TIIF. OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAY 2. . 1905. J) GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET r A Strong Eai . In Ky wtev, ki. Weakness of EstnrdaT. FROM EIGHTY-SEVEN TO NINETY CENTS Vails Mark- Half I rpl aad Ut.t Oae-Llahlfc Mr law High . ,rk ,". .Ktor" C"rn. I.n.nr tin : decrease. 1.1&.K) bo. -Oats. I4.k6..o00 bu., frrrtM. kl4.'"4i bu. K). I.ii.imi hu : decrease, '.0,' hu. iari., 1. it.(H) tu ; oecreaBC, 6.'.J bu. ciihauo am rROYicioss Feat ores aati tools Prteeas the Board of Tra oto. CHICAGO, Italy I Excellent demand for can grain a i cuisine markets imparled ruing, n to until options here toa. At lie nit May h.i ws up .-c July up !-' July corn ihuvl a tain ul -. Oats ate up truvlsluns aie en .c .o luc. oentiment In the a heat pit was bullish livm tneetaii. At the opening July was uiicnanged to mgher at sJc to a.H'J '(.. ) was unchanged to He lower .1 dc- to i,c. Comparative ftrwricM at Liv erpool, notatttistanuiiig weakness nere After the weak market of Saturday there j Ftatm-uav. was on mrufi for the improved aa atrnr.B? IMrllAn In Mav ml-.., f .-.t . . ' . . . . . , W , it rnr iuHam i .. m , k. . , . . Opening ai7c, it advanced steiaulty mini H rest 00 Sue at aoKti. -It then tell off aooui He ana advanced at th close to cSio-c. Saturday a market opened at S7c and cl".-ed t 87i.c. July wheat was alm stronger, opening at 6f7t2Hc and closing at c. ln opening Saturday mi at Mc and tne close, at fee. September wheat advanced from 7SHc at the opening to TSV&TSHe at the dope. MI corn opened at 45"c and went up to 4,e. July opened at 4ASc and closed at 4c. bid. September opened at MltS'tc and closed at 44H& ., - Omaha Cash Seles. WHEAT-No. 4 hard. 4 car. 414 lbs.. 70c DV2.NrNV '. 1 ' 2c. . RE-No. j, 644 lba.. 65c. Oaaaha ( aaa Prlees. . WHEAf-No. ! hard. 85c: No. I hard. 73 hard. T'ic, ale. No. 2 spring, tec. CORN No. 2. r, No. , 43o, sale. No. 4. 41e- Nb.l vejlow-uwe; No. yellow, 43SC; No. rA-tttta, tic; No. 1 white, 4Si,c. A T8 No. i mixed, -e'.c. No. J mixed. ic; No. 4 mixed, 27Vc: No. 2 white. No. I w-bita, 2c; No. 4 white. ac; aiaiadaxd. Carlat Reeelaita. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chlcaeo 47 110 72 Kansas City .. JM ;i4 240 Mlnneapoiia so liuluth 8t. louia R aJO 47j Omaha. 4 1) . MlBaeaaalla Wkrat Market. Tha range cf prirei paid In Mlnneapoiia, a a reported by tha d wards-Wood com pany. 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Article. 1 Open. High. Low. Close.! Bafy. May ,.. 944; m y, rsi M4 Bept ..f SWi, .. iwr" '.WWI H4i aa '" WEiTHER lf-THE CRAI1 BELT. Waraaer Mlaalaslapl aaa Mia. kasjrl aad taolr la Oala Valley. , . ' -OMAHA. May 1, 1WB. Th weather has grown much warmer In tne Mlssiaiipni and Missouri valleys and weat to tha. mountain.' tiut 1 much cooler Jr. the OWo valley and. lake region, and light to ac-avy frnaU ocrurred-this morn ing in tha norihern pcrtiona at Ohio. In diana and Illinois cud killing frosts in tha lake region. .- The weather Is generally fair In tha eastarn and southern slates, but la gener ally cloudy In tha cent raj valleys, and light precipitation occurred in the west and northwest and answers arportbla In tha central valleys tonight and Tuesday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared rife the correspondina" day of tha past thre years: , ' 16. 1WM. 1908. 190 Mln'rrum temperature.... 64 4 35 2 l-eclpltatlon uu . .00 .09 Norma! temperature for today, 44 de cree a. Deficiency In precipitation alnce March 1, .40 of an inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, .11 of an Inch Deficiency corresponding period in 1904 S.04 Etches. T indicates trace of precipitation. I OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. - Stations Max. Mln. lncr.es. Rky. Ashland, Neb.... 73 fiO .00 Clear Auburn. Neb SI 43 .00 Clear Columbus. Neb.. 72 47 .03 Clear Falrbury. Neb... M 62 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... so M .00 Clear Or. island. Neb. 4 47 .00 C'lear ' ' HartJngton, Neb. 67 42 .0 Pt. cloudy Oekdale, Neb 63 44 .01 Clear Omaba. Ne 42 .HO Clear Tekamab. Neb... S 44 .' Clear Carroll, la 40 34 T Clear Clartnda. la ffl 47 . 00 Clear PlbJ', la ti S3 .07 Pt.cloudr Ploul City, la... ii M .04 Pt. cloudy Storm Lake. la.. 41 Ss .0 Pt. cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Thud. Rala. Stations. Mas. Min. Incbea CentraL Chicago , Colutnbua ... Des Mulnes Indianapolis Kansas City Louisville .. Minneapolis Omaha St. Louis.... 24 IS 14 n 19 18 15 ii 6s 2 73 M hit 70 L. A. 34 40 SS 62 44 S4 44 4 WELSH, T .00 .m . T T A .03 T t'Mie. Anntnrr factor a aecre"e of l.fc4.00u misnels In the amount of oread stun on pawage. 8norta were moderate tiKiaeia for t-tn May and July, but oner lues were very light. l,ater aa a result 01 predictions of warmer westher the Ju.y option easea on temporarily, the price de clining to iTM2c. 1 here wss a uun k re-i-ovety. however, from the slight s-tljork, the strength of May being ins rajiying force. Aovlt-es from Minneapoll and Kan sas City reported an active demand at higher prtcea for wheat for milling pur poses, in sympathy with the strength of these markets the May option here Jd aneed to Joe. while July sold up to ftc. The market cloaed strong with prices al most at the highest point of the day, final quotations on July being at S?c May closed at sV7c. Total deliveries today on May contracts were estimated at about 4ni.00 bushels. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal' to U.OuO bushels. Ifl mary receipts were 374.000 bushels, compare with 244. bushels a year ago. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 2f3 cars, against 3M cars last week and 162 cars a year ago. Sentiment in the corn pit was decidedly bullish. The feature of trading was aa active demand for the Msjr option. Offering of all deliveries were light. Small pri mary receipts had a strengthening Influ ence, the total movement today averaging 30 to 30 per cent below that of a year ago. Largo clearances were an. her bullish fac tor. July opened Sc lower to V? higher at 46Sc to 46V?, sold up to 4c and closed at 4Ac. Local reoeints were 110 cara, with one of contract grade. Scattered liquidation caueed some weak ness in the oata market at the outset, but the strength of com soon created an im proved demand, resulting in a firm under tone. There waa considerable changing from May to the July option. July opened unchanged to Sc lower at 2SV: to Hc aold up to 2S".'SHc and closed at c. Local receipts were 72 cars. Profit taking in pork weakened the en tire provision market, notwithstanding higher prices for live hogs. The volume of trading was curtailed by a fear that the teamsters- strike would spread to the slock vards. At the close July pork was off 7Vc at tllOTH- Lard, was down Jc Ribs were 7H&lc lower at 17.05. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: heat, 100 cars; -orn, K cars; oala. 142 cars; hogs, U.m bfead. . ; ' - , ,,.. Toe leaning futures rinjm Articles. Open.! High. Low. I Close. Bafy. Wheat ) I May if)7 5 July 82 Sept, I 7eT! Corn 1 I May ;45S 90 I rr "i 7S-. 7;7iti!i July Sept. Oats May Jul Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. 47 1 4 H4601 z'B" c.'B a, 2.; 46S 4SS, 4 ; 4S 4H S3 7H 4."fr 4 !S1, JV; - 2Ni 2Si l! 27V 28 ,27(S-:k W 11 7Vi! 11 74 11 75 1 11 8S 12 17 V 11 17V : 12 05 12 12 1 I I I - 7 06 7 25 7 4 C 84 715 7 17H 7 07,i 72"i 7 04 7 07V, I 2iVr 7 rv . X." I a J42V1 7 47V. ;7 I7V 7 42H i 86 I t SJVil SS 7 17V,, 7 12H; I 1 1 I7Vi 7 82V, 7 34 82Vk 7 1ft 7 36 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market is ActiTe on Buying by ShorUto Fill Egturday ContraCi. HEAVY BUYING FOR fOREIGI ACCOUNT lamp Recovery is Well Malotoloeal aad the (lose Is Meody, witla rrlees eor the Hlsh est Level. NEW YORK. Msy 1 Today s stock mar ket was a sinkina uemonsirstin now nninriii afTui.s M.iiust tnemseivea to tiy coimngi-ncy mat is foreseen with stirticiiiii ciearns. The precipitate ta:l lit pruee oil Hatutaay causn great uneas.nes ir.roupu out me finance! Oistricl lur turtr.e. con sequences of tne surmKHge m vau. to y notning ot trie aang'Ts itn h.ntea t 011 Haturaay in trie vaaue rumor nu ngcriiig incioeiit to a te. rr.matt. irie event ot tooay proves tnst tne precau tionary measures which resulteu tere stiunoantiy ertevtive aa to turn the aemoia iixvd weaKntss into quae cxulx-rant snow ot strength. An impoitant part ot tne measuMrs In anticipation, of course, lay witn tne aneeummr eiement use.t an J were made .n lorms of sales lor tne short account won n were put out a iring Siur aay m airnust unlimited amounts. ine voiume oi oaimanaina short coiitracia provea so cxtetisive mat the expected 01- enngs oany lanca to prowue oiaicriai ..S M.,tUfc. KtlllHlil., .U4 tJ.i. c e.oee me .ujt .ti ciauiu..tig .u wu.t u.'i,ie lu uiae ao ui. i' iwmiiu'is. Ot-IMl l lit ki.e .niuei iuu; was not rn.ut v.ci;ut: WiviitfM. aiiiw .uui.it wmen ai oue time caused a 10rea.11.vj eiiik alter trie fit at' atuuu i.a.i ncu iaju gaiut uvretiun. a hivu. nja.i talis t11t out 10 customers 110.11 t,eiu- mlasinn houses all through Wall street en Maturaay n.ght tor additional margina be cauae of the rapid declines of lasu week, and return orders to sell out or fa Hurts to respond to cans for additions induced vety large pressure to sell when the market opened. London was taking a holiday, but notwithstanding this a notable feature of the early trading waa the heavy demand for foreign account here, which waa said to come from various quarters In Europe. After tne urgent demand from tne snorts had been Mallstled the market became much quieter and showed a disposition to await developments. Reports ot net ewrnlng of railroads ror March showed some im portant Increases, such as fur I'nion Pa cific. M per cent; St. Paul, 12 per cent; Illinois Central. 1 per cent, and Colorado at Southern, no less than 143 per cent. The March figurea of traffic of some of the great systems are reported to have reached record nguree for any month. I he usual weekly reviews bv railroad traffic officials today admit a considerable shrink age from the March level, although general satisfaction is still profess d with the business offerings. 1 he belief In general prosperity seems unabated, but confidence is recognised as a prime necessity In the maintenance of prosperity, and there la antne question to be entertained whether the events which have shaken speculative confidence in Wall street have left the full confldeno of the business world at large unimpaired, but today's sharp recovery was well maintained and the clomn was steady near the best. Bond were firm. Total shsres oar .-Bin 3,90.. Tnlted States bonds were all un changed on call. The lollowlna were the nuntatinns on tha New York Stock exchange; bales. Hieh. Low Close. Atchison 13.400 85 8l'W M". do pfd t lir'i 1111. in! .niianuc toasi Lrine.. i.: Baltimore A Ohio.... 18.100 do pfd lio Canadian Pacific K.ofti Central of N. J ) Chesapeake A Ohio... &..) Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. SEW YORK. GENERAL MARKET Qaoiatlooe of the Day Varlooa , Cossaaodltlea. NEW YORK, Msy L FLOUR Recelpta, 15.703 bbls. ; exports. !.s30 bbls.; market dull and unchanged; Minnesota patents. xyXMls.&ti: Minnesota tkera , N.40313.W winter patenta, W li5.2; winter straights. 44.a0i34.75; winter extras, t3.354j3.74; winter low .grades. S3 25i3.6a. Rye flour, slow; fair no good, 44 .10434.85; choice to fancy, R70$ A5. WHEAT Receipts, 20.000 bu.; spot mar ket Irregular; No. 2 red, 31 Sc. nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. 2Sc. nominal, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth, V f. o. b afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. &c t. o. b. afloat. The wheat market waa generally firm all day, its main bullishlng waa -an Improved cash demand west, bet ter outside support, a large visible supply decrease and activity among shorts. Last price ahowed "titc r.et rise. May was relatively the strongest position again in all markets. May, 93 3-16c. closed at S-'Vtc: July. 91 3-16c. closed at tbc; Sep um ber. 83 S-lSSMc, closed at Mc. CORN Receipts. bu.; export, 113.- 34 bu. ; spot market irregular; No. 2, K&Vtc, nominal, elevator, and Uc f. o. b. afloat; No. S yellow. 43c; No. S white, SKVe. Op tions were fairly active and higher, re sponding to. a bullish visible supply slate niant. showea,' xotidl(kna . west and good bull support It closed H&fcc net higher. May, 5)4iif. ckMM-d at oc; July,- alWt 61c, Hosed at 51c. OATS Receipta. 147. hu ; spot market sieaavj mixed. 26 to 32 munds, 84V,0jc; natural; white, to 32 oounds, 35Voc; clipped whit, 3 to 40 .nulls, 35Vsjc. BARtE Y Quiet ; feedniK. 4CV,; Mew York malting. 46c. e. 1. f. Huffalo. . RYE Nominal: western. c. COHS MEAL Stead.. ; fine wheat and ) allow, fl ; coarse, new, 1.0L10; kiln dried. t2.75!.S6. FEtD Steady : spring bran. Ill 10; prompt , shipment ; im.Mungs, lle.lO; prompt ahlpruewt : city, 19 &-K024 56. HAY-Steady; g..vnj to choice, 77S2Hc. HOP3-Stsadv; .tale, common to eboice, 1S"4. .2.1 20 ; lSa. 2-4ic; olds, HllSc; Pa cifte coast. I'M, nLc; 11M3, 21j-'4ci olds, lll5e Hil8 Jul-t; Galveston, 20 to 25 pounds; 20c: California. 2u to 25 pounds, lc: Texas drv. 24 to SO pounds. 14c LEATHKX Firm: acid. 24Ui6c. r-ROVlHIONa-Heef, firm; family, 311 40 14 ; imf, 'laall4o: beef ha ma. in HO i12.M; tackrt 12.S"anau; city extra India nieaa. ; s2".ri?.i Cut meata,' steady; pu klm't (tellies. 17 25iS U0; pickled Shoulders, fciuilr', plckle.1 hams. t. 7541 It) 00. Lard, stes . ; western steamed. 17 40; April rlo 17.40 nominal; reflned, quiet; con ti:n nt, 17 p: South American. t24; c-om-)auiid. t5.2f.Q4.C2H. Pork, barely steady; family, IM.wvi6.au; ehort clear. 111 tuli-; mess. r.lC'illl-W.-- . . TALLOW Quiet; city, fU per package) 4V; country. rackages free, 4(j4'c RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 2T.Ile: Japan, nominal. LI'TTER Env; stieet price, extra. creamery. Jutrj.c. titnclal pricea: CTeam ery, common to extra. 