts before It gained headway and spread to Include pretty much the whole list. St. Paul was the leader of the advance and the first re sponse to Its leadership was moderate, es pecially amongst the other Pacifies, which rose so strongly yesterday. The move ment had to contend also with the sharp weakness of Consolidated and Brooklyn I'nion Uas on account of reduction lit their dividends Induced by the legislation to wards the enforcement of lower rates for gas. This announcement todav exola'.-ed yesterday's weakness In those stocks which was attributed at the time to an alleged leak of Information on the decision to be handed down by the United States supreme court on a pending franchise tax case. The most effective Influence towards the recovery In prices was the successful com pletion of London settlement, today being pay day there and lormlng a new point of departure for a new two weeks' period. The failures which had been feared did net develop and London was a heavy buyer here for the new account. Some belated t N. V., N. H. effect was felt also from yesterday's gov- J Per Mniutu reserve In the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, ll."9. 7.'S,118, gold, t,J18,79. Sew York Moser Market. NRW TORK. May 12,-MONEY-On call, easy. 2flt4 per cent: closing bid. 24 per cent; offered at 21 per cent; time money, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days. It per cent, six months. S't per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER JV54S per cent. 6TEKLINO FXCHANGE-Fteady with actual business In bankers bills at $4 m7''t 4 Sti75 for demand and at H 84ofi4 Mlo or sixty day b'lls, posted rates. 14 8.'v and M 87W Commercial bills. S4.r4Vij4.MV B1LVER Bar, E7V. Mexican dollars. 44 Vc BONDS Government weak: railroad firm. Closlns prices on bonds were: ...IMS L. N unl. 4. mil ...1044 Minhltltn r ( 4I...1M1 ...! hfi. i .ntrl 4 ...lot da itt inc 21 ...1-11 iMinn st. L. .... T M . K T. 4 1M ...104H do In k 1"41 N R. R. of M. C. 4. l1k 1 N. V. C. g. .t ..!'.! N. J C. (. t.1 .lull's No Pirlfiu 4s V: . V dn Sr tb- .l2 S. it W. c. 4s 10J .11 1 ii s. L rtdg 4 . M Finn roliT !' ln24 .ll:!1 heading grn. 4b 1":: . 4 Pt U .- 1. M r l .1114 77 St. L. 8 F fg. 4 t' g. rf te. rg do coupon V. 1. . reg do coupon I'. . new 4b, reg do CCJien t. g old 4B. rrg. do cnupon Am. Totuero 4fl, ctfa. do C. CtlB AtrhlBon gn. 4b do adj. 4b Atlantic C. L 4a ... Bal. Obis 4a do SWB Central of Ga. (a ... do lBt Inc dn 2d ln Cb. A Oklo 4'a . .. ( hii ago A. JW.. ('.. I). A . n. 4s.. C, R 1. a V. 4a.. do col. 5a Cl'l'. St. L. . 4s Chicago Ter. 4b Colorado Mid 4a... f olo. A go. 4a Cuba &a, ctfa I A H O 4a Matlllara' Sec. Sa. .. Erl prior Han 4a... do gen. 4a. F W. A D. C. la.. Hocking Val. 4Hts.. Japan a. ctfa Offered. .10714 St L. S W c. 4 . Hi Sf.l.,,.rd A. L. 4s.. .Kn) So. Pac-ltlc 4a . i . In. Railway as . t!4:Teias A P .Mosj T . St U A W. 4a. . a tnion Ka.inc 4a... . 'itSi do conr. 4s . M V. S. Steel Id Is.. 1"5 Wahafh la .1004; do deb. D . 0 iWslrn Wt. 4a.... .1011, ;W. AUK. 4a . '.'! Wis Central 4a..., lliiJnrn rtra .111 I do 4m ctfa I . HI ' .111 .12SH . M ..124 .. 4- ..nvt .. 74 .. s .. 44 .. .. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cftttlo Receipt! Light ud Trioei Held Just About Etetdj. HOGS OPEN STEADY; CLOSE SHADE LOWER Moderate Receipts of Sheep and Lambs and with Fairly Good Demand ITer thing Sold la Good Sea aoa at iteadr Prices. Rerelrts were: Official Monday ... Official Tuesday ., Official Wednesday Official Thursday ., Official Friday BOCTH OMAHA. May 12, Cattle. Hogs. 4.070 .t: t.HA 1.330 6.1.49 10.t'9 .un tin 8,169 Sheen J.t 4.?-S ISM S :) Boston stocks and Ronds, BOSTON, May 12-Call loans, 34 per cent: time loans. SV per cent. Official cKsmg or siocks and oonds: Atchlsoa adj. 4a.. do 4a Mfi rantral 4a... Atchlaon do pfd Boston A Albany. Pnston A Maine.. Boston Elevated . ritchburg ptd Mexican central H. 7 22V 7 371,1 7 7 074' 7 30 7 65 2!4 284 12 25 12 Si 12 724 I 7 224! 7 3?4i 7 574! 7 0741 7 30 I 30V soii f?s, 304 r; .f'-Hi'J'O'', i7 12 25 12 45 12 674! 7 20 7 35 7 524 7 0711 7 274' 7 60 I -1 ' 12 25 ' 12 474 12 674 7 20 7 35 7 524 074 3.1 ' 624! ''4 -4 12 30 12 5:4 12 74 7 20 7 374 7 7 074 7 30 7 55 No. tOld. New corn. WEATHER I THE GRAIN BELT Excessive Rains In Middle Cooler South. Valler. OMAHA. May 12. During the past twenty-four hours heavy to excessive rains were general In the middle Mississippi, Oljlo valleys and lower lake region, and lighter rains were scat tered throughout the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and the northwest. The weather la much cooler in the lower Missouri, middle Mississippi and Ohio val leys, and warmer in the Atlantic states, and everywhere west of the Missouri rlvei. Light frosts occurred in western Iowa, South l'akoia. Nebraska and Kansas and heavy and killing frosts In North Dakota and the mountain districts. , Omaha record of icinierature and pre cipitation compared with the Corresponding day of th past three years: 1S. 1904. 19113. 1902. Minimum temnerature.... 4.1 4 51 62 Precipitation 00 .06 .K3 .00 Noimal temperature for today, 60 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. .62 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1901 1 31 Inches Deficiency corresponding period In 1901 .86 of an Inch. OMAHA DIJTRlCT P.EPORTS. Temp Etations. Max Ashland. Neb.. INew. Cash iiuoi-iticns were as follows: FLOCR Firm; winter patents, $4.10 4 20; winter straights, 13.vVfi4.1iM; spring pat ents, S4.5"a5.0fi; spring straights, S3.SiiiH40; bakers S4'i53.0. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 97gfl9c; No. S, 9S 9Tc; No. 2 red, 944'S)7c. CORN No. 2. 4sc; No. 2 vellow. 5010. OAT9 No. 2, SO-Vc: No. 3 white, 30V8 i-c. RYE No. 2, 744'a75c. BARLEY 1 looo feeding, 37'340c; fal- to choice maltlna;, 45I& 4c. SEED No. 1 flix, $1.25: No. 1 northwest ern, SI 39. Timothy, prime, $3.00. Clover, contract grade. $12 .iV!5 12.5o. