Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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JKrtrlltrnriili tnr these raliui
will be taken watll IS am. for the
ealtl aatf I I a. tar
arant( aaa aaar edltm.
Rate- 1 8-e a ar Int laaertlaai
! a ward ibrrMflrr. Ratal takes
far less taaa 2Vr far tkr s)rt Ineer
flam. Tkraa aTrtleawat V
raa NaMrailTrtr.
AdTertleerw, r rejwet1ar a
fcfM rttk, r hara answer
raaaa a krrrl letter la rar
af Taa Be. Anirrri aa lrnw
artll aa delly-ered aa praaratatlaa af
W make a specialty of printing fac-wmllle
tj-pewntten letter.
if rem want the kind that re clean nd
fat, and can not be detected from a per
sonal typewritten letter, f can furnish
them and at price only sUgbtly in advance
of the ordinary print Ing.
Tou can nil In the data, name and address
on your own machine, and we guarantee a
perfect match in type face and color. IX
interested, aeral for sample.
Irvin A. Medlar Co.,
422 South 18th St, Omaha.
'PHONE 1262.
The Logic of a
Business Education
Dr. Samuel Johnson cnce said: "Let no
an miff into btis'nes whll he la irnor-
nt of the mnrnr of rttrulsting t.ook.
Trr let mm imsr ne tnat any aTfee 01
natural ability will sipply the deficiency
presi rye a mult plicit v of arrairs trom
extrlriible confusion. Rnokkeeplns la an
art whln tin condition .f life can rnder
selees. which must contribute to the ad-antn-e
of all a ho desire to be rich and of
all a ho deeire to be wide."
Only a fw year ago a parent sent hla
oris and daurhler to a business1 college
only when he desired those anna and dsurb
ters to become a tenographcr nd book
er per a.
Today we nir any rumwr 01 siuaems
ho ure taking both the stenography and
the bookkeeping courses In
Boyles College
who do not Intend to become either stenog
rsphers or bookkeeper after they grad
Their parents are wine enough to real!
that the thorough training, the Fplendid
discipline and the sound business method
to tie found at Bojies College will add
ualitle to the character ot tneir Bona
nd daughter which will enable those
son to become better, mora yl etna tic,
more successful doctors, lawyer, drug
gists, architects or mhatever profession
they may choose to adopt; and which will
enable that daughter to become a better
ncusewite. with a greater ability lor tax
ing care of the household account. More
over, it will te an ability that that young
lady will aJwava hnre at hand In c&xe
financial rcverwi Fbouid make it neces
sary for btr to earn her dully bread.
Catalogue fret. II. B. Bo) Ve, I "re a.,
liujlea Colltge Bids-, Omaha.
MOVING vans jnr.ariss
nnvera. .cxpreasmen s l)euvary C o., w. A
Gordon, xngr, 24 N. 16Uj at- rPhone 119.
CITS SAVINGS EAS pay 4 per cent.
ICTR PTRA1V rallmrawt Vi-l Tnrt nrtMral
treatment; flaaaea to fit; price right.
nfiwtiu a. K.V
i a r mnnv citt ' steam.
I M II IX II r I ZU B. Uth at.
The following poaitiuna must le filled at
ty Gooda Clerk, window trimmer, Jtfu.
bookkeeper, ui.
tStenographer, Si0
Oxod t'oi respondent, 180.
1'ibjuo 1 Liner, must be A-l.
Ehoe SuJtiiiau.
ottice Clerk, lumber office, out of town;
cuod place.
A-l Prliiter, out of town.
NOTJi We are In need of aeveral stenog
raphers and can place good beginners.
Wine for our booaatt and compieie list
of positions open.
W136TittN fLEF. & BOND ABS Is tine).
kau-ai Xi. T. iila bldg.
WHO'B your tailor? It a&auld ba Draahar.
Too buy making clothe to close. Open
rvBomfi. xius lamun art. K (u
Jl KTt-Monopoly Garbaga Co. 621 N l(tth.
WE wish to announce that we baxa en
gaged a flrat-claaa dreasimaker; come and
we u. bouuun neaunc . o zoi uoug
las blk. R MS82 Jet
VMBHKLLa rcpalrtna;. Key. 207 B. 14th.
Tel. 1714. K M3M Je4x
Qtrnmc Ctftrod w take pest care.
w j uLiyiwu TeL W or sea us at
our new location, 1D06 and UQt rouglaa sU
uaiit a aiuira aua'AXtt vv uxiKd.
Ct'T RATE railway tickets everywhere.
r. ii. auuibtn, Jau rtniim. 'Phone 7M.
OMAHA Safe andiron Works make asne
clalty of fire eaoapes, abutters, doors and
af js. a. Anareen. prop., IV b. unn rt.
Iron and brans casting. 802 Jackson. TeL
Fire Insurance at Cost
9t't want a Uva agent In every town
Nebratika Wriia for tiartioulara.
AJNUJtC UU. Ataw t unua tit.
ITEIXWAT PIAJCO, tiprlgrht, sllgatly used.
::&; bargain. Pexfiaid Piano Co., 1611
vVAJfTEX), your machinery repairing, auto
mobile, gaaouna engine, moaei ana expen
mental work. Buckingham a Peterson,
Fremont. eh. ' Br
H'lNGET ooncreita blocks, equal best of
atone for making strong!, durable Im
posing bail clings and ooata lose tbaa half
aa much aa brick for same sise. For
further information address M J. Ken
yon, 08 H. 21st St.. Omaha, Neb.
It 2 7x
COLLINS FIA.NO CO, wholesale and re-
tall musical tnatrumemta Talking ma
chine, records exchanged, lit B. 17th at.
- Omaha. Itr
Hansen, 1&22 N. 4th.
for shipment. ,
Tel. AiW3.
R !M0 Tt
WANTED Men to learn barber trade
new method; steady pracsuoe by free
clinic; careful instruction by qualified
teacners: lew weeas oompieuia; iitue ex.
bense: board Included: toula donated
Call or write &Loler Barber College, llifi
t arnam sx. a jum
agent in 6.000 cities and towns and are
adding to thia force as fast aa reliable
mea can be secured. Quick, expert de
tective servlre anywhere. Founded IMS.
Rate reasonable; consultation and advioa
by letter free. Writ to American Le-
toctlve aanbciaaoo, Indianapolis, Ind.
B 7 7x
WOULD you like to become a traveling
salesman? W teach vou how and get
you a posiuon rree. insutute or Cum-
sneroisj Tra velars. Rochester. N. T.
B 4ftd 7x
WA NTET Tounr men to become switch
men. txakemen and locomotive firemen.