23tI2c: atate dairy, common to. extra. Si4jTtic; renovated, com mon t extra. 17ri: western factorv, common to choice, l.ttrCSc; western Imita tion cnamery, extra, 2c; extra firsts, 3t 0J4C.' CHEtSE Firm; ale full cream, small. . colored and white, fancw, l'c; state fine, ite; atate late made, colored and white, tcr In choice. loStfir.c: state large, col ored and white, fancy. 14c: state f.ne, 13V.9 lCVi atate late maoe. colored ana wnits. poor to choice. loUgiio. l-OOrt Irreaulnr; western Btorage selec tlitns, 17trlc; hrsts, 17HC. Pot'LTHV Alive, stewdyt western rhlik ens, 12c; fowls, 13Hc; old turkeys. 14c. reaed steady; western chicken. loejUlo; fowls, lofclK; turkeys. lliiHc. Peoria Market. PEORIA. May l.-tV)RN-8teady; Vs. I vellow. 47c; No. S. 47c; No. 4. 4c: no grade, cATS-Steady; No. 1 white. c; No. 4 white, 2.tj;t:. Visible oil of Gralo. NEW YORK. May 1 -The rlslhle siinplv cf araln Saturday. Arrll !. aa comrriled Kv the New York Produce exchange, l as fl- H's: '- ' ' V fetal, eSrJ.ilJM i. CitM, l.M.OJU bU. No. X. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCrt basy; winter patents, 4OjH.70; winter straights. I4.254J 4.75 ; spring patents. S4.70fe6.2S; spring straights, 12.804.40; bakers. 12. 40. WHEAT No. t spring, Bl,c; No. 3 spring, 64Cc ; No. red, 87ri(lc. CORN No. 2. 4c; No. 2 yellow, 4c. OATS No. 2 c; No. 2 white. t2432Vic. RYE No. 2. 70c BARLEY Good feeding, 37640c; fair to choice malting, 444j4ic SEEDS No. 1 flax, 11.25: No. 1 north western; 11.40. Prime timothy, 12.90. Clover, contract srade. 813.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., IU.7S fill. 80. I-ard. per 100 lbs.. i;.(sir.j. snort ribs side (loose.. e4.87WS7.0O. Short clear aides (boxed). !&74.a7V. Following were the receipts snd ship ments ox otnir ana gram: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls... 16.400 17.no Wheat, bu...., 8S.00O 22,700 Corn, bu...., t SS.CM) 6K9.0no Oats, bu lll.nno 79.9IM Rye. bu 1.000 Barley, bu 242.000 11.800 On the Produce exchange today the but. ter market waa.es ay; cieaineries, 4iv-c'; dairies. ls(S3e. Kaxs ' stead v: at mark. cases included. l4Hic; firsts, 16c; prime ursii, a 1 , ciinu, iay&s. encesv, easy, itc. t. Lowla Ueoeral Market. ST. LOUIS, May 1. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 red cash, elevator, nominal: track 8cj.09: May, kSc; July. 7V$7Sc; No. 2 nam, psi'ssc. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 47c: track oa 1 Mtgner; o. 1 cash, 3Sc; track 29n1Ve; May. 27Vc; July. rvc; No. 1 white. 32c FIXLR Dull; red winter, patents. 34.4S ej4.sv; extra fancy ana straight, I4.S034.36 clear. pJ.. SEEI-Tlmothy. steady, 12.0002.7a. CORNMEAL Steady, 12 50 BRAN Dull; sacked east tract, 72c HA Y Steady: timothy, ts.50trl2.50: Drairie. H.wBS.W. IRON COTTON TIES 80. , BAGGING 8Vac. HEMP TWINB-CHc , PROVISIONS Pork. lower: - Jobbing, 111.75. Lard, easier; prime Meant, 88.45. Dry salt meats, steady; Doxod extra -shorts S7-12H; clear ribs. 17.12V,; short clears. 7 STV Bacon.ateady; boxed extra shorts, 17.75; clear ribs. 17.75; abort clear, I7.H7V,. POULTRY Steady: chickens. 10c springs, S4.00$f6.50 per dox.; turkeye. 12c; duclts. 10c; geeae, ec RV'TTER-Slow; creamery, 22T2Sc; dsiry 194V 24c. EGGS Steady, 14Hc. case count. - Keceipis. fcnipments Flour, bbla. 8.000 9.000 Wheat, bu 24.000 Corn, bu 62.000 23.000 Oats. bu. 47,000 25.000 quoted at 88.05 and Russian bonds of 14 at 5uC. ew York Mooey TNarket. NEW YORK. Mav 1 -PRIME MERCAN TILE PAPER tjiv, per rent, STERLING EXCHANGE Heady, with B'tnnl business in ttankers' bills at M fv9 4-Sfi.o for demanl and at 4 8r for eixty dav Mils: posted rates 14 NMJ4 8iH and 4 i7", commercial Mils. 14 t4V'n I MV SILVER Bar, 6.c; Mexican dollars, 41-, PONDS Government, steady; railroad. firm. MONEY On call. 3a3H percent: closing hid. 3 per cent; offered at 1 per cent, time money, steadv; sixty and ninety days and sit months. 3H pee" cent. Closlnj prlc.s on ronns wers 1SS Jt" etf HV. teH I. m N snl. l""1 !S4 M.ntitn.n 1. t . lM" 1S44 Mei nml it 74 1J1 I 4l 1st Ine tl4 M lM;i,n St. 1.. 4..... eH 1M M-. ST. A T. 4. 1SIV, ,l4w 4n t. I . 7 N. R It , of e. 4s fv4, iu s. T c. 8 lest lOJw X 1 C a Se tw . ; K Paclne 4a lw .ld'V it V .1SH X W. r. 4s Hot . n o a l. rfi 4 tnk ..114 reus. res, tt t?H Reair ses. VI H . Ti ;St. Ll V. f. S.114" .lot M. L. f. ft 4s. . n 1st. L. . w. e. 4.... o . MS Se.bo.nl A. L 4s si 19 Sn. carlr. t 114 .. .11.14 Chicago A Alton.... do pfd Chicago Gt. Western. Chicago gc N. W taX) 154 1V. 14!t 197 : 61 H 34V, C.4O0 204 148 IMV. 9h- 145- IK . 'ijvj 22-, 41 40?, 5H- 2"4 43V, Ti1.. 65 OV4 ' It"' 90V, tr.-4 16U'4 2TH 92 167V4 C. M. St. P 49.000 17S4 I:, Chicago Term. & T... WO 17 17 do pfd 1.4-rt S2 30 C. C?.. C. & St. L.... SOO 97, 97 Colo. Southern 3.800 !H 24 do 1st pfd 0 it '5 , do Sd pfd .... Delaware A Hudson. 1.300 1S5 143 D.. L. W Denver A Rio G 500 do pfd loo- Erie ,- 52.4-0 do let pfd -sou do 2d pfd 4.4no. Hockhig Valley PO do rf 1 300 Illinois Central 7,100 Iowa Central 200 do pfd K. C Southern 400 4 2tH do pfd 4.3iO 62 0V, Louis. A Nash 46.1") 14"H 141" Manhattan L .M lr,i, it.i Met. Securities- 11.800 79 7tv, Met. St. Ry 14.S0 11K llf.H Mexican Central ".SnO 22 20v Minn. A St. Ixuis M.. St. P. A 8. S. M..' S.2O0 115 107V, do pfd ' 7") 157H 15 Missouri Pacific 18.&no 9" 9 ja., rv. at x do pfd N. R. R. of Mex N. Y Central ... N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. A St. L.. Reading ltiTOO 92 M do 1st pfd 200 SUA, IfttV. do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 29.SOO 29H 27 do pfd 2.W0 74", 73H St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. l.0 4 SL Louis S. W 3..VO 22t 20V4 do pfd 3.6i 67" 5iA, 8omhern Pacific 4.4S2 1V 5M do pfd l.ao in ii--. Southern Railway ... 13.no 31 Te SO do pfd 40 95V, ,i Texas A Pacific Ii.(m0 32V T.. St. U A W 36 844 do pfd 2i0 55H 54 Union Pacific .'..SULToft 121S 117 do pfd 1 4"0 98 98 Wabash ............... 1.700 ao 39 do pfd 1.100 43 4v' W. A L. E 1.3i0 1H 15 Wlsc-onsin Central ... 1.100 20, 20 do Pfd 80 47 46 Northern Pacific 3-SCO 174H Adama Ex American Ex United States Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper 92311 153 V, liH US', 1 51 84V, 8" 2"H 225 173 V, li . 31 97. . 4 67H 84 V, 372H 31H 84 Vi 78- 644 92. 1 27 62 ' 28, 614, 146V, 1CH 7XC, 117V 21S 113 tfrrvi 2 5H 14 143H 50', 7SV, 91., 1S9H 75 K14 9. A, 85 H 6b U liH T4 61 llrlH 31 95 V 3Z 36 56. ..ai'1.7' 1214 J174 121 1 18.8f) 3.900 3,700 pfd. n 44.K 7.tt 6.700 400 29 35 144'4 504 7SH 91 4.1' 13 1M 2ii0 77H 75 574 84 14H 1? t t 914 Am. Car a: Foundry.. 6.&M s.4 77H S-'4 95 82 creamery. Kaaaaa City Gralw ataal Prortaloaa. KANSAS CITY. May 1. WHEAT Higher: May, De; July. 73c; September. iv,c. Cash: No. 2 hard. g0e; No. I 70 aiVrC : No. 4. 6j3r: No. X red, SVflSSc; No. I 75fl7c: No. 4. 68Sc COliN-Higher: May. 4,c; July. 434c; September. 