Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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But Board Look i After Lien Untf tit
Omits Terminal.
Sixty years of experience with Ayer's Sarsa
parilla! Think of that! Think of the millions
of people who have been cured by this medicine!
If despondent, down-hearted, discouraged, and
almost ready to give up, this splendid old family
medicine will prove the silver lining to your
dark and dismal cloud. Ask your doctor.
Mt r tk. . e. lr . &ewU. Mm.
Aim . irr of
ATTH'S lnr Vl&r.-r t ksir. aTTRS rrLIS-Tnf eattti.
iTU CUKKT rTCTOEsA fat mfto. tlU'S iODI CCU Fat DtUruiXl LfsS.
4lratloo that ll Trtr'i .
aaeot o Oaaaha Bride ai Ter
aaiaal (Mr' Prtpfrt?
ill Be Oooolea.
cFrrn a Fiaff Cori efpondent )
LINCOLN. May -1 Srwx ia.1. e-Tbe Plat
Parfl Equalisation indicate today that
it ITr the aem'Pt of the 1 of
the Iilinoip Central. Milwav,se. Waha.h
arid other ltr-i whii h u the tfrraiiulf at
Omaha. AuJ it Hearle ranel the question,
arkn.g thrthir trtey had been ewefed
last year. He wa informed that laat rear
the board lailed to take action. Oorerritr
Wirk nateil h belered the leaee could
tramp throvish th. lea; The rville h been
ntra"t1 and th tramp will rrohaKy hat
no diflV-ulty in rerov rlns; the fail ue of
h l.mb.
l.rae AtteoSaore Hears Reaaiaa of
Paper at State Catkrrli.
BEATRICE, N.-. May i. i j.e-lal v-Th
attendance at yesterday' ei"n of th N
braka Plate Medical anciety wa much
larger than on th orcni:.r day Th
prristKn was in w1nn at 'he Padd'-ck
opera hojc all day. dur1t wriirh time pa
tera wot read and diiK-unord There wer.
forty paper on th pr-itram. and in .cmr
ra wtiere th papers were on mni'r
mbject both or a l were dicueed at tV
same t:roe. Thi vif don to My time
E on at thi. all th paper wr not read,
and th remainder will h uhmiTtel at th
morning: aiFion today.
From II to I th Ruh Medic! erliese
gradual attndirg thr mting give a
Tufh lunrh" in tli women ord-nary at
th Taddotk hotl. The ocj-Fion cf tl:i
wa th presence at th iriin of T'T E.
Fletcher Irrgallj and Fr. J. K. r.hod. btth
b taxVd. Wbilf noihmg dfinft dm. j of u" Ku'h tBxy. Prvlou to th mt
Kriuk'i Jcaicr Besttor Kgpi Oct Eii
t-umMor', CnnpigTi.
PI DCTTr Tfl QTmV QTiTr i6na,c'r Burktt Mid hi thn if no x
DLIvALll HI JlLUl J I A I L 1 citrmnt oiicrnin the rrop"-d test cf
I lhe b.-enniaJ tkrtion law in th ruprrm
court, ttere in a lively interest felt In what
the decision may 1. lie i not milling
to cormnlt himflf ly an opimon on way
or ttie oiher. "I have no doubt the u-
i-rfroe couit will arive a JuM and aatisfac-
J The occasion of Sfnator Burkett a visit
' at this ximt m th preno In Omaha of
Will B at Haae ta Liairwla j Jatn P. Rirhrafon of Tennse.
tiam Lara Mwrm f d j th clJr Maor.ic official of the southern
f Hi, O-. to Junsdoa of the l-nited extern. Th --
j tor ia or of a committe of Unooln
wrm""- ' j Slasont who 1 to !tcort Mr. Richardson to
j the capital of th state. They will lewve
th board took action to incurs data from
which to compute the r-aJu cf th lease.
It 1 Fupg-estosl that the railways which
own th lines be required to fornirti sworn
statements indicating Just what is paid
for the use of the terminals. Another
plan that as discussed th us of
rtat'rtios of th number ifnd value of cars
used over the leased lines. x
The tnembera of the board oevoted much
cf tlieir time to th? consideration of the
storks arid bonds of the Chicago. St Paul.