Experience unneceasarr. Give a.-e. en
close suunp. The Railway Exctianere,
r-prmgneia. ao. ti 477 7x
WANTED Tiaveilng man for Nebraska.
hardware noreltie; no experience re
quires; salary and expenses: stead v tvor!
tton. Address manufacturer, lllb Carton
iuog., c nicago. E 4fi4 7x
WANTED I'erson to call on. retail trade
ror maniiiaoJurmg hcue; local territory
salary aa; weekly; expense money
advanced; previoua experience unneces
sary. American House, Star bulldln
Chicago. B ta Tx
Omaha Commercial College
17th said Dougiaa sis, now pen. New
(ln In ail departments. Catalogue
OhLaiiA. NEB. j
MANAGER wanted, every section, to ap
poini sg"-tit for new 'letitlrlc game, re
placing forbldcien siot mschines m public
places; evades law every here. plaed
with nltkels; finish beautiful; Ike cash
register. Rented or sold on eksy py
ments; sampte sent fir thirty days' tree
trial. One manager, w ho operates thirty
on percentage, soys: "Tbtv earn money
whil I sleep, and It is like owning a
street car line." Lwson Cash Register
Co., Department SG, Chicago, 111.
B Ed 7x
pointments last year. Chancre bettwr
now. Examinations soon in every state.
Booklet 2S1, giving positions, saUrle. ex
smlnatiotis. samiJe questions, etc.. Sent
free. Nauonal Correspondence Institute,
Washing-ton. t. C B
Office Clerk,
piano Salesman,
Piano Tuner.
Call or writ fur tionkleL.
bm-tyU K. X. Lite bldg. B tui
MEN TO LEARN barber trade: free rail
road tare upon our failure to convince
you oi this being the isi ana omy re
liable, most practical barber college in
the United State. Write for catalogue
today. Western Barbers institute,
Omaha. Neb. B MS
AN experienced leveltnan with satisfactory
references can obtain, employment Jjt a
short time by addressing J. W. t E.
Blanrhard, Washington avenue. Coun
cil islulls. tt vx
WANTE1 Apprentice in machine shop.
L. C. Sharp, machinest. 606-02 S. Tenth
St., Omaha, Neb. BM B
WANTED For Omaha and Council Bluffs,
solicitors. Make easy money. Address 4a
Bee bldg. B 60S 7x
Dry Oood Rijenman ftrlmmeri. tit.
City Salesman thoree and buggy )
Experienced Salesman, jiiimp and scale.
Book Men. salary.
lo Oreum Maker.
Office Partner. $1,000.
Clothing Rele-man (rhllflreri's Deipt.)
HART, 401 N. T. LIFE
B 616 7
SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery Ftork;
salary right partv. Address C. W Mur
phy. Lawrence, Kan. B M1I JVx
t OR 6 men for concrete work. Inoutr
McWllliams Bros., lili Burt. B M'".f
WANTED Competent registered flruceiK
for Nelrasks : must come well reoorri
mended answer in own handwriting, stat
ing age. experience and references: salary
.i0. Address E 21, Bee ortice, t'tnuna
B-MH 7
A FINE PHAETON. SP: one nice single
horse rarrispe. gTa; one pony su-rey. with
pole. UK 241S Cass St. vx
WANTED Housekeeper by widower, on
a farm: must be good cook and neat;
4 children, age 4 to I years. Address
D 66, Bee. C M3Z7 6x
WANTED, girl for general housework.
Family of three. 1ET4 S. 2Cth st.
C M3S1 6x
WANTED, comprtent girl for general
housework; no laundry; good ir Mi
Burt st- C MJ42 6x
BLEirriVil rooris for work!:.
per week. 17: lrard St.
:.f pien. fl (W
e M4i ;
ATTRACTITK room. irio-Vm. walking
c.i'tance. Phone. Reasjtiahle. O N.
1Mb at- E-MUt
WE have a honausa for canvassers. Tou
can make a week Fiare time, ti 0
an hour. eViary if preterteu. Outfit fi-e.
FTRN PH ED room with modTn con-
reniep'e, suitable for two gentlemen.
CM S. 2Mh st- E 43 Sx
AGEVT1 Something new Sell the Per-
ieci j-oi i,ia anc ie -iste noioer. aw
per rent prcflt. H. Eirkenlwrg Mig. Oo,
bul New Lra bidg., Chicago, IU.
FLEASANT room for gettleroen. jrtvate
famUy. ZS Burt rt. E 41 tx
NICELT furr.ished room for fmntlenvn.
ail modem; excellent location )"r tran
sionta, references exchanged. 21 it rur
nam. E 426 fx
AGENTS wanted for the ErUpe patent
-pa i ester urf atesv noisiiuja article
on the market, sens everywhere at sifrht.
B'g money, siunpie Xe. Send fLr parti
cular Menna Novaity Co IS Elm U.
New Tork. J 4. Tx
LARGE, ifleely furnished room, modern
vr vniericea. hot snd cold w.ter In room,
fine location, ta per month. 6ia So. i'S-.h rt
IESIRABLE large front rooms, modern
and nioeiy furnished. 22f N. linh st.
E 4H' fix
AGEM S Men or women tl n hour lntro-
aucuiig our hiph grade medicinal soap
and ointment; every call means saie:
experience not neoeesarj , crew an A
branch cHce manager wanted Terrlff
l"Jlcl Association. 1414 Wabash ave..
Chicago. J tl Tx
NEWLT furnished rooms for light house
keeping. iiU Leavenworth St. L 4a tsx
LARGE front rootn. suitable for two. In a
modern home; reasonable rent. 61 b.
2fcth avenue. E 438 Kx
WANTED, four men to travel In each
state, di-tribute sample and advertise
our goods Saiary $J1 per woek and ex
penses, guaranteed. Expens"-s advanced
i.xi'onenoe unneccssarr. Address, with
stamp, staling age end occupation. Reeve
Co., lcpt. L. D. , 4i Ieaiborn St.. Chi
cago. J .17 Tx
TWO clean, pleasant rooms nioeJy furn
lrhed; modern house. JE.7S Iortee st.. TeL
1155. E M44i Bx
NICELT furnished room
house. C4 So. Itnh St.
In modern
E MS7i. la
FURNISHED room for rent,
KlXi Dougla
E M;.S6 bx
If you hav a email soace In vour cellar.
yard or stable you can make money grow-
I ing mushrooms; no capital or labor re; big demand and sell at high prices;
grown by either sex: particular free. In
terstate c ulture Co., S.i Airoadway. Jv. l
J itiji TX
VERT desirable front room with alcove.
facing Hanscom park: also wit smaller
room; I'rtvate family: all conveniences;
meat t-lnse t'V, reasonable rent, r-fer-tnces.
