Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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They Suit Uncle -Sam! Why Not Yom?
The United States Government has awarded us contract
for 29,686 pairs of shoes,
and his contracts are
Uncle Sam is a shrewd buyer
Thousands of good merchants all over the world are
selling Friedman Shoesthe shoes that have received
recognition by the Greatest Nation on Earth.
I . O WW
of the
The Pioneer Shoe House Founded 1854
St. John' lodge No. -'5 held a big meet
ing Friday night at Masonic temple, which
Was specially signalized by the visit of
Crand Commander J. D. Richardson of tlie
southern jurisdiction Scottish Rite Masons,
Following the reception to the grand com
mander and the 'regular business session,
the following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: Charles A. Tracy, W. M.;
Everett R. Wood, 8. W.; W. E. Muxen,
J. W.; C. E. Herring, secretary; E. ii.
McQllton. treasurer; John L. Neble, mem
ber of the library Board.
Nebraska lodge No. 1 elected the follow
ing officers for the ensuing term at Its
meeting at Masonlo hall last Tuesday
vening: A. B. Northrup. W. M.; A. W.
Jefferls, S. W.; W. B. Graham, J. W.;
J. II. McLean, secretary; Theodore Living
atone, treasurer; M. J. Kennard, member
of library board.
Covert lodge No. 11 held a largely at
tended meeting Wednesday evening last
and elected the following officers for the
naulng term: Paul A.' Froeltch, W. M.;
Charley Porter, 8. W.; Frank W. Boyer.
secretary; Hubert 8. Parker, treasurer;
Oustave Anderson, member of the library
Modem Wodmen of America.
Omaha camp No. 120 la figuring on a big
meeting for Wednesday evening, when a
large class of candidates Is to be initiated.
The ceremonies will be witnessed by vis
itors from the South Omaha and Council
IllufTs camps, and the degree team Intenda
to put the work on In its best shape.
No. 120 is also arranging for an elaborate
social gathering for Its meeting May 17,
which will be worth waiting for.
floral Nelahaora of America.
Fern camp will give a dance and May
Jarty Jn Myrtle hall. Continental block, on
the evening of May 12. Music, refresh
ment and dancing will comprise the pro
gram and all members ' are urged to be
present. '
Order of Scottish Claaa.
Clan Gordon No. S3 held Its regular meet
ing Tuesday evening. Much business was
transacted and arrangementa were per
fected for the visit of the royal chief and
royal secretary on .May 14. During the
social hour Clansmen Cook, Kerr, Gerrle
and Ed A. Lindsay entertained. Secretary
James C. Lindsay played the accompani
ment and 'squared" himself by "setting
up" the clears.
Grand Army of the Republic.
The several Grand Army posts and
Women's Relief corps of the city will at
tend Memorial Sunday services, May 28,
as follows:
Crook post and corps. Saratoga Congre
gational church, 2501 Ames avenue.
Custer post and corps. First Christian
church, Nineteenth and Farnam streets.
Grant post and corps. First . Baptist
church, corner Twenty-ninth avenue and
Harney street.
ft Is the intention to attend the morning
services at the respective churches.
Knta-hte of the Maccabees.
The review held by Omaha tent No. 75
last Thursday night was a big success.
Thirty candidates were put through the
"safer route" and were proud of it. The
degree team did excellent work. The can
didates were furnished by South Omaha
and Omaha tents. There was a large
number of. South Omaha Maccabees on
hand to witness the work. There will be
work again on Thursday night, May 11.
Royal Achates. "
Omaha lodge No. 1 initiated six candi
dates at the session held Tuesday evening
and acted upon fifteen more applicationa.
Mrs. Eva Nasser was elected to the of
fice of treasurer, to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of C. E. Allen.
Every arrangement is complete for a
most successful entertainment on next
Tuesday evening. There will be no busi
ness session, the evening being given over
to music, dancing and cards, refreshments
and a good time generally.
A Jolly party of twenty-five Royal
Achates of Omaha went to South Omana
Thursday evening to visit Success lodge
No. S3 of that city. Five candidates were
introduced and Instructed in the secret
work of the order by Captain Lucas and
her degree staff, which is the champion de
gree team of the state. Amdtig the party
were Supreme President '1. G. Barlght,
Supreme Physician R. W. Connell and E.