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 112.259 12.30. Lard, per PO lbs., $7.20(67224: short rlbes sides (loose 1. ST'i'jT.U. Short cl-ar sides (boxed), $7.124ifi7.23. Following were n.e receipts and ship ments of flour and greln: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, hbls 11.10ft ll.OilO Wheat, bu I.000 19.200 Corn, bu 62.5O0 104X0 Oats, bu 94.2O0 142.2i1 Rye. bu 3.2oO 2.000 ltarley. bu 29,7o0 17.400 On the I'riduce exchariRe tmlsy the but ter market was steady; creameries, 20iff;4c; dairies lUfKHo. Efts. steady, at mark, cases included, 144c; firsts, 154ftl8c: prime firsts, l4c; extras, lbc. Cheese, steady, 134 4j14c ernment report on the promising- condl tlin of the winter wheat crop and this was reflected In the special strength of a num ber of southwestern railroad stocks. There was a resumption oX activity also by a number of old pools In various stocks which have desisteo. lately from operations under the discouraging conditions in the market. A number of metal stocks, which have been under the influence of merger rumors from time to time were conspicu ous instances of tills kind of activity. An other field of revived activity amongst the professionals was the circulation of rumors alleging the existence of plans to Increase dividends on various stocks. The subsidi ary 1'ennsylvfinla stocks and Reading were notably affected by this influence. The preliminary estimates of tne currency movements promised some decline In the cash reserve of the banks owing to the week's large absorption by the sub-treasury. It La supposed that there has been some surrender already of government de posits by the banks in anticipation of the maturity on Monday of the call of the sec retary of the treasury and this Influence has been felt also In the movement of currency from the interior on account of remittances made by interior banks to meet drafts on their New York correspond ents for repayment of the government de posits. Money, however, continues ex tremely easy. The buying ami bidding up of stocks was regarded as In large part di rected against the short interest and the forced covering by this element was an Im portant factor on the day's strength. Pro fessional profit-taking clipped the day's gains and the closing was dull and heavy. Bonds wero firm. Total sales par value. $2,425,000. I'nited States 2s declined 4 and 3s 4 P" cent on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Bales. High. IvOW. Close. t'nlon Pacific Amer. Arga. Cbeni. do ptd Amer. Fneu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amar. Woolen do pfd Pomlnlon I. A S... Edison Elee. lllu... ftanera) Electric ... Masa Electric do pfd Mass. nsa I nlted Fruit Inltad Rhoa Mark., do pfd V. tS. Steal do pfd , Westing, common . Bid. . M Adventure .1"2 Allnuez . it t Amtlcamated . A-S American Zinc .1IS Atlantic .if.6t Hlnajism 1, (!. A Heola. .lr.7 Centennial .144VCoiiper Kanga . . Ibaljr West .in pomlnlon Coal .1o Franklin .13A Granbv . Ht Hie Kerala ... . a'a Mass Mining . I t Mli biran ,.137 ,.1 ..Ml . J ,.1"4 Mobink Mnnt C. (t C... Old pomlmon .... Osceola Pa 1 rot SU4 Quin.r .24a .176 . 17 4SH sharnon Tamaiaik Trlnlljr t'nitcrt Copper 1; S. Mining.. Oil .lriTv r. s . 6 U tah . J2W:Vlcti.rla . . 31 Win, ma . . Wolvtrlna . (4 I . .. . M . . i: a i-1 .6(2 . IS . 7! . 11 .. 7 .. i ,. US ,. j:h . k ,. 114 .. H . iS .. K .. 3H .. 23V ..l.KI .. I . Ill .. t .. S5H .. 8I' .. 10 .. 41 .. i .. 10, ..101 Five davs this week. . .14.090 J4.r,3t 19.477 Five days last week 12,110 87. OM !il) Panic days week before.. 15. 575 4O.6O0 9.301 Same three w eeks r.go. .17 6:2 S3.W J.i'li Same four weeks sgo...20.U2 TS 519 33.571 Same days last year 14 131 S4.5;5 12.417 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omalfa. for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 19f. 1!"4. Dec. Cattle 209911 S5S412 tV .511 Hogs sr 743 9.321 72.67 Sheep 61S.2.T4 616.6L"! 39 The following tsbie shows th- average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: London Stocks and Bonds. LONDON, May 12. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Consols, mnnar do account . . . Ar.aconda ...... Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. M4N. Y. Central. WW I Norfolk 4k W. . V do pfd .... . s4'4 Ontario dr W. .Hfi IM'ennsTjvanla 174 a0 l es lllW'Rand Mines l"- Canadian Pacific lt-f; rleadlng 4 in-. Auburn. Neb. 'olumbus, Neb.. Kialrbury, Neb... Fairmont. Neb... Or. Island, Neb Ha.rtli.Kiun. Neb; fakdale. Neb.... Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb... Cur-oil. la Clarlnda. la Slhley, la Hlomx Cliy, la ... Storm Luke. Ia.. Kaln. Aim. Inches. Bky. Pt. cloudy Cloudy I't. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear 6"! 40 .-) 7M M .00 63 :r9 .('2 71 .V .02 56 89 T 67 4o .00 45 .05 53 .14 75 43 T 72 S9 .00 77 37 . 00 to .) 71 34 T 64 40 T 73 3S .00 DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. 01 Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Mhx. Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 23 72 4S 1 Oo Columbus, O IS 74 6tt 1.9s Des Moines, la... 14 74 40 .5.1 lndianaMills. lnd. il SO i.S 1:1 Kansas City, Mo. 1 SO 44 .10 Uiulsville, ky 15 let j4 MinneaKlls '.'7 62 S4 .70 Limaha. Neb 15 w M M Bt. IajuIs. Mo.... 11 so 4S .14 L. A. V.'LLSH. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 12. WHEAT-Mav, 91c; July, 7541i75'c; September. 7Ki714e. Cash: No 2 hard, $l.U'Cy 1.03; No. 3. Socjj $100; No. 4, 7K$i91c; No. 2 red, $1.00tl.o4; No. 3. iKicifitl.Oo; No. 4, 7Sj93c. CORN May. 4tv,c; July, 44c; September, 4'.'44i42Sc. Cnsh: No. 2 mixed, 4N'H'44c; No. 3, 474c; No. 2 white. 50c; No. S, 49c. OATS No. 2 white. 3241324c: No. 2 mixed. 31c. HAT Steady; choice timothy, $9.50fcl0.00; choice prairie, $7.75i8.O0. RYE Steady; GMilic. EG15S Weak: Missouri and. Kansas new, No. 2 whltewood cases, cases Included. 16c; case count, 15c: cases returned, 4c less. BUTTER Creamery, 2oiu23c: packing. 15c. Receipts. Shipments. wneat. ru n.4" Corn, bu 24.OO0 Oats, bu 17,000 37.600 IS.603 S.OuO .3l0 2.400 1.4(i0 23 too 10,400 2(H) 3,400 4.900 1,300 55,900 100 1.4o0 l.ecni i' 2oO KW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations tn Various Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. t. Loots General Market. BT. LOriS. May - 12.-WHEAT-Market firm; No. t red cash, elevator, 9.'4u74c; track. $1034'ul0i; May. WSo Lid; July. f9c; No. 2 hard, 98c. cYiKN Market easy; No. X cash, 5o4c; track. 52c; May. 4tVo49c; July, 464c OATS Market lower for cash; No. 1 cash, 304c; track. 