Minneapolis ft Omaha and the Northwest
ern railway.. This action Is in marked
contrast with th prcJure of a yr ago.
when much of th sesision tu spent In
discusi.g tangible property, and members
dvoted rreary hours counting ties and
measuring nuls. Thtn th stock and bond
theory w kept in the background, but
now it is acknowledged to be a prime fac
tor. sube-t to tli net earnings cbe k. The
daia afforded by current market quota.tiocs
were used.
A computation of the total value of the
stork and bond of the Northwestern wm
made by Auditor Sarle and Plate Tr
urer MortenJien. working In conjunction,
and the result ga an average value for
the system cf Mi iKi. The assessment last
li.g of ih association letters
the Ruh
for orgs
ere sent to
"1 stall devote nbout ail er my time this
rummer to wtadyiuc up e-a Nebraska," Sii3
l aited States Sen tqj C J. Burkttt at the
Omaha cJuH 4a n. nigliS-' "Outside of flllit.s
a few engagements for addresses in the
atate I expect to be at home In Lincoln
about all the time. Of course. I mean to
ker In ' touch with public quettiona a
they arise and develop, but will have no
Omaha at 5 o'clock this morning.
Rara Torn t Piece aa-d Praerty
Dstrr MeJaesday
TEKAMAH. Neb., May 4 (Special. ) A
I'art iu any' soil of ofncifcl work before ! small cyclone struck the south part of this
tli convening ol congress m tjiecial e
.loa next Octooer."
C)ra Ptvti and M: lra Harrotd. th
am tai-hr and 'irrntn'1nt (. W.
Talor ar nraed for te comirg yar
Th nw si hr.i is assuming propor
tion and shat.
FTROMSM (; Tl ahundanc of rain
lately ras put th hejt crop in splrictid
e-orid!tion and th propects were iivr
f-c-r fr,r a g'vxj j t).1. T!i fruit crop also
hs a splendid outlook FVrrrr are rlant-
Iri com and Hi ork is adanoe4 b!ca;
the averac-e fi.r this tiro of May.
PUTTFMf'lTH-R'v H P. 5i!rr.
fhaf lain of the I'ntted State arnir at Toit
tr. gv an illustrated l"tute en the
I'hilippiiics last eveirtng. undfr t! aus
pices c f 8t. Mary s iiu Id SK)ty. Th
en'ertainmer.t a an Intellectual troat and
ma largely attendc-d
PKATKK'E The mimber of the bard
of minT of the Vnln Iciflc road, ac-cotiipai-)-d
bj s4-ral officials. fW'd Bea-tr'i-f
a x isit y trdHy. Ktr !"' of the
rtad t tin p.iint er rxammed a to
their rhsi al and mental ritnes for the
position thy fwrcupy.
F1tEM NT ShTirf Baurnan :h s niorti
itig. ieviKl an ecutio:i ci a carload of
folo poni a tb property C'f Altx S'g
nin. :n an a. linn v1 Ih L"ds County
tafk of Helper aealnst him for tl .! Tie
car was in h spet'ia stoi k tram atid a
ooj sia-ied to a p"int in Nw York
I EATRICK list evenmg Jan-.e E
Klyrin. reprentmg the Tnited Hattor of
Atoerca. addr"is-d the Hoatnc "eiral
Iilxtr union m the interest of organised
latwir. He urrd ev-rv unn.n man to buy
i union made hats and to do all Ihfy could
i alumni urgirg them to arrar.g i to encourage Bratric-e dealers to handle
niration at this sslon of ih- u,,Tw'-.,c'?"'-
Physicians. AV forty were present, and ,bW,f.jn, "st" "tVin.w the "new
after addresses had bcn delivered by Tra .mayor P H Hojkin. announc-d the f -1
Ir.galls and Rhode an organiration
perfected by electing Tr. M H Garton
Lincoln, president, and tr. W V.b-r of Val
paraiso, secretary- The 'T'utch lunch" was
a smccess. and will hereafter be a regular
thing with th P.ush men at th annual
meting of the state association.
Last nicht there was a cessation of Hum.
ness, Th ar,i-r part of the evening there j
was an illustrated lectur In th Paddock j lx-ci of Cmalia will ark the council tor
Hf j)-ing additional appoirlm'-nts: City phy
f I sician. lr i J. Kutitniri; city collec tor.