D. Davis, deputy supreme president for
Northern Texas.
E. D. Davis, deputy supreme president
of the Royal Achates for Northern Texas,
left Thursday for the field of his labor.
Mr. Davis has for several years been con
nected with the Missouri Pacific Railway
The Motor Car
Just a day "naughtymo-
Mile-posts look like a
picket fence
Scaring farmers.
Swallowing soot and soil
Hairbreadth escapes
Brain in a whirl
Nerves on the rack
Of course, you're all in
Try a bottle of
Red Raven
Red Raven is right and
-will put you right. The
ideal aperient water for peo
ple who travel fast
Fst wk svtrirahart
Rathboae Slaters.
Rathbone Sisters will hold a reception
Monday, May 8, lit honor of grand officers
and representatives at their hall In Con
tinental block, Fifteenth and Douglas
streets. Atf sisters Invited to attend.
Monday evening. Carnation council No.
1149 reported eighteen at Its meeting last
Tuesday evening. Omaha council No. 15
and Unity council No. 1180 also. . '
The degree staff of Magic City council
will have charge of the initiatory ceremony
under the direction of the captain, George
S. Kennedy. After the meeting the bal
ance of the evening will be spent In listen
ing to addresses by the national officers
from Topeka, also R. B. Windham of
Plattamouth and visiting members. The
promotion committees have been assured
that large visiting delegations from out
of town councils will be In attendance at
the meeting. L. M. Thomas, state deputy,
of Lincoln, has charge of the work of the
revival, with headquarters at the new
Commercial In South Omaha, and will pre
side at the meeting.
Woodmen ft the World.
The biennial convention of the Sovereign
camp of the Woodmen of the World will
assembly at Chattanooga, Tenn., for a sev
eral days' session on May 10. Omaha is to
be represented by a distinguished delega
tion, which left Saturday evening In three
Pullman cars over the Wabash line. In the
party were: Sovereign Commander J. C.
Root and Mrs. Root, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. W.
Jewell, Sovereign Clerk John T. Yates and
Mrs. Yates, Sovereign Physician Cloyd and
Mrs. Cloyd, Dr. Ira A. Porter, C. K. Er
wln, George F. Wooley, L. O. Blaine, H. I.
Root. Attorney A. H. Burnett, Sam G.
Smythe, J. W. Gyger, Churles Rothwell of
the sovereign headquarters. Delegates Win
8. Wright, Sioux City; Harry Smith, Osce
ola; George F. Howard, Ottumwa, la.; D.
W. Carre, Beatrice; H. E. Lemmon, Falls
City; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mather, Omaha.
The champion drill team of Seymour
camp, Omaha, will exemplify the work,
whirh Is to be undertaken at the top of
Lookout mountain. Thia team consists of
Frank Meek, first lieutenant; Roy Young,
second lieutenant; Mack Parkinson, first
sergeant; Frank Suchy, Walter Shetchley,
Charles AyersK Walter Hall, Arthur Davlcs,
B. Suchy, Clarence McLean, Jacob Albert,
Edwin Diamond, Harry Clark, Tom Davis,
Roy Glllam. Harry Goulder, Harry Larson,
Glenn Marr, Cash Mack and James
In addition to thpse the Boys of Wood
craft wll be represented by tfie following
delegation: Colonel Mather, In charge; M.
H. Redfleld. J. N. Crawford, C. F. Allen,
R. La, Forgan, A. N. Johnson, W. A. Wun
rath; J. Swoboda, J. Lowry, S. L. Grimes,
Frank Loench, I. D. Redfleld, K. S. Fisher.
B. Tombrlck, E. T. Doran, J. A. Horns n.
Harry Small, Gordon Saunders, J. Ed
mondson. W. Year. John Simpson, E. R.
tllei, Philip Miller, D. Bonier, C. L. Bur-
meister, A. E. Peterson and J. G. Kuhn. .
The head camp will begin Its business ses
sions Juiie 19 and the Milwaukee people
have arranged a very enjoyable program
for the visitors when they can be. per
suaded away from the business sessions.
The general meeting will be preceded on
Juno, 17 by a meeting of the local camp,
Clerks' association, which will have gen
eral charge of the entire proceedings.
Charles H. T. Riepen of Omaha Is treas
urer of the association and will necessarily
take a prominent part In the proceedings.
