TITE OMAITA DAILY PEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 3. 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET My Wheat Continues to Attract More Than Usual Attention. CORN ALSO IS LIVELY ON BOARD Oat Mali Might Advance, Mar Prodact Closing Two-F.ighths Higher Thai July aad tenteigiher. .j . umAHA, .May a, 19V My wheat attracted considerable atten tion toaay, opening kDoui ic nigner man a noae. i lie openm lunged rom mc to .c, who H2c tienuentiy oid uuring i ne first nour. . 'inert was turn a ufciii.u lo fri-jgc. a rise to c ana the Clone a l kl-fcC. Ma corn aliio showed activity. It opened 'ia'c nigner than yesterday a close and .'inu at 4c, witu 4)o lor me higu i.guie. juiy wheat opened at uit&Ntio and closed at Bc. bvpiembcr opened at ,t'9isi ana ln dose was at 7tf-,-,c. juiy cum wa steady ana closed at o-,gc. oep tenioer cloaca at tn name figure. tnt-re waa a attain aavancu in oats. May closing- at 4)V ana Juiy anu bepiemoet at cables were IVi hlaher mi Muv wheat 4c on uly and -gc on September, niuropeaii markets report some liquidation on me anon title in May. A Liverpool wire nays mat a urn uecreaso in the American iaiole supply, a good milling demand ana the absence of tenders oil May contracts caused a steady opening Monday, witn initial ao.vanci.-s of c in an mom lis and lurtner lift fains 01 lc In May, l"c in juiy ana 4c in HepteniDer. cmcugo re poiis a 33h,iiyl-uuSnei increase in Blocks of contract wneat. witli a total stock of ll.Ul.vu bushels. A Hi. I.ouia mcssuge to a local firm is to tne eftect that a opring neid (Mo.) miller has laKen 2a,ju ouslieis ot elevator wheat to ship to his mill. iu ports trom the Uuiuth markets louay are to tne eriect that foreign trade Is discour aging, tne foreigners seeming to back awa from oilers ot wheat. Tne Pillsoury people bought 3,VKj,08 bushels ot No. 1 wneat at Minneapolis yesterday and now control 4,f),uoo busnris Spencer ana Akin took snO.uoi bushels ot -wheat at SI. Louis taiarrtnv Aiikriul t I, a i-a nn 1 . i aulu Armour nas bought 3,u,uu0 bushels in Mil waukee and this tends toward a general strengthening of me market. Snowcrs were reported in pails of Nebraska and . Kansas Monday niBil' and they are pre . (lined for almost ti n entire wheat section tonight and tomorrow. . In corn cables at ; 14c higher. Liverpool opened 40 higher in May and July and advanced 4c pu isood demand. An advance , of Sd In i.a Plata hud something to no . with the rlMC. There Is a bullish feeling on the Chicago corn market in May and July, with predictions of a sharp discount 111 ! c p'ember. it the bulls take In the con tract corn and snip It out there will not be much ten byi thn end of the month. . Chicago contract "tirn increased 138,404 buehens MondaV. making a total of 2.555.39J bushels. Seventy-six cars were received, as .agamkt 324 a year ago. The shipment was . sui.ux) bushels. Omaha Cash Bales. VHEA'r-No.- 8 hard, 1 car, 56 lbs., 80c. ' Omaha fash Tripes. ' ; WHEAT No. 2 hard, 85c; No. 3 hard, 80c; .No. 4 hard, Stygfliic; No. 3 spring. Hue. ' CORN No. '., 4Sv4c; No. 3, 44c; No. 4, 424c; no grade, 386 41c; No. 2 yellow, 44c; ' No. 3 yellow, 44c; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 3 ' White, 44c. V OATS No. 2 mixed, 284c; No. 3 mixed, 28c; No. 4 mixed,-:? fee; No. 2 white, 2SVc; No. 3 white, 29c; No. 4 white, 24c; stand ard, 284c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 72 76 144 022.); rekt. HJ.SfJlS.flO; elty extra India .nee. $20 ir&22 "0 Cut meats. steady; pl.-kled bellies, $7.l.Hf8.fl; rl-t lor) shoulders. $i.V"60; plrkled hams. 19.74 I0.n0. Lard, stesdy; western steamed. $7.4"; May rinsed, 17.40 nominal; refined, quiet; con tinent, $7 6"; Hnutn Amerlisn, a.2.i; enm pound. $.' 2Vi. Pork, barely s'esdy; famll. $14 fi'alS "o; short clear, $13.0i'1)l.ti; mens, $1 rtnai.1.60. TA 1,1 iW hteartv : cltv, i$2 per piirkage) , L. . . . . . ,1 ri'uiiiri. iai-ssa-p irpf, nilt'ic KM K-Klradv ; ilnmestlo, fair to 2W-4e; Japan, nominal. B I 'TTKH Market steady; street extra creamery, 2i'32!Vc. t'MF.KBK-Firm; stme full cream. colored and white, faney. 14'c; state nn lilVe; state late mode, colored and white poor to chnlre, ,loj ISr; state large, col ored and white, fancv, 14c: state fine. 1.1tT 13V-; state late mide. colored and white, poor to choirs, loiti i;tc. KOOS Market steady, western storage seleetlnns, ISr; western firsts, 17o. mri.TRY Alive; Market quiet; west ern chickens. 12c; fowls. n4o; old turkeys. 14c. Pressed: Market steady; western rhlekens, lQfj'12c; fowls, loaiic; turkeys, 14'dl8c. . extra, price, small. CIIICAfiO (iRAII AKII l'ROVIIO Featares of the Traillnat and Closing; Trices on Hu-irtl of Trade. CUlCAOO, May r A liberal decrease In the world's visible . m- had a strength ening effect on t; wheat market here today. Falling off In primary receipts also tended to advance prices. At the close July wheat was up V Corn la up Vic Oats show a gain of iW'Vic Provisions are a shade to 12Hc higher. The wheat market had a firm undertone the greater part of he session. I'nder In fluence of higher prices at Liverpool the market opened Arm. with July up k'aHcat S-IVi'iiJUV- For a time pit .trnders were qulto free Hellers, predictions of rain over tne wheat belt In general br-lng responsible for the greater share of the selling pres sure. The best demand waa from shorts Aftrr July had sold off to 82",c offerings dwindled nnd a firm tone again developed. As tradinr progressed the firmness changed to deride. strength. The Improvement In tone was due partly to good demand for cash wheat at Kansas City and Mlnne- nolls. Another factor, however, that exerted a powerful Influence was a de crease of l.iO.(no bushels In the world s available stocks. Last veer there was an Increase of about . 1.(i.ii0 bushels. Total primary receipt also were less than for the corresponding day a year ago. This fact had much to do with late bullish sen timent. The highest point In July was rearhfd Just before the rinse, when the price touched 84.' The market finished strong, with July at 8:!c. Clearances of wheat nnd flour were equal to Kd.ooo bushels. fr'rtmary receipts were i.i,400 busneis, com pared with 218.IO0 bushels a year ago. Min neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of bin ears. ngulnt 314 cars last week ami Ki3 cars a year ago. An extremely small movement caused ac tive covering by shorts In the corn pit tnaaya resulting in a strnnsr market. I'rt mary receipts tr.dny were over 50 per cent less than for the corresponding day a year ago. A decrease of 2,ono.Ww bushels In the world a visible supply also helped to stlmu late un active demand. July opened 'fci'e higher at 4H.V& 4bc, sold between 4t;-V and i Hut nnd clos"d at 46:c. I-ocal receipts were i cars, with 2 of contract grade. Trading In the oats pit was dull the en tire dav. The tone of the market, how ever, was firm In svmnathv with corn F,stl mated receipts for tomorrow of only 28 cars favored the bulla. July opened unchanged at 28c. sold up to at'c and closed at 2SV atVic laical receipts were 14 cars. provisions were firm on small receipts ot ocr. Offerings were small thfoughout the day. At the rlose July pork was up 5c at $5 121,,. Mrd was a shade higher at $7 22V'q -n. Kilis were up "Ac at Ji.li1. Kstlmnled receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 20 ears; com, 2U cars; oats, 28 cars; hogs, So fion head. The lending futures ranged ns follows: Chicago .... Kanaan City Minneapolis . Xuluth ...... ''SSI. Louis ... Omaha ..... f- 531 , 81 15 6tiS 1 26S 4 276 2S3 1 Minneapolis Wheat Market. ; The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, : reported by the Edwards-Wood cum .pany, ilO-111 Board of Trade, was: Article. .Open. High. Low. Close. Yeat y. May .. SWil July ..,94yftS Sept... I glVkl W4I $. fflVil ?T SWTai D8'Bi 97H 114 81H B indicates bid. WEATHER IS GRAIN BELT. nsettled Conditions .General and shower? In Central Valleys. i An area of decidedly low pressure over lie tne centrAl valleys and west, and un settled weather prevails in all sections. Showery weather Is general In the central valleys and throughout tho west, with light snows In Yellowstone tiurlt nnt ot I'resno. Cal. Conditions are favorable for nowers and thunderstorms in the central vueys lomgni ana Wednesday, with .uvi-i n:niiirr ennesoay. l.ignt snow.'a Occurred In the lake region and heavier rslna In the east gulf states, followed by bn... 1 1., nu,.J .l.l i J tviinnuj lifllllV HUB IllUrOlIlg. umans recora or lemnernturA anA nr clpltatlon compared with the corresponding uoj ui iiiv linn inree years: ... . L5. 19M. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature.,.. SO 52 41 48 rrecipitation T .00 . 37 . 0u Normal temperature for today, 64 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, Ceflclency corresponding period In .24 of an Inch. , Deficiency corresponding period In 117 Inches. , ,:'T ' lndlcfitea traca of precipitation, OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Ttmo- KMln - stations. Max. Mln. Ashland, Neb..,. 85 Auburn, Neb..... 86 Columbus, Neb.. 82 Falrbury, Neb... 86 Fairmont, Neb. .. 84 Or. Island, Nco. 90 Hartlngton, Neb 82 1S04, 1903, Oakdale, Neb. omana, tseo Tekamah, Neb.. Carroll, la Clarlnda, la Sibley, la 8loux City. la.. Btorm Lake, la. DISTRICT Inches. Sky. Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudv Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy ciear Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy AVERAGES. 59 .00 62 .00 6. .04 66 .00 56 .00 65 .17 42 .16 64 .49 60 T 52 .00 65 .00 63 .00 45 .14 60 .10 44 .00 No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inchea. Chicago 24 64 44 .04 Columbus 17 60 38 .uo Ieaa Moines 14 78 46 T Indianapolis 11 64 44 .00 Kansas City 19 82 66 r Louisville 17 74 4S .IK) Minneapolis 26 62 38 .02 Omaha 15 84 62 .ml St. Louis 12 76 64 .00 L. A. WELSH, Weather Bureau. MEW YORK GESEKAL MARKET (notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. May I.-KlXtl R-Recelpts, 21,161 bbls.; exports, 6,213 bbls.; market steady; Minnesota patents, $.i.2.Vj e.s. raiiint'Bum oaaers, gj.toTf ;v?iti winter patents. $4.9nJjD.2f; winter straights, I4.a0tp4.i5; winter extras, 3.3oi):l.7; winter low grades, aj.i.Mud.oa. Kye nour. alow fair to good,, $4.1oit4.60; choice to fancy $4 7(14 85 BARLEY Quiet; feeding. 464; New York malting. 4uc, c. I. I. Hurcaio. RYE Nominal; western, 80c. COH J(M KAL Steady; fine wheat and yellow, $12"; coarse new, $1 Ok'ol 10; kiln dried, J2.75BJ.B. , WHEAT Hf-eipts 4.UU0 bu.; spot market nrm; ro. t red, lTc, nominal, elevator No. S. red, WW-, nominal f. o. b. afloat No. 1 northern. Duluth. 99' f. o. b. afloat No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 97Vc f. o. b. afloat Except for a brief perloO during the first nour wnen pncea ten under last nlgnt Influenced by weakness, wheat was very strong an day. closing "rrV" net nianer Demand was based on a bullish statement of world's stocks, higher cables, firmness of com ana higher outside markets. May 2493Vc. Closed klc; July. 98 I-I6D78S l-16c closed Tc; September, Sante, closed 84(iC. CORN Receipts. 17.000 bu.; exports, 26, lil du.; spot market nrm; No. 2. 56c elevator and 6Jlui21tc f. o. b. afloat; No 3 yellow. MV,ti(4i-, No.' J white. 62V ti 5.1, Option market was generally stronger all day on small receipts, showery weather nrm canies ana covering. The close was uc to IV) net higher: May. 63 411 53V ciosea 0J'c; Juiy, 01 'na."c, closed HJVc OATS Receipts. 54.0i bu. ; exporta. 64. I7v Du. ; spot market ateady; mixed oats W to 32 pounds, 36c: natural white, .10 to 32 pounds, MHfr.'tfVtc; clipped white. 36 to 4u pounds. J-iWOOK. FEKD MteadVv: spring . bran. 118 10 prompt shipment; middlings, $18.10; prompt snipmeni ; city, i txyM .vv HAY Steady; good ta choice. iHj5c. HOPS Steady ; state, common to cbolee, 1$04. JMi2Sc: I. 2l'(25c: olds. lKil.V: Pa rifle roast. 19U4, tii'.fcc; li3, 2lu24a; olds Uttiae. HIDES Quiet; Oalveston. 10 to 24 pounds. 20r, California. 30 10 to pounds, Ik; Texas dry. 24 to 31 pounds. He. LEATHEH-Stesdv: ald. 24?.6c PROVISIONS-Reef, firm: family. $1S 5n 914 00; mcaa, $U DU io; beaf bains, $21.00 SEWYORR STOCKS AND BONDS Iisues Bought Saturday to Sustain Yaluei Offered Earlier in the Day. , RESULT IS A DECLINE IN VALUES Market Is Irregular and Set Chances Are Mixed with Extreme Gains Mnrh Re-dneeil. NEW YORK, Ma i -The character of selling, whi-.-h met. the opening advances In prices today, carried a suttliient warn ing that the stocks hlli were taken yes terday morning to check the demoralisa tion in tha market were being disposed of again. It seemed quite evident that the high opening nad been helped tor 1 tie purpose 01 making a better market for disposing of these stocks. This Is strictly In accordance with the normal course of market muvements after such an episode of Saturday a violent break with the sup porting iHttlcs of Monday. The appear ance of this class of selling somewhat dampened the speculative enthusiasm In duced by yesterday's considerable advance In prices. Even tne conspicuous advances in special stocks later In the day did not serve entirely to restore confidence In the stability of tne market. Nevertheless quite a long list of effective gains were shown as a result of the day's business and amongst the Industrials especially the strong points were numerous and diversi fied. , The conspicuous advances late In the day were the result of a stirring anew of the rumors of deals which have almost dropped out of Right in the demoralization of senti ment for the past week. The action of the Chicago & Northwestern directoia to ward a 15 per cent stoek Increase set afloat again various rumors regarding the rail road adjustment to be worked out In the northwest. That slock Itself had an im mediate influence on the Vandetbilt group besides. The new stock is port of an In crease authorised by the stockholders fully three years ago 10 be issued from time to time in the discretion of the directors. Plenty of rumors were current also of the distribution of Northern Securities assets In a manner to adjust all differences in that territory. Clearing house exchanges roso to figures near the record level and this had some Inlluenca on the supposi tion that some large transaction In finan cial affairs was In course of completion. 'I he Lead and Smelling merger talk had some revival In the natural course of things. Consolidated Cias suffered rroiu the threatened opposing of Albany and other New York public utilities were some what affected. The weakness at this point had some effect In aggravating the early reaction. Its influence passed awa) the later developments, but was at the last. reserve In the division of redemption shows Available rash balance, $133.416.7H9; gold $,2, 323.576. Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 2-MONEY-On call, firm at !VoJ per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered st IS per cent; time money, steady; sixty and ninety days and six months. 