' c M Vilsoii. pouridmasler. Nicholas)
MdUter. The -stimiite of expenses lor tlit
coming ear mas made.
TEd'MPEH On of th saloon opened
in Tecum h yesterday and anothei will
open t "morrow. It is now a oecioed fact
that the city will have three naloons the
cming year. Prank Thomas of Lincoln
opera house by Tr. Char! Tmax of Chi
cago upon Tllowston park. The lecture
proved unusually interesting. At the clos
of th lecture an adjournmont wis taken
to the Paddock dining room, where an elab
orate banquet wan held, attended by about
130 physician It. E. J C Fward of Oak
land acted as toastmasaer. and th follow
ing; twists wer resrnded to: "Th Presi
dent." Dr. R C. McDonald of Premor.t; "A-,
a Profession. Are We Charitable?" D:.
Gafford cf Wymore: "Advertising." Dr. J.
M. May hew of Lincoln; "The Absent Treat
ment as Applied to Legislation." Dr J. P.
GilUgan of O'Neill: "Th Doctor of tl Old
bEATRlCE Testerday afternoon th
wives cf the visiting physicians met taken
to th Institution fot Feehle Minded Youth
by the wives of the local phsn ins. m here
they mere entertained mltn a musical pro
gram by the inmates. Mrs. Johnson, mif
of th superintendent, s rvrt refifehmctjt
nnd a very' enjoyable afternoon mas the
RAVENNA A team bolonglng to Jo
rro'-n became fr.ghtened and ran away,
starting at the stock yards. Mr. Drogan
and a stock buyer, J Flmeon. wer thromn
from th warcn and Mr. Fmieon mas inckej
up unconscious Physicians m ho attended
him think that he mill won recover. Sev
eral hogs wer killd and a telephone pole
broken by the runaway.
OS 0 an of Thirty
MrvJ. C. Prentiss, of Ravenna, Ohio, Cured of Indi
gestion, and fcnablcd to Take Lonz alks, ays
That His Vigorous, Robust Health Is Due Entirely
to Duffy's Pure .Malt Whiskey.
It Keeps Me In Good Fleh, Make Me 5tronc and hearty, and I
Would Not Da Without It."
year vu l y. representing a market
vaJue of Sr.5m. The tax commiarionersi of ! Leror Crjmmo r of Omiha
the road today filed with the board a state
ment in which the rlaim is made that th
ret earning, of the Nebrsfka mileiage have
never exceeded 11.3K per mile a year. Cap
italizing this on a S per cent basis, the con
clusion is reached that th Nebraska mile
age is worth only UtVtKiO mile. Much
stress u on the character of the prop
erty in Iowa and other state and attention
is called to the double tracking and the
valuable termiria.1 at Chicago, all of which
a'-e out of the state. Ttie claim Is made
that the Nebraska portion of 3.496 miles,
together mith the brarJie running into
Wyoming and South Dakota, constitute a
ttr honl - T tr I 1 r-un. t i i . i t. a l.M.'.v-1 no t-acnji en.pioj ea in me
School. Dr J. L. Green of Llnoo.n. PcV ,,uMlc scho,, pf thif ci,y lor th coming
lie Men and th Mical Profession." lr ! year are: Super lntendnt O-rge E Kind-
A it tv-uts to lcr: principal h:gh school. Miss Myrtle
a layman." Hon. Adam McMullen of Wv- Krtr: m,',an,- rr'ncmal.
' 11 ! Rot noldson; grade toc hers oi st,
more. A poem. The Germ Theory." ded- Miss Parks. Miss Bebe. Miss Mathem-s,
Icated to Dr. McDonald, was rnad bv Walt Miss Ijorg. Miss Thonia. Miss Fairchild.
MaooTi Th m isic foe 1.. ,;- iMiss Petiibone. Miss Hohl. Mis Crouch
, Viaa Kuiifi at 'a i r iarl n
furnished by Jr.kin' orchestra.
