THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. MAT 7, 1005. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NOW In the time to buy that lot or home you have been wanting for no Ion. Don't wait until the other fellow gets It, then kick yourself because von missed a (toot bursa In. IrfKik over our list end we If we ran t stilt you In either a lot or house. If there la nothing here that suite, let us know and we will try to get It for you. $ 600 8-room house on a full south front lot on Burdette St., near 2nth st. $ 700 3-rnom house on 23d st. south of Leav enworth. 91200 A new 4-room house on Spring st. near 80th. House has Just been fin lulled. City water, south front lot. Owner w"l "H on payments. $1209 6-room cottage on Ohio st. near 29th, one block to car. Klectrlo light, city water, fine south front lot. Can be bought on payments. $1250 Small house and two lota on 16th st. near Corby. $1550 T-room house on Ersklne, near car. . Una gas, sewer, city water, fruit, etc. $1800 6-room house on Burdette St., near Vw ar Ha" KM' "PWpr. elty water, etc. 2300 7-room, all modern home on Wool worth ave. near 28th, cloeo to good school and Hanscom park. Will be sold on payments. $1800 New square 7-room house In Benson, with two full lota. A snap. ' she la going to leave the city. Imme diate possession. $2300 8-room house on South 27th St. he- tween Poppleton and Woblworth ave. Iot 50x160. $2100 A good 8-room house on Spencer st. near 26th st. Has fruit, nice shade, etc. Lot 66x182. $2000 6-room cottage on ltb st, near Man derson, full lot, modern except fur nace, bam. $2600 Uood 5-room cottage on Pratt St., near 26th st., modern except furnace, south front. $2600 8-room modern house on Seward St., near 38th at., full south front lot. $2660 7-room, all modern, on 41st ave. $2900 t-room cottage, all modern, full south front lot, on car line, paved street, permanent walks. $3500 A new 8-room modern home on Leav enworth at near 81st; lot 50x148. - $5250 A new 8-room all modern home on Harney St., house No. 83:11 Harney; oak finish downstairs, tiled vestibule and bath room. This price Includes screens, s'orm sa.xh and Interior deco rating. This Is a tine home. Will sell on payments. $6500 s-room all modern home on Tark ave.. near Poppleton, full lot, paving paia for. $7500 A good 9-room all modern home on 31st st. .south of Pacific, east front lot. Owner Is going to leave town and wants to sell. $S3no 10 rooms on th ave., all modern, big barn. Owner wants to sell rather than rent. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES BARGAINS IN HOMES HOUSES FOR RKNT. 2224 Chicago, 10 rooms, modern iMt 8. rith, l rooms, moaern 2323 8 l6ih, (-room flat KVM 8. lKth, 8 rooms. We csn offer a beautiful house that cost to hnllrt shout 112). together with a lrn lot miIv morth tf.mio. located su-I fill N. 16th. 5-room flat nertalv at fh ulrfmplv low flsrure of 110.- I 2M6 N. 31st. 5 rooms. ath OK). This Is a riellKhtful home In one of I 314 Ames avenue, 4-room flat.. the choicest neighborhoods. We will be 33' 6 R street, South Omaha, 6 rooms pleased to have you make an inspection or this property. In the same neighborhood as the above we can offer a 10-room modern residence for $4,500. Near Hanscom park, 9-room modern resi dence and (Inn east front lot; property In nlco condition: nrlcs. In.KOO. Brand new modern resilience near 19th and I BIX large rooms and bath, four newly pa- ..$.16 00 .. i.M ,.. 12.50 .. 1100 ... 11.00 ... 12.00 ... 8.00 ... 8.00 GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. Lo40-7 NO. 1334 8. Stth, 8-room. modern house, large and beautiful yard, only $32.50 per month. Inquire R. C. Peter A Co., ground floor Bee bldg. U 747 pered; large 2411 Caldwell large closets; near street car, D 340 4 LOTS lflO 26th and Sprague. 2W MxlSO on I-nfayette ave.. near 4Zd. ! aiK Full lot on California, near 36th st. Maple; oak finish, built for a home and everything complete; barn; price, $4,600. Tn thA Hilmnnm Pnrlc district T.rrinm hnilflA and fine corner lot; nice trees; barn; price, FOR RENT i large rooms, city water, 1826 $3,600. N. 17th .-$10. Nearly new 6-room modern house, oak fin- $ large rooms, city water, 1828 N. 17th St. Ish, corner lot; in the edge of Kountse $8.00. Place. Price reduced to $3,010; easy terms 8-room house, all modern except furnace id ngnt party. 1 J30.UO. New house. 7 rooms between 27th and 28th a. M RA CUM ANN. 436 Paxton block. sts. on Webster; price, $2,800. I D 75 Good 7-room cottage and full lot on 84th near Frances:- a barirnln at - the nriee. $2,200. I nUUjCO o. F. Da via Co., 608 Bee bldg. FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS PERSONAL 1106 FARN A M Store rom. $:A , Uarvln Bros 1604 Farnam. 1-5.19-7 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BORROW MONET WHERE You can get it on Furniture. Pianos. Hnr Wagons, Cows, Salaries, eta WHERE You get It on short nottc. WHERE You get low rates and asy term a WHERE Confidential and courteous dealings bring you oaca. lileaant business offices for rent In one of I WHERE Can v;iu..l. etA.ut the finest bulldln lit the city. Strictly modern, with Janitor service. I HA9 K. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor U. 8. Nat l Bank l:ldg. 1-477 7 Top Floor. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., IU3 PAXTON BLK. X-M76J OFFICE to rent at a bargain In the New York Life bldg. 'Phone F2582. T-M933 THE COST FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 734 8 300-1 our choice or several goou ... mitRgfi new,v gaM. 6eward Walnut Hill. . .. I near 2th: price. 