r TIIE OMATTA DAILY TIPP.- WEDNESDAY. MAY 10. lOO.t. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these r.lomni will be lukra til 12 aa. for th fTlB edit lea and nnlll ) p. m. for the moraliK and Onadar edition. Ritn 1 l-c a ward rt Insertion) le a ward thereafter. Nothing takra far leoa tana 20e for tha first laser tlna. Thru Irrrllarurati noil ba ran coneecatlvely. Advertiser, kr reejaeatlaar a nam fcered rherk, eaa have answers ad dressed, to a aamkered letter In rare of The flee. Anawera addressed will be delivered presentation ol cheek. SPRING TERM OF TUB Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douglas am., now open. New rlas,;s In all departments. UUlugua free. HOHHBOUGH BROS., O.uAtlA, NEW. B Ml lerk. dress goods, $75. at once. ap tly Salesman, m per fp. tciiographei , good beginner. VKMir.n.N REF. & KO.NU ASS'N (INC.). 841-842 N. V. Lite Bldg. B-iUi WANTED-Meti new method: clinic; niul Instructions ly teachers, few wpck complete pense; uoard Included; ttsils MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand. Typewriting, Teleg rsphy. Normal and English. All umnit sessions. Catalogue free. Address H. B. Boyles, Prea., Boyles bldg., Omaha, Neb. R m moving vANsjrrr.ru1! drivers. Expressmen's Delivery Co., W. A. Gordon, mgr., 214 N. ltu at. 'Phone 11. K-MW MEN TU LEA UN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convinc you of t tils being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college In the Untied States. Writ for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 43 CITT 8A VING4S BANK pays 4 par cent. K-IK TRT KELLY'S TOWBL SUPPLY. Tel. 8530. R-818 EYE STRAIN relieved treatment; glasses to Bennett'a. by expert optical fit; prices right. WANTED Tliornmnlv competent male stenographer for worK in rauroau uw. (Jood chance for advancement for right man. Salary, l.'iO.UO per month to start. Address E 26. Bee. B664 W R-20 LAUNDRY CITT STEAM 2u a nth st. Telephone 2f4. R M320 Mi WHO'S your tallort It should be Dresner. Too busy making clothes to close. Open evenings, lblb Farnam at. R 821 ANTI-Moiiopoly Garbage Co. Tel. 1778. CI N. 11th. R-823 wish to announce that we have en gaged a first-class dressmaker; come and nee m. Goldman Pleating Co., Mo Doug Ins blk. . R-M382 Je4 VJIBRELLA repairing. Tel. 1714. Keys. 207 8. 14th. it M381 Je4x iuv-ioiHi i n wth. xei. 2971 R-824 Stoves Stored ?. Sfor u,a care. at our new location, 1206 and 1208 Douglas st. OMAHA. STOVE REPAIR WORKS. R-828 Cl'T RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, 1606 Faroam. 'Phone 784. R-827 OMAHA Safe andiron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aaf.-a. u. Andrecn, prop., 102 a. loth sr. R 828 PIANOS and household goods a specialty, Parking, moving and repairing by ex perienced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1626. Hi'hmoller Mueller Piano Co., 1313 Far- nam. K .04 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass castings. 802 Jackson. Tel, 4:12. R 829 Fire Insurance at Cost. We want a live agent In every town In N'ehraska. Write for particulars. COMMERCIAL MUTUAL FIRE INSUR ANCE CO, 1609 Farnam St. R M24S BTEINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used, 1226; bargain. Perfteld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. . R 303 BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult u. 8. sues Bureau, im ana ooo en uiag. x &31 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or Business vjuiur see comp ton-Watts Co., 535 Paxton blk. Y 832 I HAVE one blacksmith shop, 50x60, and lot 60x100, with good tools, both Iron and wood; only snop in town; good trade, good territory. Coma and see, or writs 1L A. uunman, uunaio uap. B. u. y 4W8 FOR 8AIE Paying Nebraaka drug store) U 34. Bee, excellent location. Omaha. Address ; Y-M179 TWO-CHAIR barber shop tor, sale cheap. Aaaress u (, ee. . 1 s x -r FOR SALR. drug stork and fixtures. In voice about $2,000. Good location and only orug siore in town. i;asu. Aoaress K 7, Bee, Omaha. Y M421 12 A PATENT machine for farm and ear den chicken coops, swings, corn cribs, tree cuaras, nammocKS, etc., ror sale or trade. Write ror circulars. Address Postoffloa Box No. 3fi5, Qlenwood, la. Y 427 16 FOR SALE, sn old established meat mar ket: best location in good railroad town, western Nebraska, 3,600 Inhabitants. Ad dress K 9, Bee. Y M533 13 FOR SALK General merchandise stock; In voice $5.ono to $6,000; on main street in good town: business paying good; bundl ing tor rent as long as buyer desires It poor health reason for selling. Call or write Slnmoon Krasne, Fremont. Neh, Y-M454 13 FOR SALE Coal yard In Nebraska town nf H.0O0 population. Box 62, Grand Island, neo. y 970 I4x A TKXAN, having recently sold out a large sneep rancn ann coming to Omaha t educate his family, wishes to Invest II.tO. 000 In meritorious enterprises, with nosl tlon for son, aged 26. Full particulars necessary 10 insure answer. Address B 2K, Bee. T 603 23 W A NTKD Stocks of merchandise of all kinds. Have buyers for general stocks hardware stocks. lumber, machinery, doming, etc. Answer quicmy and glv full details of what you have. C. W, fnmcrs, 600 Manhattan hldg.. St. Paul Minn. Y M712 10x CLAIRVOYANTS MADAM BUDDHA. (.ompieie rcaaings ana revelations, an predictions from Infancy to old age. l.ora tion, over 11.4 S. lbin St., upstairs.; opposit iJoeion Diore. B ti'.U JJADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady, palmist ana ciairvovuni. umce, l.ut 1 ap 1101 ava. x nuna doiu. o fllt)-i l&x GYLMEK. sulentitlu palmist. 716 N. 23d. S-79S MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, worth. 1621 Leaven. 