The stnatoi lsughingly ai'uded to the
fact that as yet lie has not even a billet
c-f any f t a a roioimitteo'man in tht
senate. "The committee aw appointed in ,' nes blown off
tha fall.".!) said, "and so I missed get- companied the heavy wind,
ling anj workin alignment during the i NORFOLK. Neb.. May 4 (Social Tele
vacation of congress." gram .' A fierce wind and hailstorm swept
Discussing the special session, the sena-j over th t?ountry eight miles south of Nor-
rlty about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
destroying considerable property. Tele
graph and telephone poles were broken off J feeder, not to be assessed on a par wi'h the
rlos to th gTound. The barn of H. C. main line. Stress is also placed on the
Booth ma torn to piece and several chim- fact that it doe pot carry any trar.scon-
A irght rain ana bail ac- tinental traffic
While th statment was being discussed
tor nays he experts 14 to be called for
October IS rfieriaboir,' "And I rather
look for It to pontmue right up to the time
of tb regular session, " said Senator Bur
ket,t "Ttls-will not be surprising, when
you consider that about all the time of a
regvilar measrnn must Ve given up to fisc al
affairs, the financial legislation of the gov
ernment. The grew' appropriation measures
take not only the time, but demand the
very best Utought of trte most experienced
and aoiiDctewt wen tn congress.
folk yesterday afternoon, tearing domn
farm buildtnars. knocking the bark from
trees and iavunding grass and young crop,
into the ground. The path of the storm
vu three or four miles wide, extending
from the aouthwt-st to the northeast. Hail
Flone as large as hen's eggs fell. covrir.g
ihc ground. An inch of Titer fU m ten
minutes, mhile the wind blew terrifically, i
Three building on the George Tanneh!ll !
Governor Mickey and Treasurer Mortensen
suggested that the other rtsth had a lot of
Northwestern branch lines, and that fact
would bar to b considered. The latter
slso snated that the Nebraska earnings did
not indicate the full value of a feeder line
to the system.
,Dbl Teraal-al Valmatiom.
It is pretty definitely assured that an f
fort will be made to double the IKK'.OiO as
sessment of the Omaha Bridge and Termi
nal comrany returned a year ago. The
members of the board are convinced that
TVImga Dm.
Porto Rico, the pitilil'piries. Hawaii and
--' v-u-i i.u,.. - . J ,, lk Jt .1 J
! ble damage In different localltlea. At Car
roll and aouthmect of that town hail as
large as malnuta fell In large quantities
fied xied. Araska espe-ia!ly must have
sosiie legislation that will en page the ear
neat consideratioa of every member cf
congresa. Then there la th.e railway rate
jarm were jevei-o to me grouno-ioss. j ,hf, l 0rrh more than ISnft .m.
-and at the P.ehseld farm new barn j ,nd l0 fact lt lt earliilJ, con-
11 Sestroyed-kss, HOC. . ; Bjdablt. money evidence cf that fact.
WATNE. Neb-, May 4 .-.BpeciaJ Tele- , Th, boara -iU continue It consideration
m '- xeninc winasiorm rag an mis - tv. ,v -a hond vlno of th vari
ous lines subject to taxation in this state.
While no formal findings are made, these
computation, will serve to show the mem-
and hundreds of window glass In the resl
dene and business portions of the city
question, now having a hearing before a , Ma th. wkJenrrJ of trmr. In the Welch
romnmiw vi c up loniit .uma mu, u,.i.n.M c K . .v ..
. nr urim'ujijru vu uv pouin ana vosi
and other large outaaiona of keen na
tional Interest to be met and aettVed. As
every other aenator Is doing. I presume. I
am following the developments of this
hearing with a good deal of Interest, eo as
to be In " sympathetic touch with the ques
tion hen it shall be presented for official
Speaking of the pres'dent and hie hunt
ing trip, th senator said that no far as he
know rxrw be will hauraUy have an oppor
tunity lo meet and greet the president on
hia ftrteg tip t through the state when
enrouta hcati. "But 4f I can meet him
mrithl trie'hoTwera or Nebraska I shall
certainly an.' bm awl 4.
Drifting for a motnent to atate affair
A cold ware fol-
sides of the buildings
lowed today.
