TTIE OMAFIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY 9. 1003. (.RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Vtj and July What Open 8trong, July Holding to Glow. CORN SHOWS CONSIDERABLE ACTIVITY tin Appreciable linn no In lints Nebraska Farmers Aim Mastera Of Situation vtltb Hel erence to Corn. etn, 95c: No. 2 northern, 924e; July r-epicnircr. pivjo. UAlr-io unve and on track, 2Pc 4'c; UMA1IA, May S. 19"5. Roth May and Juiy wheat opened strong. July neid up 10 tlm crm and closed lit Mc. wm.e May inn Iimi k l Uc above y-sier-oiy closing, wnlcn wax (Cv . Septem ber gamed little, cloning ai i94c. Ctmi iifinM LuiiKiu'Trtult ucuvity. In duced by the covering ot aiioris, and con tinued its mow upward course. May closed ni ',, Juiy mi i,i' and September at 4'iC. trading In Dcoenioer began today with 'very i.-w transactions, inu itioiitn ciosed at 424c In the nam iniuket there was no appre ciable uhangc. Aa far us corn is concerned In Nebraska, the farmer are niiisiel of the aituulluns. There la practically none of the grain in the elevator and tne fuel that the larnirm are refusing tlm present good cash price for their corn la naturaiiy laKen aa an indication thiU they expect, to gel u better price yei net ore tlm summer a over. The demand for corn in Omaha. Knnaa City nnd Chicago la for In excess of the receipt. Cash corn was steady In Chtougo, witn aalea of 44n,0() bushel. Possibilities or complication between Franca and Japan hi tin- rnr east, together with continued drouth along the Danube, iu''n an uinvnirt leooenej In Eutoiieaii markets. At Liverpool wheat cloned 4c to c higher and corn 4c to v. higher. Mer lin anl Rimapcst were alao high on wheat. About noon gei-era I discouraging reports came from Kansas and Oklahoma by way or Kansas City. Mr. Crowed or Hall Jiakor t Co. ol Kanaka City had returned from h trip through the southwest and said that condltlona had been too op tlmlstionlly rtnorteil. He khw where wheat had been damaged by Hessian fly. The Holotnnn valley ia said to be needing rain. Reports, uf Hessian fly ravages camu from Uoiennda. III. Foreigners are still backing away from purennses or new wheat tor mil nnipmeiu. This In KDlte of the fact that September wheat sold In Kuusas City Saturday aa low aa h'.i 'r, i ne Ural time for montli thai any grain has sold n the Bus in any grain ex change in the country. Thla condition at Kanaaa City la considered a teatimonlal to the excellence of the crop iirosnect In the southwest and a lark of belief In the re port of any extended damage. American wheat shlnments for the week were 1 .. 000 bushels; last week, 1,424.1)00 bushels; last year, 1,152,000 hushelc. Tho figures for the Russian Bhlnmenla for the same. Dcriod are 8.272.0O0. 2,832.000, 3,944.000; for Argentina shipments, 3,512,000. 3.040,000, Amer ican coin ahlnmenta for tlie week were 1. 660.(100 bushels; last week. 2. 272.000 bushels lust venr. 336.000 bushels: Russian ship ments. 146,000. 404. 0JO. The world's ahlnments for the week were 1O.B44.00O bush els. nil Increase of 616,000 bushels over the Tirer-erilna? week. World's corn shipments were 3.022.0OO bushels, a decreuse of 278.0O0 ' bushels. The caRh wheat market In Chi cago was dull; no sales were reported. Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, S5fi86e; No. 3 hard. 78'q"83c; No 4 hard, K&75c; No. 3 spring be. . ...... - n . . a ,r . j ii VIJK. io. . oc; io. , uc, i-VJ. 1. if , 'no grade. 40,&43c; No. 2 yellow. 46c; No. 3 yellow, 4&e; No. 2 white, 45c; No. i white. . 4ic. OATS No. 2 mixed. 29c: No. 3 mixed . l4c; No. 4 mixed, .'Sisc; No. 2 white. 300 ; No. 3 white, 28ic; No. 4 white, 28c; atand ard, 10c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn till l.l ORAM AMI PROVISIONS Fealarri of h Traalnsj and t'loalaaj Trier oa Bnard of Trail. CHICAGO. May I. Damage reports from many sctiona of the winter wheat be:t constituted one of the most vital reasons for u. strong wheat market here today. Possible spread of war complications and a decrease of over 2.').i bushels In the visible supply hrlped along the advance. At the close July wheat was tip 'e, corn is up Vt-Hc, oats and provlsiona are prac tically unchanged. The wheat market was slrnna from start to llnlsh. At the opening July was up Vl kc at s3VaX3i4C Hhorts were active bld- di rs, but offerings were light The main influence at first was fear that France and England might become Involved in the It'isso-Japanese war. Other bullish factors of much more definite and potent charac ter developed as the session advanced. An advance of 9c a bushel In the wheat at Kuda Test during the past few days said to be due to a drouth in the Dan ublan Provinces has furnished additional Incentive throughout the sesalnn, but the demand far exceeded the supply. In con sequence prices steadilv advanced. The climax to the bullish situation was rapped oy a statement of the available stocks ol wheat in the T'nlteA States. The statement showed a decrease of 2.192.000 bushela in the visible surnlv. The highest point of the day for July was reached at 84Hic. The 'market closed stronr with July at 81c. -.i-raiices 01 wneat and nour wein ruuni to fKS.ino bushels. Primary recelpta were IW.ttO bushela compared with 198, S00 bushels year ago. Minneapolis. Duiutn nnn cni- cngo reported receipts of cars against ai car last week and 1.S ran a year ago. An active dermoid for corn to he shipped to Missouri for feeding purposes wss the principal cause of a strong corn market. The advance in wheat, however, exertsd considerable Influence. Shorts were the best buyers. July opened v,r to U'ac higher at 47'tia47I4C to 47'c. sold up to 47Vtc and closed at i'ic. Local receipts were cars witn 1 ot contract graae. Strength of wheat and corn Imparted a steady tone to the oats market. Huslness was quiet, there being little selling prca- Sure. July opened unchanged at 2i4C, Sold up to ac Ann closed at ac. Jyocai re celnts were 82 care (..nnalderlnc a decline of lOtilGc In the. price of live hogs, the tone of the pto vision market was quite firm. Prices we're a trfle lower early in the session on sell ing by pit traders, who were Influenced by the liberal receipts of hogs. The market. nowrver. received good support from pack ers. and as a result all of the loss was regained. At the close July pork was up dc at 112.32'i. Lard and rlba were un changed at S7.32H and I7.27H Kstimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat t cars; corn, 122 cars; oats, 126 cars; hogs, neao. The leading futures ranged as follows; Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close.) Safy Wheat Ma V July Kent. Corn- May July Sept. Oats Miy July Sent. Pork-- Mnv Julv Rent. Lard- May July Sent. Rlhs- May July Sept. ! 1 1 MH 93V4 fWH't. 84i I I4HVW4I 47'.fc.'fii., l6'if47l 2S'4'5r4! 12 25 12 60 7 15 7 46 I 92 78i,4 f2 84 79' i 921, 781, SEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Alleged Tension Between Franc nd Great Britain Eendi Values Down. MONEY MARKET IS UNAFFECTED 7 22141 7 45 I 49'i 4? 48 48 47V4 47V 47-H 47--a', 47V4 46'4l 47 4iT 304 254 29! 