3l per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3tf 44, per cent. STERLING F.XCHANOE-Wesk. closed firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.862f34 8M0 for demand and at $4 848 4 8435 for slxtv-day bills; posted rates, $4 sfrwl fH and $4.87-8 4.87V1; commercial bills, $4 S4'(l4 84 V SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars, 44 V- BONDS Government, weak; railroad, strong. Closlns prices on bonds were: f. g. rr. 2a, ret 1X4 Jipan . rtfi to coupon W 1. A N nnl. 4 10i V. S. Si. ret 104 Munhtmn r a ts...1Mlt n coupon Me Central 4e 7 N. S new 4. n....13 I 60 1st tnr 12 t in coupon IU iMInn A at U 4s.... V. 8. old 4i. res M . K A T. 4i do coupon IMVfc do t ss Am. Tohsrro 4t. etfs. 7V N. R. It. of M c. 4 do ss. otn Atrhltinn Ren. 4s... do adj. 4a Atlantic C I. 4a.. Bal. A Ohio 4 do :tl!i Central of Ut. (a.. to lat inc do Id Inc. Chea. A Ohio 4Ha. Chlraao A A. Wa C, B. & Q n. 4a. C. H. 1. ft P. (a. do col. 5a ere. a at L. a 4 Chicago Ter. 4e... Colorado Mid 4a... Colo. A So. 4a Cuba fip, rtfa D. A H. O 4a.... Dltlllera' Sec. .. Krte prior Hen 4a. . do gen. (a r. w. a r. r. ia. Hocking Val. 4a. Offered. .luv N. Y. C. . 'e lonv ..ntH n J c. a 'a us .. rat. No. Pacing 4a .102-4 00 a H ..lois N- A W. c 4s loll, .. r,S 11 a. I.. rfd 4t (714 .114 Fcnn. ronr. Ia )i .. ! Reading ten a l"2't .. IS 'at. L. I. M. c. f,a..iui4i . .1"TS St- I- 8 f. 4a. n4, iiw 8t l.. a. w. . . rs Seaboard A. L. 4a.. . . 1 So Paclnc 4a . . tH Po. Railway Sa . .ion, Teaaa A P la . . n T., St. U A W. 4a. .. 744 t'nlon pacific 4a . . 1iy do conv. 4a KM', V. 8. Steel Id (a... ..10H4 Vt'abaah 1 ....'. . . n do deb B . .101 V Weatern Md (a .. M A t. B. 4 . . 1 1 S Win. Central 4a ..11141 M'4 . SS4 . rt .tit .12 It, . 14 l"6', 121 . 4'i .114 . 7S MS , tS4j Boston Storks nnd Bonds, BOSTON. May 2. Call loans. 3 cent; time loans, 34(S44 per cent, closing of slocks and bonds: 34 per umc with renewed The weekly crop summary was regained . i... i i- hnw nt lor tne wm- Articles.! Open. Illgh.l Ijow. Close. Yes y. Wheat I Miy Jnlv 8ept. ( ut n May July Sept. On t s May July Sent. Pork- May July Lard, May ' July Sent. Ribs- May - July Sept. I !7974l 47Vfii( 46S4,i :4vrivJ I " ' 28 . M 11 77W 12 07V4! 7 07 7 25 7 37V P7H! 7 15 I 7 87V 93 84 . SO 4SV 47' 47 I S3.: 79 I 47V 46-Si I 7!f!?9'd"ii 48 V 48'.: 4H-H 40r0 28VI 2Ssl 284 29VjfV 28V,27T4'a 28:28 VllV 11 77V 11 Ml ? It 8214 12 lo 7 0JV4I i J 7 40 ft 7i,4 7 17V 7 40 47 46 46i 28- 28-.I 28 12 0?Vsi 12 12V 12 074 7 05 2 7 37V f 15 I 7 37V 7 06 7 25 7 40 8 87 7 17W 7 37H 7 06 7 2-'i4 7 37' 6 85 7 15 7 35 . ...u ,.riin Mwrrn net t'ttiiiiiiKa " railroads made a further favorab ex hibit, especially that for the Pent.s v an a The softness of the market, when It Ws (.ought to take profits, and the day s t iso rndh-nted Its limitations and the Jrreijulur closing showed the day s changes mixed and the extreme gains much ",.tl- Bonds were strong. Total sales, par value. 2.36R.(N. Vnlted States 2 s. reg istered, declined ana um ceikt 011 can. . , a f.f Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock ' ciop. 6.000 l.SilO 5 9'0 7.80O in2', 1594 1"7 817 1W' KsiVi 9,700 InO'-i 1WH 3,400 2011 6. 306 0 900 30,1110 fV'tO 1.900 2 noO 1,300 1,200 100 200 200 23.900 4.3"0 l.OtXI 511. 35 214 233 1747, 32" 100V4 274 674 ' 35 1874 3724 314 87 43, 79 65V em, 36Vt 204 127 172 V 32" 97 26 574 84 1844 3724 314 86 42'i 7K4 64 lo Id', Uni-V l'V P5'.2 14 i!; i 231 1727, 17. 30 98 26i 57 35 186 3724 81 H 42V 84 644 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Easy; winter patents, 4.60H4.70; winter stralghta, $4.25f4.75; spring patents, $4.705.25; spring straights, $2.8(fjj 4.411; bakers, $2.4l'S8.4n. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 5ao5c; No. 8. 87 95c; No. 2 red. fHyff94Ve. CORN No. 2, 4!i4c; No. 2 yellow. 50i4c. OATS NO. 2. IS'VerJSHe: NO. 3 white. 31 Vi iS31v4e. BARLEY Good feeding, 36fl40c; fair to choice malting, 44T47c. 8KED8-N0. 1 nax. 1.2b: xn, I north western, $1.39. Prime timothy, $2.90. Clover, contract grade, iia.ou. PROVISIONS Mss pork, per bbl.. $11.80 611.86. Iard. per ino lbs., $7.06fa'7.O74. Short rlhs sides uoosei. o.s,i'(j ,.00. Blioi t clear Sides (boxed), $6.874fi7 00. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Ueceints. Shipments. Flour, bbls 22.2no 17.200 Wheat, bu 89.000 111,100 Corn, bu 76.600 307.500 Oats, bU 1KI.NIU 130.UOII Kye bu l.iJ 4..VO Barley, bu 65.1X10 11.4"0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was essy; c.Hnienes. iiinc; dairies. 1x1322c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 15rl64c; firsts, 161'J'164c; prime firsts, 17c; extras, 184c. Cheese, weak, uvunc. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOCIS. May 2.-W1I KAT-Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 919l-; track. $1.00; May. 90c; July, 79Vc; No. 2 hard. 93c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, t.c; track. 48Vi'o49e; May, 46T,c; July. 45Sc ua I a Higher; ino. t casn, zsvc; traca. 30c; May. 2(-; July, 28c; No. 2 white. 82,4c. FLOUR Dull: red winter, patents, $4.66 Q4.80; extra fancy and straight, $4.30Q4.36; clear, $3.50ti3.90. 8EEU Timothy, ateady. $2.00(32.75. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.50. BRAN Slow; sacked, east track. 7ixfi72c. HAY Steady; timothy, $S.5(V12.50; prattle, $6.U0-Q9 50. I RON COTTON TIES 99c. BAGGING 84c HEMP TWINE 4e. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobhlng, $12.5u. Lard, higher; prime steam, ti.60. lry salt meats, steady; boxed extra ahoits, $7,124; clear rlba. $7,124; short clears, $7 374. tlacOII. Hlrllliv, uuit-u raim biiuhp, ci.ij, clear ribs, $7.75; short clears, $7 874. ltillIRY- Quiet; chickens. n4c; springs. $4 .Kti5 ti; turkeys, 12c; ducks, PH-; gi ese. 6c. til n r-tt Lower; cuamery, aco.ic; uairy. 18ifi22c. EGGS Steady at 14V- case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour. Phis 10,t 9iH Wheat, bu i.Ui 3,.ii Corn, bu 2T.io 4..1 Oats, bu 28.000 SS.u"H) 4.900 100 3',9O0 700 55.400 900 9.500 Rv. 14.3O0 . 1.700 1' 1.SK1 ;i 9.4i 2,7'V) 1.4IX) 700 22.800 7.700 . 1,7.I KftO .. 4. 600 . 60.400 SiVi .117.300 '. ' 1V ,. 16.300 1.000 tiO 1.01 ) . 11,800 800 . 4.4141 3n0 . 2.200 700 . 1.30.1 .122.900 162 28 29 624 1487, 1644 7ua. il94 924 914 1604. 161 28 -- 27 .... - 51 2S4 624 147lJ 163V 84 27 614 14--.4 164 . 78 94 7V 11S4 2-24 21 21 '-i 81 114 loi'4 984 i74 60 114 1584 9S4 . 274 Kansas Clly Grain and ProTlalona. KANSAS CITY, May 2. WHEAT May, MV; July. 73Vti7.f7c; September. 714-. Cash: No. 2 hard. KvjiifcY; No. 3, 7Kf(4)c; No. 4. 6K7c; No. 2 red. Hathc; No. 3. 78iiWX': No. 4. 68Q47C. CORN Higher: May, 44i,c; July, 4.V,c; September, 4;lti434c. Cah; Na. 2 mixed, 46c; No. 3, 46c; No. 2 White, 464ft 47c; No. 1 4j464c. OATS-Higher; No. 2 white. 31fl314c: No. 2 mixed, i'f'ij.tcc. I RYE Steady. 7tstr72e. HAY Steady: choice timothy. $9.50 lO.Wi; choice prairie. $8OVi8.50. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 whltewood cases included, 144c; case count, 13V: cases returned. 4c less. BUTTER Creamery. 2mi23c; packing. 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 13.6"0 Corn, bu -M'O Oata, bu 17.000 42.41") 16.8'X) 99.0W Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore & Ohio..,. do pfd Panndlnn Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake c unto. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago G. W Chicago A N. W... M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C. C. C. & St. I Colorado & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. Delaware. L. & W... Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hooklne Valley do pfd , Illinois Central Iowa Central ., do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd I.ouIhvIIIo & N., Manhattan L.. Met. Securities Metropolitan St Mexiran Central Minneapolis A St. L. M.. St. P. Al S. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri. K. T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk & Western.. do nfd Northern Pacific Pennsylvania ... P.. C C. & St. I Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co.. do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. St. I Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific . do pfd Southern Railway do pfd , Texas & Pacific ., T., St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific .... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & I. Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Kxpress American Express,.... I'. S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amalgamated Copper American C. & F do pfd American Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd American Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive 14.400 do pfd 900 American 8. & It 23.6oo do pfd I.ino Amer. Sugar Refln.. 4(W Amer. Tobacco p. c. l.h) Anaconda Mining Co. 1.2no Ht-ooklvn K. T... Colorado F. I.. Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products , do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper. do pfd International P.unp.. do nfd National Lad North American Pacific Mall Peoples 4iaa Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tennesiv-e C. & I C. S. leather do pfd I'. S. Realty I'. S. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Va.-Caro. Chemical.. do pM Westlnghouse Elec... WeMcrn Union Oft'eied. Toul sales for the day, 1.030, too shares, Atchlaon adj. 4a. ,,,, da 4a Men. Central 4a Atchlaon do pfd Boaton A Albany. . Hnirion A Maine... Hoaton Klevated ... Fltohbnrs; pfd Men. Central N Y.. N. H. A 11. I'ere Marquette .... t'nton Pacific Amer. Are. Chem.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tube.. Amer. Puaar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I & 8... Kdlnon Elec. lllil.. lleneral Klectrlc . Maaa. Klectrlc do pfd Mrm. Gaa t nlted Fmlt I n ltd shoe Mach.. do pfd fj. . Steel do pfd Asked. "Bid. . I .101 . " . 4 .tntH 24 .17 .1SV .14(11; Westing, common Arirenture Allouea Amalgamated Atlantic Bingham Cal. Hecla Centennial Copper Range SIHIfaly W'eat .:oa . 244 . 90 .1874 .134 .14!i Dominion Coal Franklin flranby lata Rocale . ... Maaa. Mining . Michigan Mohawk Mont. ('. A C. Old Dominion . Oaceola Ie44 Qillncy . 2l"4 Shannon .tM (Tamarack .17S '.Trinity . 17(4 Tnlted Copper . IIS it'. 8 Mining... ,. 434 T. 8. Oil .1054 t ta,l .. . 82 iVIctorla . 1.14 Winona , . 4Z4 Wolverine .101 ial . 84 . 4 . H . I4 . 14 . .!4 .M . 11 . 114 . lit .. 79 . . 04 .. 21 .. ,. 114 ,. 514 .. ,. 544 .. 24 .. W .. 74, .117 .. 4 ,. 24 .. aiV .. m .. 4S4 .. 44 .. 11 ..107 London Morlaa and Bonds. IJNDON, May 2. Closing quotations N. Y. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania .... Hand Mlnea Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Southern Railway do pfd Southern Paclflc . t'nlon Pacific do pfd P. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaeti do pfd Spanlah 4a ...149 ... 80'4 ... (44 ... f2 4 ... 714 . .. HiH ... 474 ... 47 ...44 ...It ...)a ... 3H ...IMS . ..l'4 . .. 844 ...104 ...21 ... 434 ... S4 E... 1.100 914) 9i) 8li0 610 60 115 159 99 28N, 604 34V 145 V 62S 78 934 I804 1404 77 934 si" 304 75 67 23 584 61V ' 117 32 95V 334 377, 674 1224 2014 43 17 21'4 48 60 844 1434 5S7 78 924 175 1394 76 91V 87" 294 744 64 224 bS . 604 116 V. 31 9-,4 32. 8-14 57 1214 JO 424 154 36V 72.600 5,00(1 1.300 ?11 3J 500 ino 400 Minneapolis (Jraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May !.-WH EAT Ma y, 98',c; Julv. 95441 V': September. 81V; No. 1 hard, ll.PVa; No. 1 northern, $1.01,; No. 2 northern. 874c FIXH'R First patents, S5.4VMfiB.5rt: second patents. $5.liHi5.30: first clears, $4.C4Vd4.10; second clears, S2.754i2.fg. BRAN In bulk. $12.75. Liverpool liraln Market. LIVERPOOU May 2 -Wheat-8pot. dull: No. 1 California, r,a "sd; futures. Kteady; Mav 'a Sd; July. 6a 64J; September, to 4Vi. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, a .0; Americnn inixcu. 010. 4s lO'vij; (u lures, steady; May, 4a 240; July, 4s 24d. 36. '01 1 10, Ot 10 25.7cl 8,7(i 1.6' 0 1.4011 1.9141 700 ') 824 Si 984 334 964 54 -88V 19 49V ir4 m 122 134 97 11:1 62 46 201 144 6.1V 424 175V 214 794 12. 4ii I.610 Mai 6.1KI 7 A 1 2 2.310 2.200 9.5no l.lnO 1.460 1 400 51.8ml 94 Hi) 1 . 1 7O0 464 Hki 394 Pif,, 814 96 239 194 744 324 874 124 394 111 XT.' MIS ,V4 In. 4 1724 80V 354 97 324 96 5 8SV 14 44 115 1134 1214 1374 9-4 1114 I'll I 45 1924 124 624 4 '2 174V 794 4iV I014 38, lt4 384 95 23M . If" M4 114 ?9 1094 3!H liv-4 344 1i4 171, fOV 34'4 1444 61V 784 914 1784 1394 74 934 91 864 . 294 74 604 22 1. 58 6D'4 1164 314 954 324 37V 574 1214 974 LO 424 154 20 V. 47 246 232 124 240 M4 8.4 97 3.1 4 95 54 3S-V 184 444 48 4 1144 11 1 1214 1374 9n-V 112 61 4 454 192 V 134 6 41V 177.4 3u 80 4.'.4 ion, ::sv 1044 38 V 954 238 1KV 73 314 16.1 86 114 1074 89 394 1W4 3274 M14 3o 1''-4 17 4 93 on stocks and bonds: Coneola, money 904 do account 90 7-1 Anaconda SV Atchlaon do pfd W4 Bal. A Ohio 1M Canadian Paclflc 163-4 Chea. A Ohio 624 Chicago Ot. W H2 C. M A St. P 1794 DeBeera 17 Denver A R. O J4 do pfd 4 Brio 444 do lat pfd "4 do 24 pfd 74 Illinois Central 144 I .on la A Naah InO M . K. A T U June. SILVER Bar. quiet, 26 3-16d per ounce. MONEY 14ti2 per cent. The rate of discount, In the open market for short bills is 24 Pr cent; tor three months' bills, 24 per cent. 77 Wool Market. BOSTON. May 2. WOOL The features of the wool market are its notable strength here and the centering of interest In the west, where It is reDortexl the highest prices of the season are being Dald and most of the Boston buying -is-' now proceeding in Montana which, outside of Oregon. Is crac tically the only state where any amount of wool remains unsold. Few territories are offered bevond the new Arizona wools. Pulled wools move freely. Foreign grades are firm. Prices are nbout as follows: mo and Pennsylvania XX and above, SSlifltc; X. Mali 31 r; No. 1. 3va37e: No. 2. 37gi3Xc; fine unwashed, 24W25c: quarter-blood unwashed. Sno: ha f-b ood. waw. onwasneci oeiaine. 27f?:-8c; unmerchantable, 28'0?9c; fine washed rie sine. 86V,?i37o. Michigan Fine tin-washed 22fo23c: quarter-blood unwashed. 29a30c; three-eighths-blood. 30c; half-blood. 28'n29e; unwashed delaine. 25HJ26C. Kentucky. In diana, etc. Three-eighths and quarter- blood, sna31c. Territory Idaho, tine, -arttic heavy fine, 17618c; fine medium, 2021c; me dlum. 22&2Sc: low medium. 2425c. Wyom ing, fine, 18'iil9e; heavy fine. 1617c; fine medium. 191i20c: medium. 23024c; low me dlum. 24ft264c Utah and Nevada, fine, 25 27c; fine medl- i. 1921c; medium. i3fi24c; low medium. ; :5c. Dakota, fine, 2(Hi21c; fine medium. 2K(Ulc: medium. 2426 low medium, 2ifi25e. Montana, fine, choice. 22 23c; fine average, 15ti20c; fine medium choice. 22tj23e; average. 19320c; staple, 23 25c; medium choice, 2Sfij26c. ST. IXDUIS. May 2 WOOL Strong: me dium gradea combing and clothing, 26Sc; light fine. 2fi(H21c; heavy fine, 1719e; tub washed. 