314c; May, 3u4c bid; July, K74c; No. S white, J3c. FLOL'R Quiet; red winter patents. $4 85 45 4 SO, extra fancy and straight, H Ji-feH ii; clear. S3.6fu3.90. SEED Timothy; market steady; $2 00 150. CORNMEAL Steady; $2.60. BRAN Fair demand; sacked, east track, 72(jj7Sc. HAY Steady: timothy. IS.OOtfjniOO; prairie, fiMKqit 50 IRON COTTON TIES 99c. RA(101N0-4c HEMP TWINE-4e. PROVISIONii-lHirk. lower: jobbing, Sit 45. I.ard, steady: prime steam S6 72U. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts and clear ribs, $7,374; short clears. $7.60. Hacon. steady: boxed extra shorts and clear ribs. $ 00 ; short clear. $S 26. POCLTRY-tJood demand- chickens. 104c; springs, SiwtfJTc; turkeys, l2c; ducks, l5c; geese. 6c. BUTTER Market quiet; creamery, to 4c; dairy. I74jk. EGGS Market lower at 134c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls . S.fss) 7 itllj Wheat, bu. tJorn, bu. Oats, bu. '. .) IS 0iJ .44,000 of the Day Commodities. NEW Y'ORK. May 12 -FIXJUR-Recelpts, 13.72 bbls. ; extorts, 20.949 bbls. ; niarket firm, with lietter Inquiry; Minnesota patents, S5.45i&.C6; Minnesota bakers, $3.4(Kfi3.S5. win ter patents. $4.90ii5.25; winter straights, $4.00 tM.Si; winter extras, ft. 35 n 3. 75; winter low grades, $3.253.65. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4 U'04.60; choice to fancy, $1.601.65. RYE Nominal; western, Sue. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and ellow, $120; coarse new, $1.0S1.10; kiln dried. $2.75(62.85. HA RLE Y Slow ; feeding, 66'c; malting, 46iif.2c. c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. l.(W bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, SVVc, nominal, elevator, and Wc, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north ern, Duluth, S1.044, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 bard. Manitoba, !c, f. o. b., afloat. For eign buying and higher ctblus promoted strength In th? early wheat market, which was later replaced by considerable reaction, based on Improving weather conditions west anil unloading by tired holders. A second upturn on covering and the market clod partly 4c net higher. May, 944ijD5c. closed at 94c; July. S94,!4c, closed at idle; Sip- lemner. Msuwif, cioseu at ad"c. CORN Receipts, 10.075 bu.; exports. 174.415 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 60c, elevator, and 544c. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 yellow, 55c; No. I white, 56c. The option niarket was weak all day on the clearing weather west and closed Vd" lower. May closed at btc; July, 52 S-lfVji v.'c, closed at 624c; Septem ber closed at 52c. OATS Receipts, 93.000 bu. ; exports. 4 MO bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats. 26 to 32 lbs.. 3.'ii,4'; natural white. 30 to 32 ihs . 36Jj37c cllooed white. 86 to" 40 lbs.. a643A-r. HAY Steady; good to choice, &0S6e. Hol'S uuiet : Pai irtc coast, 1904. 2ou29c: 1903. 21fi24c: olds. 11-SlSo HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20 to 5 lhs., !oc; California. 20 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to so lbs.. 15c PROVISIONS Reef, firm: famllv. $13 50 fil4.(: mess, $ll ffj 13 6; beef hams. $21.(0 422 50; packet. $12. 6013.00; city extra India mess. 120(soC2 5 1,11 meats, stendv; pickled bellies. 17.500(1.00; r'okled shoulder's $5 5vi4.0Q; pickled hams, $9 76li) ij. Ij,rd. steady: westm stesnied. S7.2Vy7.45: refined, steady; continent, $7 50; 8. A., $8 56; com pound. $5 26fivS?4 Pork. oulet; famllv, S14fAaiR(; short cjear, $13 O0J1 15.00; mess, $13 25' 13.75. TALLOW Steadv; cltv r? no per pkg ). 44c! country (pkg. free), 44'ii44e. RICE Firm; domestic fair to -extra, JSuSc; Japan, nominal. , EGGS Flim; western storage firsts, I83 18HC. POl'LTRY-Allve. steady; fowls. 144c;' turkevs. lie: dressed steadv; western chickens, loitf12c; fowls. I(yjjl34c; turkeys. lS'l'c CHT7E8E New. easy: old. firm: old state full rream, colored and white, fancy. 14',c: old state. One. 15c; new. small, colored and white, fine 12c; old state, fair to choice liuii;4c. Hl'TTER Market quiet: street price, extra creamery, 2tiu 26ic ; oftlclal prices, unchanged. Atchison, ex-div do pfd Atlantic Coast Line B. & O do pfd Canaaian Pacific... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western C. & N. W C, M. & St. P.. Chicago T. & T. do pfd C, C., C, & St. L Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do Jd pfd Del. & Hudson Del., L. & W D. & R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley.. do pfd 111. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern.. do pfd I & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn., & St. L M . St. P. Ak S. Ste M. do nf d Mo. Pacific M., K. A; T do pfd Nat l R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y., Ont. & W... Norfolk & W do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. dfc St. Li. . Reading do 1st pro do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd St. L. S. W do pfd So. Pacini do pfd So. Hallway do pfd Texas & Pacific Tol St. L & W... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & Lake Erie..., Wis. Central , do pfd Northern Pacific. Adams Ex American Ex U. S. Ex Wella-Fargo Ex... Amal. Copper Amer. Car & F.... do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.. do pfd Amer. Ice, ctfs do pfd., ctfs Amer. Unseed Oil. do pfd Amer. Locomotive. do nfd Amer. Smelting & R. 82.300 do pfd 2.3 0 Amer. Sugar Ref 8.700 Amer. Tub. pfd certlf l'O 1024 1564 loy4 974 24!- 1V 604 1014 156 1074 97 1484 1974 494. 2"', 2204 1754 14 100 28 67 34 V 2-V4 219 1?H 184 94 01 34 2o0 100 21.700 1.700 1,200 ""2.0 6.800 100 1.3(0 , 21. M0 2-10 . 3. 600 , 3,7.0 , 1.100 900 8'0 10.400 1.600 2,000 11.400 6,0.10 6.5..0 4".8'h 2i0 60,400 8.600 1.600 2iO 2.200 S.Hsl 34.4.10 2.5O0 S.900 80 854 4o- 71' 4 674 924 1624 j4 624 147 164 764 1154 214 ii4 159 9-4. 274 614 144 604 79 1364 75 944 30 854; 424 7 4 664 924 161 4 254 274 61 146 1644 76 114 21 lis 1584 90 27 69 1434 49V 77"J 1354 74 93 294 75 66 24 644 63 119 31 78 66 24 60 62 1194 4 1,300 S3 224 . 1.100 .1561 . l.loO . ,7u0 I'M . 7rt . .2o0 . 