Address E li. Bee. E "kiS 7x
LADIES glR.CKl per week for spar time
taaire orders lor skirts, txpenenoe un
necessary; ISC skirt free to a rent Free
pnmpts and particulars. Jensen Co.
b Madison, i. lucara. j 4t,, Tx
FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room.
suitable for two. no b. ave
E MM" fx
STOP RUNAWATS Hitch horses Mild In
stantly carrv in pocket: sight sellwr:
neente wanted. Pocket Hitch! tig-post Co.,
M uncle, Indiana. J--4 Tx
VERT desirable room within easy walk
ing distance. Inquire "TiS Douplas st
E uT.4 7x
EXrELIjEXT Nicely furnished rooms In
private home, large., b'autiful lawn with
shade trees; clone In. Referents reTjlT'd.
'Phone Cedar J.ilC2. E MTi Kx
AGENTS Mammoth l.BOft-page catulogT
cr agent supplies Tree; lust out; rook
bottom prices. Address Stange Co.. i
Market St., Chicago. J 4G3 7x
JUPT 4 young men. jrivate familv, home
cooking. Z meals a oy. reaennarne rates,
no other himrd'-r. house moaern. SlK S. ave; references required. Tele.hone
Cedar 44372. E M1.M x
A NICELT furnished rcom with rrsi-i-laai
iKiard. '.'-!) h Cass. E Wl STt
TWO nloelv furnished tror.t rs'W" all
modern. 25ol St. Mary's ave. E MC14 8
LIGHT housekeeping room off upper
vemnda; also large south room: buy
window and alcove; gas, both anl phone.
Brtf. S. 21st ave. K x
To sell our &-rece set of B(-hemla t
Fnnrtnry Cojkl'.ig Vessel to consum
ers. The (rreRtest tnnner making propo
sition ever offered to a canvasser.
One s-gent msds over f:,4 In leas
than three month.
If you mean business, send 2f-c to
cover postage on complete canvass
ing out.1t with which to begin
FURNISHED room for rent; reasonable
rate. W7 N. lKth. E Ml', fx
GOOD girl for general housework; small
family; good wage. Kli N. E8d.; cottage
In rear. C 3M 7
BFfUTIFUL furnished rooms; modern.
2574 Harney. E MU7 Cx
NICELT furnished large south room. 1K1S
Chicago. ii wi4 !x
TWrO furnished rooms for housekeeping;
clop in; cheep remt. wposwr
E M64S 1H
WANTED, r'rl for housework, no chil
dren. K2S B. 24tn t. ; MB.B IX
WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug
store and doctors. Knlest, 6J4 N. T. L.
moved to 211 South 14th St., ground noor.
'Phone 541L B K4C
LADT assistant for lranch office. Estab
lished business: ns paid weekly. ro in
vestment required. Position permanent.
Previous exjienenoe not essential. Ad
dress American Union, Como block. Chi
cago. C M413 7x
175 PERMANENT salary and expense paid
reliable luen outside ox tne ciiy; very
pleasant work. Address C A. O'Brien. 316
Ntvlll blk.. Omaha, Neb, W-U
LADIES: Earn S2fi per hundred writing
short letters. Enclose rtarrpea enveiore.
American Belt Work. Batavla. 111.
WANTED Good boy with wheels; good
wages. a. JU. 1. CO., . ma-
B 7s MIS
WANTED, FOR TJ. S. ARMT, able-bodied
unmarried men, between agu oi i uiu
Bo. citisen of United Statea, of good
character and temperate habits. who
speak, read and write English. For in
formation apply to Recruiting Officer,
lSth and Douglas sts- Omaha; Lincoln,
Neb,, or Sioux City7la- B 1571
TAILORS, attention! If you are flrst-clae
toat maker we can use you. uooa pn
Steady work to men that are right
Dresner. 1L16 Farnam st. B M
IF TOU ar In need of a position call and
have a "heart-to-heart ' talk witn viArtJ.,
WANTED, men and boy to learn plum
bing trade- We cannot supply Oemana ror
graduates, 4.60 to fS.OO per day. Eight
week completes course.- Earn while
learning. Addreaa for catalogue. Coyn
Broa. Co., Plumbing: School, Cincinnati.
O- St. Loula, Mo. B 766
BOARD of Trade barber ehop, 1606 Far
nam; nine chairs; no long waiting: oesx
service; shaving. 10c; hair cutting. Sc.
B 2&2MVZ1
ENERGETIC representative wanted by In
ternational Correspondence ncnoois; must
hav clean past record and furnish good
exoelelnt future for right man. Apply 6J2
New York Life bid.
WANTED Married couple to work on
farm, central Nebraska: no objection vo
children; reference. Adores u i. nee.
B 297 kx
WANTED, man In every county to list real
estate and take loan sppucauona com
mission or guaranteed salary. Experi
ence unnecessary. Don't reply unless you
tncan busluea. D u. care or Bee.
B M347
A FIRST-CLASS sho repairer. Day Shoe
Co, Hastings. Nea. a aisw
WANTED Man and wife (young coup
referred) t occupy cottage near Deaf
and Dumb Institute and board young man
on favorable terma J. a. Jonnaon. S4E i.
' V. Life. B 400
WANTED Harness maker and collar cut
ters. Apply Bchuiae Brothel Co.. l'uluta.
Mtna. xas)i u.
WANTED, men everywhere; good pay: to
distribute circular, adv. matter, tack
Bigxia, tc. ; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., luv Oakland Batik
bldg, Chicago. J.1L it lim ix
BOT wanted to learn Jewelry trade; must
live wuh parents wares at beginning,
S2.U0. J. L. Jacoosun, 1U1 Dodge, riKjro 1.
M MiU 7x
WANTED, energetic man to establish
buaineea for mfur Sell retail trade, 6al
arv tM. t.aid weekly, expenses advanced.
Good route. Hustle more desired than
experienoe. G. L. Sexton, Star bldg..
Chicago. B M414 Tx
LEARN retail advertising; Increase your
business or saisry. Fee booklet. "Kev to
Retail Advertislnr " Marrxmalil ft. i.n.,1
of Retail Advertlaing. 116 East Kd street.
New Tork. B 521 Tx
PA RTN ERS WANTED Want buainec
man with SS.rW to C5 hi0 to manage branch
of a corporation doing a large business;
money can be doubled in short time;
no mail order or scheme; firm ha stand
Ing credit, etc Address Fanner, car
Jseii-on Chesmaa A Co., St Louis. Mo.
PIT'MBERS wanted. 14.00 ir 6-hour day.