ALBION. Nob.. May 4 -Special.) Farm
era from tho western part of the county
this morning report that ih windstorm
vesterdav catiKri oftnritonhu rittmav In
Bonanx. nreclnct. Xumro,.a m-(miti I Pn- ,nc ,b bn("- '"ho ha Wn rnlrf
and outbuildings were domtroyed or dam
bers of the board the approximate value
of the mileage on the unit theory. If the
representatives of the Burlington and Union
Pacific can adduce any facts to disprove
the figures prepared by the board, they will
be permitted to do so when the time comes
for a ht-arinc-
Mate Hawse Roaaaatre.
The announcement today of the marriage
of Misa Fannie Stelnmeix and William Mc
Shano last October caused considerable sur-
The Nebraska Stat Medical association
closed Its meeting here this morning by
the election of thee officers: President.
Dr. A. F. Jonas. Omaha; vie president.
Dr. Parley of York and Dr. Fpaldirg of
Omaha: recording secretary. In-. A. D.
Wilkinson of Lincoln: corresponding secre
tary and librarian. Dr. L W. Orr of Lin
coln; treasurer. Dr. A. S. von Mansfelde.
Ashla.nd; delcgaie to American Medical as
oelation at Portland. Ore . Dr. I N.
Pickett of Odoll. Dr. A. S vein Mansfelde
of Ashland mas r.-elected chairman of
the committee on public policy and 1 gela
tion and he appoirted as members of the
committee IT. G. H. . Brash of Beatrice
and Dr. W. D. Sbilds of Holdrege. Lin
coln mas selected as rext pla'-e of metmg.
iemva of ekratka.
GENEVA Apple, plum and cherry trees
are in bloom. The late cold weather
too mm h for the peachea.
BEATRICE Ralph E. Ramey and- Miss
Bertha L. Boren. both of Wymor. more
married here yesterday afternoon br
County Judge Bourne
GENEVA William Webb, who died sud
denly of heart trouble at th hom of
James Rortner. west of Gtiovi. Tuesday.
mas bunea this afternoon
has been retained as instructor In music.
FTROMSBl'RG At a meeting of about
Fity men lust night in tins city a Toung
Men s Christian association was organii-d.
Twelve director mere elected, representa
tive men from seven of the c hurches in ttui
city. They have names ol 14 po-rson that
have signified their mish to he-rom mem
bers and have secured a two-story building
for a term of thr'-e year. An up-to-date
association mill be completed hre in a
short t'mc.
HVMROLDT Gail, the S-yetr-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bunnell, living
abr-ut nine mile north of this city, diej
yesterday afternoon aj" the result of the
fracture of. the jlcull received one day re
cently mhile playing with other children
about the school house in the Fratton dis
trict north of th city. A desk fallirg from
a shelf and sir-kmg the girl mrrile she mas
blindfolded and running about the room
caused the fracture.
BEATRICE The marriage ef Miss Agnes
McHuffh of this city to Thomas J. Royl
of Clinton. 111., mas solemnised at St.
Joseph's Catholic church yesterday morn
ing at :3t. Rev. M. M. Merkl officiating.
Mif.s Inex Miller mas bridesmaid and Harry
Emmitt of Clinton. 111., was best man. A dinner was served at the bnde's
home, after which th young coupi ft
on an afternoon tram for Clinton, where
H ...
-iig- i .
.m i
Mr Prentiss writ's: "1 am over cich ty year.- old and fe a active and sprv ao
I did fiftv vear as. 1 take long walks, go up town every drty. and I am in rood.
I health and spirits, better than 1 used to i.e. 1 tell all the neighbor trial there t only
one n.'-diciri- in our fi-mily and that if Puffy Pure Mlt w htc.-y. it bus cured mv
I Indigestioti. and k--pf- m- i:i fjxxl fJh. strong and h.srty. and mould not knom what
j to do without it. J. C. rrentiss. Rave tin a. Oh to.
Bum's P
thev mill make their home
BROKEN BOW At ?-:W' this morning the
residence of J. J Wilson caught fire from
the excessive us of .coal oil in the hand
of one of the domestics, mho waa trying
to lubricate the furnace in the baj-emmt.
ALBION During a aever wmdstnrm ves-, Fortunately there mas 15f fc-t cf garden
rday afternoon two lars piateglass iu J how auai bed to the hydrant, and with
terdav afternoon two large tuatcei
the front cf Becker fe Co. t siore mere d -
PERC The explosion if an oil stove in
the woman dormitory caused a fir alarm
restorclay evening. No damage ma done
except to a tern clttthes belonging to the
girl in th room.
