TltE OMAHA DAILY DEE: THDItSnAT. MAY 4. 1903. lilmc. Yale's Hiair Tonic for Children and Adults. Antiseptic and Hygenic A. HAIR INVICORATOR ' Just what Its name Implies. It sup plies nourishment, the element of ttrowtb, which, when absorbed by the lialr, strengthens and beautlflrn H In the same way tbut sap glorifies, the foliage of trr. Even when tlia follicles are weralngly dead, it the scr.p is massaged lnlly with Mine. Yale' jlulr Tonic a vigorous growth will e produced. It has honpRtly eurnod iu title of "the great hair grower.- it stimulates tho most stunted growth and makes the hair ma;niiceutly luutiy and beautiful. IVI ME. YALE'S HAIR TONIC .. I 9 .. . i pnzeu egjunny uy men and women, particularly when the hnlr begins to weaken or fade. Cures baldness, trrar ness, spiling of the hair, dundruff and uu disease-i or the hair, scalp and beard. one appicatlon stopa hair falling. A nursery requisite; no mother should neg Jert to, use it for her boys and girls; when, tha hair is made strong' In child hood, It remains proof against disease nrfd retains its vigor and youthtulness tnrrmgnout lire. MME. YALE'S HAIR TONIC ' Is fl colorless, fragrant, delightful hair dressing; neither sticky, gritty nor ,.reasjr. mnkes the hair soft, fluffy and etlosHy. Contains no artificial coloring; would not soil the whitest hair; restores original color by Invigorating the scalp :ind re-establishing normal circulation fcnd proper distribution of the live color ing matter. Beautiful hair redeems the plainest countenance, and anyone can secure ' It by using Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic. Now in three sizes. . . . .. . . MME. YALE HAIU TOXIC 18 SOLD DRUG DEPARTMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES OF 23c 43c 79c .. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet something to be en joyed. It removes all stains and roughness prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no common soap can equal, Imparting the vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish. bath. Au Gxockrs and Dkucgist- H AT UOSPE'S H 'EXCISE IIODSE bonds void Such is Conclusion Eeaohid by John L Xennedj, Attorney for Erandeis, FAILED TO CARRY BY SUFFICIENT VOTE i Oa the Ma'sla of Thla DlMrrr Local Furrbaarre o( the City's -earltlrs Will Decline The. No authority on the part of the city to Issue HO.OOO In bonds for the purpose of banding three new fire engine houses haa been found by Congressman John L. Ken nedy, attorney for J. L. Brandels A Sons, who bought the first Issue of 126.000. The reason for the opinion Ilea In the fact that the charter requires the proposal to Issue such bonds to be favored by at least two- thirds of the electors voting on the propo sition at a special or general election. It waa announced efficlally by Acting Mayor Zlmman, after the special election held In connection with the general, elec tlon last fall, that the engine house bonds had carried, along with the 176,000 sewer bond Issue and the defeat of the municipal electric light plant bonds. Congressman Kennedy, In looking up the matterfor hla clients, however, discovered thut the vote waa 9,348 for and 6.1M0 against the engine house bonds, the majority lacking 1,004 Of being" two-thirds of the total. He found the charter demanded a two-thirds ma Jority to legalise the bonds and reported to his clients that the 325,000 Issue which they had purchased la void. The bonds had not been delivered and the banking firm will refuse to accept them on the grounds given. Then, according to City Treasurer Ilennlngs. no alternative exists but to burn up the paper, which has been printed and signed, and wait until the bonds are authorized by a two-thirds vote at another election, which may be called any time. Kennedy Give the Tip. Prior .to Congressman Kennedy's call at the city hall ..Wednesday morning there had been no doubt concerning the legality of the bonds. The proposition embraced in the election proclamation called for a total Issue of $30,000, 25,000 for a now fire station at Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets, $17,600 for one In the vicinity to the west of the high school and $17,500 for fire house In the vicinity of Nlneteentn and Lake streets. The canvassing board returned the figures to Acting Mayor Zlm man, who prepared a communication to the council stating that the engine house and gewe.' bonds had carried and the electric light bonds bad been lost. The . contract for building the Twenty- fourth and Cuming street station has. -been let