Open shop, union never interferes. Steady
work if capable. 6haw & Co., Mlnne-
apoUa B-M411 Tx
WANTED Experienced lady stenographer
and bookkeeper ny large wnoiesaie nouse;
state age. experience and salary ex
pected, where last employed. Address E
8. Bee, C-42S 7x
WANTED Girt for general housework: K
per week; four ic lamuy. z.-a ittrt sx.
C 429 7
GITtL for general housework; good wages.
2I1S N. lwth avenue. i .x
WANTED Girl for general bouse work.
Inquire of Captain Palmer, quarters jo.
XL Fort Crook. Neb. C M436 x .
LADIES Earn gift weeWy copying letters
at home: address stasnpea envelope jor
particulars. National Distributing Co,
Albion. Mich. C 497 Tx
WANTED Ladies to learn hair dressing.
manlruring, facial massage, chiropody or
elnerrolvBiK. rremovine: hair bv electricity i:
oosltion waiting graduate; $11 to 129
weekly; few weeks completes: little ex
pense. Call or write, Moler Colleee, 1114
Farnam st. C M4M12X
LADIES To do piece work at their homes;
we furnh-h all materials ana pay rrom
17 to tl2 weekly; send stamped envelope
to Royal Co, 84 Monroe st, t ntcago.
C 4S5 7x
LADIES Earn 13f. per hundred writing
short letters; siamped envelope lor ir
ticulara Gem Mlg. Co, CassoTmlls,
Mich. C-607 7x
WANTED Good girl for general house
work: no washing; good wages, linu ft.
anh avenue. C M44&
$ TO UK: profitable employment: no can-
nuc nr xt. to xti wee k iv woraina e'eniriss.
exjenenoe unnecessary: enclose stamp for
Instruction and sample. Wilson & Co,
8 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Fa
C C34 7x
triVTHI). romnanion for elderly lady,
must have references and some knowl
edge of nursing. Aaareas r. is. t.
C 626 Tx
triVTrn-ir, exnerlenced latinflress: ref-
erences reotilred. Apply to Mrs Arthur
C. Smith, 1303 i'arg eve. t -wo'w Ji;x
t.009 GIRLS for general housework.
HART, era J. 1. uia.
r 617 T
GOOD housekeepers. Canadian office. ISth
and Dodge. A B50
FURNISHED rooms, single on ensult FIB
Park ave. mw
FURNISHED room: desirable locution,
reasonable price. 241s cass. iu Mhi.i fx
C23 S. 17TH AVE, nice'y furnished room
for gentleman in new modem horse
E MTi2 fx
NICELT furnished roc-ns.
S2n S. l?th.
E MMS fx
SfiiKi DAATTNPORT Ftirnished rooms.
hotisek-epine allowen: these rooms are
very desirable ana will please vou.
AGENTS The mit extraordinary of all
extraordinary oners: the one, opportunity
oi a nie time; no experien" neceesarv;
big cash profits daily; one agent made 121
in ooe hour: don't waste time with hard
selling prepositions: this is new, unique
and 1n universal demand; everyone will
buy; no effort necessary; we issue more
accident snd sickness policies than any
oiner fcirmiar company in tn worm, be
cause we rive the most bonular and
cheapest Insurance written: new plsn; fl
a year pays for !5(K policy: ho assess
ments or dues: other amounts in propor
tion: death Iwneflt: weekly Indemnity;
specific indemnity for loss of limbs or
eyesight: free medical atendance; many
other original ana popular features; is
sued to either sex, without regard to na
tionality, color or occupation; all claim
promptly and lilerallv settled; Insurance
assets $r0,(Kif: reliable representative
wanted everywhere; exclusive territory;
liberal, permanent contract to capable
a pen is and managers: whole pt pert
time: large, quick, permanent Income, in
creasing each year, absolutely sure. Ad
dress International Corporation. 221
Broadway. (Dept. It), New Tork.
3-m 7x
TRAVELING salesman for Neb-aska and
Iowa; staple line, entirely tew induce
ment to trade, h'gh lanniissions : 1JK
weekly advance; permanent to r-ht man
F. C- Farley Co, 1-etrolt. Mich. Wu Tx
SALESMEN of aD linns of business (snlen-
oia sine iine i sen ur aoverxisin jars;
71. Cifforent stvles. newest, latent patterns;
Just tli thing customer want, we pay
the largest commission, many of our
men give their er.time tini to cur line
and mske from 7t- to t; every i-wli;
g-usranteed I -net side-line ever offered;
write rtmptly with reference.. The t-l-hart
Ccmjiaiiy, L PendJeUin tL. Cm
uizinaU. O. A Tx
TRAVELING salesman wasted to sell
groceries. Permanent position. State
L resent occupation and salary expected,
os Atgvles Cider Co., EU i-ouia. Mo.
44 7
n'RN ED. Sond model or sketch for fre
opinums as to patenlabl.lty. Sei.d for il
lustrated Guide Book, contain 1( m
i henicsl movement and LIST OF IV
particular of NEW 7RAI-K-MAKK.
LAW. FT RIGHTS, etc. 1-atenta -
rur-d 1h-('ugh us advertlstid fre la
orld s I "regress; sampl copy free.
eg J-atent Attorn) a Uu F St, Wab-
ugliin, li. C. 1
WANTED First -clas salesman. One sales
man comnilsn.n amounted to over ti.H
In s x weeks, from February C to Nsrch
lt. lKtt.. Addresa The Barton Parker Mig.
Co, Cedar Rapidn, la 7 Tx
SALESMEN New Cleveland Jobbing house
on large cspirsi. wisnes to employ a
corps ot exjerleiioed traveling salesmen;
high commission with .S wwklv. w. S
Finley it Oo, H0-W Iospe-t u. Cleve
land. Ohio. 4M Tx
SALESMEN Specialty. Want another
nui.ier 'n cest proposition to ocmutrv
trade effered. Cf 6 aaleemen out. I add
respectively CWiO, tl.smi. 11.80T' and !I0
ftds last we-k; 1 per cent commission.
Worth 12tK) week. Box l'XS, St- Louis. Mo.
4S Tx
Pt'LlCT HOLDERS Lsfe. fir, accident.
casualty, sndommsM policy bcldsrs will
learv something to tbelr great and Im
mediate advantace lest 'allr holder of
Equitable policies by adrwsalng ie Mont-
loro, liid lauron buuaing, jsew i ore
J tw ll
Ftm SALE, an old established meat mar
ket ; best IrHtation is good railroad town,
western Nebraska, l.iX) Inhabitants. Ad
dress E t. Bee. T MT.31 1
known house, for Nebraska must be high
class. State age, experience and salary
wanted. Irawer "W," Chicago. 4 Tx
WANTED Man of good address and abil
ity s salesman to ttsrel. Experience
not necessary, hut must be a bustler.
Address A- R, Drawer 6H, R.ock Island.