BROKEN BOW Jam, G. Amsbury. an
old and respected resident of the county,
mho settled here twenty-five year ago.
died Tuesday night on hi farm :x miles
southeast of this city.
FREMONT Hans Hanson, the first rural
mall carrier on rout 1 out .of Fremont,
died her yesterday of dropsy, tiged u
cr He was on of th first rural ear
ners appointed in th state.
GENEVA With tb exception of M m tint designed it.
th.s Mr. 'Wilson, ass'sted by ber daughter
in-lam. Mrs. Jesse A Uson. succeeded in
k"p:ng the flames down until th arrival
of the lire department, who made thurt
mr.rk of it.
BROKEN BOW The Board of Education
met at the law offices of J. R. Dean Mon
day night. One special feature that the
board passed upon is a sysiern of electric
annunciators, originated by Russ Armour,
that the board intends placing m the public
schools here a B'n as possible. The
young electrician, mho is about IS years
old. is a high achool student and son
of County Judge Armour. Competent peo
ple mho have examined the arrangement
say it is a most admirabl one and reflects
no small credit upon the youthful mind
I The Only Way J
fl to aecore socb exquisito rc- H
I salta ats atppear in Dorfiintcr f
tl Glaaswarr-, both in dcaifnand fl
II wmkinanahip, is by cutting; II
1 1 tb fioe crystaj on a wheel 1 1
1 1 by hand- Preaacd f laa If
I 1 satperfiaaUv cut is sot I j
I 1 . Gemcna cut f lass, and I I
1 cannot b aatudactory to f I
I tba parchaser oa tbo I I
I tablo or as a wedding
i fsraaanV I
II f U
Use the Best
aged. Douglas Swavan and W. W. Morse
each sustained heavy loss, and unconfirmed
reporta are to the effect that many build
ing In the path of the atom were de
stroyed. While many of the reporta lack
confirmation, yet lt la certajr. that consid
erable, loss of property was sustained. No
person waa injured ao far aa heard from.
lerlS Well Atte4ed aai4 of ProSl-
ble Character.
FREMONT. Neb.. May 4. (Special Tele
gram. Tba ananal convention of the Ne
braska Federation of Women a Ouba of
tba Third district. In aession here today,
tiaa been one of much Interest and profit
to the delegates and uhe member of the
local organisation. The meetings are held
In the a-uditorium of th library building,
which ha been tastefully decorated with
rlanta and flowers and the club color,
yellow and crimson. Th meeting thi after
noon wa in the nature of an informal
Thl evening the room wa filled and a
very Interesting program waa rendered,
consisting of vocal selection by Mrs. E. O.
Garrett of Fremont. Mr. J. G Roder of
Columbia writh violin oblito by Mis
ReeKient, Mr. Geil McMonie of Lyons and
Mra. C. A. Mcrtin of Fremont, a recitation
by Mis R. O. Hammond of Fremont and
an address by Mrs, M. Bushnell of Lin
coln, president or the Nebraska Federation
of Women's Ouhe. Mr. Emma Cole of
Cmu. ha read a paper on tl "Merit Sy
tero." which ma a strong k.nd practical
review of tb growth and development of
our clil service system and what it ha
acrompUfched in the federal government.
clerk in the irrigation bureau, resigned her
position only a few day ago. Ever since
the organization cf the bureau she has held
the position and came t "be known a an J
authority on Irrigation taw aa it affect Nc- j
brafka.. The marriage took plaoa at Sl I
Louis during the exposition. whr th bride I
spent ber vacation. who was form
erly in business in this city, ha resided is
Kansas City, where the pair will hereafter
Women in Out Hospitals
Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations
Performed Each Year How Women May
Avoid Them.
lor 4 micas Mra.