4JSS4fHc. Caah: No. 2 mixed. 5c; No. X 444e; No. 2 white, 44J4Vc; No. I. 44c. OATS Steady; No. t white. 304 Jic; No. I Biixed, 29r. HAY" Steady; choice timothy, 49 4043 10.00. choice pra ine, s ot9.u. BUTTER Steady; ci iwrkinc. 16c. EGGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3 whitewood casrt Included, 14Hc; case count, 134c; cases returned. He leas. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 43 SC.001 Corn, bu ICS" 20.4110 Oats, bu 30.01 7.0t Philadelphia Prodoee Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 1. R UTTER Weaker: extra weatern creamery, 27Cr27Hc; extra nearby prima. 29c. EGGS Firm; nearby fresh, 17c at mark; wentern fresh 17H17Hc at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full cream, fancy old, 14c; choice eld, 13413c; fair to good old. 13t?13i,c: No. 1. 126124c Mlaaeapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May l.-WHEAT-No 1 hard. II. Of,: No. 1 northern. 81004: No. 1 northern. 9Sc; May. 7Sc; July, ketHc: September, 6!Htj81ic. FLOUR First patents. IS 1M16 ; second patenta, I4 8504O6: flrat clears. 44.004J4.10; second clears. 12 754T2 85. BRAN In bulk. 11174. Mllwaokee Crala Market. MILWAUKEE. May l.-WHEAT-Market higher: No. 1 northern. 97$c; No. J north ern, 54i97c: July. kSVtOnSc bid. RYE- Bteadv; No. 1. 78c. . BARLEY Steady; No. t 61c; sample, S6 toe. CORN-Htgher; Msy. 4Tc bid. Liverpool Grata Market. IJVERPOOL, May t.-WHEAT-6pot: Market quiet; No, 1 California, as 8id itjrss: Market steady: May. Cs 6HU. July, as ed; September. 6s 4d CORN Snot: Market quiet; American mixed, new. 4a 2d; old, 4a UHd. Futures Market quiet; May. 4s ld; July, 4a He. Taledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May V-SEED-aTlover, cash. Stan. sked. ApriL TL: asked: Lnm alaika j IT so, pi.ms timothy, 1 40. do pfd 2..f) Am. Cotton Oil 1,100 324 do pfd Am. Ice 14 54 6H do pfd ) iH 3ait Am. Linseed Oil .V 1H i"4 do pfd 43 4J Am. Locomotive 29i0 48", 4.S do pfd 401 115 114 Am. Smelt. A Refng. 65 5"l 114 WK do pfd 7fl 120 H9 Am. Sugar Rerng 9,;1 137 135H Am Tobacco pfd ctf. 3. 9 94, Anaconda M. Co l.i'W Brooklyn R. T 3 l'O Colo. Fuel A Iron.... l6.Sn") Consolidated Gas .... S.l'O Corn Products t0 do pfd 2 Distillers' Securities.. l.W General Electric...... 2w International Paper.. 2.lo do pfd !. International Pump.. loO do pfd National Lead l0. North American 30 Pacific Mail 2.6nt People's Gas 9 30 Preased Steel Car.... 2 do pfd "0 Pullman Palace Car.. l' Republic 8teel 6.8"0 do pfd 2 no Rubber Gooda 7,i0 do t.fd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 16.1'iu V. S. Leather ftiu do pfd. offered 2o) U. S. Realty lf0 U. 8. Rubber 2. do pfd 1 U. 8 Steel 13 7i) do pfd 126.500 Va. -Carolina Chem... !. do Pfd f 114 1S 454 2i2 12H 61 414 174H 1714 :i4. 794 32 '444 H'2- s4 116 . H 95 23S-H its 73H 4 974 If , 41V. If, 20H 4V 1094 174H Z47 230 114 240 81'H 3n 97H so 6 S?v 1SH 44 4S4 114H 113 120 17:74 9i4 112 '4 454 ei 124 6.' 414 174 214 79 StH tt" 444 l'2 4 f. 9 ret. tt. ref . 4o coupon f 9 .. rrt 4e roupen N. n- 4. ret ilo ctsipcts V. I. eld 4s, re, .. 4o espos Am. Ttbsci-a 4t 4o 41 rtll AthiKHi sea. 4s ... ad to Atlantic C. L. 4. .. Hal a: Ohio 4. 40 Jt. mral of C.a. 6i.. do 1st lse do 2(1 Inc Che. Ohio 4W.. rhi..o a. Ji . C . B. A (I. V. 4... c ' . R I k P An col aa roc. A ft. L (. as-.iotw Teisa A t. Is I4 , Ro RallwtT chlcai T.r. s . coiontdo Mia 4a.. lo. A So. 4a .... Cabs k.. ctf. P A R . G 4s .. Platillera See. aa. Erie srior Ilea 4. do sen. 40 r. TV. A D. C. li Horkln, Val. 4-.. Ex-intcrest. ta ,T.. St. I., m w. 4a ... Ttv, fsloa ra-t.e 4. tm .... Mo coin 4s 14 ...1H, . ftel 64 ts.... Mt, ...11 Wataah !. Ilt4 ... 77V 7,, litlv, WasierA M4. 4a 6014 ... n w. a L. tt. 4, : s. ...UIWla Cratral 4a X ...llli,' Offered. Bostoa Stoeka aad Saati. BOSTON. Mav 1 Call loans. 3(64 per cent; time loans, 3i&4H P" cent. Official closing 01 siocim and oonos: Aukln tdj. 4a do 4a Mei entral 4a Atthiaon do pfd Bootoo A Altianr.., Boat OB a- Maine.., Birfon Elevated Vitrtiovrg pfd Met. Central N T . N H. A H. Pero Marquette t nloa Pacitc Aroer. Art. Cfaem.. do pre AaiSr. Pneo. Tuba. Amer. Su,ar do std Amer. T A T Amer. Woolen do pt 'ItOKllstea 1. A 8. Kdloon J-.lec. lllo. . General Electric Maw. Electric do pl4 n.... Mih. taia I nitad Fnitt t'nlted shoo Mart!.': pfd I'. 8. !teel i. do pfd Asaed. Bid. . tM iWestlrtt rosiaton .1M lAdrenture . 14 Ullooei MV' Am.li.ot.te4 ..... .117 .1T .lit .I4C, m , . tut .in ' . t . N . .17 .1W .11:1 . 14 .lt (Shannon .l7Jt4,T.roara'-li Atlantie Btrtgham fal. A Herla. Cenlennlal .... ry.ppor Range .. Only Woet Ltomtnloa Coal Franklin Oranbc I.le Koralo . ... Man.. Mining . Michigan Mohawk Mont.-t'. C. Old rtomtalos . rioeeola Parroi 1" . a . HV ,44'4. . . tlic Trinity t'nlted f'otper . V. 8 Mining .. c". S Oil Ctah ". '. .trtorta 1 - t'lmma oleortns . U . 44 . "4 . . lw . ! .40 . It . Tl a " 'is s ,. . t . nt . 44 i . M . 4 . 24 . .. 7" 11. '4 .. 24 .. 31H . w . 44 .. H .. 11 ..K4 Treaawry Ststteaseot. WASHINGTON. May L Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the H50.6ViO.OiV gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance. I134.3i8.6sl; gold, IS2.331.729. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Csttls Bectipt Moderct ltd Price Held Jart About Stcudj. HOGS SOLD AT STEADY PRICES Literal Ria of fbeep Bad La sate aad a Deanaad Waa Aprsareatly 1. Iss ued Market Haled Slow aad Fall? Teat to Flfteea Lower. lu.s..t a-i U.IUV Jl.9. C.ol.l SOUTH OMAHA. May 1. 1905. Receipts weie: came, tiugs. fcne-ep. Orhciai Monuay t it .vot u. ..J bame day test week 44l .a.a Mme aayt week betcre. a.i. 4 bame thre weeKs ago.. 4.".-' s.t.o' bame lour weeks ag.i... .Mi bame day last year Z.&.4 .-2i RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. '1 he following tattle snows the le e p.a of cattie, nogs a net sheep st South cirnttn lor the year 40 oate, trim comparison wnn last jeax. 1S6. 19 4. lec. Csttle li454 t'..o tUH Hog, 77s.4o tsty.vo tw.is Sheep 6M.624 SNJ.Otw 4,41 4ie lollowing table snows tne vtu,c price ot nogs at Mouth omana lor tne laa; several aays, wttn comparisons: 1 cow. . -?S cow . 4 cslv.-a 1 bull... 1904. April April April April April A pi 11 April April April April April April April April April July April April April April April April April April April April April April April April May 104. 11903. ;19US . ,1901 . .1900. ;18. -1 -rr-r' . 1 1 l4l 03. 7 J0 I 661 6 , 1 "4 I 1 s wri I si si wi I 08 I 14V I M ! 4 , 6 il I I 6 M 1 6 13 J a, 631 fc i s w; 3 no .1 4 u 6 . 1 J, 4 so, a to, 8 6 4 Su I 4 00, 7 24 1 a 9M i 3U I ba I 4 4 M 7 i4, CSi " 4 iT 8 4 . 4 SoHl 4 MN XI .( vl! I I I I 4 Hi I 6 6, 4 6 bi I i 84 I 7 Si, 78i 4 . I 4 4 3 SB I a tSi 4 S5 7 ill k b, 4 1 i I i . 6 at I I V, 1 tl! i Mi Mi I m . 4 2k I 4 80 7 29. , 04; 4 4i 3 u I 4 Sb4 4 86, T 23 1 I 86 4 I a, .1 6 SWn 4 tw, 5 lk. 0 kal i 01, I 7 .t - , a mt- t u. 23 feer . 944 4 70 I feeders S 4 no J5 feeders . 