5,700 58 1244 7 42 16 t34 60 193 67 122 i 134 4 16 804 7 190 00 244 240 74.81.0 4.3'U SOO l.loo 100 40.400 4 000 24.ISSJ 87. (i l'.,ouo Mlnneaolle Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 12. WH EAT May, Sl Of.4; July, !.c; September, l4c: No 1 northern, 1.76'1.u4j hard, tl K4 2 northern. $10!l.M4. riiOL'K-Flrat paleius, Jo.Svyt.W; No. 1 ecotid Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PH1I.ADKLPHTA. May 12. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 2444'27c; extra nearby prints, 2Sc. EiJGS Ixiwer; neartiv fresh. l4c, at mark: western fresh, 17i174e, at mark. CHE EH E Fl em : New York full creams, fanrv old, 144j'144c; choice old, 14c; pew, ii44iUVo. Anaconda M. Co. Brooklva R. T Colo. Fuel & I Con. Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Inter. Paper do pfd A..., Inter. Pump do pfd Nat l Lead No. American Pacific Mall People's Gas. ex-dlv, Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. C Republic fit eel do pfd Rubber Goods , do rf d Tenn. Coal AV I U. S. Leather do pfd T. R. Realty t". S. Pubber do pfd I. S. P'eel do nfd V. Csro. Chemical. do Pfd Westlngh. Electric. Western I non.. S 4O0 ) 13.4. 17,3.4) 6sl 200 4 &0 soo 200 24 400 6.1. a) 1.300 1.8.0 lo 100 ' i' 306 1 5.0 6.4.0 0 10.SO 84 874 994 894 19 521, 115 1184 1214 137 1894 IS to 45 1774 21 3 794 4tr 10s 874 101 44 N 19 744 3.74 lo4 84 824 86 99 Si IS 494 113 1144 12-1 1354 954 H"4 59 464 184 13 44 174 214 784 44 101 4 l.OOO (iiO 71 eo ja.eoo 2 40 fo fi,st 20 44 II64 S?4 94 rs 1"64 1714 W3S 101 14 894 94 i4 H4 354 1S 68 41 101.4 3' 4 344 1 in fcS 102 1554 i.-.'a 964 1451 198 60 83 76 2(4 2194 174', 18 324 100 274 57 844 187 (65 3v 854 424 78 67 874 924 161 4 25 49 284 61' 146 1644 75 115 21 65 1164 1504 9S 274 86 144 60 7S4 91 136, 7T) 944 VI 86 294 744 664 234 63 634 1194 314 964 33 V, B5 56 1234 96 194 414 15 . 22 484 191 248 235 124 245 834 864 98 834 95 6 S8 lfc4 43 61 1134 1174 120 136 54 1114 464 187 13 5t4 444 1764 204 79 8014 80 484 10 ti Thee. Ohio Chicago Ot. W. .. C , M. A St. P., PeEeera Denver A R. O. . . do pfd Erla do 1st pM do' d pfd Illinois Central .. Louis. & Nash.... St., K. A T Ex-divldend SILVER Bar, steady, 26 9-16d per ounce. MONEY 24'(i3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 24(32 5-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 24 'u2 6-16 per cent. do 1st pfd ... do Jd pfd Southern Railway . 171 dn pfd . 8" .Font hern Pacific .. . (no t'nlon Pacific . 4V dn pfd . 8011'. 8 Steel . Mo pfd .H4 Wabash .14l"4 do pfd . a bpanlah 4a 46 , lot . 31 . . M .12n .100 . 324 .p.l k . It'-i . 42 . 0 April April April April April April April April April April April April April April Mav May May Mav May May Mav May May Mav Miv May I 190J. '1904. 11803. 11902. 11901. 11900. :i399. 17. I 6 2241 I 7 03' 6 :l . ?l R Wl S 71 IT. 71 S 271 4 791 T 14! t 99 6 84 I 4l 3 19.. I 6 K4J 4 761 I 6 9(1 I 98 t 46 1 8 71 20..I 5 23V4! 4 811 7 111 I 6 851 6 45' S 7 ?l..l 6 ?9SI 4 79 ' 7 101 IWI I 5 421 3 77 22.. I t 821 4 811 7 Otl 86-, S 801 I S 71 M-.l I 4 811 7 01' 8 85! 6 801 J 3 24.. I 6 SHI ' 7 061 6 9S 5 7C 5 331 8 67 26.. I 6 264i 7 74' 7 til 7 03 ' 6 771 5 861 3 65 26 . 1 6 224 4 78 I I 981 6 771 6 8 3 57.. I 5 1641 4 74 6 811 16 72. i 34i 3 67 28..I6 10S 4 71: 6 S3! 6 071 I 6 37; 3 (! 29..J 6 1071 tKI 771 7 031 6 65 I 8 30.. I I 4 611 6 841 6 8:., a 64 6 32' l .. 6 1141 I 6 83 8 If.1 1 5 64 6 26, 8 2...I 5 114 4 6H: 6 76 : 7 01 6 71, 5 IS' 8 G5 S...I 6 1W i fA a 1 1 011 5 72 I 17 3 6j 4 ...I E 2441 4 591 75' ' 6 C4! 6 36! 3 68 5...I 6 30 4 f,3l 6 72; 7 03' I 6 L2! 3 62 6...I 6 2741 4 6P; 6 66' 98; 6 67! ! 8 84 7... I I 4 64 : 6 63 6 93 ! 5 69 6 211 8... I 5 171 I 6 63 7 99 5 64 o 10' 3 69 9.,.! 5 14 4 67 6 62 ? iw 5 65 6 12 S 65 10. , 5 19 14 fiSi I 7 07 ! 6 61 ! 6 15' S 62 11..! R 57V 4 64 6 541 16 65 6 1 6 ' 3 62 12.. I S 314' 4 61! 6 46! 6 991 ! 6 15! 3 66 4 nt ... 1 n s rt ... t 47 117 40 I ti ITS IKS 4 IT 4H Id ISO t fa f 177 4" 4 t: (i t4 40 1 it :t 1.14 :w 1 i'i 3 P'l . I 71 tl ... I t; i4 to 1 it 71 :: ... 4 Jt tot ... 1 it 71 i 40 I t7, 7( Ill 89 IN It I. . . I J-. 71 tJl 40 111 t! 110 MO I t:v tc Kl t ts Kl ... I 1 1 -u sit in I tt 11 I ... I S7, 41 11 i.'O t 2t :i ... ., . Tt 141 US I IS 17 'i ... I ITt 71 14 40 t a M St i:0 I IT ( 0 ait uo n iti S4t I :t.s ;s 1:1 . . I ti T7 rl 10 it 10 Sl' Kl I 15 H ft ... I JtS to M0 ! Ill M 0 4 JT't 71 SM 0 I 15 78 10 4.1 I 7 , TJ Mt 140 I 1) Is 1W I 7 12 211 40 I IS 7 lr ... I 1TW sa 1 100 Its It 1(4 ... It t il 11 40 I 15 (4 21 ISO I ITS tt t(i 40 1 tb 11 i.t so 1 71 lit IhJ I K 2'4 ... I IT 1 is .i;i ... t 7 m 120 t s;, 84 1H1 200 I to 4, .'.7 2'0 I T( 14 Ill ... I 11 t 211 40 I 2T( 40 1 10 IK H 2i 1(K t 27', 12 2wl 40 I 11 7 274 ... I 27 8 ill ... I 11 in 7 40 I 171, 47 210 lo I 26 in 1:4 10 I 2TV, It. 2?t Kp I 211 7 2:7 . . I S7tj 7 !2 120 I II 7 215 120 I 2T4 to les i I t 21? mi I I7 11 Ill ... I 25 T Ill U0 4 2TI, t 2.M I0 I 25 li J Jul) S !T, "t 2.40 1(1 I St 74 Ill ... I ITV, ti 219 :,ni I IS (2 21,4 lbO i 2T(, 71 i.v 120 I 16 la 21 II IU 74 240 so t II 71 :r7 1:0 t Kl 7J 2"1 40 ( 25 10 1!J 40 i 80 7i 2:4 UO I ti U 271 W IK til 240 J20 5 21 12 2M ... I 10 17 sirs 40 I l.s as m Joo h 30 l 24 o t. 1TV, 17 Ill ... I la !2 227 40 8 171, northern. 984c; No 2 northern, 954'fi(Sci Ms t, 9.40. Julv, ;v; Sepien b. r. S!. OATS fo arrive. .: 84c. on traok, '. OMAIII. M1IOIF.III.IL MAHKLT. Indtrstes Bundnv The official number of cnr of stock brought In today by each road was: tattle. Hogn. eneop. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Wabash Missouri Pacific Ry I'nion Paeifle system C. N. W. Ry F.. E. M V. R. R C. St. P., M. O. Ry P. ei M Ry C, P. & Q. Ry C R. I. & P. Ry., east.... Illinois Central Chicago Gt, Western 24 ! 16 4 , 10 1 . 4 53 8 1 6 32 3 41 6 13 2 1 2 6 114 16 Total receipts . The disposition of tbn receipts was as fol lows, earn buyer purchasing the number of bend indicatea: SHEEP There was a moderate run of sheep here this morning and no particular change In the market took place. Buyers all wanted a few ftoah supplies and with the exception of a few common bunches everything changed hands- at an early hour. There were seven more cars of the California wethers on sale that brought 34 25. or the same as thev sold for emlier In the week. Some lamfa and yearlings brought 86.50 and ethers 34.60 There were no choice lambs on sale, but the market could Bafely be quoted steady. As compared with a week ago the mar ket Is a little better all around, but there has been very little good stuff here for the last few days, so that It Is rnther difficult to tell Jast what choice sheep and lambs would bring. Quotations for dipped stork: Good 4l choice lambs, 15.7566 00; fair to good liunbs. In .25'(i6.76; a;ood to choice Colorado wooled lnmbs. I.l.Ot.iW.OO; ajood to rholce yearlings. I5.00ji6.25; fair to good yearlings. 