11.700. Dart cash. I 3(v-N. corner 3Htn ana ass. iix.. Cottage. 5 rooms and five lots, nart set to I THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. Back. $ 400-A few lots left in uummit aou. sou.... frult nor1hweBt part of clty: price ,lim move and stor H. H. goods. Storehouse in iL.iiini.vii. oi. . . . . , , i i lian-a rsj Tel. 1569. 1 600 For that good corner, 23d ond Laird. $ 650 Northeast corner 2th and Msnderson. $ 650 Northeast corner 84th and Hamilton. $ 75f Ixt 68 ft. front on Howard and 35th. A snap. , $800-Iot on 28th St., Just south of Wool worth, shsde. $1750 On 31st ave., near Podge. i wio Koutnwesi corner wn ' vln int w. v..-. i .,, to nu 3B0O-4 full lots on the southea.t corner F n, lot West Farnam location for $2 Sft or 4tn ana eosier. $1500 On 40th St., near Webster. LOTS Corner lot on S. 10th st. for $1,050. Three lots 50x100 feet each, southwest cor ner th and Burt; bargain at $1,500 for the three. South front lot on Maple nenr 24th at $750. 18th- Office, 1511ft Farnam. D-738 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14W. onice, iu weDsier sv D-740 Corner. 25th and Sincer. 66132 feet, for HOUSES g FVLTbS'vS. D-741 $568 DOUGLAS. 8 ROOMS. $27. 5a D-741 INVESTMENTS 2710-2712 Parker St., 2 6-room houses. In fine repairs; paved street; houses rent for $400 per year and always rented $3,260. VERY GOOD. Southwest corner 21st and Webster, lot 90x132. 2 tine brock houses, renting for $960 per year. Each house finished In oak and all-modern. A large house of 10 rooms on north end of lot would HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker blk. e-74 Big bargain In West Farnam corner, HOx vu xeei, only 7,soo. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 FARNAM ST. RE-810 7 CORNER lot 66x66, brick building, three stores and flats, within two blocks of Her Grand, paying 12 per cent on the tnvest- 8-ROOM house and barn, large lawn, shads ment; must bo sofd quick; owner leaving trees, fenced; Ideal home for children; cuy. inquire sue mckory. strictly modern; call. Morand, 290$ Mt, wu Miax I Dodge. D M311 HOUSES FOR RENT. The Byron Reed Co., 213 B. 14th. D-744 easily rent for $600 per year. This ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE One eight- THE largest and best stock of furniture, SECOND HAND MACHINES before, and If at any time within one year I OUR OFFICE motto "try to pteao SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS The following Second-hand Typewriters are all in good condition and bargains for the money: 1 tnderwood tvnewriter - 1"J 00 "WE THINK you will agree with us that! 1 Remington N'iv 6 typewriters i.oo tlie cost snouia iihjs oe anuwn Deiore l Jiemington rio. e rypi'wriier... vv.m a contract la made. l ReinitiKton No. 6 typewriter $J2.50 IF YOU boi row of us you will always 1 Densmore - $moo know In advance to the cent what the 8 Fox typewriters $5000 greatest cost will be, and If you are able 1 Itllckensilorfcr No. 7 $.o.oo to pay faster than the contract calls for 1 nilckenmlorfer No. 6 $15.o you can make the cost much less. 1 Oliver No. 3 $.'0.00 YOU CAN borrow of us on furniture, pi- i Oliver No. 8 - $'S oo anos, livestock ana otner cnaueis, or on i gmlth Premier lt6.u your own agreement o repay you are emnloved on a regular salary- YOU WILL not be expected to pay us or making papers or notary ices, ana you will not be expected to pay Interest In advance, as we glvo you the full amount of the loan In cash. OUR RATES are aa low aa any and a great deal lower tnan many, our service is quick and without publicity, and THE BYRON 212 S. 14th St. must be sold within next 30 days. Seo us for price. REED CO., 'Phone 297. room aweiung house and a lot of furni- I carpets and general house furnishings In ture and cooking utenalls for sale at I Omaha. Prices mu"h lower than Install- Pudiic auction May 20, 1905, at 1467 Phelps ment atoret. Terms-$25.00 worth, $1.00 vumua. viib .feuneii, aumiiiis- i weeK. trator of the estate of Charles F. S. Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co., between Johnson, deceased. RE-643 7 I 12th and Uth on Farnam st. D 452 7 HAVE 2 east front lota street, one at 12.000. Stringer, Paxton block. Ph. L4327. RE-574 7x West Farnam CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house. 220 one ai -,ow. i m. an, E 331 ' FOR RENT. 41J N. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern, $50 00. you want to buy a new machine we will lake the old one back at exactly what It cost you. The following Is a partial list of what we offer for all this week: 1 DOMESTIC 8 5.J0 1 DOMESTIC . 1000 . 8 SINGERS, HIGH ARMS 12.00 1 S1NOEK. NEW IMPROVED.. lo.OO 1 HOUSEHOLD 10.00 1 UNION 6.00 1 WHITE 8.00 1 WHITE 8.00 1 WILCOX A GIBBS 80 00 1 NEW HOME 10.00 1 SINGER. SHOEMAKER 26.00 Model drophcad machines, slightly used. at one-nan the regular price. We rent machines at 75c per week or $2.00 per month. These are modern, up-to-date mnchines, with all attachment. e sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney S's. 324 Broadway. Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFFICE 625 N. 24th, S. Omaha. Phone 1003. Manager. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Sth and Harney Sts, 434 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. 625 N. S4TH ST., SOUTH OMAHA. NEB. U LARSON A JOHNSON-Cut rates to all points. 1408 Farnam. Tel. B 2118. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers1 association. U 778 MONEY loaned salaried people and others THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth wlihout security; easy payments. OfDces I lug; in fact, anythl ng you do not need! In 63 principal cities Tolinan, room 714. I N we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11th new iurt iiiw vuiiums. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2206. (Established 1892.) 306 So. lbth St. X-M960 MONEY loaned on furniture,' salary. horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. prlbbe- now, room 14. at aw o. loin si. iei. X-7&S X-7i VACANT BARGAINS $55060x125. 37th and Dodge. $000 65xl88, 66 feet west of tlja 8. W. cor. of 17th and Martha. $10050x124. 25th and Mason. $1,00060x159, 3ith and Burt. $1,80060x150, Park ave., south of Popple ton; east front. ' BARGAINS IN HOMES $l,BO0 rooms, lot 83x132, 26th and Chi cago sts. . , , . $2,400 8-room house, partly modern; lot GOx 150; 25th and A sts.. South Omaha. $2,5008 rooms, modern; lot 50x160; 27th and Shirley. $3,8008 rooms, modern; lot 60x132; 27th and Poppleton. $4,000 8-room house, thoroughly modern, oak finish, good repair; paved street and permanent walk; rental $40; 30th ave., south of Pacific. Quick sale. $4,0008 rooms, hot water heat, electric light and gas, porcelain bath, hot and cold water: H block from car; built last year; full lot, south front, Bomls park. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life bldg. RE Corner lot,, north part of city... $ 100 . Houso near Kountse Place, 8 rooms, modern, on terms 2,100 8-room cottage, 30th and Bur dette 600 $100 cash, balance monthly. t lota In North Omaha at your own price- ... , ( 1 lot near 20th and Vinton sts. Make offer. AM In the city for a few days and wish to 227 Harney St.. 18 rooms, modern, $50.00t aispose or several gooa lots i own. sew- 8316 Burt St.. 8 rooms, modern, $35.00. ard St., Just vest of 40th St., on grade, 324 N. 35th St., 9 rooms, 816.00. permanent walk, fine shade trees. $650. I 1916 Vinton at.. 3 rooms. 810.00. Clifton Hill, tine lot In best part of the 633 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern. $35.00. aaauion; close to car, urammercy I lsr-u B. lutn at., -room nat, park, 1 block to cnr, 2 lota, $450. One fourth cash, balance to suit. Address E 16. Bee. RE 664 7 GENUINE BARGAIN 2,200 will buy the large corner 17th and Vinton streets, 300 feet of street frontape, street cars, paving and all public improvements paid for. This is about half its real value. If you want an excellent investment, Seattle offerseat ortunit.e, for real act at once, bee tne mctague in- N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. D M352 6 Beautiful 'Boulevard Park. Lots at moderate price for people monerai meons. Henry F. Wyman, New York Life Bldg. RE 565 7 Of NO. 641 PARK AVR rooms, modern- only izh a montn. inquire K. c peters & Co. D M6U FIRST-CLASS modern cottage, 8 rooms,' attic, ice room ana launary. sis isortn 40th st. The 8. D. Mercer company, 220 Bee bldg. D 394 6x vestment Co., corner 15th and Dodge streets. ' RE 443 7x free. Wash. Parry Investment Co., Seattle, tun 4S 7X MODERN HOUSES 2826 North 24th St., nearly new dwelling, six rooms, reception hall, oak trimmings, cement cellar every modern convenience electric light, beet plumbing good furnace; corner lot, lawn and shade. Price. 88,000, on terms. Can give Immediate possession. Near 19th and Burt, nice 7-room dwelling, nearly new, with every modern conven ience; Interior nicely decorated. Can make terms. Price. $4,500. Want offer. Let us show you this property. In Farnam district, good 7-room house, bath; nice lawn, shade; south-front lot. FOR SALE 7-room house and lot. all In J rood condition, close In, bargain. Inquire 17 S. 14th street. RE M446 9 GIVING ud housekeeping: will sell mv beautiful little home, all modern, almost new. oak finish. 7 rooms, corner lot. with in walking distance, west, at a low price. Stringer, Paxton block. Ph. U 4327. RE-S73 7x RARE BARGAIN. One double house, 9 rooms each, all mod ern, Twenty-seventh and Dewey ave., rents $60; paved streets, walking distence, near churches and schools. Price $5,260. Easy payments. J. H. Parrotte, Paxton block. RE 660 7 GOOD INVESTMENT. Two brick houses, all modern, SRth and HOUSES we furnish don't have the ap pearance of those furnished at Install ment stores. Our goods look and wear better and are at least 25 per cent cheaper. Terms 826.00 worth. $1.00 week. Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co., between lztn ana inn on arnam St. u 44 7 8009 Webster St., 8 rooms, modern except rurnace, iju; ibis rtowara St., 3-room nat, $12. Ringwalt. 306 8. 16th st D M419 7 BOWEN'S MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain not If steadily employed. 70S N. Y. Life. X 760 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Oreen Loan Co.. I Barker block. X 7Q . MniMTTV loaned on nlanos. furniture. Jew elry, Doraes, cows, etc. r . nreo, oi o. u X 762 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X 763 st. for cost of collecting to the worthjr poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will caiu u TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. T B. tn. PRIVATE home durtng confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden. $218 Charles. Tel. Mil. V-T Accordion AND Sunburst NEW and second-hand soda fountains, fountain supplies. Great Western Bot tling, Ice Cream & Supply Co. Q 839 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential 1301 Douglas. X 765 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Losn Co.. lr-ot Farnam st X 768 PLEATING I COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 II. P. 110-volt, direct current, Northern nutor. This motor la In perfect condition In every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see W. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee bldg. Q 774 I MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE RUCH1NG FpR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q 852 FOR SALE, about 50 feet ornamental gal vanized Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts sulable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. Q-M828 MONEY TO LOAN If you Intend to build and want a loan or want a loan on Omaha Improved real estate, with nrlvllene of navlng all or part of principal before maturity and stop- WE RENT sewing machines. 75c weelt. Wa GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLAS RLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BROS. TEL. 1836. ping Interest, call at our office. GARVIN BRUs., 1604 FAUNAM. RE-538 7 DESIRABLE, modern 9-room dwelling to small family. Rent $30 per month. Partly furnished if desired or will sell part of furnishings. Apply 3X54 Seward Bt. D 697 7x 2224 CHICAGO STR E ET Good ten-room house, modern, lawn, $36. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. D M541 t 13th and Atlas, three lota for the three, 100 feet from car line. 250 V, mfnrahl home for 12.600 arnam; Dest part ot city, only &.ow. Ii.,ir,J .1,1. Two cottaires, 120 and 122 8. S4th. always Near Hanscom park, a brand new, well built home, two stories six rooms, recep tion hall and bath; every modern conven ience best plumbing, good furnace, lawn, shade, cement street walk or will rent for $35 per month. Price, $3,250, on terms. 84tn St., near Farnam the swell 7-room cottage of the West Farnam district, hot water heat, maple and oak finish; beauti- iui, eawi-irom lot. trice, GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE-642 7 R12 South 8th St., I rooms, $5.00. 2536 Rees st., 6 rooms, $15.00; walking dis tance, city water. BEMIS,bpotckn ' - D These properties belong o nonresidents and must be sold. MAKE US AN OFFER. E. K. LOWER & CO., Telephone 443. ' 203 Brown Block. RE 453 T J. A. LOVGREN BARGAINS A beautiful two-story, ten-room house, all modem, in first-class condition, a large barn, ground 100x150, a corner, with beau tiful shade trees and various kinds of fruit trees, pavett streets and permanent walks, south and east front, good location and good neighborhood, only three blocks , from school and street car. Price $6,200.00. A good 5-mom house with city water and fas, lot 32x130, facing on California St., 60 feet west of 33d st. and street car; will be sold this week, $'J60.00; house will rent for $13 per month. $61 feet, facing on 7th St., a short distance north ot Bancroft, by 124 feet deep, with a small house and fruit trees. This tract contains a fraction over an acre and a quarter. Good place for raising chickens and fruit. Only short distance to street car and school. Good neighborhood $700.00. Two fine lots, right for grade, only IVi blocks west of Mr. JosTyn's residence, $750.00 for both. At that price you pay ror one lot ana get tne otner lor nothing. J. A. LOVGREN, 537 Paxton Block. RE A CHOICE RANCH OFFERED. I have for sale one of the best ranches In Nebraska, consisting of 1,440 acres of deeded cnotce meadow land, 640-acre scnooi iana lease, two homesteads of 640 acres each. oinlng, that can be nied upon under tne -Clnkaid law. The ImDrovements on ' the place cost over $5,000. There are fourteen buildings, a fine flowing well, a new dip ping tank built of cement, twenty-four miles of fence, new set of scales, fine young orchard, groves, etc. The ranch Is situated in a very Deauuiui vaney, wim cnoice farmlnar hind, and altogether It Is a very complete, up-to-date ranch. Owing to death in tne lamuy mis properly muni, uu boiu. Anyone Interested In securing a choice ranch extremely reasonable, only six and one-half miles from a good town, please addrexs. ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN, Atkinson, men. H The Best Bargain H In West Farnam District for $2,000.' 4236 Harney St.. 8 rooms, full two-story, bath, closet, city water, gas, piped for fur nace, uawiy paperea ana painiea, inn no foot lot. Owner lives In house and will show you through today or any time, or wa will show It to you. If you are looking for s noma aon t let tnis opportunity get away, Open Monday evenings till 10. Hastings & Heyden. 1609ft Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) litsb. 1 Don't Like To Reduce Price of property when It la Increasing In value. but 1 will do this on two houses. Here you are: Eli 8. 26th avenue, west of All Saints' church, pays 10 per cent on price asked. 110 8. toth Street, West Farnam district. pays iv per cent on price. All on paved streets, permanent walks modern houses, nearly new. See me Monday morning at temporary office, Hamilton Apartment Building, 24th ana runiam, city. u. o. Hamilton. HE-5M1 7 LAND! LAND! LAND! 334 acres, all In the famous Platte valley, on of the finest stock farms In the state. 160 acres under cultivation. 90 acres In al falfa, balance In pasture and wild hay nieadow. Best Diack. loan soli, wltn clay subsoil. Every acre ot this land Is A 1 alfalfa land. Farm la all fenced and cross- fancevl with cedar poats and four wires. Goad six-room house, barn, cattle sheds, well and windmill. Located on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad; switch on tha farm. Only 3 miles from station. 