29 S 29Lt 29I4I 25'4) 28 28(ft,4 284f'.4,l V 12 05 12 05 12 371s 12 25 12 34 12 30 12 67H 12 60 12 66 I 12 bi'i 7 15 7 16 7 15 T 18 7 35 7 274 7 27V4 7 324 7 62V4 7 46 7 60 7 60 1 1 7 05 I 7 K 7 05 7 05 7 274 7 22V41 7 271.4 7 271i 7 52'4i 7 46 1 7 60 7 60 Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth St. Louis .... . 15 .152 . 3 . 1 . 10 89 19 13 Oats. 32 8 2 '87 No. 2 yellow, white, 32'4?33c: Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported ny tne b.owaraa-wouu com- pny, 110-lU board of Trade, was: Article. lOpen. High. Low. Close. Safy. May... July... Kept. .. 1 0flij t4 1 034! W4I 1 0041 8041 1 02 80V4BI 1 00 8414 WEATHER IX THE GRAIN BELT Cooler aud Heat)' Froata la Soaae The weather Is cool and generally clear in the central valleys. Light to heavy frosts occurred In northern Nebraska, northern Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota and killing frosts, with freezing weather, oc curred In North Dakota. The weather Is warmer In the mountains and warmer weather will nrobablv prevail over the Mis aourl valley by Tuesday. Generally cloudy weather prevails In the lake region, Ohio valley and throughout tho south. Heavy rains occurred in Louisiana ana iexas. omaha record ot temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding flay 01 tn past tnree years: 1W6. 1904. 1903. 1902, Minimum temperature.... 42 62. .54 67 Precipitation T .22 00 T Normal temperature for today, tl de 1 aires. Deficiency In precipitation slnco March 1, .mi or an men. Dertciem v corresponding period in 1904, .& or n men. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, . 2.3S Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp Rain. Stations. Max. ulin. Inches. Sky. Ashland ,Neb.... 69 42 T Clear Auburn. Neb W 42 .00 Clear Colummis. Neb.. 80 3 .Oil Clear. Kalrhurv, Neb... 82 43 .02 Clear ' Fairmont. Nab... 79 40 T Clear 'yGr. Island. Neb.. 83 40 . 00 Clear .'Hartlngton. Neb. 74 31 T Clear .Oakdale, Neb 79 35 T Clear Omaha, Neb 78 42 T Clear Tekamnh, Neb... 7 37 .00 Clear Carroll. 14 70 34 . 27 Clear Clarlnda. la 80 44 T Clear - glblcy. Ia 72 32 .0t Cloudy Blnux City. la.... 74 SK .04 Clear btorm Lake, la.. 71 3;' .20 Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. ok Temo. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Min. Inches. No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOI'R Steady : winter patents. 14 liva 4.20; winter straights, Vi.aAW. spring pat ents, !4.&ort.00; spring atralgbts, 13.804. 40; bakers. 2 . 4fEp3 . 4. WHBAT No. 2 spring. 2(Sc; No. 3. 86I 86c: No. 2 red. 92&fi6'e. CORN NO. 2, 49'4u494c; 63c. OA I B NO. z, wr; ISO No. 8 white, 30Vf(S2c. RYE No. 2. 72Hr. PARLEY Good feeding. 37640c ; fair to choice malting, 46f8i84c. HrjfJD in o. 1 nnx, 11.Z.1; io. 1 nonnwest- ern, 11.39. frime ttmotny, 13. Clover, con. tract grade, 112.oofgu.6O. PROVIBIOINB Mess porg. per oni., iiz.tia ffl'12.10. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 7.16'fj7.17H. Short ribs sides (loosej), t7.ooai.l24. Short clear sides (boxed). $7.00)87.124. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Heceipts. Flour, bbls 10.900 Wheat, bu 8.000 Com, bu 7H.00O Oats, bu 158,600 Rye. bu Barley, bu 80.300 On the Produce exchange today ter market was steady: creamery dairy, 18''tf22c. Eggs, steady; at mark cases Include!, loc; nrsts, i!B'iVbc; prime nrsts, 17c; extras, lVic. cneese, easy, j,ii8io. Parlflra, Soathtrestern and southern Railway and Iron and teel torh Are lonsplrooas oa the Derline. NEW YORK. May 8 Measured by the effects In the New York stock market the tension between Great Krltain and France over the preservation of neutrality In the far east must be acute. Measured ny any other visible Index there doe not seem to be serious apprehension of any rupture between those two powers. It Is true that the selling of stocks In New York which carried the prices downward was mostly for foreign account, but the volume or It was not Impressive and the ready effect on prices must be attributed In large part to tne continued oount leu towaros me market by operators of any considerable power of Influence. Teclinea In the gov ernment securities most Immediately af fected by the foreign policy were moder ate, and the movements In foreign securi ties market was more restrained than !n New York. Paris wss reported to be a considerable seller of securities In l,nn don. Discounts hsrdened In London and sterling exchange was notably strong here, nut sterling exchange was also strong at Paris, and the price of gold was reduced In London. As a net result the Interna tional exchanges can scarcely have moved nearer to the point calling for exports of frold from New York. The money market ier Was entirely unaffected and was in fact rather easier In response to the strong bank statement of Saturday. The 'wheat market made some response to the for eign political situation, but close atten tlon was unable to detect any actual tor- elan demand here as a result of the In eiplent war scare. Nevertheleaa prices of stock broke in a decidedly weak manner. a number of Instances showing lower quo tntlons than at the extreme low level of last week. The Pacifies, Southwestern and Southern were moat affected amongst the railroads and the Iron and steel stocks were conspicuous amongst the Industrials. The selling, although moderate, was very w-ell dlatrlbuted. and no part of the list escaped entirelv the prevailing weakness The result seem conclusive of the failure of the considerable reduction In prices, which has alrcadv taken place to attract any effective demand. Some sympathetic effect must be allowed to the extreme weakness of the gas stocks. People's Gas suffered directly from state legislation, putting a rate making power into the hands of the Chicago cltv government. The close svmnathv manifested bv Consoll dated Gas wa explained bv the analogy In the situation of the two companies. It I not Improbable too that consideration of the coming struggle over the question of federal control of railroad rate may have been stimulated by the Incidents of the gas stocks. The market wa narrow and obviously largely In professional hands as was Indicated by the light volume of the transactions both on the decline and on the rallv. When the operations for for elgn account had been concluded for the day the supply of stocks proved scanty for tho needs of the shorts. The feature of the weeklv traffic statements by rail road officials was the stress laid upon the Chicago strike as the factor almost sole ly responsible for such falling off as was shown In the amount of business done by the railroads. The Indifference of the de mand again showed Itself at the recovered level of prices, and they were but poorly nem so that tne closing was tiareiy sieaoy Honda were rregular. Total sales, par value. 11.980.000. fnlted States bonds were all unchanged on call. The following were the quotations on the New York stock exenange: Sales. High. Low. Close account. Operators were mors nervous regarding the approaching settlement and the prospective, differences to be met. The ontment sold, tne oociine was recov- sred during the afternoon and the mar- t closed weak. Foreigner were quiet. Japanese declined. The new loan wa quoted 4 discount. Imperial Japanese government ts or r.a) were quoted at !" Kaffirs were depressed KKRI.lN. Mav . Irie on the Fours todav were weaker on the report of strained relations between France and Ja pan regarding the former neutrality In tne tar east, put improved towards tne close. Shipments 8.100 37.800 250,700 172,000 t - 900 17,100 ths but- 20(ff21c NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations on Various Chicago, 111 Columbus. O lies Moines, la.... Indianapolis. Ind. Kuns is .City, Mo. Louisville, Ky Minneapolis Omaha. Neb 8t. Louis, Mo Ixical Forecaster, 25 OS 48 lt 70 48 14 74 42 11 7 48 19 84 52 17 ' 7; 54 26 Ci 'H 15 74 SK IS 74 62 L. A. WELSH, Weather Bureau. .02 .00 .16 -..