1 5Ofi5.00; tiood to choice wethers. Sl Wu4 76; fair tn good wethers. (4.25t,'4.60: good to cholcs ewes, S4 -5?j4.55: fair to good ewes, 84.0O.J 4 2S. Wooled stork sells from 75c to SI per liM pounds higher than clipped stock. Rcp- reneiuaiive sales: No. 83 western cull Ismhs 6 wesiern cull lambs and year lings 74 western ewes 20 western wethers 14 western lambs and year lings 500 western lambs and sheep... 73 wstern cull ewes 2oo western e.vcs 1718 California wethers 2-9 western wethers 230 western wethers $1; strln? sacks, per 5 50 5 60 3 U0 4 00 4 25 4 50 4 50 CHICAGO 1,1 VK STOCK MARKET Av. . 65 . 78 . Kl . ltd . 86 . 72 .. 90 . . 91 ..125 .. 98 Tr 4 00 4 00 4 70 4 70 New Ysrk Mining stocks. NEW YORK, May 12.-The following are tne closing quotations on mining stocks: Adama Con Alice Breeca 1.... aRrunamick Con . Comslock Tunnel Con. Cai. & Va. 10 40 M I 8 ...It Horn silver 180 Iron surer 115 Lrfadville Con I Offered. Ut'le Ch'.et Ontario Ophlr Phmnlx I Potosl Parage I Sierra Nevada iHmall Hopes .. Istandard I 400 700 2 11 to 41 25 100 Buyers. Cattle. Omaha Parking Co 243 Swift and Company 377 Cudahy Packing Co 321 Armour Co 159 Hill ft Huntiinger 25 Hamilton ft Rothschild... 26 J. R. Root ft Co 2 Morton & G Lavton S. & S Other buyers Hogs. Sheep. 168 24 1.270 2.140 2.50S 1,156 489 249 232 229 1,387 1,238 247 Foreign Financial. LONDON. May 12 There was less pres sure for money in the market today, though the demand was fair for repayments to the Bank of England for Stock exchange re quirements. Discounts were firm. Prices on the Stock exchange were steady and trading was slightly mere active, the settle ment concluding with no further difficul ties. Consols hardened on a small Invest ment support. Americans were more cheer ful in response to New York and received fair support throughout the morning at above parity. I'nion Pacific and t'nlted States Steel were strone Southern Pacific was bought on favoiable dividend rumors. In the afternoon trading was moderately active and at the close prices were firm, though a little below the beBt quotations of the day. Japanese Improved during the early part of the day. but closed easier. Im perial Japanese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at lOirV Russians were weak. Other continentals were firm In sympathy with Purls. Peruvians were the feature of for eigners, being supported on rumors of an arrangement of the national debt question BERLIN. May 12. On the bourse today the undertone improved, but business is quiet. PARIS, May 12. Prices on the bourse today were firm throughout, owing to the Improved condition of the market in New Y'ork and the Increasing confidence in the adjustment of the Moroccan question. Rus sian imperial 4s were quoted at 88. 30 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 610. Totnls 1.345 7.810 8,333 CATTLE There was a small run of cat tle Here this 11101 nlng, and as buyers weru all wining 10 lane a few, tne market was lairly active and fully steady wun yester day on anything at all desirable Tne cat tle began to move toward tne scaies in g od season and it was not long before most everything in sight was disposed 01. Tne steer market cuuid saieiy ue quoied steady with yesteraay. The demand lor tne uetter grades In particular seemed to be in good shape considering the tune of the week, and aa higti as 16.(0 was paid for some western branded cattle, bjt they were in pretty good condition. Tne com mon and medium grades also sold without much trouble at just about Nesteruay s prices. As comparen with u week ago tne market Is a trifle lower, although the feel ing at the close of the week Is considerably beiter man il was the first half of tne week. Tne market on cows and heifers could safelv be quoted steady and some of tne choicer bunches sold at prices that looked a little stronger. As a general thing, though, the niarket could best be descrjuej by tailing it steady and fairly active. An early clearance was made, as compared Willi a week ago' there is very little ci.avnge in the prices ruling on butcher stock. Bulls veal talvea and slags ail sold at just about steady prices and about the same notches they did a week ago. Only a few stockers and feeders arrived todav and not many were wanted, as tne demand from the country has slackened rerceptlbly. Speculators claimed today that they were offering their cattle at a loss and still the movement was very light. Farmers seem to be too busy at tills time to come to niarket for cattle. Representa tive sales: BEEF BTEKK5. Cattle and Hogs Steady Sheep Strong: I. a mln Higher. CHICAGO. May 12 CATTLE Receipts, 1.500 head; market steadv; good to prime steers. tf..60fi'6.7f; poor to medium. 14.507. 6 60; Mockers and feeders. fc'.7.rK(i6.25; cows, I3.(aii6.25: heifers, $3 ik..'i5.5o; canners. SI. 00 !.; bulls. I2.75fi4.76; calves. $3.0CuS.75. HOOS Receipts. 15.0"O head: "market steady; mixed and butchers, S5 3.Vi7fi.60; good to choice heavy, S6.6tiu0.6u; rough heavy, S5.20.j6.45; light, I().3ivub.60; bulk of sales. S5.5e'i6.60. SHEEP AND LAMPS-Rerelpts, b.W head; sheep strong, lambs lo-,il5c higher; gond to choice wethers. S4 .7&H6 :'6; fair to choice mixed. !3. 0014.40; western sheep, $4 00 (&5.15; native lambs. 4.0o'u.&0; western lambs, S6.oo-g7.40. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, May 12 BEEVES Re ceipts, 8.394 In ad; niarket for steers steady to shade higher; bulls and cows firm to 10c higher. Steers, S&.2."rnjii.30; bulls, $3.25r? 4.50; cows. f!.9)ti4.5(. Cables quoted live cattlo selling at 121513c per pound to 134c dressed weight; sheep lower at 134ii? 14c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef lower at 94'&94c per pound. Exports tomorrow. 719 cattle, 45 sheep and 6,150 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 1.613 head: market 25c to 60c lower. Veals, 14.60(07.50; few choice and extra, 17.1247. 