11 42 4 7" 2 feeler". He", 4 ) M E. Hotchk s-Mt.nt 29 steer .. 14IC 4 1 steer .. ..l'i 4 65 31 steers .. .!!! 4 Ci U Allen-lrtahn 1)i 4 V 1 c-iw 94ii 1 00 V72 I l I rrm I i.i 12" 4 5" 2 bulls lO 3 Ji Kit) J 84 Ht.K ;r Thre wa asbout a normal Monday run oi ni.as here tnosy. and as supplies st other pom.s were not excessive, tne msr- sei nsiti up in go-Kl shsp". 1 lading her- , was a little stow, owing to the tact that! salesmen tried to get mure money, while I packers were not wining to i mme than stesdy prices. The hoar sold ririallv at ftill steady prices a compared with Sat- j urday s lst prices In other words, the I hulk of the ssl- went at 85 10 snd 86 1:',. A few of the effveeot loads sold for 8.. lo. j and there was vetv little thnt had to go for ls than 15 10. While Oi sdlng was a little j slow, the market was brought to a rea- sonably early close by the email number northern. 9TSc: No 2 northern. 8t.HtjSi.4c; Mav. 9: H-; J.ilv. .c: 8'H'mlr, 814: 4ATS-To arrive ami on track. 24o. of hogs on ssle. Representative sales: K at. su. Pr fim Ac. fk. rr. M 1M IS1 (....? . I IIS ?4 left .,4 f ; . . 4 u riz la i in :i . n ywt 1 ii'. Tl .11 4 i 10 ,4 Ml tits. t :i: . . 14 42 : . . u, k tt" too 4 1 77 :tt 12 4 1I-, 77 T: Sti 4 1 41 fl ... t it-, : r n t to ; te w t i: 44 Ki . 4 1 H 2V 4 I 11 44 TT ton I ta 7 7M to t lit, 70 ;J4 140 I It It !I SO 6 t; t 117 i 1 111 4 rr; . . I nv, 44 ?l tr 4 ia m 4 sn 4 lit, 71 KI 14 6 1 4 pw IS tit, 44 tM lKt I 10 til Ito 4 ltt, : rst 40 4 14 M M l!l I lt, tt. 0 Ml 4 11 " !41 1J4 4 11, 4 5t4 SOO I 10 47 ?44 ... I llv. 'M ... 4 10 J4.7 ... I u,, 7 134 4" I t 44 J4I i 4 It's 61 ! M I II K It Ml 4 II 4 t!4 40 4 1 0 44 tM ... I II 44 tit k III CV s ... 6 II 14 rri 10 1 1:14 oo m ... I 11 tt JW ... I lt I 4 2T4j j 7 03 I l; :i W 1 72 -I t ni 4 79, 7 14 S 99, 4 64, 6 4 a u . 6 4 Tw; I 6 Su, 9S: ti ii .1 a 4 el 1 111 - 1 s w. su, a n .1 4 a-Hl 4 79 7 10; 6 6: I 4 42 8 7i I t ZH' I 111 1 04, m: n - im I I 81, 7 til, 6 kai 4 8V 4 . 1 I I si, I tl, I N ot- m .j 4 854,1 I J 06, i a 7t a tit I 67 ., I 2v 7 74, 7 t4 1 t, 4 'iii 6 f 3 00 .1 6 22H 4 7s I 9s, 6 TV, 6 , ..; 6 lbs, 4 74 C f 2 4 72; 6 64, 1 67 .1 I 1, I 71, IU ( 97; t 3'( .1 4 107a: 4 66 C 71 7 68 5 65! I I 69 a 26. 3 61 I o 1 .1, u 4 4v LM 1 5 UVi.' j 83, .' 6 64. lo54 60 4) liei 12 bt'4 40 74 32 "4 3.H 37 2-iH i4 74 29 T 106H loi'H lv2H 344 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade aod Qaotatloaa oa staple aad Fawey Prodwee. EGGS Receipts, heavy; market, steady; candled stock. 16c-. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 104llc; young roosters, according to sise. 6ac; old roosters. : turaeys, I4tiwc: ducss. lie. BUTTER Packing stock. 14c; choice to fancy dairy, 184j2oc; creamery, 23H"4c; P FRESH ' FROZEN FISH-Fresh trout. 12c; pickerel, 6Hc: pike, Hc; perch. 7c; blueflsh, 11c: whitcrish. 10c, salmon, 11c; redsnapper. 9c; green halibut, 13c; crapples, 11c; buffalo. 7c; white .hsas. lie; herring. 3Hc; Spanish mackerel, 12c; lobsters, boiled. 45c; green, 40c; finnan had tiles. 7c; roe shad, each. 75c; shad roe. per pair, 30c ; frog legs, per dos. 30c; catfish. 144, HAY' Prices quoted .by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' amortntion: Choice No. 1 upland. 87.60; No. tV'SjuO; medium, 850; coarse. 18.00. Rye strstrr 15.40. These prices re- for hay of good rtfor and quality. BRAN Per ton. H760. TROPICA!. FRUIT. ' ORANGES Extra - fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sixes. 12.75493.00: fsncy navels. Sites 128.- 150, !7 ,: 200, 216, 25U. 41.258.50; 80. 96, 112, 12.50432.74 seedlings, all sixes. 82.75. - -- LEMONS Cslifornla, extra fancy. ' ITS, 3cO and 360 sise. .(; fancy, i and 3o0 stxe. 12.75; choice. 240 and 270 sise, 12.25; .fi and 360 slxe. 82.40. DATES Per box of SO lb. pkgs.. $2.00; Hallowe'en, in 7o-lb. boxes, per lb., 4c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 75 -Roc; imported Smyrna, 4 -crown, 10c; 5 crown. lie. BANANAS Per medium aised bunch, I1.7Efir2.26: Jumbos. $!.6o&3.00. GRAPEFRUIT California, per bog of 44 to 64, $4.00; Florida. S-VOCecOO. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Black, per 8-lb.. box. 11.75: white, per 8-lb. box, $1.66. STRAWBERRIES . Texaa, per 24-o.t. case. $2!f.tr2 60. APPLES New York Baldwins. $3.00; Col-O-ado I.er Dsvls, per box Jl. 25150 TANGERINES California, per half-bos, VEGETABLES CRANRERRIES Jerseys, per crate, $2.08. ru J A icir.o Moms grown, in sacka. per bu.. 30c: Colorado, per bu., 45c; aew pota toes, per lb.. Cii9c. TURNIPS-Old, per bu., 40c; new. per dox.. 45c. CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dox . 45c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu, $200. WAX BEANS Per u-bu.box, $1.00; string beans, per ',-hu. box, i&e. CUCUMBKRS-Per dos.. $1.9X91.80. PEAS New, per bu. box, $2.0002.50. TOMATOES Florlds, per 6-basitet erst. $6"0. SPINACH-Per bu.. 75c, ONIONS Colorado yellow or red. per lb., 2 He; new southern, per dox., 45c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., 2c; California cabbage, in crates, per lb., 2c. BEETS Old, per bu.. 40c; new, per dos. bunchea. 45c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dox.. 305 40e. LETTUCE Hot house, per doi.. 45c; bead lettuce, per dox., 11 iOJjl.36. RHUBARB Illinois, per box of 50 lbs., $l.oo. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches. 45c. ASPARAGUS -Home grown, per dos. bunches, Socfctl .00. M 1 SCELLA NEOU8. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 16c: Wisconsin Young America, 16c;' block Swiss, new, 16c; old. 17c; Wisconsin brick, Ic; Wisconsin limburger, 15c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1, aoft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. t soft shells, per lb. 13c: No. 1 hard shells, per lb.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 4c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12613V: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, pee lb.. 12Vr613c; new black walnuts, per bu., 75fc90c; shellbark hickory nuts, pet bu., $1 75: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.40. HIDES No. 1 green. THc; No. I green, IVl No. 1 salted, 6Vc: No. t salted. 7V6c; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted, 7614c. sheep pelts, 2&c4jtl.OO; horst hides, $1.4093.00. 7 33 i 3 14 4 1 6 2 11 17 i 1 3 3 47 54 . S indicates Sunday. The official number of cars ot stock brought in by each road was: Hogs,Csttle. Sheep Horses C, M A St. P. R .... i U. P. System 58 C. A N. W., east...... 3 C. A N. W west 2 C. St. P., M. A O.... 6 C, B. A Q , west ... 27 C, B. A Q. C, H. 1. A P., east Illinois Central . U 1.1 HV .,1.1- I " , The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated; Cattle. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Swift and Co.. country.. Van Bant A Co Carey A Benton Lobman A Co W. I. Stephen Hill A Son Mike Hagerty J. B. Root A Co Other buyers Hogs. Sheep. n 497 914 "j 9-ft 2.1X7 pifl 4 o.til 469 9S3 1JX9 46 la IS ' ' 4tl 2-M 7 ..... 