to N. J. Hilding & Sons, who have begun work on the structure. Previous to approving the contract the council passed an ordinance for the issue of $26,000 of the bonds, stating distinctly that they had been authorized by a two-thirds vote. BrandrlB & Sons promptly bid $60 for the Issue, and as they were the only bidders the bonds were awarded to them by the council and not through the city treasurer at a public sale, as has been the custom. In the meantime the bonds were printed and arrangements were made to deliver them 'o the purchasers, who will now re fuse to receive them and pay over the cash. Contest for the Station. Citizens, who will be accommodated by the station near Nineteenth and Lake streets, have divided Into factions regarding the location of the structure. The contest for it has been a lively One and haa been brought t before the council. The Fifth Ward Improvement club was organized ex pressly to get the house placed on Sherman avenue, between Lake and Ohio streets, while - the residents near Twentieth and Lake united to have the department situated there. Various propositions for lots hrve been made and no little excite ment created in the contest. Whether or not the proposition to issue $75,000 bonds to build main sewers also fulled because not favored by a two-thirds vote has not been passed upon by any lawyer, but lay minds at the city hall say it Is n the same fix as the other. The vote was 8,909 for and 6,468 against. These bonds have not yet been sold. The proceeds fro'm them are needed to construct two large main sewers, one to drain the de pression through which tho Union Paclfis and Burlington tracks run . from Twenty fourth to Eighth and Jones streets and the other through the Union Pacific shop grounds from Eleventh and Izard streets to provide an outlet for a vast territory north of Dodge street. , Long of Short Cake Strawberries tempted you to get "Long of the market" Indigestion came and regrets Then biliousness; dull, sickish feelings Why don't you take a bottle of Red Raven, This great aperient water settles the 6tomach, cleans out the system, and removes the cause of bile and indi gestion Tot salt everywhere by Mrs. Harrison. Mr. Harrison says he has not determined to remain permanently In Central America, but will stay at least during the summer and possibly the- winter months of this year. He probably will do some magazine writing while there. NO HOME ISJTET CHOSEN Permanent Place of Detention for Juvenile Offenders Subject of Discussion. Yesterday afternoon a meeting was held at the Her Grand hotel of the visitors appointed by the Juvenile court to look after all children committed to any place by the court. These visitors are Borne Miller, Miss Margaret MacCarthy, Mrs. Draper 8mlth and Attorney Pennock. The main object of the meeting was to discuss the' securing of a detention home for the wards of the Juvenile court. The Board of County Commissioners practically haa turned this matter over to the visitors. No decision as to superintendent or a place for the proposed detention home for Juvenile offenders was reached at the met t- ng of the board of visitors held Wednes day afternoon at the Her Grand hotel. Sev eral suitable houses have been offered. whose owners desire to undertake the, eu- perlntendency and feed the children who may be committed. The board, however, desires to go stow In mak'ng a selection. not only are the funds available quite limited, but it Is also very neceseary that the people selected to manage the home shall have qualifications fitting them for the service required. The board of visitors will hold another meeting very soon and have Judges Day and Kennedy present to advise with them. Doing Some Tali Piajo Selling. - Never bofore has the public been offered suoh low prices on ' htb clans pianos. Nowhere else is there on sale such a fine stock of CSood Pianos. ; At no time hare the terms, the easy payment plan (the Uospe plan) of selling at rash prices on small payments existed, as It uow Is at the Reliable Piano House. With fine pianos, low prices, easy payment plan, what's to pre vent you from buying either' a Knabe, Kimball, Krunlch & Hach. Krell. llospe, Whlttiey, Cable-Nelsou, ' Hurton, Cramer and the many other Rood pianos rnniflnp In prices from $135, $178. . $l!tK. .W78. $317. and up. ' (We Include stool .and. scarf.) . . We iruarantee every piano we sell just the saruj as . we have done for 31 years. J( We. tune pianos, move them, reut them, box and pack thorn. See-u nowr A; HOSPE GO., TRIP