IU. 619 Tx
rop. BALE Oenerl merchandise stock; tn
voice 7 to . 'iu; cn main street la
good town; business paying good; buts
ltis for rent a long as buyer deslTe it;
poor health reason for elllng. Call or
write Sinraoan Krasne, lYamont. Neh.
T Mib JX
manufacturer, two experlen-ed traveling
salesmen of ability, worth tz&o per month
and expenses; long time contract; write,
giving experience; personal interview ar
ranged if satisfactory. Address D 66,
care Bee, iJt Tx
1 h' I Mh.vr 1 ' U A KJ kliKT,
K40-s4i- N. Y. LIFE BLDG. T
STOP AND READ Be your own boas. If
you will communicate with us we will
how you a dozen different methods of
starting a business of your own. food for
a me income. t nave no canvassing
proposition, but if you wish tii add to
your income in spare time write quick.
Merchants' and Manufacturers' Agency,
js. bin street, fct ijouis. Mo.
C3 Tx
CORPORATION doing larg tntrretat)
business wants competent man to man
age branch office Arrangement will h
made with richt party to earn ILIh thp
annum and additional commission. En
ergetic man should earn !f.(M' yearly.
Must invest from 11AI0 tc In sto-k
of company. Unquestionable referejneo)
es to ability and integrity required. Ad
dress Box 636. Mad la on, Wisconsin
T 45J 7x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska:
staple line; high commissions: advance of
iiini mommy: permanent position to right
man, .less ti.. wnntn co, ietrolt, Mich.
WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange
jour property or business quick see i. H.
joi.nauu, M4 i. 1. iilb. i-'bon L 2.70.
IF TOU wish to buy or sell a business or
real estate, consult U. 8. Sale Bureau,
uii ana uro we rsiag. 1 all
IF TOU want to tuy. sell, rent or exchange
real estate or business QUICK see Comp-
iuu- aiLs ju, ww r tix luii U.K..
I HAVE one blacksmith shop, bux50, and
lot 60x100. with good tools, both Iron and
wood: only shop in town: aood trade.
good territory. Come and ee, or write
ll. a- nun man, csunaio vap. b. u. y vos
FOR SALE Paying Nebraska drug slcre;
excellent locaUon. Address: D M. Bee,
umuii. l Mi 7 9
DFSIRAPLE room 1n rrlvate eam'ly
suitable for I young men. i'i; orth with.
b Mi x
one ag-ent. New demand. Quick B&lea
ton, Iowa J IT4 Tx
NTCELT fumisliefl larre room cn second
flof.r: hot and cold water tn room; also 15,10 per month nd expensea selling my
smaller room for rent- 116 N.
F MC.3 fx
0. m. e, tel. tn.
F 8X7
patent for making smokeless gun and
blasting powder at cents per pound.
Beware of fakes advertising a worthies
and dangerous article. I am the In
ventor. General agent wanted In each
state. J. A, Stranaky, Bex 400, Pukawana,
E. D. J 473 Tx
CAPITOL HOTEL. lSth and Capitol ave.:
large frot.t rooms, with alcove, southern
exposure; hot and cold water; family
cooking; phone ana modern
AGENTS Make KW selling Allen's Foun
tain prufib; general managers wanted;
write for outfit and terma Allen Mfg.
Co, Toledo, Ohio. J Q Tx
Improve- AGENTS eoin money selling the popular
F Sin I skirt supporter; Just out; no teeth. M.
FURNISHED rooms, with
board, ut 22AT Farnam.
or without
F 2H9 7
George. 216 Empire bldg, Pittsburg. Pa
ROOMS and BOARD. E14 N. 19-h.
NEATLT furnished room for two gentle
men, with good board. SX..W per month.
Modern house. 22ii California.
F M374 7x
ESTABLISH yourself In permanent busi
ness, retwesenung our nne soap with
exclusive territory; our dollar assortment
Introduce our line, netting you Slid per
cent profit. Davis' Soaps, 86 Union Park,
Chicago. J 47 Tx
FURNISHED room and board. 15 a week;
day board, ibil Capitol ave.
F M41T 6x
AGENTS make big money selling.
"SMOKURE ' A cool dry smoke. Some
thing entirely new. Even- smoker will
buy. Profits big. Address, George C.
Horn Co, Lewisburg, O. J 476 7x
NICELT furnished suite of front rooms. AGENTS wanted to call on the drug and
eorrvenientlv arranced: others, either sin
g'e or ensuite; reasonable rates; good
boar 3; house modern and newly refined.
816 S. iv.lh st. fiM sx
detiartmerit store trade Tlsnrlw nilu lin
Scritchfield M.fg. Co, Janesvilie. Wis.
J-626 7x
LFSIRABLE rooms with excellent board.
618 S. IKth St. r m.
CENTER hotel, no N. 17th st, nloely fui
niched rooms. 12 to 14 tr week. Trsn-
sleets. 60c aud ui.ward rtr day. Tel.
B-2M7. F Mfi23 Sx
AGENTS Automatio Washer sell them
selves; sells on sight, for it doe a warn
ing in St minutes; furnishes its own
power; requires no labor and costs less
than any other machine. Free sample
ana exclusive territory gtven. Automatic
asher Co, station U, Chicago.
J-625 7x
TWO excellent, outside, modern rooms, tor AGENTS Be a mixer; put up and sell
ana proprietary prejiarstions, etc; we
two each, with board: right downtown.
Call at 1714 Douglas, or 'phone Red-4(37.
f aiu-i. vx
llshes, soaps, perfumes, extract.
ROOMS and board, 614 N. 19th,
F MG49 x
have processes for all: lists free. Wheaton
A: Co, iormula specialists, 44 GUI st,.
N1CELT furnished room; good cookinc. "TIO
a. 16th. F MtiiO lx
WANTED rositlon a watchman; refer,
ences. Address D 6k. Bee, A MSI 1
WOMAN and man will do house cleaning
by the day. 'Phone 8478. A J Cx
STENOGRAPHER Seven years experi
ence; law. insurant, newspaper, grain.
Omaha or smaller city. E 12, Bee.
A 4S7 Tx
FIRST-CLASS watchmaker; all around
man; wants position. A, P. 4C2 We'.'s st,
Chios go. A M47I. Bx
THE ROSE 2i2(i Harney st. Furnished
room: modern house; good board; rates
reasonable: also cay boarders.
FOUR pleasant rooms llgt.t housekeeping;
mouern; iel. ueaariii'i. tail b -tin ve.