Court of Honor.
Elk district No. 7t". South Omaha, has
completed all arrangements for a big public
meeting In their hall at Twenty-third and
N streets for Thursday evening. May 11.
On this occasion Deputy T. 7.. Magurrell
will deliver his Illustrated lecture, to be
followed by a fine musical nnd literary
program. Dancing and refreshments will
be an additional pleasing feature of the
Loyal district No. 1018 has sent out in
vitations to Its members and friends for a
meeting to be held In Workmen hall Satur
day evening. May 13. A class of twenty
five candidates Is to be Initiated. A very
pleasant evening is promised all who at
tend. The program will comprise literary
and musical features, followed by refresh
ments suitable to the season. Be sure and
wear your "tag."
Robert H. Bennett has assumed the man
agement of Myrtle hall. Myrtle annex and
Redinen's hall. In the Continental block,
which he is planning to have, renovated
and put In tip top condition.
of teachers is as follows: Miss Back, first
primary; Miss Wilson, second primary;
Miss Carr, first intermediate; Miss Wal
ruth, second Intermediate; Miss Detrlch,
grammar; Miss DeGraff, music. The report
of Prof. Yoder showed an average attend
ance of 225 pupils for the month of April.
John Nicholson left Tuesday for Ken
mare. N. D., where he will have charge
of a gang of men during the summer. His
brother. Henry, a railroad conductor, has
a contract to construct part of the line
of the Great Northern out of Kenmare.
Miss Prudence Tracy, Mrs. Ellen Pur
cell, Mrs. J. P. Brown. Mrs. Ida Flnkeii
keller and Miss Anna Potter attended the
district meeting of the Rebeknh assembly.
IndeDendent Order of Odd Fellows, at Odd
Fellows' temple, Omaha, Saturday night.
The city council mot in regular session
Monday night. Home routine matters were
taken up and disposed of. Ordinance 183
was passed, putting the curb lines of Main
street back to twenty feet from the prop
erty line, which whs the distance lip to
about a year ago. Tills ordinance was in
troduced and passed on account of resi
dence property owners who thought It an
injustice to them in widening Main street,
thereby destroying their lawns and terraces.
On the other hand, the owners of business
blocks wanted the street widened so that
the expense of keeping up sidewalks would
be lighter anil cause the sidewalk to come
closer to their show windows. The con
tract for cinder walks was let to Cubley &
Foster. This walk extends south from
State street along the east side of Main
street to Washington street, thence east
to the Swedish . Lutheran church. Saloon
licenses were granted to George Stnlon,
Hans Petersen, Henry Anderson and Otto
Stuben the same parties as last year.
Harmons- Circle.
The women of Harmony Circle enter
tained their husbands at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Brady, Thirty-fourth street and
Meredith avenue, Friday evening. A mu
sical and literary program waa rendered.
The IUgar quartet entertained with a
pleasing selection. - Mrs. Ambrose gave a
recitation, Mrs. Cooledge a piano solo, Mrs.
Ferral read a paper on "Self Culture,"
Baby Clark gave a piano solo, Nina Brady
a recitation. Miss Ruth Dillon a piano solo,
Mrs. McClalr read a paper on "Home
Training of Children," Rachael Hagar and
Nina Brady a vocal duet. Mrs. Chapman a
recitation, the program concluding with an
other selection by the Hagar quartet. Lunch
was terved In May baskets, and the evening
throughout was most enjoyable.
Modern Woodmen of America.
Tho Modern Woodmen are devoting about
all their spare time to getting in readiness
for the head camp of the order, which is
scheduled to meet 'n Milwaukee about the
middle of June for a ten days' session.
Kalcata and Ladles af aevarltp'.
The Knights and Ladles of SecurUy are
experiencing quite a revival of th work
among the councils of Omaha anJ South
Omaha during the last week. A rally and
union class Initiation ! to be helfl in the
Ancient Order of I'nited Workmtn temple
In South Omaha on the !th.
MHglc City rouni II No. 7 replied seven
lttu p4ic.uiou. al its last UceUug on
CLEVELAND, O.. May ..-'(Special Tele
gram.) The Clnaraium Co., of this city is
being deluded with letters from Asthma
Hay Fever and Catarrh sufferers every
where asking for free samples of the won
derful drug Ctnarstum. The discovery of
L'tnarsium by Prof. Hafner has attracted
the attention of the whole scientific world.