8 7 JIIMK. huu.k, trance meauim. Readlngi and horoscopes 60 Office 210 No. 17ih, Center hotel; H blk. N. V. of P. O. Tel. B-264,. Hours s a. m. to w p. m. 8 M4ti213 WANTED TO BUY WANTED MALE HELP If a Mai uses want ads he wants results, uses Bee Want Ads he'll get If he results. Bee Want Ads Do the Business A Trial Will Convince. - . rn nriir ri I D M IO U rTfl DnnMC to learn barber trade; fjn ntli lUnilliJIltU nwwm stesdy practice n trt uiiaiincu 1 lime ex- 1 douuted. Call or write Muter Burbcr College, 111. Farnam st. B M4o4 lux ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Cnlcngo E DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Fsrnam. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern 2S10 Webster. rnone bJM. E 8..S WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knicst, 624 J' FOR RENT, desirable front room, to alngle gentleman; modern conveniences. .11 South 26th st. E 805 76 PERMANENT salary and expenaes paid reliable men outalde or tne cu ; very pleasant work. Address C. A. O Brion, 316 Neville blk.. Omaha, Neb. 898-tf ATTRACTIVE rooms, modern, walking distance. Phone. Reasonable. 4-'i 18lh st. E M405 WE sell good furniture and carpets at pop ular prices and carry tne largest siock m Omaha. Terms: $26 worth, 1 week; $100 worth. $2 week. Omaha Furniture ft Carpet Co., between 12lh and 13th on Farnam st. B-i FOR SALEREAL ESTATE good WANTED Good boys with wheels; wages. a. . 1. (jo., o.- ua WANTED. FOR V. 8. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages or is ana 35. citizens ot Inited 8tates, of good character and temperate habits, who speak, read and wrlie Kngllah. tor in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux, City, la. B 8,3 NEATLY furnished room, suitable for two, with board. 628 S. 19th st. rJ Mtm nx NICELY furnished modern alcove room. 1813 Capitol ave. E MSk U'x FCRNISIIED room In new, modern house; all conveniences. 2306 Douglas st. TAILORS, attention! If you are first-class coat makers we can use you. win pra ts. Steady work to men that are right. Dresner, 1615 Farnam st. B 648 ONE furnished and one unfurnished, or two furnished rooms In new, mooern nous, very close in. Address E So, Bee. Hi Oil 11.9 IUL HOI'SEKEEPINO. also sleeping rooms; all modern. Flat 6. 716 8. 16th, also V.1S How ard. J-. Mill i-X IF YOU are In need of a position call ana . have a "heart-to-heart ' talk wttn tiAtii, x THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-843 WANTED, men and boys to learn rjum- bing trade, we cannot supply oemanu mi graduates, $4.50 to $5.00 per day. Eight weeks cnmnlete course. Earn while learning. Address for catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co.. Plumbing Schools. Cincinnati, U., Bt. tOUlS, MO. D luo FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. eTVeL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F-857 BOARD of Trade barber shop, 1C05 Far nam; nine- cliaJra; no long waiting; best service; shaving, 10c; nair cutting. jc. B 2S2MJ31 CAPITOL HOTEU 18th and Capitol ave.; large front rooms, witn alcove, soutnern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern Improvement-. F-868 WANTED Harness maker and rbllar cut ters. Apply Schulxe Brothers Co., uuiutn, Minn. B-S95 11 PLEASANT front room, first floor, with good board, at 2113 Douglas st. SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery stock; snlarv riKht party. Address c. w. Mur phy, Lawrence, Kan. B M639 J9x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR pleasant housekeeping rooms. S. E. corner S4tn ana owara. u ji WANTED-A few first class' experienced men t sell territory in lowa; no per cent commission; an opportunity ror tne rigni men. Address Lock - Box 298, Council Bluffs. la. B M662 THREE nice rooms, with alcove, for house keeping. $20; three rooms, m; one room with use of kitchen, $10. Tel. 630. . u m;i 10 BOY wanted for general office work. Ap ply E 27, Bee, stating age, experience ana references. , v -V THREE unfurnished rooms; will be re- papered and painted. l0o Farnam. - n art ,A vj V t . iv WANTED Collector for hook and paper house; must furnish bond and references. Address E 26. Bee m-mmu lv FOUR bricklayers wanted, 19th and Far nam. x IW 11X THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 1120 N. 17th street. U 6W lix FOR RENT STORIES & OFFICES ANY person to distribute our samples; $18 weeklv- stead v. Mer. "Empire." 4 Wells st. Chicago, 111. m Miioiox THREE-STORY and haaement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First is at 1 tsunK Ridg. 1 h0 PRKPA RE for eovernment position. Call 441 Board of Trade bldg. b-m.h jo WANTED man In every county to list real estate nnrt tnke loan aDbllcations. t om- misslons or guaranteed salary. Experi ence unnecessary. Don't reply unless you mean business. D 61, care or nee. B-M7U 14 rstWSOV EMPIflTMENT AGENCY. T hsva rilsnnserl of all mv rlaht. title and Interest in the above agency 10 nuiier tk Moran, who will cont4nue at the same stand. 211 So. 14th street, and I bespeak for them the same liberal patronage I have been favored with In past months. J. S. Gibson, former owner and manager. J3 UltLV IV WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, wnicn rents ror jio.oo per month. Price includes neat, light, water and lanitor service. It Is located On the fourth floor of The Bee building: and la Just the thing for any one wanting a nice little office in tne best omce building In town. R. C. Peters CO., Kental Agents, ground floor, Bee building. 