G M22i
agents stop chasing rainbow; get
oown to earth: there Is more money in
selling a good staple article than fooling
with fakes; we want agents to sell our
reservoir dustiees brushes in residences,
store, school and public buUdinir: re-
duoe dust D7 jer cent, actual uientine
t-st: awarded gold medal at St. Louis
v orld s tair; r.rt-claa seller with op
port unity to build up permanent trade
exclusive territory, no couiwrtltlon. Mil.
waukee Duatlesa Brush Co., Milwaukee.
v is. j 604 Tx
A MAN with some money to Invest: can
take management ci an established manu
facturing Industry: big money for the
ngtit man. Address L 64, e.
T B270 Tx
FOR SALE, or exchange, new frame hotel
ooing gooa business: also stock of har
ness and harda-are, with new brick build
ing, jawrence Keat tistat and Broker
age Co, Lawrence, Neb. i M.T71 T:
TWO-CHAIR barber shop for sal cheap.
aaoreu u 111, ee. t Bis Hx
RESTAURANT doing business of $2,000 per
roonin; otajung net proni or xhhi; must
sen py may aa JAan. mi r. 1. ure biag.
WANTED, working partner, with 1400, to
join me in a tmsine mat 1 am thor
oughly familiar with. I will put in same
amount 01 money. Aaaresa li 6.
T M420 7
FOR SALE, drug stock and fixtures. In
voice about 2,wiu. Good location and only
drug store In town. Cash. Addres E 7,
on, umi n X JU421 12
A PATENT machine for farm and garden.
cmcsen ooopa swings,- com criti, tree
ruard, haromocka etc, for sale cr trade.
Write for circular. Address PostofBo
Box No. 865. Gienwood. la T 127 16
ANT business Arm or privat Individual
wlshlnr to be renresented at the Iwl
& Clark exposition, by a eomj-etant and
reliable man, aaaress c. R, an ruvn,
roniBJia urc 1 t,h ,x
GOLDFIELD and Bullfror Mlninr In
vestment, Reliable information. Money In
uoianaia Cbler: 10 cent shares; par
vaiue, rrospecius rree. Agent!
wanted. Commercial Bank, Gold field,
Nevada T 491 7x
nza.tmi cr part ror investment in som
good enterprise; without service. T. E.
Cameraon. Senunal building, Milwaukee,
la i 4 7x
MUSHROOMS PAT. Large demand. Easy
to grow. Why not make vour wast
spaoe -cellar, stable, old boxes, barrels-
bring in money 7 Chicago Tribune. Dec
lth, stated a root orman in Chicago was
making: tl.60i a year durine odd moment
growing mushrooms in a basement. Learn
tnis profitable Industry and add to your
Income. Instructions for making heda
extracts from government report and il
lustrated booklet, together with full page
article rrom me pa. ix.uis '06t-iiKputch
sent free on request, as well as bulletin!
on late spring seeds. The Post-Dis;iatrh
editors Investigated mushroom
growing. Inu should read what they
say regarding thla remarkable Industry.
V. S. 6eed and Mushroom Co, St. Loui.
mo. -uur eeeo at ijetter.'-
T-E1S Tx
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th CUca
MAN WANTED to Introduce a patent
hardware article; Ilk a week ana ex
twmses: honesty and sobriety more neces
ary than business experience: state ag
nd emplovnieiit liitmnaiional Shear
Co, 4 N. 4ih st, Phlladeli.hta, Pa B
WANTFIi-Business man with references
and I2i to take charge of and half inter
wt ia busim-ns tn Omaha Salary (16 a
week and half the net proceed. Ad'lr'
W. C. Handiey, 411 Observatory
Pworia, IU. B-46 Tx
WANTED, one or two flrst-claa boiler
makers. Steady work for the right man.
State experienoa Addree D 6ft, care of
Ba B M404 1
DRl'G clerk wanted, sober, honest and
registered In Nebraska Moderate wage
to liegin with. Consult at onoe with
Harle-Haa Drug Co, Council Bluff.
B M422 Cx
PRESIDENT Roosevelt strictly enforce
the Civil Sen-ice law SO.KSii appointment
to life positions last year. Splendid
opening for young people. Writ for the
announcement of the Columbian Cor-l-espondeniie
College. Washington. P. C ,
coiiiaiiiing dates, salariea, j.laces for
boiaVi.g examiuatiorts. and quen.lons re
cently used by the Civil Service Commis
sion. B 4K3 Tx
DRAFTSMEN, structural, long engage
ment. Send tif work, njatli g low
est salary. Hu, 1126. 12U Vlonadnnck. Ct.l
cujro. B 4l 7x
ITANTED In six weeks we will educat
you for a traveling salesman and guar
ante ycu a poiu.n; write for particu
lars Th Bradstri44 System. Rochester,
X. T. B-636 Tx
CANTED, youiur and middle-aged travel
ing salesmen. If tou want a position a
the road adilrea Royal SchrKtl of Com
snerclsl Tratelera, Ifiwers blocs p.Mbes
er, N. T. B-U7 Tx
1 LARGE manufacturing wmerti desires
a comiM'nt and Mix.mlJc snan to lake
rharg ef its Omaha cmo and hustne;
must be prepared, after atisfactnry in
vestigation, to advance several thousand
dollars, amply secured: to satisfactory
party a literal salary will b fld lo
tsrther with such an interest in the bust
X. s wi 1 Insure a Urge and yo-'tnanent
Ificcnte. I'Imm do yet apply unless t.e
1m red to meet condition; rigid investiga
tion ..liriied: refaamces exchanced Ad
dres E i, car Lt. B 621 Tx
DEWET, European hotel. 18th ai Farnam.
E aul
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe.
ELEGANTLT furnisbed rooms, excellent
location, modern SiM Webster. Phone
FOR RENT, desirable front room, to singl
reoiienian; modern conveniences. 217
Suuth st, E 80b
NICELT furnished room In private fam
ily. 2bS Caluortua E MM Tx
WE sell good furniture and carpets st pop
ular prion and carry Uie largest stock in
tmiai.a. Terma (26 110 worth, XI. uu week;
tiue worth 12. UU week.
Omaha Furniture ft Carpet Co.; between
l-'ia and Uth on Farnam st. E 45t 7
THE best furnished rooms in the city. Hit
Chicago. Er M22 tx
FOUR pleasant housekeeping rooms. S E.
corner Mth and Howard. G 374
I LARGE unfurnished, for housekeeping.
aao Capitol ave. J mhi tx
THREE nice rooms, with alcove for house
keeping, t: three rooms til; one room
with use of kitchen, $10. TeL 6iii.
. G M25C 10
FOR RENT Single and in suite Withnet'
block. 1Mb and Harnev. to X2u.
bT MART'S avenue block, 27th and St.
Marv'a ave.. 14 ano an.
FVPET block. 71 South St., I and
114. 211 I'odge sn , S rooms. 17. N. P.