25: culls, 14.00. Dressed calves weak; city dressed veals, "55104c per pound; country dressed, tVa'l74c. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 3.041 head; market for good stock firm; other grades steady. Cllpned sheep, S3.25flo.8i; prime wooled, 13 2',Cift 65 : clipped lambs, S6.25W6.50; no wooled lambs Bold; no spring lambs. HOGS Receipts. 4.229 head; market Arm. State hogs, $6.00C10. Condition of Trade suit Quotations on Staple sad lanry Produce. EGOS Receipts, fair market steady; can dled stock, 15c. LIVE POl l.TRY-Hens. K4fillo; young roosters, ai-conling to sue. 74!?. ; old 1 Hosi ers. St : turkes. Hol.'c; ducks, lie. RPTTER-Talking to.'k. i;ii;.4c; rhob-e to 'fancy daliy, istcst ; creuiueri , 2-ti2.4c; prints. ;'4c. KK1.SH KISH Trout. I'': halibut. 11c: buffalo (dressed 1. 8c; pickerel (.bossed , 9c; white bass tdrcssedi. l-i : Rumlsh. c; perch (scaled and dressed 1, 8c; pike, l.v; ratllsh. 15i . red snapper, loc; salmon. 14. ; crat pies. 12r; eel. 15c; bull l.cvls. He; bla k bass. 2"c; whltcftsh (ilressedl, 1'8 , Irog legs, per dot., 9'c. HAY-Prices quoied by (lnish.t Wholesi'S llav Dealers' association: Choice No 1 upland. 37.5o; No. 2. $; .: me ir.im, 6 50, coarse. $ 00. Rye straw. 3 00. These prices are for hv of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $'.6.,i. TROPICAL FRl'IT. ORANGES -Extra fnucv Mediterranean sweets, all sli. s. S-' 7,V(i3 (; faucv navels, sites 126. l.-d 17(1. ..', 216. S-l sixes 80. 96. 112. SJ 5oti2.75; seedlings, all sixes. ... . . . . . LEMONS ( ooto! nln. rx:rn tancv. i,i, .11 and 360 sixes. S3 25; fancy. 2. . 3o and 3'M Fixes. S3 0O; choice 24i and 270 sixes, S2 25; 300 and 36,1 sires. S2 ,"o. DATES Per box of 30 1-ib pkgs . ; 00; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, 1 er lb.. 5c. FIGS California, per lo-lb. rirton. 751 R-'-c: imported Smyrna, 4-crown, l'V; 0- crown. 12c PAN ANAS Per roedl'im-slicfl bunch. S1.TS (12.25: itimbos. S2.5"4i3 01. PINEAPl'I ES-FlortdM, per rrate of U, 80, 36 or 42, 13.50. FRI'lTS CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Pin, k. pr fr-tb. box 2 white, per S-lb. box, SI 5 STRA WPKHRI ES Arkansas, er 24-qt. rasp. J2 nc?v:, TANGERINES-Callfornlii. per half box. 12.00. CRANPERR1 ES .Tersevs. per CIR1S, tl-60. V EGETAHI.ES TrRVIPS-New, per d,,r... 45c. CARROTS - New, rr ibn., 46c. rARSNlPS-OId. per bu.. 4ic. WAX BEANS Per 1--M1. box. be. ins. per i-b. box. ,..c POTATtFS-Homo gi. ivn. tn bu.. 30c; Colorado, per bu., 4.V; new pita toes per lb , 6c. HFANS Navv. io bu.. 12 CfCI'MPF.rS-l'er ii.. 4.MT-750. PEAS-N'rie. ner box. I1.75',i2.ts TOMATi H",S- Florida, fancv. per 6.bss1t't crate. S2 .75: cholc. per 6-basket crate, S2.25. SriNACH-l'i r bu.. r,,. ONIONS New southern, er d..x bunches, , ifie: Bermudas, per crate of about 50 lbs., $2.. C APR AGE California In crates, per lb, 3c. BEETS New. pT dog. bunches. 45c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dor . ' 6c. LETTCCE Hot bouse, per dox., 45c; head lettuce, net- d"Z., SI. PARSLEY" Per doz. bunches. 46c. ASPARAOF9 Home grown, per doi. bunches, 4t".14.rie. MISCELLANEOUS CHEESE Swiss ti"i. 16c: old. 17c; Wis consin brick. 16c: Wisconsin llnibunror, 15c. NCTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft rhells. nw crop, per lb.. 15c; bard shells, per lb.. 13c; ISO. - soil sneus. tier 10., ic; ... nam shells, per lb., l.'c: pecans, large, per in.. 12c; small, per lb.. 10c: peanuts. t, r lb., .c; roasted peanuts, per U . 8c; Chill walnuts, . per In., 1.1:4.0; aimonos, son sunn, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c: chestnuts. per lb.. 124ifi:ic: new nines: wninius, per bu.. 75(S90c; shellbnik hickory nuts, per bu.. II 75- Inrire bl. korv nuts, per bu.. fl.no. HIDES No. 1 green. 7'-c; No. 2 green, 64c; No. 1 salted. 8w,c: No. 2 salted. 7Hct No. 1 venl calf. l'V; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; drv salted, 7'iHe: shep pelts. 6cll.00; horse hides, SI .MH3.on. Metal Market. NEW Y'ORK, May 12.-METAIJ4 The London tin market was ni;nln lower, owing it was considered, to speculative develop ments, with spot closing at 135 2s 6d and futures at 133 15s. Iyocally the market was -easv, closing at S29 7.'.f29 90. Copper closed at 65 12s 6d for both spot and fu tures in London, but remained unchanged In the New York market. Uks Is quoted at S15.0ifi 15.25. elertrolyttc at 315. 001 15.124 and casting at SI 4.75ft 15.O0. Lead was un changed at $4.("V(i4 60 in New York and at 12 16s 3d !n London. Spelter also waa unchanged, closing at 23 10s In London and at I5.flOfiIi.70 In New York. Iron closed, at 52s In Glasgow and at 64s 74d In Mid dlesborough. Iyically Iron was unrhanged, with No. 1 northern foundry quoted at Sl" 251718. 00. No. 2 northern foundry at S16.75 I&17.25' No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft foundry at S17.?T,517 75 and No. 2 south ern foundry at $1(1.75(5 17.00. ST. LOI'ltf. May 12 METALS Lead: Market weak at $4.45. Spelter: Market lower at $5.26(56.30. 1014 (Mil 248 18 7414 854 4 83 114 lo4 894 41 loN 814 991. 354 I'V 171 93 Total sales for the day. 1.054.18s) shares. Bank Clearlnas. OMAHA. Mar 11 Bank clearings today were II 17J.OS0 5 and for th correspond ing date last year 11.299.511 84. Treaaarr Statement. WASHINGTON, May 12-Today4 state ment of the treasury balances In the gen ertU fund, txcluslvs o( Ui tUovtW.oCs) sold Wool Brarket. BOSTON, May 12. WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin tomorrow will say of the wool market: All dealers have flnaliy agreed on the exceedingly strong position of the market which is in the sellers favor. The new domestic wools arriving here have been sold at advanced prices as soon as received. Australian and South American wools have moved freely with values on a high basis. Pulled wools of the finer grades have also been sold at an advance over last week. The record price of 244c landed here has been paid In Wyoming. Oregon and Montana ure the only western states beyond the Mississippi which have amount of wool not bought. The foreign markets are very strong and values at the present sales have advanced t per cent over the March sales. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 29. 