(si .02 .00 .02 .04 .00 St. l.ouls tieueral Market. ST. LOUIS. May 8.--WHK AT Market higher; No. 2 red rush, MSjKl'ie; track. No. 1. 41.03; May, 9040 bid; July, :4efj794c; No. 2 hard, 8.18'JKc. CORN Market higher; No. 2 cash, 49c; track. 5oc; Muj. 4c; July, 4tic. OATS Market higher; No. 2 cash, 30c; ' track. Sic; May. 3'c; July, 274o bid; No. 2 White. 3H!li334i FL4H'R Steady ; red winter patents, 4.ti0 extra funcy and Btraii'hii, fi.Mii 4.35; clear, t3.80tj3 90. BKFD Timothy, steady. t2.0" U2.o0. t'ORNMKA I Steady, S2 50. HRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 704t72c. HAY-Steady; timothy. .'& U.w; prairia, f 004)9 50. IRON COTTO X T I ES 99c. HAlHUNG 4r. IIKMP TWIN K I!1. jc. PROVISIONS-Pork, Arm; Jobbing, $12.35. Lard, steady; prime steam, h 674. Dry aalt meats, steudy; boxed extra shorts, IT. 174; clear ribs. $7,374: short clears, 17.50. Jtacon. steady; boxed extra Shorts, S; clear libs. 8; short clear, 18.26. Pori.TKY Market ' sloady; chickens, 10ie; springs. 16c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 10c; geese, Sc. ni TTF.R Market unchanged; creamery, llo?6c: dairy, !8ty22c. EGGS Market steady at 144c cass covin t. Receipts. Shipments. 7.00i) 6.UO0 IUOuO (isooo 14.v. ''2.(l0 S8.O110 S1.000 0 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats bu Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 8. WHEAT Ma v, 11.02: July, 'WVifiWiV: September. K0U,c: No. 1 hard. 1.07; No. 1 northern, ll.u&'.lii ' l.Oftiy,: No 2 northern. S1.01Mil.t)2. FLOCR-First patents, $.V;.0t! 5.60; seconit patents. $5.4(ti6 5(1; Mrsi clears, ll.OiwH. n,, aecond clears. M.75T2 !. BRAN In bulk. 12.25. . ; of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, May 8 FLOI'R Receipts, 9.286 bbls.; exports, 4,014 bbls.; market steady but quiet; Minnesota patents I5.2nCoo.50: Minnesota bakers, S3.4off3.8S; win ter patents, S4.9066.26; winter straights, S4.60; winter extras, I3.35.ij3.75; winter low grades, S3.25S3.65. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, M.lOdi'4.60; choice to fancy, 4.0ff4.66, RYE Nominal: western. SOc. CORNMEAL Steady; fine wheat and sellow, $120; coarse new, tl.081.10; kiln dried, t2.75fi2.85. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 6Vc; malting, 4662o. c. I. f.. Huftalo. WHEAT Receipts, 1,000 bu.; spot market Arm: No. 2. red. 4c elevator: NO. 2 red 9)C, nominal, U o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth 11.03'. f. o. b. afloat: NO. 1 hard Ma.tltnba, 97,c f. o. b. afloat. There was a strong upturn In wheat today based on tlrm continental cables, war rumors from abroad, a big visible supply decrease, less favorable crop news from the southwest and higher caah markets. May eased off under deliveries and closed unchanged other months, Tfcigic net higher; May, fU 94Vc. closed at 83c; July. 88Va'? S-i6e, closed at 894c: September, 834fa8a4c, closed at K.'ttir. CORN Receipts, SS.325 bu.; exports, 30. 084 bit. Spot market firm; No. 1, 66c ele vator, and 54c f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow 644c; No. 2 white, 644c. Option market was generally firm all day. although quiet closing here c net higher. May closed 6:1. : July. W-VuoJo, cloaed at 63c. OATS Receipts. 163biJO bu. Spot market firm; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs.. S44tfi86c; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs.. 4if37c; clipped white, to 40 bs.. se'va'c. HAY Ktendy; good to cnoiee, kownoc. HOPS Quiet; Pacific coant, 1904, 25fi29o 1903. 21tr24o; olds, U'fll.. H trKS Oil el uaiveaion, -ti to a ins Soc; California. 20 to res., ijc; Texas dry 1 to 30 lbs.. IDC i'iinvifllON'8-Reef, steady: family. SI3.50 14 (10: mnas. 111.9011.50; beef hams, 121.00 ('22.50; packet, iiz.aofljia.uu; city extra inoia mess, B,2MU,.S.,i(. cut meaie, quiet; pickled bellies. S7.2568.ou; pickled shoulders, IS 5016.00: Pickled hams. 19 75U'10.O6. Lard, stendv; western steamed. S7.2fyfi7.36: refined olllet: continent, i n; nuuin American it- romnound. S5. 26(3 5. 824. Pork, steady family, 14 nca in.oo: anort ci'ar, mess. 113 124 18.624. TALLOW Hareiy steaay; city per Dkg.). Vc: country (pkgs. free). 44itt4,c. tu'h; firm: uomesuc imr (o eui ?.'iSi.-: .1.1 dh 11. nominal. PI "TT ICR Market steady; street price, extra creamery. 264'&27r; official prices, creamery, common to extra. 23lrJc; state dMirv. common to extra. 21; renovated common to extra. 17Si'254c; western fac torv. common to exlra. 123c: western Imitation creamery, extra, !iic; extra firsts, mitt 24c CHEESE Market firm: receipts. L573 late full cream, small, old, colored and white, fancy. 14ic: state fine, 131.C; state, late made, colored and white, poor to choice. Ksti1S4c: state large, colored and white. fancy. 14o: state. new, small colored and white, fine, 13c; state, fair to choice. 114111240. EOtSS Market Irregular; western ator .ei.xetinn lftKc: western firsts. 18c POT'LTRY-Allve: Market firm: old tiirlceva. 12c. Dressed: Market easier we-tern chickens, 10tjl2c; fowls, 10t(U4c turkeys. 13 18c. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore A Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do nra Chicago Ot. Western Chicago & N. W C M. & St. P Chicago Term. & T.. do pfd .. C. C. A St. I-..-. Colo. Southern do lt pfd do 2d pfd Delaware ft Hudson. D L. & XV Denver & Rio G...... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do Dfd K. C. Southern do Pfd Txuls. ft Nashville... Manhattan I, . Met. Securities Philadelphia Prodore Market. PIJII.ADKLPIHA. May . HI'TTKR Firm; xir.i we'ern creuipery, 2Sr; extra 1 err prints, )e. - -' I'.tKTS Firm; nearbv fresh. 174'. at mark; ncfteni fresh. 1Mi1S4c. at mark. HKK?E-Ftnner; New Yoik full crams. far.rv old. Ilffl4ip: choice old. 134Til3c, fair to good old. lH3'e; new. I."'6 liu. Dnlatli t.rnla Market. PfT.VTH !: t -WHK AT Tn nrrlre. No. 1 northern. 24c. 0.Uc,: Nu. 1 north 9,000 824 814 2.200 4,(KXI 10,400 ' '2,606 3,400 100 33,600 -3'9i6 700 2.000 i,ao6 800 100' 200 700 2S.400 3.1O0 l.i0 153 1054 1524 105 147 1454 '484 '47'i 194 218 1704 '324 97 264 '34" 184 366 29 R54 74r 654 19 . 218 1684 814 1014 16 105' 954 1464 19S 47: 83 75 194 zis 1704 "4 so 304 P I Mr . rJ 264.-26', : -Nf 32i '33 184 366 284' 84 414 644 500 1584 157 Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, May 8 MONEY On call Steady, UtfftiA, per rent: closing bid. 24 per cent; offered at 2 per cent; 'time money, steady; Sixty ami niety days. 6 per cent: six month. 34'i3 per cent. PRIME MK.KCA.-N I I l.f, l'Al'LIt-SNjIII'i per cent. HTKKL.I.NU r.Av ma Mir; istrong; cio. Ing steadv. with actual business In bankers bills st 4 867oifi 4.8076 for demnnd, and af l4.SMi54i4.857n for sixty dnv hills; posted rate, m.wmj ano usi-. commercial puis. M.8444jfl.S44. SILVER war, ti'c; Mexican dollar, 4,?' .. - - . ... hum Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. on nond were: . ..1"44 Jupan . nfi ...I04H I- N. uat. 4s.. ...104 iMlnhmin p. (. 