J (.rerliii
jgram.-The special Pullman car bearing
1 the oelealion from tue Chicago Commer
ce., , -.h wMf cn. I s. irtal aamcK-iation whicli is making s tour of
( i7l i
. 1
the northwest arrived In this city from
the m t thi morning. Member of th
Business Men asauciatkm anet them at
tb car ami showed then about tows, in
troducing them to the people shorn they j
desires to meet. Thi party is composed
of eleven leading business men of Chicago,
accompanied by a uewapapcr man repi
senting the Chi' ago dailies
T Meet Tarrw waBB FrlatrlssL
The State Board of Education mill mext
tomorrow for the purpose of trying to name
s principal for the new West "to Normal
school at Koamoy. There Is some senti- i
meet In favor of a compromise if Gregg and 1
Majors will consent to withdraw A. O. '
Thomas. Today the name of State Super- j
intendent McBnen i being mentioned in
connection with the compromise talk. Th
salary he receives now Is CtWi, while that
to be paid the principal will be CSflb. Mc
Bnen 1 diplomatic and ha avoided mak
ing enemie of the Major member, de
spite his championship of Fowler. It i
claimed now that any compromise candi
dal agreed upon tomorrow will have to be
a Nebraskan. Notwithstanding Lad den
hopeful letter ytssterday. it i not believed
that he can reach the city in time to take
part In the election, should the deadlock
b broken by oompromit-e.
Wind Raise Husc mrith Prtsssu
During the night th heavy wind tor a
section of tli roof from the east cellhous
at the penitentiary, and carried the stone
coping from t.ome of the battlements. The
iron and wood of th roof mere whippfd
off with a tremendous ncifce. which budiy
frigUtened the few prisoners confined in
that building, but none ma injured. Nearly
a-1 of the convict axe kept in the west oell
houfc. where tn new ateel cage were
Oaaaha Waaaaa Elected.
At an adjourned meeting for the election
of officer, the Order of lb Eastern Star
named Mr. Hall of South Comaha grand
conductress, and Mrs. Appleton of Rufh
vi lie. sssistant grand conductress A con
sideiable number of minor appointive offi
ces remain to be filled.
NUT $6 00 LUMP $6.25 1
AH tiraaWg l Hard and Soft Cesl.
l9 Faraasa Sk 'PkaaaU07.j
Bailing '
arts)ct In quality,
ftodorat) In prio.
Th sincere sr. 4 amet tribute of Mr Prentiss t.. the invigorating, heaith-gtving.
lif-prolonjrir.g pom -rs of 1'ufly I'ur Malt 'hikcy i similar to the tcstirrMT.ial of
thouf.iri ol grateful m n and mcunen mho have nassc-d the t-niury mark, and m bo
om their ft'lvHrf-c d yers fin1 s i nciirl meritii and phyi-ic-al vitality lo the nourishing
and sirentth-ninc 'juiliti'-? of this wonderful Raf.g-ard against ihe Inhrmaties and
weakiiess- of tli" tfl.
In order to nyy tlie blcssiiiK of health, m eitner jouth or old age. it is abso
lutely necessary that the stomach the greet fortress and bulwark ol the body bo
kfpt'in a istrr-g Hrni ij-n:thy Pundit ion so as tc T'-sist and rc i-i j h- utcks of d:eae.
For ever fifty vears I ifl s T'tire Mait Whiskey has own ies-ntied bv cocloi and
used in hospital iti ihe treatment of dyspepsia. itidiE-stlc.u. constipation and all
forms of toTiach iro-ubl'-s. It gui' kerf the -ircul-ti'n. piirifV-s ai.d enrniie the
blood, builds n w t r s. muscle hnd brain tiss-jc. and g.tes frli life and vitality to
evor' part of the body.
It i the on' v ,.isl;'- recociiired hy tbe government a a medicine, and is a
positive cure find preventive of pr.eurnonta. oonsutrption. bronchitis, grip and all
bowel, throat and iunc i roubles.
olt hr all drsrwtnla and grocers, or direct. sealed bellies ly.
Prle 'I- Ref all bslilmles as they are soslilvely liarantal sad arcs
old by reliable dealers for proai osjly. laalst a tbr semnfoe said
that tbe "Old ( howUI" trwde-aaark Is o tbe label. Pictorial booklet amd
aaedlral advice tree. Daly Malt Whiskey 4 o.. rt.oebe-.tcr. Y.