The president of the company said today:
"Our mall U simply enormous. We had
no idea there would be such a demand as
this when we made the offer to send
samples of the drug free.
I "A meeting of the Board of Directors
was csUed today to take action and
although It la coating us heavily, it was
decided to keep on sending free bottles,
as we believe It Is our duty to let the
people have this chance to test Llnarstum.
An additional appropriation was made to
meet the extra expanse. Reports of cures
come In by every mall. The Clnaraium
Laboratories are taxed to their full
capacity to meet the unprecedented de
mand. To facilitate matters all corres
pondents are requested to twlilres letters
io The Clnartiiiiu Co.. M bank SUvtt,
Cleveland, Ohio." .
, Florence.
Miss Maggie Franklin entertained some
relatives' from Omaha Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Belth of Bellevue college occupied 1
tne puipu in tne -resryierinn ciiurcn nun
day. Clark O'Hanlon, attorney at Blair, was
here Tuesday looking after some legal
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Thompson and Miss
Jessie Tucker attended "Virginia" at the
Boyd's Wednesday night.
Bam Bovler of De Soto, Neb., was a
business visitor here Wednesday and
1 hursday, returning home Thursday after
noon. Rev. Mr. Jensen and Rev. Mr. Bell of
Omaha were here Thursday calling on
friends, among them was Rev. U. is. .Mc
Laughlin. Miss Bertie Wilson's pupils In the public
school held a peanut social at the city hall
Wednesday night. There was a good at
tendance. John Bell c.ime In from Missouri Valley
Monday, visited with his family and at
tended tho regular school board meeting
Tuesday night.
Henrv F. Wyman of Omaha was In town
Thursday looking after his Interests In the
nortli part of the city, and getting ready
to construct the boulevard near the norm
city limits.
Tho looked for high water In the'Mlssouil
river has not come yet; in fact there w.m
no perceptible rise in April as Is the case
every year. .
Mr. Cheney ifhtitlngton and sister, Mi.
Whltlock and sister, all of Omaha, wcrv
the guests of the family of F. 8. Tucker
Sunday evening.
George Km I II has terraced the front yarii
of his residence on Bluff street, thereby
making it look very attractive. The resi
dence it, nearly finished.
Mrs. A. W. Barge of Oakland spent the
past week here the guest of Mrs. V. R.
Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Barge were . former
residents of Florence, and are located a:
Onkland paw.
John Lubold returned Sunday evening
from Terre Haute." lnd., where he has been
the past eight months, having been lit
charge of a steam shovel doing grading
work near there.
Rev. Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Harvard
Smith and Miss l' Tracy attended
the commencement exeicises of t lie Omaha
Theological seminary al the First Pres
byterisu church, Omaha, Wednesday even
ing, .
Trie Board of Education met Tuesday
night. Miss DeGraff of Omaha was elected
iiiuslo teacher, to be here to dnys of each
week In the public schools, tier salary to
be :i per month. Miss Waliuth was elected
at this meeting, the other rive teachers
having been elected at n former meeting.
The salaries of all the leathers are ! h
Uia same, Vt uauutb. The assignment
R. C. Peters Is at home again after a
short business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCulloch are home
after several months' absence.
Mrs. William R. Llghton returned from
her visit to California last Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Taliaferro is at home again
after several months , spent In southern
California. "
The house owned by W. J. Fischer, at
the corner of Forty-ninth and Davenport
streets, is for sale.
Mrs. Will Hoagfand and children have
gone to Colorado to visit Mrs. Hoagland'M
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boothroyd, at Water
dale ranch.
1'nder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
society of the Dundee Presbyterian church
a delightful Shredded Wheat lecture
luncheon was given on Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. K. A. Benson, a number of
women from Omaha, as well as Dundee,
being present. The luncheon was followed
by the regular meeting of the- Dundee
I Woman's club, when the president, Mrs.
1 1. S. Leavllt, gave an Interesting summing
I up of the year s study In Germany. Miss
'Shields talked of Hauptmann and Suder
I nimin. as the chief exponents of the natil
Iralistlc movement In Germany. Mrs. P. J.