3K6394C. LONDON. May 2. WOOI. The third series of the wool auction sales was opened here today. There was a large attendance. Competition was active and prices ad vanced. The offerings amounted to ll,4i? bales. Merinos were eagerly taken for the continent and a few parcels went to Amer icans. Fine Tasmanlan realised Is 5d. A lHtge supply of crosnhreds brought out good competition, particularly from Americans, who secured a fnlr proportion of medium and fine good. Home buyers bought most of the offerings. Pnnta Arenas wool sold well at 61710 per cent advance. Merinos ad vanced 6 per cent and medium crnssbrede 10 per cent. Coarse gradea were unchanged. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales. 900 bales: scoured, Is ldffls 9d; greasy, 4Vd4ilia 14J. Queensland. 40) bales; scoured. Is ld&ls 8d; greasy, 6Vdt) 114d. Punta Arenas. 3.100 bales; gcoured. Is Id; greasy. 74(&114d. Victoria. 400 bsles; scoured. lOdUls 84d; greasy. 64tfl0d. Tas mania, 7i bales: greasy, 7d"&ls 4d. New Zealand, 7.510 bales; scoured, SUd'iils 94d; greasy, Hdflls 64d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1,100 bales; greasy, 7Vo9d- UMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle in Better Demand, with Pticei Strong to Ten Cents Higher. HOGS AVERAGE A TRIFLE BETTER Demand for Sheep and Lambs Appa rently Very Limited and Trading; Was Very Mow, with Prices Folly Ten to Fifteen flower. May 2, 1906. Hogs. Sheep, o.ool Id. i. 3 PI.448 4,768 la.541 lb,til 12.SM4 24.8MI 10.130 13.259 SOUTH OMAHA, Receipts weis- fettle Official Monday , ji.Rsd Ottlclal i'uesday 8.4M TOW riavs thle m-eelr a :11U tliaM Tao days last week ! h.'mo lb.oo Hams nays week before. .lo.lso 18. ill Same three weeks ago.. 9,820 U.6M Same four weeka ago... n.ttw 9.16 Same days last week 1,19 19.2 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following! table almas the rereiots of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, wltn comparison with last year: MhY. ia 14 1). Cattle 2,a.lS W.JV2 eu.4 Hogs jsb.am s4,wu t,ir.8 Uheep 688.492 6M4.009 ,2ii the following tsbie aline, a Ino average price Of hoite at South lima ha tor the last several dajg, with comparisons: April April April April April Apt II April April April 1. I.. .. April 10.. I ii April U.. i i-4. h i s i IS. .1 6 28 14. It. It. 17. 17.. 19. :06. '1904. 11903. 11902. 11901. 1900. 11899. I I -I --1 rl-r- i ns .. t 16741 S OJl 7 SOI t 65 t 97 1 .1 i a (Vi 7 2 tkii S uui t 081 'V M M I all 1B I ia a 6 20 4 13! J tt ! t, M B Hv, ii 3 t "Hi t 07 t3 t K i 301 3 "t t 30 I 6 0U 7 241 I 6 961 i 301 S 63 t 264 4 M 7 24i t 6 1 6 271 64 s tay, t V 7 1T( M B ui " 4 S4 1 301 SB B l 1 Ml April April April April July April April April April April April April 23 April April April April April April April May May 4 U&l 7 ill h K. 6 811 6 361 8 1)1 4 Si 8a 6 WSi 6 U t 64 4 to. 7 291 041 6 40i 3 61 t 2bVl 4 861 7 21 i 861 I 6 48, 3 61 I 6 3V4 4 88 V 16 t Oil j 8 72 - t o i vi a ai b ji si -6 22741 ' I 7 03 6 6i a 92 6 6o S .2 t 27V 4 79, 7 14' 99 6 84, 6 44) 1 68 6 2641 4 761 I 6 961 4 98, 6 46, 3 71 20.. 6 2341 4 81, 7 10 21. 22., 6 86 1 6 46i 3 75 . . m i II 6 2S4wi 4 -,B T 101 6 88l I t 421 3 7l 6 3241 4 81 7 06i 86, 6 80 1 3 72 I 4 81, 7 1,1, sol a 8UI 6 861 24. . 6 So4 7 t 96; 76 u 3i, 1 67 26.. j 5 26-1 7 74, 7 4 7 U3 6 7i 6 3t 8 66 26.. 6 22 4 , 4 78, I 6 98 1 6 77 1 6 39 3 hi 27..I 6 164, 4 74 91 I 6 721 341 3 67 28. . 5 104 4 71, 6 83 , 6 07 I 6 3i, 8 8 IS.. 6 lOWi 4 68, 8 77 7 03 5 6o I 3 69 30. .1 i 4 bli 84, 9oi 5 64, 6 32, l...6 114i I 83 J; 5 64 5 26 3 61 3... o lift 4 5!i o it: i tu, o u, a lo, o w 1 1c I l 1 7t 4 On 1 1"M I i 1 imo 4 e 1 iw j I .1100 4 M t 140 I so i jaoo 4 u 1 1JI4 I 7S 1 70 4 ot 1 IMM I 7S 1 !!) 4 10 t i iso i ;i l 17J m l IT0 I g, i no 4 to 1 1410 t H tITAUS. 4 ID CALVES. i m im i i i h I je I o I go ik 1 MO K I ino to 1 so I to 1 lo i to t go 4 ot) 1 ISO I 75 I lot 4 go 1 ito :4 1." w I no 1 120 t n 1 im I no I ho I so I IM I 00 1 1M OO I 0 I 00 1 ItO I (HI 1 70 I 00 1 110 4 00 1 140 8 00 STOCK CALVES. 1 It t M 1 2a 4 00 8TUCKEKS AND FEEDERS. 1 tto I 40 I tio I IS Ill I 10 It. Ml go 1 1H) I 15 1 ISO 4 0 f lao I it it 7l 4 10 7tt I 40 14 I f0 4 10 4 46 I 7 1 8M 4 U 1 740 I 78 t nt 4 IS 1 7V) I 10 10 fl 4 !1 14 I.t 18 10 Ml i 40 1 IM) I HAY-FED WESTERNS. J. 8. Stanley Wyo. 42 feeders.. 1103 4 Wu 48 feeders. . 963 4 80 6 cows tun 4 to 3 cos . two a 66 1 cow t60 I 75 1 heifer.... 730 2 76 HOOS-The total number of hogs In sight this morning at the leading marketa was moderate, so that conditions were slightly In favor of the selling interests. The de mand at this point wss in good shspe and the market opened In good season, with prices a shade stronger than yesterday. Trading Was active at ihs prices offered. s that everything In the yards changed hands In a few minutes. The most popular price today was $6,124. whereas yesterday there were about J many at 15.10 as there were at $5,124. The bulk today went for $6.10 and $5,124. 'lth a few of the choh-est loads at $5 15. which makes the average cost today of all the hogs Juat a shaue higher than yesterday. Weights today did not have a great deal of effect upon the selling price, as some of the buyers wanted good heavier), while others wanted good lights. In other words, quality had mote to do with the selling price than did weight. representative sales: No. 74.. indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. Hogs, aneep. tt ses C, M. & 8t. P 2 Wabash 1 1 Mlfsourl Pacific 3 1 Union Pacific 32 39 S 5 C. & N. W 4 F., E. & M. V 22 43 8 1 C, St. P., M. & O.... 13 13 B. & M 62 30 6 1 C B. & Q 5 1 .. 2 C, R. I. Pv east.. 3 7 C. R. 1. & P., west.. 2 13.. Illinois Central 2 6 Chicago Q. W 1 3 160 24 9 was the Total receipts 146 The disposition of the day's receipts as toilos, each buyer purchasing number of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy I'acklng Co Armour A Co Omaha Pkg. Co.. country Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C. Swift and Co., country.. Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co Hill & Huntzinger Hamilton & Rothschild.. L. F. Husz Wolf & Mtirnan Mike Haggerty J. B. Root ft Co Bulla & Kline Other buyers 461 1.57? 976 658 2,553 1.513 891 2.775 1.191 611 3.1:13 961 192 14 42 301 18 66 43 31 129 74 80 105 33 1ft 166 .... 601 evr York Mining; storks. NEW YORK. May 2 -The following are the clctlnc quotations on mining stocks: A4aoia Con Alne Brrere firuntwtrg Con . . . 1'omato.k Tunnt! Con. Cal. 4k Vs .. Hurn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllle cog .... Offered. 50 . I" . 31 .. 5 . I .1711 .IIW .110 . I 'Little c.!fr ... .Ontario Ophlr Phoenlg Polnel Sgvaga Slerrg Nevada Small Hope, .. 'Standard .. 4 . .400 .1060 .. I .. 17 .. t! .. 40 .. !f . 10 Dalatn iraln Market. DULUTH. Msy t WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern. 94c. On track: No. 1 north ern. 94c: No. 2 northern. g7'&&i4o; May. 4c-; Julv. 94c: September. SI40. OATii To arrive and on track, 29Vc. statement of the Rank of t.rrioany. BERLIN. Mnv 2. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Herman y ehous the following changes: Cash in hand. dr. i rensed 14 ai.tx'm , treasury notes. Inereaeexl .iaaiin; other st-ciirltiea. Increased Kl, !', mom; notes In circulation. Iiioreaeed 39, Sun.. m. , Treasury Matement. WASHINGTON. May 2-Today'a state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fur.d, exclusive of the $ljc,000,io joni Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 2 M ETA 1.8 There wsa a sharp advance In the London tin market, where spot closed at 138 fs and futures at 134 15s. The local market re sponded to tlils showing but was very quiet. Spot closed at $3.nnbSo.4). Copper wus a little higher in London also, closing at 65 10s forspot and at 65 12s Sd for futures Ixienlly the market was dull and more or less nominal. Large holders are still usk Ing $15.25 for lake and electrolytic. It Is reported that this pi Ice can be shaded on actual transactions, while there are con tinued reports of lake obtainable below $15.00. Lake Is generally quoted at $15flot 15.25. electrolytic at $15.00jil5 25 and casting at $14,75415.00. Lead was unchanged at $1.50 14.60 In the local market and at 12 lis 3d In London. Spelter was easier at 23 10s In the lyindnn market, but remained quiet at yesterday's decline to $5.80 In New Yolk. Iron closed at Ms 6d In Glasgow and at 52s 9d In Mlddlesboro.igh. Locallv the mar kets were unchanged. No. 1 foundry, north ern. In quoted at t17.264jfl8.ni: No. 2 foun dry, northern. $16.7.V&17.5n; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern aoft at $!7.26ai7 50. 1 ST. LOUIS, May I M ETALS Lead, steady at $4.5o. Spelter, weak at $0,624. Totals ....3.708 10,422 6 015 C a x ,-. iueito totiu u much u'itr lu.m 10 i-ltti CAllltt UI418UI LOutlJ Lliall nae Uccll uuieu lot &oiu tiiiitf iitue. iuceipLS wcie nut exierfbive at aii" puutt uim aCivvia eeemeii 10 lie uiOlv aiixiuuS iu. uppnca mail iiley weie crtieluo. ut, In lai-i, ...n ine; ve.e 1114; titoi ai 1 01 last. ween. Alfcuilia. Yta iBto) acllte, bO iliac inodl wl ma Bui-u ctiino cuaiioea nanus a. a icaauu aui) eany nour. iuue u. luJLitti proportion of Hie receipts Una inoiini, colioisieu ui conned aiecia. xuere waa couaiueianie uneveuneag lo iiie iiiaiKet, out. kg, a fctiicrai Linna ma liloiu uesnauie graues euiu utiun, ,0 a uiiuc nianer. '1 ne coiiiincii anu part tai came, or coarse, neavy cami uiu nut biiow luuc.i impioven.eiit, out sun tney aoiu 10 as ui auvuiuaae aa n.ey uiu ,eBieiun. luem were a tew nay tea westerns 011 aale again touay tnai biougnt goou, sieaoy priceb. Trie cow tnaiket aino snoweu a nine Im provement, out tne advance win cuniiued .aigeiy to ine uruci g,iaur. n f j was tne case with etceia, me nmiaei was unevtn, so that some saiee looaeu muuu ueiter ihau otners. ouoti siufl couiu autciy ue udotea -:iroiig. ana 111 inun cases tne so.Q aa niucn as a dime liiKiiec. Hie coni 111011 anu ineuiuiu giaues uid not snow m,.H nt flnv enanfie. bs the deinana lor that class 01 stun was appaientiy iiiniied. n.a onotnnie cnanae ta noiit-ru 111 t pi ices paid tor buns, vcai caivea and stags. ISOI many biwrci " " - - - - "--- eluded in tne onerings tnis morning, uaud as ins oemanu waa in mlny good snape, any thing at all deslraolt changeu haiius witn out ulmcuity ai good, ateauy prices. 1 ne common stun was dint, the same aa usual, hut the prices paid were as good as mono ICiiriiciiiaii,c naiiD, No. Rl . . . , K. ... .... 7.... II ... . I Of, ... 70.... 0.... 14... M.... .... tb ... I. 4 ... 72... !.... 72..., II. .. 7..., U... 70... 12... 70... ID... II... SO... M... 77... 74... II... 17... II.. . ... II . .. 17... ... 17... 10... I... 14... CI. . . '.... 4H... 71... 41 ... 71... It... Ml... 14 .. II... Kl .. ... 44... I... 71... 15... 91... 71.., 60... 71... 74... 41. .. Hi... 17... ... 61... t... IS... II... 43... AT. ,..151 ,..1S3 . MO . 20g .Ml . IS! ..Ill . .771 .14 ..101 .217 .210 .271 ,.t4 ...217 ..til ,..127 ...204 ...121 . ..Jl . . . 230 ...251 ...:: ...225 ...171 . ..11 ...til . . .10 ...33.1 ...230 ...251 ...17 ...212 ...til ...231 ...236 ...141 ...114 ...24 ...too ...217 ...231 ...241 ...210 ...27 ...111 ...Ml ...170 ...102 ...24 ...241 ...173 ...281 ...240 ...227 ...242 ...214 ...205 ...242 ...211 ...225 ...147 ...221 ...268 ...271 ...217 ...211 ...1.11 ...117 ...230 ...231 Rh. 40 10 40 10 40 210 10 40 40 40 10 40 110 120 IT. t 00 ot I 10 t 10 I II I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 4 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 5 10 5 10 ft 10 8 10 ft 10 ft 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 ft 10 I 10 B 10 I 10 I 10 ft 10 ft 10 I 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 12V, I 124j ft 12 ft 12', ft 12a ft 121, ft 12S ft 12V, ft 12 ft 124j ft 12V4j I 124 ft IS14. ft 124 ft li ft 12V, 6 154 ft 12V, ft 12S ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 14 I 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 64 ... 44... 61... 14 ... It... 41... 11 ... 71. ... 71... 12 ... . 0.... 47.... 61 ... It ... 61.... ft7 . . . . 71... 41. ... 14... II.... 64 . . . 70.... 12.... 70.... 61.... 63... 16.,.. IS... 66 ... ID..., 71. ... 24... ..., I. ... 7S.... 47..., 7..., 14 .... 70... 61 .. U... ... 64 . . 74..., 71..., II.... .... 70.... 76... I-t... 64... U... 67... 41... 10..., 44... 17... 61... 76... 71... 17... 71... 46... tl... 16... 4... 19. . . 71... 2.. AT. ..lift ..111 .161 .171 . I6 .271 .161 . 117 ..l.M .130 ...140 ...114 ...31 .143 ..111 ..til ..111 .114 .264 ..27 . .Ill ..267 ..231 ...230 ...167 ,..1U .116 ..166 ,..144 ,..26 ...144 ..137 ...111 . . I?0 ...64 ...227 ...241 ...107 .. 2M ...Ml . . . 26 ...! ...166 ...116 ..III ..262 ...117 ...246 ...234 ...240 ...2l ...226 . . . 263 ...141 ...14 ...121 ...128 ...214 ...251 ...105 ...162 ...17ft ...161 ...260 ...291 ...176 ...327 ...301 ...234 .222 fh. too 110 0 10 40 40 120 Pr. 4 It I 12 I 11 I 12 I 12 ft 12 12 I 11 ft 11 I II ft 11 I It I 12 ft It i It ft 12 ft II ft II I 11 I 12 ft 12 I II ft 12 ft II ft II ft 11 ft 11 ft It ft 12 ft II ft 12 ft 12 ft 11 ft 11 ft II 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft II I 12 ft It ft II ft 12 ft 11 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft II ft 11 ft It ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 I 12 ft 12 ft 16 ft 16 ft It ft It ft 16 ft 15 ft IS $21fl4 ; calves. $trv,1tan: Texan and In dian steers. $3.o0o5.7o. cows and heiferi $.' tt 4 26 MOUS Keeeipts, 8,mm heart, market stead. to alow I las and llahis, $.1 T5'if8 '.; pack ers. St ''i6.J-; butchers and best heavy lo it6 .0. SHKKI" AMI 1,8)1)18- lleceipts. 3, head, market steady: nsttve muttons. $.18 435 25. lambs. $ tfif. V,: culls nnd bucks St.Aati3.60; Ftockeia, $2TM3.'5, Texans. $3.u U U0. glona City I tie stock Saarket. SIOCX CITY, la., May J tPpeclal Tele gram ) CATTLE Receipts. 6J0 head; mar let ateadv; beeves, $4 ow 26, cows, bull and mixed. $.1.oft'5 00 ; stnckei e and feeder $,TWJ4 25. cslves and yearlings. $3 .WIM 45 111 )(tS Keeeipts, 4.r nesn; mama ateadv. selling at t.opraXi.ln; bulk of sales $6 06&6.10. stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the l prlndpa. western markets yesterday: Cattle, lings Phen So.ifh Omaha $.464 10.448 Sioux City 6IS0 Kansns City 6.600 St. Joseph St Ioills . Chicago ... Totals... 1.440 4 noo l,3tW 10.448 4.5 8.3'l) 8,841 8.C00 13.000 1.10 6.9? 2.6 lt.00 .16.364 3V089 31.74. the In force yesteruay at. IT, 130 gl) am 4i Kit ,2 mo 1D1U ut all 111 .1001 . L .10K .1161 .Ubl . .2 . !"S .1087 . 1000 .1160 .1110 .1157 .1272 .1162 .1166 .1140 3 60 8 to 4 00 4 10 4 it 4 l6 4 3t 4 40 4 to 4 W 4 40 4 M 4 t 4 6 I ' 4 10 4 16 4 f 4 6 4 85 ft 00 ft 00 ft 00 ft 00 ft 06 ft 111 ft 10 ANU ....not ft 11 BtEc.S AM' 8cbk6, Ko. Av. Pr. It 1161 ft It I llol) ft 26 16 llii ft 26 10 1171 ft 26 iu 1133 ft It M 120 t 40 i )2'l b 6 g IZ'9 t Si 4 lJDJ t 40 II 1314 ft 40 26 l-.it 6 40 la Hi! I 40 2t Ilia ft 46 11 1311 ft 611 43 liW ft 60 14.5 6 to II lzi ft 60 I IL'40 ft 60 40 262 ft 66 tl 1421 ft 40 6 U, ft 40 it 1276 ft go 2s 976 ft to 14 1317 I 10 20 1326 ft 16 21 1463 ft ,0 21 1:,2 ft 90 NEW Steady; Cotton Market. ORLEANS. May 2 -COTTON ordinary, 44c sales. 