TO CENTRAL AMERICA Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Harrison Will Leave Omaha, Some Tim Tbla Month. Frank A. Harrison, a well known news. paper man In Nebraska and formerly, an ttache of the Union Pacific's legal depart ment, will leave Omaha with Mrs. Harrison during the present month for the Central American states, visiting chiefly Honduras end Guatemala. Mr. Harrison has sold hla new home at Thirty-third and Burt streets. He has made two or three such trips into this southern country, on at least one of which he was accompanied ON TRIAL FOR FIRING SHOTS Man Charged with Attempting; to Kill Woman- Faee'a the . Court. .John Danlelson Is on trial in Judge Day's court on the charge of having shot at Clara Blys with Intent to kill her on March 29 last. The shooting occurred- at South Tenth street, while Danlelson was In a jealous temper. The woman was occupying her place of residence with an other man, named'O'Connor, who testified yesterday thut he considered her his wife. Danlelson knocked at the door and when the woman opened It he fired at her point blank, but the Shot went over her head. and lodged In the wall. A second shot was fired1 without result, while O'Connor strug gled with Danlelson for the gun. The weapon has disappeared. - NEWSBOYS ROW IS SETTLED Charges Against My Adjusted by Con ference of Woman's Olnb Kembers. COMMITTEE TO TAKE HOLD OF AFFAIRS Load Talk and Wild Gestures of Boya la Succeeded hy Hand ahakee and Pledges of Friendship. After a two-hour conference Wednesday morning 'with . the contending factions among the newsboys, the Woman's club committee appointed by request of Mogy Bernstein to Investigate tho charges of mismanagement recently made against the Newsboys' home by some of the newsboys, effected a reconciliation among the boys, all of whom agreed to the appointment of a committee of five, which shall Include Mrs. W. J. Broatch, Mr. W. E. Dixon. Mrs. Draper Smith, one other member of the Woman's Tclub and one other man, Who shall manage the affairs of the home In the future. The committee Will be com pleted as soon as possible and then will organise and reopen the Newsboys' home, which has been closed pending the investi gation. The lllfeeltng dates back about two years, Pome of the boy feeling that no one news boy should have so large a say in the man agement of the home and the affairs of the boys that necessarily center about that or ganisation, but the leaders of the various factions shook hands and promised to for get the past and work together In future for the best lnteresta of all. A dosen or more boys met with the women In the club rooms, and for a time there were Indications of anything but the amicable settlement that followed. Ther wAs considerable loud talk among the boya The committee Insisted that the doors should be closed to all save those who were there to give testimony or were members of the committee, Mrs, Mary O. Andrews, chairman of the committee, insisting that the press be excluded, although the leaders of the complaining faction re quested that reporters be admitted. Mogy stood with the committee, announcing that he had secured the services of a stenog rapher to take the evidence submitted against htm, and threatening to hold any body misquoting him for libel. Committee Geta Stenographer. At this the other faction Insisted upon calling in a stenographer and here the committee asserted Itself, deciding that neither Mogy nor the boys should have that privilege and promptly sent for a stenographer to act for It with the secre tary. But this precaution proved super fluous, for with several of the boys talk Ing at once It was In-pcsslble to make a roherent report of Just what was said on either side. Some of the boys demanded that Mogy show the records of the dis position of the funds of tho home, 'but the chairman held that such a demand could come only from those who had contributed those funds. By the end of the first hour It was evident that the difficulty was of a nature that the com mittee could be of little assistance In ad Justing 'and the remainder of the time was devoted to counselfng the boys, with the result that the committee was decided upon. The Woman's Club committee Included Mesdames Mary O. Ardrews, chairman. Draper Smith, E Q. McQllton, Frederick Crowley, Glover, Sarah Miller and E. B. Towle. .""".',r' bankrupt Stunrt had spttled all claims anlnst hlmorlf In his bankruptcy proceed ings, even Including the claim of ths plnln tlffa. However, the plaintiffs brought