4l , ..10414 i. Central 4. ...1J2 I ito lit !! ...lH 'Minn St. L. 4 1044 M .. K. ft T. 4s... l4Vb do 8 ctfs. N. R. R. of M. c. HI ;N Y. '. g. 4... ins In. .1 r. t .... '4 No Pcl(lo 4i m 1 do a 1M N. A W. e. 4 . O. S. U. rfd. 4k. US Pnn. ronr. 3!4k.. M R'adlns trn 4a.. 7 St I. ft I M IO714, Rl. L. S. F. r. 4. M St. I.. W r. 4 ! til.T.r1 A. I.. 4s. K14 f0. rrlr 4 n Sn. rtlll It 4I..102V4 Tm ft P. 1 .... M T.. t. I,. W 74U t nlnn Factne 4 . . . . US ' do ron. 4K ....I0414 t S Rttel id ta. ....101 M'thaah la ... . 7 I do rtb. B ,.,.1014 Wptrn Md. 4... .... 32H W. ft t. K. 4s.... 1114 Wla Ontra.1 4a.., 1U, Closlns prices . S. ref. tt, re... do coupon ........ . S. la. reg do coupon ......, N. S. new 4s, rg. . do cetiLion I'. S. old 4i. Teg do coupon Am. Tobai-co 4s. do s. ctfa Au-hiann san. 4a. . . do adj. 4s Atlantic r. L. 4a. Bil. ft Ohio 4s... do Jta Central of Oa. fia. do I at loc do Id Inr Ches. ft Ohio 44a rhlr-mo ft A. ' C, B. ft 4. n. 4s C, K. I. ft P. 4a do ml. a ret:. st. u. g. ( hlcaxo Ter. 4s. . Colo. Midland 4s.. Colo, ft So. 4a..'.. Cuba 5a. rtfs 11. ft R. 0. 4 WstlllenC Ssc. fs. Krle prior lien 4s. do sen. 4s Hooking Vsl. 4V,a F . W. ft D. C. Is Offered. . . .lft4 . . lf ... it ... 1 ... 97V, . , .10!v, ... US 4 ...10O ...US'i ...lOMt ... 7 . ..101' ... K7H .. .10214 l1 M M W ll MS M lOS't las 4 V, llH 74V4 tS (I3-, (a 4a. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef b'.eersWesk to Ten Lower und 8low, Cows field About 8teady. HOGS SOLD A GOOD DIME LOWER Moderate necelpta of Sheep and l.amh ana Parkers All Seemed ta Want a Few All Sold In tiaod enaon at Steady Trices, SOI TH OMAHA, May 8, los. Receipts were: Cattle. H"gs Sheep umciai Monday i.Vioi bun Same day last week .... 2,80 Same day week before.. 2.443 Sam three weeks ago.. 8.i'7d Same four weeks ago 4.020 Same day last vear 4 i2l RECEIPTS KOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Soutli Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: IK. I HI opS 7l7 Hots M2I.8M Sheep 600 840 I he following table shows tne average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: This decline takr the fully br to wheie It was the middle of last week. Representative sales: No. Av. Ph. IT No. Av Ph. J4'l I 1t'4 7 177 . . fS 100 I.'4 " 3.5d 4.515 4 4-9 8.030 19i'4 345. 90 894.095 607,215 3 1,1 l.i. .7:4 8.-21 12.7('9 4.91 Dec 51,973 72.231 7,575 April 17. April 17.. April 19.. April 20.. April 21.. April 22.. April 23.. April 24.. April a.. April 2.. April 27. April 28.. I April .. April 30.. I May l... May 2... May 3... May 4...I May 8... May .. Mav 7... May 8. . . 224 ( 244 6 2341 a r? s i2Hi :905. '1904. i!303. 11902. 11901. 7 OJi 9(', J 92 4 71 7 141 6 99! 6 64 4 7b, I 6 96, I 88 4 81i 7 lflf I 6 86 4 79, 7 101 a 881 7 0(1 ( 86, 7 01, I 861 7 061 7 041 4 II 4 81 J5HI 6 26'Sji 7 74; 6 Z24, 4 781 " I 5 1641 I 74 6 ! 0 i"'N 4 ii:( t 1041 4 6t. I 4 61 6ll4i d 11 ,, 4 58 5 IK41 4 55 E 2441 4 69 t 7 03 6 981 6 77 6 84 (1900. 1899. I 6 55 3 72 6 49 I 13 a Ati 9 Ti v -win 9 i . 6 451 S 75 e 421 9 ii 8 7J I 361 6 02i 3 67 I 6 3b 8 05 I 6 39 ! 3 65 I 6 34 18 67 Roaton toek anil Bonds. ROSTON. Mav 8.-Cal! loans. cent; time loans, "AMS44 per cent closing or siocks ana ponos: 4s. 4a. Atrblson adj. do 4S Max. central Atrhlaon do pfd Poalon ft Albany. Uoston ft Malna. Boston Klcvated . Fltrbhur pfd ... Moxiran central . N T.. N. H. ft 1 Pere Marnuptta . t nlon raclflc a ..H'!Ni lAdventur Alton Amalastnated .. Amerlran Zinc .l'H'.slAtlantlo .M ,17 . .154 ..M ' .. 3i( ..100 .117!, A mar. Arga. Cham... 4 do pfd Am.r. Pneu. Tuba., Amar. Susar do pfd Amar. T. T Amar. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. ft R... Fdlaon Klar. lllu.. (Jenaral Elertrlc . Mass. Rlectrlc do pfd Mass. Gaa , l'nltad Fruit Cnlted Shoa Marti. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Wactiiig. rommon Asked. ..m us .140 .. !: .. 81 ..Hi ,.174 .. U .. (4 .. 44 ..104 .. K4V .. SI- . . 30S . . 37 .. 84 Rlnabam ....... Cal. ft llacla... Ontannlal .... Coppef Range . Poly Wast .... Dominion Cool Franklin Oranby Isle Royal ... Mass. Mining . Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. ft C. Old Dominion . Osi-cnis, Parrot Qulnry ahannon Tamarack Trinity l'nltad Copper V. H. Mining.. t'. s. on ttah Victoria Winona Wolrerlna 37! 4 per Official 3'4 ...... ns 79, US Jov, 4411 1 70 14 7 t i-H 10'j 74 11 48 V, S MVa 1 2X 5 11 7 II , 30V, 9S 424 82 ....... 1014 104 London Stocks anil Bonds. LONDON, May 8. Closing quotations on on stocks and bonus: Conaols, money do account Anaconda ... Atchlaon .... do pfd ... Baltimore ft Ohio. MS M 1J-16 ... 5V, ... 34 ...104 V, 10SH Canadian Pacific 130V, Chca. ft Ohio. Chicago Ot. W C, M. ft Bt. P DeBeera , . . . Denvar ft R. O do ptd Brie . do 1 at pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central l.ouls. ft NaahTllle. U , K. ft T SILVKR Far, 49 V. . .174 . "Ni . tt . S7 . 42'4i . 794 . 47 . .112 .14-114 N. V. Central Norfolk ft W , do pfd (lotarlo ft W Pennsylvania Rand Mines Reading do 1st pfd do Id pfd Boutharn Railway, do pM Southern Paclflo .. Colon Pacific do pfd C, 8. steel.. do pfd .. Wabaah .'... do pfd .. Rpaniah 4a 14344 74-4 M 414 OS 10V4 4DV 4 a 40 liOV, IOO14 iv, 101 If" 41 04 MONEY 24S24 per cent. Stead, ao4d per ounce. 14,900 900 1.900 Met. St. Ry 4.800 1.600 11.100 2,800 2.100 100 10.900 6,900 4.100 94,100 200 'e400 100 100 100 .. 1.000 .. 16,700 500 . . 8,300 100 .. 2.600 " ioo ..108,800 400 200 900 400 800 .. 1.100 .. 2,800 1.100 100 Kansaa fltr Brl ! Proelalona, KANSAS CITY. May l.-WHEAT Hiaher: May. 4c: Juiy. 714744; Sep teniher. 70471c; Cash: No. 2 hard. Do 9 Bhlc: No 3. Sl-ite: o. . ,iflc: xo red. 9(Ji964.-; No 1. SLfJic; No. 4, 7bfJ&8c WIifhi recelDts. 31 cars. CORN-Steadv: May. 4TS'8454e: Julv 'c: September. 4e. Cah: No. 1 mixed, 4Tti474ct No. S. 47j4.4c; No. : white, 4T4c; No. I. 4ti4e. OATS rlrrn: No. 3 white. 32c; No. S mixed. Jlc. EGOS Steady : Missouri and Kansas, new No I while wood case Included. 15'e; case count. l4Uc; rases returned. 4" l"Wr. HAY-Steady: choice timothy, t9.5C910.0Q; choice prairie. 7.75ff8 00. H 'K Steady, Ji,2c. Bl'TTKR Creamery. 20tfJc; packing. 114c. Mexican Central Minn. A Bt. I, M.. St. P. eV S. S. M do Dfd Missouri Pacific M . K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. i. t entrai N. Y., O. & W Norfolk & Western do n'd Pennsylvania p., c, c. St. L.... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. 8. F. 2d pfd. St. L. 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Texas A Paclflo T.. St. I.. & XV do nfd I'nlon Paclflo .' do pfd Wabash do pfd XV. & I.. E Wisconsin Central. do Dfd Northern Pacific... Adams Ex American Ex I'nited States Bx.. Wells-Fargo Ex..., Amal. Copper 85.800 Am. Car A Foundry. 1.500 do nfd Am. Cotton OH do pfd Am. Ice, ctfs do Pfd. ctfs Am. Unseed Oil do pfd Ain. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt, ft Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng.... Am. Tobacco pfd. ctf Anaconda M. Co...... Urooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel ft Iron Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Internsttonal Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National lad North American Pacific Mall People's Os Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal Iron V. S. Leather do pfd. offered C. S. Realty V. 6. Rubber do rfd V. S. Steel do pfd. exdlv Va. -Carolina Chem.. do ptfw Weatliiirliouse Elec. Western I nlon 144 1034 77 1104 204 143 1634 704 1154 20 4 00 116 115 954 204 58 334 1414 i6' 95 254 584 834 1394 464 764 39.200 1354 134 4 924 92 "je" 74 65 22'4 574 594 1174 294 9fi; 31'4 '554 II84 97 19 41 18 20 46 183 904 92 274 74 ho 224 504 6774 117 294 954 314 '664 117 97 18 39-4 154 204 45 180-4 3i0 2394 239 804 344 98 824 200 17 14.100 1.600 lS.fnx) 100 8.300 3.7i' 400 l..Wt 6.100 11.100 300 400 I.81 10 9V 1.300 1,200 2O0 1 2. 300 4 2"0 500 88. 600 2"0 1.700 800 8.000 2uft 11.700 474 1124 111 1194 134 95 1 107 604 44 1974 IS 00 17 20; 7S 304 81 4 44', 1004 36 1044 384 18 734 344 1(W 81 784 34 97 324 17 -46" 111 IO84 1194 131 944 107 594 414 191 124 60 4J4 1734 194 784 30 814 434 IK 14 354 lao-4 38 174 714 33 104 4 774 600 384 J7 98.) 71.100 1 900 1.000 307. 98 334 105 200 93 4 294 904 324 104 93 When bit. Cfcrn. bu... Uata, bu.... Receipt. Shipments .... 24 ( 32 '"V 27, ' ' ll.i .... 10,000 ' 12.000 Total sales for the day. 790iO shares 1R4 35 284 lii, 414 774 65V4 92 1574 24 49 264 67 144 1634 704 11 2i4 55 11674 167 954 254 674 834 14074 464 764 91 1344 70 914 90 84 27-4 73 654 22 54 584 117 294 954 314 354 544 118 97 184 394 13 204 454 181 248 2394 124 245 794 .334 96 32 95 44 354 37 43 474 112 1104 119 1324 94-4 100 594 4:4 1924 124 RilaT 1734 78 304 Mi 444 1004 : 83 235 17' 72 34 K4 109 SO: 37 10o4 3014 324 IO44 93 The rate of discount Itj the open market is Z4riZD-i6 per for short bills threo months' bill, cent: 241&2 5-16 per cent. for Mew York Mining; Stork NEW YORK, May 8 The following are tne closing quotations on mining stocks: Adama Con Alice Breeca Brunswick Con . Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllle con .... Offered. 20 50 It I Utile hlef Ontario .... lOphlr ........ Phoenix .... 7V, Potosl .170 lavaga .175 aierra Nevada .320 small Hopaa .. . 4 ''Standard .400 .1026 .. I .. 13 .. 4J .. 3S .. It ..300 Trensnrr Statement. WASHINGTON. May 8 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 1132,942,391; gold, 161,320,120. Rank Clearing. OMAHA. Mav 8. Bank clearing today were. 11.478.892.77 and ror tne corresponding day last year, 81,318.287.30. Foreign Flnuxrlal. LONDON. May 8 Money was not plen tirui in toe niaraei louay ami ratex wire firm with Die promise of tightening, owing to the repayment to the Rank of England and the call for an Installment of the Japa nese loan. Discounts were firm. In svmpa- my witn money, t rices on tne Htnck Ex change weie weak and trading was In active, tl-e bu'ls closing accounts prior to the settlement, owing to the political un easiness and desirs mnklnc lower ounta tlons In the sbsence of buyers. Consols were heavy, bit recovered a fraction dur ing the afternoon. .American opened wenk at below parity en celling for New York s 80 6 i u 70 I 7 b 7 6 72, 6 071 6 S7i 3 09 7 031 6 65 I S 69 I b i M D 12! " 6 83, 6 tW 6 64, 6 26 3 61 K ,0, 1 111, b ,1 6 Id 3 66 I 7 01. 5 72 I 17 i 60 75 ' 5 64( 6 86: S 08 6 30 I 4 Ml 6 72i 7 031 16 22! 8 62 6 274! 4 OB; 6 66 6 98 6 67j j 3 64 I 4 64! 6 63, 6 93, 6 89 6 21 6 1741 I 6 63. 7 69 5 64 ii 10, 3 69 l. . TJ... 7. . . 74 . 7. . , ', . ai ., ei . S4.. U. . 74 . 2.. 14 . 70 . 9 . as . . ai . 71 . . 73.. !.. ttl . HI.. M . 0.. 1.. 7(... 76.. 60 . 201 ..! . !L'4 . fin . f! . 214 . .;:i.1 . . ti . ..14 . 2'.0 . . i'to . . :r. ,..tM . . ?n , . 56 , . .246 ...J14 ,'..241 ..239 ...24" ...271 .. t!7 . . 241 . . If.7 ..214 . . .2SJ . . .24.1 ...195 .. .199 .. 2M ...!" . ..2"4 ...2i4 ST8 0 i:o 21XT SO 4" Ir I if, t !. 6 IK 6 II I II I II 6 15 I II I II 6 15 I 17V, I 17V, 6 17V, 17V, llv, I 17 I 17V, 6 17V, I 17', 5 17(, 6 17V, I 17V, 6 17V, 6 17V, 6 17't t 17' I 17V, I 17( I 17v, t 1Tv I 17H 6 17V, 6 17V, I 17, 73 . II . :. . 19 . 71.. 7S.. II.. 72. 71, a. 69.. . 54. . 7. 59. 1'S 32 I'M 120 200 . ... 279 217 214 .... 2" 210 '.' 195 2. IS M .... 2; 279 . . . . 272 244 254 ... 234 .... 221 .... 117 nt 27 .... 219 2f.l) 2J9 279 372 ... 227 351 110 199 120 242 240 112 ... 27J . . 314 90 moderate 40 40 240 40 10 120 40 10 120 200 40 Pr I 174 I 17V, I US 6 17V, I Itv, I 17, 5 17', 6 17', I llv, 6 17', 6 17', 6 I7, I 17', I 11 v, 6 llv, I 17', I 17v, I 17V, 17v, I 17', I 17V, I 17v, I 17V, 17V 5 17', 6 17't 6 17', 6 to 20 I to 6 10 I M 6 22H I 23V, 6 21V, run of so that although stock 1 18 . 9 3 3 31 3 6 10 2 1 1 2 1 3 78 14 3 358 9 6 43.8 678 1.424 Xh8 641 1.358 616 476 1,0.'6 57 213 62 2 301 9) 68 207 Indicates Sunday. The official nnmticr of car of Drought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r s. M. St P 1 P. Syatem 23 & N. W 5 F., E. 4 M. V 62 C, St. P., M. & O 10 B. A M 26 C, B. & 0 1 R. I. P.. east.. 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western 1 Totals receipts ....128 Tne disposition of the dav's reeeints was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 head indicated:. Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. umana racKing co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour Co Swift A CO., country.... Hill A Htintzlnger Hamilton & Rotnachlld.. F. Husz Mike Haggertv J. B. Root & Co Bulla & Kline Other buyers Total 2,915 4.526 2,93 CATTLE There wa a moderate run of cattle at all points today, but in spite of that fact the market was not In verv irood shape. Packers were still rather liidlrTercm and as a resfiit trading was slow and the day well advanced before a clearance was made. The market on beef steers could best lie described by culling It weak to a dime lower. In some cases something that Jimt happened to suit buyers may have sold at right around steady prices with last week a close, but as a general thing both the good and common to medium grades had to sell a trifle lower than they did last week. Salesmen all wanted (steady prices and censequently trading waa very slow, but as packers did not seem to care wnetner tn.-y got many cattle or not it was Impossible to hold the market steady. As high as $6.00 waa paid for sonio pretty good eattle. There were not many cows and heifers Included In the offerings, and as all the packers seemed to want a few. the market held Just about steady, with trading fairly active. The more desirable grades In par ticular sold freely, but still even the corn, mnn and medium grades changed hands without much trouble and an early clear ance was made. Bulls, veal calves and stags showed no quotable change from last week's ruling prices. The prnportlon of stockers and feeders to the total receipts waa small, and as speculators carried over but few cattle from last week, they were all flnxioua fur supplies this morning. The market could he quoted active and fully steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av SHEEP There was sheen here this mornlni Chicago was quoted weak to a dime lower prices at this point held steady, with trad ing fairly active. All the packers seemed to want a few fresh supplies and every thing nt all desirable changed hands In good season. The qualltv of the offerings was fairly good. Old ether sold up to 34.55. wethers and yearlings mixed $4 75 and yearlings 14 85. The lamb market was also Just shout steady and the few offered changed hands In good season. Some Colorado woolen lambs sold for $060 and the Colorado-Mexican wooled lambs brought $7. There were no good clipped lamb offered. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lauins, i. BO'un.m; fair 10 good latlibs, $5.flCi$ifl.,i0; good to choice Colorado wooled Inmra. $n.iM7.on; good to choice yearlings, $4 itmn.isi; tun- io h 'do yenning i.oo'n4.(o; good to choice wethers. $4. 0(g4.75; fair to good wethers,' $4.25134.50: good to choice ewes, $4 25714.55; fair to good ewes, $4.00t 4 26. Wooled stock sells from 75c to $1 per loo pound higher than (.lipped atock. Rep resentative sales: No. 21 western cull wethers.. 7 western ewes 438 western wethers 461 Western wethers 177 western wether 27!) Western wethers 301 western wethers 420 western wethers 11 Colorado ewes 14 western lambs 10 Colorado yearlings ft wethers i.T western wooled lamns 252 Colorado wooled lamb 252 Colorado wooled lambs CIIICAfiO I.IVK STOCK Wool Market. LONDON. May 8.-WOOL The offerings at the wool sale today amounted to 13,445 hales. Keen bidding by continental and home buyera for Merinos caused a harden ing tendency, especially In best scoureds. America continued to nay SO per cent ad vance for medium ana line cross oreds, tak ing parcels at lldwls id. Cape of Good Hope wool was firm, hollowing are tne aales In detail: New South Wales, 1,900 bales; scoured, 9d'als lid; greasy, 54d4i1s I4d. Queensland, 900 bales; scoured, 9 viral 1l4d; greasy, 64dfils 140. victoria, Z.ono Dales; scoured, lOdi&ls lid; greasy, 84dfn1s 4d. South Australia, 300 bales; scoured. Is Id. Is 7d; greasy, 6d1i1l4d. Tasmania. 21 bales; greasy, 94d'ols 14d. New Zealand. 6,540 bales; scoured, lOdfila Id. Cape of flood Hope and Natal. l.lnO bale; scoured. Is 64(113 Is 64d; greasy, 6d((t4d. Falkland Islands, 300 naies; greasy. 64dui0d. ST. LOl'IS. Mav 8 WOOI Strong: me dium grades, combing and clothing, i'rd 304c; light fine, 224i26c; heavy fine, 17h20c; tub wasneo, BZtMlc. Sugar and Molaaaea, NEW YORK, May S.-BCOAR-Raw. flat; fair refining. 87c; centrifugal, 96 test, 44c; molasses sugar. 34c. Refined, unset tled: No. 6. 5.55c; No 7, 5.50c; No. 8, 6.40c; No. 9. 5 30c; No. 10. 5.30c; No. 11. 6 20c; No. 12. 5.15c; No. 13. 5.05o; No 14, 5.00; confection ers' A. 6.00c; mould A, 6.60c; cut loaf, 8.85e; crushed, 6.85c, powdered, 6 20c; granulated, 15c; cubes, 6.40c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 29ft36c. Svrun. nom inal, 8fc. NKW ORLEANS. May S SI GAR Quiet ; onen kettle. 3-4B44c; open kettle centrif ugal, 44xm!6-16c; certrlfugal whites, 64c; yellows, 44tr6 5-lttc; seconds, 3 11-1bY(j44c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NF.W YORK. May . -K VA POR ATF.D APPLES The market shows no fresh fea ture. Common to good are quuted at 445 44c. prime at 5fi54c and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRr ITS Prunes are in very light demand, and while coast holders are said to tie firm In their views as to the futures, the tone of the general market Is no better than steady, with quotations ranging from 24c to 64c ac cording to grade. Apricots are unchanged. with cnoiee at iiwkmsc, rxtra choice at lie and fancy at il"ioc peaches are steadv at recent prices, cnoiee neing quoted at liifjlOUc extra choice at 104c and fancy at HV(il2e. Ralin are steady, with seeded fruit in moderate demand. Ioe muscatel are quoted at 4v-.t6r. seeded raisins at 6V8ic ana ionuon mver at (1.0in 1.16. Dry tlooda Market. NEW YORK, May 8.-DRY GOODS- maraer opened quietly, i ne tone, how ever wa firm all around. The chief event tooav was me announcement of the fall in prices inr carurn ana rugs. Contrary to expectations, no rsdlcal advances have neen maae. a iew nnea or rarpeta were to be 24c dearer, but the majority are un- cnangeo. wnuo rug are generally lower tne reuuciiuit amuuoiiiig 10 over a dollar in cerium ckhcx. No. 1.... t.... 4.... 17.... 15.... IS... 14.... I.... !.... 13.... 17..., 49.... 14... . 10.... 14..., 10... 13..., ... 18..., 13... 1... 1... 1... Av. ..1040 .. 00 .. 810 ..1147 .. fSI ..1121 ..1018 ..1100 ..1041 ..1047 ..1104 ..ll; ..lilt . .10M ..1227 ..1240 ..1213 Pr. I 2 l 35 4 00 4 21 4 40 4 bt 4 65 4 St 4 76 4 to 4 U 4 95 4 tu 4 90 t 00 I 00 10 Milwaukee (irala Market. MILWAI KKE. Mac 8 WHEAT Firmer; 0. - nnrtiicrn, ai.ocy 1.1, jui), mc, Did RYE Steady; No. 1. 78c. BARLEY Steady ; No. !. 51c 50c. CORN 4'" higher; No. 3. 474l474c. asked. , ; sample, 3vfy 4&49c; juy STEERS 31 I M ..10M 4 96 24. 29.... 1.... (..., 4..., K... 33... 19..., 29... 122.. St..., 20.... ... 34... El... 1... 33... AND 81... 9 . . 984 .. 980 ..1070 .. 817 ..1090 .. O0 .. 896 .. I0 .. 700 .. 840 .. 790 ..1000 ..10R0 ..1040 ..1060 ..1000 .. M3 .. 395 . .11611 .. 980 ..1150 . . 1090 .. 994 ,..1130 ..1190 ..1440 1 00 2 00 I 00 8 06 I 10 I 35 1 40 t 41 I 60 1 66 t 40 I (0 1 65 I 10 I 76 t 10 I IV 3 111 10 I 25 1 35 t 36 3 40 9 4(1 I 40 3 40 COWS. 135S 1211 1180 1117 10S0 1227 1396 1.322 1189 1216 iJ40 .TTJiiO 1.169 1571 1:121 1476 1844 COWS. ........ 712 1114 II is!! COWS AND . 630 4 10 17 HEIFERS. . 9o .1140 . 930 .1083 .1174 . 990 . 961 . 864 .1270 .1200 1090 1086 104i 1060 952 KI0 i. 946 1060 1110 1164 1075 1115 1280 1017 1070 1108 HEIFERS. 131 1... I... 1... 4 .. 1... !.., J"... 1... 6... 11... I... 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1. . 1.. .. I.. 1.. 1 . 1.. I.. 1.. . 10.. 1.. 1.. 1 . 1.. J.. 1 . I.. I.. 10.. 1 . . 15.. 620 606 680 677 Ill 816 495 180 690 744 760 830 98(1 1420 1400 1190 12O0 1800 1180 1670 1320 14" 1210 1 15 I 76 I 76 3 80 1 90 I 85 I 60 I 8A I 66 1. 11. 31. 16! !3 26 t 80 8 85 I 60 I 60 8 16 I 76 I II I 76 3 80 8 II BULLS. 1. . 800 . 700 . 300 . 630 . 860 . 7111 .1070 . 913 . 980 . 963 .I960 .1585 .1090 .1490 .1670 . 980 .1330 .1790 .li-,1) .1780 Pr. t 25 6 25 6 25 ' 6 30 6 40 9 46 I 46 6 60 6 60 6 60 I S 6 46 6 96 6 95 6 16 4 til) 4 85 6 56 60 3 60 3 10 I 65 5 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 10 4 II 4 10 4 26 4 30 4 33 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 50 4 II 4 00 4 10 4 20 4 30 4 35 4 46 4 60 4 40 4 16 4 70 I 86 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 16 4 25 4 21 I M 4 60 6 no I 00 6 on 6 00 6 00 , 110 100 13 too 143 no 120 STOCKERS 3 0 3 on 690 180 738 480 1006 460 1,6 STAGS. t 50 I 175 1 CALVES. 8 40 1 40 I 10 8 76 8 16 75 I 9(1 1 1... ... I... 1... 4.. . AND 4... 1 .. 1... 16... I ., 8... 124.. 11.... ..1420 . .1710 .. 90 .. 120 .. 170 .. 160 170 .. 132 4 00 4 l I 16 6 26 5 5(1 I 75 DO I 00 FEEDERS. 467 4 00 760 890 12 steers., 29 heifers. .1131 648 2 heifers.. 430 2 25 55 feeciers.. 742 4 16 23 heifers.. 684 2 NO HOGS Owing to WYOMING 4 35 3 00 . 418 . 993 .1005 .1091 4 00 4 00 4 0 4 15 4 66 4 65 4 70 1 steer.... 870 26 heifers.. 46; 8 bulls. ...Lt3 11 cow.. .I047 4 feeders.. 987 Av. Pr. 100 3 75 95 4 30 108 4 55 , 101 4 75 88 4 76 96 4 80 .PI 4 80 99 4 85 83 6 00 82 6 50 I 78 6 00 ,87 6 60 ,74 7 00 ,74 7 00 MARKET Cattle Slradj-Hogs Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower Sheep Strong. CHICAUO. May 8 CATTLE Receipts, 22.0(s head; market steadv; good to prime steers. $5.50(06.50; poor to medium. $4.5on 5.25; stockers nnd feeders. $2.5oii4).l(i; cows, fl.50fi2.60; heifers. 