DODGE & Co, 1614 Farnam st, G 44
WANTETi En erratic, trustworthy man or
woman to work in JvenruKka. representing
large manufacturing company; salary l4ti
to IWi per month, paid weekly; expense
advanced Address with stamp, 3. H.
Moore, Omaha, Neb. J SOU Tx
AGENTS 175 per month and expenses to
sen eavertising sign to merchant and
manufacturer. St. Louis Sign Co, St
Loula. Mo. 2
AGENTS We have a winner. If you want
easy money, write quick. Rode Sanitary
Co, St. Louis, Mo. J
UAisrt ror your real estate or business, n
matter where located. If you desire
quick sale send us description and price.
Northwestern Business Agency, u. si
Bank of Commerce building, Minneapolis,
Minn. 1
THREE unfurnished rooms for light house-
Bl MONET in quabs: they sell lor 12 to
at. a cloxen; cneapiy raised In only four
weeka; write for our free book about this
rich industry. Plymouth Rock 6quab Oo,
2S! Atlantic Ave, Boston, Mass. J
keepng. in Hansom park district, to man OUR faraoua eye book has put 1000 agents
in perrnaiieiii viiMiien niting giaasea ; X3
to 110 daily. Bo'k free. Write today.
Jacksonian Optical College, College Plaoa.
Jackson. Mich. J
and wife with references: poroelam hth,
gas furnace heat; reasonable. Address
E 11. Bee. G 6C1 Tx
FIREMEN and brakemen on railroad
everywhere. Experience unnecessary.
High wages, promotion. Name position
wanted. State age. Stamp fur particu
lars Railway Association. Dept to,
Charle bidg, Lenver. Colo. B
WANTED men to Introduce a patent herl-
are article. Salary . t!S j'r we k. 12 6(1
per day for expense to start. Rapid ad
vancement. Stat age and preeefit m-
i'lovmetu Mni Idoal Shear omprny,
ept. . Chicaga B 471 7x
DETECT ri'K wanted, shrewd, reliable man
in every 4urahty. ft irthlabie secrel
seryio. to ct under orO'-rs; no expeti
enc necesnr. Wnte Webster De
tective Aarency, Dec Moines, la.
B & Tx
WANTED Me to d's'rlbute samples, tack
igna IS t dally. No iuvw ng Con
uoental Dtxti Uniting Servtoa. Chxago.
, ... B Miu2 Tx
TWO nicely furnialied room for rent, gas.
bath, telephone. Board if desired. Ft
4, Davidge blk. Tel. 43. E M344 T
TWO unfumifihed rooms, no bona Veering.
620 B. 24tn ave, O-Ms h
WANTED 4 cr 6-room cottage worth
atiout ti.UK; IK cash, balance monthly. !
What have you got? Adores K,n 7711,
Omaha, Neb. K 64a 7
AGENTS wanted to sell Kentucky Prix"
whisky ly the ffarrej; fin premium
given to help aalea; big rhano for huat-lt-ra.
Address Box 178, Covington, Ky.
AGENTS To sell water filters; retails at
U. Big proflta, exclusive territory. Write
quick, Seneca Filter Co, iteueca. Mo.
WANTED, furnished house: family of
time adult; give full particulars Ad
dree E 1. Bee. K 627 Tx
FOR RENT Furnished room tn new, mod
ern home; all convenience; references re
quired 2Jnu Douglas st. E "aS C
FOF. RENT Furnished room In new,' mod
ern home; all cunveme.nce; ref.-rei.ces
required. 2306 Douglas. E li 6x
270T California at.
L 3u4 6x
HOUSEKEEPING and other good sleeping
counia, lu jderu. 8,i Harney si.
EMrfi 7x
THE Lakota UU Howard, rooms bv th
day or ek, all modtrn. L-iiM'i
WELL furnished room, modern, reason
ab e. 2- Famaiu. Tel. 22ut.
r M8ST Tx
ril. I l.J tisiic des gna S. E. ttor.
LYNGSTAD th fa Capitoi ava
PKINTERS, IU-. lxjutiaa st. To d
ljcr work when promised u cur hubby.
Capitol ave, TeL : fuily equipped for
all kind uf orinuu. hi- 4
H. A. ETVHGES. register eu euomey; pat
eiita trade marks, copyrights, do fee uo
mea suixessiui. ai7 N. V. Lite, uinaba.
6UES CO, patent attorneya Wasning
t n. I). C, cppoaiie U. S. paumt efh-a
Advice and palent biar.ka fra . tUt I
ING and make T. to 110 per day. Our
book of information snd designs will
teach you quick: no fraud, prio t
duced to tl If ordered st onoe, stamps or
postal order. WILLIAMSON SIGN STS-
'ItM, namuion ana saapie aves, bU
Louis. Mu. J
WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall
getting cur liberal utter: 16 daily sure.
arbon Diamond Co, Syracuse, V y.
Mention paper. J 630 Tx
AGENTS wanted everywhere. No sample
or canvassing tx Tienc unnecessary.
Great possibilities with large commis
sion: full particulars, p Montlord. lil
Fiatiron buuaing, ntw 1 ors joa tx
AGENTS WANTED Sell cur tl bottle
arapari:la for 86 cents; best seller; fan
per tent jront; write looay lor terma and
l-rnu.ry. F. IL Greene, 116 Lake st.
Chicago. J
FREE sample to agent; self-lighting
pocket lu.11 p. sis of pencil; take the
j'tat ef kerovsn lam(. candl.a and
matchee; rapid :lier; set-lng believing;
ua stamp. tciiur Ughunx
4-i. Wh.t I'll; ma, N. T. i-
PARKER'S Infallibl System, will gnaran
tee It to beat the raoes on any reputabl
newspaper cr handlcappcr's selections or
refund the rrtos of same in full. For par'
licular addrea Wm. Parker, liu Nssxau
st. New Tor. Y
WANTED Stocks of merchandise of all
kinds; have buyer for general stocks.
hardware stocks, lumber. macntnery
clothing, ere. Answer quickly and gn
full details cf what you have. C. W
Somers, too Manhattan Bldg, St. Paul.
Minn. 1 4SK 7x
BUSINESS CHANCES Free advertising
folder, "Bargain List tor vvnt Adver
User, we save you money in piacini
advertising. Dollenmayer Advertisin,
Agency, Mlnneapt.lls, Minn. T 4KT Tx
OU can never profit by business rhanceg
unless you hav some money; email sav
ing ar the foundation cf large fortunes;
sian a saving account witn i. 1.
Brandei A einx Bankers. 18th and
iKiugiar Sta Assets over 1400, Uu 80
EST pool hall In Scnth Omaha; Josuf
lease. A. S. Ritchie, 2 & lfrh su,
Cimxha T MS Tx
BIG MONET 110 buy put cr call on
j".iim nusneis wnent. io runner risk.