24 J 197 3.561 768 Westlnghouse Elec... Western I mon Ma) AI 64 114 107 89 H 107 324 1J4 35 VA 171 93H rt 114 1'7 874 354 1C4 Sl'H s4 "4 1134 91 84 9o rrt i', 73 H M3 824 11 1"7 89 8s 14 19 324 l') 84 M6 1-JI 93 Total sales for the dsy. 1.67J7.2W shares. - Hew York MlalaaT Slocks. . . NEW YORK, May L The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: . 4 . 4 .n .17 i . 6 ,LIIIK Clltct untana ....... Tiphir iPhoonlx 'ptoal ISSTbgo Siern. Novsda . aull Uopoo .. iainoar4 -Itt4 .. I .. 11 ... 4 .. 41 .. at lliai Com A I ICO fctraoia BruniwUk ra .. c'oatatock Tunnol (on. lal. A Va... Horn Bilor Irooi filvae Uead'Ula OS O tiered. Forelga FloaoelaL BERIJN, May L Cm the Bourse todsy domestic shares were higher and the auax ket generally firm PARIS. Mav 1 Prices on the Bourse to dav were irregular and the tone waa heavy, unfavorable New York advices adding to the depression Rentes decline 1. oamg to the heavy monthly settlement. Rlt Tu toa lost IS Uauv.0. 8utaiaa luieptruu ta wire Philadelphia lias Floetoates. PHILADELPHIA. May l.-There were wide fluctuations In United Gat Improve ment company stock today, following the opening on the local exchange. The at or closed at 120 on Saturday and opened today at 117. During the first ten min utes of trading the shares fell rapidly to ill snd then rose steadily to 117, at which point the slock became quiet. Other k.-al stocks were but little Influenced by the fluctuations in United Gas. Tne unsettled condltiona of the shares of this company is due 10 the pending deal between the United Ges Improvement' company and the city of Philadelphia, whereby the com pany !s endeavoring to lease the gas worka from the city for a period of seven yeara for the sum of $24,000,000. There has been agitation by certain Philadelphia news papers against the consummation if Ike lease and this is believed to have weak ened the stock Total 2.958 CATTLE There was a light run of cattle in sight this morning at ail points, but there was no Improvement In prices, as the demand did not seem to be particu larly urgent. Both buyers and sellers are apparently In a waiting attitude to see which way the market is going to go. Buyers were In hopes thst receipts would be liberal this mornlns. and the fact that thev were not shows thst the feeders have confidence In the market. Trading was rather; slow at this point,-hoi stlrl a good clearance was hiadc at, a reasonably early hour. The proportion of corn-fed eteers to the total receipts this morning was very small and the quality of those that did arrive waa only fair, nothing strictly choice being offered. The market was slow, but right around steady on anything desirable. In some esses salesmen thought thev could not do quite as well as they did at the. close of last week, but that is always the case when buyers are Indifferent and the mar ket slow. A large proportion of the re ceipts consisted of western hsy-fed steers. Part of them were fat enough for killers, while quite a few had to go for feeders. The prices paid did not show much change from those in force the latter part of last week. The market on cows and heifers was also rmher slow, hut rri"a hel.i tist :ii.cj' steady. Buyers did not take hold with any life, but the cattle kept moving toward the scales, and as receipts were light, the bulk of them were soon disposed of. Com mon atuff was hard to dispose of. a the demand for that class seemed to be very limited. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold in Iust about the same notches they did the itter part of last week. The msrset on stocners ano teeners was practically steady. The demand wss in fairly good shape and the desirable grades changed hands without much trouble. As mentioned above. Quite a few of the west ern hay-feds sold for more money to feed ers than packers, would give, but of course the feeders picked out those that showed quality. Common stuff was slow, the same as usual, nut mere wss 110 parncuiar weiol Market. NEW YORK. Mnv . 1 -WET.! J-Thrs whs s sharp hrenk in IMi1n tin. which closed at A!S7 pis fou awn and st 14 for futures lax-filly the iinrket was rath.-r unsettled and ruled eler in syrra'hv with the treak abroad, closing st f9 9. t'opr' r slo whs lower s'trnad. flow ing at 10 1 4-1 for spot and at alko t't for futures In the l4n1on msrkel. Ixx sllv the msrket seems riuite unsettled. It is under stood thst leadlt.g producrrs are still ask ing $16 26 for Inks and eiectrolytit , (nil it Is also reported thst these prices rsn be shaded ' snd there are. romors of 84" under 116 l44ke Is more or les nominnl at 115 nrti 1&.2S electroli tic si Sl.VftMjit.KH snd casting at 114 7f."? 15 . Iesii w s un chsrgecl st 14 fotit i-irt the local market anil st 12 lis rt In IJurlon. PpeMer wss uuiet t li 60 here and declined to 13 17 M In l4ndn. Iron cled -t 64s -Id in Olas (a, and nt Ms in Mlddleotvirough. fn ally the market wss quiet and unchanged, with No. 1 norihern foundry quoted at 117 7f 1 .'. No 2 northern foundry at $17.TM17.S No. 1 southern soft foundry at I17.2.VS17 78 and No. t southern soft foundry' t l!625 617 .'6, ST. LOUIS. May 1. METAt.S Le-ad. steady, 4 60. Speller, weak. $5 ttH- change in prices. Representative , BEEF STEERS. lies: CesTee Market. NKW TORK. May 1. COFFEE Futures opered at a decline of 6 points under moderate realising by buyers on low point of laat week. The close was steady at a decline of 519 points. Sales were reported of 47.5i baga. including May at Cite; Julv, 685f75c. September. 6 9uc; December. J.14 tj-7.-; March, T.S"C. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 1 invoice, 74c. FeodataaT at l.lvergool. LIVERPOOL. May 1 -The following are the fcttK-ks of breadstuff's and provisions In the port: Flour. st.OrO sacks: wheat. 1.81.. ii' rentals; corn. 426 "tw centals: baeon, 20 ana boxes; hams, V.ia hr xes; shoulders. 4,1'Di boxes, butter. 1 f O rwt : cheese. 47 7 boxes;, lard. 4." tieices of prime westers item, snd 2, loos v othtr kioUa. Ko. At. . Tt. Ns. At. Fr. j IJ14 1 14 11 l;4 4 14 I 4I -4 14 II It41 I II :4 r.4 4 'I ti int 1 11 I fl II 14. 1111 ( t r no 4 40 im 1 ti 1 M4 4 41 1J 1H I tl XI W 111 II 1143 I t4 I 474 4 4 4 1141 4 II j MT 4 40 JO IIS 6 7 HOT 4 14 17 1041 I M Hit 4 7 71 1!47 I 41 4 10U 4 70 4! into 4 41 II JOOt 4 It II 1XI I Ml i, ins 4 71 17 iro i ta 4 KO 4 71 17 Hit I M mi 4 SO T 14al 4 U 24 ltl 4 4 STEERS AND COWS. I 14 4 14 II Kit I It SO. 117 4 14 COWS. 1 Ttt 1 1 444 I 44 SOO 0 1 7M U i' 474 t OS I H,t I a i" 9M I SI 1 ......1040 t Tl j 70 I so 2t mt t at a to M 4 4I I II 1 114 I 14 1 ll4 t ai i tit I t 1 10'4 I M 1 70 If 11 444 I 00 1 pat I 44 14 M 4 00 l' 1!4 t 0 4 1W4 4 00 1 4 t 44 1 1!S 4 40 I ro 1 10 it t,7 4 04 1ST t 71 1 Ill 4 1 T 444 I 74 t !J0 it I a4 I T5 1 1044 4 tt 1 tW 111 1 117 4 10 114 I 44 9t 7I 4 10 I tlO t 0 4 fill 4 li j lot I 00 so sat 4 I r t tt t nu 1 1 I 14 I 94 l a. Its I 441 I 44 I IMt 4 40 1 lOo I 40 1 Ilk 4 60 J ill 8 44 HEIFERS. t4 1 14 I Ill t tt 4 lot I St I tl I 71 I tso I at 44 tot 4 t a 471 t S 441 4 tl " "BVilk. - 1 IM 111 1 100 t t 1 ii4 1 7i 1 ia, 1 1 1 IM I 1 ISM t M I tWO I " I 14zi t 0 1 1B I t H4 t M 1 .1010 I ! I t 4 n, 1 ic t 11 1 170 4 rt 1 464 I tt 1 liu It CALVES. 