Goinp tlircrng-h the hospitals in our
larfre ci lie ooe is snrpriteci to find snch
a larpe proportion of the patients lyinjs
on thooe snow-white beds women
and girls, who are either swaitinff
or reooTerinjj from seriont operations.
nesa, aWpleasnesa, tnelaDcholr. "all-p-ooe"and
"want-to-be-left-alone" feel
Idrw. they should renoember there is ono
tried and true remedy.
The fol.owing- letters cannot fail to
bring' hope to despairing women.
Mrs. Fred Sevdel. 41S X. S4th Street,
v hy should this be tba case? Mm- wrf,t Philadelphia, Pa , writes:
piy docu .ey nave, nvg.curu , pinklanl.
W. C. T. r. roovewtioo.
TORK. Neb., May (Special Telegram)
There wa a fair attendance at tb Wom
en's Christian Temperance union a
last evening. Addreaaes wer made by Mrs.
M. M. Clafia on len'aUve work: Mr. K.
B 1m arret. 'Xrhrlstiatjity ;" Mr. M. Patter
son. ,'Franchie;"- Mrs. E. M. Wood. "The
Mother Wort;" Mrs. W. G. WiUmore.
"Heredity." Short addroasoa were also made
by Mrs. Bo le. Mrs. Cowl, Mrs. Will. Mr.
Nickel. Mr. TiMcn snd Mrs. Baxk. The
sbove was interspersed with music snd
reading by Mra. La)-.
tSalcbaaoo Sbowta T'raaap.
GRAND ISLAND. Nob., May 1Sjclal
Telegram ) John Wilson, a negro Uawip.
tc-a offensive and obstructive to Vnion
PaclCe Watchman Kllntworth. when the
laiier oroered rom out cf I Its n..p y aril
today, bnsl y U gtnii.g lo pelt th ofllcor
mith lump of coal. Klintmorth first used
hi club aJ then to revtmei, aboc-urg tk
selves. Ovarian and womb troubles
are certainly on tbe increase usens
the women of t hia country they creep
npun them unawares, but every oae of
those patients in the hospital beds bad
plenty of warning in that bearing
down feeling, pain at left or right of
the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain ia
the small of the back. leucorrhoBS. dit
ginvss, flatulency, displacements of the
womb or irregulariti-s. All of these
symptoms are indications of an un
healthy condition of the ovaries or
womb, and if not heede4 the penalty
has to be paid by a dangerous operation.
When thee symptoms manifest them
aelres. do not drag along on til yoo are
obliged to go to the hospital and sub
mit to aa operation but remember
that Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable
Compound has aaved thousaiMla of
women from surgical operations
When womea are troubled with ir
regular, suppressed 4r painful menstru
ation, weakness, leooorrhcBa, displace
ment or ulceration of the womb, that
bearing-down feeling, inflammation of
the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flat
ulency), general debility, indigestion,
and nervous prostration, or are beset
with such symptoms as dizziness, lassi
tude, excitability, irritability, nervous-
LyCa L PkAlsx's VettUMa
I wa in a verv aeriou rooditacmi whoa I
wrote so yoo for ad nee. had a bboou womb
snd OTanai trouble and 1 could not carry a
child to maturity, and was advised that aa
opnrsuroo wa my onlv bop of recovery. I
ooaid not bear to think of going to tba aospi
tsL so wrote you for advice. 1 did as vow in
structed me 'and took Lydia E. Pinkhajn .
Vegetable Compound ; and 1 am not only a
well wenu uxiav. but bav s bosubful baby
girl six months oil. I advise all sack and
Buffering; wornen to write you for advio, as
you bav done ao much for me."
Misa Boby Mush rush, of East
Chicago, Ind.", writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
I hav been a great sufferer with irregular
roenittrustKio sna ovanaa troubie, aud aUnit
threw moo tiu ago tbe doctor, after using to
X Rav on mo. saad I bad an aboaa on Uat
ovsrtes and would hav wo have an opersUcio.
VI t mutber wautod me to try Lydis . Pink
bam VeotaU Cotnpoand aa a last reaort,
and it not Jt oavod sue from aa ojieraUow
but msii me eoUrmly well "
Lydia E. P nkham 's Vegetable Com
pound at onoe remove such troubie.
kef use to buy any other medicine, for
you need the best.
Mr. Piokham invites all sick women
to write her for advice Her advice and
medicine have restored thousand to
hesMh. Address. Lynn. Mass.
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