1 miles from county seat. A spendld propo sition for a feeding station, sheep or cattle, Must be sold. Price, only tJu per acre, Can carry you for $4,500. Biggest bargain wa ever ottered In Platte valley una. ft HMlTH. Kearney. Nebraska. RE 535 I Boulevard Park Lota. City water and sewer, and no tax to pa Usury V. Wymao, New York Life Bldg. JtB-fr! rented. A great bargain at $4,500. J. H". Parrotte, Paxton block. RE 635 7 EASY TO BUY. ' Six-room, nearly new, oak finish, electrlo lights, eras, furnace and other conven iences. Corner 24th and IOcust. The best bargain In Omaha. Rental value, $30. Sale price, $3,000. Any honest man can get mis on easy terms. i C. 8. SHEPARD, , .2004 Wirt St. . RE 556 7X 166 FEET on 24th St.. south of Fort St.; cneap ana easy terms. 6-room house, lot 30x80, near C car lines $1,100, on easy terms. '' Farms to Sell or Trade. x Homes and Lots and Good Acreage. See our large list of bargains before you 1408 N. 17th, 8-R, city water, on car line, .1 110. 1 I n-ftfl 1,1.1.1-.. T nl,w w nl.. aIa.a In. $16. Room . New York Life. I 2326 So. 18th, B-R, porcelain bath, etc., In K.S 636 7 nice snepe. lis. Z21K 80. 29th. very good -r house, strictly Beautiful Boulevard Park. I all modem, onlv $77.50. Lots on moderat terms for people of 3008 Farnam St.. 8-R, strictly modern, very FOR RENT. 2819 Dewey ave., 7 rooms, mod. ex. fur., newly repaired, good neighborhood, $22.50. 924 N. 42d st, 8 rooms, all modern, newly repaired, fine condition, only $25.00. 1457 S. 17th St., 3 rooms, mod. ex. fur., $13.00. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. D 686 7 NO. 2015 PINKNEY ST. 9 rooms, modern; will repair to suit tenant only $25 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. D-M612 SEARS & GLOVER moderate meana, Henry F. WymatV, New York Life Bldg. RE 666 7 SEVENTY-FIVE cents for preparing deeds, mortgages, contracts and other Instruments at room 431, Paxton block. RE 604 7x Hot Water Heating ALL WORK GUARANTEED $ YEARS. Hot water, or steam heating Is cheaper, 1 MONEY TO LOAN-$1,300 on good city real & .1 . -a. n nr. M ,(.f rlnllnn than fitrnan. I ,.. a.. ...... estate security. choice. $4B. 2204 Ohio. 9-R, all modern, In good shape. fine yard, 130. 623 So. 35th ave.. 10-R, all modern. In good shape, choice location, $27.50. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., 601-S N. Y. Life. D-693 7 or stove., We Install these heating systems in any sue notise in or out 01 umana. Dis tance makes no difference. Prices reason able. Write, phone or call for particulars. T. F. Balfe, 1607 Howard St., 'phone 743, Omaha, Neb. RE FOR BALE Neat cottage, five rooms and bath, near Crelghton college; buy of owner and save commission. Inquire: 2417 Burt St. RE-653 7x ABSTRACTS OF TITLE carefully and promptly compiled and ex- tenaea. umana Aosiraci to., oanaea an strscters, Geo. 3. Rlker, Mgr., 403 Be bldg. Tel. 612. RE 47$ M7 FOR SALE. Most desirable, all modern residence, with barn Hanscom park district. Also downtown residence, 17th and Jack son st., at one-half its value. An elegant two-story cottage, 27th and Hickory; nice lawn, shade, all modern ex cept furnace $2,750; terms to suit. KENNY REAL ESTATE 4 INVT. CO., Room 800. Bee bldg. RE M618 9 THE greatest bargain ever offered for a nice home in Omaha; a 9-roora modern house. No. 2109 Fowler avenue, lot 60x11.1, house built under contract and cost $4,600, Is clean and In good repair; all floor Joist. 2x12; all studding and rafters. 8-ROOM modern house. Hanscom park district. Newlv papered and painted. .T. C. Selden. 407 8. 10th st. l-697 T FOR RENT, dwelling. 6-room, all modern, at No. 702 S. 26th ave., $30.00. O. C. Olsen, 1704 Farnam st. D M629 9 TO LIST Nice 8-room, partly modern houso, N. E. cor. 21st and Pratt; large) ya W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam St. D-M809 7 NO. 315 8. 26TH ST. 10 rooms, modern, suitable for roomers; will be vacant soon orlv $40 a month. Inquire R. C Peters tc Co. D-M613 160 ACRES. 840 oer acre for ImDroved farm: PA miles from GUead, Thayer county, Nebraska. Chas. L. Saunders, 211 South 18th st.. Omaha, Neb. RE-M3S1 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to nave your abstract or title mad or continuea oy tne Miaiana uuaraniee ana Trust Co., 1614 Farnam St. RE 710 2x9; thoroughly bridged and back plas- jn HOUflKS. different parts of city. incu, ixwai uiiuci n 111,1c uuunr, ,rri , water and gas; a block and a half from Sherman avenue car line, and near Sara toga school; property clear and title per fect: choice neighborhood and good sur roundings; Immediate possession given and not for rent. This property must be 8-ROOM house In Hanscom park district. Furnace, porcelain nam, nne condition. Cheap. J. C. Selden, 4Q9 S. 10th st. RE M 379 7 Beautiful Boulevard Park. , - None better. Henry F. Wyman, New York Life Bldg. RE-569 7 seen to be appreciated, open for inspec tion today. No agents; no commission; deal direct with owner; will sell for $2,000; $500 down and $300 a year for five years! aa an Investment will pay 15 per cent. , . WM. I. KIER8TEAD, . 4620 Florence Boulevard. . . . RE 640 7 $76 PER ACRE buys a farm. 80 minutes' ride nortn ana west or nenson. an cul tivated except 15-acre pasture. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 634 T 191 8. 