3.50(i.oO; canners, $1.50 (&3.00; bulls. $2.75&4.76; calves. f3.oO6.60. HOGS Recelpta, 54.0OO head; estimated tomorrow, 25.0(81 head; market liHjjloo lower; mixed and butchers, $6 4ofi1.524; good to choice heavy, $5. 45(5. 55; rough heavy, f5.30 fc5.40; light, $5.30f6.50; bulk of sales, J6.16 ltiu.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 28,000 head; sheep strong; lambs tlriyi; good to choice wethers, shorn, $4 S'ciin.lO; fair to choice mixed, shorn. f4.(iSj4.50; western sheep, shorn, $4.4Kti5.05: native lambs, shorn, t4.75oli6.oo; western lambs, f5.OiK87.15. Knnaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,0110 head. Including 1.700 southerns. Market steady to Kic lower. Choice ex port and dressed heef steers, l5.6fii&6.SO; fair to good, $4.50fii5.60; western fed steers, $4.50 (fi6.25; stockers and feeders,; southern steers, $3.50c5.r)O; southern cows, $2.4.6; native cows, $2.25(95.00; native heifers. $3.60(16.60; bulls, $2.7614.75; calves, $8.606 25. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market 10c lower; top, $5,374: bulk of sales, $5.2org'5.33 heavy and SHI head lambs, f5.6ti(&".00; 'western fed steers. fS.fjOj1 6 90; fed sheep and yearlings. $4.25i&6.00; Texas clipped yearlings, $4.8oi5.25; Texas clipped sheep, f4.00i()4.4o; slacken and feed ers, $2.5046. 00. I, fJ rV,. K. 3.7: M. M X'; N. t3 86; W. U., $.;. V. W t 24). OMAHA M HOI F.-VAI.K MARKET. Ceadllloti of Trade sad tiaotatlnn on Staple and I'ancy i-ritUut-e. EleGS - KeiclttK, heavy, market, steady; csnd'ed Mock. l.i'. LIVE POL LTRY-Hens. 104flllc; young roosters, according to sis. a'tlc; old roostel!., , ttiln, , i4'OI,.. dUCK. ilC. BL'TTKR Packing stock. 14c; choice to fancy dairy, lstwc. creamery, 2i"ii4'-i ' 'kREs'JT FROZEN FISH -Fresh troyl. 12c; pickerel, Uc; pike. 4': perch, ,c; blueflsh lie; w nltetish. Pt ; sauiion. lie; redsnnpper. 9c; green halinut, Uc; crapples, lie; butfaln, 7c, white o.;. ne; herring. 4c: Spnisn uttacgerel. 12c, lobster, boiled. 45c; green, toe; finnan paddles, ,e, roe shad, each, 75c; shnd roe, per pair, dw. i frog legs, per dol., ,l"c; cattish, 14c. HA Y- Price quoted bv Omaha Whole sale I In v Dealer association: Choice No. 1 upland, 7.00: No. 3. $6.60; medium. $0v; coatee, $4.50. Rye straw, $..u. These prices air H,r nay 01 goou c,,,ur .ind uuaot. BRAN l ev ton. 117.50. TROPICA L FRL'IT. ORANGES -Kxtr.i m ; .Mediterranean sweets, ail sues. fancy navels, sixes 126, 150, 1 ', ri 2t. 216, 2n0, fa.2ixtj3.Dif; t. 96, 1)2. Riii2.;:; seedlings, ail sixes, $2.76. LEMONS California, extra fancy, 270. J(0 and 360 Uxe. $3."0; fr.::?; 270, .KXt ami 860 sixe, $2.75: choice, 240 and 270 sue, $2.ii; ;ttsj and 34X1 sixe. $2.50. DA IFS-Pm box of 30 lb. pkgs.. $2 00; Halloween, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., re. FIGS -Cslifornla, per lu-lb. carton, 71x9 fcoc; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 10c; s crown, l2c. BANANAS- Per iivdium iixed bunch, 1.76i2.26; Jtnrbos, $2.5O'i:;l.0o. G KAPEFR1 IT-CnUf. .ruin, per box of 64 to 64. $4.ii; F! Tidn. $.V0i 4j6.(Ki. PINKAPPLF.S- Florida, per orale of K 30, 38 cr 42. $3.6.V3 3 75. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Black, per S-lb., box, $1.76; white, per v-lb. box, tl.JO. STRAW BERRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt, case. f2.oo. APrLES New York Baldwins, $3.00; Col 0'do Iier Davis, per box, $1.26tjl J0. TANGERINES California, per half-bog, $2.75. VEGKTAH1..EB. CRANBERRIES .rr-rseys, per crate, Tl RNU'8-Oid, per DU. dot., 45c. CARROTS Old, per bu do , 4(ic. PARSNIPS Old. tier bu WAX BEANS-Per, $1.00 beans, per 'vbu. box. i5c. POTATOES- Home grown, In sacks, per bu., 30c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per lb., i,9c. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2.00. . Cl Cl'MHKRK -Per dog.. 1 SO. PEAS New, per bu. 00 x, $1.00(72.50. TOMATOES Florida, per b-baket crate, $.". 004j6 (JO. SPINACH Per bu.. 75c. ONIONS Colorado yellow or red. per lb.. 24c; new southern, per dor., c, CAB WAUE Call lornia In cratrt, per 40c; new, $2.00. per 40c; new, per 40c. string lb.. 1EETB Old, per bu.. 40c; new, per dog. bunches, 45c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dos., 3Of(;40c. LETT L'CE Hot house, per dot., 43c; head lettuce, per dox.. fl.00S1.25. RHUBARB Illinois, per Jiox Of 60 lbs.. $1.00. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches, 45C. ASPARAGl'8-Home grown, per dog. bunches, '.0q50c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 16c; Wisconsin Young America. 16c; block Swim, new, 16c; old. 17c; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin llmburger. lie. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shells, new crop, per lb,. 16e; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2, soft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 2, hard shells, per ill., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanut, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 120134c; Almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c; cnestnuts, Cer lb., 1248Tlilc; new black walnuts, per u., 76fo90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., fl.76; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.40. HIDES No. 1 green, 74c; No. 2 green, 64c; No. 1 salted, 84c; No. 2 ealted, 74c; No. 1 venl calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted, 7Cal4c, sheep Spelts, S&ctbfl.OO; horse blues, $1.603.00. Coffee Market. YORK, May 8.-OOFFF.E The 1, iu, eo.oivs. utile. 01 shii-k,; ( vp- VOPVT Mav R COFFEE The y . .8-K1: .rakers. .W.6. I''eT. mZ?t for ft.nires opened stelidy at tin- 1 avi? t'Yiuua .Jchsintfu price and ruled generally quiet. hkP AND LAM BS Receipts, 50u R(ll wprp reported of 22.000 bags. Includ- i tt. tr"B., ""AHHC., ir'. ".r InK: .lu.y. September. T.lOc: De- St. I.onla Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUI8, May 8 CATTLE Receipts, 3,500 head, Including- 2.500 Texans; market steRdy; native shipping and export steers, $5.26'(T6.35; dressed beef-and butcher steer, $4.(Kffn6.10; steers under pound, $4.00 iiA.'U; stockers and feeder. $2.?0a4.O0; cows and heifers, $2.504t5.on; csnners, $2.00((2.riO; bulls, $2.75Cg4.75; cnlVes, H.(U 00; Texas and Indian steers. $3.50'Q5.2); cow and heirers, $2.00'it4.00. HOGS Receipts. 6,500 head: market weak. Pig and lights. $4.0W5.3o; packers. $4 fiodJ6.S6; butchers and best heavy, $5.30 aib. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady. Native muttons, $3.5OCci5.00; lamhs. $5.(tj8.5o: culls and bucks, $3.5(xfi4.S5; stockers, $2.00(a-3.00; Texan, $3.lifu4.90. 4 00 2 90 3 Oil 3 50 8 10 St ST. ceints. lower; Joseph Live Stock Market. JOSEPH, May 8 CATTLE Ro 678 head; market steady to 10c natives, $4.36ii6.0O; cows and heif- Stockers and feeders, $3.i5 cember. 7.35(t7.40c; January, 7.40c; March, 7.45c. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, to. reorla Market. PEORIA, May 8.-CORN-Hlgher: No. 3 yellow fOc; No. 3, 60c; No. 4. 49c; no grade, 474S48c. . . v. OATS-Higher: No. white, 30V31c; No. 4 white, 40411,4040. Flgln Hotter Market. 1 ELGIN. III.. May 8.