1771 IF you apply at once we can give any one aesiring h ibtk uiucw space almost any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee bldg , . ..,'1-772 AUCTION SALE 40 ACRE LOTS 35 ACRE TRACTS Saturday,May 1 3, 2 p.m. Each lot will be sold to the highest bid der, on EASY TKUJ18. You need but de posit $HUi per acre a earnest money, and when abstract is ready pay $50.oo per acre down and the balance in monthly payments of $10.00 per month. Anyone can buy a whole acre of ground on these terms or five acres. Thvro is a man on th ground every any to show you each lot. Free barges all day Saturday to carry you to and from the ground. Remember that this ground Is Just west of Melius and (Jood Luck and on the county line, Just outside the city limits. No city taxes to pay. You can walk to work at stock yards or oackinK house. Land across the road belongs to Mr. Hughes, and ne bsks si.tvo an acre lor It. vt e win wanur that some of these lota will sell for less than one-third his price. Couie and pick a bargain. N. P. DODGE & CO. RE 694 9 FOR RENT HOUSES Big Bargain Close In 7-room house, modern: city water, gas sewer, furnace: lot on grade, 60xl2o; up stairs not completed (will complete for $150 addition), located on 11th St. boulevard. Just south of William, being within walk ing distance to wholesale district and within call distance to the aepots. t-nce. if sold at once, only $3.no0. Can arrange favorable terms to desirable party. PAXTON BLOCK. BEMIS, RE 705 0 BEAUTIFUL BOULEVARD PARK. It will be worth while to Investigate the advantages of this location, the prices and terms, before buying elsewhere. HENRY F. WYMAN, Tel. 1272. New York Life bldg. RE 708 13 NO. 1334 8. 2Sth. 8-room, modern house, large and beautiful yard, only $32.50 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground Door Be bldg. D 747 PERSONAL LARSON JOHNSON -Cut ratea to all Points. 140 Farnam. Tel. H 2113. Mem ber American Ticket iBrokera' association. U 77s THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not ned; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. lltlt st. for cost of collecting to tha worthy poor. Call phons 413 and wagon will call. U 41 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. T20 9. 13th. II-77S PRIVATB home daring confinement: ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Oardell, 21l Chsrles. Tel. Mil U-T FOR RENT 3 liTrge rooms, city water, 1826 N. )7lh st. -410. 3 lnrge rooms, city water, 1828 N. 17th St. $fc.oo. 8-room house, all modern except furnace s:uo. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton block. D 775 UnllCCCIn all parts of the city. The . . w w w w jja Dkvls Co., 608 Bee bldg. i w THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and atore H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. llith. Office, 1511Vi Farnam, Telf 1569. D878 WE MOVE pianos age Co. Tel. I486. Maggard Van Stor Offlte, 1713 Webster st. D-87K IlUtiJCJ,. Peters A Co.. Bee Hid, Co., Bee Bldg. U SpO HOUSES we furnish don't have the sppear ance of those furnished st Installment stores. Our goods look and wear belter and are at least 25 per cent cheaper. Terma: $26 worth, $1 week. Omaha Furniture Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. D 698 2666 DOUG LA 8. 8 ROOMS. !27.60.X D 881 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D S8J 8-ROOM house and barn, large lawn, shade trees, fenced; ideal home for children; strictly modern; call. Morand, 29u6 Dodge. , D M3U 61X large rooms and bath, four newly pa pered; large closets; near street car. 2411 Caldwell. D 340 4 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house, 220 XS. 13d. i 331 BUSINESS property In Omaha paying 8 per cent net on $20,000. Will sell for $15,- 000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bids. RE-M421 NEW 7-room house, large lot. Splendid location. Must sell at once. Address E 21, Bee. RE-665 10X , 8. Bk. Bldg. 1st Floor. RE 861 CSAS- Williamson Co. FOR SALE My home, 9-roora house; 109 feet of ground; modern Improvements; in first class condition; fine shade trees; beautiful lawn. Anyone desiring modest but attractive home at reasonable price should Investigate. Richard L. Metcalfe, 8840 Charles St. RE M372 WHNTWD-A sood bread and coke baker, sober and reliable. Aaaress nrenaer Bros., Beatrice, Neb. B M709 12x WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing. manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis, (removing hair by electricity); positions waiting graduates; $12 to $20 weeklv: few weeks completes: little i Call or write, Moler College, 1114 mam st. , c M4sj iax pen Far WANTED An experienced laundress r'ref- erences required. Apply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park ave. C M603 13x WANTED Girl 1106 So. 32d St. for general housework. C 669 13x FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building Is 22x8o feet, four stories ind a basement, ine basement is 22x132 feet, is cemented. The ceiling over the basement has a brick vault and iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor in front and granolithic floor in rear. There is a large burglar-proof vault and a powes elevator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address ,The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewater, Secretary, room 1W Bee bldg.. 1-590 WANTED Gir! for general housework: small family. Mrs. spaiuing. 724 ho. :tttn st. c 6i x OFFICE for rent at a bargain. F2582. Telephone I M413 GIRL for general housework; only first class need apply, inju ;mmei st. C-M686 llx THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam st., only $15 per montii. inquire n. c i-eiers & Co., Ground floor Bee bldg. 1748 WANTED A cook at N. 18th. "The Hillside." 