86th ave., 7 rooms and barn. pans. Spencer St., 6 rooms. ?629 Seward St., 8 rooms. SS40 Seward St., 9 rooms and bam. And others. . F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. D-633T FOR RENT 8-room. modern house 92!, 1706 Clark.lnqulre H. Gross, 618 N. Wh. D-32 T FOR RENT STORIES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 first in at I uanK Mtflg. 1860 SNAPS F. D. WEAD 81.800 4706 -N. 24th: 7 rooms, east front $1,600 buys 2606 Spencer, $200 rash. lot 44x1X2. The best bargain on 24th street. I $3,000 buys house on Cass st., short dls- tl.Juo 7-room oottase at 4216 Ersklne: new an a snap for the price. $3.000 7-room house, fully modern, near tih and Parker; paved streets, permanent walks; all paid. This Is a bargain. s.6oO -room rooaurn nousa; new, east front, Hanscom park district; oak finish and a snap. WK WANT OrrKK UM Eint HfKAUL H tance from 40th: oak floor staircase and finish. team heat; built for a home: $500 rwsh. balance easy. Owner will be in the city Monday. $3,409 buys fine lot on 32d, near Farnam; ready to build on. $3,009 buys, 9-r. house one block north of Hanscom para; part casn ana part ftMBiLn-iA fiVL oer cent mortaaae. STREET. EASY TERMS. TWO OFFERS $4,000 buys fine 9-r. house and M0 feet of IaAhi- WKbn., XNUi- tiAULUH gTound. short d'stance from 40th and CASH. 8KB IT. 1 Fi,.n.u.An . tynn .k k,l,nA ... WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, wnicn rents for 110.00 per month. Price includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and is lust the thing for any one wanting a nice little omce in tne Dest cmce ouiiaing In town. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1771 A HIGH-GRADE upright plnno, used 6 months, excellent condition, price $150. Also a Story & Clark organ, good as new, their best grade, $35.00; payments if de . sired. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co., between utn ana i,un on r arnum st. y tbi Skf I R Bv mall, prepaid, any ad I 1 I 1 O ure8S g' 95 Cata logue free. Factory nnoxviue, xenn. Merchandise Co., Q-M5S5 M22x PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys, -from 6-lnch to 48-Inch In diam eter: 3 Counter Bliafts. comDlete. These are all In flrst-class condition. W. II. Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q-112 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters tc. Co. . VY 767 FARM and city loanB; lowest rates. W. II. Tlvjmas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. UU. W-76H PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas, W 769 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-770 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 771 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans .,ri, an manes di msciuuw, "'J-v ' hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. I6tl and Harney. tJ 1ST OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramire blk. DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 8. 1606 Farnam. J-71fl OMAHA Dye Works, 1515 Howard. Dresses, men s suits, portieres cleaned. U-M325 M18 PIANO CLUB Just forming 60o and $1 weekly; pianos de nverea immediately; piano lessons irra Call for particulars. Mil Farnam st. U 783 at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. I PRIVATE home during confinement; ba- w in i Dies aaopted The Goua Samaritan osni- tarlum. 728 First ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 771. , V-2 HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS! An endless variety and at prices that can not do aupucatea unywnere else. John son & Danforth, - 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones sts. Entrance from viaduct. Q-781 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard ana pool taoies, oar nxtures or all Kinds; easy payments. - Send for catalogue. Brunswick-Balko-Collcnder, 407 8. 10th at. Omaha, Q 833 LOWEST rates, city property; 6 p. o. on farms In eastern Neb. Bemls, Paxton blk. w in MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty at lowest raies. xnomae xirQiinun, room, 1, New York Life bldg. W 774 BUILDING loans on residence property; B per cent. W. B. Melkle,. Ramne block. W 838 Low Rates, Private Money, $100 and Up. OH AS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W- FOR EXCHANGE COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago r urnlture Co.,' 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q-834 Derlght, 1119 Far-Q-836 2D-HAND safe cheap. nam. " SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and look over tne following supplied: 1.8-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-lnch Austin's vertical separator. These have been takiii out on account of changes in our steam piant ana are In EXCHANGE. 684 acres, Fremont county, Iowa; one of the finest larms you ever iaiu ees on; wen Improved, all in one body; one large and live small sets ot Improvement. Price Ho per acre. Take one-half In a good rancu proportion; balance caHli. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, . 722 N. Y. Lite. Telephone 49. .4 is' you do not find what you want In this column put an ad In una you will soon ge' It- 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tun your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 16U Farnam. U 784 M Af1NPT!Ptretment & baths. Mm. IHAVJlXC 1 Ismlth. 118 N. 16, Id 11. r. S. . . - U-8S0 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY, 'PHONE 8539 U-789 WILL glv worthy party shorthand chol arrhlp tn leading school and wait for pay ment. AddreBS C. 65. Bee. U 259 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS , DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. - THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. Tel. 1938. U-342 MRS. DR. KING Private home during con- nnement. Battles aaopted. - tjoa Nortn. 