stilt for reimbursement for cofts. After henr Ing the evidence. Judge Munger directed the Jury to return a verdict for the defend ant and tax the coils against the plaintiff. AMONG THE HOME FuiLDERS Annual Meeting of the Omaha Loan and Building Association Busi ness of the Year. The twenty-second annual meeting of the shareholders of the Omaha Loan and Build ing association was held In the Bee build ing Wednesdsy evening. The principal business transacted was the election of three members of the Board of Directors. George W. Ijnomls, W. Scott King and W. 8. Wright, the directors whose terms had expired, were unanimously re-elected. The annual report submitted by Secre tary Nattlnaer showed the association to be In a flourishing condition and steadily growing. The Increase In business during the flscal year was $152,128, bringing the total assets up to $75,i9. An unusual feature of the report Is the abundnnce of money available for home makers. Nothing like It has ever been experienced by the association. The de mand for money Is fully equnl to that of the spring of 1W4, but the payments by Investing members exceeds the record of last year. The explnnntlon offered Is that a lnrgo proportion of the money heretofore Invested nbrond Is now held at home. The association hns 2.P64 members, hold ing 17,a3S shnres. Lost year ninety-four members built homes of their own antr 248 loans were made to home buyers. In twenty-two yenrs the association enabled 1,610 members to secure homes, besides dis bursing $.108,(K10 In the form of dividends. The sum total returned to members, princi pal and earnings, was $1,094,000. f Soecials in Our A. Women's Furnishing Dept., Today. 25c Vests at 15c 40c UNION SUITS, 25c $1 Union Suit's for OSBORNE PLEADS NOT GUILTY Young Man Who Shot Father Form ally Denies Charge of Murder. Leo Osborne, who last Sunday morning shot and killed his father, John Osborne, Janitor at Bennett's store, and who resides at H02 Brown street, was arraigned In po lice court Wednesday morning and to the format charge of murder pleaded not guilty. Assistant County Attorney Foster ap peared before Police Judge Berka for the state, while Attorney S. A. Scarle repre sented the defense. It was thought that young Osborne would waive his prelimi nary hearing and be bound over to tho district court at once, but his attorney asked permission to examine the evidence Introduced at the Inquest, so the case was set for hearing Monday morning. 50c THE ATmCTTVE GIRL Ifocb haaVen -written about tfc AflMt loan sri' aa ier reasons for being era. eauaesayuie saoat attractive rirt 1 the wri In brioritur uu riria mothers cant b too careful to let their daughters de, velop ail their nat ural charms to the utmost The crucial epoch of a woman's life ia the change from maidenhood to jj womanhood. It , 7 -involres the whole ous disposition, at this time. Nervous or stok women are afforded the opportunity of a lifetime, for the makers of Dr. Pmrce'a Favorite Prescription now offer ts ntiusmf for women who cannot be cured. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, record such as no other remedy for the . diteasea-aad weakaeaset peculiar to women eT.r attained, tie proprietor of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preacription now feel fully war ranted in offering to-pay t-joo in legal money of the United States ipr any case of Leu corrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of tha Womb, which taey caanot en re. Allthcyjaak ia a fair and reasonable trial of their means of -cure. . Mia. W. T.'llappia, of ija-Btrasoa Btrettfgo. Itaecal.'Macmii&a.. write,: ' will try to let yoa know ihow thaakfulI am. to yoa lor your adrice. I tan taken cfgbt bottles of ywt ' Favorite i l.iipuoa and (bar of ' Golden Medical Dtaoovery.' When Lotgaa taklog roar ntraiaae I Juid gica up; kad been iu bad health for aluwat aire years and had been treated' by. the best doctors in Macou. They all said f baa wacnb and owian trouble. 