Movement of 6 cents mnkes you IMH).
Write for circular. The Standard Grain
company, Cleveland. Ohio. T 460 ?x
BIX 1nnrR. g-uaranteed, weekly. Tr
pur dally three-horse wire. 17 lrreest.-d
each last week cleared to; Handle,
money yourself. Cede free. Prudential
Bureau, 96 Fifth avenue, Chloagr
Y 408 Tx
Merltorlon enterprise launched and
financed; entire bond isstie of industrial
gas, water power and electrical propo
sitions underwritten: correspondence in
vited. Municipal Bond snd Securities Com
pany, 170 Broadway, New Tork.
WANTED Reliable fiscal agent for stock
m meritorious Goldneld mining company;
liberal commission. Apply, with refer
ences, to W. H. R Box 839, Tonopna,
Nevada. T 627 7x
For Women Only Dr. Raymond' Pills, fop
aeisyea penoae. ansoiuteiy reliable, per
feculy safe; no danger no pain, no Inter
ference with work; relief brought to thou
sands after everything else failed; highly
recommended by all that have used them.
By mail 12. Dr. R. U Raymond Remedy
Co., Room 8a. 64 Adams St, Chicago, IU.
PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for
ladies; never Talis. x postpaid, tiharmaa
at McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. TBI
DR. PRIES treat sccBsfully ail dUaaaes
and irregular! ue or women trom any
cause; experienced and rwllabia Address,
with stamp. Dr. Prio. 1611 Dodg su.
L 714
C. N. SOMMER, successful homeopathic!.
Cures chronic diseases, canoera. tumors.
Be bldg. MSSiMll
DR. DE MAP.S, French Tansy and Penny
royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cur fop
all female Irregularities. Regular price,
12; cur price, fl per box. Beaton Drug
Co, 16th and Farnam, Omaha.
M84I JeS
ITCHING rectal diseases cured Instant
relief, sample salve lnpiain wrapper ror
two 8 cents stamps. Box 830 Philadel
phia, Pa. 44 tx
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and chiumen: w Tears pracuo.
Ciftioe, 2806 Cuming. Reel den o telephona,
8066; office, 86C7.
MEN, If you are small, weak or undevel
oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vao
tiurn Develojier will restore yon without
drug or electricity; urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured in
cne to four weeks; 76.000 in use; not on
failure: writ for free book, sent sealed
in plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co,
Barclay Blk, Denver. Colo.
LADIES Chichester hmgilsh Pennyroyal
puis are the best: aaia reliable; take n
other. Send 4e stamps for particulars.
"Relief for Ladle," In letter by return
mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co, Phfla deli, hie. Fa
WE WANT 6 to 80 acres convenient t
street car, fur plaiting.
Hastings & Heyden,
160i Farnam Su
WANTED Good building lot In Han acorn
park district ; will pay spot cash; must
be cheap. Address 84, Be office.
N 664 7
V Lilo. pa)- highoM .riu lor books.
TaL K Uii
WE buy, sell or trad oarpela, fumitura
and stove 711 771 or writ 3. Levin,
city. K im
Bocks In sets, bought or sold. Anglln 4 Co
1614 Farnam sU Tela 82 or (08.
N M2L1 Ml
SQUARE PIANO in good OoadlUon. 16U
Farauim. N i
MEN'S Id hand clothing bought. Tl. AS"2i.
A PHTS1CIAN of experienc and
fui, desires a f.rst-las location or engag
ment, la a registered druggist and cleo
tncal engineer. Address E 8, car of Be.
N Mu ix
DO von need capital? We will lneomnrat
organise, complete, ana nuance i.tgn clas
strictly legitimate nterpri-; positively
no wildcat scheme entertained. AMER
CO, 12S-125 La Salle , Cliioago.
T-472 7x
RUNABOUTS, wagons and oarrlag at
fnaUy reduced pnoea Johnson A Dau
urth, souths tat corner 10th and Jonea
t 743
A TEXAN, having recently sold out a
large sheep ranch, coming to Omaha to
educat hla family, would Invest flhOOuO
In meritorious preposition with position
for son, age 26. Writ fully, D 22, Bee
office. T
FOR SALE Good general merchandise
buslnes In town of 1,4s in northeastern
Nebraska, doing a rath buslnes cf 126.HO0
to 130. ( yearly. Stock clean nd tip-to-flate
cf tin W can easily be reduced to
r.OtiO or IK.twO. Will sell for cash and
good security; act trade and no agents
wanted. For particulars, addres C. 65,
car Omaha Bex T
WANTED Druggit. registered. In Ne
braska, to buy an Interest In good paying
drug store; registered partner in firm has
other busin and wishes to sell. Ad
dress D to. car of Bee, T Mt 7
LOTS cn car line. IS mlntite ride to Omaha.
IT: factory sites, with trackage, tioo,
easy terms Address or call R Hamilton
87th and First ave. Council Bluffs. I a
T-C24 7x
WHEN yon bur a buslnea have pa ; r
drawn at 4.a Paxton block. Any ru
men ta, 75 cents T (tt Ix
knuitr aaa
believing; I
iM Co . Box I
7-U6J7x 1
GOLD NT'GGETS galore: get wealthy; we
wn the richest diggitigs In A la sit a
Writ u for particular. Council City
Mining CD, 641 Ooaaley. San FranciBca.
T 6Ae-Tx
SHETLAND pony, cart and harness, galled
aool dare, asa ana .nur. ex 12m.
FOR SALE Automobile, good as new. Ad
dress iiox 2u, Furt crooa. p 9JI XX
8-SPR1NG express wagon, used on year.
v a.i jua ousaa 28
in g(Kd snapa
Sherman ave.
P MX7 11
SHETLAND pony, cart and harness.
gaited tbddle mare, Ooubl set of hugg
hariies. Aid and Center. TeL 977.
FOR SALE 8-seat extension-top earrlaga,
platform stiring, Karbach maka, good coq
ciuon; bargain. Milton Rogers A Sons Co.
P m I
FOR SALE, one steam automobil rua-
about. laid Jatkaon su Machtn abop.
P-M4U (x
biag, room 8u4 and 2,8. Tel. 1UX 7n4
ATTORNEY! mrywbera Th New Bnow.
Church Co, mam fl, N. T. L. 'Phon ilia.
W. H. HATTEROTH. Attorney, notary. 44
Parker t IU MCI
EKASS and ahjanrnum casting. ntakl plat
ing and ftniahtng. S;maltx 8aM Ca -41
N. Mala st. Council iiluCa