4.5m bales; good ordinary, 1-I6c; low middling. 7 16-l6c; middling. 7 7-ltio; good middling, fc; mid dling fair. 71-6c; receipts, 6.360 balea; stock. 18t,.a9l bales. ' LIVERPOOL. May 2-COTTON-Spot, In moderate demand; prices 2 points lower; American middling fair. 4.75d; good mid dling, 4.43d; middling, 4 27d; low middling. 4. lid; good ordinary. 3 93d: ordinary 3 77d The sales of the day were 7.i0 bales, of which l.OiO were for speculation and export and- Included 6.500 balea American. Re celpta. 3J.io0 bales. Including 27.8o0 bales American. ST. IXHIS. May 2.-COTTON-Steady ; middling, 7S-I6c; aales. 182 balea; receipts, 2oo balea; shipments. 8? bales; stock. 48,563 ba les. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 2 COFrEE-Market for futures opened ateady at an advance of 5dl0 polnta. The market ruled generally nrm but without Improving materially in the opening range. The close waa ateadv at a net advance of 6'gl0 points. Sales were reported of 68.000 bags. Including Mav at 6 60c, July at .7.116l0e. Augur, at 861 9fc, September at 9Vtf7.0f,o. December at 7,:6e and March at 7.4'V. Spot steady; No. 7 K10, Tic Coraovs, lolSo. 14..., 4.... II... I.... 11... It ... . II.... t..., 1 ... 1..., 1.... 1..., 1... I .. I ... 1... I .. .. I.... 1... I... 1... t .. I... I... I. .. I... I... I... ft... 1... I... I... 1... ft.,. 1 ... I... I... 1... ft... t... II. .. 1 .. 11... I... 4... II... 4... f ... 4... I ... ft... 1 I... I... 1... 1... 1... 767 ... 112 ... IH6 ... ... 994 ... 461 ...1116 ... 864 ... 70 ... IK0 . .. 2 ...160 . .. 840 ... til ... 34 . .. 720 ... "7 ... 142 . .. 660 ...100 ... O0 ... 20 . . . 1"70 ... 26 . .. 20 ...79 . . . 10 ...116 ...1040 ... 991 ... 910 ... t9 ... 9:.l ...1070 ... 40 ...1060 ... lit ... 1000 ...1100 ...1110 ...1300 . . . 1004 ...1340 ...100 ...1110 60 4 00 4 -'6 4 60 4 tu 4 t 4 46 4 76 I 86 ( 1 71 1 It 1 00 1 10 1 2t l 26 I 16 I 60 1 60 1 10 I 46 1 76 1 71 I 7t I 71 1 II 1 Iu I 10 00 I 0,1 I 00 I 16 1 tt 1 15 I 15 I 26 ft It 1 tt 1 It I tt I 16 I 15 1 Ii I 36 I 16 3 34 I ftO 1 to II. 22 . 11. . II. II. ilt.lKfc.ico OWS. 101 1071 1111 170 170 1114 1210 COW 3. 11... 1... I... l... 21... I... 1... 1... 1... 11... 14... I... I... 1 .. 7... 1... 1... I... I. .. , I... I... ... 1... I... 4... 1... I . If... 4... 1... II. .. I... I .. I... 12... I... I... II COW AND .. Ml 4 06 T UElFEKh. ll 940 1070 120 137 970 110 1000 1"S 91 1O30 1200 931 1040 97 IWO 1360 1260 1031 11 896 Ill 1)30 too 110 KillO 126 1131 1317 9K0 1116 1160 4 1110 114 1260 90 llil HEIFERS. .1121 126 444 446 140 t"4 40 4i0 A0 4I UO mo uio IM 1 II I II I IS 1 to I 90 1 0 I OA ft W ft It 11 . 400 . 0 . t0 . 110 . 170 . tH . 141) .1310 4 16 4 9 4 10 ft 00 ft 00 ft lo ft to I to I to I to I tu 1 tt I 76 I 75 I 10 1 to I 16 I 66 1 90 4 00 4 00 I oil 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 IK) 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 16 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 0 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 6u 4 61 4 40 4 10 4 0 4 10 4 20 I 23 I 26 I 60 I IS 4 00 4 16 4 IS 4 75 BVLS. 146 1... IK) 1 ... 100 I.... $44 1.... .1140 i;6o .1624 .190 I IS 4 00 4 OO I 0 61 3n BHEEf l here was not an exceaslve run of sheep and lambs In sight this morning, but the demand waa still of very limited proportions, packers claiming that the mutton market is in bad shape. The qual ity of the offerings st this point was only fair and In fact mere was very little stuff on tale that could be called choice. As a result the market was extremely dull and considerably lower. Some more of the ewes that sold yesterday for $4.55 brought the same price today, but aside from that the market was fully iodise lower on the gen eral run of stuff and some of the com monest kinds suffered even more than that. Packera did not seem to care whether they got fresh supplies or not and as a result a large percentage of the offerings waa still In first hands at time of going to press. ' The market on lambs was in just sbout the same condition as the trade on s-heep, prices being fully 10ql5c lower on the gen eral run of offerings. Something choice might not have sold that much lower, but, on the other hand, huyera wanted to get the commoner kinds at a greater reduc tion than 10 to 16 cents. Very little stuff changed hands up to a late hour. uuntations for clipped stock: tjood to choice lambs. $5,5045.86: fair to good lamb $5.0mfi5.6o; good to choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.wVT7.00; good to choice yearlings, $5.n"9'.i.25; fair to good yearlings. $4 7B(tf6.ftn ; good to choice wethers. $4.iW94.75; fair to good wethera. S4.2wa4.n0; good to choice ewes, S4.254T4.56; fair to good ewes, $t.C07y 4.26. Wcnled Stork sells from 75c to $1 per 100 pounds higher than clipped stock. Rep- re.entative sales: No. Av. 16 Colorado cull ewes 81 171 Colorado ewes 85 395 clipped western ewes 109 2d wesiern cu.i ewes i 146 western clipped ewe 89 87 western cull wool ewes 6 67 western clipped ewes 97 115 western clipped ewes 100 462 western clipped ewes -.. 96 799 western clipped wethers ....106. 3 western clipped ewes , 70 96 western ieu?r lambs 56 422 clipped western wethers 103 94 Mexican wethers 88 OMAHA Wlt)I.K9AI,R MARKET. Condition of Trade and (tootntlona OB Staple and Faner Prodnee. EGOS -Receipts, heavy; market. Steady candled stock. 15c. LIVE I"OULTRT Hens. lOtHc; youn$ roosters, according to slie, o(B9ci ole roosters, ue; tui'Ke,s H'uloc: ducas, 11c. RCTTER Packing stork. 14c; choice tt fancy dairy, 18ijj2k-; creamery, 224g.3a,4jC, prims, 2w. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Fresh trout 12c; pickerel, 4c; pike, 84c; Perch, 7c. bluefish. 11c; wbitehsh, 10c; salmon, He redsnnpper, 9c; green halibut, 13c; crappies 11c; bufrslo. 7c; white bass. 11c; herring 84c; Spanish mackerel, 12c; lobatera. boiled. 46c; green, 40c; finnan haddlea, 7c; roe ahad each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, 30c; frog leg per dos., 80c; catfish, 14c. HAY-Prlces quoted bv Omaha Whole sale Hay Ienlers association: Choice No 1 upland, 7 00; No. t. $6 50; medium. $6 SV coarsw, $6.60. Rye straw, $5.50. Thesa price, are for nay ot good coior and quality. BRAN Per ton, $17. fx). TROPICAL FRflT. ORANGES Extra rancy Mediterranean sweets, all sixes. $2.?fvU300: fancy navels, sites 126, 15". 176. 2ul, 216, 2fi0, $.1.26'S 50; 80, D6. 112. J2.Mfj2.75; seedlings, all sizes. $2.75. LEMONS California, extra fancy, 270. jno and 360 slxe. $?.C; fcr.cy, 27S, 300 and 360 slxe. 12.75; choice, 240 and 270 sile, $2.25; 800 snd 860 alse. $2.60 DATES Per box of 80 lb. pkgs., $2.00; Hallowe'en, In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c. FIOS California, per 10-lb. carton, 753 86c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 10c; 6 crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medium ailed bunch, S1.75H2.26; Jumbos, $2. 603. 00. ORAPEFRI'lT California, per box of 54 to 64. M.tm; Florid-". $ efiffj.oo. PINEAPPLES-Florlda, per crate of 24. 30, 36 or 42, $3.65413 75. FRIITS. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Black, per 8-lb., box, $1.75; white, per 6-lb. box, $1.50. STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt case. $2.00. APPLES New Y'ork Baldwins. $3.00; Col o 6do Ler Davis, per box, J1.25'g"1.5o TANGERINES California, per half-box, $2.75. VEGETABLES CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crste, $200. POTATOES Home grown, In sacks, per bu., 30c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per lb., 8'h9c. Tl'RNIPS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dox., 45c. CARROTS Old, per bu.,. 40c; new, per dos.. 46c. PAR8NIPS-01d. per bu.. 4flc. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2.00. WAX BEANS Per 4-bu.box, $1.00; string beans, per 4-bu. tmx, 76c. CCCUMBERS Per dox., $l.!5tn 50. PEAS New, per bu. box, $2.00Q2.50. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-bas-ket crate, $5.0OS6 00. SPINACH Per bu.. 76c. ONIONS Colorado yellow or red, per lb., 14c; new southern, per dox., 45c. CABBAGE California in crates, per lb., 2c. BtSKiB-uia, per ou oo; new, per 00a. bunches, 45c. RADISHES Hot bouse or southern, per doi., SOfitOc. ... lettuce Hot house, per doi., 5c; neaa lettuce, per dox., $1.00(81.25. RHUBARB Illinois, per box of 60 lbs.. $1.00. FA role v per aox. ouncnes, c. ASPARA Ol8 Home grown, per dox. bunches, 406 50c. . - MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 16c; Wisconsin Young America, 16e; block Swlsa, new, 16c; old, 17c; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin llmburger, 16c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shells,- new crop, per lb., 15c; hard sheila, per lb., 13c: No. 2. aoft shells, per lb., 12c; No. t. hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12&134c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 1241SI8C; new blsck walnuts, per bu., 7690c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green. 74c; No. 3 green, 64c; No. 1 salted, 84c; No. 2 salted. 74c; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted, 7al4c, sheep pells, 2icft$1.00; horse hides, $1.5ofj3.00. Sugar and Molassea, YORK, May 2 SUGAR Raw, fair refining, 4c; centrifugal. molasses sugar, 34c. Ke- 879 wer-lern yearlings and wethers 84 . 1 o.oioi-sm lamns 136 Colorado lambs 896 Colorado lambs Pr. 2 75 3 50 4 65 2 o) 8 90 4 00 4 10 4 IS 4 26 4 50 4 75 5 00 4 75 6 35 6 60 6 75 76 6 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Steady Hons Fire Cents lllabrr. CHICAGO. Mav 2 CATTLE Receints. i.a neau. Market steady; good to prime steers. IS lVurt ifci: ooor to medium 14 3n4i 5.4ti; Htockers and feeders. $.7fyri6.25; cows. $3 OfKfi5.25; heifers. $2.ijnrq4 50; cannera, $1.618 2.40; bulla, $2.00'(J4 60; calves. $3.iKh6.75 HOGS Receipt. 18 0(4) head; estimated to morrow, io.iaai head. Market 6c higher; mixed and butchers. S5.l54i6.35: Kind to choice heavy, $5 1Kfi5 3?4; rough heavy, $4 80 2ioiju. nam, ga.nonio.ai; Ulna ni sales, fta.lOU .30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13.10) head. Market for sheep nnd ambs steady goon 10 cnoice wetnet. 14 I'as.iai; fair to choice mixed, $3.60fu6.25; western sheep, &6 0n; native lam lis. $4 11)6.25; western lambs, nut shorn, $4.5037.25. NEW nominal : 96 test. 44c: molasses sugar, 3Vc. fined, dull; No. H. 5.06c; No. 1, 0.60c; No. 8, 6.40c; No. 9, 6.85c; No. 10. 6.30c; No. 11, 5.20c; No. 12, 6.15c; No. 13. 5.06c; No. 14. 5c; confec tioners' A. 6c; mould A. 650c; cut loaf. 6.85c; crushed, 8.86c; powdered, 6.25c; granu lated. 6.15c; cubes, 6.40c. MOLAflSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, !9'f35c. SYRUP Nominal, Sfc. NEW ORLEANS. May t -BUOAR-Qulet; open kettle, 8t4'4o; open , kettle Centrif ugal. 44ft 4 15-16c;- centrifugal white. 64c; yellow. 4ij'.' 6-16c; seconds, ll-16tS44c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 13$ 16c; centrifugal, 6TJ64c. SYRUP Nominal, 30c. i Kansas (lis-- Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mav 2. CATTLE Re. ceipis, 6.011O head, Including 5ot southerns, Market steady tf) lnc higher. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5.4Ofl6.:i0' lair to good, $4.2fVq5.36: western fed steers, $4.2641. OO; Htockers and feeders. $3.0x&5 0o; southern steers. $3,6046 6d; southern cows I2.264l4.76; nutlvo cows, $..a6'ij6.00; native heifers. 13. &i 1-0.6 60: bulls. i: 76i4 7S bio. $3.6n46 25. ' HOGS Kecelpfs. 8.300 head: market Hi.-s 5c higher; top. $5.1';4; bulk. $6.1546. 25; heavy. $5.fi'ii5 274; packers, $5,1066.26; pigs and lights. $4.26 6.20. ' " SHEEP ANIJ LAMBS Receipts, 7 5"0 head; market ateady; native lambs. $5 61x2 7.0O; western lambs. $6.6a7.nti; fed ewes and yearlings. $4 iSfitVOO; Texaa. -llpped yearlings, $4.5ia5.0u; Texas fed sheen, it 2S g4.85; stockera and feeders, $i.6"fj5 9u St. Joseph Live Stock Market. , ST. JOSEPH. May l.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 1.440 head; mgrkit, steady to loc higher; natives. $4(a.Wi; cows and heifers, $1.60 45.44: stockers and feeders. $2.76ft4.?S. HOGS Receipts, 6.841 bead; market ationger. Ught. $6.UVa5.20; medium and heavy. !5.1MiS26. SHEEP- AND LAMBS-Receipts. 5.977 bead; lambs li51f.c lower; sheep steady: lambs, $6.90, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record May ' 2, 1906, aa furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, lui4 Farnam stieet, for The Bee: J. L. Kubat and wife to Mary Miller, lot 6, block 8, First add. tu South omana $ (00 A. L. Havens and wife to Helena Nltad, part of lots 8 and 4, block 6. Brown Park , 600 Anna M. Hazen and husband to Lanna, vMadden, lot 6, biock 9, Meyers, Klchr aids & Tllden's 1 2.8S1 Lydia W. Harris to J. R. Salisberryi part of lot 8. block 2, Paddock Place 1.S0O Snruh J. James to F. SpaugenLerg, lots 6 and 7, block 8, Albright's an nex '30 J. Crawford to C. L. Bond, part of se4 of 4-15-13 1,100 C. M. Hillock and wife to E. K, . Brown, w4 of ne4 of sw4 4-15-13.. 7S J. H. Rlggs and wife to A. Foster, part of lot 10, block 10, Waterloo... 150 M. W. E. Purchase and wife to P. Dubois, part of lot 10, block It', Waterloo 46 Luclle P. Matthews to Susan Ander son, lots 10 to 12, block 19, Halcyon Heights 600 M. C. Zlegler to Christen Kleldgaard, lot 14, block 12, Deer Park 426 J. Ft. t'onkliiiir and wife to Sarah O'Nell, lot 20. block 1. Richmond... $00 J. 8. Puul and wife to W. H. Taylor, lota 2 and 12. block 98. Florence.... SO J. H. Dennis and wife to C. F. Slmanek, part of lot 11, Kountse 2nd add 8,000 Calvary Raptlst church to A. C. Busk, lot 7, block N, Lowe's add 17S D. C. Dodds snd wife to A C. Busk, lot 24, re-plat of block 1. Bemls Park. 660 T. W. Kuhns and wife to Mary G. I.alor, part of lota i and 8, block 12, Isaac, and Seidell's 3.260 W. F. Lalng and wife to J. T. Gib bon, part of lot 5. block 11. Waterloo. 475 Georgletta M. Johnson to J. Degan, lota 16 and 17, block 1, Hose Hill.... $76 Cellle Huikhard to A. S. Kelly, lot 6, block 2. Avondale Park 2.000 Caroline and W. S. Poppleton, trustees to D. H. Christie, lot 4, block 6, Sulphur Springs WO Bridget Hlggina and husband to J. L. Leach, part lot 6, block 268, soutn Omaha Kl. Leal Lire Hock Market. ST LOUIS. May t CATTLE Receipts. 4,000 head. Including -2. 600 Texan: market lor natives glow i idxajil. eadv. Nstlves shipping and, etkport; stems. $4tVti6 0O; dressed beef and bufher's steers, $4 OtJJ (76: steers under 1,06 pounds. $4 0044.6"; stockers and feeders. $-' ,6y4 9: cows and helft, i.2vt,t.0v, lAPnsrs, tCitj2 ii, bull. TOO r Edwards-Wood Go. (Incorporated ruin Office: Fifth aad Robert Strtsti ST. PAUL, fllNN. DEALC RSIN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Draneh Office. 110-111 Board of Trait Bids., Osaaha, Sen. Telephone 831.4, . 212-214 Exchange bldg , South Omaha. ' Bell 'Phong 216. iudeptadeni 'tVfeoAs l