102 C-M683 12x WANTED A good woman cook at once, one accustomed to boarding house work. The Rose, 2O20 Harney St. c 701 lix OFFICE to rent at a bargain In the New York Lire Plug, i-none zou. ' I M933 WANJ 0 FAMILIES To colonize 1,90 acres of irrigated lands in San Joaquin Valley, California; 40 acres each; 4o per acre, H cash; If you go wl'h us May 18 will give you use of 20 acres free and apply one-halt of crop on first payment on your 40 acres. FREE WATER COLONY, Room 8, N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. . ... . RE239 NO. 641 PARK AVE. rooms, modern- only $26 a month. Inquire R. C- Peters & Co. D M6U NO. 2016 P1NKNEY ST.-9 rooms, modern; will repair to ult tenant only $20 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. I D-M612 THE largest and best stock, of furniture, carpets and general house furnishings In Omaha. Prices much lower than Install ment stores. Terms: $25 worth, $1 week. Omaha- Furniture A Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam st. D 99 9 Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCH1NG GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLAS RLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BROS. TEL 1936. WE RENT sewing machines. 78o week. We repair all rnskes of machines; second hand machines. $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U TO OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge blk. DR. ROY, Chiropody, Rial, 1506 Farnam. J 781 OMAHA Dye Works, 1616 Howsrd. Dresses, men s suits, portieres cleaned. U-M325 M18 PIANO CLUB Just formlnr o .mi ti ,.iiiv' nlanoB de livered immediately; piano lessona free. lur particulars. IbU ax nam PRIVATE home rftirinv confinement: ba bles adopted The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. ia First ave.. Council Blurts, is. Mei. (?. u ozs PHONE 701 and your piano, $2. Farnam. i man will call and tune Perfleld Piano Co., loll . U-784 NO. 315 S. 26TH ST. 10 rooms, modern, suitable for roomers; will be vacant soon only $40 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D-M613 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625. Schmoller & Mueller. D 702 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P. 110-volt, direct current. Northern motor. This motor ia in perfect condition in every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see W. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee bldg. Q 774 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting, inquire at Bee office. Q 862 FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental gal- vn.nzna iron cornice ana ornamental Iron posts suiable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. Q-MS26 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. I .and Dept. U. P. R. K.. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE-K61 HIGHLAND PARK. Only four blocks north Walnut Hill car line trom Krug Park corner; no city taxes; high and sightly. is from $75 to $110. Easy terms. ''AAS L. SAUNDERS. 2ll S. lMh St. KB 453 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BAKUA1.N. 20 pulleys, from 6-lnch to 48-inch In diam eter; 3 counter shafts, complete. These sre all in first-class condition. W. it. linages, engineer Bee building. Q-112 LAND! LAND1 LAND! , 3u4 acres, all In the famous l'laite valley, one of the nnesi stuck tarins In the state. ltu acres under cultivation, 80 acres in al falfa, balance in pasture ana wild hay meadow. Best black loan soil, with clay subsoil. Every acre of this land is A 1 alfalfa land. Farm is all fumed and cross fenced with cedar pusts and four wires. (Jood six-room house, barn, cattle sheds, well and windmill. Located on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad; switch on the farm. .Only 3 miles from station, i miles from county seat. A spendld propo sition for a feeding station, sheep or cattle. Must be sold. Price, only $: per acre. Can carry you for $I.M. Biggest bargain we ever offered in Platte valley land. GRASSMEYER S.MiTH, Kearney, Nebraska. RE-635 9 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS WANTED A arlrl for general housework: family of two. Apply 2411 Capitol avenue, C 696 ' Our Money WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeepers, and Dodge. Canadian office, 15th A-850 STENOGRAPHER Seven years expert ence; law, insurance, newspaper, grain. Omaha or smaller city. E 12, Bee. A-4W7 9x IS Ion ilea on luiniiure, planus, lio stock ana utner chattels, and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay It per manently employed. WE can give you the money on the shortest possible notice and Handle the business without publicity. WE offer you rates that are as low as you win nnu anywnere, ana iney are mucu lesa than some will ask you. WE leave the property undisturbed in your possession, so mat you nave the use of both It and the money. WE take particular pains to have you un- aersiaua trie transaction in every particu lar, telling you In advance to tne cent what the cost will be. WE are the oldest concern In our line in the city and we ' always try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE (Established 'Mi S. llh Street. X 7i WANTED City loans. , R. C. Peters St Co. W 864 WANTED AGENTS WE HAVE a bonanxa for canvassers. You can make $50 a week. Spare time. $1 an hour. Sslarv 1f preferred. Outfit free, Zlrgler Co., Philadelphia. J M713 10x FARM and citv loans: lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164H. W-b6 8HONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 823 N. Y. Life, pays highest piles lor books. Tel. .03. ii M WE buy, sell or trade carpeta, furniture and stoves Tell 771 or write J. Levine, ' city. N-M2K2 WANTED TO BUY pooka In sets, bought or sold. Anglin A Co., 1614 Farnam si. Tela. &2y or 6u3. N-M351 M19 SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1611 Farnam. N 133 MEN U 2d-hand clothing bought. Tel. AOS. N 684 M23 LOST AND FOUND PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W bij WANTED, city loans and warants. W. Farnam bmiin ot to., iam t amain st. W-86I BORROW MONEY WHERE You can get It on rurnuure, rianoa, Morses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, etc.. You get it on short notice. You get low rales and easy term. WHERE Confidential and courteoua dealings bring you back. WHERE Can you do better? rttUKNlX CREDIT CO., 833 PAXTON BLK. X-M,6J WHERE WHERE Top Floor. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. w 868 GARVIN' BROS., 1H04 Farnam. - City loans ai lowest rates; no aeiay; gel our terms. W 869 Luwttu rales, cny properly; a p. c. on farms in eastern Neu. Remis, Paxton blk. W-870 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary. horces, etc.; naic usual rates. Dr. rrlbbe now. room 214, at & S. lith su Tel. B24, MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments, umces In 63 principal cities. Tolman. room 714, New York Life building. X-7U MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brennan, ruuni j, irw i ura. i.ne uiug., w B,l BOWEN'S MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, noraeav cowa. i-iain note if sleaatly employed. 701 N. Y. Life. X 760 LOST, a pearl sunburst brooch. Suitable reward for return to 2o6 Karbaeh blk. - Loet-tw9 FOUND The right place to have your eyes tested and fitted right Bennett's. Found 74 LOST English Better, May 4; had a tag on. Finder please return to Mary jioi- 22d ave., and receive re-Lut-56 9 dredge. 2118 S. ward. LOST Sunday, black handbag near 24th, and Fort eta.; reward. 824 N. 17th st. Lost 7U6 llx OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel 1l 840 MRS JOHN R. Mt'SICK, Osteon'"' Phy- Bl'IUMNG louna on tealdence property; 5 per cent. w. it. roeiitic, Kamge block. , ' W s73 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS MONEY loaned on aalary, furniture, Jew- elry, horses. tiuu ureen uiio t.o , I Barker block. X-761 Ki NAUUi it, wagons and carriages at gr- auy renuceu prices, jonnson Dan- num. soumwest corner tuth and Jones. v P-782 1-8PRING expresa wagon, used one year, in good sltupe. Call Jos. liouska. 223 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew . - - jt an ".. ati at a a elry, norues, cows, rig. v. r . new, air a. it X 763 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LUAIN V.U., fetl rAJWVSK OLUVA. X 763 P-M377 il Sherman ave. SHETLAND pony, cart and ham... Kittled saddle mitre, double set of buggy liarnosa, wu euu i finer, i el. bail. P 291 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business connaeniiai isui jougins. X 166 CHATTEL, salary end Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co., hum r arnana mu n Hot Water Heating ALL WORK. GUARANTEED 6 YEaRS. Hot water, or steam heating is cheaper, and gives more satisfaction than furnace or stove." We install these healing systems in any size house In or nut of Omaha. Dis tance makes no difference. Prices reason able. Write, 'phone or call for particulars. T. F. Balfe, lijy7 Howard si., phone 713, Omaha, N'tb. RE- KANSAS LAND. 108 quarter sections In Wichita county, $400 to $800 a quarter. Ail gooa wr.eai ana al falfa land. J. J. Stephens, Omaha, Neb. RE 807 160 ACRES fine alfalfa land, $40 per acre. 320 acres, $37.60 per acre, ror snort nine. Willis Caldwell, Broken Bow, Neb. RE M953 FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus. O., property, two lots Thornburg Place, one lot Burlington 1'iace, iree oi an in cumbrance'. Address J. A. Hartley, 64 N. High St.. Columbus, O. RE M937 18x 160 ACRES. $40 per sere for improved farm; 2 miles from Gilead, Thayer county. Nebraska. Chas. 1. Saunders. 211 South 18th su, Omaha, Neb. RE M381 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to have your abstract or line maue or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1614 Farnam St. RE 663 CORNER lot. 66x66. brick building, three stores and flats, within two blocks of Her Grand, paying 13 per ceni on me invest ment; must be sold quick; owner leaving city. Inquire, 906 Hickory. RE-8.7) MJ3x THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly aroea to 60.009 homes of farmers and atock raisera, ao If you have a good piece of land to sen at a reaaonable price you will find a buyer amona- them. Tha cost of an advertisement is small 2 centa per word In email type, or 12.80 per men u aat in large iypa- FARMS FOR RENT FOR RENT, a nicely Improved twenty acre Burden farm, onlv IV mile from town out the Haxel Dell road. Rent only o0 for the balance of the season. This place is nicely Improved snd is a good tract of land. Apply to l.eonara uvereu. is i-eari St., council riiurcs, ja. m u PRINTING SHETLAND pony, rart and hsrness, gslted saiiuio mare. .ta ana t cnier. 1 el. h'.irr. P-2W LAW AND COLLECTIONS FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, llU Farnam. 741 U HENDERSON. 1511 Farnam, Tsl l JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg.. rooms lo4 and $19. Tel. 1653. 734 ATTORNEYS everywhere. Tha New Snow- Church Co., main n., N. x. l. f none 133. TW W. H HATTEROTH. Attorney, notary. 44 Sgrker Pi? ' v. UUa ODiWTIWr.MEMOnlAL CARDS; I rniniiiiUllUc deaigna. S. E. cor. LYNGbTADlOth st. and Capitol svw. GREAT WESTERN "PRINTING CO.. 1M1 Captiol ave.. Tel. 106; fully equipped fur si Kinaa or printing WANTED TO RENT STORE in he.irt of Omaha; will buy lease. Addris S S cfCta. , X.-U7JI llx Sk" I R By ma"' Prepaid, any ad I 1 IA I J dress U. 8.. 11. BA im -. logue free. Factory Merchandise Co.. Knoxville, Tenn. U M586 M22x HARNESS! HARNESS'. HARNFH9' An endless variety and at prices that can- 1101 oe uupucaiea anywnere else. John son & Danforth. 