16tn St., third floor. Tel. $559. U-M226-4X, good condition. Address Bee Building I TO EXCHANGE for farms or lands, first DR. JACKSON treats successfully chronlo Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer Boo class stocks of general meroliandme. run- and nervous i diseases. Call or write. Dr. building, Omaha. Q-632 Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. oaiisiaciion guaranteed. 1350 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed In good running order; original COsl t?uv. Auuica. uu. a allium bi. Q-M238 nine and oolnic aood Dullness. AuOI, 3,lO0, $4,iaa), W,0uu, o.wo, ii,mw, iiVMi, iiu.ouo, t .u.i 1 k- A iHHk AiiOm, Kftid ,nn 'full fll.VW, T . - MTDTTIvTriU C lA. I , t description ot .arm or yf pi .V'',,f ut,u,u 4?"SL'J" SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, snerman & Mcconneii urug Co., umana. 14 ma for morchanaise and 1 can match It wltii a good stock. Robert M. Bettesworth, Ceuar Rapids, Iowa. Zoui V U-658 M23X IRON FENCE w?rrf WW Q-,75 WANTED, Information as to the address 01 jacoo Hcramhllng, or. heirs. If he. is dead. His address was Pottawattamie county about 1863. Small recovery can probably be made. Address Harvey Spald ing & Sons, Washington, D. C. U-M410 8x CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. Q 838 AOllltV. 1 160 acres one and one-half miles from Orchard, Antelope Co., Neb. Lies almost 1av1: 111O acres under cultivation: 10 B. & H. Ideal chick food, mfg. by Bunnell acres in alfalfa; 4 fine aah and cottonwood & MaoiocK, Ma anu ceil iine. umana. I urove: 38 acres In pasture; all gooa, ricn. Free sample. Q M449 M7 productive soil; good six-room house; rL ; xtable, granary, well, windmill and tank. ELEGANT household furniture, beautiful price $50 per acre. Will trade equity, $5,50. FOR EXCHANGE. 400 acres best farm land in Polk county. Nh y in cultivation, balance in pas ture; good improvements, well located; WJ ner acre. Encumbrance. $4.ou0. Will take aw,. .1,0 f " FACTS for men concerning "Love, Court- curtains, good upright piano. In fine con dition, cneap, at m. sin st. Q-M292 7x lor merchandise, clothing or hardware. N. P. -.'ODUifi & CO., i6i r arnam 01. Z57H 7 qu nlunn. solid mahogany chairs. Madras cur tains and two bedroom sots. 224 N. 25th st. V Mlltt 7X CLAIRVOYANTS ICE box suitable for grocery store or res taurant, 8 ft. high by 6 ft. wide and 8 ft. deep, In good condition. Call and see It. Jos. lioiiBKa, zt-4 Biierman ave. O M378 11 FURNITURE, Including piano, range, new Radiant Home heter at a sacrifice. House for rent. Owner leaving city im mediately.. E. Beselre, 3S40 Seward, Orch ard Hill. Q-676 7X FOR SALE A great sacrifice In a soda fountain; coat, new, $100; goes almost at your own price. Must go at once. F. C, Titus, Grand Island, Neb. Q 648 7x BARRED. Plymouth Rocks; eggs for hatch ing, M for fifteen; stock for sale. Davis, 41U0 Ames ave. Q 662 7x FOR SALE, acetylene gas plant, nearly 1. J. n. Hale & IF you apply at once we can give any one desiring a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, ground floor. Bee bldg. 1-773 CASH. SEE IT Tel. 147i SWEET ft BEST, 613 N. T. Life. RE $1,050 Buvs Z houses, one 6 rooms, one 4 rooms. wltn lot oxi40, racing east on zstn st., 1 $1,250 buys about siio-rt. fronts-ev run flemn on ommerciai av.; paving Ruhmlt offer. $7,000 buys residence, with very large rrounas. on Bt. Mary s ave. 13" C00 buvs business property; ren'sl $3.c0. $ 750 buys 6-r. houe and corner, 60x127, i.ear nortn ena or narney ear. near Burdetle. Tills property rents for lli.uo per montn. . ooiy gooa to Wednesday. He F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. UE-623 7 fully paid; fine view of river. F. D. WEAD J524 DOUGLAS. ' RE , THh TWENTIETH CENTURY . FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to .00 FOR BALE or exchange, for Columbus, I homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If C, property, two lots Thornburg Place, I you have a good piece of land to aell at a on lot Burlington Place, free of all In- I reasonable price you will find a buyer 160 ACRES fine alfalfa land, $40 per acr. I'M acrea. $37.50 per acre, for short time. Willi caidweu, broken -sow, no. RE M96J curabranc. Address J. A. Hartley, 84 N. High St., Columbus. O. KE-UOT MX SOUTH OMAHA Six-room house; bath, rloael, city water, sewer, cistern, shade, etc.; extreme northern part of city. Call 2420 "N" s'reet. telephone 10, 80. Omaha. BIVW- IX mon them. The cost ot an advertisement la small 1 rents per word In small type, or $2.U per Inch It set In large typ. FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building Is 22x86 feat, four stories and a basement. The basement. Is 22x132 I feet. Is cemented. The calling over the basement has a brick vault and Iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In front and granolithic floor In rear. Thar 1 a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors bav windows on three sides. Address ' The Be Building Co., C. C. Rose water. Secretary, room 100 Be bldg.. I toO OFFICE for rent at a bargain. Telephone 1 MtU FINANCIAL KANSAS LAND. W quarter sections In Wichita county, $409 to (su) a quarter. - All good wheat and al falfa laud, .J. J. Bleiihens, Omaha. Neb. JtE ivl FINANCIAL. WANTED Capitalist to build a three or THE storeroom. No. 2912 Farnam st., only lis per montn. inquire n. w. reiers Co., urouud noor net oiug. . j 74a four story and basement bulHing r,r IaARGE. light rem. else 85x33 feet 2d floor, manufacturing concern, wno will tan I r,"V'"" "-" "i", '' a long Was. Address, E 11 Be. M.