Harr read some poems or ncuiuer ana Airs.
Edwards sang some charming German
Morton Orendolnh returned from a brief
visit in Missouri last Sunday.
J. P. Grove, who has resided here for
- 1 . I .... , . 1. - fill i -
. nuiur unity. iani rm ivi iiiiiiui;.,
I Efrle McGulre. who has been visiting
in Millard the past month, has returned
Mrs, Arthur Merman will take charge of
the Junior league work next Sunday after
noon. A quarterly conference meeting of the
Methodist Episcopal church was held last
Friday evening.
Mrs. A. Bone and little son have gone
to spend the summer at the home of Mrs.
Bone's parents.
John Woodruff and L. Jorgensen of this
place were home lust week on their vaca
tions as city mail carriers.
Dr. and Mrs. Leochner entertained at din
ner last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Bettcrman and Miss Betterman.
Miss Francis O'Connor entertained a
number of her young friends from Omaha
at her home last Sunday evening.
L. Jorgensen spent two days In Hum
boldt, Neb., last week. While there he
attended the wedding of his son.
About sixteen Omaha friends of Mr. and'
Mrs. Junge gathered at their home last
week and gave them a pleasant surprise.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ander
son of Millard last Tuesday. Mrs. Ander
son was Miss Gertie McGwire of this place.
Mrs. A. W. Evans Is preparing her class
of violin scholars for a recital to be given
in the near future to the friends and fam
ilies. Mrs. Ben Morton and daughters, Mary
and Helen, left last Wednesday for a six
weeks' visit with her parents In Kansas
City. 1
A business and social meeting of the Ep
wortli league was held last Thursday evc1
Ing at the parsonage. A dainty lunch was
Invitations are nut for the May party
dance to be given by the Degree of Honor
lodge at Its rooms on Tuesday evening.
May D.
Mrs. J. N. Horton left last Wednesday
for a few days', visit at the home of her
relatives In Missouri. She will return today
or tomorrow. '
At the regular meeting of the Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows lodge lost Thurs
day two candidates were Initiated. After
the business session a social hour wax
spent. i
The Toadies' Aid society held ' meeting
for work at the home of Mrs. Lldy last
week. It will meet at the same place next
Conference services ml be held this
evening at 8 o'clock with communion. The
presiding elder. Rev. Mr. Gorst, will be
present to preach the sermon.
Last Mondav evening the regular meet
ing of the fire department was held. The
usual routine of business took place and it
was reported that the treasury had a bal
ance of tiso.
Martin L. Jorgensen of tills place and
Miss Ethelle M. Bullls of Humboldt. Neb.,
were married last week at the home of
the bride's parents. Thev will reside In
Stanton. Neb., where Mr. Jorgensen is
employed by the railroad company.
The dedication of St. Bernard's Catholic
church of Benson took place last Sunday
morning at 10:30 o'clock. It was attended
bv a large number from Omaha, Benson
and vlclnitv. The church Interior. Vlth n.
few exceptions, was in readiness nnd "isde
a fine appearance. Bishops and pries ' of
Omaha were present to perform the i .'
mony. Hereafter mass will be had on ctMi
Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at this piarr.
with Father Harrington presiding.
West Ambler.
Grandma 8yas was the guest Of her son
Charles and family on Monday.
Allen Favert.v Is sodding his lawn grid
J making other needful Improvements.
John Gant is assisting the contractor tn
the completion of J. Borer's new home.
Mrs. E. C. Dawson of Folsom.. Is., was
the guest of her father and friends here
from Tuesday until Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hlnsman celebrated
their tenth wedding anniversary Tuesday
evening. About seventeen relatives were
present. Refreshments were served.
The Indies' Aid society will meet with
Mrs. Marlon Faverty on Thursday, May
11. to quilt all day. An appetising lunch
will be served at noon.
Mrs. Charles Syas and daughter, Miss
Mae. have been entertaining their old
friend, Mrs. John Welse and baby, who
arrived from Iowa. Mrs. Welse was Miss
Mae's first school teacher.
Mrs. Sarah A. Lemlng, mother of Mr.
Lemlng of East Ambler, died st the resi
dence of her son Friday evening, after a
short illness with pneumonia, aged 75
years. Rev. R. M. Henderson conducted
the funeral services at the home Sunday
afternoon. Interment was at Forest Lawn.
Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business
We Offer $1,000 .
For a Disease Germ That Liquozone Can't Kill.
1 On averr bottle of Liquozone we offer
$1,000 for a disease germ that It can
not kill. We do thia to assure you that
Llfiuozone docs kill germs,
And it la tbe only way known to kill
germs In the body without killing the
tissues, too. Any drug that kills genua
la a pniaon, aul It cannot be taken In
ternally. Medicine is almost helpless
In' any perm dlaense. It la this fact
which filves Liquozone Its worth to hu
manity; a worth ao great that, after
testing the product for two yara,
through physicians and hospltuls, we
paid $KX,iHX) for the American rights.
And we have spent over one million dol
lars, in one year, to buy the first bot
tle and give it free to. each alck one who
would try It.
Acts Like Oxygen '
1 Llguorone la not made by compound
ing drugs, nor ir there any alcohol In
It. Ita virtues are derived solely from
gas largely oxygen gas by a process
requiring 1 mine use apparatus, and 14
days time. This proceas has for more
than 20 year, been tbe constant sub
ject of cU'utltlo and chemical research.
The result Is a liquid that docs what
oxygen doea. It la a nerve food and
blood food the moat belpful tblng In
the world to you. Ita effects are ex
hilarating, vitalizing, purifying. Yet
it la a germicide, so certain that we
rubliab n every bottle an offer jf
l.fsVi for a disease jrerm that It ctn
bvt kill, lbs reason U tbat gurius are
vegetables; and Liquozone like an ex
cess of oxygen la deadly to vegetal
Llquoeone goea into the stomach. Into
the bowel and Into the blood,' to go
wherever th blood goes. No germ can
escape it and none can resist It. The
results are Inevitable, for a germ dis
ease must end when the germs are
killed. Then Llquoxone, acting aa a
wonderful tonic, quickly restorea a con
dition of perfect health. Diseases which
have realsted medicine for years yield
at once to Liquozone, and It cures dis
eases which medicine never cures. Half
the people you -meet wherever you are
can tell you of cures that were made by
Germ Diseases
Thene are the known germ diseases.
All that medicine can do for these
I roti I iles la to belp Nature overcome
the germs, and such results are indi
rect and uncertain. Liquozone attacks
the germa wherever they are. And
when the germa wblcb cause a disease
are destroyed, the disease must end, and
forever. That Is Inevitable.
A bajraiM A steals
Blood Polftos
Bniht'i DIMM
Bowel Troubles
Coufha Colds
Coin- croup
C" is. Uoa
''l .rra- l'rer
Har Fovoe lnfluea
Kid nor Dioeaoos
la Orlpoo
laver Troubles
Milorlo Nounlf !
tny Henri Troubles
Piloo Pnoumooia
Vlurly Quloty
AiUa Ihmmis
Dandruff Drooiy
Bobodm Errsloolsa
Povoro Osll Btonos
Ooltro Oout
OosorrkoM Oloot
ttsBurfe TrMt
Throat Tranbtat
Tumors I) loan
Woman's Dtsaaaof
All 4tpeaae that basts with taTer all lUwisHk
tlon all catarrh all roataftoua dtaaasae all tha e
aulta af Iropura ar rotanned hlorxf-
la aerroua ability Uouetona arts aa a 'Italian,
aocemallaatns what ao drusa caa da.
50c Bottle Free
If you need Liquozone, and hara
never tried It please nnd ua tbla
coupon. We will then mall you an or
der on a local druggist for a full
slj:e bottle, and we will pay tbe drug
gist ourselves for It This la our free
gift, made to convince you: to show you
what Liquozone la, and what It can do.
In justice to yourself, please, accept it
today, for It places you under no obliga
tion whatever.
Liquozone costa 60c and $1.
Cut Out This Coupon
for this agar star not appear agala. Pill sol
tha blanka aod mall It ta Iba Llquoione Com
pany, i l-4 Wabaeh Aa , Chlcas.
diacaaa la... ......
1 haya never triad I.lrjuoioae, hat It y"S
will aupplr stlHi hotile Ira I will ukt a.
Olaa full add
rlta piatalr.
Any phyilrlaa ar bialial ant rti aataa Uiwaai
KmiU he i! (upplltd tmt s UaU