1 suffered -uutold agony evcry-utouta and Aa wubtd that I eould due. I am still taking yoor nad-iae. I km that yaw iaduin has anted my Hit tad 1 can and manifests in the aerv- H 1513 Douglas Stro.t. H THE BROWN PARK SANITARIUM AND MINERAL SPRINGS. The new mineral spring which haa been discovered lately at Hist and 8 Bta.. South Omuha, contains six distinct minerals. Strongest Uu unrein alineral Water in the world. Sold by case and gallon. Baths ia connection. John MINatlt'HklCn at gONS, Prop. XUt And H bl.. 8o. Oavsaa, Msb. TeL Fil. i I Announcement of tho Theaters. "Mrs. wlggs of the Cabbage Patch " came from the author to the publlo like a flash from genius. It la one of the tenderest bits of pathetic realism In all the realm of American literature and has for this reason been one of tho most populai. Its chief recommendation lies in Its whplesomeness, for It is pure comedy, without the essen tlala of any of the boclal problems that are so freely and uselessly discussed on the stag today. It simply shows how some people live and gives In a strongly attrac tive manner a few pictures from their dally walk and conversation. The play has been as popular as the book. When It was In Omaha last season it made a hit. Just aa It has every place, and the single perform ance that will be given at the Boyd theater this evening ought to fill the house to Its utmost limit. The original company la atlll presenting the piece. On Friday evening at the Boyd N. C. Goodwin will make his annual bow to Omaha, offering for the first time here hla success of the present season, "The Usur per." This Is a quaint combination of light comedy and melodrama, and allows Mr. Goodwin all possible latitude for hla well known whimsicality of manner and his dry humor that Is so effective. On Saturday at a matinee ''The Usurper" will be repeated. At the Saturday evening performance Mr. Goodwin will present another of his great successes, the one In which he has been perhaps the best liked of all, "An American Cltlsen." Starting tonight "Beware of Men" will be the attraction at the Krug theater for the remainder of the week. The play haa an In teresting atory strongly written and cleverly connected showing all the lova, hatred, comedy and wit that human nature IS heir to. The author has been particu larly fortunate In bis comedy scenes and has furnished some bright lines to those who are entrusted with the task of reliev ing the tension of wrought up nervea and emotions of the audience. Several good specialties are Introduced and we are prom ised one of the best melodramas of the season. The piece will close Saturday night with the usual popular matinee Saturday afternoon. GIGAKTIC CLtlTMIMG DEAIi. J, L. Brandels & Soiia Boy Choice of Entire Clothing; Stock pf Fred Grleahelnter, Stale Street Chicago. ' '. SALE BEGINS "SATURDAY, MAT . ' This will be beyond alf possible doubt the greatest and most Important clothing sale that ever took place In the country. The choice of the entire stock of Fred Gries helmer, one of Chlcago'a greatest clothing stores, who retired from business, selling to us at a fraction of the value of this fine clothing. A clothing bargain event without a parallel. 1 Ail Grleshelmer's $10.00 suits go at $5.00. All Grleshelmer's $16.00 suits go at $7.60. All Grleshelmer's $31.00 suits go at $10.00. Sale begins Saturday, May 0. J. L. BRANDEIS & EONS. A Machine for Women should be the best obtainable. The Singer sewing machine Is acknowledged the light est running, most durable and convenient of any. Look for the red S. 1514 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.; 438 North 21th St., South Omaha, Neb. Diner's Digesters Destroy Dyspepsia Germs and make the stomach healthy. Buy them and try them. At Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Automobiles for rent. 'Phone In a pinch, use Allen's Foot-Ease. The Island of Cuba, which promises to be one our Insular possessions one of these days, has got a well deserved repu tation throughout the entire world for the production of delicious tobacco. Heavy dewa at night; tropical flowers In such profusion produce conditions that ara no where else apparent. Each locality of the Island raises tobacco with Its own peculiar quality. ' ' There never has been a segar manufac turer In the United States who had the courage to declare that he was using any certain grade of Havana Tobacco except the McConnell Segar Company of Indian apolis, Ind. They, make a segar called Sir Jonathan that they sell under a bona fide guarantee to be a strictly imported Vara Havana filler.