-440 7X age, llgnt manutactunug, etc. inquir sbuv uuffiMr, upstair. 1 i 7 new. erood condition. $26.00. Co., 2421 Grant st., Omaha. Q-626 7 PORTABLE bake oven for sale, cheap; good as new. Adorns u 4, uee. Q-MiiOO 8x MME. BOYER TRANCE MEDIUM Advice on business, matrimony, financial and personal; absolutely reliable. Read ings and horoscopes by mail and per sonal, 50 cents. Office, 210 North 17th st. Central hotel, 14 block N. W. postofnee. Tel. B-2547. Business hours. 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. dally; Sunday, 10 to 6. 8 M628 7 . ' MADAME BUDDHA. " The most higaly recommended palmist and clairvoyant, Haa now opened up ottlce. parlors over No. 113 S. h'th st., opposite Boston store. Mme. Buddha has world-wide reputation for actually delineating your puat, pres ent and future history. Satisfaction Is guaranteed or no fee Is accepted. "A word to the wise Is sufficient. B M4U3 7 MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady. fialmist and clairvoyant, omce, 1704 t'ap tol ave. 'Phone 6610. 6 M627 13 x LARGE two-story building ; next to 'engine QY, MEK. sclentltlc palmist. 715 N. 23d. nouse at iin 01. wary mw.; buii.diq i - a II, r llinilllini 1111 iiih ... niiniin, yj j 1 .u n . ...... . J- f Il-IJ CA in. tr. iajlujcj k 1 n.i 1 1 11 1 1 1 m. 1 uua 0ft17 T I MKB. worth. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1521 Leaven- 8 lot ship and Marriage." The book that will muKe you wise, bend ten cents for It. Your money back If not more than, satis fied. Address Geo. D. Wyatt, Naturopath, 229 Main St., Manltou, Okl. U-611 7x LADIES Do not use dangerous rubber syringes. Write for my book, "Wise Words to Women," sent free. E. E. Hall, M. D., 159 8. Jefferson St., Chicago. 1 . U-614 7X ROYALTY paid on song poems and musi cal compositions; we arrange ana popu larise. Pioneer Music Pun. Cor; Inc., F 560, Manhattan bldg., Chicago. . U-482 7 A REFINED business gentleman, 40, unin cumbered, some means, wishes to meet a ludv with means: object, matrimony. Please give full particulars In answer; no agencies or general delivery; strictly con fidential. Address E 1, Bee office. U-M489 9x MARRY wealth and beauty; muriiag directory free.. Pay when married: en tirely new plan; send no money. Address, H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Mich. U 175 7x RETIRED sea captain, age 60, bachelor, na relatives, wealthy, large Income, .wants a good wife. K, 817 Lincoln avenue, Chi cago. U 619 Tx ATTRACTIVE and very wealthy maiden. alone, wants without delay kind, nonest hiiBbnnd. Address: Jesse Lee, 84 Wash ington atreet. Chicago. u 618 7x WEALTHY young widow, attractive, pleas ant, alone In tlie world nn lonely, wishes to marry Address: King, 1046 Georg street, Chicago. U 624 7x A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant: what he tells comes true; send 100 aim birth date. Prof. E. Oarnot, Box 2179, Boston, Mass. V 603 7x DSOi'V,ir..S ZJ2X?L5Z MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady. OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO , ... - , nainimt ana ciairovoyant. umce. iiw u....,..,,,..,. .e n,u, ail miriuiu. on naee 5. W.HUUAiir.n er MLr.uinn, Capitol ave. 'Phone 6310. 8-249 6x The Big Piano Store, 1313 Farnam street. MME- BOYER. tranc medium. Readings -'t-t 1 and horoscopes 60c. Office 210 No. 17th, Tel. 4521. WHO Cuming. Established U i-.TrtTTCHJ counter, flat-ton desk, with ohalr: letter Dress. 313 Mciacue oiog. rnone 1488. Q-620 7x ELEGANT walnut bed and dresser, with French plate mirror ana marDie top, only $35.00. 224 N. 26th St. Q-653 lOx TJPRIOHT piano, good na new, at e-"-eat sacrtnee; also nousenoia gooas. jnaress B t2- Bee- Q 659 IPX TREES. SHRUBSt ETQ. " FOR BARGAINS In ffcJlt and shade tree call at crescent nursery suics giouno, 21st and Farnam. 'Phon $357. -M46$ MARTIN Nursery, 18th 'Pnone 6504j and Douglas 808 li.lx Center hotel; H blk. N. W. of P. O. TeL ti-Xti. Hours 1 a. m. to :au p. m. B-M27S YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyant!"; send ntrtn date, dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollin, 490 N. Clark St., Chicago. 8451 7x FARMS FOR SALE 40 acre of Improved land; seven miles west or tne court nouse. i u, uee. 439 ix 1 ACRES IN IOWA, $40 FOR $:. For quick sale will take $30 per acre for thla goo 3 Iowa soil; 100 miles east of Omaha. D. C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. -644-7 FURNITURE repairing. N. 24th. Tel. A 2013. J. Hansen. 1521 U-659 7x TO GET correct -cor call up 299. Base ball headnuarters. Continental Cigar Store. 1301 Farnam. U 690 T YOUNG man, for pleasant room, to glv Instruction evenings In Greek and I-nttn for rent. Address E 16, Bee. U 698 WANTED A net, refined young woman desires situation aa manager of a room ing house. Address E 17, Bee office. GENTLEMAN. seJ 2. stranger In city. wishes to correspond wltn ladies or anout same age: object matrimony; working girls preferred. Address E 20, Bee ' DRESSMAKING FLORISTS OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel 166$ GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas blk. M384 HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 7tt IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phon A rrd, 771 U HENDERSON. UU Farnam. TsL 1251 14 MRS. JOHN R. Ml'SICK. Osteopathy Pby. alclan; omc, Neville block, lei. ana,.