-BI'TTKRJ-Market ruled firm today at 244c per pound. Sales for the week were 587,000 pounds. era, $2.504,6.25 J4.80 . HOGS Receipts, 4, ,43 tiead; maresei i"c lower. Light, $S.15&4.324; medium and heavy, $5.250i36. SHEEP AND I.AMHfl Keceipts, 8,070 head; market steady; lambs, $6 85. Slnnx City I, Ire Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. May H.-lSpecIn! Tele gram.)- CATTLE Receipts. 2.100 head; market nigner; oeeve. H.uwrja.; cows, hull and mixed, $3.fs'K(j5.O0; stockers and. feeders. 3.w; calves and yearlings f3.t8y24.46. Mt ftiS rteceiprs. a.(ei neao; maraet loc lower, selling nt $5.05'(e.20; bulk of sales. $5.10S6.15. Stork In Sight. Receipts of Hve stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. TEN MAY GO ON PROGRAM Knmber of Modems for Commence ment KiercUes la HmW rowed DoTVaV, The number of students who may ts.fc part In the graduation exercise of the Omaha High school has been narrowed down to ten. Their names are: Lyman Pryscn, Elizabeth Rolofson. Arthur Rord. Curtis Lindsay. Pearl Roberts. Vallery White, Constance Buddenberg. James Mc culloch, Carl Van Sant and Robert SftV Idge. These ten were chosen from the six teen who stood highest In the English classes for the Isst two years, and who completed their orations and essays last week. They will deliver their orations be fore Judges the . first week In June and five will be selected for place on the giaduavlon program. Soutli Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas tnty . Bt. Joseph ... St. Louis Chicago Total 2.906 .... 2.100 .... 8.000 .... 1.678 . ... 3.500 ....22,08) .649 3.000 8.000 4.743 6,600 54.000 3.C83 6.5O0 8.070 3 000 28.(8)0 40,284 81.892 49,253 Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 8. M ETA LB The Ixindon tin market was a little higher at 136 5 for spot. but futures were un changed at 133 17s Gd. Locally the market continues quiet, with spot quoted at fl'fl.srwj 30.10. Copper was firmer in London, closing at 65 7 k6d for spot and 65 11 3d for fu ture. Ixicnlly the market showed no spe cial change and quotations were more or lee nominal. Lake and electrolytic $15.00 ft,15.26; caHtlng, $)4.75fll5 00. Lead was un changed at 12126d In London and at $4.50 CM. 60 locally, spelter was lower abroad. closing at 23 IDs) In London. The New York market was reported weak at $5.65'& 6 75. Iron closed at 62 2d In Glasgow and at 54s in Middleshnrough. Tho American iron market was generally quiet. Prices f. o. h. tidewater follow: No, 1 foundry. northern. $17.25(fi18.O0; No 2 foundry, north- PROSPRC'TOnS IIAVrc HOI fill TIMH $1.7517.5ii; No. No. 1 foundry. ; No. 2 foundry. ern. and 17.75 17.25. ST. LOriP, May 8. M ETA LS Lead weak. 14.474114. 50. Spelter, dull, $5.50. 1 foundry, southern southern soft. $17.26'f southern soft, $16.75'vf ti enormous run of Liverpool brain Market. LIVERPOOL. May 8 -W'HEAT-Spot. dull: No. 1 California. 6s 84d. Futures, steadv: May, 6s6'4d; July, 6s'64d; Septem ber. 61 4Tsd. CORN flpnt. steady: American mixed, new, 4s 3d: American mixed, old. no stock, futures, quiet; May. 4a 3d; July, is 34d. hous in Chicago. 58, Ow) head beinir rut,.,rfu., at that point, prices had to auaer at all of the markets. Chicago was quoted lo-ulSc lower, but the market here was only g flood dime lower. Trading was rather alow lowever, as puckers wanted to take off more than a dime, but as recelpta were not exc salve here aalesmen were not dis posed to take oft more than 10c. A packers seemed to want the hog they finally raised their bids, hi, that everything In the yards was disposed of before the middle of the fore noon. The tliost popular price wa $0 .174. against $6 74 on Saturday. The bulk of all the sales today went fiom $' 16 to $5 .'(1. with some of the choicest loads at $5 224. There was no great amount of change In the market from start to finish. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 8.-COTTONpot closed quiet, Jo points higher; middling up lands. 8.16c; middling gull, 6.40c; sales, 7,Hj bales. LIVERPOOL. May 8,-COTTON-Soot In moderate demand, prices unchanged; Amer ican middling. 4.29d. The sale of the day were 8,ij bales, of which 500 were for speculation nnd export, aud Included 6.9) American. Receini were 10,000 bales, In 1 hiding 9 9"10 American. NEW ORLEANS, May $. COTTON--Firm; silcs, 1,650 bale; ordinary, 6 1 -16c; good ordinary. 64c; low middling. 7 3-16c; middling. 7r; good middling, 8I-I60; mid dling fair. Sc; receipts. 6.022 bales; stock, 174 "50 baies. ST. LOIT8. May s.OTTON Bteadv; middling. 7 13-lfr; sale. 1.639 bale; receipt. 169 bales; shipment, 105 bales; stock, 48. SIS bales. Oils and Rosin. . . NEW YORK. May 8. Ol 1.8-Cottoiiied, steady; prime crude, nominal; prima yel hrw. 24ff24c. P-i I'Xeilin. quiet; refined New Yrk. $6.96; Philadelphia nd Balti more, X.(i; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk. I4.0O. Turpentine, quiet. b94,t'Hi'r. . ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good. 13.26 OIL CITY. PS... Ma.-, y. tll---Credlt hat gnees, $1.?; rrrtiflcu It x, no bid: shipments, 192.021 bhl.; average. 6 5f bbls.; runs. 98.i!(7 Ubl.; average. 76 016 t.hls. ; shlpmenn. Lima, 113.174 bhl ; avera ;e. 5 ?S7 bhl , runs. Lima. 70 650 bbls.; average. 53.6nn bh!. SAVANNAH, May f TURPKNTLN E Firm: B7Vac.' . TtoSIN-Firm: A H nd c. $4 10; n, $3 15; E. $3,224; W-JTW: O. f.1324. II, f3.50; One Dies from Expoanre and Two More Badly Kronen. DILLON, Wyo May 8. (Special. 1 George Kester, one of the men who com posed a party of four miners from this section who started from Point of Rocks, on the Union Pacific, on February 10 last to walk to the mining camp of. Atlantic City, seventy-five miles distant, has re turned here, and tells a harrowing tale of the suffering's nnd death of members of the party. He says that shortly after leav ing Point of Rocks the party became lost In a blinding storm, which soon developed Into a bllxzard. The temperature dropped suddenly to 20 below gero and soon Harry . Hall. Ixvl Jolly and Trry Flynn were suffering with frozen feet, hands, ears, nose and face. The shoes of the men were worn out on the froxen ground and when all but exhausted they stumbled Into a ileserted cabin, where they spent the night. The next day they were found and given nourishment. Jolly died, and Flynn and Hall were so badly frozen that por tions of their feel, hands and ears were amputated. They have recovered, but will be marked for Hfe, GOLDFIELD BULLFROG We are issuing for the benefit of 'our personal clientage a book complete In every detail, toiling of the. discovery of these wonderful camps and their movements to date as seen and photo graphed by Mr. Henry Anchesier und E. T. Thornton, our consulting en gineer We are operating one of the largest high grade propoMltlons In the district and will shortly open our subscription book for a limited num ber of shares to be decided UDO11 later. Kespectfuly Submitted, THE HKMIV Af HK81LK 4,OMPAi, (Incorporated.) Mllrrankre, , . , . Wisconsin. Etar dT-Wood Co. Incorpt'l A led t nln Office: Fif'h ami Robert Strteti ST. PAUL.. nirMV DEALtKS TH ' Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Pranch Office, 1 10-111 Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha. AV Telephone 3314. 212-214 Exchange Bldg.; South Omaha Bell Phone ai. Independent Thou i