- The factory has made this one segar for thirteen years. It-certainly Is a delightful and fragrant segar. M CONNELL SEGAR COMPANY. LOCAL BREVITIES. Jessie Dot son has secured a decree of divorce from James, in Judge Sutton's court, on the ground of desertion. Nellie Cuslck asks for divorce from Joseph, on the ground of cruelty and non support. They were married, at Council Bluffs In November, T802, and the wife al leges abandonment In February, 1904. ' ' Tho sidewalk in front of the Browning King store Is all torn up preparatory to replacement with the fine new granolithic footwav. which will make that corner as soothing to the foot as It Is pleasing to the eye. The Nebraska Telephone company Is maklna repairs on Its main subway In the alleyway between the Boston store and Haydens. A cavern occurred mere auring the winter, and for a time threatened tu cut off about 3,000 of the busiest 'phones in Omaha. James A. Bchryver Is sulnjf the George A. Adams Grain company for the recovery of tJ-8.25. aliened to be due him from tho commission men. He Intimates that the amount stated was to his credit on their books on January 10, 1904, and that he has been unable to secure an accounting. The Nebraska Telephone company has lust finished listing Its property In Ne braska for taxation, the Job being a big one. The report has been filed with the State Board of Assessment, and shows the total value of the company s property to be upward of $1,700,000. Judge Redick and n Jury are engaged In try-lug the case of Hlrschorn, Mack & Co. sira nst u. jj. mnunitar. wnien is up on up peal. The amount Involved Is something over $300, and the main question In ths case Is a contract alleged to have been made whereby Klpllnger waa to have an exclusive right to sell certain brands ot cigars in thla city and oounty. The Pennsylvania Short Line. Particulars concerning time and equip ment ot "The Keystone Express," "The Manhattan . Limited," "The Atlantic Ex press" and 'The Pennsylvania Limited," which run dally from Chicago to New York, through Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, over the Pennsylvania Short Line double tracks of steel all the way can be obtained of the ticket agent of any line connecting at Chi cago, or by calling upon or addressing Thos. H.' Thorp, passenger agent, Omaha. Correspondence invited. La Jolle Tltcomb la the feature card par ticularly Interesting to the women who will attend the matinee at the Orpheum today. The SpanlshTAmertcan nightingale la an ak together attractive artiste. Her beauty la striking, being of the rich brunette type, while her costumes ara very beautiful. Tha remainder ot the bill la varied and well balanced and Is scoring well to big au-diences. ' praiae u ennui ii.' wutai raaaot express I null jacrcr forget your hind gratitude. , As a tonic for-woown who ere nervosa, sleepUraa, worn-out and ran -down, "Fa vorite Prescription is naeqaaled. Jor conatlpatioa, tha true, scinrl6 car is Dr. PirrceV Heaaant Felleta. Mild, harmless, wtnore. M oUmt pUl can Tea Days restlral. The Salvation Army today begins a ten days' featlval of music, song and salvation 0,,"1L, street, between South Fifth the direction of Brigadier and Mrs J w Cousins, who will be aaltH k u.i.' ..i Mrs. Merrlweather. Ser.lses will .. ..h DIED. CAR It Mrs. Carrie Bell, May 1 lms at m nome or ner mother, Mrs. A. M. Sey mour, im wo n aged so years lo iiiu,,. ii mi uvre. Funeral services at Seward Street M. E. r-nuren rnniy, may s. at Z o clock p. tn. juioriiiriii r ureai iawn. , r rienna invited. BRANDT Irene, age f months. Wednes day, May , l06. Daughter of .Mr. and airs. w. u. tsranat. ' Funeral from residence, Thursday, SJ0 Low Rate Summer Excursions To Chautauqua Lake and Asbury Park. For Illustrated folder, rates and general information, write Erie It. R., 665 Railway Exchange, Chicago. Mr. H. Heyn, photographer, Is not now In original location, but at $18-20-22 B. )6th St Two-story building west side of street. 11 K. wedding rings, Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Edholm, Jeweler. TeL in Judge Orders Vordlet. The bankruptcy trial before Judge Muna-er in uie imtea bums oismut court weanes day afternoon in which the EmrJkie Shu gart Hill company and others were plain- tins ana tiana m. muart or Btuurt, Neb., was defendant came to a rather abrupt termination. In that Judge Munger took the cas away from the Jury, or rather, di rected It to bring In a verdict for the de fendant, Btuart. it appeared from tne evidence that the -EAS0MBLE F1SHI0IS. 40c Corset Covers for 25c 95c Covers for 45c 1 case ladies' fine lisle finished ribbed, low neck, seamless vests, full toped, in plain and fancy weaves, a regular 25c garment at 15c. Ladies' fine quality white, ribbed combina tion suits, with lace trimming on weaves, full size and taped, perfectly shaped and finished, regular 40c values, at 25c. Ladies' extra fine quality, lisle thread combi nation suits, in white and fancy colors, beau tifully finished, low neck sleeveless, or high neck long