8. ' W. cor. 10th and Jones sis. Entrance from viaduct. ' Q-781 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard anu pool 1 a Dies, par nxtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balko-Collender, 407 S. 10th st. Omaha. Q 833 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. 1 nicago rurnuure Co., 1410 Dodae. Tel. 2020. Q 834 2D-HAND safe cheap. nam. Derlght, 1119 Far . Q-835 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain lu steam fittings call and look over Hie following supulieo; 1.8-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-lncn Austin's vertical separator. inese nave ueen ihk.-ii oui on ac?ount of changes In our steam plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer Bte building, Omaha. Q 532 $350 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar- anieea ia guuu running oruer; original CObl $i0. Address 1313 Farnam St. W-M238 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., uiiiaua. ij IRON FENCEK861f8ul'n Q-837 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and teiepnone poies. inn iuugias. 44 gg ICE box suitable for grocery store or res taurant, s 11. nign Dy e rt. wide and 3 ft. deep, in good condition. Call and see it. Jos. Houska, 2023 Sherman ave. Q-M378 U A HIGH-GRADE upright piano, used 6 mourns, excellent condition, price $150. Also a Story ft Clark organ, good as new. their beat grade. $36; payments if desired Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co., between MAnNFTli- treatment A baths. Mme. IHrtVJIXC 1 IVgm.u, us N. tf, 2d fl. r. 1 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3539 u is WILL Elve worthv nartv shorthand s?hol errhlp In leading Echc.of and wait for pay ment A rl rl r a l-. r Ft. Tl T T V.Q ACCOKDION and SUNBURST PLF.ATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. Tel. 1938. U-S42 FRENCH, Spanish. German lessons. F, Peltier, 115 S. 20th. U 658 M23x YOUNG man, for pleasant room, to give instruction evenings in Greek and Latin ror uent. Address E 16, Bee. U 698 DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronlo ana nervous diseases. Call or wrl'e. Dr. Jackson. 418 N. Y. Ufe bldg.. Omnha. Consultation free. U 232 FACTORY tuners and action regulators nt lowest rates ror reliable service. Tel. 1625, Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-70.1 MEDICAL For women Only Dr. Raymond s Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference witn wora; reiier brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that-fiave used tnem By mail $2. Dr. R. G. Raymond Remedy 19., xiuuiu 00, o AUHini bi., vnicago, ill. -790 POSTOFFICE NOTICE PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles; never falls, $2 postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 791 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries. 15111s Dodge st., Omaha. U 788 C. N. SOMMER, successful homeopathisi. Cures chronic diseases, cancers, tumors. Bee bldg. -M863M13 DR. DE MARS. French Tansy and Penny royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure for all female Irregularities. Regular price, $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., 16th and Farnam. Omaha. -M248 Je3 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas blk. M3&4 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A ?766. -775 FOR EXCHANGE IF Y'OIJ do not find what you wapt In this column put an ad in and you will soon ge' it. X-983 POSTOFFICE NOTICE 12th and 13th on Farnam st. Q-697 9 ELEGANT walnut bed and dresser, with rencn piaiu mirror ana marble top. only $.35.00. 224 N. 25th St. Q 60S lOx UPRIGHT piano, good' as new, at great sacrinee; aiso nuuseuoia gooas. Address E 22, Bee. , Q-669 lOx RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS GAS OR GASOLINE ENGINES. Like our iii.ubmubilk, always ready. Few slightly used engines cheap. Send for catalogue and prices. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORKS, 1114 Farnam Street, Omaha. Q-74 AUTOMOBILE, 4-cyllnder, new Wlnton, at a great bargain. 11. J. Frederli kson. Q-675 Je8 ALMOST new mahogany chairs, bedroom sets, buffet, writing desks, piano; madras curtains at a bargain. 224 N. 25th at. Q M6.S9 12x SEVERAL fonts of second-hand type, Gothic, etc . in fair condition, for sale cheap. Apply to II. A. Haskell, supt. Mechanical dept.. Bee Publishing Co. 0-.M679 PATENTS ii. A. uri.iiut.rs, regisiereu anurney; pst-. ents. trade marks, copyrights; no fee un-I less successful. 617 N. Y. Lite, Omaha -801 SUES CO., patent attorneya, Washing, ton, D. C, opposite 1'. 8. patent office. Advice and patent blanka free- 480 JV7 TREES SHRUBS ETC. FOR BARGAINS In fri.lt and shade trees call st Crescent Nursery sales ground, 21st snd Farnam. 'Phone 8357. -M87S MARTIN Nursery, 18 U 'Phone BSiOi, - and Dougiaa .'tUelUix (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails, for the week ending May 13, 1905. will close (PROMPTLY In all casesi at the General Postoffice as follows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post Malls for Great Britain and Ireland are despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdays and by the American Line on Saturdays. An additional despatch la made bv the Cunard Line when a Cunard steamer sails on Saturday later than the American Line steamer the same day. The Parcels-Post mails close one hour before the regular mails. Regular and Bupplementsry malls close st Foreign Station (corner of West snd Morton Streets) half hour later than clos ing time shown below, (except ihat supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malta. WEDNESDAY (101 At 6 a. m. for EU ROPE, per s. s. Oceanic, via Queenstown and Liverpool; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Ryndam; at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct (specially addressed only), per