1 IH 111 4 m I M 1 tt 4 M 4 )' I M 4 tu 4 4 i tie I ;i t it 4 64 U lit I 71 tt ltl 4 6 I IT 71 1 t4 4 74 I ISO 4 00 U SO 4 Ti I IB H I ltt 4 a I ii t t t 144 4 4 6TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. t 174 IS 1 IK 4 6 1 HI IS t 47i 4 fe tt 14 1 w 4 I M Ik I I I 4 on 4 467 t M W HO 4 60 I 14 t It I 10 4 0 t To I 14 4 TW M I To I 4 4 U4 4 04 1 14 I 40 I tie 4 i 1 M IM ' I Ii 4 1 1 IM t Tt t 441 4 14 1 6o4 t Tt t't tt Too t M 41 4 M t t I 4 It 7M I li M Ul IM II mi 4 at HAT FED WESTERN 8. A M Wolfkiel-Idaho. 1 cow 1 4 1 cow H7 $ S Sulla le 2 6S I cow Srti buuU U'i las 7 liters ...1 ) biir.f-.r- 1 here .as a big run of sheep Snd lambs here this morning. tut quite a lew ot them were hilled through. None of the packers seemed to be anxious for sup plies and as a result they maoe uee of tne liberal supplies to pound the market In bad shape. 'Iraoing on sheep was very slow st a decline ti fully loii5c. Bids In many cases were worse' than that, but salesmen could not make up their minds to make the concessions askea. so that it waa a slow, mean iruirlrot fnm start 10 finish. The, quality of the offerings was only fair. ine market on lambs was also nun ana fully lfatiifw lower. tVinslderable stuff was stiii in nrst hand at a late hour. Wuotntions. for clipped stock: Good to choice lambs. $J.754j6ou- fair lo good Ismba. $5.005.75, tiind to choice Colorado wpn'ed lumbs. f7.ffr7 40; good to choice yearlings. $5.36145.50; fair to good yearlings. x5.06 .5; good to choice weth-rs. $4.bVj6 00; fair to (rood wethers $4 5f84 90; good to choice ewes. I45CX&4.8S; fair to good two, $4 .nw 4 50. Wcoied stock sells from 5c to 11 00 per hundred pound higher than clipped siock. tcepreaentative sales: No. Av. 2 goats 90 16 western cull ewes 90 2 western cull ewes 9t 2 clipped wtern ewes 1"0 444 clipped western ewes 96 49 clipped western ewes 104 19H clipped western ewes 11 197 clipped western ewes 14J i west, yearling and wethers si Wool Market. BOSTON. Msy . 8VOOI, The com mercial Bulletin savs of the wool mar ket: The markrt has gained additional strength with a still upward eendency, while the excltementj In Ihe west continues at prlce as high as a Week ago. Austra lian snd South American cross-hreda as well as merlm.s have had a Isrge move ment, and a satisfactory business has been done In pulled wool. A-rivals of row terri tories have bonghf at -prleee profitable to the dealers. All the market abroad are stronger and the I.onlon sales which Vpen on May 2 are reported to he considerably firmer, with probably higher prices ruling. The shipments of wool from P.osron to date from December 29. 19(4. according to the same authority are 84 541.879 pounda. against 73.772.227 pounds "at the Hme time lost year. The receipts to date are 94.113.9 pounda against 2.7SS.39 for the same period last year ST. IX3I1S. May l.-WOOI Stsong and higher; medium grades, combing Slid clothing, 2432Sc; l'ght fine. 4721e; heavy fine, 174J19c; Uib washed. 31&CS4V-. Pr. 2 75 1 00 8 U 4 bO 4 50 4 65 4 5f 4 55 6 im 6 10 6 10 7 00 2 85 4 00 5 12H 6 75 6 90 4 75 140 clipped west. year. A wethers 97 133 clipped weit. year. A wethers 98 644 Colorado wool lambs 64 oo western cull ewes tw 4W western ewes 87 430 clipped western yearJinga and wethers..- , 93 14C Colorado wool lambs..... 74 llo Colorado wool lamt 75 651 western clipped wethers lt CHICAUO LIVE STOCK MARKET tattle aad Sheep Steady Hoars Fle teat. Higher l.atnba Lower. CHICAGO, May 1 -CATTLE Receipts, 1,i head; market steady; good to prime steers, 6d i.Vhvufc. poor lo medium, 14 &f 5.41; stockers and teedets. $2.i5iu.zo; cows. 43.0olEt6.0O; heifers, li.;5rf .26; canners. tl.tsj kit."; bulls. IZ.&tij4 76; calves. $j ia.aa6.io. HOGS Receipts. CT.UOO head: estimated for tomorrow, ai.ts.ti head; market 5c higher; rntxed and butchers, S5.1i"a5.80; good to choice heavy, IS.(ifaS.:S; rough heavy. $4.76 114 96; light. 85.ootjt.2'i4; bulk of sales, $5.00 4j.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 21.000 head; sheep market steady; lambs 15fc2oc lower; good to choice wethers, shorn. 64 i5.00: lair to choice mixed, shorn. $3.6t- 4 d: western sheep, shorn. I3.S11476.O0; native lnmhs, shorn, $4.0Oiu4) u; western lambs. $5.00 4f7.0O. 1 Sew York Live Stock Markrt. NKW YORK, May I. BEEVTC8 RecelpU. I.221 head; steers and bulls slow, but about steady; cows. 104115c lower; steers, M85i 6.25; bulls, W.25tj.wu; cows, $1.65(34.40; few extra Kentucky cows. $4 70. cables quoted live cattle selling at 124il2c. tops 13c; dressed weight sneep steady. Exports to morrow, estimated. 6i0 head cattle. S40 head sheep and lambs and 4," quarters of beef. CAL tS Receipts, a.513 head: veals. 254) 75c lower; common to prime veals, Md'tf 5.50; choice, I5.764i6.00; few extras. Sh.24; gen eral sales. 84 .ttg6.25. Dressed, lower; city dressed veals. Ve; country dreseel. 5a74c HOGS Receipts, 10,073 head; market firm; state and i'ennsylvsnia. 15.006.65; choice, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6 878 head, sheep dull and weak, lamos firmly he.d. tut no higoer; wooled sheep, t3.75ia.ro; cuils. e2.urij3.av; clipped sheep, ss.vtko4t.00; unrnorn lambs. $6.(Ka'.90; cupped lambs, 4.i56.40; poring iambs, IH.506jM.vU St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 1. CATTLE Receipts, 2,0wt head, Including I,6oi Texan. Market for natives strong: Tcxans steauy; native snipping and export steers, t6.0otgv.5u; dieted beef and butchers' steers, 64.UOS 6.26; steers under l.coO pounds, 64.0fna5.lJ, stockers snd feeders, $2.i5j5.u0; cows and hellers, $3.ti6 2b; canners, 6 0"ilo6.26; bulla, 2.tbi4.26; caives. 6.i.iSj.24; Texas and In dian steers, 435"ri6.7; cows and neirera. S2.0nj4 25. HOGS Receipts. 5.000 head; market stesdy: pigs snd lignts, $4.orio.l0; pack er. 5.onyM.15; butchers and best heavy, S4.04ii5.24. .. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt b, 2.00 head; market steady; nStlve muttons. $3 50 4j65; Ismbs, 65.wuj7 50; culls and bucks, VUVai.ov; Blockers, $2.75(53.25. Texans, $3.00 600. , Kaasas ( Ity l ive Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, May 1 CATTLE Re ceipt a i.ko head. Including 1.5" southerns; market strong; choice export and dressea beef steers. ko.2Mi6.25: fair to good. $4. 25-8 5 25; weetern-ied steers. 84l6ui; stockers snd feeders, $3.or4.9: southern steers, 3.50 ti5 50; southern cows. $2 2ai4.40; native cows. 12. 2664 75; native heifers, S3.2b4ji.35; bulls 12 4"fg"4.4)5; calves. 83 ttofj; 25. HOGS Receipts. 5 soft head: market strong and active; top. 15 22H; bulk of sales. $.". Pal20: heavy. Ili.i.rilj5 224; packera. $5.05 fri.J"; pig snd lights. 