1904, according to the same authority, are 93.070.6i pounds against 80,326.633 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 103,442.846 pounds against fe, 197.094 for the same period last year. IjONDON, May 12 A fine selection con sisting of 14,606 bales was offered at the wool sales today. Competition was spir ited. Bouth Australian greasy combings were taken by Americans at Is. 3d. New Zealand cross breds were in large supply, but they were readllv taken by home and American buyers. Half breds and well arrown medium were in sellers favor. Cape of Good Hope and Natal greasy was firm. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wales. Ii0 bales: scored lod-fils; greasy. 6d1s. Id. Queenland, 1100 hales; scoured Is. ldffls. 114d; greasy. id'Sls. Id. Victoria. .Ht bales; scoured 64d'als, 94d: greasy. 7d31s. 3d. South Australia, 1 300 bales; scoured, 104d'i Is, 3d : greasy. 74d Is. Sd. West Australia. 100 bales; greasy. 6dlld. Tasmania. 2 hales; greasy. 84d 31s. New Zealand. 7,100 bales: scoured Is1 Is d; greasy, 7d$ls. 4Hd. cape or uooa Hope and Natal. 1 ion bales; scoured 10 10s 4d; arreaev, 5id'ST04d. ST. LOC18. May 12. WOOT-Strong: medium grades, combing and clothlna;. 27 631c: light fine. 13T36c; heavy fine, 17&20c; tub washed, 824140. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. May 12 -COTTON-Rpot closed quiet: middling uplands, 8.15c; mid dling aTulf, 8 4or: sales, 3 900 bales. NEW ORLEANS, May 12 COTTON Steady: May. 7.68c; June. 7.61ij7.63c; July, 7.6f.7.59c: August, 7 61'7 6''c; September, 7 64i7 6t',c; October. 7 .67fr7.6Sc.: November, 7sT.7lc; December, 7.72'?i7.73c; January, 7.7517.76e. ST LOl'TS. Mav 12 COTTON-Steadv; middling. 74e: sales, 176 hales: receipts, none: shinments. none: stock 48 975 bales. LIVERPOOL, May 12 COTTON Spot In fair demand: prices 8 points higher: Amer ican middling fair. 4.84d: good middling. 4.5:d; middling. 4-i6d; low mlddllnsr. 4iod; good ordlnarv, 4 02d: ordinary. S86d. The sales of the day wre 10 (0 bales, of which I.01O were for speculation and export and included 9 OO American. Receipts, 42.&J0 bales, including 27,700 American. Visible tapnlr of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS', May 12 Secretary Hester's statement of the world s visible supply of cotton shows a total visible of 4 064.443 bales, against 4. 077. 824 last week. Of this the total of American coltoa la :,76t,fU bales, against :,a,K4 No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 MO III It 1214 I 1J 1 4' I 10 14 llol 6 tl I 1M 4 00 11... llM I 1 1 103 4 10 Id... I2 I 25 11 I5t 4 11 11 1241 I M 7 UK 4 43 10 140t I 80 1 1170 4 1,0 11 125 I 10 II Sl4 4 IS 70 14.".1 I 10 4 Mt 4 64 i! 11 t 10 tt 141 4 15 Sl I tO 1 K"l 4 71 2? 12.S0 I 10 1 ISO 4 7 W 1275 I tO 13 1010 4 85 W 1321 I 10 I 11.21 I 00 II 1221 I 10 4 1.W0 I 00 1 1470 8 40 I 1101 I 00 M 1276 6 M 4 low i is 41 ia:o 1 70 11 1010 I 11 5 lifcl 5 76 1 1141 I 15 11 1400 I 11 II 11M I 10 17 1414 I 01 S 1 ELKS AND COWS. t 447 I 75 II 6l 4 ti I too 4 00 Is. 1012 I 00 I 10,) 4 15 ii Idl I 15 It s5 4 80 12 1235 I 40 11... 52 4 40 1477 I 40 COWS AND 1110 4 55 COWS. 870 1(05 110 Ill mo 710 8M 110 11. K) 170 140 7b5 1340 lout Had 1,1(0 IKKI l.HKI 1140 ll0 Tit 10(10 700 4. 1 150 710 110 ..1150 . .120 ..1140 ..Urn) .. 144) ..1110 .. tM .. 170 AND STAGS. HEIFERS. 1 00 J TS0 S 60 1 16 1 .....1180 I ts I 15 1 1110 I l 1 11 11 mo IN I 10 14 lOtJ 4 00 I 50 1 1U4HI 4 00 I 10 II. Ibl 4 00 I 71 1 170 4 00 S II 11 1110 4 IS I 00 I mo 4 25 I 00 12 4 4 15 I 00 7 12ll I 45 I 00 1 11(H) 4 50 I 00 1 UOO 4 50 t n 1 no 4 so I 10 1 1200 4 60 I 15 11 1116 4 45 I 25 1 1.U0 4 DO I 60 I :MI 4 SO 60 HEIFERS. t 65 1 10M) I 00 t 60 21 4 6 01 : y 4 7 v. 1 00 1 76 4 4.4 s 11 I 76 II 146 4 15 I 00 I lit t 44) I to 1 loo t 40 4 15 II 551 S 00 BULLS. 5 71 1 1700 4 00 I 00 1 1230 4 00 S 16 1 1610 4 00 I 14 1 1600 4 05 I 40 1 .M 4 25 I 10 1 13U 4 ti I 76 I M IK Kansas City live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY', May 12. CATTLE Re ceipts. I.2.1O head, Including 600 southerns; Market slow, steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, S5 50ft6 60; fair to good. S4.2it6.40; western fed steers, $4.50fifl.25; stockers and feeders, S3 5(fi5.(8i; southern steers, S3 b'(5 .50; southern cows, S2.25fii4 50: native cows, $2 26'(i4.90; native heifers, $3.25 66. R5; bulls. S2.75W4.65; calves, $3.0(r365o. HOGS Receipts, 6.700 head; market opened strong to 6c higher, advance lost. Top. $5,474; bulk of sales. $5 3036 46; heavy, $5.4f5.474: packers, $5. 32ft 5. 424; P'Bs and lights. S4 f4.rij5.374. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 2 000 head; market strong to active; native lambs. $5.50tf7 .10; western lambs, $R.60tft7.10; fed ewes and yearlings. $4C"fi6.15; Texas clipped sheep. 14.2014 90; Texas clipped venrllngs, $4.7455.40; stockers and feeders, $2.50Tj4.O0. ft. Lonls live stock slnrket. ST. LOUIS. Mav 11. CATTLE Receipt s, 1.500 head. Including 900 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, t5.36'd'(.ti; dressed beef and butchers. $3 50176.90; steers under 1.000 pounds, $4 50 f6.15; stockers and feeders. $3.5i(i6(iO: cows and he fers. $2.25'a5 .25: oanners. 12 HO: bulls, S3 3.VU3.60; calves. $3.0036.25; Texas 1 and Indian steers, $35xfj5.26; cows and heifers. $3.0O(fi5 60. HOGS Receipts, 1.200 head; market strong; pigs and lights. $4 006.50; packers. $4.75'ii6.56; butchers and best heavy, $5.40 4)6.60. SHEEP AND T.AMBH Recelnts, 1 500 head; niarket steadv: native muttons. $3 50 (ri5.oo: lambs. $5 OnfiS 50; culls and bucks. $3.0(x3.60; Blockers $3.0trfj3.5O; Texans, $3.00 65.00. gt. Joseph Live Clock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May 12. CATTLK Receipts, 362 head; market quiet; steady. Natives. $4 25(i6 .00: Texas westerns. $3.25 (65 25; cows and heifers. 1 76fl5 26; bulls and stags, $2 'J'-'i5 15: veals. $3.00fl5.2ri; yearlings, calves, $2.754j4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.75 5 00 HOGS Receipts, 6X96 head; market strong, 6c higher: light and mixed, 85 3oT R421; medium beavv, $5.3580.45; pigs, $4 10 04 65: bulk, 5S5fr5424- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.196 head: market active, steady; Colorado lambs, $7.05. . Rloas City l ive Mock Market. PTOl'X CITY. la . May 12 (Special Tele gram 1 CATTLE Receipts. 