s. a. Sardegna; at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct (sprclallv addressed only), per a. a. Cltta di Napoll: st 11 a. m. for NORWAY PARCELS-POST MAII.8. per s. s. Helllg Olav (slso regular mall for Denmark when specially addressed for this steamer). Thursday (11) At 7 a. m. for FR VCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYIT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per a. a. La Touraine. via Havre (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer). FRIDAY (121 At 10:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Canoplc, from Boston. SATURDAY (13) At 8 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (Including Ireland when sne. dally addressed for this steamer): at 7:30 s. ni. (supplementary 9 a. m ) for EU ROPE, per a. a. Umbrla. via Quenntnwn and Liverpool: at 8:50 a. m. for BELGIUM PARCEI J3-POST MAILS, per a. a. Fin land (also regular mail for Belgium when specially addreesed for this steamer): at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct (specially ad dressed only), per s. s. Konlg Albert; at 11:30 s. m. for SCOTLAND direct (spe cially addressed only), per a. s. Astoria. Malls for Snath and Ceatral America, West Indies, Etc. WEDNESDAY 110) At 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a m.) for INAGUA. HAITI and MAGDALEN A DEPARTMENT OK COIXl.MHIA. per a. a. Valdlvlu (Including Port an Prince. St. Mare, Petit (louve. Aux Cayes and Jacmel when specially ad dressed for this steamer); st 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Wlllem I (including Cape Haiti. Port de Palx. Curs cm o. Vene. sueia, Trinidad and Guiana when spe cially sdoressed for this ateameri; at 12 m. for SANTIAGO (specially addressed onlyi. per a. a. Manzanlllo: at II So p. m. (sup. plementarv 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a a. Cherekee. . THURSDAY (ll)-At a jn for RER I ML DA- uer s. a. Trinidad; at a m. for rrnA. tucatan and camteche. pr a. s. Vlllanrln (slso other parts of Mex ico when specially addressed for this steamer)- at 12 m. for MEXICO (specially addressed onh ), per a. s Seneca, via Tam plco; at 1 p. m. for BERMUDA, per 8. S. Cnrlhliee. FRIDAY (12)At 12 m. for BRAZIL, rr l, s. Moorish Prince, via I'ernamnuco anil Hio Janeiro (including Northern Brsr.ll. Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay when si-c. lallv adlrcated for this steiitner); at If m for ARGENTINE!, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, rver a a. Isle of Iwls SATURDAY (13i-At 8:30 a. m. for PORTO It ICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (also Colombia. VU Curacao, when specially addressed for this steamer): at 1 11 a. m. supplemen tary 30 a m ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS ami GUIANA, per a. a. Korona, (Including Grenada, St. Vincent and Trini dad when specially addressed for this steamer); at 9.30 a. m. (supplementary 10 30 a m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauoa, and Magdalena Departments, per a. a. Sarnla (also Costa Rica, vh Llmon. when speclslly addressed for this steameri; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. . Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12 rn. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a a. Hnxelwnod: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA (spe cially addressed only), per s. s. Curltyba, via Matanzo. NOTICE Five cents per half ounce IN AD- I'NIOS Til THK KKUIT.AR POSTAGK. must be prepaid on all letters forwarded by th SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited (n the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TRIES." af'er tha CLOSING OF THIfl REGULAR MAIL, for despatch bye. par ticular vessel, will NOT be ao forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE Is FULLY PREPAID thereon bv stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls era also opened on the piers of th AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH ateamera. whenever th sailings occur at 9 no a. m. or later; and late mall may be deposited in th mail boxes on the piers of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hohokan. The malls on th plera opr. oM ht.r and a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 6 cents s half cunce) Is required on articles mailed on the niera of th AMERICAN, WHITHJ STAR and GERMAN (Sea Post) stesmeis: double postage (letters 10 cents a half ounce) on other lines. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., El. eept Transpacific. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) sr forwarded dally to porta of Balling. Th CONNECTING malls close at the General Postoffice, New York, aa follows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, at t4:30 a. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. (Also from New York, Thursday and Saturday - see above ) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. snd 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday at 1:00 u. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except , Parcels-Post Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also oc casionally from New Y'ork and Philadel phia. See above). MIQUELON. via Boston and North Svdnev at 6:30 p. m. every other Sunday (May' 7 and 21, etc.). JAMAICA, via Boston, st 7:00 p. m. Tues day snd Friday. (Also from New Tork on Saturday. See above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at tl0:30 p. m. Tuesday. BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURA8 (East Coast) and GUATEMALA, via New Or leans, at t10:30 p. m. Monday. (West Coast cf Honduras Is despatched from New Y'ork via Panama see above.) NICARAGUA (East Const), via New Or leans, at t10:30 p. m. Wednesday. (West Coast of Nicaragua Is despatched from New Tork via Panama- see above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE (specially ad dressed only), via New Orleens, at tl0:30 p. m. Sunday (after 10:30 p m. Sunday and until sailing of New York steamer, mail for Panama and Canal Zone Is held for the New York steamer see above). REGISTERED MAIL for overland de8. patches closes at 6:00 p. m. previous dsy. Transpacific Malls, Forwarded Over, land Dally. Th schedule of closing of tranepsclfli mails is arranged cn the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malla (ex cept registered transpacific mails des patched via Vancouver, Victoria, Taeom or Seattle, which close 8 p. m. previous dav) clore at the general postoffice. New York, ns follows: HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. m. May 7 for despatch per s. s. Coptic. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and PHILIP- FINE 1 w ua x j-ia. via oame, close si a p. m. May 10 for despatch per s. s. Iyo Maru. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HA WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. m. May 1.1 for des patch per s. s. Sierrs. (If the Cunard steamer carrying British mall for New Zealand does not srrive In time to con nect with this despatch, extra mails clos ing at 6:30 n. in., 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. m.; Bandars at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6. p. m. will be made up and forwarded until ths arrival of the Cunard steamer). JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malls), KOREA, CHINA and specially addressed mall for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close at 6 p. m. May 1 for despatch per s. S. Em press of India. FIJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except west) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria. B. C, close at 6 p. m. May 20 for despatch per s. a. Manuka. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. May 21 for despatch per s. s. Mariposa. HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA snd specially addressed mail for the-PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco.,' Jose at 8 p. m. May 22 for despatch per s. s- Siberia. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at 8 p. m. May 22 for despatch per s. s. Ala- PHILIPPINE I8I.AND8 snd GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. May 26 for despatch per U. 8. transport. MANCHURIA (except Mukden, New chwang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBERIA is at present forwarded via Russia. . . . . . NOTE-Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia la forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places in the dilnese Province of Yunnan, via Rrltish Indla-the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Eu rope'' must be fully prepaid at foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. WILLCOX. Postmaster Postoffice, New Y'ork, N. Y.. May 5, 1906. LEGAL NOTICES. TO BONDHOLDERS OF THE SHERIDAN COAL COMPANY. The holders of bunds of The Sheridan Coal Company are hereby notified that the undersigned trustee, under trust deed of The Sheridan Coal Company, dated June 11, 1903, and recorded June 2o. 1903. in book 26 of mortgage records, on page 438, in th office of the County Clerk ol the County of Sheridan, and State ot Wyoming, ha received notice from The Sheridan Coil Company that It will, on or before June 30. 1!j5, remit to the underalgned $24,000, to take up and retire 24 bonds, aa provided In said trust deed. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has drawn and se lected by lot the following twenty-four numbers of twenty-four of tne bonds out standing, secured bv said trust deed, I. ., 229, 18, 441, 176, 455, 476. 274, 110, . 233. 157. 31, 237 67, 6.12 , 359. 699. 27. 86, 450. 4"fi. 626, 191, 321, for payment from the sinking fund, to be so paid to It by said The Sheridan Coal Company under said trust deed, and upon such payment of said $24,ooO to the underalgned on or befors Jun 30, I'., the undersigned will, st its oflV at the' corner of Dearborn and Madison streets, In the City of Chicago. Illinois, on the first day of July, A. D. 1906. pay to th holders, or registered owners or said bonds numbered, as aforesaid, th principal snd accumulated Interest thereon, upon ths surrender and delivery thereof to th un dersigned, uncancelled, and sccompanied bv all unpaid coupons thereto belonging. Interest or. vach of said bonds, numbered aa aforoaalil, will cease after said first day of July, A. D. 1905. whether presented 011 ssld day or thereafter. UNION TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. By RUFUS F. CHAP1N, Secretary. M-3-10-17-21 GOVKIttMKXT NOTICE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE: Omaha, Neb., May 6, 19o6. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received hei and by the iuartermaaters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central stand ard time. June 6. 1905, for furnishing min eral oil during tha fiscal year ending Jnna 30, 1906, at Omaha. (J. M. Depot. Fori Crook. Robinson tnd Niobrara, Nebraska, Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, Fort Leav enworth, Kaimae; Forts Mackenzie and Washakie, Wyoming, and Fort Meade, South Dakota. proxisMla for delivery at other than the above named stations snd nnsts will not be entertained. The 1'nlte.J Stste reserves the right to r)ect or ac cept any or all proposals or sny ptrt thereof. Information furnished on appli cation her or to th Quartermaatera at th stations named. Envelopes containing proposala should be marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil" and addressed to J. K. SAW. vtR. c. u. m. . M-4Via-u-ap-j-.