14 2o6.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.0O head; market strong; native Ismbs, S6.5w tt7.6: western-fed lambs. Ills';!; western-fed sheep and yearlings. 14. do'T, 75: Texas clipped vearlirgs. M5t"50; Texaa clipped sheep. $40ia)f4.75, Btockers and feed ers. $3.5016.50. St, Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH May 1. CATTLE Re ceipts. 426 hsdl market slow and steady. Natives. S4.2bCiC.oii; cows sna neirers. i r 436 40; Blockers arid feeders. $2 744.74. HfiGS Receipts. 2.tr70 head; market steady. Light. $5.1(rgS.17H: medium snd heavy. 85.12VriiS.2P. SHEEP AND LA VI B9 Receipts. 13.S38 head; market 4c lower: lambs, $7.00. , Slows City I lie Stock Market, SIOUX CITY. la.. May l.-(Ppec1al Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts. 2i0 head: market steadv; stockers 10c higher: beeves, $4ooii6 00: cows .bulls and mixed. $3 .One 4 On: stockers and feeders, $3 0)434 40; calve and yearlings, ti.itot ". KtXiS Receipts, 2.600 head; market steadv, M lling at $5 vtji ib; bulk of sales, $5.05. ' Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stork st the a)x principal weatern markete yesterday: Cattle. Hobs. Sheen. 2.V)6 $ 51 13.773 2."0 7. I'D 4.6 2.("0 16,V0 rottoa . Market. NEW YORK May 1 -COTTON-Spot closed quiet 4 points higher; middling up lands. 7 ! ; middling gulf. 8.15c; sales, 40 -(. bales. I ji NEW ORLEANS May l.-COTTON-Firm; sale. J.soo bales: ordinary. 44c: good orainarv, o i-i.c; iow -miQouua o i-ic, mm dling. 7 7-lc; gtvid mlddllug. 7Hc;.nld(1lmg fair, 84c; receipts, 1,771 bales; ttock. 181.(ni bales. ' LIVERPOOL. May 1. CXITTONBpot In fair demand; prices 9 polnta higher; Amer ican middling fslr. 4.77d; good middling. 4 46d: middling. 4d; low middling. 4 1Sd; good ordinar', l.S5d; ordinary, S.7W1. The Seles of the day were 80hw bales, of which Inn were for speculation and txport and included 7 600 hales Americna. Recelpls, IQH bales. Including l.n bale American. ST. 1.0UI8. Mav 1 . COTTON Stead V ; middling. 7 8-lOc; sales. 130 hales: receipts. 4' bales; shipments, 117 bales; stock. 46.450 bales. Oils aad Hoaia. NEW YORK. May.-L OILS Cottonseed oil. quiet; prime ei ude.. "nominal :. yellow. 20v,c. Petroleum, quiet i reflned. New York, C.9.K-; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 690c; in bulk, 4-. Turpentine, steady at Ta(Hc. ROSIN Steady; frrB.irre"L chmmon to 'SAVANNAH, da; May 1 iiIl.S-Tur-penllne. firm at &6c. , ROSlN-Firm: A, B. C. $2.9i; I. $2 9j; E 8'.i5: F. 83 10; O. $3 H. $.; 1. 13.1'.'; K. 83 70; M, $3.75; N. $: '; WC. $3 85. WW. $4 05 OIL CITY. Pa.. May l.-OMCredlt ll ances. I1J9: certificates, no bid; shipments. ltS3l hbls ; averaare. 76.lRS.bbK; runs. i?7 srn bbl. m vers bc 73.964 bbht.v Ship ments, lilmi, llO.fr hbls average, 9t9 bbls ; runs, Lima. 103.435 bbls.; average, 57,9J bbls. ' iBtar aad MOlaases.', ' NEW YORK. May : l.-BUGAR-TUw: nominal: fttir refining. -S1WV; oentrif ureal. 96 test. 4S-lCc; molassfs sugar. 'J ll-lc. Re fined. -dull: No. C. 4.56c- No. 7. 4 50c; No , K 6 40c- No. 9. 4.85c: No. 10. 4.S0c; N0. 11. 4 80c; No. 12. -8.15c: No. 13. 4.06c; No. 14. 5c: confec tioners' A. 8c; mould A. t.40e; cut losf. 6 85c- crushed. 6.6oc: powdered, .25c; granulated.- .16c; cubes. S.40C. MOLASSES Steedyj. New Orleans open kettle.- good to'ntTSSr. SYRUP Nomina!. Ste' ' , NEW ORLEANS. May 1. 8UGAR Quiet ; open kettle. 84A4U-: opn kfttle centrif tiral 4H4!B-16c;-oesitrlfugal white. 6HC y?"w 4V.4-lc: seconds. SU-1j4Hc. MOI-ASSES Noralnsi; opesi kettle, IKt lc; centrifugal. f4c.., , SYRUP Nominal. 3oc. f Elgla batter Marltet. EIX3IN. III.. May L-BCTTKR-Sold at 25c a pound on the Board of Trade today, a decline of 4f from last week : Prices. Sales in this district were oJO.OOO pounds. TRIAL OF THOMAS DENNISON Caie Will Be Called la District loart at Red Oak la A boat Tw Weeks. District court convenes at Red Oak. Ib., on Tuesday morning, one of the cases on the docket being that of the State of Iowa as-alnst Thomas Dennison. taken on a change of venue from Harrison county to Montgomery county. Dennison and his attorneys will appear In court at the opening, ready to go to trial as soon at the judge assigns the case. It. Is not expected that the cae will be called until after the regular docket has been disposed of. which will put it oft maybe two weeks. Attorney Connell says he thinks the actual trial of Ihe case will begin about May 15. t PAVING PLANS NEARLY READY I .moss. Sew SperlttretioBB to. Be.. 'Imple aad Satlsfaetory, Says City Eagtlaeer. City Engineer Rosewwter says he expeo's to have paving speclflntulons resdy for ths consideration of the' council tonight He Is working on them snd declares they will be superior to any specification of Ihe kind ever drawn ui by Ihe engineering de partment, embracing all the moat simple methods and precautions that have been approved by . modern , paving rxperta. They will be aa plain im the hose on a man's face," says the engineer, -"and no contractor will have any excuse Tor falling to understand them or for violating th proTiaions." South Omaha Sioux City ... Ksrso City . St. Joseph ... St. Louis Chicago 2.6 4. SO 2.IT0 10 27.000 2 901 13. 2.50) turn Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. May L EVA PORATED APPLES The market continues quiet, with moat fruit held around outaida f.guret. Common to nearby prime. tfoSc; prime. 4 $! 4ic: choice. 6j6',c; fancy. 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITB-Prune are- quiet, with pi Ices still ranging from 24c to 54c. according to grade. Aprlcota are receiving little attention for the time being with choice quoted at Vti lOHc. extra choice at 11c and fancy at 12'515e. Pearhee are In limited demand, but ateady. with choice quoted at IhtJIOHc. extra choice at lOHtllAe and fancy at llHUllc. Ralaini are a lot firmer In tone, owing to specula tive demand. I-oose muscatels are quoted at 4,,f)Vf. seeded raisins at 4V.34c and Londcn layers st I16tt120. Dalstk Grala Market. DULUTH May 1 WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 eoritura, 424& , On track; No. I NO MORE SUICIDE FOR HER Floreaeo Myaa Saya She Will hot Make Third Atteaapt a Life. , , Florence Ryan, the young woman who atempted to commit suicide Saturday night by swallowing a dose of poison and who wgs taken to the matron s department of the city Jail when she threatened to re peat the attempt, has. been released from custody and hat gone to the residence of a friend at 1120 Canton avenue, where she ill make her . permanent home. The young woman has entirely recovered from her Saturday night a experience and savs the will not make another attempt to take her own life. . Edwards-Wood Co- tlaeorsMraietl riala Oftlcs: Fiftb sad Roberts Sirs ST. PAUL. niNX DIALKKSIM Slocks, Grain, Provision. Ship Your Groin to Us Braaeh OtBee, lift-Ill Board of Trad Bide, Oaaaha. Sets. Tclestaeae UJ4,, 212-2j4 Exchange Blflf . South Omaha Beli Phone IU. I&d64aiau i'hii.e j