700 head; mar ket steadv; beeves. S4.0(16 25; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.00525; stockers and feed ers $3.00414 50; calves and yearlings, $3.00'!J 4 40. HOGS Receipts. 4 500 head; market steadv. selling at $5. lift 5. 35; bulk of sales, $5 256274. 1 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW Y'ORK, May 12. EVAPORATED AI'PLES Market continues quiet on spot, more attention being iiaid to futures. Com mon to good are quoted at 44U44c; prime, 6 30; choice, 6(!i6Vjc; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS-Prunea are without change, with quotations rang ing from 24 to 64c, according to grade. Apricots are neglected. Choice are quoted at lOlj 104c; extra choice, 11c; fancy, 11 !l5c. Peaches are also quiet and un changed. Choice are quoted at 10(iil04c; extra choice at lo4'nlo4e and fancy at 114 il2e. Raisins are moving slowly, the chief demand being for fancy seeded. Looaw muscatel are quoted at 44q44c; seeded raisins at 64fj64c and London layer at Jl.Wxjjl.lB. Sugar and Molasses. NEW TORK. May 12. St'GAR Raw, dull- fair refining. 3 13-16c; centrifugal 96 test 4 7-16c; molasses sugar. 3 9-16c. Refined, quiet: No. 6. 5 26c; No. 7, 6.30c; No. 8, 6.10c; No. 9 6.05c; No. 10. 5c; No. 11. 4.9"c; No. 12. 4 85c; No. 13. 4.75c: No. 14, 4 70c; confection ers' A, 5.70i'; mould A, 6.20c; cut l(.af, 6.56c; crushed. 6 55c; powdered, 6.95c; granulated, . 5.8f,c: cubes. 6 10c. ... NEW ORLEANS, May 12. Sl'OAR Quiet; open kettle, 3Vi44c; open kettle centrifugal. 44'i4 15-lflc: centrifugal whites, 64c; yellows, 44&S-16c; second, 34Sl4o. 1(.ll.AhM'.o .x Mliiiai, iucii m r 26-; centrifugal, C914c. Syrup, nominal. $0o. : ' Oils and Roaln. SAVANNAH, May 12.-OIL Turpentine, firm, flitc. ROSIN-FIrm; A. B, P, $3 20; D, $3 25; B. tt .16 F 13 4o: O. $3 45: H. $3.75: I. $3.90; K. . SKiO; M, $4.o5; N. $4.10; W G, $1.20; W W, .40. OIL riTl, May li. Ull. l real 1 iminniTB, $1 26; certificates. 110 bid. bhlpments, lift, 071 bbls.; average, 807.833 bbls. Runs, 82- 4!(S bbls.; average, 7B.p,z onis. cnipmenis, Lima. 55.113 t his.; average, f8 270 bbls. Ru-.iaa, Lima. 66,199 bbls.; average, 64,&tj tiuis. Coffee Market, NFW YORK. Mav 12. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at an ad vance of 6 noints to a decline of 5 points. The close was net lofr 15 points lower. S iles were reported or T6.220 hags, including May at s.7i(f.7DC; June. B.iroc; juiy, n i.on 1-0; Remember. 6 9iii7(-0c: November. 7.1' dX 7 If: December. 7.2("ti7.3.c: March. 7-30y7.3oC. Spot market quiet; No. 7 Rio, .1551 S 101 4 00 4 1st I St 1 lMt I 50 5 Ill 6 71 UTOC KLild 1 180 I 46 HOGS There was sis hi this morning, S H STAGS. 4 Tl LAliV EH. Ill 170 176 I 00 t 00 Si AND FEEDERS. S T75 4 M a fair run of hogs In but the market here onened last about steady with yesterday After the first round or so. however, snip pers had their more urgent orders filled and packers became a little bearish, and the ciuse. of the market was less active and a shade lower. The early sales were mostly at $6 274. while the later ones weie at $5 25 and $5,274. The choicer loads sold largely at $6.30 and as high as So 35 was paid for a prime, heavy load weighing 319 pounds. That makes the top today 24c higher than yesterday's best price. Although trading waa nut very active toward the close, most everything was disposed of by the middle of the forenoon. Representative sales: No. Av. Bh. Tr No. Av. Sh St l 40 I til. It 141 40 72.. at.. .1(4 ..rt t4 lot ,.114 s u- 1 11 I 25 S I 4 M. 71. 71. II.. 1S1 141 141 1M Pr. I $74 I 17 H I 171. I 17 I 171 S7 Stork In slant. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as fol'ows: Cattle. Hnrs. Sheen 1.380 $.169 8,Sb 700 4. SOO 1.2o0 6.700 2.0) 852 6895 2 196 1.5.(0 1.&-0 1 500 1,500 15,000 6.000 6.632 40, (X4 14.263 South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City .. St. Joseph. St. Louis Chicago Total Mllwankre Ciraln Market. MILWAFKEE. Mav 12,-WHEAT-Dull; No. 1 northern, $l'-il.06: No. 8 northern. ll.flnaii.04: July, sti'aodsic 01a. Kir, i-ieauy; iu. 1, ifi BARLEY Dull; No. 50c. CORN Steady; No. old. 47c bid. Liverpool Ciraln Market LIVERPOOL. May ll.-WHEAT-Market 2, 51c; sample, 38-$ i. 484454940; July, dell; No. 1 California, 6s 4d. Futures Market quiet; May, 6a 64d; July, 6s 74d; Setitemlier. 6s b'Ad CORN Spot: Market steady; American mixed, new. 4s 4d. Futures: M trket quiet; May, 4s 3i.d: July. 4s 34d Teorla Market. PEORIA. III. Mav 12 CORN-Market firm: No. 8 yellow, 4c; No. 3. 49c; No. 4 48C; no grade. 4,4'. OATS Mstket unchanged: No. 3 white S044i3o4c; No. 4 white. aifU-304c. Toledo Heed T-arUet. TOLEDO Mav 11 -BEED-Clover, cash $7.00; October, $5 67; prime alalke, $7 60 prime timothy, $1 60. nnlalh Grain Market. Dl'H'TH. May l'-WHEAT-To arrive No. 1 northern, 9tVc. On track; No. , 8c. Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. May 12 WHISKY Dis tillers' finished goods, firm on basis of $1.26. Wireless Telegraph for Islands. VALLEJO, Cal.. May 12. The naval transport Solace, which Paves the Mare Island navy yard today enroute to Ma nila, carries outfits for wireless telearranh stations at Honolulu .and Guam of tha most improved pattern. Lieutenant George C. Sweet and a cr4-w or operators Tor tne new stations will sail on the Solace to erect the plants. GOLDFIELD BULL FROG Ws are issuing for the benefit of our personal clientage a book complete In every detail, telling of the discovery of these wonderful camps and their movements to date as seen and photo graphed by Mr. Henry Ancbester und t. T. Thornton, our consulting en gineei. We are operating one of the largest high grade propositions in tha dialrlrt and will snoriiy open our subscription book for a limited num ber of sharos to be decided ui.on later. Hespectfuly Submitted, THIS HE.NKV AN4 HKVIKH COSH AN t, (Incorporated.) Mllvraakee Wisconsin. Edwards-Wood Go. ilnrorpuiatad rUln Olllce: Filb aaJ Robert 3tr!l ST. PAUL. niNV DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provision! Ship Your Grnln" to Us Branch Ofllee, 1IO-III Hoard el Trada Hide, Omaha, Meb. Velrnliona aril 4. 212-214 Exchange lildg.. South Omaha Bell 'Phone iltt. Independent 'i'uous t