sleeves, ankle length, regular f 1.00 value at 50c. Muslin Underwear. Special lot of new muslin, cambric and long cloth covers, nicely trimmed with neat laceB . und embroideries, full cut and perfect finish, regular 40c covers, 25c. Special lot of high grade covers, some slightly soiled, beautiful patterns of lace and embroi dery trimmed, made of fine long cloth and cambric, every style of neck, regular f 1.00 value at 45c. $1.50 Covers for 69c Special lot of fine high grade corset covers, some samples, some from our stock of best covers, slightly mussed in handling, beautiful styles, all sizes, positively one-half price, 69c. I M Jap Rose I Lotions and creams are not needed to soften the skin if Jap Rose soap is used 1" Cleanses- the pores thoroughly, leaving a soft and healthful skin. 5 Its odor is that of natural flow ers. JAMES S. KIRK & CO.. Dandfufi U a centaglews disease caused y a microbe. CJOIMCyl GOING-!! GONE Ul NO. 620&-LADJES' SEVEN-GORED SKIRT. Sixes, 20 to 90-lnch, waist measure. For the accommodation of readers ot Ti Bee theae patterns, which usually retail at from ft to H cents each, will be furnished st tha nominal price of 16 cents. A suppl) Is now kept at our offlca, so these who wish any pattern may get It either by call Ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Pat tern PepartmaDt. Bee. Omaha." ODE WILL HE?! DOiVT CRY FA Kb The mere mention of "hair remedy" tfwa soma men into a fit of un reasonable Incredulity. It la true that beforu the mlcroblo origin of baldness Was discovered that moat balr reme dies wers wortniess, nut not many or WILL SATE n TOO LATE FOR. HEflPlda them were designedly so. cnruiuu ua'd ness Is Incurable but its forerunner, dand falling hair can tha mlcroblo ruff, ltchlna sea Id and growth with Newbro s llerplcide. it prevent re infection. Money back If unsatisfactory. Delightful hair dressing. Stop Itohlng of tha scalp Instantly. Dm Starts. 11.00. if 4 Wc Stsaipi la BEIPCIBf CO., Dial-1. 6trlt Hick, for a sinala, NEWBROS HERPICIDE THE ORIGINAL. rmedy that SHERMAN & MsCONNELL AFFXJCATIONS kills thu Dandruff Germ." DRUG CO.. Special AarsmtJk A.T PROMINENT BARBER SHOPS. Every Woman IB IDiCrOsjlQll IHl liUUIU SHOW aiKni we wonuanui MARVEL whirling Spray ton. near The Best Hot Weather Medicine ALK TEN MILLION BOXES A TEAR I I ymm SALE TEN MILLION BOXES A TEAR VX- CANDY CATHARTIC ST V PREVENT ALL 8UWWEB DOWEL TROUBLES j - fft t i nx i tn R3 5rll trJN.i CTC'il w aao auci -rVC:VV'-i: -'"aw- aafr-iluai conraaiaoi. n. -V;' tha ! ."'MfiO "IM lil nar sraaitot air If he ranuulsuiiuly HiHVU. au-tpt ao i i. r but Mud uahid for iHuunird book 1-4. ItrlTta full iiartieular and 'tlrwtuini tn- valusblt u lailm. M4HVKI. O.. 44 K. a t., asEiv ivaa, ; u, au4tf j cCUAEKIlR's 1i.lUU blUrt Eh .lh and Chicago sts.; Bo. Omaha, 24th and N au.; Council Bluffs. 6th and Main sts. KUHK CO.. lain and Douglas streets. It spa f f " Mti paaJT hi i iiMM. VTA rut ctaMCsui et 6 V" Kawsaall.1 V B.S.. Tiuat all diseases t Men; Varloooel. Hydro- can, Dtnciure Blood Pol Son. Waak, Nervous Men, Kidney and Bladdar Dla- aaes, Btomach, Bowel Bkln and Chronic DU reaes. Examination Pre Honest Treatment. Low Chargea. Writ for Infor. ma lion. U years In Omaha Ors. Seirlit & Searlti, w 14th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Nan. MEN ANDWDMEM. Cm bk i foruaaataral diacaarsas.uiSamaiallaaa, Irrttatiaaa a alcvraituat at ! nbnl(. PalnUs, aad aat aMrla- at ar atrtoaaaa. Mi4 a IMrnvatata, . 1 ar aaat la akala m rarpw, r I aaraaa. rraaaia, (of lyj Si ee. rtaoUiMls Ta. I SV CaicuImj aaaA u Baaaaaa DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treat ail farms J DISEASES OP MEN IS Years' Eipertenea iu Venn U Omaha A Mediant Espsrt wboe remarkable saecaaa haa uerer ban eiealled. - Nearly 30,000 Cases Cured. VarUMWto. BrsraMle. SIm4 raea, uUtra, Oleat. Marrsus DaMlliv, laa ai eMraaate Vltalii. His Home Treatment iu Mrauaaatlr cora haaaaas. al nan at tarsal Ul, MHfl mmm mtmm-ww mmm f mL. aata tint, aaa boo. aa aa write la kl ItoOH ae ataslctae aeas la aula aaasaaa, Consultation Fra geneva, Keel eeeee al Ura at Oriargas o LOW . m. U I '.as a. aa. liiltH a m. te 1 a av. call er urua. aaa tea, vans IU a lUa Su. Ounaa, Hea rJERVArj TABLETS tpdaca restful sleep. Cars Hsrvooeosas, Btotaaah, Kidaeraad Bladder trcuula.aad Drodus fluafta- iUaagth and Vitality. atalU by Irsujraiata. By aiail.ll.OOi sr Ihrr kaiee.n.TB, Also NERVAN LAXATIVE PILLS ket. kor aasipls Tablets, sneloM lOaeats t . -The) Karraa. Tablet ClaalanatL. D,, faraaan. Osaaaa, aat all 4rsUlai